edu-all · 1 year
As part of teaching practice, the following is a short lesson I prepared on the topic “Chelation”. Password on request. Here.
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dragonfelling · 3 months
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Silly fat partly domesticated drake Chelat drake, thinking their venoms used to help remove heavy metals from the body
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puellatransparents · 1 year
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Magia Record Rumor and Uwasa Transparents Part 1
Requested by @squidink18
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leafened · 2 months
akathisia rabbit hole posting
the successful treatments for akathisia and the successful treatments for self-harm in autism are the same
after months of reading up on causes + treatments for akathisia, i am pretty sure my issue is converting glutamate into GABA?
Low GABA is its own issue and can cause mood problems -- but excess glutamate causes brain and nerve damage that, in the short term, cause sleep and nervous system dysfunction, and in the long term can cause parkinsons and alzheimers
The most successful treatments for both akathisia and self-harm/distressed fidgeting in autism (which effectively is autism-related akathisia, since akathisia just means chronic distressing restlessness) are b6 + magnesium + potassium. extremely oversimplified of course, but B6 helps with glutamate to GABA conversion, magnesium helps tamp down the nervous system, and potassium helps magnesium work.
there are papers showing all of these help improve the quality of life for adults with akathisia and children with autism (and ADHD and various neuroses too). Most papers give the subjects only one of the treatments to avoid confounding results, but I've found a few where they combine two of the three with success
editing bc i forgot to mention -- if you have low GABA and excess glutamate you might be tempted to take things that enhance GABA. But i found sources saying GABA supplements can trigger your body to produce even more glutamate lol?
Which tracks because L-theanine (GABA supplement) has a paradoxical effect on some people and also me specifically
I posted ~7 years ago about my terrible experience with L-theanine. Soylent Cafe gave me severe panic attacks that got worse over time until I had literal constant chest pain, even after I cut it down to only half a drink a day. It was only 35mg of caffeine at that point so it made no sense. I googled every ingredient on the label trying to figure out why regular Soylent was okay but coffee Soylent wasn't. I eventually found reports of paradoxical effects with L-theanine. So I donated my boxes of Soylent Cafe
...but when I went back to regular Soylent it also gave me anxiety, just not as bad, so I gave it away too. I figured I'd developed some kind of mild soy allergy or my body had some aversion to chugging 400 calories at once lol
but as it turns out. soy is a big source of glutamate. so I was directly upping my glutamate levels by drinking soy first thing in the morning and probably also upping my glutamate levels by taking a GABA supplement. Soylent Cafe era was the worst era of my adult life
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rabbivole · 9 months
in 2024 im finishing the cringe shit i was writing and then im making a garrysmod map
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freddyfreeman · 10 months
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I truly believe that heavy metals are a leading cause for both chronic and mental illness…
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drsibia · 1 year
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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This is one of the handouts parents get if their kids have high lead levels. It's called "Lead and Nutrition."
In NH, children are screened for lead poisoning at ages 1 and 2 with the finger prick test. If the level is high, they need a blood draw to confirm the lead level (venous blood draw).
Parents should wet mop floors and windowsills, clean children's pacifiers and toys, wash kids's hands often.
Ask parents about behavioral problems, developmental delays/disabilities, excessive mouthing (putting keychains in mouth; items like that could have lead in them)/pica (eating non-nutritional items), whether housing was built prior to 1978, whether their child-care facility was built before 1978, whether their housing has renovations, whether the child is a recent refugee/immigration/international adoption, whether parents' job could expose them to lead (welding, renovating, painting, fishing, stain glass, target shooting, jewelry making), whether they imported any spices that could contain lead (turmeric, sindoor, surma, orange shringar, asafetida).
You need to do annual developmental surveillance and may refer for early childhood education/stimulation programs.
When you screen for lead in office with the finger prick, you have to wash the child's hands with soap and water first.
Symptoms of lead poisoning include stomach aches, headaches, trouble paying attention, developmental delays, behavior issues, problems eating and sleeping, speech/language delays.
Long term effects: slowed growth, poor school performance, hyperactivity, aggression, brain/kidney/nerve damage.
Home, water, and soil should be tested for lead.
Parents should feed children foods high in calcium, iron, and vitamin C.
Tx of high enough BLL: chelation with succimer of calcium disodium edetate. Succimer — Succimer (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) is a water-soluble analog of dimercaprol (British anti-Lewisite, BAL) that can be administered orally [48,49]. Like dimercaprol and CaNa2EDTA, succimer increases the urinary excretion of lead. Like dimercaprol, CaNa2EDTA increases the urinary excretion of lead through the formation of a nonionizing, soluble chelate.
Symptoms attributable to lead poisoning can include intermittent vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal pain (lead colic); intermittent irritability or lethargy; and/or lead encephalopathy (eg, persistent vomiting, persistent lethargy or coma, headache, or afebrile convulsions)
From UpToDate:
New threshold for elevated blood lead in United States children
●For children younger than six years of age in the United States, the reference value for an elevated blood level is 3.5 mcg/L (0.17 micromol/L).
Detectable blood lead levels (BLLs) are associated with neurocognitive deficits in infants and children less than 6 years old, and targeted screening of at-risk children is recommended. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lowered the blood lead level (BLL) threshold for action to 3.5 mcg/dL (0.17 micromol/L) from the previous level of 5.0 mcg/dL (0.24 micromol/L) [1,2]. At or above this threshold, specific interventions should be taken based upon the degree of BLL elevation. For children with BLLs below 3.5 mcg/dL, the limit of detection for lead varies by laboratory, and the actual blood lead value may be close to or above the threshold. Thus, some children may need to be retested depending upon age or other risk factors.
With chronic ingestion or inhalation, lead can be incorporated into the skeletal system, which becomes an endogenous reservoir of lead that is resistant to elimination. While chelating agents can bind to lead in blood, they are ineffective in removing lead from the deep bone stores.
I had twin pts who both had EBLL of 5 mcg/dL in August and level of 4 mcg/dL today. One of them hadn't grown as much as her twin, so there was concern that the EBLL might be affecting her growth. Scheduled both pts for f/u with repeat venous BLL, CMP, iron level, CBC in 3 months.
Tx: BLL less than 45 mcg/dL = no need for chelation; get abdominal X-ray if pt has signs of excessive mouthing (puts everythin in their mouth) or pica (eats non-food items). If you see lead chips, can do whole bowel irrigation. Clean the home and toys. Make sure kids get 5 servings veggies and fruits a day with vitamins including iron. Wash their hands. If BLL is greater than 45 mcg/dL, chelation is necessary.
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uncrossedrhyme · 1 year
Guide to Life-Sustaining Nutrients: Vitamin A
Vitamin A's critical role in development, aging, intelligence, beauty, vision, hormones, sexuality, and immunity. The first in my series of Guides to the Life-Sustaining Nutrients.
The following begins my series, A Basic Guide to the Life-Sustaining Nutrients, a tentative multimedia project that will be almost fully Patreon-exclusive. Today’s Vitamin A entry serves as a preview of what the project entails. I hope you find value here, always keep learning, and support me on Patreon for much more to come. Patreon A few generalizable concepts coupled with their mechanisms…
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Are cancer and crab the same thing? ~ A maze of the 12 signs of the zodiac: Essay
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I have long been thinking the name of Cancer , one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, whether it represents the creature crab.I had doubts about cancer and the 'spelling' of the name of cancer being the same.
However, that question was resolved with a dictionary on the Internet, the weblio English-Japanese dictionary (Japan).
Latin for "crab": from the crab-like appearance of areas affected by breast cancer.
A very clear explanation. In the case of the breast, the cancer that nests in it becomes fully visible. It is easy to understand from the appearance. And this name applies to other cancer names as well.
This question has been resolved, but there are words related to crabs in the field of chemistry as well. It's an expression called "chelate".
In chemistry, the term chelate refers to the binding (coordination) to a metal ion by means of a ligand with multiple coordination sites (polydentate ligand). A complex formed in this way is called a chelate complex. A chelate complex is difficult to separate from a coordinating substance because the ligand has multiple coordination sites. This is called the chelate effect. It is derived from the Greek word "crab claws" (chele), referring to the way metal is sandwiched between gaps created by the three-dimensional structure of atoms.
The act of a crab pinching an object is regarded as chelating.
By the way, Cancer, like Scorpio and Pisces, is called the "Water" sign. What anecdotes do these constellations have?
@Scorpio. The scorpion that stabbed the proud Orion to death becomes a constellation and appears in the sky at any time to follow Orion.
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite and her son Eros disguised themselves as fish and fled for their lives after being attacked by a monster called Buffon.
@Cancer.  according to the wiki, in the Greek myth
Hero Hercules , a child of Zeus, will go on 12 adventures to atone for the crime of accidentally killing his own child. One of them is the extermination of the Hydra (Hydra). The monster crab Karkinos first saw the battle between Hercules and the Hydra. Gradually, his friend and half-brother, the Hydra, who lives in the same swamp, is at a disadvantage, so he jumps out and pinches Hercules' leg. But Hercules shook off and stomped. The goddess Hera, who saw the whole story, took pity on Karkinos, who cared for her brother, and raised him to the heavens and made him a star.
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drgolberg · 2 years
Chelation Therapy for Heavy Metal Removal
Heavy Metal Removal Specialist in New York City!
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Chelation therapy involves a chemical solution called EDTA injected into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals.
Before you get this treatment, your doctor will do a blood test to make sure you've metal poisoning.
For more information on Chelation Therapy, please connect with us now!
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hamishsmith88 · 2 years
Benefits Of Chelation Therapy For Cardiovascular Disease
Chelation therapy is a treatment for cardiovascular disease that uses an EDTA substance to remove heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, from the body. It can also dissolve blood clots in the arteries and improve blood flow to the heart.
Chelation therapy has been used for decades to treat cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease (CAD), and peripheral artery disease (PAD). While it's not always covered by insurance, we are here to help you get the care you need.
Here are three benefits of chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease:
1) Chelation therapy can remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body. These heavy metals can accumulate in the body over time, leading to health problems, including cardiovascular disease.
2) Chelation therapy can also remove excess iron from the body. Excess iron can cause oxidative damage, which may contribute to cardiovascular disease.
3) A recent study found that chelation therapy improves blood flow in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. This finding is significant because it suggests that chelation could help improve survival rates for patients with CAD by improving their blood circulation.
4) Chelation therapy can help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by removing dangerous plaque from the arteries. The buildup of plaque in the arteries can cause blockages that lead to heart attacks and strokes, but chelation therapy can remove plaque and prevent this buildup from happening in the first place.
Finally, among chelation therapy benefits, chelation therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms associated with pulmonary hypertension—a condition where blood pressure is too high for optimal health. 
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kncnutrition · 17 days
Chelated Mineral Mixture for Optimal Cattle Health | KNC Nutrition
Chelated mineral mixtures are a vital part of cattle nutrition, designed to ensure that animals absorb essential minerals more effectively. At KNC Nutrition, our chelated mineral mixtures provide a balanced combination of trace minerals like zinc, copper, manganese, and iron, which are essential for improving cattle growth, immunity, and reproductive health.
The chelation process binds minerals to organic molecules, making them easier for cattle to digest and utilize. This leads to better absorption in the bloodstream, ensuring that your cattle receive maximum nutritional benefits. By supplementing your cattle’s diet with KNC Nutrition’s chelated mineral mixture, you can enhance overall health, boost milk production, and increase weight gain in a more efficient manner.
Our carefully formulated mixtures help prevent common mineral deficiencies, reduce stress levels, and support stronger bone development. Whether you’re managing a dairy herd or beef cattle, adding a chelated mineral mixture to their feed can significantly improve their performance and longevity.
KNC Nutrition is committed to providing the highest quality feed supplements, ensuring your cattle thrive with superior nutrition. Trust our chelated mineral mixtures to optimize cattle health and productivity.
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creativeera · 19 days
Understanding Sodium Hexametaphosphate (SHMP): Composition, Uses, and Applications
What is Sodium Hexametaphosphate? Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) is a specially manufactured chemical compound with the chemical formula (NaPO3)6. It is a white, odorless powder that is highly soluble in water. SHMP is considered the sodium salt of hexametaphosphoric acid. When dissolved in water, it easily breaks down into smaller phosphate molecules. Uses of Sodium Hexametaphosphate SHMP finds a wide variety of uses in the food processing industry due to its versatile functional properties. Some major uses of sodium hexametaphosphate include: Processing Aid: SHMP is commonly used as a processing aid in meat processing. It helps improve yields by preventing protein denaturation in meats during cooking. By binding with meat proteins, it ensures meats retain moisture and tenderness after cooking. SHMP treated meats have a longer shelf life. Additives: It is used as an additive with the E number E452 in various foods like enriched farina, self-rising flour etc. As an additive, it acts as a leavening agent, sequestering agent and dough conditioner. The phosphates help strengthen the gluten structure in dough, thereby resulting in improved volume, texture and shelf life of bakery products. Detartarization: Dentists add SHMP solution to patients' mouth to chelate or bind with ions like calcium present in dental plaque, making it soluble in water. Sodium Hexametaphosphate allows easy removal of tartar or calculus from teeth through a non-abrasive chemical process called detartarization. Water Softeners: SHMP is frequently used in water softening applications due to its ability to sequester or bond with multivalent cations like calcium and magnesium present as hard water minerals. By removing these ions from water, it improves its quality and texture.SHMP treated water has numerous uses in industrial and household cleaning applications. Functional Properties As mentioned earlier, the unique molecular and chemical structure of SHMP enables it to demonstrate several important functional properties when used in foods and other applications: Sequestration: By forming soluble complexes or chelates with multivalent metal ions, it can effectively sequester or remove hard water minerals from solution. This softens hard water for various uses. Emulsification: Its phosphate groups interact with meat proteins forming a film around fat globules. This prevents coalescence of fat and results in stable meat emulsions with good binding. Water Holding: SHMP helps bind meat proteins thereby improving the ability of meat to retain moisture during operations like cooking, slicing etc. This retains juiciness and tenderness. Dough Strengthening: The phosphates interact with gluten proteins creating a strong, elastic gluten network. This improves dough handling properties and structure of baked goods. Buffering action: SHMP has alkali and acid buffering properties helping to maintain pH during fermentation in bread-making and other processes. Chelation One of the most important functions of Sodium Hexametaphosphate is its ability to chelate or bind with metal ions through multiple coordination bonds. The glutamate and phosphate ligands in its structure allow it to bind strongly with various metal ions like calcium, magnesium, iron etc. This helps sequester or remove them from solutions. During the chelation process, SHMP forms stable water-soluble complexes with multivalent cations preventing their reaction or precipitation. The chelating action is reversible and under certain conditions, the metal ions can break free from these complexes. This property of SHMP finds extensive use in water softening, nutrient supplementation, heavy metal detoxification and other industrial applications. Get more insights on Sodium Hexametaphosphate
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About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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vetnationpharma · 25 days
Calcium Feed Supplements with Chelated Minerals are specially formulated nutritional products designed to provide animals with an optimal balance of calcium and essential minerals. These supplements are particularly beneficial in situations where animals have increased nutritional needs, such as during growth, pregnancy, lactation, or periods of high productivity.
Chelated minerals are minerals that are chemically bonded to an amino acid or organic compound, which enhances their bioavailability. In simpler terms, chelated minerals are more easily absorbed and utilized by the animal’s body compared to non-chelated (inorganic) forms. This increased absorption makes chelated minerals more effective in meeting the nutritional needs of animals.
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drsibia · 22 days
How to Detect Early Heart Disease and Avoid Heart Bypass Surgery with EECP Natural Bypass, Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization (ESMR) and Artery Chelation Therapy (ACT)
#DetectEarlyHeartDisease #EarlyHeartDisease #HeartDisease #AvoidHeartBypassSurgery #EECP #Natural Bypass #ExtracorporealShockwaveMyocardialRevascularization #ESMR #ArteryChelationTherapy #ACT #ChelationTherapy
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