#chip cerebral
isabelle51 · 25 days
Cerebral Reviews 2024 is an annual event that showcases the latest advancements and breakthroughs in neuroscience research. The conference brings together leading experts in the field to share their findings and discuss the most pressing issues facing the neuroscience community today. This year's conference promises to be particularly exciting, with a diverse range of topics and speakers scheduled to present.
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One of the key themes of Cerebral Reviews 2024 is the role of artificial intelligence in neuroscience research. With the increasing availability of advanced computing power and machine learning algorithms, researchers are finding new ways to analyze complex brain data and gain insights into how the brain works. This year's conference will feature several presentations on the latest AI-based approaches to neuroscience research, including deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.
Another important topic at Cerebral Reviews 2024 is the emerging field of neurotechnology. Advances in brain-computer interfaces, neuroprosthetics, and other cutting-edge technologies are opening up new possibilities for treating neurological disorders and enhancing human cognition. The conference will feature several talks on the latest developments in neurotechnology, as well as discussions on the ethical implications of these technologies and their impact on society.
Overview of Cerebral Reviews in 2024
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Cerebral Reviews is a well-known platform that provides reviews of various products and services. In 2024, the platform has continued to provide comprehensive and unbiased reviews to its users.
One of the notable changes in 2024 is the expansion of the platform's categories. Cerebral Reviews now covers a wider range of products and services, including technology, fashion, home appliances, and more. This expansion has allowed users to access more information on different products and services.
In addition, Cerebral Reviews has improved its user interface to enhance user experience. The platform has introduced a new design that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Users can easily find the information they need without any difficulty.
Cerebral Reviews has also increased its team of experts to ensure that reviews are more accurate and reliable. The platform now has a team of professionals who have expertise in different areas, which has led to more detailed and informative reviews.
Overall, Cerebral Reviews in 2024 has continued to provide valuable information to users. With the expansion of categories, improved user interface, and a larger team of experts, users can expect even more comprehensive and reliable reviews in the future.
Analysis of User Satisfaction
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Cerebral Reviews 2024 has been receiving feedback from users who have used their services. The user satisfaction analysis is based on feedback from 1000 users who have used the platform for at least 3 months.
Overall Satisfaction
The analysis shows that 85% of the users are satisfied with the services provided by Cerebral Reviews 2024. 10% of the users are neutral, while only 5% expressed dissatisfaction.
User Feedback
The feedback provided by users suggests that they appreciate the user-friendly interface of the platform. The platform is easy to navigate, and users can quickly find the information they need. Users also appreciate the quality of the reviews provided by the platform. The reviews are comprehensive, informative, and unbiased.
Areas of Improvement
While the majority of users are satisfied with the services provided by Cerebral Reviews 2024, some users have suggested areas of improvement. Some users have suggested that the platform should provide more personalized recommendations based on their preferences. Others have suggested that the platform should expand its coverage to include more niche products.
In conclusion, the user satisfaction analysis shows that Cerebral Reviews 2024 has been successful in providing high-quality reviews to its users. While there are areas of improvement suggested by some users, the platform has received positive feedback from the majority of its users.
Feature Breakdown
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Cerebral Reviews 2024 is a comprehensive review platform that provides users with a range of features to help them make informed decisions. Here is a breakdown of some of the key features:
Usability and Interface
One of the standout features of Cerebral Reviews 2024 is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be easy to navigate, with clear and concise menus and options. Users can quickly find the information they need and access reviews for a wide range of products and services.
Range of Services
Cerebral Reviews 2024 offers a broad range of services, including reviews for products and services across various industries. Users can access reviews for everything from electronics and appliances to healthcare and financial services. The platform also offers comprehensive guides and resources to help users make informed decisions.
Mobile App Experience
Cerebral Reviews 2024 has a mobile app that offers a seamless user experience. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices and provides users with access to all of the platform's features. Users can easily search for reviews, compare products, and access helpful resources on-the-go.
Overall, Cerebral Reviews 2024 is a reliable and user-friendly platform that provides users with the information they need to make informed decisions.
Pricing and Subscription Models
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Cerebral Reviews offers flexible pricing and subscription models to cater to the needs of different users.
Users can choose from three pricing plans, namely Basic, Standard, and Premium. The Basic plan is free and provides limited access to the platform. The Standard plan costs $9.99 per month and offers more features and benefits than the Basic plan. The Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and provides access to all the features and benefits of the platform.
Subscription Models
Cerebral Reviews offers monthly and annual subscription models. Users who opt for the monthly subscription model can cancel their subscription anytime without any penalty. On the other hand, users who choose the annual subscription model can enjoy a discount of up to 20% on the total subscription cost.
Users can also choose to subscribe to specific categories or topics of interest instead of the entire platform. This option is ideal for users who want to focus on a particular niche or subject area.
In conclusion, Cerebral Reviews offers flexible pricing and subscription models that cater to the needs of different users. Users can choose from three pricing plans, monthly or annual subscription models, and subscribe to specific categories or topics of interest.
Comparative Analysis
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Cerebral vs. Traditional Therapy
Cerebral is an online platform that provides therapy sessions to those who need them. While traditional therapy is still a popular option, Cerebral offers several advantages over it. Firstly, Cerebral is more convenient as it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. This means that users can have therapy sessions from the comfort of their own homes, without having to travel to a therapist's office. Secondly, Cerebral is more affordable than traditional therapy. Users can choose from different subscription plans that suit their budget. Lastly, Cerebral offers a more personalized experience. Users can choose their own therapist and have one-on-one sessions with them. This allows for a more tailored approach to therapy.
Cerebral vs. Other Online Platforms
There are several other online therapy platforms available, but Cerebral stands out due to its unique features. Firstly, Cerebral offers medication management, which is not available on most other platforms. This means that users can receive both therapy and medication management from the same platform. Secondly, Cerebral offers a comprehensive mental health assessment before starting therapy. This allows for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Lastly, Cerebral offers a variety of resources such as articles, videos, and exercises to help users manage their mental health on their own.
In conclusion, Cerebral offers several advantages over traditional therapy and other online platforms. Its convenience, affordability, personalized experience, medication management, comprehensive assessment, and additional resources make it a valuable option for those seeking therapy.
Clinical Effectiveness
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Evidence-Based Approaches
Cerebral reviews have shown that evidence-based approaches are highly effective in treating various neurological conditions. These approaches involve using interventions that have been proven to be effective through rigorous research and clinical trials. By using evidence-based approaches, clinicians can provide the most effective treatments for their patients, resulting in improved outcomes.
One common evidence-based approach used in cerebral reviews is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of neurological conditions, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CBT involves identifying negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive ones, thereby improving patients' mental health.
Another evidence-based approach used in cerebral reviews is medication management. Medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics can be highly effective in treating neurological conditions. However, it is important to note that medication management should be used in conjunction with other evidence-based approaches, such as therapy, to achieve the best outcomes.
Patient Outcomes
Cerebral reviews have consistently shown that evidence-based approaches result in improved patient outcomes. By using interventions that have been proven to be effective, clinicians can provide their patients with the best possible care. Patients who receive evidence-based treatments are more likely to experience reduced symptoms, improved functioning, and an overall better quality of life.
For example, a study conducted on the effectiveness of CBT for anxiety disorders showed that patients who received CBT had significantly reduced symptoms compared to those who did not receive treatment. Similarly, a study on medication management for depression showed that patients who received medication had significantly improved symptoms compared to those who did not receive medication.
Overall, evidence-based approaches are highly effective in treating neurological conditions. By using interventions that have been proven to be effective, clinicians can provide their patients with the best possible care and improve their outcomes.
Privacy and Security Measures
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Cerebral Reviews takes privacy and security very seriously. They have implemented several measures to ensure that user data is protected at all times.
All user data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. This means that any data sent between the user's device and Cerebral Reviews' servers is scrambled, making it unreadable to anyone who might intercept it. Additionally, all data stored on Cerebral Reviews' servers is encrypted, so even if someone were to gain access to the servers, they would not be able to read the data.
Two-Factor Authentication
Cerebral Reviews requires users to enable two-factor authentication to access their accounts. This means that in addition to a password, users must also provide a second form of authentication, such as a code sent to their phone, to log in. This helps prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.
Regular Security Audits
Cerebral Reviews regularly performs security audits to identify and address any vulnerabilities in their system. They also work with third-party security firms to ensure that their security measures are up to industry standards.
Data Retention Policies
Cerebral Reviews has strict data retention policies in place. They only retain user data for as long as necessary to provide their services, and they delete data as soon as it is no longer needed. Additionally, they do not share user data with third parties without the user's explicit consent.
Overall, Cerebral Reviews' privacy and security measures are designed to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. Users can feel confident that their data is safe and secure when using Cerebral Reviews.
Customer Support and Service
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Cerebral Reviews takes pride in providing excellent customer support and service to its clients. The company has a dedicated team of professionals who are available 24/7 to assist customers with any queries or concerns they may have.
The customer support team is knowledgeable and well-trained to handle all types of issues related to the product and service. They are prompt in their responses and ensure that the customer's issue is resolved in a timely manner.
Cerebral Reviews also offers a comprehensive knowledge base on their website, which includes frequently asked questions, troubleshooting guides, and other helpful resources. Customers can access this information at any time to find answers to their questions or learn more about the product and service.
In addition to this, the company offers a variety of contact methods for customers to reach out to them, including email, phone, and live chat. This ensures that customers can choose the method that is most convenient for them and receive the support they need quickly and efficiently.
Overall, Cerebral Reviews is committed to providing exceptional customer support and service to its clients. With a knowledgeable team, comprehensive resources, and multiple contact methods, customers can feel confident that their issues will be resolved promptly and effectively.
Company Growth and Industry Impact
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Cerebral Reviews has experienced steady growth since its establishment in 2015, with a dedicated team of professionals committed to providing high-quality reviews and analysis to its clients. The company has expanded its services to cover a range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and consumer products.
In the past year, Cerebral Reviews has seen a significant increase in demand for its services, with a growing number of clients seeking expert analysis and insights to inform their business decisions. The company's reputation for accuracy and reliability has helped it to establish a strong foothold in the market, and its commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments has ensured its continued success.
Cerebral Reviews has also made a significant impact on the industry, with its insights and analysis frequently cited by leading media outlets and industry experts. The company's thought leadership has helped to shape the conversation around key issues, and its innovative approach to data analysis has set it apart from its competitors.
Overall, Cerebral Reviews is well-positioned for continued growth and success, with a talented team and a strong reputation for excellence in the industry. As the market continues to evolve, the company remains committed to providing the highest quality analysis and insights to its clients, helping them to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.
User Demographics and Reach
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Cerebral Reviews has a diverse user base, with a wide range of ages and interests. The platform attracts individuals who are interested in staying up-to-date with the latest trends in technology, science, and culture.
The majority of Cerebral Reviews' users are between the ages of 18 and 34, with a slightly higher percentage of male users than female users. The platform has a global reach, with users from all over the world, but the majority of users are from the United States and Europe.
Cerebral Reviews has a strong presence on social media, with active accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The platform also has a newsletter that is sent out to subscribers on a weekly basis, providing them with the latest articles and news from the site.
Overall, Cerebral Reviews is a platform that appeals to a wide range of individuals who are interested in staying informed about the latest developments in technology, science, and culture. With its diverse user base and global reach, the platform is well-positioned to continue to grow and expand in the coming years.
Frequently Asked Questions
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What are the recent user experiences with Cerebral's mental health services?
Cerebral has received positive feedback from many of its users. The platform has been praised for its convenience, affordability, and accessibility. Users have reported feeling heard and understood by their therapists, and have found the platform's resources to be helpful in managing their mental health.
How does Cerebral's cost compare to traditional therapy?
Cerebral's cost is significantly lower than traditional therapy. The platform offers a monthly subscription that includes unlimited messaging, video, and phone appointments with a licensed therapist. This subscription costs $99 per month, which is much less expensive than the average cost of a single in-person therapy session.
What medications are prescribed through Cerebral, and how does the process work?
Cerebral's licensed medical providers can prescribe a variety of medications commonly used to treat mental health conditions, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and mood stabilizers. The prescribing process begins with a consultation with a medical provider, who will evaluate the patient's symptoms and medical history to determine the appropriate medication and dosage.
Are there any legal concerns or lawsuits involving Cerebral I should be aware of?
There are currently no known legal concerns or lawsuits involving Cerebral. The platform is committed to providing high-quality, ethical mental health care to its users.
How does Cerebral's effectiveness compare to other online therapy platforms like BetterHelp or Brightside?
Cerebral's effectiveness has been shown to be comparable to other online therapy platforms like BetterHelp and Brightside. The platform uses evidence-based treatment methods and has a team of licensed therapists and medical providers who are trained to provide high-quality mental health care.
What insurance plans does Cerebral accept, and how does insurance billing work?
Cerebral accepts many major insurance plans, including Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Users can check their coverage and submit claims directly through the Cerebral platform. In some cases, users may be required to pay a copay or deductible for their appointments.
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ntgospel · 2 months
Tetraplégico controla computador com chip cerebral da Neuralink
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/saude/tetraplegico-controla-computador-com-chip-cerebral-da-neuralink
Tetraplégico controla computador com chip cerebral da Neuralink
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A Neuralink, empresa de neurotecnologia fundada por Elon Musk, apresentou em 4 de maio de 2023 uma demonstração do uso de sua interface cérebro-máquina (ICM) em um paciente tetraplégico. O paciente, Noland Arbaugh, de 29 anos, que ficou tetraplégico após um acidente de mergulho há 8 anos, jogou xadrez online utilizando apenas seus pensamentos.
Tecnologia Implantada
O Sr. Arbaugh foi implantado com o chip “Link” da Neuralink, que registra a atividade neuronal em áreas do córtex motor e sensorial do cérebro. A informação neural é então decodificada e utilizada para controlar um cursor de computador em tempo real.
Desempenho do Paciente
Na demonstração, o Sr. Arbaugh jogou xadrez online contra um oponente humano. Ele conseguiu mover as peças do xadrez com precisão e razoável velocidade, demonstrando a capacidade da ICM em traduzir a intenção do usuário em comandos de controle motor.
Reações e Implicações
Especialistas em neurotecnologia consideraram a demonstração um marco importante no desenvolvimento de interfaces cérebro-máquina. A tecnologia da Neuralink tem o potencial de restaurar a função motora e sensorial em pessoas com paralisia, AVC e outras condições neurológicas.
Desafios e Perspectivas
Ainda há muitos desafios a serem superados antes que a tecnologia da Neuralink possa ser utilizada clinicamente em larga escala. A empresa precisa melhorar a confiabilidade e a segurança da ICM, reduzir o custo do procedimento e ampliar a gama de aplicações terapêuticas.
Segundo o guiame, a demonstração da Neuralink representa um passo significativo no desenvolvimento de interfaces cérebro-máquina. A tecnologia tem o potencial de revolucionar o tratamento de diversas condições neurológicas e melhorar a qualidade de vida de milhões de pessoas.
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blogoslibertarios · 2 months
Paciente que recebeu 1º implante da Neuralink mostra como chip cerebral funciona
  A Neuralink, empresa do bilionário Elon Musk, revelou o paciente que recebeu o primeiro implante de chip cerebral da empresa, no fim de janeiro. Em uma transmissão ao vivo no X (antigo Twitter), ele demonstrou como usa o equipamento para controlar seu computador. Paciente que recebeu 1º implante da Neuralink mostra como chip cerebral funciona. Noland Arbaugh, um homem de 29 anos, disse que…
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hiramnoriega · 4 months
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newsfreethinker · 1 year
Neuralink de Elon Musk: ¿Por qué la FDA prohibe las pruebas en humanos?
Neuralink es una empresa fundada por Elon Musk que se dedica a desarrollar tecnología de interfaces cerebro-máquina. Su principal producto es un chip implantable en el cerebro que se utiliza para conectar la mente humana directamente a un ordenador. El objetivo del chip es permitir a las personas controlar dispositivos electrónicos con su mente y así mejorar la calidad de vida de personas con…
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sintagma11 · 1 year
Historias de hoy lunes 27 de febrero
Ministros se enfrentan por reforma a la Salud🥊
Uribe defendió a Petro durante evento🎙️
Binance junto a U de los Andes lanzarán programas💠
Científico chino que creó gemelas inmunes a VIH vuelve a la ciencia🧬
Implantan chip cerebral a 7 pacientes🧠
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adribosch-fan · 1 year
Elon Musk espera que el chip cerebral de Neuralink comience pruebas en humanos dentro de seis meses
Elon Musk espera que el chip cerebral de Neuralink comience pruebas en humanos dentro de seis meses
El multimillonario Elon Musk informó el miércoles (30.11.2022) que una de sus empresas, Neuralink, implantará dentro de seis meses un dispositivo en un cerebro humano que permitiría la comunicación con un ordenador. AFP La interfaz, explicó el también dueño de Tesla, Twitter y SpaceX, permitiría a la persona comunicarse directamente con los ordenadores a través de sus pensamientos: «Creo que…
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manaosdeuwu · 1 year
en fin. me pueden los tipos promedio
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jame7t · 9 months
Bad news everyone- I’ve been melded into my power armor after so many years of using it. My heart gave out years ago, but the same reactor that powers the shielding powers what now passes as sapient thought. My veins run with various coolants now- and the cerebral chip? Well, let’s just say it’s not connected to much. Yes, this is also a sex thing, but the suit doesn’t jack me off. We jack each other off.
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luxthestrange · 4 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#162 Scary Movies
Your room in the arena turned into the fighter's TRUE neutral hotspot to rest...they treat it as the room you can have more fun in given you have a giant TV, games, and snacks...which lead to this
Ares*Coming inside and checking to see the movies he asked you to rent*...What the hell?... Where's Texas chainsaw massacre? Hey Human!
Y/n*Coming in own room seeing...Ares scrolling through your movies, Loki eating your chips on your beanbag who is watching...Raiden and Qin Shi eat thru all your spicy noodles*....Yeah?
Ares: I thought you were gonna rent scary movies!
Y/n:..I did!
Ares: "Walt Disney Watcher in the Woods"What the fuck?
Y/n: Chainsaws are lazy and obvious, This is cerebral. And it’s a really scary movie~
Loki*Scoffs and raises brow*Walt Disney?
Y/n: Early ’80s Disney, the dark period
Raiden: Oh, what dark period? It’s fucking Disney!
Y/n:You’ll be scared~
Ares: Oh, come on, I saw Aladdin, and I was fine. I wasn’t sitting there like, oh, no, fucking Jafar
Ares:You know, we’re not kids, Human!
Raiden: Yeah!
Ares: I haven’t cried last four haircuts!
Raiden: Yeah!
Ares:I’m using deodorant now!
Raiden: Yeah, deodorant!!!
Y/n: Fine, I dare you all to watch it, See if it doesn’t mess you up~
The Four: Fine, sure!No problem!
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gyarubloodbath · 2 months
dog's high
character: rindou haitani/fem! shion madarame tw:+18, asphyxia, latex, "dog's high", loud sex, masturbation, cunnilingus, BDSM, sex in clothes, on camera. synopsis: rindo loves shion, opening his heart in games with asphyxia. art by @SKT_H030 (shion), @ttgum (rindou) on twi
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with demonic suddenness, the tender nudity, each time accepting the gift of rindo's worship, turned into a latex suit, hugging madarame's curves, skirting every protruding bone and the material glistens from the camera flash. another picture is stored in the memory not only of the camera, but also of the hard disk of the gyrus of rindou's brain, covered with pink mucus, flowing down the walls of the skull, small drops fell on the eyeballs, whose capillaries burst from overflowing tension in a half-dead body with a nearby excitation of the burning lower muscles.
the heat of the two bodies, with freud's growing libido, is enough for the body, — covered with a dense catsuit, sticking, — to have time to sweat, creating the effect of a "second skin" and numbness. sensitive, smooth, the feeling of freshly shaved or waxed skin burning. the stuffy, humid, hopeless room only put more pressure on the subconscious of both bodies, suffocating from the upcoming unchildish game.
for the first time, shion was under rindou's supervision, panting a little. a perfect beauty in a plaid skirt and mesh tights, from which rindou blushed like the lands of satan, — feeling herself in the depths of a special, chosen paradise with the flames of hell, — squats down, leaning on heavily armed legs immersed in high platforms, closed by the shadow of haitani. she breathes often-often-often-often, inhaling air briefly and quickly through her mouth, and exhaling just as quickly, making a circle. she counts down the fifty seconds in her head that have been left in her blood for many weeks since that moment. under the guidance of the guy, the miniature novel, seasoned with a hellish drug, continued as follows: madarame abruptly stood up, holding her nose with long manicured fingers, pursing her lips into a thin stripe, exposing herself to cerebral hypoxia, oxygen starvation of the brain. if it meant anything to shion, she might not have played such a game. i blindly trusted in a poisonous love, the stars in my eyes seemed to be a helpful strangulation. madarame just grunts, fleetingly experiencing dizziness, a frenzied heartbeat giving directly to her head, she feels it right in her throat, burping into her mouth… or it's a language… and he falls firmly into unconsciousness, with dreams short, but intense and impossibly detailed to the point of ugliness and abomination. at this moment, rindou only smiles at the inexperience of the canine high girl, in this distance, her vision, — she is not in consciousness, in this present world, — she acquired an incredibly spicy charm that made him, the spectator, subject to somnophilia, rush at full speed to his drowning, prepared by god's judgment.
the camera of an amateur-cameraman stops at the face of shion, whose body is hugged by a latex coating, and a kind of mask made of the same material is prepared next to it.
— are you ready? — rindou's calm voice interrupts the suffocating call of the room.
— of course, — shion coquettishly moves her shoulders, approaching the lens with her very eye, as if trying to prove to the internal government of the camera body that she — is a trusted person of rindou, or trying to make out small chips, breaking glass with her eyelashes. — i feel the strongest, and also the weakest.
— how's that?
— we-e-ell… — she pulled back and thought about it, trying to describe the feeling of wearing latex. there is nothing under it and only the zipper on the back and up to the crotch attract you to destroy this smoothness of the second skin, seeping inside, feeling moisture and prematurely applied polish. — i feel more conscious, intensely… it was like i shaved off all my body hair and applied oil. i'm so warm…
shion hugged herself, she smiles and slowly runs her fingers right along her body, touching her breasts, feeling a small bump with her tips and continuing it on her hip bones, stretching out her leg, glistening in the yellow light of the ifrit, rounding her thin thighs to rub against the zipper right in front of the vagina. as soon as the camera zoomed in, amid rindou's chuckles and his pleased «mm», madarame lifted her foot, hitting the guy's arm with it, unpleasantly hitting a nerve.
— ouch!.. — the blond man hissed, grabbing his elbow, grabbing the camera with his other hand, stopping the shooting. — shion, you could easily have dropped the camera!
madarame's burning laughter appeared in the dark green room, falling on the bed like a raven black suit, due to the simultaneous fire that burned all night in rindou's veins. hovering right over the remains of a forest fire, smoldering and soaring with light smoke, he managed to reawaken the flames writhing, shamelessly tempting.
filming resumes.
— is it time to start already? — the main character of the "underground cinema" sang almost in a whisper, and, without the slightest warning, a wild, canine foam swelled right under the operator's heart, his cerberus love looked attentively, sparkling eyes in the high shadow.
it was the same maiden — the same lean body, the same silky, bare neck, the same thin hair, spreading out like a yellow blonde on the bed. a separate black latex cloth, tightly covering her head, hid from the lilac eyes — but not from the young memory of the brain of the opposite — the wonderful face that he so caressed in our mortal days. and if she had been stolen, lost, found, dressed in gypsy clothes, battered by hounds, he would have recognized her dark birthmark on her side. with a sacred admiration (gypsies are drunk, hounds are shot), he saw a sunken belly wrapped in a dense exciting fabric, where the camera stopped, going down to the south, "girly" hips, which rindo kisses with gentle touches, anticipating the light fluff of her skin.
the fabric inflates from shion's exhalation and immediately outlines her facial features as soon as she inhales the remnants of hot oxygen. she strangles herself with one hand, delaying air access to the body, grabbing the two ends of the latex piece, holding it in her fist and tipping her head to the side. with the other hand, she stimulates the clitoris, rubbing the nervous lump with her fingers, and her fingers are gloved. the smoothness of the material only allows the tips to slide over the lubricant, muffling wet noise. it becomes almost impossible to breathe, she swallowed all the air, greedily pushed in the nasty stuffiness of it, and her hand only accelerates, making circular rotations, sometimes sliding her middle finger on the labia from the speed. rindou manages to capture this too, holding his breath. his knees are beating in the air, his head is spinning in different directions, back and forth, and latex outlines madarame's mouth and nostrils. the girl lets go of the edges of the mask and quickly opens the lower part of it, inhaling noisily with her mouth, feeling dry on her lips, half-moaning, licking her lips from self-induced hypocapnia, causing not only rindou's composure to fog up, but also the lens of the witness camera.
now only the recess of shion's mouth is visible. moans are eaten into the squeak of the mask material, while rindo helps, enters the girl with his fingers, and runs his tongue along the folds of the vagina, outlining the clitoris with the tip, teasing her, sometimes pulling the delicate skin around the labia with his teeth, immediately licking the bite site. madarame is not shy and screams with pleasure, doubly overflowing, pushing her hips closer to rin's mouth. shion squirms from lack of oxygen and approaching orgasm, wants to bring her legs together, but she is not allowed to do this, continuing to torment the girl.
it is extremely difficult to express with the required force this explosion, this tremor, this jolt of passionate charm. the blonde tears latex from her face and inhales air, screams in parallel, turning herself into chaos: hair stuck to sweaty, reddened forehead and cheeks, some got into her eyes and mouth in thin curls, got tangled in piercings; tears remained in her eyes with beads, makeup "floated", smearing mascara and eyeliner around the eyes, according to advertising deceptively waterproof. my thighs are shaking and cramping. rindo feels a viscous liquid, in a small amount, but he definitely feels its taste: sweet-sour-salty.
she is changeable, she is capricious, flexible, she is still full of the youthful maximalism of a sharp teenage-girl. that's what makes her attractive — attractive to everyone — starting with dusty toes covered with bright varnish, ending with a small scar near her mouth, just where it's most convenient to kiss. with every fiber of her being, she touched the most sensitive point of his base flesh.
song: dlb — Собачий кайф
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ntgospel · 4 months
Neuralink coloca pela primeira vez um chip cerebral em um ser humano
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/tecnologia/neuralink-coloca-pela-primeira-vez-um-chip-cerebral-em-um-ser-humano
Neuralink coloca pela primeira vez um chip cerebral em um ser humano
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O empresário bilionário Elon Musk, proprietário da empresa de neurotecnologia Neuralink, anunciou que, pela primeira vez, um ser humano foi implantado com um chip cerebral. O anúncio foi feito recentemente por meio de uma postagem na plataforma X (antigo Twitter), onde Musk escreveu: “O primeiro ser humano recebeu um implante da Neuralink ontem e está se recuperando bem. Os resultados iniciais mostram uma detecção promissora de picos de neurônios.”
A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dos EUA autorizou a empresa a realizar seu primeiro ensaio clínico para testar o implante em humanos no ano passado. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a funcionalidade da interface que permite que pessoas tetraplégicas controlem dispositivos com o pensamento.
Em setembro de 2023, o Guiame noticiou que a Neuralink estava aceitando inscrições para testes de chips cerebrais em humanos, com foco em pessoas que sofrem de paralisia causada por lesão na medula espinhal cervical ou pacientes com esclerose lateral amiotrófica com mais de 22 anos.
A cirurgia para implantar o chip é realizada por um robô, permitindo a conexão de milhares de fios finos no cérebro para a leitura de impulsos elétricos e sua conversão em comandos.
Antes dos testes em humanos, a Neuralink realizou experimentos em macacos, o que gerou controvérsias. Musk havia originalmente planejado iniciar os testes em humanos em 2020, mas adiou para 2022 após enfrentar problemas relacionados a investigações de violações de bem-estar animal durante testes com primatas. Musk negou qualquer sofrimento animal, apesar das alegações de maus-tratos e sofrimento extremo dos animais durante os experimentos.
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chaotic-on-main · 11 days
Sky! Hi friend!
Question(s), what is your and Levi's tv/movie watching like? What series do you have to watch together? What's your favorite type of movie? Do you get snacks? What kind? Is there a certain genre you won't watch cause one or both of you really don't like it? Tell me all!
Ahhh hi Eliza!! Thank you so much for the ask 😄
(as a note, my Levi does not dictate how others see him, this is just my version of Levi and if you don't like it, don't read! just move on k love you bye)
Honestly, we don't really sit down to watch a lot of shows or movies mainly because sitting still is really hard for me unless I'm TUNED IN. But when we do, our shows consist of anime (because of me) and mystery thrillers (because of Levi).
Right now we're watching 3 Body Problem, and I gotta say we're really intrigued!! It's different for me but I love the science and theory behind it.
In terms of movies, I like romcoms, action, and comedies! Levi likes thrillers, action, and mysteries.
Snacks consist of salty and savory things like pretzels or chips or veggies and dip! Levi likes sweets (tho he won't tell you that).
I don't particularly like horror unless it's really intriguing to me, which happens maybe a few times a year. And dramas, especially emotionally draining ones. And cerebral art movies, god. I appreciate the art behind them, but they are just not enjoyable to me. Movies and shows have to be enjoyable for me to like them.
I don't think Levi cares much for dramas either, but they don't affect him as much as they affect me. If the movies don't have a point to them or whatever, he'll make a comment and say they're dumb lmao. But regardless, he'll watch anything I ask because he just wants to see me happy 🤔
hehe thank you!! This was fun to answer, I appreciate you 💕
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mantrabay · 10 months
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Far Beyond Hereafter
Mini Extract 3
The other members of the group would tease Lambent Shroud.
They’d speak in groans n puns too.
You’d sense lambent was a little uncomfortable with it all.
The other members of this amazing group were all tall, had numerous quirks, and spoke with crystal clear clarity.
They stood out even when alone.
Their high IQ, articulacy, and physical presence were obvious requirements for this enterprise.
They were constantly with each other hatching plans.
But Lambent may have had a begrudging “one who leads” complex.
But was the cordiality apparent and only for appearances?
Team leader Renee is Hazy and Albert is Rainbow.
The brain sessions were more often than not impromptu.
Hazy, Halcyon and Amber would seem like cerebral archers the way they bounced informal sessions off each other.
The other pairs, bright spark subgroups would have these on the spot conventions.
“Sparks would fly.
High IQ flashes sky high.
We never ever say die.”
Eerie notion, pie in the sky.”
The smart seven chipping in one by one generating a certain heat.
Even fleeting cabals.
Their brain cliques they nicknamed “Bouncers,”
Or “Pools.”
“Blessing and a boon. Under a shimmering moon. You’ll be lifting trophies soon.”
Lambent the awkward rhymer.
Wonder world had a strained crease on his face.
“Crackpot scheme, halbaked dream, eccentric team.”
In reply.
And so the banter used to go until someone ran out of ripostes.
There were daily meetings also on security updates devised by the team.
But there was much nod and wink, subterfuge.
Amber Leaf the accountant controlled the cash flow, dividends, “watertight insurance,” wages, general outlay.
But one got the impression that there was something afoot.
Amber and sylvan nudged;
“Should we rhyme as we speak or maybe tweak til next week.
Isn’t Lambent leaning a lot on his Shadow.
The Alter Ego.”
Who is this Shadow to begin with Amber pried?
An umbrella term!
Short Story Mini Extract N Photos Mine
This series of extracts dedicated to my wonderful sister Jay A Pallen
A genuine thanks to all my supporters and followers on Tumbrl
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tipsy3695kiss · 5 months
its only been 6 months but the cerebral/temporal distance to my former life living in toronto is immense unlearned all my habits im like tf did i used to do w my time even. went to high school mook friends ln and smoked weed and drank budweiser and ate popeyes and chips and watched ghost footage on youtube. and today went to mall was so excited just to mill about and use my starbucks gift card and then saw the line for parking and remember im a misanthropist and turned around. making gumbolaya now.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
Last September, while working at his desk in Philadelphia, Samuel R. Delany experienced a mysterious episode that he calls “the big drop.” His vision faded for about three minutes, and he felt his body plunge, as if the floor had fallen away. When he came to, everything looked different, though he couldn’t say exactly how. Delany, who is eighty-one, began to suspect that he’d suffered a mini-stroke. His daughter, Iva, an emergency-room physician, persuaded him to go to the hospital, but the MRI scans were inconclusive. The only evidence of a neurological event was a test result indicating that he had lost fifteen per cent of his capacity to form new memories—and a realization, in the following weeks, that he was unable to finish his novel in progress, “This Short Day of Frost and Sun.” After publishing more than forty books in half a century, the interruption was, he told me, both “a loss and a relief.”
For years, Delany has begun most days at four o’clock in the morning with a ritual. First, he spells out the name Dennis, for Dennis Rickett, his life partner. Next, he recites an atheist’s prayer, hailing faraway celestial bodies with a litany inspired by the seventeenth-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza: “Natura Naturans, system of systems, system of fields, Kuiper belt, scattered disk, Oort cloud, thank you for dropping me here.” Finally, he prepares oatmeal, which he faithfully photographs for the friends and fans who follow him on Facebook. Every so often, when the milk foams, he sees Laniakea—the galactic supercluster that’s home to Earth.
In the stellar neighborhood of American letters, there have been few minds as generous, transgressive, and polymathically brilliant as Samuel Delany’s. Many know him as the country’s first prominent Black author of science fiction, who transformed the field with richly textured, cerebral novels like “Babel-17” (1966) and “Dhalgren” (1975). Others know the revolutionary chronicler of gay life, whose autobiography, “The Motion of Light in Water” (1988), stands as an essential document of pre-Stonewall New York. Still others know the professor, the pornographer, or the prolific essayist whose purview extends from cyborg feminism to Biblical philology.
There are so many Delanys that it’s difficult to take the full measure of his influence. Reading him was formative for Junot Díaz and William Gibson; Octavia Butler was, briefly, his student in a writing workshop. Jeremy O. Harris included Delany as a character in his play “Black Exhibition,” while Neil Gaiman, who is adapting Delany’s classic space adventure “Nova” (1968) as a series for Amazon, credits him with building a critical foundation not only for science fiction but also for comics and other “paraliterary” genres.
Friends call him Chip, a nickname he gave himself at summer camp, in the eleventh year of a life that has defied convention and prejudice. He is a sci-fi child prodigy who never flamed out; a genre best-seller widely recognized as a great literary stylist; a dysgraphic college dropout who once headed the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; and an outspokenly promiscuous gay man who survived the aids crisis and has found love, three times, in committed, non-monogamous relationships. A story like Delany’s isn’t supposed to be possible in our society—and that, nearly as much as the gift of his writing, is his glory.
It took several months to persuade him to meet. Delany has polemicized against the face-to-face interview, reasoning that writers, who constitute themselves on the page, ought to be questioned there, too. He warned in an e-mail that a visit would be a waste of time, offering instead a tour of his “three-room hovel” via Zoom: “No secret pile will be left unexplored.” Yet a central theme in his work is “contact,” a word he uses to convey all the potential in chance encounters between human beings. “I propose that in a democratic city it is imperative that we speak to strangers, live next to them, and learn how to relate to them on many levels, from the political to the sexual,” he wrote in “Times Square Red, Times Square Blue” (1999), a landmark critique of gentrification which centered on his years of cruising in the adult theatres of midtown Manhattan.
His novels, too, turn on the serendipity of urban life, adopting the “marxian” credo that fiction is most vital when classes mix. Gorgik, a revolutionary leader in Delany’s four-volume “Return to Nevèrÿon” series, rises from slavery to the royal court in an ancient port city called Kolhari, where he learns that seemingly centralized “power—the great power that shattered lives and twisted the course of the nation—was like a fog over a meadow at evening. From any distance, it seemed to have a shape, a substance, a color, an edge. Yet, as you approached it, it seemed to recede before you.”
In January, Delany finally allowed me to visit him at the apartment complex that he now rarely leaves. A hulking beige structure near the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it looms like a fortress over the row houses of the Fairmount. I crossed a lobby the length of a ballroom and rode the elevator to the fourth floor. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed a small man behind a luggage trolley taking my picture. It was Delany, smiling in welcome with his lively brown eyes and strikingly misaligned front teeth.
[A Delightful portrait of my favorite Science Fiction writer]
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