#chinese man running in blue suit and gold shoes
im-nearly-30 · 2 years
Have you seen the Asian guy in the Blue Suit and Gold shoes running really fast?
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If you're like me you're almost 30 and before you go to bed you lie awake for about 30 to 45 minutes in bed scrolling instagram watching re-uploaded tiktok videos.
I can't remember the first time I came across the 'Vintage King' videos but it was before they even introduced the 'Red Prince' (his brother).
These videos were wild and I would scream anytime I found a new one immediately sharing it with my one friend (and he is actually 30).
If you haven't had the great fortune of stumbling across any of these videos it usually goes like this:
A young man going his way through his life is met with an unfair and unjust situation. He turns tail and bolts, tears streaming down his face.
The pain and hurt is too much and he must change, he must TRANSITION!
As he sprints across the road with magnificent speed a bright flash signals his change, just in time with the beat drop. He is no longer the crying and sad boy, he now a MAN wearing a bright royal blue suit and golden vintage shoes. He swiftly passes the camera and looks back with a smugness as we get a view of the full buttocks on display.
You get the gist of it. Usually all of the videos follow the same format of Cheng having some sort of difficulty and then running away crying and then returning stronger than ever wearing a blue suit, gold shoes and pillow tucked into his pants.
Pi has now been added to the saga as the Red Prince as his main antagonist and the Blue King is too overpowered to be taking on normals anymore.
I'm honestly fascinated and a little obsessed with this strange series, it feels like a fever dream. Anytime I run across one I head straight to the comments because I know I've found my people. The people who speak English and are glimpsing into the "Wild Wild East" of foreign-made videos for social media.
For months my one friend (who is actually 30) and I would talk about these strange videos. We would have brief respite from time to time as our algorithms were inundated with various trends - like the Long nose dog who will do it for me, or Chestnuts roasting on an open Fye - but we would always return to the normal daily dose of "The Cheng & Pi Vintage Brothers".
Usually I would be okay with just that but lately I've been thinking about even when I'm not on instagram. I would be in my morning Teams meetinfs thinking about the man in the blue suit running so fast in these golden shoes. What is he running from? What is he running to? Is he a good guy? Or is he a bad guy?
Spurred by these nonsensical questions I fired up the old Google Chrome and just started looking for "running chinese man in blue suit" and I did manage to come across a lead -
The Ultimate Vintage King himself (self pro-claimed No.1 handsome boy).
Where does he fit into this? I don't know but he does have the OG cast (Blue & Red) on his actual TikTok.
I must continue my research and find out more, I must know who the Blue King and the Red Prince are!
Much Love,
You're almost 30 year old friend.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Lost Tomb Lewks: Reboot Part 11
(LTL Masterpost) (All Canary Masterposts)(Part 10)
I’m making my post titles more specific because I’m loving the clothes in The Mystic Nine and in Ultimate Note, so I expect I’ll continue this series with other shows when I get to the end of Reboot Season 2. 
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Look 56 is - surprise! - a cozy sweater. This one is a deep, huggable brown in a sort of waffle stitch (OP is not a knitter; knitters pls feel free to elaborate in comments). He wears this with loose blue jeans and...shoes. This show doesn’t feature his feet often enough for proper shoe commentary. 
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This is a perfect look for pacing and talking, half to yourself and half to your buddy, as he gets absolutely, completely baked. 
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Wu Xie is doing his pacing while he gazes at an enormous pin board filled with pictures linked together with red string. The red string board is becoming one of my favorite CDrama tropes. I’ve seen it in Detective L, Mystic Nine, that new show with Wue Xie number 2 Psych Hunter, and probably a couple more shows. It’s a thing in older American detective dramas, too, but not in modern ones and not nearly as often. 
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It does look cooler than a whiteboard with magnets, but it seems like a lot of work. For this pin board, Wu Xie Wang Meng had to cut a bunch of red string and print out a bazillion cell phone pictures, which someone managed to take during all of the running around & death defying action. All so Wu Xie could theorize that everything connects to...some random point in the middle of the board? I don’t know who these guys are in the middle picture, but I don’t think they’re responsible for all of the rocks in the other pictures. 
If you change your mind about a connection, and move a pin, do you have to re-loop all the string to keep everything taut? What if you need to move an end pin when you’ve already cut the string? Perhaps OP is overthinking this. 
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This look is a comfortable one for lying on the couch when you’ve exhausted yourself with string management. 
(more behind the cut!)
I love the aesthetic of this apartment. It appears to be full of furniture taken from Wu Xie’s study in Wushanju, but because it isn’t mixed in with the fancy older antiques, the vibe is totally different. The furniture is midcentury modern, with a lot of warm tones and leather, which matches Wu Xie’s clothing choices. This quality of furniture subtly reminds us that these guys are antique dealers. Even when they’re down and out, they have discerning taste.
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The textiles, cushions, the throw blanket on the table, are all colorful, tactile, and comfortable, matching Pangzi’s clothing and overall vibe. Overall the space is a nice mix of both of their looks, which is appropriate for an old married couple long-term roommates. 
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He completes this outfit with a olive-green hooded jacket with lots of flaps and pockets. 
Side note: their buddy  Jin Wan Tang (on the left) might be officially gay? Unlike the blatant subtle queer coding that appears in a lot of CDramas, this character (and that one guy in the Rain Village section) seems flamboyant in a stereotypical “gay best friend” way. But I’ve only ever seen one acknowledged gay character in Chinese cinema--the very stereotypical tailor in Kung Fu Hustle--so I don’t know if the semiotics are the same as in western media. 
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Anyway, I dig his mix of business suit and funky jewelry, and I share his appreciation of shirtless Xiao Ge (in Season 1, not today, sorry).
Look 57 is actually a rerun of Look 45, but it’s one of my favorites, featuring a beautiful soft suede jacket in a warm camel color. This time we get a much better look at the jacket, so I’m featuring it a second time. (Previously he wore this to hijack Li Jiale’s truck.) The jacket features detailed tailoring, with pleated pockets with flaps and buttons, and a nice strong collar and lapel that contrast with the softness of the material. 
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Under this lovely jacket he wears a cream colored sweater, jeans that fit really well for a change, and work boots. 
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This outfit is good for mournfully looking at a heap of smashed ceramics. 
It’s also good for struggling through a gas attack designed specifically to destroy your unhealthy lungs...
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...and make you hork up blood, because it’s not a Zhu Yilong show if there’s no mouth blood, and it’s been at least a couple of episodes since we’ve had any. 
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This look is perfect for going to visit your snippy ex-boyfriend while you’re unconscious, so he can bitchily save your life. 
“Hey, Canary,” you might have thought up above, “with all these above-the waist shots, how can you tell his jeans fit well?”
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This. This is how. 
Oh and hey, we finally get a really good look at his shoes. His shoes, people. 
Look 58 belongs to bitchy doctor/chef Huo Daofu. 
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He’s wearing a white double-breasted chef’s coat featuring contrasting piping and buttons. It is perfectly fitted, which will will learn is true of everything this man wears. 
Over the jacket he’s got an immaculate work apron, and under it he’s wearing a thin grey turtleneck sweater with ribbed collar and cuffs. He wears turtlenecks a lot. Whoever is giving him hickeys, it’s not Wu Xie any more because he hates Wu Xie. Hates him! 
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Cue endless tender medical care and eventual deep abiding friendship. Also possibly shacking up, it’s hard to tell how many people really live in Wushanju at any given time. 
The first part of Look 59 is a deep olive-green long-sleeve tee shirt worn over a grey undershirt. 
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It’s a shirt. It’s green. 
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He looks really fucking good in it, okay? His arms are beautiful even when they’re covered up.  This shirt needs three gifs because...it just does.
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Look 60 is Bai Haotian’s awesome green satin roller-disco jacket. 
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The styling is straight out of 1979, which is long before she was born, making this a fun retro throwback. Or possibly she borrowed it from her grandma. The collar and cuffs have sporty black-and-white ribbing.
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The jacket has nice contemporary details to give it a fresh look. These include suns, moons, and mountains (I think) running down the arms in a contrast stripe, and the words “magical altitudes” in embroidered sections on the back and chest. 
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Wu Xie’s Look 59, Part 2 is also featured in these caps. He’s put a strangely short waisted grey jacket over his nice green shirt. Other than the short waist, it fits nicely. 
Those jeans, on the other hand. Wu Xie’s ass deserves better treatment than this. Paging Xiao Ge
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Periodic reminder: Xiao Bai is absurdly, absurdly pretty. 
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So is Wu Xie.
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Bonus Look 1: Okay, Xue Wu is a bad bad man but damn, his clothes are always amazing. He favors emphatically Chinese looks, but always  with contemporary tailoring details, so he doesn’t look old fashioned. For his daughter’s wedding he’s wearing a deep blue suit with blue embroidery and this cool gold collar pin. 
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Bonus Look 2 is Wu Xie in his favorite blue marl sweater. Or he has a few blue marl sweaters. Anyway, this time he’s lying down and resting his eyelashes while he wears it. 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 5: You Make It Easy
Summary: Steve finally takes Katie out on a date.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language! And a whole heap of fluffy fluff fluff.
A/N: Once again, a huge thank you to @angrybirdcr​ for her lovely little edit.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 4
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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The elation Steve had felt about actually getting a date with Katie soon evaporated the next morning when he realised he hadn’t the first CLUE about where to take her, what to do or what to wear. He wasn’t naïve, he knew dating had changed since his day but the fact he had no reference point to even start from, having never been on a date before, wasn’t helpful either.  So he sought some advice
“A nice shirt and jeans.” Peggy smiled at him, the old woman elated he had finally done it. “Nothing too flash, and pick a restaurant. It doesn’t have to be fancy, women are more impressed by a man who’s paying them attention instead of simply paying for the meal.”
“Okay, right.”
“You know her, Steve.” Peggy looked at him. “What type of food does she like?”
“Italian, Chinese, but we do that all the time.” He shrugged, before he stopped, suddenly remembering something she had said to Evans a couple of weeks back in exercise, “You know, come to think of it she has mentioned a new place in town. La Placa I think it’s called.” “See, there you go.”  Peggy patted him on his arm before she smiled at the look on the young man’s face “Just be yourself Steve, that’s who she wants. No one else.”
“Thanks Peg.”
“And make sure you kiss her goodnight…” She grinned, a twinkle in her eyes. “Us ladies do like a bit of passion every now and then you know.” He rolled his eyes at her cheekiness, running his hand through his hair which was in desperate need of a cut. He stayed with Peggy whilst he googled the restaurant number, made his reservation and then text Katie to tell her where he had booked.
Can’t wait xxx
He grinned to himself, and then pushed his phone away and turned back to find Peggy watching him, a sly grin on her face.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy before.” she remarked, somewhat wistfully
.He smiled “Been a long time since I felt this good.”
“It suits you.” On his way home he swung into the barbers and stepped in. As he sat in the chair the man asked him what he wanted doing, and he was about to say trim when Katie’s voice stirred in his mind.
“Trying to imagine what you’d look like with shorter hair and a beard…” “Shorn back and sides please,” he said as the man asked him what he wanted, “and take it a little shorter on top.”
Katie woke suddenly on top of the comforter on her bed, fully clothed. She’d fallen asleep!  She sat up, thinking back to the last thing she remembered before her nap, piecing her train of thought together. Ah, yes, Steve had messaged her to tell her he’d booked a table somewhere which had prompted her to start looking for an outfit. She’d realised she had no idea what to wear so had been debating calling Pepper to ask for advice, but had decided it wasn’t a good idea because she didn’t want Tony to know she was dating yet, let alone who.
But there was someone she could call. Desperate times called for desperate measures, right?
Biting her lip she sighed and picked up her phone, scanning through to the person she was looking for and the cavalry arrived an hour and a half later in the shape of a red-haired deadly assassin.
“There has to be something in here that’s first date suitable…” Natasha mumbled, as she continued to search through the various items in Katie’s closet. Half Katie’s clothes adorned the floor of her walk-in-wardrobe and bedroom as they had discarded everything she’d tried so far. “It would help if I knew where you were going.” she sipped her beer thoughtfully.
“La Placa.” Katie told her after a pause, “Tapas place, but if you turn up I swear to God…”
“I got better things to do with my spare time.” “No you don’t. And I wouldn’t put anything past you.”
“If you don’t trust me why did you ask for my help?“ Natasha drawled, still rifling through the clothing racks. “Because Pepper is a four hour drive away…”
“Well that’s just rude.” Natasha mumbled and Katie grinned, shaking her head as Nat placed her beer down on the top of a set of drawers and moved to a rail “Ok, try this.”
She pulled out a knee length navy blue Balenciaga dress with a fitted top half, scalloped neck line and three-quarter length lace detailed sleeves. As Katie shrugged it on, Natasha hunted in the shoe rack, pulling out a pair of mid-height nude Kurt Geiger courts with a stiletto heel and matching bag.
“Not bad.” She mumbled as Katie stepped into the heels and gave her a twirl.
“Better than the grey one?” “Definitely.” Natasha nodded approvingly “I think we have a winner!”
Katie gave her a double Hi-Five and Nat picked up her beer as Katie stripped out of the dress and pulled on her T-shirt and shorts, before she glanced around the large bedroom, sighing at the mess.
“Better tidy this up in case things go well.” Nat smirked, before she pondered “Huh, actually, do you reckon Captain America puts out on the first date? Mind you, knowing Roger’s he’s probably a virgin…”
“I’m pretty sure people had casual sex back in the 40s too you know.” Katie rolled her eyes. “He was on the USO tours surrounded by dancing girls, there’s no way he didn’t do the old horizontal tango.”
“Yeah but…its Rogers.” Nat pressed giving a snort “Imagine if you are the one to pop his cherry.”
Katie groaned, shaking her head. “Shut up Widow.”
She smirked “Okay, so how long have we got?”
Katie glanced at her phone “An hour and twenty. And what do you mean we?” “You asked for my help, right?” Natasha shrugged, “Thought I could do your make-up and hair too…” Katie looked at her for a moment and smiled “Thanks.” She shrugged then drained her beer before turning Katie round and pushing her towards the en-suite “Go shower then we’ll start the transformation.”
An hour later Katie was ready. Her hair was curled in soft waves, and her makeup was done, a bit heavier than normal, but still subtle enough to avoid looking like it had been applied with a trowel.
“Perfect.” Nat gave her an appraising look. “Right, I trust you can get dressed without me?” “I think I’ll manage.” Katie said, standing up as she made her way out of the walk-in wardrobe and followed her into the hall where she picked up her jacket.
“Oh and if you need me to bail you, just give me an SOS call…” Nat made a phone sign with her finger and pinkie by her ear. “I think I’ll be ok.” Katie smiled, “but thank you, for all of this.”
“Have fun…” Nat grinned and then added with a smirk “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t”
“That doesn’t exactly leave a lot…” Katie quipped
“That’s my point.” Natasha intoned as she walked into the hall and pressed the button for the elevator.
“Nat, you won’t tell anyone will you?” Katie asked, “I mean, it isn’t that I don’t trust you, just…” Nat paused turning back to the brunette to find her chewing her lip with nerves. She shook her head “I won’t tell a soul. I know how much you two like each other, you’ve been dancing around it for months, so… just enjoy ok? Have a good time. You both deserve it.” “Thanks Nat” Katie smiled. The two girls shared a quick hug and then Nat left
***** Steve had to admit, he liked his new hair. It was much more like the style people sported now, but in a way it also reminded him of how Bucky had worn his back in the Howlies. He picked a light blue shirt, his dark navy jeans and then pondered before settling on a pair of brown boots that matched his jacket and belt. He was ready with plenty of time and found himself pacing as he thought about how the night could go. There was no doubt it was going to be way different to how he had imagined his first date to be. Back in his day it was movies, dinner and a dance. Now there were no dance halls, and they watched movies all the time. But, as Peggy had advised, for once he was going to “go with the flow” and just see where the night took them both.
Finally, after an agonising fifteen minutes during which he had pretty much paced non-stop and drained a good measure of scotch, even though it did nothing bar give him a comforting burn in his throat on the way down, he headed to the cab that was waiting and they set off to pick up his date.
Jesus Christ she looked amazing. Her hair was cascading in waves over her shoulders, the smoky brown eyeshadow she was wearing made the green in her eyes even more noticeable. And her dress…navy blue, knee length with a detailed neckline and sleeves that finished halfway down her forearms. The top half clung to her body where it flared out slightly from her hips and her heels accentuated her shapely calves to perfection. As Steve looked at her he found himself imagining various crude scenarios where said delectable dress ended up on the floor, but that wasn’t gentlemanly. Nor appropriate.
Katie felt her breath catch when she saw Steve. His light blue shirt was tight enough to accentuate his ridiculously well-built top half, and a brown belt with a gold buckle adorned his toned waist. And he’d had a haircut. Gone were his longer locks and side parting, and in its place was a short back and sides with slightly longer strands on the top, tousled into an exceptionally modern style. He looked incredible.
Steve broke the silence between the two, clearing his throat gently.
“You look beautiful.” He leaned down to give her a peck on the cheek.
“Thank you, you look pretty good yourself, you do something to your hair?” Katie teased.
“Thought it was time for a change.” he shrugged it off casually as his cheeks warmed. “Still getting used to it.” “It looks great.” she assured him.
He beat her to her jacket as she reached up to take it off the peg and held it out so she could shrug her arms into it. Once they were in the elevator, he reached out and took her hand and she laced her fingers into his. He glanced down at her, his eyes meeting hers and she flashed him a smile.
Yeah, he’d lucked out, big time.
The restaurant was busy but not packed. They were seated at the back in a little booth in the corner. Steve had never had tapas before, but Peggy had explained it to him before.
“So the idea is we pick, what, three or four dishes?” he asked, looking at Katie
“Yeah, they’re like small portions and you share.” Katie nodded. “Although you eat like a horse so we should probably order more.”
He grinned and looked back at his menu.
“You choose.” he placed the card back down eventually, beaten by the list of items. “I literally have no idea…”
“Alright.” Katie grinned. “But you have to try everything…”
The waiter returned with their drinks and took their food orders. Katie ordered a large enough selection along with a side order of olives and different breads with dipping oils before flashing the waiter a smile and he scuttled off.
“I think this is normally the part where we ask each other questions,” Steve said as the waiter disappeared. “You know, get to know each other a bit more.”
“Yeah… think that ship already sailed though.”
“True,” Steve nodded bashfully, there wasn’t many things that they didn’t know about each other, although as he watched Katie was biting her lip, almost as if she wanted to say something, but at the same time didn’t.
“What is it?” he asked, reaching out for his drink.
“Something Nat said before…” Katie flushed, caught out. There was no way she was asking that question.
“Why does this worry me slightly?” He paused, beer raised halfway to his lips.
Katie looked at him and shook her head, the flush continuing to rise up her neck “Yeah, I’m not, it’s not first date conversation.”
He cocked his head to one side. “Now I’m extremely worried, and a little intrigued.”
“You really want to know?” Katie cocking her head to one side and when he nodded she shrugged. “Alright, you asked for this…” she straightened up in the seat as he did the same, bracing himself. “Are you a virgin?”
Steve groaned and screwed his eyes shut. “No, I’m not.” He sighed shaking his head before he looked back at her. "After I first got the serum there was suddenly all this attention on me and I didn’t really know any better…” “There was no one before?” she frowned slightly, almost as if she was surprised.
He shook his head again. “Girls weren’t exactly interested in me before hand, Bucky was the one who had the looks and the swag. He had a different girl every weekend. I guess when they finally did start looking at me that way I just, I dunno…” He stopped and took a breath. “God, this makes me sound like a right jerk. There weren’t that many”
Three to be exact. And none of them had been anything to write home about. He got the distinct impression they hadn’t particularly enjoyed themselves either, not past the fact they could boast about having bedded Captain America. Plus, he was infatuated by Peggy at that point as well and found he craved the tenderness that was supposed to be associated with the act, not merely the physical bliss. As corny as it sounded, he genuinely wanted someone to be with him intimately that wanted him, not Captain America.
As he watched, he noticed Katie was watching him intently and he swallowed a little as she simply shrugged. .
“We all have a past Steve.”
“I haven’t been with anyone since I came out of the ice.” He added softly, feeling the need to explain that he wasn’t that type of man.
“I haven’t since Grant.” she eyed him. “One night stands are overrated.”
“I wouldn’t know.” He shrugged, locking eyes with her. “That’s all I ever had.”
Katie studied him for a moment. She had no idea why, but to learn he hadn’t had a girl that way before he became some kind of war time celebrity, and knowing that the ones he had been with were probably chasing nothing but the kudos of being able to say they fucked Captain America, made her kind of sad. No wonder he was always so self-doubting.
She smiled and reached across the table, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Well, personally, I think all those girls that picked Bucky over you were dumbasses. I’ve seen the photos of you before all this happened…” she raised her free hand and held out her index finger, and gestured up and down his torso. “You were sweet”
He chuckled and took a drink of his beer. “You know I heard that a lot…you’re really sweet and all but…“
“Like I said…”she leaned back in her chair slightly, “Dumbasses” Steve was aware that her ankle was brushing against his slightly and he felt the warm flush in his cheek at her forwardness, but soon found it disappeared and was replaced instead with simply enjoying the fact she wanted to be so close to him.
As tactful as ever, Katie swiftly moved the conversation on and it took a natural turn to Tony’s renovation of the tower and then New York in general, how much Brooklyn in particular had changed since Steve had left it behind to go to war.
It was through this conversation Steve discovered that in all the time Katie had spent in New York she had never been to Coney Island.
“Maybe I could take you one day, down to the fair.” He suggested.
“I’d love that.” She smiled and his chest swelled even more.
Their food arrived and they continued to talk. And, considering they had started the date off thinking there wasn’t much more to find out about each other, both of them were surprised to see exactly how much trivial stuff there was to learn about the other. For instance, Steve knew that Katie enjoyed baseball but what he didn’t know was that whilst Tony was a Yankees fan, she actually supported the LA Dodgers, having grown up in Malibu. Suddenly her teasing about the fact they had moved made perfect sense. And in turn, Katie knew that the Dodgers relocating was a bug bear of his but, since he would rather go into the ice all over again than support the Yankees, he had started watching out for the Mets results, but apparently it just wasn’t the same and as such he hadn’t been to an actual game since he came out of the ice. Both of them found out the other preferred dogs to cats, cats making Katie sneeze and their ability to hiss and scratch you with no damned warning whatsoever made Steve not trust them as far as he could throw them. 
“I can just read the headlines now!” Katie chuckled after Steve had added that if he wanted to he could probably throw a cat quite far. “Captain America killed my Cat.” Steve let out a low chuckle, shaking his head as he picked up his beer. “Don’t cats always land on their feet?” “I dunno, depends how hard you’re intending on throwing it.” “I’m not intending on throwing any cat anywhere.” Steve shook his head “As much as I don’t like them I couldn’t deliberately harm one.” “Tony did. Well not deliberately, and he didn’t so much harm it as kill it…” “Oh you gotta tell me this story!” Steve grinned, leaning forward, topping up Katie’s wine glass from the bottle that was in the ice bucket in the middle of the table.
Katie grinned, “When we were kids, the first place we lived in was down this huge, posh road  with like 3 other houses on and we had this really eccentric neighbour, Mrs Livesy her name was. She had like 18 cats or something ridiculous and one morning, Tony was reversing the car out of the garage and he flattened 2 of them.”
Steve nearly spat his beer back into his glass. “He ran them over?” “Yeah…” Katie said, and by now she was full on laughing “But the best bit is, she comes round asking Dad if he’s seen the cats, dad’s got no idea what’s gone on right as Tony’s moved the cats and bribed me to keep quiet with the biggest ice cream you could imagine, so dad is all like ‘I’ve got no idea Mrs Livesy I’ll be sure to keep my eyes open…” Katie took a deep breath, wiping at her eyes “So then Tony comes back, Dad mentions that Mrs Livesy was looking for 2 of her cats and Tony’s like ‘huh, well you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat’ and me, being the little shit I was at the age of 4 pipes up ‘no that was you this morning, remember?’”
Steve laughed, and watched as she carried on giggling. “He never forgave me for that, Dad made him go round and apologise. And he had to attend a memorial for Mr Whiskers and Bagpuss…”
Eventually after desert and a few more drinks it was time to leave, Katie tried to split the meal bill with Steve but one stern look stopped that in its tracks. This was a date, he was paying. Thankfully she didn’t argue too much. Steve then asked her if she wanted to go for a drink, she gleefully accepted so he took her hand, gently leading her across the road, holding the bar door open for her. They both sat at the bar, Katie turning her seat so she was directly facing him, the pair of them leaning closer to one another as they talked. And the conversation just continued to flow, as did the odd but subtle display of affection, moving their chairs closer together, her hand on his shoulder. Steve was surprised to find how easy the whole thing was. He had no nerves, no awkward moments. The chemistry fizzled and there wasn’t a single moment he was stuck for anything to say. It was for that reason he was disappointed when the bar tender called time and reluctantly stood up as Katie drained the final bit of gin from her glass.
As Steve held out her jacket, his hands gently brushed her shoulders as she shrugged it on, sending a tingle down her spine and the hitch in her breathing didn’t go unnoticed. She turned to face him, all green eyes and pink lips, blinking as her eyes locked onto his and before he could stop them, his hands connected at the base of her spine as she moved closer to him, not moving her gaze from his, hand resting on his chest.
“I’d really like to kiss you again…” Steve said, shyly.
“You know you don’t have to ask.” she replied. Smiling softly he leaned down and connected his lips with hers, the kiss growing slightly deeper until Steve remembered they were in the middle of a public bar. He pulled away gently, resting his forehead against hers briefly, blushing like an absolute moron as a small smile tugged on the corners of his mouth.
“You know, for someone who said they’d never taken a woman on a date before Rogers, you’ve done amazingly well.” she blinked up at him, grinning.
“That’s because you make it easy to be around you.” He shrugged, honestly. He took her hand, curled his fingers round hers and made their way out into the street to hail a cab.
All too soon they pulled up outside her apartment block and both of them found themselves wishing the night would never end. Steve told the driver to wait whilst he hopped out and walked her into the lobby, their hands still twined together. There was a part of him that wanted to follow her in, and a part of her that almost invited him to, but they both wanted to do this right, take their time.
“I think now is the part where I’m supposed to ask you if you had a good time.” Steve turned to face her as they stopped by the elevator door.
“I did.”
“And if you’d go out with me again?” “I already said I would, Coney Island remember?” she replied cheekily, leaning closer to him.
“I meant before that.”  He rolled his eyes.
“I’d love too.” She muttered, and then his lips were on hers again and they were kissing, exactly where they had left off in the bar, only this time they were alone. Steve’s hand snaked into her soft hair, angling her head slightly and she parted her lips, their tongues tangling easily as once more the fireworks erupted deep in Steve’s belly.
“Always leave ‘em wanting more Stevie…” Bucky said, nudging him on the arm, winking as they crossed the fairground towards the girls “That’s the trick…”
Steve couldn’t stop himself from smiling he pulled back. Their night was at an end, it was a perfect place to leave it.
“I really did had a great time tonight, thank you.” Katie whispered as he pressed his forehead to hers, giving her lips another quick peck before he stepped back a little and she reached into her bag for her key card, pressing it to the pad by the elevator.
“Me too.” He smiled as the elevator doors opened. She stepped inside, turning to face him and flashed him another grin.
“Night Stevie.”
“Night, Sweetheart.” He replied as the doors shut. With that, he turned round and grinning to himself he walked back to the cab. Date 1 down, and it had been a roaring success.
**** Chapter 6
**Original Posting**
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untaemedqueen · 5 years
Peregrination > j.jk
Chapter 1.
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A cold breeze blows through the cracked window of your room. The white curtain whipping wildly as you stir in your sleep. It seemed to be an ordinary occurrence this winter, your landlord has told you on quite a few occasions that the building just could not afford the heating bills. You pull the heavy duvet cover higher up your clothed body, only your eyes peaking out of the sheets. Your eyes snap open, heavy and sleep laden. They find your trusty digital clock and with a groan you squeeze your eyes shut. Just an ordinary day for a very ordinary you. Waking up before your alarm seemed to be a skill of yours, add that to your resume. Maybe this was why you were constantly exhausted, besides the constant hours of working. There were twenty four hours in a day and seventeen of them were dedicated to non-stop working just to afford your bills and living. This was no way to live, and yet, you did it. Never truly getting out of the hole that was dug for you from such a young age. 
With a groan you sit up in bed, your hair flopping to one sit as you stretch widely, your bones popping and creaking as you ready yourself for the same tiresome day of work. Today just like all days would be the same, incredibly monotonous and depressing. You stand up, stepping on to the cold floor barefoot before tiptoeing over to your window. With a finite groan, the window closes and you look around your studio apartment. The rising sun starting to illuminate the small space. It was the same for you each day, shower, makeup, small breakfast that you could afford, dress for work and then finally work for most of the day. “So it begins again.” You say to yourself as you grab your phone. 
An apple hangs from your mouth as tie your shoes, you wiggle your toes and frown looking at the seams to the soles of your shoes. They were breaking again, only one pair of shoes lasts three months around here with all the walking you have to do. You wear your shoes to the bone and then struggle to pay for new ones every few months. ‘Just another debt.’ You think before grabbing your grey wool pea coat. “Let’s go.” You begrudgingly grab your keys and your phone before shoving them in your pockets, the last thing you grab is your wallet before shoving it in your coat pocket. Several scenarios run through your mind making you giggle as you imagine being held up by a thief, he demands your wallet and money and all you can do is shrug. Money? Never heard of it. You don’t own any. You lock your door before chuckling at yourself. “I’m such a hoot.” You mumble as you chew your apple descending your staircase. 
The streets are bustling with the morning work crowd, you see the same zombified faces as you walk towards the ever familiar place. The train station up ahead, the large letters signifying its existence scream at you as you watch people descend the stairs in a hurry to make the 6:45 train. You step around a pile of trash in the street before smacking into someone. You mutter a sorry before looking up at the figure. An older Asian man smiles down at you before bowing, he stands up right before holding out a business card. You take in his appearance quickly as he fixes his blue tie. His suit looked expensive, way to expensive for this neighborhood. His glasses get pushed up his face with the middle finger of his hand as he smiles down at you. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Come see me.” He says before bowing once more and walking in the opposite direction of the crowd. You stare at the man as he walks away fixing his black suit. He was dressed very stylishly to be walking anywhere on this block. “Hey! Lady! People don’t have all goddamn day y’know. We got things to do!” Someone yells pushing past you into the train station. You hum in agreement before shoving the card into your coat pocket. You couldn’t miss that train. 
You smile mentally as you grab a seat on the train, yeah you might have shoved a teenager out of the way but at least you get to sit on this long ride to work. You pull the business card from your pocket as you stretch out your legs. The card was heavy duty, iridescent purple lines the card as you look at the gold lettering. ‘Magic Shop. Your dream become reality.’ You raise an eyebrow trying not to laugh. What the hell is this? A strip club? You read the address before snorting. Yeah, okay, weird old Asian dude. I’m on my way right now. 
You enter work keeping your head down, people bustle around you as you walk towards the elevator. “Y/N!” You turn your head to the familiar brown haired girl, her outfit impeccable as always as you press the elevator button. Your only saneness in the world, Kim Ha Won. “Ha Won.” You greet her as the elevator doors slide open. She hugs you tightly pushing both of you into the elevator making you chuckle. She pulls away before accessing your outfit. “You look nice!” She feigns looking down at your shoes, you snort before pushing the fifth floor button. “Thanks for trying to bring up my confidence. Feels good.” You joke making her pout. “Why don’t you just take up my offer? I don’t care about the money, just take it. I hate seeing you like this.” Ha Won had a very big heart, which was great and all but you could never take her money, your pride just wouldn’t let you. She was the type that didn’t even need to work, she just did so, so she wouldn’t be ‘bored’, a concept you couldn’t get your head around. You gaze at her and she sticks her hands up defensively. “Look at this.” You say handing her the business card you received on your way to work to distract her. The elevator ascends and she looks down at the card. “Wow, this card is pretty!” She flips it back and forth before looking at you, “You should totally go!” You look at her incredulously before laughing, “I am not going. It’s probably a strip club or something.” She pulls out her phone as the elevator stops and the doors open. “I’m looking it up and we are going after work.” You pull the card out of her hand. “No, no. I didn’t show you to get a dumb idea in your head. It was to be funny. To look at it and say, ‘Ha. Ha. Very strange and funny. What a weird thing to receive so early in the morning.’ Not for you to actually WANT to go here.” You take off your coat and walk towards your desk. She follows behind you. “Nothing shows up on the search engine.” She mutters, her black heels slapping against the wooden floor of the many cubicle office. “Shocking.” You say feigning shock as you approach your small cubicle. The grey padding of the walls greets you as you sit down with a sigh. “Ha Won, go away.” You say shooing her, “My seating changed! I sit here now!” She announces happily before sitting behind you, you smile warmly before mentally smacking your forehead. She won’t relent on this, you should have never said a damn thing. 
“We’re so going.” She cheers behind you as you hang up the phone. You roll your eyes before turning in your chair, your index finger up as you flip your hair over your shoulder. “No. No we are not.” You turn to your computer hearing Ha Won’s complaints as you begin to type out the chapters assigned for you. Yes, that’s right, you write textbooks for grade schools. Could you possibly think of a more boring job? No, maybe a sanitation worker. You work seventeen hours a day writing textbooks for kids that would draw dicks and hearts all over the pages. Minimum wage looks good for those textbooks, no? 
You groan standing up, shutting off your computer. “Ready to go?” You hear Ha Won behind you, “No. I’m going home so I can go to sleep so I could return in the morning and write more about Physics- the Forces and Motion of the world.” Ha Won rolls her eyes before throwing you your coat. “Let’s go Y/N. You’re making me depressed.” You gasp at her feigning shock. "Me? Be depressing? No way." She shoves your shoulder before grabbing your hand. "Come on!" She squeals pulling you towards the elevator.
The two of you stand outside the Magic Shop, it looked old, really old. With old ancient Chinese lettering and jade ornamentals hanging up. You poke at one of the red paper lanterns hanging from the signage signifying the places existence. This place was two blocks from your house, how have you never noticed this place before. "Lets go in!" The place was dim, almost seeming closed if it wasn't for the shadows passing by the murky glass windows. "I don't know Ha Won. I don't think it's a good idea." Ha Won rolls her eyes folding her arms. "Y/N, you stay in the same routine every day, just this once. Have fun, let's just check it out. You're allowed to not be miserable for one day." You sigh loudly as Ha Won walks towards the door. You begrudgingly follow with a groan, the door opens with a flourish as she enters. Little bells dinging as she steps in.
You step inside and your mouth drops slightly looking around, it definitely doesn't look like this from outside. A young man sits at a desk, his wire framed glasses at the tip of his nose as he doesn't even pay notice to the two customers in the shop. "Hello?" Ha Won asks as she watches him write in a book. "Hi." He says not looking up, his black hair falling into his face as his tongue peaks out of his mouth, caressing his bottom lip. You and Ha Won stare at each other in silence before you clear your throat. "I was given this card." You say pulling the business card, his head snaps upwards to look at you, his fingers busy pushing up his glasses. "Come." He says holding his hands out greedily. You look at Ha Won and she shoves you forward with a smirk. You hand him the card and stare down at your fraying shoes. "Wow. The highest tier." He mutters in awe. The wall behind him was full of filing boxes. He stands up, his body tall and lean, you could practically see his muscles through the thin black shirt he was wearing. You look away embarrassed as your attention focuses back on the wall. "Y/L/N." Your eyes find him look at you. "That you?" He asks pulling at the small drawer. "Y-Yeah. How would you know that?" You ask creeped out. "We know lots of things. Nothing to be scared of." The guy turns back to you after placing the business card in the drawer. "I'm Seokjin. Pleased to meet you. I will hand you a card, on this card you will write three things you would like most in the world, please." He hands you a thick rectangular card stock with gold edging. It had your full name on it and you turn back to Ha Won. She ends up sitting on a leather stool in the corner, her face alight with excitement. This was exactly her type of thing. You look back at the Asian guy, he sits back down before pointing to the seat next to Ha Won, “Go on, nothing to be nervous about just three things you would like most in the world.” He smiles before handing you a heavy black fountain pen. He looks back down at his book, you clutch at the stock card before heading back to Ha Won. Seokjin looks at you eagerly before clearing his throat. He takes off his glasses before sitting back in his chair, you plop down next to Ha Won. You hand her the stock card, “This is so cool!” She cheers silently, “You don’t think it’s strange? They know all this information on me.” She shrugs before handing you back the card. “Well, go on! Write the three things. It’s just three things.” You stare down at the card, what were the three things you wanted most? You lean back staring at the ceiling, you wanted to never work again, you wanted to be out of debt. “Be precise.” Seokjin says before running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what I want.” You whisper to Ha Won, she snorts before shifting her body in front of you, making your knees touch. “Sure you do. Here, close your eyes.” You do as told before taking a deep breath, “Just answer spit back an answer quickly, okay?” You give a small nod as Ha Won grabs your hands. “What do you want most?” “To be happy.” “And then?” A smile in her voice, you were lonely. “To have a happily ever after.” Yeah, it was corny but it was true. “And last?” Your head swims, “To do something with my life that makes me happiest.” You open your eyes and Ha Won smiles down at you, “That’s kinda like the first one.” She says making you nod. “Well, to be happy at first meaning to be well off, to no longer have any debt from my parents.” She hums understanding, “Write it.” She says picking up the fountain pen from your lap. It lays heavily in your palm as you bend over to lean on the glass table to your side. 
1. To be well off, to no longer have debt or worries with money.
2. To have a happily ever after, finding a soulmate.
3. To do something with my life that makes me happiest.
You look down at the black ink as it dries into the card stock, seeming like it was being carved into stone. You look back up at Seokjin, his hands clasped and perched under his chin as he smiles at you. “You have a good heart, Y/N.” Seokjin says finally standing, and you along with him. You close the small distance between you and hand him the card. He grabs the card and places it within a grey envelope. His back greets you as he searches the wall of small drawers before finding your box again, his mouth quirking up as he opens the drawer. He places the envelope in carefully before closing the drawer. A loud slap resounds through the room and he sighs happily. “Request granted.” He says quietly before turning back to you. “Y/N. It’s been a pleasure, I hope to see you again sometime.” You blink at him as you set the pen on the desk. “Uh...That’s it?” You ask confused, Ha Won stands up before stretching happily. “That’s it, I’m afraid.” Seokjin grabs his glasses and sits back down, his legs land on top of the desk as he leans back in his chair. “Um. Okay.” You whisper as Ha Won approaches the desk. “Can I have a go?” She asks happily, Seokjin sucks his teeth before frowning. “Unfortunately you did not receive an invitation. Only Y/N has. My apologies ma’am.” Ha Won frowns before shrugging. “Cool. Thanks Seokjin.” He nods to you before giving you a smile. “Let’s go.” Ha Won grabs your arm and pulls you out of the store. “That was dumb.” You say as you both walk down the street. “I thought it was pretty cool, at least you know what you want most in life.” “Yeah but knowing and being able to do something about it are two completely different things.” You counter walking in the direction of your apartment. “God, you are so depressing.” Ha Won laughs rolling her eyes. You pull your pea coat closer to you as you hit the corner of the street, the chilly wind suddenly blowing in your face. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m meeting Kwon for dinner.” You nod and give her a hug, “Have a good night, be safe.” You call to her as she crosses the street quickly. She gives you a thumbs up as you lose sight of her in the bustle of people. 
You enter your apartment with a sigh before placing your keys in the small shell dish by the door. Back to your mundane life, back to typing up textbooks that kids would never remember, and the same anxiety for debt you would never overcome.
You wake up early and stare at the clock as you bring the comforter up to cover your face. "I have one more sick day, maybe I could be ill today." You mutter to yourself, you stare at the ceiling recalling yesterdays strange events. Seokjin and the weird Magic Shop flipping through your mind as you hear water rush through the pipes in your walls. Why would you write down what you wanted most in your life if you could hardly ever reach these goals? You could never have enough time for yourself to look for your soulmate. After your parent's died when you were small it was up to your frail grandmother of 75 to raise you. She was nasty, unnurturing and wanted nothing to do with you. What she 'forgot' to mention all those years of raising you, was that your parents had took out many loans to live a lavish lifestyle that was way above their paygrade. So much money in fact, that the internet assumes it'll take you 70 years to pay it off. Seventy years. That's your whole lifetime, basically. Working for fifteen dollars a hour would not get you nearly enough as you would stuggle to take care of yourself in between the paychecks. You groan loudly sitting up before shaking your hair with your hands out of frustration. You kick your feet watching the comforter fly off with an angry sigh. Stupid life, some people just shouldn't have kids. You stand up before huffing out. Fuck the Magic Shop, it was pointless to look towards happy things when you would be miserable your whole life. "I'm gunna go over there and give that Seokjin a piece of my mind." You decide before standing up, the cold room nipping at your skin as you stretch beginning to wake up.
You stomp towards the Magic Shop as you mumble to yourself. "I'm gunna give him a piece of my mind." You whisper as you cross the street. The wind bites at your face as you push down the street. You approach the Magic Shop before stopping short. "Wh-" You stare, mouth agape at where the shop should be. A dilapidated building meets your eyes and you cough out a noise of shock. “What the-” You step towards the building, a City Quarantined sign visible on the door. ‘Closed due to Asbestos.’ This building looks like it has been closed for decades. “No.” You say out loud. This is absurd, you were here just yesterday! You take out your phone, your vision blinking rapidly as you look for Ha won’s number in your contacts. 
The phone rings loudly as you stare at the white and grey abandoned building in front of you. The pain peeling off in a disorganized fashion, the windows showing signs of wear and tear as the wood cracks on the sills. Ha Won picks up with a cheery voice, “Morning! You okay?” You clear your throat and look down at the sidewalk, “We went to the Magic Shop yesterday, right?” You ask, knowing the answer, you were here! “Are you sure you’re okay? Of course we did. Did you hit your head.” “Well I came back and it doesn’t exist!” You practically scream into the phone, “Doesn’t exist, wh- Y/N. You are sure you’re on the right block, right?” You roll your eyes at the question before stepping backwards. “Yes, of course I am! It isn’t here, Ha Won. The building says it’s been closed for asbestos.” Ha Won sighs through the phone. “See, so?” “It seems like nothing has been here for years!” Ha Won clears her throat as you hear wind blowing through the phone, “I think you need a nice hot bath and a glass of wine. Why would the shop disappear in the middle of the night? Because of asbestos, it’s a perfectly good reason. Wouldn’t want that handsome guy getting all sick from it.” She says dreamily, “You are seriously no help.” You scoff before biting your lip, peeling some skin. “Just get your ass to work, you can’t be late again.” She says playfully as she thanks someone over the phone. You stay silent staring at the signage. “We’ll talk about it when you get here, just get here.” She says before you hear the elevator button ding through the phone. You drag yourself away from the building, “See you soon.” She says and you hum in agreement before the line cuts dead. It doesn’t make any sense, how the hell could you go to some beautiful shop yesterday and now there was nothing there besides a dilapidated building? There were no Chinese lanterns or anything of the sort. You walk down the street, your head doing countless turns as you look back at the building. You rub your temples as a headache comes on strong. You walk towards the subway, your pea coat flying in the wind as take the Magic Shop card out of your pea coat. “It’s not possible.” You say descending the steps of the subway. 
You stand on the platform as the 6:45 train rolls in, the business card still in both of your hands as watch the train fly by, your pupils moving with it. None of this makes any sense. Did Ha Won not believe you? Why does she shrug everything off so simply? Why do you take everything with such skepticism? The train halts to a stop and you enter the train car door. The train was pack as always, the heat on making you pull at your shirt collar, bodies pressed up against bodies as you clutch at silver pole to steady yourself as the train pulls off again. You close your eyes as you think back to yesterday, it was such a strange event. You felt strange in the shop like maybe things would change for you, but you knew better. Nothing would make your life better, not magic, not anything, You were stuck like this, in this constant state of torment and worry. 
You finally sit down as people rush off the train at the same stop every day. Someone slams their body down next to you with a huff and you look sideways at them before gasping. “Y/N.” Seokjin says with a smile, “Seokjin!” You exclaim, you look him over. He wears a long white tee-shirt, a beige sheeps skin coat hugs his body as he cross his legs, black cut up jeans grace his legs as he sits comfortably next to you. He didn’t have glasses today and he gives you a warm smile. You shake your head looking at him, “I went back, this morning. I went back and it wasn’t there!” He nods before looking at the clock. “Magic.” The train stops short in the tunnel, ‘Sorry folks, there is a train in the station ahead of us, we will be moving momentarily. Thank you for your patience.’ The train conductor announces over the intercom of the train car. “Magic does’t exist!” You whine wanting a real explanation. The train begins to move quickly, “This is my stop.” Seokjin stands up, towering over you. You stare up at him about to get off with him, he notices your jittery movements before putting his hand on your shoulder. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t follow me, you aren’t destined too.” The train doors slam open and he moves through a sea of people off the train as you call out for him. Just like that, he was gone again and you curse loudly. An old lady looks up at you from her book before giving a noise of disappointment. You roll your eyes before picking at your nails as the doors close. Destiny? Magic? What is will all these fantasy words?! 
You stare out the window as the train approaches a tunnel, the train shrouding itself in darkness with small bulbs of light flashing through the window. The train seems to pick up speed as you continue to stare, the small bulbs of light growing bigger and flying by faster as you inch forward in your seat. My God, this train was going fast. The train speeding down the track so fast, all the small bulbs begin to blur into one, taking up the whole window making you squint. You look around at the rest of the people on the train but no one seems to notice how many miles per hour you were travelling. “Oh fuck.” You whine clutching at the silver railing as the train gets wrapped in the bright light. “GOD!” You yell as the train doors fly open, your hair blowing furiously at the wind, the smell of burning metal enters your nostrils as you close your eyes. You were going to die. This was it for you, and maybe, that would best. Take you out of this miserable life. The train comes to a harsh stop throwing you from your seat. You head smacks painfully against the floor and with a groan you lose reality.
You groan loudly, your closed eyelids red showing your veins as you sit under some sort of sunlight. “Y/N?” You hear above you, you groan at the unfamiliar voice. Your closed eyelids going black as the sunlight fades from your face. A large hand shakes your shoulder and your eyes open slightly. You stare up at the guy above you, his head tilts giving you a large smile. His bunny smile makes you raise an eyebrow as his eyes squint in happiness. His long black hair falling in his face as he holds his hand out. he looks at you expectantly as he pushes his hair back. He was gorgeous, with his goofy smile and his brown eyes that bore holes into yours making you feel like you were naked in front of him. He bites his bottom lip trying not to giggle and you notice a small birthmark under his lip. “Are you going to take my hand? Or are you going to just lay there?” You clear your throat before grabbing his hand. He hoists you up effortlessly and you look around. You were in a field, a sunflower field nonetheless. “Uh, wh-” You mutter rubbing at your head. “You’re so clumsy, my gosh.” The stranger says before standing tall next to you. You look up at him as he fixes his black tee-shirt. You look down at the ground before furring your eyebrows. “How did I get here?” You ask aloud as you kick at the large rock next to you. “Well, we drove. If that’s your question. You got a concussion? Should I call my manager?” He asks before stepping away from you, like you had the plague. “I-I’m just confused.” You look up at his brown eyes again and he laughs. “Come on.” He says slinging his arm over your shoulder. “Who are you?” You ask looking at his limp hand dressed over your shoulder, large silver rings dot his fingers as you look back up at him. “Don’t play like that. You’ll make me worried about you.” A man approaches the both of you with a smile. His figure familiar as he closes the distance. “Seokjin!” You cheer recognizing him, he gives you a smile before greeting you with a small wave. “Y/N.” He says before looking at the guy next to you. “She fell trying to come and fix my hair.” The guy beside you clarifies and you fur your eyebrows. “I was?” Your head aches with questions as you stare down at the ground. Seokjin lifts his face with his hand before placing fingers on your temples. Your mind begins to fog, memories you never made enter your mind and they mingle with your real memories. You cringe at the strange feeling, your mind swimming trying to grasp these images. “What are you doing to her?!” The guy next to you says swatting at Seokjin’s arms. “Fixing her.” Your eyes roll back at the new information entering your mind. “You’re both weirdos.” The guy says as he walks away. Seokjin pulls away before smiling down at you. “What was that?” You whine grabbing at your head. “Magic.” You look back up as the guy approaches you with a water bottle. “Here, it’s really hot out here. You must be dehydrated or something.” He gives a nasty look at Seokjin as you receive the water bottle. You stare up at him before what feels like gears grind in your mind. “Jeongguk.” You say pointing at him, his bunny smile returns before letting out a sigh of relief. “I thought you were really sick or something.” He slings his arm back over your shoulder. “Let’s go.” You look at Seokjin as Jeongguk pulls you away. He pulls a card from his back pocket. It was your three things list. As you look at him, the card disappears leaving just sparkling ash behind. “Wish granted.” He says before putting the dust into a purple felt bag. He throws the bag at you with a wink. “Magic.” You whisper as you step into the shade with Jeongguk.
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It’s a helluva town (Joe Mazzello x fem! Brazilian! Reader oneshot)
A/N: This was requested by @johndeaconlover​. Here, Joe Mazzello introduces his Brazilian girlfriend to the American metropolis of New York City.
Genres: fluff!
Word Count: 2075
Warnings:  lack of editing, other than some swearing and a hint of mentions of sex, none really.
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“Start Spreading the neeeeeeeewwwwwwws, I’m leaving todaaayyyyy!”
 Liza Minelli’s croon was honeying its way out your eardrum and you knew if it weren’t for the claustrophobic plane, someone else’s would too.
“We are all a…”
Joe turned his head to yours with an eyebrow wiggle and a grin on the BAM.
You mouthed “a great big part of it!”
“New! York!”
The plane was so close to landing. It was not a long plane ride from the place you met, but Sao Paolo and New York City were a long way away.
You tapped anxiously, peering out the window for any sight of the Statue of Liberty. But you were in the middle seat with Joe in the aisle. The desired window seat was taken by a businesswoman in a blue suit and an eye mask who needed the plane trip for a mask, so mouthing along to your NYC playlist had to do to kill time.
It was fair, your boyfriend, Joe, had indulged you in making and listening to a Brazil playlist when you both went over to Sao Paolo to meet your family. Now it was time you saw some of his countries in his favorite city. The city that defined the country of America, even! Every superhero movie, every nineties rom-com, every movie seemed to take place in that mythical, large empire of a town that was both the best and the worst place to be in the world.
As the plane began to tilt to land, the next song popped up from one of Joe’s guilty pleasure musicals.
“New York New Yoooork, a helluva town!”
People began unbuckling their seatbelts and your view from the window was blocked.
“New York, New York, a helluva town
The Bronx is up, but the Battery's down
The people ride in a hole in the groun'
New York, New York, it's a helluva town!”
“C’mon, Y/N! Got your stuff!?” Joe asked, his toes and feet were tapping away as if he had too much coffee.
“Got everything!” you assured him, pointing up to where your carryon was stored. 
You both raced down the airport, large and neverending. The lyrics to that song were still ringing in your ears and those same emotions with it.
Finally, you hopped on the elevator and made your way up, up, up. People were already everywhere. You even noticed a gay couple kissing boldly while riding the escalator down. Buildings and skyscrapers loomed over your head, far taller than your hand could reach, was New York such a place?
“Y/N, I keep forgetting all those words you taught me, what’s the word for sorry?”
“Desculpe, Joe! And it’s okay! It’s not your home tongue.”
“Desculpe! But you’re a wizard at English and it’s not fair my Portuguese is crap,” he said with his hand reaching for yours.
This was the thing with Joe. Despite everything that could have kept you apart, from a city, an ocean, and even a language, you loved each other and wanted to learn everything about the other, and nothing would change that.
Even if it meant a taxi nearly drove right at you, which it did. 
You hopped to the sidewalk with a scream. You had been so transfixed by the buildings you were nearly hit. 
“Are you alright, dear?”
“Yes, I am! Obrigaga!”
“Obrigada! Dammit, Obrigado!” Joe corrected, switching to what he was supposed to say as a man.
You giggled and assured him it was alright with a kiss on the cheek.
People, people were everywhere. Subways were packed. You clutched onto your purse and backpack nervously, you knew there were thieves that would take advantage of travelers. Joe kept his arm around you. It was a little too public, but you felt safe and that was all that mattered to him.
On the ride, you both agreed you would go to Times Square and get food before settling into the hotel. You had insisted. Times Square was the beating heart of this nightmarish fairy tale and you needed to see it was real. Then finally, here it was. Times Square had a hundred screens in front of you, ads for movies and Broadway shows. There were large department stores with entire music videos showing off their fabulous clothes in front of you. The bright red sign for Coca Cola would alter to become a moving ad for the latest Broadway show. People dressed up as Elmo or Micky Mouse but in rather filthy character costumes lined up all around the area. You clutched Joe’s warm hand and felt your mouth drop a little.
Joe is so happy; everything is perfect at this moment. He flat out takes you to a place empty of people and spins you around. You squeal in happiness, feeling the air rush through you and your hands clutching together. But though the colors and wind swished around you, there was still Joe, clear and in the center of it all.
You had paused, a little breathless. But the wind picked up and you were shivering.“It’s so cold here! How do you not freeze?” you ask, walking away from the little area.“Like this” Joe responds, placing two arms around you.
You nodded and smiled, then leaned over and pecked him chastely. The thought of one bold troublemaker yelling something about a couple kissing made your heart freeze a little.
By the time it was over, you were breathless and laughing very, very hard at all the other tourists with phones, just as excited. Both of you smiled and kissed in again once you had walked away. You both stopped at a small pizzeria. Joe kept insisting that the smaller, local places were the diamonds in the rough people forgot. The pizza itself was so warm it made your nose run a little and you had to use a napkin as a handkerchief. 
“Am I being rude?” you asked demurely, looking to see if any other diner would judge you.
“No, this is rude!” Joe said, he took two extra straws, placing them slightly up his nose.
“Look, I’m a Walrus!” he joked.
You giggled so much you had to catch yourself to breathe. Then you both finished the cheese pizza slices, peeling off the extra melted cheese from the plate and feeling a little sleepy with travel and grease.
As you both passed by the street where your hotel would be, you noticed all of the shops you had passed by. There were more cafes than you could count. Taxies were slowly going through the traffic like big, yellow turtles. But the clothes shops were the most fascinating.
There were shops you had seen in malls and then there were upscale New York shops. Joe had promised he wouldn’t take you to someplace that was unsafe or dirty (or if you did wander off, he would protect you)Those shops, which you could tell were always yellow or white inside their walls. They had tall crystal chandeliers inside, glittering and tinkering. Soft music played in bits when you passed them. You asked Joe to let you pause and admire them for a little bit
But the most spectacular of all were the clothes! Purses as smooth as cream dangled from a mannequins fragile arm. Blouses the color of the ocean bedecked white, blank bodies. But most of all were the dresses. Dresses for jobs, picnics, bars, nice parties, weddings, dinner, meeting celebrities, and other even more glamorous events than you could imagine. 
You paused especially in front of one window displaying the most beautiful gown you had ever seen. It was for the evening with one roman strap draped across the shoulder with diamonds attaching it. The waist was a little cinched and the skirt gently fell down in ripples that would reveal its true size if you twirled around, with layers puffing out around you. 
The best part was the color, it was a rich, royal purple.“It’s so beautiful.” You cooed with eyes wide. You walked over and tried to align your reflection with the display to see what you would look like wearing it.
“I think so too. I love the color.” Joe agreed, scanning over it.
Your head whipped around, snapped from the dream.
“What is your favorite color, Joe? I can’t believe all these months I never asked!” you cried.
Joe nodded with a little laugh and went “purple!”
“Me too!”
You began laughing and high fiving him.
“I never knew!”
You both headed to the hotel and checked in. Your feet ached. You both had ordered Chinese, ate it while watching trashy tv, and then crashed into the bed, falling deep asleep.
The next day, Joe promised a slew of adventures. Sightseeing, museums, dinner.
But that involved lines. And maps. And subways. And people.
Numerous people. More people than you ever thought possible. It was annoying to have crowds squished up next to you as you sat. It was annoying to get a front view of a stranger’s rear end as they held onto the handle on the ceiling as you sat. It was annoying to sit with a couple arguing and duck as a shoe flew past your head in an argument. And it was especially annoying that a whole family took over one cab and kept yelling “selfie!”
Yet Joe was there, nodding patiently and holding your hand. “That’s New York.”
First, there were Rainbow Bagels. They were so warm they brunt your fingers and almost too pretty to eat. Like every hyperactive child’s dream. But you scrapped butter on it and ate it, and Joe made jokes about finding the gold at the end and almost swallowed his whole bagel to find it.
Then there was the Museum of the Moving Image. There was a line. You both waited out in the cold, huddled together, watching the ’94 World Cup on your phone while sharing headphones. Joe kept swearing and cheering at the tiny Brazilians bringing victory much to the cynical amusement of the other people in line and those passing by.
Looking into the museum, he knew just as much as the guides. It was filled with large white walls, and Joe saw an exhibit for Jim Henson and almost ran there. He nearly had his face pressed against the glass where the Big Bird puppet was kept. He pointed and smiled at everything like a child at Disney.
And so did you.
As you passed, you realized that the cacophony had its own music. From the sound of a saxophone accepting coins in a hat to the honks of cars. Visually, it was cacophony too. But beautiful. You noticed a rainbow painting on a building with a punching fist on it and it seemed as grand as any Botticelli.
As you both sat in the subway, dead tired from all the activity, you listened to Rumors by Fleetwood Mac.
Joe poked his head around, turning right and left slowly. There were only a small family and a businessman who hopped off at the last spot.
Now the subway picked up again you were alone.
He looked at you with a wide grin and skipped on your phone to “The Chain.”
“Joe?” you squeaked nervously.
He began to hum along and do air guitars. Then you both were singing at the top of the lungs:
“You would never break the chaiiin!” You both wiggled and did little dances in your seat, sometimes shifting a bit in your seat to the beat. You smiled so wide. You loved this man so much.
But right when it skipped to “Oh Daddy”, Joe was so deep amid his jam session he did not account for the group of teenagers hopping on and staring through their long bangs and frowning braces.
You tapped his shoulder and he looked and then stopped immediately.
But when you got back, you changed into PJs and laughed between laying on the bed, holding each other and exchanging kisses.
“Well, what do you think?” he asked, he pulled you down onto his chest. One warm hand was wandering on your thigh, teasing promises for later.
“Expensive, crazy, tiring.”
“Baby, you’re not wrong” Joe agreed smugly.
“But…beautiful, exciting. Magical and just…American, I guess” you sigh. You lay a hand next to your head to gently touch his chest.
Then you give him a glance and smile, getting closer to a kiss, adding “just like you. But you’re better.”
“I’m glad,” he said, sealing it.
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Thank you to the lovely gems @satans-helper @mountainofthesunn @beautifulcinephile @safarimama @gretavanfic for tagging me! <3
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
27, yes I’m ancient in Tumblr years haha
3. When is your birthday?
Feb. 23
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces sun, Aries rising, Scorpio moon.
5. What is your favourite colour?
dark greenish blue, like dark teal I guess.
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
My kitty cat Padmé....and there’s Obi, too, a younger, misbehaving kitty cat.
8. Where are you from?
Southern Arizona (it’s a dry heat!)
9. How tall are you?
5′1 1⁄4 “(you will pry that fourth of an inch from my cold, dead, hobbit sized hands!) also all y’all are tall af! What gives?
10. What shoe size are you?
7 or 7.5 depends on the style of shoe
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A reasonable amount, I do believe in having shoes for every occasion.
12. What was your last dream about?
I was trying to pair a body suit with a skirt or something to attend a concert, but then a “race of superior humans” took over everything and well, the concert was no longer a priority.
13. What talents do you have?
I like to think I’m a pretty good dancer...
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I have a strong intuition, I think. 
15. Favourite song?
Today I am going to say Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty.
16. Favourite movie?
Probably Forrest Gump
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone kind and funny. A good human being who’s just trying their best.
18. Do you want children?
I think so, but not for a long, long time.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I got opinions about marriage as an institution...but if I gotta get married I think I’d want it to be somewhere outside.
20. Are you religious?
Not anymore
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Not admitted, just emergency room stuff
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
lol no
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met an actor from a kid’s soap opera in Mexico once idk his name tho. (and i swear to god I saw Travis Barker from Blink 182 at the San Diego Zoo once, could not confirm tho)
24. Baths or showers?
Showers (but Lush bath bombs are fun and fizzly and smell good)
25. What color socks are you wearing?
barefoot rn
26. Have you ever been famous?
no, but as a toddler my picture was used in a newspaper article lol
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not really, I just want to be able to wear gorgeous gowns and walk down a red carpet and pose haha. And also be interviewed, I pretend I’m interviewed a lot in my head.
28. What type of music do you like?
I listen to a little bit of everything in spanish and english, but mostly pop, rock, soft rock, oldies, r&b, hip hop. Like shoes, there is also a playlist for every occasion. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
on my tummy, arms under my head, making a four with my legs (if you know, you know)
32. How big is your house?
big enough
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
an egg dish of some kind.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
nerf gun lol
35. Have you ever tried archery?
No, but my middle school BF, Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood was really good at that.
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
24 hours i think
39. Do you have any scars?
Oh, ya...thanks Padmé
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I know of...
41. Are you a good liar?
Ha! No! My best friend says my voice gets two octaves higher when I’m lying haha
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I believe so, yes.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I mean, I’ve tried to do British, that’s what happens when you grow up watching LOTR, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean over and over lol
44. Do you have a strong accent?
My Spanish and English are unaccented, but i’m sure when i travel to other parts of the country they know I’m “not from ‘round these parts.”
45. What is your favourite accent?
One time I heard a man from Holland speak and I’ve never heard an accent as beautiful since. But usually I like New Zealand accents.
46. What is your personality type?
Chill and funny.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Probably my faux leather jacket
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Fuck yeah, especially tarantulas. 
52. Favourite food?
Egg rolls
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
My personal spaces are messy...there is order in the chaos, though.
55. Most used phrase?
“You guys are bad, bad kitties.” 
56. Most used word?
“Ubie” one of the many nicknames for my younger brother.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
about 30 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego?
it exists and is a fickle thing
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
suck and then bite when it’s been weakened lol
60. Do you talk to yourself?
oh yeah
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
no, not really, but that ain’t gonna stop me
63. Biggest Fear?
living an inauthentic, unfulfilling life.
64. Are you a gossip?
I like to listen to tea being spilled, I just really like a good story. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
The Prestige
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
I think so
68. Favourite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
being thrown into unfamiliar situations
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No (my best friend slept with a night light when we were growing up and it was the worst part of sleeping over, but I weaned her off of it eventually!)
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sure, kindly, the same way I’d like to be corrected.
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
yeah, at work. it’s weird, I do not feel like the kind of person who should be in a leadership position. I’ve always thought that was a thing for loud, confident people haha
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
like weed/edibles lol
79. Who was your first real crush?
Cody in fourth and fifth grade.
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type?
pretty fast
83. How fast can you run?
Like if I have a good reason to, my ass will sprint fast.
84. What colour is your hair?
It’s naturally a dark brown, but right now the roots are dark and the rest is lighter because i’m a dumbass who wanted rose gold hair 
85. What color is your eyes?
dark brown
86. What are you allergic to?
I think the combination of avocado and tomato causes some kind of reaction because every time I eat it, my lips feel all tingly and swollen.
87. Do you keep a journal?
I have a lot of journals that I occasionally will write in.
88. What do your parents do?
Their best. lol. My dad is a facilities director and my mom can’t work because of her chronic illnesses. But she was a teacher in Mexico, and worked at all kinds of things here before her health got too bad.
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
assholes lol people who don’t realize or care about the fact that we’re all on the same damn rock with the same needs. 
91. Do you like your own name?
I do, yes.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
haha I really like the name Agustín
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
doesn’t matter
94. What are you strengths?
i’m compassionate and love deeply
95. What are your weaknesses?
i’m compassionate and love deeply lmao jk. It can be difficult to set boundaries
96. How did you get your name?
Named after both my grandmothers, they were quite different women and I think I got some of the best stuff from both.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not likely, probably more like merchants. I’m convinced my mom’s side of the family left Spain because of some shaddy stuff haha or to incest in peace lmao
98. Do you have any scars?
Yeah, thanks Padmé
99. Colour of your bedspread?
It’s summer so i’m only using a flat sheet right now, it’s purple.
100. Colour of your room?
blue, specifically the shade azure
Tagging: @lazingonsunday @lantern-inthenight @gretavanfleetlife @littlegeekwonder @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @eatmyshiftsticky @jeordinevankiszka @myownparadise96 @michaalien @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @okietrish @thebatphone
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monster-mum · 6 years
Private time and a Kilt-tastrophy
Weddings are generally great. Unless you know a load of grumpy people who are not fun, then weddings are not great for you. These happy occasions can bring out lots of different emotions. From tears of joy for the hopefully happy couple, to tears of sadness for those who aren’t able to be there on the day. Laughter. Is laughter an emotion? For the purpose of this sentence it is. There’s fear. That moment when you are barefoot dancing and drunk cousin Bob starts bustin’ out some fierce moves right next to your poor unprotected, vulnerable feet. Then there’s anger. We’ve all been there. You’ve been stood in the queue for a slice of the fancy pants wedding cake for what seems like a year. You are almost there when all of a sudden Susan from the office grabs the perfect slice you have been eyeing up! Susan! Why? The pain is real my friends. As I said weddings are emotional. The most emotional wedding I have been to was my brother’s wedding last Friday. Chris pointed out that I was more emotional at my little brother’s wedding than at our wedding. Totes awks! Generally, I am not a crier, but I was a sobbing mess during the ceremony. It was so wonderful to see my brother so happy.
 My brother and his husband Jeremy’s wedding was possibly the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. And I have been to some pretty amazing weddings. The setting was perfect with the weather and company following suit. It very much felt like everything went to plan perfectly.
 The day began like many others with me waking up and panicking “Shit! I’m running late!” Only to discover it was five am. By that point I was so excited and nervous that I couldn’t sleep so I got up and started getting stuff ready for the big day. Showers were had by all and then shortly after breakfast myself, Steven and Lyla were whisked away over to the hotel where the rest of the wedding party were staying. As we entered the hotel we were met by my little big brother. As I saw him walk into the reception area from the bar I flashed back to when he was little. So much time had passed since we were kids. We used to hang out all the time as kids and as teenagers. I can remember worrying that he would look back and just remember his school and college books. So I would take him everywhere with me. I wanted to make sure he had some fun times. I remembered all the times I had stuck up for him. The fights I had been in to protect him and keep him safe. Now a grown man on his wedding day he no longer needed his big sister. We both live such separate lives now with our own friends. It had been true for some time. Standing there in the hotel reception it hit me all of a sudden how much time had passed. How our lives had changed and moved on.
 We headed upstairs to where all the beautifying was happening. I walked into Jeremy’s best man’s ginormous bedroom to find a hair salon fully equipped with one of Andrew’s best friends and fellow groom’s maid Kat sipping Prosecco on the bed. I’ve known Kat for a few years now and she is someone who is infectious. Not in a leprosy kind of way but in a spreading laughter and happiness way. Kat enters a room and immediately everyone’s spirits lift. As I sat down on the bed Rob entered. My brother’s best man. I only met Rob recently but he is such a funny, grounded person who is great at putting people at ease and making them feel comfortable. I was in good company.
 Set scene: Kat and Rob are chatting away with me with their groom’s maid and best man glasses in hand. I am feeling jealous as my groom’s maid glass is in my Dad’s car. At my hotel. My Dad, with his car keys, was in this very hotel. Not ideal.
 Rob: “Hey Nicola! Where’s your drink?”
 Me: “I don’t have one yet.”
 Rob: “Well I’ll get you one. What do you want? Where’s your glass?”
 Me: “It’s in my Dad’s car. At my hotel. Hopefully he’ll bring it soon.”
 Rob: “Okay! I’ll find you one to use.”
 I watch him and Kat peruse the area looking for a glass for me and then at exactly the same moment all three of our eyes fall upon a glass sat on the side. This was a glass the same as ours except it had something else written on it.
 Rob: Reaching down to pick up the glass “Just use this one.”
 Me: “Whose is it?”
 Rob slowly turns it around and in cursive gold letters we all gaze upon the one glass we probably shouldn’t use. As we looked at the beautifully written “Groom” on the glass. We all paused to think for a second. From what I can gather we all came to the same conclusion. Andrew doesn’t drink alcohol. He’ll probably just have a can of coke.
 Rob: “It’s Andrew’s he won’t mind. He’s not using it.”
 I shrug and accept my brother’s groom glass from his best man.
 Rob: “He won’t even notice it’s missing. It’s fine.”
 We all sit and chat until it’s my turn to get my hair done.
 Ten minutes into the process and Andrew walks in. He heads straight over to where his glass was. He has a quick hunt round and then…
 Andrew: “Where’s my glass?”
 Uh oh.
 It’s okay. Rob would never tell on me. We wedding party members and a strong bond of trust. We have got each other’s backs.
 Barely a breath was taken when…
 Rob: “Nicola’s using it.”
 What! Snitch!
 Where is the comradery Rob! Jeez.
 Andrew: “Why are you using my glass?”
 Me: “Rob gave it to me.”
 Ha! Take that Rob.
 Andrew promptly found me a non-groom glass and poured my drink into it. My groom’s maid glass appeared shortly before we left for the wedding.
 The rest of the morning was spent primping and preening. About forty minutes before we were about to leave for the wedding I look out of the window in my parent’s room to see Andrew, still in his normal clothes playing peek-a-boo with Steven and Lyla.
 Me: “Andrew, your wedding is in just over an hour. Maybe you should go get ready?”
 Andrew just looks at me and just when I think he’s gone to get ready I see his head appear over the balcony divide and the kids fall over themselves laughing.
 Shortly afterwards the majority of the wedding party headed downstairs to wait for the bus. The wedding party minus Andrew, Jeremy and my Dad (Andrew needed help with his kilt. I referred to it as a kilt-tastrophy).
 As we’re waiting for the coach to arrive we all hear a wee voice shout “there’s the bus.”
 Like mindless sheep we follow the voice over the busy road to a layby. Only for me to discover that Steven was in fact the one to shout about the bus and he was pointing at a normal bus stop. So there we all are, wedding party and guests all stood in our glamourous finery at a bog standard bus stop. As we all stood awaiting the bus we watch as a very smart looking blue double decker coach pulls up, on the other side of the busy road, outside of the hotel we all just walked from.
 Thanks Steven! Jeez my kids.
 So all of us trot back over in a long line to the hotel and climb aboard the super nice coach.
 As we pull up to the spectacular location it dawns on me that there is a bit of a walk and I am wearing heels that were designed to punish feet. As each step brings me closer to where the ceremony is I start to feel more and more pain. My feet are being crushed. I begin to worry for the health of my feet. Blisters are already out and are causing me quite a bit of discomfort. Super best man Rob has already magically produced plasters but the shoes are disintegrating them. The pain and fear become real as I realise that I have to get through the ceremony with my feet in absolute agony.
 As we wait for the wedding to start I head in to the holding pen where all the guests are waiting. I lay on the floor and put my feet up on the window sill. I need to get blood out of my feet to make them smaller! What? It’s a thing. With the support of Diana, one of Jeremy’s best friends and groom’s maids I lay down on the floor praying to whichever God could hear me that I would make it through the ceremony.
 As the guests settle themselves in and the music begins I am the first one in and I am hoping that my smile does not show the pain I am feeling. While I enter the room my brain is filled with images of me falling arse over tit. I decided if that happened I would just play dead until the ceremony was over and everyone left the room.
 Timing is very important when walking down the aisle. We had practiced the day before and as I was the first one in I was to set the pace. I think we can all gather that I could not go particularly fast due to the Chinese foot binding I was enduring. Slow and easy won the race.
 The ceremony was perfect. I cried my eyes out and as I looked around the beautiful ornate room I noticed that there was a whole lot of synchronised crying going on amongst the guests too.
 As the ceremony ended and the officiant announced them husband and husband more crying occurred with cheers and whooping as we all celebrated their marriage. We stood for photos. They posed for photos. I tried not to fall down.
 Or cry out loud.
 There are photos of me on the wedding day where you can see the pain on my face. I could not wait to get the hellish shoes off of my feet! Once the bubbles were blown and cheers were shouted I collapsed on the stairs and attempted to remove the torturous things. As I pulled my poor foot out it was noticeable that it had been crushed. I think a few guests may have physically recoiled from me as my poor deformed feet were laid bare.
 Flat shoes were dug out of the buggy and all became right with the world. That was until Lyla decided that the post ceremony photos were the best possible time to have a complete screaming meltdown. I have never seen Chris scoop up Lyla and flee a place so quickly in my life.
 Tantrum dealt with the rest of the afternoon went really well. It was great fun with some brilliant and hilarious speeches. The best men and the matrons of honour did a fantastic job with their speeches. It was so much fun.
 The meal was delicious and drinks were flowing. Conversation was happening at every table. It amazed me how just two people could bring so many different people together from different lives and backgrounds and they all have a great time.
 As the light faded and the starlit dance floor sparkled people kicked off their shoes and danced the night away. Lyla held court in the centre as she threw herself into a full on one-woman headbanging mosh pit. She was quite the sight in her long white dress, sparkling belt and tiara while throwing herself around the dance floor.
 After a few songs I decided to go and find Chris and see how he was getting on. He was on child duty and was doing an amazing job.
 I found him chatting in the garden with Kat and her friend Sarah.
 I joined in the conversation. It didn’t take long for me to find out that half an hour earlier Chris, Steven and Sarah had been in the pagoda chatting when Steven requested Chris leave and give him and Sarah some “private time.” As soon as Chris had gone Steven had bent down, picked up a dead flower and held it out to Sarah declaring “look what we are doing to the world!” He then went on into what can only be described as a monologue about heaven and hell.
 Poor Sarah!
 As me and Chris heard this story from Sarah we glanced at each other and I like to think we both came to the same conclusion.
 It was time to include a warning/disclaimer on the kids. Something along the lines of a recording that would kick in and say something like:
 “Hi I’m Steven. I am a happy, chatty kind of guy but I like to say random stuff that’ll leave you speechless and uncomfortable. Disclaimer: As Steven’s parents we cannot be held responsible for Steven’s actions or words.”
 And also:
 “Hi I’m Lyla. I am lovely and sweet until I’m not. It’s probably best for you to just be constantly on your guard for a change in my mood. Disclaimer: As Lyla’s parents we cannot be held responsible for Lyla’s actions or words”
 I’m pretty sure the only disclaimer we would need for Lachlan would be a warning for dribbles and potential sick.  
 Overall the day was a huge success. As much of a success as it can be when there are children involved and your feet have become crippled.
 I had a wonderful time.
 It is the first same sex wedding I have been to. And do you know what I thought of as I saw two men, one of them my brother, stood kissing each other and holding hands as they were announced as husband and husband? Wow, they are so in love. They are so happy. I am so glad they found each other. Not everyone is that lucky in life to find the other half of their soul. I fail to understand what gender has to do with love. Seeing and hearing the joy and love that was surrounding my little brother and my new little brother-in-law was overwhelming and just beautiful. I truly hope they felt every minute of the love and support that enveloped them both that day because they deserve it. They really do. As do we all, sexuality aside. We all deserve happiness and the love and support of others in finding the other half of ourselves.
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chsamuseum · 4 years
Feather Duster Memories: A Boomer’s Look-Back at Chinatown
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San Francisco’s Chinatown, CHSA Collection
Are you working from home today? Due to COVID-19 a lot of people are. My parents worked from home during the 1950s. Ok, that’s a bit of a stretch. Back then, home and work were not typically one and the same. My parents worked 10-12 hours a day, sometimes on Sundays. The work they did was not like being in a tech start-up. There were no snacks or free meals. They owned a hand laundry in San Francisco and running it was exhausting work; skin burns were often the reward. It was hard physical labor. They started their business in 1954 in what is now known as Cole Valley, a San Francisco neighborhood about three miles west of Chinatown. Our living situation was very humble. The entire place was about 600 square feet. We had less living space than a two-car garage. I slept with my parents in a double bed, while my sister slept in a baby’s crib. We took baths on Saturdays in a blue-trimmed enamel pan-the same pan mom used to dye our customers’ clothes. Every evening, after closing, we dropped down sheets to cover the storefront windows and pulled down roller shades to cover the doors. How’s that for privacy? We lived with the sounds of a streetcar passing by our laundry every day. 
Mom insisted on only eating Chinese food and our small refrigerator could only store a couple of days’ worth of groceries; going to Chinatown twice a week was a necessity. My dad went by himself on Wednesdays and on Sundays, we went as a family. The trip was a drive across town that took about 30 minutes. My dad drove a two-tone Pontiac Sedan from Carl to Clayton to Frederick to Masonic to Bush to Kearny to Pacific to Grant. We took those streets so often that they are coded in my memory, like a routine in a computer software program.
Grant Ave was our main shopping street for groceries. We did most of that shopping between Pacific and Broadway. At the North end of Grant Ave was the sausage shop. I loved the dried meats and the fat in the sausage, not to mention the BBQ pork. Mid-block there were two fresh chicken shops where you could select the chicken from a cage; a man would pull out the chicken, slit its throat, throw it into a garbage can, and then tell you to come back in a half-hour to pick it up. It was also the best place to buy fresh chicken wings and gizzards! Next door was a dried goods store that sold everything from canned goods to dried squid and 50 pound bags of rice. It was also where they sold my favorite jelly candy that came wrapped in rice paper and in two flavors, orange and banana. Banana was my favorite. On the corner of Grant and Pacific was a fresh fish store. It was always cold inside from all that ice to keep the fish on display fresh. I loved it because the window height of the fish tank was mounted perfectly for a little kid like me to watch them swim. Tommy’s Jewelry store was on the opposite corner where my mom took her watch for repairs and where she admired the gold and jade jewelry. Nearby was an electronics shop, Mee Shing, where they sold TV’s and Radios. Mom shopped for her Chinese opera records there. She listened to these operas during her long work hours of ironing laundry while my sister and I painfully endured the clanging sounds of the cymbals. Next to the electronics shop was Kaye’s Shoe store that carried Florsheim brand shoes in smaller shoe sizes to suit the Chinese foot. Does anyone remember the golden goose eggs in the windows? But what I wanted most, was to weigh myself on the weight machine sitting out in front by the entrance, where for a penny, I could get my weight printed on a ticket with a fortune on the back. Every Sunday, I begged my parents to let me weigh myself wondering when I would weigh 50 pounds. Across the street on Grant was a kitchen hardware store, Ginn Wall, that sold woks, wooden and plastic chopsticks, bowls, and more. It was also where they also sold the dreaded feather dusters with the bamboo stick handle - the ‘weapon’ of choice for Chinese families to mete out corporal punishment. I can attest to their painfulness. 
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Map of Chinatown Streets with local shops, created by Will Lee
The Mandarin Theater, later Sun Sing, was further south on the same block, and next to it was an alley. The alleys always lead to a building with single resident occupancy units, better known as SROs. Most of the alleys wafted of urine, but some had the smell of cooked foods-rice, chicken, vegetables-from the adjoining restaurants. Add in the sounds of children playing, laundry hanging on a line ruffling in the wind, the sounds of shuffling mahjong tiles, elderly men spitting, and you get a more complete picture of the alleys.
On the next block was a herb shop where my mom bought ingredients to make a ‘special’ soup. It was special all right, and as I remember it, the bitterness was so awful that I had to choke it down while my mom would say Ay-geet, which loosely translated means “to be well, be healthy.” Then at the corners of Washington and Grant were wooden trinket stands where my sister and I would eye the toys we couldn’t afford. We did buy the wax candies with liquid juice inside. Does anyone remember those? Further on Grant was the Eastern Bakery, which is known for their moon cakes, but I loved their cow ear snack, Gnow Gknee, which was shaped like a potato chip that had alternating bands, colored in tan and brown. My mom always bought a Sunday newspaper from the newsstand guy in a wooden shack on Jackson. Even though we subscribed to the Chinese Times, it only came six days a week. 
The Buddhist church on Washington was under construction in the late 1950s. I recall going through the building during a Chinese New Year celebration and the street fairs that were held across the street in Portsmouth Square. I won a goldfish by tossing a ping pong ball into a bowl and the fish became our first pet. Other games at the bazaar were the metal horse races where you shot water guns to move the horses, throwing pointed metal darts at hanging balloons, and pitching coins onto a large board to try and land them on a small dot. But as fun as all of that was, who could forget the pink cotton candy!
Back in the 50s, Stockton street only had a few shops. On the corner of Pacific was the El Dorado Meat Market. It was the place to buy fresh meat. Who came up with the name El Dorado for a meat market in Chinatown? It had racks of meat hanging in the back and a display case full of fresh-cut meats in the front. I can still hear the band saw cutting the bone and the opening and closing of the walk-in freezer door. They sold ground pork to make Gee Knook Beng, a steamed pork patty cooked with salted fish on top, a peasant comfort food my parents brought over from their village. Everyone went to buy their oranges at Orangeland on the corner of Washington. My dad would drive up to the man, hand him a buck, and a brown paper bag of oranges was passed in through the window. Yup, that was how it was done.
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Will with his younger sister, Courtesy of Will Lee
Going to Chinatown was like going to a foreign land. My mom would have liked for my sister and me to have grown up in Chinatown. She wanted us to identify as Chinese, for us to retain our culture and heritage. However, I am glad we missed that boat of growing up in Chinatown. Our laundry was small and had similar conditions to any place in Chinatown. If we had grown up there, I believe my experiences would have been far less diverse. I might have missed being fully immersed in American culture. So what-if? I’ll never know, there is only what is. I do know I speak Chinglish. My hillbilly Toishanese is badass. As challenging as it was to only speak Toishanese to my parents, not growing up in Chinatown forced me to figure it out. I am enriched to be at ease with both American and Chinese cultures, and I am so thankful to be able to embrace both. And a shout out to the N-Judah streetcar - no noise is too loud for me to sleep through.
Will Lee is a CHSA supporter. He was born in Oak Town (Oakland, CA), but grew up in San Francisco. He writes to share his American stories of growing up in a Chinese household with customs and traditions he didn’t understand, of living in a diverse neighborhood, and of finding his way between cultures. 
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toxoiddiamond · 5 years
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T H E B A S I C S Given Name: Adam Zhi Lan Yun Nicknames: He just goes by Adam and doesn’t really have any nicknames. Age: 32 Birthday: October 20th Zodiac Sign: Libra Birthplace: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Current Location: Milan, Italy Speaks: Mandarin, Hokkien, English, and Spanish, all fluently. He is still learning Italian, but it’s coming fairly easily to him since it’s so similar to Spanish. Dominant Hand: Right Education: He graduated from the University of Cambridge with a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. Occupation: Currently he works for his father’s company, an industrial equipment company that sells, rents and leases all sorts of large, industrial equipment. Adam is in currently in charge of budgeting, finances and payroll, a job he is able to do remotely. He absolutely hates it and finds it mind-numbing, but also feels as though he owes it to his parents to work for the family company for now. Vehicle: White 2010 Lamborghini Murcielago Worldly Possessions: A fancy tablet that he takes with him almost everywhere, a desktop computer that he built himself, a few books on subjects he finds interesting, a bunch of random nerdy/techie objects that he enjoys fiddling around with. Pet(s): Adam has never been much of a pet person, and he would have no clue how to take care of one. He would probably take to a cat more than he would a dog.
A P P E A R A N C E Height: 6’1” Hair: Thick and dark, perfectly coiffed, always well groomed. He has it trimmed every couple of weeks, partly because it grows very quickly and partly because he just likes it to look presentable. Facial Hair: He shaves every morning, and prefers not to have facial hair. He’s tried having a beard before but he really didn’t like it. Eye Colour: Dark brown Skin Tone: Sort of golden, almost like he has a glow about him. He takes good care of his skin, so it’s very healthy-looking. Clothing: Adam always looks pulled together, no matter the situation. Nice sweaters and slacks, well-tailored suits (in all kinds of colors), button-down shirts, designer shoes, jackets that are both stylish and warm. Distinguishing Marks: He has a charming, slightly crooked smile. Not many people get to see it. Face Claim: Henry Golding
H E A L T H Physical Health: Not bad. He stays in shape and eats a reasonable diet, doesn’t get sick very often, doesn’t have any significant health issues. Physical Abilities/Limitations: He works out regularly, so he is definitely strong and doesn’t have trouble lifting much of anything. Cardio isn’t his strong suit, though. He can run if he has to, but it’s not long before he’s out of breath. Addictions: No major addictions. He does have to have a certain amount of caffeine in the morning or else he gets an awful headache, but that’s pretty much it. Allergies: As far as he knows, none. Mental Health: Honestly not bad. His parents worried about him for a long time because he just wasn’t like other kids, didn’t have the same interests as anyone his age, didn’t have many friends, etc. But after finding out he has Aspergers and learning what that entails, they worried a lot less. Adam knows that his mind doesn’t work the same way as everyone else’s, but he figures it hasn’t held him back at all so he doesn’t really care. He’s very well-adjusted and generally confident in himself.
H I S T O R Y Summary: Long or Short Job History: Nothing or Everything Fondest Memories: Trip to Canada Worst Experiences: Trip to Canada??
C O M M U N I C A T I O N Speech Pace/Style: Adam can come off as abrupt at times, due to the fact that he only says what’s necessary and doesn’t like to chit-chat or make any kind of small talk. He doesn’t often speak unless he’s spoken to first– he only speaks first if he actually has something to say, and doesn’t care to fill any silences. Accent: He grew up in London, so he has a distinctly British accent when he speaks English. When he speaks Chinese, he has perfect pronunciation, and his Spanish is almost perfect except for a light accent on certain words. His Italian isn’t great and comes out sounding too much like Spanish, but he’s working on it. Favorite Phrases or Words: He often hums in response to things that require acknowledgement but no real response– which is most things, in his mind. Usual Curse Words: He doesn’t actually curse much, unless he’s really frustrated. Then it’s usually “damn” or “goddammit.”
P E R S O N A L I T Y, M I N D S E T, A N D B E L I E F S Personality Type: ISTJ-T Sense of Humor: Adam doesn’t really have a sense of humor. He is way too serious about pretty much everything and has a hard time relaxing and lightening up. He doesn’t laugh much and he doesn’t joke around. Habits: He bites his lower lip a lot, especially if he is deep in concentration or just really absorbed in something. It’s not uncommon to find him looking over work documents on his computer, or reading an interesting article, while biting his lower lip. Sometimes, on those rare occasions when someone manages to get Adam talking (and talking and talking) about something he knows a lot about/is passionate about, he starts talking so fast that he gets a little out of breath. He always feels he needs to say what he wants to say as quickly as possible because he doesn’t want to bore anyone with his random knowledge and facts (he has had a few people tell him he’s boring so he tries not to be too long-winded), but then he keeps thinking of more and more things he wants to say until he literally runs out of breath and has to stop. When he’s trying to show that he’s really listening to someone and focusing on what they’re saying, he tilts his head slightly to one side– he’s noticed that tilting his head seems to put people at ease while they talk to him/assures them that he’s listening. Quirks: He has a difficult time making eye contact with people, especially if he’s speaking; he often stares at the floor or just past whoever he’s talking to instead of looking directly at them. Some people have taken this to mean he’s shifty or dishonest, but that is definitely not the case. Adam also finds it fascinating to watch or listen in on other people’s conversations– in fact, this is how he managed to learn and understand different social cues. Watching people interact and talk, especially in casual conversations, is very interesting to him and helps him learn to mirror the cues and speech patterns of others so he has an easier time talking to people when he has to. Though he would still much rather avoid interacting with others most of the time. Fears/Phobias: Something Strengths: Something Flaws: Something Hopes/Desires: Something Wildest Fantasy: Something Self-Esteem: Something Religion: Something
R A N D O M Sleeping Position: Something Boxers or Briefs?: Something Day or Night?: Something Top or Bottom?: Something Partying or Relaxing?: Something
R E L A T I O N S H I P S Closest Friend: Adam doesn’t have a lot of friends. He is honestly content to be alone most of the time, and considers most people too draining to be around for any extended period of time. Relationship History: Adam has been in a couple of relationships before. The first relationship was with a woman during his first year of college, and it ended after a few months because Adam realized he just wasn’t interested in her and that he was more interested in men. The second relationship was a couple of years later with a man, and was short lived because their personalities were just not compatible, and they didn’t “get” each other. Adam has pretty much given up on relationships at this point, because he doubts there is anyone he could be around that wouldn’t “drain his batteries,” as he puts it. Sexual Partners: Both of his exes, plus a one night stand with a guy he met in one of his classes. They were both extremely physically attracted to each other, but after sleeping together once Adam pretty much lost interest– it was good sex but he felt he’d satisfied the craving and curiosity and he wasn’t interested in seeing him again. Thoughts About Sex: He likes sex, and sometimes craves it, but not enough to go and seek out a partner. He hates interacting with strangers more than he likes sex. Sometimes he wishes he could skip all the “getting to know you” parts of a relationship and just jump straight into a relationship where they’ve settled in and get along well and everything, because sex would be more enjoyable in that context.
P A R E N T S Name(s): Mom and Dad Age(s): Ages Social Standing: Blue collar, white collar, whatever Occupation(s): What they do Religion: What do they believe Quality of Relationship With His Children: Is good or bad? Living/Deceased: Maybe they dead
D A I L Y L I F E Living Arrangements: Where they live
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timmyrx2000 · 7 years
Dipper Steps Up: Chapter 2
Chapter Index: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
Chapter 2
Thursday morning Mabel and Dipper stepped off the bus with six minutes to go until the homeroom bell—but instead of reporting to the classroom, Mabel went barreling through the crowded halls, out the back door, and to the gym. Dipper had no idea of what she was up to.
Until she burst into homeroom exactly five seconds before the bell rang, thrust her arms up in the air in a Rocky-at-the-top-of-the-steps pose, and shouted, "Announcement! My brother Dipper made the baseball team! And my boyfriend Chuck Taylor is gonna be team captain!"
Immediately the students as one person greeted her news flash with a thunderous round of complete apathy. These are high-school freshmen we're talking about here.
The bell rang, and Mabel slipped into her desk beside Dipper. "You didn't have to do that!" he whispered in a fierce undertone.
"Yeah, I did! Wait'll lunch! Then everybody will know!"
The teacher took attendance, passed out the lunch menus—you were supposed to pick out which of two entrées you wanted, plus beverage and sides, but it was sort of Chinese-menu style, pick one from Column A, two from Column B, and one from Column C and so on, and Mabel complained that was unfair. She had been checking everything, though so far, she had been served the first entrée, the first two sides, and the first beverage she'd checked.
Dipper said that was what she deserved, but Mabel maintained she was educating her palate, which needed it, since she still had an obsession with trying to eat everything from chalk to wood shavings, just on an experimental basis.
After roll call, they watched the ten-minute video feed from the office, run by students (Mabel dearly wanted to audition and land an anchor spot, but you couldn't until you'd been in school for one full term and carried an A average). The sports announcer said only, "The baseball roster for JV has been posted in the gym," and Mabel jumped up yelling, "That's my brother he's talking about!"
Maybe it was fortunate that their home-room teacher, Miss Othmayer, was only a few years from retirement and also, as she had said while introducing herself on the first day, the daughter of a couple who met at Woodstock, wherever that was. Whatever, she seemed very easy-going and accepting.
That afternoon Dipper learned that he would have practice twice a week during the fall, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. High-school baseball season began in February, so after Christmas they'd step up their practice days and would play every other Friday or Saturday—and sometimes two weeks in a row. To his surprise, Dipper's position, at least to begin with, would be second baseman. Well, second-string second baseman. Maybe he'd get to play a few innings. The guys socialized a little, and Dipper got to know some of them.
The JV was light on sophomores that year—just four out of sixteen. One was Xavier Eager, first-string catcher, a guy whose grandparents had come from the Phillippines and who was a good-humored, joke-cracking boy even shorter than Dipper. Everybody called him "X-Man." "Hi-Ho" was the first-string center fielder. Dipper had to ask Chuck Taylor about his real name, because the big, gangly redhead—a little like Wendy Corduroy's big brother, but a heck of a lot slimmer—was somebody everyone already knew, and he'd earned his nickname by his greeting to everybody else: "Hi-ho, Dipperino!" He was really Gordon Hathaway. Chuck himself, first-string pitcher, was the third sophomore, and the last was Wyatt Wilson, called "Dub" because, Dipper learned, he said everything double and was pessimistic: "We got a lousy team this year, guys. We got a lousy team."
All the other twelve, including Dipper, were freshmen. After some uncomfortable hesitation, Dipper finally confessed that his first name was Mason. X-Man thought about that and said, "So we'll call you Bricklayer!"
Chuck came to the rescue: "Nah, he's got a good nickname already. He's Dipper."
And that was that.
They did batting and fielding practice that day. Dipper didn't get a chance to shine as second-baseman, but he did catch two infield fly balls, and he assisted in the practice's one and only double-play, fielding a grounder to his left, stepping on second, and firing the ball to Mike Monahan at first for the play. That earned him some congratulations.
His mom picked him up after practice, and Mabel—who'd caught the bus—waited to jump him at home: "How'd you do? How was Chuck? Did he say anything about me? Did he miss me? I'm gonna watch next Tuesday! What should I wear? Does he have a favorite color?"
"Whoa!" Dipper said. "Look, don't get too far ahead of yourself! You're not his girlfriend!"
"Yes, I am!" she said. "He just doesn't know it yet. He had a girlfriend last year, but back in the summer her dad got a job as a computer systems expert with Disney World, and she and her family moved three thousand miles away to Orlando, Florida! He's ripe for the picking, Brobro! What's that?"
Dipper held up the sheet of paper. "List of equipment I need to get. I'm just planning on the minimum. This will be expensive."
She yanked the paper from his hand. "Leave it to Mabel!"
And he suspected that he would have to.
Mr. Pines, much to Dipper's surprise, reacted with Mabel-level enthusiasm to the news that Dipper was the newest member of the high-school team. Mabel confiscated his list of supplies.
Then on Friday night she went online and began to read up on what the really stylish baseball player would be wearing that season and she added to the list . . . and added to the list . . . and added to the list. By the time she finished, she had more than doubled the length of the initial handout.
That was why, the following Saturday morning—without bothering to tell Dipper—Dad and Mabel snuck away to Bayside Mall, where the big MegaSports store was. "It'll be fun surprising him!" Mabel told her father. "We'll make him look sharp, and that'll really impress Chu—I mean Coach Waylund! This'll guarantee that he gets off the bench more!"
"I'm not so sure about that," Dad told her, smiling. "But like chicken soup for a broken leg, it couldn't hurt!"
So they parked in the sprawling lot and made their way into the mall and to the huge two-level sports store. "Oh, boy!" Mabel said as they stood in the wide first-floor entrance, her eyes sparking at the sight of thousands of square feet of brightly colored merchandise from anoraks to Z-straps and everything in between. "Get out your credit card, Dad! We're going shopping!"
The first thing on the list was "Athletic cup." Mabel got a little bit indignant when she found the display. "How's anybody supposed to drink out of that thing?" she said. "Let's get a bigger one! With a handle! And that won't even stand straight on a table! It'd spill!"
"Um, it's not really for drinking," her dad told her. "And it's sort of personal, so if you want to go look for some of the other stuff on the list, I'll pick up this and the underwear."
But Mabel tagged along, and when she saw how the cup would fit into a pocket in the underwear, she said, "Oh! My mistake!" But then she wanted to know, "How come the shorts are so long? They should be called longs!"
"Princess, these are called sliding shorts. Dipper may need to slide into base," Dad explained. "These give a little protection against getting your legs scraped up. I'll get him a couple of pairs, and a cup for each one."
The school would furnish the basic uniform, but getting a higher-quality jersey and pants was optional, as long as the design was the standard Piedmont one (which the store stocked), and Mabel took advantage of that, picking out two blue-pinstriped light-gray splitter jerseys with Dipper's name and number on the back in dark blue:
Those had to be embroidered and wouldn't be ready for a week, but Mabel forged ahead. She added a couple of pairs of boot-cut game pants and a Navy-blue baseball cap with the team logo and name printed on it in gold. And batting gloves. And a batting helmet. And long-sleeved undershirts. And stirrup socks (the clerk said, "These are what give a player the look of a real pro.") And a pricey stick of Midnight Big League Eyeblack ("Makeup for hunks!" she exclaimed). And enough to cause Dad to start to experience sticker shock.
Mabel wanted to buy an extremely expensive pair of cleated baseball shoes, but Dad finally drew the line. "Dipper will have to come in for those," he said firmly. "The fit's important. He has to try them on."
"I can do that for him!" Mabel objected. "We have twin feet!"
"Not close enough," Dad insisted. "Shoes are pretty personal. And anyway, those are red, black, and gray, and the list says black and white."
It was a bit of a battle, but in the end Mabel surrendered and had to content herself with the couple of hundred dollars' worth of equipment they had rounded up so far. Ah, but then the biggest purchase of all—
"This is a beautiful glove!" Mabel yelled. "Let's buy it for Dipper!"
"Um, no," Dad said. "For three good reasons. First, it costs over four hundred dollars. Second, this one is for an adult. Third, it's a catcher's mitt."
"But he deserves the best!"
"He needs a glove that will fit, and one that suits his position," Dad said firmly. "Here you can help. Your hands are really about the same size as his. Let's look at infielder gloves. Now, for second base, he'll need a pretty shallow glove, I-web, single-post."
Mabel tilted her head. "I have no idea what any of that means."
"It means one like one of these," Dad said, showing her a display of infielder gloves. "Let's try this one."
Mabel happily tried on gloves until they settled on an eleven-inch one as being about the right size for Dipper. It cost only a tenth of what Mabel's first suggestion did, so Dad looked relieved when the clerk finally rang up the purchase—though he did have to swallow hard before signing the credit-card receipt.
Dipper opened all the packages with widening eyes and an expression that fluttered between surprise and shock. "Dad!" he said. "I don't mean to go into baseball as a career!"
"Get dressed get dressed get dressed!" Mabel yelled.
He had to give in. He felt silly in his new baseball uniform (though he wore the practice jersey the coach had handed out, since the real one wouldn't be ready for a while). With the stiff glove on his left hand—"You'll have to break it in," his dad explained—he stood in the backyard and let Mabel talk him into posing as though he were about to catch a fly ball. She took a couple of photos, wasn't satisfied, and ran into the house.
"OK," she said, "stand still! Warpaint!"
Well—eyeblack ideally should be applied in short stripes beneath the eyes. It really isn't necessary to add tiger stripes and whiskers, but Mabel did.
And, of course, that was the photo that she decided to post on Peoplebook for all the world to see.
Dipper began to dread going to school next Monday morning. . . .
To Be Continued
Note from the Authors: This was just an idea I had but the one who really worked his magic and wrote almost all of this is none other than BillEase. He’s an amazing author who usually hangs out at fanfiction.net. Don’t pass up on a chance to check out his stuff. This guy is AMAZING. He wrote the story, I just gave the plot.
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boredsingaporean · 6 years
Chapter 20: KZ’s Wedding
There I was standing in front of a modest light blue two-storey bungalow that sat unobtrusively in between two other brightly colored ones. The gate was unlocked so I unhooked the latch and walked in. Small pots of jasmine and other flowers sat quietly on the left side of the front patio. A brown wooden bench, like the ones we found in school canteens but shorter, and a short pine wood cupboard, apparently for shoes, kept each other company on the left side of the main door. I knocked on the door. Minutes later, I heard steps running down a staircase, and then the door was unlocked and opened. “Come on in,” said KZ. About a month ago, KZ approached me to have a talk. I had known KZ since university days and whenever he talked more than his usual ‘two words in a sentence’ in a conversation, it must be about something that mattered a lot to him. We had such conversations when he told me about Laura and how he thought she might be the girl in his life, when he had received a good result for his Masters Degree, and when he had found a job for me at this current company. With the happy look on his face, I was sure he was going to tell me about something good and which meant a lot to him. “I’m getting married, you know, the traditional ceremony,” said KZ with a grin. “Oh finally! It’s about time huh? How long have you been ROMed? Three years?” I said avidly. “Haha… no, two years.” “So what made you decide to go through the traditional ceremony now?” “Well, Laura and I have been staying together for about a year now, so we’re thinking it’s about time to really start a family.” ROM is one of those ‘verbs’ that Singaporeans invented. ROM is actually the acronym for Registry of Marriage. The Registry of Marriage is the place where Singaporean couples sign on that piece of paper that changes their marital statues from ‘single’ to ‘married’, and swear to take care of each other till death do them apart. Well, legally, the couples are already married to each other by their signatures on that paper, but to the Chinese, they are not. There is still the traditional ceremony that they have to go through before their parents, relative and even some of their conservative friends can consider them as married. This also means that theoretically they are not allowed to have sex until they have gone through the traditional ceremony. “Beng, would you like to be part of my brother gang?” KZ asked. “Hey, of course! Of course I’d like to be! In fact, I’ll be pissed if you don’t ask!” “Hahaha… okay. Let’s go tell Rose that we’ll need to apply leaves then.” So that explained why I was at KZ’s parents’ bungalow early in the morning at seven o’clock. KZ made me sat at the living room while he went into the kitchen to get me something to drink. It was not my first visit at this bungalow, but it was the first time that the television was not on, his parents were not chatting with his father’s friends at the sofa and his sister was not chatting on the phone. For the very first time, I could hear the birds chirping on the trees outside the bungalow. KZ walked into the living room with a glass of water. It was then that I realized that KZ was still in t-shirt and shorts. “Hey KZ, what time are we supposed to reach Laura’s house?” “Erm… before eight,” KZ replied calmly as he sat down on the sofa next to me. “What? Before eight? It’s already ten minutes past seven! Why aren’t you dressed up yet?!!” “Hey Beng, relax…” KZ was interrupted by the honk of a car. He opened the door and looked out. It was KZ’s wedding car, a white Merzcedes decorated with champagne roses, pink ribbons and two wedding bears at the front. Following behind the Merzcedes was a white Honda decorated with the same champagne roses and pink ribbons but less elaborated. After both cars parked on road outside the bungalow, the white Honda’s driver walked over to talk to the Merzcedes driver. The white Honda driver and best man was our university friend, Chang Dek. Knowing that Chang Dek would brief the Merzcedes driver on the day’s schedule, KZ finally went upstairs to change into his suit. In a surprisingly short moment, KZ came back downstairs, all dressed up in his black suit and holding a tie in his hand. After he took out the champagne roses hand bouquet from the fridge, we proceeded to Laura’s house. In every Chinese traditional wedding ceremony, there is a part where the bride’s sister gang will be so excited to try out their smart ideas and the groom’s brother gang will feel so stupid to be the recipients of those ideas. It is the part where the groom and his brother gang have to go past the sister gang defending the bride’s doorstep. As compared, it will be so much easier to kill all enemies and proceed to the next level in Quake. “Eat these up!” a plump lady in the sister gang handed Chang Dek our best man a plate of ten red chilies. After some coughs and tears, the five of us including KZ finished the plate of chilies and Chang Dek handed the empty plate back to that plump lady. “Now do a hundred push-ups!” another skinny lady requested. Lucky for us, twenty push-ups was an easy task for each and every one. “Okay, now I want you to…” “Hold on,” KZ interrupted the lady with curly hair and pointed to his watch. “With any more delay, we’ll be late for the praying ceremony.” Lynn, Laura’s sister and bridesmaid, then came to the door and said: “Let’s talk about the price then.” “Good. How much?” KZ asked. “Nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars.” KZ stepped aside while I walked up to the door with a big red envelope, took out some notes from it and started counting in front of Lynn. “Hey, what is this currency?” Lynn asked when she realized that the notes I was counting did not look familiar. “Philippines pesos,” I replied calmly, still counting. “No! We don’t want Philippines pesos!” “Oh, then how about Indonesian rupiahs? Or do you prefer China renminbi?” “I want it in Singapore dollars!” Lynn folded her arms. “We’ve only got three hundred and eighty-eight Singapore dollars, Madam,” I showed her the pile of Singapore dollars. Lynn counted with her fingers and pondered a while, then grumbled: “Okay, okay. We’ll take your three hundred and eighty-eight dollars. I told Laura you finance guys are cunning and I’m so right!” With that, we managed to pass through the door and KZ stepped into Laura’s bedroom to find a beautiful bride waiting for him. KZ flipped up the veil and kissed Laura before holding her hand and leading her out of her bedroom. They then bided Laura’s parents goodbye and proceeded to KZ’s parents’ bungalow again. Back at KZ’s parents’ bungalow, the praying ceremony began with the worship of the heavens and the earth then paying of respect to KZ’s ancestry. After the praying, Laura changed into a traditional Chinese wedding dress known as ‘kua’. Laura would be wearing that for the tea ceremony. As a sign of respect, KZ and Laura knelt as they offered tea to KZ’s parents and elder relatives. For the younger ones, they just bowed as they offered the tea. In return, they received lots of ang baos and some gold jewellery for Laura. By the end of the ceremony, Laura looked like a Christmas tree with her gold necklaces and gold bangles. It was then already noon time and KZ’s relatives had already cooked dishes of delicious vegetarian food to be served as lunch. Vegetarian dishes were served because both KZ and Laura’s families were vegetarians. KZ, Laura, Lynn, Chang Dek and I finally had to chance to sit down and chat. “Hey Laura, how do you feel? Tired?” asked Chang Dek. “Not really tired. But I’m feeling very happy. Happy to be officially married to KZ,” Laura grinned with a happiness-filled smile and a pair of happiness-filled eyes looking at KZ. “So we’ll be looking forward for a dozen of little KZs and little Lauras in the near future?” I nudged KZ. “Yeh, don’t make my little cousin jumped for nothing!” said Chang Dek. Chang Dek was referring what happened a few days ago when the bridal bed was set. The Chinese believed that a new bed must be used by the wedding couple on their wedding day, thus although KZ and Laura had been staying together in their flat for the past one year, they had been sleeping on their mattresses in two different bedrooms. Their new bed was only purchased about a month ago. On that auspicious day when the bridal bed was set, a red tray of dried food like lotus seeds, dried longans and red dates was placed on the bed. Chang Dek’s nine-year old cousin then jumped on the bed to bless it with fertility. Once that ceremony was over, nobody was allowed to touch the bed except for KZ and Laura on their wedding night. That night, the wedding banquet was held at a famous vegetarian restaurant in town. Instead of the usual shark fins soup, fish, chicken and prawns, we had rice vermicelli and mushroom soup, mock fish, mock chicken and lots of vegetable dishes. Though vegetarian, the dishes were delicious. Because it was a vegetarian restaurant, no alcohol was served. Traditionally, tiers of champagne glasses would be stacked up like the shape of a wedding cake and the wedding couple would fill the glasses by pouring a bottle of champagne from the top. Even that champagne was replaced by a bottle of sparkling juice. After the sparkling juice filled champagne glasses were distributed to KZ and Laura’s families for toasting to the friends and relatives, KZ gave a touching speech to his and Laura’s parents, thanking them for the upbringing of the both of them. That was the first time that I heard so many words coming out of KZ’s mouth. The wedding couple then went around table by table to give everybody a toast. At that point, I felt that KZ must be feeling really lucky to be a vegetarian. Conventionally the groom would be sabotaged by his friends and made to drink glasses and glasses of liquor till he got drunk. Because it was a vegetarian restaurant, the joyous KZ had no problem drinking glasses and glasses of sparkling juice. By ten o’clock, the banquet was finally over and the wedding couple and their parents stood outside the restaurant to shake everybody’s hand and thank them for attending the banquet. After the last guest had left, KZ thanked his brother gang for all their help. “So dude, you can finally sleep on a real bed tonight,” I teased. “Yeh, that’s the one thing that I’m looking forward to now,” KZ grinned with a pair of tired eyes.
0 notes
louderthanbombsus · 7 years
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Song notes for Chestnuts – Neil Sims.
Cold Chisel, Khe Sanh (1978): basically the Australian National anthem. Cold Chisel are absolutely one of Australia's best ever pub rock bands. Lyrically brilliant, with a proper alcoholic fighting frontman, wonderful guitarist from Alice Springs (desert - smack bang in the middle of Aus). I absolutely dismissed this band in my youth largely because this song has somehow been adopted as an anthem by Aussie bogans (footy playing meathead types). I cannot fathom why this song has become so anthemic. The lyrics are about a guy returning from the Vietnam war and wanting to get back to Hong Kong to shag Chinese whores! If you go to a pub, and it's choc full of bogans and this tune is played, they will, en masse, yell every word of this song in your face while spilling some of the world's worst beer down your front. It's a kind of bonding thing. Cold Chisel have many other very beautiful songs. Flame Trees is another that often gets mentioned. Check out their album 'East' if you like this kind of thing. 
Courtney Barnett, Avant Gardner (2015): Courtney is something of a superstar nowadays. This song comes off the album before she struck it big. Courtenay writes beautifully about life in Melbourne's suburbia. This is the most beautiful song ever written about having an asthma attack. The lyrics at the end "I'm not that good at breathing in" - fantastic. 
Saints, I'm stranded (1977): Punk was invented in Australia! This tune pre-dates the Sex-Pistols and appears to have evolved independently. Apparently these guys were shipped to the UKL as Punk was exploding and they didn͛t really like it, so they came back. The guitarist, Ed Keupper, continues to play throughout Australia. In the saints he used a PA for a guitar amp and his sound was based on extreme volume. I like that kind of thing. Anyway, another affirmation of Australian musical heritage. 
Black Cab, Heart's on Fire (2007): Melbourne band. We are super lucky to have some of the world's best radio stations in Melbourne - 3RRR and PBS - these funded entirely by subscriptions, and they command a much larger share of the listening audience than they should for their income. Uncensored, very left wing, catering to true music lovers (funny story - Sydney has these right wing shock jocks that basically control our politics through terrifying the public and politicians - same as everywhere. Some super wealthy conservative bastards heavily backed a similar thing in Melbourne and it went bust in a couple of years because we just all ignored them- yay!). Anyway - there is one particular radio show on a Friday afternoon with 'the ghost' who has been on radio for about a thousand years. Somehow, on many occasions, he has played tunes that have been absolutely perfect soundtracks for what I was doing at the time - really quite remarkable. I remember driving in my VW beetle back into Melbourne from some interstate place, and there's this part of the highway coming into town where you get this amazing view of Melbourne City. I was kinda feeling odd about being in Melbourne at the time, and the ghost played this tune at exactly the point where you this amazing view emerges from the highway and open fields. It shaped my feelings about Melbourne. Good tune, too. 
Warumpi-band, Black Fella, white fella (1985): Like every country that has been colonized by white people, there is a strong movement in Australia to recognize and respect our indigenous (aboriginal) cultural heritage. I strongly support our indigenous aspirations. This was one of the first tunes by an indigenous band that I can recall hitting the record charts. Bit of a classic. 
The Drones, How to see through fog (2013): Another Melbourne band - This is just one of the best summer tunes I know. I always think of being in a shabby apartment in the stinking heat with light curtains waving in the gentle breeze. This tune also has one of the best Lo-fi guitar solos I know. I've been playing guitar for a million years and I still can't harness whatever wildness Gareth Liddiard is channelling here - awesome stuff. Gareth is becoming a ͚figure͛ in the Australian arts scene now. He͛ ll get really big soon. 
Australian Crawl, Beautiful people (1980): Aussie Crawl were super popular in the early 80s though I never really got into them. Aussie Crawl always seemed to be playing as I was spewing into the sick bag at the back of the coach heading to school camp. Now every time I hear them I have to lie down. This band is also famous for having virtually unintelligible lyrics courtesy of James Reyne. 
Civil Civic, the Gift (2016) – this is one of three instrumentals I͛ve selected. The guys I played with in my first band in high school turned out to be some pretty amazing people. The drummer is just a remarkable character who is now a band manager (Boy & Bear, Airborne, Paper Kites etc) - one of the key figures in the music industry in Australia. At 12 years of age, the Keyboard player was the smartest guy I have ever met - still is. Now the head of a significant finance company. Our singer and bass payer, Ben, was the most creative person I have ever met - beautiful artist and writer, and a great muso. We would be taking a break, mid-set, and he would just pick up a guitar and do a solo show, singing passionately and beautifully - the chicks and the parents loved him. An absolute talent. He plays bass in this band which is comprised of two ex pat Melbournites; Aaron living in London and Ben in Barcelona, and ͞The Box͟ which is a drum machine and few other bits of kit with some flashing lights on the front. Ben is a super smart guy and the intricacy of the bass playing on this album reflects the massive size of his brain. I can't even comprehend some of the stuff he plays, let alone remember what the heck happens from one section to another throughout most of the songs. Anyway, big ups to Ben and Aaron - much luck. 
Bat Piss, Weatherboard man (2017): I like this recent tune from another Melbourne band. The lyrics cover a lot of ground. The weatherboard thing refers to his background and ambitions etc. But houses are also more expensive in Australia than anywhere else on the planet (except Hong Kong - true) so any lyrics mentioning some housing thing stirs the ire of the people. Anyway, I just like the tune. 
Grinderman, No pussy blues (2007): I bloody hate Nic Cave, but he͛s something of an Icon for emotionally challenged people. I like his side project with Grinderman more than any of his other stuff. This tune is kinda rockin, and has a sense of humour which is bloody rare for Nic. Nic has lived in England for most of his life now, but somehow we maintain him on the register of Australian artists. While we are on this issue, I'd like to apologise for Rupert Murdoch. 
Slim Dusty - Pub with no beer (1957): Slim Dusty has more gold and platinum records than any other Australian Artist. He was the first Aussie recording artist to have an international #1 with this song. Slim Dusty was also the first artist broadcast from space when astronauts played his rendition of Waltzing Matilda from Space Shuttle Columbia as it passed over Australia on its maiden flight in 1981 (Wikipedia - could be wildly incorrect). Everyone knew Slim and this song (and Khe Sanh) when I was growing up. Part of Australia's musical history to be sure. The other good news is that if you hate the song, it's over pretty quickly. 
Ball Park Music - Nihilist Party Anthem (2016): We, DJ Chestnuts, became acquainted with one another via the very awesome Maux, whom I met at the greatest conference I will ever attend in Corvallis, OR. Maux and have I kept in touch via facebook ever since and we've shared a few tunes. This is one I sent to Maux some time ago and I think she liked it. These guys are from Brisbane. They͛re all music Nerds so you get a mix of some decent groove (like this track) and some overintellectualised slow stuff that I immediately ignore. 
Leader Cheetah - Bloodlines (2009): We have a national youth radio station called JJJ There's a running joke that it's run by 50 year olds, which I think is not that far from the truth. Still, some great shows and DJs. This station holds the Hottest 100, which is where people vote for the best songs of the year. They reckon it's the world's largest popular vote thing of its kind. They also have an 'Unearthed" thing which gives new bands a chance to play their stuff on radio, and I think this is where I heard this song first. These guys are from Adelaide, which along with Canberra (Australia's capital), is the butt of more Australian city jokes than any other. People who don͛t live in Adelaide hate the place. I kinda like it – many beautiful women riding bicycles and excellent Indian food is my main impression – it͛s like the Indian Amsterdam of Australia without the canals. Anyway, apparently Leader Cheetah have toured with Interpol, Dinosaur Jr. and Elbow. They've been pretty quiet lately and I've got no idea what they're up to. This song struck me with the very beautiful chorus and lyrics - totally channelling Neil Young here. 
C.W.Stoneking - Get on the floor (2015): This is the music they should have played in The Heart of Darkness, and I imagine a big white wooden boat going up a slow river on a still hot day, heading towards a raunchy drugged-up pagan festival of some kind every time I hear it. CW was born in Katherine, which is absolutely in the middle of bloody nowhere (NT, Australia). I think he only has one set of clothes, which is an impeccable white suit and shoes with spats. He records in a very beautiful and old fashioned way as far as I understand, which is to basically place a microphone in a room and play! They move instruments back and forth to get the mix right. Fantastic stuff. 
The Bamboos - Eel Oil (2006): The Bamboos are the elder statesmen of Aussie funk. They command a heap of respect in the industry and they get all the cool guest artists. The outfit is basically led by their guitarist, and when you see them live you get the impression that all the other (very capable) musos are in awe of this guy and playing to his beat. Very cool guy. I like some of their darker tunes, and you needed a couple of instrumentals, so here's another one. 
The Bee Gees - You should be dancing (1979): Believe it or not these guys are somewhat Australian. We like to own anything that once visited our shores and has since done well. Russel Crowe (NZ), Crowded House (NZ), Mel Gibson (USA), AC/DC (England/Scotland) etc etc... I think these guys parents moved to Australia at the dawn of time for about 6 months and so now we own them. I hear that sometimes you like to dance, DJ Chestnuts, and dancing is Disco! I wish I could rock skin tight white flares, high heels and a shirt tucked in so tight you couldn't get a cigarette paper into the inherently low friction gap between nylon shirt and gaberdine trouser if you tried. Alas I am too fat. 
Gold Class - life as a gun (2016): Good Melbourne fellas, essentially the embodiment of modern Joy Division. I dig this tune. They launched this album late last year and it sold out on vinyl in about a second. There's a couple of other goodies on the album too. 
Fractures - Low Cast (2017): Melbourne band. Don͛t know much about these guys but I dig the layered harmonies and smooth feel of this tune. A newey and a mellow goodie. 
AC/DC - Have a drink on me (1980): What would an Aussie playlist be without AC/DC, who have graciously accepted being considered Australian despite not having resided in Australia for many many years. This is from the Back in Black album, which was a tribute album to Bon Scott, their first singer who died choking on his own spew. That is so cool. It͛s the only AC/DC album that I really got my teeth into, and it was the soundtrack to a phase in my life where my buddies were getting their first cars, beer (we can drink at 18), some very dodgy parties, and experimentation. I listened to this a lot on cassette in my old mans car. I didn't know which song to pick from this album, but I support the inclusion of alcohol in all facets of life so this one jumped out at me. These guys are basically on their last legs these days, but luckily they have an almost direct replacement in the form of Airborne, who are much more famous in Europe than they are in Australia, and who happen to be managed by one of the guys I played in that band with: Greg, the drummer. 
Rocket Science - Burn in Hell (2000): THIS is the kind of music I like to wake up to - fast, groovy, and reminding you that you are damned either way. Fucking inspirational. There's a fantastic line in an LCD Sound System song about 'your favourite music helps you sleep'. To me, that is the wrong way to use music, and it signals a deficiency in the human organism for which this is true. We should pity people like that. Another Melbourne band. 
Peter Sculthorpe - String Quartet # 14 (1998): Peter Sculthorpe died recently, and was probably amongst the most famous residents of Canberra (our Nation's capital), along with Jackie Chan (no shit). I like this kind of whacko classical gear - it conjures up all kinds of landscape features, which helps me sleep. People who don't have music to sleep to should be pitied. 
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - Julie's Place (2017): Greater Melbourne is split in two by the Yarra River and there's a saying that "you're either on one side of the river or the other". The southern suburbs are salubrious and expensive. Things are green and tidy and everything is organised by accountants and lawyers and school mums in black Range Rovers. North of the river is where there are still lots of live music venues, young creative people and nobody ever cleans their front yard. The film clip to this song ("A time to mow") is pretty funny and nicely encapsulates a typical home situation in Melbourne's North. The tune itself is one of the best implementations of excellent song craft over the "we have no musical skills and made this song up in 7 minutes" sound. I dig it (and so does Maux if I recall correctly). 
Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Which way to go (2008): These guys are described as Punk. A good (Melbourne!) guitar band. They basically started from a jam at the record pressing plant where they worked, with vocals improvised over the top. Good riff. Good lyrics. Good clip - what's not to love. 
A.B.Original - January 26 (2016): January 26 is "Australia Day" and we get a public holiday for it. Nobody actually knows specifically why Jan 26th is the holiday. I could probably google it, I guess. But nobody knows. It is being increasingly seen as a celebration of European invasion, and many people are even calling it Invasion day. This song says a lot about how indigenous people feel about Australia Day. These guys recently won an Australian Recording Industry Award (ARIA) for their album, "Reclaim Australia", which, just like it says on the box, is full of protest. This song caused a bit of drama in the press - it rated top 20 in the Hottest 100 but the Murdoch press had a field day and said something like ͞song denouncing Australian values wins award͟ - surprise surprise. I'd like to apologise for Rupert Mordoch again. 
Science Fiction - Divinyls (1983): I never really got into this band, but I like this song's cool groove and flowy bass runs. Their singer, Chrissie Amphlet was an icon for many young Australian women. She had this really sexy look and she shoved it in your face. Great voice, too. Not sure how well known this song is outside of Australia. 
Good boy - Poverty line (2016): another of my morning music favourites and another JJJ Unearthed find. These guys are from Brisbane, which is in Queensland in Australia͛s north east. Queensland is affectionately known as the 'deep north', in reference to the US Deep South, as it is chock full of mosquitos, terrible beer, and all of the very worst of our politicians (Tasmania, that shitty island just off the bottom of the mainland runs a bloody close second for political retards). Only real estate agents and corporate criminals wear closed-toe shoes in Queensland, which makes it easy to spot the remainder in their board shorts and thongs (which is the correct name for 'flip-flops'). 
 Something for Kate - Captain (million miles an hour)(1997): Something for Kate are one of those bands that everyone in Australia and especially the music industry knows and greatly admires, but have never really broken it huge. These guys are another Melbourne band, and somehow I manage to see their singer, Paul Dempsey, all over the place around town - supermarket, laundromat, Chinatown. My brother had the same thing (”Did you see Paul Dempsey again today?””Yeah, WTF?”) and so we think that maybe he is stalking us. That's cool - being stalked is a like a compliment from an introvert. This song is an oldie. There's been many excellent Something for Kate newies, but I just love this one. I dig the straight ahead guitar and bass working together, and the lyrics send me to some dreamy place when I was very young. 
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jlundenberger · 7 years
On the Red Carpet with the Stars
I have been a classic film fan since I was in high school. The names Greta Garbo, Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe and myriad others are mantras for me, evoking worlds of glamour and artistry I find irresistible. And for the classic film fan there is no better TV station than Turner Classic Movies. TCM airs unedited classic movies without commercials, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is truly the classic film-lovers dream.
As a bonus, the station has stepped out of the television set and into the world with the TCM Classic Film Festival, held in Hollywood every spring since 2010. I’ve been to several other classic film festivals, all great in their own right but, for me, the TCMFF is the best. It is the gold standard of classic film festivals. It features four days of meet and greets, panel discussions, book signings and film screenings in iconic Hollywood theatres. It’s a chance for fans to see classic films on the big screen in the manner in which they were originally intended to be seen.
Another important element of the festival is the film-fan community that has been created by TCM, the festival, and the power of social media. Fans communicate with one another in the virtual world and then meet face-to-face at the festival at the yearly Hollywood reunion. The festival has inspired me to become a guest essayist for the blog CineMaven’s Essays from the Couch, and influenced my partner, Ed Johnson, who has accompanied me to the festival in past years, to create the Lights! Camera! Politics! film series, which has just finished its fourth season at the Stephen Crane House.
While I did not attend the festival in its premier year I’ve been to each one since. In 2015 and 2016 TCMFF created a social media program and I was honored to be a selected member of that prestigious group. As a TCMFF Social Producer I created two social media projects. “TCM Boulevard” focused on the festival’s Hollywood location while “Best TCM Fan in a Starring Role” was a trivia game that enabled me to engage with other pass holders on a more complex level. This year I was selected to receive media credentials and a spot on the red carpet.
Each year, on opening night, there is a gala screening held at the TCL Chinese Theatre, originally known as Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, a beautiful movie palace that first opened in 1927. Upper tier pass holders receive access to this screening and make their entrance on the red carpet next to the celebrities in attendance. Afterwards there is a cocktail party, held on the rooftop of the W Hotel, with a breathtaking view of Los Angeles. Past events I have attended included screenings of “An American in Paris” introduced by star Leslie Caron, and “Funny Girl” introduced by Cher, as well as the surprise party appearance of Lulu, singing her hit “To Sir, With Love,” and Kim Novak sidling up to me at the bar. But this year I watched the event from the other side as a member of the press pool.
The opening night film this year was the 1968 Best Picture Academy Award winner “In the Heat of the Night” and would include appearances by stars Sydney Poitier and Lee Grant, Director Norman Jewison, Producer Walter Mirisch, and composer Quincy Jones. I arrived at the event and was happy to find that my position would be with a group of friends. The crew was applying finishing touches to the brilliantly red carpet as we were led to our spots, each marked by the outlet or blog we were representing. I was a more than a little excited as we passed reporters with professional cameras, both still and video – me with my iPhone and pad. I settled in as I chatted with my friends and waited for the celebrities to arrive, some of whom we could now see coming down the line. Beau Bridges, Lee Grant… the red carpet was a classic reunion of stars that night.
There was Wyatt McCrea. The name may not be familiar to you, but he is the grandson of actors Joel McCrea and Frances Dee and has himself been involved in the entertainment business. He would be introducing one of the great comedies of the classic era, “The Palm Beach Story,” which stars his grandfather. The theme of this year’s festival being “Make ‘em laugh,” another reporter asked Wyatt what made him laugh, and he responded his uncle Jody, another acting McCrea you might remember from the 1960’s beach movies. I followed up by asking him if there was a movie that made him cry. He said there was no movie in particular but spoke with sincerity about the power of movies to affect us emotionally, be they happy or sad. That, he said, is what makes for their eternal appeal.  
There was Keir Dullea, star of the film “David and Lisa,” which he would be introducing at the festival, and “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and stage, television and film actress Dana Delany who has been a popular guest host on TCM and was at the festival to introduce the film “Love Crazy.”
Sara Karloff, daughter of horror star Boris Karloff, came by and was talking to reporters about her father’s sense of humor, saying that he was the antithesis of most of the characters he played. She said that he was funny, caring and loving. We agreed that this shows through the heavy makeup and costume he wore in his career-defining role as the monster in the classic “Frankenstein,” probably the subtlest, most sympathetic portrayal of that character in all its cinematic incarnations.
There was Dick Cavett, attending the festival to introduce two comedies, the Marx Brothers’ “Monkey Business” and Laurel and Hardy’s “Way Out West.” I didn’t get a chance to speak to him but he seemed to be one of the more popular and accessible celebrities throughout the remainder of the festival, particularly with the young ladies. I saw several selfies taken with him by friends, Mr. Cavett mocking shock, as if he had been caught in a compromising position with the phone’s owner.
Film critic and historian Leonard Maltin stopped by and I knew from poring over the schedule that he would be introducing 5 films at the festival. I asked if there were any films in particular that he was looking forward to hosting. He told me that he had been allowed to pick two films for the festival, “The Magic Box” and “Street Scene,” and was looking forward to exposing them to a wider audience as, in his opinion, they are both under-seen and underrated. I agreed that, for me, discovering a brilliant film that I am unfamiliar with is often a highlight of the festival.
Actress, writer and director Illeana Douglas talked a bit about the “Trailblazing Women” series she has hosted for 2 seasons on TCM. A quick aside, Ms. Douglas has written a great memoir, “I Blame Dennis Hopper,” that includes a story about her dropping a canapé on the expensive suede shoes of James Woods. I had seen her at a party the night before and couldn’t help noticing her beautiful, very high-heeled shoes, which brought to mind her book. I chatted with her and mentioned the story, promising not to drop anything on her foot.
There was Actor Bob Balaban, unable to speak due to laryngitis, and Fred Willard, in a bright blue suit. Both starred in the film “Best in Show” and would appear at the festival screening of that film.
I’ve never seen the children’s classic “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” which was going to be screened poolside at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel that night but I HAVE met Veruca Salt. Actress Julie Dawn Cole, who played Veruca, and two co-stars, lead Oompa Loompa Rusty Goffe and Paris Themmen, who played Golden Ticket winner Mike Tee Vee, were walking the carpet together and Ms. Cole stopped to chat. She continued to act after the film but eventually left the business to become a child psychotherapist. I asked her about Gene Wilder, who seemed to be looked upon with affection by all who worked with him. She said he had been quite nice during filming and that she had run into him years after the finish of the picture and asked if he remembered her. She was touched when he replied “Veruca Salt wasn’t such a bad girl.”
There was “Marnie” star Diane Baker and Ruta Lee, who appeared in “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” both aglow as they made their way down the busy carpet. John Landis, who directed hits such as “The Blues Brothers” and “An American Werewolf in London” was busy with a television interview but his wife, costume designer Deborah Nadoolman Landis, was happy to stop by and share with us her husband’s latest favorite joke (it involved a Caesar salad and a stabbing) and the costumes she was proudest of designing were for the film “Animal House.”
Most of the celebrities had passed and I began to relax when Quincy Jones dashed by. And, as if to prove true a joke I have about myself – If a star isn’t over 80 I don’t know who they are – a somewhat familiar looking man dashed by. Who is that? I asked a friend. Actor and comedian Chris Tucker.
And that was that. A group of us went for a bite to eat and a drink before I headed off to my first movie of the festival. Oh, yes, I did see some movies. That night I watched “Requiem for a Heavyweight” which was introduced by TCM’s Sunday morning Noir Alley series host Eddie Muller.
I started Friday morning with a 9:00 AM screening of the rarely seen “Rafter Romance,” an early Ginger Rogers film, followed by “One Hour with You,” which stars Maurice Chevalier and Jeanette MacDonald, both delightful comedies from the early 1930’s. I followed those with “Panique,” a 1946 French thriller about the power of petty hearsay, “Red-Headed Woman,” another early 30’s comedy starring Jean Harlow, and “Laura,” a landmark 1944 film noir starring Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney.
Saturday started with a 10:00 AM screening of “This is Cinerama,” introduced by Leonard Maltin at Hollywood’s Cinerama Dome, one of the theatres specifically built for that short-lived widescreen process. I then saw the gripping 1950 film noir “The Underworld Story,” the 1936 screwball comedy “Theodora Goes Wild” starring favorites Irene Dunne and Melvyn Douglas (grandfather of the aforementioned Illeana), and the 1948 comedy “Unfaithfully Yours,” which stars Rex Harrison and Linda Darnell.
I was relying heavily on Starbucks coffee Sunday morning when I attended the 9:00 AM screening of “Cock of the Air,” a recently restored 1932 comedy. I then went to the Larry Edmunds bookstore, a long-time Hollywood landmark, for a book signing by Tippi Hedren, star of two Alfred Hitchcock films, “The Birds” and “Marnie.” Still beautiful at 87 years old, Ms. Hedren was kind and gracious as she signed my book and sat with me for a picture. I then saw the 1970 film “The Landlord,” which was introduced by stars Beau Bridges and Lee Grant, “What’s Up, Doc,” (1972) introduced by the film’s director Peter Bogdanovich (who confided that Cary Grant’s advice to Ryan O’Neal regarding the portrayal of his character was to “wear silk underpants”), and the somewhat ridiculous but beautiful 1944 film “Lady in the Dark,” again Ginger Rogers, in this film wearing a jewel-lined mink evening gown – the perfect way to end the festival.
After the last film I attended the closing party at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, a chance to say goodbye to friends old and new, and to make a few new ones before my departure. I was shocked when I returned to my room and discovered that it was after 3:00 AM. Well, at least I didn’t have to get up for an early screening the next morning.
If you are not a classic film fan I urge you to give one a try. They are a major component of 20th century cultural history and many of them are the foundation for the films we watch today. Do you like special effects and science fiction? Try the original 1933 “King Kong,” or “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (1951). Are you a romantic comedy fan? Watch “The Lady Eve” (1941) or any of the films of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. Suspense? Thrillers? Look up film noir. There are hundreds of dark, bleak 1940’s films full of tension, moral ambiguity and shocking violence, usually more inferred than explicit.
If you are a classic film fan, put the TCM Classic Film Festival on your to-to list. It is 4 days of movie heaven. But be prepared – if you go, you will more than likely be planning your trip for the following year on the plane trip home.      
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