#cherry hits a milestone!
cherrykamado · 1 year
AAAAAAAAAAA OMG how are we so many !!!!!! ty for supporting my excessive madness over blorbos and my very scarce writing. thank u for so much and sorry for so little <3333
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firemenenthusiast · 17 days
Can you plzz do a farleigh smut where he only rubs the readers clit bc the reader is too scared to finger herself, but then she gets the courage to finger herself and charles shows her how to do it??
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farleigh start x innocent!reader
summary: farleigh had trouble resisting you since the first time he saw you so he laid his trap to which you walk right in, starting from agreeing to spend the summer at saltburn with him. the fact that you’ve never done anything with yourself boggles his mind, so he decides to lend a helping hand
warnings: boy where do i start. 18+, porn with plot, reader is innocent, naive and kinda stupid (bear with me), fingering, mirror kink, corruption kink, panties kink, posessive kink if you squint, size kink, praise kink, farleigh calls ready baby & princess, blowjob, face fucking, pussy job, panties job (?), cum eating, facial, dry humping, thigh riding, jerking off, p in v, let me know if i miss anything
a/n: we hit another milestone thank you everyone !! this is me showing my love to yall mwah. innocent reader finally out whoohoo. idk who’s charles but thank you anon for this request ! i hope it fits with what you’ve imagined
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summer could be too hot at times. sweaty. sticky. but nothing could make you hate summer. you love summer. your favourite season ever. the blossoming flowers and clear skies are one thing, but summer also means that you get to wear the flimsiest, flowiest, thinnest fabrics ever. sometimes almost see through, because of the heat. maybe if you wear thin enough short dresses the heat won’t get to you. what other perfect time one could be wearing the cutest dresses around if not in summer ? atleast that’s your excuse. wonder if there’s any other reasons. i mean, your short skirts and flimsy tops surely dont have anything to do with how nice farleigh is to you, do they ? you’re just so— pure, even naive at times that he doesn’t have the heart to treat you how he does others. delicate fragile little thing like you should only be handled with care
farleigh start is really nice to you, he’d helped you picked up the books you accidentally dropped when he bumped into you. he even offered to help carry them while you walk to class, which had drawn you to him. you’d given him the cutest, most doe-eyed little “thank you” for helping and he could just feel his cock twitch in his pants. it’s not easy to find a decent man around here so when he often showed up to your convenience you believe that he’s just a good person, with nothing but pure intentions. sure, farleigh thinks you’re such a pretty little thing.
that’s why when he first saw you on college fields, licking away at your cherry popsicle that was dripping down your fingers, giggling about something with your friends, he couldn’t get his eyes off you. he couldn’t stop thinking about things— things that he could be doing to you. for every day of summer you would put on the nicest short dresses that you’d saved just for the season. the type of dresses that cling onto your skin if you sweat through the fabric. those dresses that look like they could get one hard tug and would rip easily.
it’s funny how such silly first meeting could lead you to farleigh. the both of you aren’t necessarily friends, he’s more of the nice guy you know and would greet whenever you see him around the faculty. he’d smile and wave at you across the halls. he’d offer you a seat at the cafeteria if he sees you looking around. he helps you with stuff around campus, like returning your books to the library and carrying your stuff. though you do find it weird that you couldn’t find the books he said he’d help return on the shelves anymore. and because he’s so tall, he serves as your guardian, protects you from other boys that try to bother you. he doesn’t ask for anything in return, just a smile from you would suffice, the smile that leaves him smitten. farleigh also knows about the love you have for summer, the way you always mention how great of a time you would have in summer. just casually telling him about that time you wandered into a hayfield and just laid there looking at the sky. or about that time when you were little you had just received a gorgeous little floral dress as a present that you wore everyday because you liked it so much. sometimes you just couldn’t shut your mouth when it comes to summer. you’re sentimental about it, and the fact that he would sit through your stories every time, no wonder how random it can be or how busy he actually is
you jumped when he asked you to spend the summer with him. “really ?? are you serious ?” you beam at him with uncontainable excitement. your toes springing up and down, his eyes follow yours as you jump and squeal, a huge grin plastered across his face. farleigh had told you about his saltburn home. the most perfect, ethereal place to be spending summer at. you love to listen to his stories about what they do at saltburn in summer. basking under the sun at the lakeside, playing tennis, rolling in the hayfield naked— so when he invited you to spend the upcoming summer in saltburn, with him, you couldn’t be more excited. it’s gonna be the best summer ever. “yeah it’ll be fun. besides, elspeth is always thrilled to have a guest. she loves a pretty face like yours” you feel your cheeks heat up at his words as you push him away. he smiles at your reaction, sometimes it’s almost too easy for him to get what he wants with you. it’s always been felix who would bring his friends, toys- over so he figured this time he’d do the same. he chuckles at you twirling around in excitement, eyes trailing down to your ass peeking out under the skirt. he could see the bits of your panties if you would just jump higher.
thinking about spending the summer at saltburn, you cant help but imagine how it would be like. you’ve heard people talk about the greatest parties that took place there, and how sex infested it can get. people do all sort of wild things there, the wildest you could imagine. the type of crazy that you could say what happens there, stays there. trailing your eyes along the corners of your ceiling, you let out a heavy sigh. you’ve always had a positive attitude towards sex and well, other sexual stuff. you’d hear crazy stories from your friends, about stuff they did or would do in the bedroom with boys. it’s understandable for people your age to be acting like they don’t have a second to spare from reproducing. their stories intrigue you cuz you’ve never done the things they’d talk about.
they would mention playing with themselves, you struggled to understand at first, thinking what is there to be played with yourself until you learned what it actually means. you’ve never done it though, you’re too scared and it feels so crude to be doing such thing. sounds like a sin. every time you would try to rub your dainty fingers between your folds, you’d retreat though it felt so good. you heard that you’re supposed to be stuffing your fingers inside, and that scared you even more. they’d mention being wet, as in aroused, but you remember the conversation you had with your mom when you were going through puberty. the one you went through at a very early age. she had told you that it is possible, and that if you ever become wet because of someone, it means that they’ve done something bad to you. like they have put a spell on you so you would succumb to the fantasy of pleasure with them. you believe her. she may had just wanted to protect you then but it fucked with your perception towards arousal so bad that when your friends told you stories about it, you’d feel bad for them. you feel bad cuz they’ve been put under a spell yet they seem so happy about it. you wonder if they knew.
it’s not like you’re a virgin. you’ve had sex when you were younger, with a lanky boy who suggested you to do it with him like it’s just another invitation to go hang out. not thinking much, you agreed to him. you didn’t feel any pleasure when it happened. it was just a weird sensation and shitty experience overall. you’ve been pretty avoidant when it comes to sex since. you feel like people talk about it too much yet it’s not that great. you think sex is overrated, so no one has ever touched you in years. boys would try to get close with you, talk nice to you but you see right through them. not farleigh though, he seems genuinely nice. or so you thought. you’ve asked farleigh about sex seeing that he frequents it along the course of you knowing him. he thinks it’s overrated too and he only does it for fun. he’s fucked a number of people you know here and he said none of them makes him want to come back for seconds. when you told him about that experience you had he laughed, “dont sweat it baby, he just sucked at it. probably got too turned on by you he couldn’t last more than 5 seconds” maybe he’s right. alas, farleigh wouldn’t lie to you would he ? no, he’s too nice for that. so when you told him you’ve never done things with yourself and that you haven’t been touched for years it came off as such a shock to him. girls he know not only would play with themselves, they even practically throw themselves at him just to get fucked. knowing that you’re so— reserved, he felt like you just got purer, more precious in his eyes. sometimes he feels like a predator eyeing its prey. the way he would think of ways to corrupt you. but those are just bad silly thoughts at the back of his head. he’s too nice to act on them, right ?
your first day at saltburn could be easily described by the word ‘crazy’. everything is just crazy around here. from the towncar the cattons had sent to fetch you from the train station, the butler and footmen standing still at the huge beautifully carved doors welcoming you, the green carpet spread out as far as your eyes can lay upon, the greek sculptures scattered along the garden trails, to the seemingly nice people that are farleigh’s aunt and uncle. he was right, elspeth called you pretty. like bambi she said. you met venetia, the only other girl around your age living in the enormous estate. she seems happy to be getting a girl company for the summer, showing you around the house and always borrowing you from farleigh. he paid no mind towards the friendship that is forming between you and venetia, as long as you’re having the best time ever. he wants this summer to be able to compete with your previous amazing ones. you’re walking alongside venetia with your knitted beach totebag across the field, towards the lake when felix greets you. he’s just as tall as farleigh, maybe a little shorter by an inch but you can see the genes connecting them both. “heard you’re farleigh’s friend, how’d you know him ?” you smile at his question before giving a quick answer. “he helps me around campus, he’s always so kind to me—“ before you could say anything further, he scoffs in disbelief. “farleigh ? kind ? think you got the wrong bloke there mate” he shakes his head before skipping away towards the yellow hayfields, his hair flopping messily. you look at venetia who’s giggling at you, also shaking her head while raising her shoulders. frowning at her, you couldn’t get to bask in your confusion any longer as she takes your hand and drags you towards the boys.
seeing her strip off, you look around to see the boys already laying comfortably, clothes off. most of them are covered by the tall grass but you can tell that they’re not wearing anything. particularly cuz you spotted the discarded clothes that they were wearing at breakfast not far from you. as you start to lift off the hem of your top, you feels venetia’s hand on your arm. “you dont have to, it’s just a stupid thing we do” you nod at her words, a little relieved yet you feel like you’re gonna miss out from the real saltburn experience if you dont do it like them. so you follow venetia’s actions before settling on the ground, in between the tall grass. she starts giggling at you as you slowly burst into laughter, not noticing the burning glance trailing along the outlines of your body. the grass covering the most of you teasing him, depriving him of the sight he craves the most at the moment. thankfully felix is too caught up in his cig to notice him practically eyefucking you, putting his imagination to work like he’s some prepubescent horny teenager. you felt your saliva caught up in your throat when you noticed his naked body in the grass when you were looking around earlier, and you’ve been trying to shake off the image of his tan broad shoulders, glistening in sweat, beads of it dripping to his defined collarbones since. as he seems busy flipping through the pages of his harry potter book, you hope for his focus to stay on the lore as your eyes continue to scan his beautiful face, his luscious curls bouncing off his forehead. his shoulders propped up against the ground, looking firm and shiny from the sun
weird tingling sensation crawls across your body as you struggle to take your eyes off him, or his body. he looks so flawless in his glory, basking under the sunlight, the sweat clinging onto his skin making him glisten. the tingling you felt turns into heat, seemingly most prominent around your core. the more you try to ignore the heat, the weirder it feels until you notice the forming stickiness in between your folds. fuck. you wanted to panic badly yet you keep your composure around venetia, not wanting to let her know what’s happening. you look at farleigh who’s still laying on his chest, your eyes widen at the fact that it’s happening to you. he’s put a spell on you. he must have, cuz one second you were looking at him and now you’re wet. just like what your mom had told you about. internally panicking, you quickly grab your clothes and try to put them on without having to stand up, to avoid flashing the boys. just as you’re done, you abruptly get up on your kneews before venetia notices. “what’s wrong ?” you look at her, offering a smile to convince her nothing’s going on. “nothing, forgot my sunscreen” she gives you a look of approval before sliding her shades back down. your swift movements and walk back to the house catches farleigh’s attention as his eyes follow your disappearing figure into the distance. he puts his book down as he slowly reach for his clothes before patting felix at the back, to which he pays no attention to. he’s too busy listening into the earphones connected to his walkman with his head settled on his crossed arms. farleigh’s eyes notice your small figure stepping into the foyer before taking the turn leading to your assigned bedroom, the men in suits along the corridor eyeing you as they stand still. hastening his steps, he tries to catch you at the coridor before you got into your room but failed. you’d planned to check yourself out in the bathroom, see what’s actually going on down there, hoping that maybe it’s your period though that’s not for another 3 weeks. pushing your underwear down your thighs, you notice the colourless wet patch at the crotch. trying to make sure, you dip your fingers in between your folds to collect some of the stickiness. holding your fingers up, you feel your breath caught up in your throat. you feel like you could cry, you couldn’t believe farleigh would do this to you. he’s supposed to be nice and kind unlike other boys—
just as you step out of the bathroom your eyebrow quirks at the tall figure standing just infront of the door, his linen yellow polo tshirt hanging loosely on his shoulders, his fingers fiddling with each other. “w-what are you doing— you shouldn’t be here” your eyes struggle to find something to settle on, trying hard to avoid his direct gaze. “is something wrong ? why’d you leave ?” his eyes trail to yours, trying to catch them as you make way to the wardrobe, opening the doors to see your clothes that have been neatly arranged by the maids. looking through the compartments and drawers, you’re actually trying to find a fresh clean pair of underwear to replace your soaked ones. seeing you suspiciously try to run and avoid looking at him, you leave him no choice other than to grab your arm. his action makes you turn to face him, he steps closer before crouching so his face levels with yours, his eyes searching into yours. pursing your lips shut, you didn’t want to confront him for what he did just yet but now that he’s standing infront of you- you decide to finally look at him
“i- i cant believe you did this to me farleigh” he cocks his head, taken aback by your words, not having any idea what you may be talking about. before he asks you decide to spare him the pretending. “the spell” you continue in a stern voice. “what the— what spell ?” his voice pitch higher as his eyebrows quirk. you let out a sigh, “i looked at you in the fields, now im- your spell, now im— wet” he looks like he’s still trying to puzzle the pieces together. rolling your eyes “you must’ve casted a spell to get to me, otherwise how am i this- wet ?” you wince at your struggle to explain to him, having to say the word ‘wet’ so much cuz you don’t know how else to make him understand. his face drops in realisation, finally getting to guess what you’re trying to say, yet he’s still weirded out. “so…you think i casted a spell on you that makes you wet..?” you squint your eyes at his slow response, is he pretending to be innocent or what ? “who told you that ?” he asks. “who cares ? i thought you were nice” getting defensive, you’re starting to feel that you’re being ridiculous. you notice his shoulders drop, his stance softening as he throws his head back with a smile on his lips.
“oh poor baby,,” he starts, before stepping back towards the bed, sitting on it.
“—come here” he ushers you, to which you compliantly follow. he grabs your arm to position you so you’re facing him, as he looks up to find your face. you’re now as silent as a baby deer, waiting for him to say something. he begins to chuckle lowly as he shakes his head. “so you think because you’re wet from watching me in the fields, i’ve put a spell on you” he tsks, before continuing with his dark eyes boring into yours “how cute.” his hands start to touch yours, ghosting his fingers along your wrist, trailing up your arms. a shiver travels down your spine at his touch, your eyes search into his, multiple feelings creeping into your head that you struggle to focus on one. one thing you’re sure of is you don’t want him to stop doing whatever he’s doing. suddenly his hands start smoothing over the hem of your skirt, his fingers carefully playing with the waistband against your navel, maintaining eye contact the whole time with an amused look on his face. “maybe i should take a look at the affected area, see it it’s curable hm ?” he suggests, both his index fingers already hooked beneath the waistband. you nod at him, your mom never told you what to do if one gets put on that spell but it makes sense if he needs to be the one to heal you. as he was about to pull your skirt down he changed his mind, he has a better idea that is to just leave your cute frilly little skirt on. slowly bunching up your skirt from the hem, he has his bottom lip between his teeth. you feel heat finding its way on your cheeks as you hear him curse under his breath. “oh- you’re really wet baby” the nickname makes you lightheaded. “all this because of me ?” he says proudly at which you frown at his stupid words. why is he acting like this is an achievement ?
“yes now can you cure me ?” you’re becoming restless the way you can feel yourself getting wetter. that’s not a good sign, it just means it’s getting to you. you’re worried that it might go beyond curable and you’re stuck living with the spell forever. not giving you any response, his hand still holding your bunched up front skirt as his fingers graze the fabric of your panties. he trails his finger at the top, where he can feel his cock pulse seeing the tiny ribbon. your panties had turn a shade darker from its original colour from your wetness clinging onto it. suddenly you feel his thumb press at your crotch, earning a gasp from you. you quickly pull your skirt higher to look at what he’s doing. the thumb that was pressing against your sensitive nub now rubbing at the wettest part of your crotch, pushing and rubbing the fabric in between your folds. he’s making you feel so good you wanted to tell him to keep going. his fingers are now grabbing the fabric together, before pulling it up against your folds making you moan. you look at him with wide eyes, he’s not looking back at you as he’s busier tugging and rubbing the fabric against your pussy, an amused look on his face. he could just see you getting wetter and practically drenching your panties. “fuck,, you have such a pretty cunny” his words making your pussy tingle before you decide to urge him, “help me, farleigh”
he lifts his head, his eyes soft as he looks at you. “i can cure you. but you have to be good for me” you listen to his words carefully before nodding, “i can be good” he smiles as his hands slowly grab at your arms, turning you to face the full body mirror mounted against the wall infront of him before pulling you down to settle on his lap. he rests his chin in the crook of your shoulder, looking at your eyes through the reflection on the mirror. his fingers creep up to your thighs, playing with the hem of your frilly white short skirt. as you try to breathe steadily around him you feel your breath hitch at his fingers’ sudden movement smoothing along your inner thighs. your eyes instantly shoot to his fingers now disappearing under your skirt before getting the clear view of his fingers playing with the side hem of your flimsy panties after his other hand had bunch up your skirt to your waist. you feel his plump lips plant soft kisses on the crook of your neck, his eyes gazing directly into yours. as you feel his lips, you can’t help but look into his eyes in the mirror, not breaking eye contact as he continue his kisses and his fingers grazing very lightly on the wet fabric of your panties. “farleigh-“ you let out a soft moan. “you told me you’ve never touched yourself ?” you shake yout head at his question, head too hazy to give him actual words. “that’s a pity” you dont really get what he meant by that but you dont think you’re missing out much.
he takes your hand in his, guiding it to your core. “here” you crane your neck up to him, looking into his face. he looks down, meeting your gaze. “i’ll show you” you keep silent as you let him pull your thighs even further, placing them over his. you can see yourself sprawled out on his lap in the mirror, showcasing your glistening panties clad cunt. farleigh’s fingers pull the side hem of your crotch, holding them to the side as his other hand bring yours over. “try grazing your fingers over the little nub there” he instructs and watch closely as you do what you’re told. you moan as you feel the pressure against the sensitive part. he continues to guide you through touching yourself the way it would feel so fucking good, that you’re a whiny moaning mess. you feel heat on your cheeks the whole time, embarrassed by the fact that he’s watching you touch yourself. “now try one finger inside” he suggests, your head shot up to look at him. “it’s okay, it’ll feel even better” his large hand grab yours, showing you to your cunthole. you obey him, prodding a finger at the hole, yet you feel nothing but discomfort. “it doesn’t feel good, farleigh” he pushes your hand further, your finger now fully inside. you bite your bottom lip trying to hold onto yourself. “now curl your finger” you take a minute to steady yourself before doing what he told you to. once your finger hit that spongy spot, you let out a high pitched moan at the newly discovered sensation. farleigh smiles at your reflection in the mirror, “there you go” you experiment with the all new experience for you, you try curling your fingers multiple times against the spot as it gives you pleasure each time. farleigh watches you get lost in the sensation in the mirror, fucking yourself on your finger. his eyes darkened as he feels a dark, lust dripping need form inside him.
as you rapidly fuck your finger into your pussy, you feel knotting in your stomach, a weird tingling making you feel like you were gonna pee. “farleigh-“ you call out to him, your free hand grabbing his arm that were resting on your waist. “you’re close baby ?” you knit your eyebrows at his words, unfamiliar with the feeling. “keep going, you’re doing so good” he encourages, his lips kissing against your neck, trailing behind your ear. he sucks the skin at the back of your neck as he feel your breath getting faster and heavier. all the overwhelming pleasure is new to you yet it feels too good for you to stop. “you can cum princess, cum for me” you can feel yourself chasing after something, until it all comes crashing down, the orgasm washing over you as the sweat making your hair stick onto your forehead. he looks at you through the mirror, offering you a smile as he pushes the hair out of your forehead and wiping the sweat from your rose tinted hot cheeks.
“you did such a great job, baby” your breath hitch at the new nickname, yet your head is too clouded to say anything about it. he let you catch your breath in his lap, his hands roaming at your waist. “that should cure you” he says before pulling you up, he gets up himself as he places you carefully on the bed, you sit at the spot he sat in just now. though you feel relieved, you feel like you wanted more, you wanted more of him, more of whatever that was happening, the pleasure clouding your better judgement. “farleigh,,” you call out just as he was about to walk away. “let me do something for you” he turns, his lips pursed to hold himself back from smiling at the fact that you’re about to walk right into his trap. he walks back, standing right in front of you. “yeah ?” he says, as you start reaching up and tugging at his belt. your eyes notice the huge bulge at his crotch. “you’re- hard, boys like it when girls suck them off when they’re hard, right ?” you ask him, he moans at your words. “well yeah, but you don’t have to” you shake your head at him, “i want to” you’re quick to respond as he bites his lower lip to suppress the strings of curses he wants to let out. “you’re the sweetest- fuck,,”
you begin to unbuckle his belt as he watches you carefully. he could cum right this second just by looking at your pretty innocent looking face. “god, you’re so breathtakingly pretty” he compliments, earning a giggle from you. you’re gonna look even prettier with a huge cock stuffed in your mouth, he thinks. his eyes follow your hands, that are now taking out his cock from his briefs, your hands barely covering the size of his length. you take a deep breath before looking up at him through your lashes, batting them at him with your doe eyes. he smiles at you before throwing his head back once your tongue start kitten licking at his tip. his hand automatically reach up to rest at the back of your head as he watches you suckling his raging red wet tip. “am i doing it right ?” you ask him, worried that you might doing it wrong for your first time.
“fuck, right- its your first time” “just- try squeezing your hand around the base while you suck at the tip, fuck-” he suggests, his head getting light from all the blood rushing to his cock. his hand involuntarily pushes your head down, his cock fucking into your mouth. letting out a whimper, he struggles to keep his hips from buckling, his length hot and heavy on your tongue. your plump lips now wrapped around his cock, perfectly fit for you. smothering saliva all over it, your hands squeeze at the base, and the rest of it that you can’t fit in your mouth, his tip already prodding at the back of your throat. “so good baby, you’re doing so good- look so pretty with my big cock stuffed in your face, mhm” he says, sending familiar heat down your cunt, you feel it getting wetter as before. you try hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head back and forth, your lips wrapped nicely around his cock. you hear him let out a low guttural moan. you look up at him through your lashes, he’s throwing his head back from the pleasure, his hips slightly buckling into your mouth making you pull away.
catching your breath, you feel his large hands cupping your cheeks, smoothing over the skin. “you’re a natural, princess” you smile up at him, before trailing your eyes down to look at his length. he’s huge, his tip raging red with precum trickling down his length. you lean in to catch the drop of precum at the underside of his base, earning a curse from him, before he moans. “how are you already so good at this, fuck-“ you cant help but smile at his words before continuing your licking and sucking on his cock. its not long until you notice him twitching, cock jumping as his face contorts in pleasure. his hand reach up to wrap his fingers around him before he starts jerking himself off, his hand moving rapidly with his jaw hanging low, mouth agape. his voice cracks as he’s letting out a loud moan, before you watch him shoot ropes of sticky white mess, landing on your face, most covering your lips and cheeks, some on your collarbone. you’re shocked, a little weirded out by his cum sticking on your face but cant help letting out a giggle while looking up at him. he was catching his breath as he noticed you giggling, before letting out a laugh himself. He reaches up to your face, fingers collecting the cum before prodding them at your lips. You frown at his action, weirded out that he wants you to suck at his cum covered fingers. He nods, encouraging you, “you can taste” he offers, before you decide to give in, trusting him has been giving you bliss until now. You open your mouth as he pushes his fingers past your lips, your tongue lapping at the sticky substance. Humming, you look at him, “‘s sweet”
“well im glad” he chuckles
“you okay?” he asks as you nod before gaining the courage to tell him about the wetness forming again in your panties. “farleigh im- im wet again” he lets out a chuckle, “your cunny’s wet again ?” heat rushing up to your cheeks at his words as you shyly nod, embarrassed. “you do realise that just means you’re turned on right ? nothing to do with me putting a spell on you” he chuckles at the silly concept you believe in. you’re taken aback by his words, realisation hits. the first time was maybe explainable by your mother’s words, but the second time around, now that you’re wet again, he might be right. he sits on the bed before pulling you to sit on his lap, your legs settling on either side of him, straddling him this time. your eyes roam across his face, appreciating his beautiful features, his long lashes, his dark brown eyes, his thick eyebrows, they’re all so pretty to you. you reach your hand up to graze your fingers along his lips, feeling every lines and crooks, slightly pulling at his bottom lip before leaning in to kiss him.
he lets out a breath as he leans into the kiss, pressing his lips softly against your plump ones, savouring your flavour. your lips dance against his, pulling him closer to you with his large hands grabbing at your waist. the kiss is soft, and pure in some way, it feels like there’s only the two of you in the world at the moment. your first ever kiss with him. his lips moulds perfectly against yours, making you want to kiss him forever. he’s a good kisser too, effortlessly returning your kiss and offering his own, his tongue swiping across your lips. his hand on your waist start grabbing firmer, moving you back and forth against his thigh and crotch. he lets out a sigh as he pulls away for a moment, resting his forehead against yours as he looks down to see the tent in his pants forming again. he continues to lean into you, kissing you once again while he guides you to hump at his crotch. the material of his pants serving you a little bit of pleasure as you try to chase that orgasm you had discovered from earlier. “you can go faster if you want” he says, offering you his lap to help you get off.
“use me” he continues
you wrap your arms around his neck, your boobs pressed up against his chest to steady yourself. his hands continue to guide your pace by your waist as he plant soft kisses along the crook of your neck and your shoulders. the bulge in his pants rub against your soaked panties before you accidentally angled yourself that you’re humping against your clit. the tingling of pleasure spreading all across your body leaves you a moaning mess, causing him to buckle his hips against your pussy. “you’re doing great princess, does that feel good to you ?” he asks as his hand roam across your back, encouraging you to get yourself off on his lap. you nod at him, too caught up in the pleasure now that you’ve found your sweet spot. “can you use your words for me baby?” you whimper at his request as you arch your back against him. “feels- feels so good far’” you manage to let out before letting out a whine.
“that’s my girl” he smiles.
you continue to work yourself on his lap yet you feel like you need more. grabbing at his polo, his eyes search into yours before trailing down at your hands pulling up the hem. he helps you take of his shirt as you marvel at his toned chest, fingers grazing along his collarbone. your pace on his lap becomes stuttered, interrupted by you trying to undress him. his hands grab your roaming ones, stopping your eager movements. “what do you need ?” not responding to his question, you grab the hem of your top instead, pulling it off of you. farleigh’s breath hitch as he moan at the bouncing tits in his face. he grabs at your waist to get you to look at him, his eyes pleading for your permission. you return his gaze, looking into his eyes for a moment before slowly nodding. he maintains eye contact with you as he slowly poke his tongue out, licking at your nipples, looking at you through his lashes. the warm wet tongue against your sensitive bud makes you moan, as you feel the bulge underneath you twitch. he’s now mouthing at your mould, his tongue spreading saliva all over it, all while looking into your eyes. pulling away, he grabs at both of them “such pretty tits, fuck”. you moan at his words, beginning to rub your clit against his crotch again. “need- need more farleigh” you plead him, before he grabs your waist to lift you up and lay you on the bed. now that you’ve had a taste of him, you can feel your body crave for more. for all of him.
“yeah ? that sweet cunny needs more huh ?” a sudden rush of hear creeps up your cheeks as you raise your hands to cover your face from embarrassment. you feel like you’re all exposed to him, like a platter waiting to be devoured. “you’re so small, i don’t think i can fit-“ he begins, as he leans down to plant soft kisses under your boobs, trailing down to your stomach with his hands roaming across the soft skin. “i’m gonna try something” he slowly takes out his cock that was covered by the crotch of his pants, his belt clacking as he winces at the friction against his length. he rests his cock on your soaked panties, his length heavy and throbbing. you look down to see his size, his tip reaching your lower belly. “such cute panties, shame it’s all ruined now” he smirks at the flimsy fabric of your panties that is now drenched in wetness. tracing his fingers at the cute ribbon at the top, he uses both hand to lift the fabric, stickiness stringing in between it and your pussy. he pushes his cock underneath the fabric before pushing it down with his fingers, creating a tight friction for him. he hisses at the feeling, before looking up at your eyes attentively following each of his movements, curious to see what he’s doing.
“‘m gonna fuck this panties okay ? rub my cock against your little folds. it’ll feel good” he informs, to which you nod. after that pleasure of riding in crotch earlier at his orders, you’re excited to see what this one’s gonna feel like. you wear him let out a moan as he starts moving, his hips fucking into your panties, his wet throbbing tip prodding against your sensitive nub, earning a whine from you. he’s right, it does feel good. and he looks so hot doing so, his face contorting and eyebrows knitted. his mouth agape as he lets out moans while looking at his cock going in and out of your panties, the wetness making the fabric translucent that he can see his cock fucking against your folds through it. he pulls the edge and pushes the hem further down, creating an even better pressure against his cock, pretending he’s fucking into your tight pussy. “fuck,, bet your cunny’s tighter baby” your eyes widen at his dirty words, your hands covering your mouth as you bite the skin on your thumb. not knowing where or how you gained the sudden confidence, “y-you can feel it for yourself” you offer, eyes carefully looking at his face, nervous anticipating for his reaction. his cock twitch underneath your panties before he throws his head back at your words.
“fuck princess,, you can’t say things like that”
“like what” you’re borderline panicking that you might’ve said something weird
“i might not be able to stop once i get a taste of your cunny”
you’re silent at his response, not really understanding what he meant by that. you continue to let him fuck your panties, his tip bulging through the material with each thrust. his length against your folds and his tip prodding at your clit makes you moan in a high pitch, the shivers travelling down your spine making you arch your back. grabbing at his hands, he looks at you while he struggles to halt his movements, his eyes searching into yours. “can you put it inside ?” you shyly asks, wanting to feel what it’s like to have his cock inside you, wondering if it’s gonna be the same as your first time. “what ?” his eyes widen at your request. he wasn’t planning on stuffing you full, you’ve already given him so much than he’d planned. “yeah- wanna, wanna feel your cock inside” he swears he almost busted at your words, his cock now painfully hard. “are you sure ?” he asks innocently. he’s been wanting to fuck you ever since he first saw you, so saying this is just a fucking cover for him. a manipulator he is, and you’re like a bunny foolishly trapped. “yes please” you bat your lashes cutely at him making him smile. making you say you want him inside you is one thing, but making you say please ? he fucking won.
he takes out his throbbing wet cock from your panties, his length bouncing as he settles on his knees, his face now infront of your pussy. he kisses at the fabric clinging onto your folds, moulding against your every crooks perfectly. he reaches the waistband of your panties, his lips kissing at your inner thighs on either sides of his face before pulling the band off your legs. his hands grab at your thighs as he looks at you through his lashes, smiling. he looks at your pussy infront of him, “thank you” he says before leaning in to kiss at your clit softly. you giggle at his actions, saying thank you to your cunt like he’s grateful for the meal. he chuckles against your pussy before getting up to put the weight of his cock on it, your wetness spreading onto his length, covering it with your juices. he moves backwards a bit as he positions his tip at your entrance before pushing his head in. you whine at the feeling, even with only his tip you can feel its bigger than you remember. who are you kidding anyways ? he’s 6’5, of course he’s gonna be huge. you whimper as he continue to push into your pussy, you push through the sting, taking his length like a champ. biting down at the skin of your thumb, he didn’t bottom out before he starts pulling out slightly, and pushing back in again. it’s a tight fit, your walls wrapped perfectly around his length as you hear the squelching sound from all the wetness. you offer him a soft smile shyly making him throw his head back.
“you’re so cute- oh” his words stumble as he feels you clenching down around his cock. “oh fuck” as his slow thrusts become stuttered, you giggle at his reaction before clenching down again. and again. and again- that he’s now crouched down against you, his face settling in the crook of your neck. “you okay ?” you tease him, at which he lets out a strained chuckle. “y- cunny’s so tight baby” you hold onto his shoulders as he starts thrusting again, bottoming up in the process. moans and skin slapping bounce against the walls of the room, the overwhelming pleasure making you forget that you’re in saltburn, having notably the best summer. you let him continue fucking into your pussy, letting out whines and moans ever now and then at him founding and hitting at your sweet spot. it was easy for him to find, every spot is basically so sensitive to you, he could thrust at any spot and you’d cum instantly. which is what’s happening now. your high pitch moans and legs shaking against his tells him that you’re close. “you’re close princess, cum for me” you whine at his words, his fingers reaching down to toy at your clit, helping you chase that orgasm.
the added pleasure makes you moan louder, your eyes searching his for encouragement. he looks into your eyes, his soft brown gaze makes you feel safe before you look down at his fingers rapidly rubbing at your clit. screaming his name, your orgasm finally crashes down on you, your breath heavy as your chest move up and down. “that feel good yeah ?” he asks you, he’s also catching his breath from watching you riding out your orgasm before you feel his thrusts getting faster and sloppier. sounds of skin slapping all so dirty to you as you hear him let out uncontrollable moans before he takes out his cock. his fingers quickly wrap around his length before he starts jerking off rapidly while moaning. his eyebrows knitted and face contorts in pleasure as he lets out a loud moan before you see thick sticky ropes of white land on your stomach, and settling on your pussy. he catches his breath while looking at the mess he made on your body. he looks up at you, offering you a smile before mouthing a ‘sorry’. his hand reaches down to move the strands of hair sticking on your face away, before leaning down to kiss you. you smile at him as he says “you’re mine now you know that right ?” your eyebrows quirk at his words, sure you’d wanna be his but you don’t quite get what he’s saying.
“good girls fuck one cock, you’re stuck with me”
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taglist: @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @luckystrikerealness @themoonchildwhofell @fuckshitslover @radioloom @love-me-pls @szapizzapanda @khxna
divider creds: @rookthornesartistry
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amaiaqt · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤミㅤyour number 1 fanㅤ⋆ 。˚ㅤ♡ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhow do they reward you for a personal milestone ? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤaether, heizou, kazuha, kaeya !
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first post of my 200 special ! to my dear mutuals, hope these don't disappoint !
@kaeyxs @https-heizou @papiliotao @lovevivi444 @mikacynth @kazumist
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤaether !
he'll admit, he doesn't fully get it, but he's so proud of you ! "nice one love ! so, so proud of you~!"
he knows well how big it is for you, as you take pride in this being something you love to do. so to see you overjoyed over something like this, he can't help but share the joyous energy with you
he wants to give you something, even just something small, to make this all the more rewarding for you — especially if it's something you put utmost effort into. however you want it, he'll give it to you. you want to go on a simple romantic date ? of course, his treat !
he wants you to feel rewarded for even the simplest efforts, and along with a milestone, that while he personally doesn't get, he will celebrate with you just to drown himself more in the priceless smile of yours
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤshikanoin heizou !
now heizou, heizou gets it ! he's watched how you pull all-nighters for this, so he of all people know how special it could be to you. plus, he admires your dedication to it, for it reminds him of his own focus on his work
"well deserved baby," he cups your face in his hands. "so very proud of you~" he pauses to kiss all over your face between each word. his smile grows and matches with his bright lime colored eyes as your hands caress his that remained on both sides of your face
he'll ask if you'd like anything special, but no matter your answer, he will get you something. be it a simple stroll with your hands intertwined or a visit to some place you've mentioned in the past, he wouldn't mind — he just hopes whatever he does organize for you would be to your standards
it's precious to him, that particular sparkle in your eyes when you get excited, he treasures it dearly. so even for the simplest accomplishments, as long as they're a big deal to you, as long as your eyes shine that way, he's ready to celebrate it with you !
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤkaedehara kazuha !ㅤ
oh ? his dearest ? reaching a small yet special milestone ? this calls for a celebration !
"i always told you you'd get far," he smiles softly as he hugs you, humming to the vibration in his chest from your cheery giggles. "you're ready to go even farther." he compliments, playing with your hair as you lay on him now, still heartily rambling about your expectations
watching the way you waved your hands around in a messy, excited manner, the way you'd stop yourself in the middle of your almost incoherent sentences, only to continue on with self reassurance. he found it so endearing, and knew from that point you deserved a little reward
he sits up a bit, pressing his forehead against your own as he lost himself in your eyes, successfully making you pause from your speech as you stared at mesmerizing cherry eyes that stared at yours. he cupped your face with his right hand and closed his eyes, meeting his lips with yours
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤkaeya ! ㅤ
he just got up from a nap, stretching, only for the plush of the sofa he was snoring away on 2 minutes ago to cushion his fall as you pounced on him with distinct excitement. a good morning would've sufficed, but he's not complaining
at first he thinks you were just in the mood to be clingy and affectionate, so he parted his lips to tease you lovingly for it, but pauses when you proudly announced, "i got a milestone, kae !" you sat up in his lap with stars in your eyes and pride in your voice
he replaces his originally, supposed to be, teasing tone with a confused yet encouraging one. "really now ?" he tilts his head up at you, urging you to say more — because, he would hit himself with his own hard punch before he admits aloud, he didn't know exactly what you were referring to, and with the hint of expectance in your voice, he thought you figured he did
"well.. it's kind of personal, and maybe embarrassing," you scratch the back of your neck, "but forget that !! it's a milestone kae ! don't i deserve some reward ?" he chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you down to lay on him, kissing your temple. "congratulations, love."
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ© amaiaqt, 2023 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not plagiarize !
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back2bluesidex · 7 months
Broken heart over whiskey glass - KSJ
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Part of my Milestone Drabble Request Game. Find the request here. I am still taking requests, by the way.
Pairing: Seokjin X Reader
Theme: Angst, Unrequited love au
Wordcount: 900
Summary: Your heart breaks again, this time over whiskey glass.
Warnings: unrequited feelings, Seokjin is already engaged, mentions of drinking, hints of family drama and abusive parents.
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: Idk how this turned out @phenomenalgirl9. so please forgive me if it's not what you had in mind. Thanks to you for sending in the request. Love ya!!
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Kim Seokjin is a lot of things. 
He is twinkling eyes, cherry smiles, summer warmth, blossom pink and a comforting scent. 
He is also dad jokes, broad shoulders, obnoxious-ear-shuttering laugh, long legs and annoyingly himself. 
But most importantly….
He is the man you are in love with. Also, the man who loves someone that isn’t you, will never be you. 
The realization, the acceptance, the constant reminder.. Everything is bitter. Far more bitter than the whiskey on the tip of your tongue. This brown liquid does nothing to numb your pain but you don’t complain, not when it has been your sole companion for most of the night of your company party. 
Even though your eyes are trained on your glass, you don’t miss the long steps that Seokjin takes to reach where you are sitting currently. 
Why does he always find you? Why does he go an extra mile to be nice to you? Why does he do all those things and make your heart flutter and make you fall more and more only to leave you stranded with your wants and desires because he is meant for someone else? 
You don’t have any answers. 
“She has been following me for the better part of the night!” Seokjin whisper-yells in your ear as he lowers himself down to sit beside you on a bar stool. You divert your eyes from the glass and look at him.. only to find his brown orbs boring into yours. But not the way you’d like. Not the way you want. 
He moves his eyeballs in a manner of gesturing the ‘she’ he just mentioned. 
It’s a new recruit. 
Her name must be Dan-ri or Dan-mi, you can’t quite recall. But what you can recall is that she has her eyes set on Seokjin from her very first day. 
You suppose, she doesn't know yet that Seokjin is taken. Wait till he drops the bomb and breaks another heart alongside yours. 
Your ears perk at the sound of her red heels clicking on the marble floor, a perfect set of white teeth flashing at the man for the umpteenth time in the evening.
Annoying. You take a sip from your glass.
"Mr. Kim, I thought you're gonna come back with your drink and we would have a dance!" Dan-ri or Dan-mi whines at her high pitched voice. 
You roll your eyes staring at another direction. 
"Ah- I would love to but I haven't gotten to spend time with my favourite colleague yet." Seokjin says, pointing at you. 
You smile at the girl, a fake one obviously.
"Oh?" Her eyes widen when Seokjin winds a hand around your shoulder, pulling you a little closer to his body. 
You want to run away far and far from this man. You want to put an end to this suffering but you can't help relaxing at his warmth. You melt in his embrace, putting your heart at ease, telling yourself 'just this once. I will distance myself afterwards.' again and again like chanting a mantra. 
"Am I interrupting something?" The girl is more determined than you expected her to be. She doesn't leave, rather settles herself down on the barstool right next to Seokjin's. 
Seokjin chuckles at her question, "It's not what you think, Dan-mi. Y/N is my favorite colleague cum one of my most favorite human beings. And I am engaged." 
The words pierce through your ears, hit your heart and break it into a thousand pieces all over again. Tears start prickling your eyes, so you shut them as tightly as possible. 
And suddenly you're in a flashback of your life.
After suffering from verbally and borderline physically abusive parents, a broken home, multiple failed relationships, failed attempts of being in love and being loved… you finally found yourself falling for a man who was already betrothed to someone else, who can't be yours no matter how many lifetimes you wait. 
Seokjin's embrace now feels too constricted, too hot to be comfortable anymore. So you break free. 
Jerking out of Seokjin's arms, you sit straight. But your actions (or disappointments) seemingly have no impact on him. 
He continues, "my fiancé and I have been in a relationship for 10 years now. Highschool sweethearts you know?" A sweet smile takes over his face, probably upon painting an image of his lover in imagination, "we're soon to be married." 
As soon as he finishes off, you stand up from your place, take your purse and utter a small bye to the man. 
This is too much and you can’t suffer any longer. Having your heart broken everyday with the reminder is one thing but him, sitting right beside you, gushing about his fiancé, while knowing nothing about your feelings towards him, hurts ten thousand times more. 
"Y/N! Wait! Let's go together. I'll drop you." You find Seokjin shouting as the distance between you two increases bit by bit. 
You turn back for one last time, facing him, you part your lips and say, "not this time, Jin. It's better if I move on." 
You know he hasn't heard you, the music is on full blast and there's at least 5 hands of distance between you two.
But the words are for you to hear… more than anyone else.  
So, you take your steps forward and leave him behind for his good and mostly for yours.
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gcslingss · 5 days
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hey, everyone!
I hit a 100 followers a few days ago, and I just want to say, I am so grateful, and so thankful to all of you! I'm glad I was able to entertain you with my writing and little rants haha <3
so, as this is a pretty special milestone for me, I'm gonna be writing fics, ficlets and drabbles for all ryan gosling characters based off a few prompt lists that i will link below. THIS IS FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY.
you can give me a combination of prompts from the same list, or from multiple lists, or just one from one list for any goose - its all upto you, and what you're looking for!
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before i get to the prompts lists, I'd just like to thank a few friends on here - so, for my moots!
@bisexualcoltseavers you, shannon, are amazing, so cool (in ken's words), and I am so glad i became friends with you on here. Literally an amazing writer, and you made me such a sucker for colt x ken, no joke. I love hearing your little drabbles everyday and reacting in anguish TO ALL THAT ANGST so much, its such an important part of my day nowadays. thank you for being my friend <3
@hollandstrophyhusband SASCHA. one of the coolest people I've met on here. I think you're a bloody good writer, and all your 'shenanigans' are such a delight to read. you're so careful with character dynamics and make almost EVERYTHING work, and feel super enjoyable. you're also a great person, and I'm glad to be friends with you.
@officer-kd6 my dear val - we ended up becoming friends over a bunch of texts in the god forbidden chats of tumblr, and I'm honestly so glad, because you're so cool, and I love talking to you about anything. I'm so thankful for your interest in my shitty drafts, and I PROMISE that I'll give you the fic you've been asking for soon. ILYSM <3
@cherries-in-wine MY FAVE GIRBLOGGER. you're so pretty, both inside and out, and I really wanna meet you irl one day and rant about whatever we wanna talk about. I absolutely love ur little posts, little vents - your presence on my blog is something I am so thankful for. so thanks for being my friend, aditi <3
and my newer moots that i wanna get closer to (or ur on discord and ill js text u a little letter there): @zsuo @asyrafey @chihuahuamations @flowersomgravee @demon-dai @laff-nelson
thank you to all of you <3
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01. non-verbal angst prompts
02. angry confessions
03. love confessions
04. two-word sentence starters
credits to @poohsources @dumplingsjinson for the prompts :)
please send me all your requests, and I'll try my best to update and post asap - sort of got exams going on, but I will respond and post to your requests for sure! please do send me, I'm so excited to write for y'all <333
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astra-ella · 3 months
𝐙𝐎𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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fandom: haikyuu ship: nishinoya yuu x oc/reader status: complete ao3 link
"I think you're really pretty. Will you go out with me?" That was the first thing he's ever said to her. And needless to say, Amari Chiyo was not impressed. So as promised, Nishinoya Yuu will get to know her better and confess again. And again. And again. And again. It'll take 6 years and 9 confessions, but he'll get there. Eventually.
⌦ content: fluff, light angst, love at first sight, friends to lover, slice of life, haikyuu manga spoilers
⌦ note: stay tuned, because there are two extra stories after this one. an epilogue and a side story!
story masterlist | previous chapter | a side story (coming soon)
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The final confession was on the last day of school — under the cherry blossoms after their graduation ceremony.
Chiyo was on her way home, carrying both her school bag and black certificate tube when a soft breeze blew by. She stopped in her tracks, holding her hair back to prevent it from being whisked up alongside the rain of pink petals. Her gaze followed a few flew toward the sun.
The ceremony went by relatively quickly. They walked the stage, sang the school anthem, then the student council president gave a farewell speech as a representative of the graduating students.
When Chiyo went on stage to receive her diploma, she was surprised to see her father sitting at the back of the gym, amongst the sea of parents with the proudest grin she’s ever seen. He had taken the morning off to be present at this major milestone in his daughter’s life. But alas, money didn’t make itself and the Amari family still needed to eat. So after a few heartfelt words, taking a couple of photos and giving her the tightest hug humanly possible, Chiyo’s father was back in the car on his way to work. 
Being a graduate meant she also had a half-day of school. So after seeing her father off, Chiyo spent some time with her friends and classmates. They took pictures with the teachers, signed each other’s yearbooks and spent their last hour or so reminiscing on the past three years they’d spent together. In which Chiyo spent most of her time wiping away her friends’ snot and tears with tissues.
Once the midday mark hit, her classmates said their final goodbyes. Everyone made promises that this wouldn’t be the last time they got together. She then went to go find Nishinoya, catching a glimpse of him and the other graduates in the volleyball gym, giving a few last words of encouragement and advice to their underclassman.
She hesitated at first, but in the end, decided to head home on her own. He was going to come over for dinner anyways and he deserved time to say a proper goodbye to the volleyball team he loved so much.
Chiyo squinted a little, holding a hand against her eyes to block out the glaring sunlight. She thought of her classmates and friends – people she’s grown accustomed to seeing every day. Soon, that routine will change and those people will melt into a distant memory. Maybe they’ll be dug up once or two per year to gather and reminisce over drinks and dinner. But otherwise, they will remain just that — a memory. A memory that’ll contribute to shaping who she’ll become in the future.
She then thought of Nishinoya. Unlike most of her classmates and friends, she’s known him for far longer. Sure, he will probably still drop by for dinner every now and then. But without the excuse of school and tutoring sessions, they probably wouldn’t be able to see each other as often as they used to. Someday, would Nishinoya become nothing but a distant memory as well? 
A pain began to swell within her chest.
Chiyo took a deep breath. She was about to shake off those nagging thoughts and continue on her way when a familiar voice suddenly called out to her from behind.
Chiyo spun around, to see Nishinoya sprinting towards her at full speed with his messenger bag and certificate tube. He stopped in front of her, hunching over with his hands on his knees.
“Yuu?” Her eyes were wide.
“You… You just ran off!” Nishinoya panted, wiping some sweat from his chin. “I thought we were going to your place.”
“For dinner, tonight.” Chiyo raised an eyebrow. “It’s only midday. You can go home, you know.”
“But there’s nothing to do at home,” Nishinoya pouted as he stood up straight, readjusting his messenger bag over his shoulder. “We also don’t have any food. Well, we don’t have any instant noodles but you get the point.”
“My house isn’t a restaurant, Yuu.”
“See, you always say that but you end up feeding me anyways,” Nishinoya grinned cheekily.
“Fine,” heaving a sigh, she turned on her heel and began to walk. “What do you want?”
“Yaki udon!” Nishinoya cheered, following after her with a fist pump.
“Alright, alright,” Chiyo chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Can you pick Hotaru and Kaito up from school then? I wanna clean the house  before dinner.”
“Yeah, of course,” he nodded. “What are we having by the way?”
“Sushi. Dad said he’ll get some on the way home.”
“Oh, is Amari-san coming home early tonight?”
“Yeah,” a small smile grew on her face. “He was at the ceremony too.”
“Oh, I saw! He said hi to me as we were heading back to our classrooms,” he then stretched his arms upwards with a satisfied sigh. “Man, Eguchi-san’s speech was great.”
Chiyo's face fell.
“Especially that part about how life is like a song, except it’s all jumbled up. And graduating is getting the melody straight so we can spend the rest of our lives figuring out the lyrics. It’s such a great, erm…” He snapped his fingers. “What’s the word for that again?”
“Yeah, that!” Nishinoya nodded. “Anyways, it was great! Super inspirational. But I guess that’s the student council prez for you.”
Chiyo’s eyes flickered to the ground. She stayed silent for a moment longer before finally asking, “So, what are your plans now?”
“I told you already, didn’t I?” Nishinoya raised an eyebrow. “I’m gonna keep working at gramps’ bike shop for a while to save up money.”
“I mean your travel plans, dummy.”
“Oh, that!” He laughed. “Right, I haven’t told you where I’ve decided yet. My first destination will be…” He rolled his tongue for a bit to imitate the sound of a drumroll. “... Peru!”
Chiyo dropped her school bag.
“South America?” She stopped and stared at him. “That’s… pretty far.”
“Well, I figured I might as well strike big on my first step, you know?” Nishinoya stopped a little ahead of her, glancing back with a huge grin. “Go big or go home!”
There was a brief pause.
“...Sounds exciting,” when Chiyo finally spoke, her voice was quiet yet honest. “It’s very… you.”
“Thanks!” Nishinoya then turned his attention toward the blue skies above and let out a deep sigh. “This is it then, huh? Like Eguchi-san said in her speech, it feels like the end of an era.”
Chiyo’s lips parted.
There it was again - that pain in her chest. That nagging fear that one day, Nishinoya would grow out of her reach, like the fleeting pink petals caught in a breeze. Her hands clammed up around the plastic certificate tube.
“I like you.”
The words came out before she even had the time to process them and Nishinoya’s eyes went wide.
“What?” His words were barely audible as he turned to face her fully.
“I said I like you.”
“I know,” before he even had the chance to respond, Chiyo cut him off and covered her face. “I know this is selfish of me. And I know it’s unfair 'cause you’ve asked me out so, so many times but I just…” She could feel her nose sore. “I don’t know…. I just… I didn’t think I deserved all that time and energy you wasted on me all these years.”
“And I also knew you wanted to travel the world and that just… it just wasn’t in my plans for the future,” she crouched down, trying to hold back the tears that stung at the rim of her eyes. “I was supposed to stay in Japan for the rest of my life. Get into some big corporate company and slave away until I die. So we would’ve been long distance. Like super long distance… I just… I can’t handle that. But now things are different and I…” she choked. “I can’t imagine a future without you.”
The cherry blossoms rustled as Chiyo pressed the base of her palms into her eyes to stop the tears from leaking out.
“It’s okay if you don’t like anymore,” she whispered. “It’s okay if you’ve moved on. I just want you to stay in my life, even if it’s-”
But before she could finish that sentence, a pair of arms were thrown around her neck, toppling her over as she gasped in surprise. Chiyo tensed at first, only to relax when she realized what was happening.
“Say it again,” he murmured into the crook of her neck.
“Say it again please.”
Chiyo blinked as a tear rolled down her cheek. Did he not hear her?
“I-It’s okay if you don’t like me anymore-”
“No, not that part,” Nishinoya shook his head, pulling back to stare her dead in the eye. “That part’s irrelevant. Never gonna happen. I mean how you feel about me. I wanna hear it again.”
A surge of heat rose to her face as Chiyo realized what he was implying. She dropped her head.
“I… like you,” after a moment of trying to calm her rampant emotions, she finally managed to squeeze those words out as she met his gaze once more.
“I like how outgoing you are…” She continued to speak as Nishinoya pressed his palms to her cheeks. “I like how kind and funny you are. I like how you can cheer anyone up, just by being yourself. I like how you always do your best to help other people. I like how you can always push forward with a smile,” her eyes crinkled. “I really really like you, Yuu-”
Through her rambling, she failed to notice Nishinoya slowly leaning in with every word. But once she finally did, his lips had already crashed against hers like a gentle wave. Chiyo’s eyes grew wide with surprise as warmth blossomed in her chest.
Nishinoya smelled faintly of sweat and oxidized metal. And combined with the smell of sulfur from his shampoo, it was almost dizzying. His lips were wet and a little stiff, but before Chiyo could fully process what was happening, she let her eyes fall shut and kissed him back.
After what felt like an eternity, Nishinoya slowly pulled away. “That’s good,” his voice was barely a whisper. “Cause I really really like you too.”
At his gentle words, Chiyo’s heart swelled. Her nose was all stuffed up and she could barely breathe, but this was the most exhilarated she’s felt for as long as she could remember. Her blue eyes started to water once more as she pursed her lips.
“Hey, hey,” Nishinoya’s face flooded with panic once he noticed the tears brimming the corner of Chiyo’s eyes. He jumped back, letting go of her and holding his hands in the air as if he’s done something wrong. “Oh god, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry. I don’t know what came over me, you just looked so cute so I wanted to kiss you and-”
“No, you idiot,” Chiyo laughed a little between hiccups, rubbing the moisture away with the sleeve of her uniform blazer. “These are happy tears.”
“Really?” Nishinoya blinked, relaxing a little once she nodded. “Alright. Cause I was gonna ask if I can kiss you again.”
Chiyo glanced at him. For a moment, her gaze wandered from left to right, as if she were afraid to be spotted by someone on this secluded street. But she then bit her bottom lip and turned to face him straight on. She rested a hand against his cheek and guided his lips towards hers for another kiss.
This time, it was soft and chaste. Perhaps Nishinoya had already gotten used to the sensation and adapted accordingly. There were no sparks flying or booming fireworks like in the movies or mangas, just a simple spring breeze that weaved through her hair. But to Chiyo, it was more than enough. It was simple, sweet and intimate.
It was all she could’ve asked for. 
When they separated, Nishinoya leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers. And to her surprise, his cheeks were dusted a light pink like the cherry blossoms swaying overhead.
“So what’s the plan?” He placed his hands over hers on the concrete roads. “Did you wanna come with me?”
Chiyo nodded. “I’m thinking I wanna become a food journalist,” she said, studying the faint twinkle in his brown eyes. “I want to travel and write about all the different kinds of delicious food the world has to offer,” she paused for a bit. “Then someday, when I’m older, I want to settle down somewhere. Maybe in Japan, maybe somewhere far, far away.”
She hesitated a bit but Nishinoya squeezed her hand as if encouraging her to continue.
“And I wanna try maybe opening a… restaurant.”
Nishinoya’s entire face brightened.
“That sounds like a great plan,” his response was as swift and sincere as ever. “It’s very you.”
“Thanks,” Chiyo chuckled but her face quickly fell as a looming sense of anxiety took over. “Do you… think it’s possible?” She asked nervously and Nishinoya shrugged.
“Who knows,” he hummed, slowly standing up and dusting off the dirt and flower petals that stuck to his pants. After making sure they were clean, he then extended a hand down towards her with a smile that rivaled the shimmering sun.
“But we can find out. Together.”
Chiyo’s eyes widened.
Growing up, Amari Chiyo always thought she had to have the answers to everything. It was drilled into her head as a child and enforced upon her by herself as a teen. She was the eldest daughter. It was her responsibility to lead by example and live a well-planned and stable life.
But when Nishinoya walked into her life, it felt like a hurricane tearing through a perfectly organized stack of papers.
And for the first time, she began to look forward. She began to have hopes and dreams of a future. Not a future for others, nor to set an example, but a future for her and her only.
And while it was still scary to not live by a perfectly planned script. For the first time, she was okay with that. 
Placing her hand in his, Chiyo smiled as he pulled her up to her feet.
“Yeah,” she grinned. “That sounds great!”
She was grateful to Nishinoya. For calling out to her after school, for helping her find Hotaru on that rainy afternoon, for getting to know her so wholly and sincerely, and for encouraging her to follow her own path.
She wondered how she could make him happy. Someone who was so aware, yet oblivious at the same time. Perhaps a simple hug and kiss would do, or perhaps she could try and gift him the mountains and oceans they would one day travel together.
“Come on,” still holding her hand, Nishinoya pointed in the direction of her house. “Let’s go home!”
But for now, she knew a large bowl of her homemade yaki udon would do just fine.
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story masterlist | previous chapter | a side story (coming soon)
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grison-in-space · 4 months
Oh my god. Matilda hit a milestone tonight. We are really struggling with dog reactivity right now, and it's making me feel like shit to the point that she's about to start taking a break from coming to work with me — but I had a genuinely really wonderful moment this evening. See, she really reminded me that there was a reason I decided to train a clever, pushy, independent dog as a service prospect in the first place:
you get a clever, pushy, independent dog at the end.
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Pictured earlier today, glaring because seven hours earlier she had to have a bath (because she got so muddy that three separate shampooings were necessary to get all the dirt off).
Which is to say, today for the first time ever bedtime came in a context where there was no human effort attending to me getting up and going to bed: CM was off to work, and Kawuli was upstairs on the phone, and I was absolutely absorbed in yelling at the bank sitting in the living room gently zoning.
And she took one look at that situation, marched up to me, stared urgently and then poked me until I got up. I did not move until she shoved me at least twice, because I was focused on something else. She nudged me into getting up and then marched me to where CM was getting ready to go to work to see what happened. At which point I went OH RIGHT BED and started getting ready for bed, and then CM had a few minutes to sit and chat before leaving so we sat down for a bit and as soon as they got up Matilda was right there watching that I went to the bathroom and came to bed upon getting up.
And then she helped herself to a used kleenex on my pillow, because her nickname "yucky Tilda" is well earned.
I genuinely cannot tell what is going on with her feelings about dogs because she has always been extremely weird about strange dogs and soliciting play, and her natural body language is almost as stunted as Benton's: she has always sort of gravitated to other dogs screaming at the top of her lungs or hung back and watched strange dogs very seriously and thoughtfully. I think it may be excitement but even as a puppy she was not into meeting other puppies or interacting with them—she used to sit firmly on her mat and observe other puppies without getting involved during free play time.
She has the ability to control her attention and totally ignore other dogs if she's doing something rewarding enough, though, and I think we can countercondition our way out of this. I'm trying something new out: tying her, harnessed, to the cherry tree in the front yard and playing flirt pole. My yard is fenced, but only by about three feet, so I have a limited visual barrier. And we have a very rewarding activity that does not involve self control and does involve engaging with me. Let's see if we can get the idea of dogs walking by me way less interesting than engaging with her human in a game.
Tried it out this morning and she was able to totally blow off Roof Dog (also a cattle dog) yelling at her from the roof of the garage across the street. She struggled with my neighbor walking a polite Lab mix past the gate but handled a smaller toy mix easily. So we will see if that helps.
But even if she is never public access ready, she's still really useful just being at home. She's never tasked totally uncued before—generally by timer —but this was extremely clearly an extension of the pieces I've taught her smoothed and merged into a sequence I was hoping SO much she would pick up on.
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miupow · 1 month
MIUPOW’S 1K SLEEPOVER EVENT ! (MAY 5 - 20) . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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a lot has happened for user miupow the last couple of days!! my twentieth birthday was wednesday, my brother’s graduation was yesterday, and tomorrow we are traveling to the mountains to see him off for his summer internship! not only that, but just the other day this blog hit 1k followers!! thank you all so much for your support and love, it truly means the world to me! i could not wish for a sweeter, kinder bunch of readers and mutuals, you all are my world ! i wanted to do a little something to celebrate this milestone with everyone, even with how busy i’ve been, so here’s a little slumber party event for everyone to participate in! special thanks to @dearlyjun for being the inspo behind this event ^^
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- i am accepting asks related to the event from tonight (may 4th) until the 20th. i will attempt to answer a few each day, but i cannot guarantee i will finish all requests on time. any asks i still have not answered after the 20th i will answer when i have the time to.
- the amount of asks you may send is unlimited unless it is a drabble request— then it is one per user
- all posts regarding this event will be tagged under #lia’s 1k slumber party!
- anons are encouraged to participate!
- i am okay with nsfw asks related to this event :)
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though i’m a chronic oversharer and i love to tap nonstop, there’s still a bunch about me as a person and as a writer that i’ve never talked about before on this blog! feel free to ask me anything you would like to know about me!
please keep asks from being too personal. i am allowed to ignore any of these asks that make me uncomfortable.
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send me an ask asking me to pick between two things! can be about anything you’d like :)
ex) cherries or bananas? would you rather cuddle with changbin or chan? blonde soobin or orange soobin? rain or snow?
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a version of fuck, marry, kill with no violence involved lol ^^ send me three idols (txt, bts, svt, skz) to choose from and i will tell you which out of the three that i would fuck, marry, or kiss!
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the biggest part of my slumber party— a songfic event! send me an ask with a song, an idol, and a scenario and i will write you a drabble/short fic based off of the ask! (500 - 2k words) sfw and nsfw requests are accepted! txt, skz, bts, and svt members accepted!
ex) lover, you should’ve come over by jeff buckley + jihoon + exes to lovers
these songfics will take me longer to write than any of the other asks for this event, so please be patient! i will try to crank these out as fast as i can, i’ve been struggling with a lot of writers block recently and i’m really hoping that this will help me break out of it!
sending my love and my thanks to every single one of you that have supported me throughout my short time writing on tumblr! every friend and mutual i’ve made is irreplaceable <3
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scrfiice · 9 months
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༄゚ ⋆ ゚⛆ ゚ ⋆ ゚♡ BONES AND ALL is a South Korean idol band managed by DARK GARDEN CO. a subsidiary of Flowerbank Entertainment. The band originally debuted in 2016 but fell into obscurity in 2018, becoming inactive and presumedly disbanded.
The group originally consisted of Skii, Taehyun, Daewon, Taei, and Jaeyeon. They debuted on MCountdown on December 1st, 2016 with their digital single "Feel a Thing" which failed to gain the attention of the general public but instead gained popularity from an alternative crowd. They began playing at local bars and small shows that would garner a healthy-sized crowd.
It would take a few months for the group to have their first comeback in 2017, I'm Alive which was their first song to chart. The song debuted at #89 on Melon and would peak at 54th on the same chart. Their music show performances gained them a handful of new fans. With a total of seven songs to their name, the band would go on a small tour of Korea, selling out three of the ten dates.
The group fell silent after their tour concluded, multiple members releasing solos that would out-chart the band's releases. With weaning public interest, what many fans call their goodbye single, the band released "So Sour" in the fall of 2018 with limited promotions. After performing at a few bars and small venues, the group would go quiet for the remainder of 2018. In 2019 after all the members began solo careers or joined actual idol groups, Dark Garden announced that Bones and All would go on an indefinite hiatus.
After a five-year gap in activity, the group reformed with a new lineup in 2023 with the members: JUWON, HARUAKI, CHERRY, WEI, and JIHO. The new lineup debuted with a pre-release single "Shoot Me" and have an extensive promotional run for the song. The song would peak at #12 on the charts, making it the highest charting song throughout their career. The new lineup was praised for their chemistry as well as their vocal and instrumental talent.
Their second mini album would firmly put the band on the map with the title track "Unveil" dominating radiowaves in Korea and later the US when they released an English version for the song. This song would go on to win the group their first, second, and third music show win. Now with a solid and dedicated fanbase, the group would embark on their first tour of Asia, selling out every date.
Their most recent release "Ain't It Fun?" only proves they are on the rise to stardom, peaking at #5 on the digital charts and once the English version of the single was released it debuted at #10 on the Billboard Hot 100. A new milestone was hit for the group as the music video, which was shot by the members, was their first to surpass 10 Million views. They performed their first show in the US as an opener for 5 Seconds of Summer for seven of their shows, proving to be popular amongst their fanbase.
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Stay tuned because I'll be releasing my final piece for the month in a few hours for @wisejudgedragonhairdo birthday...
But April is very important because I turn 26 omg I'm almost 30!!! *shock face*
I just checked and we've hit the 3,000 follower milestone and I think this calls for a celebration too!!!
Taglist: @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner @hipster-shiz @cherry-0420 @ja3hwa @justaaveragereader @marievllr-abg @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @mrcarrots @wisejudgedragonhairdo @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @hologramhoneymoon @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @berryberrytan @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @i-love-ateez @anyamaris @krishastumblernow @hexheathen @michel-angelhoe @northerngalxy @starillusion13 @changbinslovelylegs @escapetheshark @daddysspecialdollyworld @jus2passtime @shroomoth @marykpoppins @leomggg @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell @chansfavouritetoy @muselin @sometimesiwritethings @mykryptonitelight @lyramundana
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cherrykamado · 1 year
omg tysm for another milestone !!!!!!
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chanstopher · 2 years
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Hi it’s me Dreamy, your neighborhood Chantual with a wee little blog rec! I recently hit a pretty large milestone so i'm here to celebrate not me but the people I love and admire on here!! I’m so happy and thankful to be apart of stayblr and to have so many friends! I'm also so thankful for the amount of people who’ve let me be apart of their stayblr experience too! you’re all so amazing and I truly adore everyone so much! okay enough from me, please go follow these amazing people::
✧ @agibbangs  ✧ @agibbang-s  ✧ @ambivartence  ✧ @avocadomin ✧  @babychicklix ✧ @bangerteez  ✧ @bangchanies ✧ @bangchanz ✧  @bangzchan ✧ @blueprintchan  ✧ @booseungskwan ✧ @byskzfilms ✧ @changbeens ✧ @changsbin ✧ @cheekyquokka ✧ @cherry-heartss ✧ @chogiwow  ✧ @dalkyeom  ✧ @decembermoonskz ✧ @dontflirt  ✧ @followmylane  ✧ @geniaparadox ✧ @ggthydrangea ✧ @gymleader ✧ @han-archy  ✧ @hanjesungs ✧ @hoeranghaee ✧ @hoerachas ✧ @hoshrangi  ✧ @hyunchanz  ✧ @hyunjinz  ✧ @hyunpic ✧  @innielove  ✧  @jinniebit  ✧ @jizung ✧ @ji-sungs  ✧ @jjsungie ✧ @lee--felix  ✧ @leenow  ✧ @letsstaywithstraykids  ✧ @minzbins  ✧  @missyedits ✧ @moonlit-han  ✧  @nevoono ✧ @quokki ✧ @seo-changbinnies ✧ @seonghwaminho ✧ @shmalll ✧ @snug-gyu ✧ @stray-but-okay  ✧ @strayz  ✧ @winterfloral ✧ @x-ximenas  ✧ @xiulo  ✧ @xuseokgyu ✧ @yonglixx  ✧ 
okay my work here is done so I love you, i hope you have a good day!!!
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boinin · 4 months
2024 check-in
It's been a while since I talked about Cassis Orange here. For those wondering, I still don't have a concrete ETA on when I'll publish the next chapters. I'm actively writing the final chapters as of now however, after a few false starts and writers' block. All I can say from here is, I'll keep people posted 🐞
For anyone interested in behind-the-scenes rambling about my writing process, more below the cut.
What's holding things up? Well, I like to finish a full draft of a piece, allow myself some breathing space from it, before going back to review, edit and weave together the chapter's themes and ideas.
Emphasis on "finish a full draft". That's a mistake I've made with Cassis Orange. I've always had sight of the destination, and the scenes needed to get the characters there, but not always how these scenes should join up or how they ought to flow.
In addition, nailing down themes and authentic character growth has been challenging. Lastly, the gap between writing chapters 1-8 and writing 9-10 has slowed progress, as I end up needing to re-read what's already there for consistency.
None of this is to the fic's detriment (I hope), but it's knocked my own motivation at times. "Done is better than perfect" is a motto I continually remind myself of. It's taking me longer than I'd like, that's just life. But I remain excited to finish the story, which is the main metric of concern 😉
Anyway, why is finishing a full draft so important?
Here's a quick look at my old drafts folder:
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Chapter 9's main difficulty, despite me knowing exactly what needs to happen, is hitting the right emotional notes and character milestones. I've already made three distinct stabs at the same scenes, none of which really achieve what I want them to.
Thankfully, these particular issues aren't on the same scale as what I faced with Chapter 7. shudders I am confident about where to go next.
If you're wondering, IMO the best solution to this issue is to just... write them anyway. See the events out, imperfect as they may be. It's more insightful to revise a dysfunctional scene from beginning to end, than a half-baked draft that tails off in author despair and confusion.
A recurring mistake, which I'll try to learn from going forward.
|| Spoilers for published chapters of Cassis Orange start here! ||
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This is my note on the oldest draft (which I first started in May, apparently?? holy fuck). Because I wrote out of sequence, the Chapter 9 I'd started doesn't align with the direction Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 took. In fact, it's different enough from what I want to convey that I've considered recycling the draft into its own fic. May still do, but not before I finish CO.
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The "Kunigami Sadboi" draft is exactly what it sounds like lmao. In short, I sketched out some angsty scenes in his POV that take place between chapter 7 and chapter 8. Alexa, play I'm Not Okay (I Promise).
Ultimately, I determined these don't fit the vibe of the Chapter 9 I want to publish. But they served a valuable creative purpose. Even if it's not spelled out for you (the hypothetical reader), it's important that the writer (me) and by extension, the characters, know what happened off-screen.
These drafts are imperfect. But now that I'm carving out the final Chapter 9, I can cherry-pick ideas and imagery from them. No writing goes to waste, even if it's destined to lounge in your drafts folder for all eternity.
Anyway, if you've got this far, you deserve a medal. Instead, have a snippet of how Chapter 9 could have looked, had I hit publish on that older version. Featuring out-of-character weepy Chigiri and indulgent author moralising via Kunigami!
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I'm irrationally fond of this moment, though it doesn't hold up for a number of reasons. It's what the idiom kill your darlings refers to. I can like this excerpt, and it may have some merit, but it doesn't serve the narrative at large. So it dies, along with the 15,000 other words that didn't quite hit the mark 🥲
Here's another snippet, from Kunigami's sadboi days:
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Again, something I personally enjoyed writing. Kunigami's dynamic with his kids is something I treasure a lot about this AU. It's simply one of those scenes that's best kept to headcanon, due to the shape I want Chapter 9 to take.
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crowpricorn · 10 months
tagged by nura @jackwolfes (💗) to post a WIP wednesday, so here's something from my blind wylan au that I want to come back to very soon and hopefully finish writing!
All he remembers is the roar, the blinding white light, shards of glass flying everywhere, being shoved back by the strength of the explosion. He doesn't remember hitting his head, the fog and fire and glass shards hitting his face. He supposes he came out of there scarred ugly, maybe burned. His skin is a bit ruvid and uneven in places, around his left eye and under his chin, so he supposes he does have scars to go with the sad backstory. But he is too ashamed and prudish, too proud, even, to ask any of his maids for confirmation, and it's not like he can see his face reflected in the mirror and admire the result of his clumsiness on his own.
Facing the mirror all he can see reflected back at him is void, and nothing and nothing and nothing.
All the colors fade away from his memories day by day — the details of the bodies he loved, the reflection of the sun on the lake's waters, the shapes of funny clouds up in the sky. He remembers spending endless afternoons with the doe eyed boy, just looking up at clouds and making stories up, tales that shifted as the winds shifted the shapes in the sky.
He wonders what the doe eyed boy is up to now — maybe he moved back to Novyi Zem like he had said he would, maybe he went to university like his Da had wanted and graduated with the highest honors. He never came looking for Wylan, and he supposes it's fair. He has nothing to offer now that he is blind.
He remembers being a child with no friends and then suddenly, by the age of six, he was a child with a friend — and what a huge milestone that was. He remembers days and days spent together, playing and running, causing mischief and swimming in the lake. He remembers high pitched laughs and whispered secrets.
And the colors — the colors of those memories make him dizzy with nostalgia. The warm brown of his skin and the raging gray of his kind eyes — the calm before the storm. The ridiculous, mismatched colors he always wore: patchwork fantasies and deep purples, stripes and lime, embroidered flowers on yellow jackets. Wylan feels his throat constrict on itself every time he is hit by the realization he will never see those funny clothes again. Those perfectly shaped lips, the gap between his teeth, his straight nose. The storm-like eyes that always hugged Wylan's features with warm affection.
One day they spent the late afternoon digging their feet in the dirt of the lake and wiggling their toes to bring tadpoles to the surface. The tiny creatures gathered at their skinny ankles to chew on hair and dead skin, and they laughed and laughed under the fading sun. The doe eyed boy had looked beautiful, an eleven years old creature with the world ready to welcome him at every turn he would take. Wylan had leaned forward, slammed a hand on the boy's forearm to keep his balance as he stood on his tiptoes. He had kissed him, chaste and fast, a peck on the lips that had tasted of cherries.
The day after, Wylan had tried to fly his father's aircraft — the one Jan had won many competitions in, including his first one. Wylan wonders if his father was more worried for his son or for his aircraft, right after the crash.
He hasn't seen the doe eyed boy with the gap between his teeth ever since.
not tagging, whoever wants to do this / share some wips is free to do it 💗
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ofmermaidstories · 6 months
There is so much I would like to ask you regarding your stories😂 Your worlds live rent-free in my head and I often find myself imagining what Weeds and Scribbled, and the rest of the gang gets up to on my drive to work or while sitting in class. They have a chokehold on me LOL. You are an amazing writer and deserve to be recognized more🫶🏻✨ HATERS YOU TASTELESS BEINGS STAY AWAY FROM MERMIE🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺
Sending you so much joy and love this last week of the year. Sending you a cup of warm tea and fresh cherries for a pie ✨✨💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻
but kaelyn… i have all the recognition i need, bc you’re here. 🥺 everything else is incidental. 😌🎐🌾 actually!!! i literally just hit a milestone for this blog today!!! i wanted to do something for it, but i’ve been caught between a heatwave that makes my skin feel like it’s burning and the tinsel of the new year ahead—but idk. we should make the effort to celebrate the small things. 🥹 what do we think our friends here would want, kae? i’ll let u pick, since you’re here with me right now. 😌 should we do a teeny tiny drabble??? should we compare how our favourite boys would say Happy New Year to us/how we would spend it?? 🧐 too many choices.
anyways, beyond all that noise—sending you much love and joy during these liminal twilight days, kaelyn. 🌷💕 here’s to 2024 welcoming all of us in gently. 🥹
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fanfiction4sooya · 7 months
OMGGG congrats on 800 !! Everytime I see someone hit a milestone I like to imagine the amount of people in a room, it's really crazy when you think about it right??? Here's to many more ✨
- 🍒
Omg 😳 I have never thought about that 😭
Thank you so much for putting this is my head my lovely cherry anon, you are honestly a joy to talk to 💖
Thank you so so so much!! 💖💖💖💖
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