#chinese zodiac kwamis
exammole · 11 months
My changes to Miraculous (plus my thought process)
Part 1: Magic System
For context, although I am a fan of Miraculous and know what happens in it. I’ve never watched the series past season 3 Miracle Queen. But I still want to rewrite this show, it had a lot of potential that was wasted.
Kwami are cool, and although they’re massively important to the story I feel they’re also massively wasted. I also have issues with a lot of the powers as some blatantly copy off of and overshadow the main 7, and some are also stronger than the main 7 too (looking at Fluff and Longg). And I find the threat of Kwami using their power without a holder under-utilised.
The easy and probably better answer is to scrap the Zodiac Kwami entirely. But as I like some of them I’ve elected to making the zodiac more situational and the 7 more stronger.
The way it works in my version is that since the 7 main Kwami have had centuries longer to adjust to their forms; they have the ability to be flexible in what their powers can do, given if their holder trains enough. The 12 Zodiac Kwami who are just now being given physical forms, have far weaker powers. That being said, the general rules Kwami follow in the show (cannot be seen with technology, phasing through walls ect.) all still apply.
If I add the handicap that Kwami’s can’t use their powers without their holders because it’ll cause a catastrophe, it’s not going to be treated as a joke because Kwami are literal gods now.
Also all Kwami have passive abilities, which are powers that can be used without triggering the time limit. I feel most of them are understandable except for Know, Know is basically a 6th sense type of power that lets to sense emotions and vibes.
Tikki: Kwami of Creation
With minimal training, her holder can create objects (although what object is made is random).
With sufficient training, her holders can control what object they create.
With experienced training, her holders can create living things. More energy is used to create more complex life.
Tikki also has the passive ability of Fly
Plagg: Kwami of Destruction
With minimal training, his holder can destroy objects (although the level of destruction cannot be controlled)
With sufficient training, his holder can control the level of destruction.
With experienced training, his holder can increase their own strength by destroying other objects.*
Plagg also has the passive ability of Climb
Nooroo: Kwami of Transmission
With minimal training, his holder can spectate from one place to another
With sufficient training, his holder can communicate from one place to another
With experienced training, his holder can send things from one place to another
Nooroo also has the passive ability of Flight
Wayzz: Kwami of Protection
With minimal training, his holder can create shields*
With sufficient training, his holder can create multiple shields at once*
With experienced training, his holder can change the shape of theur shield*
Wayzz also has the passive ability of Shield
Trixx: Kwami of Perception
With minimal training, his holder can create small and simple illusions.
With sufficient training, his holder can create larger scale, complex illusions.
With experienced training, his holder can alter various other sences (hearing, smelling, etc.)
Trixx also has the passive ability of Dodge
Pollen: Kwami of Action
With minimal training, her holder can stop a target from doing something.
With sufficient training, her holder can freeze a target in place
With experienced training, her holder can force a target to do something.
Pollen also has the passive ability of Flight
Duusu: Kwami of Emotion
With minimal training, her holder can enchant an object with powers.
With sufficient training, her holder can change anothers form from the enchanted object.
With experienced training, her holder can create a living being with an enchanted object.
Duusu also has the passive ability of Know
Note, since Creation and Destruction are the strongest, it takes longer for the holders to use their powers effectively. I think that’s a reasonable natural handicap, and it makes it more interesting to see how Ladybug and Cat Noir manoeuvre around a battle.
With the zodiac as I mentioned before; I scaled down their powers to make them more situational, and they don’t have as much creative leeway in what their powers can do. As well as they don’t appear until much later into the rewrite.
Mullo: Kwami of Division
Allows the holder to divide into smaller copies of themselves.
Mullo also has the passive ability of Dodge
Stompp: Kwami of Unionisation
Allows the holder to absorb people into themself, becoming a giant collective.
Stompp also has the passive ability of Shield
Roaar: Kwami of Acceleration
Allows the holder to increase their speed to lightning fast levels.
Roaar also has the passive ability of Run
Fluff: Kwami of Abduction
Allows the holder to store items in a pocket dimension indefinitely.
Fluff also has the passive ability of Jump
Longg: Kwami of Composition*
Allows the holder to change their body composition.
Longg also has the passive ability of Flight
Sass: Kwami of Intuition
Allows the holder to see into the future.
Sass also has the passive ability of Dodge
Kaalki: Kwami of Migration
Allows the holder to create gateways (different to portals)
Kaalki also has the passive ability of Run
Ziggy: Kwami of Gravitation*
Allows the holder to change somethings gravity
Ziggy also has the passive ability of Climb
Xuppu: Kwami of Derision
Allows the holder to interrupt another’s power.
Xuppu also has the passive ability of Climb
Orikko: Kwami of Rejuvenation
Allows the holder to heal a targets wounds/damage
Orikko also has the passive ability of Know
Barkk: Kwami of Position
Allows the holder to track a target.
Bark also has the passive ability of Run
Daizee: Kwami of Jubilation
Allows the holder to amplify another’s power greatly.
Daizee also has the passive ability of Know
These are the only Kwami in my rewrite, since Master Fu accidentally destroyed the rest like he did in the show. Other power sources would technically exist, but not to the scale of the United Heroez; only things like the Grimoire, Guardians, mage powers (referencing the comic), and the Prodigious apply.
I find the origins of the Kwami so interesting, and I’m so confused why the only mention of it is tucked away in some comic which may or may not even be canon?? So I want to have mages be somewhat important to the story. As for the Prodigious and the Renlings; I never watched any of the specials so I don’t have an opinion on them, I guess I find them interesting? Might as well add it in.
Grimoires are books containing information about the Kwami, the Miraculous, and various spells. Only Guarduans and Mages can read Grimoires without having to translate the book, as they are Miraculous text.
Guardians are the scholars and protectors of the Miraculous. This title is earned through a ritual that grants a person the power to read Miraculous texts, and an extended life span. If willingly or forcibly renounced, they will lose all memories relating to the Miraculous, the Kwami, the Mages and the Guardians.
Mages are the descendants of the man who created the first ever Miraculous. They have the power to read Miraculous texts, the unique power of creating miraculous, and having the power to perform spells naturally.
The Prodigious & The Renlings:
The Prodigious is an artefact made by early Mages and Guardians to see if they could create Kwami of their own, creating the Renlings as a result. However they were deemed too unsafe and hidden away forever. Renlings still have the same powers as they do in the special, able to turn into an animal that corresponds to a human value that the holder is possessing. (I’m looking at the wiki, I could be wrong).
Long Long transforms the holder into a dragon when the holder is exhibits Justice.
Ying Ying transforms the holder into an eagle when the holder exhibits Confidence.
She She transforms the holder into a snake when the holder exhibits Courage.
Tang Tang transforms the holder into a mantis when the holder exhibits Patience.
Xiong Xiong transforms the holder into a bear when the holder exhibits Calmness.
Hou Hou transforms the holder into a monkey when the holder exhibits Compassion.
Ma Ma transforms the holder into a horse when the holder exhibits Honour.
Hu Hu transforms the holder into a tiger when the holder exhibits Discipline.
In my next Miraculous rewrite post, I’ll be talking about the plot.
EDIT: I’ve ended up changing a few things, bcuz I’m lowkey making this rewrite up as I go along. I’ll mention them when necessary, but I’ll be adding a * to anything I’ve edited. Sorry for any possible confusion 😓😓
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silverslate221 · 1 year
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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redtippedfox · 11 months
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Accidentally deleted this post when I was trying to edit it but guess I can’t undo that.
All characters in this AU are aged up and are adults
Anyway gonna take this chance to redo this post and upload her updated kwami swaps.
Behold the holy trinity of Kwami swaps part 1
1. Fox! Marinette: Huli Jing, she’s a trickster and her illusions are beautifully dangerous
2. Bee! Marinette: HoneyBee: She’s hella sweet but you don’t wanna piss her off because her sting can hurt
3. Turtle! Marinette: Chelona Jade: Graceful, strong, and powerful she is the protector.
4. Black Cat! Marinette: Lady Noire: Pent up Destruction can be dangerous especially for a rule follower who’s been stuck being perfect
5. Mouse! Marinette: Multimouse: She may be small but she can give you quite a scare when she divides and conquers.
6. Peacock! Marinette: Bleu Celine: A Goddess in human flesh her Sentimonster’s seem like a dream but beware for they are not all they seem.
7. Butterfly! Marinette: Titania: Light as a butterfly, become her champion be blessed by her gift.
These kwami swaps are definitely going to appear in Timey Wimey soon, we’re getting really close to Marinette’s reveal. I’ll also be posting the other half of this which the Chinese zodiac part of the Miracle Box, yep that’s right my girl is pulling a Kwamibuster on the corrupted hero’s but with a twist. Anywho, updated their designs and was just trying to edit the post but accidentally deleted it so whoops.
So cleaned up their designs and thought might as well post more.
The main seven Miraculouses are still my favorite
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
I have notice that you are giving the kwamis different and more uniques personalities. How you imagened their unique emotions and how they react with the holders?
For sure, there are very few instances where the Zodiac Kwami get to show their individualism except for Sass or when they briefly interact with their new holders, so I really grabbed on to any little bit I could see and held tight.
Mullo - In the story of the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat rides the Ox and jumps off at the last minute in order to arrive first, so I thought it'd make sense for Mullo to be mischievous - also because Marinette uses it first for some cheeky misdirection. I got lucky that Mullo turned out to be a bit of a prankster when "Mega Leech" came out.
Stompp - As one of the Leftover 4, Stompp didn't get a lot of expression when they were shown in "PenalTeam", but I kinda ended up working with how calm they were. The way they addressed Chloe not knowing the kwamis names gave her a Disapproving Mother vibe, so I went with them being a nurturer. I picture them wanting to watch over their holder, particularly children ones, and watch them grow into full grown Oxes.
Roarr - So this one was easy cuz they've been very consistent in the show, and since the kwamis default to loud and bratty when they're in Mob Mode (ie, when all the kwamis act in sync instead of in line with their personalities), Roarr was simply a too rambunctious child. An extrovert to the extreme. Their name is very appropriate.
Fluff - This one is pretty established in canon, so I guess I'll just extend my headcanon. Fluff is easily confused and babbles a lot, and I think it's because they're being constantly bombarded with information from so many timelines. Existence is a prison and Fluff just comes across as dumb because all their brain power is overheating from a massive influx of information, so they have nothing else to offer in the Present.
Longg - "Ikari Gozen" makes them out to be a Long Winded Old Man/Woman (depending on the dub lol), but aside from them being pretty polite later, they don't hold on to it. I am. Longg is old as shit and just wants these damn kids to hear out their long ass stories, but they just don't know how to edit because it's been forever since they've been out of the box (a nod to how Dragons are now "mythical"). They don't know how to talk to the youngins anymore.
Sass - Okay, c'mon, we all know Sass. Sass is the only one we know definitively. They're the leader and being level headed and calm is the thing that distinguishes him from the rest. He is mildly cursed like Fluff to recall every remade time line, remembering what happened the other times that needed a second chance, but it's less of a burden than it is for Fluff.
Kaalki - I opted to lean in to her being a Diva, obviously thanks to her attitude in "Startrain". You'd think that'd clash with Max, so the struggle was more about making them work together despite that, so I also gave her a fascination with innovation. She's not very technologically literate, but she's interested in what humans have been able to do, especially when it comes to exploration. But in the end, she's still pretty vain lol.
Ziggy - since they were very upset at how mean Chloe was in "Miracle Queen" as opposed to angry like Stompp and Roarr, I felt Ziggy was probably younger and a bit sensitive. I also leaned into some goat traits, having them eat paper and headbutt Nathaniel.
Xuppu - Xuppu can easily become very annoying, especially in "Destruction" where they're trying to be helpful, but uhhhh...they aren't. So I just stuck with how they were portrayed in their canon debut episode. Like Roarr, Xuppu is very much like A Child, so even in Mob Mode they feel in character - getting into stuff and making a mess.
Orikko - I made them very patient, which you gotta be when your powers are bullshit and you constantly have to give a tutorial on how they work. They could talk all day with their holder trying to find loopholes.
Barkk - So they have two standout moments where they're allowed individuality - in "Furious Fu" and "Risk". In the former, they are stubbornly staying behind to guard the house and the Miracle Box, and in the latter, they're super excited at getting a new holder and getting to "play". So both a guard dog and a puppy. I met in the middle where they DO really want to play, but also want everyone to be as excited as them which takes a little coaxing. Like an Extrovery adopting Introverts.
Daizzi - They're just very sweet. Almost just like Rose but soft spoken. They feel very much but like to focus on the things they like, no matter how simple they are.
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Thank you for answering my Origins Dragon!Marinette and Turtle!Adrien question! Please don’t worry about disagreeing with the idea; I asked for YOUR opinion and analysis on why it would OR wouldn’t work, and that’s what I got. 😌 It also made me consider meta and in-show stuff that I hadn’t before, which is cool. You mentioned wanting all of the Kwamis to be part of some sort of set of two or more, and I’d love to hear what those sets are in your head going down the full Chinese Miracle Box list and why you’d pair them together with consideration towards both the Kwami themselves and their Powers.
(Post this ask is referring to)
Oh good, I'm glad that you found it useful and not discouraging!
Talking about how to pair the Kwamis is a little tricky because of an issue that I've discussed before. That issue being that the "Chinese" miracle box seems to be about as Chinese as fortune cookies. That makes me uncomfortable because - as far as I'm aware - the Chinese zodiac is a major part of Chinese beliefs and traditions. As such, I personally feel like the box should reflect those beliefs and traditions, but I also don't know those beliefs and traditions, so I can't tell you how I'd effectively group the zodiac Kwamis in order to honor their cultural origins. I can't even be sure if my criticism is valid or just me being overly cautious!
In an ideal world where I had money to invest in this sort of thing, I'd hire a cultural consultant to work with me to design a Chinese miracle box that feels Chinese (or to tell me that I'm overthinking this and to just do whatever I want). Assuming that I'm not overreacting, this would probably mean redesigning a lot of the powers and looks so that they honor Chinese lore and not Western lore.
For example, one thing that I know for sure is that black cats are not unlucky in China. They're actually symbols of good luck (all cats are), so a Chinese box would not have the implied good luck/bad luck thing that we get with Ladybug and Chat Noir. My limited research has also raised some doubts about ladybugs being a go-to symbol of good luck or creation in China, but I'm a lot less confident about that one being a bad choice as the association may exist. I couldn't find anything definitive one way or the other. This leads me to think that, if the association exists, then it's probably a bit obscure, meaning that a Chinese box would probably go with a different animal if we were trying to be culturally accurate to what a Chinese-inspired box would really look like.
I can say with reasonable certainty that Creation is associated with the masculine yang and Destruction is associated with the feminine yin, so Tikki should possibly feel masculine to feminine Plagg. At the very least, their spots in the miracle box should probably be reversed with Plagg in the black and Tikki in the white since yin is black and yang is white?
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[Image Description: center of the original miracle box showing that ladybug earrings are placed in the black part of the yin yang symbol while the black cat ring is in the white]
I also known that white rabbits being associated with time, watches, and umbrellas comes from Alice in Wonderland and not China. Are you starting to see why I'm doubting the cultural accuracy of the miracle box?
The alternate way to approach this is to remove the possible issue of Chinese culture being treated as "mystical" or nothing more than ornamentation by making the Chinese miracle box into the miracle box of no specified culture. Since that's kind of what the box already is in terms of deeper meanings and cultural ties, I think we can go that route for this discussion since we have taken a moment to acknowledge the potential issues with the box's existing design and why that's leading me to take this route as - to me - this seems to be the only way to stick to canon's lore while avoiding potential further insults to Chinese culture.
If we went to my ideal extremes with this approach, we'd actually massively cut down the number of miraculous in the box because I think that there are way too many miraculous! Who needs nineteen "unique" powers to arm and fight one villain? This is extra true since there's no real theme to the miraculous beyond the initial setup of Creation/Destruction + five random powers followed by the addition twelve more random powers with no clear ties to any culture or theme other than the look of the Kwamis that grant the powers.
But that's getting real extreme, so for this ask, we won't go there. Instead, I'll talk about some general ideas for grouping the powers that we already have and some ideas for how you could fix the randomness of our current powers to make them feel like they make sense.
To start, I love the fact that our two main heroes are supposed to be a pair power wise. That's a lovely way to approach your lore and is why I think that they should have grouped the other miraculous, too. Why are Creation and Destruction the only set? Why aren't the others in any sort of group? Why do these miraculous have the powers they do? What ties them to this box and not another box?
There are a few ways to approach pairing the other miraculous. You can come at it from a theme perspective such as the fact that both the snake and the rabbit are all about time. You can also look for opposites such as the turtle being all about defense and the dragon being more about offense. You can even go more broad and say that a given group of miraculous is all aspects of one type of power such as the peacock, the goat, and the ladybug all feeling like aspects of creation. There's really no clear way to go about this because the current powers are so freaking random!
When I approach this stuff, I don't just come up with powers. I come up with the lore and let that help guide the powers or I shape the lore around the powers I want to use until both things make sense. For example, it makes sense that Creation would have some magical being guiding it. It also makes sense that Creation would either create Destruction for balance or that they both popped into existence together so that there was always a balance. Once you have that, you say, "Okay, what other Forces would these two want in order to help guide the universe? What can't they do or what do they do consistently enough that they might want to hand it off?"
Going from there, you start to come up with ideas like maybe they wanted Time to have a physical embodiment so that they could get some guidance on the long term effects of the things that they were making, so that's Fluff coming online. But Time is a lot and they liked their balance, so maybe Sass was brought online too in order to balance Fluff with Fluff being focused on what was and what could be while Sass is focused on what is, thereby giving Fluff someone to ground her. Or maybe you even add in a third Kwami to be some sort of historian who remembers the past while Fluff is the future and Sass is the now.
Another thought path is that most things are not pure Creation or pure Destruction. You must destroy to create. When you make bread, yeast consumes sugar to create air bubbles. Creation and Destruction working together. So maybe Tikki and Plagg wanted to make "children" who could do what they couldn't do solo and that's how we got the peacock?
No matter how you go about this, I really don't think that there's a great way to explain/group all nineteen miraculous, especially if you add in the eagle and Fei's wacky prodigious with it's animal abilities. It's just too random! But I do think that there's a lot of potential in strong subsets of the ones we get in canon, especially if you're allowed to edit the powers or the Forces a bit to make them fit their supposed Force or granted power better. I've talked before about how I'd mess with Lucky Charm to remove the odd Luck association and focus on Creation and that's what I'd do with most of the miraculous because, right now, most of them don't make much sense.
For example, Ziggy - the goat - is supposed to be the Kwami of Passion and that somehow gives the power to create anything you want? I know creatives are passionate, but that still doesn't fit in my mind. It would make more sense for this to be an inspiration power like the pig or for the Force to change to Creation and Ziggy is just a lesser ladybug for some reason? And Stompp - the Ox - is Determination, but I'd actually label his shield power as an aspect of Protection, making him in some sort of pairing with the turtle. Self defense verses defense of others?
In short, the canon lore is a disaster that needs major work to feel solid which leads to lots of paths for fixing the mess. In my opinion, the best way to go about fixing it is to take the element that worked best - the Creation/Destruction pairing - and expand that out to make strong, logical lore for the other Kwamis and their associated powers. Lore that probably won't be rooted in any one culture because no culture seems to be a solid match for the lore that canon is using, which is only concerning because of the current obvious associations with China and that's not even touching on the whole Tibetan monks + Chinese culture issue. Go check out the post I linked at the start for my thoughts on that which basically sum up to, "I am not even remotely qualified to talk about this one, but it seems like a terrible idea."
(Once again, reminder that I'm not Chinese or otherwise deeply informed on Chinese culture. I'm just a person who tries her best to respect other cultures and the miracle box sets off a lot of warning bells for me. Those warning bells could always be a false positive, so you shouldn't take my thoughts as some sort of final say on this topic. Please feel free to look into this on your own and form your own opinions.
If you are Chinese or otherwise educated in these topics, then please feel free to reblog this or send an ask giving me some additional context as I really do love learning about this stuff, but it's near impossible to research! I spent a good hour talking to a local librarian trying to find books or articles in our library that talked about the Chinese zodiac from an academic perspective and we found nothing. I've got a few interlibrary loan requests out to academic libraries in our library network though and I'll follow up on this if those books end up having information that adds to the discussion.)
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imthepunchlord · 2 months
Zodiac Heroes Poll: Mouse
Another idea I kinda want to play around with and plan for is the chaos of Fu only having the Chinese Zodiac and he releases them all to spite and deal with HM, cause how dare he misuse a Miraculous.
Only there are 12 heroes and a struggle to decide who gets what as possibilities are endless. I have tried and just kept going back and forth and constantly changed my mind.
So for fun, let's do them in polls! I'll be doing three a week, and provide links to other polls as they get released.
Choose very carefully, as each Zodiac will have a variety of potential characters to use it. What character wins in this poll is what they get and that option is removed from future polls.
Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig
Mouse Miraculous will have the power Multitude, which can clone the user endlessly, all clones are mentally linked, though the clones will have the same physical capability as the user with no additional strength, speed, or agility. Clones are also very delicate, and will poof away out of existence from a single hit. When clones are dismissed or return to the original, the 5 minute timer will start.
Mullo is a kwami who is quiet and impish. One of her favorite pastimes is pull pranks and messing with humans. She is competitive and thrives for success, preferring it through subtly, cunning, and resourcefulness. She values wit and cleverness, and urges her humans to think out of the box, and to go for what they want, any means necessary, even making use of others around you and their unique strengths. If she likes a human, she can be very affectionate and helpful, but if not, she will set up humans for failure as a (spiteful) lesson, and for her own amusement.
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lucydoodlessometimes · 7 months
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alright guys. i have more miraculous-ish content. 3rd pic is felix, marinette, kagami, and nathaniel from left to right. I haven't done a nino yet, but he'll be there when I post a finalized version I swear. Also, either Juleka or Rose, though I havent decided on which.
SO. bit of context before i yap under a cut. this is a co-op work (and potential series of fics) with @frickifiknow and so I only have half of the cast to design; hence no adrien, alya, or chloe in my lineup. they will be yapped about, and perhaps drawn by me, but maybe dont hold your breath. ALso, this is a rewrite, inspired more by the fandom than the actual show (though I am passively re-watching it currently, so we'll see) and will kindof sortof overhaul the entire premise. but that all goes under a cut, so i will see you all there.
alright SO. hi folks. miss me? Miss my rambles? no? your loss, because my yapping is immaculate.
Starting with the world!
There are 12 kwami in total- i love the Chinese zodiac for the show, but I personally don't want that many characters to be active. This will feature a main cast of my personal favorite characters from when I watched this show, and not much else because this is for personal pleasure, not objective quality. Each kwami has a pair, which corresponds to a unifying concept. These arent wholly ironed out yet, but they go: existence, defense, time, devotion, guidance, and experience. more about them and their kwamis to come.
this runs on a multiverse that the kwami of broken worlds can and do break. the idea is that after hawkmoth, the miraculous holders face the breaking of whatever has held the "antikwami" at bay this long, and have to gain higher power to defeat themselves and protect their world, thus allowing us to move on from gabriel agreste as a villain long before season five. The antikwami can only exist in this timeline separate from their counterparts because they are currently fulfilling a separate role; they would (and have) sort of merge into the kwami of this world if "redeemed". The kwami chose to be bound to the miraculous and to human holders in ancient times, as doing so managed to weaken their antitheses as they entered this timeline due to the natural balancing of, like, natural law. what is must be undone, or whatever. The antikwami tend to also pick "holders" of a sort, but it's... a worse process, overall. They cloud one's judgement, enhance all their worst traits, the works. more to come on them, i haven't ironed out all the cracks just yet.
All of my designs hinge on being relatively young versions of the characters, as you tend to get more power as you get older, and as you gain experience with the miraculous. Early on, any animal parts will be stuck onto clothing, with ear and horn details coming from masks and tails being attached to belts and capes. later, more high-powered designs will look grander and feature more naturalistic inclusions from the animal (including functional wings for ladybug, possibly) as the holders grow closer to their kwami.
It's 2am, I have school in the morning, and I gotta go. Thanks for reading, or not, reblogs > likes, like and subscribe or something, gn
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I'm saving this for a future blog I plan to do but in these months I thought about making sense (and a slight rewrite) of the Chinese zodiac from the miraculous box. It always bugged me quite a bit that the concepts and powers didn't correlate with each other, like:
If there is a kwami of Illusion, where is the kwami of revelation?
Shouldn't Adoration have a counterpart representing Contempt?
How do I distinguish Determination from Pretension?
What does Exaltation have to do with hitting hard and what does Passion have to do with drawing things?
Well, I decided to create a subdivision in the zodiac in which each miraculous is more related to that of the ladybug or the cat, so kwamis that are "creative forces" and "destructive forces" that oppose each other. At the same time each of these dualities represents more universal concepts of existence.
To summarize, it would be:
1. Time
Rabbit (creative force) Power of Progression: allows the user to have small premonitions or glimpses of the future/create projections of past and future events (I'm still undecided). True time travel is a power up that only the adult Bunnix possesses.
Snake (destructive force) Power of Regression: her canon powers allow her to create time loops.
2. Space (or movement)
Horse (+) Power of Translation/Travel: creation of portals.
Dog (-) Power of Return/Devolution: instead allows objects to come to you.
3. Structure:
Dragon (+) "Harmony/Order": allows you to organize the atmosphere around you although initially you can only use one element at a time.
Monkey (-) "Chaos/Disruption": alters the order of things and the powers of your enemy.
4. Matter:
Goat (+) Integration: from a representation or image (drawing) you can bring something from your imagination into reality.
Mouse (-): Dispersion: the canonical, the creation of microclones.
5. Strength:
Rooster (+) Affirmation: allows you to obtain or improve TALENTS (not superpowers or desires) only human abilities such as speed, intelligence, reflexes, etc.
Ox (-)Negation: repel any enemy attack with a shockwave that weakens it.
6. Coexistence:
Pig (+) Conciliation: grants the user the ability to empathize with his rival/target, showing their wants and needs:
Tiger (-) Collision (confrontation): grants you incredible strength to dominate your opponent.
I hope all these ideas make sense, I tried my best to organize them.
I really like the idea of pairing up each Miraculous like you've done. It's very creative, and makes a lot of sense.
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wormzandgutz · 2 years
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In my hypothetical mlb rewrite (also known as “likeliness 0″) I’d probably just keep it to 7 Kwamis. The Chinese zodiac is cool but it becomes both too much when you already have 7 other non-related ones lol. Also some of the canon ones are just stupid..
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bakawitch · 2 days
Spoiling all the holders from the Grimm Court au cause why tf not XD
(Note: the Zodiac kwamis aren't a thing here, it's just the top two layers from the Chinese box here)
Miracle Box Kwamis:
Ladybug of Creation - Kagami - Lady Akeru
Black Cat of Destruction - Luka - Sphinx Noir/Juleka - Black Velvette
Fox of Illusion - Aurore - Autumn Foliage
Turtle of Protection - Ondine - Leprosa
Bee of Subjugation - Lila - Beejoux
Butterfly of Transmission - Gabriel - Hawkmoth
Peacock of Emotion - Mireille - Seigyoku
Grimm Kwamis:
Dove of Adaptation - Marinette - Harlequin
Cat of Commission - Adrien - Marbled Duke
Cross Fox of Compulsion - Alya - Foxtrot
Mouse of Misdirection - Nino - Rat Trap
Unicorn of Lumination - Chloé - Lady Topaz
Raven of Mystification - Lila - Carriona
Swan of Inclination - Felix - Cornetist
Bee + Raven = Goldenfinch of Saturation - Lila - Dorata
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It is kind of funny to realize the only Kwami not based on a real animal is the dragon.
Like if I was writing Miraculous myself I'd maybe keep the team smaller & have the dragon/Kagami not even be tied to a Kwami.
But in the context of Kwami & a regular fanfic no clue if this could be used to mean anything, but it is kind of interesting I feel.
I mean the Dragon is there because after the Main Seven, the Miraculous are based on the Chinese Zodiac.
This is also a fictional world where Dragons could very much be real.
Though yeah if I was writing ML from scratch I would cut it down to just the Main Seven.
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baenyth · 5 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episodes 3-25 and 3-26: Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen
So, this is it. Goodbye, Chloe.
You ever think about how weird it is that Miraculous season 3 still uses the season 2 opening despite all the new heroes and kwamis introduced? We got to see 6 more Miraculouses here out of the 12 of the Chinese Zodiac.
So that's where pizzaboy Luka came from! Seems to be a delivery boy more than anything.
Yes! Luka! And hopefully Lukanette!
pfffft Gabriel really busted out the "Our get along shirt"
Yes! Kagami and Adrien having friendly interactions with Marinette!
Andre needs to divorce his garbage heap of a wife. Does he know about the affair?
Yes! Kagami and Adrien spending happy time with eachother!
Yes! Silly Kagami and the three having mischevious antics!
Ooh, the ballpit pool as well! The three of them are so cute and fun together. Now all we need is Luka and we'll have the superior love square! One that's actually a square as well!
Kagami might have feelings for Marinette too?! Whoopee!
Marinette with her hair down is peak.
The Evil Egg that Eats Everyone
So the ice cream guy isn't really polyamorous, but just concerned about having too many flavors? I mean, peppermint and orange kinda sounds like toothpaste and orange juice, but searching it up there are people who think otherwise,
Marinette letting Adrien and Kagami be happy together. Yippee!
Master Fu's monologue really went back to normal halfway through, huh?
Steals your girlfriend
And there it is. Honestly it's less of a jape and more of a downward spiral. Chloe wants to help in deakumatizing her parents, Ladybug broke her own rules by bringing back Ryuko when Hawkmoth knows her identity as much as Queen Bee's, and paralysis being a better fit for this fight than Logias. Girl felt abandoned by her crush, and Hawkmoth only manipulated her in person because he couldn't do it with an akuma, as well as it giving her the special treatment she craved.
And the superior ships fall into place.
The bees actually stinging people wasn't in the budget?
Now that's what I call a hive mind!
Oooh, and the moth's back as well!
I'm glad the water voices aren't back. Oh yeah. A lot of stuff's coming back. This really is a season finale!
Love me a good boss rush!
Again with the baldness.
And yet, Ladybug tries to get Chloe back on her side. What an angel.
Pfft she's really putting on everything
And there's Chloe's villain meltdown. Ladybug didn't even tell her she couldn't be Queen Bee anymore. Chloe broke ties with Ladybug on her own.
Why and how are they in love again? One's a karen and the other's a pushover.
mmmm, crumbs of Julerose.
And so we get Lukanette and Adrigami. They should've stuck with these ships and abandoned the love square, but no. Not even for one measly episode.
It's been said a bajillion times before, but it's weird how Miraculous says a grown adult terrorist with too much beef with two 14-year-olds can be redeemed but a 14-year-old with blatant issues is irredeemable and the scum of the earth. Admittedly this wasn't as bad as expected. I know the first two episodes of season 4 are going to make this look like paradise. So much disrespect. I'm probably going to watch the two specials in this season, and move on to rereading that fic I decided I still love and take a long hiatus to review a different Franime series. One I've known for much longer, and feel much fonder about as well.
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
I never felt so satisfy reading Miraculous fics like Bloody bug final season 2. But, there's so many question after reading the latest chapter and your plans for the further.
When you mentioned Velze it made me wonder if all these fics you've made are related to each other.
Shocked and confused as to why you would give Gabriel redemption after what he caused. Hopefully, there is a clear reason why he is like that and also the internal problems between him and Nathalie which triggered the problems in the last chapter.
Is Zoe also getting more involved in this matter? even though he is not part of the Chinese Zodiac Miraculous
I really wonder what kind Marinette's villain arc that you'll give to her? (will she join Mayura along with Lila)
I'm quite worried about your decision to put Marinette in Canon!Chloe's place but worse and reasonable at the same time. But at the other hand, I'm really glad to find this fics where Marinette is not the MC or a sanctimonious annoying character that makes me even hates her.
Sorry, for this long questions and I hope you can finish the Bloody bug verse smoothly because I'm sure this fic can be better. Also, can't wait for the Black cat!Juleka design in this story.
Oh, answer time!
So while all my fics are sorta connected with the reworked power system and kwami ocs, Bloody Bug will not turn into an All That Remained situation. The kwamis won't be changed to my system, but I will be adding in further adjustments to make the Miraculous as a whole feel more powerful while keeping their canon concepts and powers. Like Mayura for example.
Gabriel I have plans for. Think of him like what we saw in the movie, kinda. Gabriel will still get some flak for the shit that he did, but with what I have planned, a redemption is possible for him. As for the problems with Gabriel and Nathalie, Gabriel doesn't realize that Mayura is Nathalie, nor does he understand why Mayura is out for his head.
Zoe will have a little more involvement.
Marinette's villain arc isn't the canon!Chloe damnation. I would put Marinette's damnation as a tragedy. Marinette will fall victim to the slimy viper who knows how to manipulate people. The ultimate gaslighter and abuser, and Marinette will fall right into the viper's hands.
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mothrasthorax · 10 months
I saw a Reddit post earlier about miraculous fusions and I made an extensive comment about what would happen if we fused other kwamis together. The following is an excerpt from the comment + other relevant stuff
We all know that if we merge Tikki and Plagg, we get the kwami of reality, Gimmi. Infamous for their sought-after wish granting powers.
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Got me wondering if other kwamis can do that and here's what I thought:
I don't think that just 2 random Kwami's can fuse into new versions. I think, if you can merge the Kwami's that are arranged in a way that they are grouped together, you'll be able to create new Kwami's, or just unlock new powers!
Let's take the miraculouses surrounding the yin yang that represent the Chinese elements (fox 🦊, bee 🐝, turtle 🐢, butterfly 🦋.peacock 🦚.).
If you can merge these 5, you might be able to use the powers the miraculouses in the 12 in the zodiac through their assigned element, that being one of the five Miraculouses (and potentially the ladybug and black cat's).
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You can also ofc gain new powers from the myriad of combinations at your disposal.
As for its kwami, I think it'll be some kind of jorogumo that changes color and patterns depending on which elemental miraculous it's using. 🤷‍♂️
Now let's try to combine the miraculouses that represent the Chinese Zodiac. (In order, Mouse 🐁, Ox 🐂, Tiger 🐅, Rabbit🐇, Dragon 🐉, Snake 🐍, Horse 🐎, Goat 🐐, Monkey 🐒, Rooster 🐓, Dog 🐕, Pig 🐖)
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If you can manage to combine them, you might be able to infinitely use all their powers with absolutely no consequences, so long as you use them in order. (like the anime Demon Slayer's 13th form of sun breathing), No new kwami tho 😢
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
MNP ✦ Wonders ✦ Part 1 -- Categories, types, powers
Time to talk about actual Wonder's properties and how different they are from the canon miraculouses, which despite being described as "magical", always seemed to lack that ""miraculous"" effect that we're told about constantly.
By the way, It's definitely going to be a longer post :)
There is a total of 19 Wonders, with only 8 being fully introduced or seen in the MnP. Those 19 Wonders have been separated into two boxes: Motherbox and Zodiac box, with the latter's fate not being fully known. It's heavily suspected by the current Guardian that all Wonders from the Zodiac box have been destroyed (with a single exception).
Motherbox has been considered the root, the foudation of the balance for centuries, even longer than that as It contains Wonders of great power that are directly connected to elemenets of the world. Let me explain. Within the box, there are Wonders of Balance and Wuxing Wonders; all of which have their very own purpose deeply rooted in the world's peaceful existence.
All 7 Wonders within the Motherbox can also be grouped into insect-type (Bee, Butterfly, Ladybug), feline-type (Fox, Cat) and exotic-type (Peacock, Turtle). This is most often used to describe similarities in hero forms.
Both Wonders are the most powerful artifacts ever known to mankind. They're the ones keeping everything in order and must exist simultaneously or else risk everything falling apart. Additional properties include of not being able to be separated; you cannot take one Wonder and leave the other in the box. Again, they have to be active, idle, created or destroyed at the same time. One cannot exist without the other and that is a solid fact.
☯ The Yang Wonder - Ladybugs are known for their luck symbolism. In the Wonder's case, It not only brings fortune, but order, balance, miracles and most importantly - creation.
The Kwami is Tikki - duty-bound insect kwami. Using her raw power would spread overwhelmingly good fortune across the land. While It sounds good at first, it's definitely something of a monkey paw situation with twists at every turn. Besides, every single person with very contradicting wishes would turn this into a massive cataclysm.
The weapon is a yoyo. It's capable of catching akumas and purifying them.
Ladybug's power is Lucky Charm. It creates an object that If used correctly, can provide a direct solution to one's problem or immediate defeat of the foe.
Additional skill that the user holds is the Purification/restoration spell. It was invented by the Guardians many decades ago to fix the damages coming from massive battles and only Tikki was able to use it to its full extend.
☯ The Yin Wonder - Black cats have been regarded as the "darker side of the moon" for a very long time. If they weren't the messengers of misfortune and bad news, they were considered witches' apprentices. Harbringers of discord, chaos, misfortune and darkness, destroying everything in their path.
Plagg is the Kwami of destruction. His raw power will cause mass destruction and in contrast to tikki, misfortune.
User's weapon is the stick that allows for extension when needed. Both his and Ladybug's weapons can catch, store and release akumas in context of the show.
Black Cat's power is Cataclysm. Once used on an item, It will "bring misfortune", in most cases it being destruction of the item. In case of using it on a living being, It will kill them almost immediately.
Wuxing is a Chinese art form that introduces us to a scheme of 5 elements: fire, metal, earth, wood and water. All of those elements are assigned to the Secondary Wonders.
火 Fire Wuxing - Fox - Despite the resemblance in type, Fox Wonder is actually closer connected to Yang Wonder - Ladybug. It's the second phase within the scheme and often associated with red colors, strength, dynamism and creativity - which is almost directly connected to its power of illussion creation.
Trixx is the Kwami of Fire. Using their raw power will result in strong, believable illusions of solid objects, buildings, people all over the world that cannot be easily destroyed or recognized as fake.
Fox's weapon is a flute. It's sturdy, allowing it to serve a similar purpose to cat's stick. It can create little balls of energy to attack the foe with.
The granted power is Illusion. User may create a single illusion of any size (reasonably) that is hard to distiguish from reality and not easy to break.
Additionally, If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, It grants the user the ability to turn the energy blasts into fireballs until the user detransforms.
水 Water Wuxing - Peacock - Through their graceful movements, peacock is associated with stillness and cold. It's also representative of wisdom, intelligence and wielding great power that is capable of flooding the lands. It's closely related to Yin - Black Cat with its relation to winter and death of matter due to its position in the scheme (inwards and downwards).
Duusu is the Kwami of water. Usage of teir power without a user will result in a mass derealization and removing the ability to tell what is real or not. It's similar to Trixx's power, however It doesn't create anything and simply affects one's mind.
The weapon is a handfan. The feathers are solid and can be pulled out to be thrown at the enemy. They regenerate when the fan is closed.
Peacock's power is Concealment. The user is able to trick the foe's mind regarding their location, position or attacks. It's like an illusion, but from the inside.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, the user can create water attacks or control nearby sources.
木 Wood Wuxing - Butterfly - While the name might not speak to you at first, Wood element is a lesser character of Yang. It's often associated with strength, cooperation and generosity, which aligns well with the Wonder's power - lending strength to others. Additonally, in Chinese medicince it can be connected to feelings of both anger and patience - resilence in achieving one's goal.
Nooroo is the Kwami of Wood. Using their raw power will result in mass mind-control of people, turning them into loyal followers - specifically targetting those influenced by intense emotions.
User's weapon is a ribbon wand. The length of the wand itself depends on the user's preference - it can be a small handle or a full cane. The ribbon is extendable.
Butterfly's power is Transmission. The user is able to transfer a part of their strength to person of their choice whereas It's important that the person is feeling an intense emotion: whether positive or negative.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, the user is able to extend their own power (OR the person they've used Transmission on power) by taking up various attributes of different wood types. For example, they can become as sturdy as bamboo or as flexible as Ash.
金 Metal Wuxing - Turtle - Hard and resilent, patient and strong - those are attriubtes of the Turtle. It's representant of wiseness, self-reliance and transformation. The emotions connected to Metal Wuxing are grief and courage.
Wayzz is the Kwami of Metal. Using the power without a user will result in very durable shield elements or straight up shields being created in the nearest proximity
User's weapon is a shield. The size can vary.
Turtle's power is Construction - to create a hexagonal construction of extreme durability which is usually meant to serve as a shield. It can be either a bubble, a wall or a box.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, it allows the user to create smaller, less durable metal shields or items, but at the same time allow them to bend them however they want even after creation.
土 Earth Wuxing - Bee - Deeply connected to the plants and life on earth, Earth Wonder balances between both Yin and Yang. It doesn't create nor does it destroy. It keeps a perfect balance as all things should be and helps life thrive. The attributes are hard-work, throughfulness, stability, but also stubborness, ambition and worry. Additionally, It's not connected to any specific season - instead, It's almost representant of the period where seasons change.
Pollen is the Kwami of Earth. Using the power without a user will result in paralyzation of many many people in the nearby radius.
User's weapon is a spinning top/spinner. It's very similar to Ladybug's yoyo
Bee's power is Subjection. It paralyzes the person touched by it until the user detransforms. If the spinner is present, the user can use it to apply te venom directly. If the spinner is not nearby, one can use their hand to apply it.
If potion of Evolution (see below) is consumed, the user can fertelize the ground below them and allow supportive plants to sprout to help them in defensive position. Will only work when person is on the ground.
Wonders kept within the Zodiac box weren't directly connected to any aspect of life, but still provided great support to the other Wonders. Their powers were very utility-based and provided assistance in ways that secondary or balancing wonders couldn't. Worth noting, the Chinese Zodiac was created by using the Wonders as a blueprint, as a way to honor them despite not being as groundbreakingly powerful as those from the Motherbox.
Curretly, there is only one Zodiac Wonder left - The Rabbit Wonder. As to why it survived, I cannot tell due to spoilers, but It wil be revealed eventually.
☁ Rabbit Wonder - The only known surviving Zodiac Wonder, its whereabouts are currently unknown.
Rabbit's Kwami is Tuzin
The user's weapon is an umbrella.
Rabbit's power is Burrow. It allows the user to create portals wherever, jump into them and jump out on the other side. It can be used to transport people, items or just move quickly.
Many of the properties that Zodiac Wonders once provided can be artificially replicated by the use of potions and extracts. Only the skilled Guardians are able to do so and effects will not be as strong as the original artifact provided, but they can still be of use. Examples of the concept will be listed below.
▲ Jubiliation - Once the power of Pig Wonder, now can serve as an essence with calming and un-stressing effects. Master Fu uses it quite often. ▲ Evolution - Dragon's power was once able to use three out of 5 elements of Wuxing. Now, the replication extract may allow the Wuxing wonders' users to use that element in a fight as additional skill/ability. ▲ Elation - Tiger's power that provided the user with ability to gather and release a massive blast/punch of energy. Consumption of the potion will allow the Wonder user to do the same one time - similarly to their "main" power" which will not initiate the countdown to detransofrmation nor will it exhaust the kwami. ▲ Determination - Once the snake's power to give the heroes more time to defeat the foe. Now using a dose of the extract will reset the countdown. ▲ Pretension - Similarly to Jubilation power, Rooster essense can improve your focus on execution of a skill, even outside of the fight. (ex. studying. sewing, playing the piano)
Other potions I didn't think of yet nor can I really think of any use
✦ Additional notes:
Motherbox Wonders are indestructible, literally. The only thing that can possibly damage or remove them completely is their very own power. The obvious example would be Black Cat's Cataclysm and you're completely correct, but a Kwami would be able to destroy it on their own or other holders (Getting a little creative here: ex. If the Turtle user was to crush one of the Wonders, they'd likely successfully damage it.
However, just attempting to destroy it (usually in disguse form) can often trigger a defense mechanism. It heavily depends on the type of Wonder, but It usually ranges from blinding flash of light to illusion of destruction where It pulls itself apart before putting itself back together once the user calls for it.
Most cases of Kwami using their powers without a user need to be fixed with the purifying spell of Ladybug.
I might update this post If I ever think of something new :)
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Hello! I've been reading through all your posts so far and even though I am personally an ML fan and not a salter, I love media analysis and I'm sad that there isn't much of them in the fandom. There are directions in the show that I'm not satisfied with and I'm currently working on a rewrite for a future comic.
I'm curious about your ideas and takes on how you would personally rewrite ML, right now one of my issues is figuring out how the Peacock Miraculous works bcuz of sentimonsters. How would you write them?
I'm glad that you're enjoying my stuff! I label it all as salt because - as best I can tell - this fandom defines that as anything even slightly negative, but my goal is more analysis and discussion than angry ranting. Talking about what a piece of media did wrong and how you would improve it is a fantastic way to improve your own writing. It's why I got into media analysis in the first place!
Funnily enough, I do have a massive rewrite out there somewhere on AO3, so I DO have thought about how to handle sentimonsters. Or, more specifically, I've thought about how to handle the peacock. I'll give those first, then circle back to sentis.
In my humble opinion, the idea of sentimonsters should be scrapped for the following reasons, all of which existed long before the sentitheory was even on my radar:
Sentimonsters are too derivative. They feel like akuma clones and not a unique power. You can tell that the power was only created because they wanted/needed a power that would let the peacock be used at a distance the same way the butterfly is even though no other miraculous works this way.
If you want to do a slavery plot, the kwamis are right there being enslaved. You don't need to add human-looking slaves to the mix. Especially given that many of those human-looking slaves are apparently fine to kill off? Just, the ethics around the way the show does sentimonsters will always make me feel icky. Meanwhile the kwamis don't have the awkward element of being magical constructs that were made to serve. They were a free people before the miraculous. The one way I've played with using Felix is as a kwamis freedom fighter instead of a senti one.
Sentimonsters have too nebulous of a lore. In what way are they emotions brought to life? Outside of Feast, emotions don't seem to effect them at all. Nooroo's powers feel far more emotion based than Dusuu's and it bothers me.
There's also the fact that one of the show's biggest problems is character bloat. No writer alive can write a satisfying story that features a team of 36 characters! (18 humans + 18 kwamis) This is why the kwamis act as a hive mind once Marinette becomes the Guardian. You just can't write that many characters into a scene and keep their personalities straight, so they're now a single unit even though it makes Sass and Wayzz feel out of character.
Give all of that and the way the miracle box is kinda... well, it feels a little too cultural appropriation-ish for my tastes. I won't go on a full rant here, but to give two highlights: the zodiac miraculous don't seem to have a thing to do with the real Chinese zodiac and a box based on Chinese lore would NOT use a black cat for the symbol of bad luck. Black cats being bad luck is relatively modern European lore. In other words, the Chinese stuff is just there for ascetics and not actually representative of Chinese culture, so I had no moral issues scrapping the miracle box and making a much smaller version and neither should you if you're so inclined!
The thing about lore is that it only matters as much as the show makes it matter and, outside of a few key miraculous, I really do think you can change them without most readers caring because of how little the powers actually matter to the show's lore. Like they have completely scrapped the idea of making a person match their miraculous even though that was supposedly a big thing back in season two. This is extra true because it took us so long to learn all the powers in canon, so there are a lot of fics that pre-date the canon reveal and do different things.
But if you want to keep sentimonsters to be more canon accurate, I would consider all of the following as options or things to keep in mind. Feel free to use all or none of them as I'm probably never touching this plot and, if I do, it will doubtless be different from whatever you do:
Doing something to make the difference between valid and non-valid sentimonsters abundantly clear and not just "the creator decides who is valid" OR just don't make any sentimonster valid and have Emilie have used the miraculous out of a desire to help people because she didn't know it would kill her
Have Gabriel be more conflicted about the use of sentimonsters since, you know, his kid is one and Adrien, Felix, and Kagami are the only sentimonsters he dealt with for many, many years
Consider having Nathalie make one sentimonster (maybe even present it as her own child) in order to help Gabriel so it's not a slew of akuma 2.0 on the battlefield. Instead its someone at the school looking for Ladybug and Chat Noir after the villains realize that they're teenagers. (This could be a good way to use Lila and make her powers make sense)
Redo Dusuu's Force or make the tie between sentimonsters and emotions more clear. Like Felix is made from jealousy and Adrien is made from love so that's the source of their conflict
Use Felix as a third, morally neutral party who only cares about sentimonsters and have him act toward those goals like we all thought he was going to after season five. Magneto from X-men should be your template for him not whatever canon did.
Consider letting Kagami know from the start and let her know that she and Adrien are meant to be, but she's not allowed to tell him the truth or something. If you don't go that route then, at the very least, have her finding out be a big deal for her relationship with her mother.
Go all in with Adrien's commands. Gabriel wants Adrien to date Kagami? He's going to date Kagami. None of this Y-7 undo button BS. Go big or go home.
Give the sentimonsters a way to break free. That's what the power of love is supposed to be about. You could go super cheesy with this if you combined it with Adrien's source emotion being love. The literal love child using the thing that made him to overcome what he was made to be to be what he wants to be sounds very fun to me.
Consider giving the senti kids superpowers. It's honestly kinda weird how relatively normal they are. Like, sure, Felix is supposed to be super smart, but we only know that from his Wikipedia and that's about it.
I could go on, but that's a lot, so we'll stop here. Feel free to send additional asks or message me. I have many, many thoughts about how to fix canon while trying to stay true to the core ideas of the story. Or, at least, the things I consider to be the core. I legitimately enjoy the adaption process and think the fun of fanfiction is largely trying to fit alternate takes on canon into the base framework so it still appeals to fans of the source.
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