#cheesy cheesy Henri
friederika · 10 months
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Awww man
What if I send them the same frog? Does that create a paradox?
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opossumking69 · 9 months
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They are married, your honor
(see? I do normal art too!)
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amateurvoltaire · 22 days
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If I advance, follow me; if I retreat, kill me; if I die, avenge me."
-Henri de La Rochejaquelein
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plus-uno-anno · 1 year
imagine being a midwestern american who doesn’t follow the news too closely but decided to sit down and watch the election. the democrats win and now it’s time for the acceptance speech. madame president is up there. her husband is there obviously along with her son. normal presidential behavior. but then… is that… why is the prince of england there?
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soup-charades · 1 month
im going to imagine gaunt and ellwood using telegrams as the 1920s equivalent of texting whenever one of them has to travel. yk, as a little treat.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
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Spends more time making house sigils for the Thrones AU than actually writing the Thrones AU
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Found a one star review of rwrb on letterboxd and when I go onto the reviewers profile the first thing I see is them saying they enjoyed fifty shades of grey
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thatcheeseycandle · 7 months
//tw for slight gore, bleeding, wounds, and bruises
(shaded over with shadows and blood is colored golden yellow)
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"Stay with me, I can't see anywhere that we could go
Their answer was laughter as darkness swallowed them up
One more time. I'll be fine, sometimes kindness is enough."
Empath-P - Secret Garden
Happy 3/3 to our grumpy yet pleasing nature lover :]
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viking-raider · 6 months
Forgot to share. I found "Henry" in Nightingale. So now we're Realmwalking together.
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Title: Crown For Two {9}
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Henry Cavill AU x OFC Xari Thornton
Warning: Mild Cursing, Cheesy Christmas Themes, Fluff, 
Words: 8.2k
Summary: Xari Thornton is a travel photographer with a blog and social media that garners some heavy-duty traffic. People tune in to see where she is and what she’s doing there, all in hopes of either living vicariously through her or to plan their next vacation.  
Her slogan: “Traveling the path to the most off-beaten places, so you don’t have to.”  
Her next stop on her four-destination travel itinerary of “Places You May Never Have Heard Of” is Sandvell, a small European country. When her plane makes an impromptu stop due to bad weather, she has no idea where she is. It feels like she’s stepped inside of a snow globe and back in time in a modern way. It leaves her fascinated.
This bad weather forces her to stay at an Inn, The Beaux, for the night. She explores and meets the friendly locals. One local in particular captures her lens with eyes as blue as the ocean and a jaw that was chiseled from stone. Once they separate, she gets herself into a harrowing situation.  
As soon as she awakens, she realizes she’s not in some fever dream, but a palace and the owner of the palace is none other than the local she met before with the piercing blue eyes, His Royal Highness Henry Wellington Leopold Danglishton, First of his name, Crown Prince of Brexendor.
Note: AND WE’RE BACK!!!  It’s December again which means we all need a cheesy Christmas romance. 😁 I know this has been gone for a long, long time and I am thankful for each of you who still care about it. As a reminder, it’s going to be fast-paced a bit, and I am gonna overload you with pictures because why the hell not, it’s a Christmas Fic. 😁 Feel free to come by and tell me what you guys think.
As always, thank you all for reading, I appreciate each and every one of you.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! ❤️❤️
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5} | {6} | {7} | {8} | 
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“Hey you’ve reached Neka. I’m too busy living my life the way I want to and can’t be bothered to answer. Leave a message and I’ll call you back. If I want to.”
 You sighed hearing your sister’s very familiar voicemail message.
 “Aneka, it’s me. Where are you? I get this place is obscenely huge and there is plenty to explore but pick up the damn phone. Let me know you’re okay.”
 You ended the call and sighed again as you made sure you had everything in your purse. A few moments later, you stopped thinking again about going to this thing. Half of you was telling you it was a bad idea and that you should stay away from everything related to this country including its crown prince. However, the other side was traitorous and telling you to run carefree and live by the seat of your panties and take them off for said crown prince.
 What’s the worst that could happen? You recognized the question from the carefree and often diabolical devil on your shoulder.
 Humiliation and heartbreak are what. The words from the practical and cautious angel on the other side of your shoulder piped up.
 You stood there thinking about both sides for a few moments then continued putting items into your purse.
 Good girl, live a little, have some fun and get a few orgasms at the same time. Win/win. The devil was on a roll.
 It is all fun and games until you get your heart broken by an actual prince who has obligations to be with someone other than you.
 The angel’s words were like a gut punch. It was right.
 MSG Aneka: I’m sorry RiRi. I’m going to this thing in the park. You should come I hear it’s a lot of fun.
 Your sister never ceased to amaze you. She’d found out about the citizen’s Brexenavide on her own and was already in the thick of it. She had no problem going with the flow and having a good time when she saw it could be had. You sighed again, finally deciding to just do it. However, a few minutes after making the decision you scowled remembering who you’d be driving with.
 There was something about this Freddie girl that rubbed you the wrong way. Something about her that screamed she was not to be trusted and that included enough to be in the same car. You groaned because you’d long left high school and the petty turf wars of petty bitches behind. You were an adult now who had bills and obligations and checking a rich bitch wasn’t one of them. A smirk spread across your face as you came to the realization that you were happy to rise to the occasion though. After looking yourself over, you divided to change. While your current outfit was cute, one look outside said you needed something warmer.
 At that thought there was a knock at your door. When you opened it, you found a honey eyed member of the staff you recognized. She smiled and bowed her head slightly.
 “Ms. Xari. I come with a message from Princess Jemma.”
 Recognition hit you then, “Tamina, right?”
 She smiled wider and nodded, clearly delighted you remembered her.
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 “Come in, please.”
 “No need ma’am. This is from the princess. She wanted you to have it for the event today. Her direct message is to wear it and it will ensure no one will be able to take their eyes off of you.”
 What the hell did that mean? You reached out to Tamina and took the two garment bags that were lying across her forearms.
 “Thank you, Tamina. Please thank the princess.”
 Tamina bowed again before walking off. When you turned back into your room you staggered to the bed from the weight of the items in your arms and laid the bags across your bed. Unzipping the first one, your eyes widened at the sight of a chic, and beautiful outfit resting there. The items looked designer, and no doubt must have costed several thousand dollars. Your hand brushed against the shiny leather of the pants and instantly recognized it was high quality. It went perfect with the cropped knitted sweater that rested just atop it.
 You didn’t know how Jemma knew you were a sucker for leather pants, but you were busting at the seams to try them on. Every woman needed a great pair of leather pants that made their ass pop. You reached for the second bag and opened it and gasped. A plush fur coat that brought the whole thing together waited for you to touch it. You were so tempted, and that temptation proved to be too much. When your fingers entangled in the fur, you cooed. It was perfect. Leather and fur, how luxurious, you thought.
 When in Rome, or Brexendor. Live a little. The angel on your shoulder had a point. Within minutes, you’d peeled off your own clothing and changed into the ones sent by Jemma. Surprisingly they were a perfect fit. The moment you buttoned the pants you sighed. They were made for you. Once you’d pulled it all together, you stood in front of the full-length mirror in the room and surveyed your look from every angle. Every angle passed the test. You looked damn good. For the final test, you dropped down like you were doing the beat drop challenge and kept your eyes on your ass. A wide grin spread across your face.
 “Thank you, Jemma!”
 You hurried into the closet, remembering you’d already packed the perfect boots to wear with this outfit. When you’d packed, Aneka had made fun of you saying you were going to slip on a patch of ice and break your neck because of them. You didn’t bother telling her it would never happen because no one pays nearly nine hundred dollars for boots that were designed for cold weather in mind with the chance of said boots sending you to your death because they couldn’t hold up. You’d worn these two times before and they’d never failed you.
 Standing in front of the mirror again, this time in the knee-high fur heeled boots you smirked. Jemma’s words came to mind then.
 “Wear it and it will ensure no one will be able to take their eyes off of you.”
 You wondered if Henry would be among those who couldn’t keep their eyes off of you. Memories of the night before flooded your mind and within seconds you were frozen reminiscing of the way his hands felt against your skin, the scent of his breath as he moaned against your ear, the taste of his lips and the intensity in his eyes when his locked with yours. You had to put a hand out to stabilize yourself because the thought of his body pressing on top of yours made your knees buck
 With much effort, you pulled yourself back to reality. If you thought about him any longer you knew you’d be on edge all day which you guessed would be akin to torture. There was a nagging feeling inside of you that told you that you’d need to be alert today. After checking your make up once more, you grabbed your purse and phone then made your way downstairs. As you passed by the staff you stopped for small talk, inquiring about everyone’s health and thanking them for all they’d done for you thus far. Each of them looked surprised but more than happy to stop and chat with you.
 When you stepped outside into the entry roundabout of the palace, you saw a long line of cars waiting and plenty of bustling bodies still in preparing mode for the departure. You watched the dignitaries load in their cars and pull off one by one. From the looks of all this pomp and flair, you knew this event was much more than just meeting the citizens. Perhaps this was a test of some sorts. You saw the man who’d been introduced as the prime minister do a quick perimeter check, surveying the around area before he looked in your direction. You expected him to get into the car as normal, but he didn’t. Instead, he stared in your direction and the longer he did the more the hairs on the back of your neck stood like your entire being was trying to tell you something about the man.
 The feel of someone touching your left elbow startled you.
 “My apologies Lady Thornton,” said one of the palace butlers.
 “It’s all right.”
 “Your car.”
 His hand stretched to the left at a silver car with its door open and waiting. Through the window, you could see the woman who’d so eagerly offered herself and her car to get you to the event. You were under no false pretenses about her sincerity in doing so. There was something more to her supposedly kind offer. You weren’t in a hurry to find out just how much more but from the way you’d caught her looking at Henry the night of the ball you had your guesses. You allowed the butler to direct you to the car and see you inside.
 As soon as you sat, the woman across from you pasted a smile on her face. It was one of those basic instinct smiles, a smile that housed a thousand lies, and a thousand and one daggers.
 “Xari, darling!”
 Your eyes widened. It had been a while since you’d been around this level of fake.
 “Thank you offering to get me to the event,” you breached.
 She smiled wider, if that was possible then leaned closer and took your hand in hers. “No thank you needed, dear. I have always been keen on helping those less fortunate.”
 You heard the bells of a boxing match in your head. She’d started round one.
 “Wow, um--.”
 “What a cute outfit you’ve chosen for yourself. I worried your tastes would be too—tactless for what the Brexendor press are used to, but I am surprised to see tactlessness will be missing from the day, at least in your outfit.”
 You cocked your head to the side. How did she manage to make so many insults sound so pleasant? You stifled a snort because thanks to your upbringing you’d been forced to go through debutant classes where you learned everything from etiquette to the art of polite disrespect. It was a southern thing. Those classes had prepared you to deal with the southern aunties, upper class grandmothers and quite a few socialites who thought they were better than everyone else because they had a trust fund and a rotation of cars for every day of the week.
 You opened your mouth to speak but the door on the right of the car opened first. First it was your sister, Aneka who ducked inside and sat beside you, then Albee, the man with the pretty eyes from the ball who sat beside Freddie.
 She looped her arm with yours and smiled. “I thought you’d left already?”
 “I was but I got—distracted,” she said coyly smiling at Albee who smirked right back.
 “What are you doing in my car, Albee? Though I know yours is far less luxurious than mine I am sure you have your own car,” Freddie cheeked.
 Albee didn’t look fazed in the least, instead he smirked and made himself more comfortable in his seat. “Freddie you are aware that we are the same rank, correct?”
 “Duchess Frederica,” she retorted through clenched teeth.
 Albee scoffed. “Freddie. We’re all friends here, no need for titles. Only those who feel themselves more important than you truly are need to lean on such trivial things.”
 Freddie glared at him with one brow raised.
 “Since you are offering transport, I humbly accept your offer. Driver, carry on.”
 Before Freddie could reply, the car took motion, and she didn’t look one bit happy about it. You and Aneka exchanged glances speaking through them as you usually did. You were tempted to bust out your secret language from when you were kids but didn’t want to come off as intentionally rude. This was a tit for tat game.
 “And who are you?”
 Freddie’s calculating eyes landed on Aneka, but she didn’t shrink back, Aneka instead raised her brow and put on a sugar sweet smile on her face.
 “Aneka, Xari’s sister.”
 Freddi’s eyebrow darted upward as she took both of you in. “So there are two less fortunate souls that need our charity.”
 “The only thing unfortunate is your dye job. Did you pay for that?”
 The fire in Freddie’s eyes sparked and you saw Aneka had struck a nerve. It was after all her specialty.
 “Oh don’t tease dear Freddie about her hair. She loves it more than Jesus and little children,” Albee teased.
 “Children are disgusting,” she added never taking her eyes off of Aneka.
 “Interesting. That is not what I recall you telling the queen just a few weeks ago. What was it? Oh, I do so love children and cannot wait until I can become a mother. I do believe it is my life’s purpose.”
 You couldn’t help but snort. Dipping your head to the side to hide in Aneka’s shoulder you snickered.
 “I knew I scented fake on you, but I didn’t know it was this much of it,” Aneka added.
 “Fake? Are we talking about fake as in your supposed Gucci shoes or perhaps that atrocity you call hair atop your head? That level of fake?”
 Aneka lunged forward but your hand across her chest like a theme park ride safety bar stopped her.
 “Ri, Aneka began but the look you gave her stopped any further words.
 “So your hair is a sore topic? Remember that before you even attempt to go toe to toe with me.”
 You could hear Aneka’s teeth grinding. You knew she had it in her to beat Freddie’s ass in record time then step out the car without so much as a scratch on her. However, this was not the place and definitely not the time. You didn’t want to offend the queen or the family especially with the level of hospitality they were currently showing you both.
 “Take it easy Freddie. We wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened two Christmases ago. I don’t think the gossip would die down so quickly this time,” Albee cautioned.
 The look Freddie gave him could have frozen anyone’s heart, but he didn’t look bothered at all. His smile was bright as he met the challenge of her icy gaze. It was clear that this was normal for the two of them. Either this was a huge scheme between them to dupe the newcomer or the two disliked each other.
 “Why am I not surprised that you have found yet another commoner to slum it with. Do you not have any sense of pride or self-worth? Do you not feel them beneath you?”
 Aneka made a move to lunge at Freddie again, but you held firmly to her and brought her attention to look out the window.
 “Tsk, Tsk Freddie. Where is your decorum? My sense of pride and worth were never in question. Yours however—I can after all say I have never had a lifelong pursuit of someone who didn’t want me in the slightest bit.”
 You tucked that bit of information away for when you were alone to dissect it. All conversation stopped and you pointed things out to Aneka. Everything you pointed out Albee took it upon himself to either explain or give backstory to. It was interesting the information he revealed about the country. It was clear from his voice he also loved his home. With every other sentence he spoke, Freddie had a snide remark for. Either it was something to make him look bad or to point out how out of bounds you were to even be here.
 Thankfully, the car pulled into the destination when it did because you were quickly approaching the limit to your acceptance and ability to turn the other cheek. You looked at all the things that were set up for this event. Off to the side where the path was fully paved, there were stations set up for snacks, drinks, souvenirs, pictures and a few other things such as arts and crafts. Across the massive open field there was plenty to do. The car rolled past a toboggan area where children and adults were already speeding down the steep slope having a fabulous time. There was even an ice-skating rink that looked like the perfect photo-op to showcase how picturesque this country really was. You caught sight of other stalls set up with games, even child and family friendly park rides and even animals for petting.
 “Wow, give me this over a ball any day,” Aneka said.
 Freddie scoffed, rolling her eyes, “Gauche,” she hissed.
 The car door opened but before Freddie could make a move you slammed it shut again and locked it. You’d had enough.
 “I have sat here this entire car ride and listened to your disrespect and belittlement of myself, and my sister and I let you get it all out because I know those who feel threatened the most always feel the need to wail and moan about it so their voices are the ones heard the loudest to distract from how insignificant they truly feel and are.”
 Freddie’s eyes blazed. She opened her mouth to speak but you continued, keeping your voice steady. “I wasn’t going to point out your insignificance, but I feel I must now. If you had any respect for yourself, your country and people you would shut your mouth and practice a little thing we call in America and by we, I mean women with mine and Aneka’s hair, call self-restraint and self-love. Because you would truly understand that you reflect upon your country and people. It is very telling of your low intelligence when all you can do is attempt to make others feel lowly about themselves because you put so much value on wealth. This holier than thou act will only lead to one thing in your life, shame and loneliness. Though I think you are fully aware of the loneliness part. You can’t make me feel bad about myself because I know my worth and it is astronomically higher than yours and we both know he sees that.”
 Freddie sputtered clearly trying to find the words for a comeback. You gave her a good five seconds to compute but even that wasn’t enough. Poor little Tink Tink, you thought as you unlocked the door. It opened as soon as you did like the driver had been trying the entire time. You didn’t wait for her to climb out you took the initiative and took the driver’s hand and climbed out of the car holding onto Aneka’s hand bringing her with you.
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As soon as you stepped out of the car, you caught Henry’s eye. His brows were burrowed and there was a look of concern on his face. You gave him a polite smile and head nod as you rounded the car. Slowly, he brought his attention to the group of men before him. Albee stepped beside you then leaned close to your ear.
 “She has fangs,” he whispered.
 You smirked, “And my bite and bark are both deadly.”
 His smile widened as he tipped his invisible hat to you.
 “I like you,” Albee added as the line of dignitaries began moving. “And I can see why he likes you too.”
 His voice was lower this time, but it was his words that had you stumbling. Thanks to Aneka’s grip on your arm, it was barely noticeable. Thank goodness too because the press were hungrily snapping pictures of everyone and everything. You and the others stood to the side as Henry, the queen and Jemma shook hands and took the lead in the festivities. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow Henry as he shook the hands of several people while exchanging pleasantries. His smile was wide and the gleam in his eyes said he was genuinely happy to be there and interact with them all.
 When you saw him dip down to greet a few children, your ovaries practically exploded. The kids melted and in turn he did too. He played around with them as his mother and sister took over with greeting the adults. The more you watched the more your heart thumped thinking how adorable he looked.
 “Romancing the daughters of the dignitaries, Duke Baldrik?”
 Your attention turned to a photog standing in front of the three of you snapping pictures. The bright lights blinded you momentarily making you bring your hand to shield your face.
 “Ha, not at all, Albee replied with a bachelor perfect smile.
 “They look unfamiliar. Who might they be?”
 “Honored guests of the crown,” Albee offered holding out his arms for both you and Aneka to take. Once you did, he tipped his head to the photog and began ushering you toward the stalls that were set up.
 “Enjoy the event,” Albee called out.
 As soon as he was out of earshot, he blew out. “While the press here is not entirely as bad as it is in America, I do have to caution you. Do not underestimate them.”
 “Thank you,” Aneka said with a flirtatious smile.
 If was clear now that she was into him. Of course, she was, you thought. Aneka liked them pretty.
 “My pleasure. The longer you are here the more you will be able to figure out which ones prefer some scandal on top of their news and who truly have the crown’s best interest at heart. Him—scandal fattens his pockets.”
 You scanned the photographer from before who was now snapping pictures of Freddie who was now with two other women who looked just as stuck up as she did. She looked to be loving the attention and the compliments she was getting from everyone around her. Figured. Rolling your eyes, you turned your back on her.
 “Are you not afraid?”
 “Afraid of what?”
 “The power she wields.”
 “Call me dense because I know nothing of her power. All I see is a sad little bitch.”
 Albee snorted and heartily laughed bringing the attention of most around you, even Henry.
 “My goodness. You are a breath of fresh air. Would you like me to enlighten you of her power, or the power of her name?”
 You looked at a few figurines at the stall smiling at how cute they were.
 “Nah, I don’t care.”
 “I do. Know thy enemy, Art of War, Sun Tzu,” Aneka butt in.
 Albee’s smile widened. “I do think I am going to enjoy this season.”
 As the three of you walked around taking in the many activities, that had been prepared Albee told you all about Freddie and her family. He didn’t leave much out including her net worth and the influence her family had in the past. When he told you about her lifetime hope and dream of becoming the queen, you almost laughed. Of course she wanted to be queen. She was clearly obsessed with power and wanted the second highest position in the country. However, when Albee revealed that Henry didn’t seem to be keen on that idea you couldn’t keep a smile off your face. It was short lived though, because it dawned on you then that you’d stepped right into another season of “The Bachelor: Who Wants the Crown”. Rich women would fight to their last press on nail for more money and more power and it was even better if it came with a crown and a pretty hot prince.
 From the look Aneka gave you, she was thinking the same thing. You tentatively listened as Albee pointed out the who was who of the group all with backstory. He was clearly well informed from growing up within all of this but firm the way he spoke about the rest of them in comparison to Henry you could tell he harbored no ill will toward him. Perhaps there really were some good people besides the queen and Jemma after all.
 Fo the next few hours you, Aneka and Albee explored the park flitting from game to game and stall to stall. Every few seconds you were snapping pictures trying to capture the joy and liveliness that was all around you. Everyone was so friendly you couldn’t help but feel right at home among them. Kids easily approached you to play and sing and show you the ropes of a few local games. Grandmothers with kind eyes happily shared stories and happy memories of previous Brexenavides while offering local delicacies like candied nuts that came in a plethora of flavors that you quickly became addicted to.
 Before you knew it, you’d wandered off by yourself with no sight of Aneka or Albee. You wondered if it was purposely done so she could get some alone time with him. Deciding not to go find them, you wandered the area some more until you felt a snowball hit your back. Expecting to see a child, you spun around but found Henry with the evidence on his leather gloves. Your jaw dropped.
 “Your highness,” you gasped.
 His laugh echoed around you as he approached you.
 “Forgive me my lady.”
 “There goes that title again. I’m no lady.”
 Henry took you in for a few moments. “I beg to differ. I have always seen a lady as one who is refined, polite and well spoken, someone who makes those around them feel valued.”
 “And that is me?”
 “Yes. Since you’ve arrived, I have overheard many of the maids talking about your kindness to them how you never make them feel less than and how you are always polite, stopping to talk to them as if you care about their feelings.”
 “And I take it that is something out of character in Brexendor.”
 Henry took a deep breath. “Among my family not at all, but when the palace gets filled with dignitaries and other world leaders, I am ashamed to say yes.”
 You nodded and popped a few more candied nuts into your mouth. You tipped the bag toward him.
 “Are those what I think they are?”
 He dipped inside and came away with a small handful that he tossed into his mouth. The moan he let out was deep and it took you right back to the night before. Goosebumps skirted across your skin making you stand taller as a shiver ran through you.
 “Are you cold?”
 “Uh—no. I’m all right.”
 “I am sorry I got carried away. These have always been my favorite. I remember the first outing my father took me to. He knew I was not looking forward to it and that I was anxious about making a good impression on him and the family. Once I got into the car, he had a bag of these waiting for me. As we drove, we talked about sports, video games and my tutor who I mightily disliked. We ate the whole bag within minutes and by the time we got to the appearance all of my nerves had wilted away. Every outing I went on whether it was with him or without there was a bag of these waiting for me.”
 The smile on his face was so warm but it was also sorrowful.
 “That’s beautiful.”
 He nodded popping another one into his mouth. “Then he died and since—I haven’t had not even one.”
 The sadness rolling off of him touched your heart. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and tell him everything was going to be all right. You wanted to comfort him in a way that this open space did not permit. You glanced around and caught sight of the toboggan area.
 “How good are you at toboggan?”
 Henry scoffed the dusted off his hands. “I am the toboggan king.”
 You giggled and rolled your eyes. “Put your money where your mouth is, your highness.”
 “Money? Are we betting?”
 “Bet your ass we are.”
 “My ass? My, my Lady Thornton, how forward you are to think that is up for grabs.”
 The look he gave you was a steamy one.
 “Is there something else that should be up for grabs, your highness? Perhaps something—harder to—accomplish—something bigger?”
 Heat flashed behind his icicle blue orbs as he held your gaze. Henry took a step to you then another. With clenched jaws, he sighed.
 “Winner makes the request?”
 “Wager accepted.”
 The two of you walked over to the toboggan areas. As soon as you approached those around marveled at having him so close. It didn’t matter their age they were all captivated by him. To have that much power, you thought. How was he not some self-absorbed asshole?
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“After you,” Henry offered, holding his hand out to an empty toboggan. You smirked then climbed on taking care to use your long jacket to pool between your legs so there would be no unsavory photos later.
 Once you were comfortable, you glanced to your left, he was seated in his own toboggan ready and waiting with a boyish excited smile on his face. You wondered when the last time was that he’d smiled like that.
 “Last chance to back out Lady Thornton.”
 You playfully rolled your eyes. “A lady never goes back on a wager. Are you sure you don’t want to forfeit before you lose terribly in front of your citizens? A true king knows when he is in over his head.”
 Henry laughed loudly again and everyone around him giggled clearly catching his excited joy.
 “That is true, but I assure you my lady, this is not one of those times.”
 You smiled and focused in front of you. Someone off to the side began counting down from four and when you shouted one a pair of strong hands gave you one push sending you down the steep hill. You’d underestimated the hill greatly and your scream said so. Henry laughed then leaned backward. You watched him inch before you, leading by almost a foot. You did the same and smiled when you cut his lead by a few inches. With the bottom of the hill in sight, you needed a last-ditch effort to come out on top. Not knowing if it would work or not, you rocked back and forth hoping it would increase your speed. Instead, it made the toboggan choppy.
 All too late, you saw the fist sized rock in front of you. However, it was too late. The slate of the toboggan nudged it sending the back of it forward and you sailing through the air. It all happened in slow motion, and you fully caught sight of Henry coasting into the finish line and to a stop. He stood and held his hands in the air in triumph, but that excitement faded when he saw your current state. You heard him shout your name then come barreling toward you. You braced yourself for the hard impact you knew was coming and tried to prepare for the face full of snow you were about to ingest. When you felt the hard collision, it knocked the wind out of your lungs. You rolled a few times but barely felt any pain.
 Finally, when you came to a stop, it took several moments to open your eyes. Atop you was Henry with his face mere inches from yours. For a few seconds, you thought you’d transported back in time, and you were in the garden room with him again. The patches of snow in his hair slowly registered as did the fact that he was calling your name with his hands on your cheek.
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 “Did I win?”
 Henry’s features softened as he gave you a half smile.
 “Not even close.”
 You giggled at first, but it got louder and more uncontrolled. Henry joined in neither of you fully registering that you were not alone and in fact in front of dozens of people. Feet stamped to you, and you turned your face shielding it from the patches of snow.
 “Your highness, are you all right?”
 Reality was colder than the snow you laid upon.
 “Ehm, yes. I am quite all right,” Henry said as he stood. “Just doing the right thing and saving the damsel in distress.”
 You snorted as you took his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull you up. “I suppose I earned that title. Thank you, your highness.”
 Henry nodded, bowing his head ever so slightly. “A pleasure, Lady Thronton.”
 “This way your highness,” Henry’s advisor breached directing the way.
 As he walked off you took note of Freddie and her friends standing off to the side watching you. The look on all their faces told you that you were now on their radar. A few more hours passed, and you took the time to get to every ride and activity. You wanted to experience it all so you could really write about it later. This event was definitely a must for any visitors during this time of year.
 When you ducked into a photo booth, you sighed out taking the time to catch your breath and give your feet a break. Before you could get too comfortable, another body ducked in beside you.
 Henry’s smiling face stopped you.
 “Fancy meeting you here.”
 You snorted and shook your head.
 “Shouldn’t you be working?”
 “Funny thing. I came here fully prepared to work but knowing you are here only makes me want to experience this with you—through your eyes.”
 You searched his then smirked.
 “So, you’re—hiding out?”
 He nodded and you had to laugh then. “Oh, your highness.”
 “Every time you say that it sounds so dirty, and it brings my head to very ungentlemanly things.”
 You leaned forward and began making selections for the pictures.
 “Is that so?”
 “Quite so. Is it intentional on your part?”
 Shrugging, you looked at him.
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about, your highness.”
 His eyes dropped to your lips and within seconds he pulled you flush against his lips at the same time the flash of the camera went off. You both moaned neither pulling away, both intensifying the kiss. His tongue curled around yours making you wrap your arms around his neck at the same time he brought his hand to the back of your neck. He held you tenderly like you were precious but firm not wanting you to slip away. When you came in here, you hadn’t planned on this being a make out spot but now you couldn’t care less about the pictures.  
 His lips were sweet but cold and his tongue warm and intoxicating. Somehow, he tasted like peppermint and chocolate, and it was now your new favorite flavor combination. Needing to be closer, you sank your fingers into his tresses and gripped. The guttural moan he let out reverberated all over you, hardening your nipples and moistening your underwear.
 “Mm, I can kiss you all day every day and never tire of your lips,” Henry whispered.
 “All day? However will you get any work done?”
 He smiled then kissed you again nibbling your bottom lip.
 “I guess I shall not.”
 Your eyes met and you saw the truth of his words. How sweet, you thought before you traced your tongue along his bottom lip then his top carefully outlining his perfect cupid’s bow. He didn’t move an inch. When his eyes fluttered closed giving you the most amazing angle of his long lashes, you softly sighed. Henry then claimed your lips pulling you closer to him so your bodies melded together becoming one figure. His lips hungrily kissed you, nibbling, sucking, licking as he pleased not caring where you were or who could happen upon you at any moment.
 “Eh-em, your highness incoming. Duchess Freddie.”
 McArthur’s voice broke the lustful haze surrounding you forcing you both to reluctantly pull away. Henry groaned his displeasure then glanced behind you.
 “I think I have worked enough today. Care to join me on a personalized tour?”
 You smiled brightly then took his head. “As you wish.”
 “A low growl escaped him, and it sent your heart fluttering ten times as fast. “I do hope you remember those words when I most need them.”
 His grin was mischievous, and you made a note to say them again. The list of words and phrases that elicited a sultry reaction was steadily growing and you planned on monopolizing him at every chance. Henry stood and led you out the other entrance to the booth that was opposite where McArthur must have been standing. His steps were quick as he dashed away like it was the scene of a crime. Perhaps it was seeing how you were now wet and wanting him. When he pulled you through a clearing of pine trees, you squealed, your sense of adventure and excitement picking up.
 Once secluded behind the trees, he backed you into a mass of them tucking you in the tight crevice there then kissed you again. You eagerly accepted the kiss. He felt too sublime against you not to. His lips dipped to your jaw then trailed to your neck where it was clear he was a man with a plan.
 Henry groaned on your neck then nibbled your earlobe, “What are you doing to me, Xari? How have you taken every single brain cell I have and imprinted your face upon them? How have you touched my skin and made it impossible for me to see anyone else doing it? How have you come here and tortured me so?”
 You could hear the yearning in his voice. It was overwhelming, making you want to give in completely to him no matter the consequences. You were speechless. sensing this, he placed a chaste kiss at the tip of your nose then took your hand again and led you through the maze of trees. When you emerged, you saw the spread of rides before you just waiting for you both to let loose like children. McArthur stood just at the large Birch a few feet away with his back turned to you.
 “Your highness, the queen said she can manage the rest of the event with the dignitaries and the press and princess Jemma said she will take point with the children and citizens. They are both instructing you to play the role of the proper host to out palace guest,” McArthur informed.
 You pinched your lips. You knew what a set up sounded like. You couldn’t help but wonder why they were seemingly pushing him to entertain you. Before you could think any further, Henry looped your arm through his and led you across the field. McArthur handed Henry a newsboy hat and a dark scarf to replace his royal blue one he was currently wearing. Once he was disguised, you scoffed because while it gave him a little more coverage you were sure his people knew him thoroughly and would easily spot you. McArthur handed you a large wide brimmed hat that gave you full coverage from every angle.
 “To protect your privacy, Lady Thornton,” McArthur clarified.
 You smiled as you put it on. “Thank you, McArthur.
 A few minutes later you were seated in a ride called Santa’s Sleigh which was similar to those back and forth rocking pirate ships only it was led by the reindeers with Santa in the back.
 “Feel free to scream your highness, I will allow everyone to think it is me.”
 “I do not scream Lady Thornton, however, if you make it worth my while I will be the loudest in the land.”
 You giggled and enjoyed the ride teasing him the entire time. Your interaction was so natural it almost felt unreal. Though he didn’t touch you above your waist, his thigh remained pressed to yours no matter what. By the fourth ride, you’d deduced it was purposely done. Knowing that you couldn’t stop your heart from fluttering.  Ride after ride you laughed, joked and teased one another. Ride after ride he made sure to keep some part of your bodies touching. Ride after ride you exchanged flirtatious glances that only increased your body temperature. It may have been twenty or so degrees out, but you were a sweltering ninety-nine degrees.
 “This is your favorite ride?”
 Henry’s questioning eyes were glued to the carousel that was decked with reindeers, sacks of Santa’s presents, giant boulder like forms of coal, Santa’s mailbox and other notable Christmas decorations. The sun had now set and the lights that bathed the ride made it seem so magical. This entire country was plotting against you here, you thought to yourself.
 “Sure is.”
 “Then, shall we?”
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Like a six your old child rather than a grown ass woman, you scampered toward the ride then walked around it trying to decide the best figurine. It was a tough choice, but you ended up picking a reindeer which had Henry choosing the same one beside yours. Before he climbed on, he took the time to carefully buckle you into the harness tightening the straps as needed. As he did so, his hands touched your waist and hips and from the look on his face you knew this too was purposely done.
 “Be careful your highness. You are very close to alerting the outside world to just how horny you are.”
 The smirk he wore slipped and his brows furrowed.
 “Is that what you think I am?”
 His voice was tight btu other than that it gave nothing away.
 “Um—isn’t it true?”
 His jaw clenched and a scowl fell across his lips. Backing away, he claimed onto his own reindeer but didn’t bother buckling the straps. A cold breeze engulfed you making you feel the bitter coldness for the first time. Had you said something wrong?
 The carousel went round and round sending you and Henry up and down, but he didn’t speak at any point. Instead, he held onto the pole while staring off into the distance. You allowed the silence to stretch for a few moments then when you turned to speak to him, you found his eyes already on you.
 “Something wrong?”
 Henry opened his mouth to speak but shook his head instead. You didn’t believe him. He definitely had something to say but you didn’t push him.
 “Why is the carousel your favorite ride?”
 You smirked then shook your head. “It just is.”
 “Even if it was not obvious you were lying, I would not believe that. Come on tell me.”
 “You won’t laugh?”
 “I might.”
 You narrowed your eyes at him, but your look was met with a hearty chuckle.
 “Come on tell me.”
 Hugging the pole of the reindeer tighter, you rested the side of your head on it, looking at him. “When I was about 8, I always saw it when looked so—pretty. It was usually the only ride that looked so—magical no matter what time of day or where I went. My father told me that it was a portal to a magical world. He said there was always one sometimes two chosen figures that were spelled to open the portal but only those destined to find it could. So, whenever I saw a carousel, I made it a point to ride it hoping to find the right figure to unlock the portal and take me away.”
 The smile Henry wore was an adoring one. “That may be the cutest image ever. An 8-year-old you climbing onto these things hoping it opened a portal to another world.”
 You nodded. “My parents indulged me, I was lucky. As I got older, I grew out of the heavy belief there was a magical portal and began to see how beautiful and romantic carousels were and went to realizing that perhaps they were magical after all, but not because of going to another world but how they made you feel and the memories you could make with those who matter while on them.”
 You hadn’t meant to spill so much to him. Glancing at him, you tried not to cringe realizing his eyes were glued to you. However, the longer he stared at you the more you felt like jumping off the ride and running back to the maze of trees.
 “So how many memories have you made with those who matter on one of these?”
 You smirked then shrugged. “One or two.”
 His huff made you pinch your lips in an effort to not laugh. “Interesting.”
 Making your best innocent face, you turned the question back onto him. “
 “And you?”
 “I feel like you are the one who will laugh at me here.”
 “Because this—this is the first carousel I have ridden with anyone—leisurely, well that was not family that is.
Your eyes widened. “Ever?”
 “Oh my goodness, Henry—am I your first?”
 His smile was mischievous. “It would appear so, Lady Thornton.”
 You bit your bottom lip then smiled widely. You didn’t know why you felt so prideful. It wasn’t like it was something that mattered or something that reflected on you in any possible way.
 “Well, you are my first prince in a magical fairytale country that I’ve been on one of these with,” you began pausing to contemplate if you should say the rest of the sentence.  “And this just may be my favorite ever.”
 His cheeks flamed and you couldn’t help but smile. Then when his smile stretched bigger than you’d seen, your heart couldn’t bare it. He was too damn cute.
 “Mine too,” Henry muttered a little above a whisper knowing that you’d catch it.
 If cloud nine was the highest point one’s spirit could reach you were ebbing onto cloud 10. There was no need to speak for the rest of the ride. You and Henry rode it once, then twice but neither of you seemed quite ready to get off. After a fourth go round, the two of you walked around the park taking in the different games and events that were scattered about. You’d wanted to try the skating rink but didn’t want to expose him to the eyes of everyone around due to the openness of the rink, so you opted for other lowkey options for entertainment. You chatted about a plethora of things never remining on any subject long because you had so much in common that always branched out to other topics.
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When you saw the actual reindeers, you lost it and scurried over to pet and baby talk them. While they were massive, you couldn’t help but find them adorable. You fed one a carrot and squealed at how affectionate it was. When you turned to make a puppy face at Henry, you found him snapping pictures of you with his phone like it was the most natural thing in the world.
 At the urging of the reindeer master, you climbed into the sleigh that was decked out as if it truly were Santa’s sleigh and posed for the professional photos. As they snapped away you looked to Henry trying to coax him into the sleigh with you. It didn’t take long before he climbed in and smiled for the pictures with you. It felt normal to do this with him, normal to be around one another like this. A massive bubble in your chest screamed of caution and reservation so loudly that your head had no other choice but to register the warning.
 After a few more photos, McArthur motioned for Henry’s attention which had him jumping out of the sleigh and stepping off to the side where both of them spoke in hushed tones. You prepared to climb down from the sleigh but as you did you happened to glance off to the right where you saw Freddie watching you. The rage and hatred in her eyes could not be missed and for a second you panicked. When you saw her raise a gun in her hand, your eyes widened. Before you could make a noise or move, a loud “pop” echoed through the park. You fully expected to feel the pain of the bullet and braced yourself, unable to move.
 Instead, the pain never came. What did unfold was pure chaos. Several loud “neighs” boomed through the air then a forceful jerk. The action sent you hurling backward landing in a crumped heap on the seat of the sleigh. There were screams in the park and you watched the reindeers panic, colliding with each other as if they were fighting. Antlers thwacked together making it sound as if trees themselves were splintering around you. Henry made a move toward the sleigh but was stopped by his protective detail that was now circling him and locking him down, ready to take any stray bullet for him.
 Within seconds, the reindeer that was harnessed to the sleigh you were in took off.
 With terror, you watched as the unmanned runaway sleigh bound across the park not caring where it went. Everywhere people dashed out of its way trying to save themselves. All you could do was watch from your scrunched position, holding on for dear life as you prayed this was not how you died.
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@mrsbarnes-rogers @melanicia @live-laugh-love-ki @deadpixie22 @asiaaisa77 @queenshikongo3 @queenreignssupreme @cltex84 @helenasmirkedno @areubeingserved  @petty-bitch-akira @rynabarnesrogers-reading @themeforanudebeach @i-just-like-fanfics
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@littlebvbie @pricklypear 
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xoparrish · 1 year
just finished watching red white and royal blue movie
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i-know-the-endss · 1 year
initial thoughts: holy fucking shit.
thoughts after a little deliberation: is it an exact replica of the book? no. did it still resonate with me and absolutely implant itself into my heart? abso-fucking-lutely yes.
i’ve spent the last 20 minutes crying, thinking about this movie and how much it really means to me now
and maybe it’s just because i see so much of myself in alex (bi, mexican, so willing to make a difference) and maybe because i see so much of myself in henry (a little hurt and a little unfulfilled, but trying), but this movie. fuck, this movie.
god, the love portrayed in it. from everyone. between nora and alex, alex and his parents, henry and bea. alex and henry. it is. everything.
because when it comes down to it, the heart of this movie is them. their love, their lives, and just them.
i’m so emotional over them right now and every act of love they both displayed for eachother.
i am telling you something right now, i am going to be thinking of that scene on the docks for the rest of my life, kudos to tzp and a fucking round of applause for nicholas galitzine for destroying me and putting my heart back together with just a few touches, a few looks.
the confrontation at kensington. alex’s speech. dancing in the v&a. texas. the election night. i love you. i love you more. i think that’s up for debate.
my heart is bursting and breaking and being rebuilt all because of this movie which i am going to watch immediately again because wow.
i understand so many people have many critiques (believe me, i have a few of my own), but the heart of this movie, again as i’ve said, is still there.
that is still our alex and henry, henry and alex.
the waterloo letters. paris. the piano. the crowds at kensington and all around the world.
i mean. how does that not make you just a little, tiny, infinitesimally happy?
it’s beautiful. it was all so beautiful.
they really did make history.
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friesian · 1 year
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It's so hard to explain, so easy to feel I need you now, nothing is real Save me from the villains of circumstance Before I lose my place
aka: i like these screenshots so so much. i've sat on them for months. and i've been looping this song for these two so. woe. wakeland and henry upon you. with @kamiporterbridges COME GET YOUR SCRAGGLY DARK HAIRED MANIAC!!!!!!!
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twinksintrees · 24 days
you know those things you love that you can’t recommend to anyone? the evil dead musical is like that for me
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Top 10 Gay Couples
1 . Nickloon (Nickel x Balloon)
2 . Knifek (Fan x Knife)
3 . Frock (Master frown x Brock)
4 . Fido x Bandit (Platonic)
5 . Copperright (RHM x Reginald)
6 . Comedy gold (Have fun trying to figure this one out)
7 . Curtisson (You might know this one)
8 . Brutuie (Louie x Brutus (OC) )
9 . Doodlebones (Oodle x Bone)
10 . Skating science (Cuddles x Sniffles)
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nayydenovva · 1 year
Woke up at 4 am to watch rwrb and went to sleep afterwards (once the hype was not making it impossible to do so) and even tho now it kinda feels like a dream and I definitely have to rewatch it, I need to say the movie was so so sweet. It was never gonna be a perfect adaptation and it couldn’t have all the lines and scenes we all love, but IT HAD THE HEART OF THE BOOK and it made me smile and giggle like the book did.
The casting was absolutely perfect and many of the scenes already live rent free in my brain forever.
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