#chelsea van der sea
randomwritingsnips · 1 year
"What are you talking about?" Grandmamah seemed taken aback.
"Nerissa never had a daughter!"
In the moment, Agatha froze, a chill running through her tentacles and possibilities began to aline.
She had felled the Queen, hadn't she? She had slain Nerissa, but then how would she have…
"I did it!" Ruby exclaimed in joy as she seam back to Chelseas' side, landing as she opened up her hand, showing the Trident of Oceanus, a smile spreading across her face.
Chelsea moved closer, staring at the Trident in awe and wonder.
"Mothers' Trident…" Chelsea muttered in awe, her eyes appearing to redden as she thought back what little memories she had of that Day.
Hidden away at her mothers' side, hidden within an Egg, nearly ready to burst open. She had seen it all. The Battle, the turn, her fall…
"I never thought that I'd really see it…" The Mermaid muttered as she reached out to grasp the Trident.
In a moment, something resonated within Chelseas' mind as her expression twisted, her giving out a cry as she erupted with steam all around her.
Ruby pulled back, protecting herself with her body Armor out of Instinct.
Once the steam subsided, the Kraken called out in a panic, "Chelsea! Are you okay!?"
As the steam cooled and a much larger form showed itself, a Scaley Form of a mermaid, flowing red hair turning to lines of foam.
As Chelsea opened her eyes, something felt…off…
"Krystal, Kraken…" She grimaced while staring at Ruby, as if she was a complete stranger.
This is just a small piece of what I liked to think about after that reveal in the movie. I sorta like the idea of this a bit more. Maybe the Trident can have a memory of its Wielders by Species, leading to some sort of memory event. And of course there is the change of Chelsea being her own. What a depressing conclusion. Should have just made Chelsea her own character. Would be a more interesting suprise Twist for Agatha and her mother to discover this.
I watched the movie out of curiosity and to unwind, only to be so disappointed at this part that I've rewritten it as a fragment and revived this blog that laid dormant since I had heatstroke Last year and then 2023s' punches as an end result.
Here are my concepts of what can be done though. Instead Chelsea should have been her own character, indeed Nerissas' daughter, most likely still in her egg and having witnesses her own mothers' death.
Perhaps She is indeed Genuine as well, actually being friends with Ruby. Perhaps there are species based effects of the Trident of Oceanus. Maybe it brings up the memories of its past weilders, and with a trauma of having witnessed her mother having been slain, it can give just the right weakness for Chelsea to be over taken and almost possessed by the Trident, representing the past itself.
"A Kraken always answers the Call."
"A Mermaid remains true to her roots."
Perhaps she gets Ruby Early on into a bind and is about to slay her, only for tears to form as she tries to restain herself, not wanting to do it.
A Villian still, but an unintended one, making the real villain maybe the sins of the past.
Dunno if I'll update this one again, As I'd need to rewatch the movie again as I went to theaters, but here is this fragment and some of my ideas.
I wonder if people can ignore a companys' vision with enough audacity that they just retcon it in a sequel.
As a final piece, Maybe she does meet Agatha, and is holding onto Ruby in a way for comfort, as she is technically meeting then the Kraken that had killed her mother.
Maybe There is an argument in private where she demands Chelsea stay away from Ruby, as Mermaids can't be trusted, not even one.
This can also have a side effect of weakening Chelseas' resolve for an actual Peace, but memory of Ruby brings it all back, especially after Ruby picks her up and they leave.
Interesting if Also Chelsea gets called a monster by Agatha during that scene.
Suggest tags. I'm off to shower before the Infernal Meatball in the sky decides to fry me again.
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thefoilguy · 1 year
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Chelsea Van Der Zee from Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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Chelsea Van Der Zee - Villain Re-Write
Chelsea is probably the one thing that makes me feel conflicted the most about this movie:
I love her chemistry with Ruby and the scenes where is just them hanging out is by far the most entertaining parts of the movie
I hate her as a villain because she´s on the level of "I´m evil because the plot needs a villain" (and her twist being Nerissa downright sucked).
With that in mind, this is a bit of my "re-write" of her as a villain to give her a bit more depth:
*Most of the events of the movie remains the same, just modifying the bits with Chelsea
Make her Nerissa´s actual daughter (because that twist was dumb, came out of nowhere and I´m dying on that hill).
2. After her mother´s death on her battle against Agatha, she´s raised by the Mermaid kingdom´s courtiers basically her entire childhood.
3. She´s indoctrinated into believing Krakens aren´t these so called protectors of the sea, but rather they heavily police the rest of the kingdoms so they can´t expand their reach and keep that territory all for themselves (That way, just like Ruby, she´s being told the other side is in the wrong).
4. Through her life she develops a passion for all kinds sea creatures, and isn´t to fond of the idea she was taugth about Krakens controlling how much other sea kingdoms can expand.
5. The courtiers tell her there´s a way to bring her mother back AND to lower Kraken´s power so the sea territories can be balanced, and it´s by spell/ritual that involves the trident and Kraken´s blood.
6. She meets Ruby, and upon realising she´s a Kraken, at first sticks with her to manipulate her so she can retrieve the trident and take her blood to bring back her mother.
7. Over time, she actually starts bonding with Ruby over their shared interest over sea creatures and get to know each other backgrounds, so propose to her to get the trident as a peace sign between both kingdoms to reach balance (By this point, it plays a lot like in the actual movie, only that Chelsea still omitts the Kraken´s blood part because she believes Ruby would not accept if she knew that detail).
8. Ruby brings back the trident, and when Chelsea is preparing the spell, she stabs Ruby´s arm-tentacle, a weakened Ruby is baffled by this and Chelsea tells her it was necessary for the plan and she has to understand.
9. The trident reacts to Kraken´s blood and manifests Nerissa´s soul, to which Chelsea greets her mother as is the first time she sees her since she was a child.
10. Chelsea explains she learnt eveything about her and the courtier´s plan to balance the sea territories, and she even convinced Ruby, the heir of the Kraken´s throne to the plan.
11. When Chelsea asks how the trident could do all of that, Nerissa says that the trident never was intended as a peace sign, but rather a weapon with enough power to kill a Kraken, and when the Krakens are gone, all sea creatures would unite and obey the Mermaid kingdom as the supreme sea kingdom, and the ones to no comply would run into the same fate as Krakens.
12. By this point both Ruby and Chelsea see both of them got played, Ruby by accepting to the spell and Chelsea by trusting the courtier´s plan, now not only Ruby´s family is at risk, but pretty much every other creature on the sea.
13. Chelsea tells Nerissa that the plan is complete madness, and as heir of the throne of her kingdom, she wouldn´t let it happen, to which Nerissa says that she no longer has a voice on it since she was back as queen, and the role she plays on her plan is being her avatar to wield the trident, and that for starters, she was going to get rid of Ruby.
14. Chelsea refuses, Nerissa tells her how dissappointed she is that her daughter is so weak, but she got a contingency plan for that, if Chelsea doesn´t do it herself, then she would.
15. Nerissa´s souls enters Chelsea´s body to control her, but while Chelsea still has some control she struggles against the possesion, tells Ruby to escape and pushes her to give her a headstart, letting Ruby to get into a sea current, pushing her away while she sees Chelsea falling to her mother´s control and starting to grow.
16. Ruby gets to the Kraken´s palace and tells her mom and grandma everything that happened (the big kaiju fight takes place as normal).
17. Once the trident is shattered, Nerissa´s soul vanishes and Chelsea shrinks back to her normal size several meters mid air, to which Ruby rushes to catch her, saving her from the fall.
18. Upon waking up and staring at Ruby´s giant eyes, Chelsea breaks down after realising how she almost doomed the entire sea AND hurting Ruby (This way we can see Chelsea on a phase we never saw her before, instead of being bossy and self-confident, she´s now doubtful of herself and the things she did).
19. Ruby´s grandma tell Ruby to bring Chelsea to her so she can fry her, to which Ruby refuses (Just like in the actual movie, despite everything that went down, Ruby still advocates for Chelsea´s life).
20. There´s a talk between the 3 royal Krakens (Grandmamah, Agatha and Ruby) about what they should do with the trident´s shards, since it´s too dangerous if it´s assembled back.
21. Ruby has an idea and says they could scatter all parts across the sea, so there´s no way someone could find all of them, to which Grandmamah and Agatha recognise it might be a good idea, with the issue that they being as big as they are, that would draw to much attention and would risk to spot the shards.
22. Chelsea still shocked by everything that just went down, overhears their talk and says that she could scatter all the shard, since being smaller she would pass on as a regular fish.
23. Grandmamah and Agatha immediatly turns down her initiative after all that happened and how she backstabed Ruby, to which, Ruby stands up for Chelsea and tells her mom and grandma that she would be dead and couldn´t be able to alert them about Nerissa´s return not being that Chelsea fought back against her mother.
24. After some time pondering about it, they accept the initiative, under 2 conditions, those being that Chelsea must hide the shard where they tell her too being escorted by a guard, even if that includes land as well, AND, once she´s done with it, she must stay at the palace, since they don´t want to risk another betrayal (by doing this, Chelsea is given the chance to redeem herself, without immediatly being forgiven so she can work on her character for a possible sequel).
25. Chelsea accepts her new duty, and after they give her the map and her designated guard to start her journey, she goes to Ruby to say her farewells, hoping that Ruby will forgive her, to which Ruby says it may take some time, but she is grateful that she once gave her the determination to embrace her Kraken self and becoming better, so she will be waiting for her to comeback.
I know that this re-write may come as a long, dramatic and a bit corny (because it´s all of that, I recognize that), but that´s because I wanted to write both Ruby and Chelsea as 2 sides of the same coin:
Both of them were taught about the dangers of another sea creatures.
Both of them had good intentions at heart wanting to make the sea a better place.
Both of them got their trust played with and in consecuence got hurt by it.
I just really like Chelsea´s character and design that much that I don´t want her to go to waste to not be seen again.
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But sadly, things are set in stone now, and unless they decide to do some crazy retconing for a sequel/series, we will be stuck with Nerissa "NO Chelsea" Van Der Zee.
But hey, not everything is doomed, in the words of Luz Noceda:
Hey, if you´re still reading this actual wall of text, you deserve a pat on the back, I knew this was LOOOOONG.
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silversmoke-20 · 1 year
Yandere Chelsea Van Der Zee
Contents: Alternative Universe, Reader, Gender neutral, cringe, dark content, yandere motives.
Fact: Chelsea's canon surname is literally dutch and if translated! It says "From The Sea!"
AU: Bloody Lagoon is a au where: Chelsea never left the sea.
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Meeting Chelsea was the worst! Seriously no jokes!
You were less shocked and more pissed off as she would scare off any of the fish you tried to net.
Everyday and everytime she would go out of her day to piss you off.
She would make harsh insults towards you and sometimes hit your insecurities.
Having enough you decided to throw anything that would hit her.
BONK! Hazaah! A direct hit to her- oh god her nose is bleeding.
She held her broken nose and held a look of sadness as if you were the culprit!
And here comes the most saddest cry in your life, okay now you felt like an asshole.
"Please stop crying!" "NO! You broke my nose, you jerk!" She stopped crying momentarily to say this and returned back to her crying.
Grabbing first aid, you tended to her broken nose. She would make half-ass attempts at threats like: I'll bite your fingers, I'll drown you and I'll make you disappear.
Oh and she's surprisingly fluent in Dutch.
Suffice to say? It was nice having someone to talk to besides listening to the radio on your boat.
Although Chelsea wanted to take selfies with your phone and didn't want to talk.
Until you spoke of your crush....Connor.
The mermaid's attention was now on you. Quickly scooting herself next to you, she quickly devised a plan.
Why don't you be the cool popular girl.
So Chelsea taught you the ways of how to gain popularity and be way past cool.
Overall Chelsea liked helping her human achieve her goals.
Maybe she should be a little selfish, nothing wrong with that. . . . .right?
Chelsea's behaviour has been weird lately.
Like she would oftentimes sit very close to you. Like having shoulders touch.
She would stop her insults and would start flirting with you.
She started to sing songs that are related to love or something and hoping to get the pal they like.
When you decided to sleep in your fishing boat for the night, you could've sworn you saw Chelsea watching you sleep.
She would get annoyed whenever you mention your friends and your crush connor.
Actually whenever you mention connor, her nails would dig into the boat
You both got into a fight from one too many of Chelsea's flirting.
"What's your deal!? I'm practicing my flirting?" She defended but you retaliated, "With someone who has a crush on someone, it's messed up! Y'know what, just go!"
You didn't see Chelsea's look of sadness that suddenly turned into anger.
You waited for her to move, but she didn't even move in the slightest.
"I think I just had enough with you, mi amor." She said in spanish....She's bilingual?
And without a second to lose, she lunges towards you and everything went dark.
Your head was throbbing and everything felt sorta cold. Groggily getting up, your vision was blurry and you quickly licked your chapped lips and sharp teeth. Quickly getting up from your laying position, you reach towards your mouth and felt sharp teeth occupying your mouth, looking down at your body, you noticed your entire skin and appearance looked roughly similar to a tiger shark.
"Mijn liefje? What are you doing up?" Chelsea said, she yawns and rubs her eyes. You looked at the mermaid and gave her look that wanted answers to your predicament. Smiling innocently she swims towards a weird stone closet and opens it to reveal clothing tops. "It's simple, it was my magic." She stated as she pulls out a red crop top with two golden cuffs. "I used a spell and turn you into a gorgeous mershark similarly to a tiger shark." Chelsea added as she examines them closer, she nods and tosses them into your arms. "Now put these on, I wanna see you in red!" She says while clapping her hands together as you looked at her with a look of betrayal.
"You turned me into a freak!?" You shouted and dropped the clothes down but they slowly floated due to being underwater. Chelsea's expression turned one of happy into one of annoyances. Putting one hand on her hips and raising the other, she snaps her fingers and spoke in a haunting echoing voice. "Gehoorzamen!" She ordered in dutch as you felt your entire body follow her commands.
With another snap of her fingers, you regained control over your body. "Wh-What did you!?" You asked in fear as Chelsea looms over you. "What did I do? Isn't it obvious, I used my magic!" She said it as if you were an idiot.
"Now here's the quick recap, I started to gain feelings for you which is gross, what kind of weirdo of a mermaid falls for a weak human? Now since you're like me, we can chill and talk as much as we want! Like besties but lovers!" She said joyfully as you continued to stare at her.
You attempted to flee, but only for your tailfin to be grabbed and your entire body to be swung and slammed into the wall. Chelsea's hand held your throat and her sapphire blue eyes now had a murderous look in them. She leans into your ear, her breathing heavy and spoke with an annoyed tone.
"It seems you haven't gotten the memo, Liefde? I own you, that means you obey every word I say." She stops for a moment for a quick deep breath and it looks like she was about to lose her temper with each sentence she spoke. "And if you don't, I'll get mad, very mad. And when I get mad, I get hungry and when I get hungry. I crave for something-." She stops and whispers teasingly in your ear. "Bloederig~" and not knowing dutch, you can easily tell she was talking something about blood of possibly human's.
"So liefde? What do you suggest we do?" She asks as she rubs a thumb on your chin, enjoying the sandpaper like skin. You looked at her in the eyes and muttered quietly and asks what you said.
"What was that? I couldn't quite catch that." She hums as she leans in closely and you sadly repeat what you said. "Let's go and do something fun...babe." you felt disgusted calling this....monster that name.
"That's a good shark~" She coos and begins to lead you towards a different location.
@hana-no-seiiki @chadychadyy2k
I have a headcanon that Chelsea is a Dutch Mermaid lmao!
I'm going to make more after finishing up with my other yandere projects!
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angelshizuka · 1 year
Wait, Chelsea’s last name is “van der Zee“? That’s literally Dutch for “from the Sea“.
But people writing it like “Van Der Zee“ feels so American, omg... For context, “Zee“ is the actual last name, “van der“ is an “inbetween“ (or whatever the proper English term for that is), so it doesn’t get capitalized.
I haven’t watched the movie yet, so I’m not sure how they pronounce it, but I’m just crying at the thought, because knowing Americans’ track record of pronouncing Dutch names, it’s probably not even close. I guess the best way I can explain the proper pronounciation is; vahn der Zay.
Either way, my Dutch ass loves this last name for her.
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artstar1997 · 8 months
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Finally, I got my creative mojo back and I finally made another fairytale au. Here’s Floyd as the little mermaid (merman to be exact) and Boom as the prince. I remember their VCs, Troye Sivan and Lance Bass are gays and I looked deeper to the original fairytale, The Little Mermaid, realizing that there is a queer allegory to the story. I found out that Hans Christian Andersen wrote the story because he had feelings for one guy named Edvard Collin but just like the prince in the original story, Edvard married a woman and the news broke Hans’s heart like how the little mermaid felt heartbroken because of it and when tempted to kill the prince so that she becomes a mermaid again, she refused to do it and fell into the sea, where her physical form dissolved into sea foam and becomes an air fairy.
In my reimagining, Floyd is interested in humans in many ways but his family and friends, including Grandmamah, the queen of the krakens warn him about the dangers of the human world. Aside from collecting human stuff, Floyd has a crush on Boom after he saved him from drowning in a storm that crushed his ship. He couldn't stop thinking about Boom that when push came to shove, Boom turned to Nerissa a.k.a Chelsea Van Der Zee, the former queen of the sirens (her species are the enemies of the merpeople) and a powerful sea witch, who was assisted by two Cecaelia, Velvet and an unwilling Veneer, for a potion to turn him into a human for three days but he has to give up his voice as a blood payment. You know how that happens in his experience in land but at least, he gets to be with the humans and marry Boom in the end.
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triannguyen2007 · 1 year
Origin story of Connor
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Parker: Wow, this is gotta be best day ever. Wait, who’s that. Ah! No! Please don’t attack me.
Connor: Parker it’s me.
Parker: Huh! Connor: It’s me, remember.
Parker: Oh, I thought you’re attacking me.
Connor: No, I show to my story.
Parker: So, what happened to you.
Connor: This is my short story. Me when I met Ruby Gillman, I fell down on the ocean and Ruby save me. Right now, Chelsea saves me. I’m felt sorry about that for saying Ruby is a giant kraken. I saw Chelsea but she is not. Her name is Nerissa. Ruby save us from tsunami. Me and Ruby are dance in prom. I hold ruby’s books and she kisses me. Sometimes I wear sea monster T-shirt, and there is something is changing my skin is purple.
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Connor: At last, Serpanade-Toons just turn me into sea monster.
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Connor: So that’s it by the way.
Parker: So, what happened to your right hand.
Connor: Oh, I was transformed.
Parker: Okay, I see Chelsea and Ercole. I found this user named Serpanade-Toons.
Connor: Well, that’s what I’m saying.
Parker: Alright, let’s go.
Ercole Visconti: Hello there.
Chelsea Van Der Zee: Hey.
Exis: Ha Ha Ha! Looks like we are friends right.
Ercole Visconti: Yeah, well I see there is a sea monster.
Chelsea Van Der Zee: Alright, I will get a trident. Boys, get some weapons.
Ercole Visconti & Exis: Okay! Ruby Gillman: Guys, what are you doing.
Parker: Ruby, did you remember about Connor. His transformed into a purple sea monster.
Ruby Gillman: Oh yeah that’s right.
Connor: Wait…. Where’s Chelsea.
Parker: I don’t Chelsea is here anymore. She became evil mermaid. Luca: Uh…. Why did I hear the boss music.
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Nerissa: Ha Ha Ha!!! Hello.
Exis: Well, you thought Chelsea is here, but no. She is a queen Nerissa.
Ercole Visconti: Well, I got a harpoon to stabbed the sea monsters.
Alberto: Uh oh, this is not even good. Guys, what can we do.
Connor: Guys, get some weapons.
Ruby Gillman: I got some laser eyes and body armor.
Parker: Well looks like we are fighting together.
Nerissa: Ha Ha! You will never dumb teenagers.
Exis: Ha Ha! I will win for good.
Ercole Visconti: Ha Ha! winners are mine.
Nerissa: No!
Ercole Visconti: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! How did that other sea monster defeating us.
Exis: I don’t know, it’s looks like a half human and half sea monster. We’re give up.
Alberto: Well guys, we did it. 🙌 🖐️ ✋
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nxthingtxwn · 1 year
Once again, spoilers for Ruby Gillman under the cut
So, I've decided how canon-divergent I want to make Chelsea. On this blog, she really is Nerissa's daughter, and while Chelsea Van Der Zee is still an alias, her true name is now Clarica (which was her name during casting).
While she still betrayed Ruby and stole the trident, her motivation for doing so was to avenge her mother, who really did die trying to retrieve the trident, rather than take control of the seas. She was also more conflicted about it than she was in the film, as she grew to genuinely like Ruby, rather than their friendship being a complete lie.
In the aftermath of her defeat, while still imprisoned in a cage, she is genuinely remorseful over her actions. She accepts that her mother was a terrible person and that her death was entirely her own fault, and regrets betraying Ruby and trying to kill her mother. She hopes that she hasn't burned that bridge completely, and can make amends someday.
So, yeah. That's what I'm thinking of going with. Thoughts?
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glitchylaptop · 7 months
(Some of us are ocs or non-canon characters and others have non-canon names) Here's the list:
Cube (Just Shapes and Beats)
Blixer (Just Shapes and Beats)
Toothiana (Rise of the Guardians)
Reze (Chainsaw Man)
Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run)
Crowberry Cookie (Cookie Run)
Sugar Glass Cookie (Cookie Run)
White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run)
Sea Fairy Cookie (Cookie run)
Latte Cookie (Cookie Run)
Stardust Cookie (Cookie Run)
White Ghost Cookie (Cookie Run)
Currant Cream Cookie (Cookie Run)
Cotton Cookie (Cookie Run)
Milky Way Cookie (Cookie Run)
Kouign-Amann Cookie (Cookie Run)
Prune Juice Cookie (Cookie Run)
Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run)
Truffle Cookie (Cookie Run)
Linzer Cookie (Cookie Run)
Sharon/The Elevator Girl (The Elevator)
Rosalina (Super Mario)
Princess Peach (Mario movie/Super Mario)
Mario (Mario movie/Super Mario)
Mario (Super Mario 64)
Luigi (Super Mario 64)
Timpani (Super Paper Mario)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Bowsette (Super Mario)
Robot Jones (Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Sarah Connifers (THSC)
Kyusaku Yumeno (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Naomi Tanizaki (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Kyoka Izumi (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Ada Mesmer (Identity V)
Marie Antoinette/Mary/Bloody Queen/Lady Bella (Identity V)
Galatea Claude (Identity V)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Bismuth (Steven Universe)
Opal (Steven Universe)
Chelsea Van Der Zee (Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken)
Sekai Saionji (School Days)
Twyla Boogeyman (Monster High)
Robecca Steam (Monster High)
Spectra Vondergiest (Monster High)
Rochelle Goyle (Monster High)
Sirena Von Boo (Monster High)
Lagoona Blue (Monster High)
Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer)
Ume Shabana (Demon slayer)
Elize/The Princess (Slay the Princess)
Elsa (Frozen)
Puss in Boots (Shrek/Puss in Boots/Puss in Boots The Last Wish)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots/Puss in Boots The Last Wish)
Kuro (Kuro)
Miu (Kuro)
Nazuna Hiwatashi (BNA)
Snow Pea (Plants vs Zombies)
Plantern (Plants vs Zombies)
Ghost Pea (Plants vs Zombies)
Glitch Pea (Plants vs Zombies)
Missile Toe (Plants vs Zombies 2)
Blooming Heart (Plants vs Zombies 2)
A.K.E.E. (Plants vs Zombies 2)
Magnifying Grass (Plants vs Zombies 2)
Green Shadow (Plants vs Zombies Heroes)
Maidai (INPUT6)
Komi Shouko (Komi Can't Communicate)
Walten/The Guardian (Slendytubbies)
Periwinkle (Tinkerbell)
Silvermist (Tinkerbell)
Zarina (Tinkerbell)
Pramanix (Arknights)
Highmore (Arknights)
Specter (Arknights)
Surtr (Arknights)
Dusk (Arknights)
Ho'olheyak (Arknights)
Heidi (Arknights)
Texas (Arknights)
Myrtle (Arknights)
Gnosis (Arknights)
Ch'en (Arknights)
Silence (Arknights)
Mostima (Arknights)
Lappland (Arknights)
Irene (Arknights)
Blaze (Arknights)
W (Arknights)
Indigo (Arknights)
Nightingale (Arknights)
Andreana (Arknights)
Gitano (Arknights)
Shenhe (Genshin Impact)
Kokomi Sangonomiya (Genshin Impact)
Lumine (Genshin Impact)
Barbara Pegg (Genshin Impact)
Ningguang (Genshin Impact)
Paimon (Genshin Impact)
Kirara (Genshin Impact)
Lisa Minci (Genshin Impact)
Yelan (Genshin Impact)
Nilou (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact)
Faruzan (Genshin Impact)
Nahida (Genshin Impact)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Navia (Genshin Impact)
Lynette (Genshin Impact)
Furina (Genshin Impact)
Hu Tao (Genshin Impact)
Flippy (Happy Tree Friends)
Fliqpy (Happy Tree Friends)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Hilda (Pokemon)
Embry G. Oliver (It's Not Me, It's My Basement)
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Mukuro Ikusaba (Danganronpa)
Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa)
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Kirumi Tojo (Danganronpa)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Monaca Towa (Danganronpa)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa)
Tenko Chabashira (Danganronpa)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Komaru Naegi (Danganronpa)
Chisa Yukizome (Danganronpa)
Sora Taira (Fanganronpa)
Emma Magorobi (Fanganronpa)
Setsuka Chiebukuro (Fanganronpa)
Viper (Kung Fu Panda)
Ai Hoshino (Oshi No Ko)
Charlotte Wiltshire (Hello Charlotte)
Sally/Sarah Sweet (Extra Case: My Girlfriend's Secrets)
Stella (Angry Birds)
Willow (Angry Birds)
Silver (Angry Birds)
Kiki (Kiki & Ana : The Child)
Ana (Kiki & Ana : The Child)
Miles Tails Prower/Tails the Fox (Sonic)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic)
Tangle the Lemur (Sonic)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic)
The Collector (The Owl House)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Charlie Magne/Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
Emily (Hazbin Hotel)
Bridget (Guilty Gear)
Sketchbook (DHMIS)
Colin the Computer (DHMIS)
Laptop (DHMIS)
Tony the Clock (DHMIS)
Magnet (DHMIS)
Electracey the Meter (DHMIS)
Ocho Tootmorsel (TAWOG)
William (TAWOG)
Miranda Paiarel (TAWOG)
BMO (Adventure Time)
Bronwyn (Adventure Time)
Bendy (BATIM)
Alice Angel (BATIM)
Monika (DDLC)
Sayu (NSR)
Gordon Freeman (Half Life/HLVRAI)
Ami Mizuno (Sailor Moon)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Stella (World Flipper)
Angela Ziegler/Mercy (Overwatch)
Octavia Goetia (Helluva Boss)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Lorraine (Lorraine)
Loremaster (Helltaker)
Justice (Helltaker)
Beelzebub (Helltaker)
Zdrada (Helltaker)
Baphomet (Helltaker)
Princess Luna (MLP)
Rainbow Dash (MLP)
Pinkamena (MLP/Creepypasta)
Sally Williams (Creepypasta)
Deadplants.mp4/Deadplants.exe (Plants vs Zombies/Creepypasta)
KV-2 (Gerand)
Pike (Gerand)
Bea Santello (NITW)
Mae Borowski (NITW)
Gwen Stacy (Spiderman Into/Across The Spiderverse)
Sans (Undertale)
Flowey the Flower (Undertale)
Susie (Deltarune)
Kokoa Yoshizaki (Killer in Love)
Carla (Maggot Baits)
Carol (Maggot Baits)
Kangel (NSO/NGO)
Nui Harime (Kill La Kill)
Nao Egokoro (YTTD)
Kanna Kizuchi (YTTD)
Reko Yabusame (YTTD)
Sara Chidouin (YTTD)
Serial Designation V (Murder Drones)
Uzi Doorman (Murder Drones)
Cyn (Murder Drones)
Pomni (TADC)
Gangle (TADC)
Tari (SMG4/Meta Runner)
Lucinia Porter (Meta Runner)
Raven (DLC/Teen Titans)
Starfire (DLC/Teen Titans)
Hilda Berg (Cuphead)
Ms Chalice (Cuphead)
Tip (Endacopia)
Mellow (Endacopia)
Master Frown (Unikitty!)
Brock (Unikitty!)
Unikitty (Unikitty!)
Master Hazard (Unikitty!)
Master Pain (Unikitty!)
Meika Hime (Vocaloid)
Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
SeeU (Vocaloid)
Aoki Lapis (Vocaloid)
Macne Nana (Vocaloid)
Mitsuko (Utauloid)
Claire (The Snow Is Red)
Noir (The Snow Is Red)
Mirphy Fotoparat (Smile For Me)
Lucia/SCP-027 (Vermin God)
Francisca (Kirby)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Susie Haltmann (Kirby)
Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel (Hollow Knight)
Hornet (Hollow Knight)
The Knight/Ghost (Hollow Knight)
Lost kin (Hollow Knight)
Greenpath Vessel (Hollow Knight)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Stella (Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem)
Misato Katsuragi (NGE)
Saki (Re:Turn - One Way Trip)
Ayumi (Re:Turn - One Way Trip/Re:Turn 2 - Runaway)
Olivia Unster/KI 56 (Good Job/Good Time)
Shinigami (Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE)
Melami Goldmine (Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE)
Fubuki Clockford (Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE)
Slough (Candy Scabs)
Eschar (Candy Scabs)
Valerie (Candy Scabs)
June Miller (Classmates)
Callie (Splatoon)
Shiver (Splatoon)
Vanilla (World's End Club)
Yuki (World's End Club)
Eclipsa Butterfly (SVTFOE)
Mara (SPOP)
Adora (SPOP)
Adora (SPOP 1985)
Diana Spencer (factive)
İlayda Çevik (factive)
0 notes
torentialtribute · 5 years
England’s talented kids cross the Irish Sea for Under-17 European Championship
With the encouraging words of Gareth Southgate fresh in their minds, England's latest cohort of talented players crossed the Irish Sea this week in search of more success and silverware.
Prospering at youth tournaments has become the norm for England's Young Lions and expectations are naturally high ahead of the UEFA Under-17 European Championship in the Republic of Ireland which gets underway on Friday.
Coach Steve Cooper guided England to success in the 2014 European Championship and then the 2017 FIFA Under-17 World Cup. They were also Euro runners-up in 2017.
England manager Gareth Southgate addressed the under-17 squad before they departed for their European Championship in the Republic of Ireland, which begins on Friday
England are the reigning world champions at under-17 level following their 2017 success
Steve Cooper, who masterminded England's World Cup win, preparations for his latest tournament
That 2017 group contained Callum Hudson-Odoi and Jadon Sancho, two players who have proven the pathway from youth ranks to Southgate's senior team is more akin to a highway for those willing to apply their talents.
It's why England's 20-strong group for this latest competition were all ears when Southgate addressed them and their parents at a send-off dinner at St George's Park on Sunday evening.
"The players know it's authentic, he has a genuine interest in all the England youth teams and is very much behind us," Cooper told Sportsmail on the eve of England's opener against France in Longford on Friday night.
'He wants to be a part of it and St George's Park is brilliant for that. Myself, Gareth and the other coaches all work out of the same workspace.
'It's not just Gareth's interest but Steve Holland [Southgate’s assistant manager] and Aidy Boothroyd [under-21 coach] as well. It's all joined up thinking. "
Jadon Sancho (second left) and Callum Hudson-Odoi (second right) playing for England at the Under-17 European Championship in 2017
Sancho has made enormous stri of since leaving Manchester City to join Borussia Dortmund
Callum Hudson- Odoi has also become an exciting member of the England senior side
Sancho and Hudson-Odoi during England's Euro 2020 qualifier against the Czech Republic
U17 Euros draw
Republic of Ireland (hosts), Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece
Holland, France, England, Sweden
Iceland, Portugal, Hungary, Russia
Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria
Chelsea's Hudson-Odoi, 18, and Jadon Sancho, 19, or Borussia Dortmund, who have both been handed full England debuts in the past six months, are just a year or two older than the squad heading to Ireland.
For Cooper, who is set to embark on his seventh tournament as England coach at this level, it's proof that the England DNA blueprint that accompanied the opening of the National Football Center is working in 2012.
"It gives hope to everyone who is here," he said. "The likes of Hudson-Odoi and Sancho went through a similar experience.
" It makes the message believable to all those who are here. They can relate to the players that have come through.
'But equally, we have a long way to go before we reach the main objectives of the England DNA which is for the senior side to win the World Cup and the European Championship. "
Sancho could well be one day looked back upon as a trailblazer by deciding to leave Manchester City's academy for Dortmund in the summer of 2017 in pursuit of greater first-team opportunities.
John O'Shea is an ambassador for the Under-17 European Championship to be staged in Ireland
Peter Van Der Veen, Jean Claude Giuntini, Steve Cooper and Christofer Augustsson, the coaches of Holland, France, England and Sweden respectively, pose with the trophy "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Peter Van Der Veen, Jean Claude Giuntini, Steve Cooper and Christofer Augustsson, the coaches of Holland, France, England and Sweden respectively, pose with the trophy
Now a regular in Dortmund's team in both the Bundesliga and the Champions League, Sancho's career trajectory has soared and other young Englishmen are tempted to follow his example.
In this under-17 squad, Nonso Madueke made the decision to leave Tottenham for Dutch club PSV Eindhoven last summer in search of a clearer route to first-team football , turning down Manchester United in the process.
Left-back Matthew Bondswell last year swapped Nottingham Forest's under-18 team for the academy of German side RB Leipzig, while midfielder Jeremy Sarmiento left Charlton Athletic to join Benfica in Portugal
While some are clearly to follow the Sancho trend, it remains a fact that most of England's squad has been picked from leading Premier League academies – Man City are especially prominent. , with six players.
Malachi Fagan-Walcott plays for Tottenham against Ajax in the ABN AMRO Future Cup
Miguel Azeez (middle) in action for Arsenal – he has been selected in England's squad
England group games
And gland vs France (7pm; City Calling Stadium, Longford)
Live on BBC Connected TV and BBC Sport website
England vs Holland (3pm; Tolka Park, Dublin)
England vs Sweden (4.30pm; Whitehall Stadium, Dublin)
Qualifying for these finals wasn't especially straightforward for England – in the elite round in late March, they beat Switzerland 5-2 and drew 0-0 with Croatia.
They then found themselves sweating over qualification in the final fixture against Denmark before Madueke scored a stoppage time goal to send them through with a 3-2 win.
It won't get any easier in the group. After their meeting with France, the Young Lions play Holland, the side that defeated them in last year's semi-finals, on Monday and Sweden next Thursday.
The added incentive that the competition in Ireland acts as a gateway for qualification to the FIFA Under-17 World Cup to be staged in Brazil later this year.
The four semi-finalists will automatically qualify with a play-off between the two losing quarter-finalists with the best records in the group stage to determine Europe's fifth and final spot.
With England the reigning world champions, they won't want to miss out.
England forward Sam Greenwood (left) in action for his club side Arsenal against Fulham
Benjamin Knight (shooting) is one of six Manchester City players named in the England squad
"We were proud when we qualified for this tournament," said Cooper. "We had to play on an astroturf pitch in Denmark and we had learned to work hard so the lads.
" I always look at the bigger picture and the players will be better and stronger for the experience. They need to experience everything so they have stuff to fall back on in the future.
'I'm excited by the draw. We revamped our games program to ensure we had the toughest games we could, we need to be the best in the world.
'France and Holland are strong, while Sweden will be a different challenge for us, and this is a brilliant opportunity to test the staff. ”
England squad for U17 Euros
Goalkeepers: Louie Moulden (Manchester City), James Trafford (Manchester City)
Defenders: Matthew Bondswell (RB Leipzig), Taylor Harwood-Bellis (Manchester City), Malachi Fagan-Walcott (Tottenham Hotspur), Teden Mengi (Manchester United) , Haydon Roberts (Brighton & Hove Albion), Samson Robinson (Manchester City)
Midfielders: Miguel Azeez (Arsenal), Lewis Bate (Chelsea), Teddy Jenks (Brighton and Hove Albion) , Nonso Madueke (PSV Eindhoven), Yunus Musah (Arsenal), Cole Palmer (Manchester City), Jensen Weir (Wigan Athletic), Jer emy Sarmiento (Benfica)
Forwards: Joseph Gelhardt (Wigan Athletic), Sam Greenwood (Arsenal), Benjamin Knight (Manchester City), Morgan Rogers (West Bromwich Albion)
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f1mister · 6 years
Follow @Formula1RD
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La W Series arrancará el 3 de mayo de 2019 en el circuito de Hockenheim como carrera soporte del DTM. Son muchas las pilotos que quieren acceder a esta categoría exclusiva para mujeres y para ello han tenido que rellenar una solicitud y se ha tenido que escoger entre más de 100 candidatas para quedar en 55 finalistas.
Entre esas más de 50 pilotos se encuentras tres españolas, Carmen Boix, piloto de la Nascar Whelen Euro Series; Marta García, que compitió en la F4 española y se encuentra en el programa de jóvenes pilotos de Renault; y Carmen Jordá, que completó la GP3 y fue piloto de desarrollo de Renault.
"Más de 100 chicas de 30 países han intentado entrar en la categoría, de la cual ha salido una lista de 55 posibles candidatas. Estamos encantados, pero no sorprendidos por la respuesta. Incluso actualmente hay un enorme desequilibrio de género en el automovilismo y la W Series está dando el primer paso para corregir eso. Las pilotos de todo el mundo han dado un paso adelante, así que está claro que con el marco adecuado podemos hacer los cambios que este deporte necesita desesperadamente", explicó Catherine Bond Muir, la directora general de la categoría.
Aunque hay 55 candidatas preseleccionadas, solo 18 podrán competir en la categoría. Para ello, deberán pasar tres días de pruebas para evaluar sus habilidades al volante, así como el nivel físico y el perfil personal.
Aquí está el listado de las 55 candidatas preseleccionadas para participar de la W Series según país, edad y última competición donde han participado (y si han conseguido ganar o no):
Noruega – Ayla Agren – 25 – Road to Indy, F1600 (campeona)
Emiratos Árabes Unidos – Amna Al Qubaisi – 18 – F4 Italiana
Australia – Chelsea Angelo – 22 – Supercars Development Series
España – Carmen Boix Gil – 22 – NASCAR Whelen Euro
Bélgica – Sarah Bovy – 29 – Lamborghini Super Trofeo
Estados Unidos – Toni Breidinger – 19 – USAC Midget, ARCA
Sudáfrica – Ivana Cetinich – 22 – Kart racing
Reino Unido – Jamie Chadwick – 20 – British F3, British GT (campeona GT4)
República Checa – Veronika Cicha – 31 – Boss GP
Estados Unidos – Sabre Cook – 24 – Road to Indy, US F4
Estados Unidos – Courtney Crone – 17 – Formula Car Challenge
Estados Unidos – Natalie Decker – 21 – ARCA
India – Mira Erda – 18 – JK Tyre Championship
Italia – Carlotta Fedeli – 26 – TCR
Estados Unidos – Cassie Gannis – 27 – NASCAR K&N
España – Marta García – 18 – F4 Española
Dinamarca – Michelle Gatting – 24 – Danish Supertourisme
Alemania – Angelique Germann – 27 – F3 Austriaca
Canadá – Megan Gilkes -17 – F1200 Canada
Venezuela – Samin Gomez – 26 – GP3
China – Grace Gui – 27 – Fórmula Renault Asiática
Alemania – Michelle Halder – 19 – TCR Alemán
Reino Unido – Esmee Hawkey – 20 – Porsche Carrera Cup GB
Reino Unido – Jessica Hawkins – 23 -Mini Challenge
Estados Unidos – Shea Holbrook – 28 – Lamborghini Super Trofeo
España – Carmen Jordá – 30 – GP3
Hungría – Vivien Keszthelyi – 17 – Audi SS R8 Cup
Finlandia – Emma Kimilainen – 29 – STCC
Polonia – Natalia Kowalska – 28 – Formula Two
Holanda – Stephane Kox – 24 – GT4 European
Japó – Miki Koyama – 21 – Japanese F4
Sudáfrica – Fabienne Lanz – 32 – Kart racing
Finlandia – Milla Makela – 25 – Fórmula Ford Finlandesa
Rumanía – Alexandra Marinescu – 18 – F4 Británica
Holanda – Milou Mets – 28 – LMV8 Oval Series
Estados Unidos – Sheena Monk – 29 – Lamborghini Super Trofeo
Reino Unido – Sarah Moore – 25 – LMP3, Ginetta Junior (campeona)
Alemania – Marylin Niederhauser – 22 – GT4 Europeo
Sudáfrica – Tasmin Pepper – 28 – VW Engen Polo Cup
Italia – Vicky Piria – 25 – GP3, European F3 Open
Canadá – Taegen Poles – 20 – Kart racing
Reino Unido – Alice Powell – 25 – GP3, Fórmula Renault Británica (campeona)
Australia – Charlotte Poynting – 20 – Aussie Racing Cars
Bélgica – Naomi Schiff – 24 – Formula Renault 2.0, GT4 European
Alemania – Carrie Schreiner – 20 – Lamborghini Super Trofeo (campeona Pro-Am Oriente Medio)
Suiza – Sharon Scolari – 23 – Fórmula Renault 2.0
Alemania – Doreen Seidel – 33 – VW Scirocco, GT4 European
Malasia – Siti Shahkirah – 24 – F4 SEA
India – Sneha Sharma – 28 – JK Tyre Championship
Brasil – Bruna Tomaselli – 21 – Road to Indy
Holanda – Shirley van der Lof – 32 – F3 Alemana
Holanda – Beitske Visser – 23 – Fórmula Renault 3.5, GT4 European
Liechtenstein – Fabienne Wohlwend – 21 – Ferrari Europe
Australia – Caitlin Wood – 21 – Blancpain GT
Estados Unidos – Hanna Zellers – 21 – US F4, IMSA Prototype Challenge
La entrada Tres españolas, entre las más de 50 candidatas para la W Series aparece primero en Todo sobre autos y velocidad.
via Todo sobre autos y velocidad
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Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken: Pokémon Themed Teams
Ruby Gillman:
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I chose Malamar for Ruby mainly for 2 reasons: Design-wise it´s pretty similar to her by being quite anthropomorphic, using it´s tentacles as limbs and a group of tendrils as it´s hair, also the lights on it´s torso fits with Ruby´s bioluminiscent lights on her Kraken form, AND it´s dark type fits on the common belief that krakens are evil sea creatures.
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I already said that Malamar was supposed to represent Ruby design-wise, the thing is that I also wanted to represent the Kraken as it´s commonly depicted as a colossal squid, and there´s no better fitting for that role than Tentacruel.
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Swampert´s typing fits Ruby quite well, it´s a water type which fits with her being the protector of the sea AND it´s also a ground type which fits with her choice to keep living her life on land, also, Ruby´s dog Nessie has some resemblence to a Mudkip aswell.
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Magnezone represents Ruby´s math skills, it got Analytic as it´s hidden ability which boost it´s attack if it attacks last, which sound fitting for a mathlethe, and also, it quite literally got them LASER EYES.
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Mimikyu´s as it´s core concept is a pokémon that seeks to be appreciated by others by pretending to be something else (more especifically, a Pikachu), so it´s fitting with Ruby´s initial goal to just pass on as a regular teenager.
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Remember the stranded whale Ruby stayed with for 7 hours until the tide raised again back when she was a child and later on she met it again shortly after finding out about her Kraken abilities? Wailord is that whale.
Chelsea Van Der Zee:
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Just like with Ruby´s Malamar, Chelsea and Milotic´s design are quite similar, from being inspired on a Mermaid to their color palettes which matches quite well, also Milotic is considered one of the most beautiful pokémon in existence, so that´s someone Chelsea would want to have on her team.
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Empoleons are royal and proud pokémon, which is fitting for someone who´s the queen of the Mermaids, and what not, it´s beak is designed after a trident.
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Empoleon already represented Chelsea as part of royalty, but Tsareena properly depicts her personality as "THE new girl in school" with her queen behavior and style.
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Cincinnos are described as extremely tidy pokémon, to the point they will stop anything and everything they are doing if their fur gets dirty to fix it right away, sounds familiar?
"My hair feels like it´s frizzing up, and you can´t trust a person with frizz Ruby!"
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Mawiles are deceptive pokémon, they lead other pokémon to a false sense of safety with their cute and harmless look, and when they lower their guard, strikes them with their maws, it´s quite fitting with the theme of Chelsea and Mermaids as deceptive creatures.
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I´ve come to the realization that Milotic´s and Crawdaunt´s color palette are quite similar, only that Crawdaunt has a rather heavy focus on the red colour, that mixed with their aggresive nature is a good fit for Chelsea on her "Nerissa form"... it also serves to represent Captain Gordon´s pet crab (probably the one creature Chelsea fears the most).
27 notes · View notes
estudiodedecoracion · 7 years
Eileen Gray
Eileen Gray. Diseñadora de muebles, de interiores y arquitecta.
Eileen Gray, en realidad Kathleen Eileen Moray (1878, Brownswood, Enniscorthy, Condado de Wexford, Irlanda – 1976, París) fue una artista experta en lacar muebles, diseñadora de mobiliario y de interiores, y arquitecta irlandesa famosa por incorporar el trabajo de la laca en el International Style. Fue sobre todo una de las primeras mujeres diseñadoras industriales reconocidas internacionalmente.
Su familia le cambió el nombre por el de Gray en 1893, después de que su madre, Lady Eveleen Pounden, heredase un título nobiliario de un tío suyo escocés, convirtiéndose en la baronesa Gray.
Eileen Gray, que era la más pequeña de cinco hermanos, pasó su infancia entre las diversas casas familiares en Irlanda y la residencia de Londres. Heredó de su madre el interés y el buen gusto por la decoración, así como el espíritu aventurero de su padre, el pintor James Maclaren Smith, al que acompañó en varios viajes a Italia o Alemania.
Recibió una educación formal y fue educada desde el principio por institutrices. Hizo su primera visita a París acompañando a su madre a la Exposición Universal de 1900, donde conoció el trabajo de Mackintosh -uno de los diseñadores más influyentes del Art Nouveau y propulsor del Arts & Crafts– y comenzó a interesarse por las artes decorativas.
En 1901, Eileen se matriculó en dibujo en la Slade School of Fine Arts de Londres, siendo una de las primeras mujeres admitidas en esta escuela.
Este período de aprendizaje, donde en sus visitas al Museo Victoria & Albert desarrolló su admiración por los trabajos asiáticos de la laca -que la animaron a aprender la técnica en un taller de laca de Londres- también le supuso por diferentes motivos la progresiva separación emocional de su familia.
En 1902 se estableció temporalmente en París para continuar sus estudios de dibujo en la École Colarossi, junto con sus amigas Kathleen Bruce y Jessie Gavin. Las tres ocuparon una pensión en la rue Bara 7, cerca de Montparnasse.
Pronto fueron transferidas a la Académie Julian en la rue du Dragon, donde la enseñanza iba directamente enfocada a la preparación de los estudiantes para ingresar en la École des Beaux-Arts.
Durante este tiempo Gray también realizó cursos de verano en Caudebec-en-Caux (Normandía), a cargo de la pintora neozelandesa Frances Hodgkin.
En 1905 regresa a Londres a causa de la enfermedad de su madre y continuó sus estudios en la misma Slade School of Fine Arts.
No es hasta 1906 que se estableció definitivamente en París, en un apartamento de la rue Bonaparte (cerca de la iglesia de Saint-Germain des Prés), que ocupó el resto de su vida. Ese mismo año comenzó una relación con el maestro de la laca japonés, Seizo Sougarawa.
Entre 1909 y 1912 visita diversos lugares, primero el norte de África donde aprende todo acerca de las artistas marroquíes en el arte del tejido. Más tarde viajó a América junto a su hermana Thora y sus amigas Gaby Bloch y Florence Gardiner, haciendo escala en el Gran Cañón y las Montañas Rocosas entre otros lugares, con los quedó fascinada.
En 1913 fue cuando Eileen Gray consolida su reputación como representante del movimiento Art Decó, después de su exposición en el Salon des Artistes Décorateurs en París, donde muestra algunos muebles y paneles decorativos.
Al estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial en 1914, Eileen Gray pasa a ser conductora de ambulancias en París durante los primeros meses de 1915, pero regresa a Londres llevándose consigo a Seizo Sougarawa, y abriendo un taller en Chelsea para producir sus diseños.
Pero no fue hasta 1922 cuando, tras ganarse la reputación como la primera artista europea del siglo XX en adaptar las tradicionales técnicas asiáticas del uso de la laca en muebles de diseño, que Gray decidió abrir su propia tienda de decoración (1922 y 1930).
Después de regresar de Londres con Sugawara, Gray alquiló un local en Rue du Fauborg Saint Honoré (París), y junto al escritor y arquitecto rumano Jean Badovici (1893-1956) diseñaron para su tienda una fachada innovadora y moderna en negro y blanco a la que llamaron Jean Desert Gallery.
En este espacio expuso y vendió sus piezas, alfombras y diseños de mobiliario, y ocasionalmente expuso piezas de otros artistas.
En sus diseños propuso diferentes trabajos en los que buscaba formas simples y materiales más baratos destinados a un público con una capacidad adquisitiva menos elevada que la élite para la cual había trabajado hasta entonces.
Exhibió mobiliario hecho con nuevos materiales como el cromo, el tubo de acero y muebles de vidrio (en 1925) el mismo año que Mies van der Rohe y Marcel Breuer, pero mucho antes que Le Corbusier.
Intentaba que fueran objetos que se pudieran producir en serie y que cambiasen el estilo de vida de la sociedad, fusionando el valor artístico con el funcionalismo. Este mobiliario era también utilizado en los encargos para decorar interiores que recibía Gray.
Uno de los más célebres fue el apartamento Lota en París, completado en 1922 y que pertenecía a la famosa modista Madame Mathieu-Lévy, (más conocida como Suzanne Talbot), y que fue uno de los mejores y más sensacionales ejemplos de decoración francesa de los años 20.
El equipamiento completo le llevó a Eileen alrededor de 4 años. Lo dotó de paneles lacados en negro y plata, ocultando las molduras originales. Entre los diseños de mobiliario para este apartamento destaca la silla Bibendum, una de las creaciones más reconocidas del siglo XX.
Esta silla, inspirada en la mascota que Michelín creó para promocionar sus neumáticos, estaba compuesta por una estructura tubular de acero cromado, con el asiento y el respaldo tapizado de piel en color blanco. Gracias al éxito que tuvo se pudo financiar la galería Jean Desert que acababa de abrir.
En 1923 Eileen fue invitada a exponer una habitación completamente amueblada por ella en el 14º Salon des artistes décorateurs. Allí presentó su proyecto de una “Chambre-boudoir para Monte-Carlo“.
La siguiente gran contribución de Eileen Gray fue en arquitectura. Gray trabajó estrechamente con muchas de las destacadas figuras del movimiento moderno, entre ellas Le Corbusier y  Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud, y animada por éstos diseñó dos casas en los Alpes Marítimos franceses, una en Roquebrune (entre 1926 y 1929) y la otra en Castellar.
Eileen Gray empezó a experimentar directamente con la arquitectura cuando se convirtió en colaboradora de Jean Badovici. Éste había escrito sobre sus diseños en 1924 y había animado a Gray en su interés por la arquitectura.
Con Jean Badovici mantuvo una relación intermitente durante algún tiempo que concluyó en 1932.
A mediados de los años 20, Adrienne Górska -arquitecta polaca- instruyó en dibujo arquitectónico a Gray, quien mantuvo esta actividad en secreto por vergüenza.
Como mujer, a Eileen Gray se le negó el apoyo institucional del que se beneficiaron sus contemporáneos masculinos. Tampoco tenía la ventaja de trabajar con un reconocido mentor, ni compartía una trayectoria con otros diseñadores, ya sea mediante el estudio en las mismas escuelas (como la Bauhaus en Alemania) o como aprendiz en un Estudio (como Le Corbusier en París). Tanto su entorno privilegiado, como su género, la dejaron aislada.
En 1932 comenzó a proyectar la casa E1027, su propia casa de veraneo cerca del mar, para compartir con Jean Badovici a las afueras de Menton, cerca de Castellar (sur de Francia), terminada en 1934.
El nombre de la casa, E-1027, se trata de un código numérico resultante de combinar sus iniciales según el orden de las letras del alfabeto; “E” para Eileen, “10” de la “J” de Jean, “2” de la “B” de Badovici y “7” de la “G” de Gray. En ésta construcción empleó muchos de los principios fundamentales del Movimiento moderno que Le Corbusier enunció en 1927.
La casa era pequeña y fue diseñada como un espacio sencillo en donde todo fuera eficaz. Con novedosos armarios empotrados aprovechando los espacios muertos. Destacaba el gran salón abierto que a su vez podía hacer de alcoba para dormir. Era un espacio donde los propios muebles eran parte de la arquitectura de la casa.
En 1932-34 , Gray diseñó y decoró un nuevo hogar para ella, un lugar para la auto-experimentación, Tempe à Pailla (en Castellar). Este es otro icono de la arquitectura moderna, un espacio multiusos diseñado para poder vivir y trabajar. Además los muebles fueron diseñados para conseguir la mayor funcionalidad de manera que separaban y diferenciaban espacios, o se plegaban para liberarlo.
Otro proyecto, el “Centre des Vacances“, se mostró en el Pabellón de los Tiempos Nuevos en la Exposición Internacional de 1937 en París. Éste Pabellón fue un proyecto de Le Corbusier y Pierre Jeanneret, y fue el resultado de muchos años de trabajo de estos arquitectos y sus colegas del CIAM.
El Pabellón era una máquina para la transformación de los visitantes, introduciéndolos en las nuevas doctrinas de la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Es el manifiesto construido por Le Corbusier para lograr la unidad y la armonía en el mundo a través de la arquitectura y el urbanismo.
Forzada a expatriarse durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, huye a Lourmarin, más en el interior de la Provenza-Alpes-Costa Azul. Mientras tanto, su hogar de Menton es saqueado y medio destruido por las tropas alemanas y los constantes bombardeos de la zona.
En 1945 Menton es liberado y Eileen Gray vuelve a Castellar y al encontrar su casa en condiciones penosas regresa a París.
Después de la guerra, y hasta su muerte en 1976, Eileen Gray siguió trabajando como diseñadora en proyectos como el Centro Cultural y Social, que la ocupó desde 1946-1949, y que no llegó a construirse; y en una serie de diseños de muebles más pequeños.
Eileen Gray se mantuvo activa tras cumplir los 90 años, trabajando hasta 14 horas al día perfeccionando su portafolio y organizando sus diversos diseños de muebles y proyectos.
Una de sus últimas tareas fue trabajar con Zeev Aram en la introducción de sus diseños en el mercado mundial.
Sus trabajos están en las colecciones de los museos más prestigiosos del mundo como el Museo Victoria & Albert de Londres, y por ejemplo su mesa ajustable E1027 está en la colección de diseño permanente del Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York.
La Royal Society of Arts la nombró diseñadora real para la industria en 1972.
Aram Designs posee la licencia mundial de Eileen Gray Designs.
Eileen Gray (pág. web).
Eileen Gray y su silla “Transat” (1925/27).
Alessandro Mendini
Alfredo Häberli
Alvar Aalto
Andrea Branzi
Andrée Putman
Andreu Carulla
Andy Martin
Antonio Citterio
Arend Groosman
Arik Levy
Arne Jacobsen
Benjamin Graindorge
Benjamin Hubert
Bertjan Pot
Boca do Lobo
Carlo Mollino
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Charles y Ray Eames
Claudio Colucci
David Adjaye
Doshi Levien
Edward van Vliet
Eero Saarinen
Eileen Gray
Enzo Mari
Ettore Sottsass
Fabio Novembre
Fernando Mastrangelo
Filippo Mambretti
Finn Juhl
Francesco Rota
Frank Gehry
Frank Lloyd Wright
Fredrikson Stallard
Gabriella Crespi
Gae Aulenti
Gaetano Pesce
George Nelson
Gerrit Rietveld
Goula Figuera
Hella Jongerius
Hermanos Campana
Hervé Van der Straeten
India Mahdavi
Inga Sempé
Jaime Hayón
Jasper Morrison
Jean Prouvé
Joaquim Tenreiro
Joe Colombo
Jonathan Adler
Jörg Schellmann
Jurgen Bey
Karim Rashid
Kelly Wearstler
Lex Pott
Lievore Altherr
Lucas Muñoz Muñoz
Ludovica y Roberto Palomba
Marc Newson
Marcel Breuer
Max Lamb
Michael Anastassiades.
Mies van Der Rohe
Miguel Milá
Naoto Fukasawa
Nigel Coates
Olivier Mourgue
Paola Navone
Paolo Lomazzi
Patricia Urquiola
Pierre Paulin
Piet Hein Eek
Quentin de Coster
Richard Hutten
Richard Sapper
Rick Owens
Rodolfo Dordoni
Ron Arad
Ron Gilad
Sacha Lakic
Scholten & Baijings
Seung-Yong Song
Shiro Kuramata
Simone Simonelli
Studio Job
Tapio Wirkkala
Tejo Remy
Thomas Sandell
Tokujin Yoshioka
Tom Dixon
Toni Grilo
Ueli y Susi Berger
Verner Panton
Vico Magistretti
Vincenzo de Cotiis
Vladimir Kagan
Von Pelt
William Sawaya
Xavier Lust
Yrjo Kukkapuro
Yves Béhar
Zaha Hadid
from http://decorador.online/disenadores-destacados/eileen-gray/
0 notes
chelseak85 · 8 years
Review: Big Elephant Thai Restaurant in Wellington
Having seen out 24 years on Cambridge Tce, The Oriental Thai (1993-2017) was, to put it mildly, a stayer. It wasn't quite the first Thai restaurant in Wellington (that was Sala Thai), but its splendour has never been matched before or since. Jutting out from the adjoining building like a Thai temple, the soaring conical space was a grand gesture from founder Suzy van der Kwast. With its sea of white tablecloths and brocade dining chairs, its ambience seemed not so much Thai as central European. from http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/90242189/Review-Big-Elephant-Thai-Restaurant-in-Wellington from Chelsea Kingston's Blog http://chelseak85.blogspot.com/2017/03/review-big-elephant-thai-restaurant-in.html
0 notes
estudiodedecoracion · 7 years
Tom Dixon
Tom Dixon. Diseñador de productos y autodidacta.
Tom Dixon (1959, Sfax, Túnez ) es un diseñador inglés autodidacta de madre francesa y padre británico.
Tom Dixon se trasladó a Gran Bretaña en 1963 a los cuatro años de edad. Estuvo un tiempo estudiando en la Escuela de Arte de Chelsea, pero salió para tocar el bajo en la banda de música Funkapolitan.
Su carrera artística comenzó cuando descubrió el placer de la soldadura mientras reparaba el cuadro de su motocicleta averiada en un accidente.
Desde ese momento Tom Dixon abandonó el estilo de vida rebelde de bajista y promotor de clubes nocturnos, para dedicarse a experimentar con metales y técnicas de soldadura hasta conseguir destacar, a mediados de los años ochenta, como “el talentoso diseñador inexperto” que da vida a sus primeros muebles a partir de materiales de reciclaje.
Se familiarizó con diferentes técnicas industriales que posteriormente utilizó para crear una serie de productos. Dixon obtuvo reconocimiento como artista a fines de la década de los ochenta cuando su primer diseño, la S Chair, fue fabricada por la prestigiosa firma italiana Marco Capellini; un éxito absoluto y el primero de una larga serie.
En 1987 fundó la compañía de fabricación de muebles y lámparas, Dixon PID, que más tarde se convirtió en Space, dedicada a la fabricación de lámparas en edición exclusiva o limitada.
Los diseños de Dixon en la década de los noventa fueron menos artesanales y más escultóricos. En 1998, Sir Terence Conan, dueño de la tienda Habitat e ícono del diseño británico del siglo XX, nombra a Tom Dixon Jefe de diseño de su firma, y más tarde Director creativo hasta 2008. Dixon fue así la cara pública de un equipo colectivo responsable de rejuvenecer la marca.
En el año 2002 estableció su propia marca con el nombre de “Tom Dixon” volcada en el diseño de mobiliario y luminarias. Un negocio multifacético, junto con el economista David Begg, que es Estudio de diseño, Sala de exposiciones, Salón de té y Restaurante, con sede en un almacén victoriano en los muelles de Portobello (Londres).
En 2004, Proventus, la compañía de inversión privada con sede en Suecia, se asoció con Tom Dixon para establecer Design Research, un holding de diseño y desarrollo de producto.
En 2007 Dixon lanzó Design Research Studio, un estudio de diseño de interiores y arquitectura. Entre sus proyectos de alto nivel están el restaurante en la Academia Real en Londres; el restaurante Barbecoa (Londres), del mediático cocinero Jamie Oliver, y la casa de Shoreditch.
Más recientemente, Design Research Studio anunció su primer proyecto hotelero, re-diseñando la emblemática Thames-side Sea Containers House en colaboración con el gigante de hoteles Morgans Hotel Group, finalizado en el verano de 2014.
Tom Dixon es sensible tanto a las habilidades artesanales locales (por ejemplo sus luminarias Beat Shade están hechas a mano por artesanos en el norte de la India) como a las tecnologías y los nuevos métodos de producción.
Con sus diseños pretende llevar lo extraordinario a lo cotidiano, produciendo hermosos objetos que son, aún así, lo suficientemente resistentes para el uso diario.
Obsesionado con los materiales nobles, y con un gran compromiso para innovar en el diseño y en la fabricación, Tom Dixon está comprometido con la innovación y con repensar y revivir la industria del mueble británico.
Los productos de la compañía Tom Dixon se venden internacionalmente en 65 países y lanza nuevas colecciones de iluminación y mobiliario dos veces al año en la Feria del Mueble de Milán y en el London Design Festival.
Diseños icónicos como el Copper Ball; Beat y Luster Shade han consolidado la marca Tom Dixon como una de las marcas contemporáneas más elegantes y a la vez provocativas -con una pequeña dosis de excentricidad en sus creaciones- tanto en el espacio de diseño interior comercial, como en el espacio doméstico.
Entre sus reconocimientos están la distinción de la Orden del Imperio Británico (OBE) 2001 por sus servicios al diseño británico; y doctorados honorarios por la Universidad de Birmingham (2004), y por la Universidad de las Artes de Londres en 2007.
Sus obras están en los museos de todo el mundo, entre ellos el Victoria & Albert Museum; el Museum of Modern Art de Nueva York, y el Centre Georges Pompidou de París.
Tom Dixon (pág. web).
Tom Dixon y su serie de lámparas “Beat Shade”, luminarias en bronce patinado inspiradas en la sencillez escultórica de las ollas de cobre tradicionales.
Alessandro Mendini
Alfredo Häberli
Alvar Aalto
Andrea Branzi
Andreu Carulla
Andy Martin
Antonio Citterio
Arend Groosman
Arik Levy
Arne Jacobsen
Benjamin Graindorge
Benjamin Hubert
Bertjan Pot
Boca do Lobo
Carlo Mollino
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Charles y Ray Eames
Claudio Colucci
David Adjaye
Doshi Levien
Edward van Vliet
Eero Saarinen
Enzo Mari
Ettore Sottsass
Fabio Novembre
Fernando Mastrangelo
Finn Juhl
Francesco Rota
Frank Gehry
Frank Lloyd Wright
Fredrikson Stallard
Gabriella Crespi
George Nelson
Goula Figuera
Hermanos Campana
Hervé Van der Straeten
Inga Sempé
Jaime Hayón
Jasper Morrison
Jean Prouvé
Joaquim Tenreiro
Joe Colombo
Jonathan Adler
Jörg Schellmann
Kelly Wearstler
Lex Pott
Ludovica y Roberto Palomba
Marc Newson
Marcel Breuer
Max Lamb
Michael Anastassiades.
Mies van Der Rohe
Naoto Fukasawa
Nigel Coates
Olivier Mourgue
Paolo Lomazzi
Patricia Urquiola
Pierre Paulin
Piet Hein Eek
Quentin de Coster
Rick Owens
Rodolfo Dordoni
Ron Arad
Sacha Lakic
Scholten & Baijings
Seung-Yong Song
Simone Simonelli
Studio Job
Tapio Wirkkala
Tejo Remy
Thomas Sandell
Tom Dixon
Toni Grilo
Ueli y Susi Berger
Verner Panton
Vico Magistretti
Vincenzo de Cotiis
Vladimir Kagan
Von Pelt
William Sawaya
Xavier Lust
Yrjo Kukkapuro
Zaha Hadid
from http://decorador.online/disenadores-destacados/tom-dixon/
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