#chickpea the cat
mathildejr · 10 months
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meet Pois chiche (Chickpea), the tiniest tabby with the biggest eyes you've ever seen. She loves to watch me poop, hates when I try to kiss her, and she makes my heart melt about 45 times a day. I love her.
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My brain is just imagining Eglantine somehow yeeting chickpea
(Eg might not be able to yeet Chickpea, like she did with Peppino or Pancetta, but she can do this;
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More of a flip than a yeet, but still, hehe)
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jessaerys · 7 months
the only meats i buy from the grocery store nowadays are cold cuts from a brand that's certified humane but this week i got a little bit of pork for the cats (as a treat) and i got sooo sooooo sad thinking about how smart pigs are and how cruel the meat industry is. and although i don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat from animals that have been humanely raised it dawned on me like a brick to the face that becoming vegetarian is inevitable
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awwwe how long have you and maisy been buddies?
Maisy met us in spring of 2018 when she was 8 months old. She was already a mom of kittens before we met. She loves her quite home and her younger roommate Chickpea. She's also become a fan of a little human who joined her home 16 months ago! She even has her own poof she sleeps on by the window. I'll post more pictures of Maisy and Chickpea soon.
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burins · 1 year
I hate to say it, but that cat doesn't look angry just in pain. Please make sure they're alright, vet visits when it might be too late to do anything are horrible to go through :(
I've gotten a couple of asks like this, and I know they're coming from a place of concern, but please trust that I cherry picked 10 pictures of chickpea at her most glowering over the three years we've had her to make a joke post about her silly little angry eyebrows!
she got a clean bill of health quite recently and she is playful and active and cuddly. she's also quite rancid but that's just How She Is. they made us sign a waiver about her having a short fuse when we adopted her and everything. I promise she's fine! cats ARE quite good at hiding pain, but she isn't doing that. you really cannot tell a cat's day to day mood from a joke post on tumblr! and quite frankly it is a Lot, even if you're doing it with good intentions, to be coming into a stranger's inbox to tell them they need to get their cat to a vet ASAP off of the strength of a handful of images
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no-rice-panda · 8 months
Learning how to cook as much food as possible from scratch has been an adventure.
I'm currently buried deep in 2lbs of dried chickpeas trying to find stones.
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bunnyb34r · 11 months
Why yes this IS a good use of my skills and time 🥰
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This barbie's a Bean!
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Cooking With Christie: Baked Harissa Lemon Chickpeas With Feta
Inspiration: Okay, I know this is a little odd….But I love going to new towns and checking out their grocery stores or independent grocers we happen to run across on a random Sunday drive. Not only do you learn a bit about the gastronomic tendencies of the area by what they stock, but it also allows you to discover new-to-you ingredients. On one of our recent wanders through the country, I ran…
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sunflower-spirit · 1 year
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the overall pocket was originally designed to be a kitten holder.
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albonium · 2 years
i want to eat couscous now thanks charles 🙄
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beaft · 10 months
allow me to tell you of the grave error i made yesterday. it was 8pm. i was cooking moroccan stew. needed to let it simmer for 25 minutes before i added the chickpeas. i shall go upstairs, thought i, and take a shower, and leave the chickpeas on the counter to drain. puddles the cat is sleeping near the stove. i briefly consider locking her out of the kitchen - but surely even she, leviathan of unconquerable appetites, will not concern herself with hard, drained, uncooked chickpeas. surely not.
with this set-up in mind, what do you imagine i found when i came back downstairs?
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mathildejr · 4 months
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going back to gouache after about 10 years of leaving it alone 👀 here's Mariam as a kid
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superrecordings · 7 months
via Chickpea and vegetable soup with pesto Lazy Cat Kitchen
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kitkatabasis · 9 months
ok so my roommate and I have basically adopted one of the stray cats that lives at my uni. For reasons neither of us entirely understand, my roommate started saying “bedtime for banzo” when we bring his dinner out at night. Over time banzo morphed into garbanzo bean into chickpea man into cicero (with hard cs because I’m a fucking nerd) (also because it sounds cuter). Now that’s all well and good except now I’m mildly worried people will think I’m like. An intense Cicero fan. Which. I’m really not. i’m not worried enough about it to stop calling him various chickpea-related names though. It’s too cute.
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burins · 1 year
Why is your cat so angry? I love her so much, holy hell, but why is her face like that it's so good and so nice and so fucking wrathful oh my gods!!!!
she's full of spite and menace
(so many tags on the post are like "omg what a sweet baby." no. no. chickpea is very affectionate and loving and she is also absolutely rotten. we had to sign a waiver when we adopted her that was like "hey you know this is a bad one right?" and they weren't lying. my sweet angel who bites and once stole an entire turkey sandwich out of my hand while I was concussed 💜)
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andiepot · 11 months
via Chickpea and vegetable soup with pesto Lazy Cat Kitchen
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