#children of sornieth
dracononite-fr · 3 months
🍎Show off a Special-eyed dragon
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I'm gonna choose this primal-eyed girl, Opal. I just think her accent and outfit are the perfect colors, she's so pretty and I'm proud of her
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bawkrya · 4 months
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Leader of the Dragons of Vermin, The Great King Norve was once the Plaguebringer's most valued possession-- the Virulent Flail. After serving the Plaguebringer for five thousand years, the King seemed to suddenly betray Her, under the claim that the Grand Deities have failed their children and the beings of Sornieth. The Great King is elusive, and takes on the aid of Gods who don't have the best of reputations-- so most are hesitant to lean into the views of the Vermin. But, something keeps attracting dragons to His cause.
for those who follow me, norve has been a character in my lore for a WHILE now, and now he is finally here...... hes finally actually a dragon.......... im not just talking about a nonexistent pixel.............. but hes my specialist guy and im SO happy to finally have a dragon that suits him!!
hes currently in a temporary outfit until i can commission him a custom skin, and im manifesting a new plaguey scene for him soon hehe......
thank u to everyone who helped me out in saving for this guy and for those who showed support!!! this was one of my long term FR goals and im so glad i can mark it as done. until. well. i go for a triple lavender LOL
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pumpkin-bread · 10 months
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Pure Gen 2 Lore Sandsurge for Sale!
Born of Creed and Nakia, two dragons who grew up with very little and as such wanted their children to grow up with everything.
These three hatchlings were raised in a lavish home hidden within a deep cave, with their father as a constant presence in their life and their hardworking mother visiting as often as she possibly could. Tutors were brought in to make sure they had all the knowledge they would need to head on their own, and their hobbies and passions were - within reason - indulged.
As a result, they had overall quite happy upbringings and were never in want. Their parents were not shy about the hardships the world offered, but they were nonetheless eager to become part of it.
...That being said, the fine foods and fabrics they are used to will likely be quite missed. If you bring one of these lovely kids into your clan, give them time to adjust.
From the left:
The lovely Nigella picked up a passion for cooking from a young age, learning from her "auntie" Outlook and their hired chef until she was quite decent at it herself. Nigella has a balanced and calm personality, and is anything but quick to lose her temper. She is utterly smashing. (Yes, her name is a reference. She's perfect.)
Bianca loved animals most of all, and though she wasn't encouraged to keep pets, lizards, jackrabbits, and all sorts of bugs suspiciously showed up in her room anyway. Her parents bought her a mini library of books on the wildlife of Sornieth, and she hopes to work with animals wherever she may end up.
Zacharias grew up enamoured with his parents' stories of their time as caravaners. Both Creed and Nakia separately and together tried to explain the hardships and dangers they experienced, while, conversely, his sisters - especially Bianca, who was out for blood due to him always tattling when she brought a "new pet" home - would argue that surely their stories were wildly embellished. Nothing came close to deterring Zach of his dream to travel the world, however, and he vowed to be part of a caravan somehow the moment he was old enough to.
Whew so, there ya go! All are pure gen 2 and up on AH for an asking price of 700g.
Haggling and item offers are welcome, but please note I am splitting profits 50/50 with @pudgykookaburra, who owns mom and also helped me lore noodle for these guys! Please do boost this if you can due to the plethora of links! Thank you so much if you can!
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saltminerising · 1 year
i think it’s interesting how many people seem to think these dragons are gonna be full not-from-sornieth aliens? When it would make total sense for the arcanist (whose holed up in his observatory looking at the stars) to have his first ever dragons be sent out into the cosmos to study the stars up close and personal and eventually bring back data like living satellites/probes. I also can get people not liking the “from space” thing but also Arcane as a flight is mostly space. Yes we have magic/arcane studies but our deity is mainly devoted to the stars, it makes perfect sense for his first children to be devoted to the stars also
Watch this be posted a day before or after the update and i’m totally wrong about their origins, they are fully aliens from another planet
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ringleaderising · 4 months
Why a plague lair instead of shadow?
Whats your favorite dragon?
show me a dragon you've been obsessed with lately please
Why Plague?
So fun fact about that: It's because I've never once left Plague. in my near-decade tenure on flight rising, I've been a Plague flight member the entire time- I still have my one free flight change. I've considered taking a brief trip to Shadow- in fact I'm debating going for Trickmurk this year so I can transfer back to Plague in time for the Riot of Rot!- But given the proximity of Plague to Shadow (a good chunk of the territories share a border) I've simply leaned into the idea of a good handful of my lore offshoots being within that area that grazes each other.
I've got a number of offshoots that exist in areas that aren't Shadow or Plague either! Hope Adder Enterprises and The Ever Constantine Mall are both located closer to Lightning flight, and The Wicked Dig's storyline is set within Earth! So the short answer is that I'm in Plague because I've always been there and love the red eyes, and when I overhauled my lore, I decided I didn't need to restrict myself to one area of Sornieth, because I've never restricted myself to onsite lore anyway.
Favorite Dragon?
If you have followed me for longer than... 20 minutes you probably already have a guess for the answer to this, I'm never shy about talking about how my favorite dragon is the Pig.
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My 'favorite' title is kinda... ephemeral? and tends to go to whichever dragon I like best at any given moment, but The Pig has held the title for quite some time since I got him! He's based on an OC of mine- an undead clown from a circus formed from captive souls. Pig took his name from being called "Piggy" for years by his 'friends' because of his size and interest in food- after a hazing incident left him dead within the walls of the cirque, he returned as The Pig- charming others into giving their loyalty to the mysterious circus grounds.
As a dragon, his story's not too different, though he was always a clown, a friendly entertainer of children until he attacked the parent of a hatchling to stop them from hurting them over little more than being given a treat by Pig himself without their permission. His circus' placement in the Gaplands at the time led to the appearance of Magda, also known as "Eyeless Mag-" The Lady of the Cairnstones- And Pig's charge. Something in her appearance caused him to crack, though, and while she was as forthcoming as she could have been, about the fact that she cannot remain on the mortal coil unless she is given work to fulfil, Pig's shattered mental state took this not as an explanation for why he should accept that she was already a 'failed' charge- but instructions for ensuring his contact with her.
He bears the title of "Cleaversworn" now, and kills in the name of the Eyeless One- but his targets are typically only those deserving of retribution- a bully of bullies, Pig continues to be generally kind to children and adolescents- only frightening them onto the straight and narrow without bearing any harm to them. The same cannot be said for those who should know better.
Current Horse in the Plinko Machine?
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Agent Whipwire, though most folks call him Bastian or Bast, is Hope Adder Enterprise's premiere... hunting dog, essentially. An agent infected with the Analog Virus, his ability to track the INTRUDER and other members of The Host has made him indispensable- and impossible to discharge from his employ.
His illness is somewhat coped with, at present, and a seemingly mild case, all things considered- his voice sounds not unlike he's recorded on an old VHS tape that's been through several years of wear and tear, and in the presence of a member of the Host or an opening into the Gaps, his body destabilizes, warped scan-lines and static streaking through him and making him semi-incorporeal- that's not to say he hasn't had his share of issues with it- his prosthetics specifically are an indicator he's not completely immune to the fallout of his infection- certain parts just don't stop flickering, sometimes- which is a pain, when it's a foot you need to stand and hunt.
He's a presence in most of the stories tied to the Gaplands, as through use of the T.I.M.E. device he isn't tied to one point in the timeline, capable of tracking his quarry at the most opportune points of their appearance- instead of having to abide the forward motion.
He's also originally just a shameless fan dragon for the band Bad Omens- his name "bastian" is a reference to the frontman and his coloration was intentional to match THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND's promotional material. Because of this his voice sounds like this- just run through a VHS filter- i cannot have a fandragon without making it lore-involved, I fear.
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the-arcane-clan · 4 months
How it all began: After Epilogue of Flight Rising
After how deities became to separate from each other, Arcanist did showed himself from his place where he did hiding from others, playing with his own arcane magic.
The consequence was been easy to predict; Land, where he born started to bloom, flora and fauna became to start to grow and evolve, and Starwood Strand have shaped it's beautiful state.
The place which bloomed with his power, named as his own. He called it "Arcanist's Domain".
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Later, he was been expanding his own land, creating a very charming, dreamy and magical landscape, naming it Starfall Isles.
His very own Isles was been filled with his own arcane magic, making the land vivid and more exciting to explore by his future children.
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As Arcanist was been wanting to explore more space, he knew a idea - created his first children, Aether dragons giving them mission to build a spaceship and explore space.
But something went wrong. They indeed, got into space but for eons was been trapped in space, living all on their own, away from their dad, the creator...
Years was been passing and passing, Arcanist felt bad for having only a empty land with no dragons on his land, living along with him...
So found a solution. He created a powerful, small breed of dragon named Faes - they reproduced fast, and became dominant on his land as he wanted.
In the meanwhile, Arcanist again was been joking around with his power trying to create a different realm. And it did happened?
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Somewhere in Sornieth, the new realm became to exist and a big portal. It was a invite for The Shade itself, it made many troubles but brave enough dragons came to Portal, and fighted with its dangers. The Portal was sealed, unless...
Some next eons ago again some foolish dragons reactivated it playing with its power nearby. And it became to be called Forbidden Portal, due to its dangers.
After many years, Arcanist saw something flying nearby Starfall Isles...
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He didn't lost hope! It was his beloved first children, the Aether dragons itselves!
Dragons that live on Starfall Isles even in modern times, celebrate their own holiday to respect all ups and downs of their ancestors, and their loving deity, the Arcanist naming the holiday Starfall Celebration once a year, every last week of September.
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Why did Skamöld kill the Icewarden?
Many presumed hubris, a desire to become divine, maybe some misplaced ambition. After all, that’s what drove Auros to slay the Lightweaver and Shadowbinder. It’s only fair to assume the same for any other Godkiller. That was not the motivation for Skamöld, however.
Skamöld was an old tundra by the time he took up arms. A retired knight for hire, he had traveled much of Sornieth before settling down in his homeland. He had successfully raised several hatchlings, all whom were exalted to the service of the Icewarden. He did not complain or fight back when they were chosen for service, simply bowing his head and allowing the course of politics and service to run. When his children’s bodies were returned, he buried them quietly on the family’s plot of land, and carried on. A seed of resentment was planted in his heart, but what more could he do? He was only a tundra, and an aging tundra at that. At least, at the time, he had his beloved, Kvartr.
Kvartr was a nature dragon, and while they never raised any children, their love was as strong as the Behemoth’s trunk. Kvartr was a nature mage, and a powerful one at that, who used their magic to help grow crops during the brief summer months in the Snowsquall Tundra. Also known for their beauty, they caught the eye of many fellow residents, but remained faithful to Skamöld.
One such suitor was a Gaoler named Ordim, who belonged to the prestigious Sentinel Order. Many times she offered her hand to Kvartr, but each time she was rejected, as Kvartr had no more room in their heart for any other. Ordim could not comprehend why they would choose Skamöld, a retired knight with a blind eye, over herself, who had the Icewarden’s favor.
Beyond embarrassed after being rejected, Ordim hatched a plan to keep Kvartr to herself. Knowing the tundra was a powerful mage, she falsely reported that they were shadetouched. In the middle of the night, Skamöld was rudely awakened by a trio of gaolers led by Ordim who came to arrest Kvartr. Once again, Skamöld bowed his head, believing that Kvartr would be rightly released soon after. He did not fight as they were taken away, and encouraged his beloved to comply.
That was the last time he saw them alive.
The Fortress of Ends is not kind to non-native dragons, especially those from the tropical North. Without warmth and proper insulation, Kvartr wilted like a plucked rose. They died in a month’s time. Ordim made up a lie that a Shade infection took their life, but Skamöld could smell the truth.
Now he was entirely alone, in an empty house with his children buried just a few yards away. It finally hit him, what the Icewarden and his rule had taken from him. His family was gone, and all that was left was his frozen heart. Taking up arms, he left his home with no intention to return, and set off across the Reclaimer’s Glacier.
Word of his quest spread, and soon he found himself in the company of several others who had lost loved ones to the icy walls of the Fortress. Skamöld at first was skeptical, but could not deny that it was more comforting to match towards death with a friend or two. At first his only goal was to challenge Ordim, as while his disdain for the Icewarden grew, he thought it impossible to take him down. Then came word of the unthinkable. The Lightweaver was dead, only furthering the resolve of the company. If one god could die, surely any could.
However, scouts had reported the company’s approach long before they arrived. When they finally reached the grand gates of the Fortress, a horde of Sentinels were waiting, led by Ordim. Stepping in front of his company, Skamöld spoke,
“Great Order of the Sentinels, we have come from afar to reclaim our honor and to fight for the lost souls of this Fortress. We wish no harm upon your ancient kind, for our business lies beyond your hold. Step aside, and we shall have no further quarrel.”
Ordim replied with a scoff, “Oh petulant knight, old age has skewed your sense of reason, but then again tundras have never been known for their intellect. We have our orders to eliminate you all, any survivors to be locked forever next to our most dastardly horrorbeasts. Turn back, lest you face the might of the Sentinel Order!”
Skamöld’s company shifted with unease, as most of them were smaller than the gaolers standing in their way. However, the old knight was not deterred. He took another step, drawing his ancient sword that had been forged by master smiths of the Magmablood Rebellion.
“Ordim, grand sentinel, if you are so sure of my weakness, then agree to this— a duel between us to the death. Should you win, my company will retreat with no intention to return. Should I win, your Order will step aside and allow us to pass to the Icewarden’s frozen chambers. What say you?”
Ordim laughed, a cold laugh as the frostbitten winds whipped her fur. She bared her claws, her horns gnarled and teeth savagely sharp, though even sharper was her pride.
“Very well then! Step forth, whelp!”
Unbeknownst to the gaoler however, this was precisely what Skamöld planned. Like a bull moose Ordim charged, gnarled antlers aimed to impale the tundra and swiftly end the duel. Clamping his sword in his mouth, he stood his ground, and at the last minute before she rammed him, he stepped aside, using his blade to cleanly slice off one of her hefty antlers. She screamed, less in pain and more in dignity as her antler fell to the barren ground. Snorting, she aimed her icy breath at him, sending a hail of sharped shards raining down on him. One sliced his horn, breaking it in half and piercing his ear, but this did not deter him, hiding behind his shield. When the barrage ended, he used the window to charge close, knowing she was out of breath. She swiped at him with her massive claws, this time slicing his shoulder, but still he did not fall back, using this to distract her as he slid under her and embedded his sword deep in her gut.
Her wails were piercing as he twisted his sword, deep crimson pouring down on him. He removed his sword and backed away as she fell on her side, her eyes darting around with fear. Skamöld approached once more, sword aimed.
“You fought well, but it seems this half blind, dumb tundra bested you. May the afterlife greet you fairly.”
With those words, he plunged his sword precisely into her neck, death instantaneous. A hush fell over both sides, neither quite knowing what to do. Skamöld panted, catching his breath, his silver fur stained crimson. He turned his gaze to the remaining gaolers, as if silently challenging them to step forth if they dare. From his company, a pearlcatcher stepped forth, pacing up to the line of Sentinels. She regarded them all, small and armed only with a crossbow. Slowly, like melting glaciers, the gaolers moved aside, creating a path to the front door…
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midoridragonuus · 1 year
ok very quick half assed prediction before i run to work
arcanist, upset about accidentally causing the end of the second age, sends his children into space in case of a mass extinction event (again). they explore for hundreds of thousands of years, learning about the stars and staying far away from sornieth.
except that with the tidelord missing, the oceans are starting to run amok. the tides change. the moons aren't aligned. this peaks the interest of some of the arcanist's children who think that sornieth might be close to another extinction event and send scouts back to observe the planet where they're said to have originated.
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
@astral-runic i hope you're ready for this <3
i'm not gonna explain the lore in-depth because i am BEHIND on it, but i'll explain who the gods are! and also the fun fact that the gods on flight rising have their own accounts and used to interact with players sometimes!!!! that was fun :> (i say as if i was active on the site at that point). also it's like a thing where people jokingly refer to the gods as their parents- yeah <3
for context, each dragon god on flight rising is affiliated with a specific element, or flight, and every dragon clan is associated with one of the gods. my account has been a shadow clan since day one babeyyyy so i will have a lot to say about the shadow goddess.
okay under the cut! content warnings: the plague goddess looks a bit gross at first glance and i can't spoiler tag her image, so tread lightly. if zombies make you uncomfortable, pls be careful!
first up; the earth god, the earthshaker!
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from what i understand, the earthshaker is kind of a sad old man. he's the oldest of the gods and one of the gods that helped create the world of sornieth! he wishes the other gods would still be friends and not just kick the shit out of each other all the time.
a cursory glance at his profile tells me that his followers call him variations of rockdad. fair!
next up: the fire goddess, miss flamecaller!
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the flamecaller is the fire goddess! she's one of the oldest gods and also helped create the world! we love a girlboss!!! she seems very cool, idk my clan isn't fire affiliated. i'm sure she's done some atrocities though because like all the gods have.
idk what her followers call her but i think. well. firemom is good.
next up: the wind god, the windsinger!
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hello noodledad. anyway the windsinger is pretty dope! he's all about adventure and learning new things and exploring and making the most out of life! he's also another one of the oldest gods who helped create the world. from what i gather he's not that interested in the petty disagreements between the other gods and just wants to have fun.
next up; the water god, mr tidelord!
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so this is the only part of the lore i'm up to date on lmao and that is that the tidelord's fucking missing??? or dead???? what the fuck. anyway he's cool. he lives in the ocean and he has visions all the time and goes "yikes" and i love him. unfortunately i think someone killed him. sorry, water dad.
next up: MY MOM MY MOM MY MOM- the shadow goddess, the shadowbinder!
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so i originally picked shadowmom because i liked her design the most, and that still stands. i love her. she is so goopy. those are liquid shadows dripping out of her body and i love her so much. shadowmom's philosophy is that sometimes secrets should stay secret and knowledge can hurt. which uhhh y'know isn't actually something i really agree with but it's okay she's fine-
shadow mom is a younger goddess, but she's still comparatively old as fuck compared to the newest ones.
also she calls her followers her children and i'm 🥺🥺 ily shadowmomma
next up: a bitch! the ice god, the icewarden!
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he's a cop! or something! that's kind of a reduction but this bitch made all the prisons in this world and is all "ohhhh i am holding so many horrors away from killing the world" and then in the same breath makes fun of my favorite dragon breeds. i hope he chokes /lh
i do love his design, i just think he's a little hater and deserves to be bullied mercilessly.
i will not call this beast father.
aaand next up: the capitalist, the lightning god, the stormcatcher!
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so the stormcatcher is the only god that players don't refer to as dad! i think that's neat. no, he's The Boss. he treats his followers like his employees, for better or for worse. he is all about PRODUCTIVITY and INDUSTRIALISM and i wanna push him into a locker- i'm kidding.
he's cool, i like his design a lot.
aaand next up, the worst of the bunch (/lh), the light goddess, the lightweaver!
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so as a loyal son of shadowmom, i have to bully this motherfucker. lightweaver is a punk-ass glittery hoe who creates fucked up zombies and then goes "ahaha not my problem lol." fuck you.
(this is a joke, i actually think she's super cool and has a fun design and interesting lore, but i'm a good son to shadowmom ok-)
i call her glitterbitch <3
next up: the nature goddess, the gladekeeper!
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the gladekeeper is one of the youngest deities, and i think she's super fucking cool. she's all about survival and perseverance, and she's spent millennia warring with her sister, the plague goddess. she was created in the wake of an apocalypse and has been focusing on repairing the world. i love u beardmom even if ur not my mom.
and next up: her sister, the plague goddess, the zombie plaguebringer!
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so, looking at plaguebringer, you may think she's evil. but she's really not. her whole deal is that she also wants to repair the world, but she has a very different philosophy on how to do that. the plaguebringer believes only the strongest can survive, and that strength and resilience must be cultivated for the world not to fall again.
she is so fucking cool and i love her <33333 also her followers make the funniest memes, don't @ me.
and finally, my actual favorite aside from shadowmom: the arcanist! the arcane god!
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so the arcanist is the youngest god and also the smallest, but he's bigger than every single mortal dragon breed lmao. he's caused he apocalypse three separate times and i'm fucking obsessed with him. spacedad <33333
he was born in a nuclear reactor (long story) and i highkey headcanon that his magic is just pure radiation.
he's my favorite and i have an oc i ship with him because i'm attached to him a completely normal amount (lying)
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guardsbian · 1 year
It's been a little while so I forgot what I might already know tbh, but how does like the hierarchy of demons work? Who is at the very top, if anyone :O
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Unlike angels, demons don't follow a universal hierarchy- their hierarchy is limited to their position within their independent pantheons, and then, in relation to demons in other pantheons, relative to this general ranking. As demons can be extremely self-absorbed and judgmental, it isn't uncommon for them to fully take advantage of these divisions for personal gain.
(The rest is very long and rambling, so it's under the cut!)
Archdemons are universally at the top, though the number in control of a pantheon can range from one to... however many can get along and agree on things. They're remarkably powerful, with their magical instability on Sornieth countered only by their acute control over it. It's impossible for any demon to uphold a pantheon (basically, manage all the magical nonsense and control it entails) if they aren't an archdemon, and whether every demon could potentially become an archdemon is... eh? It's like how queen bees start out as normal larvae but are given different treatment; for demons, becoming an archdemon typically comes with a fair mix of nepotism and luck. Archdemons will pick favored children to raise to their status. Average demons can discreetly raise an archdemon from youth in order to better manipulate a new pantheon (in a regent to the child-monarch sort of way). Some young demons will simply fall into the right environmental circumstances. In most cases, the child of two archdemons will just be so powerful that their rank is inevitable, regardless of what anyone does to stop it. An adult demon can try to become an archdemon, but there's a lot of essential development that's difficult to change by that age.
Average demons and incubi/succubi are, physically and magically, the same thing, but their roles in pantheons have incubi/succubi treated with slightly less regard. The only thing that marks them as such is having lust as one of their primary vices. Socially, however, incubi/succubi are integral to the dealings of pantheons with other pantheons. In terms of pacts and promises, one archdemon offering demons to another is one of the most common forms of exchange. And, unless a specific demon is being transferred for their specialty or skills, it's purely a numbers game, which requires somehow obtaining more demons... Through, you know, demons in an archdemon's pantheon having children that are then indebted to the pantheon and its whims by birth. So, incubi/succubi are really the only demons considering to be "naturally inclined" to that. (Realistically, most of it is social- in a non-demonic society, a demon's vices would have no bearing on how willing they as an individual would be to have- and either hand over or abandon- children; though it probably also wouldn't be inaccurate to say that demons, generally, do not form very strong attachments with their children or ascribe to the concept of parenthood regardless of the society they're in.) This often puts them in positions where they aren't making many pacts or leading souls their archdemons, which makes them more "expendable" compared to the other demons which are constantly working to earn their archdemon's favor and grow their power. However, this divide also isn't universal, and tends to change as pantheons exist on Sornieth for longer. Many incubi/succubi have far more freedom to act in manners more akin to demons of other vices within their pantheon. (Which is... ironic, maybe, considering that serving an archdemon isn't exactly "freedom" in any form.)
Below these average demons are imps- naturally less powerful demons who usually don't have the magical capabilities to make meaningful pacts, and are usually assigned to directly assist archdemons or notable demons with menial tasks. Sometimes this can include harassing potential targets to get them to finally fold to a pact, but sometimes it isn't much more than average housework and service. In situations where looking after a young demon is just a case of waiting for them to grow up and become useful, imps are generally also the ones to look after them. Half-demons, though not often directly involved with pantheons, would likely rank around imps on average, though the archdemon's opinion on them could make this vary wildly (from high-ranking favoritism to low-ranking hatred).
Below that, you have enlisted fallen angels- a relative rarity, all things considered, but not unheard of. A fallen angel in a pantheon is likely forced to serve via pact, but the actual role they end up playing has no bearing on their ranking. Most only align themselves with pantheons because it led to the circumstances of their falling, or because the treatment is slightly preferable to being treated as a pariah by the angels.
Lesser beasts just entails any non-humanoid, non-intelligent demonic entities that a pantheon keeps for one reason or another. They're generally unseen on Sornieth, as there's not much to be gained by putting them into an animal body that couldn't be achieved by just using the animal as-is, but occasionally they'll scutter around and cause chaos in their true forms. Despite a large number being purely wildlife in their home realm, they're the same species (whatever that means for a spiritual being) as all other demons, and most originate from demons falling victim to curses, pacts, or other strange circumstances that led to them having monstrous children, or becoming monsters themselves, which then ran amok and interacted with other accursed offspring to eventually create lesser beasts with no known lineages. While a few are still born from those aforementioned curses and such, the vast majority are just monsters, descended from monsters, descended from monsters, etc.
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dracononite-fr · 1 year
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Hi all! You might remember me (or not) I was decently active in the FR tumblr community a number of years ago. Well, my special interest has consumed me once again so I’ve remade this blog!
I’ll be posting stuff like: my dragon art, clan lore, dragon projects, hatchery stuff, and especially updates on my current ongoing project - my kingdomlocke
would love to get traction again and start following more FR blogs! (I’ll be following from my main, Dracononite)
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dianounais-fr · 2 months
Clan's lore: Liminal spaces and other Realms
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This forest is said to be a portal that causes visitors to disappear. Those who have passed through the forest without being zapped into another realm have reported rashes, nausea, and feelings of anxiety, along with amnesia and strange dreams. The spooky curved trees that populate the forest just add to the eerie atmosphere.
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Sanzu River
Before reaching the afterlife, the souls of the deceased must cross the Sanzu river, or get corrupted trying to. But who would want to face the horrors of The Fog? The only way to cross the river is via Taran's vessel. It is believed that a toll of six tokens must be paid before a soul can cross the river, or they are fated to roam Sornieth without ever reaching their departed loved ones.
The only people expempt from the dowry are children. Taran doesn't charge them, and make them cross the river safely, protecting them of what lies in The Fog.
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The Fog
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Drifting sands
Liminal spaces are hard to find, especially this one. This perpetual sandstorm is constantly moving around Sornieth, along with everything inside it. Home to nomadic explorers, monster hunters, and horrors beyond this world, getting lost in the Drifting Sands is an almost guaranty, and most dragons entering it have trouble finding their way back. If you’re lucky, you may be able to meet The Guide, but not before you truly need them.
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Forgotten ruins
Outside of time, deep in the Drifting Sands, you can find the Forgotten Ruins. Explore them carefully, as the Ruinkeeper will observe your every movments, making sure you don't take anything from this wretched place. It would be a shame if you released anything strong enough to get past the treshold of the Drifting Sands.
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Warm, but not scorching, bright, but not blinding, Sabledoray is the only place in the moving sands that is somewhat peaceful. Hidden from monsters, lost wanderers and explorers alike find their way here when they need a respite. Golye, the only permanent resident of the Oasis, is here to offer the kind of deals you just can’t refuse, be it material or not. But everything has a price, and you must be ready to pay for it if you want to get out of the Drifting Sands. Don't speak to Kavir.
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pumpkin-bread · 10 months
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Credence was on the move constantly in his youth, being apprentice to the leader of a merchant band that traveled the span of Sornieth itself, visiting each and every territory - and moving cargo between them as well. Creed would learn firsthand just what value an item could have, be it gold, blood, or even lives. He saw just why so much of the troupe's profits went to hiring mercenaries. He very carefully took note of each and every cave, crevice, and dark wood they would pass by from time to time as the years stretched on.
It became clear to him that the minor deliveries his band brought between the flights did little more than slow them down and make them easier targets for the bandits that prowled the ungoverned routes they took. Extra risk to their much more valuable cargo for almost no profit.
A particularly violent attack on the caravan was enough for him to put his plans into action. In the carnage, he grabbed his bag and fled. One of the brigands chased after him, and he only barely managed to fend the other dragon off and fully escape.
That bandit was probably the only one who had correctly guessed he'd stowed their most valuable item in it. If Creed's caravan had ever looked for him, he saw no sign of it. He did, however, get word that multiple people were lost in the attack, so it was safe to assume that he'd been counted among them.
Creed laid low for several months afterward, then quietly made his way to a collector of goods he'd become accustomed to over his apprenticeship. He knew he wouldn't get the highest offer possible, but he also knew the shrewd guardian to be good for his word on No Questions Asked, No Records kept.
He used a portion of the subsequent small fortune to hire a rather unassuming-looking aether who specialized in swordfighting with all four arms, and later befriended a young clothier who agreed to sell only through him in exchange for her protection.
Larger caravans continued to be ravaged by roving thieves and the like, but a group of three dragons - who so often looked to be vitally sick, coughing and shaking and surely trying to reach the next town for treatment, or perhaps pulling what looked to be a pauper's coffin - were typically left alone.
In the rare cases that someone did try to accost those poor, feeble souls, the threadbare, drab rags that covered the aether would be thrown aside, and four blades would meet flesh.
Eventually, the group was known amidst the more secret societies and merchant groups as one of the only safe means of delivery. Creed and his group began to amass their own fortune, and over the years it became harder and harder to live purely on the road.
They decided to finally make use of their wealth, and to settle, for the mostpart.
Creed picked a remote area in Earth territory, where he'd once seen a large cave formation. Deep within, they began to carve out their home at the end of the natural formation.
The crew he hired probably thought it rather strange, but it was anything but the first time a dragon made a cave his home. And they weren't around to see him gradually pull his most favoured treasures and finery from their many hidden caches to assemble in his - suddenly quite lavish - home.
Creed would later marry; finding his match in a silk merchant who's passion caught his eye.
For the large part, the group retired, living in their sprawling refitted cave and enjoying the fruits of a life on the roads. Creed came to enjoy being a homebody, after living without a roof over his head for the bulk of his life and tending to his children.
But, every once and a while - more for old time's sake than for the need of money - he and his crew will head out for another high-ticket delivery job. There is a tiny, locked chest filled with rags and "bloody" bandaged reserved for just such a purpose.
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ringleaderising · 4 months
Also, because I post about it a lot, and have never exactly... summed it up, my clan-lore is as follows:
Creatures and Places beyond our comprehension in Sornieth exist. While most have little want for anything the dragons calling our little rock 'home' could possibly offer- others seek power, control- others offer boons to those brave enough to seek them out. These entities are The Host- a collective of dragons who upon death did not die but ascended into something greater, Godhood in domains below the Deities we know and worship. Their presence bends and contorts, twists and mangles time, reality-the very minds of those who perceive them or take their hellish deals. Their presence can be felt across all of Sornieth, but in lesser, weaker presentations...
Save for some very special locations so in-tune with these Entities that their presence blots out even the connections of the most devout to those On High. They are ghost stories, cryptids, tales told around campfires and to keep children in line. They are all too real, in the Gaplands.
A Gap can find itself anywhere- a small, Neo-victorian town, a circus, an excavation performed under the nose of the law, a neon-drenched mall laden in 90s glory-days kitch, and a grand ghostly theater that seems to navigate the spaces for an ever-changing locale- But wherever a Gap may manifest, The Host follows, hungry for the control they were not given in life, they make bargains, trade your heart's desires for service to their name. Slipping through, a Gapland forms- a small zone where their power is greater, heralded by a Beholder event- the unwilling prophets of The Host created from hapless bystanders when the entities break through.
Many fear the Host. Some worship at their feet. Still more hunt them, seeking to right wrongs that created them in the first place.
Our Ghost Stories have basis in reality, Our devils are alive, and when push comes to shove- our monsters have always been people.
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echosoundangel · 6 years
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“Mavis, The Railway Controller”
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aberration-abbey · 2 years
Folk Lore
I was supposed to be planting mushrooms today but I got distracted and accidentally wrote a nearly 1600 word short story about flight cultural differences and the stories dragons tell to explain the game mechanics. No content warnings apply, no editing (beyond slight copyediting) we die like men
"Hey Mom? Why does Glacee look different from me?"
Rimaye looked over at her two children, who were huddled together over a book on the floor while she and the older dragons of the clan prepared dinner. Tyndale was staring up at her, four eyes wide with curiosity.
"Glacee's a Tundra dragon like your father," Rimaye said absently. "You and I are Mirrors."
"Yes, but look." Tyndale held up the book, shoving it towards her. Rimaye recognized it as a book on animal babies; her mate's father had given it to them when Glacee and Tyndale had hatched. It was opened to a page showing a litter of owlcat kits. "Baby owlcats are all the same." He flipped through the pages, showing her the illustrations. "And baby chipskinks. And baby miths. And baby foxrats. And baby--"
"Alright, I get it," Rimaye said, laughing. "Why can dragons have two breeds in the same clutch when other creatures can't, is that what you're asking?"
Tyndale nodded emphatically.
"Well, it's a long story," Rimaye said.
"Tell us!" Glacee crowed. "Please?"
Rimaye took a deep breath and began.
"In the earliest days of the Fourth Age, before Mirrors or Tundras, before Nocturnes or Coatls or Pearlcatchers, the gods created dragons to breed true to their kind like any other creature.
"The Gaolers, the Banescales, the Veilspun, the Imperials…all the dragons who lived then could only have children with their own breed and of their own breed. A Spiral could only have Spiral children with a Spiral mate. A Fae could only have children with a Fae.
"Now, Sornieth back then was a war-torn place. The children of the Icewarden and the Flamecaller were always at each other's throats, and borders between flights had not yet solidified. In these days there lived a white-feathered Skydancer, and her name was Brightness.
Brightness had once lived in a thriving clan, but now she traveled alone. Her clan had been wiped out in an attack by Lightning Flight, leaving her to wander without friends or family. She spent many lonely years soaring from village to village, until one day, she met Breeze.
Breeze was a Guardian Searching for his charge, and when he met Brightness, he knew he'd found it. Breeze and Brightness quickly fell in love, and they decided to travel together instead of alone.
The two roamed together for many years, um, through the fall of the Banescales and the retreat of the Gaolers and the Veilspun. They had many adventures which are sung in other tales, but none we have time to share here until one day, Brightness turned to her mate and said, 'I think I would like to have children.'
'That's impossible,' Breeze replied. 'Only dragons of the same breed can have children.'
'I know,' said Brightness, 'but I would like to try anyway.' So the two of them flew to a nearby town where a respected alchemist was said to live, and they asked him if he could make it so they could have children together.
This was in the days before alchemists had discovered even how to change a dragon's patterns, let alone their nature. 'Alas,' the alchemist said. 'Alchemy is powerful, but not as powerful as that. A change like that is something only the gods can bring about.'
Breeze was resigned then to go childless, but Brightness was a stubborn dragon. When she wanted something as badly as she wanted children, there was no end she wouldn't go to to get it. 'The gods, hmm?' And before Breeze could protest they were flying off towards the World Pillar.
Once they arrived at the Pillar, it was short work to find the God of Stone and tell him their tale. 'The mortal dragons of Sornieth cannot solve our problem, but you are a god. Perhaps you could help us?'
The Earthshaker regarded the pair with his ancient, weary eyes, and then shook his massive head. "My magic shapes things in slow, broad changes like a stone smoothed by the river over time. I could set these changes in motion, but they would not come to pass until generations after the earth reclaimed your bones. If you are determined, seek out the Lightweaver. She works faster than I.'
So Breeze and Brightness continued onward, towards the Sunbeam Ruins. After long travel they reached the Beacon of the Radiant Eye and requested an audience with the Shining Goddess.
To their dismay, the attendants at the Beacon told them, 'The Lightweaver is not here right now. If you wait until her return, she may be able to see you.'
So the two dragons waited, discovering as they did that the goddess was out fighting an Emperor that had arisen. Eventually, the Lightweaver returned to her tower, having destroyed the monstrosity. 'Great Lightweaver,' they beseeched, 'we come to you seeking a way that dragons of different breeds can have children together. Mortal alchemists don't have the power for this, and the Earthshaker says he works too slowly. Can you help us?'
The Lightweaver heaved a world-weary sigh. 'My claws are unskilled in the shaping of dragons. The children of my efforts are cursed. Would you be cursed too, little ones?' Seeing their disappointment, she said, 'Fine. If you are determined, seek out the Arcanist. He is more skilled than I.'
So Brightness and Breeze set out across the continent towards the soaring spires of the Crystalspine Reaches. It took weeks of flight, but finally the two reached the Observatory and gained audience with the Starry Wyrm. They repeated their tale, saying, 'Mortal alchemists could not help us, and the Lightweaver and Earthshaker would not. Please, Great One, is there any way that we might have children together?'
The Arcanist took a feather from Brightness and a scale from Breeze. 'Return in five days' time,' he said. 'I will have a solution for you then.'
So the two dragons waited the five days, and then returned to the Arcanist. 'Ah, good, you're back,' he said, and led them to a room wallpapered with complex calculations. 'I've prepared a spell that will accomplish your desires. Two versions, actually. One will only change the two of you--that was the original plan, of course, but I finished that two days early, and it was only a wingbeat's flight from there to a bigger version that would change every dragon on Sornieth. What do you think?'
'Give it to everyone,' Breeze said. 'Let dragons suffer as we have no longer.'
"So the Arcanist cast his spell, and dragons across Sornieth fell into a deep slumber. The Arcanist worked his magic while they slept, and when they awoke, any dragon could have children with any other dragon.
"Brightness laid two eggs soon after, and when they hatched, they were two breeds: a Guardian daughter, and a Skydancer son. Breeze and Brightness and their children were invited to stay at the Observatory, where they were happy and watched the stars forever after. The end."
"That's not how it goes," Diamond said.
"What do you mean?" Rimaye asked, frowning at the glimmering Fae.
"They went to the Gladekeeper, not the Lightweaver."
"Yeah, that's right," said Specter, green eyes glimmering. "And she told them--"
"That changing dragons in that way would be a corruption of nature."
"What? No."
"And so they went to the Scarred Wasteland," Diamond continued, ignoring Specter's protest, "and sought out the Plaguebringer. 'I'm the last of my clan,' Brightness told her, 'and my bloodline will not survive if I cannot have children with this dragon.' So the Mother of Infection brewed a concoction in her tainted cauldron and gave it to Breeze and Brightness.
"'Drink this,' the Plaguebringer said, 'and if you survive you will have what you desire.' So the two dragons drank her concoction, and for three days they were wracked with horrible fevers. But when the fourth day dawned the fever broke, and they got back to their feet. The Plaguebringer told them that they could now have children together, and any dragon they touched would catch the same fever that had given them this ability. And so it spread across Sornieth, and dragons slowly discovered that they could have children together. And Brightness and Breeze hatched their eggs, and they survived as long as any mortal dragon ever could. The end."
"That's creepy," Specter said.
"Of course the Nature dragon thinks it's creepy."
Specter opened her mouth to respond and Rimaye cut her off. "You're all Arcane dragons now, in case you've forgotten. Specter, how do they tell it in Nature Flight?"
"It's a plant, of course. The Gladekeeper grows a great flower, and its pollen blows across Sornieth for months after. Any dragon who breathes it in can have kids with the other breeds."
"Huh." Rimaye turned over to Sunrise, who was quietly deboning fish in the corner. "You want to tell us how the story goes in Light Flight?" Sunrise quickly shook her head, which wasn't a surprise to Rimaye. The young Imperial didn't like to talk much. "Alright then." She looked back at her kids, who were watching the grown dragons bicker in fascination. "I guess the point is, it wasn't always like this, and somehow the gods changed it. I guess every flight tells it differently."
Maybe she could write a paper on that. Had anyone done studies on the differences between the folk stories flights told? Perhaps Rimaye could be the first.
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