#cherryberry fanfic
roseyanon · 3 months
does anyone know how to get in contact with inverse? looks like they deactivated in 2022, October 16th. ive been going through my bookmarks, and "Scars Like Constellations" is gone :( alternatively, does anyone happen to have a download of said fic available? it was tagged as abandoned, but what was there was good. fic's original description below the cut:
"Blue's always liked puzzles, so perhaps it's not as surprising as some might initially think that he would be intrigued by his very puzzling counterpart from Underfell. Red dislikes the attention very much. At first."
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mystery-fic-anon · 2 years
Can anyone find this fanfic?
Hey y’all I was looking on ao3 for a fanfic (called Across Space and Time, from my last recollection), and I couldn’t find it, so I thought I would put out a call here! The basic premise was it was a cherryberry soulmate story with dom Blue and sub Red, and it took place in a surface AU (or maybe a monsters were never underground story). Red and Blue met at university and ended up falling for each other really quickly. Story was missing the final few chapters but so good! Can anyone help me find this? It was written by the old @sham-the-skeleton on tumblr, i think their username was something like undertalewritingchallenges on ao3? But no matter what I search I can’t find it.
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evieebun125 · 7 years
Title: Crossing lines
Chapter: 7/?
Word count: 1352
Paring: Cherryberry
Warning: Violence,depression, domestic abuse
Read on A03
The surface?
The other had to be joking, he was playing a cruel prank on him, but one look at his counterparts face told him that he wasn’t.
Red had never seen the sun, he didn’t even know it was even possible to kill the human for long enough to take their soul.
He felt faint, if the human’s soul had been taken and used to break the barrier then he was stuck here.
Here in a strange world that was bright and happy and…
He felt tears well up in his sockets, his nonexistent throat felt scratchy and raw as he resisted. If he was stuck here he would never see his little brother again, he was going to be free but his brother would never see the sun.
A blue glove hovered just over his shoulder before finally landing, “It's ok bud, take a deep breath. I know it's a lot to take in”
He took a deep breath once, twice, over and over again hoping to catch his breath. Hoping to reign back his raging emotions, but he couldn’t. 
Once again he failed.
Fat red tears of shame dripped from his eye sockets, his shoulders shook from the stress of trying not to sob like a child. Gloved hands rubbed his back in slow and soothing circles, it seemed like it lasted for hours but it was only a few minutes.
“There you go….here” Blue’s voice was low and soothing, he pressed a soft blue towel into his shaking hands. Red wiped away the evidence of his breakdown, the towel bearing red streaks once he was done.
His voice came out hoarse and crusty,”Can i see it?...the sun?” The other chuckled and nodded before giving a warm yes to his hopes and dreams.
The other stood and walked to his wardrobe searching for something for Red, with an exclamation of joy he came back with more clothes. It was another sweater, but it was baggier.
It hung from his frame perfectly, it dropped well below his waist. It was white and covered in small snowflakes, too cheerful for him but it was better than the clothes he was wearing before.
“Alright, now that you're up and dressed we need to grab some grub before we make a trip to the capital” His cheery tone didn’t leave any room for protest, not that Red was protesting. He followed the other with a tired nod.
He stopped in the doorway when he saw the other papyrus, he greeted his brother with a hum. He looked excited, it's a sight Sans hadn’t seen since the Boss was a small baby bones. He hesitantly followed his blue counterpart into the kitchen 
They other Papyrus shot him a sheepish smile, “Morin’ sorry ‘bout the other day by the way”. At first, he didn’t know what the other was talking about until it hit him, he had fainted after he had shaken the others hand the night before. He flushed a deep red and coughed, “i-it's a’right, it’s n-not your f-fault”
He stood awkwardly for a moment before taking a seat across from the softer papyrus. The other Sans shot him a small look of concern before his expression morphed into one of cheerfulness. One that Sans was sure was 100% fake. The other when into a loud and cheery exchange of words, the hints were subtle, if you weren’t looking for it you wouldn’t be able to tell. His counterparts laugh was a smidge too high, too loud, too pronounced. It was clear that he had been doing this for a long time when he saw how happily the other’s papyrus took it in. 
The Boss would never have allowed him to put on such a mask, he would have sniffed him out in a second. He supposed that this world was not perfect, everyone had their own issues to deal with. During the exchange, Blue had whipped up a plate of breakfast hash. He set a hearty portion on each of their plates, he saw the other papyrus grimace, if only for a moment.
Their brothers were similar in that way too, Sans would admit he wasn’t the best cook in the world but it was halfway decent. But the Boss only wanted perfect, something only he was able to do. Had the Boss not always been working Sans would have happily let him into the kitchen. 
The mash was good, seasoned fairly well and cook well through. He saw his counterpart eating it without issue, but…. The other papyrus was looking at the plate with a hint of hesitation. It annoyed him. “Y-you gonna e-eat that-t?” his voice came out shaky as he spoke to this world's papyrus. 
The other looked at him with surprise and guilt, he clearly wasn’t going to, he could tell before he even opened his mouth. “Nah, I already ate this morin’ Sorry brother I should have said somethin’ before you went out of the way….”
Before the other was done with his excuse he reached across the small table and snagged the plate. Sans didn’t waste food, no matter how good or foul, he tracked the conversation as he ate the other's food. 
“Oh! It's alright Papy, Red seems to be extra hungry anyway!” His counterpart said joyously,”Red needs all the energy he can get anyway, we’re going to the Capital so I can show him the sun mwehehe!”
The other Papyrus chuckled at his brother's antics,”Alright, well you too be careful I have some stuff to take care of” He stood up from the table, and he reached his long arms across the table and rubbed his brother's skull. Before he could protest he was gone, probably on his way back to Muffets. 
Sans wondered if in their world the two had a fling, Grillby had always held and appealed to him after all. Though they were never more than friends, he hummed at the thought. “Y-yer Bro spends a l-lot of time at that spiders p-place” 
He could see an expression of sadness on the others face, His voice was deflated and tinged with sadness as he spoke, “Yeah, Papyrus spends most of his time there. But hey it's better then him dwelling in misery heh a-anyway we’d better get going”
Just as fast as the mask slipped it was back on as if it never happened. He would need to dig further then he decided, if he was stuck here indefinitely then he would do what he could to ease his counterparts struggle.
They both stood up, Bue offered his hand to Red and he took it. Both closed their eyes as a wave of magic washed over them. It was strange when he was being teleported by someone else, something he’d never thought he would have thought he’d ever experienced. 
He opened his eyes when he felt the other tug on his hand, “Come on Red let's go see the sun!” He voice was soft and joyful. Red couldn’t even bring himself to let go of the other's hand. The were on the walkway to the king’s Castle or in this world perhaps the Queen’s castle. The walkway was filled with other monsters, they were milling about with smiles and laughs. 
Red was sweating profusely, he could feel the red magic dripping down his skull, other monsters eyed him wearily. Red magic was a corruption of sorts, not something that occurred naturally. Every monster in his world had it, it was a peculiar corruption it was not necessarily caused by LOVE but by a lack of love.
He felt Blue get closer to him, he wrapped his arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. He was acting as a form of shield before he knew it they were walking in golden halls. He calmed immediately, being here even in another universe it still held its hold over him. 
The walk was quiet and calm through the long golden hall. Their footsteps echoed and then stopped as a form blocked their way.
It was the Queen. 
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silverryu25 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sans/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Underfell)/Sans (Underswap), Underfell Sans/Underswap Sans (Undertale) - Relationship Characters: Sans (Undertale) Additional Tags: Sanscest - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, human on monster violence, PTSD, accidental injury, Panic Attack, Red feeling guilty, Blue calming him down, Bara Red Summary: Red occasionally has episodes triggered by violent behaviour around or towards him. Thankfully, Blue knows how to get his big bonefriend to relax and come down from one without hurting others or himself.
Written for the @cherryberry-zine "You are my stars" Cherryberry Zine :D
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catsitta · 3 years
Red is a lovestruck idiot that just wants Blue to look his way.
Mob CherryBerry | Raffle Prize | Romantic Comedy
For the winner of my 1k Follower Special Raffle Prize, @shythegreenskeleton
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krystal-twi · 4 years
The Erin Hunter Challenge BEGINS!!
Last but Not Least
Red didn't belong anywhere. He's pretty sure he was put on this earth just to suffer. But then he met Sans, Razz, and Blue, and the three of them have made his life for the better, have made him happy. He soon found himself falling hard for the three of them. How could he not? Razz is strong and admirable, Blue has a heart of gold, and Sans makes him laugh like no other. Problem is... Sans, Blue, and Razz are already in a relationship. All three of them. Together
@silverryu25 @sin-cognito @get-off-the-tv @interverses @alinmenttreasure
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redvelvetreel · 5 years
Red Velvet Reel 9.3: Blue Ain’t (Usually) My Color
           [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Stretch receives conflicting advice on how to go about fixing this. He decides to go the middle ground of big, heartfelt gestures that say ‘sorry’ without actually saying it. What could possibly go wrong?
Characters: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans)& Blue (Underswap Sans)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Different monster cultural traditions between universes!  
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note: Sorry this took me forever! In hindsight, I should have finished this part before starting my event, huh? I got like an ask or 2 left for that! I kinda wanna keep it up for fun tho, in case y’all have any other questions, but hmmm... idk! idk~
“Huh?” Red looked at him like he grew another head- that devious bastard was actually trying to act dumb! “Fuck ya talkin’-“
“I hurt Edge’s feelings, bad, so I gotta make all of this up to him.” Stretch shifted restlessly, “How do I apologize to him? What would a Fell monster do?”
“Fell don’t apologize, ‘cause Fell ain’t got no feelin’s! Just act normal ‘n like there ain’t nothin’ bad.” Red mimed brushing dust off of his jacket, “Ya forget? I forget. S’easy!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Blue crossed his arms over his chest, looking pensive, “You’re not Fell, and Edge won’t expect a Fell-style apology from you. Actually, he might be more hurt by the fact it looks like you don’t care.”
His face must have fallen, because Blue immediately continued, “So, I think you should just talk to him! Say you realized you hurt his feelings, apologize, and that you want to make it up to him!”
“Is this like a dungeon puzzle?” Stretch put his head on the table, “I don’t know. What question do I ask so I know which of you is lying and which of you is telling the truth?”
Distantly, he heard Blue explain over his head, hand patting his back, “It’s a movie reference.”
“Ok, whatever, we don’t got all fuckin’ day.” Red must have leaned on the table, because he sounded a lot closer in an instant, “Why don’tcha do both? Sorry by gettin’ Edge somethin’ nice ‘nstead a’pologizin’, yeah?”
“Like what?” Stretch turned his face onto the side of his arm with a dejected sigh, unable to muster the strength to lift his head. Trying to fight against biology was too much work- he was just gonna be an emotional mess for the rest of this quarter. Thanks a lot, Pancake.
“From you?” Red squinted at him, hand drumming on the table, “Uh, sing. One ‘a them cowboy songs.”
Stretch sat up abruptly, whacking at where his ears should have be. “Huh?!”
“Ya made a mixtape one Gyftmas, yeah?” Red knew about that?! Why did Red know about that?! “S’favorite gift ya ever gave. Goddamn brat listened to it fuckin’ thousand times.”
“That was a gag gift!” Stretch couldn’t believe it, a weird mix of touched and embarrassed and confused. “He wasn’t supposed to like it!!! I- I yodeled, man! There was a banjo- I don’t know how to play the banjo! I play the harboneica! I put so much ‘twang’ into the first like 3 songs I kept coughing throughout ‘I’ve got Spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle!’ And you’re telling me he liked it?!” He dragged his hands down his face, wishing he could sink into the floor. (and still kinda weird pleased) “He listened to it! More than once?!”
Blue laughed lightly, turning his face away as though that were any less humiliating for his poor, embarrassed, put-upon brother, “I remember.” Why did Blue remember?! What did he remember?!
“Sorry, Papy,” Blue didn’t look or sound apologetic enough, “But you were singing at the top of yours lungs and you kept crashing into things. You were laughing almost the entire time, though, so I assumed you were having a good time.”
“Ughhhh...” Stretch tried to slide down the cushioned seats and onto the floor as Red and Blue snickered. Laughing at his expense. Traitors. “Is that what Edge liked about it so much? Making fun of me?”
“Ya damn well know that ain’t true.” Red wasn’t quite as smiley anymore.
“Then why-?”
“ ‘Cause he’s sappy as shit!” Red was at the end of his patience, bringing his hands down hard enough to shake the table, “He likes bein’ able to be soft with ya, ok?! All them singin’ bad ‘n dancin’ in the kitchen kinda shit! So pick yer noggin fer somethin’ sugary as hell ‘n just!” He gestured, articulating something Stretch could barely understand. “Fuckin’! Don’t apologize like a bitch! Seduce him like a nerd!”
“Ok!” This was sounding like a better and better plan! Be as charming and goofy and lovable romcom protagonist-y as possible, sweep Edge off his high heels, and get everything back to normal! With the added bonus of making Edge super happy and letting him know he was deeply, truly loved! Brilliant!
“Blue!” He turned to his brother, an excited twinkle to his eye, “How do I do that? What are the best romcom tropes and treats?”
“Um.” Blue’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as Red leered at him, but he soldiered on, “You could leave him cute voice messages of you singing for him. Uh, he’s more of a savory person, so some biscuits or something from the Barkery might be nice. Balloons? Flowers? Everybody likes flowers!”
“Y’ain’t ever get me flowers.” Red teased, grin sharp.
“Stuffed animals are popular too.” Blue ignored him, “But make sure you’re tailoring it to his interests-“
“He likes dancin’!” Red moved his torso to some imaginary beat, but with that snickering, Stretch wasn’t sure if he was being serious or not. “S’Latin night somewhere! Merengue ‘n Salsa ‘n cumbias, nuerito! Real heat up with a bachata!”
“Yeah, ok! I don’t! Know! What half of those are! But ok!” This was going to be great! Stretch pulled his brother into a hug, kissing the top of his head, “You’re a genius, bro!”
He turned to his brother-in-law, “Red-”
Red backed himself into a corner when Stretch turned to him, holding his hand out, “Ain’t gonna letcha kiss me ‘fore buyin’ dinner, Honey.”
Stretch laughed at that, Soul feeling light and suddenly incredibly happy, shaking his brother-in-law’s hand... before clanking a kiss to the back of his hand anyway. Had to practice being as charming as possible, after all!
“Thanks guys!” He was up in a moment, bouncing on the heels of his high tops excitedly, “I’m gonna hit up the Barkery to get a special order in before they close! And the flower shop! And see what other cool stuff I can find!”
“Papy-“ Blue called out, “You still need to tell him why-“
“Don’t be givin’ all at once- draw shit out!” Red was louder, obviously riling Stretch up even further, “Keep ‘im guessin’!”
Stretch was already out the door, phone to his head and waving cheerily as he ran- literally ran- off. Blue sighed deeply.
“Whatcha wanna bet on?” Red was gleefully devious, worrying at a piece of g like the caricature villain he liked to project himself as. “How’sit gonna blow? Who’s gonna blow?”
“It’s rude and in poor taste to bet against your brother and brother-in-law’s happiness.” Blue told him primly, “So, I’ll bet a compliment to Edge, on a topic of your choosing, that Edge is going to contact me to ask what’s wrong with Papy-“
“I ain’t gonna take those odds!” Red crossed his arms petulantly, “S’fuckin’ rigged, tramposo!”
“Before he rips into you for outing his cowboy kink to my brother.” Blue finished with a coy smile, laying his hands flat on the table with a shrug. “But if you’re too chicken-“
“Hah!” Red’s smile was excited and bright as he put his own hands down, palms up, “That’s good! Hell if I know! I’ll betcha...” His fingers drummed on the table pensively, “Hm... Betcha an paternal encouragin’ fer Honey. Tell ‘im he’s gonna be a good Papa.”
“Yeah, okay,” Blue reached for the hand Red offered him, turning it carefully to make sure it wasn’t booby trapped. As soon as they shook on it, Red kicked him under the table- and he got a joy buzzer to the knee.
“I hate you!” Sputtering angrily, Blue rubbed at his knee, obviously trying to dispel the lingering numbness, “You’re such an asshole!”
“Love ya too, baby cakes.” Red blew him a kiss as he stood up, stretching his arms over his head. “Now hurry up ‘n grab ‘em napkins! Game’s comin’ on at 1:00, and I ain’t gonna miss it ‘cause you’re bein’ lazy.”
Red was already at the door, walking into a shortcut before he had to hear Blue cussing him out again.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [ Part 3 - Here! ]  
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xxthemagicpencilxx · 6 years
Tumblr media
Inocencia. (cherryberry) (en Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/LB4VEWnAxM Fell: Viejo... mi vida y mi mundo es una mierda, a veces pienso que ya no existen las personas "puras". Sans: No seas idiota, ese tipo de personas si existen, solo que son pocas... Fell: ¿Conoces a alguna? Sans: Pues el Sans de Underswap, él es la encarnación de la inocencia pura...-respondío señalando con su pulgar a aquel esqueleto, quien est…
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harrish6 · 7 years
Until The Last Petal Falls - Chapter 2 - Flowers For Mother
Blueberry's stats are a mix between Papyrus's and Frisk's. Normally, his stats would mirror Papyrus's perfectly.
This is a mix between Undertale, Underfell, and FlowerFell for this chapter. I wanted to give Toriel time to develop in this chapter, and for her and Blueberry to have time together. So I mixed all those three AU's to give me time for that.
Having said that, this is not going as canon - for Undertale, Flowerfell or Underfell. Or at least, not fully like how they went. I may also go out of order on some events.
-Start Chapter-
Stepping into the new room, the doors closing behind him, he took in the new sights.
It was still dark, but a light lit up a section in the middle of the room. Walking closer to the light, he was able to hear soft crying.
'D-N-- W-R-Y BluEbErRY!' A ever changing voice called out to him in the back of his mind.
'Isn-- m- B-- -o -oo-l?' A lazy voice laughed soon after.
It made him feel like he was going insane, he's just hoping that it is his memories coming back and it is not all in his head. 'Blueberry?' He pouted, did he look like a blueberry or was the person behind the voice talking about a blueberry? No, it sounded like it was his name, it was familiar but still felt so wrong and right at the same time. 'What a...unique name I have then.'
A little golden flower Monster was in the ground crying, leaves over it's little face. It's petals were torn and it looked like it had just been in a fight, and lost more then once.
"Hello!" The flower jerked up with a gasp, tear marks on it's little face. "You look hurt, do you need assistance?" Blueberry couldn't help but asked concerned.
"W-What?!" The flower then tried to growl, trying to look threatening. "W-Who are you?! I-If you don't leave me alone I'll-I'll-!"
"Please calm down!" Blueberry raised his hands in a calming manner. "I am Blueberry...I think." He muttered the last part to himself before going on in a louder voice. "I just wanted to see if you needed any help."
"Help?!" The Flower's voice was like a child's, and with the way it was trying to look like a big bad Monster made it look like one as well. "Who are you trying to fool?! I'm not some little boy that can be tricked like this!"
And before Blueberry could say a thing, the flower forced his SOUL out in the open. Both gasped, not expecting a Red right-side human SOUL to come out of the skeleton Monster's chest. 'The Voice was telling the truth...' Blueberry reached out, but stopping just before he could touch the bright SOUL. 'The red human SOUL of Determination!'
"W-How!?"The Flower gasped, and then quickly hit CHECK to see just what was going on.
LV: 1
HP: 12/20
MPP: 680/680 - Not Usable
AT: 20
DF: 20
EXP: 0
- A lost skeleton Monster with a human SOUL for reasons unknown, is looking for someone important.
- Wants to know if you are okay and need any help? You look hurt.
[EFF: ?????] [FACT: ErORR]
Flinching back, the flower squinted at the Error sign before sighing, his whole body shaking in disbelief. "Y-You really want to help me?"
Blueberry's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the buttons right in front of him. He knew what they are and what they meant, but he never remembered using them before. He lifted a hand, not noticing the flower tensing up, and touched the ACT button. Four options popped up right after.
-Cheer Up
Blinking at all the different options, Blueberry grinned and slapped one.
-Cheer Up
"Do not worry Little Flower!" Blueberry opened his arms, as if waiting for a hug. "I, Blueberry, truly want to help you!" He gave the bewildered Flower a wink. "I do not wish to FIGHT you!"
A hesitated smile worked it's way up the flowers face. "You don't want to fight...?" Little pettlets fluttered alive, sprinkling over the little red SOUL. Seeing that Blueberry didn't even move away from his move shocked the flower, and made him wonder where this Monster even came from.
-Your HP has been restored!
-HP: 20/20
Blueberry's grin grew as he shook his head, pressing the MERCY button, much to the other's shock.
Feeling numb, the flower accepted Mercy for the first time. "Howdy...I'm Flowey." Was all Flowey could say, tear starting to form. 'Mercy....A Monster just gave me Mercy!'
"Nice to meet you Flowey." Blueberry knelt down, giving the other a bright smile. "Do you need any help?" Seeing Flowey shake his head softly, a look of awe on his face, Blueberry decided to ask a question that he really needed to know. "Do you know the way out of here?"
"Way out?" Flowey frowned his brows, not understanding. "Do you mean the out of the RUINS?"
"Well, yes, but no." Blueberry pointed up, smile never leaving his face. "I mean out. I need to get above ground!"
"What?!" Flowey choked in disbelief. "Every Monster wants that! And with your SOUL they'll have it!" Flowey has been given Mercy by this Monster, the least he can do is warn the other. "You may have been in the RUINS for a long time to not know, but all they need is one more human SOUL to break the barrier! And you have what they need!"
"Ah! But I haven't lived in the RUINS at all!" Blueberry happily pointed out, not feeling saddened at all by Flowey's warnings. "I woke up in a bed of golden flowers just in the other room." He pointed to where the doors were, making Flowey's eyes widened. "I'm pretty sure I fell down here. And I need to get out, someone is looking for me and I have to find them!"
'A Monster with a human SOUL...that lived on the surface.' It sounded insane...'But,' Flowey narrowed his eyes, looking the other up and down and taking in how he looked, 'what if more Monsters hid so they weren't pushed down here and sealed?' That made terrible sense. A few Monsters hiding out as the others were sealed, then forced to hide out for the rest of their lives so they weren't dusted on sight. And Blueberry did look like he was in some sort of fight, or that he was being hunted by something if Flowey was right, so he ran up the mountain and fell in from running away.
"Even still!" Flowey sputtered, trying to make the other understand. "You would have to get past her to get out of the RUINS, and there is no way you will walk out of that alive!" Then his eyes widened, realizing what time it was. Face paling, he quickly urged the other Monster to leave. "You have to go! If you stay here she'll-"
"Well, well." A voice chuckled. "What do we have here?"
Flowey whimpered, hiding his face in his leaves. Blueberry blinked, seeing white furry feet a couple feet away. Looking up, he gave the new Monster a sweet smile. "Hello!"
The big Monster, was a goat Monster. Wearing a robe of red, black, and gold with the symbol of the royal family on it - or in fact, the symbol of the Queen. Her yellow and red eyes starred down at him wide eyed, but all Blueberry could concentrate on - was that this all felt wrong.
Shaking off her shocked look, she gave a twisted smile. "Hello little one, what are you doing here? I have never seen you here."
Not seeing Flowey shaking his head at him, Blueberry stood up with a bright smile. "I woke up in the flowers not to far from here!" Starry eyes brightened as they stared up at the other, watching as her face twisted into shock and confusion. "My name is Blueberry! May I ask you name?"
A large hand went to her chest, something that Blueberry didn't understand swimming in her eyes. "I...I am Toriel, the guardian of the RUINS."
"It's nice to meet you Ms. Toriel!" Holding out a hand in greeting, he heard Flowey gasp when Toriel laughed. "Oh! Such a sweet little one! So innocent!" Blueberry slowly put down his hand as she laughed, not really understanding why she was. "And you woke in the flower bed?! Oh, my!" Giggling she gestured for him to follow her. "You must be so confused Sweet One, come I will show you how things are done here."
And with that, she turned around and walked out of the room.
"You shouldn't follow her!" Blueberry turned his head to look down at Flowey. "She'll kill you!"
"Nonsense!" Blueberry knelt down, softly patting Flowey's head. "Everything will be fine, you'll see!"
"Please don't leave!" Flowey knew he was losing the battle, but he had to try. "I can't see her-"
"Then why don't you come with me?" Blueberry asked, glancing around until he saw something he could use. Face lighting up, he raised a finger to the smaller one. "Wait here!"
Watching the skeleton scurry off into a corner, Flowey slowly blinked. 'He...wants me to go with him?' Then before he knew it, Blueberry was back, and a old boot in his hands. "Here we go!"
Now, Flowey could have told him no, he did not want to go with him. But seeing that bright smile, one he had never seen before in this dark world, he found he couldn't. He let the other plant him inside the boot, all the while praying that this world of Kill or be Killed wouldn't kill of that smile. A Monster with no LV or EXP, it was unheard of! Yet here he was, carrying Flowey close to his chest.
A light caught Blueberry's eyes before he could walk into the next room. Blinking, he turned to see...a glowing star?
Glancing around, he shrugged and lightly touched it to Flowey's shock. 'He can see them too?!'
-Yes  -No
Without really thinking about it, he clicks yes. He had nothing to loose at this point, so why not?
"Huh?" Blueberry glanced down at Flowey, confusion in his eyes. "What is this Flowey? Does it do anything?"
Flowey gulped, hoping he was wrong about this but knew he wasn't. 'Will you end up just like Them?' Shaking that though from his head, he answered softly. "That's a SAVE point. With Determination...Well..."  Flowey choked, not wanting to say anything. It was if he said anything, that means it would come true.
Hands gently touched his petals, making him look up at Starry eyes gently looking down at him, a soft smile growing on the face. "Don't worry, you can tell me whenever you are ready to!" With that, the small skeleton looked forward and started walking into the new room. "There is no rush!"
'I really hope your right.' Flowey's mind went to the red SOUL, thinking of another who had the same SOUL. 'They.....They have the same smile.' It broke him, but filled him with so much hope. Hoping that this Monster could change what the first human could not.
'Making Friends With Flowey Fills You With Determination.'
-In The Next Room-
"Ah, there you are Sweet One." Toriel smiled when she saw the little skeleton Monster had actually listened to her. When the little skeleton beamed up at her, her SOUL clinched. Such a innocent and naive little Monster. And for one to just show up on the flower bed? The only way besides falling was going through her, so that meant he fell through the hole. 'A innocent Monster from above, why have you came down here?'
Shaking those thoughts for later, she looked back to Blueberry. He was holding a ratty old boot that held that flower monster, clothing torn. The only thing that looked fine was the scarf. But when he looked up at her those starry eyes, that held nothing but trust in them-'It is the same,' Toriel realized with horror. 'He is just like the human children that fell before.'
"Ms. Toriel?" Jolting out of her thoughts, she looked down to see Blueberry looking worriedly up at her. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, of course!" Giving him a smile, she gestured to the her side, which were some buttons. "The Underground is filled with traps and puzzles Sweet One, you need to be careful." Picking up a nearby rock, she placed it on the wrong button. Blueberry gasped when a huge spike came out of it.
"You see Sweet One, you have to be careful." Toriel couldn't help but giggle at the awed look she got as she went through the puzzle, making the door unlock. It was almost like when her own children were-No, no. She should not think on that now. There was someone that needed her right now. "But do not worry, I will teach you all you need to know."
"Thank you Ms. Toriel!" Blueberry gave a eye closed smile, missing the flinch from the tall goat Monster. "I appreciate it!"
Flowey gulped, knowing what she was getting at while Blueberry was oblivious. 'Fighting, to kill.' He lowered his head, not wanting to even think about the one who gave him Mercy killing others. 'But..' He glanced up at the skeleton, who was now bouncing after Toriel into the next room. 'Would he even try to FIGHT?'
For some reason he couldn't see this Monster raising a hand against another no matter what. Flowey didn't know if he liked that or not.
"I have left instructions for you to follow." Blueberry's eyes brightened as Toriel pointed to the switches. "I will wait at the end for you Sweet One."
"Puzzles~" Blueberry's eyes twirled and sparkled. For some reason the thought of all kinds of puzzles filled him with so much joy. He really wanted to finish it all on his own, to maybe make one all on his own.
Seeing the Monster all but run to the switch made Toriel smile, one less twisted then her usual ones before it fell. This was another Monster, not a human child....But yet she felt protective all the same. There was no way that he could fake that kind of innocence, it surrounded him. He also did not have the coloring to fit in with all the other Monsters. His clothing, while torn, were lighter colors unlike any in the underground. Last she checked - or heard from the Spiders - everyone still wore red, black, and maybe gold. Dark colors, not white and blues.
As she walked to the end of the hall, she wondered just what made this Monster different from all others, and what will happen at the end. Because if he is like the human children...then that meant....
"Be careful!" Flowey scolded lightly when Blueberry jumped up to pull a lever that had arrows pointing to it. "Don't forget to read the directions."
"Oh!" Blueberry pulled back his hand, and once his feet touched the ground he shot off to the written directions. "Than you for reminding me!"
Flowey cleared his throat, face flushing lightly. "Y-Your welcome...."
-Pull the lever to the left.
Looking over, the one with the arrows was the one on the right. 'It was a trick!' Blueberry narrowed his eyes, pouting. 'A very clever trick indeed!' While he pulled the lever on the left, Blueberry made a note to read directions before trying to do a puzzle, these could hurt him and others after all if he didn't go over them carefully.
When he was done pulling down the levers needed, he bounded over to where Toriel stood. "I did it Ms. Toriel!" He puffed out his chest, a wide grin over his face. "I solved your puzzle!"
Without thinking about what she was doing, she softly patted the skull in front of her. "I saw! Good job Sweet O-" Her giggles caught in her throat, realizing what she was doing. She had never did this with the others, so why was she being...He reminded of her of the old underground. That is why she was like this. When things were brighter. Looking down at Blueberry, who had yet to notice anything wrong and nuzzling into her hand, she saw what the underground could have been. How Monsters could have been.
It hurt her all the more, yet made her want to keep this innocence safe from all. But he is a Monster, not a human. He had no real need for her to protect him, he will learn. Taking her hand off his head, making him smile up at her and making her SOUL twist, she turned around to go into the next room.
To Flowey, seeing her smile and giggle like that, patting Blueberry's head like that brought back memories. So many happy memories that he though he would never even think about again. She had never acted like this before, usually she was more aggressive. 'Is it because he is a Monster?' Flowey titled his head in confusion. 'But why would that be? I've seen her dust Monsters for just getting in her way before.'
"Come Sweet One, to the next lesson." Blueberry gave a nod, following her into the next room.
He blinked when they first walked in and looked around Toriel, there was a training dummy put up. It looked very beaten up and banged up, stitched all around to make sure it didn't fall apart. Toriel stood a few feet away and directed him to stand in front of the dummy. With a shrug, he put Flowey down and did as told.
Flowey knew what was coming, and feared what Toriel would do once Blueberry's SOUL came out. Monsters didn't usually need to bring their SOUL to fight in a confrontation, but Blueberry's was human. And human's always came out because they had no magic, or not enough of it. And while Blueberry had quite a bit of magic, for some reason he couldn't use it externally. It was like it was trapped in him, unable to tap into it to form it into a attack. So for now all Flowey could do was pray that Toriel wouldn't burn the skeleton to dust once his SOUL comes out.
"Now Sweet One, other Monsters will want to FIGHT." Toriel pointed to the Dummy. "The Dummy will start a FIGHT, and I want you to FIGHT him." She backed away a bit. "Go on then."
Frowning his brow, Blueberry didn't really understand. He didn't want to hurt anyone, so why should he fight the dummy? Turning to the Dummy, his SOUL came out in the open. Red shined as the buttons came alive in front of him, showing his options. Looking at the FIGHT button, it sickened him in ways he never imagined. As he was thinking, he never noticed Toriel's stricken expression, the way she stared at the little red SOUL in front of him.
'A human SOUL!' One hand went to her chest, the other covered her mouth. Muffling the horrified gasp that she couldn't hold back. She watched the little SOUL float in front of the Monster with wide eyes, not able to look away. 'In a Monster?! Did they experiment on Monsters now?! No, even in the RUINS I would have heard whispers of that.' Taking in a deep breath, trying to calm her SOUL down. 'This poor little one, he truly is like the human children! He fell from above, he had too!' It blew her mind that some Monsters may have hidden above for so long, but she had proof in front of her. Maybe some Monsters they thought that died in the War actually lived and hid, and have stayed hidden to live. But that didn't explain the human SOUL. But that did not matter to her in the end, all that mattered was this Blueberry was the same as the other six human children that fell. 'He needs to be protected. The other Monsters would have him dusted for his SOUL.' Taking a gulp, Toriel knew what she had to do. She looked back up in time to see Blueberry finally hitting a button.
With Determination, Blueberry hit the ACT button. Everything inside him screamed not to FIGHT, not to hurt another. He saw no reason to when kindness could get you farther then fighting ever could. Mercy was a powerful thing that could even make Gods bow their head to. He had no idea how he knew this, only that it was important to know.
-Check  -Talk
Giving the Dummy a bright smile, he hit Talk. "Hello Dummy, it is nice to meet you!" Waving his hand in greeting, he continued. "My name is Blueberry, what is yours if you don't mind me asking?"
-The Dummy doesn't seem much for conversation.
A small pout worked it's way up Blueberry's face at what the text that formed in the box in front of him, at what the Voice had told him. That was no fun, and here he wanted to make another friend! It seems he will have to try harder then to do so. Then he paused, for some reason he thinks that someone is laughing at him right now, or is that a memory?
Flowey watched this all in shock, he was right. Blueberry never even seemed to consider fighting. He just looked at the FIGHT button in disgust, then went to press the ACT button without even glancing back at the FIGHT action. It made Flowey so happy, but so worried. Other Monsters will rip Blueberry apart without notice if they wanted to, free EXP to them, if he did not fight back. Flowey had no idea what to do feeling so torn, so he kept his mouth shut on the matter for now.
"Sweet one, you are doing it wrong." Toriel gave him a twisted smile from where she stood, gesturing to the FIGHT button. "You are supposed to FIGHT, not ACT. Try again, take your time if need be when it is your turn."
Blueberry just glanced at Toriel before turning back to the Dummy, he already knew what he was going to do next turn. And FIGHT wasn't even a option to him. But for now, it was the Dummy's turn, though Blueberry was starting to think it wasn't just a Dummy.
-The Dummy just stands there, not up for conversation.
Raising a brow at the Dummy, was it...shy? Shaking that thought off, it was now Blueberry's turn once more. And without hesitation, he hit the Mercy button. For some reason he could feel surprise emanating from the Dummy, but then it accepted the Mercy it was giving, ending the confrontation.
Waving to the Dummy one more time, Blueberry couldn't help but beam at it-or was it them? "Thank you for training with me!"
Skipping to Flowey, he picked him up and turned to Toriel. "I won Ms. Toriel-"
"Sweet One." Toriel's eyes blazed as she cut him off, but that fire just seemed to make the shadows in them look all the darker. "You can not live down here on Mercy. That is a kindness that you can afford, not with that SOUL you have."
"But they accepted my Mercy." Blueberry pouted in confusion. It seemed to work real well just now. "And no one got hurt! Why do we have to FIGHT?"
Toriel sighed sadly, reaching out a hand and softly patting the others skull. 'Such innocence...They would eat him alive...Asgore would-!' "Sweet One, we only need one more human SOUL to leave the Underground. They would dust you and take your SOUL, you must FIGHT to live, FIGHT to survive this place of Kill or be Killed."
And with that, she grabbed his hand and started dragging him into the next room. But Blueberry was more focused on her words.
'Kill or be Killed? That feels...wrong.' Blueberry glanced around, seeing dark walls and nothing but the oppressive feeling of despair. For some reason he felt that this was wrong, that everything should be brighter. But that was wrong, the truth was right in front of his face. 'But is that really the truth? Underneath all this hate and anger, there is Mercy.' He glanced up at the goat Monster, the one who took him in and is showing the ropes of the Underground. 'She doesn't notice, but she is showing me kindness and Mercy right now. I rather be killed then kill.'
Blueberry would rather be killed a thousand times then raise his hand to hurt another. Blueberry frowned, hearing something in the back of his skull. 'Is...someone crying?'
Flowey flinched as Toriel dragged Blueberry through two rooms, only stopping at a entrance into the RUINS where other Monsters also live. 'Why is it like this?' Flowey glanced up at Blueberry, who was looking at everything they pass with wonder in his sockets. 'Why do we have to have seven SOULS? Wouldn't one work as long as....'
"Here you go Sweet One." Blueberry blinked as he was handed a flip phone. Opening it, he looked up at Toriel not understanding why she gave him it. "This is so you can call me if anything goes wrong. I have to get a few things from the store, so I must ask for you to wait from me here."
Blueberry beamed up at her, making her flinch a bit. He held the phone close and nodded, showing he understood. "Okay! Thank you Ms. Toriel!"
Blueberry kept waving until she was out of sight, then he flipped open the phone. Checking it over, he saw that there was only Toriel's number in it and no other settings but call.
"Y-You should run and hide while you have the chance!" Flowey begged once more, not wanting to see this Monster get killed. "She's going to kill you!"
"Nonsense!" Blueberry brightly smiled down at the flower Monster. "Ms. Toriel has been very kind so far. And while she is very instanced on fighting, she has yet to hurt anyone."
"I have seen her kill Monsters for just getting in her way...." Flowey muttered sadly with a hint of confusion.
"How about I call her to prove to you that she isn't doing anything violent?" Blueberry hummed, pressing Toriel's number and ignoring Flowey's protests while he put the phone up to his skull.
"No! No! Don't do that-!"
"Oh, Sweet One! I was just about to call you." Toriel's voice cut through Flowey's complaints. Blueberry's face lit up, giving Flowey a look. 'See I told you everything was fine!' "Yes, how may I help you Ms. Toriel?"
"I was wondering what you liked better; Blood or Dust?" If Blueberry could, he would have paled dramatically at that question. Flowey then gave Blueberry a look that screamed 'I told you so!'. Clearing his throat, Blueberry tried to give himself more time to answer. He would rather not chance this and file it away as a joke only for someone to get hurt because of that.
'I made some butterscotch and cinnamon pie for the golden flower tea! I couldn't decide on which one to pick, so I used both.' A warm voice echoed inside his skull, making him smile. Then it hit him, why not give her a answer not in the options given. Worse case she decides to pick one out of the two herself without his input.
"I like butterscotch and cinnamon Ms. Toriel!" Blueberry told the other Monster on the line. Flowey gave a choked gasp, while a bang sounded out on the other line making Blueberry worry. "Ms. Toriel?! Is everything alright?"
"I...I am fine Sweet One..." She sounded like she was far away, like her mind was elsewhere. "I....Butterscotch and cinnamon?....I see....Thank you Sweet One...."
And with that she hung up without another word. Blueberry lifted the phone away from him, blinking at in surprise. Turning to look down at Flowey, Blueberry couldn't help but ask about what all that was. "Flowey? Did I say something wrong?"
Far away memories of better times burned at Flowey, making him wish that everything was like before. But it wasn't, and it never was going to be. "I...I think you reminded her of something is all."
"I wonder what spices and food could have reminded her of." Blueberry hummed before shrugging it off. But he was curious about who Ms. Toriel was. 'Her frayed robes had the symbol on it...I think it belongs to royalty?' "Flowey, what can you tell me about Ms. Toriel?"
"....She has been the caretaker of the RUINS for years now, greeting each human child that fell." Flowey started to explain, leaving out his involvement or connection to her. "She took care of them, was very motherly in fact before.....Before they wanted to leave..." Flowey frowned, face becoming shadowed as he thought back to the pained screams of children echoing in the RUINS.
'Motherly? Did...Do I have a Mother waiting for me?' Blueberry frowned in thought, tapping his foot. 'Ms. Toriel does seem to be very caring towards me....Would she....' "Does she like being a Mother then? Does she have any children?" Blueberry thought aloud, a idea coming to mind.
"She did, but they are gone now." Flowey softly muttered, tears forming but not falling. "And the human children have all been killed a long time ago. Honestly I think all she wants to be is a Mother again...." Flowey could see it in her insanity and unbalanced ways. Toriel really wanted to have children once more, but to her it seems they all have been taken away in someway or another, making her break all the more.
"Ah!" Flowey jolted at Blueberry's sudden gasp, watching with wide eyes as he opened the phone once more. "Then I help Ms. Toriel no matter what!"
"What to do you mean?! Don't call her again-!"
"Hello Sweet One, What is it you need?" Toriel's voice answered, voice sickeningly sweet.
"I wanted to ask you a question if that is alright." Blueberry smiled, eyes brightening when he heard her hum in agreement. "May I call you 'Mother'?"
A crash sounded out from the other side just as Flowey gave a horrified gasp. Blueberry just gave a confused frown at all of this, not seeing anything wrong. Toriel is the closes thing he has to a Mother now, and she loved being one from what he can tell...So what was the problem with calling her that as long as she was fine with it?
"You...You want me to be your Mother?!" Toriel started laughing, a twisted sound mixed with so much happiness. So much so that Blueberry couldn't find it in him to regret asking that even as something inside himself said that he was going to regret this. "Of course you can call me that My Child!"
"Thank you then Mother!" Blueberry smiled brightly, not understanding why Flowey was looking at him like he just gave Death a hug. "I excitedly await your return!"
"Then I must hurry My Child!" Toriel laughed harder. "Oh My Sweet, Innocent Child!" She hung up laughing still, making Blueberry smile. 'She sounds so happy! Maybe that will make sure nothing happens!'
"W-Why did you do that?!" Flowey cried out in panic. 'You are going to die!' "T-To call her Mother-!"
"In a way..." Blueberry hummed, walking to the next doorway. "She is the only Mother I know. I do not remember having any parents, so technically Ms. Toriel could be counted as my Mother. I chose to call her that and view her as such."
"But that doesn't mean you have to call her that!" Flowey had no idea what this Monster was thinking. Did he have a death wish?! All those human children made the same mistake, and that only upped  Toriel's 'help'. "You could have kept calling her 'Ms. Toriel'!"
"But she wouldn't be as happy as she is now." Flowey froze. "Ms-Mother sounded so happy when I asked that of her. I think all she wants is to be a mother once more." Blueberry gave a sad smile down at the still frozen Flowey. "I think loosing all her children has broken her, so I want to help her!" Determination blazed in the skeleton Monster's eyes. "And I can help better as her child then as some Monster she is helping out. Do not worry Flowey, everything will eventually be okay!"
"Y-You...want to help her...?" Flowey choked out, not understanding. To him, she was beyond all help. He just hoped that Blueberry would find that out in time to run with all he has. Then Flowey noticed that Blueberry was leaving the room. "W-Where are we going?! I thought you wanted to wait for Toriel?"
"I want to explore!" Bluebrry grinned, not mentioning something inside of him that was pulling him to do it. That something was nagging in his mind that there was much to see, and that everything will be fine. "It will be fine! We'll come back before Mother comes back, or maybe we'll find her first!"
Flowey started shaking, gulping at that very thought. 'That's what I'm afraid of...'
-With Toriel-
Large, white furry hands shook as they closed the flip phone.
Monsters cowered as the large goat Monster laughed and laughed. Her shoulders shaking and eyes watering.
'A child...A Monster child!' Toriel knew humans don't live as long as Monsters, they run on magic after all, not organs that can stop at any moment. To have a Monster child would be the best for her, one that can't die or be taken away from her easily. Sure, he had a human SOUL, but seeing him you wouldn't be able to tell straight off the bat.
To be a Mother was all Toriel ever wanted. Children gave her a joy unlike any other. They filled her SOUL with a soft feeling that should have died years ago. And while Blueberry is fully grown, he is clueless about how everything works and is much younger then her. He is practically a child to her, and one that wants her to be his Mother.
'He wants me to be his Mother.' Toriel smiled wide, eyes brightening. 'My Sweet Child, he wants me to be his Mother.' It just repeated over and over in her mind, that Blueberry wanted her to be his Mother. None of the other children asked that of her besides the first, she just called them her children from the start. And the one time she doesn't do it, is the time he wants to be called that. It made her SOUL dance, something it hasn't done in years.
She would not fail this one, one that can stay with her for years unlike a human one can. One that gives her bright smiles that remind her of happier times.
Buying the items she needed, it was only when she saw the spider spun fabrics that she was hit with a idea. As her child, Blueberry would need it. And what he is wearing is torn too much for her child to be wearing as he ran about to play. What if he caught a cold?!
Besides, her Sweet Child needed to be recognized as her's. It wouldn't do if other Monsters got the idea to take him from her.
"I need some rolls of fabric. Red and-" Toriel cut herself off, eyes glazing for a moment before shaking her head. "No, rolls of blues and whites, and only a little of black, gold and red."
Her Sweet, Innocent Child would look much better in lighter colors then the darker ones usually used. But that was okay, maybe lighter would be best to make a statement. Blueberry did look better in that light blue scarf after all. 'Yes, lighter colors will work. He should be wearing them and not be forced to hide in the shadows like the rest of Monsters.'
As the Child of Hope should, she supposed.
-With Blueberry And Flowey-
"W-What is going on...?" Blueberry cried softly, hand softly touching the light blue flower on his skull. "I-I don't understand! I died!"
At first, everything was fine when Blueberry and Flowey first left.
They ran into a few Froggets, but Blueberry was able to talk his way into them accepting his Mercy, even if the Froggets looked so confused while they did so. It didn't help when Blueberry's SOUL was forced out, making them attack and FIGHT all the harder, only to stop once Blueberry was able to convince them not to go on - seeing that the skeleton Monster meant no harm.
-Unknown to Blueberry and Flowey though, the Froggets all talked about in hush whispers about the Monster who gave them Mercy, one with a human SOUL to boot. No LV or EXP, unheard of! But it is true, so they decided to keep a ear out for now, waiting and watching. How do you think they themselves survived this long living in the same place as Toriel? By waiting and seeing how it all plays out.-
After a few more Monsters and a SAVE point, it was when Blueberry was pulled into a confrontation with one very angry ghost that his world was shattered like his SOUL.
Napstablook was a black ghost with red eyes and a angry frown. Blueberry tried to do what he did to all the other Monsters he ran into, talk to him. But it wasn't enough. More and more attacks hit his SOUL, making his HP lower further and further. Before the last one hit, he was able to smile, making Flowey scream and Napstablook freeze as his SOUL finally shattered.
What Blueberry did not expect was being in front of the last SAVE point not too far from where he met Napstablook, flower growing out of his skull. And tugging at it only hurt him more then ever.
"I....The flower curse!" Flowey cried with Blueberry. "The first human child that fell had it too, every time they died, everything RESET....But your flowers are different..." Flowey took in a deep breath, picturing the flowers in his mind. "They were bright red...Ranunculus, buttercups...Persian Buttercups...."
Flowey can still see those bright red flowers over taking their whole face even as they smiled at him. 'One more time! I'm sure I can get it right next time!'
"I-I'm cursed?" Blueberry took in a deep breath, trying to calm his mind and SOUL. "W-Why?"
"Determination I think..." Flowey bitterly smiled. "But Determination was not built for a Monster, nor does it come cheap."
"T-Then all I have to do it make sure I don't die!" Blueberry beamed up, pushing his negative thoughts away. "If I don't die, then no more flowers right?"
"Blueberry, maybe you should start...FIGHTING." Blueberry jolted, looking at the flower in shock. Flowey sniffed, wiping his eyes with his leaves. "I...I don't want you to-to be covered in flowers!"
"Flowey...." Blueberry frowned in concern before determinedly shaking his head. "No! I refuse to FIGHT! MERCY is the only way for me to do this, to get out of here. And if I die more to show the other Monsters this, then so be it."
Flowey laughed, it's broken sound sounding out, echoing across the dark room. 'Just like them....I...I hope it doesn't come to....' "So be it." Flowey whispered back. Blueberry gave a soft smile, picking him up to go back into the room. 'I want this one to have a different ending!'
"By the way Flowey," Flowey glanced up to Blueberry, sad confusion on his face. "do you know what kind of flower is on my skull?"
Taking a look at the light blue flower, Flowey thought back to his Father's books. He always had a soft spot for flowers, and he kept many journals and books. Some found in the dump, others kept from before they were forced down into the Underground. It only hurt Flowey all the more once he realized what kind of flower was on Blueberry.
"Bella Delphinium." Flowey's horrified whisper might as well have been a scream. "Belladonna Delphinium."
Such a beautiful flower. But the more beautiful one is, the more deadly they are.
-With Toriel A Hour Later-
"That should be everything." Toriel hummed as she glanced down to the bags in her arms and on her shoulder. "Now to get-My Child?!" Toriel nearly dropped her bags at finding Blueberry in the cave like room just outside the makeshift store. "What are you doing here?!"
"Hello Mother!" Blueberry waved excitdly as he bounced up to her, starry eyes shinning extra bright. "I wanted to explore for a bit." He winked up at her. "And surprise you! Did I?"
"Yes My Sweet Child, but you should have-" She cut off once she got a better look at Blueberry. He looked exactly the same before she had left, or would have if not for the flowers on his skull. 'Where did he get Belladonna's? let alone find them down here....Did he always have them?'
They were smalls flowers, but there were so many on the left side of his skull, gathered into a small bunch. At least a dozen if not more, but as they were so tiny it was hard to tell. They were a pretty light blue, in fact they gave Blueberry a more innocent look. But Toriel could feel something...off about it. It was like there was a memory or something she knew about it, but forgot. It swam in the back of her mind, nagging at her.
"Oh!" Blueberry smile dimmed as he lightly touched the flowers on him. Flowey sniffed, hiding his face once more, pained and broken. "Do you like them Mother?"
"They are beautiful My Sweet Child." Toriel brushed off the feeling it gave her, and decided not to question her Child on it. For all she knew it was a normal thing for him. He did come from the surface, and had a human SOUL, so it was not impossible. "But now is time to go home, you can play at a later time."
"Okay! I can't wait to see our home!" 'Our home.' That warmed Toriel up, a soft feeling crept up her SOUL. "Do you need any help with the bags Mother?"
"No My Child, I do not." Toriel chuckled at the little skeleton's concern. 'How long has it been?' Toriel then turned, listening closely to the footsteps following her. It calmed her yet excited her beyond all measures.
'How long has it been since I have been a Mother, a true Mother?'
"What did you do on your adventure My Sweet Child?" Toriel softly questioned as they walked to her-their house. It wasn't too far from the store, only a few minutes.
"I made friends with a ghost!" Blueberry beamed up her as he skipped along. Flowey groaned, remembering how many times Blueberry had died to just make the Monster accept Mercy.
"I see-Wait, what?!" Toriel's neck cracked from how fast she turned it to look down at Blueberry in shock. The only ghost Monster she knew that came around here was Napstablook, and he was not a happy one. In fact, he had tried to kill her before, but she showed him that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So why does Blueberry think they are friends?
"He was a little angry at first, but then I lifted his spirits!" Blueberry winked at the punch line. Flowey groaning once again, not from memories, but from the corny joke.
A shocked laugh escaped Toriel, not expecting the pun to come out. "I-hahaha-I'm sure it-snort-did!"
All Flowey could do was look at Toriel with shock as the two Monsters walked. How long has it been since he had heard her laughter, not from torturer or hurting another, but genuine happy laughter at a simple joke?
'Maybe...' Flowey glanced up at Blueberry's laughing face. 'Maybe he's the reason....Maybe it will be alright in the end....'
"Here we are My Child." Toriel opened the door, letting Blueberry walk in before her. "Here is your new home."
Sitting the bags down for now, she watched amused as Blueberry started trying to look at everything at the same time. 'Just like a hyperactive child.' Toriel snorted before going to the stairs. "Come My Child, I will show you to your room. You must be tired after such a long day."
"Thank you Mother!" Blueberry thanked as he followed her up. Glancing around as they moved up the admittedly nice sized house, he saw a lot of random things. A few vases, one or two paintings that had stains on them - Stains that Blueberry did not want to know where they came from, or out of. - and a few bookcases filled with books of all colors.
"Here we are My Child." Toriel opened the door then stepped aside for Blueberry to go in. "I'll leave you to rest. I will be downstairs if you need me."
"Thank you Mother!" Blueberry called out as she shut the door. He listened to her footsteps fading until he heard them no more. Blueberry then turned to look around the room, Flowey in hold.
"This doesn't look so bad, right Flowey?" Blueberry asked as he sat Flowey down the the nightstand. "Everything will be fine!" Blueberry cheered, going to look on the shelves and chest in the room.
"For now. But it will all change once you tell her you want to leave." Flowey muttered to himself. While he was shocked by how Toriel was acting, it will all be the same in the end. Give them pie, and once they want to leave she snaps and tries to kill them off. Nothing will change that, not even a Determined SOUL. "She is going to kill you, adding even more flowers to your skull."
Flowey jerked out of his depressing thoughts when Blueberry gave a gasp. "Flowey! Look what I found!" Flowey barely had time to blink before a small flower pot was shoved in front of his face. "This will be better then that old, dirty boot!"
"..T-Thank you." Flowey mumbled while Blueberry gently planted him into the pot. "I-I like it." Flowey's cheek brightened as he glanced away from the bright smile directed at him.
"You are welcome!" Blueberry laughed before going back to exploring the room.
Opening the drawers in the dressers, Blueberry was greeted with stripes. Lifting up the piece of fabric, he found it to be a light green and yellow stripped sweater. Looking further in the drawers he found a black and red stripped sweater, and a few other sweaters with strips also in various colors. Putting the sweater back, he opened the next drawer to find it filled with children's shoes.
Now that alone should have raised some red flags, but Blueberry ignored it. Flowey has admitted that she took care of the human children that fell; So why shouldn't she have children clothes and shoes here? It was logical to him, even as if he was feeling like someone was face palming somewhere.
'Y-U --E T-O in-Oc--T!'
'M- b-o i- --e be--.'
Sighing, Blueberry went back to the bed to lie down for a bit. Maybe he was hearing things because he was tired? Taking off his boots and socks, and folding up his scarf but keeping it close and within reach, Blueberry then laid down and shut his eye sockets.
'Fl-f-y Bu--y li-v-d un-e- a lar-- o-k tre-- ____'
A half broken story lured him to sleep, a smile on his face.
-A Few Hours Later-
The smell of something burning greeted Blueberry when he sleepily opened his sockets. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was, and that's when the smell hit him.
'A FIRE?!' Blueberry jumped up, but then quickly calmed down when he saw the room was not set ablaze. Never mind that he had a vague thought of cooking lessons and houses on fire.
Pushing that thought away he glanced over to see Flowey slowly waking up. Knowing he won't get anymore sleep, Blueberry put back on his boots and socks, waiting for Flowey to fully wake up.
"Hmmm....Blueberry?" Flowey yawned, rubbing the water out of his eyes. "What's that smell?"
"I have no idea." Blueberry quietly said back, going to put up the potted plant Monster. "But why don't we go find out?" He asked as he lifted Flowey up and started to the door. Flowey just hummed sleepily, not really caring.
It was only as Blueberry went down the stairs and stepped into the living room when Flowey finally remembered where they were at. He nearly screamed when he saw Toriel sitting in her rocking chair by the fireplace, hand stitching some fabric together. But when he saw the colors of the fabric - light blue, white, and gold - did he stop. The colors everyone wore where black, red and gold. Darker colors not lighter ones. This is different then with all the other children.
"Mother?" Blueberry questioned as he walked closer, only pausing once Toriel looked up with a happy beam and grin.
"Oh! My Sweet Child you are awake!" Toriel giggled, looking to the fabric in her lap. "And just in time too!" She quickly handed the bundle of clothing to Blueberry, making him stumble back from the unexpected move. "Please go change into this in the hallway, you shouldn't be wearing such ragged clothing!" Then she glanced to his battered boots. "The boots as well, I will make you some new shoes or buy some later."
Flowey and Blueberry glanced at one another before Blueberry shrugged and sat Flowey down, going into the hallway to change into the new clothes. The sound of clothing shifting and light thuds filled the air while Flowey awkwardly looked away from the very excited Toriel.
"Are you sure it's okay to wear this?" Blueberry questioned softly as he shuffled back into the living room. Flowey's eyes widened and gaped while Toriel clapped her hands in delight.
Blueberry now wore a robe like Toriel's only in different colors. He had on a long sleeved shirt, the ends of them loose and open. His pants were baggy but tight at the end unlike the sleeves. The robe over top of the shirt and pants was a light blue color, lined with the color gold. The slit of the robe went up to his thighs. The royal symbol on his chest was a darker blue color with the symbols inside the dark blue heart white. On the back of the robe was a different symbol, one that was also darker color mixing with white and black. The symbol of the Child of Hope, the last one to wear said symbol was the first fallen human. To finish off the look, Blueberry still had on his long scarf.
"Oh My Child!" Toriel softly cried in pure happiness. "Of course it is okay! You are my son now, and the others must know this."
"Thank you then Mother!" Blueberry thanked, hands gently touching the soft fabric. "It is very well done!" For some reason he could hear a laugh sounding out, clicking of wooden needles and see button eyes starring at him. But the laugh was different, like the person's voice was changing at a rapid pace.
"Your welcome My Sweet Child." Toriel smiled gently, getting up and starting to lead Blueberry to the kitchen. "I have made some pie if you want a slice."
Quickly picking up Flowey, Blueberry hurried after her. "What kind Mother?"
"Butterscotch and cinnamon My Sweet Child."
Flowey didn't know if he wanted to cry or scream. This was so different from the Toriel he knew....But so much like the Mother he once knew. Blueberry may not know it, but with those two symbols and clothing style he was wearing no one would touch him until they knew for sure he had a human SOUL in the RUINS. But out of the RUINS he would be fair game, in fact everyone would be after to capture him as he is wearing not just a royal symbol but the Queen's. Asgore would do anything to know where his wife was, and the guards would hunt him down all the harder if they saw his SOUL as well.
If Blueberry ever left the RUINS, his clothing would insure his capture if not death if the other Monsters find it offensive or hate the Queen enough for leaving them all.
-Late At Night/Very Early Morning-
Blueberry smiled softly as he adventured around his new home. His new Mother was not up yet and Flowey was still sleeping as he had gotten up at a very early or late time depending on how you look at it, so he decided to check around the house to get a feel for it.
Last night had been fun. Sure the pie had been burnt and crusty, but it was still so delicious because Toriel had put all her love into it. So he ate every single bit and even more then one piece until he couldn't have another. After that she had read him to sleep, a book about snails and all the facts on them. And while he kept hearing another voice telling him a story about a fluffy bunny, he loved the feeling of being read to sleep.
But for now, he couldn't sleep. And before he knew it, he was going down the stairs to see what was below the house he has decided to call home.
Big doors greeted him, locked tightly and shut. Pressing lightly on them, Blueberry knew that they would not budge unless he had the key to them. Deciding to not mess with them, he turned to leave only for a muffled voice to catch his attention.
"-SSHOLE! I, mean I do everything I can-!"
Pressing his skull onto the door softly, he could hear a deep rough voice ranting about something.
"I HATE THIS! Why can't he just go to hell?! Shove that bone attack right up his-!"
A really not happy deep rough voice ranting about somebody Blueberry corrected.
Now Blueberry had a few choices here. First, he could quietly back away and pretend this never happened. Which he could not in good conscious do, so that was out. Second was try to do something to help. But what could he do? The door was locked. What could he do-
Without even thinking about it, Blueberry lifted his hand and knocked on the big arching doors clearly and loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.
Immediate silence. A long minute passed, making Blueberry think that the other person had left, only to jolt to attention when the voice growled out, sounding closer then before.
"What the fuck was that?!" The voice sounded confused, yet Blueberry bit his tongue so he didn't scold the other for their language. "Where are you, you spying little fucker-!"
Instead, Blueberry took in a deep breath to calm himself. Then he brightly smiled as if the other person could see.
"Your supposed to say; Who's there?"
-End Chapter-
Belladonna Delphinium or Bella Delphinium live up to two or three years. They hold the meaning and symbolization of openness to new experiences, overall positivity, cheerfulness and goodwill.
Light blue symbolize youth and renewal.
Blue symbolize dignity.
Belladonna Delphinium is in the buttercup family and are poisonous.
Burning in mouth and throat, confusion, dizziness, headaches and vomiting. For severe poisoning; Breathing difficulty, then paralysis. And then followed by convulsions and death from asphyxiation and circulatory failure.
I wanted Blueberry to have different flowers as he is different from Frisk. The flowers are still in the same family though and are still poisonous. Having said that, these flowers can be found in gardens; So please do not ingest them. You can get poisoned and die if ingested enough and left alone.
Blueberry's magic is stuck inside of himself, can't be used to fight. For example, he could make a ecto-stomach if he wanted to or needed to for eating. But he can't summon his bones or special attack even if he wanted to. All his magic is trapped in his body - he has to have magic to live, he has no muscles. He needs magic like we need organs. - and therefor he is pretty much like a skeleton running on magic with no back up power from magic. Like a human only with a skeleton.
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mystery-fic-anon · 2 years
Thirsty for You
Summary: Red meets Blue at the bar for a date after work, but he gets distracted by Blue's outfit. Kinky shit ensues. (This is a lemon/PWP, no plot here besides them dating each other and wanting to fuck)
Warnings: this has public sex and intercrural stuff
This is my NSFW piece for the You Are my Stars zine. I loved participating in this zine, and I highly recommend that you check it out! I loved participating in this zine, and I highly recommend that you check it out at @cherryberry-zine
It was beta read by someone in the discord but I do not remember who, so sorry. If it was you then please hit me up on Tumblr at mystery-fic-anon, and I will edit this bit to give you credit.
Read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36516019
Red sat at the bar, tapping one pointed phalange against the slick wood surface. The drink in front of him sat untouched, just as it had for the past five minutes. Red had clocked out a bit early to go find this place before his date with Blue, and now he was just waiting for his datemate to arrive.
Red glanced down at himself, wondering if he should have changed into something a bit fancier. He was still wearing his usual jacket and t-shirt, with his shorts changed out for black cargo pants and his sneakers swapped with a pair of combat boots. They had been together for almost five months, and even if Blue had seen him in casual clothes many times before they had started dating, Red still wanted to impress him. After all, it seemed like Blue had picked tonight’s destination with Red in mind.
Red glanced around the bar, a small smirk on his face. The place was roomy, and had the kind of classic style that Red enjoyed, like Grillby's with fewer blood spatters on the walls. There was a long, wood-topped bar, four pool tables, and a trio of booths in the corner for couples. The space was only lightly occupied by a smattering of humans and monsters making light, cheerful conversation. It was all a far cry from the shady places he usually drank at. Good. He didn't want to spend tonight defending Blue from some drunk stranger who was eager to pick a fight.
It was still early in the night, so there were only ten other souls in the bar, besides him and the staff. One was seated at the far end of the bar with a cocktail, two had made a beeline for the booths, and the rest were crowded around a single pool table. Red listened to the chatter for a moment, but then tuned it out. Nothing important or interesting, and no whispered comments about him. The scars on his face meant that he didn’t usually get bothered, especially not in such a nice place, but…
Red finally took a sip of his drink, the ice cubes in his glass clinking together. He didn’t usually go for whiskey, but this was supposed to be the house special. It wasn’t as good as mustard, but the spice to it had a nice kick, as did the burn when he swallowed.
He slipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. It was only ten minutes past seven, but Red couldn’t help wondering. Blue was almost never late for their dates, especially when he was excited about showing Red something. As he opened it, he realized that Blue had sent a message only two minutes ago.
‘So sorry, things got busy. I will be there in ten!’ Attached was a photo of his hand holding his uniform shirt, with some lockers in the background. He must be in the middle of changing, and the overhead lights glinted off of the pure white bones on his forearm.
Red leaned against the bar, hunching his shoulders a bit. He began mindlessly scrolling through his phone, just to do something. Huh, one of the dogs at the small shelter Blue was working for just got adopted. Good for them. Red clicked through a few photos of the tiny dog and a brightly smiling human, but then scrolled on. He kept his back to the rest of the bar, one part of the back of his brain vaguely alert in case anything changed.
A few minutes later he heard calm, measured steps coming over to him and he rolled his eyes. He knew Blue’s bouncy step anywhere, and this wasn’t it. Red lowered his head a bit more, hoping the way he was slouching in his seat would let whoever it was know he wasn’t interested in talking.
Then, the stranger set a hand on his shoulder. It wasn’t an attack, but Red jerked away from the touch. He turned, ready to give whoever it was a piece of his mind.
It was Blue. Red stared, unblinking, at the skeleton in front of him. He’d seen Blue in a few fancy outfits, especially on their first date, but this was different. Blue looked sexy, and not in the usual effortless way he managed to be.
Blue was wearing a pair of tight black leggings that hugged every curve of his ecto body, making it apparent that he’d formed everything from his stomach down. He had on an open, light blue leather jacket Red had never seen before, with a silky purple blouse clinging to his ribs underneath it. Red glanced down, noticing that Blue was actually wearing heels. It was no wonder he was walking differently; the black pumps were only a few inches tall, but Red doubted Blue’s usual skipping step mixed well with any kind of heel.
“Hey! Sorry, going home and then getting back here took a bit longer than I thought it would.” Blue hopped up on the barstool next to Red, crossing his legs and giving Red a bright smile. “I hope you didn’t wait too long.”
It took Red another few seconds to get his brain back on track, and he quickly snapped his gaze back to Blue’s face when he realized he needed to speak. “Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”
Blue reached out, brushing the delicate tips of his phalanges against Red’s knuckles. “You look good tonight.” Blue’s eyesockets went half-lidded, and he gave Red a private smile, the kind that he usually only graced Red with when they were alone.
Red felt his magic flare, and he leaned in slightly. He and Blue had been dating for a few months, and they’d talked about public displays of affection before. Blue’s body language showed that he was open to some of that tonight, and this place was safe enough that Red was happy to oblige.
Then, Blue turned to the bartender, who had come up to them.
“Hey, what can I get you two?” They asked, looking between Blue and Red. Red wasn’t surprised; Blue wasn’t exactly subtle about their relationship.
“Another whiskey, thanks.” Red drained the dregs of his glass, then set it down on the bar. The bartender then turned to Blue, clearly waiting to see which drink needed to be prepared first.
“A virgin blue lagoon, please,” He said, glancing at Red. “I’m happy to come to this bar, but I’d rather not get drunk.” Blue patted Red’s hand, giving him one of his usual cute smiles. “Of course, you can drink whatever you’d like!”
“It’s no skin off my nose.” Red smirked as Blue groaned and rolled his eyes, chuckling softly.
Blue had never enjoyed alcohol, so it was no shock that he was going dry tonight. Red had seen him drink a glass of wine at a few of their early get-togethers, but once Blue had felt like he could voice his preferences without offending them, he had been open about his dislike for drink. As long as Blue didn’t try to control what he had, Red didn’t give a shit.
“So, how was your day?” Red asked, settling in for one of Blue’s rambles.
Blue sighed, puffing his cheeks out adorably. “It was so BORING! Literally nothing happened until the LAST hour, and then only one person came in wanting to adopt a puppy! It turns out she’s severely allergic to fur, so we had to quickly vacuum one of the visiting rooms and then bring in the dogs one by one to make sure she didn’t have a reaction. I mean, I’m glad we found one she liked, but then afterwards we still had to clean up. Then as I was putting out water one of the dogs somehow managed to reach their snout through their door and knock the bowl over…”
Red half-listened to Blue’s story, barely remembering anything after Blue said it. Parsing through a conversation and only retaining the most important pieces of information was a useful skill to have, and Red had cultivated it both Underground and on the surface. Of course, he could repeat the most recent part back if necessary, but after thirty seconds everything that wasn’t life-threatening dissolved into static. Red tried his best to avoid doing it with Blue, but tonight he didn’t have a chance in hell of focusing, not when Blue was wearing that outfit.
The clothes were a bit different from Blue’s usual sporty style, and stars, they looked good on him. Would Blue be offended if Red told him he looked sexy? The jacket he was wearing showed off his broad shoulders, and the rest of his clothes clung to him in all the right places. Red knew Blue was more muscular than he was, but he hadn’t realized just how thick Blue’s thighs were until now. Even with his legs crossed, part of his ecto was hanging off the side of the stool, as if it was waiting to be grabbed. It was easy to imagine those strong muscles squeezing against the sides of his skull, trapping him in place as he ate Blue out—
“Actually, I was thinking of doing a photoshoot with some of our older dogs, and putting it up online! Then maybe we can finally get some interest. I took a couple pictures of Riley today, since she’s so easy to work with, but I don’t know if the lighting is good. What do you think?”
As Blue pulled out his phone, Red felt his sins crawling on his back. He took a large gulp of his drink, trying to cool himself down. Blue had clearly dressed up for this date, but he doubted Blue was aware of the effect he was having on Red. He and Blue had fooled around a few times already, but that had always been in one of their bedrooms. They never went further than kissing in public, and even then, it was more of a quick peck on the teeth than anything else.
Red leaned in slightly, looking as Blue swiped through five photos of the same dog. It looked like a mutt, with white and grey fur. As Red looked closer, he realized the dog was blind. The first three photos were normal, just the dog sitting, standing, and rolled over. The final two had filters on them, the kind that Blue often used to spice up his own pictures.
“The fake flower crown is a bit much. Maybe if ya put a real flower or two behind her ears in the sitting picture, it would get the feeling you’re going for?” Red suggested.
Blue swiped back to the first picture. “Hmmm, you think so? I’m worried the pose is a bit too boring. She’s pretty excitable. I was hoping to capture more of her personality.”
“Simple can be good sometimes. I dunno how that dog acts, but I think whatever ya do, it’s better to go with real lighting and decorations. If you put a bunch of filters, you’ll get people coming in for pets that don’t exist.”
“Fair point. Urgh, it’s ridiculous that I need to do this in the first place. Just because a dog is a little older doesn’t mean it’s any less of a loyal, loving animal! I swear, some of the people who come in…”
As Blue began ranting about prejudices against adopting older animals, Red’s mind went back into the gutter. His eyes slowly crept from Blue’s face down to his chest, admiring how well his shirt fit. He must have hand-tailored it for himself. Most of the clothes available in stores didn’t fit skeleton monsters so well.
While Blue was driving Red wild today, he didn’t want to suddenly change the way he acted around Blue, especially not for this. There was far more to their relationship than just sex, and Red didn’t want Blue to think that he only saw him in that way, even if he was looking him over right now. Fuck, what was he supposed to do? Underfell had prepared him for a lot of things, but this… romantic dilemma wasn’t one of them.
“Red?” Blue’s soft voice made Red jump, and Blue sighed softly. “Were you listening to me at all?”
Red tried to come up with some kind of reply, but he honestly couldn’t remember what Blue had been saying. He’d gotten too inside of his own skull, and he chuckled sheepishly under Blue’s scrutinizing stare. “Er, nah. Sorry. I kinda got lost there.”
Blue leaned a bit closer to him, giving Red a tantalizing view of his exposed collarbone as he looked closely at him. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look kind of flushed. You haven’t been working too hard, have you?”
“I’m fine.” Red glanced away, trying to get himself together. He noticed one of the humans standing by the pool tables glancing over at them, and gulped. “There’s no, uh, no problem. Can we talk somewhere more private, though?”
Blue’s eyelights widened, and he quickly nodded. “Of course! Sorry, I should have thought of that.” He grabbed Red’s hand, tugging him off the barstool. “Come on, let’s take a booth.”
After getting a quick refill from the bartender, Blue took him over to the further wall. He stayed quiet, letting Red choose where to sit. Red chose the booth that was closest to the back wall. It wasn’t an ideal place to fight from, but it was the furthest away from the other patrons, and it gave him the chance to observe the entire bar at once. Blue took the seat across from him, showing his back to the rest of the bar. Red smiled; it was nice to know that Blue trusted him enough to defend him from any potential attackers.
The next few minutes passed easily, with Red and Blue talking about a science-fiction series they had both watched. Blue had some interesting takes on the alien designs, and Red had taken the opportunity to tell some truly horrendous puns. He knew they weren't very good jokes, but the way Blue scrunched his face up in distaste was adorable, so he kept going.
“Ugh, I can’t believe you!” Blue exclaimed, scooting towards Red in the booth. “That one didn’t even make sense, the aliens don’t have proper tentacles. I’m fairly certain they’re mechanical limbs—” He pulled out his phone, pressing up against Red’s side as he opened an image of the aliens. “See? That is not organic matter! It’s clearly some sort of synthetic polymer, and…”
Red’s brain skipped, not registering the rest of Blue’s sentence. How could he, when Blue’s ecto was pressing up against him like that? Red was able to feel everywhere they were touching, as if there was no barrier between them. Blue and him fit together perfectly, Blue’s gloriously soft ecto was pressing against everything from his hip down to his knee.
Red blinked, focusing again as Blue looked up at him. “I guess you’re right.”
“Good. Some of your jokes are decent, but you’ll never improve if you don’t accept constructive feedback.” Blue seemed satisfied, but he didn’t move away. He put his phone down, his eyes lighting up. Blue leaned in, placing his hand on Red’s knee. He only came up to the height of Red’s shoulder, so he had to stretch to reach the side of Red’s face. “I’m glad you could come tonight. I missed you.” Blue whispered, pressing a light kiss to Red’s temple. “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, but it’s a bit strange. I hope you won’t judge me for it.”
“Well, I’m all ears,” Red said, sweating slightly.
Blue stayed close to Red, keeping his head turned so only Red could see it. “Have you ever done it in a bathroom?”
Red stared for a second, before asking a stupid question. “Like, in my own house or somewhere else?”
“Like here.” A blue tinge crept over Blue’s cheeks, and he squirmed slightly. “I-I mean, we don’t have to, but I may have, uh… scouted this place out and made a deal with the bartender. As long as we clean up after ourselves, there’s no problem with whatever we do.”
“Seriously?” Red knew that Blue was kinky, but he hadn’t gotten a hint of this before tonight. Blue had kept it under tight wraps, but with the way he looked now, there was no denying it: Blue wanted this, and he wanted it bad.
“Yeah.” Blue was clearly blushing now, and he looked slightly ashamed of himself. Still, he reached out and took Red’s hand in his. “I-I’m sorry if this is too much. You can back out any time. I just… I thought it would feel really good, and I wanted to try this with you.”
Red tried, he really did, but damn, the way Blue spoke so sweetly while touching bare bone was too much. His magic rushed down to his pelvis, forming a clear glow on the front of his shorts. Red tensed up, trying to press his thighs together, even if there was no hiding his problem. Fuck, he didn’t think he’d ever formed his dick so quick in his life. Red took in a deep breath, bracing himself for a lecture as he finally looked at Blue.
Before Red could reply, Blue moved fully into his lap, pressing his ass right up against Red’s pelvis. He wiggled a bit, making Red hiss. Blue took one of Red’s hands, squeezing it gently.
“Be careful, we need to keep this hidden.” Blue rocked his hips, grinding deliberately against Red.
“Y-yeah, okay,” Red choked out, grabbing the cushioning of the seat with his free hand. He dug his claws into it, feeling the fabric tear slightly. Blue was moving slowly but deliberately, rubbing against the full length of Red’s dick with every roll of his hips. The pressure was amazing, and Red found himself aching for him to go faster already.
Blue paused for a moment, turning his head to catch Red’s eye. “Is this okay?” He asked quietly, moving his thumb in slow circles against the back of Red’s hand. “If you want, we can stop.”
“No. Keep going.” The words tumbled out of Red quickly, but he didn’t take them back.
This was risky, but this part of the bar was quiet. No one had come up to them since they had sat down; this was the kind of place where you had to go get your own drinks. Besides, the thought of getting up and losing the sweet warmth of Blue’s body sounded horrible. No, Red didn’t want this to stop. He wanted more.
Blue gave it to him, repositioning himself slightly so he was partly leaning over the table. He still held one of Red’s hands, squeezing it a bit harder as he began moving his hips again. He moved slowly at first, but when he realized there was no one looking their way, he became bolder. He spread his legs in Red’s lap, hooking his knees over Red’s thighs for balance. The walls of the booth were high, so unless someone walked up to the table, they would only really see that Blue and Red were close together.
When Blue pushed back his hips next, Red’s dick wasn’t just pressing against his ass. He felt the softness between Blue’s legs, and Red groaned low in his throat as he realized Blue had already formed a pussy. His dick twitched, and Blue rocked his hips down harder in return.
Red lost track of how long it had been since they had sat down. All he could focus on was Blue, whose movements were beginning to get faster. From this close, Red felt every breath Blue took, and Blue began making soft noises with each exhale. Red leaned in, resting his face against the back of Blue’s neck. He opened his mouth, dragging his tongue up Blue’s vertebrae. Fuck it, he didn’t care if someone else saw them. Let those fuckers know that Blue was his , and Red wasn’t letting him go. As long as none of them tried to interfere, Red was fine.
Blue let out a soft, breathy moan, and Red’s self control snapped. Fuck it, he couldn’t take this. He needed to get more of Blue. He grabbed Blue’s hips, digging his claws into the soft ecto as he dragged Blue into a shortcut.
They didn’t go far. Earlier Red had scouted out the bar, taking note of where the bathrooms were. Red slipped out of the void again, holding Blue as he stumbled slightly. Blue was a bit disoriented, but luckily, shortcuts didn’t make him sick. Red quickly locked the door, then turned back to Blue.
The bathroom was small, but they didn’t need much space. It was cleaner than most of the bar bathrooms Red had seen, and the strong smell of flowery air freshener masked anything else. The floors were shining slightly, as if it had recently been mopped. Blue must have cut a pretty good deal with that bartender. There was a sign on the wall, with bold print saying “NO SEX” with a bright red “do not” sign over two stick figures fucking doggy style. Red chuckled softly at the sight of it, then turned back to his partner.
Blue had regained his bearings, and he let Red pull him into an embrace. They kissed properly for the first time that night, teeth pressing together as Red slipped his tongue into Blue’s mouth. Red moved his hands from Blue’s hips around to his ass, grabbing it and squeezing hard. Blue was just as eager, his hands slipping under Red’s shirt to feel over his ribcage. Red pinned Blue against the wall opposite of the door, kissing him with even more fervour. Fuck, Blue was making him so hot. His outfit was perfect, and the way he had thoughtfully planned all of this out as a gift for Red made Red eager to return the favour.
Red groaned as Blue’s hands moved lower. He traced over the curve of Red’s hips, then grabbed the waistband of his shorts and tugged on it. Red shifted, helping Blue pull his pants down around his thighs.
He finally broke the kiss, grabbing Blue’s leggings and tugging them down. He knelt down, pulling them all the way around Blue’s ankles. Blue’s ecto body glowed even brighter without the fabric. Red leaned in, drawn by the lovely colour of his magic. He dragged his tongue up Blue’s thigh, looking up at his lover. Blue’s pussy was right next to his face, and Red was already drooling at the thought of tasting it. He still held himself back, though. He was eager for this, but Blue had started this, so Red was following his lead.
Blue reached out, brushing his phalanges delicately over Red’s cheekbone. Red leaned into the touch, his soul fluttering at the way Blue looked down at him. He’d never seen Blue this hungry before, and Red couldn’t believe that a beautiful skeleton like Blue was so excited for him. Blue pressed his hand against Red’s cheekbone, guiding him back to his feet. He turned around, letting Red see the perfect ass he’d been thinking of all night.
Red’s breath caught in his throat as Blue leaned back, letting his dick slide between his thighs. Blue pressed them together, letting Red feel the familiar tingle of his magic. He looked back at Red, a small smile on his face.
“I’ll let you inside me later. I… I want to do it like this now.” Blue pulled at the edge of his shirt, tying it into a knot in the front. The newly-cropped edge showed even more of Blue’s plump body, and left Red with even more to grab. Red rocked his hips forward, and Blue gasped. “Ah, hang on!”
He reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small packet. Red’s jaw dropped as he tore it open, letting the goo inside drip down over his fingers. Red knew Blue liked to be prepared, and now he was more grateful for it than ever.
Blue opened his thighs, depriving Red of that glorious friction for a moment. Red flinched a bit as he felt the cold lube, but only a few drops touched his dick. Blue smeared the rest over his inner thighs, not letting any of it drip down too far. Once he was done he rested one hand against the wall, using his other one to guide Red’s dick right where he wanted it to be. He clamped his thighs together again, and Red bit his tongue. Fuck, it had felt good before, but it was even better with lube.
“Please, Red, I can’t wait any more.” Blue begged, rocking his hips back slightly.
How could he refuse such a sweet plea? Red grabbed Blue’s hips, digging his claws into the ecto as he began thrusting. Blue covered his mouth, but Red was close enough to hear the moan he tried to hide. Blue’s lips brushed against Red’s dick as he moved, slicking him up even more. Red leaned over Blue, pressing his chest against Blue’s back as he rutted against him. The slick leather of Blue’s jacket brushed against his exposed sternum, and he had to grit his teeth together to hold back a groan.
Red thrusted hard, but he tried his best not to speed up too much. He had to pace himself. He knew he could get himself close quickly, but he didn’t want to leave Blue hanging.
Blue supported himself, pushing back against Red. He was just as eager for this, his thighs twitching as Red thrusted between them. He was trembling a little, his ribcage heaving as he breathed heavily. Stars, he was perfect.
Red let go of Blue’s hips, moving one hand between Blue’s legs while the other went up to his chest. Blue’s spine was a no-go since it was covered in ecto, but there were still plenty of spots Red knew would drive Blue wild. He pinched Blue’s clit between two fingers, rubbing it firmly as he gave an extra rough thrust. Blue gasped, but he just pushed back against Red more.
Red slipped his fingers into the spaces between Blue’s ribs, hooking them so his claws would scrape against the sensitive underside of each bone. Blue keened into his hand, his thighs clamping so tight Red felt like he might finish. He leaned down, pressing his face against Blue’s shoulder as he did it again.
Blue moaned, pressing his hand harder against his mouth to keep from getting too loud. He was dripping more now, Red could feel it slicking his fingers. He shifted the angle of his hips, rubbing against Blue’s pussy more as he kept thrusting.
He tried his best to focus on Blue, instead of the bar noises that filtered in. The grinding earlier was one thing, but Red didn’t want to be caught with his pants down. This might not be Underfell, but he was sure there would still be consequences. Red pressed closer to Blue, trying to drown out his thoughts. It didn’t matter where they were, what really mattered was that Blue was here underneath him, pushing back against him.
The bathroom was getting hotter, and Red’s extra magic crackled in the air around him, searching for an outlet. Red felt sweat beading on his forehead and trickling down his spine, but he didn’t care. The mess between Blue’s thighs made lewd noises with every thrust, and it sounded like Red was actually inside him. Red’s needs had been weighing heavily on him all night, and it felt so good to finally let them out. Blue was offering himself up, and being so good for Red. Red would reward him for this later, but first, he was going to enjoy this to the fullest.
Red knew when Blue was getting close by how his sounds changed. His voice got higher-pitched, each breath he took undercut by a whimper or moan. He was getting louder, and while a part of Red was concerned by it, the rest of him gloated that he could make his mate feel so good.
“That’s it, cum for me sweetheart.” Red’s voice was more of a growl, and his sharp teeth brushed against Blue’s neck as he spoke.
Blue didn’t finish instantly from Red’s voice, but the whine he let out made Red’s knees feel weak. He squirmed as Red kept going, rubbing his clit and thrusting between his thighs. His movements were a bit more erratic, but they did the trick. Blue whined into his hand, his thighs clenching Red’s dick tightly as he came. As his orgasm kept going he relaxed again, trembling slightly as Red kept massaging his clit, drawing the pleasure out.
The feeling of Blue’s thighs quivering around Red’s dick sent him over the edge too. He bit down on Blue’s neck, groaning into Blue’s vertebrae as he came. He kept thrusting through his orgasm, cumming all over Blue. Red looked down as his magic dissipated, licking his teeth at the sight. Some of his cum made it on to the wall in front of him, but most of it was on Blue’s body, dripping down his thighs and staining the front of his pelvis with a red glow that was visible even from behind.
Red grabbed Blue’s hand, pulling it away from his mouth. Blue turned his head to face Red, gasping as Red kissed him. He quickly pressed into it, a soft noise escaping him as Red’s tongue slipped into his mouth again. Red wrapped both arms around Blue’s waist, just enjoying the feeling of Blue’s ecto pressing against his bones.
Blue kept leaning against the wall, his legs shaking a bit. Red grabbed some paper towels and wetted them in the sink, then stepped back to Blue. While most of Red’s magic had dissipated, there were still some clear stains around his thighs. Usually Red liked to leave his mark on Blue, but he didn’t want the other bar staff to realize what they had been up to, so he helped Blue clean up. There was a bottle of disinfectant spray next to the sink, and after a quick spritz and wipe, the wall was clean too.
“So, uh, did you like that? Should we do it again sometime?” Blue asked, sounding less sure of himself than before. Red was surprised to hear Blue so nervous, but he didn’t hesitate to reassure his datemate.
Red pressed his forehead against the side of Blue’s skull, nuzzling it gently as he spoke into Blue’s earhole. “Sweetheart, if you try that again you won’t be walking the next day.”
Blue giggled, and the smile he was wearing when Red pulled away made Red’s soul leap in his chest. Fuck, he would never know what he’d done to deserve such a lovely mate. He just wanted to take Blue in his arms and kiss him again, but the logical part of his mind knew they had already been in here long enough.
Red turned, unlocking the bathroom door again. Instead of stepping out of it, he moved back to Blue. He wrapped his arm around Blue’s waist, holding him tightly as he pulled them through another quick shortcut.
They landed back at the table, with Blue sitting down heavily in the seat next to Red. He began to move away, but Red stopped him before he could go too far. Red tugged Blue to rest against his side, slipping his hand under Blue’s shirt. He curled his fingers around Blue’s hip, squeezing it gently. Blue blushed, but he happily snuggled closer to Red.
They would have to get up for drinks eventually, but even then Red wasn’t going to let Blue go far. The night was still young, and Red wasn’t letting Blue go until he got at least two more rounds out of the lovely skeleton.
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evieebun125 · 7 years
Title: Crossing lines
Chapter: 5/?
Word count: 1172
Paring: Cherryberry
Warning: Violence,depression, domestic abuse
Read on A03: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10500864/chapters/26309994
Sans mind was spinning with thoughts. He had heard of the possibility of other universes of course, hell he has read countless books and studies on it. But for it to be proven right in front of him during the most hellish time in his life was mind blowing.
In his distraction it took a couple of minutes for him to realize his counterpart was staring at him. “Oh, sorry I was distracted there, uh what’s up?”
For a long moment his red counterpart didn’t say anything.  He seemed to be searching Sans face for something, he must have found it and he let out a sigh and looked away.
“Your bones…. They look…. Good.”
It was Sans’s turn to stare at the other skeleton, “uh yeah? I can’t say the same about yours though”
“E-exactly…. You…. Were telling the truth right? About the hope and bright outlook… “The red skeletons eyes were glued to the floor.
Sans’s gaze softened, “yeah, no one will hurt you here…”
Sans’s counterpart didn’t reply and the silence stretched on.
Clearing his throat Sans asked,” Hey since you awake now, do you want anything to eat?”
Sans slide his gaze from the carpeted floor to the blue clad skeleton before him. Sans was hungry, but he wasn’t sure how much he trusted him.
Sans scoffed at himself a moment later, he was on the verge of death, welcoming it moments before and now he was trying to worry about staying alive? Ha!
Sans ignored his own thoughts, he would see what this world was all about. He doubted he would be here long, it was a fluke in the multiverse, and it would no doubt correct itself with the next reset.
“Y-yeah I uh c-could go for s-some grub….” His stumbled over his words barley getting much more than a garbled mess out of his mouth. Though it left Sans embarrassed, his counterpart seemed to get the idea and grinned at him.
As the skeleton disappeared from the room, he let out a deep sigh.
He pulled his legs up to compact himself, forgetting about the huge gash a crossed his chest leaving him hissing in pain.
As he returned his legs to their previous position, he saw his double peek from around the corner of the kitchen; his eyebrows were s crunched together with worry, “are you ok?”
Red only nodded, averting his gaze to focus on the table by the kitchen door. His counterpart nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen.
The table that had caught Sans attention had a rock on it; it was covered in what looked like sprinkles. He was baffled as to why it would be their but he thought better of asking it was probably for an insane reason.
He slid his gaze away from the pampered rock to the other side of the room. The wall was littered in pictures of his counterpart and ….. his br..o..th.e..r. He felt nauseated and anxious.
Holy fuck how did he forget about the other Papyrus? Was he anything like his Boss? No, no if his alternate self was a total goober then this
Papyrus would be just as soft right?
He had to breath in and out carefully, he didn’t need his double to come running again. He didn’t need to cause him more worry.
He averted his eyes, He realizes there was a big flat screen t.v a crossed from the couch, in his world the t.v was a roughed up beat up box. Boss liked to watch Mettaton sometimes, when he didn’t Sans had to haul the TV out of storage. In the place of this worlds TV, in his world it was a big pegboard, he would pick up the daily mail and reports and organize it for the Boss when he woke up in the morning.
Apparently he had been staring at the TV long enough that his Blue counterpart had finished whatever he was cooking. He came bounding out of the kitchen with two bowls of steaming soup.
He gingerly sat down besides Sans,” It’s hot but I made some tomato soup! I figured since you’re my counterpart that we’d probably like to eat similar things.” His permeant smile seemed so bright. Sans took the tray offered to him, the soup was steaming and he realized he had a spoon to eat with and a straw.
He looked at his counterpart questioningly, Blue answered with a smile, “The straw? I can hardly eat anything without using a bunch of magic to get it into my mouth. So I use the straw to make it less taxing haha”
He nodded in acknowledgement; his mouth had been cut open years ago, every time he opened his jaw was agony but he was used to it. The world had no mercy for his defects.
Sans stared at his red clone with concern. He hadn’t picked up his spoon or straw, he was just staring into his soup.
“Hey bud, are you not hunger?” He said softly trying his best not to startle him. He watched him jerk out of his haze, he began to sweat and hunch a little closer to himself.
He mumbled something Sans didn’t catch and he took a shaky hand and tried to scoop up some soup. His hand was shaking so much that the soup was spilt off of his spoon before it could reach his mouth.
With a sigh, he gently reach over, this seemed to make his counterpart anxious. He was desperately trying to get some of the food in his mouth, when Sans was close enough to touch him he saw his red counterpart flinched and huddled in on himself.
Sans picked up the straw, bent it and placed it in the soup. With soft noises he leaned Red closer to the bowl, “Here try this sweetie…”
Still shaking he watched as the straw slipped between the other Sans teeth, he saw him slurp a bit of it up.
Before long he had finished the entire bowl. With slow and precise actions he collected the dishes and asked him if he wanted more. He shook his head and Sans brought the dishes to the kitchen and cleaned them.
Coming back into the living room, he declared in an indoor voice, “I am going to go to bed. Would you like to take a shower tonight or tomorrow?”
The other skeleton shook his head; he figured that he wanted his shower tomorrow. With a nod he approached his counterpart and picked him up. The other man clutched at him desperately, surprised to be picked up for sure, but still he didn’t make a sound or struggle.
He brought his counterpart to his bedroom, while it wasn’t as nice as his brothers but it would work. He busied himself with getting other bedsheets and pillows.
He piled them on top of his counterpart before he got under the covers himself. He snuggled close to the skeleton and whispered, “Good night Red”
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crushingonrazz · 7 years
Sleeping Together
Rating: Teen
Cherryberry platonish fluff that I may or may not have written for the excuse to use one line.
Red had always had trouble sleeping. Whether from nightmares or the strangely ironic phenomenon of being too tired to fall asleep, he was always hovering on the verge of exhaustion.
When he was a child, he had always gone to Papyrus, sitting beside his crib and watching the rise and fall of his brother’s chest and letting it lull him into a doze, which seemed to be as close as he could get. Of course, once Papyrus got old enough to talk, he told Red to stay the hell out of his room and stop watching him like a creepy fucker. That was just the kind of loving relationship they had, and that’s what had lasted through the rest of their childhood and far into their adult lives. Red didn’t mind. Strangely enough, he enjoyed the relationship with his brother. Something touchy-feely just wouldn’t have made sense in the world they lived in.
It was only once he met Blue that he realized the cause of his troubles. It was strange, really, that he had gone so long without knowing that the reason he could never fall asleep was because he was so incredibly alone . It was even more strange that he only figured it out when he wasn’t alone anymore.
They weren’t...together. Not really. Neither of them really had an interest in things like that. They were close, sure, but Red certainly didn’t feel any romantic overtones, and he was almost completely certain that Blue felt the same way. Red had never really had a best friend before, but from what he’d heard, this is what it felt like. He could tell Blue anything and everything, open up in a way he hadn’t really even known was possible, let alone felt this good. Blue shared himself in return, letting his false smile fall from his face, a more quiet contentment coming in to replace his usual excitable personality. They could stay up until all hours, talking about nothing while also managing to express the deepest parts of them like they’d never been able to before.
It was on one such night that Blue asked why he never slept. Red shrugged and explained that he’d always had trouble with it, only very rarely being able to relax enough to fall asleep on purpose and otherwise just passing out when his body could no longer handle it. Blue had looked thoughtful, his naturally optimistic mind immediately looking for ways to solve the problem.
“What if I read you a bedtime story?”
Red had given him a doubtful look, to which Blue rolled his eyes. “I’m perfectly aware that you are not a child. It’s not the story that helps you fall asleep, it’s the…” He paused, searching for words. “It’s the person reading to you. The voice, the whole...atmosphere of it. It’s peaceful, you know?”
That sounded...well, to be honest, it sounded stupid as hell, but Blue was looking at him in that hopeful way he did sometimes, and Red just couldn’t get himself to actually tell him that. So he’d agreed, and the smaller had jumped up, grabbing him by the arm and practically dragging him up the stairs to their shared room. He pushed him over, and Red fell onto the air mattress that had become his bed in the time since he’d ended up here. He started laughing at the abruptness of it, and Blue grinned at him over his shoulder before grabbing a book and coming back, forcibly shoving Red over so that he could sit next to him, book in hand and back against the wall. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it up, throwing it over Red’s face and practically shoving the ends of it under him, trapping him in a well-constructed burrito trap, rendering him unable to move. Red laughed harder, wiggling helplessly for a moment before Blue smacked him with the book, giving him a look that clearly said to shut the fuck up and let him read.
The really weird part of this whole thing was that it worked . Blue read some stupid book about a bunny, and Red didn’t listen to a single word, but he fell asleep in just a few minutes. When he woke up the next morning, Blue was in his own bed, and Red was still trapped in his blanket burrito, but he wasn’t...he wasn’t tired . It took him a moment to come to terms with it, but when he did, he smiled more widely than he thought he ever had before, tears filling his eyes for a moment before he blinked them away, rolling his eyes at his own lame emotions.
The next night, Blue read to him again. This time it was a random book about physics he’d grabbed off of his bookshelf, but the inflections in his voice and the wide gestures he made with his arms could have made you believe that he was reading a grand tale of an epic adventure. Red laughed a bit, but before he knew it, his eyes had fallen shut and he was asleep.
It became a pattern, any night that Blue was home, he would read to Red. And Red would sleep. For the first time in his life, he would sleep all the way through the night, and he didn’t wake up screaming. It was surreal.
Once, he and Blue were up late, talking as usual, sitting on Blue’s bed and utterly unconcerned with the fact that it was far past midnight. Blue was caught up in a story about Alphys, a story Red had already heard many times before but never failed to make him laugh. It was only a few minutes into the story, however, that Red’s eyes shut and his head fell sideways to rest on Blue’s shoulder.
He didn’t think he’d ever even thought about what it would feel like to wake up next to someone. He’d never had the desire to be romantic with anyone, and that felt like something that could only ever be romantic. But the way he woke up, relaxed and warm and so incredibly happy almost made him wish he could do this all the time. Of course, Blue echoed his thought aloud almost immediately upon Red waking up. This was something that was happening with increasing frequency, and Red wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about having someone think so much like he did that they seemed to be able to read his mind.
But he was so damn comfortable…
So they went with it. Their nightly routine changed places, and Red went to sleep next to him every night and woke up every morning warm and feeling safe in a way he’d never even imagined before.
Yesterday had been a weird morning. He’d woken up alone, which felt strange in and of itself, but it was because Blue was staying the night with Alphys. It was starting to get easier to fall asleep without him, probably because his body was getting used to this new occurrence called sleep. But he still missed him, not wanting to get up when the room seemed so much colder than usual. He did it anyway, of course, knowing that if Blue got home and both he and Stretch were still in bed, there would be hell and very long lectures to pay.
He was home now, of course, and Red was just on the verge of waking up. His head was tucked into Blue’s chest and Blue had one arm around his shoulders, his free hand holding his phone as he checked his texts or played a game or whatever he did in the morning while he waited for Red to wake up.
Blue noticed his eyes blinking open and shut off his phone, setting it aside and grinning down at him. “Sleep well?”
Red just groaned and squeezed his eyes shut again, causing Blue to chuckle slightly before he started to roll off to the side, planning to get out of bed and stop lazing around. He would never leave Red to wake up alone, but Blue wasn’t one to waste time, so he tended to get up fairly quickly once he opened his eyes. Today, though, Red’s soul clenched at the thought of being left alone. Maybe it was the residual loneliness from the morning before, maybe it was the fact that it was a few degrees colder than usual in the room, he didn’t know, but he reached out and grabbed Blue around the waist, pulling him back against him and prompting the other to burst out into surprised laughter.
“Red, what are you--”
“Five more minutes, Blue, pleeaaasseee?”
Blue snorted and settled back into bed, wrapping him back up and allowing himself to relax. “Fine. Five minutes. I’m timing you.”
Red laughed and let his eyes drift shut, absorbing as much of this feeling as he possibly could. “How was your day yesterday?”
He felt Blue shrug. “It was fine. I got some training done, and Alphys complimented me on my magic control again!”
Red grinned at the repressed excitement in the other’s voice. As much as his friend pretended to be hyper and narcissistically optimistic, he was still generally happy and excited about life. Compliments, though he automatically reacted with an “I know” instead of a “thank you”, meant a lot to him.
“Of course she did. You can change the shape of your eyelights. I don’t know anyone else that has enough control to do that.”
Blue shifted slightly, and Red knew he was blushing by the way he could hear him rubbing his cheeks in a vain attempt to make it go away. He snorted slightly, and Blue bonked him on the head. “Shut up, I can’t help it. I have too much magic in my system, you know that!”
“So do I, but you don’t see my cheeks goin’ all pink like a blushing bride, do ya?”
Blue smacked him again. “No, you just light up your eyes all the time so that you can pretend to be a bada...so you can pretend to be hardcore!”
Red snorted as Blue censored himself, then propped himself up slightly, looking down at him and pushing magic to smoke from his eyes. “Pretend, huh?”
Blue raised a brow, and started poking at Red’s ribs, causing him to burst into surprised giggles, trying to push Blue away and failing. “Yes, pretend. You are so not that--
In that moment, the door was pushed open, and Stretch walked into the room, opening his mouth to speak but coming to a complete stop at the sight that greeted him.
Blue still had his hands on Red’s ribs, and both of their faces were colored in bright flushes. In trying to get away from the hold the other had on him, Red had somehow managed to lay halfway across him in a way that probably looked extremely odd.
They all just stared at each other for a moment, then Stretch backed out the door, slamming it shut behind him and yelling, “Oh my god , Sans, lock the door next time!”
Red burst out laughing, causing Blue to mock-glare up at him before pushing him off good-naturedly and getting up to follow his brother. Red was left to laugh as Blue opened the door and walked out, yelling back, “There was no reason to lock the door! Red and I sleep together all the time!”
Red started shaking with a whole new round of laughter, hands pressed over his eyes as he felt his face heat up.
“Well I don’t want to have to see it!” Stretch yelled back, and from the sound of it, he was almost to the front door. Red was hit with the mental image of Stretch doing his best to escape into the depths of Snowdin while Blue chased after him, yelling things that definitely needed more context, and he had to take a few deep breaths to stop himself from snorting with laughter.
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krystal-twi · 5 years
A Close Call
"Why were you even in Underfell!? What if I didn't get there on time?!" Red turned off the machine. Anger and fear in those eyelights of his. 
“I wanted to see you!” Blue defended himself, never have seen that look in his boyfriends eyelights before. “You weren’t answering your phone!” 
"Boss took it! Fuck!” Red swore under his breath, clawing at his skull in frustration. “You almost got killed! Because of me, Blue!" Red shouted, his hands going and grabbed Blue's shoulders. 
Holding the other close with shaking, clenched hands. Blue tried to give Red a smile, which only made that look worse. Tears now pricking in the corner of Red’s eyesockets. 
Tears pooling and falling down his cheeks. Red closed his eyesockets and leaned his forehead against Blue’s. His grip tightening to the point it was almost painful to Blue.
Blue’s hand went up, wiping away the tears that were falling down Red's cheeks as Red continued. “I could have lost you, Sweetheart...” 
Blue didn't know what to say. Blue has never seen his beloved so shaken and scared before. It struck a cord in Blue. So, Instead, he wrapped his arms around Red. Holding onto Red as Red cried. Letting his boyfriend know he was real, that Blue was there. 
To confirm it, Red leaned in and kissed Blue, hard. 
They stayed like that for the rest of the night and then some. Blue holding Red and Red kissed Blue for all his is worth. Only moving when Stretch came down the next morning. 
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dragonsnowleopard · 5 years
Lair Review for BatCrooks!
 @flightdescending​ - first of all clever tumblr name, second of all cute fr name, third of all you wanted some positive attention, friend  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
well buckle up here comes SOME POSITIVE
kay so first impressions!! 
love all the little mushrooms on your profile, and i dig the free rice dot com rep!! that’s a good website that i should use more often
your tabs are good. good good good. the “do they spark joy” tab name made me smile. lemme tell you those guys spark joy for me, i’m digging the apparel choices, and also zweizwei and dreidrei, literally their names are twotwo and threethree in german and that makes me so happy that i had to squeak it out lout
the organization of your tabs flows nicely!! i like how the colors shift as you scroll down a page in your more populated tabs. v good.
that g1 nocturne that’s up in your sale tab Is Cute... wishing i had more permanent dragon space available OTL (isn’t that what the hibernal den is for, self?)
and into specific dragons!!
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you have a whole tab called pod’s garden, how do i not review pod? i like how the primary and the tert work together to make swamp less of a nightmare color (i may have a thing against swamp bc it’s my custom progen’s tert and it clashes with her purples)!! congrats on making a color i’m not fond of Really Look Good!! also sky shimmer is gorgeous, his accent makes me squee, his fashion is impeccable gardener chic, and THAT ART. <3 all that art! god i love him.
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homily here looks like a living chunk of forest floor and i love her!! this PARTICULAR accent would squick the daylights out of me normally but on her? on her? it works for her. the muted red/orange/yellow/green look is fantastic on her, and somehow she looks like she’s alive and could start moving. she could be a gif for all i know. A Super Good Lass.
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i just wanna spotlight the REALLY REALLY COOL EFFECT that kappa’s accent and secondary gene have together. the greeny-beige outside of the wing, plus the deep red inside of the wing?? DAMN, that’s some GOOD shit, it makes him feel extra three-dimensional, like i could reach under and poke the underside of his wing. Great effects with the color scheme on him, a muted and non-christmasy red/green combo that i dig!
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starshroom is really cool!! purple/green/black color combo works super great on him, and that accent is KILLER GOOD. also the BUFF ART of him i’m absolutely in love with. (i previewed that accent on my mirror boy graves AND NOW I KINDA LOVE THAT ACCENT)
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i forgot i had opened a tab for dispiacere and when i clicked it I GASPED BECAUSE SHE IS SO ELEGANT AND PRETTY. like a dainty, graceful, green and blue queen! a royal lady, as she is now. that preview you have of a gened form down the bottom though? *chef kiss* SHE WILL BE A STUNNING GEM GODDESS.
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zweizwei - aka twotwo - gives me some excellent vibes that sit on the exact middle between world-weary wizard and mad scientist. i can see him with pages and pages of notes, sighing and staring into a bubbling cauldron. he is evocative!! a good!!
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whiskey is a steampunk cowboy and i wanna see him light up a crystal mine with a laser battle as he gets into a dubstep fight with another steampunk cowboy. thank you.
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cherryberry is awesome because the accent, the secondary and tertiary being blue-range, and with the way you’ve dressed him, come together to dupe you into thinking his primary is in the darker blue range and that he has some kind of accent that gives him an ominous bloody maw. i am IMPRESSED at how you constructed his look, he looks like a steel-type warlord that you super don’t wanna cross.
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vern’s lore is SUPER unique and he looks like he could be a lacey decoration. i can see him as an anime boy who gets lots of fanfic written about him. congrats on making another difficult green-tone work as a primary with the aid of rad secondary and tertiary choices, and congrats on creating a dragon that looks delicate but gives off cut-you-with-a-glare serious vibes from lore and art at the same time. well balanced!
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squid keeps catching my eye, i really like the very clear water spirit vibes of him. also i love putting the deepsea bulbs on faes, and the art of him is SUPER HECKIN CUTE. he is a good boy and i’m pretty sure if i crossed him in the depths i’d be done for, but it’d be okay bc he’s soothing to look at
wait, you said “quick lair review” didn’t you SHIT SORRY OKAY I’LL WRAP THIS UP
in conclusion GODDAMN i love how your lair is organized and how you dress your dragons. you have interesting lore and a GOOD FUCKIN ART COLLECTION. god, you just. you have a lot of real good dragons!! congrats on a splendid lair!!
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PLS i’m anticipating the jealousy between the ohara brothers in taking the bull
but i can imagine them like coming together to be jealous of some random guy who tries to talk to you. like just shit talk that man to eachother 😭😭😭 they are brothers after all
or or
How they become extremely defensive if someone tried messing with reader, because first of all that's Gabriel's bestie, and second Miguel is falling in love
I'm so excited ahahaha
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harrish6 · 7 years
Until The Last Petal Falls - Chapter 1 - Little Red SOUL In A Bed Of  Flowers
I do not own UnderTale or FlowerFell, or any of the Characters. They belong to their respectful owners. I only own this story. I really want to make this different then Flowerfell, but not so different that it isn't Flowerfell.
This is a rewrite of a story I made on Wattpad. This story can be found there as well.
-Start Chapter-
Light shown down the hole, golden flowers under the light shimmered and shined. Then movement, making the flowers sway.
A small bony hand come up, stretching out. "Wha...?" Brows frowning, eye sockets slowly opened. Blinking for a few moments to get used to the light, starry blue eyes stared up to the hole in confusion.
Slowly moving, the skeleton sat up. Twitching, he looked at his hands in wonder. "Where am I...?" Then a whimper escaped him. "Who am I?"
'Well, what do we have here?'
Jolting, the skeleton looked around wildly for the source of the voice. It sounded so familiar, like he should know who it was. A longing filled him, making him frown in confusion. "Hello?"
There was no one but him here, nothing but the flowers and hole. Frowning, he squinted, hoping to see whoever it was that was talking. "Is anybody here?"
'You can hear me?! This is different....'
"Um, may I ask for help?" A smile worked it's way up on the small skeleton's face. "I seem to be lost....very lost." He checked over his hands, a powerful feeling working it's way up him. Huffing, and feeling very confused, he kept looking around for the owner of the voice.
For some reason the smell of chocolate wouldn't leave him alone.
'And with a human SOUL too! This changes things.'
"A human...SOUL?" The Skeleton knew he wasn't a human, but a Monster. But his SOUL was-!
He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember what his SOUL looked like. In fact, he didn't even know what his own face looked like anymore. Looking up at the hole, he wondered if he fell.
'Did I fall on my head?' Lightly patting his head, he tried to think on what happened. 'Was that made me forget?' But all that came up was blank. Nothing stood out, in fact nothing came to mind.
That worried him, he had a feeling someone was very worried for him. That he was needed somewhere.
'But maybe this is for the best....'
Shaking off the despair that wanted to break through, the skeleton stood up in the bed of golden flowers. Glancing down at himself, he saw a torn grey t-shirt, ripped grey pants, and the blue boots looked like they were getting ready to fall apart at any moment. The only thing on him that looked perfectly fine was a long light blue scarf around his neck.
It has no tears or holes, just a few petals left on it. Shaking off the petals, he made sure it was tied tightly around him. Moving a bit, a giggled escaped him. It was like having a cape! "Mweh!"
'I....A human failed to do what was needed in the end.'
'This feels important...' Softly touch the warm scarf that sat around his neck, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was important to him. That it getting destroyed or lost would be a bad thing. He had no idea who gave him this - if someone did that, for all he knew he made it himself - but they must have been important to him.
'In fact,' glancing at the hole, he knew what he needed to do. 'I have to get out.'
'A SOUL of Determination can do so much, but at a price.'
Someone was calling for him, looking for him. He was sure of that if nothing else. He had to find them, tell them that he was okay. Every part of him was screaming at him to do this. And while he had no idea who he was looking for, he knew he had to try.
'I will ask for a answer later on, I will need to know your answer.'
Walking out of the bed of flowers, he glanced around. It was completely dark besides the light coming from the hole. Taking a gulp, he stepped into the dark, following the path.
"I'll be fine!" Starry eyes stared ahead, determined. A grin growing on his face as he strode forward. He refused to look back at the flower bed, where he was pretty sure he had fallen to. Soon he came to a huge set of doors, tall and imposing and dark in color. "Everything will be fine!"
'A human failed so many times, too many times until it was too late.'
"Besides, I'm not alone!" The skeleton cheered, glancing around as if to the find the person behind the voice that made him think of chocolate for some reason. "Isn't that right Voice?"
'Heh! But maybe a Determined Monster can do what a Determined human can't.'
Taking in a deep breath, he pushed open the doors. Nothing but darkness greeted him.
'I don't know who you are,' He took a step into the dark room. 'but I want you to know that I'm okay.'
'Seeing the RUINS doors fill you with Determination.'
'I l-V-  y-  br-.'
-End Chapter-
Blueberry as forgotten everything, the reason why will be reviled in pieces later on. All he knows is that someone is looking for him, that he needs to find them. He made the leap of logic that he fell down the hole, and that made him loose him memories. Not to say that is what happened, but that is his theory
Blueberry, while innocent still and never fighting back, is going to be a bit more mature then the older version of this story. Not by too much, but enough. Like I said, there are going to be differences, changes are going to be made. I don't want Blueberry to be exactly like Frisk, and he is a Monster with a human SOUL. Monsters are going to react very differently to him then they would with Frisk.
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