#cherich writes
lynketa · 5 months
I just remembered I did a mf analysis of Scaramouche for school that I lost the file to 😭
This was the start of my whole fanfic writing career... holy shit.
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An ‘abandoned’ vessel; supposed to be the wielder of the Electro gnosis. One that grants the ultimate power to lightning and Kunikuzushi was created to hold immense power…
However, he was far too ‘gentle’. He was too ‘human’ to be considered a weapon; to be considered as the incarnate of Lightning.
So, Ei, the Archon of Lightning, sealed his power as a divine creation. allowing him to take control of his own life— without telling him a single spout of her change of heart.
But to him... Kunikuzushi saw it as betrayal.
Betrayed by a god, betrayed by his creator, betrayed by his mother.
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Now, obviously this was 2 years ago (2022) and my teacher absolutely adored the written paper (that i finished but lost in docs) keeping it even if, my whole analysis was wrong.
It was supposed to be for (something I can't remember) not for a character HAHAHA
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thecorvinmartinet · 1 year
Her Sonnet
A beauty’s face amidst the place of god.
She’s shining bright because tonight she knows
Her beauty lives for it is not a fraud.
Her grace and face is why I write my prose.
So as I breathe my Cheriche and hope;
You’ll love your face and not forget your grace.
It’s so much time to waste so you can mope.
But darling wait you'll be of heaven’s face
Because of you I now know what is blessed
Your face is like the roses picked from joy
Your grace and face is far beyond the rest
Because of this my words are not a ploy
I prithee that you wake so that you can take
As part of mind your glory is not fake.
(I apologize for any substandard stuff here. I wrote this in between classes and finished the last 6 lines at home. This is for my friend who thinks she isn't pretty even though she is. I may slow down my writing but I've been reading more to improve my writing and I hope it shows here.)
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borathae · 1 year
SIBIGIRL! This Epilogue evokes a feeling of happiness tinged with a hint of sorrow. I felt proud and more than happy: content!
I'm so glad it's over because our babies don't have to suffer anymore and I'm sure it's mostly lovely moments to be cheriched in the drables from now on!
On another note I've been considering delving into more serious writing. I've done some thinkpieces on meduim but i deleted everything because it looked too personal and i self inserted too much!
But i've been going through so many transformations lately and my mom keeps naggin me telling me to document the process because i will want to look back on it. and she's right tbh
do you have any advice for me? i don't think my particular style of writing is bad but i just end up self inserting too much and terribly cringe if i read it even a week later! idk yeah
I love that word :( content is such a good fucking word to describe this ending hehehe ALSO OMFG IT MAKES ME think of book one where OC's inner dialogue about Yoongi's piano play was all like "he makes one feel content" OAFDMFAMD
Also about the writing. I can tell you that all of my books and characters have deep personal influence, some more and some less. Aaol!JK is the exact mirror image of how I felt and what I went through when I wrote that story. MV!Yoongi's struggles with intimacy, and better said with being nude in front of his lovers, stems from my own struggles with this topic. The dialogue Purple Rain!OC has with Namjoon was only able to exist because I went through the most painful friendship breakup ever and I needed someone to put into words what I couldn't speak. Even the intense love my OC's have for their love interest stems from my own intense love for them hahaha
So much of my writing and so many of my worlds are inspired because I went through shit or I wanted to write down my thoughts in a creative kind of way.
Yoongi tells his musician friends that they should write music if they ever feel broken by something. And I can tell you to write, create stories, make the characters talk for you. It's the most healing kind of selfcare you can do.
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KiriBaku + gender neutral reader
“Write about the reader working in a bread store and they come in and rob the bread store. Wait it gets better: and then the bread robber falls for the reader so he steals her with the bread and makes them bake bread for them everyday and the reader eventually poisons some bread and escapes back to the bread store. SHE POISONS HIS ASS IN THE END THAT’S A TOP MOVE.” - Insta.friends
Honey what was you thinkin-- (That’s a whole ass mess of pronouns)
Headcanons of KiriBaku with a bread-baking s/o.
Requested: Sort of
Warnings: Swearing, crackfic
Y’all met at your bakery.
It sold all kinds of bread and you are one of the hands-on bakers.
You weren’t exactly the best baker, but you were still really good.
When KiriBaku met you, Kirishima deadass took a bite out of his bread as Bakugō was paying. 
When he finished swallowing that mouthful he let out a happy, “It’s good!”
Bakugō shook his head at the idiot and asked for water cause, y’know, your throat gets a little idk stuffed and feels weird?
You laughed, gave them a plastic cup and bid them goodbye.
Yo, your laugh, you fucking angel, was like music to their ears.
Like honey, you’re a whole ass orchestra.
They knew they had to come back.
They were already dating when they met you, but you are so magnificent that they both already knew they were forming a crush on you.
And you, of course, were also forming a crush.
Bish don’t lie you’re reading these headcanons right now.
When you start dating, KiriBaku absolutely cheriches you.
You’re their little bread baker.
Kirishima absolutely wants to try baking bread with you and he drags Bakugō along with him.
Bakugō is just a natural, he follows your instructions very well.
Kirishima tries his best, but probably ends up making a whole mess. He follows your instructions but still gets very confused, “What is ¾ of a cup?”
So like, you love baking bread, right?
please say you do
You’re always testing new bread recipes, so you have a lot of extra bread lying around.
They end up taking a lot of it to eat for lunch at school everyday and their classmates are confused about it.
The normal person doesn’t just bring very fancy bread every day to school and like, it’s different kinds of fancy bread? e v e r y d a y ?
That shit could hurt a bitch’s wallet, probably
And then Kirishima gives some to Mina, cause she’s eyeing it up and she like moans because it’s so good.
Then people gather around cause they heard Mina.
Kirishima, like the cute angel he is, gives them all some pieces and they absolutely love it.
Kaminari asks where it’s from and Kirishima, nonchalantly, says it's from his s/o.
They know Kirishima and Bakugō are dating because Kirishima also leaked that secret.
So now they’re even more confused.
Bakugō doesn’t seem like a bread baker to them and Kirishima also didn’t say, “Oh Bakugō made it.”
They pester Kirishima about it and Bakugō really just scares them off.
Until they see the three of you out in public, they will be forever thinking about it and teasing ever so slightly.
When one of your tests goes wrong, like it doesn’t look wrong but like it tastes wrong...
Kirishima insists they take the first bite out of your tests and when he does his face scrunches up in disgust but he’s like “Yeah-- yeah it’s good!” but very painfully.
Bakugō, he loves you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, does the same but tries to give you some little hints.
“It could use a little more or.. Less..”
“It’s horrible, isn’t it?”
10/10 supportive bbys, absolutely love your bread and you!
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curiousobjecthead · 5 years
Sexism and double standards, and canon expectations
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i know i know, today’s topic was more about shipping, wasn’t it ? and like this it doesn’t really sound like it has anything to do with it, right ?
well !!! we’ll see about that !
for everyone that follows me, y’all know that i am The OC advocate. what is up with nox again ? oh, you know, complaining about how ocs are treated in the community. this time, however, we’re gonna spice things up a lil’ bit.
we spoke about female characters a while ago ! about female ocs, and how they’re perceived. or about shipping with ocs, at all ! and while we can all agree that this situation sucks a whole lot, right ?
HOWEVER !!! We did NOT speak about canon characters !
because that’s right, they’re also here, and they are also facing struggles !  but what kind of struggles, nox, i hear you scream. well that’s simple.
welcome, to this long post, that you can totally reblog if you want to.
don’t tell me you don’t have those. everybody has those ! it goes from shipping, to how a character should be portrayed, it’s out there, everywhere, and more characters than others suffer from it. in fact, a while ago, this post from @champizard​ roamed around ( hey jay B) ), and i am linking it here because it proves one of my points.
► when you roleplay a canon character, there are SHIPPING EXPECTATIONS.
leon and sonya, leon and raihan, raihan and piers, nessa and sonya, nessa and milo, and oh, here it is, the examples i hate the most, but guzma and lusamine and maxie and archie.
note that i am not here to bash on any ship. we all got different tastes. this a community ! but we got a point where we gotta draw the line.
the problem here, is that someone, let us say, someone that roleplays a nessa (which is an example i’m gonna use A Lot on this post), who do you think is going to try to ship with them? the answer is: milos, and sonyas, mainly. because that is what the fandom wants. because those ships are the ones the fandom cheriches. because that is what you see the most in the fandom, because those are popular ships, and because THIS is what the fandom EXPECTS.
once again, don’t get me wrong. ship what you ship, and have fun as a duo. what matters is that this is all consensual, talked about, y’know, something both parties feel hella comfortable with.
emphasis on consensual and comfortable.
i’ve had friends leave fandoms because they were forced a ship upon, and not only by roleplayers that played the other side of the ship, but by the community itself. had friends not knowing how to feel exactly, because they had these waves of characters, ALL THE SAMES, comin’ at them like hurricanes, all for one thing, and them not shipping that, or simply not being that much into shipping.
canons are expected to be shipping outlets, and if for ocs, that is seen as a bad thing, for canons, you bet your ass it is positive. and especially if it is a popular character. we’ve had the guzmas, now it’s the leons, i feel, y’know?
so now that we talked about that, let’s tackle the other two subjects, yeah ? starting with good ol’ sexism.
we talked about female ocs. we talked about how they’re treated. about how female ocs are frowned upon, more than male ocs. about how they are seen as objects, shipping outlets, little accessories that nobody really wants. you got a female oc? and she’s nice, and good-looking, and strong? she’s likeable? ah, you must be here for the shipping, you disgusting bag of dicks! and she’s absolutely a mary sue, you absolutely do not know how to write a character !
and this example right there not only happened to me and many others, but also totally killed my muse for a very long while, and i still feel sometimes self-conscious about logging on that blog. y’all see what happens to creativity when you say shit like that ? 
i am talking about female characters that are so oversexualised by the fandom, the character now depicted by a roleplayer is seen as what the fandom sees it: a meat market.
the unwanted ‘step on me queen’, the ‘you’re fine, girl’, the forced shipping, the unwanted sexism, the expectation of NSFW.
and i’m gonna drop here, once again, the nessa case: nessa, a beautiful woman, nessa, a strong character, nessa, beautiful nessa, who’s likeable also, is loved by the fandom, and here’s the double standards.
and here’s everyone wanting to ship with her.
oversexualisation of a character is not something seen with canon characters only -- a friend of mine, @exspiravited​, got the same kind of trouble with Gira, their giratina gijinka oc, and here is the post.
sexism and oversexualisation in the community isn’t something uncommon, and something that, frankly? nobody fucking talks about. yet it is there, it is well alive, and the community eats it without noticing. the community feeds on it, the same community that looks down upon some kind of characters and how they are depicted, does the exact fuckin’ same. yeah i see you. i see you sending weird anons, weird, disgusting anons, or forcing ships on someone else when you’re not even roleplaying a character of that ship.
if someone wants to be thisrty on their blog? they can do it themselves. they don’t need outside, unwanted help. they’re doing just fine, don’t worry.
so yeah, that’s done ! hey, double standards ! let’s talk about that !
this one is gonna be more about ocs, that we all know and i love, because once again, i saw some shit.
y’all know dosh’te. you know, the character on this blog? y’all know it wasn’t easy. people would often tell me that an objecthead shouldn’t be in the pokémon universe, that it’s weird, that it shouldn’t be there.
same people absolutely adore ball guy.
you can understand the euphoria, and sadness, and anger i felt, once i noticed all that.
an oc will never be, can never be, and will never be accepted like a canon character is.
this is the double standard, that we already tackled before. y’know, with female characters and all? and shipping? ocs are always getting the scrapes.
don’t get me wrong - i get it ! sometimes i also frown slightly at an oc bio, but then i realize, why the fuck should i? this canon character does this, right? and then it hit me -- we are still in the mindset that creativity, when it comes to an oc, is ALWAYS A BAD THING.
your oc’s an objecthead? no can do! your gym leader oc is also a model? where they got that time from?! no, shut up! you can do that -- oh hey, ball guy and nessa !
your oc cannot be something too much. why so? they are seen as a mary sue. how do i know that? because my very own character, aria, was accused as such, many times. 
if your character is too strong, you’re powerplaying, they’re a mary sue. if you character is known, you’re powerplaying, they’re a mary sue. if your character is pretty, they’re a mary sue -- come on. we already talked about this yall.
so there you have it ! thanks for making it this far !
what my sick, twisted, impidimp hands forced me to write on a monday evening. in the end, what have we learned ? to be nice and understanding. this is a community yo, we gotta look out for each other, watch each other’s backs. this how shit works. if we’re ganging up on each other, and making this a pretty unsafe place, then, what’s the point ?
don’t forget to read the rules, read the bio, and if you got any more questions ? be nice, and ask away.
peace B)
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opedguy · 7 years
Trump Shakes Up White House Communication Team
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), July 21, 2017.--Replacing 45-year-old White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer with 34-year-old Sarah Huckabee Sanders, 71-year-old President Donald Trump finally had enough with a horrific communication strategy plaguing his presidency.  With abysmal approval ratings averaging under 40%, Trump had to do something, noting that, with the best of intentions, Spicer dug his White House into a deep hole.  Often combative with his daily press briefings, Spicer showed he was in over-his-head trying to get the White House message out to the press.  Spicer, former press secretary for White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus when he ran the Republican National Committee, got mired in counter-productive spats with the White House press.  Once played by Melissa McCarthy on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” Spicer couldn’t neutralize the Washington press corps’s vicious attacks on Trump.
            Changing Spicer for Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump offered White House Communication Director to 54-year-old Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci.  Scaramucci only recently was cleared of a CNN story in which he was named as having Kremilin contacts.  CNN fired three journalists June 26 for validating a story Trump called “fake news.”  CNN retracted the Scaramucci story offering an apology for its editors running with a story that turned out blatantly false.  Running the White House communication office, Scarmucci can help Trump get out a more coherent message.  Since taking office Jan. 20, the White House has been blindsided by a determined Democrat and media strategy to discredit Trump.  Spicer couldn’t reverse the avalanche of bad publicity stemming from Hillary’s campaign tying Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
            When Trump tweeted March 4 that former President Barack Obama had his wires tapped, Democratic and media spin machine demanded proof.  Whether symbolic or not, it’s now known that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice and, most likely, Atty. Gen. Loretta with help from FBI Director James Comey, unmasked “incidental data collection” and sought warrants from the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISA] to wiretap or otherwise collect data on Trump campaign officials.  Yet Democrats and the media spent the 24/7 news cycle refuting Trump’s claims that his wires were tapped. Surveillance of Trump campaign officials looks now looks like it had clearance from the highest levels of the U.S. government, most likely authorized by former President Barack Obama. Instead of pushing back on unlawful surveillance, the Trump White House showed incredible passivity.
            Putting Scramucci in charge of the White House should help frame a more coherent message, especially when it comes to the ongoing FBI investigation and alleged ties to the Kremlin.  Finding out July 9 that Donald Trump Jr., former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner met with a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya had the media in a feeding frenzy proving the murky link between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.  When the New York Times reported the story July 9, they insisted Veselnitskaya worked for the Kremlin, something flatly rejected by Kremlin officials.  Instead of pushing back, the White House communication office did almost nothing, adding to the bogus story.  Spicer’s response was not to put out the White House message but to defend against various media attacks linking the Trump campaign to the Kremlin.
            Story after story, the White House communication let Democrats and the media drive the media conversation.  When the media touted lousy approval ratings, the White House didn’t challenge the narrative, including citing consistently favorable Rasmussen polls.  No, the Spicer communication team only reacted to bad news, not pushing back with the White House agenda.  Putting Scaramucci in charge of the White House Communication team, Trump improves his chances of changing the Democrat and media narrative.  Spicer was always on the defensive, reacting helplessly to the endless barrage of negative news stories, driving Trump’s approval ratings into the tank.  “I will cherich and hope to do my very, very best every single day . . “ said Scaramucci, promising things will be different under his watch.  Whether Scaramucci understands the ins-and-outs of the communication game  is anyone’s guess.
            Giving Spicer his walking papers, Trump passed the baton to 34-year-old Sarah Huckabee Sanders, someone fiercely loyal but over-her-head, especially when it comes to complicated domestic and foreign policy. Huckabee-Sanders Achilles Heel involves her lack of experience in the intricacies of foreign and domestic policy. While she’s expected to have less stormy relations with the White House press corps, she could find herself in deep water discussing complex matters, especially over the ongoing Russian investigation.  With Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions caught up in “masking” incidental data collection, he’s going to be hard-pressed keeping his job with the latest Washington Post bombshell about talking to Russian Amb. Sergei Kislyak on substantive campaign issues.  Trump already expressed his displeasure with Sessions recusing himself in the Russian probe, the  Post’s new report could force his resignation.
About the Author     
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.  
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lynketa · 4 months
At this rate i am so gonna make my own oneshots but before that do a full goddamn analysis because i cannot for the life of god, deal with inaccuracies... (i suck at writing)
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