#children of the whales icons
qhuminj · 1 year
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Currently thinking about what a face time with alessia would be like whilst she’s in Australia and the readers at home because of work. Full of fluff and them just happy they get to talk to each other after a hard day, saying how much they miss each other
last bit of writing from me for a few days while i'm off on holiday! might post a couple blurbs if i have time maybe
time zones II a.russo
it was a warm evening on the east coast of australia and alessia was almost in disbelief it was winter in the foreign country. nearly all of the girls had been happily wearing shorts and tops each day at training, some of them even daring for a late afternoon swim.
alessia though was not that brave and had instead settled herself on the beach, bare legs spread out on a towel and top half kit out in one of your hoodies as she glanced up to watch her friends all race off toward the water, the early evening sun just beginning to dip beneath the horizon.
tucking an airpod into her ear alessia clicked dial on the facetime icon by your contact. the time in australia nearing 5:30pm would make it almost 8:30 in the morning for you back in England, as you'd sadly been unable to accompany alessias family to the tournament due to work.
you were a primary school teacher and alessia more than understood the commitment that meant, your passion and drive for teaching the next generation one of the many reasons she'd fallen so in love with you in the first place.
she had always loved kids, and seeing you speak so dearly about your students and how you interacted with them had meant she'd spent many an hour dreaming about what you would be like if the two of you one day had your own children, something that had never really crossed her mind before meeting you.
it was now saturday which meant you were finally able to speak with alessia freely, not needing to cut anything short to rush off to work. your routine so far while she was away had been the two of you speaking while you got up and ready and then during your drive to school before you'd have to then hang up.
due to time zones it was hard for alessia to stay up to call you once you'd finished which you assured you'd rather she not do anyway, wanting her to be as well rested and ready for the matches as she could be.
so mornings for you and afternoons for her were the perfect time for the two of you to call and catch one another up on what had been missed.
"good evening my love." you accepted the call and sung out happily, alessias smile widening seeing you were in one of her hoodies, and you were quick to make a joke that the two of you had the same thought considering she was currently wearing yours.
"good morning gorgeous, you look lovely." alessia complimented, tucking her knees up to her chest and moving her phone to rest against her water bottle, angling the camera upwards toward herself.
"mm yes with my bed hair, pyjama shorts and puffy eyes i clearly missed my calling as a model." you teased, moving your own phone to lean against the wall as you began to prep yourself breakfast.
"well you're glowing. australia looks good on you baby and so does happiness." you commented back with a soft smile, alessias heart melting at your words and wishing for nothing more than to just wrap you up in her arms and never have to let go.
"did you have a nice day? you had it off from training right?" you questioned, a slight sizzle heard as you tossed some diced bacon and peppers into a pan, intending to make yourself an omelette.
"we did! we went into town and to some local markets, then got some breakfast at a really cute cafe and just explored a little, it's so beautiful here. the coffee is something else! i think i'll need to smuggle some back with me." alessia grinned, indeed having somehow even fallen more in love with the caffeinated beverage since landing.
"some of the girls went whale watching but tooney made me stay back because she gets sea sick." alessia rolled her eyes, having felt immense fomo seeing all of the photos and videos from the outing.
"captain tooney gets sea sick?" you laughed, alessia forever ripping into her best friend for the horrendous time they'd all had when ella decided to drive them all round in a boat last summer on one of their days off.
"apparently so, and then instead she dragged me round shopping with roebuck and g for hours!" alessia moaned, her arms still sore from an afternoon spent helping them haul around their bags.
"that girls gonna need a second house just to store all her trainers!" you joked with a shake of your head, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you as alessia watched you cook.
the familiar domestic scene just made the heart ache that she wasn't with you right now worsen.
the two of you would always cook together and it was often the highlight of your days after grueling training on her end, or wrangling restless nine year olds for you.
since the two of you had started seeing one another this was the longest you would be separated and though it caused the two of you to be given endless grief from your friends you really were normally attached at the hip.
as a pair you were well known for forever making a one person job into a two person task. whether it be something as simple as alessia sitting on top of the washing machine keeping you company as you folded laundry or the numerous occasions you'd sit in the bathroom whilst alessia showered after training, the two of you chatting one anothers ears off about your days.
when you'd have to lesson plan for the week the blonde would always ensure at least one part of her body was touching yours at all times, if that was her head resting on your thigh, your back tucked securely into her front, or your legs draped in her lap as she traced absent minded shapes along the warm skin.
one time ella even swears she saw the two of you holding hands under the stall door while using the restroom, though both you and alessia knew she'd only spread that rumor to wind less up.
but thats not to say the two of you hadn't done other things in bathroom stalls together, never unable to keep your hands off one another for very long, especially when alcohol was involved on nights out.
"i miss you." alessia sighed, resting her chin on her fist as you looked up to meet the sad smile flashed your way, returning one of your own. "i miss you too." you agreed quietly, though as much as it was killing the two of you to be apart you would never ever do anything to hold her back from her career, nor would alessia with you, so sometimes sacrifices like this had to be made.
"i miss you more." alessia challenged perking up a little, playful glint returning to her eyes as you flipped the omelette, taking a bow at your girlfriends cheers. "i miss you most." you cheekily stuck your tongue out and disappeared out of frame to grab something from the fridge.
"i miss you more than the most." alessia countered before calling out for you to hurry up and return on screen. "you're so needy." you teased as the blonde rolled her eyes playfully, both of you well aware you were just as needy as each another.
"also you can't miss something more than the most, so therefore i win." you shrugged, returning to alessias sight as you turned the heat off the stove, moving the omelette over to a plate.
"says who!" alessia challenged, picking her phone back up as her legs began to cramp, standing to her feet and wandering off toward the water. "says the english language, and me." you sat down at the dining table, moving the phone so you were still in frame.
"well you're both wrong." alessia argued with a smile, eyes glancing off with a chuckle as she watched lucy absolutely body ella down and into the water after she splashed her.
"baby i literally teach english for a living, i can't be wrong!" you laughed after swallowing your mouthful of food. "look!" alessia flipped the camera around, showing the dazzling sunset as you squealed happily, alessia well aware how much you adored this time of day.
"take a photo of that for me please." you instructed as alessia promised she would. "it's almost as beautiful as you are." alessia quipped smoothly, grinning lovingly at the blush that spread across your face at the words. "charmer." you shook your head, smile tugging at your lips.
"oh god even on the other side of the world i can't escape youse two and your disgusting lovesick pining!" ella gagged as she appeared beside alessia, you glancing up and bursting out in laughter at the hot pink goggles on your friends face.
"what!" ella frowned, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance as you simply continued to laugh, clearly at her expense. "nice goggles you idiot." you managed to choke out, as the girl basically spent more time at yours and alessias flat than her own the two of you had formed quite the close bond.
"gotta protect the lashes, obviously!" the brunettes frown quickly disappeared as she wiggled her eyebrows goofily. "oh! did less tell you what happened last night?" tooney grinned as your girlfriends eyes widened and she tried to move away but ella snatched her phone, sprinting off away from her.
"we decided to go for a swim in the dark after we went in the spa-" ella started, pausing as she dodged alessia who caught up to her and ran off now in the other direction as the blonde yelled threats after her.
"-cause theres like lights on the beach and stuff and we only just dunked our bodies in and bolted-" a yell was heard and the screen went black for a moment before ellas head popped into frame again, you spotting your girlfriend over her shoulder still avidly chasing after her.
"-and we were running across the road to get back to the hotel and less of course tripped over and her slider went all the way up her leg-" ella continued with a loud laugh before a body hurtled into her, a flash of blonde tackling her to the ground.
"-and she couldn't get her slider off her leg and we had to cut it off!" alessias face now back on the screen you could hear ella dying from laughter on the ground beneath her, your girlfriend hitting her with a loud smack as ella cried out.
"less don't hit her!" you chastised, alessia ignoring you as she grappled with ella with her free hand, the two of them pushing and smacking one another around, their childish behavior nothing new to you.
"girls!" you called out again, firmer this time as alessia glanced to you, ella pushing her off and sitting up beside her inside. "ooo teacher voice!" the younger of the two called out teasingly, alessia joining in with a grin as you rolled your eyes at their sudden change of antics.
"it is not!" you protested with a pout before you heard the rest of the girls call out for the two as they were headed back to the hotel, ella wishing you goodbye before running off to join them.
"i'll call you back after dinner and we can watch a movie?" alessia asked hopefully as she gathered her things into her bag and began to walk off the beach. "it's a date. i love you!" you smiled softly.
"i love you, the most."
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fabuladorah · 1 month
My top 5 fave DBDA charachters
1. Crystal Palace
2. Charles Rowland
3. Night Nurse
4. Niko Sasaki
5. Jenny The Butcher
Honorable mention: Tragick Mick and Edwin Payne.
1 - Lemme be superficial first, her looks are simply iconic, i worship her hair and witch-core clothes and the way her powers are potrayed (those white globes, the three eyes, quick flashed) just make me go brwwww. And then there is hee character arc... which is *chef kiss* so, so good: she doesnt know who she is, she thinks people didnt really like her, she is sure her parents are looking for her, her first instict is to be mean, but then for what is she being mean for anyway, so she stops. She drags the boys from Big ol' London all the way to an small town in America just to save a little girl, because she is alone and scared. Her abusive demon ex, even after exorcised, is still haunting her. She offers her life to save an stranger she had just met (an stranger who had been kind, an stranger who had understood her, an stranger who had a place while she didn't). Her abusive demon ex shows that maybe she wasnt a good person after all. She misses her mom. She give away her powers (her strenght, her core) to be free from her abuser. She gets her power back, she buries her abusive demon ex alive in her mind (the place where he had her prisoner) with the help of her FAMILY (she didn't know who she was, she didn't know were she was from now she knows) she wrestles a thousand-year olds witch seconds after gaining her mind power back because she CAN AND SHE WINS. She has her memory back, she was an horrible person, her parents weren't looking for her (she missed her mother) and now she needs to go back home and she needs to make things right. Seriously what's there not love about her? Crystal Palace, please understand, you'll always be famous.
2 - Wait one second *close the door* *inhumans sounds* *open the door* okay now lets start. He is not the brain, he is the brawn, he is the protector. He couldn't protect himself. He died defending a boy he didn't even know, he died because he hated senseless violence, he died by the senseless violence. He fears being a bad person — he think he is a bad person, his father's son. He is terrified, so he'll lie, he'll smile. He was just a boy, he died young, he wanted to grow old, he hates to be dead, but he loves Edwin. He chose Edwin over Heaven — this boy, alone, died young and had been his light during the darkest, final, moment of Charles' life. It was an easy choice. I just really, really love Charles, because of all that, but also because he is charismatic af (all Jayden's hard work) and funny and he foes around with a fucking cricket bar, I should've started with that... he has a cricket bar, your Honour, I rest my case. And and I just love charachters with this """savior complex""", this responsibility of being alright to take care of others, of smile and lighting the mood because no one else will do that.
3 - she's an overworked work and that's my kinda shit. The whole point of her job is to protect and care for the lost children, and being honest to god I know she would shoot a kid right in the head if it meant finish her job and thats so fucked up and hyprocte of her and i just absolutely worship her. Also, her whole life views being changed because of a funny man she met inside of a whale is just--- I think she is underrated, and people are missing her angst potential, but I will not be the one to tell you how to write her because dude my english is going to shit as we speak.
4 - I know this is kinda dissapointing, but my whole reason is that she is Niko. That's it.
5 - She is a dyke running a butch shop, thats actually so cool I could die. On her first appearence I thought she would kill Crystal and the boys (again) and thats how I like my women. Also its really refreshing to seen that there is an adult who cares about these kids... the talks she had with Crystal and Niko, yk, she is so mature and smart and wants to help and she is like so cleary trying not to get attached and failinh tremendously, cmon she saw Crystal going to meet her abusive ex and was like "Nuh uh u aint going alone and I AM TAKING THIS MF CLEVER WITH ME" based af. Local lesbian accidentaly addopts four kids (two of which are dead)
Bonus: okay I feel like I gotta justify myself: I DO NOT HATE EDWIN, okay? I love him, he just didnt make the cut. And about Tragick Mick, cmon he is a goddammned (LITERALLY) seal and runs a funny little shop and saved Niko's life. We love him. We adore him. Tragick Mick may not have the sea, but he has the people!!
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the-cosmic-creature · 4 months
i never see anyone talk about her so heres my ramble about Dr Gillian Taylor from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
-she is a female protagonist who is both a scientist with a pHD and NOT a love interest
-depicted as intelligent, independant, brave. no one on the crew ever doubts her intelligence or tries to flirt with her
-doesnt wear a bra??? based as fuck esp for the 80s
-no husband or children. her life is her career and her whales
- her empathy for the whales is a driving force of the story. she is proof that soft ≠ weak/dumb
i love her sm and i wish more ppl in the trek TOS fandom talked about her more bc she is the feminist icon that we often overlook
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 10 months
A few days ago I saw some Ducktales here and decided to write about one of my favourite Hungarian historical moments, but then I realized that the anniversary is in less than a week, so I scheduled this post exactly on the 30th anniversary even for the minute, at 18:08 CET. (Edit: fuck Tumblr, it messed up scheduling, but second part is on its way)
So let me to present you the story of the Ducktales generation of Hungary, the children born in the 80s, who were traumatized by the aforementioned cartoon exactly 30 years ago, on December 12th 1993 at 18:08.
The year is 1993. The ill-fated little Central-European Hungary is barely out of the more than 40 years of terrible communist dictatorship, it only elected it's first in decades democratic government in 1990 and the last occupying Soviet soldier left the the country in the Summer of 1991.
The first media war is on full rage, meaning that there is still only two, government owned, tv channel, (and time to time HBO, if you were at the right place at the right time) but unlike during the socialism, Western programmes are allowed. This two facts together mean that every time there is a kid's programme on, practically every children who has access to tv, watches it.
Every Sunday afternoon is for Walt Disney, but most importantly for Ducktales. This one has a chokehold on every kid, the absolutle favourite. (Interestingly never became popular for any other generations in Hungary, unlike other iconic programmes, despite being aired a few more times in the following decades.)
So we get to the Sunday of December 12th. Allegedly 2.2 million children is in front of the tv, accompanied by many adults. The episode "A Whale of a Bad Time" is at its emotional high. Scrooge McDuck (or as we know him, Uncle Dagobert) is histerically jumping on the dinner table, because the ship with his money is lost. At 18:08 one of the most famous last sentence is said: 'A sea monster ate my ice cream!!!'
The screen goes black and white, the programme stops, blackness, then the grey channel logo shows up and Chopin's Funeral March starts playing. For long minutes nothing happenes, except of course for the hundreds of thousands of kids having a temper tantrum. By the time the March is coming to the end, even more adults are in the room, either because of the screaming kid or the sudden change of mood.
After 2 whole minutes again a moment of blackness, then a fat, old man in thight black suit comes up with a flag in the the background.
For many of the children watching, this was the first time to ever come to contact with politics, and for some of them, with death. Because the man, Péter Boross, who at that first moment still unbeknownst to the audience had already been the Prime Minister for less than an hour, had an important message:
'Fellow citizens, Hungarians, here at home and around the world. Destiny gave me a painful duty. Dr József Antall, Prime Minister of Hungary today after 5 pm passed away.'
Of course the passing of the reigning Prime Minister would be breaking news everywhere, especially if he is the first democratically elected one in more than 40 years, but this event became more important for a different cause.
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One,I love the Sleepy scenes~ and two,Maybe The Gorillaz at the beach with their SO please?👉🏻🥰👈🏻
Oh my god, I absolutely LOVE this request!! Thank you so much for requesting it!! 💕💕
At The Beach With Their SO!
Murdoc F. Niccals
•Doesn't like the beach, but also doesn't hate it.
•The man absolutely HATES the feeling of sand on his feet so he will be wearing his iconic boots.
•If you decide to wear a more revealing outfit to the beach, he will be feral. And try and pick fights with anyone who so much as looks at you wrong.
•If you splash him while you're swimming together he will tackle you into the water and make his silly grumpy Murdoc noises because you ruined his hair.
•Old man gets tired fast so he won't be in the water for too long.
•He tries to keep his eyes off of other people but he can't help himself sometimes! If you catch him staring at someone, he reminds you that he loves you and only you.
•Will give you so many cuddles and acts of physical affection just to show you off.
•He will be pushing children's sand castles over.
•Absolutely will not build a sandcastle with you.
Stuart '2D' Pot
•He both loves and hates the beach.
•He loves it because he enjoys the water and all the fun activities you can do at a beach like building sand castles.
•But he hates it because of everything that happened at Plastic Beach.
•Speaking of sandcastles, PLEASE build one with him. He will be so happy.
•Will definitely love having a splash fight with you! Until you get water in his eye.
•Please don't mention whales, he will start to panic and there's a good chance he will start crying.
•If you cuddle him on the shore he will fall asleep. He can't help himself when the sun is so warm and you're so soft!
•If there's a popsicle stand nearby keep an eye on him. He will run over there and buy every sweet item he can, then devour them in a few minutes.
•He will refuse to bring an extra pair of clothes, if you don't bring an extra pair, there's a good chance he will get overstimulated because of the sand.
Russel Hobbs
•He doesn't like to swim in the ocean because of Plastic Beach.
•But he will stay on shore and watch you swim (if you want to swim).
•He will absolutely love to build a sandcastle with you!
•He will pack a little basket full of your favorite food so you can have a picnic on the beach!
•Russel will definitely try and catch a crab or two.
•If he does catch a crab he shows it to you and lets it go as soon as he can so he doesn't hurt it.
•Please sit in his lap, he loves to hold you while you're sitting in his lap.
•Expect a lot of forehead kisses.
•She will bring pool floaties for sure.
•Especially the big obnoxious ones.
•Noodle will definitely build a sandcastle with you! But she will always ask you if she can smash it after.
•If you give her permission to smash the sandcastle, she will make little noises while she breaks it!
•When she's done breaking the sandcastle, she will always ask if you two can build another one.
•She likes to hold onto you, especially in public so that everyone knows that you are hers and aren't up for grabs.
•She especially loves to wrap her arm around your waist while you two walk.
•If anyone says you're friends or anything along those lines, she's quick to tell them that you're dating!
Ace Copular
•He likes going to the beach at night.
•If the beach closes before midnight, he has no problem with trespassing.
•He just loves to watch the stars with you while laying on the beach!
•He does like going to the beach during the daytime though.
•That's only because it's warm enough for you to wear less clothing.
•He will stare at you the whole time, no one else.
I am still working on other requests! I just tend to get out headcanons faster!
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okay so as suggested by @fromkenari (big thank btw), ive decided to make a post about one of my idols who happens to be a part of queer history i dont hear people talk about much.
and said icon is james whale.
he was an english director working in early hollywood, as well directing theatre and acting. his most well known films are probably the invisible man (1933), frankenstein (1931) and bride of frankenstein (1935).
(you might also know him from the road back (1937) if films about ww1 are your thing)
and while part of why i idolise him is those films and making horror art, i bring up the dates specifically because james whale was openly queer throughout his entire hollywood career.
said career began in the 1920s and continued up to 1950. he was pressured to step into the closet but he never did, and its likely a big factor as to why his career ended.
a lot of his films are packed with queer subtext, particularly bride of frankenstein. that film has so much camp packed into it and pretorius is so damn queer coded. theres a lot of queer readings of it you can explore, its fucking incredible.
and mind you, the hays code went into effect in 1934.
the hays code also happened to massively effect frankenstein in retrospect due to scene-cuts in re-releases, and bear with me on this one:
see the original cut had a scene where the monster meets a young girl named maria who asks him to play a game with her. in the game, they sit together and throw flowers onto a lake where they float. when the monster runs out of flowers, he throws his new friend, maria, in, assuming that she would float like the flowers. she doesnt; rather she drowns.
and this scene was specifically created by james whale in reaction to a then moral panic in america basically about the creepy man in the shadows who lures your child away and molests them. this deviant shadowy figure was essentially synonymised with gay men, who were falsely arrested on sodomy charges or died at the hands of mob "justice".
the flower scene challenges that idea because the monster isnt, well, a monster. in 1931, the monster was almost unilaterally perceived as this perverted evil thing that would steal your children; he was practically the same as these "predatory gay men", and then the monster wasnt a monster.
he was misjudged, he wasnt inherently evil, and he was unjustly punished. and if that applies to the monster, surely it applies to whale and all the other openly queer men.
as a scene in 1930s hollywood , it was so divisive because it portrayed the "villain" in a more morally grey area, and essentially said "hey, maybe this queer witch hunt is misguided"
unsurprisingly, producers at universal wanted to end the scene before the drowning. ending the scene there would leave it to the imagination as to what the monster did to maria, and given the sex offender moral panic sweeping the nation, the implication would be that he raped her.
but james whale fought for the scene to be kept and he won. specific states still forced the studios to censor parts of the film, but his film was intact.
BUT when this film was re-released in 1938, they entirely cut out this scene. and this fundamentally changed the character of the monster and the film itself.
by some fucking miracle, the scene was found in the british national film atchive in the 1980s, and modern cuts of the film now include. unfortunately, whale himself would not live to see that as he committed suicide in 1957.
what james whale did with frankenstein in 1931 was revolutionary in the same way that tod brownings freaks (1932) was. both men created films that portrayed the people society called monsters as real, complex beings who are not pure evil, and both faced censorship hell for it.
(go watch freaks btw, its so good)
and, you know, i get emotional talking about james whale. both because i have so much admiration for him as a queer person who refused to lock his queerness away, and because his name is never one i hear in discussions of queer history, and also because hes from the same area as me.
(im yet to find any clips of him speaking so i dont know if he has our accent or not. i like to think he did. he was the sixth out of a seven child working class family and first worked as a cobbler so its as likely as it could be.)
i would like for more queer folks to know about him because i think he deserves more of a legacy.
ian mckellen plays him in gods and monster (1998), and if youre ever in england with spare time, he does have a memorial sculpture. its in dudley which is where he was born, and if you know it, its right at castlegate.
but yeah no, this is my ramble post about a lesser known queer icon. originally i wrote an abridged version in the tags of a different post but @fromkenari was right, it deserves its own post.
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mediamixs · 5 months
Top 10 Gothic Horror Movies
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Gothic horror movies have long captivated audiences with their eerie atmospheres, haunting visuals, and spine-chilling narratives. From classic tales of the supernatural to modern interpretations of the genre, here are ten of the top gothic horror movies that have left an indelible mark on cinema:
Nosferatu (1922): Directed by F.W. Murnau, this silent film is an unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker's "Dracula." Max Schreck's portrayal of the vampire Count Orlok remains iconic, with its stark imagery and expressionistic style setting the standard for gothic horror.
Dracula (1931): Directed by Tod Browning, this early sound film stars Bela Lugosi as the titular vampire. Lugosi's performance and the film's Gothic atmosphere established many of the tropes associated with cinematic vampires.
The Bride of Frankenstein (1935): Directed by James Whale, this sequel to the 1931 film "Frankenstein" further explores the themes of creation and monstrosity. Boris Karloff's portrayal of the monster and Elsa Lanchester's iconic turn as the bride make this film a gothic masterpiece.
Rebecca (1940): Directed by Alfred Hitchcock and based on Daphne du Maurier's novel, "Rebecca" tells the story of a young woman who becomes obsessed with her husband's deceased first wife. With its haunting atmosphere and psychological tension, the film is a classic of gothic cinema.
The Innocents (1961): Directed by Jack Clayton and based on Henry James' novella "The Turn of the Screw," this film follows a governess who becomes convinced that the children in her care are possessed by malevolent spirits. Atmospheric and psychologically disturbing, "The Innocents" is a chilling exploration of repressed sexuality and madness.
The Haunting (1963): Directed by Robert Wise and based on Shirley Jackson's novel "The Haunting of Hill House," this film follows a group of people who are invited to stay in a reputedly haunted mansion. With its atmospheric black-and-white cinematography and subtle scares, "The Haunting" is a masterclass in psychological horror.
Rosemary's Baby (1968): Directed by Roman Polanski and based on the novel by Ira Levin, this film follows a young woman who becomes pregnant under sinister circumstances. As her paranoia grows, she begins to suspect that her neighbors are part of a satanic cult. "Rosemary's Baby" is a chilling exploration of maternal anxiety and the occult.
The Others (2001): Directed by Alejandro Amenábar, this film stars Nicole Kidman as a woman who lives in a secluded mansion with her two photosensitive children. As strange events begin to occur, she becomes convinced that the house is haunted. With its Gothic atmosphere and twist ending, "The Others" is a modern classic of the genre.
Pan's Labyrinth (2006): Directed by Guillermo del Toro, this Spanish-language film is set in post-Civil War Spain and follows a young girl who discovers a mysterious labyrinth inhabited by fantastical creatures. Blending elements of fantasy and horror, "Pan's Labyrinth" is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant tale of innocence and brutality.
Crimson Peak (2015): Directed by Guillermo del Toro, this film follows a young woman who marries a mysterious aristocrat and moves into his decaying mansion. As she begins to uncover the dark secrets of her new home, she becomes ensnared in a web of betrayal and horror. With its sumptuous production design and Gothic sensibility, "Crimson Peak" is a visually stunning homage to classic gothic literature.
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zonzolik · 6 months
Doctor Who: The Beast Below - random thoughts, let's goo
Is that... a flying city? Sure, why not.
Why do the children have a robot teacher?
What do you mean he can't ride the elevator with the others? That's not fair.
The kid was killed because he failed a test?! What is this madness? (Say I, in the first three minutes of the episode)
So, it's not just a city, it's a whole country!
The Doctor is an ADHD icon and I'm so here for it
These mysterious calling people don't seem very nice. It's all sus.
They shouldn't have separated. I appreciate her brave dumbassness.
Oh, they aren't actually evil, they're just scared.
IT'S A TONGUE??? Those are big ass teeth.
There's a lot of screaming in this ep.
Can't stop thinking about the fact that Amy is in her nightie the whole meaning she probably doesn't even have underwear. And she landed in so disgusting things. Hope won't get some infection.
The sexy red cape girl is the queen? Oh, that's fantastic! "Basically, I rule" such an icon.
Oh, my. Amy's really clever.
All the pain and misery, but it just made them kind... It needs some great strength to be able to do that.
The star whale is so beautiful 😍
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tyranitarkisser · 1 year
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Detective Finnegan “Windward” Dauphin… a seasoned and perhaps a bit overconfident private investigator from out of town, Detective Windward has only recently been separated from his long-time partner (personal differences, long story!) and is struggling on his own more than he would like to admit. He has a razor sharp wit and is quick to make judgements, though his intuition isn’t always correct, and in situations where he isn’t, he’s very skilled at saving face and playing his aloof persona. He talks like an old-timey 1950s radio show host.
Mara Eleana Fusilli is a humble clairvoyant who has worked most of her life in a tent by the undersea wharf. Equipped with her unique psychic powers, her sonar abilities are leagues above other dolphins. Where many others would abuse this power for personal gain, Mara doesn’t quite know what to make of it and tries not to let it affect her personal life, preferring to help others with it instead. Because of this, she is a bit lonely and fast to cling to people that show her positive attention. She is prone to acting on impulse and getting into trouble as a result.
Trick Turntable is one half of the ocean’s first train conductor duo. She carries herself with a kind and motherly persona, ready to hear out anyone who may need assistance or god forbid, is lost. She’s very protective of her adoptive brother, Track, and the two are rarely seen apart from one another. The two of them are very interested in locomotives and it was Trick’s idea to begin the ocean’s first public transit system to ensure all whales get to their destinations safely. She is known to be a little playful and curious, too!
Track Turntable is the other half to the iconic narwhal/beluga train conductor duo. Having lost his way from the rest of his birth family as a young calf navigating northern waters during the summer time, he was subsequently found and taken in by Trick’s pod and treated like one of their own. Today he is just as helpful as his sister, though he can be a bit slow on the uptake and forgetful. (Don’t surprise him from behind or you might just get a wack in the face from his tusk!) He is the more technical-minded of the two and a skilled repairman. Growing up in Trick’s family, he picked up their light southern American accents into adulthood.
Stevie Bermuda is a slimy con man with an annoying Trans-Atlantic accent with a grandiose sense of self that has traveled much of the world’s oceans to find new dolphins to assimilate into his fraudulent causes. Everything from pyramid schemes, impersonation, fake business scams, and even cults, it doesn’t seem like anything he tries brings him any sense of personal fulfillment. He doesn’t care for love or friendship, just shallow gratification. He also seems to have an irrational fear of children and teenagers… They might just be his downfall someday! 
Kanpacho is a guitar playing cool guy that has found his home by the wharf where he met Mara. He makes most of his money by playing nice songs for visiting dolphins and cargo workers alike. He’s well liked by everyone and has a Brazilian accent.
Ben Sleepy is a dolphin that seems to get a kick out of sleeping in the most inconvenient of places. When he’s not sleep-swimming or finding an (un)comfortable spot to snuggle up in, he can be found at buffets completely decimating the shrimp bar.
Casper Cantor is a businessman by day and prankster by night. He is the CEO of the business that runs the undersea wharf, dealing with most of the transport and cargo shipments going in and out of the town. He is an avid fanatic of clowns and in his free time will don his jester persona and entertain others with his magic tricks. The only person that knows his secret is his daughter, Melody, of whom he is very supportive of her creative endeavors. Maybe he’s where she gets her imagination from?
Melody Cantor is a young hypochondriac dolphin and elementary school student with an irrational fear of getting wet. She can easily be identified in a crowd with her umbrella she takes with her everywhere and her yellow raincoat. She is a talented artist and poet.
Cat is a zoologist with a sprawling collection of specimens from all seven seas. She is eager to educate all who are willing to listen to her ramble about all the different species of sea slugs.
Skip is a studious young foreign exchange student. Both of his parents are busy back home being surgeons and expect great things from him, which can sometimes be stressful on an impressionable little sea lion. This doesn’t dampen his spirit though, and his best friend Melody does a great job of bringing out his creative side. He is sometimes teased by his classmates for being different, and whenever he feels homesick Trick and Track will act as his parents away from home.
Henry XVIII is the 18th in a long line of Turntable family pets and mascot for Trick and Track’s Arctic Express. He's a great listener, even if he is quite old for a nautilus. 
James Circuits is the local record shop owner, right next door to Mara’s fortune telling tent! He can be a little spacey and hangs around questionable folks but he means well... His music knowledge is all encompassing, but his favorite is classic R&B.
Pollux Cantor, like his brother Casper, is a businessman, albeit a much less successful one that can’t ever catch a break. He’s bent on moving up in Stevie’s company and doesn’t seem to realize he is being taken advantage of. He's hopelessly addicted to caffeine and remoras frequently attach themselves to him and feed on the excess.
Madame Roachè is a prideful socialite on the cutting edge of all fashion trends that hit the Arctic landscape.
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naivesilver · 2 years
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Your icon doesn't make this sound threatening at all @melon14 I swear asjkdhakjshjfhjfhajkh
Jokes aside, I've already given this AU some basic groundwork in this post, but:
the kids' ages will necessarily vary a lot more than they do in EAH canon to better fit show events - Ramona, Ash and Maddie are among the oldest, and Apple is slightly older than the twins, a fact which she will occasionally lord over Raven;
Apple and Raven having genuine schoolyard drama going on is so funny to me. Like, what are they feuding over? Who Henry loves more as a little sister figure? Their mothers' war? If One Direction was better than Nirvana? Nobody fucking knows, especially not their dads;
(on a more serious note though, Apple has an inner conflict nearly as complicated as her canon self - sure, no one is telling her to follow some fixed destiny guidelines here, but the pressure of having a family filled with heroes and Certified Good PeopleTM might still get to her. Moreover, Emma's jealousy was off the charts when she was born, even though Snow tries to pretend it never happened;)
I'D FORGOTTEN OUAT HAD FRANKENSTEIN WALKING AROUND CAN WE BRANCH OUT INTO MONSTER HIGH TOO????? Because I'd be STOKED to have Francesca "Frankie" Whale show up as a consequence of her dad's actions (also Jekyll and Hyde are there so like...Hyde Serum!Jackson and Holt when);
Sparrow is a mama's boy while Raven is a daddy's girl and it SHOWS;
you know that meme with the lizard and its offspring that goes "children this is dirt" "dirt?" "dirt?" "dirt?"? That's Ruby with her babies on Wolfstime. Mama wolf running through the woods and teaching her pups things while Dorothy has some time to herself;
they're all very protective of Cedar, regardless of any squabble or picked side. Raven, Maddie and Cerise are protective of Cedar, Apple is protective of Cedar, Sparrow is protective of Cedar, even though he usually doesn't give his sister's friends the time of the day. Basically everyone took one (1) glance at this tiny, shy puppet girl and was immediately flooded with love;
that definitely includes the adults in her life, BTW. Of course daddy adores her and grandpa is beyond thrilled, but the moment Dr Archie Jiminy Hopper realizes that this kid is nothing like young Geppetto and Pinocchio and is instead sweet, quiet and capable of staying put when she's asked to? He's sold. He'd have loved her no matter what, but at least Cedar's behavior won't give him a heart attack before he's 50;
I still think that Cedar should have that wood gene show up in the worst possible moment, but it'd probably be an innate trait of hers rather than the result of Blue's active intervention. HOWEVER, what Blue would most definitely do is try to imply that Cedar did something to deserve what's happening to her, which is nearly as bad imho;
not that that would fly with August, honestly. He's barely convinced by the fact that he deserved his various punishments - you mean to tell him that his little girl, who's been deemed extremely pleasant to have around by just about everyone she meets, has somehow committed some sort of sin and is being puppet-ified as a result? Are you shitting him? This is gonna give him the catharsis arc OUAT never bothered to send his way, alright;
finally, there's a ton of characters I still haven't managed to work in, like Farrah, Faybelle or just any other male character, so if anyone has better ideas, let me know please I'm begging you these kids are so complicated adjshjkfhk
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song idea for The Playlist: Dream Sweet in Sea Major (which is also a big pun. Sweet -> suite, Sea Major -> C maj.... Jokes)
ANYHOW. appropriate lang. as follows:
Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune
Promises endless apologies of paradise And only she can make it right So things are different tonight
something something heaven, something something God, something something it's DIFFERENT. TEHY R ON THE DREAMLINER (dream sweet ... get it? te he .) THEY R FINALLY TOGETHER AGAIN AND IT'S DIFFERENT. THEY'RE AWAY FROM THE Paradise, AND THEY'RE IN THEIR OWN SOMEWHAT. IT'S. AUGH.
Believe me, darling The stars were made for falling
this is . crowley. need i elaborate. he IS a star in a way. the stars are his. he FELL. and the Lebian (i willl figure out their names Soon. ish.) rose-equiv. she's FALLING from her high up status (yk like. movie stars. if that makes sense. Rich People) for someone Ordinary. Poor, even. and DARLING.
You look quite divine tonight Here among these vibrant lights Pure delights surround us as we sail Signed, yours truly, the whale Joy mirage's kingdom come No one left at stake Now that existence is on the wake
They love each other. They all think their lovers are gorgeous. 'nuff said.
SAIL. THEY ARE SAILING AND IT'S DELIGHTFUL. again, self explanatory. +they have freedom and they're ABLE to fully love the world around them
Joy mirage's kingdom. That's very religious 2 me. and also has 2 deal w death. and yk.. titanic.
death, once again.
also it has french in it. which . Aziraphale. u understand.
(+i promise i will continue my Certified Commenter job. i have been slacking .. but i have NOT FORGOTTEN 💪💪💪💪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥. hoping to do it on my own spring break vacay tmmr, since i have a couple hrs of car riding. 🎉🎉🎉)
tea your Mind. i added this to the playlist a bit ago already but man this ask. lets go into a (mental) Breakdown, including yours which is YEAGGHHHH!!!,!, AMAZING !!!!!! we start wit the pun: beautiful amazing iconic, i need crowley to make a pun at some point. OUHG. now to the lyrics…..
alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune
for merely dreaming we were snow
“CROQWY” sums it all up nicely. CROWLEY.yeah . also wanting to be different. escaping their circumstances. this is their punishment for even daring to dream . YEAHH
a siren sounds like the goddess who
promises endless apologies of paradise
and only She can make it right
so things are different tonight
a siren being the panic stirred in the threat of sinking. a siren being the mythical beast that lurkes in the waters tempting the humans on deck to plunge below and freeze. a siren being a continuous wail that builds and builds and builds and warns but its Already Happening. and then Something Something God! Something Something Its All Different Now, “when this boat docks, ill be getting off with you.” FUCK.
we'll go together in flight
if you jump i jump right. thats all ill say
it's now and never
a reverie endeavor
awaits somnambulant directives
to take the helm
believe me, darling
the stars were made for falling
ur explanation is amazing. this in general is So Crowley as most can agree, and with the added context its just God Damn. and with magnolia,,,, yeah. fall from the high place. be with the underdog . DARLING 🔥
un ensemble d'enfants (a set of children)
la galaxie s'étend (the galaxy expands)
jardin de l'imagination (garden of imagination)
combler la lacune (fill the gap)
voler face à la lune (fly across of the moon)
vois comme nous évoluons (see how we evolve)
first off FRENCH A ND AZIRAPHALE. YEAH. YEAHHHHH. second of all these are all little fragments that can be Very Good Omens FR. garden of imagination….. see how we evolve . yeah… also ignore the translations, i just wanted to see what they meant ejdgbehem
it feels like flying
but maybe we're dying
ermmmm inthe water fighting for you life floating but then again you know your lungs are filling too quickly . thinking they made it out without detection but THINK AGAIN !!!!! I JUST UHRHGRURBRHRG
to know
we are beyond a bow
and lo, the hues arrange to show
it's perfectly clear
you look quite divine tonight
here among these vibrant lights
pure delights surround us as we sail
signed, yours truly, the whale
joy mirage's kingdom come
no one left at stake
now that existence is on the wake
let's see what we can make
YES THEY LOVE EACH OTHER,,,, also thinking about he drawing scene. lights shining….pure human delights surround them as they sail. yes theyre sailing and its GREAT and yet. they have freedom, moving too fast and neither in land or sky for heaven or hell to get an accurate fix….. yeah. theyre allowed to LIVE. KINGDOM COME . the inevitable infux of humans joining said kingdom . ouhgjg AND DEATH . again, the infux….. existence in heaven or hell is indeed on the wake. no humans are left to out stakes on after the sinking. YEAHHHHHHHHHH
the part is wholly ending
a line in any final song
so long, so far
they cant be together. the freedom literally broke in half . the fantasy ended, now theyre drifting, and the song’s over. so long freedom. we’ll miss you.
(edit: for those who dont Get This, this is in reference to a playlist i made for this titanic fic im currently writing bevause of The Asker, which im doing it for !!!! the tumblr tag is "iceburg adventures" if ur still curious :)) (its also super old rn, dont worry its gettinf a revamp lmao)
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middlemisty · 2 years
1x03 thoughts
I'm sorry I love the scene where Charming and Snow meet but when they are on the horses you can see that its the stunt doubles😂
Awe Mary-Margaret's date with Whale really is bad
Also her saying she wants true love and children and then talking to her daughter outside, even if she doesn’t know it yet.
Oh my god David grabbing Snow’s hand in the coma would literally be so startling 
I love Snow in the flashbacks like she's just a bit iconic, me thinks
Not henry giving Emma Regina’s shirt 😂
Omg Snow shoving Charming into the water
Henry really just runs around Storybrooke wherever he wants. He definitely gets that from Emma and his grandparents 😂
“She’s gonna kill me, then you, then me again.” - Emma to Henry about Regina
I can’t remember when Charming finally tells Snow his actual name is David not James, and he was impersonating his dead twin brother
Was David being married to Katherine in the curse like originally part of Regina's plan or was it only there because he woke up
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irregularincidents · 2 years
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While born in England in 1887, William Henry Pratt, better known by his stage name Boris Karloff, lived in North America for much of his acting career and became famous for horror movie roles such as Frankenstein’s Monster in the iconic 1931 film by fellow Brit James Whales as well as his later role as the narrator in 1966′s Who The Grinch Stole Christmas (which got him a Grammy Award).
His last four films were made in Mexico, The Snake People, The Incredible Invasion, The Fear Chamber, and House of Evil, and while I’m uncertain as to whether that’s where he got his apparent love of Mexican food from (he did live in LA after all), but nevertheless he apparently liked it enough to tell people about his favourite guac’ recipe, which is included in the article above.
If you’re curious about the stage name, the story where it came from varies, with some suggesting that he adopted it to avoid embarrassing his family back home, with others suggesting that it was to make him sounds more “exotic“ and interesting. Perhaps feeling that no one would go to see a Pratt at the cinema, at least, one not accompanied by a more charismatic animated racoon of some sort.
His aunt, his mother’s sister, Anna Leonowens, was the governess and teacher to the children of King Monghut of Siam (now Thailand) back in the 1800s. Her book, 1870′s the English Governess at the Siamese Court, ended up becoming the basis of the musical the King and I... Amusingly, in the 1956 film adaptation of the musical, the king was played by the Russian-born Yul Brynner.
So you had a white Russian-American bloke playing a Thai man in a musical based on the life of the aunt of an Anglo-Indian guy (Boris’ grandmother was Indian) who pretended to be Russian.
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tsukasageorge · 2 years
im not scared by your threat so go ahead with the long answer 😌 (if you want alskd)
omg fr???? love u forever miki thank you for giving me this opportunity (now watch me forget all the other characters i like)
ranked by character category 4 funsies
kel & aubrey - omori
kashima yuu - gsnk
akarsha - butterfly soup
i feel like there are more who should go in this category. hm (its ging /hj)
yor forger - sxf
kyoko sakura - pmmm
mazikeen - lucifer
morgiana - magi
benedict blue - violet evergarden (source: trust me)
hornet - hollow knight
maka - soul eater
min-seo - butterfly soup
ran & sara - case closed
yuugo - the promised neverland ('he's gay pathetic to me' - guy who has not read the source material in forever)
mitsuba sousuke & kou minamoto - jshk
gozumaru - nurarihyon no mago (blorbo in law)
sugihara kei - yakuza's guide to babysitting
crona & death the kid - soul eater
shun kaido & kusuke saiki - saiki k
joe tazuna - your turn to die
periwinkle - starry flowers
mikoshiba - gsnk
dr doofenshmirtz - phineas and ferb
double trouble - she ra
OTHER (it can be argued that all of these characters are gay, but they don't quite fit silly/pathetic criteria):
nicki/charlotte and harriet/elena - greetings from witness protection!
pastille - starry flowers & syrup and the ultimate sweet (partially bc i haven't put anyone else in this category yet)
ouni - children of the whales
hanako - jshk
sayaka miki - pmmm
loid forger/twilight - sxf (edward cullen..... 😔 😔 😔)
canary & senritsu - hxh
luculia & violet & um. leo or something??? the guy who translates the book about the comet he's got longer hair - violet evergarden
neferpitou - hxh (just because they are more silly destructive than silly pathetic)
if im putting hk characters in here then myla & the stag - hk
killua zoldyck - hxh (would have been in the 'blue hair & pronouns' and 'sad. soooo sad' categories if i had them)
if this is turning into a tierlist no it isn't shhh. mermista and entrapta - she ra
alluka & kalluto zoldyck - hxh
gin ibushi & kanna kizuchi - your turn to die
yaeka sakuragi - yakuza's guide to babysitting
conan - case closed
anya & damian & becky - sxf
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faeseekerandy · 1 year
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Full name: Nemesis Kida ( working name, it changes to Just Kida after the transformation)  
Alias: None
Gender: Whatever they’re in the mood for that day
Orientation: All over the place, Pan? Has no care about it
Age: Whatever she’s in the mood for that day ( shapeshifter )
Nationality/Species: She thinks she’s from the Greek pantheon but she was made in a test tube
Religion: Herself ( not a joke she’s like, if ima workship a god or goddess might as well be me )  
Western Zodiac: Lost to the ages
Eastern Zodiac: Lost to the ages
Element: Venom
Birth Stone: Coal
Blood-type: Poison
Personality Type: ESFP-T Entertainer 
Disabilities: Half a soul
Eye color: Black
Natural Hair Color: light blue almost white 
Natural Hair Type: moon shaped bangs in the center and three bangs on each side. It’s the only way to know its kida based on her hair as she shapeshifts but that hair style remains constant no matter what shape she takes, even things like fish or whales have that iconic hair to them.
Skin Color: Whatever she’s in the mood for that day, depends on the situation, she infiltrates and changes shape except for the hair
Height:  whatever she’s in the mood for
Weight: I dare not say
Appearance: shapeshifter, trickster, ext. can change not just herself but those around her like how Athena made Odysseus old.
Personality: Kida is a slug-like being created by the Powers (now rebranded as the Elderman ) for infiltration missions. The moment she comes in contact with the beings of the world she takes their essence and DNA becoming similar to beast boy. If she comes in contact with a God or Goddess she will take into herself all of their powers and make them her own. When the Furies purchased Kida from a traveling merchant she absorbed One ability from each of the furies, Alecto’s shapeshifting abilities, Megaera’s Divine sight, and Tysephone’s snake hair, hens why one of the furies is blind and the other one bald. She also absorbed the most dangerous and vicious aspects of the furie’s personality becoming extremely volatile, vengeful vindictive and toxic. She embodies the worst aspects of the furies. When Alecto Megaera and tysephone decided to become “the kindly ones”  they placed all of those aspects inside Kida and sealed her away in the mansion never to be seen again. Until Gil found her by accident and set her evil free into the world. The Name Kida is not her real name, its just the name given to her batch, stands for Kinetic Identity Devouring Ameba.  Its why she’s on a test tube in the cover of vol 1. When she is killed by the forth determining factor they are able to clone her thru her hair and the flipped off middle finger that were left after the fight. The KIDA Gil travels with is an enhanced clone after vol 5. She’s also extremely promiscuous and has over 190 children over 20,000 years of existing with 87 other partners and husbands that came and went, and a xenomorph too. She also has about 11 “adopted” children that she looks after. While being a horrible being that borders on the Lovecraftian she’s a devote mother and has never once neglected a single one of her extended family who have all survived to have children and grandchildren. There are entire villages of Kida descendants. She will do Everything in her Power to protect her children often doing amazing feats while doing so. The most important and pivotal event in the history of the universe, the defeat of the final abandon was done while Kida was protecting one of her babies.  
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