#chemical sensors
saltypeanutnerd · 25 days
Capteurs chimiques, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 15 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Capteurs chimiques 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Capteurs chimiques devrait atteindre 46650 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 9.0% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Capteurs chimiques (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Capteurs chimiques comprennent ABB, Siemens, Honeywell, Amphenol, NGK SPARK PLUG (Niterra), 3M, Emerson Electric, DENSO Auto Parts, MSA Safety, Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, etc. En 2023, les cinq premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 28.0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 15 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Capteurs chimiques (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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The Chemical Sensors market experiences growth influenced by multiple factors, reflecting the expanding applications across various industries and the increasing need for real-time monitoring and analysis. Key drivers include:
: With growing concerns over air and water pollution, there's a surge in demand for chemical sensors to monitor contaminants like heavy metals, gases (e.g., CO, NOx, SOx), and organic compounds in the environment. These sensors aid in regulatory compliance and environmental protection efforts.
: In the food industry, chemical sensors are employed to detect pathogens, pesticides, and other harmful substances, ensuring food quality and safety. In agriculture, they're used for soil analysis, monitoring crop health, and optimizing irrigation practices.
: The healthcare sector increasingly utilizes chemical sensors for rapid and accurate detection of biomarkers, gases in breath analysis, and drug monitoring. Point-of-care testing and wearable devices incorporating chemical sensors are gaining popularity.
: Chemical sensors play a pivotal role in process industries for real-time monitoring of process parameters like pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen. They enhance efficiency, productivity, and safety in chemical plants, refineries, and water treatment facilities.
: The integration of chemical sensors with IoT platforms enables remote monitoring and data analytics, facilitating predictive maintenance and optimization in industries. Smart homes, cities, and agriculture all benefit from this technology.
: Chemical sensors are used in vehicles for emissions control, fuel quality monitoring, and detecting hazardous gases like carbon monoxide. In the push for electric vehicles, sensors monitor battery health and electrolyte composition.
: Chemical sensors are crucial for detecting explosives, chemical weapons, and toxic industrial chemicals in security and defense applications. They enhance public safety and support emergency response efforts.
: In the energy sector, sensors monitor gas leaks, fuel quality, and process efficiency in traditional power plants. They also play a significant role in renewable energy, such as monitoring hydrogen purity in fuel cells.
: Chemical sensors are integral to scientific research, facilitating advancements in material science, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. They enable real-time data collection in experiments and simulations.
: Continuous improvements in miniaturization, sensitivity, selectivity, and durability of chemical sensors are expanding their application scope and driving market growth. Nanotechnology, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and advanced materials are key enablers.
These drivers underscore the versatility and significance of chemical sensors in modern society, highlighting their role in promoting sustainability, health, and technological progress.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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poojaj · 1 year
Chemical Sensors Market to Witness Remarkable Growth by 2030
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The chemical sensors market refers to the industry that involves the production, distribution, and application of sensors used for detecting and analyzing various chemical substances. Chemical sensors are devices designed to identify and measure the presence and concentration of specific chemicals or chemical compounds in gases, liquids, or solids.
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These sensors play a crucial role in various industries, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, food and beverage, industrial manufacturing, and automotive. They are used for applications such as gas and vapor detection, quality control, process monitoring, and safety systems.
Key Types of Chemical Sensors:
Electrochemical Sensors: These sensors measure the concentration of a specific chemical by converting the chemical reaction into an electrical signal. They are commonly used for gas sensing applications.
Optical Sensors: Optical sensors use light absorption or emission properties to detect and measure the presence of chemicals. They often employ technologies such as spectroscopy or fluorescence.
Catalytic Sensors: Catalytic sensors detect and measure the concentration of flammable gases or vapors by monitoring the catalytic reaction that occurs when the gas comes in contact with a catalyst.
Piezoelectric Sensors: These sensors utilize the piezoelectric effect, where certain materials generate an electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress, to detect chemical substances.
Thermal Conductivity Sensors: Thermal conductivity sensors measure changes in the thermal conductivity of a gas or vapor to determine its concentration.
Market Growth and Factors Driving the Chemical Sensors Market: The chemical sensors market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by various factors, including:
Increasing demand for environmental monitoring: With growing concerns about air and water pollution, chemical sensors are essential for monitoring and controlling emissions and pollutants.
Expanding industrial applications: Chemical sensors find extensive use in industrial processes, such as leak detection, process monitoring, and quality control, contributing to market growth.
Advancements in healthcare and medical applications: Chemical sensors play a vital role in medical diagnostics, patient monitoring, and drug discovery, contributing to the market’s expansion.
Rising emphasis on safety and security: Chemical sensors are employed in safety systems, such as fire detection and gas leak alarms, enhancing workplace safety and security.
Technological advancements: Ongoing developments in sensor technologies, such as miniaturization, improved sensitivity, and wireless connectivity, are driving the market growth.
The chemical sensors market is highly competitive and consists of both established companies and emerging players. Key market players focus on research and development activities to introduce innovative and cost-effective sensor solutions to meet evolving industry demands.
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Evaluation of Molecular Methods to Be Used in Sensors for The Detection of Bacteria in Water
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Waterborne E. coli and E. faecalis remain a major economic problem worldwide because of their significant impact on health and disease. There is a constant need for new diagnostic tools that can detect low bacterial concentrations in a more cost- and timeeffective manner. The development of rapid and simple molecular detection in situ is required where specialized laboratory services are limited. Hereby, the recovery of DNA from artificially contaminated water samples of three different DNA extraction methods was investigated. Two commercial kits (DNeasy Ultraclean Microbial Kit, Dynabeads™ DNA DIRECT™ Universal Kit) and a boiling method were evaluated. All methods produced DNA in sufficient concentration ranging 64.55-184.7 ng/μL for E. coli and E. faecalis, respectively.
Read more about this article:https://lupinepublishers.com/biosensors-renewable-sources/fulltext/evaluation-of-molecular-methods-to-be-used-in-sensors-for-the-detection-of-bacteria-in-water.ID.000137.php
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fis-paprikas · 3 months
there are so many people out there who want to show you everything and teach you incredible things if you can just kill the goblin in your mind who screams I DONT FEEL LIKE IT at all hours
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shokuto · 2 years
Mutant variant of William Stryker who doesn’t actually believe in god and uses his power to con his followers into believing he’s a messiah so he can live like a king and stick it to the religion he hates at the same time
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taevisionceo · 2 years
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Packaging Wynn's Chemical Wynns ChemProd ChemicalProducts EGR3 Petrol / Diesel cleaning air intake system, airflow sensor, inlet valves, turbo and EGR system E10 Protector fuel treatment to prevent the problems of fuel system from petrol ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Youtube [Video 01] ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Youtube [Video 02]
Data 166 - Jan 04, 2023
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ravinderimarc · 1 month
The market has surged to $24.1 Billion in 2023, and projections show it will reach $39.4 Billion by 2032! With a 5.5% CAGR expected over the next decade, this is a market you don't want to overlook. Watch this video to learn more about the growth drivers and future opportunities in the chemical sensors industry.
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whatiscrackalackin · 5 months
Vanilla crazy cake
# Sweet potato tea cake. Take me to a picnic cake. Springtime chocolate cake roll tropical snack cake. Tunnel of fudge cake. Sour cream p# umpkin bundt cake. Spicy jalapeño chocolate cake. Upside down apple coffee cake. Upside down rhubarb cake. Upside down benthic flux sampli# g device cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla. Crazy. Cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake. Vanilla craz# y cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake vanilla. Crazy cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla. Crazy. Cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake. Vanill# crazy. Cake vanilla. Crazy cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake vanilla. Crazy cake. Nutcracker sweet ginger walnut thermal reactor loaf. Old-fashion# d fiber-optic relative humidity sensor cake. Old South prune cake. One bowl chocolate cake with easy laser-induced fluorescence frosting.# ersimmon pudding cake. Pineapple upside-down cake one. Pineapple upside-down cake two. Pineapple upside-down cake three. Arm and hand posi# ioner. Full-width plastic body positioners. Multi-block plastic body positioners. Extremities positioner. Aluminum body bridges. Plastic l# wer body positioner. Pineapple upside-down cake four. Adjustable aluminum head positioner. Disposable polystyrene head block. Slaughter# electric needle injector. Cordless electric needle injector. Injector needle driver. Injector needle gun. Cranial caps. Mouth formers. Rhu# arb and rhubarb and rhubarb#and rhubarb#and rhubarb. And it contains proven preservatives deep penetration agents and gas and odor contro# l chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue as well as areas of the body that arterial embalming may have missed. And rhuba#b
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vijayananth · 7 months
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imirmarketresearch · 1 year
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
So you know absolutely positively nothing about photography
Cellphone cameras are fucking great. I love them. I love the ability to take photos whenever and wherever at basically zero cost.
Point-and-shoot cameras have always been awesome and accessible devices.
This is not a post shit-talking "basic" cameras. This is a post for people who have only ever used basic cameras who want to know at least slightly more about photography.
Because, the thing is, a remarkable amount of photography is math. And if you don't know it's math, it looks like a mystery. And you may be standing there snapping a photo with your phone that looks pretty good, but your friend with a DSLR looked at the sky, twisted a dial, and took three steps to the left and they took a photo of the same subject that looks like it belongs on a magazine cover.
How did they do that?
Probably math.
If you've come into possession of a DSLR camera and are disappointed that the photos you're taking aren't looking like the photos you thought came from DSLRs, I'm here to tell you about the math you may not know about.
What is a photograph?
At its most basic, a photograph is the result of light on a sensor. Let's consider a pinhole camera for a moment. A pinhole camera is a lightproof box with a piece of photographic paper on one side and a tiny hole in the other.
When you create a photo with a pinhole camera, you're using pretty much all of the math you would in a big fancy camera, just in a cruder form they are:
The sensitivity of the paper, film, or camera sensor to light (this is your "ISO" if you're using a digital camera or film). Light sensitivity can be easily changed on a digital camera, but on chemical-treated paper or film the sensitivity is predetermined and cannot be changed. If you want to change the ISO on an analog camera, you need to change the medium that's being exposed.
An opening to let light in - your F-stop, or aperture. The F-stop of a photo is how wide open the lens is to let light onto your film or sensor. In a pinhole camera, you have something that is theoretically a very very large F-stop because you have a very, very tiny opening to let light through (F-stops run in reverse - the bigger the number, the smaller the opening).
Exposure - your exposure is the amount of time you leave your sensor open to the light. The majority of photos you see in the world have exposure times that are measured in tiny fractions of a second, sometimes in thousandths of a second. If you're using photo paper in your pinhole camera, you may have an exposure time of minutes rather than tiny portions of a second, but your photo exposure will still depend on how long you want to leave your "lens" open.
Focal length - your focal length is a description of the relationship of the distance between the light source and the light sensor. You can manipulate this in a pinhole camera by making the camera longer or shorter. A larger focal length means a narrower field of view - it zooms in on the subject.
A pinhole camera is the simplest camera that lets you, the photographer, control all of the elements of a photo. This is, functionally, fully manual photography.
So what's the difference between all that and a cellphone camera?
Point-and-shoot cameras like those on cellphones give the user more limited control over these settings. For instance, think of a disposable camera. On a disposable camera, the photographer has control over one setting - the ISO of the film, which they can select at purchase. They can't control how wide the lens opens or how long it stays open, and the only way they can compensate for lighting that is a poor match to the ISO is flash.
Cellphone cameras are very much like a standard point-and-shoot. By default, users point their cameras, then shoot a photo. Many cellphones have a "pro" mode that will allow the user to emulate different ISOs or f-stops, but the sensors in cellphone cameras aren't as good as the ones in camera-cameras, and the lenses are very limited as well. Some cellphone cameras and point-and-shoot digital cameras WILL allow users to set longer exposures, and many cellphone cameras have multiple lenses which does allow for some lens effects, but they don't give a huge amount of control to the user.
Okay so let's say I've got my new shiny camera, what do I need to know?
For best results, you want your ISO to match the light you're shooting in. Low ISO is for bright light, high ISO is for low light. If you wanted to take snapshots of your family outdoors at disneyland in the summer, you'd buy 100 ISO film. When I used to shoot football games at night in oddly lit stadiums, I'd use 1600 ISO film. If you have a DSLR camera, there's a setting somewhere in there that tells you how to set the ISO. If you are shooting in relatively low light and the photos are turning out darker than you'd like *but* things are moving too quickly to use a longer exposure, you can bump up your ISO for brighter, sharper images but they will be more noisy and grainy than ones shot at a lower ISO. If you want clean, smooth, crisp images, your goal should be to shoot with the lowest ISO possible.
The Aperture of your camera lens determines your F-Stop. This acts like the pupils of your eyes. When it's really really bright out, your pupils shrink down to let in less light. When it's darker out, your pupils get bigger to let in more light. If you are shooting in low light, you want a low F-Stop, which means that your camera's lens is open really wide. If you are shooting in a bright environment, you want a higher F-Stop, which will mean the opening is very small. Since your F-stop interacts with the focal length of your lens, you will find that zooming in with the lens often makes images darker. To shoot clear images from far away, you need to be very conscious of your F-stop, your ISO, and ambient lighting conditions.
Exposure describes the length of time you set the camera to leave the aperture open. In many DSLRs this can span from 1/3200th of a second to infinitely long (the "bulb" setting means "aperture is open until you close it.") If you want sharp images of frozen motion, you want the fastest speed that you can get. Sports photography and photography of things like insects or milk crowns often use extremely short exposures to get sharp images. If you want blurry images you want slower speeds. If you want to take a photo in a low-light environment and capture motion within that environment - for instance, taking photos of cars on a freeway at night - you want slower speeds (if you want to do this in a brighter environment, like taking photos of a stream in the daytime, you want slower speeds and a specific kind of lens filter called a neutral density filter). When exposures are set to be longer than about 1/60th of a second, images with motion start to look blurry.
Focal Length determines the field of view of your subject. If you have a lens with variable focal lengths, this is called a zoom lens. A longer focal length zooms you in and a shorter focal length zooms you out. Lenses with fixed focal lengths are called prime lenses, and can't zoom in or out.
Depth of Field - your depth of field is a combination of the interaction of your focal length, your distance from your subject, and your F-stop. The depth of field describes the relative amount of space in a photograph that is in focus. A long depth of field means that much of the image plane is in focus. A short depth of field means that a narrow portion of the image plane is in focus. A low F-stop produces a narrow depth of field. A long focal length produces a narrow depth of field.
You can think of your camera as a tool that measures time and space. Your ISO and Exposures are measurements of time (how quickly the sensor senses the light, how long the sensor is exposed to the light), the F-Stop and the focal length are measurements of space (how wide the aperture of the camera is, how far the lens is from the sensor).
The pre-set modes on your camera, the ones on the dial that show a person running, flower, or a cloud, or a lady with a hat - these are generic settings that combine an ISO, exposure time, and f-stop that are likely to work well for outdoor action shots, landscape photography, cloudy light, and portraits. When you're using those pre-set modes, you control the focal length and not much else.
When you understand that the running person/action mode means low-ish ISO combined with high shutter speeds, you can start just setting your own ISO and shutter speed when you're shooting sports. When you know that portrait mode sets you up for low-ish f-stops, relatively quick shutter speeds, and mid-range ISOs, you can just start setting those things on your own so you can have more control.
"What about light metering?"
Since your camera is a machine that records light, light metering is pretty important. The light meter of your camera will tell you if your settings are "correct" for the amount of that the light sensor senses. In most modern cameras there is a light metering display on the bottom edge of the viewfinder that goes from negative to positive; if the meter shows that you are in the negative it means that your photo will be under-exposed (too little light will get to the sensor and the image will appear dark), if the meter shows that you are in the positive it means that your photo will be over-exposed (too much light will get to the sensor and the image will appear too bright - "blown out"). The way to correct for under or over exposure is to change the length of the exposure, making it longer for underexposed images and shorter for overexposed images.
What the light meter is doing is thinking about all of your settings and the lighting for you. It looks at the ISO, focal length, f-stop, light hitting the sensor, and planned exposure time and tells you what that combination of settings is likely to produce - something too bright, or something too dark.
When you are more experienced with photography, you get good at juggling these things on the fly and messing around with them more, which is how you can do the magic of looking at the sky, twisting a dial, taking three steps to the left, and knocking it out of the park with a picture.
It only looks like magic because you're doing a ton of math under the hood that is extremely non-obvious to people who are new to photography.
Anyway, here is a good guide to depth of field and what goes into it.
Here is a basic photography textbook that explains the principles that I've gone over here in a lot more detail with a lot better explanations. It's a film photography textbook, but one of the cool things about photography is that a lot of stuff from the analog era is still relevant in the digital area, and the basics haven't changed.
However all of that is about the *technical* aspects of photography. Photography isn't just a record of exposure time and focal length, so here's a basic photo composition textbook that talks about the artistic principles of photography.
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nuadox · 1 year
A paper-based sensor to detect pesticides in food quickly and cheaply
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- By Maria Fernanda Ziegler , Agência FAPESP -
Researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have developed a kraft paper-based electrochemical sensor that can detect traces of pesticides in fruit and vegetables in real time when coupled to an electronic device. In an apple or cabbage, for example, it can detect carbendazim, a fungicide widely used in Brazil despite being banned.
The research behind the invention was supported by FAPESP via three projects (18/22214-6, 19/13514-9 and 22/03758-0) and involved groups at the São Carlos Physics Institute (IFSC-USP) and São Carlos Chemistry Institute (IQSC-USP). The results are reported in an article published in the journal Food Chemistry.
“To find out whether a food sample contains traces of pesticides by conventional methods, you must grind up the sample and submit it to time-consuming chemical processes before any such substances can be detected. Wearable sensors like the one we developed for continuous monitoring of pesticides in agriculture and the food industry eliminate the need for these complex processes. Inspection is much easier, cheaper and reliable for a supermarket, restaurant or importer, for example,” said Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior, penultimate author of the article and a professor at IFSC-USP.
The new device is highly sensitive and resembles the glucometers used by diabetics to measure blood sugar, except that the results of food scanning for pesticides are displayed on a smartphone. “In the tests we performed, its sensitivity was similar to the conventional method’s. Plus, it’s fast and inexpensive,” said José Luiz Bott Neto, corresponding author of the article and a postdoctoral fellow at IFSC-USP.
How it works
The device consists basically of a paper substrate modified with carbon ink and submitted to electrochemical treatment in an acid medium to activate carboxyl groups and make detection possible, Bott Neto explained.
“We use the silkscreen process to transfer carbon-conducting ink to a strip of kraft paper, thereby creating a device based on electrochemistry. It has three carbon electrodes and is immersed in an acidic solution to activate the carboxyl groups. In other words, oxygen atoms are added to the structure of the carbon electrode. When it comes into contact with a sample contaminated with carbendazim, the sensor induces an electrochemical oxidation reaction that permits detection of the fungicide. The quantity of carbendazim is measured via electrical current,” he said.
In developing the device, the researchers evaluated the stability and structure of the paper substrate. “The properties of the paper itself were an important part of our research,” said Thiago Serafim Martins, first author of the article and a postdoctoral fellow at IFSC-USP. 
Best option
The researchers analyzed kraft paper and parchment, finding both types of paper to be stable enough to serve as a substrate for the sensor. However, the porousness of kraft paper conferred more sensitivity on the sensor and the carboxyl groups formed during electrochemical activation, Martins explained, adding that paper-based electrodes could be used in many applications. “There are commercial electrodes made of plastic or ceramic material. We successfully developed electrochemical sensors based on paper, a much more malleable material and therefore potentially useful in many areas, not just on farms or in supermarkets, but also in healthcare, for example,” he said.
The article “Optimized paper-based electrochemical sensors treated in acidic media to detect carbendazim on the skin of apple and cabbage” is at: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814623000456?via%3Dihub. 
This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. Read the original here.
Header image: A device developed at the University of São Paulo resembles the glucometer used by diabetics to measure blood sugar: when it comes into contact with the surface of a fruit or vegetable, it detects and quantifies any traces of carbendazim, a fungicide in widespread use in Brazil despite being banned. Credit: Researchers’ archive.
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Novel nano-sensor detects pesticides on fruits within minutes
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thehiddenworld · 2 years
Chemicals from trains
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 What if the train derailments were a coincidence and suppose to happen. What if there was WWIII going to break out here the USA vs Russia or some other country and they are using it to protect the people. 
What if the chemicals are there because if there was a war, they could quickly light the water on fire and there would be no way to put it out and this would help hide the thermal and heat of soldiers so that the enemies cannot see them but can only see the heat from the fire.  
What if they were easing chemical into the area for years to try to get the body use to it so this doesn't hurt them but it did not go as planned. 
There are all kinds of thinking we can go with this but this is just a few ideas. What if it wasn't suppose to hurt us but hurt the others but it back fired we will never know, it could be a plan of getting rid of us and population control.
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tekmaticinc · 2 years
Sensor Control Automation System: Streamlining Your Operations
Discover how our sensor control automation system can optimize your processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Our cutting-edge technology enables real-time monitoring and control of critical parameters, allowing you to make informed decisions and take immediate action. Whether you're in manufacturing, logistics, or any other industry, our system can help you achieve greater productivity and profitability.
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prokopetz · 13 days
I've touched briefly on the idea in the "System Crash" mod to Three Raccoons in a Trenchcoat, but one of the perennial Inadvisable Game Ideas I keep coming back to is a GMless tabletop RPG where you play as a bunch of robots equipped with different sensors, and each player has GM-like authority to describe the world, but only with respect to what can be detected with the sensors their particular robot has.
It'd be set up so that no overlap would be permitted within the same group; if you were playing, for example, the robot with the camera, you'd be the only robot with a camera, and thus you'd be the only one who's allowed to describe what things look like. If you're playing as the robot with the microphone, you're the only one who's allowed to describe what things sound like. Include a whole bunch of senses off the human baseline while we're at it – everything from electromagnetic fields to chemicals sniffers to quantum bullshit – with guidelines and worked examples of what each one can potentially describe, divvy them up among the group, and make everybody cooperate to describe the world, one sense at a time. (The player characters communicate with each other wirelessly, so they can always talk to each other to relay what they sense regardless of what sensors they have.)
I have no idea at present how to actually make that into a playable game, but the possibility of it haunts me.
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taevisionceo · 1 year
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Packaging Wynn's additives Chemical Wynns ChemProd ChemicalProducts EGR3 Petrol / Diesel cleaning air intake system, airflow sensor, inlet valves, turbo and EGR system E10 Protector fuel treatment to prevent the problems of fuel system from petrol ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Youtube [Video 01] ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Youtube [Video 02]
Data 166 - Jun 10, 2023
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