#chilli farming
kisanofindia · 11 months
मुनाफ़े वाली मिर्च की खेती के लिए किन बातों का ध्यान रखना है ज़रूरी? जानिए किसान प्रेम पाल से
30 सालों से कर रहे मिर्च की खेती
मिर्च एक प्रमुख नगदी फसल है। मिर्च की खेती किसानों को लखपति बना सकती है, अगर वो सही तरीके से इसकी खेती करें।
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मिर्च की खेती (Chilli Farming): मिर्च का इस्तेमाल सदियों से मसाले के रूप में किया जाता है। भारतीय घरों में तो मिर्चे के बिना काम ही नहीं चलता है। ये एक ऐसी फसल है, जिसकी मांग पूरे साल बनी रहती है, इसलिए मिर्च की खेती किसानों के लिए फ़ायदेमंद होती है।
भारत में आंध्र प्रदेश, महाराष्ट्र, कर्नाटक, उड़ीसा, तामिलनाडू, बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश और राज्यस्थान में बड़े पैमाने पर मिर्च की खेती की जाती है। वैसे तो मिर्च की खेती हल्की और भारी दोनों तरह की मिट्टी में की जा सकती है, मगर अच्छी जल निकासी वाली हल्की मिट्टी में उपज अधिक मिलती है। मिर्च की खेती से अधिक मुनाफ़े के लिए किन-किन बातों का ध्यान रखना ज़रूरी है इस बारे में किसान ऑफ़ इंडिया के संवाददाता सर्वेश बुंदेली ने बात की किसान प्रेम पाल से और जानी मिर्च की खेती से जुड़ी कुछ बहुत ज़रूरी बातें।
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30 सालों से कर रहे मिर्च की खेती
करीब 30 साल पहले परिवार का खर्च चलाने के लिए खेती की शुरुआत करने वाले प्रेम पाल का कहना है कि उन्होंने मज़बूरी में मिर्च की खेती शुरू की थी, मगर इससे होने वाले मुनाफ़े को देखने के बाद उन्होंने इसे जारी रखा। 30 सालों से उनका खेती का सफर बदस्तूर जारी है। फिलहाल हो सीताफल, तोरी, घिया, मक्का, मेथी पालक जैसी सीज़नल सब्ज़ियों की भी खेती करते हैं। इन सबके साथ 2 बीघा ज़मीन पर मिर्च की खेती कर रहे हैं।
4 महीने में तैयार होती है पौध
मिर्च की खेती सीधे खेतों में बीज डालने की बजाय नर्सरी में इसकी पौध तैयार करके की जाती है, क्योंकि ये बहुत ही नाज़ुक होते हैं। प्रेम पाल बताते हैं कि नर्सरी से हमेशा बड़े पौध को खेत में लगाना चाहिए, क्योंकि छोटी पौध पानी में डूबकर मर सकते हैं।
आगे उन्होंने बताया कि पौध को तैयार होने में करीब 4 महीने का वक्त लगता है। इसके बाद पौधों को जब खेत में लगा दिया जाता है, उसके 2.5 महीने बाद उसमें फल आने लगते हैं, जो 6-7 महीने तक चलते हैं। वो कहते हैं कि जब फसल की तुड़ाई शुरू होती है, तो 5-6 दिनों में तुड़ाई करनी चाहिए और सिर्फ़ बड़ी मिर्च को ही तोड़ना चाहिए, छोटी को छोड़ देना चाहिए।
और पढ़ें.....
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badikhetiagro · 11 months
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मिर्च की खेती में हुई बंपर पैदावार, अच्छा मुनाफा कमा रहा है हरदोई का किसान
मिर्च की खेती में हुई बंपर पैदावार, अच्छा मुनाफा कमा रहा है हरदोई का किसान
उत्तर प्रदेश के हरदोई जिले के कई किसानों ने मिर्च की खेती कर सफलता की कहानी लिखी है. यहां सिर्फ 1 हेक्टेयर में मोटी मिर्च की खेती करने वाले एक किसान ने 12 लाख रुपये तक का मुनाफा कमाया. जानिए कितनी हुई पैदावार. मिर्च की खेती से हो रहा अच्छा मुनाफा. Image Credit source: File Photo उत्तर प्रदेश के हरदोई जिले में बरसात के दिनों में किसान मोटी मिर्च की खेती कर लाखों का मुनाफा कमा रहे हैं. जिले के…
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Valicer Polyship Week, Day Two: Huddling For Warmth (Valicer In The Dark AU)
Day Two of Valicer Polyship Week, courtesy of @polyshipweek, and we’re up to the first of a pair of Valicer In The Dark AU fics! This is the verse where Victor, Alice, and Smiler are a crew in the Blades in the Dark setting of Duskwall, having been brought together by Alice and Smiler trying to help Victor with his “ghost bride” problem, only to find themselves and him accused of murder after said ghost bride takes out her killer. So they just kind of embraced being criminals and set themselves up in a lair, ready to do at least vaguely Robin-Hood-ish crimes (and sell drugs, in Smiler’s case). The problem is, said lair (a version of Elder Gutknecht’s tower from Corpse Bride) isn’t exactly in the best repair at the time of this story, meaning that keeping warm on a chilly, drafty night is a bit of a problem. . .good thing I let them have my nice big purple blanket to keep themselves warm. XD Enjoy!
“Ugh. . .why is it always so cold in here?”
“Well, you not having an ounce of body fat on you cannot help.”
Victor shot Alice a look. “I can’t help that. It’s true of everyone on my father’s side.”
“It wasn’t a judgment, just an observation,” Alice told him, tucking in the side of the blanket they were sharing a little more tightly around herself. “I think it’s safe to say the real culprit is every crack and chip in this old wreck of a house that lets in the breeze.”
“It’s not as bad as it was when we first moved in,” Smiler offered up from Victor’s other side, as usual looking on the bright side of things. “Once we got the glass in the windows again, things warmed up a lot!”
“Define ‘a lot,’” Victor groused, snuggling deeper into the soft purple cloth swaddled around the three of them. Yes, making sure to grab this before we fled my parents’ house was my best idea yet. “I don’t suppose you’ve got any brilliant ideas for a new kind of heater?” His eyes flicked to Alice. “One that doesn’t rely on open flame?”
“We can light the fireplace,” Alice said, though her tone was reluctant. “I can get over myself when it comes to avoiding losing some digits to frostbite.”
“No, we saw your face when we tried lighting it the first time – I’m not going to be the one to plunge you back into bad memories,” Smiler said firmly. “Besides, it doesn’t work very well, and we don’t have a good way to clean it, so. . .” They snuggled up against Victor. “What sort of heater do you want? Like the radiators your parents had in their mansion?”
“Ideally. . .though I guess that means we have to figure out running water first,” Victor admitted, frowning.
“Hey, I don’t mind turning my talents to plumbing! We need to do something about the bathroom anyway.”
“Other than toss the refuse down the nearest street drain?” Alice remarked blandly.
“That would be nice – unless there’s a mushroom farm down there,” Smiler said, sitting up straight. “We should check, actually – I bet you some lord or other set up something before the place went to ruin. And even if there’s not, we could set one up – who’s gonna check the tunnels here in Six Towers? We can get a few samples from my parents and see what grows!”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Victor admitted, before reaching out and pulling Smiler back in against him. “But let’s save it for a less-cold evening, shall we?”
“I’m in favor of that – even if squelching through our own poop would be pretty warm,” Alice said with her best Cheshire Cat grin.
Victor made a face at her. “You’re disgusting.”
Alice laid her head on his shoulder, blinking up at him. “And yet you haven’t kicked me out of the huddle.”
“Yes, well, you’re warm too.” Victor slipped his arm around her. “I love you. Both of you. And not just because you’re warm.”
“And we love you,” Smiler said, kissing his cheek. “And not just because you’re warm, because that would be a lie. Seriously, how is it you never gain an ounce no matter what you eat?”
“I don’t know! And I’m not about to summon up the ghosts of my ancestors to ask, so don’t mention it.”
“Aww. . .”
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ploridafanthers · 1 year
modern europe is already so climatically-unrelatable to me (floridian) but it is just impossible for me to conceive what they say life was like there during the little ice age
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finexbright · 2 years
Do you think Zayn told Louis as they were smoking together, maybe on a rooftop? i’m crying idk why all this talk on ur blog about zouis songs is having me play them all and i’m crying
okay so this is what i'm assuming: because of the intensity of their friendship and how deeply rooted the trust between them was, i don't think they ever had a direct conversation where they uttered the word "leaving". i think they just had one of those conversations, that on the outside look vague and trivial, but actually are filled with metaphors that they knew the other person would understand and that was that. because i don't think they were prepared to actually say good bye to each other.
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introvertedkour · 1 year
Green chillies harvest from garden.
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mrboernovember · 3 months
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Finished my planter boxes today. Check out the woodwork page for more info on that.
Anyhow. Change of season. Temperature has dropped. Extreme hot weather is done.
Planted some chillies (they did not grow well in the heat, trying again ), butternut (only showed progress on cool days) and peppers.
Here and there I have some cannabis growing. But I'll focus on that after I can get an actual fruit to grow.
Making progress with the beans. They are growing well. Week or so and I will harvest.
Here's to the next few months of tending to my backyard garden
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heart-star · 3 months
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A comic of the dog family from 80s pound puppies in Bluey's style and world: the parents Rusty & Lucy and the pups Andy, Candy & Mandy.
I'm sure that if this family was in the show or it had similar characters the Heelers would've been really nice friends to each other.
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Also in my current main oni playthrough I'm at 22 duplicants and my goal for the playthrough is to get all of them so I'm abt halfway there but god damn do I not have enough space for more of these fuckers I'm going to be able to shove some more into my two newest colonies on the two planetoids I've traveled to so far but one of them like Just got started so it's going to be a while before I'm confident in upscaling it, and the other one is mostly made up of radioactive biomes and salt water biomes with the only more livable biomes being at the very edges and the very bottom of the map, so while I do have a pretty stable base getting set up over there it's going to be pretty obnoxious getting the living space set up due to how little space I have in my current main base area and how far away the other forest biomes are from that. On the bright side I found the mysterious hermit home on the brand new planetoid so I at least don't have to worry abt him as much, although I'm gonna be real idk how I'm going to get food production up and running since there's like No dirt, and I don't rly want to have to send someone back up through the surface magma biome to pick up any dropped off supplies.
#rat rambles#the good news is that theres sleet weat on the newest one so once I get a lil more established thats smth I can start farming#theres also grub fruit and sweetles so Ill probably we farming those for a bit too#I say for a bit because while there is a sulfur gyser there its in the magma and I dont wanna fuck with that right now at least#if I was better at this game Id totally go for it but Im not so Ill take the cowards route#hopefully I can print some other seeds into that colony although Im not rly sure which plants Id want#I guess bristle blossoms wouldnt be bad? most of the planet is quite warm tho so idk#its mostly wasteland and chilly biomes Im pretty sure so not the best but could be worse#the main big big issue is going to be oxygen production and water#for now Im probably going to start moving ice to a warmer part of the map to melt it but after that idk#I guess I could just get the hermit and then bounce#honestly thats probably what Ill do since I really dont want to have to deal with the limited water#all my other colonies have infinite water sources already so I might as well focus living quarters there#my first colony is gonna stay limited tho since its the rly cold starting planetoid#Ive gotten my main base warm enough but I dont rly want to expand too much from there#mostly because the left of it is my sleet wheat farm and the right is where my cold slush guyser is#which I rly Should warm up more but Im going to be real I dont want to go too heavy on the forced warming#I want to leave myself with room to build more machinery without burning my base up basically#my other main planetoid is basically paradise for the dupes living there tho theyre doing great my chef even gets his own personal bedroom#I have a great farm set up and have way way more food than even ten more dupes could ever eat#I have been considering bringing in more dupes there but I wanna up my oxygen production more first#I finally ran out of algae and while I could theoretically produce more Ive slowly transferring to the water eating oxygen producer instead#I say slowly cause the process of getting the steam guiser on that plannet to be a decent water supply has been rough#its still not done since Im trying to get a steam turbine cooling loop set up on the other planet to utalize both the water and steam#but its been real hard given the lack of usable space in that colonu#my main problem is that I cant get the temperature to stay at a consistent level due to using heavy wiring#which is really frustrating since these things have so much power flowing through them I absolutely cannot afford to use normal wiring#like I could try to implement power tranformers into the design but Id really rather not since thatd mean taking up even more space#I might just get a insulated heavy wire connector mod or smth I rly cant be bothered after putting this much time into this project#oni posting
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richo1915 · 1 year
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Our last shift in the Winter Wonderland of Warwick.
Unload 3 and then load 3, job and knock with 12hrs on the docket, then drive back to Brisvegas.
I hope we get the chance to come back in two weeks.
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harrikirik · 1 year
Sunset ◾ Päikeseloojang
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Chilli Farming: छत्तीसगढ़ में मिर्च की खेती कर अच्छा मुनाफा कमा रहीं महिला किसान
Chilli Farming: छत्तीसगढ़ में मिर्च की खेती कर अच्छा मुनाफा कमा रहीं महिला किसान
मिर्च की खेती कर दो महिला स्वयं सहायता समूहों ने कमाया 1.8 लाख रुपये का मुनाफा. गौठान के लगभग 1.50 एकड़ जमीन में की सामुदायिक रूप से खेती. बागवानी विभाग ने दी जानकारी, अच्छी हुई पैदावार. जानिए कितनी आई थी लागत. छत्तीसगढ़ में मिर्च की खेती करने वाली एक महिला किसान. Image Credit source: TV9 Digital छत्तीसगढ़ की महत्वाकांक्षी नरूवा, गरूवा, घुरूवा एवं बाड़ी योजना के तहत बाड़ी विकास से बलरामपुर जिले की…
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bigashfarm · 1 year
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A chilly start to the day! We did end up getting to the double digits before it started to go back down. Woo hoo! Happy dance! 🤣 . . #chilly #boulder #boulderco #bouldercounty #lafayatte #lafayetteco #lafayattecolorado #louisville #louisvilleco #louisvillecolorado #longmont #longmontco #longmontcolorado #bigashfarm #bigashfarmcolorado #farm #farmlife #erie #erieco #eriecolorado #broomfield #broomfieldco #broomfieldcolorado https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBmwPyMUIU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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patilrohan · 1 year
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There are red and green chillies on the chilli tree New Sell on @shutterstockcontributors Pic 📷 @patil.rohan03 https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/there-red-green-chillies-on-chilli-1883758429 #shutterstockcontributor#chilliplant #shutterstockphotography#trees #asian #shutterstockindia #green #red #chillies #agriculture #food #greenchili #indianchili #organicfarming #organicfood #farming Thanks 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (at Maharashtra_India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW0kBMOoTuf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaybeebioorganics · 1 year
Neem-based Bio Pesticides for Organic Farming - Orga Neem (300 PPM)
Kay Bee Bio's Orga Neem 300 PPM is a central insecticide board-registered product containing Azadirachtin 0.03 % as an active ingredient. Neem seed kernel contains a number of bioactive compounds like nimbin, nimbidin, nimbolie, limonoids, and other bitter compounds which has potential pesticidal properties.
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