#chef klein
rumi-nations · 2 years
Pre Covid Nostalgia & Wine Lists
Pre Covid Nostalgia & Wine Lists
As I scroll through the wine list, I can feel tears pushing against my eyes. I haven’t worked in a wine shop in years. Haven’t had a sip of alcohol since I had my daughter. I haven’t been back to this restaurant – Meritage, an Old World, floor-to-ceiling windowed establishment in the heart of St Paul, Minnesota–since the pandemic hit. Just about every important milestone of my life, professional…
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sydcarmyfan · 5 months
Ah sookie sookie now! Sydney is NEVER leaving Carmy and I don’t blame her
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champagnexowishes · 2 months
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This is hot but . . .
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This is so much hotter!!!
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meentxyz · 5 months
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xbalayage · 9 months
Any one call for some small spicy Licht? >:3 I wrote it in the moment for @nightghoul381 last night because spicy dominating Licht is *chef's kiss*. But I added just a tad more into what I originally wrote.
"Didn't I say not to come here, especially when you look so cute. I can't stand it."
. . .
Your face to the wall, an arm held secure behind your back, he leans in with a gentle tone of whisper.
He parts your legs with a foot and keeps you solid in place as if you're a prisoner being frisked for their crimes. His tongue slowly glides against the shell of your ear and his available hand reaches for your mouth, allowing his fingers to glide and dance with your tongue, restraining it open. His authoritarian side was hard to disobey when it made you wetter than the vastest oceans the second he turned it on for you.
"Sing for me. I might just let this slide."
And sing like a bird you do when a possessive nibble touches your sensitive earlobe. A soft groan leaves him, trying to hinder his urges to claim you as his faster.
"Good girl."
He wanted to savor it.
He couldn't help but share his increasing arousal against your ass through his pants as he kept you under surrender, rough movements edging you both on further. This is what happens when you don't listen, bad girls need to be taught a lesson. And you're just dying to be taught firsthand.
"This is what you do to me showing up like that, I hope you'll take responsibility."
His fingers left past your lips, resorting itself to grab your jaw, tugging it back towards his face as he claimed your mouth for himself, capturing your bottom lip to allow his tongue access inside. It was a hypnotizing dance of tongues, saliva and purrs.
You've been reduced to a puddle under his domineering stance; body beginning to run on autopilot of desire, you shifted away as quickly as you could against the cold wall of concrete to replace your ass with your hand, palming against his hidden erection. This earned a throaty, sultry purr.
"Hnn.. you want me that badly? Then beg for your desires," Licht's forceful hand kept your eyes trained on his as he parted from your lips, your tongue left hanging and awaiting for more.
He pulled your face close again, his mouth sucking in your lustful tongue before slowly letting go in a sensual manner; eyes devoid of nothing but hunger and lust for you, he spoke the rest at a mere audible whisper, "..and I'll happily oblige."
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sanstropfremir · 3 months
people have obviously spoken at length about OnlyOneOf's MVs, mostly stuff from Libido onwards, but i'm curious your thoughts on their earlier material and the themes/references they were exploring and making. Like i was watching Savanna recently and it's so interesting the use of computer glitch effects and being seen through other lenses, that they were already exploring that "artificiality" of the entire performance (like they do in skinz) even at that stage.
i feel like i definitely talked about angel at one point but who fucking knows anymore, i sure don't. i actually think that libido and the be series are building off of the blocks made in their earlier mvs. i love how strong and literal the techno-religiousity of angel savanna sage etc, it's that literalness that establishes that this group is taking on the challenge of trying to deconstruct the highest concepts of what an idol is, and how that concept interacts with the world around it. the advantage of spectacular imagery is that it allows you to manifest your metaphors physically. techno imagery especially, like how the techno orientalism of cyberpunk is a manifestation of the west's fear of asia's rising economic power in the 80s. so by spelling out these religious and idolatrious ponderings in glitches and visual effects, it lays the bricks of intent for this alt idol group that pays off in mvs like libido and skinz where we might have lost the visual depictions of being seen through other lenses, but the voyeurism is stronger than ever.
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lucyfishwife · 5 months
I have nothing to say except Yes Chef
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icarusgirl · 5 months
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my babies🤧🎀
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pu-butt · 1 year
Child-me may have not gotten all of her songs, but upon further review and with the power of voortschrijdend inzicht, i must conclude that Anouk's For Bitter or Worse album consists of nothing but banger after banger after banger
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ayyponine · 1 year
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absolutely illegal btw that fr new work uniform i have to make my selection frm 30 euro silk blouses and polyblend v neck shirts while seven year olds consistenly just get the Best fits in our entire range. whenever a customer gets angry with me about a discount they have zero entitlement to i should be allowed to be in a shirt that has like a wonky lookin smiley face or fuzzy 3D mushroom on it
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andre64 · 2 months
Austrian Sauvignon Blanc Feast in Stellenbosch
With all eyes on Styria in Austria as the host of the largest Sauvignon Blanc competition in the world from 18 to 20 April 2024, a rare treat awaits Sauvignon Blanc enthusiasts to taste award-winning Austrian wines on South African soil. Rare opportunity to taste award-winning wines at Austrian Sauvignon Blanc Feast in Stellenbosch With all eyes on Styria in Austria as the host of the largest…
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der-gefallene-engel · 2 months
Warten: dem Eintreffen einer Person, einer Sache, eines Ereignisses entgegensehen, wobei einem oft die Zeit besonders langsam zu vergehen scheint
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19871997 · 3 days
big fan of how the bear trailer is like. hey gang remember jeremy allen white of that calvin klein campaign? he is actually infact the most cringefail loser boy mentally ill chef youve ever seen. in case u forgot
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nolita-fairytale · 5 months
pov: carmy makes people magazine's sexiest chef alive list
a/n: this is a little blurb inspired by ayo's incredible reaction to every interviewer ever asking her about jaw's calvin klein campaign.... if you haven't seen it, she just hides the photo or makes the funniest 'please don't bring this up' face while exclaiming: that's my boy! this is a work function! you can see it here (watch till the end you will not regret it ayo'[email protected] -- it costs A LOT of money lmao). anyways, congrats to my golden globe winners eeeeeek!
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riding the high of the bear's newest award: best restaurant great lakes, and buzzed on the best that veuve cliquot has to offer, as many staff members of the bear as possible have to come to celebrate at the james beard awards once again.
of course, you're hoping this year's afterparty will be a little less eventful -- not that you're mad at how last year's ended.
you, carmy, syd, richie, natalie, marcus, tina, and ebra are all gathered for an interview, answering questions about taking home the big win for the restaurant.
"last year chef sydney took home the rising star award, and this year it's best restaurant great lakes. how does it feel?" the interviewer, a well known and james beard-award winner herself, sophia roe asks as her cameraman follows closely behind.
"yeah, it's uh, wow. it's a huge accomplishment and we cannot be more honored to be taking this win home," sydney answers with a grin stretched far across her face.
it's surreal, for all of you, really.
"and chef carmy, i hear there's another congratulations in order," sophia continues. "you made people magazine's sexiest chef list this year and then shortly after, had a profile done in GQ."
nat groans in response while richie snickers, only too quick to whip out the screenshot he has on his phone of the article as carmy turns beet red.
"i uh... yeah. that was um... a surprise," he stammers his eyes shifting from the interviewer to you, and then to richie for a death glare.
"oh don't worry. i got it riiiiiiight here," richie says, eager to rush over to the interviewer and revel in carmy's embarrassment.
"oh put that away!!" sydney snaps, pushing richie's phone down.
"mixed reviews from the restaurant staff?" sophia asks curiously.
"looks like i'm the only proud of our guy," richie gloats, shooting you a look that causes your eyes to roll.
"no of course not!" sydney exclaims.
"it's just-, that's my brother!" natalie is quick to chime in, defending sydney.
"exactly. that's my boy! that's-, he's our-, this is our family," sydney explains passionately. "that's her brother." and then a quick gesture to you. "and that's her husband!"
"my what?!" you exclaim, caught off guard.
carmy snorts out a laugh in response to you while the interviewer and cameraman chuckle.
"sorry! that's her mans. that's her boyfriend, yknow?" sydney corrects herself with a laugh, before continuing to answer the interviewers question, this time with both marcus and richie to support.
"can't start any rumors, now can we?" you mutter under your breath, for only carmy to hear.
carmy only snakes his arm around your waist, hugging you closer to him this time.
"and if you ask me," you add, mischievously. "i'd be more than happy to tell everyone about your new accolade of 'sexiest chef alive' if i knew it wouldn't totally humiliate you."
carmy laughs dryly this time, "good thing syd jumped to my defense then first, babe."
"good thing."
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deutsche-bahn · 2 days
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Wurde gerade gewaltsam an die rattige kleine Schimmelstute erinnert. Das war das allerletzte Pferd mit dem ich mich letztes Jahr herumgeplagt habe. Sie war 8 Jahre alt, wurde erst in dem Alter angeritten und hatte die furchtbare Angewohnheit, selbst im Arbeitsgalopp vor Schreck 180°-Wendungen einzulegen. Von ihr lernte ich dafür, wie man auf ein lostrabendes Pferd aufspringt (nicht nachmachen etc, ich darf das, ich wollte immer schon auf altmodische Art draufgehen).
Mein damaliger Chef sah mir einmal beim reiten zu und sagte dann: "Ah she'll be hard to sell. Can't put an adult on her, they'll break her back. Can't put a kid on her, she'll break theirs". Dann kniff er die Augenbrauen zusammen und sah mich an. "You in the market for a pony, perhaps?"
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