#chiron in the 1st
esoteriamaya · 9 months
I have Chiron conjunct Venus 1st house, ascendant conjunct Venus, and Neptune 1st house. How do these placements play out?
a person with a lot of past trauma
could of had people put their insecurities, fears and troubles on to you and you soaked em up like a sponge (neptune)
could have self worth issues because venus usually thrives here, chiron is making you see your self worth in the eyes of others. something about the father is prominent with this placement. like if the father was around he probably was verbally abusive or was just absent.
you saw shame in other people and you took it as your own, or they made you feel shame for how you looked
could have a strong sense of self but could go under lots of challenges to prove the stability of your self worth
may have a lot of anxiety over your looks, body dysmorphia, could have went through painful realizations about yourself at an early age causing you to see yourself in a way that promoted self-harm
could of dealt with people picking at you at a young age forcing you to see yourself in a way thats not your own
the beauty of this placements hides in a lot of dark wounds
the energy you convey is deep and penetrating that it forces people to see themselves harder. in a long run, they will have the face themselves the same way they faced you with their wounds. that feeling will always stop them from moving farther until they reckon with themselves and their own pain. thats the beauty of chiron. the thing i hate about this placement is, as people had to see themselves and work on it.. you may still deal with those wounds that were inflicted on to you and thats the hard pill we gotta swallow. some how our pain isnt our own but we gotta move on and live through it.. its what makes you, 'you'. in short youre a healer but the kind people dont like to mess with. because in the end it doesnt end up pretty. your beauty is more than enough. your self worth isnt tied to others its inside of you. you prove to the world that no matter what you will always have a gorgeous energy about you and no one words or abuse will ever amount to the venusian beauty that is yourself.
it is a gift to be a beauty amongst a word filled with hate and demons who envy your gifts, talents, charms, and so much more.
your vibration is too much for some, but some people will be able to feel you and be attracted to your energy and the added neptune qualities give you a dreamy essence. you just have to see beyond your own beliefs of yourself. i hope this helps love.
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asstrolo · 4 months
astrology observations for sad people
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— the signs who I personally believe are really misunderstood by their peers are often capricorns and aquarius because of their saturnian tendencies where they become the mature, bigger person or are aloof of how they're presenting themselves, they always think they know better or people feel very intimidated by their personalities and, because people don't understand them, they alienate them,
— aries and scorpio as they are very intense, over confident people, other's might feel put-off by them, they can be very controlling and have a "I don't care" kind of personality that doesn't usually goes well with others, their ways of always trying to make themselves clear and understood causes the opposite effect, they are often misjudged as villainous or mean,
— geminis are also put in a place of having to know better, not given a chance or space to mess up as they are very intelligent people and show it, others might have big expectations which are often not met since they prefer to do what makes them happy and makes them curious, they tend to over-inflate themselves, or the opposite, and people take their words too seriously or not at all, very polarizing sign.
— a stellium in 4th can be super difficult to deal with, specially if it falls on not easy planets like mars, or saturn, uranus, or pluto. These people are always dragged back to their family issues no matter how much they try to escape, their parents maybe gave them too much responsibilities as little kids or vented to their child without thinking of the consequences, if these people ever decide to have a family they should always consider if they're doing it because they want to or because it is what's expected of them.
— chiron in social signs as gemini, aquarius and libra feel very alienated at all times, having social interactions is a learning experience for them, whether is good or bad, I also notice people usually get obsessed with them? They don't respect these people¡s space or it could be the other way around, to me is a placement where you'll learn to not be socially inept or teach people how to treat you right for some reason?
— saturn IS a complicated planet, it depends on the person's other planets and aspects how they deal with saturn, a person with moon conjuct saturn has a harder time dealing with their emotions than a capricorn moon. Even when the energies are similar, they don't have the same impact.
— now, a person with a capricornian stellium or dominant does deal with the saturn energy much comfortably than a person with sun trine saturn, because they were born with it. I personally believe you accommodate, or your aspects accommodate to you as you grow and evolve as a person.
— a pisces stellium, specially if is on moon or ascendants, is very perceptive to other's opinion on them, not in a superficial way but more on a "does this person thinks i'm being fair or mean?" Let's not forget the sister sign of Pisces is Virgo, so these signs also share the analytical or more neurotic way of seeing the world. A Pisces Rising is very self-aware of how they come off to people or how they are seen, they might not show it or say anything about it, a Pisces mercury might be self-conscious about how they approach others, how their voice sounds or how they come off when talking.
— I do believe leo's have a harder time being appreciated by people, as they devote to other's so easily they could neglect themselves in the process. Is the kind of person who is always looking out for someone to make happy or to make them feel comfortable because is something they want reciprocated. But this is a thing that can happen to fire signs a lot, they can be overbearing or too kind to people that it ends up backfiring on them, they have a very childlike mentally.
— is true what they say, a 12th house stellium in a natal chart makes the person passive and/or too in their own world, they have premonitions in dreams, but I've also seen these individuals have a really hard time with sleep, they have paranormal experiences a lot that some of them are used to it. They can be in some sort of medication, but not all, and not always these people are medicated or doing substances, they have an easier time to have out-of-body experiences, like lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis, these can occur because these people are super sensitive and get easily drained and stressed. Is important they are taking care of their energy at all times, I've met many that have one, two or more 12th house placement where I've found out some other person has been doing some sort of witchcraft on them, or have a big negative energy that this 12th houser sucks accidentally.
— having a mercurial dominant or rising can be super difficult when it comes to feeling, they tend to rationalize everything too much, are easily distracted and indulgent, they are very, very anxious at all times on all situations, even if they show otherwise. they overthink things too much, are the kind to be incredibly self-aware or completely out of touch with themselves.
— the ascendant aspecting negatively the mercury gives the individual speech impediment or a very shy personality, an almost inaudible voice or a raspy one, people with this placement have a harder time getting their thoughts across, or people might misinterpret them.
— keeping the conversation going, mercury negatively aspecting saturn makes a shy and reserved person, someone who, as a kid or a teen, has problems with being heard, or people simply didn't care or asked for this person's opinions, they might had been very codependent on an adult or somebody else to talk or to get to be seen, as they grow older they learn to communicate rather excellently, they might want to treat their shyness or whatever problem they have with unwanted attention or negligence
— neptune in personal houses like the 1st, 7th, 4th or 10th is really tricky. you might ignore gut feelings bout certain individuals, or on the contrary, believe someone is good when they aren't. these people can be their own worst enemies as they are super perceptive of how they come across to others, or how others make them feel.
— neptune in the 1st is common on actors and models and singers, usually on famous people, because they can create a fantasy of how they want people to see them, or act like chameleons around people, this creates a series of identity crisis during their lives.
— neptune in 7th is prone to feel things that really aren't there? they convince themselves somebody hates them or likes them for just one interaction, these individuals are like a sponge in social situations and they take everything somebody tells them to the heart. they also are known to lie a lot to people on behalf of good manners, they like to be liked.
— neptune in 4th house has a really confusing or unclear family situation, they might adopt the role of the parent when they shouldn't, or are treated as a child even as an adult, something in their family, in what they think is normal growing up, isn't. the most likely to stay in a bad situation for many, many years because they don't know any better, or think it's normal.
— neptune in 10th, although it deals with fame and impersonal relationships, to me, is just as fundamental as the houses listed above. they don't see themselves through their own eyes, or feel like they depend on other's perceptions on themselves too much, they are confident, or pretend it really well. these individuals know how to act the part, how to commit to the bit, they never feel that sense of belonging anywhere, because they might show different parts of their personalities to different people
— for me, the hardest moons to have are capricorn, scorpio and virgo.
— capricorn moon is a strictly analytical sign, they don't feel comfortable in the moon as is where the emotions and insecurities shine the most.
— scorpio moon is a very intense sign, as opposite to the Capricorn, they can be super emotional, or completely numb, very extremist and their emotions are black or white, polarizing.
— virgo moon is extremely difficult, they don't like to have to feel things, they like to think and act with precaution and it's hard for them to let their emotions slip, the kind of friend who'd have the most practical advice to all sort of topics, a helpful hand in all situations, but when it comes to them as individuals, they let themselves be too much, their head is always at a thousand percent. From what I've gathered of this moon is that, yes, they are neurotic when it comes to certain things, but completely careless to others, and it's usually to themselves, you won't ever see a Virgo moon misbehave or dress bad, but they can hold a lot of suppressed shame or anger or sadness, like they tie it with a bow in a box and keep it locked.
— lastly, no aspect or moon or sign is bad, they are just more difficult than others, there are people with easy aspects, like sun sextile or trine jupiter, they are prone to idealization and inferiority complexes. it's true that a person that has the harmonious aspects is lazier or gets unmotivated way easier. nothing is really set in stone, you can have a moon conjunct saturn and a cancer mercury in 9th house, your way of expressing yourself is more reserved, but optimistic and even childlike. when it comes to astrology, every single aspect and sign, and house counts to describe a person.
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astrolovecosmos · 6 months
Sun in the 1st House - main character vibes
Moon in the 1st House gives off protective, maybe even mom/dad of the group vibes
Mercury in the 1st House gives off * ~ ~ * vibes
Venus in the 1st House gives off glamorous and seductive vibes
Mars in the 1st House gives off "ready for battle" vibes
Jupiter in the 1st House gives off lucky vibes
Saturn in the 1st House gives off "old soul" vibes
Uranus in the 1st House gives off 🌟🌀🛸🌠vibes
Neptune in the 1st House gives off romantic or magical vibes
Pluto in the 1st House gives off mysterious and/or intimidating vibes
Chiron in the 1st House gives off "on your side" vibes
Juno in the 1st House gives off "wifey or husband" material vibes
Ceres in the 1st House gives off comforting or familiar vibes
Black Moon Lilith in the 1st House gives off seductive and enigmatic vibes
Asteroid Lilith in the 1st House gives off rebellious, wild, and defiant vibes
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bluee08 · 1 year
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations pt 27
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with Neptune in the 11th house don’t usually end friendships on bad terms, the parties involved just drift apart and never really speak again
-if you’re an Aries moon, chances are your mom ran the household, married or not. Even if your father was around, she was the main one handling things
-people with pluto in the 11th house are usually loners and prefer having a close circle of friends they knew for a very long time rather than make new connections that they view as superficial
-people with mercury in water or fire signs have the tendency to let their emotional biases cloud their judgement, especially cancer
-on the other hand, people with mercury in earth or air signs tend to put so much emphasis on logic that they seem to lose their ability to empathize (ahem, Capricorn and Aquarius)
-people with Uranus aspecting mercury tend to be absolute nerds and they have the most interesting hobbies. Think of that one kid you knew at school that loved anime and would Naruto run down the hallways
-Scorpio moons have an especially hard time fully getting over their exes, even if they are in a new relationship
-Chiron in the 1st house aspected with Venus and/or mars can indicate being constantly body shamed and being made to feel unattractive by a lover
-Juno in the 9th house can indicate marrying outside your race and/or culture, meeting your spouse in school or while traveling
-people with mercury in earth signs require a lot of time and practice to be good at something while people with mercury in air signs tend to learn faster and experience beginner’s luck more
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youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
🫧Astro observations pt.3🫧
🫧Saturn in the 1st house individuals may have or had some insecurities surrounding their teeth since Saturn deals with bones. ( This can range from having a chipped tooth, a gap, overbite, underbite, crooked teeth, etc.) This may also be said for individuals with Saturn in their 2nd house since the the 2nd house is associated with the mouth
🫧Harsh aspects between Chiron/Mars or Chiron/Saturn may have dealt with or are just more prone to breaking their bones. Mars rules the 1st house(the body) and Chiron is about our “wounds”. And with Saturn it’s about our structure(aka the bones)
🫧Mercury in gemini people were the types of kids in school that the teacher had to tell to lower their voices or tell them to stop talking all together. They are very chatty
🫧Mercury in Leo people TALK SO DAMN LOUD!!!
🫧When a Saturn transit aspects your rising sign you may get acne, body acne, or just start noticing changes on your skin. This mainly goes for harsh aspects like the conjunction, square, or opposition
🫧When Jupiter transits your 1st and eventually your 2nd house, you’re very prone to gaining a lot of weight or just develop binge eating. Jupiter is about expanding things and the 1st house is the body. The 2nd house is associated with pleasures and our senses so essentially our taste and food
🫧4th house ruler in the 1st house individuals wear their heart on their sleeves. I think this because the 4th house is our emotions because it’s ruled by the moon and when it’s ruler is placed in the 1st house, which is how we present ourselves, these people may often have a hard time hiding their emotions from others
🫧Chiron conjunct Saturn or Chiron in Capricorn may have and dads that didn’t approve of their physical appearance, their style, or their careers
🫧The Leo degrees (5°,17°,29°) don’t always indicate fame imo. You have to examine the entire chart first. But whatever planet it’s on may gain recognition for that planet. (Ex. If it’s Venus the person may get recognized for their style, attractiveness, money, or material things. If it’s the sun then the person may get recognition for their talents, hobbies, or anything that makes them stand out from the crowd)
🫧Mercury in the 12th house or in Pisces may deal with intrusive thoughts from time to time
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geminimoonmadness · 2 years
Astrology observations
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These are my own personal astrological observations. Part 1
🦋Natal Observations:
Capricorn moon toddlers are like mini grown men.
I know I’ve said this before but I want to include it again in this list. Mercury rules Virgo & Gemini, both representing intelligence. Virgo’s intelligence is the brain (introverted) whilst Gemini’s intelligence is the mouth/tongue (extroverted)
If you have your Jupiter conjunct your Saturn you are gifted with a strong will and you’re extra determined to succeed in life.
Aries/Scorpio & 1st house Mars placements may be prone to acne and scars/abrasions on their skin
Having your North node conjunct Chiron may mean you need to forgive someone in this life
Taurus won’t change their mind whilst their co ruler Libra won’t make up their mind
South Node in the 11th House (North Node 5th House) will have friends from past lives join them in this life. They will meet new friends they feel they’ve known forever
Venus, Jupiter and/ or moon in the 5th house are usually quite fertile and likely to have more kids then most. Gemini moon in the 5th house is an indicator of twins.
Pluto conjunct Moon gives someone more deep and intense feelings then most, they sometimes don’t know how to cope and if they don’t have an outlet for their emotions it can turn dark.
People with a Libra Mars 12th house tend to have no backbone and struggle to stand up for themselves
The 9th house can represent your long distance friendships and your travel style
People with a Pisces Mercury are always told to speak up because they’re talking to quiet/softly and feel hella attacked/embarrassed every time they speak up
Scorpio 10th house makes you private in regards to your career. You don’t talk about your home life whilst at work and you don’t talk about work when you’re at home.
Having Scorpio in the 1st house makes you generally a private person whilst having Scorpio in the 12th house may make you an open book/open person.
Fire Mars and Mars in the 1st house placements won’t hesitate to speak up in public, especially to make a complaint of service
Pisces risings may feel like life is going too fast for them to catch up sometimes. They also get random epiphanies.
Mercury in Capricorn are usually skeptics
Taurus & libra risings are the most what’s considered ‘naturally beautiful’
Capricorn Risings (father) and Cancer Risings (mother) are typical parent/guardian energy and naturally act older then they are
Gemini moons love to crack jokes about things that are sad/bringing them down in order to lighten the mood
12th house stellium’s don’t like sharing much about themselves as they’re always misunderstood and don’t feel seen
If you’ve hurt a Scorpio, I can promise you that they want you to suffer.
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Scorpio dogs will stare at you just like a Scorpio rising will. This is them analysing you.
Capricorn puppies are self reliant and well trained even without being trained.
Cancer animals will be friends with everyone, all other animals & humans.
Aquarius pets will have a unique character and not always act as expected. For example, an Aquarius pitbull I knew would act like a cat, he’d try to sit in your lap and walk along the back of the couch like a cat even though he was trained as an emotional support dog.
I really enjoyed making this! Let me know in the comments if you have any of these placements or know someone who does and if they resonate with you! Any feedback and further insight is always welcome. What do you want to see me post next?
Copyrights reserved © geminimoonmadness
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harmoonix · 2 years
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🌪Astrology Notes🌪
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Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
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Moon - Ascendant aspects: The native can look very angelic and warm when you met them, they might be very warm and you feel like safe when you are around them. These natives can look very soft and have very soft body & face features
Jupiter - Ascendant harmonious aspects: The native can have a very prominent part of the body who takes them in evidence, this aspect is most like 'Born to succeed', you can often feel like the universe is on your side and helps you (Especially if you have Jupiter in 12th house omg you're lucky)
Jupiter - Mars aspects: The native has an inner fire in their hearts and very much dominating and king energy here (king can be applied for both genders if you know what i mean), they might take everything as a competition and they are not afraid to risk
Jupiter in the 7th house or aspecting the 7th house lord: Jupiter might blessed the native with love and harmonious relationships but here comes the lessons too, you need to learn what kind of people deserves your love (Don't forget 7th house is the house of enemies/hidden enemies too) so be aware of what people you have around and what kind of relationships you have with them
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7th house lord aspecting the 9th house lord: You might met your specific person while traveling or at highschool/university/college, at church, occults, your s.p can be also very interested in magic and religion
7th house lord aspecting the 10th house lord: You might met your specific person at work, while you work, at some point in your career and sometimes can mean that you can date your boss or someone closes to your boss an authority person
Jupiter in the 4th house might be an placement for having a very big family/having a big family tree you can have many cousins, uncles,etc.. also having very many ancestors on this family tree
Neptune - Venus aspects = Attracting people who like them only for appearance, this might not apply to all but some people with such aspects can relate most people want them only for the way they look and their enchanting appearance
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Chiron in the 7th house might be that type of person who gets hurt in relationships and usually the love side, they can make the same mistakes over and over, that can make them the wounded healer who heals others in love but forgets about them
Chiron in the 1st house might show insecurities (most insecurities about their body and appearance) early in life, they could feel insecure and anxious talking about their bodies, but this also might mean that the native doesn't love themselves enough and they need love and nurturing (I have this placement in my sidereal chart i know how it feels ❤️)
Moon - Chiron harsh aspects = Healing and nurturing your soul, it feels like your soul seeks for healing and love. Your feelings matter a lot and what you feel is very intense. It can also means that you might have some issues with your mother (maybe she was not supportive emotionally to you)
ANYTHING that conjuncts the Chiron can mean that you have to power to choose if you want to heal that part of you or you let it to be how it is. But is important to know that you have an imense power to heal that part of you ❤️
Example: Chiron conjuncts Venus… you can heal the wounds of this by starting to love yourself and to give yourself a lot of nurturing, you can also heal others with love but the also your love life might need healing too because you might have met partners with a lot of issues who need time and healing.
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Pluto - Sun aspects: Very alluring and rebellious with their own rules and their own power, warriors of the world. (This can apply if you have Lilith - Sun aspects too)
Mercury positive aspecting Jupiter: Makes the native extremely intelligent and full of a good vocabulary and knowledge they are also good at being detectives if they are into such things because Jupiter makes them very informative and seeking for true side of the story
Ascendant - Sun aspects: Star of the horizon, they have a very likeable personality and gold aura, they can bee so charming and so charismatic... sometimes they can have a big ego and act spoiled. (I love sun - ascendant aspects sadly i have Sun in the 12th house 💀)
Sagittarius Placements (especially Sun and Venus in Sagittarius) have very much freedom in their life and they live life at fullest, partying and enjoying the life is gonna be on their list...Oh i forgot to add Sagittarius Mars because they are into this too 💅🏼
Taurus Placements love to stalk their crushes, they can be checking their crush account 24/7 and watching their crush story all day long. I'm not joking i know someone with Taurus Moon and they like stalk their crush account all day 😭😭
Leo Moons have a very much pride in them i think sometimes the pride is bigger than Leo's Suns pride...😲 It can manifest because they want to be the best in anything and they also love to compete with other people
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Aquarius Placements heal with music, is very likely the music makes them feel better in their own person and they can feel the feelings in the songs, Aquarius's Placements are very sweet people and they feel at peace when they are related and listening to music. Most people with Aquarius Placements love music like their life depends on it (and it depends ofc💅🏼)
Scorpio Placements are those type of people when you first met them, they might seem very cold and mean but if you get closer to them you would see they are very nice and sweet people, the society created this stereotype of "If you see a Scorpio you run away"... And is not like that at all they are very sweet people and very loyal if you make friends with them, you can have people for life . (Especially if you have a partner Scorpio be sure that Scorpio will never forget about you)
•| ⊱✿⊰ |••| ⊱✿⊰ |••| ⊱✿⊰ |•
Harmoonix ❤️
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cleapallea · 22 days
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𝙎𝙊𝙇𝘼𝙍 𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉 𝙍𝙀𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉 2024 (3rd observation/s)
This is my personal observation if you feel that descriptions doesn't fit you. Take this with a grain of salt.
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Sun in the 8th house indicates quitting your bad habits; it can be based on your charts and transits. The Sun represents ego and self, While the eighth house refers to death.
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6th house with Aquarius sign can indicate adopting small pets. I have my small adopted kitten that looks like a mouse 😂.
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Aquarius and Mars aspects in Solar Return are prone to emotional outbursts this year. Like in hell, every second. I swear.
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Aquarius in eighth house in solar return you might find your relationship doesn't last because you are into your vibes and moons.  For instance, you want someone and you want another person. Hell, this gives me a feeling of playboy and playgirl vibes.
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Venus  in the 1st house means there is a magnetic factor about your appearance this year. Plus, you might find yourself spending a lot of time taking care of your face like you literally buy anything related to face products. Just be it.
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Chiron in 7th house Your close friends or partner might hurt you so badly. So their way of hurting is based on transits, what sign associated with Chiron, and the cause is based upon the houses 
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Plagiarism is A Crime— all rights belong to @cleapallea
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francestany · 1 year
Astro observations: 2 💫💫 (synastry edition)✍️
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Chiron synastry it is not always that healing. İt might be painfull too. Especially with the underdeveloped individuals it might be as toxic as the 8th house. Esp one might loving you in a hidden way and when you responsed it back, they are behaviouring like they never did.( as like as pisces venus. That's why �� dont like this venus sign because they just want it in a platonic way.) A running from healing is the case. Because not everyone can deal confronting with inner wounds.
Underdeveloped aries men : just childish.. they are not serious in love. Might be loving too fast and then becomes cold in sudden way. But I think they are really impressive people. The way they look just 🫠🫠
Mars in the 1st house synastry : really so easy to perceive . They might be the first one who reacting you when you entered a place. Mars person always chasing the house person. And the house loves it. There is really sensible tension like you're not comfortable enough. Just like they can not talk in a easy way because of this tension. But without the long lasting aspects İt will be probably the tentative one.
8th house synastry : mostly depends on the individuals own natal but in general the house person is the most feeling it. They understand this intense attraction. 8th house person be impressed by the planet person in a deep sense. (Esp moon in 8th house) and they dont wanna leave the planet person because they feel obsessive kinda love towards planet person. They dont wanna break up with the planet person.
7th house synastry: house person really feels powerful attraction to planet person (esp sun) even from the beginning. The communication is perfect but the sexual chemistry is not much as the 1st,8th house synastry. But still the best because you feeling like this is the perfect person to marry. Easy to feel just as 1st house synastry esp from the side of the house person. House person idealizes the planet person a lot.
Man' sun conjuct woman's moon.The soul mate connection. Deeply understanding level. Empathetic placement. But not enough for the sexual chemistry if other aspects didnt include.
Personal planets conjuct other's vertex point they feel there is strong karmic bond.
Juno represents the features of your spouse while vertex's sign informs us which sun sign he is
That is it for now ...
💗💗💗 ( dont let anyone break your heart.)
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marsfa1ry · 2 years
astrology observations
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(pics from pinterest)
sun-moon conjunction in synastry is quite overrated imo. i had this double whammy with someone and underneath the comfortability, there was too much mirroring energy. it was so overwhelming tbh
undeveloped scorpio moon they can be so full of jealousy, destructiveness, and energy vampires it’s draining 😵‍💫 also this is coming from a scorpio stellium ;-;
pluto 10H and as a sagittarius’s generation, every person with sagittarius in personal planet i have encountered tried to one up me, one way or another, consciously or subconsciously, the energy is always there 💀
venus-mars conjunction natives are just 💋 their masculinity and femininity energy flow beautifully and it shows whether they feel that way or not ( :,( )
scorpio venus as a scorpio venus, i feel like the only venus sign that can make me feel like my feelings and energies are being reciprocated are scorpio venuses
neptune-mc (esp sextile) i noticed that a lot of celebrities have this aspect in their charts. plus with venus-jupiter then it’s easier for natives to manifest fame
1h mars natives looks soooooooo good in casual sporty outfits 🧎‍♀️ on my knees
11h chiron how’s it like feeling like an outcast all the time in your surrounding 🥹 i feel you. but it’s okay you’ll eventually find your people ⭐️
mars in virgo degrees (6°,18°) help with being more self-discipline when it comes to native’s passion and achieving goals
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© @marsfa1ry
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lavishlyleo · 2 years
Chiron in The Houses : And How it Affects The Opposite House
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I've noticed that when it comes to the astroid Chiron, there are similarities to problems from the house it's initially in and the house it's opposite from it. Like, many problems Chiron brings to a house can stem from the opposite house's properties and characteristics.
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Chiron in The 1st House
Chiron 1st natives could feel like people predominantly judge them from the people they associate with. ( 7th house rules partners, associates, and other people connecting to us ) Like they don't have their own identity and live in the shadow of those around them. These people may rely on their partner/others to shape their identity. And they probably don't feel like their own person, and just an extension of others. These natives probably hate when people point out similarities between them and other people, which will add to their belief that they feel like an extension of others. Some might do absurd or outrageous things to stand out and be different from other people.
Chiron in The 2nd House
Chiron 2nd house natives might always have to worry about themselves or other people ( 8th house rules other peoples possesions ) losing and/or breaking their possesions. People may prefer to use the natives stuff instead of their own. At the same time people may not like sharing their valubles or stuff with the native. Or people may flaunt their possessions to the latter. These natives might feel like they always have to compare what they have to what others have, leaving them never feeling satisfied with what they have. And they may feel like their worth is dependent on other people and what they have.
Chiron in The 3rd House
Chiron 3rd house natives will always look for the deeper meaning in whatever people say to them. And always try to pick apart what people say. It can be exhausting talking to some of them as it may feel like they're trying to force their opinions and beliefs ( 9th house rules opinions, beliefs, philosophy and higher meanings ) onto someone when communicating. This native's childhood however could indicate that this happened a lot to them, with siblings, classmates, and people close to them shoving opinions and beliefs on them when they were young. So this is where they likely got it from.
Chiron in The 4th House
Chiron 4th house natives may feel like they won't amount to anything in life, that their family hasn't already achieved. They might feel like they live in their family's shadow. Could have a very popular, famous, and/or important family member, to where the native lives in their shadow, and the public always associates this native with someone from their family ( 10th house rules reputation, what you're known for, and how the public views you )  Might have been the lesser child and not held in as high hopes as their other siblings by the other family members. And family members could pressure these natives by reminding them of their family's feats.
Chiron in The 5th House
Chiron 5th house natives might seek out groups of people with the same interest, feeling most emotionally satisfied when they find their "flock" ( 11th house rules the groups we hang with, our hopes and dreams for society/our impact on it, and our societal views ) However they could feel like society makes fun of or doesn't accept this native's hobbies and what they do for pleasure because it isn't the "norm". Many people might shame this native for the things they enjoy and make them feel guilty, making them think about how their hobbies and things they enjoy affect society and the people around them.
Chiron in The 6th House
Chiron 6th natives probably feel like they're trapped in their day to day lives. Like life doesn't get more interesting or won't be any greater than what they have. These people likely hard workers, sticking to their vigorous routine, in the hopes that the universe or some higher being will bless them with good karma ( 12th house rules higher powers, the unconscious, dreams, isolation, and karma ). And these natives may actually not know what they want in life or in themselves, except that they don't want to be nothing. Which can lead them down a path of monotony and not doing anything great or dreaming big. Can feel like they can't fantasize or dream big because they have to focus on the now and everyday life tasks.
Chiron in The 7th House
Chiron 7th natives probably surround themselves with people like them; They are the company they keep. ( 1st house rules identity, the self, and how people perceive you ) However when other people come for the native's partner, spouse or associates they're likely get very defensive, as people who come at them can feel like a direct attack at the native. And when in a relationship, they can be hypocritics because they probably share some attributes with their partners that they have ill feelings towards, because as before, these natives surround themselves with people like them, which can make them narrow minded.
Chiron in The 8th House
Chiron 8th natives can feel be abrasive with other peoples values and stuff ( 2nd house rules one's values and possessions ). They might see other peoples possessions or values as their own. And might share the same sentiment that their stuff is for others, or not. But these natives might feel like people overstep their boundaries a lot and might even do this themselves to others. But this can make some natives very possessive of what they own and build up walls to prevent people overstepping their boundaries. Making the natives do a lot of stuff themselves for them self instead of with others for this reason. May hold a lot of taboo values, but keeps this to themselves.
Chiron in The 9th House
Chiron 9th natives may feel all their values come heavily from siblings, classmates, and peers from their childhood ( 3rd house rules childhood, siblings, and communication ), and that it molded many of their present day beliefs, good and negative. Unlike Chiron 3rd house natives, they may not like to or might be scared to communicate their beliefs. These natives may feel like, despite their journey through life and discovering things about the world and themselves, that it's ultimately their past that represents who they are, which might not be good if they were bullied a lot in their childhood. So they might hold some sentiment to things said to them during childhood and the native's view on themselves could be very low, and they could still hold resentment for some people from thier younger years, this is another that placement can indicate being narrow minded.
Chiron in The 10th House
Chiron 10th natives will always have to worry about something and/or someone damaging the publics view on them and their overall reputation. Likely home issues or things from childhood ( 4th house rules home, roots, and foundations ) resurfacing and altering the public's view on them. And/Or they're trying to bury and run away from their roots to appeal to the public. These natives don't want to be defined by their childhood or family roots. Some may even leave behind and/or betray their family for greater things in life like reputation and fame. However this is probably because they will have envious relatives who seek to destroy what name this native made for themselves out of jealousy and/or old family drama resurfacing.
Chiron in The 11th House
Chiron 11th natives probably feel like they can't enjoy their hobbies or anything they like without thinking about how it affects others, and it's impact on society ( 5th house rules pleasure, hobbies, and indulgence ). They probably don't want to or don't like indulging themselves too much, feeling like there are greater things to worry about more than their own pleasures. Or some might have big dreams and visions for changing their society/community, but are too caught up in their own pleasures and indulgence to actually act on them. However some natives could get treated poorly by their group, peers, or overall community, causing them to not care about bettering society or helping people. And in the end, make them only seek out their own pleasure and well being, because if society doesn't care about the native's needs, why should they care about societys'?
Chiron in The 12th House
Chiron 12th natives have very cloudy and active minds. They're big dreamers and probably mostly live life in the clouds of their mind. These natives can feel trapped by the claws of everyday, boring life ( 6th house rules everyday life, routine, and service ). They could have many dreams and goals but probably won't act on many of them, because the fantasy in their heads is good enough for them instead of the real thing. These natives may not get the tasks they need to do everyday done, and probably procrastinate A LOT. They may feel isolated and/or not mentally present at their workplace, and would rather daydream and keep to themselves than interact with peers. These are the people that could fall off the face of the earth and not many people would notice, because they're so private and keep to themselves.
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What are yalls thoughts? Did any of this resonate with you? If not, check your Chiron sign and use it's sign's ruling house. ( Ex. if you have Chiron in Aquarius, read Chiron in the 11th house )
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 5
Hey, here's another astro observation. 🍻🍻
Highlights: north node in houses, ceres, pallas, ascendant, sun, mercury, venus, neptune, uranus, lilith, saturn, pluto, chiron, degrees, cancer, capricorn, virgo, 1st house, 4th house, 6th house.
🍄 NN in the 4th or opposite MC. It's all about your sense of security. These people learn how to create security inside themselves instead of looking for it in people or outside sources. You should feel safe wherever you are physically and in your life journey, as long as you have yourself, it's all you need. You may not feel at home anywhere, you may dislike your family, which leads you to adjusting the concept of "home" to something suitable to your life, where you feel emotionally safe. Once you create your home inside you and nurture it fully, your home might manifest outwardly and you could certainly have the house of your dreams. (if you have this placement let me know how it manifests for you). 
🍄 NN or SN in 4th, or in cancer/capricorn natives make others feel very safe around them and in their house/work. They give off a natural sense of warmth and security which make people trust them. They care for others without expecting things in return. Their houses/companies are often very homey and beautiful. These people just have vibes that make guests stay longer than they intended.
🍄 NN in the last 4 houses (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) can have a purpose that has to do with the collective. The lessons they learn or the talents they have should be something that inspire a change to the collective's shared sets of values and outlooks on life, people and the world at large. They can make people around them see a whole different viewpoint of the things they believed were facts. There's no such thing as absolute truth or fact, everything in the world is changeful and so the people at large should be able to change and adapt with it. That's why many of these people are celebrities or in the public eye. 
🍄 NN or MC major aspects to uranus (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) can mean that the native doesn't necessarily follow the usual get a degree find a job typa life. But with softer aspects it's less forceful and destructive, more free flowing. Even if they tried to follow the traditional route, there is usually an underlying desire to break free from that and create a different path for themselves. They're always met with pleasant/unpleasant surprises, cuz uranus wanna do what they wanna do lol. I have uranus opposite NN and conjunct aquarius MC, and I can’t tell you how much I hate that system with just words. 
🍄 I noticed that animals are attracted to virgo ascendant/moon/venus/mars, personal planets in the 6th or 5th, or ceres in the 1st or 6th. Animals feel like they are taken care of by these individuals and trust them. The type of people that when they call the pet's name, they LISTEN. Also, If you have a lot of fire in personal planets animals might see you as an equal lol (their sass come out). They might pick up little fights with you out of nowhere, especially cats. 😽
🍄 Your ascendant could be your mom's ceres sign or degree. (if you aren't sure of your ascendant checking her ceres sign might help!). You could have the same ceres or pallas sign/degree as your mom or they could conjunct/opposite one of your personal planets. If there are such placements, then your mom might have had a strong influence on you. 
🍄 Pallas aspecting NN and neptune can bring and expand popularity especially if other aspects support it (like neptune or sun aspecting NN or MC). Pallas conjunct NN can mean making your talents known in this lifetime. 
🍄 Pallas conjunctions are very powerful. Neptune conjunct pallas is a natural artist, like naturally good at some hobby they have. Venus conjunct pallas, naturally good at beautifying things and themselves. Mercury conjunct pallas, naturally good at speaking/writing/singing. Ascendant conjunct pallas, natural beauty, naturally good at presenting themselves. Michelle Pfeiffer has is exactly conjunct her ascendant. It can give a variety of different talents and good luck. 🐞
🍄 A mix of Cancer and Libra in personal planets can give dimples and charming smiles and also beautiful voices. Speaking of charm, sun conjunct venus or moon can give a youthful charm and a personality that is admirable, especially if it's in a fire sign. Venus conjunct any personal planet is a charming aspect. 
🍄 Neptune conjunct lilith, can make the native appear sexy in an innocent and otherworldly way. Emphasis on the seductive eyes here, especially if neptune or lilith also aspect the ascendant. Can give sanpaku eyes. They don't have to try so hard to be desirable. Very hard to replace their appearance. e.g. Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. 
🍄 Sun opposite/square/conjunct saturn, feeling inadequate, overworking themselves, feeling unworthy when they're not working. Having high expectations of themselves and thinking they can’t achieve it all in the time they set for themselves. Attaching their sense of worth to their achievements. These natives are super hard on themselves. Bottled up emotions, underestimating their emotions, putting on a strong face, facing the world with a sense of responsibility. You are hard workers and deserve all the success you want. You are worthy no matter what you do, plz. (these difficult emotions can come up strongly with the transits too I noticed, even if you don't have that aspect, don't bottle them up, release them). 
🍄 People with pluto opposite ascendant attract others with pluto conjunct ascendant and vise versa. It's that power dynamic, it happened so often to me. That push and pull can be euphoric and obsessive. Wanting to dominate the other, fear of being dominated. Wanting to empower or destroy each other. Wanting to feel needed and wanted or needing the other. Wanting to own that person or being owned by them. It is hot ngl, but it never ends well if there are control wounds at play, which often are and at the forefront. 
🍄 Venus opposite NN natives give me the sense that they mastered their type of beauty or other venus related topics. Many celebrities with this aspect are conventionally attractive. e.g. Cameron Diaz, Zooey Deschanel, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lawrence, Song Hye-kyo. Same with venus conjunct NN, but moreso they need to learn how to accept, apply and use their beauty no matter how different it is. They also need to learn how to be in healthy relationships and to accept the overall blessings that come their way. e.g. Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift (wide orb but still same sign). 
🍄 Chiron conjunct/opposite personal planets, especially sun/mercury/mars, or having heavy chiron aspects, is someone who is authentic in their self expression but they might not see it. They give off this authentic vulnerability that is so beautiful. Taking a messy/crying/bad hair day photo of themselves and sending it to their friends typa vulnerability. They embody the qualities of the sign the planets are in with a chironic touch that makes their very existence healing and delightful. They may use self-deprecating humor as a way to bring joy to themselves and others through the pain they feel. They don't see the good qualities others see in them fully, and others might take it as a chance to deliberately make them self conscious, especially when young. They may attract a lot of jealousy from friends because they don't always see their delightful personality and it may trigger others (yes delightful and heartwarming, fight me). The way they see themselves is often blurred due to the experiences they went through and the already existing wound of their self concept that they often go to extreme phases of self doubt and introspection. 
🍄 Mercury conjunct/opposite jupiter can make someone funny, it brings a humorous layer to the native's outlook on life and the way they express their views. Mercury rules gemini and jupiter rules sagittarius, both are known to be funny, when they conjunct it creates either a philosopher or a chrackhead or both lol. They are deep thinkers, but they acknowledge the contradictions in life, in themselves and in people, which leads them to use sarcasm, wit and irony. The way they speak and change their voices can be funny too. This aspect is often seen in the charts of comedians or just naturally funny people. e.g. Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson, Jenna Fischer, Pete Davidson, Emma Chamberlain, Aubrey Plaza, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart. 
🍄 Venus degrees like the placements can tell you about how you like your relationships or your love language. Venus in a leo degree can indicate liking when your partner gives you gifts and praises you, loyalty, dramatic love. Venus in an aquarius degree, needing freedom, wanting your partner to also be your best friend, stimulating conversations, online dating. Venus in an aries degree being fierce, childlike and adventurous in love and flirting a lot, physical touch. Venus in a scorpio degree being loyal, intense and flirty in love, physical touch and quality time. Venus in a virgo degree liking the act of service, being cared for and noticing the little details. Venus in a Libra degree, the typical relationship stuff, words of affirmation and gifts. I have venus at 11° and in the 11th house, I can tell you I prefer the friends before lovers typa love, it's easier to develop feelings, you can just be yourself, also no awkward first date. 
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gayou01 · 2 years
Astrology observations pt 10
-People with Mars in Pisces may not be as alert as other signs but they are very observant and will gain a pretty accurate understanding of someone without having to interact with them very much. They don’t get enough credit for that
-no one holds a grudge quite like Aquarius and Capricorn mars
-people with Capricorn Venus are the type to bury themselves in work just so they won’t have to think about their crush/potential love interest
-If the sun or Saturn is unfavorably aspected with Chiron, there’s trauma that involves the father. If the moon is unfavorably aspected with Chiron, it involves the mother (or emotional abuse could be at play)
-An unfavorable aspect between mars and Chiron is a possible indicator for physical abuse, overworking yourself, or trauma at the hands of men in general
-a stellium or malefic planets in the 12th house can indicate isolation, whether it’s mental isolation or literally being locked away (think prison or psychiatric ward). Other times it simply means working in a secluded space with little to no outside interaction or just liking alone time a little too much
-People with the Sun in the 10th house tend to have fathers (or father figures) that are well-respected in their field, so the expectation to live up to the father’s excellence is placed on them (whether the expectation comes from themselves or other people)
-speaking of the Sun in the 10th house, from personal experience, women with that placement tend to look like their fathers physically or via attitude, especially if it’s in Capricorn. I would also guess that Saturn in the 1st house can have the same effect too
-women with unfavorable aspects between chiron, the moon and Venus often have beef with other women because they have unresolved issues with their own femininity or attract women with issues into their circle
-Jupiter in the 1st house conjoined to the ascendant can indicate being very tall, having a heavier build or gaining weight very easily
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greekcomedy · 9 months
annabeth buying every kind of candy in the corner store was SO CUTE. baby girl has not left camp in half her lifetime. she does not know how money works. she spent a quarter of their total budget in one fell 7/11 run. she saw someone giving her a Look and attacked them as a monster.
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suninyourmoon · 1 year
🗣 Not professional astrologer! It’s only based on my own experience, people that i know, and self-observation. So please take with grain of salt! :D
Venus in Libra peeps could be those who keep nagging about how they want a relationship so bad. (i know a few people in my life with this placement and they can't stop complaining about how single they are help)
Leo moon are lying to themselves if they say they don't like attention. (perhaps don't realize it yet?)
A lot of Venus in Virgo people that i know at some point in their life will questioning whether they really want a marriage or not. (yeah me too)
Someone said "i can't see myself getting married. I don't know, it seems unrealistic to me" yeah you are Virgo Venus in 12th house retrograde.
I mean, Venus in Virgo itself already make this person picky when it comes to love, and then the confusion and unrealistic idea they had because of the neptune influence. And in retrograde? jeez. i believe they have been in a relationship but then the relationship they had never meet their expentation because this people have a hopeless romantic idea of what romance is.
Venus in Sagittarius / 9th need a lot of freedom. Have a special place for foreigner in ther heart. Love someone who can keep up with their wild energy. Love people who is aware of society problem. Might also into smart people. Probably like to joke around with people close to their heart as well. (or people in general)
Moon in 7th house / Moon in Libra find comfort from being around people.
or they might feel the need to be in a relationship so that they won't feel lonely. Might dealing with co-dependency. (i know it's not your fault but please seek theraphy)
Friend of mine have 7th stellium (5 planet) and i swear to god, the attachment issues they have with is not a joke. They struggle with being on their own and need someone approval in every aspect of their life. Feel like they are incomplete if they're single. Too selfless, too giving. Later in life, people with this placement might have to realize that they should learn to stand on their on feet.
Neptune in 3rd house might having a hard time to communicate what they want to say. They also might say something they don't mean.
Uranus in 3rd house saying something in such a random way. i can't understand you sometimes,,,,,,
Chiron in 2nd house peeps could deal with feeling unworthy and feel unsave. They could feel guilty if they spend money on themselves. My Friend with this placement struggle with fear of end up lacking money all the time.
TW : ED!
i've met a few people with Chiron in 1st house, all of them stuggle with self-image and body dysmorphia, and also struggling with Eating Disorder. :(
Those with Jupiter and Saturn together in 8th House will likely to be extremely wealthy. They are hardworking and blessed with money.
They might also are curious about the deeper things in live, spirituality and the theme around 8th house but at the same times fear of the unknown and uncertainty. They might be those people who want to dive deeper into sex (or just have high energy on that) and desire devoted relatonship but hold themselves back and blocking themself from intimate relationship because a deep fear of commitment. It's very frustasing when jupiter and saturn are in the same house.
this is actually synasty thingy but i felt like i need to mention this, DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH SOMEONE YOU HAVE 8TH HOUSE SYNASTRY WITH WHEN YOU’RE NOT READY AT ALL🩸👄🩸 i have my experience with someone who my planets fall into their 8th house (stellium), and they are OBSESSES. I help bring their true and darker side of them so now they’re attach on me, it’s sorta my fault for trying to fix them tho that’s why i’m telling you stop messing around with this synastry if you’re not ready.
8th house placement… did astrology became your free therapy because they can validate ur emotion and understand you so damn well? Same👍🏻
Mercury-Saturn aspect, i know it’s a good thing to be careful with ur words but please say something if you really want to say it. You literally limiting ur self sometimes and overthinks a lot
There someone i know said that they don't know how to get mad and have Mars-Saturn aspect. These people (Could be Saturn in 8th house as well) might been told during their childhood that it's wrong let their temper loose so then growing up they feel guilty to express their anger and try to burry those temper.
They also could be those who struggle with supressed sexuality.
idk but my mom have Scorpio Mars and used to make a lot of sexual jokes during my childhood. (please don't do that)
Sagittarius Asc peeps i knew in the first impression look so innocently religious and calm, and they always turns out to be not. Like, literally
Thats it✨ thankyou sm and you can give me a feedback 💥 cheers peeps🫶
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