#children of entropy
3y3-jesters · 2 years
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Nea - Child of The Devil
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scientist yuri anyone..
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consuming einsla content as an enby einstein truther is a STRUGGLE so i took matters into my own hands.
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old married couple core i hate them
+bonus joachim
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eeveekitti · 4 months
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i think they'd be friends
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blaacknoir · 1 year
Except Tobias.
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the-perfect-entropy · 3 months
Dossier: Adrian Malek, "The Beautiful"
Designation: Commander, Arstibara, Anusiya
Classification: Traitoris (?)
Homeworld: Xerxes (Location Unknown. Status Unknown.)
Legion: Emperor's Children (Pre-Heresy Era)
Warband: The Perfect Entropy
Description: Dark tan skin with golden eyes. Long jet black hair, undercut on either side and pulled into dreads threaded into gold rings. Small beard and mustache. (Basically Killmonger). Both arms are marked with long service scars in ritual mutilation for the years of service for his Homeworld.
Armor: Not lacking in embellishment, Adrian's power armor is a classic MKIV dressed in faded royal purple & gold with a teal chalice emblazoned on both wrists guards. His right fist is painted black. The left side greave is studded with alternating gold and crimson while the right side has a stylized serpent coiling around it. Over his center he dons a tunic made from challenge/lodge tokens taken from former Son of Horus or affiliated members of the warrior lodges of old. His helmet is praetor-pattern with a shorn plume of crimson hair taken from a former son of Guilliman. (Rarely worn).
Weaponry: Archeotech Spindle (Voice of Echoes) that fires sharp needle like projectiles that cause sonic reverberations wherever they embed themselves. Ancient Power Lance (Wit of the Wicked) that is a reminder of who he once served as it's phoenix motif burns with every strike.
Bio: Adrian was born on the perpetual night world of Xerxes Prime and alongside his father served within the Xerxian Cohort. He showed to be an incredibly skilled swordsman and the capacity for leading that would pave the way for his eventual rank of Anusiya, a member of the royal guard known as the Red Blades.
But, it was the coming of the Emperor's Children that saw Adrian chosen and elevated as an Astartes along with hundreds of other Xerxian's in what would become the 10th Millennial. The 10th Millennial, lead by Adrian's father Xurok, proved themselves time and again as perfectionist in the art of war as their quick strikes and guileful deployments caught the eyes the Primarch who expected nothing less from the Xerxian-born. Pleased with their growing commendations, Fulgrim gifted them the moniker of the Ardent Serpents allowing for a few among them to join his Palatine Blades.
Adrian accepted this role and with it a weapon fashioned from the greatest weapon crafters in the Legion a power lance that felt as if he had always been meant to wield it. The weapon danced in his hands and with it he helped secure his Primarch across compliance after compliance.
When word came of a civil war on Xerxes, the 10th Millennial was allowed to return home to quell the rebellion. A small fleet was dispatched and Xurok lead many of the 10th toward Xerxes.
Adrian, however chose to remain at the Legion's side along with a handful of other Xerxian born. His ambitions were growing and his fondness for his homeworld was long overdue to fade.
It was curious then that Fulgrim struck Xerxes from record in all but name. It's location, population, which warriors were uplifted from there... all gone. Only the Xerxian's still beside the Primarch were allowed to remember the world for what it was and all connection with the 10th Millennial was severed.
Adrian wouldn't dare question his Primarch as to why but his suspicions only grew in the aftermath of the Laer conflict. When everything became twisted and even he found himself lost in the hedonism...
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
My brain’s finally letting me watch dubbed tristamp hell YEAHHHH
#vash’s lil noises#he’s so wet and pathetic and soggy and the saddest man alive and I want to cradle his face in my hands and kiss him on the head#gah urgh haargh#I wanna leave bright red lipstick marks all over his stupid face waaaaaaaah#plus like. going back and watching this over#having consumed nearly every bit of trigun content#and Knowing his issues down to the atomic level#god. that lil spiel he went off on when meryl confronted him for running away in episode 2#carries SO much weight#cuz now I’m observing every character through a wayyyyy different lens now that I’ve had the time for them all to marinate in my brain#for the past couple months#man. to think I only initially Got In There cuz I happened to see a random screenshot of tristamp vash and he looked adorable as shit#and then I saw a lil clip of him being a failboy to an UNPRECEDENTED degree#I just had to have him. the pipeline is REAL don’t be like me!!!#oooh and like. the opening credits aaghgh#something something entropy#and the end credits song is sooo good and it makes me feel so saaaad#and ughh the constellations and tiny vash and knives and#something something star children#I’ve been trying to parse through the images the stars make up#to see if it’s just nonsense or not when it’s not something obvious (ex. the geranium and lil vash and knives and the constellations)#and I haven’t found anything quite yet. if there’s anything at all and I’m over analyzing something that’s just meant to be pretty#anyway I’ll shut up now!
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Quick Pro-Life Responses
Keep in mind: the fundamental disagreement between pro-life and pro-choice is on whether a fetus is being formed into a person, or if the fetus is already a person and is simply developing.
Confidently assert, “you say that because you think a fetus is not a person yet.”
They may concede fetuses are people in word, but still not conceptualize them as full people worthy of equal consideration.
“I have the right to bodily autonomy.”
Abortion is literally suffocation, poisoning, or dismemberment of a living human organism.
Abortion induces fetal demise by depriving a human of oxygen, blood, or vital function.
Bodily autonomy does not justify abuse of power and excessive force over a helpless person.
Abortion, a disproportionately brutal response to a passive threat, is aggressive violence.
“No one has the right to use my body.”
Correct. But, a prenatal person does not use a pregnant person’s body. They have no agency.
A pregnant person’s body takes care of the prenate. This care is ordinary and healthy.
Abortion is not like refusing care to a dying person, it is like murdering a healthy captive.
No one has the right to murder someone who they caused to be dependent on them.
“I have the right to revoke my consent.”
When you give consent, you agree to accept the foreseeable outcomes and risks of an action.
The creation of a bodily dependent is a foreseeable outcome of consensual intercourse.
You cannot revoke consent to outcomes. You can revoke consent to actions.
You may not violently sacrifice a helpless person to “mitigate” a risk of a consensual action.
“Anything dependent on my body is a parasite.”
If you make parasites, then you’re a parasite; it’s misogynist to suggest women are parasites.
The female body would not actively try to make pregnancy happen if it were parasitic.
Prenates never directly cause pregnant people harm; they are not aggressors or parasites.
Using developmental dependency to justify murder is simultaneously ageist and ableist.
“An embryo is just a clump of cells.”
Human embryos meet NASA’s criteria for the characteristics of distinct living organisms.
Human embryos are self-directed and their development follows a body plan.
Human embryos are organized and individual. They already have inherited capacities.
Tumors and gametes do not follow an organized body plan.
“Early humans have no cognitive capacities.”
By week 3, the embryo has a spine and is developing a nervous system.
By week 5, the embryo has a rudimentary brain that controls their pulse.
By week 8, the embryo has pain reflexes and can move their limbs.
It’s incredibly ableist to use the cognitive inabilities of a human being to justify their murder.
“If a fetus is a person, so is a brain-dead human.”
A brain-dead human is, obviously, dead. It’s an oxygenated corpse, the remains of a person.
Death occurs when human organisms stop resisting entropy and lose organic integration.
Preborn people actively resist entropy (decay) and have organic integration (unity).
An early human organism isn’t dependent on a mature brain to organize her vital functioning.
“Later abortions only happen for medical reasons.”
According to two studies by pro-abortion researcher at UCSF Katrina Kimport, this is untrue.
Kimport’s studies found that the reasons for later abortions are similar to early abortions.
Later abortions aren’t euthanasia; infants are stabbed with lethal injections and dismembered.
Perinatal hospice and palliative care relieve suffering. Dying babies deserve love, not murder.
“What about rape and incest?”
Abortion is not evidence-based treatment for sexual trauma. Abortion is traumatic as well.
A preborn child should not be condemned to the death penalty for their father’s crime.
It is safe for most menstruating children to carry pregnancies to viability with sufficient prenatal care.
Children conceived in incest are likely to have disabilities; that’s not reason to murder them.
“What about health of the mother?”
Every abortion ban in the US has exceptions for if the mother’s life or body is in grave danger.
We are not against tragic cases of triage. We are against elective induced abortion.
Some procedures coded medically as abortions aren’t legally or ethically defined as abortions.
Pro-life doctors report that the bans have not impeded their ability to treat their patients.
Your Core Arguments
There is no sound evidence or consistent logic that proves the preborn are the only class of human beings exceptional to the rule that humans are people with equal rights.
If a being is in the dynamic process of bonding with us as kin, then that being is a whole actual person by the manner of actively and inherently relating to our collective humanity.
Embryonic humans are full and equal people like us because they latently embody our same capacities and are manifesting them as we are, on account of sharing our nature.
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Quite A Handful Ch2 Urami And Zohakutan
(Warnings for possible mentions of violence, death, cannibalism, usual kny content, etc.
I decided to include the last two clones too since I wrote for the main clones and Hantengu. I'll include Zohakutan but his interactions with Wife Y/n are STRICTLY PLATONIC!!
Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Koyoharu Gotouge for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
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The darkness of night was always dangerous to those whom did not heed the warnings of the monsters whom lurked within the abyss and shadows.
The woman knew that more than anyone else very well. Often finding herself confined within it's hold. Innocence ensnared like a bird within it's cage. Singing it's innocent melodies despite being condemned to be surrounded by cold iron bars. Forever ongoing. Swirling, swirling around
The sun sank beneath the horizon to make way for his sister the moon to take her rightful place upon her throne of darkness surrounded by her army men of stars and comets. 'Cone out!' She cried out to her dark children that hid from the light. 'My brother and his infernal light is gone. Once more come out to greet your mother and wreck discord upon thine earth. Have your fun dancing in my gentle glow and bask in the darkness that I reign upon as I watch over you.' The monsters woul answer their mother's cries. Dancing. Reigning havoc over the darkness. Bringing entropy to every household they manage to invade.
A fire warmed up the skin as your lazy eyes watched the dancing flames in the pit. The flickering lights casted dancing shadows the lonely still walls. They frolicked in tune with their own rythme in their own universe. However the warmth of the fire kept your body warm and toasted from the cold outside. No doubt crawling with monsters and demons of the abyss walking forth towards you with every step they took. In tune with every breath you took. But you didn't mind. Infact within the darkness the maiden embraced their outstretched embrace.
Step. Step. Step.
Closer and closer.
Breaths of sins clawed their way from a maw that swallowed more innocent lives than the mind cared to remember. Smiling at a wicked whom remembered or a sinful coppery taste that it could still taste on the malicious tongue. Running the muscle along fangs sharp and destined to rip flesh from mere bond. However the sins of that life would be forgotten in exchange for the comfort of innocence that the night allowed him to have once every moon. Footsteps soft yet loud enough to echo through the darkness and approaching the house with remaining light. Light that offered warmth and comfort but not protection.
F/c eyes opened slightly and turned. A door normally provided comfort and protection was no match for the class that ensnared it and pushed it open allowing the night and shadows to spill inside. The sinful, wicked face was delighted to see the one of innocent happiness smiling back to her.
"Hi, Honey!," you greeted brightly from where you were currently cutting a raw cow steak into smaller pieces for your dinner while a giant pot of rice was bubbling in the fireplace behind your smiling face. "You're home late. How was work tonight?" You beamed expecting your husband to crawl in by himself and maybe a few of his clones to come in but you were stunned by who instead walked in through the doorway. "Oh no. What happened?"
It wasn't your husband that waltzed in through the doorway. Uh..Well technically it WAS but it just wasn't the part of him that you were expecting to see tonight. A giant lumbering figure ducked down having to bend at the knees just to get in. The exact copy of your husband if your husband was taller than even a large man and if he was angry instead of scared all the time. The large scowling demon had to lean over even when he was inside because he was so tall. A much smaller figure  walked in right behind him looking just as angry. He was young but only in appearance. You knew his looks were deceiving and the other looked so unusual because-
They were both clones. Extensions of your husband. 
But these clones weren't really common. In fact you barely if ever saw them in the entire time you've been married to your husband. Resentment and Hatred weren't really two emotions that really bubbled to the surface too often.
"None of your business, Woman!"
You leaned back taken by surprise by the harsh tone from the larger man before the other looked at him with a harder scowl to his face.
"Shut your mouth, you overgrown mules ass!" He hissed back which made the other hiss back. "You will not utter a fucking sentence like that towards her again less I rip your tongue out through your throat!"
"Boys, don't fight." You gently lowered the cleaver until it laid upon the cutting board. Although you were secretly happy to know that you'd be defended by some part of your husband. "I only ask because usually it's not the two of you I see. Oh no. Did something bad happen?"
"Nothing we couldn't handle."
"Those dammed Haishira! That's what!" Urami threw up his hands almost hard enough to punch holes into your ceiling. "If Zohakutan had just done his dam job in the first place then I wouldn't have to be bothered with this!"
Zohakutan fully turned to him now snapping his scowl up! "I WAS THE ONE THAT KILLED THE DAMMED HAISHIRA !! All you've done was run away like a dog- No! A BITCH WITH YOUR TAIL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS YOU GIANT WALKING JACKASS!!"
You looked back and forth between the two as they shouted at one another. Now you know why they didn't come out too often. Sigh.
"BOYS!!" You're shout echoed throughout the home.
Both of them snapped to your tired stare. A sigh left your mouth before your hand just grabbed the cleaver again and steadied the next chunk of meat.
"Why don't you both just come sit down for dinner? I have raw steak cutlets for you and rice for me." The cleaver made another loud THUNK sound as it collided with the wooden cutting block and slicing a thick chunk of beef in two.
Both instantly looked interested."Raw steak?"
You nodded. "I've been working all day slaving away to clean your house and make you dinner and all I get in return is the both of you arguing like children!" A scowl was thrown their way before you pointed the cleaver at them point, not in a threatening way but to just show a point of your current work. "Now BOTH of you shut up and go sit down before I rip Hantengu out of Urami's heart and feed him all of this instead!"
The two didn't say or do anything at this until they both shot each other the harshest scowls and walked into the kitchen making you sigh in relief. You thought you heard Urami mumble some kind of cursing under his breath but at least they stopped fighting..for now.
It was quite a handful having so many husbands.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 9 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 3
The Master's father, Marnal, wrote an episode for Star Trek but took his name off it after they changed it too much.
The Fifth Doctor took Tegan back and time to kill that same would-be-dictator as a baby but was also unable to go through with it.
Nyssa once turned the Fifth Doctor into a vampire.
The Time Lords created the Were Lords, a species of lycanthropic soldiers who could regenerate, to fight for them in the Vampire Wars.
The Tenth and Fourteenth Doctors have different enough blood that the Fourteenth Doctor was able to resist blood control that used the Tenth Doctor's blood.
The Garvond is a monstrous entity in the APC Net of the Matrix composed of all the demented, evil sides of the Time Lords.
The First Great Time War was between the Time Lords and the Order of the Black Sun.
The Veil was fond of the Twelfth Doctor and considered them to be companions. The Veil hoped that the Twelfth Doctor would take them with him when he escaped from the confession dial.
Jack Harkness described the Midnight entity as someone who could eat its way into a person's brain and steal their voice. Given that it is unknown where he got this information, this suggests that Jack might have had an encounter at some point.
Both the Doctor and the Master have used the name "Merlin" before.
The final incarnation of the Master was a highly destructive entropy wave in one timeline.
The Eleventh Doctor once returned to the Library with Amy Pond, but he never mentioned River Song. They encountered Book Monsters.
The Doctor's first TARDIS was a Type 50, but they were left behind when the Doctor ran away from Gallifrey. This left them angry and hurt that the Doctor had replaced them, so they ran off from Gallifrey to find him.
According to the Seventh Doctor, the Rani and her giant rodent came to his graduation party.
There exists a canned drink called Sontaran Up that a Sontaran was seen drinking.
The Sixth Doctor's method for fighting the Weeping Angels included winking one eye at a time, so the Angels were always being observed. Given that he was almost immediately sent back in time where he encountered the Tenth Doctor, this isn't a very good method.
Due to similarities between the life stories of the Doctor and the Devil, there are many races who believe they are the same being.
The Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz, and Dan once watched a production of Cinderella. While trying to make it more exciting, the Doctor accidentally replaced all the characters and props with the real versions, who began to attack each other and the audience.
The Doctor had thirteen children before running away on Gallifrey who were all killed (or perhaps a better word would be 'culled') by the Watch after Susan's birth.
The Doctor has had other children over the years (although they did not recognize all of them as such) including but not limited to Miranda Dawkins, Edward Grove, the Sound Creature, Daqar Keep, Jenny, and the Sapling.
Gostak was one of the First Doctor's tutors who he admired very much, but similar to Borusa, he went mad and had to be stopped by several incarnations of the Doctor.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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darkopsiian · 2 months
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Artfight ends in an hour, I'll go ahead and post all the attacks I did for this year. (Character credits at the bottom) I do wish I could've gotten more done, but I definitely did more this year than I did last year.
Thank you all whom artistically assaulted me with your beautiful depictions of my goblin children, I enjoyed each one of them!! <3 Will see you next year. --- 1. @/Squikbat 2. @aichemical 3. @/ArsMachina 4. @bones-the-skelebunny-01 5. @organizedchaotics 6. @/DeadKeeSalt 7. @salsaface1 8. @/Ashinyfurfrou 9. @reclaiming-entropy 10. @botcomplex 11. @twisting-roads 12. @conwayconartist 13. @c-halybeate
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apollosunshineisdead · 3 months
my favorite lyric or two from every will wood song
Everything is a Lot:
6up 5oh: "they shoulda fried me, I'll give ya PTSD!"
skeleton Appreciation Day: "give me all your LSD so i can feel my mind unweave again!"
front Street: "you said let loose, but now you're lost"
aikido!: "i told doctor tillis to prescribe an illness, but he said his schedule's filled with children with need Prozac, prilosec and lo-jack, triple-sec and lexapro"
white Knuckle Jerk: "i wonder how i woke up in the middle of my surgery, and i watched them botch my heart"
cover This Song!: "i'm just a little bit crazy 'bout you, just a little bit out of my mind"
Thermodynamic Lawyer: "so all that i see, absolute entropy as the chemical bounds fall apart"
red Moon: "the crescent rests, tethered to the west"
lysergide Daydream: "ooh, i wanna be on the picture on the postcard, pouring pitchers in the backyard by the garden we tend"
the First Step: "i lost count after 21 in the college crawl"
jimmy Mushrooms': "i think the truth is that everyone's wrong!"
Compound Fracture: "bienvenidos a la villa de arañas españas"
everything is a Lot: "night sky, i wonder why i am alive until i die / i find that at this size, no answer can be right"
destroy to Enjoy: "lao tzu, chaung tzu, yin-yang tattoos, FUCK your mystic wisdom! find your own way home from Bonnaroo!"
self-: "i'll shake the apples from my family tree, so when the autumn comes to take the leaves..."
2012: "testing my hypothesis, never finding a theory!"
cotard's Solution: "rolling my third eye into the back, of my head and squinting through the black"
mr. Capgras: "eulogy or biography, i'm who i ought to be, and that is God to me"
hand Me My Shovel: "looking up, i could say Heaven sent me! / hand me my shovel, i'm going in!"
dr. Sunshine is Dead: "i'm noone if i'm nowhere in between!"
-ish: "well at 27 will i see, that i was born to be the man i'll be?"
The Normal Album:
greetings from Mary Bell Township!: "so give me your half-life crisis / i can tell that you know where paradise is!"
(vampire) Culture: come on, drink that BLOOD! didn't they want your blood?
Love Me, normally: the Lord looked down, said, "hey, you're only mortal"
2econd 2ight 2eer: "my grip on the secrets' slippin' while i'm speakin' in tongues!"
laplace's Angel: "so if you wash your hands of where you've been until you flood the second floor / neatly fold your skeletons, but still can't shut the closet door"
i/Me/myself: "eating your prosthetic, meet your anesthetic"
...well, better than the Alternative: "she's gonna be a lot like me, but i don't wanna be at all like me"
outliars And Hyppocrates: "i am the shadows cast aside by gallows, and you, the red hot sky"
blackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA: "his ribcage was a hornet's nest, his palpitations set the beat!"
marsha, thankk you for the Dialects: "doctor, what's my prognosis if the studies show that / disease is in the eye of the beholder, tell me "so it goes!""
love, Me Normally: "is there nothing to fear, cuz shit's getting weird!"
memento Mori: "no need to fear cuz when it's Here you won't be alive / try not to think about it!"
Camp Here & There: Campfire Songs:
venetian Blind Man: "string on his finger, a tourniquet ring"
yes, to err is Human: "if you don't hate me, then reanimate me!"
your body, My Temple: "furthering the fever of your fervor for believing, I will"
when somebody Needs you: "fishing lure moon on a string for you, didn't you say you need space?"
"In Case I Make It,"
tomcat Disposables: "what's the moon made of? meet me there after i'm gone"
becoming The Lastnames: "weeding out the garden where the milestones gather moss"
Cicada Days: "here at the end of days, my god, what have I done? / christ, now it feels damn inhumane to get all i dreamed of"
euthanasia: "and every, everybody dies / fighting for their lives, just trying to survive"
falling Up: "airplane eclipses over spirals of math – would or could the impact kill me?"
that's Enough, let's get you Home: "but CO2 and fish tanks do enough to get you home"
um, it's Kind of a Lot: "sorry darling, please excuse my constant need to self-aggrandize!"
half-Decade Hangover: "but i can't make amends for things i can't remember"
vampire Reference in a Minor Key: "the seraphim on my shoulder, whispering "please don't turn your head""
you liked this: "Ten Red Flags that a Neurotypical Narcissist is Trauma Dump Gaslighting You into Sex-Negative Self-Abuse Emotional Labor and Internalised Reverse Racism Against Post-Modern Flat Earthers with Facts and Logic (Number Seven Will Destroy Your Family)"
the Main Character: "judge me by what my cover shows, author becomes beyond reproach"
Against the Kitchen Floor: "i'm not a good person, i'm barely a person at all"
Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll: "and i hate proving that i'm still human after all"
BFB's Blueberry Pie: " "
Willard!: "so gather 'round pandora's skinner's box, look through the one-way mirror / if you can see in shade's of grey, the colors are much clearer"
White Noise: "it begs the question just to tell you the answer!"
ICIMI outtakes:
misanthrapologist: "I hear your hear beating under the floorboards" and if i did, you deserved it: "that i really don't carе what you think or what you say, either that or I do way too much, oh well whatever, either way"
thank you for listening
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3y3-jesters · 2 years
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vent art i made yesterday. im feeling far better, but the bite wound still hurts.
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florbelles · 5 months
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known as "the lost rhindaun" in her homeland, mireene's early life is shrouded in mystery, though she was reported to have been raised among pirates. she would become known to history as the much-younger mysterious woman who appeared in baldur's gate on the arm of the adventurer randal cosantoir when he returned from his travels. some claimed she bewitched the patriar as one with possession of the powers of mind-control and entropy, though renowned for her wit and beauty in her own right; despite the whispers of her detractors, it is not believed she manipulated him cerebrally, though she would go on to employ such capabilities against rivals. while never confirmed, it was alleged she had been working as a courtesan when he met her; it would later be claimed "[síle cosantoir] was trained in the arts of both her parents," though it is unclear if this is the source of, or result of, the rumor. by all accounts, mireene quickly became a prominent and influential figure among the city's elite, often joining her new husband in his travels and forming connections across faerûn. they had two children, aodhan and síle, the latter securing their legacy of notoriety in the history of the coast. despite being officially unrecorded, mireene was known to her family and was keenly aware of her blood, reportedly keeping tenuous ties and sending her children to visit queen anais's court. she was later implicated in a plot to place her daughter on the throne of tethyr, a coup that, real or imagined, would lead to the fall of the patriar family cosantoir. it has been speculated that her very daughter she would have made queen is the one who revealed the plot against ysabel to her father's cousin, lander cadwell, in a bid to escape her fate. of síle, lander would later reportedly say ". . .she favored the father, but took after the mother."
— codex 003, la tour abolie.
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As much as I like matpat I am dreading when he plays ruin because this is just going to fuel his 'gregory is evil' stich which I HATE.
Like, maybe stop demonizing this 9 year old. I get it, he has committed many crimes, as he should, and destroyed the glamrocks, but they can be FIXED. THEY ARE ROBOTS. THEY CAN BE PUT TOGETHER AGAIN AND ARE EVEN STILL FUNCTIONAL EVEN AFTER BEING SHATTERED.
You know who can't be fixed if he loses an arm or an eye? GREGORY (because he isn't a robot because FUCK THAT) like???
He is a homeless kid, of course he's going to be a brutal little shit and prioritizes survival against morals, he is on the fucking streets, and the animatronics have been trying to kill him for an entire night, making him run all across the PizzaPlex. You know how fucking big that place is!?
Also, him betraying Cassie makes zero sense for multiple reasons,
1: He went through fucking hell for Freddy and he only knew him for 6 hours, like. He was willing to steal a car and live with him on the road in one ending, tries to save him in the Afton ending, carries his head around, and is shown to cry when he's disassembled, something he is only seen to do in the Bad Ending or when Freddy is ok.
Even when Freddy is possessed by Peepaw William, instead of trying to dismantle him, he tries to save him instead, when if it was any other animatronic he wouldn't have hesitated to destroy them.
Because of what the cutouts in Roxy Raceway tell us, Gregory and Cassie have a close friendship, him being the only one to show up to her birthday and giving her a napkin to clean up her tears. When you see his missing posters, you can see Cassie is crying, and due to him being homeless, she probably made those posters herself.
(which i am sorely disappointed if no one has made an angsty thing yet c'mon guys)
(I HC them as siblings, but I guess steel wool said fuck you entropy)
So why, if he was willing to do all of that for Freddy, where it was a plot point for all of the endings, would he betray Cassie and try to kill her? It doesn't make sense to me, adding onto my other point:
2: At the end, as everyone predicted, the mimic was pretending to be Gregory this entire time. I don't know why exactly it was luring cassie, probably to kill her or something, but the mimic is a whole other rant because it brings the books explicitly and that means GGY could be canon which. Ugh.
Anyways, it's revealed again to everyone's predictions, that Gregory isn't in the PizzaPlex, which I think is a missed opportunity but that's just me. Cassie escapes the Mimic and 'gregory' says that she awakened it (Afton) and then the elevator falls.
I see people saying that Gregory killed her, but my question is how?
If he isn't anywhere in the PizzaPlex, and can only see the layout, how was he able to cut the elevator wires if not physically present? Did he teleport? Did he magically get into the mainframe and somehow break it down? No.
In conclusion, if there's an installment following this it better not have a villain Gregory or I swear to God steel wool I am able to forgive you for hello neighbor I will NOT forgive you for that
EDIT: just some more things I want to add because MatPat is playing ruin and I am fueled with dread and excitement.
I see people bringing up the books and the whole patient 46 or 42 or 420 or whichever the fuck, which is still do not get, but I don't understand most things in this franchise anyways so.
Even if the mimic and GGY are canon, I still firmly believe that gregory's actions (if he did do them) were manipulated by William/Glitchtrap, with him being mind-controlled like Vanessa. If your going to demonize him for that, then you would have to do the same thing for Vanessa, who has canonically killed enough children to fill out a newspaper as seen in the Bad Ending when it's revealed Gregory is homeless.
(I don't know how or when old willy put his hands on my boy's mind, but It is not because he is a robot because he isn't. the only reason Freddy say's he's broken is because of censorship.
(PS, please stop censoring horror franchises unless it's actually depicts idk SA, talking to you Megan Is Missing. The original line was that gregory cut himself while in the vents. you didn't need to censor that idqbnofq)
Also, for people saying that Gregory is sadistic for destroying and harvesting the animatronics....
I see your point, and I raise that he is a homeless child who probably just got out of mind-control and is now being chased around a massive mall bigger than a 10 Walmart's and Targets put together, trying to escape 3 (4 and 5 if you count sun & moon and a hell of a lot more counting the security bots and damn endos) eight to seven foot hunks of heavy metal and sharp teeth capable of and known for destroying security bots because of Pizza and Jealousy Issues (Roxy and Chica) another that's infamous for destroying fences, his own room and is rumored/thought to have destroyed another robot, and a security guard who, (in yet again deleted voice lines that should have been in the game god damnit steel wool) he saw change into a skipping bunny with a kitchen knife all trying to kill him with only one protector for 6-7 hours straight with barely a moment to breathe.
What do you expect? him to be all "I'm so sorry *cries* let's all be friends!!" NO. in a better world and in a better made game maybe we could have that, but in this world no. Maybe he's a little remorseful, but in the way you kill a bug kind of remorseful.
Also, again, homeless children who probably had to raise themselves aren't going to be the most morally aware children, of course he's going to worry about his and the one person/robot who took care of him in a while above the ones who are attempting to murder him.
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paradoxcase · 6 months
Chapter 25 of Nona the Ninth
So this chapter has a broken Gideon skull, which in this book seems to mean people being deceitful, and something is definitely up because Gideon is like 2-3 times as much Gideon as she normally is in this chapter, and I don't think that's an impression I only have because I've recently been through 3/4 of book full of Nona POV
Throughout this chapter, Gideon is referred to as "the corpse" or "the corpse prince" frequently, and I just feel like I should point out that we've gotten to the point where there are actually two different walking and talking corpses in this scene and both of them could plausibly be referred to as a prince. Even though Naberius's body is not currently being controlled by Ianthe, Naberius himself was a prince before he died
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That's all the definitions, I think Gideon just made this one up. Also, it's not a good day when you learn a new ethnic slur from the dictionary
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Pyrrha acts like Gideon said "yes" here, but she didn't. That's like, a combination of "yes" and "nope"
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It's hilarious, and I think actually accurate, that she's still terrified of the needle even though she is literally immune to needles now
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"Judith Deuteros for some reason" really just sums up Judith's whole role in this story, doesn't it? It also would make a great blog title for a Judith fanblog, someone should get on that
Poor Judith! It's been a hot minute since Judith actually said something in a language that someone other than Nona can understand, so I really do hope it still is Judith in her body, and not someone or something else in there now
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Right, so this could potentially mean:
The whole time since she impaled herself on the fence (unlikely since Gideon was stealth-narrating the entirety of Harrow the Ninth)
The whole time since Pyrrha and Nona met up with BOE at the end of Harrow the Ninth (since BOE had Gideon's body at that point, I think it's entirely possible that Gideon's soul transferred back into it from Harrow's body when she came into its proximity)
The whole time since John reacquired Gideon's body and made his modifications to it, and possibly also brought Gideon's soul back to it at that point
She could also just mean "the whole time I've been in New Rho" or "the whole time you've been in the barracks" but obviously she's been awake for longer than that since she was around to receive medals and stuff from John
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Wiktionary says a "rusk" is a "weaning food for children" but doesn't give any kind of information on what specific food it is, or if it's just a general word for that kind of food
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So Ianthe can "shut her off" somehow. I'm not sure if I buy that it was Gideon's idea to come here. I don't think she likes Ianthe, I don't think she would have thought New Rho would be a fun place to be, and even if she actually wanted to go to Ninth House like she says later I don't think she could have predicted that she'd be in a position for that to happen here and there are much easier and more straightforward ways for her to get to the Ninth House if she'd stayed with John
An interesting question is whether or not she would have won a fight with Ianthe's entropy field. I tend to think not, because a literal bar of metal didn't survive the entropy field, and even though she has some, like, I guess artificial preservation from being John's daughter she wasn't immune to direct physical damage because of that and even John himself wasn't immune to being taken apart into bits by Mercy, and since Mercy made the OG entropy field I'm sure it probably works using the same principle as whatever she did to John. Gideon may still survive the entropy field somehow, but if the entropy field was still functional it would actually be a great way for Palamedes to get a blood sample from her for Tomb-opening purposes, and so I think John would be extremely against having any such thing anywhere near Gideon's body. So I'm sticking with my theory that this was Ianthe's idea. She intentionally showed Gideon's body during the broadcast, she did that on purpose, although I guess if Gideon was "turned off" during that time she might not know that
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Man, thanks for nothing, Gideon
Significant things that happened in the River at the end of the last book:
G1deon and a bunch of ghosts scared Number Seven off and it went to New Rho
Augustine was eaten by the Stoma
Harrow's and Palamedes' River bubbles ceased to exist
The Mithraeum was submerged in the River and sank very far down, unknown currently if John and Ianthe managed to save it
I can't think of why any of these things would make it safe for non-Lyctors to travel safely through the River. The ghosts all make themselves scarce around resurrection beasts, but I'm sure Ianthe and Gideon's journey didn't start out in the presence of a resurrection beast and I don't think the ghosts are the reason why River travel is dangerous for non-Lyctors
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Blatant lies, lmao
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She's so bad at lying, she starts off with "I don't want anything anymore" and finishes with "I want to go to the Ninth House because I have unfinished business there", and I suspect both of those things are at least partly lies. But I think she's right that John would probably give her a medal for killing this collection of people at this point, including Corona I think
But I suspect that she is the one who wants to go back to the Ninth House, for some undisclosed reason, and she's not acting on John or Ianthe's wishes here. If John wanted her to go back to the Ninth House she would already be there yesterday. If Ianthe wanted her to go there, I don't think she would have put up that entropy field, and she might even have tried to do some deal with BOE where she exchanged Gideon for the Sixth House. Also, I don't think Ianthe actually gives a shit about the Ninth House or anything that happened there. And there's no one else left in John's circuit at this point
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Man, when Pyrrha said she was heavy, I just thought it was because she was tall and full of muscle. How damn strong is Pyrrha, exactly?
No, hold on, let me math this
A normal adult human has 11 kg of bones. Cortical bone makes up 80% of bone mass and has an average density of 1908 kg/m3, and cancellus bone makes up 20% and has an average density of 1178 kg/m3, so that is an average density of 1762 kg/m3 over all. There are 1,000,000 cm3 in 1 m3, so 11 kg / 1762 kg/m3 * 1,000,000 cm3/m3 is 6,242.9 cm3 of bone. Titanium has a density of 4.506 g/cm3. 6,242.9 cm3 * 4.506 g/cm3 is 28,130.5 g or a little over 28 kg. Since bones usually weigh 11 kg, that's only 17 extra kg of bone, so she only actually weighs about 37 and a half more pounds than usual. She says "titanium plex", which is not a real thing, but I can't imagine that titanium plex would actually be more dense than titanium, so I think it checks out that she would just be somewhat heavier than expected and not ridiculously heavy or something like that
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That's a great question that I'd love to see answered. Is the fence also going to turn out to be some kind of holy object infused with a power even higher than John?
Speaking of holes, I remember back a long time ago I reblogged that one poll that mentioned stigmata sex, and people assured me that while the stigmata were actually in the book, the stigmata sex was not. Are Gideon's holes the stigmata? Does that count as stigmata? I think it's in the wrong place, isn't it?
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So, thanergy is cell death, but it seems like dead bodies radiate thanergy even if no cell death is occurring, because John's cryo bodies were generating thanergy for him even after he'd completely stopped them from rotting. So Gideon's body is somehow preserved due to being related to John, but in a way that doesn't involve being infused with thalergy as she suggests for the blood sample, because as we know from the last chapter, body + soul + thalergy = living person, and Gideon isn't a living person, so she must be missing one of those, and it's not her body or her soul. The preservation only applies to the bounds of her body, and her body is still radiating thanergy, apparently enough that it would kill the blood sample?
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She got her whole childhood fantasy of a famous and powerful parent who gave her everything she wanted, but that person turned out to be John, and now she's stuck with him and Ianthe and being used as figurehead for John's military, and he spent just enough effort on her to make sure that her body can't be used against him but didn't fix the gaping holes in her chest, and the person she sacrificed herself for is missing and possibly dead, and someone else is in her body instead
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I mean, Ianthe was keeping her locked up behind the entropy field. I wonder if she's had a lot of that from John, too
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noosphe-re · 1 year
What remains today of Newton's fundamental breakthrough? Modern life, our system of education founded on the requirements of punctuality, scholastic exercises on the charts of train schedules, geographic maps—all this inculcates in us, from childhood, a very Newtonian idea of space and time. This is why we have such difficulty perceiving the absurdity of questions such as"What lies beyond the limits of the universe?" or "What existed before the creation of the world—or before the Big Bang?" We marvel at the apparent modernness of Saint Augustine, who was already addressing similar questions fifteen centuries ago: "Time did not exist before heavens and earth.” But few among us know or have really assimilated the Kantian critique of the concepts of space and time. Kant constructed this critique specifically to chart the boundaries between knowledge and faith, to free science from metaphysical presuppositions, to deliver geometry from the shadow of theology to which Newton had in fact ascribed it. For Kant, space and time are not things in themselves but "forms of intuition”—in other words, they constitute a canvas that allows us to decipher the existence of the world. According to Kant, things "in themselves" are neither in space nor in time. It is the human mind that, in the very act of perception, superimposes these categories, which are its own and without which perception would be impossible. This does not exactly mean that space and time are illusions or pure inventions of the human mind. These frameworks are imposed on us through empirical contact with nature and are not, therefore, "arbitrary.” They no more belong to things in themselves than they belong to the mind alone; rather, they exist because of the dialogue between the mind and things. They are, in the final analysis, an unavoidable product of motion itself by means of which the mind searches to apprehend—to understand—the outside world.
Rémy Lestienne, The Children of Time: Causality, Entropy, Becoming
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