chonnysinferno · 26 days
why are there somany ships pls no more ships. this is the 4th one pls
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titlishu · 1 year
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this is A Thing and I'm love you
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grimini · 1 year
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visionpiner · 2 years
Home designer architectural chimny
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It is normally attached with liquid nails or similar construction adhesive.Ĭhimney caps with side tension screws are widely sold. This does not have a skirt, it only sits on top of a chimney. This is the skirt portion that is used to fasten the chimney cap to the chimney.Īnother way is to have a top mounted cap. It sits on the top of a chimney and comes down on the sides, The most common and recommended way is to fasten a cap from the side. It is basically an upside down pan with a hole and colar to allow for a flue to pass through. Most caps are used for added protection / decorative purposes.Ī chimney cap protects a chimney structure from water, small bugs an animals as well as acting as a decorative item.Ī chase cover is the most basic way to protect your chimney. Not necessarily, but they are recommended in areas with a lot of rain, snow and heavy wind that causes debris to fall into a chimney. These items are normally used for their decorative purposes, along with functionality.
CC300 Series – Chimney PotsĬhimney pots can be mounted on a chimney, a clay flue or on a chimney cap (usually a chase cover). Chimney chase covers are a very economical alternative for protecting a chimney. A vent will be needed to complete installation. These can be manufacture completely closed off to be custom cut on site, or K&M can pre cut holes to accept the flues, while attaching a collar. CC200 Series – Chimney Chase CoversĬhase covers are the most cost effective way to protect a chimney. These caps come with many designs, including concave panel roofing, hip and ridge, flat roof etc. Something we can custom cut here, or that can be custom cut on site. The base of this cap is normally open, to accept one or multiple flues easily, but it can be customized to be completely closed off, except to allow flues (like a chase cover), allowing for maximum protection when needed. These chimney caps cover the whole chimney, and therefore one or multi flues.
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devildomwriter · 5 months
Obey Me as Disenchantment Quotes #1
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Lucifer & Satan: *Laughing maniacally*
Simeon: “While I question their evil motives, it is nice to see them happy.”
Barbatos: “Now announcing the triumphant return of our heroes from their quest that we all privately thought would fail.”
Mammon & Leviathan: “…”
Lucifer: “How do we even know it worked.”
Solomon: “Oh but it must have worked. Now to test it, we need a volunteer to kill you.”
Belphegor: “Dibs.”
Barbatos: “How can you keep messing up a recipe with two ingredients?”
Solomon: “If you ever run into trouble give them this note.”
MC: “Kill me?”
Solomon: “Thirteen gave it to me, now I give it to you.”
Leviathan: “I’ve been meaning to…but the thing is, I…so you see…well, I’m glad we had this talk. How bout you talk now?”
MC: “But you haven’t said anything yet.”
Belphegor: “Well I was waiting to tell you until after I was dead so I wouldn’t have to tell you.”
Mammon: “Now just keep holding on, okay. Just keep holding on.”
MC: “It’s okay, it’s okay Mammon, I always wanted to go out while I’m still young and hot.”
Leviathan: “I didn’t want to tell you because I’m terrified of female emotions.”
Satan: “No, no, no, I was mostly raised by Lucifer. And a bunch of friendly drunks down at the pub. They taught me the fine art of stabbing.”
Barbatos: “It’s just too painful seeing the truth all the time.”
Solomon: “Ah, that’s why humans tend to avoid it.”
Belphegor: “The profession left without me.”
Diavolo: “Oh, that’s too bad.”
Belphegor: “I blame myself, cause I didn’t even notice.”
Solomon & Barbatos: *fighting*
Asmodeus: “Guys, guys come on. I’m much more embarrassed than I am aroused.”
Asmodeus: “MC, you poor baby. What a horrific day you’ve had. Let’s have too much wine and forget about it all.”
Beelzebub: “How’d you become a weird talking cat.”
Satan: “You keep shoving waffles in your mouth while I think of an answer.”
Thirteen: “I’ll use my skills as a hunter and Raphael will use his diplomacy to stab them with a broom handle.”
Solomon: “I used to spend many nights up here. Watching the sky, the moon, the neighbors.”
Lucifer: “This is your home. You’re free to explore.”
MC: “Wow, what’s behind that door?”
Lucifer: “None of your business nosy.”
Mammon: “Maybe you were overcome by chimney fumes. It happens quite frequently in a place like this with no chimnies.”
Satan: “What family curse? You mean insanity?”
Leviathan: “No, don’t be crazy. But yes I mean insanity.”
Asmodeus: “You guys are heavy. Do I really need both of you?”
Solomon & Satan: “Yes!”
Asmodeus: “Damn, I hate democracy.”
Mammon: “I knew you could count on me!”
Simeon: “What’s this called again?”
Mammon: “A a massage. It’s like a light well intentioned beating.”
Diavolo: “You’re clearly upset.”
Lucifer: “I’m not upset!”
Diavolo: “You said that like you were upset!”
MC: “Come on Belphegor be reasonable!”
Belphegor: “Never!”
Satan: “We’re gonna have to wing this in a dangerously half assed manner.”
Mammon: “That’s the Morningstar way.”
Asmodeus: “There’s plenty of fish in the sea, Sol.”
Solomon: “Like hell am I marrying another fish woman.”
Lucifer: “Disappointment’s a form of caring.”
Diavolo: “Tell me, where are you from.”
Solomon: “A country setting, it’s kind of like a farm but more stabbing.”
Simeon: “This whole thing feels like a weird dream.”
Mammon: “Or scurvy. When does scurvy kick in?”
Lucifer: “Believe it or not I know what it feels like to be burned alive by a mob of idiots.”
Beelzebub: “Oh, sweet butter, you’re the only thing right with the world.”
Solomon: “Morning, Belphegor! Care to try my new cure all? It wards off the deadly plague.”
Belphegor: “I’m actually hoping for death. Thanks though.”
Mammon: “For the first time in my life I feel completely calm and—“
Mammon: *Gets attacked by hawk*
Satan: “I’ve loved you since the moment you killed my brother.”
Mammon: “You don’t scare me! I was born scared.”
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therewillbenoromance · 4 months
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ohmy god pony heart chimny gash
i'm losing it /hj
u cant see it on the model but his cutie mark is a heart. it's so original ik
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“You know how it is. I invite you, Chimny invites Maddie, Maddie invites Buck, Buck invites Eddie, and now we gotta invite Athena and Bobby”
I like how Buck and Eddie are constantly put together in couple settings and yet still aren’t cannon
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iconuk01 · 5 months
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A Victorian Robin piece from British artist David Hitchcock. I liked the idea of the Batman of "Gotham by Gaslight" getting a Robin, so imagined that in that timeline, Dick Grayson might have been a chimney sweep rescued from the business by Bruce, and given a new life where he could make use of his size and rooftop running skills to much greater effect
(A notoriously cruel occupation, children were literally sent up chimnies to clean them from the inside, because they were small enough to fit. They were dramped, choking on soot and dust and generally treated like dirt, with the additional stress of it being very bad for their health.)
As a cover, a small child with a chimney brush would go pretty much anywhere unnoticed, because no one would pay attention to them. And, of course, carrying a brush is a perfect way to hide a bo staff when you have some payback to deliver.
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so-very-small · 2 years
It really won’t hurt anything.
The plate of cookies is right there, on the coffee table. They smell like almond and icing. Next to it is a glass of milk, the beads of condensation shining from the light of the tree.
So I go for it. Cookies for Santa are meant to be eaten, and if not me, then it’ll be the parents. I slip out of a crack in the walls, taking a quick glance to make sure the coast is clear, before darting across the room and scaling the table.
The cookies are almond, and they are so worth it.
I sit down in the glow of the lights from the tree, taking nibbles off a hunk of cookie the size of my head. It’s nice. A Christmas gift to myself. It’s utterly serene, until the overhead lights flick on.
Fight or flight, cookie falls from hand, rising to feet, scout quickest escape route-
The small word makes me stop in my tracks. Glancing up, in the doorway is the smaller of the human’s little ones. Her pajamas are rumpled, hair in a hurricane, but her eyes shine brighter than all the trees lights combined.
“Santa!” she says, in a half whisper, moving just a step closer.
And I could run. It would be very, very easy.
It’s Christmas.
“You’re supposed to be asleep!” I say, demeanor shifting instantly. I wag a finger lightly. “It’s far past your bedtime, Casey!”
At the drop of her name (overheard many times by playing siblings and fussing parents), her eyes go wide as saucers. She bounces a little on her feet, still too nervous to come close, and I can’t help but smile.
“It really is you!” she exclaims, “Did you bring my bear? Why are you so small? Aren’t the elves supposed to be small?”
I lift up a hand, silencing her excited rambles.
“Don’t be silly, the elves are the tall ones! They have to be big, to make all the toys and games and surprises! And I have to be small, so I can look at the presents re-e-eal close to make sure they’re perfect.”
I step closer, sliding my borrowing bag off my shoulder, lifting it up. I’m so glad I dyed the cloth with raspberries, the bright red helping with my new identity.
“I come down chimnies, but you don’t have a fireplace. I’m small so I can slip in through the keyhole! I keep all the presents in my bag, here, and I grow them big when I’ve set them under the tree.”
Casey nods along with every word, the beaming grin on her face never faltering. I chuckle, shouldering my bag once more.
“But, my magic won’t work if anyone’s watching,” I say, “Go to sleep, Casey, and you can look for that bear in the morning.”
She needs no further prompt, and she races off to bed. I take a second to breathe, and then I take a big crumb of cookie, and then I go home.
When the family opens presents in the morning, I stay by the crack in the walls and listen.
Casey gets her teddy bear.
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thekaykery · 9 months
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Ruler: Park Jimin
Crystal: Aquamarine
Capital: Quamari (qua-mar-ree)
Like Sugaru, Chimni also closely follows Armi, keeping the Continent safe with ancient magic the Seers possess. It is a common practice to bless newborns with Armi's luck to let fate guide them as they grow. The people of Chimni are lucky because of this, which sometimes gets them into trouble when visiting other countries. Chimnians are positive and hopeful, a little stubborn too. Peace and harmony are the foundations of every household. The youth are respectful towards their elders. They keep the youth in check, which is why violence is a rare occurrence. Chimni is additionally a popular vacation spot. Its glittering cities and delightful scenery draw people in from other countries and lands, as it is a wonderful place to live out one's golden years.
Chimni profits from ore in the mountains, such as silver, copper, steel, and iron. The main treasure, however, are the precious gems within the caves. Aquamarine, diamond, and emerald are the 3 native crystals. They are sent out to jewelers and craftsmen across the Continent. There is another crystal as well. It is rare and can be found deep within Chimni's lakes: Omala. It is said to have healing properties. Freshwater fish is another source of income, in addition with grain and livestock.
Environment & Climate
Since Chimni is about halfway through the Continent, it experiences all kinds of weather: Heavy rain, high winds, scorching heat. An occasional winter storm will blow through from Joonia and Kooju. For most of the year, Chimni is gently warm with momentary cold flashes. Mountains and forests are littered across Chimni, lakes and rivers mapping the land. In northern Chimni, the soil is brittle and dry because of the cold. Further south, it is moist and fertile.
Jimin as High Seer
Born to a human mother and High Fae father, Jimin did not have a nice childhood. He was often mocked, called “halfbreed” and “impure.” Because of this, Jimin struggled with his self-esteem and confidence growing up. He began loving himself for who he is in the early part of his first century of life. Losing his mother was incredibly tough. When his father tired of ruling Chimni, Jimin took the helm and became High Seer. The adjustment was difficult. Most of the fae turned their backs on him. The humans, however, loved him, thankful that their new leader understood them. His mother, nicknamed Mother of the Seer, is often included in their prayers. They are grateful to her for blessing the country with a half-human ruler.
Jimin is a kind and gentle soul. His relationship with his people is important to him. Though his connections with the fae are tenuous, Jimin is close with his human subjects. These are his mother’s people. Jimin is eternally thankful they accepted him. He can be mischievous at times, and his teasing can get him into trouble. He is handsome, and Jimin wields it to his advantage, alluring women and flustering men alike. He is headstrong and brave. Jimin is close with High Priest Yoongi of Sugaru. Yoongi is Armi’s direct voice, and Jimin occasionally receives visions from her. Some are vague; others are clear. Due to Jimin’s gift, this allows Chimni and Sugaru to have a dexterous relationship.
Hierarchy of the Seers
High Seer/Seeress
Strongest branches of militia
Although the Continent is at peace, each country has prepared forces ready for battle. These forces are for external invasion rather than internal. Chimni's strongest battalion is the aria (airforce). Since a small portion of Chimni is shared with the sea, it is an unlikely place of intrusion. Air patrols are vital to the safety of Chimni and its people.
Like Sugaru, Chimnians mainly practice armina. This is most common in human households. Other religions – catallia, jedwa, ismala, and lukana – are also present and practiced. The fae previously worshiped Armi, but after her death, they stopped and forgot her.
Important locations
Will be added
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thekaykery © 2023
portrait done by @winterofherdiscontent
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apsupmix · 9 months
Surfing the Electrosphere
I started the year 2024 by flying planes in the year 2040. In other words I played Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere, Japanese version with fan translation. I went in the game knowing it would be more futuristic sci-fi story, I knew about multiple story paths and endings, I knew it had anime cut scenes, and lots of voice acting. I knew, but I wasn’t ready.
Ace Combat 4 is in my brain a baseline Ace Combat game. Not in bad way, but it’s story is quite straightforward, simple in it’s execution. Missions in AC4, from what I remember, are mostly basic stuff, not many “gimmick missions” that usually spice up things story wise in Ace Combat games. I knew that Ace Combat 4 wasn’t the first game in the series, I can count, but I felt that surely things that came before would be at most on that level of complexity. I was wrong.
Though I should acknowledge that Ace Combat 3 wasn’t ahead of it’s time in all aspects. Gameplay wise, sure it’s Ace Combat game, the controls are familiar it feels like an AC game, but not quite as good as I’m used to. I can’t put in words were the issues were, but the core feel of gameplay definitely improved with later games, with hardware generation’s change, with experience of the developers.
Not that it mattered too much that the control wasn’t at it’s best. Most of the missions were too short and simple for that to matter, few targets, often just stationary ground targets even, and done. And to be honest the times when there were actual dogfights, I was happy that they were a rarity. Also back on those gimmick missions I mentioned, AC3 had quite a lot of those; following a plane on canyon, destroying chimnies from the path of bio weapon filled blimp, going to space. And space was one mission and it felt physically different than flying normally, another moment where I had to stop and just be impressed by the game.
Speaking of being impressed by the game. The story is the big thing of AC 3, of Japanese version of AC3. Story with multiple paths, five endings, low resolution anime cut scenes and lots of voice acted dialogue when people sent voice mails and news clips at main character between missions. Story set in the future where corporations have surpassed nations, future where peace keeping force of Neo United Nations (NUN) is ether inefficient or just tool and lackey to the corporate power. Future where Internet is called Electrosphere and wikipedia is Peek-A-Boom! (not all parts of the future are bad).
Player character starts the story in before mentioned inefficient peacekeeping force, trying to find solutions when two corporations go to war with each other. Player can join different factions, but instead of findings solutions or answers, they find people who are or get hurt and betrayed and who lash out in anger, with fighter planes. I didn’t think about it too much when I was playing, but when I started to think about the game for this text, I realized how much of that there is. Looking at the list of characters in the game, especially pilots, they all are or will at some point of story be angry, because of hurt, of betrayal. And in the secret final ending, it’s revealed that behind everything was the world’s most pettiest man, making a petty act of revenge.
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere is a good game. One reason I started to write these things was to decompress my brain, to help that feeling of finishing a game and having it be stuck in my head. And after writing all this, the amount of Ace Combat 3 thoughts in my head hasn’t gone down at all, none of the pressure has been released. In my head, instead of brain, there is Electrosphere.
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dreamcast · 1 year
who put all this lava and coins in my chimny
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ahno-nimus · 1 year
The familiar thing about
is the fine smoke that it chimnies through my fiiiinnne eeearrrs
I don't know why all things are together, but the unified scouring of a name, to make it a story. A fake truth. A real falsehood.
A choir sings. A soup is made. A holy holy holy horde god of ghosts, speaking through the face of a false man.
I don't know.
A great act of harmony over a single corpse while rot takes thousands without dreaming.
We just want to be saved, wrapped in leather, with steel within.
When would I leave? Take the stairs to the big party in the soapy sludge, ozymandias looks on.
Did I really need a second donut? Did god really need a second chance?
I don't know.
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startup-77 · 3 months
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alohapromisesforever · 6 months
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nimbooz · 8 months
32 & 13 for all three, 9 & 10 for chimni, 33 and 34 for kamal, 4 and 5 for dhanush
32: done!
13. What languages do they speak?
I think the answer to this might be a bit complicated. There's a common language throughout the land of Navaka, but it widely differs in dialect and has different scripts (in addition to geographically stuck native languages). All three characters can speak the common tongue (no name yet) as well as their native tongue, and Kamal and Dhanush are literate in their native tongues. I'd also add that chimni has a very strong accent/his dialect kinda slips through while speaking common.
9. Food preferences, dietary restrictions, are they picky?
I haven't decided if I want to keep this or not, but in my head Chimni is a vegetarian (whether or not she stays one by the end of the story I haven't thought of yet, but basically in her culture food is rooted in agriculture and so meat isn't much of a staple, only the rich enjoy it and it's kinda frowned upon.) Favourite dish.... I haven't thought much about the culinary aspect of the world but since Chimni's from an area heavily based off of my culture, I would probably say something akin to pithla bhakri which is kinda like a cooked lentil porridge (???) with a millet flour flatbread. as well as a spicy thecha (kinda like chutney) on the side. farmer's staple!
10. Jewellery?
The only pieces of jewellery they wear are an anklet made of bronze and bits of blue agate, and a pendant they keep in their pocket that belonged to their mother (important to plot!!)
33 and 34: done for everyone!
4. How crafty/resourceful is this character?
Being born into royalty and having lived in comforts for basically his whole life, Dhanush isn't very good at surviving in the real world. He has useful skills (calligraphy, archery, swordsmanship, some instruments) but this basically does nothing for you living in the wild or as a "common" person. He's nifty though, he'll learn quick.
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