#chirssy cunningham
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Chapter 25 of The Cold Night Air We Breathe is up on AO3!
In many ways, sitting here in the darkness was close to what she’d hoped for when she’d set out from Indianapolis yesterday. Desperate for solitude after the uncomfortable company of her over-generous father trying to apologize in the only way he knew how to and her guileless younger brother, Chrissy had planned to spend the trip back to the city uncoiling the stress from her spine and the knots from her stomach by way of loud pop music and enthusiastic shoulder shimmying. Instead, she’d gotten Eddie. Having him along for the ride was, of course, incomparably preferable to three and a half hours driving on autopilot and singing along to a mixtape. She’d stuff solitude in the trash in a second if Eddie was the alternative.
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hellcheerforeverfan · 2 years
We love chrissy cunningham in this household! 
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Plot- Is it just her or has Eddie been flirting with Chrissy? And she likes it?
Lesbian Reader x Bi Chrissy
Robin and Reader are out to the school, people are cool with it.
Jason is a good guy in here so sorry
mentions of eating disorder
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There were a few things Y/N hated about her life. Her parents were terrible, and she was an only child. She did not have many friends, but there was one main thing she hated the most—not getting to tell the world she was deeply in love with Chrissy Cunningham.
Chrissy and Y/N have been best friends since middle school. They grew up together. Both struggled with their lives at home and found a safe place with each other. Once they reached high school, Y/N began to realize she was into girls, and girls only. She came out to Chrissy right away, and just as she expected, Chrissy welcomed her with open arms.
Once junior year hit, Chrissy began to question things. She began to see Y/N in ways she wasn't used to. She knew Y/N liked girls ever since freshman year, and it made her look different. Not in a bad way by any means, just more of an I wonder how she tastes kind of look, which Chrissy was not used to at all. She only saw herself with boys, and now all she saw herself with was Y/N.
By the end of junior year, Y/N tried very hard to stop falling for her best friend. She knew Chrissy accepted her, but maybe if she knew all the dirty things that flashed through her head when Chrissy wore that tiny skirt, she may not have accepted it so much. But at the end of the year party that Chrissy hosted, Chrissy shocked the both of them. Chrissy led Y/N to her bedroom, with a confession on her tongue. They sat close, their knees touching.
"I have to tell you something," Chrissy knew she sounded nervous; the concerned gaze was apparent in Y/N's eyes.
"You can tell me anything, Chris," with a big encouraging smile on her face. Chrissy could feel her heart swooning at how gorgeous she looked. Just a simple smile was knocking Chrissy's breath away.
"I think I have feelings for you." The room was somehow silent, even with the booming music in the background from downstairs.
Y/N felt her heart stop. This is everything she has wanted since freshman year. Her face felt like it was stuck in a permanent smile.
"I've had feelings for you since freshman year." Chrissy giggled with excitement. She really did not think she would like her back. All of Y/N's past crushes were edgy, mysterious, and vicious. Chrissy was the exact opposite of that. She was innocent, a virgin, and a girly girl. They ended the night with a kiss. Well, a few kisses.
Now here they are, senior year, more in love than ever. Chrissy never came out to anyone else, and Y/N respected that. Chrissy had a "queen B" reputation and did not want to jeopardize it. Her parents would kill her if she dropped her status this late in her life, even if it hurt Y/N. She acted like they were just best friends.
During school, they were just best friends. When Y/N stayed back to watch cheerleading practice, she watched as a supportive friend, not a girlfriend who wanted nothing more than to ruin her in that skirt. Y/N created posters with tons of glitter for every game, as a best friend would, not a girlfriend who was obsessed with supporting her girlfriend with everything. They were best friends who sat next to each other during the after parties. They were best friends who sent glares at anyone who approached them. Y/N would yank Chrissy away from every basketball player who thought they had a chance to talk to her. And Chrissy would shyly take Y/N away the moment a girl approached her with a smirk. To everyone, they were best friends.
But to each other, they were soulmates. Y/N could not imagine falling in love with anyone else. And Chrissy could not imagine calling anyone else hers.
So even if it was hard, they made it work. Sleepovers were used as a chance to spend every second alone underneath the covers. Y/N parents were never home, so a house to themselves always came in handy. Y/N lost count of how many times she had Chrissy on the countertop, legs spread open, and devoured her inside and out.
Chrissy knew nothing about how it felt to be with anyone, let alone a girl. So whenever Y/N had her gasping and orgasming for hours, she felt like she was on top of the world. This feeling was everything she read about in books. Her parents would disown her for loving another girl. Sunday church has done nothing to erase the memories in her head of Y/N between her thighs. She didn't want to go to heaven anymore unless Y/N was taking her there.
So being this in love and having to be a secret would be a problem, right? It so was. Everyone thought Chrissy was single because she refused to see anyone worthy. That didn't stop the guys from trying to win her over. Y/N had to bite her tongue when a guy would walk over to their lunch table to ask Chrissy on a date. She had to hide the burning sensation in her stomach when Chrissy would giggle and laugh. She always said no, but that didn't take away the sting. It hurt knowing she could never show everyone that Chrissy was hers.
And things got a lot more complicated when Chrissy began to hang with Eddie. Y/N remembered Eddie from middle school. She knew he wasn't a bad person, but she had a feeling he was into her girlfriend. The first time Chrissy met with him, Y/N did not mind. She knew Chrissy was having nightmares and just wanted some weed to take the edge off. Y/N smoked it herself, but she did not supply it.
The one meetup soon led to multiple meetups. At first, Chrissy said she was heading to Eddie's the night after the first deal because he wanted to teach her how to smoke it. Y/N was a tad annoyed as she could easily teach Chrissy, but she did not want to sound too jealous, so she let it be.
She fucking wished she had never let it be. Now Eddie follows her around like a puppy. Y/N knew it was hard for Chrissy to make real friends, so she did not want to get in the way, but it hurt. His eyes followed her every move, stupid heart eyes filling his brown orbs. He'd smile every time they made eye contact. Whenever Y/N would spend the night at Chrissy's, she had to sit and listen to her answer Eddie's phone call for hours. He was stealing her girlfriend away, and she hated that she could not do a thing about it.
"So after practice, do you want to come-" But to her surprise, she was cut off by a curly metalhead that popped right next to her.
"Hey Chris, are we on for tonight?" Her heart dropped; that was her nickname for Chrissy. No one ever called her that. To everyone, it was Chrissy that they deserved to call her. And what were they doing tonight? Chrissy just got weed two nights ago. There is no way she is out of it already.
"Oh hey Eds, yeah of course. I'll be ready at 8. " Y/N was taken back by how gorgeous Chrissy looked as she smiled, then she was reminded she was smiling at him. And Eds? So she has a nickname for him too? What was happening at 8?
"Wait, Chris, we have those movie plans, remember?" She asked, fear settling in. Did she really forget and make plans with Eddie? But she took a deep breath. It was Chrissy I'm sure she'd tell Eddie they could meet another night. She would not ditch her on a date night. She was positive.
"Oh no, I totally forgot. I'm so sorry, but we can rain check, yeah. " Chrissy said, confirmed her fears. "Eds wanted me to come to his show tonight. You can come! " She tried to save her mistake of doubling plans. Y/N noticed how Eddie's shoulders dropped at the invite; he wanted Chrissy there alone. He was into her girlfriend, and she couldn't say anything.
"Um, no, that's fine. Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow I guess. " She smiled with a big sigh and sped down the hallway.
Chrissy knew Y/N more than anyone, and that smile was fake with pain hidden behind it. "What is she so upset about?" Eddie asked out loud. "She seemed kind of jealous. Was she into you or something? " He added with a confused glint in his eyes.
"Oh please no." Chrissy was fast to throw water on the match. "She likes more edgy girls, just friends over here. I don't think she is jealous, just maybe upset that I forgot the plans. " She lied through her teeth. She felt horrible; her girlfriend was upset with her and she just let her walk away.
Chrissy could sense the tension the second her girlfriend picked her up this morning. She was not welcomed with a quick kiss on the cheek or a touch on her knee as she drove to school. Chrissy guessed she was still upset with her, which she deserved.
"Are you okay?" She asked as she played with her hands in her lap. She hated the way Y/N's lips turned into the fake smile again.
"Yeah, the movie wasn't that good anyway. How was your night with Eddie? " Chrissy could hear the aggression in the way she said his name. Jealousy was teasing through the cracks. But Chrissy was also factionated on the fact that she still went to the movie.
"It was fine. Wait, you still went to the movie? Did you go alone? "
"No, I went with Robs." Chrissy hated the way a real smile finally lit up Y/N's face, but it was because of Robin Buckley, not her. A gross feeling settled in her gut. Her girlfriend went to see a romance movie with another girl.
"You just went with Robin?" Y/N looked at Chrissy with a confused look, "What's with the passive agreeable tone? Yeah, I had tickets to a movie that my girlfriend was meant to see with me, but apparently a night at a bar with Eddie Munson trying to feel her up was more important, so yes I went with Robin, so my money did not go to waste. "
Chrissy felt regret, guilt, and anger building up in her. She knew she was in the wrong, but did Y/N really need to go with Robin?
"I said I was sorry about that, and he was not trying to feel me up. And you could have waited, gotten a refund, or something. I don't see why you needed to run to Robs. " Y/N could hear the mock in her voice when she said, "Robs." Chrissy never once had a problem with Robin, so she did not understand where all this anger was coming from. If anyone deserved to be angry, it was Y/N.
"Yeah, you said you were sorry, and still chose to go with him. And please, that boy is smitten by you, worships the ground you walk on. And you made me feel like you could care less about the movie, or hell, even me, so yes, I went with a friend to get my mind off the fact that my girlfriend was on a date with someone else. " She spat as she pulled into a parking spot. Y/N was upset, but she did not want to start this morning with a fight.
"It was not a date, so do not try to make it sound like that. You are just jealous and insecure that he can show his interest in me while you can't and are taking it out on me. " Chrissy regretted it the second she said it. She knew the hardest thing for Y/N in this relationship was that she had to hold herself back when it came to PDA. "Wait honey, I didn't mean that." But it was too late; the damage was done. She pulled the trigger and had to watch the bullet sink into her lover's skin.
She hated that Y/N's eyes were filled with tears and her hands shook as she turned off the car. She quickly unbuckled and yanked her backpack from the backseat. “You're right, I am jealous and insecure. Maybe it would be best for you to be with someone who you don't have to hide with. And he's waiting for you. " And with that, she slammed her door shut and walked away from the car. Chrissy felt like shit. She could easily tell Y/N's shoulders were shaking as she was walking away. Chrissy knew she was crying. With a deep sigh and a quick wipe of her eyes, she headed out of the car.
The second she made it to the front door, a ring-filled hand grabbed her hand, making her eyes turn to meet a deep brown. "You alright?"] That seemed intense. " With that, she burst into tears, sobbing into her hands. Eddie quickly pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back, "Hey, it's okay. Let's calm down and we can talk after school, yeah? " Chrissy knew she fucked up, but she was smart enough to know that was a bad idea. "Sorry Eddie, I just need space." She pulled herself out of his arms. She could see over his shoulder that Y/N stood in the doorway with a look in her eyes that screamed "I told you so."
Chrissy wasn't used to going through her school day without Y/N by her side. She felt alone and lost. In every class they shared, Y/N sat across the room. People gave them weird looks because it was very unusual for them to not be side by side. As Chrissy headed to lunch and saw Robin and Y/N sitting at a table together, Chrissy felt like she got punched in the gut. She put on a fake smile as she sat down at her usual table. "Yo, where's your sidekick?" Jason asked as he bit into his school lunch. "Oh, her and Robin needed to talk about a project." She lied fast, not like she could tell the truth that Y/N was ignoring her because they were in a relationship, and Chrissy basically threw it in her girlfriend's face that she was insecure.
"Sure, a project. I bet $10 by the end of the year, they'll get together. " Chrissy felt her stomach turn as she looked over to Beth, a cheerleader on her team.
"Why would you say that?" Chrissy squeaked out. Her mind was screaming at her to keep it cool, do not give yourself away.
"They are like the only two lesbians at this school. It's bound to happen. I overheard Y/N talking to Laurie in the locker room about this beautiful girl she's been seeing and wants to ask her to prom. It's got to be about Robin. " That made her feel even more sick. Her girlfriend spent her free time gushing about her to her best friends, and she wanted to ask her to prom. And Chrissy spent her free time with Eddie. More guilt flooded through her. She was in no mood to eat anymore as she pushed it away. Looking to the side, she could see Y/N walking over. She sat up straight and acted unbothered. The group quickly greeted her. “So a little birdie told us you've got your eyes on a girl for prom. Is that Robbie over there? " Jason asked as he wiggled his eyebrows. Y/N was very surprised when Jason accepted her sexuality out of everyone in their friend group. Y/N blushed and quickly looked at Chrissy, "No, it's not Robs." She answered, staring straight into Chrissy's eyes. Chrissy feared that the table could feel the tension and chemistry between them, so she looked down at the table. Y/N kneeled next to her and whispered in her ear, "I'm still very upset with you, but why do you not want to eat? Do you need to leave? " Chrissy's heart clenched. Even when she was a bitch to her all morning, Y/N still came to check on her. Y/N knew all about Chrissy's eating disorder. She was around when Chrissy's mother would comment on her weight and take her dinner away. Y/N also packed extra snacks in her backpack to make sure Chrissy had enough to eat. Why was Chrissy fucking this up for herself?
"No, I'm fine. I'm just not hungry. " She mumbled out. She felt too guilty to look into her eyes. She stayed silent until she heard Y/N sigh and walk away. Great job, Chrissy. way to make it worse.
Chrissy was waiting outside the locker room; usually Y/N would come watch her practice before she brought her home. Chrissy wasn't so sure if she even wanted to come anymore. She sighed and decided to head into the gym. As she began to stretch out, she noticed a figure in the bleachers, in Y/N's spot. She felt her heart speed up. Was it her? But when she fully looked up, disappointed and settled in, it was Eddie. She sent him a smile and a shy wave. She didn't want to seem rude, but she really didn't need him around at this point. She needed to talk with him to make sure they were on the same page with what was going on between them. She didn't realize she was staring at him the whole time until Laurie cut in, "If you keep staring at him, you're going to make it obvious you two are together." She teased, but it made Chrissy snap up straight, eyebrows pulled together, "We are not together." She quickly denied it with a shake of her head. Shit, did everyone think that? Is she the only one oblivious? Y/N was right. If everyone else thought this, no wonder she was upset.
"Girl, it's okay to date a freak. You don't have to deny it. You guys meet like every other day at his special spot, plus Jason saw you at the bar during Eddie's show. Plus, he's always staring at you like a love-sick puppy. It's really cute. You guys walk to classes together, and I saw him hugging you this morning. and kiss your head. He makes it very obvious that he's into you. You deserve to be happy. " Chrissy felt sick to her stomach. Laurie had this all wrong. They were friends, just friends. Why did she never see Eddie flirting with her? She thought he was just being friendly. She made her girlfriend sound like she was crazy, when in reality she was saying everything everyone was seeing. She felt tears well up in her eyes for a second time. She sat up and ran out the doors. She sat on the floor and hugged her knees. She fucked all of this up. She tried to blame her girlfriend for being upset over nothing, when really she had every right to be mad about her hanging with Eddie. Chrissy started the fight. She could have kept it a civil conversation, spoken like an adult, but she needed to be right, she needed to prove Y/N wrong. And now it all blew up in her face. The one thing Y/N ever wanted in their relationship was to show her off and tell the world about her. Y/N accepted it with a heavy heart, knowing that Chrissy would never want to be that way with her, and that she wanted to keep it a secret to protect herself. She sacrificed everything for her, and Chrissy isn't even making it worth it for her anymore.
Before she knew it, she felt her breathing stop, panic settling in her chest. She tried to gasp on to the world around her, but it felt like it was disappearing. She was having a damn panic attack. She felt warm hands cup her face, "Just breath." Her eyes clenched as Eddie's voice filled her ears. Being near him made it even harder to breathe. "No Eddie." She tried to push him away. She doesn't want his hands or his touch. She just wants her girlfriend. She was starting to cry harder as she couldn't breath. She was terrified she may have forgotten how to breathe. Before she knew it, a pair of cold lips pressed into hers. Everything felt frozen. Her heart stopped, her thoughts flew out of her head, and she caught air in how she gasped. She placed her hands on his shoulders to push him away, but a voice caught her attention.
"Chris? Are you o-" Y/N cut herself off at what she saw. She was sitting in the bleachers for a minute, wondering where the hell she went, when Laurie said she looked tired and ran out. Fear set in that Chrissy might have been having one of her panic attacks. But when she made it to the hallway, she did not expect to see her girlfriend tasting Eddie's lips and placing her hands on his shoulders. They quickly pulled away, and Chrissy rose to her feet. Y/N felt like her heart was being yanked out of her chest and stepped on by Chrissy's white sneakers and Eddie's dirty shoes. She fucking knew it. Chrissy sat there and acted like she was crazy, and yet she just proved she was right about everything. Without saying a word, she nodded with her lips in a thin line and walked right back into the gym.
Chrissy went to run after her when Eddie turned her back and said, "Wait, can we talk?" Chrissy was sobbing at this point, "Eddie no. Whatever you thought was happening here is not what I intended. I did not mean to lead you on. I didn't know you liked me. I'm so sorry, but there won't ever be an us. " She ran back into the gym. She was gone. She looked all around. She spotted Robin walking out. She ran over to her and grabbed her hand. Robin, please, where did she go?' Robin turned to her with a glare. "Maybe it's best to leave her alone now, Chrissy. You've hurt her enough. "
It's been a week since Eddie kissed her. Y/N has been ignoring her since. Chrissy waited every day by her front door, waiting for her to pull up, but she never did. She stopped coming to practices. Chrissy performed her first ever game without seeing Y/N's hand-made signs for her in the crowd. She was miserable. Eddie hadn't talked to her since either, but she didn't care. She wanted her girlfriend back, even if she was still her girlfriend.
 Y/N felt horrible. She missed Chrissy more than anything, but knowing she betrayed her hurt more than anything. Her worst fear was confirmed. In a sick way, she understood it. Even if she did not like guys, she could not deny that Eddie was gorgeous. He was someone who could take her out on dates in public, not have to hide in corner booths. He could kiss her whenever he wanted, not having to hide in the dark. He could love her without worrying about who was watching. everything she couldn't do for Chrissy. Maybe Eddie was what Chrissy deserved and needed. Even if her parents didn't like it, they'd accept it since he was a man. Chrissy and Y/N could never be together. She sees that now. No more denying it.
Chrissy was done moping around. If she wanted her girl back, she was going to get her back. And she knew just the answer.
"Robin, don't hang up. I need you to come over as soon as you can. "
That led them here. Robin and Chrissy were surrounded by markers, flowers, glitter, stickers, and posters. "Do you think she'll say yes?" Chrissy was scared that Y/N might have been over their breakup by now. It has been a month since they last talked. Y/N refused to talk to her, so she never got to explain what really happened.
"Even though you don't deserve a yes, I know she will."
Chrissy was practically shaking the whole game. She was cheering as the game went on, but her eyes kept wandering over to Y/N in the stands. It hurt knowing she wasn't there for her, no sign in her hands. Just cheering as the band played, as Robin played. But she was not going to let it discourage her. She wanted nothing more than to win her back, and she was not going to stop until she did. As the final buzzer went off, and the team won the game, the cheerleaders did their final routine.
Chrissy ran to grab the microphone The announcer was using, "Excuse me." Her soft voice cut through the cheers. Everyone quieted down to look over at her.
"Congratulations on the big win!" The crows erupted in cheers. With a nod to Robin, she ran to her with a poster in her hands.
Y/N watched, confused as to why they were interacting.
"There is something I would like to ask someone very special." Chrissy's eyes finally met Y/N's for the first time in a month. Nerves filled her, but she had to pull through to win her back.
"I've been too scared to accept who I really am and I hurt someone special to me. Y/N and I aren't just best friends, we are in love. " The crowd went silent. Y/N blushed as all the eyes looked at her and at Chrissy and back. She gave Chrissy an encouraging smile.
"Y/N, I was an idiot, and made you feel like you didn't matter, but you do. You mean more to me than anything. more than my stupid parents' perfect imagination, more than this cheerleading team, and more than him. He kissed me, I was going to pull away when you walked in. I’m in love with you. I want to say sorry from the bottom of my heart, and ask you two questions.” She opened her poster with a big smile. Decorated in glitter, sparkles, and very Chrissy fashion, the sign stated,
"Be my girl again and my date to prom?"
Y/N couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. She had tears in her eyes and nodded as fast as she could. The crowd erupted in cheers. Jason began to chant "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss." The crowd quickly followed suit. Y/N walked up to her and wrapped her arm around Chrissy and dipped her straight back. Giggles passed their lips and they sealed it with a kiss. Maybe Y/N deserved the girl in the end.
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
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summary: chrissy finally ditches her boyfriend jason. yn and chrissy make out in her car. genre: fluff, bit of smut. warnings: swearing, make out scene. pairing: chrissy cunningham x fem!reader. an: based on the song getaway car by taylor swift. even though this is a chrissy x reader, chrissy and eddie deserved the world. 
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The hot summer sun blew through the open window of Chrissy’s green bug. It wasn’t the kind of green on the Hawkins uniform, it was a brighter green, a leafier green.
Chrissy’s indie mixtape blared through the car as it squealed along the empty streets. Jason’s car was chasing hers, but neither of you cared. You slid open the rooftop hatch, throwing your arms in the air, chucking an empty soda behind you.
The car made a dent in Jason’s car. Chrissy shrieked loudly with laughter, “holy shit!” one arm on the wheel and the other in the air, her laugh infecting yours as you slapped your hand on the leather dash, “go, go, go!” imagining Jason’s face just made you laugh even more.
Chrissy was still speeding as Jason gave up, turning around. You could hear him yelling out the window, “you fucking bitches!” but neither of you cared. Maybe it was the heat that was making you delirious, but you were both crying with laughter by the time Chrissy pulled over on the road near Lover’s Lake.
You fell back against the leather seats of Chrissy’s bug, laughter evaporating into shriek-like breaths before finally calming down. It was the same time Chrissy calmed.
It was silent for a while, with nothing but her indie mixtape playing softly in the background. And then Chrissy spoke airily, eyes shining. “I love you,” the words were a soft whisper. You smiled into her shiny green eyes, “I love you too.”
And you were sure that this time it was definitely the sun, the sun that made you pull her impeccably close, the sun that melted your lips into hers with a kiss. And it was still the sun, still the sun as you lifted up her shirt and she tore your dress over your head and your bodies tangled in the hot summer afternoon.
Chrissy’s sounds were angelic. Fucking angelic. Angelic, you knew, as you placed soft kisses down her neck, sighing deeply into her skin, “how’d you get to be so pretty, Chris?” and Chrissy shrugged, giggling softly. “I dunno. Guess I tot the looks from my daddy.”
And you snorted at her words, “oh yeah. It was definitely your dad. Your mum’s an ugly-ass bitch. Don’t believe a word she says, okay, Chris? Don’t you ever fucking believe it.”
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i-heart-slashers · 2 years
Girls Need Love
(Chrissy Cunningham x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Jason Carver flirts with the wrong girl, one that manages to teach him a small but important lesson in chivalry.
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Moving to a new town wasn't as terrifying the more you did it, and due to your mother's incessant need for change, you moved a lot. It was more annoying than anything, but the worst part was changing schools.
When you were younger, the thought of changing schools was daunting. The beady eyes of your classmates wanting to play with the shiny new toy made you sweat.
At first, you were sure your mom would give up moving around, but every new town and house only made her worse. The thought of settling down seemed to terrify her.
So you got used to not unpacking, not getting comfortable, and not making any friends. Getting close to the kids at school only to leave them behind was initially very painful.
That's why two days into Hawkin's high, you shunned the popular kids, rejected the partiers, and sat all alone at a table next to the ones who were loud about some fantasy game.
Only that didn't stop certain people from trying.
Jason Carver, the obvious golden boy of Hawkins, wouldn't take your glares at face value. Apparently, he was the misogynistic type where yes means no, but no also means yes. 
To guys like him, we females only need a bit of attention, a pearly white smile, and a hefty amount of peer pressure to change our minds. My eyes seemed to roll on their own accord whenever I was around him.
The smell of his sickly, excessively worn cologne hit you before you even realized he had been walking your way. Pushing the food around on your tray, you sighed tiredly from the conversation that hadn't even happened yet.
Blinking up at the blond who stood at the end of the table, his hands in the pockets of his letterman jacket as he grinned at you almost as if waiting for you to thank him for his presence.
"Carver," You greeted back to him, cockily chirping your name, eyes from other tables watching the exchange between you both. The kids from the next table watch with worry as the 'It boy' stands so close to them.
Only he wasn't here to bully their curly-haired, overly excitable dungeon master. He was here to once again try his luck with you; Munson's eye twitched with Carver being near him.
"I like your skirt," He complimented with a leery grin, not caring that his little cheerleader girlfriend was watching him with a hurt expression, her doe eyes shifting to the floor submissively.
It hadn't taken all that long to figure out their relationship, the way he treats her, and she just lets him get away with it. You'd also see the envy in her eyes when she watches other couples around the school.
She wasn't happy, but she pretended to be for some reason.
"Thanks. I like your-" my eyes roamed up and down his form, trying to find something redeeming before the jock table caught my gaze "-girlfriend," I smirk, waggling my fingers at Chrissy, who blushed instantly.
Gasps and quiet laughs rang around the room as Jason looked to be struggling with his words. His eyes swiftly turn back to Chrissy who tries to hide her red face.
He turns back to you with gritted teeth; you had shown him up. Even his so-called buddies were letting out sniggers "freak," he scoffed, turning to walk back to his table.
You let out a dark laugh as Jason turned back to you with a confused expression, that probably wasn't the usual responce he got when trying to hurt or humiliate someone. 
"Watch your word Carver, or else the next thing that leaves your mouth will be your teeth." You started to stand from the table as the room went quiet at your threatening words.
Chrissy's eyes catch yours, and you notice her gaze had turned soft, if she could have heart eyes, you think she might have gained them the more you stood up to Jason.
It was a shame your mom would probably sell your house soon, forcing you to up and leave. Having someone like Chrissy Cunningham stare at you like you hung the moon felt good 
Picking up your tray, you shove it into his chest, watching as the food drops onto him. You smirk as he watches you, genuinely scared. Like most bullies putting them in their place was all that was needed. 
"If you come near me with that shit again, I'll teach you what chivalry is all about." you hiss, getting in his face as he tries to step back "be good to her, Jason, or else she'll find someone who will."
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endlessdreamerxoxo · 2 years
Chrissy and Eddie love being best friends over their romantic status. Like being intimate is great and all. But they love the intimacy of friendship more. They enjoy having their inside jokes away from everyone, plotting how they are going to piss off Jason (or everyone) this week, talking about their secrets, or even geeked out with each other about their own hobbies.
Eddie and Chirssy aren't the romantic partners who are best friends. They are the best friends who are romantic partners
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Love is a Battlefield, Pat Benatar}
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Program: Autumn afternoons seem to envelope the small town of Hawkins in a haunting hold. You thought that with the start of the school year, you would find solace in time spent away from the friend group. But it seems like you can't escape the chilling memories of last summer when you bump into Chrissy Cunningham during Thanksgiving break when everyone's home for the weekend.
Pairing: Chrissy Cunningham & GN! Reader
Referenced Pairings: Best friend! Eddie Munson x Heartbroken! Reader, Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x GN, Platonic(ish)! Reader
Genre: Angst, Heartbreak, Trying to move on
Warnings: Couple of swears, Slightly bigger time skip than between other parts (please read the program for clarification), Crying, Heartbreak, Forced to remember memories you're trying to move on from
Length: 1866w
Series Program | Camp Upside Down
Counselor Notes: There was one side of the story that I neglected to share when I originally wrote the series, and it was disrespectful to Chrissy that I didn't expand with her perspective. So Chrissy, I am so sorry for only using you as a device. Hopefully, I did you just in how caring and sensitive you were trying to be while everything was unfolding. This will not make sense if you have not read the previous chapters of this series.
“Can we talk,” her voice soft and bell-like shrills in your ear.
Her words run down you like ice water and freeze you on the sidewalk. Cold air bites your flushed cheeks this forsaken autumn afternoon. Your headphones feel heavier on your shoulders.
“I didn’t realize you were back in town. Congrats on almost finishing your first upperclassmen semester,” you force out. The warm cups of coffee in your hands do nothing to protect you from the shivers of anxiety coursing through you.
“I get why everyone runs on coffee with capstone deadlines,” she half-heartedly jokes, “It’s been nice being back. I’ve gotten to help mum and dad get ready for Thanksgiving, and I’ve caught up with almost everyone in the friend group already”.
“Chrissy,” you rasp. The paper cups start to shake in your hands as you desperately try to hold your emotions back.
“Please,” Chrissy breathes out. “The last thing I ever wanted to do was drive you and Eddie apart,” her voice wavers, “And it hurts, tears me to bits, that I basically did. It’s hurt Eddie so much- I know how much you still mean to him”.
“Chrissy, stop,” you hiss. Tears sting across your lash line as you shut your eyes tight. You swallow the bile that formed in your mouth at the sound of his name.
“I never meant to replace you. That was never my intention. I am so-,” her voice, now louder just behind your shoulder, breaks, “so sorry. Five minutes. That’s all I ask, and I know how selfish it is when you’re the one in pain. I’m sorry for hurting you so much”.
“If you’re so sorry, then why are you asking that much of me,” you choke out. Her words burn you worse than the steaming coffee trickling over your fingers. Cups crumpled from holding them too tight without realizing.
“Because you two are meant to be in each other’s lives. I don’t know how- what type of connection or love- but you two complete each other,” Chrssiy’s voice softens. She bites back the tears bubbling and stops herself from reaching out to touch your arm. Fiddling with her fingers, she doesn’t want to cross any of your boundaries more than she has.
It’s odd, you think. Passersbys scuttle around you, completely oblivious to your shattered heart they’re stepping on. Blaring cars whir past you on the street and block any attempt to escape. Only the sound of Chrissy’s voice seems to get through to you as the town of Hawkins falls silent. As if the only choice you can make in the situation is to spare five minutes of your time to hear Chrissy out, and then the world will let you back into society.
“Five minutes,” you blurt out, “Steve’s waiting, and I’m going to have to get new coffees anyways now”. You toss the cups into the trash can and shake off the lingering droplets. Your chest feels heavy when you turn to face Chrissy.
No longer sporting the varsity sweater or green ribbon in her hair, Chrissy looks only slightly older but more at ease. Comfortably bundled in the faded jean vest with band patches that she knows a few songs of. The skittish energy that you had become familiar with her presence is now dormant as she looks you in the eye. Her bright blue eyes glisten with unshed tears and harbored guilt. Unwarranted guilt that you know the young woman should not hold on to. She did absolutely nothing wrong.
Chrissy tentatively nods back to the café you had just exited and falls in step when you walk by her. Your steps fall unintentionally fast as you try to avoid meeting the eyes of an all too familiar devil.The little bell above the door announces your entry and confused glances of recognition flash onto the baristas behind the counter.
“Can I pay for your drinks? I don’t mean to keep inconveniencing you,” Chrssiy timidly offers. The hard expression pressing into your face leaves her in a sea of unease.
“S’alright, but thank you. Steve lost a bet, so daddy’s credit card is treating us today,” you chuckle and reorder your coffees. Shuffling over to one of the tables by the door, you take a seat in the stiff chair and watch Chrissy out of the corner of your eye as she shares her order with the barista. Still seemingly lighting up any room she inhabits. 
When her shining rays of joy face your direction, you focus your unenthused gaze out the window. Classmates’ parents walk by as dogs twist between the legs of pedestrians. The metal shriek from the opposite chair makes you wince and forces you to look at Chrissy’s small smile.
An olive branch to help you feel as comfortable as you possibly can in this unwanted situation.
“Five minutes,” you look at her with a blank expression, “That’s how long it’ll take to make our stupid, complicated coffees. That’s how long I’ll be able to look at you without crying. That’s how long I’ll allow you to torture me with this any further”. You encourage her to begin with a small gesture of your hand. 
Chrissy knows you don’t owe her anything. She accepts that, but the unwavering look of discontent doesn’t make this any easier.
Taking a deep breath, Chrssiy summons all the confidence she can muster. “Eddie has been a wreck without you. He spent countless nights leading up to the,” she hesitates and gnaws on her lip, “confrontation. At least that’s how he refers to it since he admits he was a dick to you. Let anger get the best of him”. Both of you weakly laugh at Eddie’s eloquence. 
Clearing her throat, Chrssiy shifts in her seat before continuing, “I didn’t know what to do. It shattered me to watch him slowly lose the most important person in the world, other than Wayne, and not be able to do something about it. The relationship you and Eddie had, still have, was one I did not want to insert myself into. I didn’t want to intrude on the beautiful connection between you two, so I did what I thought was best and waited. I wanted to be your friend and make an effort to get to know you better since you mean everything to Eddie, but I wanted to respect your place in his life and do it on your terms. But when you started to pull away, or maybe it just seemed like that, I stood by him and tried to be there for him. It must have been so weird to have to share your best friend and partner in crime, and I didn’t know what was going on in your head. From the outside looking in, I couldn’t figure out if I had done anything wrong to you or if Eddie upset you somehow. I didn’t want to pretend and make any assumptions about what was happening. Whether you just wanted to avoid me or were in love with Eddie or falling for Steve- it just wasn’t, and still isn’t, my business”.
Sniffles and coffee machines fill the shop with an awful tune. 
Tears mix with sweetener to make a signature melancholy drink.
Volatile emotions steep with serene tea bags.
Chrissy looks at you through blurring tears, “And when you hung out- that day when you guys went to Lovers’ Lake- he looked so excited. He bounced out of the house to pick you up. But, when Eddie came home explained what happened on your porch- I knew. And my heart shattered for you”.
With a trembling hand, Chrissy reaches out and grasps your hand that isn’t furiously wiping away tears. She carefully rubs over your knuckles and tries to comfort you. Not out of guilt, but out of complete and utter love. Her chest sears with pain as if all the hurt and agony your heart has gone through is her own. It’s not though. She knows that.
“I’m not here to make my claim or tell you to leave Eddie alone. He needs you more than anything,” she squeezes your hand, “I’m here to just-”. Her sob breaks her train of thought. Guilt and hurt pound against her forehead. She doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t know what to say to make it better or try to help. She knows she's the last person you ever wanted to bump into, let alone speak to.
Chrissy Cunnigham feels helpless and heartbroken for the soulmates that separated.
“Please, if there’s anything I can do to help mend your bond- I’ll do it. You guys are double trouble, and this town is far too quiet without your carefree laughter and music blasting,” Chrissy’s voice can be barely made out over the pair of you struggling for air.
Looking at her with a sad smile, you squeeze her hand back, “You can’t fix a broken heart, Chrissy dear. Only time can”.
“Order for Harrington,” a far away voice calls.
Reality slams into you, breaking the intense walls Chrissy had built with you. The faint mutters of customers hum in your ears as the smell of bitter coffee stings your nose. A chuckle of disbelief bites your lungs at the thought of how odd your table looks to anyone from the outside.
Standing from your hot seat, the metal screeches against the tile as you share one last look with Chrissy. Her face is blotchy from your sob session, but genuine distress darkens her eyes. “I was never upset with you, Chrissy. I want to make that clear,” you quietly admit. “You did nothing wrong, and I don't want you to hold onto a guilt that’s not from your own actions. Your boyfriend on the other hand,” you tear your gaze away from Chrissy’s apprehensive gaze, “I don’t know. He did nothing wrong, but he fucking sucks at balancing his life. Nothing new- it just fucking hurts to be on the receiving end of it this time. Felt like I got tossed to the side”. 
A wave of dizziness makes you sick as you choke out, “So, I appreciate your time and support, but I don’t think there’s anything left to this lost connection”.
Slipping your hand out of her hold, you feel a rush of coolness hit your hot skin. You keep your eyes trained on the order counter when you call back in a flat voice: “Five minutes are up”.
Everything blurs in a haze as you slip your headphones back on and click your Walkman to play. Pat Benetar’s cries seem to harmonize with your heart’s pounding. The short walk over to the counter appears long like one of those fun house mirrors, but every step feels like warp speed leaving you lightheaded.
“Thanks,” your voice comes out scratchy when you grab the coffees.
Sympathetic eyes look you over as the barista hands you your drinks, “What’re you listening to?”
Deep down you know he’s just trying to make you feel better and give you something happy to think about. However, it can’t help but feel like another stab from the universe.
“Love is a battlefield,” you bitterly admit.
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beetlepuff · 2 years
no thoughts just:
Princess Wheeler & Chrissy, Queen of Hawkings high
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harritudur · 1 year
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1991, Dublin 📸 Corroded Coffin's leader, Eddie Munson, and his fiancée, Chirssy Cunningham, share a kiss while enjoying the irish capital during the band' 1st european tour.
(inspired by a picture of anya taylor-joy & malcolm mcrae)
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wormdebut · 7 months
13 for the wrapped game, also, you're wonderful and talented. as if spotify wrapped itself wasn't already great, now we get new worm words from it, hell Y E A H
Oh BOY LEX. Do I have a MESS of a Blurb for YOU. #13 on my Spotify Wrapped is Barbie & Ken by Scene Queen and Set It Off. Enjoy whatever this is.
"Eddie!" Chrissy squeals over the radio bluetooth and Eddie can't help the smile that break across his face.
"Hey Chris! How's my best girl?" Eddie hadn't seen his best friend in months. She had gone off to IU and Eddie had stayed in Chicago working on a tattoo apprenticeship.
They had both been so busy, Eddie with his work and Chrissy was busy with college and--well Chrissy had apparently went a gotten herself involved with a metal band? Eddie was very confused about the specifics, but he had finally gotten some time off and Chrissy's band had a gig in Indianapolis tonight so, they were making a vacation of it.
"I'm so excited you're coming tonight! The band is so excited to meet you! Even though they've seen pictures, they are convinced I made you up!" Chrissy giggles and Eddie laughs with her.
"Yeah, I'm sure they think I'm a garbage best friend, but I'm gonna be the loudest motherfucker there, I swear to god. First round after the shows on me!"
Chrissy keeps laughing. "I'm glad you said it, cause Stevie was already telling everybody that my imaginary best friend had the honors of first round anyway."
Chrissy had told Eddie about Stevie. Going on, and on about her. 'Stevie is a fucking musical genius.' 'You won't believe what Stevie came up with today.' 'God, I can't wait for you and Stevie to meet, you guys are gonna hit it off immediately.' He was glad that Chrissy had found a girlfriend, she deserves the best, but Eddie would have to lay it on think when he met this Stevie chick. Make sure that she takes care of his girl.
Chrissy was a raging lesbian and Eddie was Kinsey six gay, but they were platonic soulmates until death and Stevie is gonna have to know that Eddie will kill for Chrissy Cunningham.
The bar was fucking packed. Christ. Eddie should be jealous. Before he had started tattooing he had always wanted to play music, but, shit. He was just fucking proud of Chrissy.
After he had kicked back of few shots of whiskey he was able to push his way up to the front of the crowd just as the stage lights started going haywire. The crowd was yelling and Eddie lost his shit when Chrissy came strutting out in a hot pink skater dress and chunk black doc martens. Her hair was pulled into ridiculously perky pigtails. How this was going to be a metal performance Eddie was very unsure, but he was excited as fuck to see her in anyway.
"Hiya Indy!" Chrissy yells. Eddie yells back with the audience and Chrissy squeals in the mic when she sees Eddie cheering for her. "Hi Eds!" She runs up grabbing his hand and Eddie laughs, squeezing her hand quickly, before she pulls away. "I'm Chrissy Cunningham and me and my band Versailles are super excited to be back here. Well, without further ado my boys are gonna come out here and we'll get this party started huh?"
The crowd goes wild and Eddie watches as three men come running out. There's a drummer, a bassist, and a guitarist. Eddie is stoked as hell. Watching as Chrissy hypes up the band. He hears someone in the crowd yell "Where's Steve?"
Chirssy ears perk up. "Stevie? Oh I'm sure Stevie's around here somewhere let me just--" She pulls out a hot pink flip phone. Eddie lets out a loud laugh as he recognizes the damn thing as Chrissy's first phone, from seventh grade. His laughter is cut short as a dial tone starts playing over the speakers
It's a bit.
"Hi Stevie! I--I mean Ken…Um…Are you free right now? I have a song that I need you on. Like now?" Chrissy speaks into the microphone, and the crowd zeroes in on Chrissy as she 'calls' for Stevie. Eddie is so busy being impressed with his best friends stage presence he almost misses the smoke show that comes running out from stage right.
He's pretty sure he should pick his fucking jaw up from the floor. The man has on the tightest jeans Eddie has ever seen tucked into clunky combat boots, framing his ass…quite nicely. His hair is styled far too perfect for a metal show, but Eddie is not complaining. The kicker though, is the hot pink tactical vest he has on over his shirtless, very hairy--fuck--chest. Is this a concert or is this one of Eddie's fucked up sexual fantasies?
Eddie snaps his mouth shut, eyes wide as he stares at Chrissy and…Stevie.
Oh Shit.
Eddie watches as Stevie--Steve--the source of Eddie's very confused boner right now--whatever the hell his name is--pulls the flip phone out of her hand and leans into the mic.
They both smile right at Eddie. He swears he sees Chrissy wink.
"Let's Party."
Eddie is both entertained and internally tormented throughout the rest of the show. Chrissy knew exactly what she was doing, forgetting to mention that Stevie was a) A man and b) exactly Eddie's fucking type.
Eddie liked pretty boys, and apparently this pretty boy knew how to scream, which--that was--that was doing for Eddie.
Throughout the show Eddie picked up that Chrissy did a fair amount of clean vocals and Steve did a mix between cleans and screaming. Versailles as a whole was actually pretty good, but Eddie was going to have to apologize to Chrissy, because he only had eyes for Steve.
Should he be embarrassed for popping a boner at his apparently metalheaded best friends show? Probably, but--he was not. Steve was fucking hot.
He was also a fucking menace. He kept running up to Eddie, grabbing at his hands, leaning down to scream in his fucking face, and Chrissy, when she caught him doing it, just smirked.
Eddie was gonna kill her.
Eddie leaned against the bar, waiting as the crowd around Versailles died down and spread out. He caught Chrissy's eye as she hopped off the stage running up to Eddie at full speed. She jumped into his arms, "Eddieee!"
Eddie huffed out a laugh. "You have so much explaining to do." He whispered into her ear.
Chrissy just laughed as Eddie set her down, smiling from ear to ear. "Yeah, and I think you owe a pretty boy a drink."
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thewritersaddictions · 5 months
Requests: The Adults: Eddie Munson- Best Sort Of Surprise
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Pov: Chrissy
Warnings: Christmas Time, first-time parents, pregnancy tests, gifts, nerves, nervous Chrissy, hugs and kisses, Fluff, pregnancy. Uncle Wayne is there to also celebrate.
Summary: Chrissy is nervous about giving Eddie his last present, but she's sure he'll freak out once he opens it.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 3.0k
Requests Master List // Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // Chronicles of Eddie & Chrissy Master List
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Two Weeks Before Christmas 1990 
The timer clicks away, the stupid chicken timer from the kitchen is staring at me in the bathroom. Eddie isn’t home as of now, instead he’s working at the garage as he always does. Yet I had this nagging feeling that something was wrong with me. Eddie and I haven;t really talked about having kids, or starting a family by any means. It had been just the two of us for such a long time that we were both so used to waking up in the middle of the afternoon on a saturday. Staying in bed as long as we continue to love each other. Were either one of us prepared for a family at this point? 
The stick is also staring at me, and when the alarm goes off. I nearly jump off the side of the tub and rush over to the pregnancy stick. I had read the directions beforehand. Made sure I knew the difference between the two lines, and just the one line. But still my heart sank, and then it picked up with vengeance. Two strong lines. Two strong pink lines telling me that I was pregnant. My mouth was left opening wide and closing tightly. My lips pursed in a tight line. The panic started to set in so I took another and waited for the damn chicken to blare off and then I took another waiting for the exact same answer. Two strong pink lines from all three tests. I threw the box away in the bathroom trash and took it out to the bins outside. I hide the three tests in my underwear and sock drawer. I’d wait until I knew for sure that I was pregnant until I would unload all this information on Eddie. 
It’s hours later when Eddie comes home with a plastic bag filled with my favorite chinese restaurant. He toes his shoes off and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me impossibly close to his frame. “How are you feeling today baby?” He asks as he presses a kiss to my forehead. “I’m doing better now, Eds.” I told him, but now the throwing up makes sense. Every day for the past four weeks has been horrible. Constantly with my head deep in the toilet bowl letting all the previous day's food out. At first Eds thought I was sick with the flu, but then the meds didn’t work. He hadn’t forced me just yet to go to the doctors but I think I will have to bring it up today after we have dinner. 
“You should be washing dishes Chris, you aren’t feeling good.” Eddie says as if I don’t already know that I don't feel good. “But I’m fine right now Eds.” I say rolling my eyes at m y protector, “No buts Chirssy go lay down please, and eat something because you need to eat.” Eddie says, bumping my hip to push me away from the sink and towards the plastic bag filled with delicious chinese food. I sit by myself in the dining room for only a few moments before I hear Eddie finish the dishes and then he’s walking over to the table and rummaging through the plastic bag. We always get the same thing, and Eddie’s got my order memorized by heart. The chinese restaurant was the first place we had a date. Actually we didn’t have dinner there so we ordered it and brought it up to the lake watching how the moons and stars reflected off the surface of the lake. 
We sit in complete silence, even if it’s a comfortable silence it's always odd to hear how silent Eddie can get when he’s got a good meal in front of him. I can only deal with the silence for so much longer before my mind is racing towards the pregnancy tests. “I think I need to go to the doctor for this stomach ache.” I tell him, the relief washes over Eddie's face. “Thank god you said it because I’m not sure how much longer I was going to be able to keep my mouth shut about you needing to get checked out by a professional and not the pharmacist at the walgreens.'' Eddie says before shoving a fork full of noodles into his mouth. I roll my eyes, “The pharmacist does have a degree.” I argue with Eddie, and he just laughs at me. “Not the same thing, baby.” 
One week Before Christmas 1990 
I had called the next morning after Eddieh and left for work. The phone rang and rang until an older lady picked up from the other side of the line. “Hello this is Wellness Oasis, how may I help you today?” The older woman has a thick southern accent, but it reminds me of when my parents and I used to visit my grandmother. I blank for a second and then clear my throat after a moment before talking through the receiver. “I need to schedule an appointment for a check up.” I tell the older woman over the phone. She hums and then asks me what the check up would be for. “I… um I need to um, I need a pregnancy test done.” There's silence over the phone for only a few seconds and then the woman is much more cheerful. “Oh that’s wonderful, can you come today. I have an appointment time for three?” I’m frantically looking around for my small notebook, “Yeah, I can be there at three.” I tell the women, and then with that I have an appointment. 
The appointment goes well at first. They weigh me, and then I walk to the room. With the scratchy paper laying under my jeans overed thighs. The nurse takes the rest of my vitals and asks me about the symptoms I’ve been feeling, and I tell her without a fuss. She leaves and then returns with a little cup. “Just head down to the bathroom and when you’re done just put the cup into the silver door. Come back to the room, and we will have your answer in fifteen minutes.” I nod nervously, the nurse must notice it. “Don’t be nervous.” She says trying to calm my nerves. A part of me panics as I set the small cup in the silver door, I wash my hands and look at the rather panicked expression on my face and then walk out. 
The nurse is right though, it takes less than fifteen minutes because the doctor is knocking on the door five minutes after I had taken a seat. “Come in.” I say quietly, the door opens to a woman. “Hey there Chirssy, I thought you would like me to discuss the result of the test with you.” Her words make me panic, sounds like I’m not pregnant but that would mean that the three pregnancy tests that I had taken had been wrong. “Chrissy you with me?” The doctor asks, pulling me back from my thoughts. “Yeah I’m listening to you.” I say. My hands are feeling sweaty, anxiety sets in. I am bearing myself for the worst news of my life or for at least right now. “So I just wanted to talk to you about the results, so you could better understand.” I nod, and she continues. “So the test did come back positive.” My hands stop fidgeting, and my eyes go wide at the news from the doctor. “And that means?” I ask her, she smiles at me. “That means you’re pregnant Chrissy. Congratulations.” My face shifts into a smile that burns my cheeks. “I’ll leave you with paperwork, and then you’re free to leave Mrs.Munson.” The doctor hands me the paperwork and then leaves the room. My heart jumps in my chest as I think of how the hell I’m going to tell Eddie. 
Christmas 1990 
Everyone celebrates Christmas differently. The household that I had grown up in had taught me that there was a very certain way of doing things around the holidays. Dinner was to be served before gifts would ever be opened, the table had to be a perfect representation of the family sitting at it. The fine china was only ever used during those holidays. But now with Eddie the holiday season doesn’t seem so hectic, filled with frustration, and disappointment. The Christmas tree glowed in the early morning of christmas. Coffee brewed in the coffee cup as I started up breakfast. 
No matter what I was taught I always associated the holidays with a good home cooked meal. Eddie, and his uncle had grown very comfortable with getting stuffed during the holiday times. Neither one had ever complained about the abunced of food sitting on the dining room table on thanksgiving or easter. Christmas was no different. Wayne would be over before the clock struck ten, and with that I would need to make breakfast. Eddie didn’t want me to leave the bed, nearly pulling me back into the soft cushion of our bed. “Don’t go.” He muttered this morning with sleep coating his already deep voice, I groaned, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’ve gotta make breakfast, your uncle will be here at ten.” I tell him, he groans and after a moment he lets his hold of me go soft. I’m able to slip out of the bed,and run down to the kitchen before Eddie can change his mind about letting me go. 
A small pile of gifts laid under the tree, but I didn’t worry about anything other than the little box hidden under my socks and panties in my dresser. I whipped together a nice plate of omelets, and bacon because Eddie would eventually wake up to the scent of maple bacon wafting through the house, and just one time a knock came to the door of the house. I was quick to wipe my hands off bacon grease and greet the smiling old man at the door. “Chrissy!” He smiled as he came in and grabbed me for a hug. “Uncle Wayne be careful with my wife there she’s not been feelin’ well.” We both hear Eddie say. He’s replaced his sleepwear with something more Christmas appropriate. “Oh let it go, I told you the doctor said it was just a seasonal thing. Due to the weather.” I say lying to both of them. Eddie hadn’t believed me when I arrived back from the doctor's office. “You should have called me, I would have brought over the soup recipes Ed's mom used to make for him when he wasn’t good enough for school.” Wayne says with a soothing rub to my shoulder. 
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” I ask to change the conversation between the two answers at the same time. Both wanting a cup of just black coffee. I pull two cups down from the cabinet and yet again are distracted by the younger Munson. “Good morning sweetheart.” He says pressing his chin into my shoulder. “Did the bacon wake you or did Waynes knock?” I ask, “Definitely the bacon, you know how to get me out of bed.” Eddie answers. “Go take this cup to your uncle, and I'll bring the food behind you.” I say pushing the cup into his hands. “Whatever you say ma’am.” I roll my eyes, and slap his ass as he walks out of the kitchen. As the two of them sip on their coffee, I go back to my bedroom and change into a more Christmas themed set of clothes. 
I opted for a green fleet dress that sways with each step I take down the stairs. “Look at you baby.” Eddie says as I reach the end of the steps. I blush hard under the intense stare. “You look good Chrissy.” Wayne adds as he sets his cup down on the dining room table. The food is already at the table and we sit and talk about the last few weeks. Normally Wayne is over every weekend but with the holidays he had been working a few more shifts and hadn’t managed to get over since the start of December. 
“I’ll be right back.” Wayne says as we get up. Eddie helps me with plates, and cups taking them back into the kitchen and helping me clean up the mess I had made while I was making breakfast this morning. “You look really good this morning.” Eddie tells me as I hand him a wet dish to clean off with the towel next to him. By the time we are done cleaning off the plates and silverware. Wayne has returned from outside, he’s carrying a bag with presents gift wrapped. “You didn’t have to do that Wayne.”I yelled through the kitchen to the living room, he just waved me off. “You know that will never work right.” Eddie says as he dries off the last plates. “I just thought I could try.” I answer Eddie before shifting from the kitchen to the living room. The underneath of the tree looks fuller. “Wait, I gotta grab one more present from the bedroom.” I tell Eddie as I pass him when he goes into the living room. His brows knit together but when I press a chaste kiss to his lips his face relaxes and then he goes to talk to his Uncle. 
When I make it up to the bedroom I look through the drawer in search of the long but small box with the pregnancy test in it. I hadn't thought that adding the test results from the doctors office would matter so those are in the bottom of my side table drawer. I’m quick to grab the gift and get my ass back downstairs before Eddie comes up and gets his own gift ruined because he’s too damn curious about whatever the hell I’m doing. 
On cue I hear Eddie shout from down the flight of stairs. “You alright?” I yell back, “Yeah I’m fine, I'll be down in just a second.” When I make my way into the living room, someone has turned on the tv and is playing classic christmas music from the sixties or early seventies. Eddie is patting a spot next to him on the couch and sits down but only after I had the small gift for him to the pile. As always Eddie and I get Wayne a new hat and a new mug always with a funny saying on the front of it. He laughs and thanks us both with a warm smile on his old features. Eddie gets an old box of letters from his mother that Wayne had kept until a certain time or Eddie ever managed to get married. They both of them manage to have tears in their eyes when Eddie thanks his uncle for the gift. 
Wayne gives me a set of sewing needles and crocheting needles. I cracked a joke. “I’m not as old as you think I am Wayne.” Wayne laughs and so does Eddie. The sound bounces off the walls and fills the house with a beautiful feeling. “What about the other materials?” I ask, Wayne only shrugs his shoulders. “I’m sorry but that’s on you Chrissy.” I laugh and grab a gift for Eddie. It’s another set of overalls for the mechanic job because the one he has now is covered in oil that I’ve tried three times to get out and there’s about ten dozen littles holes all over the jean like material from leaving tools in his pockets. He thanks me with a kiss on my cheek. “Thanks sweetheart.” He hands me a gift, it’s a new cooking book that has been talked about all over the news this year. “I know you like cookin’ and I saw you lookin’ at it at the book shop.” Eddie tells me sweetly. There's one more round of gifting before I go to give Eddie the small gift that has my pregnancy tests in it. Wayne has a rather knowing look on his face as I hand over the small box to Eddie. “What is this?” Eddie asks, shaking the box only to hear a little rattle. “Don’t shake it Eddie!” I exclaim and look over at Wayne. He smiles at me, and then looks over his nephew. 
The rest of the moment happens in slow motion. Eddie opening the top of the box's lid, Eddie moving the wrapping paper, and the shock on his face that turns into hot tears on the edge of his lashes. The wobbling bottom lip is what takes me out of my heart. “Eddie?” I ask in the silence that has somehow surrounded us. I can feel Waynes on each of us. “Are you… are you really?” He asks, unable to say the words. Wayne is silent, letting us have the moment. “Yes I am, that's why I haven’t been feelin’ good the last few weeks.” I answer Eddie. He looks up from the box making eye contact with his uncle and then me. “Chrissy you’re… I’m gonna be a dad.” A tear filled smile breaks out on my face as I nod my head and look at Eddie. I can hear the small ‘congratulations’ from Wayne as I get squished by the firm and loving hug that Eddie wraps me up in. “Chrissy we are gonna be parents, oh you’re gonna be the best mom.” He says as he presses kisses against my cheeks and lips. “Come on boy, give your girl some damn space.” I hear Wayne say a little louder so Eddie can also hear him. There’s a nice blush over each of our faces. “You’ll both do good.” Wayne says as he comes over to give me a small but meaningful hug. “You aren’t allowed to do anything else until our baby is here, do you understand me chrissy?” Eddie says, and it’s not a question of if it’s a demand from Eddie that I take care of my body. I nod, “Now can we finish giving gifts?” I ask, “NO I have to call the others and let them know that I’m gonna be a dad pretty soon.” I roll my eyes as Eddie goes for the kitchen phone. “And by the way that’s the best damn christmas present I could ever ask for.” Eddie yells through the house and it causes the hot blush on my cheeks to get even hotter.
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Completed on: 12/31/23
Posted on: 01/12/24
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thalassaes · 1 year
the muses i want to write spin around on my head like a pinwheel rn and im like. what the fuck am i supposed to do with any of u bc nONE OF THEM ARE ISCA, GARIN, OR CAYLIS
these muses include
andrei bolkonsky from fucking war and peace because im apparently living in 2017 harry bingham from the society bc HE HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHIGN WRONG AND I LOVE HIM kenny mccormick from south park okay fucking listen. the fucking mysterion arc? CHEF'S KISS. I WAS OBSESSED W KENNY/SP IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. it's middle school kate's world and we're just living in it cassie howard from euphoria bc i hate myself i guess and wnat to suffer.
i also have a ton of jacques muse and no bio or anything so liek. what the fuck am i supposed to do with that also chirssy cunningham lives in my brain rent free
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