#chief barkley sly cooper
galactic-dragoness · 8 months
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Continuation of this
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cooperific-aus · 5 years
AU where if Chief Barkely was present at the end of Operation Wet Tiger, and after making a difficult choice he reluctantly grants the Contessa permission to arrest Carmelita. of course he would feel awful.
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isakthedragon · 7 years
Steamed Hams, But the Aurora Borealis is Actually True.
Okay, I feel bad for the terrible Steamed Hams meme I did earlier for @noredditorhere, so I've decided to make a better one. This one involves Carmelita and Chief Barkley from Sly Cooper (With special appearance of the gang) going though the meme motions in their own special way. I shall link @blurrydawgo and @extraneousdominomask since you too are the prominent Sly fans here that basically every notices. :P I hope everyone likes this.
*The doorbell rings, and Carmelita opens the door to show Chief Barkley standing there.*
Chief Barkley: "Well, Carmelita, I made it, despite your strange directions."
Carmelita: "Ah, Chief Barkley, I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon."
Chief Barkley: "Yeah..."
*Carmelita enters the kitchen and gasps as what she sees.*
Carmelita: "AY!! ¡Dios mío!  The roast is ruined, but how?"
*She checks around the stove and finds the gas line is not working at all, but it has been 'repaired' by a new hose leading outside. She opens and leans out the window and spots her husband Sly along with Bentley and Murray working some device from behind the house.*
Carmelita: "What in the name of the Virgin Mary are you guys doing?"
Murray: "We're trying to get the oven working again so it can cook your roast!"
Carmelita: "Uh-huh... and why is it not working?"
Sly: " 'Lita, 'Lita... don't get hung up on the little details. Your hubby is fixing the problem."
Carmelita: " ... You forgot to pay the gas company... again?"
Sly: "Uh..."
Bentley chimes in: "Well, with my version of the Northern Lights battery working all the utilities, there will be no need to pay them anymore!"
Carmelita thinks: *"So that's why the electrical equipment is dead too, and I had to resort to using landmarks to lead the Chief here..."*
Sly: "Like I said, what's the problem? I'm fixing it..."
Carmelita: "The problem is that I now have nothing to serve Chief Barkley. I'm trying to treat him nicely to at least get on his good side again after your last outing with Interpol in Morocco..."
*Just then, Chief Barkley enters the kitchen.*
*Title Theme*
Chorus: "Carmelita has to explain away her thieving husband's exploits. The Interpol Chief gonna need his migraine medication, When he hears Carmelita's lame exaggerations! There will be trouble in the household tonight!"
Chief Barkley: "CARMELITA!!!"
Carmelita: "Ah! Chief Barkley!" *She returns inside and quickly puts a leg on the windowsill and stretches it.* "I was just stretching my calves on the windowsill. I like to be in peak physical condition to chase after criminals at any time."
Chief Barkley: "Why is there smoke coming out of your oven?"
Carmelita: "Uh... that isn't smoke, it's steam! Steam from the steamed clams we'll be eating. Mmm, steamed clams."
*Chief Barkely, while still suspicious, leaves.*
Carmelita: "Phew..." *She leans on the windowsill again and looks at the thieving trio.* "Ay... what am I going to feed him now?"
Sly: "Dimitri's place is just down the street. Perhaps he can give you some free food?"
Carmelita: "It's the only option I got, huh? Okay... good thing I stretched."
*Carmelita returns with a tray full of Dimitri's Lounge's signature hamburgers, the only thing they could make in such a hurry.*
Carmelita: "Chief, I hope you are ready for some mouthwatering hamburgers!"
Chief Barkley: "I thought you said we were having 'steamed clams'?"
Carmelita: "No, no, I said 'steamed hams'. My accent made you thought I said 'steamed clams'. And that's what I call hamburgers."
Chief Barkley: "Uh, huh... even though I've never once heard your Spanish accent ever slip up."
Carmelita chuckles: "Well, I keep changing voice actors so much, I'm bound to slur my words."
Chief Barkley looks confused again. "And you call hamburgers... steamed hams?"
Carmelita: "Yes. It's a regional dialect."
*Chief Barkley starts using his detective skills more pressingly.*
Chief Barkley: "Uh-huh... and what region is that?"
Carmelita: "Uh... Upstate New York!!"
Chief Barkley: "Uh-huh... I'm from Utica, and I've never heard of anyone who used the phrase 'steamed hams'. "
Carmelita: "Oh! I've heard it when you sent us on an Interpol case around Albany. That's where I heard it. Had to go deep undercover, remember?"
Chief Barkley: "Yeah... I do..." *He takes a bite of the hamburger, but then opens it up.* "You know, these hamburgers look quite similar to the ones they serve in Dimitri's Lounge."
Carmelita laughs: "Heh, no... patented Fox's burgers! Old familia recipe."
Chief Barkley: "For steamed hams?"
Carmelita: "Si."
Chief Barkley: "Yes. You call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?"
Carmelita: "Uhhh..."
Chief Barkley: "What are you trying to pull over this old detective's eyes? I'm still very observant and something strange is going on here!"
*Carmelita stammers some incomprehensible Spanish phrases, and decides to get up and enters the kitchen, which is on fire. Not only that, some of the Northern Lights from the battery have entered the kitchen, and add some greens and reds to the fire's orange color. She returns a second later.*
Carmelita yawns. "That was wonderful! Good times was had by all. I'm pooped!"
Chief Barkley looks at his watch. "Yes, I should be go-" *He notices the raging fire and changing colors in the kitchen and gets up and slams the table with his hands.* "GOOD LORD! What's happening in there?!"
Carmelita: "Aurora Borealis!"
Chief Barkley: "What?! The Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year?! At this time of day?! And this part of the country?! Localized entirely within your kitchen?!"
Carmelita: "Si."
Chief Barkley is stunned, saying: "Can I see it?"
Carmelita smirks. "No."
*They both head outside. Sly is over on the side of the house.*
Sly, in his fake Italian accent, from the side of the house: "Carmelita! The house-a! She is on-a fire!!!"
Carmelita: "No, honey, it's just the Northern Lights."
Chief Barkley: "Well, Carmelita, you're still an odd policewoman, but I must say, you do steam a good ham.  See you Monday."
*Sly feigns screaming for help, which catches the attention of Chief Barkley one last time, but Carmelita thumbs up, saying everything is good as Chief Barkley leaves.*
Alternate Ending:
Chief Barkley: "Well, Carmelita, you're still an odd policewoman, but I must say, you do steam a good ham."
*Just then, Bentley runs from the side of the house, screaming.*
Bentley: "AH!!! Run away, everyone! My Northern Lights battery is going to blow!!!"
*Murray and Sly soon follow Bentley and run down the street. Carmelita and Chief Barkley barely can hop behind Chief Barkley's car as the battery explodes, taking out half the house and burning the leftovers and leaving the rest of the surrounding houses and streets on fire. But on the bright side, if there was any, the Northern Lights appear above the whole street, illuminating the whole block.*
Carmeltia growls. "Grrr... COOPER!!!" *She starts chasing after the gang.*
Chief Barkley: "Heh, yet another exciting Saturday at the Fox/Cooper household. Maybe I should promote her..."
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More Likely Outcome: Chapter 4
“You want us to bail out Sly Cooper?”
The chief laced his fingers together on top of his desk as he answered, “technically, yes. Although it is a little more complicated than that.”
“We finally shipped him to Lyon, put him behind bars, and after a week you want to let him out?”
“I'm not happy about this either, but we need the consultation; we're getting nowhere with this case. The commissioner is pressing us to throw everything we can into stopping this new guy. Apparently there is a lot of embarrassing press coverage.”
“Unheard of, sir.” Carmelita responded sardonically, shifting her weight and placing a hand on her hip.
Chief Barkley turned his chair to face the window in his office. “We can't let this continue. I'm putting you in charge of managing him while he's working with us.”
“Managing him!” Carmelita cleared her throat and added, “sir.”
He turned back to her, “That's right.”
Carmelita stood outside of the jail, watching the gate close behind Sly Cooper. She leaned against the side of the rental car waiting for him with her arms crossed.
“Missed me already?” he asked her with a smile.
She ignored his comment and straightened up to open the door for him. “You're sitting in the back” she commanded. She slammed the door shut again once he was inside.
“Where are we going?” Sly asked a minute into their silent journey.
She glanced back at him in the rear view mirror, “Back to the station in Paris.”
“So soon?” he asked while opening the bag of his possessions.
“This is an important case. You're not free, you're here to work.”
He rummaged inside the bag to pull out his hat and smiled fondly at it. Carmelita frowned as he placed it firmly on his head.
“That has to come off when we're at the station.”
Sly shrugged, “so fill me in. I got briefed when they asked me to consult, but nothing with too many details. It's kind of funny isn't it? You and me working together. They even did a weird clearance, deputizing thing or something.”
Carmelita's hands tightened on the steering wheel, “hilarious.” She rolled her eyes then took a deep breath, “no one has details. We know next to nothing, that's the problem. I have the case file with me, we can go over it on the train.”
Sly contented himself with admiring the view as they sat quietly on the ride. Carmelita stole glances back at him, confirming every few minutes he wasn't attempting an escape.
They reviewed the thin case file quickly, going over locations and missing items. But as Carmelita had said, there was not much to discuss. The file was disconcertingly lacking.
As the Lyon landscape flew by Sly pointed out views he recognized, animatedly describing different landmarks.
“You were only in there for a few days,” Carmelita said, less enamored with the view.
“It felt like a long time. It wasn't just there you know, it was this whole past month.” Sly's voice contained an unfamiliar seriousness to it. It seemed to be gone again as fast as it came as he continued, “but, I've always loved being on the road.”
“How many places do you think you've been to?”
He laughed, “about as many as you have.”
She turned her face towards the window and allowed herself one small smile.
The squad car pulled in front of the police station. Sly pulled off his hat, and ran a hand through his hair. He slipped the hat back into the bag and got out of the car, heading towards the building.
“Hold on Ringtail,” Carmelita said, before they reached the front door. “No funny business.”
He chuckled, “funny business?”
“I mean it,” she crossed her arms. “I know I can't trust you, but I've been put in charge of you while you're out. If you do anything else to jeopardize my career,”
He held up his hands to show his concession. “I'm taking this seriously. I'm going to help you. No funny business.”
She nodded and led the way through the station to the chief's office. As they entered, the chief stood to greet them. He reached out his hand to shake Sly's. “Cooper, I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm asking for help” Chief Barkley said.
“This is a week of firsts for both of us,” Sly muttered.
Carmelita shot him a warning glance, but the Chief pressed on. “You were briefed on the case?”
“Yes, sir. An unknown assailant has been trolling across Europe cleaning out banks, galleries or museums getting in and out without a trace.”
Chief Barkley nodded, “If you can help us with this I have a deal prepared to clear your arrest warrants.”
“Does it have to be for me?”
The Interpol officers looked at him quizzically.
“I'm happy to serve my time once this case is done, I'm not worried about what happens to me. I'm asking for my gang.” Sly clarified.
“You still have ties with them?” he asked and hooked his thumbs on his suspenders.
“No, sir. I've had no contact with them in over a month and I don't plan to. I just don't want them to have to pay for my actions.”
“I'll talk to the Commissioner, Cooper. For now, get to work.”
Carmelita showed Sly to her office. She placed the case file on her desk and spread out the contents. Sly looked them over again as she pinned pictures and files to her newly cleared cork board. They spent the rest of the day gathering documents and going over theories. Without them realizing it, the sun had set. As Carmelita got up from her desk Sly looked up from the blueprint he was reading.
“Where did the day go?” he asked noting the darkness.
Carmelita turned to the window, “Huh, we’d better get out of here before the Chief thinks I’m staying here all night again.”
“How often do you stay over night?” Sly asked.
She did not answer him as she sat back at her computer to shut it down.
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galactic-dragoness · 7 months
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More of Captain Holt/Chief Barkley nonsense
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galactic-dragoness · 8 months
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What if I just made Barkley more like Captain Holt
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galactic-dragoness · 5 years
An addition
Carmelita: “Come on, Sir. The math thing isn’t the problem. The Night Shift’s keeping you and Bogo apart. You two just need to bone.”
Winthorp: *gasps*
Barkley: “What did you say?”
Winthorp: “Don’t say it again!”
Carmelita: “I said you two need to bone”
Barkley: “...”
Barkley: “Hhhhhhhhhow dare you Inspector Fox? I am your SUPERIOR OFFICER!!”
*5 minutes later*
Barkley: BONE!
*10 minutes later*
Barkley: “What happens in my bedroom, Inspector, is none of your business.”
*21 minutes later*
Barkley: “BONE?!”
*40 minutes later*
Barkley: “Don’t ever speak to me like that again.”
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galactic-dragoness · 5 years
I ship Chief Barkley and Chief Bogo
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cooperific-aus · 3 years
Sly AU where the Gang decided to play it smart and become hired hands for Interpol. They still do crimes and dumb shit, but it's for Interpol's sake when they can't legally take back stolen items or a criminal tries to gain power within the system.
Sly and Carm are the trope of "begrudging cop buddies" so when they get really mad at each other, they use Bentley and Murray as messengers.
This gets better in Sly2 when the India episodes conclude and Neyla tries to frame Carmelita for working with the Cooper Gang but Carm is all:
Carmelita: Um.. yes, I do work with them? The Cooper Gang has been working with Interpol since 2001. And I've been their caseworker from the very beginning.
Neyla: ... They're with Interpol.
Neyla: ... So this whole time I've helped them-
Carmelita: ... YOu- Let me get this straight-
Bentley, over walkie-talkie: Can I come down now?
Carmelita: Hang on Tortuga- You helped the Cooper Gang despite not reading the briefings that said the Cooper Gang were hired to help us.
Neyla: ...
Carmelita: Contessa, please take Constable Neyla back to HQ.
Contessa, tired of this shit: Noted.
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galactic-dragoness · 4 years
could you tell us what could have happened in R3b1rTH AU ?
So basically what WAS going to happen was:
Carmelita almost dies instead of Bentley
Bentley salvages the Hate Chip
Carmelita’s name is never cleared, Neyla is coined as the hero who died
The Gang take care of Carmelita as she recovers from the explosion that almost kills her
Carmelita needs new artificial limbs
Bentley makes them for her, using the Hate Chip
The Hate Chip slowly corrupts Carmelita
Carmelita turns into “Phoenyx”, another alter-ego for Clockwerk
Sly and the Gang try to undo what they’ve done
Phoenyx escapes, decides to become a vigilante (ish?)
Phoenyx kills all of the Klaww Gang, including Dimitri and Contessa
Phoenyx almost kills Chief Barkley, but changes their mind
Phoneyx needs a new body, they kidnap Penelope and force her to work for them
Penelope needs funding for materials, so Phoenyx goes around the world, killing criminals and taking their loot
Yada yada yada, plot points and shit
Sly and company finally catch up to Phoenyx and Penelope
Good ending: Hate chip is removed - Phoenyx is destroyed and Carmelita returns to normal
Bad ending: Phoenyx is destroyed - Carmelita dies.
True ending: Phoenyx is not destroyed - Carmelita overrides Hate Chip’s power - Carmelita becomes immortal but becomes guardian of Cooper Clan. Carmelita outlives Sly, Bentley, Murray, and Penelope, but finds peace of mind and stuff.
Yeah, that’s it.
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galactic-dragoness · 5 years
SlyFox Week Day 2: Partners
“Have you lost your damn mind?”
Carmelita swallowed, but did not falter at Chief Barkley’s scowl.
“Sir, with all due respect, this is an opportunity for us to finally gain a member of the force with solid criminal experience.”
“Because he is one!!”
“But he doesn’t know that! Why put a man in jail if he doesn’t remember his crimes?!”
“Because it’s our jobs! Amnesia or not he is guilty of countless thefts!!”
She pinched her snout. “If we send him to jail, he will eventually figure out why he’s there and who he is, and given his background there is a ninety percent chance he will successfully escape, putting us back at square one. But if we tell him that he’s a member of Interpol and if he believes it, then he can use his skills to help us solve crimes!”
“And what happens if his memory returns? What happens if he realizes he’s being used and decides to make a run for it?”
“Then he won’t get very far,” the fox argued. “Without help from his gang, there’s no way he can leave the country. Ever since the Island I’ve been monitoring him very closely. Neither him or his gang have attempted to make contact with one another, leading me to believe that they have scattered.”
Barkley got up from his desk and turned around facing the window, clasping his hands behind his back.
“And what if this amnesia is actually a hoax, Inspector? What if he’s lying?”
Carmelita scoffed. “Why on earth would he lie about having amnesia? What could he possibly have to gain?”
“Information,” he stated bluntly. “If he sees how we operate, he may use that against us.”
“He won’t.”
“What makes you so sure of yourself, Fox? You’re awfully defendant of him lately.”
She shifted her weight. “I’ve been trying to catch him for years. I want to know what goes on inside his mind. I want to learn how he operates. If I gain his expertise, then we can prevent people like him committing crimes at all.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Carmelita took a deep breath.
“I saw him get shot by M. I saw him look at me, confused and afraid. I can detect a lie from anyone Barkley. And I assure you, he’s not lying.”
“And if you’re wrong?”
“Then I will take full responsibility for any repercussions it may cause.”
The badger turned around, giving an intense look.
“Will you risk everything for this? Will you really guide Sly Cooper to abandon his ways and teach him to be one of us?”
The room went deathly silent for several seconds. 
He walked over to his desk and sat down, gazing at Carmelita with an expression she could not identify.
“Then proceed.”
She felt herself go hot, then cold. Had she heard him correctly?
“You’re...saying yes?”
“Would you rather me not?”
“But-but what about the Director?”
“I will deal with him,” the badger said coolly. “Your job is to deal with Cooper. I want you to teach him how to be one of us.”
Carmelita felt a large weight be lifted off her chest. “I will Chief.”
“I’m putting a lot of faith in you, Carmelita. More than I think I should. So don’t let me down.”
“I won’t.”
“Then you’re dismissed. Make sure his training begins next week.”
“Yes sir.”
She grabbed her back and walked towards the door.
She turned around.
“If anything goes wrong, it’s you who will take the fall. Remember that.”
Carmelita looked at him, unsure of what to say, then simply nodded. She opened the door and walked out of Chief Barkley’s office.
“God please let her be right,” he breathed.
Carmelita unlocked and opened the door to her apartment.
When she walked in, the first thing that she noticed was that the window was open.
Her blood went cold. Had he ran away?
“Inspector, is that you?”
A wave of relief crashed over her body. “Yes,” she called. “Where are you?”
“In the guest room.”
She closed the door and walked down the hall to find Sly Cooper, lying in the guest bed, reading a book.
He smiled in greeting and closed the book, sitting up.
“How was work?”
“Fine,” she replied, not smiling.
He tilted his head, confused. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes,” she said. She crossed the room and sat on the bed next to him, gazing down at the floor, tongue in cheek.
Sly looked at her nervously. She wasn’t angry, but there was something in her posture that made him uneasy.
“Why did you lie?”
He felt his stomach drop.
“What-what do you mean?”
“Cut the crap, Ringtail. I want to know why you lied to me.”
Beads of sweat began to form all over his body. He tried to say something, but his mouth was dry.
Carmelita pulled out a pair of handcuffs.
“Sly Cooper, this is your last chance. Tell me the truth or I will arrest you.”
Sly’s mind kicked into high gear, a million thoughts running though his head all at once. What could he say? What should he say?
TELL HER, his mind screamed at him.
Carmelita sighed in disappointment. 
“You have the right to remain-”
“I love you.”
She stopped and her eyes widened. “What?”
The thief took a deep breath.
“When I hit my head, everything went white. And for a short time, I really couldn’t remember who I was. But then after we got picked up, and I got treated by the medics, it slowly came back to me. But....but I didn’t want leave you, so I lied. I lied to you because I wanted to stay, and I was afraid that if I told you that I remembered, you would turn against me.”
He looked at her, eyes filled with emotion.
“I understand if you’re going to arrest me. I don’t blame you. But if I’m really going to jail, I need you to know that I have always...always loved you.”
There was a pause, and Sly closed his eyes, bracing himself for her fury.
“It was real?”
He opened his eyes in surprise. Her tone had been so soft that he thought he had misheard.
“All the flirting, all the kindness, it was real?”
“You meant all the things you said?”
Tears began to form in her eyes. Was she upset?
“I meant everything I’ve ever said to you. I love you.”
Carmelita looked at him, tears streaming down face. Then suddenly she lunged at him, wrapping him in a tight hug.
“Oh my God,” she breathed. “Oh my God, you insane man.”
He slowly placed his arms around her, hyper aware of the proximity between them.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes Sly, I’m fine. It’s just...my God you took a goddamn bullet for me! You idiot!”
“He was going to hurt you.”
She reared her head back and gaped at him. “I was going to move out of the way!! You didn’t have to jump in front of me! You could have DIED!!”
Carmelita buried her face into his neck, sobbing.
“Don’t you ever do that again! Do you understand?! I swear to God if you ever do anything like that again I’ll....I’ll.....”
He stroked her back gently, and they rocked together in embrace.
After several minutes, Carmelita pulled back from Sly and wiped away her tears.
“So...are you done? For real?”
“Done with what?”
He gave her a small smile. “Yes, I’m done. I’m giving it up...for you.”
Carmelita took a deep breath and exhaled. “Ok....ok that’s ok. But there’s something you need to know.”
Sly stroked her cheek. “Tell me.”
“I talked to Barkley, and I convinced him that you could join Interpol as my partner. But he doesn’t know that you’re lying, so until I figure out how to break the news to him, can we make this our....our secret?”
He looked at her, his eyes sparkling. “Of course, but are you okay lying to your boss?”
“Honestly, no. But if I didn’t he would’ve thrown you in jail. So I told him that if you were lying about the amnesia then I would take the fall.”
Sly stared at her in alarm. “Why would you do that?!”
“Because I feel the same way, you crazy raccoon.”
He shook his head. “You didn’t have to put yourself on the line.”
“Well, you did take a bullet for me, so I say now we’re even.”
The thief took her hands and placed them in his. 
“So we’re in this together then?”
He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
They gazed at each other softly, then Sly’s stomach rumbled, snapping them out of the moment.
Carmelita stood up. “Want to go get some food, partner?”
“Absolutely,” he replied.
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galactic-dragoness · 5 years
Oh lort those prompts. 14 + Carmelita?
14 = “I used to do a lot of things”
Carmelita Fox typed furiously on her laptop, sitting on her bed. It was ten'o clock at night and she was working on yet another report in a long line of them.
"Do you always do this before bed?"
She turned to Sly Cooper, leaning against her bathroom doorway. He was wearing his pajamas and held a toothbrush in his hand.
"I don't intend on sleeping for a while," she responded coolly. Then she returned to her work.
Sly sighed, went back into the bathroom to replace his toothbrush, then walked over to their bed.
"We need to talk."
That seemed to grab the vixen's attention, and she gave him a confused look. The raccoon leaned over and closed the laptop, then climbed into the bed with her.
"I think you work too hard."
Carmelita scoffed. "It's my job Ringtail. I'm supposed to be working hard."
"I know, I know," he replied. "It's just...I highly doubt the Chief wants a report on a misdemeanor that literally happened this morning to be the first thing on his desk tomorrow.
"You don't know Barkley like I do."
"I know him enough to know that he's too hard on you."
"He has a tough job Sly. He's stern because he has to be, besides he like family to me."
Sly ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
"When was the last time you took a vacation?"
Oh no. This again.
The fox took a deep breath. "I'm fine Sly, I don't need a vacation."
"You didn't answer my question."
She thought for a moment. "About a year ago."
"Which means," Sly insisted. "That you're due for another one."
"Ringtail you don't understand, my job is my life!"
"That's exactly my point! Life is more than just work 'Lita!"
Carmelita was about to say something, but the raccoon cut her off.
"It's not okay to be so involved in your job that you don't have time for anything else! We haven't spent any quality time in weeks! When was the last time you did something fun??"
The vixen fell silent.
"I used to do a lot of things," she murmured.
She shrugged. "Reading, dancing, travelling."
"Then why don't we do one of those things? Together as a couple?"
"But the HQ needs me!"
"The HQ doesn't give a damn! All the head honchos care about are numbers and arrests! They don't care about you like I do!"
Carmelita looked at him with annoyance, but Sly continued.
"Carmelita, I love you. I miss being with you outside of work. I want to make you happy, and as much as you say you're happy at work, I don't believe you. I want us to make this work. So please, I'm begging you, take some time off."
Seconds ticked by without a word from the Inspector. Then she finally spoke.
A big smile found it's way on the retired thief's face. He pulled her into a hug.
"Thank you."
"On one condition."
The raccoon went rigid. "Which is?"
"Let me finish this report first."
He sighed in relief. "Of course, in fact, I'll help you with it."
Carmelita released herself from her lover's embrace, then she kissed him, a small smile creeping on her lips.
Sly groaned, placing one hand on her cheek, the other on her hip, and tilted his head. He deepened the kiss, and Carmelita wrapped her arms around his neck.
He had forgotten how long he sat there, kissing his beautiful vixen. But when she pulled away, a small whine escaped from his throat.
"Report first. Then we'll have some fun."
Sly smiled mischievously.
"Anything for you."
The smell of eggs and ham cooking gently woke Carmelita from her sleep. She sat up in her bed and stretched, rubbing the hickeys her boyfriend had left on her neck from last night.
The fox left her bed and donned her scattered pajamas, then made her way to the kitchen.
"Good morning," she said huskily.
Sly turned around from the stove to face her.
"Good morning gorgeous."
"What time is it?"
He shrugged, "about nine thirty."
The vixen's blood went cold with panic. "Sly why didn't you wake me?! We're supposed to be at work!!"
"No we don't."
Carmelita stared at him aghast. "Ringtail, you don't just not come into work when you decide you want a vacation! I need to fill out paperwork!"
Sly walked over to her and raised his hands in defense.
"Relax 'Lita, I already took care of it."
"What?! How?!"
"Let's just say that I contacted an old friend who convinced Interpol to have you take time off today."
She cocked an eyebrow in confusion. Then something clicked.
"Please don't tell me Bentley had something to do with it."
Sly said nothing.
"You got Bentley involved?!?!" Carmelita shrieked in disbelief.
"Hey, you told me not to tell you."
"What did he do?!"
"He simply 're-examined' your calendar and noticed that your vacation days begin today. I even called Barkley to confirm."
"And what did he say??"
"He said that you don't have to come in today."
The vixen exhaled and shut her eyes. Sly wrapped his arms around her into another hug.
"I appreciate the gesture Sly, but next time please let me do it my way."
They swayed slightly on the kitchen floor, and the raccoon ran his hands through her hair.
"Ok, I'm sorry, I just wanted you to stay home today."
After several seconds, they pulled away from each other.
"I think the eggs are burning," Carmelita claimed.
Sly quickly turned around and swore quietly. He shut off the stove top burner, but the damage had already been done.
Carmelita chuckled, and her boyfriend gazed back at her with a defeated look.
"How about we get dressed and go to the cafe a few blocks away?"
He smiled. "That sounds lovely."
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