#chew toy or perhaps a dog biscuit
rabbitindisguise · 5 months
Me: hmm I want to try other granolas. Branch out. Get more protein
Me, mid meal: what the fuck this just tastes like fuckin. Oat Puff Cereal. It's squishy. And gross.
Ingredients: whole rolled oats, textured soy prot-
Me, scornfully: what the hell man that's totally what it is. this should feel like eating rocks. In a bad way. This doesn't even hurt my mouth a little bit. smh. And you call yourself a company. So fucking disappointed in you Open Nature™
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mamabearcatfanfics · 4 years
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Dani updates something. The world must be truly coming to an end. Read below or here on AO3
Like most great wars, it was started by something small.
Kagome picked up her laptop from where it had been sitting on the coffee table and carried it into her bedroom, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Perhaps it hadn’t been a good idea to invite Inuyasha over for movie and pizza, but when she’d texted him earlier in the day and heard about his crap day at work, she’d extended an impromptu invite. Sango hadn’t minded, and it had been fun, even if he did spend most of the night using her laptop to debunk theories in the spy thriller they’d watched.
When he’d first arrived, he’d been his usual grumpy self, but by the end of the movie, he was in an excellent mood. It was nice to see him happy, although she wasn’t exactly sure what had caused the change in attitude. The pizza had probably helped. She’d never seen anyone consume pizza like Inuyasha could. It worried her sometimes, the types of food he ate, even though he argued that an inuhanyou’s metabolism was very different to a human’s and you couldn’t compare the two.
Anyway, it didn’t matter. If her friend was happy, then so was she. He had such a nice smile, and she tried to do her best to help it come out at every opportunity. They were just friends, she knew that, but his smile was just… it gave her butterflies.
Calling out a sleepy goodnight to Sango, she wandered into her bedroom yawning, wishing she could flop straight onto the bed and close her eyes. But unfortunately, she still had the proposed media releases for the Starlight Foundation’s upcoming fundraiser event to read through before a breakfast meeting tomorrow. She knew if she’d stayed to go over them at work she’d have to walk home from the train station in the dark, so she’d emailed them to her personal laptop before she’d left for the day.
Slipping into her comfy pj’s and snuggling under the covers, she opened up her laptop, then blinked slowly, her head tilting slightly as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.
Everything was upside down.
Her whole screen was the opposite of how it should look. She exited out of her email program, noting with apprehension that her desktop was also upside down, then opened it up again. Still upside down. Crap! Was this a virus? She’d let the virus protection on her laptop lapse because she’d had to buy a new dress to wear to the fundraising ball, and she’d seen the perfect dress and there’d been a sale, and she had to get the extra money from somewhere. What if it the virus somehow got back to her work computer? Shit, shit, shit!
Quickly googling ‘everything on my computer screen is upside down’, and tilting the screen and her head so she could read the upside down words, she breathed a sigh of relief when she worked out it was an easy fix. Using the Ctrl, Alt and arrow keys she quickly set it to rights, sending up a silent thank you prayer to the IT gods, with a promise that she would update her virus protection asap. She wasn’t sure how her screen had got that way, but right now she was too tired to care.
The next evening, when she sat down with Sango to watch the latest episode of Masterchef, the tv remote refused to work. With their cider going warm and the avocado dip congealing on the cheese platter they’d prepared, they both tried to get the remote to work, giving it a tap and shake to no avail.
After repeated attempts at removing the batteries and rotating them, while Sango went through the junk drawer in the kitchen in a fruitless search for new batteries, Kagome finally noticed the tiny scrap of black tape over the sensor on the remote.
She removed it, and the remote worked again. She looked suspiciously at Sango, narrowing her eyes. She smelled a prank. But Sango loved watching Masterchef as much as she did, and was complaining bitterly about them missing a souffle failure. Masterchef was one of the highlights of their week. Nope, it wasn’t Sango. But someone was definitely having fun at their expense.
Two nights later, when she bit into an Oreo from her secret treat stash in her bedside drawer, and found the sweet creamy filling had been replaced with toothpaste, she knew there was a prank war going on. And as far as she knew, there was only one person who knew about her secret stash, because he’d busted her one night stuffing her face when he’d popped his head in her room to say good night.
He’d had time to do all these things on their movie night. He’d used her laptop. He’d had access to the remote. And now that she thought about it, there’d been that suspicious amount of time he’d spent in the bathroom, which neither of them had questioned because he’d muttered a warning about steering clear of the bathroom for a while to give the air a chance to clear. But that would have enabled him access to both the bathroom and her bedroom while her and Sango were engrossed in the movie. No wonder he’d been so cheerful that evening when he left. Inuyasha had pranked her.
But what he didn’t know, was that Kagome was a seasoned campaigner when it came to prank wars. Her and Souta had it down to a fine art, coming up with bigger and better pranks all the time, to the point that one year her mother hand banned them totally, because things were getting out of hand.
The corners of her mouth turned up in a sinister smile, and she let out a chuckle worthy of a cartoon villain. Alright. If he wanted a war, he’d get one.
It was on, like Donkey Kong.
Inuyasha sighed moodily. It wasn’t that he disliked his job necessarily, it was just a job, and it paid the bills, and gave him enough time off to do all the other things he enjoyed doing. But on days like today, when the shop was empty as a tomb, and his phone battery had gone flat, he was ready to expire from boredom. He was just toying with the idea of using a charging cable from the one’s in stock, when a familiar scent drifted across his senses as the shop bell rang.
“How’s my favourite hanyou doing?” Kagome grinned, watching his ears perk up as she walked in.
“I’m fucking bored to tears”, he said, standing up from where he’d been slumped against the counter. He glanced at the clock on the wall, then looked back at her with concern. “Hey. Aren’t you home from work a little early? You’re not sick are ya?”
“No, no, I’m going to work from home this afternoon, seeing I’ve been going into the office so early this week”, Kagome answered breezily. “I just popped in to bring you something.”
“I tried out a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies, and I know how much you like them, so I saved some for you. That should make your afternoon more interesting.”
Inuyasha sniffed the tupperware container she handed over appreciatively. Kagome was a good cook, and even though the plastic blocked most of the smell, he could tell they would be tasty, because everything Kagome made was delicious. And chocolate chip cookies were his favourites. Fucking sweet!
“Thanks Kagome! You’re the best, you know that?”
His conscience twitched slightly as he thought about the toothpaste oreo’s he’d hidden in her drawer. He’d had a crap day that day, and playing those little pranks on her had cheered him up immensely. He’d often played pranks on his half brother Sesshoumaru back when he’d come to visit Dad during school holidays, to see if he could budge the stick that the older youkai seemed to have permanently wedged up his arse. The oreo trick had been one of his favourites. But here she was baking for him. Maybe she hadn’t found them yet. Perhaps he could replace them with a whole new packet before she ate one, seeing she’d bought him these. He grinned at her.
“You wanna stay and eat some with me Kittycat?”
“I’m afraid I can’t”, Kagome said with a sorrowful expression. “Lots to do. But I’m sure you’ll enjoy them!” With a cheery wave, she walked out of the door.
Inuyasha smiled, looking down at the container in his hands. She’d put a post it note on the lid, with ‘For Inuyasha’ written in curly swoopy cursive. She was a good friend, had fit into his life so completely that he didn’t know what he’d do if she suddenly disappeared. He was so glad he’d helped her that day she’d walked in to the shop with her bad cold.
Taking off the lid and not even pausing to take a sniff, he picked up one of the delectable looking cookies and stuffed the whole thing in his mouth, chewing appreciatively, until a distinctive taste hit his tongue. He nearly spat the contents of his mouth out on the floor, but ended up swallowing the mouthful with distaste, knowing he’d be the one that would have to clean up the mess. Those weren’t chocolate chips…
 Fucking raisins!
The wench knew he hated them. What the fuck? Who would replace innocent chocolate chips with fucking raisins, the worlds most vile dried fruit – that was… was evil!
The post-it note fluttered off the lid, and he noticed a smiley face drawn on the back with some more of Kagome’s swirling cursive.
 ‘That’s payback for the Oreos dog boy!  ❤ K.’
He snorted, about to tip the cookies in the bin, then deciding to put them aside to give to Myoga. The old man had taste in his arse, he’d probably love them, especially if he told him Kagome made them. But Kagome. What was he going to do about sweet little innocent Kagome? It looked like he’d finally found a worthy adversary.
It had been two weeks since she’d given Inuyasha the cookies, and there had been no retaliation. She sniggered, remembering his face when she’d asked him how he’d liked his cookies – the rolled eyes, the huff of irritation. Sweet manna to her soul. But then he hadn’t done anything about it. Frankly Kagome was a little disappointed. It was a shame, because she’d really enjoyed baking the biscuits for him and imagining his face when he bit into one, but she guessed that not everyone liked pranks. The Oreo incident had probably been a one off.
She flicked on the lamp next to the sofa, ready to sit down and enjoy her book and her cocoa with the last of the tiny little marshmallows, and shrieked, slopping the hot liquid down her pyjama shirt. Sango came running.
“Kagome, are you okay?!”
“Cockroach!”, she shrieked, pointing at the lamp, ready to hurl her book at it. The shadow of the insect was clearly visible on the inside of the lamp shade. “Quick Sango, get the bug spray!”
“On it!” Sango hollered, running into the kitchen, clearly ready to unload half the can on the offending interloper. Kagome kept her eye locked on the insect, wanting to be ready in case it flew towards her, holding up her book like a shield. The insect was still. Very still. So still in fact she bravely moved closer to take a better look.
She pulled the cut out picture of a giant cockroach from the inside of the lamp and held it up for Sango’s inspection as she approached with a jumbo sized can of spray. Sango looked incredulously at the paper insect, and then back at Kagome, who was looking at the cut out with a strange expression of glee.
“Inuyasha?” asked Sango hesitantly, unsure exactly what was going on, but making an informed guess.
“Yup!” replied Kagome happily, popping the ‘p’ with relish. Looked like Inuyasha was playing a long game. She could do that.
They were strolling along the High Line, or rather Kagome was strolling, and Inuyasha was following along reluctantly. It was only the promise of beer and a burger at the end of this outing that had made him go along.
“Isn’t it lovely here?”
“Kagome, it’s a bridge. With plants on it. And tourists.”
“But it’s so nice! Isn’t it amazing? All these green things growing in the middle of the city.” She twirled around with her arms out wide, nearly taking out some backpackers, then grabbed his hand, dragging him over to a small garden filled with purple daisies.
“Can we take a selfie here together? Please?” She pulled her phone out of her pocket, and then pouted dramatically. “Aw, I’m all out of battery.”
She looked up at Inuyasha and gave him a sweet smile, and he rolled his eyes, shoving his hand in his jeans pocket to pluck out his phone.
“Fine, use mine”, he drawled, unlocking his phone and handing it over to her. “But don’t go filling it up with cutesy photos, alright?” He didn’t mind really though. Kagome was always taking photos of them together on her phone, and he didn’t have any on his. It might be nice to have at least one of them together.
Kagome smiled up at him, and they did the usual shuffle so they would both fit in the confines of the screen – her standing on tiptoes, and him curving his body downwards.
“Say cheese!”
He grinned automatically, his lopsided smile revealing one fang, his cheek resting on the top of Kagome’s head. She’d told him she was using a new shampoo, one that didn’t smell quite as much, after reading up on different scents that bothered youkai, and he appreciated the fact that she’d done something like that for him. He sighed, breathing in her sweet smell, which blocked out the usual stench of the city.
“Thank you” said Kagome softly, mindful of how close she was to his ears. She kissed his cheek gently, and he couldn’t help the sappy grin that crossed his face. “I’m just gonna message the photo to my phone, okay? That way we’ve both got a copy.”
“Uh sure.”
He straightened up, feeling his heart beating a little faster for some reason. He obviously needed to get to the gym more often if walking along a bridge and dodging tourists got his heart rate up.
She handed him back his phone and then tugged on his hand. He slipped his phone back into his pocket.
“C’mon! I promised I’d buy you a beer and a burger. There’s a pub just under the bridge that’s meant to be awesome. I was reading reviews about it last night.”
He smiled fondly at her, taking in her wide grin and the spring sunshine bouncing off her dark hair. Such a bubbly person. He honestly didn’t know what Kagome saw in him. But he was very glad that she liked hanging out.
He had such a fun afternoon talking, laughing, eating, then walking her back to her apartment, that he realised he’d never looked at the photo she’d taken. He pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it, then snorted when he looked at his screen. He didn’t know how she’d done it, but somehow, she’d changed every single app icon to different pictures of kittens. Nice one. His lips curled into a smile, already planning on what he could do to get her back.
He flicked open his photo app and stared at the photo of them together, standing in the sunlight surrounded by purple daisies in the middle of a bustling city, the wind blowing their hair so the white and black intermingled. He saved it as his lock screen.
Kagome hated dusting. But she loved knick nacks, so dusting was a necessity. She just couldn’t bear to throw things away, and kept all sorts of little mementoes that wouldn’t mean anything to other people, but meant a lot to her. Spraying a little bit more polish on the rag, she ran it over the shelves of the bookcase in the hallway, picking up a photo frame absentmindedly so she could dust underneath. And then she double blinked.
Taking a closer look at the photo, she snorted with laughter. It was a photo of the four of them, one someone had taken when they’d won the pub trivia championship.
She didn’t know how he’d done it, or when, but somehow Inuyasha had used a photo editing program to replace all their faces, hers, Sango’s, Miroku’s and his own, with the features of Nicholas Cage. Not entirely original, but funny all the same.
She turned the frame over to find the original photo stuck to the back. Miroku had his arm carelessly around Sango’s shoulders and Sango was blushing – no doubt Miroku had just whispered something perverted in her ear.
She was standing next to Sango, and Inuyasha was standing directly behind her, bending down so his chin rested on the top of her head. It made her smile, the way he draped himself on her for photos – it was often the only way they both fit, because he was so much taller than her.
He was so amazing, he took her breath away sometimes, just like he had that first time in the store. It was like he didn’t know how beautiful he was. She turned the photo around again, giggling at how ridiculous they all looked. She had to hand it to him, that was tricky. Time to up her game.
Inuyasha was pulling his boots on when there was a knock on his front door, but it was expected. He’d ordered a box of Krispy Kreme’s to bring to Miroku’s regular card night, and it had arrived right on time. Salted Double Caramel Crunch. He always ordered a box, knowing the girls liked them, and having a not so secret love of them himself. Kagome was always at him to eat healthier, worried about all the salty and sugary foods he enjoyed eating, but he was half youkai – his metabolism could handle nearly anything.
Carrying the box carefully, he walked the two blocks to Miroku’s house, a tiny bit late because he’d had to wait for the delivery, but it wasn’t like anyone would care. They were already there, Miroku shuffling the cards, Sango sipping a beer, and Kagome sitting on the sofa, her eyes lighting up when he walked in the door. Sometimes she was so fucking cute, he couldn’t stand it.
He plonked the box down on the centre of the table, and walked across to Miroku’s fridge, opening the door to snag himself a beer.
Sango opened the box eagerly, and then laughed uproariously.
“Are you on a health kick Inuyasha?” she sniggered.
Opening up the sides of the box, she revealed carrot, celery and cucumber sticks, along with a plastic container of hummus.
“What the fuck?!”
Kagome came to stand behind him. “Oh, good boy! You finally listened to me about eating healthier foods. You’re gonna feel so much better!” she said, patting him on the shoulder.
Inuyasha turned his head, raising an eyebrow.
“Really Kagome? Kidnapping innocent donuts?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, Kagome said, her expression all wide eyed and innocent. “Bu-ut if you wanted a donut as a little treat for being a good boy, after you’ve eaten some healthy veggies of course, there’s a plate of Salted Double Caramel Crunch ones in the kitchen. I know they’re your favourites.”
Kagome was tired. So tired. It had been a hectic week at work in the lead up to the fundraising ball, and all she wanted to do was curl up on the sofa with a nice cup of sleepy tea before heading off to bed. She opened the cupboard to reach in for her favourite mug, but her hand clutched on empty air.
Huffing impatiently, she stood up on tiptoe, unable to quite see onto the shelf. Sango was taller than her, and sometimes she pushed the mugs back too far in the cupboard for her to reach. But her hand still grasped at nothing. Were they all in the dishwasher?
She opened up the dishwasher, but it was empty. Sighing impatiently, she went into the hall cupboard to fetch the little step stool she used to reach the higher shelves, but it wasn’t there. Or in the bathroom.
Smelling a rat, or rather a dog, she walked slowly back into the kitchen, her eyes roving around for anything amiss. And then she noticed them. Every single mug, cup and glass was placed on top of the cupboards, way out of her reach. Kagome frowned.
This… this one hurt a little. Inuyasha knew she was sensitive about her height. At 5’2” she was the shortest person in her family, with even Souta towering over her now, and her height was a family joke.
When they first met, Inuyasha used to tease her about it all the time too, but he didn’t any more, knowing that it upset her. The only thing that had stuck was her nickname, Kittycat, which she didn’t mind so much, she kind of liked the way he said it. But…
She sighed, climbing up onto the bench top and balancing on her tippy toes, one arm stretched up to reach for a mug, the other windmilling frantically as she almost lost her balance. This game. It didn’t feel quite as much fun anymore.
Inuyasha sipped his beer silently, sitting alone in their regular booth at the pub. Miroku had tried to engage him in conversation, but had eventually given up when every answer was a surly one syllable reply, and had gone over to the pool table to join a game.
They were waiting for the girls to arrive for their regular pub trivia night, but his heart wasn’t really in it tonight. He was annoyed at Kagome. She’d called him a ‘good boy’. Offered him a treat, like a dog. In front of other people. And it rankled, especially since she was usually the one who would defend him when others poked fun at his ears or his inuyoukai heritage. Somehow it hurt ten times worse coming from her, because it was unexpected. She did call him dog boy sometimes, but that hit different, because it was a nickname, a term of endearment. Being called a ‘good boy’ felt derogatory.
Maybe it had been petty, putting all the things up out of her reach, especially when he knew she was sensitive about her height, but he’d felt like being fucking petty. This game they were playing wasn’t as much fun as it had been.
His ear twitched as he heard the raised voices of Sango and Kagome over the general noise. Sango was disagreeing with her over something, asking her if it really was a good idea, and Kagome was shushing her, moving through the crowd towards them. She seemed a little off balance somehow, like she was walking differently, leaning slightly to one side.
As soon as he got closer he saw why. Her arm was in a sling.
The mugs. The fucking mugs. He’d put them all up out of her reach and hidden her step ladder under her bed. And of course because she was the clumsiest woman on this side of the planet, she’d managed to hurt herself. And it was all his fault. Fucking shit. He was the worst person alive.
Gulping, he pushed himself out of the booth, moving over towards them. Sango was still glowering at her, probably telling her it was a bad idea to be out at a pub when she was injured. And she was right. Maybe he should take her home. He couldn’t see a cast, so maybe her arm wasn’t broken. But even if it was just sprained, that was bad enough, because he knew it was coming up to the busiest time of year for her at work.
When he got closer, Sango greeted him shortly and then moved off to find Miroku. She obviously was angry at him, because she should be. Because he was a shit friend, who’d done something to someone who he cared about very much.
“Hey Inuyasha”, she said, looking downwards, her voice dejected, her arm cradled against her side carefully in the sling. “How are you?”
Unable to stop himself, he wrapped his arms around her carefully, like she was made of glass, avoiding her injured arm. She was so tiny, so fragile. So breakable.
“Kittycat, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t think.” He stroked her hair gently, running his clawed fingers through her dark curls. “Does it hurt too much? Have you had it x-rayed? If you want, I can take tomorrow off and take you to out patients. What ever you need, okay? I’m such a shit, I can’t believe I-“
Kagome cleared her throat. “Inuyasha?”
“Do you need to sit down?”
“No, I’m fine. I’m okay, really.” He watched as she pulled her arm out of the sling, and he flinched, his own hands moving reflexively, ready to steady her. “I really am fine. I almost fell, but then I didn’t. I didn’t get hurt. This is just to… to prank…um, gotcha?” she gulped as the concerned expression on Inuyasha’s face turned to ire.
He blinked at her, stony faced, then marched out of the pub, uncaring about Kagome calling after him.
He marched down the street, anger fueling his long strides, uncaring that Kagome’s voice was getting further and further away. He could hear her running to try and keep up, and he was bitterly amused about her tiny little human legs not being long or strong enough, until he heard her misstep and almost fall. Fuck. If she really did fall, which was totally a possibility because she was the biggest klutz on both sides of the planet…
He turned and marched back towards her, then waited, his arms crossed. She ran up to him, panting, leaning over to catch her breath.
“That wasn’t fucking funny Kagome.”
“I’m sorry”, she gasped. “I should have listened to Sango. She said it was too much. I was just annoyed about you putting everything up so high. And when I almost fell it gave me the idea.” She sighed. “But you’re right, it wasn’t funny.”
“Damn right it wasn’t!” he snarled. “I thought you were injured, and you know I’d never do anything to deliberately hurt you. Between this and the ‘good dog’ comment, I’m fucking-“
“What! I’d never-“
“It was implied. I was a ‘good boy’, who could have a ‘treat’? And then I suppose when you faked an injury you thought the good dog would whine about it and look after you? What did you do, read up on Inu youkai protective instincts or something? I bet you had a good laugh about it, huh?” He huffed out a heavy breath. “I don’t like this game we're playing anymore Kagome.”
“Inuyasha, I never meant it that way. I was teasing, but I’d never…” She was openly crying now, hugging her arms around herself. “Please, I’m so sorry. Please.”
She looked so pitiful that he relented, wrapping his arm around her shaking shoulders.
“I’m still annoyed Kagome”, he sighed. “But it’ll be okay so stop crying. No more pranks, okay?”
“No more”, she sobbed, pushing her face into his side. “I promise.”
Seeing a bench close by, he tugged her hand over to sit down beside him, patting her on the shoulder as she continued to cry.
“Hey c’mon now. Stop crying. I said it would be okay.”
“I really am sorry”, she sniffled. “I guess I don’t know when to stop. Maybe that was why Mama banned me and Souta from pranking each other.”
“You used to prank your brother? Hey, me too.” He rubbed her shoulder as she leaned into him. “Not all of them were bad. Look see, I still got kittens on my phone.” Kagome smiled, her cheeks wet with tears, and pulled out her own phone.
"Look, our lock screens match", she said softly, showing him the photo of them both standing in the sunshine surrounded by purple daisies. She wiped away her tears, taking a deep breath.
“I put the Nicholas Cage trivia team photo on the fridge so Sango and I can see it all the time”, she said shyly. “It makes me laugh. Are you gonna tell me how you did it?”
“Nope, I’ll take my secrets to the grave”, he grinned, then sighed. She still smelt like guilt and sadness. “C’mon Kagome. Cheer up.”
“Inuyasha, please believe me when I say that when I said ‘good boy’ I didn’t mean it the way you thought I did”, she hiccuped, looking at him intently. “I promise. I just didn’t think. I promise I won’t call you that again. And if I ever say anything that hurts your feelings like that, please tell me.”
“Okay. And I promise I won’t hide your things up high again. That was kinda mean too.”
“Okay. Are we good now?”
“We’re good.”
Kagome reached out her arms and hugged him around the waist. “Good. Because I hate fighting with you.”
He squeezed her back affectionately, then pulled her to her feet. “You ready to go kick some trivia butt Kittycat?”
“You bet.”
"Oh, and you need to make some more raisin cookies for Myoga. The old coot hasn't stopped raving about them."
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puppyexpressions · 3 years
Dog Bucket List: 45 Fun Things to Do With Your Dog to Make Him Happy
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It’s not for nothing that our furry friends are often referred to as human’s best friend. They’re incredibly loyal, caring and earnest, and their love is unconditional like no other. Thus, it’s only fair we also treat our doggies like they’re our best friends; it’s a spot they’ve rightfully earned, after all. And that means there’s so much more we could be doing together with our dogs to make them (and you) happy beyond the basics. That’s why I have put together this fun bucket list of things to do with your dog, so that you and your furry best friend can get into some awesome dog-friendly activities together!
1. ✧ Stay at a Pet-Friendly Hotel
There are plenty of places where your pooch is welcome to stay, just do a simple search for pet-friendly accommodations. You will find hotels and log cabins, as well as a cottages and cute glamping tents. Pick one and have a memorable getaway with your pup.
2. ✧ Learn a New Trick
Depending on how long you’ve been training him, your pup likely already knows how to play fetch and roll over. Those are just the most basic of tricks that you could teach him though. There is also the army crawl, the salute, and the handstand which can leave other owners impressed once your doggy has mastered them.
3. ✧ Dress Up for Halloween
Halloween can be a fun holiday to enjoy together with your pup. The stores are bursting with simple costumes for dogs, like different kinds of cute headbands that’ll easily transform them into a dog-dragon or the like for the night. A quick search for dog costumes on Amazon will pop up a ton of different options as your dog’s costume, such as reindeer ridden by Santa, mail carrier, ghostbuster, dinosaurs, Maleficent, and the list goes on.
And naturally, it is a must to take a million photos of you and your pup in your Halloween outfits for the world to see.
4. ✧ Walk on the Beach
With the summer season well under way, there’s no excuse not to schedule a fun day out frolicking on the sand. There are plenty of dog-friendly beaches around the US that you could visit.
5. ✧ Have a Doggy Birthday Party
You should be able to lookup your pooch’s birthday on his pedigree. But, if your dog is a rescue or doesn’t have an exact birthdate, you can pick a date that’s convenient to you, so he can check off this activity on his dog bucket list. It would be wise to send out your invitations and make the cake early so you won’t end up going crazy over last-minute arrangements.
Don’t forget to buy a cute birthday hat and you can easily bake your own doggie cake with the Wheat-Free Peanut Butter Puppy Cake Mix.
6. ✧ Take Your Dog to Work With You
While not all workplaces allow it, for security, hygiene and other reasons, surprisingly many companies these days allow for their employees to bring their dog to work with them. And why not? A furry friend in the office makes the working day so much more fun and breezy!
Your dog will also enjoy the extra time spent with you, not to mention all the attention they’ll be getting throughout the day from your colleagues who won’t be able to keep their hands off from petting your doggy.
7. ✧ Ride in a Convertible
Just like you, your pup loves to feel the wind in his hair when cruising down the highways. The usual coupe or pickup is boring and confining though, so go on a drive in a convertible instead. Accessorize with cool sunglasses (like the QUMY dog goggles) as you bask in the sun and you will feel like celebrities who have all the time in the world.
8. ✧ Go Shopping Together at a Dog-friendly Store
Shopping no longer has to be an activity that you love to do but need to leave your furry bestie home for! Although certain stores, such as supermarkets, continue to be quite inaccessible to dogs, a wider range of stores accepting dogs, outside of pet shops, are beginning to arise all over. Just check online before you get going on your epic shopping trip!
9. ✧ Stand Up Paddle Board
If you haven’t already noticed, a stand-up paddle board just happens to fit more than one person, you can easily have room for a smaller sized dog. Honestly, teaching your pet to SUP may be one of the more challenging things to do on this list, but in the end it’ll be so much fun to paddle down a scenic river or on a smooth lake.
10. ✧ Do a Police Car Ride Along
Another one for extra special dog activities–for both you and the dog–is to go on a ride along in a police car. It can’t get much more exciting than that! It’s also totally safe to do, giving you a ton of first hand insight on what it’s actually like to be a police officer for a day.
11. ✧ Play Frisbee
If your dog already knows how to fetch a stick or a ball, it can be easy to advance a level with a Frisbee. Though Fido might have some difficulty with catching a flying disc at first, this is one thing to do with your dog that will require a little patience.
You can easily find a frisbee on Amazon, but the KONG Classic Flyer is one of the best-rated across the board.
12. ✧ Sleep on the Bed
Sleeping on the bed can be such a treat for your pooch, but don’t give into the temptation too much or they won’t sleep in their own dog bed! Some dogs will even chew up their beds so that they can spend more time on your bed—a very smart trick. Everybody knows that having your pooch lie in your bed with you is one of the best feelings in the world for you (and him), but once they start snoring, it might be time to kick them out of the bedroom!
13. ✧ Watch the Puppy Bowl
As tempting as it might be to switch the channel to watch your favorite American football teams going at each other, Super Bowl Sunday is the best time for you to binge-watch the Puppy Bowl with your pooch. Not only will you see puppies, but also other cute animal “tweeters” and “commentators”. You never know, you might find that squealing at fluffy furballs is a more enjoyable annual thing to do than screaming at sweaty athletes.
14. ✧ Have Breakfast in Bed
Is it your pup’s birthday? Or perhaps just a rainy and gloomy morning where you could both use a little pick me up? Having breakfast in bed together, all the while cuddling and maybe catching something comforting on the TV, sounds like a great way to treat yourself – and your pupper!
If you’re skilled with your hands and in the kitchen, try to whip up a breakfast that looks like you’re both having the same thing, but will be totally safe for your furry friend to eat. Some ideas for a dog friendly breakfast are cauliflower muffin bites, pancake puffs or these mini omelettes. Perhaps you’d like to enjoy the same treats for your breakfast – or at least the human version of them?
15. ✧ Take a Nap Together
Although a simple activity, apart from a good and long walk around the neighborhood, this is what you and your pup will love to do together the most! If possible, why not make it a regular thing even? It’s such an excellent way for both of you to recharge your batteries mid-day. So cuddle up and get to snoozing!
16. ✧ Visit a Nursing Home
There’s no denying the fact that playing with dogs can be therapeutic, especially to those who live in nursing homes. This is because friendly canines can encourage residents to leave the confines of their room and to recover faster from surgery or a stroke. Watching the older generation having fun with your pet is always worth the effort of driving to your nearest care home and it will be such a rewarding thing to do for everyone.
17. ✧ Eat a Gourmet Meal
I have eaten many incredible meals at memorable restaurants in my lifetime, but finding a restaurant that serves gourmet meals for dogs can be a challenge. Sometimes, it would be better off to prepare the food yourself, which should be fairly easy to do. There are several delicious dog friendly recipes on the web that can be easy to make, like peanut butter cookies, gourmet whole wheat dog biscuits and chicken jerky. 
18. ✧ Have a Steak Dinner
If breakfast in bed sounds like it could get messy or complicated really quick, you can’t go wrong with a steak dinner. And since your dog actually can eat the same dish as you this time around—though they may prefer it on the raw side—it’s an especially fun ‘date night’ between you and your best friend. Your doggie doesn’t need much more than a juicy hunk of meat to feel special and loved, and you’ll love to share a good steak with them, too.
19. ✧ Get a Doggy Massage
You’re not the only one who can benefit from a trip to the spa every once in a while; your canine friend can too! Many owners believe that a doggy massage can help to provide strengthened immunity, increased circulation, stress relief and improved digestion in their pets. You may not be able to get him a Thai massage, but definitely something more gentle will be available for your deserving best friend. So, schedule an appointment with your nearest animal massage parlor today to give your pup a well-deserved break after a hard day at the park of learn how to massage your dog yourself.
20. ✧ Get a ‘Pawicure” (AKA: Doggie Manicure)
Unlike us humans, our dogs probably don’t appreciate getting their nails cut as much as we do. But if you make an event of it, you might survive through it with less hassle. Google around for shops in your local area where you can go get a pawicure at, or follow these instructions to pamper and groom your pup from the comfort of your home. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to treat yourself to a mani-pedi as well!
21. ✧ Play Hide n’ Seek
Well, a dog friendly version of hide n’ seek, at least! Your pup may not understand the rules of the original hide and seek, but if you play it in a way that your dog can enjoy and easily follow the rules, you’ll both end up having a great time.
In the dog friendly version, instead of ordering your dog to go hide, or hiding yourself, you’ll hide his or hers favorite toy. Start with easy hiding spots and, as your pet gets the gist, you can increase the difficulty of where you hide the toy.
22. ✧ Play in the Leaves
Cleaning up your yard from the fallen leaves just got a whole lot more fun with the pup joining in on the game. You might not get a lot of actual work done, but you’ll get plenty of laughter out of it! And if you don’t have a yard, find a park or equivalent where there’ll be leaves to play around in.
23. ✧ Play Sock Tug-of-War
Got a pair of socks to spare? Tug-of-War is a fun game that you’ll be able to enjoy together, and you don’t even need to let your pup win! All you need are some socks that have seen their best days. You can play either with one simple sock, or you can use your socks to build a homemade version of a tug toy. If you don’t have some old socks, get him a squeaky sock monkey instead.
24. ✧ Be the Star in a Dog Calendar
Lots of organizations make calendars where owners can proudly display their pooches. The requirements for getting your pet in on the action can vary from place to place. Some clubs make it a contest to find suitable cover dogs while others are willing to print submissions. With companies like Shutterfly it’s also possible to create your own calendar with your favorite photos.
25. ✧ Swim in the Ocean
If Rover doesn’t already know how to swim, now is the best time for you to teach him. To make the training process easier and safer, make the necessary preparations such as providing clean water to drink, bringing a flotation vest, and establishing rest areas with a lot of shade. Start in a shallow part of the water then just coax him in farther with a toy or a treat. Using a positive tone of voice and giving lots of verbal praise can go a long way too. The Teaching Your Dog to Swim video with help you out!
26. ✧ Warm Up in Front of the Fire
This is an ultimate way for a human to cozy up on a cold evening, especially after a few hours spent outdoors getting your cheeks red in chilly weather. But you can count on your pooch to enjoy it every bit as much as you; the heat of the burning flames will warm him up, too, and it’s a great moment to spend together with you. Lay a towel, mat or a blanket on the floor, sit down and instruct your pup to come sit next to you, then wrap another blanket around the both of you, and enjoy some relaxing time together. 
27. ✧ Play in the Sprinklers
Owning a lawn can do more than just boost the curb appeal of your home. It also gives you plenty of opportunities to frolic with the furballs, particularly when you have a sprinkler system installed. Take note though that some doggies find it more interesting to chew, bite or dig your sprinklers so you might want to buy a few sprinkler toys,  like an inflatable shallow pool sprinkler or the crazy Tidal Storm Hydro spinning sprinkler that will have him entertained for hours!
28. ✧ Play With Your Favorite Toy Together
Every pup has a toy that they love and adore more than any other. It may be one that the doggy can enjoy playing with by herself, but it’s also one of the easiest things to do with your dog – and she’ll totally love having a buddy to pay with!
29. ✧ Have a Doggie Play Date
If you’ve noticed that your pup seems to want playmates of his own species, you can find him one by setting up play dates with other people’s pooches. This shouldn’t be a problem when you know a few pet owners in your area, but if you don’t you can search for one in dog parks or at doggy daycares. Should you decide to meet outside of those places, do it in neutral territory as you don’t want to end up having to break up any fights.
30. ✧ March in a Parade
Did you know that, especially around the holidays, there are dog parades arranged all around the country? How much fun does that sound like?! Your pup will get to don a costume and you’ll have a blast walking in the crowds, making new friends, both human and the four-legged kind. As parades are quite hectic, you may want to do some preparing and training with the pupper to get ready for the big day and have it go over smoothly and successfully.
31. ✧ Romp Around in the Snow
Although the winter time may feel cold and uncomfortable for going out for walks, there’s plenty of fun that can be had when there’s some snow on the ground. You’ll likely get to take the lead, but your pup will have the best time romping and jumping around in the snow with you, especially if you live in a region where you regularly get loads of it.
32. ✧ Hike a National Park
Generally, pets are permitted in National Parks (check each ones website to be sure!) but they typically have to be restrained on a leash not exceeding 6 feet in length. There are several reasons behind this NPS policy but the main point is to protect your dog along with park resources. To avoid any mishaps, remember to maintain proper trail etiquette including observing the rules for the right-of-way.
33. ✧ Have a Social Media Fanpage
You’ve probably heard of Boo the Pomeranian who has over 17 million fans on Facebook. Just like him, your pooch can become a social media superstar too! Start by taking lots of fun photos of your furry pal and post them on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Or possibly even start a travel blog for your dog, but make sure you don’t make the beginning blogging mistakes I did! Take note to update the page on a regular basis and if there’s a high cuteness factor you should see the list of followers grow.
34. ✧ Take a Picture with Santa
A bit of a controversial opinion to some, but as a dog owner, at least one reading through this list, you definitely think of them as part of your family. Specifically, as one of the youngsters in the household. And therefore, getting a picture of the pup with Santa becomes a memory you’ll want to have and to keep!
35. ✧ Attend the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
There is no better way to show off your amazing canine friend than by having him join this prestigious dog show. Apparently, cuteness alone won’t cut it in the big leagues though so you have to focus on improving other aspects such as cosmetic features and structure. This gives you all the more reason to drop by the animal spa every now and then, doesn’t it?
36. ✧ Try Something New Together
New ways to spend time together with our puppies keeps being thought of, so there will be plenty for you to choose from and try out to find the activities you and your dog will enjoy. Have you ever gone roller blading together? Or tried out dog yoga? Search Google a bit for some suggestions, possibly even list down all the best sounding ideas, and get started on trying out those new things to do with your dog!
37. ✧ Go on a Picnic
Some days you just want to relax rather than chase after Fido. The problem is that it’s highly unlikely that your pet will want to stay still for a long period of time. A picnic is the best way for you to meet in the middle. As he romps around in the grass, you can chow on some cake and roll on the blanket.
38. ✧ Dine on the Patio of a Dog Friendly Restaurant
When the weather gets great, you’ll want to meet with your friends for some great brunch or dinner on a gorgeous patio of one of your favorite restaurants. What about, if the restaurant is also a dog friendly spot, you took your pup with you the next time? It’ll be a fun experience and memory for both of you to have, and if it goes well you might want to even make it a regular thing, perhaps with just the two of you.  
39. ✧ Go Camping
Want to embark on a camping adventure in the wild but don’t want to leave Spot behind? No problem-just bring him along! That is, if he is trained well enough to handle the activity. If he barks a lot or tends to snatch food from other people, you will want to rethink your camping plans.
The How to Camp With Your Dog article will help to get you wilderness ready, and the check out these pet friendly campgrounds around the world.
40. ✧ Be an Extra in a Movie
Whether it’s just your pretty pup, or the both of you together, it’s surprisingly easy to find a spot for an extra in a movie (or a TV show). It’s also rather easy and simple thing to do, so there’s no need to worry about how to be an extra in a movie or that it’d be too much for the pup to handle. Instead, it could be quite fun and will serve as a unique opportunity and activity – and not just to you but to the doggy as well!
41. ✧ Go to a Dog Park
It can be a whole lot of fun to get your furry friend to socialize with other pets at a dog park. However, you need to have established a calm-assertive leadership over him by then. With this, along with remaining vigilant, you can rest assured that your dog will not become a fight magnet. For an extra addition to you dog park bucket list visit these 10 Amazing Dog Parks You Need to See in Your Lifetime.
42. ✧ Take a Boat Ride
Now that you’re done swimming in the ocean, you’ll want to drop by a lake too for a ride on a boat. But you have to realize that not all dogs may enjoy the experience. What you need to do is get him acclimated to the boat before the trip to minimize his distress about not having his feet planted on solid ground.
43. ✧ Take Obedience Classes
Even if your pup isn’t quite as bad as Marley from Marley & Me, no harm will come from taking some obedience classes. In fact, it may teach you things about your dog on a new level. And, additionally, it will also be of aid in committing to the other dog activities on this bucket list, with the pup as obedient and polished as can be.
44. ✧ Do Doga (Dog Yoga)
Now that you’ve ticked massages off the dog bucket list, you should also give doga a go. Though you may not be able to find a doggy yoga retreat and hot Bikram yoga is out of the question, doga is not limited to just doing a variety of poses together. It may also include eye-gazing to enhance the human-canine bond. Overall, it’s an experience that can help both of you to relax.
45. ✧ Eat a Doggy Ice Cream
OK, maybe you won’t want to switch to eating doggy ice cream yourself and instead stick to your regular flavors of Ben & Jerry’s. But thanks to the great creation of doggy ice cream, your beloved pup can now join in on enjoying the icy treat together with you. You can find sometimes find doggy ice cream at the freezer section of the supermarket, or you might want to try your own hand at making some?
These fun dog activities should definitely keep you busy and active with some of the best things to do with your dog. Try them out to see what makes him or her happiest, then you can keep repeating and rotating between the best ones! Most of all, have a blast going through this bucket list together with your best friend!
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gyldenglor · 5 years
Humans are Space Orcs - Puppy
A soft rap on the door dreamed Vy'Keens' attention away from her paperwork. She looked up with the indomitable patience of a Kral.
That patience immediately began to wane as she saw a human standing at the entrance to her quarters.
"Peter - how can I help you?"
Peter smiled, being careful not to show his teeth - while many aliens have learned that it's not intended to be aggressive, Peter still felt that it was best to err on the side of caution.
"Hey captain - do you mind if I ask you for a favor?"
Vy'Keen leaned forward, interested in what the human has to say, yet still cautious of what the outcome could be. "Go on."
"So, you know how Sophie's dog died, about three months ago?"
"Well, I've done some research, and I found a rescue puppy ready for adoption on a nearby planet - it wouldn't be far out of the way, we could be there within less than a day."
Vy'Keen hesitates. She's aware of the nature of a juvenile dog being referred to as a puppy, but she doesn't understand the logic.
"Why would she want to have a new dog?" Vy'Keen inquires. "Wasn't this one painful enough?"
Peter smiled sadly, an oxymoron that Vy'Keen herself had only recently started to understand.
"Humans are stupid that way," he explains. "We love to love so much that we barely consider the end result. Dogs live such short lives, in comparison to us, that the result is almost always that we're left mourning them, heartbroken and devastated.
"And you know what? It's worth it every time."
"So… It's worth it to have your heart cease functioning?"
"No, no - to be heartbroken means to be really sad," he hurriedly explained before the captain could call for a medical exam on Sophie for a broken heart. "And Sophie needs to be able to move on - and there's no better way for her to do that than to adopt a new dog. I know it seems counterintuitive, but it really is the best option for her."
Vy'Keen took a moment to think. "And this new dog - it would be similar to this one, correct? And it would not present an issue to the crew?"
Peter sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "So… It may need to be potty trained. And trained in general."
"Yeah - Spot knew how to use a litter box designed for dogs, so his waste could be easily disposed of. The new puppy, though, will have to learn how to do that - and while learning it would be confined to Sophie's room, so if it has any… Accidents, it won't be anywhere except for where we can clean it, and it won't be a hazard."
Vy'Keen hesitated, but she trusts Peter's judgement - as much as she could trust the judgement of such an illogical race, that is.
"And what of the other training?"
"Just to make sure it behaves well, and respects personal space," Peter clarified. "Also, it may be...loud."
"Like this dog was?" Vy'Keen thought back to the errant 'barking', which while loud, was rare enough to not be an annoyance.
"Yeah, but, constantly." Peter had a feeling he wasn't doing himself any favors - but he didn't want to deceive the captain. After all, he had the utmost respect for her. "We could soundproof Sophie's room while we train it to be quiet."
Vy'Keen's tail twitched, betraying her underlying anxiety regarding the situation. "While I do prioritize Sophie's mental wellbeing, I would very much appreciate keeping the rest of my crew comfortable. Is there any other way to ensure this animal would not be disruptive? I fear that soundproofing her quarters could result in safety concerns."
"Well, they do make collars that alter its bark to be audible only to humans, but they're not exactly cheap."
"Then the cost for that would come from your wages."
Peter nodded. "Yeah, makes sense."
"Is there anything else that I should know about?"
Peter hesitated before continuing. "It's going to have to chew a lot, but chew toys shouldn't be an issue."
"I'm familiar with the concept of teething," Vy'Keen explained. "My kind undergoes teething when our ability to chew tree bark develops."
"Perfect! So, can we actually do this?"
Vy'Keen paused. There were many, MANY reasons not to, but for some reason, she felt that the potential benefit to the human crew may be worth it.
Furthermore, to be able to document the growth patterns and behavior of a death world predator, as well as how humans train them, could generate a significant amount of revenue, and the ship DID need some expensive maintenance...
"So long as we can collect data on its growth and the training process."
"Absolutely!" Peter enthusiastically agreed.
"Send me the coordinates and we can arrange for a stop to pick up this animal," Vy'Keen commanded. A part of her couldn't believe she was saying yes.
She knew that if it weren't up to her alone, yes may not have been the answer the human received - luckily for him, however, Xlaxis and the security officers had already cleared canines for extended stay on the ship, meaning that Vy'Keen could make these decisions on her own.
She hoped she wouldn't come to regret it.
"And I will notify Sophie-"
"No!" Vy'Keen nearly jumped out of her chair at the sudden exclamation. Instinct kicked in as she cautiously watched the human, ready to run. "We actually have a way that we wanted to tell her - if that's okay. Maybe at dinner?"
Vy'Keen's patience dwindled further. At this point, she just wanted the exchange to be over. Why must humans insist to deliver information in convoluted ways?
"If you must."
Peter thanked her, and she dismissed him. He hummed a strange tune as he left, one that Vy'Keen couldn't quite understand - after all, the Kral had no concept of music.
Later that evening, when the crew gathered for dinner, Vy'Keen made sure all human crew members were present.
She made sure to informed Xlaxis that they should record the occasion, explaining the circumstances and the opportunity to observe humans partaking in 'surprise'. Xlaxis readily agreed - they knew very well just how much could be made from such an observation.
About halfway through the meal, at which point the humans had already made a mess, as usual, (thankfully they always cleaned up after themselves,) Peter called for everyone's attention. Xlaxis immediately started documenting the occasion, recording visuals and audio, as well as the biometric data of each of the human crew members.
"So, Sophie, all of us decided to get a surprise for you," Peter announced. "And don't worry, the captain already said yes."
Sophie seemed very confused, and her biometrics indicated an elevated heart rate.
Peter pressed a button on a remote, and the hologram protector for the mess hall came to life.
Vy'Keen had no idea how he had gotten his hands on it, but she would have to make sure that Peter explained himself later.
If he had somehow managed to, once again, replicate the functionality of a remote on the ship, she would need to reprimand him.
A hologram of a juvenile canine shimmered into view - it seemed to be very small, and was completely brown. Vy'Keen was taken aback by how different it looked in comparison to Sophie's deceased dog - Spot had been white with somewhat small eyes, and small ear flaps.
This one seemed to have eyes too big for its own head, and ear flaps that hung down past its jaw.
Sophie let out a massive gasp, and her biometrics indicated that her heart rate had skyrocketed. Xlaxis became concerned for a moment, on standby in case she had a 'heart attack' - such an occurrence had only been observed once before, and the texts humans had presented to explain human biology were still being studied.
So, the only widely-known symptom of a heart attack was an erratic heartbeat - and when the heartbeat changes depending upon how the individual is breathing, it can make catching the attacks very, very difficult.
"She's a Beagle Chihuahua mix, and when we pick her up, she'll be ten weeks old. Her name is currently Phoebe, but we can change it -"
"Annie," Sophie immediately blurted out. "Her name is Annie!"
Peter grinned, and some of the crew shrunk back at the aggressive display of teeth.
"Annie it is then."
Sophie let out a squeal, and jumped up to wrap her arms around Peter. "Oh my God, thank you so much! I'm so happy!" The other humans laughed and slapped their hands together.
Vy'Keen couldn't help but feel happy with regards to how this had played out. She didn't understand why she felt happy - perhaps she had begun the process of pack bonding, as well?
Entry #2,532,176
Author - Vy'Keen
Race - Kral
Subject: Warning
I've made a terrible mistake.
I let the humans bring a juvenile canine aboard my ship.
Yes, the humans have higher morale than previously thought possible. Yes, Sophie, whose pet canine had passed away recently, has recovered significantly in her mental health.
However, after three months, I must warn anyone reading this report: DO NOT LET A PUPPY ABOARD YOUR SHIP.
They are a constant source of chaos.
Thankfully the humans invested in a collar that renders its ceaseless exclamations inaudible to anyone but themselves. However, we can still see and feel the effect it has on the ship.
Every morning, it wakes at the same time Sophie does. And it goes absolutely wild.
Occasionally it escapes from her quarters, and will proceed to sprint throughout the entirety of the ship. We thought the humans were fast. We were fools.
The humans can barely keep up in their attempts to catch it. They must appease to its hunting instincts with small biscuits in order to get it to approach, and even then it will sometimes outmaneuver them and continue its rampage.
It will pick up anything left unattended, and shake it around and chew on it. It has ruined many, MANY pairs of my crews footwear and various other protective coverings of the same functionality.
Luckily, it no longer urinates or defecates wherever it deems appropriate, and will actually go to its designated waste area. For the first month, the biohazard team was on high alert. I had to give them bonuses.
And as quickly as its rampage begins, it ends. It seemingly randomly collapses and falls asleep.
The humans then pick it up and dote on it, speaking in bizarre ways to it, kissing it over and over again.
Sophie and Peter, especially, obsess over it. There are times that I've walked into the meeting room in the morning, and found Peter, Sophie, or both of them barely conscious on a seat, with the puppy curled into a ball on their laps.
I must admit that I've experienced flaws in my logic.
I can, and will not, force the humans to remove the puppy from the ship, as it appears as if pack bonding is… Contagious. I have grown to like the puppy, despite its terrifying predator instincts.
Furthermore, I fear the humans would mutiny if I forced them to reject their predator companion.
Finally, the amount of data we have generated from this one specimen alone is amazing. It turns out, humans can actually pack bond on sight - even when it's only a picture, or in this case, a hologram.
The puppy has entered my quarters - apparently it has escaped Sophie's quarters, yet again. I can hear the humans attempting to call it towards them.
I'm going to attempt to hold the animal in my lap, to observe why humans enjoy doing so. I will return to this report once I've completed my attempt and will fill in my experience.
I now have the puppy in my lap.
It was terrifying to approach it. It watched me with the cold, calculating stare of a predator.
When I finally bent to pick it up, it raised onto its hind legs and stretched its front legs towards me. I do not know if this was a display of aggression, or wanting to be picked up.
I picked it up in the same way the humans do, with one hand on each side. I was careful not to injure it with my claws, to ensure that it would not become enraged and attack me.
I carefully carried it to my seat, sat down, and placed it on my lap. I made sure to stay completely still so it would not perceive aggression, or an attempt to flee, on my part.
It curled into a ball and is now asleep.
I feel an inexplicable fondness for the predator.
From this, I can draw only one conclusion.
Pack bonding is contagious, and I have caught it.
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ukthxbye · 6 years
Fur babies
(on ao3)
Molly Hooper found this particular cloudy afternoon oddly quiet and peaceful. Tea, her favorite biscuits and the latest medical journal on the return of old diseases all part of the perfect plan. Since marrying Sherlock Holmes, these days were much rarer than they used to be and she relished them. Settled into her favorite spot on the sofa, she got one sip of her tea before the key in the door broke the silence.
Hmm, Sherlock said he would be gone all day on a case, might not even be here tonight, she thought. But she wasn’t afraid, it's for sure him, is he struggling with the lock? And is that whimpering?
Whatever her thoughts leapt to were nowhere near the reality before her. Yes, her husband indeed came through the door. With both arms loaded with puppies and his face beaming with a massive grin.
Molly could not find words and her jaw threatened to unhinge.
Sherlock’s grin diminished slowly and he swallowed hard.
“Yes, well I realize now that this decision was one of those we make together, am I right? Yes, I think I got that mixed up on this one,” he stammered out quickly.
Molly clamped her jaw shut but then squealed a little when one of the pups started squirming out of his arms.
“For God’s sake-” She whispered.
“I know, I am sorry,” Sherlock apologized.
“For God’s sake put those pups down so I can love on every one of them!” she squeaked out.
Sherlock’s falling face quickly lifted and he bent down, letting all the puppies loose to greet her.
There were six in total and clearly all from the same litter, though their markings were different. They all were black and brown with bits of white.
Molly got down on the floor and four of them rushed to her, climbing and licking at her.
She giggled as they all attacked her face with puppy kisses.
“So...we can keep them?” he asked with hesitation.
“Yes, for now. We’ll have to see once they are adults, but yes. Oh, Sherlock, they are wonderful,” she cooed.
The breed was uncertain, though likely retriever and perhaps a kind of bulldog best Sherlock could surmise. Sherlock found them huddled together in an abandoned building. A man part of his homeless network said the mother had left them once they weaned but they all continued to stay with each other. He told this to Molly as she snuggled the smallest female to her chest.
“Well, they need baths. And a doctor's visit,” Molly sighed.
Sherlock smiled as he picked up two of the pups in his lap while he sat on the floor.  
“They got the doctor's visit, that was first. All healthy and with shots now. But yes, I think baths are in order,” Sherlock said wrinkling his nose as he lifted one of the pups up. They smelled like London to him, both in its best and worst.
“Maybe we can us human body wash until we get-” Molly started to say.
With that, there was a knock at the door, and Sherlock stood and answered it without a word. Molly frowned, holding all the puppies back she could from following him. He closed the door with an armful of dog food and another large bag of supplies.
“Delivery service at its best,” He smirked. “Now you lot…”
All the puppies turned their heads and looked up at Sherlock and Molly let out an “awww”
“It's bath time!” and he headed down the hall to start the water, a trail of pups behind him.
After baths, they played with all the new toys, ropes and balls and stuffed squeaky things that were delivered. Between the big laughter and tiny barks, she is sure the neighbors hated them. Being puppies though, the energy was short lived as they began to yawn and soon two of them fell asleep on a blanket on the floor, one in Molly’s lap and two laid on Sherlock who sat on the sofa. The one still awake was the largest boy; he quietly chewed on a toy before he drifted off to sleep with it still in his mouth.
“Oh Sherlock, I have to take photos this is too adorable for words,” She grinned.
“Shh you are going to wake the children,” He smirked as she started snapping photos on her phone.
Molly felt something stir in her at those words, but she swallowed the thought away, ignoring his eyes which told her he had a similar stirring.
“What is going to name them? I get to name at least half of them,” she stated with a raised eyebrow.
Sherlock narrowed his eyes, “Ok, you can name the three I am not set on the names I thought of.”
“Really you are too much my love,” she shook her head and laughed lightly. “Curious, which ones have you named already?”
“These two on my chest and the one that fell asleep with the toy over there,” He said, nodding in the direction of the distant pup.
Molly smiled softly, “Well then I get the two girls then and the other boy.”
Molly knows she wants to name one Toby, but she wanted to know what Sherlock named his pups first.
“Bruno for this one on my arm, for his work with the art of memory. He reminds me of the dogs of my youth,” Sherlock smiled.  “The one here on my lap, Hobbes. For he seems the most diplomatic of the litter.”
Molly frowned and laughed “Such high brow names for street pups. But I think that works.”
Sherlock swallowed obviously, “The one with the toy I named Toby,” he said softly.
It had been six months since Toby passed from fairly natural causes for an older cat. The wound of his loss felt fresh still and hearing his name out loud brought tears to her eyes immediately.
“If that is ok of course, I unders- “ Sherlock began with concern in his voice.
She stopped him, holding back tears, “Oh Sherlock. It’s fine, and its perfect. I was going to name one that myself if given the chance.”
She placed her hands on his knees and leaned in, giving him a soft and warm kiss of gratitude which he received gladly.
One of the pups woke up at that moment and proceeded to go right in the corner and wee, hardly reacting to the great and sudden protesting by Molly and Sherlock.
He sighed, “That one’s yours to name.”
The two girls were named Sarah and Marie and the other boy Jonas, after Jonas Salk. Sherlock walked the pups but in general was very neglectful of their house training due to the use of puppy training pads. After a few fights with Molly, and multiple walks a day, he broke down and installed a doggie door for them all to use with the bit of garden in the back of their flat.
Even then, the pups quickly grew larger than he expected. When they were all so small, they would whimper and whine and Sherlock would relent, letting them sleep in the bed.
“You are going to regret that Sherlock,” Molly reminded him sleepily at night.
“So would you turn away our child if they had a bad dream,” he wearily said picking up the crying pups.
Molly, half asleep, answered, “That is our kid; that is different.
These discussions happened more readily and easily now, as they naturally make the connections and comparisons. But they don’t go any deeper than this yet.
Soon the puppies grew to about 22 to 27 kg each and that was too much even for their king size bed. Sherlock had to admit defeat when he was shoved out of bed by Toby one night.
“OFF!” he yelled as he leaped up from the floor, scattering dogs off the bed and floor and waking Molly to a jolt.
“Oh God! Sherlock, why are you yelling?” She asked with bleary eyes but he already stormed off into the kitchen and started the kettle with some of the dogs following him.
He rubbed his eyes, and looked down at his pack, Hobbes, Marie and Toby sat expectantly waiting.
And his heart melted again. He sat down, leaning his back against the counter as the pups come up and licked him.
“Ok apology accepted,” he sighed. “But no more dogs on the bed. I’m sorry, new rules and all.”
Toby sneezed in something like disapproval and Sherlock shook his head at him.
“I told you so,” Molly yawned as she shuffled into the kitchen, pulling two mugs down, threw tea bags in and poured the water.
Sherlock frowned at her but did not argue. He scrambled up and finished their tea with lemon and carried his and Molly’s to the coffee table so they could talk.  The other three dogs had wandered sleepily into the living room and found spots to curl up on the rug.
Sherlock and Molly slumped wearily onto the sofa and Sherlock pulled Molly to his side.
“Either we buy a country estate to live at or some of these dogs need a new home,” she quietly said, risking an argument.
To her surprise, he nodded. “I am not sure I am ready for a country estate yet. Yes, it would be best for us and them to find new homes.”
They smiled softly at each other and back to the pups, all back asleep.
“Rosie needs a dog perhaps?” Molly yawned out quietly. “Marie is smallest and the most gentle and she loves Rosie.”
Sherlock agreed. “ And Sarah should go to Mrs. Hudson.”
Molly furrowed her brow a bit and grinned “ Yes. She is the most protective of the group and is easily trained. Mrs. Hudson will love the company I am sure. We’ll ask her.”
“You think Greg might want one?” Molly asked. “He certainly loves playing with them when he comes by.”
Hobbes turned over from his sleep position and began to snore loudly. He was the most bulldog like of the litter and snored louder than any of the others.
Sherlock chuckled quietly, “He can have Hobbes. We’ll not mention the snoring”
Molly poked his side playfully.
“Well that leaves Jonas, Bruno, and Toby,” he said looking at her.
“Toby stays; I think we can agree on that,” She said in a determined voice.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Sherlock said kissing her forehead suddenly. “But he is close to Bruno as well. Can we keep them both?”
Molly nodded, happy to keep the brothers, who both resembled each other the closest.
Sherlock furrowed his brow in thought. “Jonas, who needs you, boy?”
Molly smiled slowly, “Perhaps someone in your homeless network could use a dog to help protect them? He is worst about staying out in the weather and never wanting to come in. maybe a more outdoor life would appeal to him?
Sherlock curled the side of his lips up in thought,  “Yes I think I know just who could use him. I’ll get him to him tomorrow.”
With that settled and the dogs all asleep in the sitting room, Molly and Sherlock sneak back to their bed to get some rest before saying goodbye to the pups the next day.
Sherlock woke to a cold nose in his face. Hobbes is always the hungriest, insisting on his breakfast. Even though he knew it was for the best, his heart felt heavy at the task ahead of them today. They had built a little family of madness with the six dogs, allowing brothers and sisters to remain together. But logic prevailed with both him and Molly. After a quiet breakfast and tea, he took the first pup out of the flat to his new home.
After a brief exchange of fascinating news on the street, Sherlock offered Jonas as a thank you. His contact, usually all business suddenly kneeled and kissed the dog on its head lovingly
“You mean it? Really? I ain't had a pup in years” he said in near tears.
“Take good care of him and he will take care of you. I’ll check on him. Here are some supplies and I’ll make sure he goes to a veterinarian annually at my cost” Sherlock promised.
With that, he left with a gentle scruff of the dog's ears and walked away not looking back. He ignored the twinge as he took each step away.
Back home, Molly had called John and Rosie over.
As predicted Rosie played with Marie the most, and Molly swallowed before asking John.
“We can’t keep all these dogs you know” she whispered
“Yes God it’s whole damn pack, isn’t it? Surprised he has done so well for a year,” John quietly chuckled.
“Yes. And we want good homes for them,” she looked at him with eyes that pleaded he would get her train of thought.
“You want me to take one, don’t you?” John sighed.
“We want to keep them in the family if we can. And certainly, if we ever need to dog sit we will do it,” she reassured.
“We’ll take Marie I like he. She’ s sweet and disciplined,” John said quietly, watching Rosie and the dogs with a far off look. “Maybe that is what we need anyway. “
He stood up, getting Rosie’s attention. “Hey baby girl, how would you like to take Marie home with us?”
Rosie squealed when her dad told her the news, “I get doggy!” and she started jumping up and down.
And when they left Molly kissed the pup’s head and sent her happily following behind Rosie.
Sherlock returned shortly, kissed Molly hello and goodbye at once and picked up Hobbes messaging Greg saying he would meet him with a gift.
Greg grinned, pleasantly surprised to see one of the dogs and not a murder suspect or the like which was more par for the course with Sherlock’s “gifts.”
“You sure, mate?” Greg asked hesitantly.
“Look I need to get rid of some dogs and I want them to go to friends, ok?” Sherlock said with irritation in his voice.
Greg kneeled and rubbed Hobbes behind the ears, “Hobbes, you ready to go, boy?” With that, he got a large tongue nearly in his mouth and Sherlock couldn't hide his snickering. Greg closed his eyes and mouth just in time for Hobbes continued licking. “ok ok OK” Greg said while standing up. He wiped his face with his hand, grabbed the lead and waved to Sherlock as they left the corner.
Sherlock returned once again to their flat with a heavy and emptier heart.
“Time to see Mrs. Hudson now, “ Molly smiled, placing her hand in his and lacing their fingers tightly. Sherlock grabbed the lead for Sarah who followed gently and quietly behind them.
Mrs. Hudson was unsure at first. But Sarah laid her head in her lap and gave the best puppy dog eyes up at her potential new master.
“Oh. Ok, dear, I guess I cannot say no to those eyes. Never can from your now former master, you learned well from him,” she smirked and laughed.
Molly added, “With Sherlock not living here, only here for work, we thought you might like the company.”
“I am sure we’ll get along swimmingly. She is a sweet thing isn’t she?” Mrs. Hudson sighed as she pets her softly on her head.
“Yes but don’t let it fool you. She’s very protective as well.” Sherlock added.
After some tea, they left the last of the litter to leave with her new master, curled up at her feet. Sarah did not give a second look at them when they walked out of the flat.
With all the dogs passed around and only Bruno and Toby left at home, Molly and Sherlock returned to sit and reflect on their new smaller pack.
Sherlock tossed a ball absently for Bruno,  feeling the weight of the day sinking in.
“I know you’ll miss them...but it’s for the best,” Molly tried, working to appeal to both their logical minds.
He shrugged, pouting a bit.
She sighed watching his face fall as he went further into his emotions.
“Let's go to the dog park, that will be good for them both,” she said cheerily, rising and getting their leads.
Sherlock reluctantly stood and grabbed Bruno’s lead from her as they left the flat.
Once at the park, they let the boys off their leads to run and play. They both quickly found another pack of dogs to run and play with. Molly patted the bench she sat at for him to join her.
The cold wind swept across the trees and she leaned into his side, head against his shoulder.
“You are thinking loudly, Molly,” Sherlock said plainly.
She smirked, “ As are you, Sherlock.”
“Imsorry. I realize this might all be a bit, I don’t know, triggering,” She frowned. “ I realize how hard this has been.”
He ignored the tear that threatened and swallowed the lump that suddenly crawled up his throat.
“Thank you for helping me through it,” Sherlock quietly breathed out.
Molly scrunched her face up, “ Not sure how I helped. I almost begged you to stop the whole plan a couple times.”
Sherlock laughed, feeling the weight lift, “Well I think perhaps I knew that and I wasn’t alone in my wishes.”
Molly felt an unsaid wish in her heart. She was unsure if this was the place for it, but it had threatened to spill forth many times before.
“Something feels empty still in our home and life, “ She started, slipping her hand in his.
Sherlock looked down at their hands together, “ I think perhaps it’s time for that conversation, isn’t?”
Molly looked up at his face expectantly.
“Children are so much more than dogs,” he said in a low voice.
She nodded, “ That’s the best part really, I think...I don’t know, it's a new feeling these thoughts.”
Sherlock smiled warmly, placing a hand on her cheek and she leaned into his hand. “I am thankful for new feelings.”
With that said he closed the gap and kissed her, answering with it approval and reassurance. Details will come later, but like everything else, it will be reached together.
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bednbiscuits · 2 years
5 Fantastic Pet Supplies Your Pet Life Needs for their Better Pet Care
The life of your pet can sometimes become gloomy, however, there are a few pet supplies in Bahrain that you must get for better pet care. A healthy pet is a sign of a hardworking, thoughtful and loving pet parent. Finding high quality top notch pet supplies in Bahrain is easy when you know where to go. It is surprising that there are so many essentials you might be missing upon or not aware about. Let us cover every aspect of your pet life and find the right pet supplies for each of them.
Nutrition: Finding the right natural pet food for your pet health is going to keep them active and looking their best. If you notice your pet getting fat or aging, it is now time to seriously think about taking them to the vet and getting some prescription supplementation to be added to your pet’s diet. Discover a variety of natural pet supplements and foods for a  complete pet nutrition at Bed n Biscuits Bahrain.
Hygiene and Grooming: As essential as it can be, getting personal care products formulated for your pet are a way to make them clean and shiny again. Avoid too many scented products. They don’t want to lose their own smell. Nail clippers for your pet nails are a must have pet supplies. It takes your pet grooming game to a whole new level. If you are scared that you will hurt your pet while bathing them or clipping their nails, take them to the best pet groomers in Bahrain at Bed n Biscuits for that extra pet care in Bahrain.
Entertainment and Games: Keeping your pets in their top mental and physical health, entertainment, games and recreation play a vital role. Finding chew toys, colorful toys, balls, fabric dolls, and other good stuff for your pet is now easy. Head on to Bed n Biscuits and get  your pet hours and hours of fun. Don’t be surprised when your pet hands you some of their favorite toys. It is their way of expressing their trust in you. Carry these when you are planning to send your pet away for a pet vacation. Get amazing deals on pet care packages at hotels for pets in Bahrain at Bed n Biscuits.
Training and Discipline: Praising the right doings and providing positive reinforcement for wrong doings is the key to successful training. Moreover, if you would like your dog to understand your commands and get disciplined, there are many ways. One of them is to get professional help or you can teach your old dog new tricks as well. Rewarding with treats and leashing them down to protect them from wrong doings in a balanced way is the way to go. Find pet treats, leashes and harnesses for training and disciplining your pet at Bed n Biscuits Bahrain.
Rest and Travel: There is a place in every person’s life that we call a home. Perhaps, it is there in every pet’s life too. A crate is not associated with discipline but rather peaceful and restful comfort. Having a large enough crate for your pet travel needs will ensure your adventures with your pet become successful. Whether you have a cat or a dog, it doesn’t matter. Find a variety of crate materials and sizes as per your needs at Bed n Biscuits Bahrain.
Conclusion: Different pet supplies are important for different aspects of your pet life. For instance, there are pet supplies for nutrition, hygiene and grooming, recreation, discipline and training, rest and travel. If you are looking for purchasing high quality and luxury pet supplies, head on to Bed n Biscuits Bahrain for superior pet care in Bahrain.
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fridlyckans123 · 4 years
Dog Crate Training
any people worry about or are unsure how dog crate training works. They have concerns about putting their dog in a crate and let it settle down. Well there is no need to worry as a dog crate is just like a dog den. In the wild and when they are young, the mother and her pups live in dens. These dens are quiet snug areas where the dog can rest and keep safe and warm. So really you are just taking your dog back to it's natural state. To make your dog feel more at home make sure there is a soft bedding and perhaps cover over some of the top of the cage with towel, again giving your dog the feeling of closeness and safety.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
What size should I get?
Your crate needs to be big enough for your dog to stand and turn around in. Any smaller and it will uncomfortable and any bigger and the dog won't feel it's like a den. Primarily dogs like to feel safe and secure.
Where should I place the crate?
Most dogs love to be near their family as they are pack animals. They like to be able to see and hear other members of their pack i.e. you and know you're about. A good place to have your crate is somewhere where your dog can see you but not against a radiator or near a draft. Some people like to have 2, one in the main living area and another in their bedroom. It's up to you but just remember its supposed to be somewhere they feel warm and safe.
Training Your Dog.
Crate training dogs is easier if you start when they are a puppy. Having said that all you need is time and patience to be able to train older dogs. In fact training older dogs has proved very successful.
To start with just let your dog get used to it being there. Place a familiar smell like a towel or your digs bed inside. Don't try and force the dog in just let them realise the crate won't hurt them. Gradually start to place toys or treats into the crate and let your dog go inside and get them. This let's your dog build up a good association with the crate and you will soon find your dog settles down inside to eat the treat or play with it's toy or even just sleep.
As your dog gets used to the crate and being inside start to close the door for short periods of time. Stay nearby so your dog doesn't get worried. http://www.fridlyckans.com Just build up this time gradually and then start to pop out for a short while letting the dog get used to being inside the crate. You can then build up this time so the dog knows you will come back and always feels safe and secure.
Don't leave your dog for too long and make sure they are walked and have fun when you're there.
Different Ways To Use Your Crate
House Training
Dogs will automatically try not to wet their sleep area. This is built into them from a young age and is a natural instinct. They are shown by their mothers how to keep this area clean so when you start house training a puppy they will try and keep their crate clean. Remember though puppies cannot hold themselves for long so make sure you let them out every hour.
Older dogs can hold themselves for longer periods but still need to go to the toilet regularly. Just make sure your dog is exercised and allowed out and they will soon learn to become house trained.
Separation Anxiety
Some dogs suffer when their owners leave the house. This separation anxiety manifests itself in all sorts of ways from howling to chewing. Using the crate will assist with this by allowing the dog to feel warm and safe and if you've trained the dog to get used to the crate as above then this will prevent that anxiety.
Once your dog knows their crate is a safe environment they will treat it as if it is their den. This will keep them calm and minimise the amount they chew. As they are safe you know they won't be able to chew and damage your house giving you peace of mind. Leaving a jumper or towel which smells of you in the crate will also help the dog to feel calm and secure.
Some dogs are prone to chew, especially when they're younger. They do this for all sorts of reasons, anxiety through to boredom. Unfortunately coming home to your house which has been destroyed by your dog isn't conducive to a good relationship between dog and human.
Using a crate will minimise that risk. If you leave some chew toys in the dog crate this will help the dog from getting bored and keep it occupied. Filling a Kong with frozen gravy or biscuits will alleviate boredom in younger dogs. But please remember the dog crate isn't something to leave your dog in all day.
Rules of Using Your Dog Crate
Crate training can be great but you have to be sensible and follow some simple rules to ensure your dog treats it as a den and not somewhere they feel they are being locked up.
Never force your dog into the crate - let the dog get used to the crate and then start to leave them in there building up the time so they feel relaxed and secure.
Don't leave your dog unattended for hours on end without a walk.
Remove all chains and tags so there is nothing to get caught on.
Make the crate as comfortable as possible.
Leave toys and treats with your dog.
Make sure you have a large enough crate for your dog.
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the-sapphiresky · 7 years
A Cat’s Tale
AN: Sequel to A Dog’s Life; because I’m such a sucker for people-pleasing and SO MANY of you asked for a follow up! :) 
Tobias Nicholas Hooper was not amused.
'Toby, come on, sweetie.' His Servant was trying to coax him into the Death Trap with meat and that suspicious tone she uses when she has to take him to Lucifer's Lair where they poke and prod him with lances.
Molly was on all four of those ridiculous appendages Bipedals called arms and legs. Tobias scooted back against the wall as far as he could.
She had spent the last two weeks putting all of his belongings in big, brown boxes and sealing them. He had whined endlessly and managed to claw his way through one to get his favourite blanket. She was less than happy about that and, despite general appearances, Tobias adored her and hated disappointing her. So he suffered silently as the remainder of his domain disappeared into the mysterious boxes.
But now she was trying to grab him and lock him up and his minimal tolerance for suffering was at an end.
After a scuffle in the food room, he had darted between her legs and buried himself underneath the only remaining piece of furniture in the sleeping room: the bed.
Which is where he found himself now, trying to avoid Molly's questing hand.
'Need a hand, Dr Hooper?' The heavy boots of the Perspiring Bad Man who had been taking Tobias's boxed belongings all day appeared on the other side of the bed.
Molly sighed and gave Tobias a pointed glare. 'Yes, please. Would you mind moving the bed away from the wall? It's fairly heavy but just a little would be enough for me to grab him.'
She disappeared from view and then suddenly his refuge was shifting and Molly appeared above him. He made to pounce out of reach but she was fast and grabbed him.
He yowled his displeasure.
Unhand me, peasant! He cried. But Molly ignored his command and wrangled him into the portable cell. He tried to make a run for it when she let go, but she was faster and latched and locked the gate before he could escape. He reached his paws through the bars and swiped viciously.
He tried not to feel bad about scratching her, but he wanted to remain angry and punish her for disobeying. Molly examined her hand closely and then looked at him sympathetically.
'It's going to be okay, lovey. Just a short trip to our new home. It'll be fun!'
With a growl, he sat down and glared at her dubiously.
I doubt that.
It smelled funny. Tobias shrank back in his cell as they ascended the stairs of this New Home. Although he was grateful they were no longer in the larger Death Trap, he did not like the smell of this new place. It was… bad.
The cage shuddered as Molly set it down. She knelt in front of him and smiled.
'Welcome home, Toby.'
He eyed her in betrayal. This was not home. It did not smell of home and he did not want it.
She unlatched the cage and left the gate hanging open.
'He'll come out when he's ready,' she said.
'I'll keep Blackbeard downstairs for now, let the little devil adjust first.'
Tobias hissed as soon as he heard that hated voice. It was that stupid male Bipedal! What had Molly been thinking, bringing them here to live with him! The Scowling Man always kicked Tobias off the bed and more than once had usurped Tobias's place on Molly's lap.
Absolutely not! Tobias refused to accept this turn of events.
'Molly!' The Bipedal roared. Tobias smirked and continued nonchalantly licking his paw.
'What's wrong?' Molly walked out of the back room, her hands full of Tobias's bedding. Well, she called them "jumpers", for some reason.
'That, that beast of yours, has relieved himself on my Belstaff!'
Molly frowned in sympathy. 'Oh, sweetie, he's just not happy to be here-'
'He's not the only one.'
Bite me, Bipedal Boy.
'-but he will adjust.' Molly finished with a pointed look at the Bipedal.
Sherlock huffed and glared at Tobias. 'I suppose I can call in a favour to Mrs Hudson's beau Mr Haversham to get it cleaned,' he said through gritted teeth.
Molly smiled at him. 'Thank you for understanding, my love.'
Tobias hissed in displeasure as the Bipedal received the kiss and attention from Molly he had wanted for himself.
Sticking his tail in the air, he turned and gave the Bipedal a nice message before stalking away and disappearing among the boxes stacked around.
Blackbeard whined and pawed at the door of Biscuit Lady's Home. Why had Sherlock left him down here? He could hear them upstairs. Walking about and talking. Without him. He whined again and twisted his head back to stare balefully at Biscuit Lady, who was much too preoccupied with taking more biscuits out of the Heat Monster.
But even the smell of fresh biscuits didn't lift Blackbeard's spirits.
He laid down and rested his nose on his paws and watched the door. They'd come get him. Soon. They wouldn't just abandon him.
Would they?
Tobias watched the proceedings from his perch next to a nice human skull. The perfect human. Quiet. And out of the way.
Well, he conceded, perhaps not quite perfect. Molly was perfect; quiet and cuddly, but not forcing her attentions on him when he didn't want to be petted. Their relationship had been perfect. Until the Black-Haired Bipedal intruded on it with his smelly coat and lap-stealing ways.
They had spent the day unpacking giant boxes of Tobias's things, interspersed with kissing and good-natured bickering.
It was sickening.
And now Molly was canoodling with the Beastly Bipedal on the sofa, while a huge mess lay between them and Tobias's new favourite perch. Molly was smiling at the Bipedal and talking quietly. She leaned over to kiss his cheek and Tobias swore the Bipedal smirked at him!
He tossed his head and proceeded to groom himself, pretending he wasn't entirely jealous of the attention his Human was giving someone else. No, best not let the Bipedal think he had the upper hand.
'Shall we go get him?' The Beastly Bipedal asked.
Molly bit her lip and glanced at Tobias. 'I suppose we can't put it off any longer. Maybe it won't be as bad as we think.'
Tobias watched them leave from the corner of his eye. Their footsteps faded and he paused his grooming. Curious, he leapt down and padded after them.
He was only halfway down the stairs when he heard a door open and an excited barking rang out.
A dog! Well, that certainly explained the stench around here.
Tobias' fur raised and he growled a warning in automatic defense. Below, Molly was speaking sweetly to this unseen beast in the tone she had always reserved for her beloved Tobias!
Then the barking grew louder and they appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
For a moment, all four froze. Molly and Sherlock held their breaths in grim anticipation. The Beast, an enormous basset hound, stared at Tobias in surprise. But then his ears went back and he growled.
Intruder! Intruder, Sherlock! Call John, call Lestrade!
Tobias turned tail and races back upstairs, Hades' Hound at his heels. He screeched a warning which was drowned out by frantic barking and the Bipedals' shouts to calm the Beast down.
Tobias skidded on the floor and made a sharp turn into the Food Room, leaping onto the counter and sending everything to the ground with a crash.
Back off, you classless beast!
Said Beast ignored the command and growled, Get out of my home!
It's my home now, too, nincompoop. Tobias swatted at the dog who snapped his jaws just shy of taking off Tobias' tail.
His claws scratched the skin and the Beast shrank back with a whine.
'Blackbeard, heel!' The Bipedal commanded.
Molly carefully picked her way through the mess and gathered Tobias in her arms. Tobias struggled against her hold.
Let go of me, traitor. First you befriend that curly-haired interloper, then you move in with him and uproot me from my home, and now you've decided to feed me to his Hellhound! Tobias accused her heatedly, narrowing his eyes at her.
Sherlock had calmed the Beast down, but he continued to growl menacingly. Tobias, ruffled and indignant, eventually capitulated into letting Molly cuddle him.
Her apologetic tone and soothing strokes along his spine appeased him. For the time being.
'He's just a big softie when you get to know him,' she was saying.
Tobias cried out reproachfully. That beast?! The one who tried to bite my head off and use it as a chew toy?
Blackbeard snapped his teeth menacingly. Don't tempt me, kitty cat.
Tobias hissed and struggled to get free to attack. But immediately stopped upon hearing Molly sniffle.
'Oh, Sherlock, they hate each other. Why did we ever think this could work?'
Tobias instantly forgot about the Beast and turned all his attention to his crying Human. He cried out in distress and butted his head against her chin.
Don't be sad, Molly. I'm sorry the ugly Beast made a mess.
He purred and nudged her again.
To his surprise, a whine came from the Hell Hound.
I'm sorry, too. Don't cry! I'll be a good boy, I promise!
Molly hiccuped and tears fell down her cheeks.
'Perhaps this was too much for today. Moving, spending all day unpacking, and now them,' Sherlock said. Tobias wiggled free and landed on the table as the other Bipedal pulled Molly into his arms and crooned softly as she cried.
'Why don't you take a long soak in the tub while I clean this up?' He wiped her tears with those opposable thumbs Tobias envied. 'I'll put Blackbeard upstairs for the night and we can turn in early.'
Tobias sighed in defeat at the look of pure adoration that Molly gave Sherlock. If that wasn't enough proof, the kiss she gave him solidified the fact that the Bipedal and His Beast were going to be permanent fixtures in their lives. And that this was his new home.
It was dark when Tobias nudged his way into the only room he'd yet to explore. He slipped inside and looked around to see Molly and Sherlock sleeping soundly on the largest bed he had ever seen. He wiggled his tush and pounced, landing on the soft covering.
He padded around the Black-Haired Bipedal and climbed up onto Molly's side, pushing Sherlock's arm up from where it draped over Tobias's Human and settling into the curve of her hip with a contented sigh. He still felt guilty over being partly responsible for her earlier sadness and hoped she would forgive him in the morning when she woke up. He'd learned from experience that she was more agreeable when she found him curled up beside or on her, her "cute and fluffy little man" as she called him. 
Above him, he heard the creak of a door opening and the thumping of paw-steps on the stairs. He peeked one eye open then lifted his head when the door swung further open. He let out a quiet growl when the beast, Blackbeard, walked over to the side of the bed and put his front paws on the soft bedding.
The dog met his gaze, then looked at their Bipedals forlornly. Then back to Tobias.
Molly may be yours, but Sherlock is mine. Face it, cat, we're going to have to share them.
Tobias sighed and laid his head back down. Very well. But don't think this changes anything. You're still a nincompoop.
Blackbeard smirked and lumbered onto the bed and curled up along Sherlock's legs, resting his head on Sherlock's thigh. He let out of heavy breath and his eyes started to drift shut. Tobias gave him one last warning glare before closing his own eyes.
And no snoring, Beast!
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wiseeaglequeen-blog · 7 years
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But in the event that understand the different levels of Reiki, the future distance symbol is fond of the Reiki student through their initiation into Reiki level 7. At this level, the Reiki hand positions do not apply given that the Reiki getting sent through distant recuperation. Chewing is something that all puppies do when teething, and you need to let them know precisely what they can and can't chew. Provide your puppy with his own chew toys to alleviate the pain of teething, and keep other items out of reach. Content articles catch a puppy chewing on something unacceptable, firmly say 'no', and take them away from him. Immediately replace it with 1 his designated chew real life. If your puppy is in a great deal of pain due to teething, a frozen wet washcloth is fantastic him to chew on..
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10 Undeniable Reasons People Hate Unique Gift Ideas for Men 2018
Leading ten lists are a terrific useful resource to start with when you require inspiration. This best 10 reward Thoughts for men checklist is no exception and could make you snicker in addition to inspire you to seek out that great mens gift the subsequent time you're stuck.
The majority of these merchandise are only accessible to on-line suppliers and don't usually get in the bricks and mortar based stores. Because you're reading through this on the web in any case, getting them really should existing no difficulties for yourself.
Like any excellent list, We've got to maintain you in suspense and start with the quantity 10 item and function our strategy to Number one. You should be patient and no scrolling or queries will probably be requested!
Devices are a great put to start as Every person (besides perhaps the Amish) really like gadgets. The key to achievement is that they both should be innovative like the most up-to-date clever phone or they have to be humorous. Funny is the place we are available Using the number 10 present thought since it's the USB Humping Canine.
WTF you say? Yes, the USB Humping Dog does as you'll count on, provides your Computer system port some Significantly desired loving. Yeah but what else will it do? Nothing, it just humps your Laptop or computer all day very long and it hardly ever stops until you'd like it to.
Which was a gutsy way to begin the highest ten list and now that most of our viewers have remaining in disgust (who requirements them in any case) we can Focus on some cool stuff like our selection nine cool mens reward thought the Arcadie.
Retro is all the rage and nearly anything that was outdated is now amazing apart from your Mum and Dad that are equally old and haven't been cool. The Arcadie is really a retro arcade sport on your apple iphone. You merely obtain an app and slot your cellular phone in to the again of the Arcadie and start actively playing your old skool arcade activity with joystick and buttons.
We explained that it would get better failed to we? Perfectly variety eight on our top 10 listing of mens present Suggestions is probably The good tool on the planet. Nicely it is actually for guitar players at the very least. Here is the Pickmaster Plectrum Cutter and it'll transform your unwelcome plastic (outdated charge cards and solution packaging substance) into guitar pics. That's plectrums for those of you while in the know.
When you play guitar, you might understand how excellent this tool is, specially when you rely the price of hundreds of lost plectrums. One of the extra Advantages is that you can cut as numerous photos as you want and experiment with audio variation according to the thickness of the plastic you choose to make use of.
Sliding in at quantity 7 on our list is the Tennis Racket Bug Zapper that no home, caravan or tent need to be without having. An eco welcoming choice to poisonous fly spray that provides a no nonsense solution to eliminate flys and unwelcome bugs as well as several hours of satisfaction for the insect sadist.
Wack in a handful of batteries and you also're all set to hunt and destroy, swat the fly (the bigger and juicier the higher) and listen to the audio of electric power scorching that sucker. That's how you understand you bought him, through the zapping sound with the electrical energy, the blue flash because it burns him to Demise or maybe the scent from the rotting corpse (we made that very last bit up).
Range six if Unique Gift Ideas for Men in India We've not lost the rest of our viewers (we want it in case you stayed a little for a longer time) sees a return to funny items with only a little bit of horror. This a person is definitely the ABC (Previously Been Chewed) Cookie Cutters that happen to be eliminate moulds for producing biscuits together with your Youngsters that appear to be they are actually partly eaten.
If you are really evil, you can make the cookies in mystery, a single has his arm chewed off and another his leg not to mention just one has his head chewed off. Place them while in the very little men lunch box using an evil ransom Notice with love from Mummy not surprisingly.
Since we're messing with the youngsters (by far the most fun a guardian might have) our number 5 presenting is a little magnificence of the e book referred to as Tips on how to Traumatise Your Young ones. Yep, you browse that the right way. Many of us are so comprehensive as parents that we'd like no this sort of handbook but for those of you around who will be newbies, This is actually the a single self aid book that can assist you elevate your tiny angels.
Perfectly in excess of half way now and on into the amount 4 top mens gift notion and this is a bit of a surprise Along with the AK-47 BBQ Lighter. This made it in as we considered it ought to be the one semi-automatic gun that any American ought to have. The one thing you'll be able to eliminate with This can be the meat over the BBQ that you are about Cook dinner.
Number 3 is for the big kids and sci-fi junkies who recall and fell in really like with Dr Who. Go out and grab the appreciate of your daily life a Tardis rubbish bin that each and every time you open to deposit waste would make a swooshing audio such as Tardis.
Amount 2 takes us from nerd to geek with acual usable engineering. This just one could be the iPhone Dual Sim Scenario that permits you to switch in between sim playing cards in your iPhone with merely a flick of a switch.
Fantastic if you're on an overseas vacation and you would like to make use of a pay as you go card Or maybe you happen to be getting an affair and possess the necessity to continue to keep things different. Should you be - we are all pretty offended with you and you ought to say 10 Hail Mary's and switch about a new leaf.
Drum roll please as we head to the Number one spot and for the people of you who skipped all the reward Thoughts to check out what the top a single is, disgrace on you. The number 1 inside our best 10 listing of reward ideas for men is racing car or truck cufflinks! Ha, just kidding it is the reward box of Heart Burned Huge Microbes.
The center formed reward box consists of plush toy replicas of Herpes - The Pox - HPV - Chlamydia and Penicillin. If he has actually been a superb boy all yr you are able to leave the penicillin in and if he's been bad (similar to the guy with the Dual Sim Case) you normally takes the penicillin overcome out and Permit him sweat on it a while.
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Reviewing Barkbox Our Dog Bert Takes On 4 Months Of Barkbox Medium
Reviewing Barkbox
Have you ever believe your home best friend expects some surprise from your side to express the real care, love, and affection on it? Who is known as home and man’s best friend? Of course , Dog is the best and better friend of a human being which can understand what we think and what we do next with its sense. Human and dog have an unbreakable bonding that connects the heart with reliable activity.
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So as a human being, friend; why we forget to surprise our pet dogs, puppies without giving any treat? If you recognize from your heart and want to give a special present for your buddies, then take action to begin using PupJoy for your pets convenient immediately.
About PupJoy?
PupJoy is among the best successful subscription services that provide a possible opportunity to give treat, toys and other goodies to keep your puppies and dogs happy. Each subscription includes 5 - 7 items that you can choose it from the list which suits your pet dogs, well packed in a box that should be delivered to the given address at the doorstep. If you like this pack of items, sure you can make it for monthly subscriptions to surprise your pup which is guaranteed to love, have a craze on it and like. Here you can receive fun and delightful new products that fit your dog’s expectation and have peace of mind on treating with the best-handpicked products. Here you can find PupJoy Boxes and Power Chewers Boxes as a gift for home dogs or donate it for shelter animals to express your care and love for it.
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You can view the collections of treats, toys and other essential things for your pet dog’s which is well tested and approved by pet doctors also. You can easily choose the desired items to process the personal plan and fix your delivery schedule for getting ready to surprise your doggy. Once you subscribed the pup’s box of joy, within a few hours, it will be on your way to deliver at the doorstep.
Features of PupJoy:
Here you can find durable toys and goodies which are personally recommended by PupJoy team to treat your pups and dogs like your children, family member or friend by surprising it with unique products. This subscription pack contains two full size of limited ingredient treats, two artisan quality toys and one natural chew in Uno boxes. It costs less when compare it with a big pack and five items only available.  If you order big, it contains an extra bag of treats, second chew, and other things, entirely seven items. It is suitable for multiple dogs or a grande appetite. It costs high, but it includes extra two items which are more convenient for many dogs.
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It treats all organic options, grain-free options, and even protein-sensitive options, which do not include beef, chicken or dairy products.  While choosing the Grande Box that suits multi- dogs and it is also very suitable for big dogs. The personalization process allows you to select preferences and display dog sizes, so you can easily choose the right product. · Here the power chewers box contains toughest toys, specially created for the super chewer. So you can also include it on every order with natural treats and chews in the subscription of PupJoy Box.PupJoy shows almost customized products to make you choose, and it will be delivered at the right time for users The treats are made up of wholesome limited ingredients for supporting the health of your puppies, and it never includes artificial additives or chemicals. t offers free shipping in the U.S, but it charges extra $5 for Canada. It is affordable, risk-free to use and no allergens.
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Read the conditions and conditions before accessing this subscription service, or you might stick with some other problem. If you are toying with the basic idea of bringing a new dog into your family for the first time, then you should also remember that it needs the same love perhaps, caring, nurturing, and amusement to grow just like a little human baby up. If a puppy has been brought by you, it needs proper nutrition to develop healthily then. At the same time, pampering it with toys would keep it engaged perhaps, active and playful all the right time.
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If you subscribe to Surprise My Pet, you will do the best thing for your doggie perhaps. It will help it to find pleasure and happiness that are necessary for turning it into an obedient companion. Read the review to know about it. About Surprise My Pet: Surprise My Pet is a monthly subscription box designed for your dog. The box comes with premium and carefully selected 5-7 toys, scrumptious treats, chews, and other goodies for dogs that will make your pets happy and faithful companions. After you sign up for it, you will get all the goodies on a monthly basis straight to your door. The company manufactures only excellent and safe items to create an extended family and a community of pet owners. To keep the novelty factor alive, you will get only fresh supplies every month. The box is ideal if you want to present your dog something to relish, give a reward for its good behavior or faithfulness, or give it a fun time to indulge in
What can you get in it?
Toys: Discover fetches toys, chew toys, squeaky toys, tug toys and more to keep your pet active and well-trained. Every month you will get amazing artifacts to delight your young puppy and make it frolicsome. Treats plus Chews: Get your hands full of goodies such as Rawhide, cookies, biscuits plus snacks, for your pet and let your pet relish them completely. What are some of the popular items you can avail of it? Treats:Beach BBQ: Made with chicken and the treat is fresh, beef and tastes awesome is. FroYo To Go: It is frozen yogurt with just 11 calories in every 20 bites. Ranch Rewards Smoked Bones: These are natural treats with rich flavors. Your pet will enjoy lip-smacking smoked bones that will offer hours of tasty fun. Roasted Chicken Buddy Biscuits: These are small soft goodies made from chicken. It is free from soy and corn. Shortys Gourmet Treats: Made from organically grown ingredients such as pumpkin, peanut butter, and sweet potatoes, this is 100% vegetarian and hand-crafted will surely delight your pet. Pawsitively Gourmet Dog Cookie: Made from chicken liver, this is an amazing cookie to delight your doggie. Healthy Dogma Jamaican Bacon Flavor Barkers: These are heart-shaped dog cookies made from bacon, chicken, peas, potato, pea flour, etc . Toys: Grriggles Sizzle Shark: No they are not sharks which tend to be ferocious. These are outstanding soft toys which have internal squeaker which makes it a popular choice among pets.
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A Deeper Knowledge Of Dogs Comes From Reading This
Solid Advice For Taking Good Care Of Your Dog
Your pet dog might scratch his bowl if he’s hungry. Once your dog needs to empty his bladder, he could scratch with the door. In case you have your dog wanting attention, it could possibly supply you with a certain look. You can’t always so easily tell precisely what is needed, so keep reading for tips about how to find out the ropes.
If you’re on any kind of medication, even if it’s over-the-counter, you need to ensure that is stays out of your dog. Swallowing even one pill can end very badly, having a sick or dying dog. When your dog occurs to get at your meds, call the vet ASAP.
Take your puppy towards the vet regularly. This may seem like an added expense that you just don’t need, just make sure take your puppy to the veterinarian, he can screen your puppy for diseases and make sure he is in the best of health. This of course prevents problems down the line.
Don’t let your dog to depart your premises without being on the leash although you may think your puppy is well behaved. Anything can happen, causing your puppy to run away or get in a fight with many other dogs as well as people. Ultimately, you’re the main dogs one who’s accountable for your dog’s safety, along with its actions.
Before selecting what sort of dog to obtain for your personal family, consider space. Even if you may love the bigger dogs that one could really wrap your arms around, you possibly will not have adequate space for any large breed. Take your house and yard size into mind before bringing home a fresh pooch.
Few are efficient at training dogs, so quit trying if you find everything is not going as well as planned. Rather than beating yourself up about this, speak to a trainer in your neighborhood. Since they convey more experience with dogs, it may be much simpler to enable them to train yours.
Your pet deserves to get quality dog food. Cheap pet food usually includes fillers (like corn or soybeans) that are not suitable for dogs. It may also contain bad quality ingredients which may hurt your dog’s health with time. Find a summary of recommended dog foods in the vet or perhaps advocate for animals. Your puppy will receive good advantages of the right kind of food.
The daily brushing of your dog’s coat is effective, in techniques that just stopping constant shedding. Daily brushing will help them get a beautiful, shiny coat. If you brush the coat, oils in the skin are distributed throughout, and this is helps to make the coat soft and silky.
Help make your own dog biscuits to deliver your beloved canine together with the healthiest treats. Most commercial merchandise is over-full of chemicals that aren’t beneficial to dogs, despite adding flavor and aroma. Use quality ingredients and tell your dog what you’re doing with the cooking! Get him all excited and allow him to taste-test as soon as they’re cool.
You should figure out how to introduce your dog to many other dogs. Keep him on his leash during introductions therefore you have better control. Begin with a walk by and keep his attention upon you. Then, in the next walk by, let the dogs to sniff the other person somewhat. This can permit them to get acquainted with one another without the perils of attacks.
Does your dog chew a lot? This can be an indication that your particular dog is bored or anxious. You must provide your puppy with a few toys that could be chewed as well as perhaps leave a shirt along with your smell near your dog to protect yourself from separation anxiety, particularly when your pet dog is quite young.
Before choosing which kind of dog to have for your family, consider space. Even if you may  texas family puts up home ‘for sale’ sign with vulgar language after neighbor dispute love the greater dogs you could really wrap your arms around, you may not have adequate space for any large breed. Take your house and yard size under consideration before bringing home a brand new pooch.
Make an appointment with an excellent vet right after getting a new dog. Do that once your dog arrives in your doorstep. The vet is going to check over your pet dog to ascertain if all things are okay, along with set it up as much as get vaccinations it could need. You must also have your pet neutered or spayed to cut down on pet overpopulation.
Try and provide your dog with lots of opportunities to socialize. Take him on walks on the park or beach where he will be around people as well as other dogs. Encourage his interactions with other people and praise him forever manners. He’ll be much more at ease in virtually any setting and customarily happier too.
Because man has a record of friendship with dogs, many think they can tell what their dog needs by simply the design on the face. You ought to be with a better understanding with the dog after you read through this. This is certainly something which your furry friend will appreciate.
The post A Deeper Knowledge Of Dogs Comes From Reading This appeared first on Philip Chan broadway-review.
from Philip Chan broadway-review http://broadway-review.com/a-deeper-knowledge-of-dogs-comes-from-reading-this/
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