redbean-nom · 4 months
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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adhd-coyote · 4 months
I just. Love Mando’a so fucking much. It’s so great.
They have three different words to describe ways to be stabbed. Bikadinir (to stab with a broad blade; “run through”), chekar (to stab with a small blade, “shiv”), and kalikir (to stab with a narrow blade, “skewer”).
They have one pronoun. Kaysh. That’s it. Buir is just parent, there’s no mom/dad. No son/daughter, just ad, ad’ika, ikaad. Child. Vod can mean sibling, friend, comrade. All at once. Amazing.
They have dozens of ways to insult someone. Di’kut, someone who forgets to put their pants on. Utreekov, emptyhead. Najaat, no honor. Dini, lunatic. Kaysh mirsh solus, “their brain cell is lonely.” Skanah, “much hated person/thing.” Hut’uun, coward. Ge’hut’uun, not even notable enough to be called a coward (how insulting is that?). Demagolka, originating from Demagol, the name of a scientist who was so fucking shitty that his name became the worst insult a Mandalorian could call you. And that insult is child abuser, monster, war criminal, someone with no honor.
And then there’s “shab”, which we don’t have an official definition for, but the fandom collectively agrees it means “fuck.” Because we have shabiir (to screw up), shab’la (screwed up), shab’rudur (to screw with), and shabuir (jerk but much stronger, AKA asshole/motherfucker).
And Mando’ade don’t say “I love you.” They say “Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum.” I hold you in my heart for eternity. Like. Are you serious. That’s so much better than “I love you.” If someone said that to me I would die on the spot.
Mirshmure’cya means “brain kiss.” Slang for headbutt, which is a thing Mando’ade do a lot, apparently. And it’s a sign of affection, too. They show affection by gently bonking their helmets together. How adorable is that???
Oh, and shereshoy. A lust for life “and much more.” Represented by orange on their armor. “The enjoyment of each day and the determination to seek and grab every possible experience, as well as surviving to see the next day - hanging onto life and relishing it.” And that “oy” at the end of it, derived from “Oya!”
“Oya”, which can mean so many things. A war cry before a fight or hunt. A celebration. An encouragement. “Let’s hunt!” “Hoorah!” “Cheers!” “That’s the spirit!”
This post got much longer than I meant it to lol. I’ll stop here. But you get the gist. Mando’a is a wonderful language and I am in love with it.
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thefoundationproject · 4 months
Hello! I may or may not be drawing a Thing (depends on when I have time) but I was wondering what you were picturing for the Edee logo mentioned in Fox's show? (Great writing btw, the characterization is absolutely perfect!)
- redbean-nom
Hello and thank you!!!
That is an excellent question that I've been poking at Past!Projie for an answer but she's been concerningly clueless... I definitely remember the edges were like stylized fangs (because this was created by 4 like 8 years olds who were gonna make *so cool okay*). I remember there wasn't lightning because Chekar had that, and that the Shebse includes "the Republic Cog" that was definitely actually a butthole. If I ever did more details than that I can't find where I wrote it down 🥲 Uhhhh it's free real estate?
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
How about laugh?
If Thorn hears the undercurrent in his words, there's no sign. “My face is good for a lot of things,” he says cheerfully, pulling his helmet back on, and laughs when Chekar groans in disgust. “All right, all right. Let’s go, boys.”
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laiperoconi · 1 month
Eso m pasa por chekar mi haleria
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jujufilms · 7 years
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Lendere Woman. Chekared Kpati, Lendere Woman, Langa Langa Village, Nasarawa State, Nigeria, #JujuFilms
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@stardusted-heart​ Liked for a starter
It had been quite some time since Jerard had seen this alternate of the blue blur. Given how busy he’d kept himself now hunting down Naugus and his cronies, he barely separated enough time to socialize, but he’d lost track of them and now he was frustrated. Zone hopping so far has been helpful, but it didn’t solve the problems he still had to face going forward.
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“Ni tomad na aalar ne'waadas at chekar er.” He mumbled to himself as he took a few steps into the zone. Not like this was a good place to find something to stab but maybe Sonic could point him in the right direction.
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sophia-donut · 6 years
Nuevo bebu
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Bueno como eh estado muy activa en tumblr ise un oc relacionado con tumblr
Nombre : tumb
Apodo : tumblr xd
Estatura : 1.90
Edad : 19
Pocision: suke
Arma : espada y cuchillo
Estado : solterito
Crush : nadien
Gustos : chekar mi tumblr ,cuidar de sarins y gumy,estar solo
Disgustos : ser fastidiado ,no le gusta los conejos
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tajinstruments · 3 years
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*Item:Heavy Dormat 4 Load Cell Industrial Platform Scale with RAMP /Floor Scale *Capacity:1000KG *Accuracy:100G *Platter Size:900-900mm(36" ×36") *Structure Detail: ISMC 125 2"×4"Heavy "C" Channel Structure with 3mm MS Chekar with RAMP Top(Approx Weight:50-60Kg) *Load Cell:Shear Beam Type-4pc(each corner 1 load cell)(total 4 load cell) (as shown in photo) *Motherboard:TAJ+ High Precision SMT based for better performance *Display:0.8" Green Led *Battery:6V Auto Rechargeable Lead Acid https://youtu.be/jbg-0PN3lgc http://tajinstruments.in/product/heavy-dormant-industrial-platform-weighing-scale-with-ramp-floor-scale/ For More Detail Message:+91 9328511234 Message TAJ INSTRUMENTS on WhatsApp. https://wa.me/message/PMELSDCAG5AVN1 (at TAJ Instruments) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTCcPoGjzOn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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headlinerportugal · 3 years
Especial: Foco headLiner com Krypto | Festival Rodellus 2021
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Em ano de pandemia, o Rodellus adaptou-se e preparou um cartaz dividido por 3 fins-de-semana consecutivos com duas bandas por cada um deles. A música feita em Portugal tem o seu devido destaque.
A sexta edição do festival Rodellus iniciou-se no dia 24 de julho com a presença de David Bruno e Hause Plants naquele que foi um arranque a plenos pulmões. Neste primeiro de três sábado consecutivos as expetativas não foram defraudadas e o público vibrou com os os concertos. A nossa reportagem pode ser lida e vista Rodellus é Resistência, Rock e Ruilhe | Reportagem - Dia 1 .
No passado sábado tocaram os Grand Sun e os The Twist Connection.
Será já no próximo sábado, 7 de agosto, o encerramento desta edição bem especial do Rodellus, festival que realiza-se em Ruílhe no concelho de Braga. No último dos três sábados teremos os Black Bombaim e os Krypto.
Os Krypto são compostos por Gon, Martelo e Chaka, formação com base no Porto e com elementos vindos de bandas como os Zen e os Greengo.
‘Eye18′ é o álbum que editaram em Janeiro de 2020 e que será apresentado neste concerto do festival bracarense. Uma edição pela Lovers & Lollypops.
Podem agora ler a conversa que tivemos com os Krypto. Além de servir de antevisão deste próximo concerto, permite melhor conhecer a visão da banda e as suas ideias acerca da situação atual e o seu impacto.
~  Entrevista aos Krypto
headLiner: Krypto é ainda uma banda desconhecida por muitos no panorama nacional. No entanto, para quem anda mais distraído, vocês contam com um dos vocalistas mais carismáticos da mítica banda punk dos anos 90, Zen, e mais recentemente dos Plus Ultra. Os Kryto onde nascem no meio disto?
Krypto: Antes sequer de imaginar Krypto a acontecer, já existia amizade. Gon é o mais popular entre nós, mas todos já contava mos com alguma experiência e marca no panorama nacional, tanto eu (Chaka) como (martelo) já passámos por algumas bandas de rock / metal sendo a nossa mais recente ----Greengo----- Krypto nasce num ano "complicado" misturado pela criatividade de uns e o caos de outros... estes dois deram facilmente origem ao nosso álbum Eye18
headLiner: O vosso disco de estreia ‘Eye18’ foi gravado no icónico centro comercial STOP, espaço de resistência e contracultura na cidade Porto. O quão importante é esse espaço para a cultura underground portuense e em especial para os Krypto?
Krypto: O centro comercial stop é, e será, enquanto existir um dos pontos mais importantes na cena musical no norte do país, aqui nascem coisas icónicas e a diversidade é muito grande. Para nós o Stop é de certa forma uma extensão da nossa casa, seja ponto de encontro,local de cervejas ou principalmente o local onde extravasamos as nossas ideias é onde passamos grande parte do nosso tempo.. daí ser bastante importante.
headLiner: Já vimos muitos discos editados por Portugal fora, mas nada parecido com a edição física que vocês lançaram. Uma banda desenhada, bastante gráfica, que é acompanhada com o vosso disco. Como surgiu essa ideia e o que tentam alcançar com esse suplemento gráfico extra?
Krypto: A ideia surge através do cruzar de amizades, alguém ouve o som e pensa de imediato que o som cola perfeitamente aos desenhos de Rui Moura (@ruicough) podem chekar a sua página no Instagram.
Depois de ver alguns dos seus trabalhos e de ele ouvir o nosso som, concordamos que a direção é a mesma, apenas com formas diferentes de expressão, pensamos porque não fazer um disco que desse algo diferente a quem o ouça, ver e ouvir, cada um vai por onde quiser, essa é a beleza disto.
Queríamos deixar também uma referência à Lovers & Lollypops e a Chilli Com Carne que editaram o disco.
headLiner: O vosso som é decididamente brutal, cru e psicadélico. Quais são as vossas bandas de eleição? Em que bandas se reveem como inspiração para este projeto?
Krypto: Todos temos um faro bastante versátil no que toca ao que ouvimos, ninguém se prende a nada, mas os mais importantes para nós já morreram.. este disco conta mais propriamente com situações pessoais das nossas vidas do que com possíveis cenas inspiracionais..
headLiner: Estavam no alinhamento para um dos maiores festivais de metal do país, o Barroselas Metal Fest, que infelizmente foi adiado mais uma vez. Dia 7 de agosto vão estar no festival Rodellus, um dos primeiros festivais que vão atuar como banda? É difícil de imaginar o rock/metal numa perspetiva de assistir na cadeira. Apesar disso, o que esperam desse concerto?
Krypto: Sinceramente o ano de lançamento do nosso disco prometia uma bela ascensão para Krypto, mas tudo o que havíamos alcançado veio por água abaixo.
Para Krypto será um dos primeiros fests, certo.. individualmente todos já passámos por vários festivais.. em relação ao pessoal estar sentado a ver concertos com este tipo de energia...pfff... É uma seca! Mas não temos medo de nada, pelo contrário espero que ninguém tenha medo do que pode acontecer, pois a vontade é virar as cadeiras todas.. esperamos basicamente dar um bom concerto e entreter a quem o vir..
Abraços e beijinhos
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Hi 'Good Times (Celebrate)' made me ugly cry beause of the cute.
Sad Rex alone in his room hurt my heart
Excited Rex because his favorite Ori'Vod came to get him made my heart happy
Baby Rex won't be so baby for long😫 (Adult Rex won't ever admit he kind of misses that the Shebse can't just pick him up as easy anymore, though he isn't as big as he thinks he is)
"7567 doesn’t let people pat his head, not ever. No one gets to touch his hair, never ever ever. He always lets Cody. " Shut up I adore them!!!! Cute!!
Knowing the Shebse will always catch him !!!! So safe with them I can't!!!
"Sab’ika Sab’ika the cutest Sab’ika, Sab’ika the Mighty." This is the most adorable thing in the galaxy and I won't hear otherwise. Just imagine Ponds spinning him around and around.
LMAO Barsen'thor ofcourse it was Bly's idea. He really is a Shebse through and through.
Of course Rex was top of the class and of course the Shebse would celebrate that, but baby Rex can not take a complement at all.
And of course it was Cody that named him😭. I love them too much stoop 😭😭
Thank you very much! I wanted it to be as adorable as possible since G asked for Shebse and maybe Rex and Cody and being family, so of course I had to do all of those things at once.
Rex is little and lonely and angry about it and he's just a little ball of too many emotions all at once. And then Cody comes! And there's someone who's sneaking in to see him and there's suddenly still too many emotions all at once but they're all good ones.
That's the thing with little kids right? Always can't wait to be bigger, and there's just no way to tell them that there are definite downsides. They just have to find that out for themselves. Adult Shebse still topple Rex over and still snuggle the cranky out of him so he still gets to keep all that in the trade off.
Well, that and ... he never did get quite as tall as he expected, did he?
Cody is Cody, and Cody is special. Well, all the Shebse are. Rex would let any of them pat his hair, but with Cody he won't grumbly about it.
Rex'ika imprinted on the Shebse so hard and so fast. That's exactly the way he is though! He decides a thing then he's full steam ahead. And in this case, he decided the Shebse were his people, so he was immediately all-in. No hesitation. That's just how he is with his people.
Ponds really really really wanted to call him Darksaber The Kingmaker but the one thing all the other Shebse agreed on was they were not going to give him a name with an epithet because then they'd be as pretentious as Chekar and that's just not on. So Ponds shortened it to Darksaber which then of course naturally became Sab'ika because Darksaber is a big name and their cute little CT hasn't grown into it. And naturally since their cute little CT is so cute Ponds can't help himself but to pick him up and swing him around. Look at him, he baybe!
I was looking around for 'what was the most obnoxious name Bly could come up with'. I knew going in it would have to be historical because Bly is just that kind of nerd. So that drove me to looking up names of NPCs in The Old Republic but most of them were named fairly pithily. But then I remembered the title you would earn: Barsen'thor. Warden of the Order of Jedi. I had to.
They're throwing a party for Rex and they went and found out about how he did in evals because they care and and and and
Rex is lucky he didn't start happy crying and just was able to hide for a little instead.
Of course it was Cody. Was there ever any other option?
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zamonaviycom · 4 years
O‘zbek ayoli
Chehrasidan oftob taft olar, Alla aytsa, qushlar tin olar, Qalbingizga muhabbat solar, O‘zbegimning har bir ayoli. Tinch bo‘lsin, der yer-u samoni, Bolam, deya chekar jafoni, Gullatishga qodir dunyoni, O‘zbegimning har bir ayoli. Ссылка на источник: Читать дальше »
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mgjewelsinc · 4 years
Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/890009294/emeraldine-quartz-aaa-quality-loose
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karma-uh · 4 years
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Sergeant Chekar and a very regs illegal not-loth-cat not-spukama. Her name is Penelope.
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golrizgorgani-blog · 4 years
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Repost @solh_art راهیابی مجموعه کتاب انیمیشن هزار و یک داستان به جشنواره کینولوب لهستان کتاب انیمیشن «فهمیدم چه کار کنم» در این جشنواره اکران می‌شود. با تشکر و تبریک به عوامل عزیز Based on : book" fahmidam chekar konam" Illustrator: Golriz gorgani Story: Madoumeh yazdani Published in Entesharat fanni - Nardeban انتشارات فنی ایران، نردبان بر اساس کتاب فهمیدم چه کار کنم تصویرگر : گلریز گرگانی نویسنده: معصومه یزدانی _______________________ Producer: Ali Raeis Director: Reyhane Kavosh Animator: Negar Zanjani Script:Hamze alirezaei Dubing: vahid kamali Maryam yosefi Maziye sharifi Production manager: Zahra safi Composite: Zahra safi Music: Mahdi Ghashghaei Storyteller: Marjan khaje Kazeroni Public relations: mansore honarmand _______________________ Produced in IRIB 1001 TALE (book animation series) _______________________ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtgkJsgULA/?igshid=rh37ngqrzf1t
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riderstvnecochea · 5 years
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A quequen se lo veia bastante pasadito, luego fui a chekar y estaba pesado!! Foto by Oxi #longboarder #longboardlife #longboards #surfinglifestyle #surfingtime #surferworld #surfergirl #surfingboard #surfboard #surftrip #surfinglife #surfersparadise #surfworld #surftime #surfculture #surfingzone #surftown #surfcity #surfingislive #surfboards #surfporn #catchawave #surfsomething #surfingdays #surfingisfun #surfer #surfandrepeat #wave #bigwave #instasurfing (en Necochea, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7cnteZHxWw/?igshid=1an3cea2uqo9y
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