#chishiya x original character
daidonzo · 2 years
Chapter 1 - Prologue [Chishiya x FemOC!King of Spades]
TW: Swearing, violence
But you need your rotten heart Your dazzling pain like diamond rings You need to go to war to find material to sing I am no mother, I am no bride, I am King
I need my golden crown of sorrow My bloody sword to swing My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology I am no mother, I am no bride, I am King
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Savine Laine wiped the blood on her face with the back of her hands, despectively, little droplets of the crimson red liquid falling to the ground. Tap, tap, tap.
'Game cleared.'
Oh, fucking finally. I thought the bastard wouldn't die. She licked her lips, and looked at what was in front of her. A monster of a man, the top half of his body covered in cheap, tacky tattoos. He had cuts literally everywhere, was missing an eye, a couple of fingers, a few teeth here and there. Me, on the contrary… Savine examined her face with the tip of her fingers. Auch. Bruises were starting to form, but it wasn't that bad.
You're too huge to be actually fast, big boy. He hadn't been able to catch her, not even once, no matter how hard he had tried. She had been able to dodge him with quick, last-second movements he hadn't seen coming. She smiled condescendingly, looking down. Now he was nothing but a corpse.
She had also… Maybe cheated a little bit.
Now, now, they said you couldn't use weapons. How is a wine opener a weapon? It is something every ridiculous, bored-out-of-her-mind housewife should have with her at all times. The object was sticking out of the man's throat. Whatever, if they haven't lasered me yet, it's because they approved. At the very least, they found it funny. She giggled to herself, pushing back her blonde locks.
And now what?
'Now all surviving players will be given a choice. Please select whether you will accept permanent residence in this land or if you will not accept it.'
She raised both eyebrows, the ghost of the smile still on her lips. She hadn't considered this possibility. She rubbed her chin, thoughtfully.
Do I want to go back to the real world? Can I even go back to the real world after the person I have become? She had always been ruthless, both in life and business. She had never been considered a good person. She always had everything she desired. And what I didn't have, I still took.
Men loved her. Loved to fuck her, loved to have her on their arm and show her around. Long legs, perfect figure maintained by training in the gym twice a day five days a week, blonde wavy hair that reached the middle of her back, brown, haunting eyes, full lips and a round, small nose. She was a dream. Men loved her, and women envied her, being nice to her face but talking shit behind her back. As if I cared.
The only thing I care about, is me. Savine was the perfect description of self-obsession. As far as she recalled, she hadn't cared about anybody's feelings for a long time, now. She worked hard on herself, and only herself. And it pays off. She went off to university when she was fourteen years old and had her degree by the time she was seventeen. She was a portent, working for one of the biggest companies in the world. Not because I really care, they just pay well.
Regarding everyone else… The people in Savine's life were pawns. Or better yet, chess figures, not all of them of equal unimportance, that she could arrange and play with as she desired. That she could use to score points. There was nobody permanent in her life, and anybody who dared enter it, she made sure they understood one thing - You are disposable. You all are.
I was already like this in the real world.
It has only gotten worse.
Savine's stay at the Borderlands had left a trail of corpses behind her. People she had manipulated, coerced and used at her will. Little, useless marionettes she held the strings to. Since she had arrived, she, in herself, had become natural disaster, leaving only destruction behind her. Her being the sole survivor.
I'd say I wasn't proud of it, but I'd be lying. I just don't care.
Why am I like this?
She pressed her lips together, ready to give her answer.
'I accept it.'
'You, my dear, are the perfect Queen of Spades.'
Savine sprang to her feet, throwing the chair she had been sitting in to the floor without ceremony. She hit the table with her hand, furious, pointing a finger at the woman that had spoken.
'Who the fuck do you think you are!? I'm not the fucking Queen of anything!' She hissed. She got closer to her. Was Mira her name? 'I will not be given a second place. I have never been second at anything. I could beat that man you just appointed King of Spades with my eyes closed.'
The woman studied her for a few minutes.
'Prove it.' She said simply.
Savine just walked towards the bald, ugly, scarred man that had just taken the title she so deeply desired. He was already leaving the room. He had a gun strapped to his chest and back. Before he could react, she took the latter, and pointed it to the back of his face.
This man, however, was a trained soldier. He turned around, quick, and grabbed her by the arm.
'What do you think you are doing?' He was stronger than her. And also, much quicker than she had thought. But ah, he likes to play fair. I don't.
She spit at his eyes, butted him in the face, and stabbed him in the stomach with her free hand, now holding a pocket knife. She didn't get the knife out of him, but slashed his skin in a wide, sweeping movement.
The man tried to hit her, howling in pain, but she was faster, and kneed him on the crotch.
Then, once he was on his knees, she pulled the trigger, blood splashing her face and clothes. Fuck, again.
'I really hope whatever fantastic idea you had with him didn't involve any kind of physical combat.'
'It didn't. He was a sniper.' Mira answered, uninterested.
Emphasis on was.
Savine turned towards her, showing her teeth in a smile that didn't reach the eyes.
'So, about me becoming the King of Spades…'
She stood up, towering over the woman. She refused to sit down, to bow down.
She was above everything, above everyone else.
If other people were nothing but chess pieces in her board, she was the greatest of them all.
She was the King.
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niragisimp · 2 years
The Pain Before (Niragi X Reader) (Part Seven)
Part Six, Part Eight, Series Masterlist
TW: Blood, some stabby-stabs
Note: One day I swear I’ll learn how to dialogue. One day.
Game night was upon the members of the Beach as they stood, crowded in what was once a lobby for the resort. (Y/N) was standing in between Kuina and Chishiya, eyes on the Hatter as he spoke the same speech he gave every game day. Everyone let out cheers, most still drunk from the afternoon rave. 
Slips of paper were handed out to the crowd by a few executives, holding your slip you looked down at the number printed, "5," it read. You turned to Kuina and Chishiya, both holding up the number "2." You sighed, pursing your lips and nodded, wishing them both well in their games mentally. They reciprocated the gesture, Kuina adding a smile. 
You headed outside and to the car with a bright "5" written on the side. You stood by the door, waiting for your group to gather. Two others had approached you, getting into the front seats. You didn't recognize either of them by name yet, but they were rather new to the beach. You let out a heavy sigh, crossing your arms as you got into the car's backseat, your patience wearing thin. You were waiting on one more person, who definitely liked to take their time, apparently.
Niragi began to squeeze the trigger as the man suddenly burst out crying, "Take it! P-please, just take it!" He held out his slip of paper, hands trembling. Niragi smiled coyly, ripping the paper out of his hands. "See, was that so hard?" He laughed, slamming the butt of his rifle into the man's face. He looked down at the slip proudly, gleaming at the number written on it. He slung his rifle over his shoulder, proudly walking to the cars waiting outside. He looked down the line of vehicles, eyes darting from one to another. A smile spread across his face as he found it, a blue car with a bright number five written across the doors. 
You were too busy making small talk with your two group members you hadn't noticed him approach the car. The door swung open, making you jump in your seat. You swallowed a breath, knowing already by shirt and rifle who your group was waiting on. You pushed yourself into the corner of your seat as much as you could, trying not to be too obvious. By the look on Niragi's face when he slammed the door behind him, you were failing.
The silence in the car was nearly deafening. The two men in front, the ones that were laughing with you at some lame attempt of introducing yourselves just minutes ago, both as silent as could be. You could feel the tension radiating off Niragi, seemingly glaring daggers into the two up front. 
It wasn't long before the car rolled up to the stadium, lights beaming into the sky. You hurriedly got out, welcoming the fresh air that greeted you. You took a deep breath, closing the car door behind you, and walking into the lit entrance. Niragi trailed behind you, the two others in front of you. The four of you each grabbed a phone next to the "One per Player" sign, letting it scan your features. There were already a few people in the arena waiting for the game to begin, your group splitting up amongst them.
Niragi stuck to you like glue, never letting you get more than a few steps ahead of himself. You waited patiently, trying not to look nervous. Arenas typically meant only one kind of game; Spades, your weakness. It wasn't long thankfully before the announcement rang out, "Registration has now closed. Twelve players entered. The game will be: Obstacle Course. Game difficulty: Seven of Spades."
You tried not to let your disappointment show as your heart began to beat faster, a small bead of sweat dripping down the back of your neck. Everyone made their way to the start line, audible gasps heard from some. The arena had seemingly been carved out, squares of cement being held in place by small steel rods throughout. The walls were covered in spikes; spears hung from the ceiling by a literal thread. The entire place, in a serious sense, was a death trap. 
The start bell rang out loudly, much to your displeasure. You stood back, observing those who chose to maneuver through the cement blocks first, and much to their surprise they were not, in fact, held up by the steel rods underneath them, but rather merely placed on top of them. You held firm in your blank expression as two fell to their deaths into the pit beneath them, the blocks giving away almost immediately. The third stood gingerly atop the block, his arms shaking. It wasn't hard to read people in these situations, he was most certainly going to die. 
You don't know what happened to the rest of your group. Somewhere along the line, you had gotten separated from them. You were gingerly making your way across the ledge, your chest hugging the wall the best you could. You could hear the man grunt angrily on your side, spitting into the void that was a certain death pit behind you. "Would you hurry the hell up?!" He shouted at you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you backward. Your footing had failed you as you fell, barely catching yourself on the ledge.
"What the fuck?!" You screamed as the man above you laughed, placing his foot heavily on your fingers gripping the ledge. "Women are so useless, every one of ya, why don't you just die already?!" He brought his foot down on your left hand, crushing it beneath him. You let out a scream, feeling at least one of your fingers breaking under the pressure. You closed your eyes and gritted your teeth, all you had to do was wait for him to move on, then you would hopefully be able to pull yourself up again.
You let out the breath you hadn't realized you were holding when you felt a sudden relief in your hand. You looked up, eyes going wide with horror. Above you stood Niragi, his knife shoved into the man's throat. Blood was dripping down his arm as he pulled his knife out, using the same arm to push him down into the pit. You wanted to scream, but nothing could come out as your breath hitched in your throat. Niragi looked down at you, his eyes scanning yours for a moment. 
You let out a surprised yelp as he grabbed you by your arm, hoisting you up. His arm wrapped around your waist as your feet hit the ledge, gaining their footing once more. "Wh-what are you--" You could feel his calm heartbeat as his eyes locked onto yours, a small "shh," escaping from his lips. You silently nodded after a moment of silence, his arm tightening around you.
His grip was warm, not harsh like you thought it would be. But then again, you would've never thought Niragi would be helping you either, so maybe anything is possible. He held you close to him as he guided the both of you to the other side safely. You thought he would let you go after that, but you were proven wrong. He held you by his side until you both made it passed the finish line, clearing the game.
The announcement didn't take long as the time limit was passed. "Congratulations! You have successfully cleared the game. You have earned seven days on your Visa." You let out a sigh as relief washed through you. You hadn't noticed until you felt the breeze on your face that you were being led out of the arena with Niragi's hand in yours, gently pulling you along toward the car. Your eyes were beginning to hang heavy as he ushered you into the car, opening the door for you. You looked towards the arena as he started the car from the driver's side, hoping to see the other two members of your group walk out after you.
Niragi stepped on the gas, leaning over towards you for only a moment, "They didn't make it. Spikes." You put your head down, nodding in understanding. The ride back was as silent as it was beforehand, even as you said a silent prayer for the other two, the only noise of comfort was the sound of tires running over the few potholes that riddled the street.
The Beach filled the sky with lights. From afar, one might even think it was a game arena, but the triumphant noise coming from inside would prove one wrong. Niragi drove up to the entrance, and looking over you could see his knuckles white on the steering wheel. Your legs ached, and warm water was calling your name. He pulled the car up to the front doors, turning to you and breaking the silence. "Stay away from that snake." He spat out his words, tension echoing throughout the car. You opened the door and stepped out before turning back and looking him in his eyes, "He said the same thing about you." You shut the door, swearing you heard him catch his breath. 
Niragi watched in disbelief as you walked past the open doors and up the stairs to your floor. He clenched his jaw and slammed on the steering wheel, frustration boiling inside him. "Did she just ignore me?," his thoughts echoed. His eyes burned with anger as he caught that smirk out of the side of his vision, there stood Chishiya, hands in pockets as always, a sly smile crept across his face. "Trouble in paradise?" He sneered as he watched the blonde walk leisurely into the building, only quickening his pace to catch up with (Y/N). Niragi felt the pressure on his jaw as he saw Chishiya stop you, tapping your shoulder and swinging his arm around you. He saw you laugh as if anything that cat could say would ever be funny.
Niragi snapped back to the present as rain started to pour from the sky. He looked up into the dark sky, sighing at the sudden change of weather. He remembered once again the girl in the alleyway all those years ago, recalling it was raining that day as well. He looked back into the building, watching (Y/N) and Chishiya talk in the hallway. His heart shot adrenaline through him as he recalled her face, your face. It was you. The girl running from Haru, from your own brother, mascara stained and top partially ripped open--.
His breath caught in his throat as he began to piece together information from his memories. He grabbed his rifle, hopped out, and slammed the car door shut, leaving the keys. He walked into the building, eyes roaming the halls for you. He caught the back of your swimsuit from the corner of his eyes, walking towards Chishiya's room. He gripped his gun, running up the stairs. He approached you fast, grabbing your hand and swinging you around to face him,
"We need to talk."
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morzsaa · 2 years
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when Chishiya asks the reader to distract an executive for their plan, and learns that it is Niragi 🤭
sorry for the mistakes English isn’t my first language 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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deadendwips · 2 years
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♦ Chishiya Shuntaro x Fem!OC ♥
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It's been a while since she got here and there's no one around to ask what's happening. She wandered through Shibuya for a while and decided to check her apartment for further information, not knowing what else to do.
Arriving there, her first sign of something wrong was that she couldn't turn on the lights, it got her nervous remembering that even in her way there from Shibuya, she saw no one, not a single soul.
Tokyo was deserted.
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Coming soon...
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Characters Information:
Chishiya Shuntaro: Medical Student, ♦ specialist (intelligence)
Games cleared as of yet: 5 of ♠; 5, 6 and 7 of ♦
Hanako (no surname): Ex-ballerina, ♥ specialist (psychology)
Games cleared as of yet: 3 of ♦; 4 of ♠; 8 and 9 of ♥
Kuina Hikari: Apparels Clerk, ♣ specialist (balanced).
Games cleared as of yet: 3 of ♥; 2 of ♦; 7 and 8 of ♣
Other characters that will not appear much in the story but are there: Hatter, Arisu, Usagi, Aguni, Tatta, Mira, Kuzuryuu, Last Boss, Niragi.
Tw: attempted rape, attempted murder, death, blood.
Special mention to: @tofunabia and @agomeangelcat
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j-ut-da-e · 2 years
Chishiya Shuntaro Masterlist
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Heart of Hearts
(Season 1)
Empty Tokyo空の東京 - Part 1, Part 2
You’re It!あなたはそれです!- Part 1, Part 2
Memories思い出 - Part 1, Part 2
Doctor Doctor医者 医者
Love & War愛と戦争
Up In Flames着火します
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Joker, Joker
(Season 2)
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ainashiya · 9 months
wolf in sheep’s clothing ✧.*
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• Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
• Mundane 9-5 (WIP)
• Pair of Dice (WIP)
• A Royal Flush (WIP)
• Fair Game (WIP)
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Aina Mirai (愛絆 未來) is my Alice in Borderland OC-insert. She is one of the many residents at the Beach, and survived the borderland through “sheer luck” as she puts it. She’s simply a cheeky, playful yet shy girl running around the city.
Like I’ve mentioned in the last paragraph, Aina is a cheeky, playful and shy girl. However she has much more depth to her than those words. Aina can be overzealous sometimes, but it contradicts her otherwise silent approach in the beginning. She’s very perceptive and observant, and is highly intelligent when it comes to rationality/logic.
Aina’s weak spot is emotional intelligence, especially when it comes to her own emotions and feelings. She can differentiate emotions with expressions regarding other people, unlike tone which she struggles on understanding. This doesn’t stop her from being a team player, and she is an expert with communicating her ideas and plans to others which is good for Club games.
Her expertise in leadership often leads her to become highly dominant and impatient with those who aren’t as efficient as her. When she works by herself though, she can get manipulative, and isn’t scared of using others for her own benefit.
In simpler terms, she can be friendly and a bit pushy- but it doesn’t stop her from becoming a threat.
Aina’s Likes: Comfortable clothes, tangerines, cool weather, origami, swans, fashionable clothes, and her friends.
Aina’s Dislikes: Revealing clothes, coffee, hot weather, wrinkled paper, the borderlands, exercise, tofu, smell of corpses.
These are the main ones, at least, haha—
Kuina Hikari - Both Kuina and Aina are close due to their familiar backgrounds. Being ostracized is something they both share, and while Aina didn’t bring dishonor, she can relate to Kuina being alone and wanting to come back to the real world as a better person. They regularly have deep talks regarding their lives, but are pretty close. They met through Chishiya, but Aina feels more connected to Kuina and views her as an older sister.
Chishiya Shuntaro - Chishiya and Aina often butt heads due to their clashing personalities. However, Chishiya finds her interesting due to her underlying motives and knew from the beginning what her plan truly was. Even if Aina can’t confide to Chishiya in the way she can with Kuina, she harbors some respect towards him. She feels no need to change his almost cynical perspective on life, in fact, she thinks it’s what makes him so wise. On the other hand.. Chishiya often pokes fun at Aina and how she can sometimes be “brainless.”
Arisu Ryohei - Like Kuina, Aina can relate to how Arisu was nothing in the real world but wants to come back better. They were at first sort of iffy in the beginning when they met, and even more so when Chishiya betrayed Arisu in order to find the cards. Aina defended Chishiya’s reasoning without regarding Arisu’s feelings, which led to some discourse between them. Near the end, Aina tells Arisu how truly afraid and sad she feels, and how she can’t keep hurting others. They both understand each other a little better, even if Aina can’t understand Arisu’s self-righteousness and morality.
Niragi Suguru - Despite Niragi being her most hated person, Aina used Niragi for her own benefit while at the Beach. She often made advances on him to earn his praise and trust, just so she would be protected. This especially came in handy when Hatter passed down the head role to Aguni, she would sweet talk her way out of trouble whenever Niragi began to spiel out orders. When Witch Hunt happened, she joined in the massacre to please him further. She ended up betraying him though, as she left him for dead with a cunning smirk as she went to go pick up the card with Chishiya and Kuina. Which marked the beginning of their shared hatred for each other.
Danma Takeru (Hatter) - Hatter was Aina’s, albeit questionable, father figure while he was the leader of Beach. Hatter appointed Aina as an idealist, and they often bantered around. They shared a positive relationship, as Aina was devastated when the announcement of Hatter’s death became public. She also got offended on his behalf when Niragi began to disrespect his corpse, and really kicked up her hatred for him too. She also kept a similar Haori in honor of Hatter before the massacre, and grieved for a while despite her real motives. She respected him as both a leader and a father, really.
Morizono Aguni - Although they did not talk or interact, it was clear at first Aguni found Aina a bit annoying. He would often tell her to shut up, or simply give her a look to shush her. When Hatter died, Aina gave him her sincere condolences, which made him not be able to further handle the death of Hatter. After Witch Hunt, Aina often felt bad that Aguni had sacrificed himself to make sure Niragi stayed dead- but commented on how she couldn’t make out his own corpse. When they met up again, Aina was relieved to see he was alright! She had some respect for him, and wishes they were better friends.
Usagi Yuzuha - Usagi and Aina are on thin ice when it comes to their friendship. Aina can’t comprehend how athletic Usagi is for how dainty she is at the same time, however, they respect their abilities. Aina doesn’t talk to Usagi a lot though, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be civil! Sometimes they discuss the game and their plans, especially when the face cards were revealed. Aina feels pity for her though, since she knows about Usagi’s father disappearing.
Ann Rizuna - Honestly? Ann sort of creeped Aina out in the beginning. Though, she was intrigued with her work, and how desensitized she seemed to be with everything going on. Ann also brought her to her first game with the Beach, which made Aina dislike how uptight and tense she was. Anyways, Aina and Ann’s bond was slightly strengthened when the face cards began to appear. Although they didn’t speak as much, Aina hoped Ann decided to leave the Borderlands, and that they’d be better friends in different circumstances.
Sunato Banda - During the prison game, Aina maintained her distance with Banda regarding his past. She did find his intelligence respectable, and was willing to work with him alongside Chishiya and Yaba. Her blind trust in him surprised Banda, often making snide remarks as to scare her, such as: “you know i could kill you right here, and nobody would know.” “it’s not wise to trust a serial killer, aina.” She often disregarded it in exchange for his help and what he’s observed. In the end, they both could feel the fact that they’re both different from the rest.. and it made the air between them tense due to their slim similarities.
Tatsuna Kodai “Tatta” - Although Aina and Tatta never truly interacted by themselves, they were mostly civil. Tatta sometimes made backhanded comments about her though, mostly pointing out that she practically wanted to kill everyone and take the cards for herself. But with that aside, they’re seemingly neutral about each other. Aina never asked or knew if Tatta died, but she had the feeling he did when Arisu and the others returned without him. She felt sad, but they weren’t close enough for her to really mourn him. Still, she paid her respects to him for helping them before he died.
Kano Mira - Since the beginning, Aina had always suspected Mira was hiding something. The way she was eerily calm during Witch Hunt, the looks she exchanged with Kuzuryu, it was overall suspicious. When she found out in the surveillance room that Mira was behind it all, she immediately began with how she “called it” since the start. Even before the revelation, Mira and Aina never really talked one on one, even if they were both idealists. The most positive Aina had reacted to news about Mira is when she saw the fireworks again: signaling Mira was defeated.
Takatora Samura “Last Boss” - Aina disliked Last Boss as much as she despises Niragi. She found his tattoos weird and tacky, and his way of speech a little aloof. She harbored little respect for him, and often made snarky remarks about him behind his back. She even congratulated Kuina on defeating Last Boss back at the Beach! That’s how little he thought of him and most of the Military.
Kuzuryu Keiichi - Like Mira, Aina was suspicious of Kuzuryu. With the gazes he sent Mira, his apathy towards others.. though, she never spoke about it. It wasn’t none of her business, and he’s above her in rank anyway. She didn’t know her suspicions would actually amount to something, either way, she couldn’t care less about it.
Yaba Oki - Yaba and Aina were apart of the underlying plan back at the prison game. They made a deal to work alongside each other to expose the Jack of Hearts. The two seemed pretty distant from each other, as Aina mostly stuck around Chishiya— but it really is so Yaba could focus on his half since he realized how Aina can be. By the end of the game, Aina bid Yaba and Banda farewell, even shook their hands before trailing behind Chishiya.
Aramaki Urumi - From the get go, Aina seemed to be peeved off by Urumi’s mere existence. On the outside, Aina was grateful for Urumi’s leadership, and began to become a doormat and her follower. Little did Urumi know, Aina was basically an inside spy. Chishiya had tasked her with getting to know the group that Urumi assembled, which led Aina to grow a steady bond with her. By the end of Urumi’s time, Aina had already manipulated the remaining survivors of the team against Urumi so they could kill her off. This made the revelation of the Jack of Hearts easier for the rest of the team she was in.
Oki Ippei - Aina seemed to care little for Ippei as she knew he’d only work as Chishiya’s companion in the game. When she saw Chishiya alone, and Ippei wasn’t around, she frowned and asked if Ippei really “went off the deep end”. She looked remorseful, and felt a little uneasy by reassuring Chishiya’s card suit now that he was gone. In the end, she was slightly disappointed he didn’t make it out.
Any characters that I did not mention she most likely DID NOT have any interactions with yet.
1. What does Aina look like?
Aina’s physique, or physical body, is slim with long limbs. She has black hair with dark brown eyes, and has currently two outfits for her Beach appearance and after beach. Her height is around 5’5” feet, or roughly 165 centimeters. If she had to be portrayed by an actress, I’d say Nana Komatsu fits her!
2. What was Aina’s “underlying motive”?
When she was first introduced in the Beach, she was told about how the cards could only bring back one person at a time if they were all collected. Aina was driven by greed and desperation, and decided she would rob the cards whenever they were all close to being completed. That’s why she was close with Niragi and Hatter— they were stepping stones to the plan before the Witch Hunt happened.
3. What card suit does Aina specialize in?
Honestly, it took a while for me to decide what suit Aina is best in. Clubs is easily the best card suit for her, with Heart following suit. As expected, this makes Spades her worst card suit as she’s not physically active in any way.
4. Is Aina shipped with anybody in canon, or does she just have a main ship?
bold of you to assume she DOESN’T have a main ship. On a serious note, she isn’t explicitly shipped with anybody in canon, she only mentions having sexual relations with Niragi and that’s about it. I enjoy pairing her up with people who can’t take her seriously — cough, Chishiya, cough— but she doesn’t have one haha.
5. Does Aina have a confirmed sexuality?
Nope. Most of my ocs don’t unless I write down that they do, but I pair her with literally anybody who I see a potential dynamic with. So that’s up to your own interpretation~
6. Does Aina survive the Borderlands?
By sheer luck! She does survive, and shares her last words before leaving with Niragi and Chishiya before they all go to the real world. She was originally gonna be used as a sacrifice during Witch Hunt but.. she was far too interesting to let her die too early.
7. Why is Aina an Idealist?
Aina is an idealist for the sole fact that she was pretty close with Hatter in terms of friendship. Definitely not as close as Aguni was though, but earning Hatter’s revered trust ultimately got her closer to her goal of stealing the cards for herself.
8. A controversial thing about Aina would be..
The fact that she continues to interact with Niragi despite what he’s done. I personally don’t like what Niragi’s done, so if that isn’t controversial enough, it would also be the fact that she’s just so two-faced. You never know if she’s truly your friend or some traitor.
9. Similarly, a good thing about Aina would be..
She tries to make sure her friends aren’t hurt whenever she plans to do something risky. Even though she’s willing to sacrifice them if it ever came to it, she still makes sure her plans work alongside her friends — in other words, benefit them — just so they won’t hate her as much.
10. If she played any games by herself, what game, or games did she play?
Aina playing any high level clubs suit games is something I really enjoy imagining. I like to think that after the Jack of Hearts was done, she moved onto the Jack of Clubs and so on (besides King). She has nearly died to playing spade games, but those were with the beach since she only played one game really by herself without any Beach residents accompanying her.
11. Would she ever betray her friends if it came to it?
Yes and No. Aina will betray somebody she’s not explicitly close with, but not her close friends. People like Kuina mean a lot to her, she she’d rather die than to betray her— or even toy with her trust. She believes that trust can take ages to build, but take seconds to destroy, and she lives by that regarding her closest friends.
12. Top relationships you’d like to explore whilst writing her?
OOOOO!!! This is purely self indulgent, but here are some trios/duos/etc I’m excited to share my thoughts about!!
Gunshot Trio - Chishiya, Aina, Niragi
Diamond Duo - Arisu & Aina
Idealists / Beach Executives - Self Explanatory
The Inmates - Aina, Banda, Chishiya, Yaba
Dishonor Trio - Kuina, Arisu, Aina
Mad Tea Party - Ann, Aina, Mira, Kuina, Usagi
Gas Tank Duo - Tatta & Aina
I love it when ocs interact with the characters ugh </3
13. On the topic of character interactions, what character that doesn’t interact with Aina at all would you like her to meet?
If this wasn’t obvious, I’d love for Aina to meet Kyuma. They both remind me of each other with putting their friends before anything, despite Kyuma taking it as a life style rather than what Aina does. I’d also think it would be funny if she met Karube or Shibuki— they’d definitely get along but also get annoyed with each other.
14. What skills or abilities does Aina have?
She’s highly intelligent when it comes to logic and rationality. I’d also say she’s perceptive, observant of her surroundings, and knows how to read people’s expressions and feelings. She does have an absurd amount of luck too— but that really doesn’t count. Aina, like I’ve mentioned time and time again, is also very manipulative. I’ve also written that she’s got team building and cooperation skills depending on the team and pressure she’s under.
15. How can Aina differentiate expressions but not tone?
This is a little bit of a self insert trait hehe. Sometimes Aina can’t tell if somebody’s being sarcastic, that’s what I mean by tone. Things like being condescending or backhanded is something Aina often has a bit of trouble of figuring out, HOWEVER! She can read expressions easily if she knows somebody long enough, she might run into some misconceptions with someone with an rbf but only if she doesn’t realize that’s their normal expression.
16. Is there any meaning to Aina’s name?
Yes and no? When I first made Aina, her name was just.. “Aina”, lol. I never realized most of the characters were being called by their last names, so I never gave her a last name until I realized it wouldn’t make sense. To clear it up since both of her names are traditionally first names, her last name is “Aina”, and her first name is “Mirai”.
The kanji I used for her last name — 愛絆 — means “love, bond” if im not wrong! I love thinking that the kanji meaning “bond” represents how easily she can bond with people. Besides that, the other name, Mirai — 未來 — obviously can translate to future. I didn’t really focus much on the spelling of it, but I read somewhere that the first character means how something hasn’t happened or been done yet? I’m not sure, but it’s fitting to how she doesn’t change much (hehe, lore~) until the future— or, the end.
17. Who, or what inspired you to make Aina?
A lot of different characters from media inspired me to make Aina! Including some of my old ocs, but she was mostly inspired by Urumi from the Jack of Hearts game in a way. I liked Urumi’s overall facade in the game, and how she was willing to build a union right away just to benefit herself. I think she was trying to recruit the Jack of Hearts to slowly kill off all possible candidates, but ended up being a suspect and betrayed! I would’ve loved to see more of Urumi, so I made a character from her influence but still make Aina unique and have her own motives..
Other things that I think made me write Aina the way I did is Mitski’s and Marina’s music! She also reminds me of a fox, or a cat with her nature.. I also wanted to write a character that realizes their mistakes, being in denial, and wanting to change and grow as they realize what’s on the line.
18. Any random facts about Aina you like?
She’s totally a vintage person, which in turns makes her have “quirky” hobbies. She collects VHS tapes and vinyl records.. she also does crossword puzzles lol. Aina also has a younger sister she’s heavily strict on, but dotes on her a lot, I think that’s sort of cute hehe!
19. Can I make fanmade art or content about Aina?
TAG ME. PLEASE. OR SUBMIT IT IN MY ASKS!!!! I’ll literally look at it with tears of joy and appreciation, much love <333
20. Would you ever write Aina a fan fiction at any point?
Maybeee? The only fan fiction site I have is Wattpad, but nobody’s really on it lmao.. maybe one day I’ll get on AO3 and post my silly writings about her. For now, I’ll just write oneshots and draw scenes featuring Aina.
21. Is there any other accounts to see more content of Aina?
I currently have a TikTok account dedicated to Aina :) it has the same username as this blog, and im planning to post majority of my art on there about her! Her tag on this blog will just be #Mirai Aina.. and I’ll notify whenever I have anything else :3
Well, that’s about it! I hope you all enjoy Aina’s character, and that you grow to love her as much as I do!! :)
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 1! !!HERE!! is Part 2! !!HERE!! is Part 3! !!HERE!! is Part 4!
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut in later Parts, both Characters are Teens, Slight Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
BestFriend!Chishiya who you have known since Childhood. You were totally in awe how smart and independent he was, and he liked that someone viewed him as that, so you two became friends. Sort of. It’s complicated.
BestFriend!Chishiya who grew up with you around him, getting used to you calling him a genius in your sarcastic tone, whenever he informs you, sitting on his high horse, of all the errors you have done on the last test, especially the math ones. You are so bad at math, and he is so smart. You smile every time tho and he smirks cocky.
BestFriend!Chishiya smirks a lot, bit he gives you his honest ones. You know of his problems with his parents and them never really being there for him. You don’t know everything, just the bit he told you, but unlike other people, you are the person he trusts the most, so he shares some of his vulnerable moments with you. Not many, he is a cool guy after all and there is no way he lets something like his past destroy that.
BestFriend!Chishiya who you had sleepovers with since you were a little kid. You always come to his house. Your many siblings and overbearing parents don’t understand how you could befriend someone like him. They already tease you and sometimes try to push you to make new friends, but you don’t want to.
BestFriend!Chishiya doesn’t get along with many people and because of that you don’t make many other friends, but if you do, those friendships always break apart when your new friends like to point out how awful BestFriend!Chishiya is and downright mean. You don’t like what they say so you dump them.
BestFriend!Chishiya is more than happy about that. Your friends come and go, but he always stays with you and you with him. Even in your teens you two have regular sleepovers.
BestFriend!Chishiya is still way better then you at math and tutors you a lot. You do homework together and then he asks you if you want to stay for dinner. After dinner he tells you if you really want to walk home in this neighborhood and at this hour. He makes sure to point out how someone like you could easily get kidnapped and worse. He scares you so much, that he must hide his grin when you later ask him with a worried face and a shaky voice if he minds you staying for the night. Just this night, you say, tomorrow I will walk home after school.
But BestFriend!Chishiya asks you if you need help with homework after the next school day. He drops in passing that you are still so bad in math, that you maybe have to repeat this year if you don’t put in some effort, but hey it’s your future after all, right?
BestFriend!Chishiya walks away without another word and you follow him after hesitating for a moment, telling him that maybe you will take his offer “It wasn’t an offer, I was just stating the facts” he said, smirking when you panic for a moment, then adding “If you want me to teach you again you have to offer ME first something in return for the hassle”
You promise BestFriend!Chishiya to buy him his favorite chocolate but he waves this away. His parents have left him enough money to buy whatever he wants. You then ask him what he wants, and he will act like he is thinking for a moment and then whisper in your ear, that it’s a surprise.
Later, when all homework is done and Dinner has been eaten, BestFriend!Chishiya comes up to you and tells you it’s time to pay your debt. You smile, cause hey this sounds like a funny game, what will he make you do? Kiss a frog, or maybe scream obscenities from the balcony? But BestFriend!Chishiya has something else in mind.
BestFriend!Chishiya tells you that when you go to take a bath, he wants to stay in the bathroom and watch you. He is kidding right, you think and laugh but BestFriend!Chishiya remains totally serious and you tell him no, no way will you agree to that.
BestFriend!Chishiya knows what he is doing. He states facts to wrap you around his finger. He tells you that it’s just for research reasons, nothing sexual, but you don’t buy it. He then says that he wants to become a doctor, which you already knew of, so he needs to know the human body and he wants to know more than just what books and diagrams can show him. You are his friend so that’s okay right? It’s not like he wants something from you or you from him, right? The both of you are teens, 16 in age so there is nothing wrong with it, don’t you agree?
BestFriend!Chishiya sees you aren’t fully convinced but you have to agree that his reasons sound kind of reasonable, which they totally aren’t, BestFriend!Chishiya knows this, but he also knows very well how to talk you into things and he is using this knowledge to his advance.
You have to admit that BestFriend!Chishiya was always the more ambitioned one. The one who strived for understanding things and information’s beyond what the everyday person wants. He was very intelligent after all, consuming news and learning at a way higher speed then you could ever master, so maybe his request wasn’t unreasonable at all, you just didn’t understand it because you weren’t seeing the world like him, thru his observant wary eyes.
BestFriend!Chishiya has you hooked. You say yes and when you walk into the bathroom later, pushing the bath as far away as possible, you slightly shiver and your hands clench and unclench into fists. You want to undress first and then let him in, but he tells you that this is dumb. He will see everything anyway, so why making a fuss over it? Just get it done and you do, feeling like you act illogical, and he is right after all.
BestFriend!Chishiya watches as you take off your school uniform in front of him. You don’t face him, can’t. Your back is towards him, and you steal glances from time to time to look at his face but there is no expression at all. He looks like when he studied the dead frog’s corps during class. Focused and totally in his element. You on the other side feel so exposed and ashamed like never before. If you weren’t naked already, you maybe would take your legs into your hands and run, but there was no going back, not after he stepped forward, his arm expanding and his hand reaching for your body.
BestFriend!Chishiya raises his eyes to yours when you back away as a reflex. He knows he got you, but he still had to be careful not to let his true intentions slip thru the facade of reasons. His hand reaches for you again, this time you have yourself better under control and don’t move at all, while his fingers wrap lightly around your waist. Eyes travel down to every piece of exposed skin, and he likes what he sees, damn he really does.
BestFriend!Chishiya is thankful that he is able to control his body better then you and way better than his urges, specifically his carnal ones that made him trap you into this situation. Ever since you two got older, you starting to bloom into a young and beautiful woman, he also felt the changes in him. Like the first night when he woke up in the middle of his sleep, surrounded by pitch black nothing with a wet spot around the center of his crotch and his heart pumping the blood so fast thru him, his ears couldn’t hear anything else.
BestFriend!Chishiya had his first wet dream and you were a significant part of it. There wasn’t anything special about it. Nothing too sexual or overly bothering. In his dream the two of you had been sitting on the rooftop of your school building. It was breaktime and you starred into the sky while your head was lying on his lower body, and he was reading a book he couldn’t remember. Nothing else. Just this and still, after that night, many more followed, until one morning he woke up to his pants standing up like a tent with a hard on erection underneath, that he had to get rid of in the same bathroom you were standing right now, hoping you won’t wake up before he had finished.
BestFriend!Chishiya has felt his interest for you growing since then and it wasn’t in a friendly manner. Day after day passes and he beats his meat at night, with you sleeping next to him in his bed, cause that’s how you two have always done it since childhood so why changing it now? Oh, you were so innocent, so naïve. For you, nothing has changed since then. The two of you were still friends, best friends to be clear, so what if others didn’t understood your relationship, BestFriend!Chishiya was special so it was only logic for that friendship to be special too, right?
When BestFriend!Chishiya hands roamed your body up and down, grabbing your tits, pinching your nipples and squeezing your ass after turning you around, you were more than confused when he let go off you and walked to the tub at the end of the room, turning on the faucet and feeling the waters temperature until he was content with it and let the tub fill up.
BestFriend!Chishiya gave you a reassuring smile, as if everything was okay and you were going to take a bath like always. Nothing weird has happened between the both of you, that’s what you told yourself, but you still gauged at his crotch when he set down on the edge, expecting to see at least a hidden sign of an erection, but nothing. Dead pants. This all really must have been just for research for him.
BestFriend!Chishiya caught you starring and followed your gaze, snapping you out of your mind with a mocking comment “Hoping to see something?” you immediately shook your head, almost getting whiplash from how hard and fast you did it but BestFriend!Chishiya grin only widens “Sure” he said and you felt the need to defend yourself and your actions “I was not!”
BestFriend!Chishiya raised his arms, feigning defense “Hey, I’m not the one who makes this weird” You want to scream at him, to hit him on his shoulder and tell him he is the creep that requested you undressing for him, but you remember his reasons and his non-existent arousal, asking yourself, if you did hoped to see some reaction from him. You felt a little let down, that after seeing you naked, touching and squeezing parts of you no man has ever seen before, he could just turn around and go back to normal, with no effect on him at all. Where you that unattractive?
BestFriend!Chishiya made you question things you have never thought about before, your eyes side eyeing his hidden penis. BestFriend!Chishiya sighed, making you realize you have been caught again “Anything you wanna ask?” you didn’t answer “Just spit it out, unless you want to keep undressing me with your eyes” you gasp, shocked at his accusations “I wasn’t…” you stammered but he shut you up with a look that pretty much said, Bitch please.
BestFriend!Chishiya waited, watching you open and closing your mouth again and again. The wheels in your head turning, trying to find the right words “Do you not…feel anything?”
BestFriend!Chishiya scoffs “I feel bored” you shake your head “No I mean do you not feel something…else?”
BestFriend!Chishiya ask “Like?” and you fidget with your hands, the fact that you were naked in front of him, your chest and everything right on display for him to take in, completely forgotten “Like” you begin “Some…arousal…maybe?”
BestFriend!Chishiya takes a deep breath but you interrupt him before he can say something “I-I mean I wasn’t expecting something, it’s just usually, I mean no, normally, yes normally a man reacts differently to a female…naked” you end and BestFriend!Chishiya titles his head “Do I give off the impression that I am like normal guys?” and you don’t answer right away, instead search for better words, but nothing comes to your mind “No” you finally admit, but it sounds more like a question and BestFriend!Chishiya must hide his smirk, knowing now you were really hoping do see a different reaction on him after this whole scenario.
BestFriend!Chishiya plays it cool by shrugging his shoulders “I guess I need something more to really get into the mood. As I said, a naked body is something a doctor sees on a daily base and I have seen some for study reasons, so I guess I see yours with the same eyes. Meat on bones” that did hurt more then you had anticipated. You never wished for BestFriend!Chishiya to few you as anything else then a friend, let alone some sexually attractive female, so why did it sting so much to hear that he wasn’t looking at you in any other way than he looked at those human models in biology class.
BestFriend!Chishiya gets back on his feet, he takes a long look at you, which is okay, you are way too deep into your thoughts to realize him starring at your sex, imagining his cum dripping down your thighs, after he stuffs your body full of it.
“Wanna see it?” BestFriend!Chishiya asks and catches you by surprise. His dark orbs are now back on your face, erasing any signs of filthy thoughts he had. You don’t understand what he meant “Come again?”
“If it troubles you so much, there is no point in getting all worked up, when the solution is so easy.”
You still don’t understand what BestFriend!Chishiya is trying to say, so he tugs at the hem of his school uniform trousers and cocks his head with a smirk “You showed me yours, I’ll show you mine”
“Oh” is all coming from you, your brain short circuited at the thought of seeing him LIKE THAT and before you can really think about what this means, before you are able to calculate all the possible happenings after this and how your friendship could turn out when all this is over, your voice whispered a small “Okay” and BestFriend!Chishiya almost laughed at your reaction, which he totally saw coming.
BestFriend!Chishiya unbuttoned his pants, unzipped the clothing and pulled down his legwear. You were holding your breath, about to pass out, when he stopped and instead proceeded with his shirt, his bare chest making you gasp for air.
Then, BestFriend!Chishiya made a show of slowly sinking his thumbs into his boxers and pulling them down teasingly, until his cock was all out and he let the fabric pool around his ankles, stepping out of both clothing’s. You should look away, anywhere, best would be his face, to create some kind of normality, instead you stare at his at his long and girthy dick, unable to look away “How did you fit that into any clothes?”
BestFriend!Chishiya looked down and then smirked up at you, walking with cautions steps towards your form, so he doesn’t scare you away with his sight “Are you telling me I’m big?” he asked teasing, reaching for your hand, squeezing it, reassuring you that everything is alright, before pulling it towards his sex wrapping your fingers around the soft meat. Your breathing hitched, unable to comprehend what is happening right now.
BestFriend!Chishiya saw this. He saw how overburdened you were with all that happened so far, and he decided, even tho he wanted more, it was enough for the day. The tub was full now. He carefully took your hand from his cock, not missing the small twitch of every single finger, before maneuvering you towards the hot water, helping you step inside, carefully, then joining you by sitting down on the other side. Too much body contact and nudity would probably make you pass out, so he keeps that for another day. The foundation was there now.
BestFriend!Chishiya was free to build on it however he planned and he was good at planning things after all everything that happened today, from the moment you left school, to you touching him, was all well calculated and thought thru and you followed every step he laid out for you, right into the rabbit hole.
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chishiyasleftnut · 7 months
Hi! („• ֊ •„) This is a long one (divided into two parts), inspired by various bots from Cherubin on Character AI. I hope you’ll enjoy it!!
Stuck With You (part 1)
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Warnings: none, but smut in part 2. Pairing: Chishiya x fem!reader.
Plot: After getting separated from Arisu and the others when the King of Spades attacked, Chishiya and fem!reader camps out together on the outskirts of Tokyo.
Part 1 word count: 2000. Part 2 word count: 2793. (Click here to read!) Part 3 word count: 3088. (Click here to read!) 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ever since the King of Spades attacked for the first time and split up your group, you and Chishiya had been stuck together. Sure, you weren’t physically stuck, but the thought of being all alone in the borderlands was far from pleasing to you, so here you were: camping out with Chishiya.
You had decided that staying in the outskirts of Tokyo where nature had completely taken over, was probably safer than staying near the centre. There was less of a chance of a surprise attack from the King of Spades, was Chishiya’s conclusion. You, not wanting to argue with Chishiya - which once he was set on a plan was much like arguing with a wall - just agreed and followed along.
“What is it?” you asked curiously. When he walked closer you finally saw what he was holding. “A tent?”
“Yep. A two-man tent, perfect for us.”
“Mm…” you hummed, causing Chishiya to tilt his head.
“What’s wrong?”
“You know how tiny two-man tents are, right?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, confused. “They’re for two people, no?”
Of course, Chishiya never seemed like a camping guy but still, surely he had at least been in a tent once? Tents were notoriously small, that was common knowledge.
“Well, technically yes, but we won’t have a lot of wiggle room.”
Chishiya looked down at the tent he had so proudly brought back with him, his eyebrows furrowed so much that deep wrinkles formed between them. “It’s better than nothing. It looks like it’s going to rain soon.”
There was no disagreeing there; the clouds looked dangerously grey. You grabbed the box and began unboxing the contents, neatly putting all of the many pieces on the ground in front of you. Chishiya watched curiously as you shortly read the instructions before getting to work.
“You’ve done this before, I take it?”
You hummed, too focused on setting up the tent correctly to reply with words. It was important to you that it was done right: mostly because you enjoyed being dry, but also because you didn’t want to give Chishiya any chance to be snarky if you made a mistake.
Once the tent was up, you both admired your work in silence until Chishiya spoke up.
“Mh. It is tiny.”
It was in that tiny tent that Chishiya and you spent the next few (very rainy) days in. By day 3, you had begun running low on supplies, so Chishiya had left the dryness of the tent to find food and other essentials. You wanted to go with him but had firmly been told that it was safer if he went alone. You “made too much noise” and “was slow” apparently.
Although you were originally quite pissy about it, you were now enjoying the karma of Chishiya wandering the rainy streets of Tokyo while you were nice and dry. Was it nice to be basking in the thought of him being uncomfortable? Probably not, but you had never claimed to be nice.
Just as you had become quite pleased with the outcome, Chishiya unzipped the tent, threw in three 7/11 plastic bags filled with stuff, and crawled in before zipping up the entrance again - giving you a chance to look at just how soaked he’d gotten.
“You look like a drowned cat,” you half laughed.
His blonde hair, which had gotten multiple shades darker from soaking in the rain, was sticking to his face, constant trickles of water dripping down his skin.
“Don’t be too happy now,” he mumbled while brushing clingy hair out of his face. “It’s your turn to run for supplies next time.”
“Absolutely not. That’s a man’s job.”
You felt Chishiya’s eyes stare at you, trying to sense if you were joking or not. You knew that if he looked you in the eyes, he would read you immediately, so you pretended to be busy with looking through the bags.
“A man’s job? I thought women were supposed to be the gatherers.”
“I’ll gladly be your gatherer once you hunt down something that isn’t out of date protein bars.” you complained as you went through the subpar supplies Chishiya had found. Was it really so hard to get something enjoyable to eat?
Amused by your clap back, Chishiya didn’t argue further but instead chuckled. And that’s when you heard the sound of his zipper. Your head snapped around so fast that it hurt, producing a small popping sound.
“Wait, hold on, why are you undressing?”
“I’m wet,” he concluded with a smirk. “Do you want me to catch a cold or something?”
“Well, no, but I don’t want you to be naked either.”
You thought that that was a fair wish. The tent was already awkwardly cramped with the two of you almost always constantly touching somewhat, you didn’t need to add nakedness to the mix.
“Grow up,” he chuckled while continuing to undress, pulling his shirt over his head with one swoop. “You’ve surely seen half naked men before.”
“That’s not the point!” you argued with a blush spreading across your cheeks at the comment. “I don’t want to see you naked.”
“Then look away.”
The suggestion was so simple that you had no argument against it, turning your head back around. With your eyes strictly focused on the wall of the tent, you heard as Chishiya laid down and got comfortable, sighing contently as he waited for his clothes to dry. Eventually, curiosity got the better of you, making your eyes dart as far left as they could go to catch whatever vague glimpse of the body that he was so unapologetically flaunting.
“Looking is fine too,” he said when he immediately caught you looking. Urgh, why was he always so observative?
“Shut up.”
By day 4 you were completely over being around Chishiya. You missed the Beach; missed the many people, the comfortable beds, and even missed the chaos. A small tent in the outskirts of Tokyo was no match to the vibrant life at the Beach - a life you would never go back to.
“I miss Kuina,” you mumbled while throwing a protein bar wrapper into the designated trash-can plastic-bag before crossing your arms.
“Wow, am I not enough for you?” Chishiya joked, acting as if your comment hurt him. Of course, you knew that it didn’t. It would take way more to actually hurt him.
Chishiya snorted at your honesty. He liked that about you: you weren’t afraid to talk back at him. It was more fun that way, he thought. So many people were desperate people pleasers and it was annoying to be around. If he had to be stuck in a tent with someone, he was glad it was you - even if he weren’t about to admit that aloud.
Not wanting to exist in silence longer than you had to, you began rummaging through the plastic bags. It was mostly just to keep your hands busy, and your mind occupied with something that wasn’t how god awfully close you were to Chishiya right now.
“You’re shit at getting supplies,” you groaned when you realised that he had brought nothing but protein bars and strawberry gummies with him. “Couldn’t you at least have gotten other flavours?”
“What’s wrong with strawberry? It’s a classic.”
“It’s so basic,” you complained while almost throwing the rustling plastic back down on the ground out of frustration. “Everyone knows grape is the superior gummy flavour.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive.”
The tone of his voice ticked you completely off. He seemed to enjoy your frustration, almost considering it prime entertainment - perhaps because it was his only entertainment. Under normal circumstances, you would march away to cool down, but that wasn’t exactly an option now: the tent was too small to escape him, and it was absolutely pouring outside.
“Just bring grape candy next time.”
On day five of your ‘camping trip’, the weather had finally seemed to clear up. Of course, this was only temporary, but you didn’t know that yet. You zipped open the tent and stepped outside to stretch your legs, reaching your arms high up in the air which caused your shirt to lift up too, exposing your abdomen. It felt good finally being able to move around.
“I need a shower,” you exclaimed when Chishiya joined you outside of the tent. He immediately zipped it up behind him, not wanting to risk any mosquitoes getting in.
“There’s a lake 300 metres away,” he said while also stretching.
“A lake isn’t a shower.”
“Sorry, princess,” he chuckled, making sure to add a condescending nickname. “I can’t magically make you a shower. It’s a lake or nothing.”
You didn’t look super satisfied with the truth. Truth be told, you missed the Beach a lot. The Beach had hot water, electricity, private rooms, and you weren’t forced to spend every waking moment with Chishiya of all people.
With a groan, you began walking down the path behind the tent towards the lake, stopping up and looking back towards Chishiya when you noticed he wasn’t following you. 
“You need a bath too,” you noted. “Besides, I don’t want to be alone out there.”
Begrudgingly, Chishiya followed you to the lake, his hands never leaving the comfort of his pockets. Once at your destination you both awkwardly looked at the lake, neither of you wanting to make the first move to undress.
“Didn’t you want to bathe?” Chishiya finally asked with an amused look on his face. “Or are you too shy?”
“Shut up,” you mumbled before beginning to undress. Once in your underwear, you again looked awkwardly between the lake and Chishiya. “Don’t look.”
Chishiya raised both of his hands in the air and turned around to give you some privacy. Of course, you weren’t entirely sure that you could trust him to not take a peek, but you also really needed a bath so you had to take the chance. With quick movements you completely undressed yourself and stepped into the cold lake, hissing at how chilly the water was but nonetheless quickly moving far enough out into the lake, so your body was covered by the water.
“Okay!” you yelled back to Chishiya. “You can turn around!”
And he did just that, turning back around and walking closer to the shore. Before you had a chance to even react to his decision, you watched as he too stripped down, throwing his clothes next to yours on the ground, and stepping out into the water. You quickly averted your eyes, looking far away at nothing in particular just so you were sure you didn’t accidentally stare.
The look on your face was absolutely priceless, he thought. Your entire upper body was turning red from shyness and your eyes were so big that they looked like they were about to pop out of your head.
With long, nonchalant strides through the water, Chishiya walked relatively close to you and settled down in the cold water. He didn’t mind your shyness, he actually found it cute how you were still worried about modesty when every second could be your last.
“Relax,” he said confidently before beginning to scrub his body. “It’s just a bath.”
You didn’t respond but instead sunk deeper into the water, making sure Chishiya could see nothing from your chin down. You missed the private shower you had at the Beach. Back then you at least never had to be confronted with full-frontal male nudity from Chishiya.
Slowly, you began scrubbing your body too, wanting to at least be clean after this awkward situation you had placed yourself in. Although you tried to keep your eyes to yourself, you couldn’t help but catch a rare glimpse at Chishiya’s body, silently admiring the way his wet skin glistened in the low sun. Chishiya, too, occasionally peeked when the opportunity arose - could you blame him, really?
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victoriadevil · 1 year
ALL I HEAR IS YOUR NAME - Chishiya Shuntaro
PAIRING : Chishiya Shuntaro x Fem!Reader
TRIGGER WARNING (Only for chapter 8) : Assault, violence, m*rder attempt, actual m*rder
CHARACTERS : Chishiya, Kuina, Usagi, Arisu, Niragi, Hatter.
Word count : 18k
8 original chapters + 1 bonus chapter added.
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Your heart was pounding with excitement as you ran through the hallways, looking for a place to hide. You knew the dangers of the game, but the thrill of survival was too exhilarating to resist. Plus, there was this cute blond guy you had a crush on. You would never choose a physical game like this on your own, but your curiosity about him was pulling you in.
You slipped through a slightly open door and found yourself in a small, dimly lit room. The air was damp, and you immediately felt you weren't alone. Your eyes scanned the room, finally settling on Chishiya, who was against the far wall.
"Chishiya?" you whispered, pretending to be surprised. "What are you doing here?"
Chishiya's lips curved into a knowing smirk. "Same as you, I presume," he replied, his voice low and sultry. "Hiding."
The atmosphere in the room was tense as you approached him, your body now mere inches from his. You had only seen him a few times before, during the most challenging games, but you knew he loved the adrenaline rush.
"Stay close," Chishiya murmured, his breath warm against your cheek. "It's safer if you're with me."
His hand found yours, and a shiver ran down your spine. The thrill of the game mixed with the spark between you, creating an intoxicating mix of emotions. Your heart sped up as your fingers intertwined, and the line between fear and desire blurred.
As you stared into Chishiya's eyes, you could feel the tension between you reaching its peak. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, you leaned in, your breath hitching as your lips drew closer to his. But just as you were about to kiss him, a chilling breeze swept through the room.
"Are you cold?" he asked, his voice full of concern.  You nodded slightly, your heart pounding as you realized just how close you were to him.
In response, Chishiya moved even closer, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you against him. The warmth of his body enveloped you, sending a shiver down your spine as you felt his breath on your neck. "Is this better?" he whispered, his voice sending chills down your spine.
Right before you could answer, a loud noise echoed outside the door, jolting both of you back to reality.
Fear replaced desire as you both pressed yourselves against the wall, holding your breath and listening intently. The footsteps and voices grew louder until they were right outside the door. You pressed yourself against the wall, holding your breath.
Feeling your heart racing against his chest, he instinctively pressed your body closer to his, sensing your fear that the tagger was behind the door. Chishiya glanced at you, his eyes twinkling with amusement despite the situation.
"Bad timing, huh?" he whispered, a playful smirk on his lips.
"Aren't you scared?" you asked, struggling to keep your voice steady.
He grinned, shaking his head slightly before coming closer to your ear "I like it".
The footsteps faded away, leaving an eerie silence. You stayed quiet for a few more minutes before finally relaxing.
He gently squeezed your hand before letting go, taking a step back and creating distance between you.
"Hope it's worth it." he said, adjusting his jumper.
"What is?" you questioned, finally coming back to reality as you put distance between you both aswell.
"Following me into these physical games," he answered, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't say I'm not flattered."
You felt your cheeks flush, the heat radiating from your face as you tried to find words. "I... I just... I don't know, I guess I tried to see the games through your eyes." you stammered, your heart pounding in your chest.
Chishiya's grin widened, and he took a step closer, his voice low and flirtatious. "Well, having you around does make the games more... interesting."
You could sense the warmth spreading across your cheeks, your stomach fluttering with a swarm of butterflies.
"See you around," Chishiya said, as he winked at you. With that, he slipped out of the room and disappeared down the hallway, leaving you with a racing heart.
After the game of tag ended, your life in the Borderlands took an unexpected turn. Chishiya's enigmatic personality had managed to draw you in, and you couldn't help but follow him to the Beach, where he still held an executive position. The Beach was nice break for players, a safe spot where they could momentarily forget about the deadly games that ruled their lives.
You quickly adapted to the Beach's way of life, making friends with some of its residents, Arisu, Usagi and Kuina. However, the games were still a constant threat, and it wasn't long before you found yourself caught in another dangerous situation.
During a particularly brutal game, you got severely hurt with deep cuts and bruises that left you weak and disoriented. Arisu and Usagi did their best to bring you back to the Beach, hoping that someone there would be able to treat your wounds.
As they carried you through the gates, Chishiya spotted you from a distance. He rushed to your side, his hands in his pockets, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and irritation. "Leave her to me," he commanded, his voice cold and authoritative.
Arisu and Usagi hesitated for a moment, but they eventually relented, leaving you in Chishiya's care. He guided you to his private room, away from prying eyes, and began to examine your injuries.
He then made you lie down on his bed.
His touch was gentle yet firm, a stark contrast to his usual cold and distant demeanor. As he cleaned and dressed your wounds, you could sense the expertise, confidence and precision in his movements, as if he had done this countless times before.
"Chishiya," you murmured, your voice weak and trembling. "You... you're a doctor, aren't you?"
He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he considered your words. "I don't want people to know," he replied quietly. 
As he started to clean your injuries, Chishiya's face softened slightly, as he noticed you were in pain. He tried to lighten the mood with a flirtatious smile. "You really know how to get yourself into trouble, don't you?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his remark, despite the pain you were in. "I guess I do," you admitted, cringing as he applied pressure to a particularly deep cut.
Chishiya remained focused on his work, but his cold demeanor seemed to crack every now and then. He would glance at you with a hint of concern or tease you gently, revealing the subtle warmth that lay beneath his icy facade.
He looked away for a moment, as if trying to hide his irritation "Just... be more careful next time."
"Do you ever miss it?" you asked softly, daring to probe deeper into his past. "Being a doctor, I mean."
Chishiya hesitated before answering, his gaze locked onto yours. "Sometimes," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But this world... It's hard to hold on to who you used to be."
 As much as you wanted to learn more about his past, you knew that now wasn't the time.
"Chishiya," you said, reaching out to touch his hand gently. "I'm glad you were here to help me."
He looked down at your hand, his eyes softening for a moment before he pulled away, retreating behind his familiar cold facade. « It's nothing," he muttered, trying to dismiss the warm feeling in his chest.
You became silent, observing his room, simple, neat, clean. He had a lot of books scattered all around. You chuckled; you imagined him messier. 
The air in the room grew heavier, charged with an unspoken tension, as he started to wrap your waist with bandages. You couldn't help but notice how his hands lingered a little longer than necessary on your skin, and the way his breath hitched for a second after having to get closer to you to wrap the bandage behind your back.
The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down your spine, and you found yourself unable to look away.
"You know," you murmured, your voice low and sultry as you leaned in closer to Chishiya, "it's not every day that I get to be under your care ».
He met your gaze again, his eyes dark and flirty. « I always have an eye on you. » he replied, his voice becoming tight with care and concern. « You’re too clumsy. »
You couldn't help but smirk at his words, noticing the raw honesty behind them. "Well, maybe you should take better care of me then," you teased, your eyes locked onto his.
Chishiya's breath hitched at your boldness, and you could see the conflict raging within him. He was torn between maintaining his distance and giving in to his desires.
As he leaned in closer to pass the bandage behind your back a second time, you could feel the heat radiating from his body, and your heart raced in anticipation. You reached up and helped yourself up by wrapping your arm around his neck, feeling his jawline on your cheek and the warmth of his skin beneath your fingers.
"Chishiya," you whispered, feeling his heart accelerating and pounding against your chest, keeping him close so he can’t see your face « Don't be mad at me. I couldn’t let Usagi go alone, she always comes with me when I need to extend my visa. »
The tension between you was palpable, the air around you crackling with energy. Chishiya's will seemed to waver, and for a brief moment, you thought he might give in and kiss you. But instead, he lowered his head, now breathing on your neck « You cannot keep doubling the games just because your best friend does the same for you. And besides, I thought you hated physical games. »
« And I do, » you said, almost annoyed at yourself, « but I happen to have two people I really like who appear to love those games. » 
Chishiya's expression completely changed, and he pulled away from you, his eyes filled with fear.
"I can't," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm sorry."
As much as you longed to reach out and pull him back to you, you understood his fear and his need for time to work through his feelings and the walls he had built around himself.
 Finally, after what felt like hours, he finished treating your wounds. He stepped back, helping you get up to examine your bandages.
As you stood up, your legs feeling weak and shaky from the pain and emotional turmoil, Chishiya guided you to a large mirror hanging on the wall of his bedroom. He positioned himself behind you, his body close enough that you could feel his warmth, yet not quite touching.
"You're strong," Chishiya whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your skin and sending shivers down your spine. "Don't forget that."
His words, combined with his voice cracking, made you feel close to him, despite the distance he was trying to keep.
Chishiya stepped back, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. "You can rest in my room as long as you want," he offered, a hint of kindness in his eyes « I anyway have a meeting that’ll probably last all night ».
You nodded, grateful for the offer and the care, letting him see through the mirror a soundless « thank you » coming out of your lips.
A few days passed since Chishiya treated your injuries, and you’re finally starting to feel better. Your body still ache, but the pain lessened significantly, thanks to Chishiya's expert care. Despite his insistence on keeping his distance, you couldn't help but feel your connection to him growing stronger.
One morning, as you were discussing the upcoming game with Arisu, Usagi, and Kuina in the Beach's dining area, Chishiya approached your table. 
"So, are we all going to the same game today?" he asked, his tone casual but betraying a hint of concern.
Arisu nodded; his determination evident in his eyes. "Yes, we need to extend our visas, and it's safer if we go together."
You glanced at Chishiya, who seemed to be hesitating. "You're coming with us, right?" you asked, your voice soft but insistent.
He looked at you for a moment, his gaze intense before he nodded. "Yes."
The five of you set out for the game location, a large abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The air was heavy with tension as you approached the building, and you could feel the nervous energy radiating from your companions.
As you entered the warehouse, a holographic message appeared in front of you, detailing the rules of the game:
The objective was to separate the participants into two teams, each with an equal combined weight. The catch? The participants must maintain their weight balance on two large, opposing platforms suspended over a deep, dark abyss. The game would only end when the two teams achieved perfect balance, or when the thirty-minutes time limit expired. If the teams failed to balance within the time limit, both platforms would plummet into the darkness below.
You found yourself on a team with Chishiya and Arisu, while Usagi and Kuina stayed with two other players, Kaito and Sora. The tension in the air was palpable as the game began, and both teams scrambled to balance their platforms by shifting their positions and counterbalancing each other's movements.
As the game progressed, the opposing team grew more desperate and ruthless. Kaito, a tall, muscular man, began to shout threats and insults at your team, trying to unnerve you and disrupt your concentration, out of fear. His partner, Sora, a crafty and cunning woman, tried to manipulate your teammates into being more efficient.
Meanwhile, your team focused on maintaining a steady and calm communication. Chishiya's voice was surprisingly soothing, as he guided you and Arisu through the process of finding the perfect balance while communicating with Kuina and Usagi. His hand brushed against yours occasionally as you shifted your positions, and each touch sent shivers down your spine.
As the clock ticked down to the final minutes, the tension became unbearable. Kaito and Sora resorted to more aggressive tactics, pushing Usagi and Kuina in an attempt to escape from their platform. Sora managed to jump on your platform, causing your platform to wobble dangerously.
In a split-second decision, Chishiya leaped off the platform and onto the opposing team's, tackling the agitated Kaito to the ground before he could jump on your platform too. The sudden shift in weight caused both platforms to sway precariously. Your heart raced as you watched Chishiya wrestle with Kaito, desperately trying to protect your team from any further attacks.
With only a few minutes left, you realized that their platform was still too heavy. Arisu, his face pale from trying to think his way through saving you all, looked at you with panic in his eyes. "I'll jump, and help Chishiya, okay? » he said, thinking it was the only way to keep Usagi safe.
"No!" you shouted, seeing Chishiya standing up. « Look, Kaito is down » Stress took over, and you reached out for Chishiya, who had managed to knock out Kaito. "Help me!"
Without hesitation, Chishiya sprang to his feet and jumped back towards your platform, grabbing your outstretched hand. His grip was strong, and his eyes locked onto yours, filled with fierce determination.
As Chishiya's weight counterbalanced Arisu's, and no one else panicking, the scales finally reached equilibrium. The bell signaling the end of the game rang out, and both platforms locked in place at the last second, saving everyone from a deadly fall.
In the aftermath of the chaotic game, adrenaline still coursed through your veins as you found yourself panting and shaking, standing next to Chishiya on the now-stable platform. Arisu looked at both of you with gratitude and relief in his eyes, and the other team members, including Usagi and Kuina, seemed equally thankful for the outcome.
"You saved us," you whispered to Chishiya, your voice trembling with emotion.
Chishiya, his own breathing labored, "We saved each other, thank you for keeping Arisu on the platform. » he corrected, his eyes never leaving yours.
A new door opened on the side of the platforms, leading you to the exit of the warehouse.
As the group began to disperse, each participant processing the life-threatening ordeal they had just survived, you and Chishiya shared a glance. After making sure Kuina was okay, and without a word, he gestured for you to follow him. Curious and intrigued, you trailed behind him as he led you down a dimly lit corridor, away from the others.
Finally, Chishiya stopped in front of a door, glancing around to ensure that no one had followed you. He opened it and gestured for you to enter. Inside was a small, quiet room, a sanctuary from the chaos that had just unfolded. As he closed the door behind you, the room was bathed in a soft, muted light.
"Are you okay?" he asked, with a hint of relief in his eyes.
Turning to face the blond man, you found yourself suddenly at a loss for words. The danger of the game had brought you closer than ever before, and the bond between you had grown stronger as a result. Chishiya must have felt it too because, in that instant, he closed the distance between you and gently cupped your face in his hands.
The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension, charged by the intensity of the game you had just survived and the undeniable connection between you and Chishiya. As he moved closer to you, your eyes locked onto each other, and a mischievous smile played on his lips when he noticed your breath accelerating. The proximity between the two of you was intoxicating, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body.
His voice, low and enigmatic, sent shivers down your spine as he started to discuss the game. "You know, I couldn't help but be distracted during the game." The way he said it made your heart race, and you could feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
You raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What distracted you?" you managed to ask; your voice slightly shaky from the anticipation.
He leaned in closer, so close that his lips were hovering just above yours, the heat of his breath sending tingles across your skin.
"You," he admitted, his voice thick with desire. "It was making it impossible for me to focus. I was putting everyone in danger because I couldn't analyze the situation. And for a moment there, I thought we will not have time to reach balance. »
As he spoke, his hand reached up to gently brush a strand of hair from your face, his touch igniting a jolt of electricity that coursed through your entire body. The intensity of his gaze and the raw desire in his voice left you breathless. « I can’t afford that. »
"Maybe we should do something about this..." he murmured close to your ear; his eyes filled with a dark, sultry intensity.
Before you could respond, his lips found yours, capturing them in a searing, passionate kiss that left you weak in the knees. His hand slid around to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer, while his other hand settled on your waist, keeping you firmly pressed against him.
As the kiss intensified, the heat between you surged to an almost unbearable level, a primal need that threatened to consume you both. You could almost hear him whimpering against your lips.
Chishiya's tongue traced the outline of your lips, a teasing invitation that left you craving more. You parted your lips, granting him access, and your tongues met in a fiery, passionate kiss that sent shivers down your spine.
His hands roamed your body, setting your skin ablaze with every touch, every caress. His fingers traced along the curve of your waist, dipped down to the small of your back, and then moved up to tangle in your hair. The fervor of his exploration left you yearning, desperate for his touch.
Your breaths mingled, your hand now in his hair, pulling him closer, the attraction between you growing with each heated, needy kiss. He placed his leg between your thighs, and you could feel him smile through your lips.
The sound of Usagi's voice interrupted you both. "Hey, guys! Sorry to interrupt, but we’re going back to the beach," she called out.
You both reluctantly pulled away from each other, your hearts racing with desire and awkwardness. « Yeap, Usagi, thank you, we’re coming! » you said, very much aware that you best friend now knew about you and Chishiya. 
You adjusted your jacket and Chishiya went to open the door for you, giving you a complicit look as you led the way.
As you walked back to the beach with everyone, you could feel Chishiya’s eyes on you. 
The night after your passionate kiss with Chishiya, you found yourselves together again, this time in the privacy of your bedroom. You had called him to your room after dinner, pretending to have to talk about the next game.
Your room was decorated with a touch of femininity, soft pastel colors, delicate accents, and a cute plush on the bed that made it uniquely yours. Chishiya couldn't help but smirk as he took in the surroundings, finding the atmosphere incredibly cute and endearing.
As you sat together on your bed, the atmosphere grew more intense and intimate. You shared soft words and gentle touches, the connection between you deepening by the moment.
Chishiya's fingers traced the curve of your cheek, his eyes filled with warmth and affection, and a playful glint. "I never expected to find someone like you in this twisted world, let alone in a room like this," he teased, his voice barely above a whisper.
You playfully rolled your eyes but smiled softly, feigning a sad expression. "What's wrong with my room?" you asked.
Chishiya leaned in closer, his voice low and tender. "Absolutely nothing," he murmured, a flirtatious glint in his eyes. "In fact, it's so cute that it makes me want to spend more time here, getting to know each and every one of your plushes. »
As the evening deepened into night, you and Chishiya continued to talk, your conversation flowing effortlessly, as if you had known each other for years. Slowly, the space between you diminished, and you found yourselves drawn together once more, your lips fitting together as if they were meant to be.
Chishiya couldn't help but mockingly comment on a bunny plush as he reached for it, giving it a gentle squeeze before tossing it aside, making room for the two of you. "I think our little bunny friend here won't mind giving us some privacy," he said, a mischievous grin on his face.
Just as Chishiya leaned in for another kiss, the door suddenly opened, and Usagi appeared, her eyes wide with surprise. « Sorry to interrupt, but... hm, Hatter is waiting for Chishiya. There's a meeting you forgot about? They’re waiting for you! »
Chishiya sighed and reluctantly pulled away from you, his gaze lingering on your face. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot. I promise I'll make it up to you," he said, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze before leaving the room.
Usagi smirked as she lied down beside you. "You two are really cute together, you know?"
Feeling a playful urge, you shot back, "Oh, really? What about you and Arisu? I've seen the way you look at him."
Usagi's cheeks flushed a light pink, and she became uncharacteristically silent and shy, clearly caught off guard by your comment. 
As the door closed behind Chishiya, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, your moment of intimacy cut short. Still, Usagi was your best friend and you were more than happy to finally have the opportunity for this girl’s night you both talked about for so long.
The next day, as you sat at the beach bar, your thoughts lingering on your interrupted moment with Chishiya, you couldn’t help but wonder why Hatter was always requiring meetings at night. You sipped your drink, trying to shake off the feeling as you watched Chishiya talking to Kuina by the pool, his feet dipped in the water.
Usagi and Arisu were also in the pool, laughing as they played volleyball with a cheap plastic balloon.
Just as you began to relax and enjoy the sun, you felt a presence beside you. Niragi, with his smug grin and unsettling gaze, approached and took a seat next to you. His hair was disheveled, and he had a wild, almost dangerous air about him. You had heard rumors about his darker side, but you hadn't experienced it for yourself.
"Hi... Y/N, is that right?" he said, pretending to not know your name. "Hi, Niragi, yes, that's right." you answered, with a friendly smile.
He leaned in closer, his voice low and smooth. "You know, I've been watching you since you arrived here," Niragi said, a hint of possessiveness in his tone. "You're different from the others. I like that."
As he began to touch your shoulder, you couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. You tried to maintain a polite friendly smile, but your body betrayed your unease. Chishiya picked up on this almost immediately.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Chishiya watching the interaction closely, becoming silent, his expression a mix of concern and annoyance. In a swift movement, he got out of the pool and walked over, water dripping from his legs as he approached.
"Niragi, Hatter's been looking for you," Chishiya said, his tone stern and commanding. Niragi hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly released his grip on your shoulder and left to find Hatter, giving a side eye to Chishiya.
Once Niragi was out of earshot, Chishiya turned to you, his expression softening with genuine concern. "You should be careful around Niragi," he warned. "He's... not the most trustworthy person here."
You nodded, grateful for Chishiya's intervention. "My knight in shining armor," you said, your heart swelling with genuine appreciation and a hint of playful defiance, as if to say, "I'm a big girl, Chishiya." 
Chishiya grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, I can't let anyone else steal your attention, can I?" he said, giving you a quick, flirtatious wink before putting his hands back in his pockets and returning to his spot by the pool.
As Chishiya sat down next to Kuina, she raised an eyebrow, a playful grin spreading across her face. "Oh, Chishiya, you're just full of surprises," she teased, clearly having observed the scene that had just unfolded. "Seems like you've got a bit of a crush on our new friend here."
Chishiya tried to brush off her comment, but he couldn't help the slight feeling that crept onto his stomach. It was becoming increasingly clear that your presence in his life was affecting him in ways he hadn't anticipated.
After the incident with Niragi, Chishiya's behavior towards you had changed. He became more protective, always keeping an eye on you and ensuring your safety. Unbeknownst to both of you, Hatter had noticed Chishiya's unusual distraction. He had been missing meetings, taking longer to return to the beach, and seemed to have his mind somewhere else.
Hatter was no fool. He knew that something, or someone, was causing this change in his first executive. Determined to find the source, he sent one of his trusted executives, Taka, to keep an eye on Chishiya and report back to him.
As Taka observed Chishiya, following him into his nightly visits to your bedroom, he quickly discovered the truth: you were the one occupying his thoughts. However, as he continued to watch, he noticed something else about you. You were incredibly intelligent and resourceful, always managing to stay alive through the deadly games of the Borderlands. Your unique perspective and ability to get out of any situation impressed Taka, and he reported his findings back to Hatter.
Intrigued, Hatter decided to request a meeting with you. Chishiya, upon hearing this, was filled with a mix of anxiety and concern. He couldn't help but worry about what Hatter's intentions were and how they might affect you.
As you were engaged in a lively conversation with Arisu, Chishiya approached the two of you, his eyes fixed on you with an intensity that made your heart race. He politely asked Arisu to excuse the two of you for a moment, and Arisu nodded with understanding, giving you both some privacy.
Chishiya led you to a more secluded area, away from prying eyes and ears. The tension in his shoulders was palpable, and you could sense that something was weighing on his mind.
"Before anything else, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry I have to work that much," he said, the sincerity in his eyes making you blush.
You smiled at his kind words, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "It's okay, Chishiya. You have a big role here."
He took a deep breath, as if gathering the courage to ask his next question. "Has someone named Taka approached you recently?" he inquired, his eyes searching yours for any sign of recognition.
The mention of Taka's name brought back the memory of your earlier encounter. "Yes, actually," you replied, your curiosity piqued. "He introduced himself and told me that Hatter requested a meeting with me tonight."
Chishiya's expression became more serious, his concern evident. "I see. I don't know the exact reason behind Hatter's request, but I want you to be cautious. He's a brilliant strategist, and there's always a reason behind his actions."
As the time for the meeting drew closer, your anxiety grew. Knowing that everyone, including Chishiya and Niragi, would be present added to your apprehension. You paced around your room, trying to calm your nerves and mentally prepare for the upcoming encounter. You were wondering if you did anything wrong, or if it had anything to do with Chishiya, or Niragi.
Usagi and Arisu, noticing your distress, kindly offered to help you get ready for the meeting. You accepted their offer, hoping that it would ease some of your anxiety.
Once Usagi had finished with your hair, and that Arisu managed to make you laugh with stupid jokes, she stepped back to admire her handiwork. "You look stunning," she said, smiling at you. "Remember, you're strong and intelligent. Just be yourself, and you'll do great."
Together, you, Usagi and Arisu left your room and made your way to the meeting area. The walk felt like an eternity, each step bringing you closer to the unknown. As you neared the door, you hesitated for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest.
Usagi placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You've got this," she whispered, giving you an encouraging smile and a tight hug.
Taking one last deep breath, you mustered your courage and stepped into the meeting room. The atmosphere was tense, and all eyes were on you as you entered. Chishiya was already there, his gaze locked on you, concern and support evident in his eyes. Niragi, on the other hand, wore a smirk, as if anticipating the outcome of the meeting with amusement.
Usagi's help in preparing for the meeting had indeed alleviated some of your anxiety, but as you took your seat at the table, you couldn't help but feel the tension in the room. Hatter, with his enigmatic presence, had a way of making even the most straightforward conversations feel like a game of chess.
As the meeting progressed, Hatter smoothly transitioned the discussion to the subject of his interest in you. With a sly smile, he addressed you directly.
"I've been keeping a close eye on you," he began, his voice calm and measured. "I must say, I'm quite impressed by your skills and resourcefulness. You have a unique way of thinking that sets you apart from others." he paused, before continuing "You seem to be able to think out of the box; constantly."
You felt your cheeks flush under the weight of his praise, even though you felt that he was also referencing your clumsiness and ability to PUT yourself in dangerous situations, but you couldn't shake the feeling that there was an ulterior motive behind his words. Hatter continued, his tone growing more persuasive.
"I believe your talents would be best utilized as one of my executives. You would be a valuable asset to our team, and together, we could achieve great things in the Borderlands."
You glanced at Chishiya, trying to gauge his reaction to Hatter's words. Surprisingly, his usually calm demeanor seemed to have been replaced by agitation and worry. The sight of him so unnerved only heightened your own concern, making it difficult for you to think clearly.
As you opened your mouth to politely refuse Hatter's offer, he smoothly interjected, knowing exactly how to manipulate the situation. He turned his gaze to Chishiya and addressed him in a subtly menacing tone.
"Chishiya, I'm sure you've noticed that our workload has been steadily increasing. In fact, and as my first executive, I think it's time for you to take on even more responsibilities. With our new executive here to support us, I trust you'll be able to devote yourself entirely to your work."
Hatter's words were carefully chosen, making it seem as though your decision to join his team and Chishiya's increased workload were unrelated. Yet, the implication was clear – if you didn't accept the offer, Chishiya would be buried in work, leaving no time for the two of you to be together.
Panic began to set in as you imagined a future without Chishiya by your side. Swallowing your fear and reservations, you hesitantly agreed to Hatter's proposal. "I accept your offer, Hatter. I will join your team of executives."
Hatter's smile grew wider, satisfied with the outcome. "Excellent. I'm confident that you'll be a great asset to our team."
As the meeting continued, Hatter and the other executives discussed various topics related to Borderland in great detail. You tried your best to remain focused, taking in every bit of information shared, but your mind kept drifting back to your decision.
When the meeting finally concluded, you quickly excused yourself, eager to retreat to the sanctuary of your room and process everything that had just happened. As you hurried down the dimly lit hallway, running footsteps echoed behind you. Suddenly, you were intercepted by Chishiya, who gently grabbed your arm and pulled you into an empty corner, away from prying eyes.
His eyes bore into yours, filled with an intensity that made your heart race. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a passionate kiss, his lips conveying the depth of his emotions. The urgency of his kiss left you breathless, and when he finally pulled away, his eyes searched yours, a mixture of worry and protectiveness swirling within them.
"I'm concerned," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know why Hatter recruited you, but I can't shake the feeling that it's somehow linked to you and me. And with Niragi being around you more often... I don't like it."
He pressed his forehead against yours, his voice shaking slightly. "But at the same time, I'm happy that we'll be able to spend more time together. As a junior executive, you will be in training with one of the seniors." He paused, his eyes locked on yours, the tension between you building. A slow, seductive smile spread across his face as he continued, "And Hatter chose me for this role."
Your eyes widened in surprise, your breath catching in your throat. The thought of working closely with Chishiya was both exhilarating and intoxicating. "Really? That's... that's... that's strange!!" you managed to say, before Chishiya burst into laughter. "I noticed it too, as soon as Taka started following us. I know Hatter has an ulterior motive; he really wants us to be closer, and that can't be good," he paused before continuing, "I'm just happy he didn't assign you to Niragi."
As Chishiya spoke, the atmosphere between you grew more intense. He pulled you closer, his lips meeting yours in a passionate, fiery kiss that sent waves of desire coursing through your body. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight against him as he deepened the kiss, exploring your mouth with a hunger you hadn't seen in him before.
His hands began to wander, slowly and teasingly running along your body, igniting a fire within you. Chishiya pressed himself against you, the heat between you two growing almost unbearable. Just as his hand slipped to your thigh, a sudden noise in the hallway broke the spell.
Chishiya pulled back slightly, his breath ragged as he looked into your eyes. "Tomorrow, we're going to a new game together," he whispered, his voice husky and full of promise. "I have a feeling it's going to be quite interesting."
With one last, lingering stroke of his hand against your thigh, he planted a soft kiss on your cheek before slipping away, leaving you breathless and craving more.
The following day, you found yourself anxiously awaiting the arrival of Chishiya. As you paced around your room, thoughts raced through your mind about the game you were about to participate in and the fact you will probably spend the whole day with Chishiya. 
Despite these concerns, you couldn't deny the excitement that bubbled within you at the thought of spending time with Chishiya and working with him.
After Usagi's usual morning visit, you told her she didn't have to come with you for this particular game, that you wanted to spend a little more time with Chishiya. She laughed and hugged you before making you promise her that you will tell her EVERYTHING.
When Chishiya finally arrived, he greeted you with a warm smile that did little to calm your nerves. "Are you ready?" he asked, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and serious.
You took a deep breath and nodded, hoping to exude an air of confidence you didn't entirely feel. "As ready as I'll ever be," you replied, managing a shaky smile.
« Alright, we go to the game, if we finish before tonight, I’ll take you on a date. » he said, giving you a last soft cheek kiss before turning into his serious executive mode. 
Together, you and Chishiya made your way to the game's location, exchanging brief glances and reassuring smiles as you walked. You felt Chishiya hiding some anxiety, you were under his care and he wanted to make sure to stay focused for this one game. His worst fear had become you getting hurt like last time. 
Upon arriving, you were greeted by the sight of a massive, dimly-lit warehouse. The ominous atmosphere did little to ease your apprehension, but you steeled yourself, determined to face whatever game awaited you inside.
As you stepped into the warehouse, neck-collars were displayed on a table. Twenty more players were already there. The vast room was filled with a maze of walls, and seemingly identical rooms. 
A digital panel appeared with the name of the game, and a disembodied voice spoke:
Welcome players. This game is called « SAFE HAVEN » this is a Three of Spades game.
Players are paired up and must work together to locate the hidden saferoom.
The saferoom is concealed behind a false wall, and its entrance is camouflaged among the many other walls and rooms in the warehouse.
Players have 60 minutes to find the saferoom and enter it with their partner.
The temperature of the warehouse will gradually increase, your neck-collars are set to explode when the external temperature reaches 50°C (122°F)
The saferoom is a cozy and comfortable space with refreshments, where players must remain for the duration of the game.
You can recognize the safe room thanks to its blue walls.
To win, both players in a pair must stay within the saferoom for the entire hour.
You were paired up with Chishiya, and together, you began your search for the hidden saferoom. As you navigated the maze, you exchanged ideas and theories about where the false wall might be, trying to deduce its location based on the surrounding environment.
"I think we should focus on the corners," Chishiya suggested, his eyes scanning the area carefully. "There's a higher chance of finding the entrance there, as it would be easier to conceal."
You nodded in agreement, and together, you systematically searched the warehouse, eliminating potential hiding spots one by one. As time ticked away, the tension between you two increased, but your teamwork remained strong.
Finally, with only thirty minutes left on the clock, Chishiya noticed a slight irregularity in one of the walls. "Look here," he said, running his hand over a section that seemed just slightly out of place. He pressed his body against it, and to your relief, the false wall swung open, revealing the hidden saferoom.
The two of you hurried inside, finding a cozy and comfortable space complete with blue walls, warm lighting, and even a small assortment of refreshments. As the door closed behind you and locked, the pressure of the game seemed to melt away, and you were left alone with Chishiya in this intimate setting.
He sat down on the couch present in the room, before letting out a relief sight « God this room is so fresh. », almost unintentionally.
You burst into laughter, appreciating his candid reaction. Chishiya chuckled as well, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "What? It's true!" he defended playfully, making you laugh even more.
Joining him on the couch while he opened a can of soda, you smiled at each other. 
Chishiya's hand brushed against yours, and the contact sent a shiver down your spine. 
His hand enveloped yours, and your fingers intertwined as you continued talking, your voices soft and intimate. Your eyes met, and in that moment, it felt like time had slowed down. 
Chishiya inched nearer, his breath a warm whisper against your flushed cheek. His proximity made your heart hammer in your chest, your senses heightened to a level where you could hear the soft sound of his breathing, smell the faint scent of his cologne, and see the faint creases around his eyes as they softened in the dim light.
His lips grazed yours, barely a touch, but it was enough to send an electric current down your spine. You met his gentle advance with an accepting one, pressing your lips against his in a sweet, lingering kiss that made your heart flutter.
You were totally falling in love.
The disembodied voice announced the end of the game, and the door unlocked. The sound brought you both back to reality.
Chishiya reached for your hand, giving it a loving squeeze, and the two of you shared a knowing smile.
As you exited the safe room and the warehouse together, you decided to head back to the Beach through a longer way, walking along the shoreline and sharing jokes, your laughter filling the air.
As the day after your intense game with Chishiya, you were feeling a mix of emotions - excitement, happiness, and a touch of uncertainty about what this new day will look like.
Despite these thoughts, you couldn't help but smile as you recalled the passionate moments shared with Chishiya. The way he held you, the taste of his lips, his laugh.
As you stepped out of your room, you found Kuina casually leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting for you. A mischievous grin spread across her face when she caught sight of you. "So, Chishiya mentioned you could use some self-defense training," she said playfully, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I've been appointed as your mentor for the day."
Your eyebrow quirked upwards, and you couldn't help but wonder about Chishiya's reasoning behind having Kuina train you.
"Am I really that defenseless?" you joked with a light chuckle.
Kuina gave a playful smirk in response, "Not at all, but Chishiya wants to make sure you're prepared for anything. He knows I'm the best, and it's clear he cares about your safety."
"What's he up to, anyway?" you asked, barely able to conceal the longing in your voice.
Kuina grinned knowingly and met your gaze. "Alright, how about this? You stick with me through the training, and right after, I'll take you to your boyfriend » she teased.
« He’s not... Chishiya is just a friend! » you stammered, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Kuina simply raised an eyebrow and chuckled, deciding not to press the issue further. "Sure, just a friend. Now, let's get started on that training."
Kuina led you to a more secluded area on the Beach, where you'd have space and privacy for your training. The soft sand and crashing waves provided a calming backdrop as Kuina began instructing you in various self-defense techniques.
As you moved through a series of exercises, Kuina proved to be an attentive and patient teacher. Despite her occasionally cheeky comments, it was clear she was invested in your safety and well-being.
During a break in the training, you found yourself sitting on the sand with her, both of you breathing heavily from the exertion. You took the opportunity to ask her about her relationship with Chishiya.
Kuina studied you for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Why do you want to know?" she asked knowingly with a smile on her face.
You hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But as you looked at Kuina, you realized that you could trust her. "Chishiya and I have... grown closer," you admitted, feeling your cheeks heat up at the confession.
Kuina's face broke into a wide grin. "Ah, I see," she said knowingly. 
"Well, Chishiya and I have been friends for a long time. We've been through a lot together in this twisted world."
She paused, her expression turning more serious. "Chishiya is a complicated person, and he doesn't let people in easily. But when he does, he's fiercely loyal and protective."
You nodded, your thoughts drifting back to the moments when Chishiya had shown that protective side of him, especially with Niragi.
Kuina continued, "He's been hurt before, more than you know, so he's careful with who he trusts. But I can tell that he genuinely cares for you, because I had never seen him care for anyone before. You're good for him, and I think he's good for you too."
Her words resonated with you, “Thank you, Kuina," you said softly. 
"Now, let's go find Chishiya, shall we?" Kuina suggested, giving you an encouraging smile.
You nodded, and the two of you made your way towards the spot where Chishiya was supposed to be. As you got closer, however, you heard raised voices and a sense of unease crept over you.
When Kuina finally reached the location with you following her shortly behind, you saw Chishiya locked in a heated confrontation with Niragi. Chishiya's face was faking control, and his fists were clenched at his sides, while Niragi had a malicious grin plastered on his face.
Kuina stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. « Now now, what's going on here? » she demanded, her tone sharp and protective.
Chishiya glanced at you and Kuina briefly before returning his gaze to Niragi. "Just a minor disagreement," he said, though his voice was tight with barely restrained anger.
Niragi laughed, his eyes briefly glancing at you before returning to focus on Chishiya. "You really think you can protect her from everything, don't you?" he taunted. "But you can't be everywhere at once, Chishiya. And when you're not around... well…" he lowered his voice, ensuring you couldn't hear his malicious words.
Chishiya's face darkened, and he took a step towards Niragi, but you quickly intervened, stopping him in his tracks. « Niragi? Aren’t you supposed to be in a game with Hatter right now? »
Niragi's smirk faltered, and he looked at you in confusion. You continued, your voice steady and confident, "I overheard Hatter mentioning earlier that you were supposed to be joining them? “
Chishiya's eyes met yours, and a smile graced his lips, his demeanor instantly softening at the sound of your voice, while Kuina tried to suppress a chuckle.
Niragi hesitated, his expression shifting from annoyance to uncertainty. "Well, we'll see about that," he drawled, oozing arrogance. As he turned to leave, he added with a self-satisfied smirk, « You're looking pretty today. »
You rolled your eyes at his parting remark, while Chishiya's jaw clenched and his body tensed up again at Niragi's comment about you. Despite this, he managed to maintain his composure as he walked towards you.
As Chishiya approached, he looked at Kuina and asked, "Did everything go well today?"
Kuina's eyes sparkled with mischief as she smiled broadly. "We had a blast. However, I believe I've fulfilled my role for today, so I'll leave you two sweethearts to reconnect and let you take care of your part of our agreement." With a playful wink directed at both of you, she sauntered off, leaving you and Chishiya standing side by side.
You glanced up at Chishiya, curiosity evident in your eyes. "So, what was that all about?" you asked, referring to his earlier altercation with Niragi.
Chishiya sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just had a few things to say to him," he replied, trying to downplay the situation. "Nothing you need to worry about."
« Is that linked to Kuina teaching me to defend myself? » you asked, your voice tinged with concern.
Chishiya hesitated for a moment before responding, « Just taking safety measures. » he trailed off, frowning slightly. « I still don’t know why Hatter assigned you to me, but Niragi is clearly trying to take advantage of the situation. »
Chishiya's morning had started off with a sense of urgency. After his meeting with Hatter, during which they had discussed some boring matters concerning the upcoming games, Chishiya had felt compelled to ensure that you could protect yourself. He had asked Kuina to train you in self-defense, knowing that she was the most skilled person he could trust for the task.
His concern for your well-being had grown over time, especially after seeing Niragi around you so many times, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to shake the feeling that something might happen to you if he didn't do something. It wasn't just about the games anymore – it was about you, and how hard he was falling in love with you. 
After the meeting, Chishiya had intended to join you and watch your training session with Kuina. He wanted to watch you from afar, maybe perhaps chuckle at the sight of his best friend and his crush fighting in the sand. However, as he was making his way towards the training area, Niragi emerged, following him with a mischievous grin on his face.
Niragi had cornered Chishiya, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous mix of curiosity and amusement. "So, you've got a little thing going on with her, huh?" Niragi had asked, his tone teasing but carrying an underlying threat. "I must admit, she's quite attractive. How about I try my luck with her? See if I can steal her away from you?"
Chishiya remained composed despite Niragi's provocative words, well-aware that Niragi took pleasure in unsettling others. Determined not to give him the satisfaction, he maintained his calm demeanor, fixing Niragi with a calm, unwavering gaze. " She’s too good to date a donkey like you. "
Niragi's smirk had only grown wider, clearly enjoying the fake calm reaction he was getting from Chishiya.
Sensing his rising anger, he decided to push further. He leaned in closer, his voice low and provocative. "You know, I've always wondered what she'd look like beneath me, her lovely face contorted with agony."
Chishiya's blood boiled at the vile insinuation, his fists clenching involuntarily, his calm facade falling gradually.
He glared at Niragi, his voice ice-cold and his face shifting to pure and calm hatred. « You pathetic, frightened little boy, » he hissed, a smile forming on his face « I’ll make your life a short agonizing nightmare. »
The tension between them was palpable, and Niragi seemed to revel in it. He smirked, knowing he had successfully provoked Chishiya. 
But before he could respond, you and Kuina had arrived on the scene, interrupting their confrontation.
The following days had been relatively calm at the Beach. One particularly sunny day, you found yourself lounging on a deckchair, sipping a refreshing cocktail and soaking up in the sun. Beside you, Usagi was enjoying the party as well, her face animated as she confided in you about her crush on Arisu.
"I don't know," she admitted, her voice wavering between excitement and uncertainty. "He's younger than me, and I'm not sure if I should respond to his flirting or not. What do you think?"
As you listened to Usagi's dilemma, your eyes wandered towards the pool, where Arisu and Chishiya were spending their time. Arisu was enthusiastically trying to convince Chishiya to join in on a game of volleyball, but Chishiya seemed content with just sitting by the edge of the pool, his feet dipped in the water.
Although you couldn't hear their conversation, you caught sight of Arisu mentioning your name, his lips forming the syllables unmistakably. In response, Chishiya cracked a rare smile, his eyes glinting with amusement as he glanced in your direction.
As his eyes met yours, the intensity of his gaze took your breath away. To your surprise and delight, while Arisu was looking away, Chishiya's lips parted, and he silently mouthed, "You're so pretty."
Usagi, who had been engrossed in her own thoughts, caught sight of the exchange between you and Chishiya. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't suppress a playful grin. « Would you look at that! » she teased, nudging you gently with her elbow. « You two should get a room. »
« You mean one you will not barge into? » you teased, a chuckle escaping your mouth. 
Usagi laughed, recalling the awkward memories of the two times she interrupted your heated moments with Chishiya. "Well, I can't make any promises, it seems to be tradition now, » she replied, taking a sip of her drink.
The next day, you woke up feeling excited, knowing that no game was planned for the day. You decided to take extra care with your hair and makeup, wanting to look your best. After spending some time getting ready, you chose to wear a cute skirt and a body top, hoping to catch Chishiya's attention.
As you finished applying the last touch of lipstick, you heard a knock on your door. With a curious smile, you opened it, only to be met with Chishiya's intense gaze. He looked you up and down, a hint of admiration in his eyes. « Beautiful, » he murmured.
Before you could respond, Chishiya leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a passionate, eager kiss, pushing you gently back into your room, using his foot to close the door behind him. 
As Chishiya continued to kiss you passionately, his arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you off the ground effortlessly. He carried you over to your bed and gently laid you down, joining you and placing himself on top of you. As your lips danced together, Chishiya whispered in between kisses, « I wanted to come here last night, » and, « Stop infiltrating my mind. »
The intensity of your kisses deepened as your tongues intertwined, Chishiya hovering above you.
He pulled back slightly, looking deeply into your eyes. His voice was soft and vulnerable as he asked.
"Be my girlfriend."
The intensity of his gaze, mixed with the tenderness in his voice, made your heart miss a beat.
As Chishiya's question hung in the air, you could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes. A surge of happiness and warmth filled your chest, and you couldn't help but grow a smile at his racing heart pounding against your chest.
"Yes," you breathed, your voice filled with genuine surprise.
Relief and joy washed over Chishiya's face, and he leaned in for another deep, passionate kiss.
With so much struggle and a few more lingering kisses, Chishiya finally pulled away from you, his breathing heavy and labored. « Stop doing that to me, » he ordered, « We have a busy day today, so many useless meetings. »
You sighed, feeling the distance between you and Chishiya growing once more. "Being an executive isn't all fun and games," you said, still trying to catch your breath. "When's our next game?" you inquired, a playful twinkle in your eyes.
Chishiya raised an eyebrow, catching onto your playful tone. "Why? Do you have something in mind?" he inquired; curiosity piqued.
You grinned, biting your lip coyly. "I don’t like to share you with Hatter."
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Let's get through today's meetings, and I promise we'll find a way to spend more time together."
You wake up to the sound of your alarm ringing loudly, reminding you that today is the day you've been preparing for. You quickly jump out of bed, your heart pounding with anticipation. You take a deep breath and look around your room, making sure you have everything you need for the game.
Chishiya had warned you that this game might take a while, so you had prepared everything in detail. You put on comfortable clothes that won't restrict your movements, and carefully packed some snacks and water in your backpack.
As you head to the meeting room, you can feel the excitement building up inside you. You know that this is the moment you've been waiting for, the chance to prove your worth to Hatter and the other executives, and the chance to spend more time with Chishiya.
When you enter the meeting room, you see all the other executives are already there, waiting for you. Hatter greets you with a smile, « Ah, my little clumsy prodigy, we’re now complete. »
Niragi is sitting with his feet on the table, looking bored, Taka is drinking tea, sitting elegantly at the table, while Chishiya is standing with his arms crossed, a serious expression on his face. But when he sees you, his eyes light up with excitement. You can tell he's been looking forward to this as much as you have.
After a quick briefing from Hatter, you all head to the game location. You're not exactly sure where you're going, but you can feel the tension in the air as everyone prepares for what's to come.
When you arrive, you see that the game is being held in a large, abandoned prison. As you step out of the van, you feel a chill run down your spine. This is it, there’s no way back now.
As you enter the prison, you can feel the weight of the collar your Chishi is placing around your neck. You try not to let it bother you, focusing instead on analyzing all the other participants, as your new boyfriend taught you.
Hatter's final words echo in your head: "No matter what, get me that card." You know that failure is not an option, but you’re happy to not be the only one to receive this mission.
You look around at the other executives, some of whom you've never met before. You can sense the tension and excitement in the air, and you know that anything could happen in the next few hours.
As you and the other executives gather in a large room within the prison, a voice booms over the intercom,
Please pay attention to the rules. 
Time Limit: 1 hour/round.
The 20 players must equip an explosive collar upon entry. You have 10 minutes to put on your collar before the game begins.
Players also may not bring in any reflective surfaces or materials.
Once the game begins, a mark appears behind each player’s collar, renditioning everyone unable to see their own mark (Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts).
Each round is 1 hour. Players are free to talk anywhere during this time.
In the final 5 minutes, all players must enter a cell and announce the mark that they think is on the back of their collar. If they’re correct, they move onto the next round. Their mark changes, and the cycle repeats.
If the player remains silent or says the wrong mark, the collar explodes.
Among the players is the Jack of Hearts. When the Jack of Hearts dies, the remaining players all survive and the game is cleared.
If two players remain (Jack of Hearts included), only the Jack of Hearts will live, since their identity will become apparent.
Actions are prohibited:
No more than 1 person may reside inside a locked cell.
Players may not obstruct other players from entering a cell.
Players may not revoke another's ability to announce their own mark (homicide).
Game Clear: Kill the Jack of Hearts.
Game Over:
Say the wrong mark.
Remain silent during confinement.
Commit a prohibited action.
Be the only person left alongside the Jack of Hearts.
As soon as the game begins, everyone starts to disperse to talk with each other. You see joy in the executives' faces as they realize that this game will be quite easy since they can all share the symbols with each other.
You start to walk around the room, trying to gauge the other participants and try to spot the Jack of Heart, as Chishiya would instantly. As you're lost in thought, you suddenly feel a hand resting on your waist, making you jump in surprise, an arm pulling you to the corner of the room. You turn your head around to see Chishiya standing behind you, a mischievous smile on his face.
"This is going to be an interesting game," he says, his voice low and analyzing. He leans in and plants a kiss on your shoulder, making you shiver with anticipation. « Chill, and with plenty of time to spend together, » he adds, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
"What do you think of that guy over there?" he asks, pointing to a player in the corner with his gaze.
You take a deep breath and focus your attention on the person Chishiya has asked you to analyze. It's a tall man with broad shoulders and a stern expression, dressed in a light blue shirt. His eyes dart around the room, analyzing his surroundings with a cool, detached gaze as he is sitting on the floor.
You begin to speak, carefully noting your observations. "He seems very alert and aware of his surroundings," you say. "He's taking in everything around him and analyzing it with a detached, almost clinical eye. It's like he's constantly assessing the situation, looking for any potential threats or weaknesses."
« Absolutely, continue baby. » he let out, a smirk appearing on his face.
You continue your analysis. "Well, he seems like a dangerous person, but I don't think he's the Jack of Hearts, » you start, « The Jack of Hearts will be talking to other people, since isolating puts the attention on you. »
Chishiya's smile widens.
"You're right," he whispers, « this one is a serial killer. » You can't help but shiver at the thought.
As you continue to analyze the others in the room, Chishiya's arm tightens around you even more while he presses little kisses on your shoulder.
"Tell me more about this one," Chishiya says, nodding towards another person in the room.
You try to focus on the analysis, but it's becoming more and more difficult to concentrate as his kisses and presence overwhelm your senses. Chishiya picks up on this almost immediately.
He smirks, clearly enjoying the effect he's having on you. "Heart," he whispers before stepping away and heading over to talk to Kuina, leaving you standing there, feeling both in love and calm.
As Chishiya walks away to check on Kuina, you make your way over to a man in a yellow shirt and blue denim overalls, who seems to be looking around nervously. As you approach him, he looks up at you with a mixture of fear and relief.
"Hey, are you okay?" you ask, placing a hand on his shoulder. « You should eat something. »
The man nods, his eyes darting around the room. You can tell he's nervous, but you do your best to reassure him.
"I'm here to give you your symbol," you say, walking behind him. "You're a Club."
The man looks at you for a moment, his expression softening. "Thank you," he says, his voice shaking slightly.
As you’re about to leave to join the executives and Chishiya to get some food before the round ends, you feel a dark figure behind you.
« What was that? » Niragi said, an annoyed smile on his face.
« He’s scared, I gave him his symbol. » you answered, still looking at the man playing with his collar and joining the others.
« And what if he’s the Jack of Hearts? Keep your head in the game, Y/N. » he urged, faking authority, « Or I might have report you to Hatter for it. » he let out, a smug grin on his face.
You roll your eyes at Niragi's comment but decide not to argue with him. Instead, you make your way back to Chishiya and the other executives, keeping an eye out for any suspicious behavior from the other players.
When you arrive in the dining area, you can't help but chuckle as you see Chishiya rummaging through the shelf, trying to grab every pack of a particular type of biscuit he seems to be fond of.
Kuina calls out to you, but before you can make your way to her, Chishiya accidentally bumps into you. "Baby, you must try these," he insists. You laugh as you accept the yellow pack of biscuits he hands you, playfully asking, "Are you sure you want to share them with me?"
« Yes, but just you, » he mumbles before turning away and opening a new pack of the biscuits he can't seem to get enough of.
As you spend thirty minutes chatting with everyone, you find yourself engaged in the game analysis with the other executives.
Chishiya: "So, have you noticed anything unusual about the other players?"
You: "Well, there's that guy in the yellow shirt who seemed nervous, but I'm not sure if it's because he's the Jack of Hearts or if he's just scared."
Kuina: "We should keep an eye on him, but we need more evidence before we can suspect anyone. »
Niragi: « Just don't get too friendly with everyone Y/N. » 
Niragi offers a fake smile, casting a glance in your direction. Chishiya responds with the most exaggerated side-eye you've ever seen on him, clearly annoyed.
As the first round comes to an end, you walk to your cell with Kuina, who makes sure to remind you of your symbol multiple times. You enter the cell, feeling a mixture of anxiety and confidence.
A disembodied voice, seemingly coming from the walls of the cell, booms around you. It has a deep, almost robotic tone that sends a shiver down your spine.
You take a deep breath, and confidently reply.
You: « Heart. »
After five agonizing minutes, your answer is validated, and the cell door unlocks. You step out, relieved to have made it through the first round. 
Chishiya emerges from the cell next to you, wearing a satisfied smile.
As you exchange a look of relief and excitement with Chishiya, a sudden, muffled explosion echoes through the prison. You flinch, realizing that someone's collar has exploded.
Hours had passed since the game began, and the once bustling prison had now become an eerie and silent place. The remaining players had become more cautious and paranoid, each suspecting the other of being the Jack of Hearts. The group of executives had become the center of attention, scrutinized by everyone.
But for you, the tension and suspicion that hung in the air had become background noise. With Chishiya by your side, you felt safe and exhilarated. He had become a source of comfort amidst the chaos, each stolen moment with him leaving you feeling more alive.
As you share another loving moment with your boyfriend, he doesn't hesitate to show his passion, pressing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss that leaves you breathless.
"I have to figure out who the Jack is first, then I'm all yours," he voiced out.
"You might want to take your time with that, I'm quite enjoying this game," you retorted softly.
Chishiya chuckles at your reaction, his hand moving down to rest on your waist.
"Is that Opoh's necklace?" You said, a hint of surprise in your voice. Your fingertips grazed over the cord of the carefully crafted necklace, hidden beneath Chishiya's shirt, that you had made for your treasured plushie some time ago.
"No wonder your hoodie's all zipped up," you continued, a pleased grin lighting up your face. "I'd be happy to make one for you, too, if you want."
Chishiya lets out a gentle laugh, a touch of embarrassment coloring his cheeks as he quickly zips up his hoodie again. His breath dances lightly on your ear, making you shiver as he murmurs, "Diamond."
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the sound of your symbol.
Before you can even answer, the disembodied voice marks the end of another hour of the game.
"Do you want to know yours?" you ask, a smile forming at the corner of your lips.
Chishiya just grins and answers, "I already know mine."
"How?" you ask, puzzled. As he never asks anyone for his symbol.
Chishiya gives you a flirty smile and takes a step back.
Chishiya: "Time to get back to the game. See you on the other side."
He exits the cell, leaving it to you. 
Leaning against the wall, you remain in place.
"PLEASE ANNOUNCE YOUR SYMBOL," the voice demands.
"Diamond, baby." you reply to the disembodied voice, with an almost bored tone.
In this round, Chishiya has been exceptionally preoccupied, as he's been the executive entrusted with the crucial task of uncovering the identity of the Jack of Hearts. He knows that determining who the Jack is could get him the card faster.
Before he became completely unavailable, Chishiya handed you a generous supply of his favorite biscuits, wanting you to have something to enjoy while he was away.
"More of your favorite biscuits, baby?" you ask, struggling to hold the numerous packs he's handed you.
Chishiya reveals the inside of his hoodie pockets, stuffed with even more packs of the biscuits. "I've been saving these just for you," he says, a hint of pride in his voice.
Curiosity piqued, you can't help but ask, "What's so special about these biscuits?" Your grin widens as you anticipate his response.
Chishiya feigns a look of mock offense, playfully responding, "I'll let that slide only because you're my girlfriend."
Chishiya's expression turns serious as he looks at you intently. "While I'm busy, I want you to stay close to Kuina, » he instructs, his voice filled with concern.
You nod, "I will. Please be careful, Chishiya," you reply, your own worry evident in your voice.
Chishiya smiles reassuringly and leans in to tenderly kiss the tip of your nose. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he promises, his voice warm and comforting.
Before he leaves, Chishiya leans in again, his breath grazing your ear as he whispers, "Your symbol for this round is spade."
With that, he turns and departs to continue his investigation. As you watch him leave, you hold the biscuits he gave you close, already anticipating his return. You take a seat at one of the tables and begin to enjoy the biscuits he so thoughtfully provided.
Taka sits in another corner of the room, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. The silence is heavy, broken only by the occasional sound of footsteps and distant conversations echoing through the corridors.
About ten minutes later, the door to the restauration room creaks open, and Niragi saunters in. His eyes scan the room before landing on you, a playful smirk forming on his lips. He confidently strides over and takes a seat right in front of you, his gaze never leaving yours.
Niragi leans back in his chair, crossing his arms as he sizes you up, an air of mischief surrounding him.
Niragi casually begins the conversation, "So, you and Chishiya, huh?"
Slightly annoyed, you reply, "What do you want, Niragi?"
He leans in slightly, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, "I just want to know if you've really explored all your options."
"I have, thanks for your concern," you retort, trying to dismiss his prying.
Niragi chuckles, his smug grin growing wider, "Oh, I'm not talking about anything that serious," he clarifies, the mischief in his voice unmistakable.
Niragi glances over at Taka, who is still in the corner of the room, before turning back to you. With an air of authority, he commands, "Taka, would you mind giving us some privacy?"
Taka hesitates for a moment, clearly uneasy, but ultimately complies. As a member of the Beach, he knows better than to question someone higher up in the hierarchy. He casts you a worried glance before leaving the room.
Once Taka is gone, Niragi's demeanor shifts. The smug grin on his face transforms into something more sinister. He leans in closer to you, his intentions unclear but definitely making you uncomfortable.
"You know, you're quite an interesting person," he says, his voice low and seductive. "It's a shame you're so attached to Chishiya."
As Niragi speaks, he gets up from his seat and moves closer to you. Before you have a chance to react, he suddenly grabs you by the throat, his grip firm but not enough to cut off your air supply. He leans in, his face mere inches from yours.
« NIRAGI ! » you cry out as Niragi attempts to force a kiss on you.
In a swift motion, you dodge his kiss by tilting your head to the side, using your free hand to deliver a solid punch to his jaw. The force of your blow catches him off guard, causing him to loosen his grip on your throat.
Seizing the opportunity, you dig your nails into the skin of his throat, applying enough pressure to make him release you completely. You shove him away, and he stumbles back, gasping for air and clutching at his throat.
"Leave me alone, Niragi!" you yell, your voice trembling with anger and fear. "Don't you dare come near me again!"
Niragi glares at you, his eyes filled with a mix of rage and disbelief, « You’re going to regret this », he says, before you run away from the room, eager to put as much distance between you and Niragi as possible.
The end of the round approaches, and you make your way to your usual cell. As you enter, you notice Niragi following closely behind, his malicious grin sending a shiver down your spine. Without warning, he forcefully pushes another player into the cell with you, slamming the door shut behind you both that locks automatically at the approach of the end of the round.
Panic sets in, and your heart races as you recall the rule that strictly forbids more than one player in a cell. You know that breaking this rule results in an exploding collar, and the realization hits you like a ton of bricks.
Outside the cell, Kuina and Chishiya exchange horrified looks as they witness the harrowing scene that unfolded before them.
Chishiya: « F$CK! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! »
Niragi laughs, clearly enjoying the chaos he's created. "Enjoy the show," he taunts.
In a fit of rage, Chishiya tackles Niragi, the two of them struggling against each other. 
Kuina, meanwhile, attempts to find a way to open the cell door, her hands shaking as she frantically searches for a solution.
Inside the cell, you and the other player are both terrified, fully aware of the consequences you're facing. You slide down the wall, sitting in the corner of the room, tears streaming down your face as you scream for help.
The other player: "Please! We have to get out of here!"
The disembodied voice suddenly booms through the room, its cold, emotionless tone only amplifying the panic.
Chishiya screams your name in desperation, his voice laden with fear and anger, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Chishiya: « Y/N!!! Hang on! I'm trying to get you out! »
You can barely respond, your voice choked with terror. "Please, hurry!"
In a last-ditch effort to save you, Chishiya desperately pleads, « ANOTHER RULE HAS BEEN BROKEN!! ONE OF THE PLAYERS HAS REVOKED THE ABILITY OF ANOTHER TO ANNOUNCE THEIR MARK!! THIS STANDS AS HOMICIDE!! PLEASE!! » His voice shaking with fear and desperation.
But before anyone can do anything, a deafening explosion echoes through the prison. 
The shockwave ripples through the air, and the horrifying reality of the situation sinks in, leaving everyone in a state of utter shock and despair.
In the aftermath of the explosion, the disembodied voice announces that all players must immediately return to their cells to announce their symbols.
Kuina, visibly shaken and struggling to hold back tears, forcefully guides Chishiya into one of the cells. As he resists, Chishiya screams your name, his voice laden with anguish and desperation, as he hopelessly tries to hear your voice in response.
Reluctantly, Kuina pushes Chishiya into a cell as he falls on the ground and enters another one nearby. With heavy hearts and trembling voices, all the players announce their respective symbols.
As soon as the cell doors unlock, Chishiya bolts out of his cell and sprints towards yours, his heart pounding in his chest, hoping against reason that you somehow survived the explosion.
As Chishiya enters your cell, he discovers you huddled in the corner of the room, your clothes drenched in blood and in a state of shock. Amidst the chaos, you had managed to announce your symbol just before the explosion. Chishiya's desperate pleas for fairness had somehow reached the game masters, granting you a narrow escape from the deadly consequences.
"F$CK!!! Y/N?!?! » he exclaims as he rushes to your side, his eyes filling with tears. He carefully wraps his arms around you, gently checking you for injuries. « Are you okay?! Can you hear me?! »
Chishiya's voice shakes, partially sobbing as he speaks, « Please answer to me, are you injured?! » He tightens his embrace, relief and fear battling within him. « I can't lose you; do you understand? You mean everything to me. »
As the reality of the situation begins to sink in, you regain your ability to speak. "I gave my symbol," you manage to say before returning Chishiya's embrace “I gave it but the other player couldn’t, he was too scared”.
Chishiya carefully lifts you up in his arms and carries you to a nearby cell equipped with a bed. He gently lays you down and looks to Kuina for assistance. "Please, take care of her," he implores, worry evident in his voice. With a determined expression, Chishiya storms out of the cell, leaving you in Kuina's capable hands.
Chishiya's fury grows as Taka approaches him, informing him that before the incident, Niragi had been alone with you and that he suspects Niragi attempted something.
Chishiya's hatred for Niragi, which had been simmering since the day they first met, now boils over with no bounds.
Determined to confront Niragi, Chishiya enters the dining room where Niragi sits at a table, casually eating and smiling. As Chishiya approaches, Niragi taunts him, "Did you enjoy the show?"
Chishiya remains silent, a cold smile forming on his face. Niragi continues to provoke him, "Are you going to hurt me and break another one of the rules? Your pleas and crying didn't work the first time, did they? That would also be suicide for you." He smirks, reveling in Chishiya's apparent helplessness.
Finally, Chishiya speaks, his jaw clenched with anger, "She's alive."
At that moment, Kuina arrives at Chishiya's side, her eyes burning with rage as she addresses Niragi, "I'm going to rip you apart."
Chishiya, however, quickly whispers to her, "He's mine."
With those words, Chishiya leaves the dining room to rejoin you, his heart heavy with a mixture of relief and anger, determined to ensure Niragi never lay eyes on you again.
As Chishiya arrives at your side and locks the door behind him, he finds you struggling to remove your blood-stained clothes. Carefully, as if you might shatter at any moment, he assists you in taking them off. You let out a small laugh and reassure him that you're okay.
Chishiya falls silent, avoiding your gaze. When you turn his face towards you, you see tears glistening on his cheeks. Gently, you reassure him, saying, "Hey..." as you guide him to sit down on the bed.
Straddling him, you tenderly wipe away his tears and promise him that you're okay. "I was scared for a moment, but now I'm okay. I'm stronger than you think," you tell him with a soft smile.
"I know you're strong, but that doesn't mean I want to see your limits being tested," Chishiya says, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of affection and concern.
You lean in for a gentle kiss on his lips before asking if he has discovered who the Jack of Hearts is. He reveals that it is Matsushita, the calm and quiet manipulator. Chishiya explains that since no one else will provide Matsushita with his symbol, this will likely be the last round. You sigh in relief, grateful to be able to soon go back to the Beach.
Feeling a bit bolder, you ask Chishiya if you can ask a question that he can't dodge. He nods and says, « Anything you want, after that scare you gave me. »
Excited by his response, you can't help but jumping on the question that burn your lips, "How do you always know your symbol?" Chishiya's smile grows softer as he answers, 
"Whenever someone mentions their symbol and it happens to be the same as mine, your eyes soften, just as they do when you hear your own symbol. I can decipher it simply by looking into your eyes."
Your eyes widen in shock and amazement at Chishiya's revelation, and your heart swells with love for him. You had no idea that he was so attuned to your expressions, and it makes you realize just how much his attention is on you, especially when you don’t notice it.
Unable to contain your emotions any longer, you wrap your arms around Chishiya and pull him close, pressing your lips against his in a passionate, desperate kiss. Chishiya reciprocates the intensity, his hands roaming your back and tracing patterns as he deepens the kiss.
"Baby..." Chishiya murmurs, as if he's weighing his next words carefully.
"I believe, um... I know that, um…" His voice is a whisper, but it's almost cracking. "I love you."
His words hit you like a jolt of electricity, sending a rush of warmth flooding through your veins. You're taken aback, surprise written across your face as you look at him. A moment passes as you let his confession sink in, your heart pounding in your chest like a wild drum.
"Chishi..." You whisper back, the expression in his eyes is earnest, his usual playful demeanor replaced by genuine warmth. "I... I love you too."
You press a soft, loving kiss to his lips, and he eagerly returns the gesture, his hands tenderly cradling your face as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
In that moment of blissful serenity, there's a sudden knock on the door, interrupting the intimate atmosphere. Kuina's voice calls out from the other side, concern lacing her words. "Hey Chishiya, is everything okay in there? Just wanted to let you know that the end of the round is in 5 minutes."
The unexpected intrusion jolts you both back to reality, and you share a startled look with Chishiya, realizing that you need to get yourselves together before the end of the round. 
Despite the urgency, Chishiya's eyes still hold that softness that you've never seen on him.
"Thanks, Kuina," Chishiya calls back, his voice steady despite the rush of emotions. "We'll be out in a minute."
He gets up, putting you gently back on the bed.
Chishiya leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, and whispers softly into your ear, « Your symbol is Club. » He then moves to another cell to announce his symbol one last time before the game ends.
With the Jack of Hearts unable to obtain his symbol from any of the executives, the round comes to an abrupt end as his collar explodes. You give your own symbol, ensuring your safety, and the game concludes.
When it's time to leave, you all pile into the van to go back to the Beach. 
As the vehicle starts moving, Chishiya reaches over and gently intertwines his fingers with yours, offering a comforting and reassuring touch.
Upon returning to the Beach, everyone goes their separate ways, trying to process the recent events and gather their thoughts. Niragi, his gun casually resting on his shoulder as usual, walks down the dark alley leading to his room, still reeling from the game's outcome.
"Darling, please wait for me in your room," Chishiya says, his voice gentle as he plants a tender kiss on your cheek.
You nod in understanding, giving him a small smile before heading to your room. As you leave, Chishiya turns his attention to Niragi, his expression shifting from warmth to hatred.
Following Niragi discreetly, Chishiya keeps a safe distance, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As Niragi walks down the dark alley, seemingly unaware of Chishiya's presence, Chishiya seizes his opportunity. In a swift, calculated move, he knocks Niragi unconscious, setting into motion the plan to put an end to Niragi’s reign of terror.
As Niragi gradually regains consciousness, he becomes aware of the cold, hard surface beneath him and the biting pressure of the ropes that bind him to a chair. He finds himself on the rooftop of a building, the vast cityscape spreading out before him. Panic starts to bubble in his chest, and his heart races as he frantically tries to piece together how he ended up in this predicament.
His eyes scan the area and soon land on Chishiya, who stands nearby with a determined and icy expression. The sight of him only serves to heighten Niragi's alarm.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Niragi snaps, his voice trembling slightly as he attempts to hide his fear with anger.
Chishiya doesn't respond to the question. Instead, he moves methodically around Niragi, a canister of fuel in hand, ensuring every inch of him is drenched in the flammable liquid. The pungent smell of gasoline fills the air, causing Niragi's stomach to churn with dread. He struggles desperately against his restraints, cursing at Chishiya with a mix of fear and fury. But Chishiya remains eerily calm throughout.
As the reality of the situation sinks in, Niragi's anger gives way to pleading. "Wait, Chishiya, listen to me!" he stammers, desperation lacing his voice. "I'll stay away from her, I swear! I won't go near her again. Just let me go, please!"
"Ah, pleading now are we? » Chishiya mocks, a sardonic grin spreading across his face. "She could've died back there," he adds, his smile vanishing as his voice break with anger.
His eyes flash with a cold, merciless calm as he retrieves a match from his pocket. He strikes it against the side of the matchbox, the flame flickering to life with an ominous glow. As he holds the match, his gaze is unwavering, locked onto Niragi's fear-filled eyes.
Niragi's pleas become more frantic; his voice strained with terror. "Chishiya, please! I'm serious! I'll leave her alone, I promise! Just... just don't do this!"
Despite Niragi's frantic begging, Chishiya remains unmoved. With a final, cold glance, he tosses the lit match onto Niragi and walks away without looking back, the sound of Niragi's screams fading into the night.
Meanwhile, in your half-open room, you sit on the edge of your bed with Usagi, animatedly gossiping and giggling about your loving moments with Chishiya. 
You excitedly tell her how gentle and attentive he is, telling you how pretty you look all the time, you explain with a dreamy smile.
Usagi listens intently, her eyes wide with curiosity as she asks, « And did he say the words? » A playful smile graces her lips, eager to hear more as her eyes widen.
You blush slightly, nodding your head. "Yes, he finally said it!!” you whisper, your voice soft and in love as you let yourself fall on your bed.
Unbeknownst to you, Chishiya has returned and is nonchalantly leaning against the doorframe, a teasing smirk on his face as he overhears your animated conversation. He finds it endearing how you passionately recount every detail of your loving moments, from the gentle hugs to the loving words, to the protective care.
Unable to resist any longer, he decides to make his presence known. With a soft chuckle, he interrupts your conversation, "Please don't tell me you're giving a play-by-play of our first kiss." His tone is light-hearted and playful, yet his eyes reveal the depth of his feelings for you.
Upon hearing Chishiya's voice, Usagi glances up and her eyes widen. "Oh, I hear Arisu calling me," she quickly improvises, offering a coy wink as she leans in to give you a quick peck on the cheek. "You two have fun now," she adds, before slipping out of the room and closing the door behind her, leaving you and Chishiya with some privacy.
Chishiya steps into the room, his expression turning serious. "I took care of the Niragi problem," he informs you, "permanently. He won't bother you again." A wave of relief washes over you, and you can't help but feel grateful for whatever he did.
A tender smile replaces his solemn expression as he reaches out to take your hand. "I would love it if you could spend the night with me," he admits, his voice soft and vulnerable. "I just want to hold you close, after… today. »
You nod as you get up, your heart swelling with love for him. Gathering some belongings to bring to his room, you pick up your three favorite items: your first favorite plush, second favorite plush and third favorite plush. 
Chishiya watches with amusement and raises an eyebrow. "You can only choose one of those," he teases.
Your eyes widen, clearly distressed by the idea of having to choose between your cherished plushes. Seeing your reaction, Chishiya's heart melts, and he chuckles gently. "Alright, you can take them all," he concedes, charmed by your endearing demeanor. "But please, keep my door closed," he adds playfully, "I have a reputation to maintain."
With a beaming smile, you happily stuff all three plushes into a small bag.
"You're late, Chishiya," Hatter's voice broke through the silence, his tone sharp but steady.
"Apologies," Chishiya replied, his voice as cool and composed as ever. "You wanted to discuss Niragi, I presume?"
"Ah, straight to the point," Hatter chuckled, steepling his fingers in front of him. "You always were a sharp one. Yes, Niragi... It seems his life ended prematurely; wouldn't you agree?"
Chishiya remained unfazed. "I’d like to disagree" he retorted, his tone maintaining an air of casual detachment. "Niragi attempted to keep the card to himself. That was not part of our agreement, was it now? Surely you understand my need to... rectify the situation."
Hatter leaned back, a slow smirk spreading across his face. "So, it was all in the name of the Beach then? It had nothing to do with...” His voice trailed off intentionally as his gaze turned sharp, almost piercing. He leaned in, resting his elbows on the desk. “Y/N?"
"Certainly," Chishiya's impassive facade remained unbroken under Hatter's piercing gaze, though his eyes subtly hardened. Your name, dropped so casually into the conversation, was a calculated maneuver designed to unbalance him. "Ensuring the safety of Y/N, like every other member of the Beach, is my job," Chishiya countered smoothly.
"Hmm..." Hatter reclined leisurely into his chair, fingers idly drumming a slow rhythm against the polished surface of his desk. "An executive position has been vacated with Niragi's... departure. I find it appropriate that Y/N should replace him."
Chishiya’s brows lift ever so slightly, the surprise in his face visible for a second. “Niragi’s position? Your personal guard?”
Hatter's smirk deepens, the corners of his mouth twitching with amusement. "Why, yes. Unless you have objections?" His gaze is piercing, challenging Chishiya to voice any possible dissent.
A brief silence stretches between them before Chishiya breaks it, his tone betraying no hint of the uncertainty he might feel. "No objections. Y/N is capable of anything. That’s what I’ve been training her for."
A few days after the meeting between Chishiya and Hatter, you find yourself being summoned to the big boss’s office. The environment in Hatter's office is always tense, much like the man himself. Yet, you can't help but feel a rush of anxiety as you step inside.
As you enter, Hatter looks up from his paperwork, his sharp gaze settling on you. "Ah, Y/N," he says, with a hint of warmth in his voice. "Please, have a seat."
You settle into the offered chair, your heart pounding in your chest. "You wanted to see me?" you ask, trying to maintain your composure, showing him a big smile.
He nods, taking a moment to put aside his paperwork. He clasps his hands on the desk, leaning slightly towards you. "Yes, I did. I believe you are aware of the unfortunate... incident with Niragi."
You nod, your mind flashing back to Arisu’s depiction of the horrible screams that echoed through the Beach that night. "Yes, it was... tragic," you say, choosing your words carefully.
Hatter's face remains impassive, though a flicker of something passes through his eyes. "Indeed," he agrees. "Niragi was one of our most important executives, in charge of my personal safety. With his death, his position now stands vacant."
Your eyes widen slightly as you start to understand where the conversation is heading. You try to keep your face neutral, but your mind is racing. Could Hatter be considering you for Niragi's position?
Seeing your surprise, Hatter continues. "I am thinking of you for this role," he says, his gaze meeting yours. "I think you would be a perfect fit."
You're silent for a moment, absorbing the absurdity of what Hatter just proposed. You knew could barely defend yourself, let alone the target of so many enemies.
"Hatter, I... I'm honored," you begin, "But I don't have any experience with... personal protection."
The corners of Hatter's lips lift in a faint smile. "That's true, but you will be trained and will be the only executive with the authorization of carrying a weapon at all times," he says.
"The role will be more symbolic than anything else, but it would allow me to keep an eye on you. I assure you; I have no ill intentions."
Hatter's words hang in the air.
He reaches into his desk drawer, pulling out a small key. He slides it towards you. "Here's your access to your new quarters," he says, a strange softness to his voice.
You pick up the key, turning it in your hands.
Seeing your hesitation, Hatter takes a deep breath, something you've never seen him do before. "You remind me a lot of my daughter," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. "She was smart, clumsy and fearless. I... I want to believe that she would have made similar choices if she grew up to be your age."
The confession is surprising, and it takes you a moment to process it. You hadn't expected Hatter to open up like this, to show a side of him that is rarely, if ever, seen.
"I know Chishiya can sometimes worry about my intentions,” he continues, his gaze shifting slightly. "But I deeply care about him, he doesn’t always see that. I trust that he will guide you in your new role."
"Thank you, Hatter," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, “I’m… sorry for your daughter.”
You had heard from Kuina that Chishiya would be spending the entire day reviewing game tactics in a large meeting room. Unable to resist the urge to surprise him, you decided to pay him a visit. As you entered the room, your footsteps muffled by the soft carpet, you saw Chishiya standing in the center, focused on the miniaturized representation of a game laid out before him. The room was filled with the faint sound of music playing in the background, adding a touch of ambiance.
You approached him quietly, a mischievous smile on your face. With each step, your heart fluttered with anticipation. When you reached his back, you gently placed your hand over his eyes, blocking his vision. "Guess who?" you playfully whispered.
Chishiya paused for a moment, caught off guard. His voice, tinged with a hint of amusement, replied, "Taka? No... Arisu?"
You burst into laughter at his playful guesses, the sound echoing through the room. Chishiya turned around, a smile forming on his lips. Before he could reach out to hug you, you extended your hand forward, revealing the craft necklace you had made for him.
His eyes widened in surprise, his gaze shifting between you and the necklace. "Is this for me?" he asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
You chuckled, shaking your head. "No, Chishiya," you teased, "the necklace with a grey cat pendant and the first letter of my name isn’t for you."
A mixture of joy and warmth spread across Chishiya's face. "I love it," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. He leaned closer, allowing you to place the necklace around his neck. As the pendant settled against his chest, he lifted you effortlessly into his arms, his eyes locking with yours.
“I love it so much.” He whispered; his voice filled with tenderness
“More than those biscuits from the Solitary Confinement game?” you whispered back, a playful glimmer in your eyes.
Chishiya exploded in laughter, the sound filling the room. "Yes, a lot more," he replied, a genuine smile adorning his face.
The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the Beach. You found yourself relaxing by the pool, surrounded by familiar faces. Chishiya sat at the bar with Kuina, engrossed in an animated conversation, Arisu was swimming in the pool, while you settled into a comfortable deckchair next to your bestie, Usagi.
As you settled into the deckchair, the cool plastic caressed your skin, and a gentle breeze played with your hair. Usagi leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement. It was evident that she had something thrilling to share.
"Guess what?" Usagi whispered, unable to contain her joy. "Arisu kissed me! I think we’re kinda dating now?" Her voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and giddiness.
Your eyes widened in delight, a wide smile spreading across your face. "No way! Tell me everything!!” you exclaimed, unable to contain your happiness for her. "Those earrings will look so good on me!" you added, teasingly reminding Usagi you both previously bet on Arisu’s feelings for her.
Usagi's laughter filled the air, a melodic sound that echoed in your ears. She nudged your arm playfully, her eyes dancing with joy. "Oh, you have no idea!" she giggled. "He just doesn’t stop looking at me. Should I join him in the water?"
With a reassuring smile, you nodded, your eyes brimming with encouragement. "Absolutely. I'll be right here, you two have fun!"
She leaned in to give you a quick, affectionate kiss on the head before darting off towards the pool, her laughter intermingling with Arisu's as he lifted her to hug her.
With your eyes closed, you basked in the warmth of the sun, savoring the peaceful atmosphere. Suddenly, you caught a whiff of Chishiya's distinctive perfume, and a smile played on your lips. That’s exactly how you imagined you cat boyfriend to silently approach you.
"What do you need, handsome?" you playfully inquired, recognizing the familiar footsteps and the clinking sound of ice cubes in a glass.
"A fruity refreshment for my pretty girlfriend," Chishiya responded, his voice low and husky. He placed the cool cocktail in your hand, the condensation seeping through the glass.
You intertwined your fingers with his, feeling his warmth against your skin. With your eyes still closed, Chishiya playfully twirled your left ring finger, his eyes filled with mischief. "Aren't you too hot here?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
You leaned back, enjoying the sun's caress on your skin. "I love sunbaths," you replied, a playful smile dancing on your lips.
Chishiya rewarded you with a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Well, then, my love, I'll let you enjoy your day," he murmured, love dripping from his lips.
Chishiya and Kuina stood by the bar.
"Kuina, I need your advice," Chishiya began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want to ask Y/N to marry me, but I don't know how to approach it. What should I do?"
Kuina chuckled softly, affectionately patting Chishiya's shoulder. "Slow down, kitten," she advised, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Don't scare her away just yet. How about starting with a promise ring?"
Chishiya's eyes widened as he pondered the idea. He nodded slowly, considering the suggestion.
Kuina smiled, her gaze focused on Chishiya. "Do you know her ring size?" she asked, curiosity lacing her words.
Chishiya's eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat. "No," he admitted, panic creeping into his voice. "Should I?"
Kuina couldn't suppress a mischievous grin as an idea formed in her mind. She motioned to the bartender, calling out, "Barman, get me a fruity cocktail, please."
Confusion flickered across Chishiya's face as he watched Kuina. "What's that for?" he asked, his voice filled with stress.
Kuina chuckled, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You'll go to her and get me her ring size," she explained, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "Touch her ring finger and compare it to yours, okay?"
Kuina, already holding the requested cocktail, extended it toward him with a playful grin. "Chop chop," she encouraged, urging him to take the drink and retrieve the information she needed.
With the cocktail in hand, Chishiya took a deep breath and steeled himself for the mission ahead. His heart raced as he made his way toward you. Meanwhile, Kuina observed the scene from the bar, unable to contain her laughter as she witnessed Chishiya's subtle attempts to measure your ring finger.
After a brief moment, Chishiya returned to Kuina, a mixture of relief and uncertainty etched across his face. "Was I awkward? I felt awkward" he inquired; his voice tinged with self-doubt.
Kuina couldn't help but grin, her laughter bubbling up once again. "A little bit," she admitted, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "But you did it. So, did you get her ring size?"
Chishiya's lips curved into a small smile. "Yes," he confirmed, with a certain pride. "Her ring finger is about the same size as my pinky."
Kuina's eyes narrowed playfully as she glanced at Chishiya's hand. She swiftly measured her ring finger against his pinky, removing one of her rings in the process. "Here," she said, extending the ring toward him. "This one is perfect. I found it while training Y/N yesterday, and a second later, she came to me to tell me how much she loved you."
Gratitude filled Chishiya's eyes as he accepted the ring from Kuina. "Thank you, Kuina."
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the Beach, you sat on the sand, petting a stray cat that had come to you. It was a peaceful moment, the sound of waves crashing in the background.
Kuina grinned, her gaze shifting from the ring to Chishiya's face. "Go on, big boy," she encouraged, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "Go get the girl."
Chishiya had been looking for you everywhere, and when he found you, sitting alone on the beach, watching the sunset with a cat on your lap, he couldn’t help but be drawn to you, like always.
"Princess," Chishiya called out, his voice filled with a mix of relief and affection.
You turned around, and there he was – Chishiya, wearing a casual pair of jeans and a neat shirt. It was a sight you hadn't witnessed before, and yet, you instantly recognized the craft necklace adorning his neck. The curiosity bubbled within you.
“What’s the occasion?” you asked, curiosity lacing your words.
He sat down beside you, and you smiled at the sight of him. The sun's golden light made him look even more handsome. The cat wandered away, leaving the two of you alone.
Chishiya reached for your hand, his touch gentle and comforting. "I've been looking everywhere for you," he confessed, sounding worried.
“I needed a quiet place.” You confessed.
"You know," Chishiya began, his voice steady but tinged with a touch of nervousness, "I've never been good with words, especially when it comes to love. But being with you, it's like finding my missing piece. You make everything make sense."
Your heart skipped a beat as his words washed over you.
“I told you Chishi, I just found this pack of yellow biscuits in my bag, I don't have more.” You answered in a sarcastic tone with a smile on your lips.
Chishiya's expression grew serious, his usual playful demeanor momentarily set aside. You couldn't help but notice the change in his demeanor, and concern laced your words as you asked, "Are you okay?"
He paused, his gaze searching yours before he mustered the courage to speak. "I'm going to break one of Kuina's advice," Chishiya admitted, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "But you're just too precious for me not to."
Confusion clouded your thoughts as you tried to make sense of his words. "I don't understand, what's going on?" you questioned, your voice tinged with both curiosity and anticipation.
Chishiya took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. In that moment, he poured his heart out, sharing his love and adoration that had been growing since the day you first met. Memories flooded his mind, and he recounted them, one by one.
"From the moment you followed me into those physical games, I couldn't help but feel drawn to you," Chishiya confessed, his voice filled with a mixture of nostalgia and tenderness. "And then, when you couldn't get up for two days because of muscle ache, I slowly understood you were choosing those for me, not to survive.”
He continued, painting a vivid picture of the moments that had solidified his love for you. The day you got hurt, it was etched in his memory as the worst day of his life, the fear and helplessness he felt only serving to emphasize how deeply he started to care.
"And all the times you were sunbathing on the beach, gossiping with Usagi," Chishiya recalled, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "All the evenings we spent in your room just holding each other, mentally rebuilding this world, criticizing the game masters for their inability to provide us with actual Wi-Fi."
“I love you,” Chishiya whispered, his voice cracking a little bit. “And I want to spend the rest of my days showing you just how much.”
He paused a moment.
“Please, marry me.”  he finally uttered; his voice filled with vulnerability.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked into the beautiful eyes of this man, pouring his heart out for you.
Without hesitation, you threw your arms around him, making him fall in the sand, embracing him tightly. “YES, yes, a thousand times YES," you exclaimed, your voice trembling with excitement and love.
You showered him with kisses, as he held you close, his own emotions intermingling with yours. With trembling hands, Chishiya gently slipped the engagement ring onto your finger.
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dominos-palast · 2 years
Teach me some bad words
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Fandom: Alice in Borderland
Pairing: (platonic) Chishiya x gn!reader, (platonic) Kuina x gn!reader
Characters: Shuntaro Chishiya, Hikari Kuina, Suguru Niragi
Used Pronouns: They/Them
Genre: funny
Warnings: some cursing words
A/N: Don’t ask me why Chishiya from all people is playing a spades game, just accept it and move on
P.S.: Reader flirts with a tiger than proceeds to smack the tiger with a walking stick
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Summary: You ask Chishiya and Kuina to teach you some bad words in Japanese. You don’t speak Japanese.
Word Count: 0.8k
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your native language wasn’t Japanese
to be honest, you can barely speak the language
you were supposed to be enjoying your holidays
instead, you were obligated to join these death or life games
and that’s exactly what you were about to do
You sat on the floor staring at the people walking into the waiting room while stuffing chips in your mouth. Beside you stood Chishiya in his iconic stance, leaning against the wall, and with his hoodie on.
“Teach me bad words”
Kuina, who stood beside Chishiya, chewing on her fake cigar, sent Chishiya a warning look. Chishiya looked down hesitantly, remembering the last time he answered one of your wishes. “Why do you want to learn bad words?”
You shrugged, “If I’m going to insult someone they might as well understand me.” Your eyes met his. You stayed like that for a solid one minute. You were expecting him to teach you the whole Japanese thesaurus for cursing words and to make sure of it, you activated your ultimate weapon: the puppy eyes.
The fake blonde straight-up ignored you. He just looked back up, lost in thought.
Was it wise to teach bad words to you? Especially to you? In the best-case scenario, you would use them wisely. Worst case scenario, your dumb ass would cause the next world war. That was the problem of you being a chaotic, dumb genius. At the same time, he was curious about how you would use the newly acquired knowledge. But again, he wouldn’t want to be responsible for that chaos.
You pulled from his jacket, demanding attention. “Oi, teach me a bad word. Chishiya, Chishiya, Chishiya, Chishiya, Chishiya”, you could go on for days if it meant getting what you wanted. “No, he won’t do it.”, Kuina looked down at you with a strict expression on her face and you stopped your actions immediately. Your eyes went from the shorter to her, then to him again and finally to her. A smile crept on your face. “Kuiiinnaaaa”, your face beamed with excitement the moment you spoke it again, “Can you teach me a bad word?” Chishiya couldn’t help but chuckle. He looked at Kuina expectantly.
“Okay”, she positioned herself in front of you. Neither Chishiya nor you had expected her to give in to your pleas. But he would soon realise her original plan. “あなたは美しいです”, she said. You blinked, “come again?”. She rolled her eyes and repeated the sentence until you had it right. “What does it mean?” “You filthy pig”. Chishiya smirked shaking his head. You smiled happily and mumbled the sentence several times for yourself before the game started.
The game consisted in escaping the area alive, as some zoo animals would be running wild and free, waiting for their next meal.
Hopefully not you
Niragi was having the time of his life shooting at the animals from afar. His maniacal laugh echoed throughout the whole place, just like the shooting sounds. “あなたは美しいです!  あなたは美しいです!!” Niragi looked down, trying to find the source of the noise. Then he saw you running away from a tiger as if it depended on your life. Which it actually did. It was nice to see you fearing for your life, but why on earth were you screaming “you are beautiful” so aggressively? He shook his head. You do you, he thought. It wouldn’t be the first time you tried flirting with your opponent to save your own ass. Maybe it could work, who knows how strong your charm was. He shrugged and continued blasting off the heads of the animals.
 Chishiya and Kuina were taking cover behind some vegetation, discussing the next steps, when they suddenly heard you screaming the words Kuina had taught you at the beginning. They looked in your direction, only to see you smaking the same tiger that had been pursuing you throughout the whole game with a metallic walking stick. The tiger had been shot several times by some beach people while you were running, and now the tiger was weaker and more vulnerable. Not only the tiger’s body was hurt, but also his ego, as he was hit with a stick by a young adult and getting destroyed by it. “ あなたは美しいです, you motherfucker!”
“Should we stop them?”, said Kuina in between amusement and concern. “No, let them blow some steam.” Chishiya smiled satisfied. This was worth remembering, “Are you going to tell him?” “What? That that’s not an actual insult? They’ll figure it out, eventually”, she chuckled, and finally went to your aid.
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surshica · 2 years
synopsis : aib characters as sweet sappy quotes
genre : fluff :(
warnings : none! i kinda cried doing this tho.
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“i would’ve come for you and if i couldn’t walk, id crawl to you and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together.”
“i offer you my life, but it is a short life i can offer you my heart, though i have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain.” (jem carstairs)
“i swear on the angel. The hell with that, I swear on us.” “why us?” “Because there isn’t anything i believe in more.” (jace herondale)
“the world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that you were still alive.” (percy jackson)
“in our next lives i want our roles to be reversed me the one who fell in love first and you the loved one so i can give you all the love you have given me.” (choi soobin)
“that’s because you are cold-hearted.” “for everyone else maybe, but not for you.” (conard fisher)
“3 words, 8 letters, say it and i’m yours.”
“we are staying together. you’re not going away from me. never again.” (percy jackson)
“i’ll give you the world, the stars, whatever you want. i’m yours.” (aaron blackford)
“you’re not the villain in my story.” “i am” mira says. “but i’ll be the villain for you. not to you.” (plated prisoner)
“you are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream i hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth.” (will herondale)
“whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.” (hardin scott)
— this one is talking abt usagi. “to the world, she is formidable. to me? she is the world.” (aaron warner)
“if i had to live every eternity searching for you, i would. there isn’t a moment i would rest without you by my side. its you and i until the end.” (these stained glass hearts)
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tags — open !
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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love getting out of hand || takeru danma
Hatter | Takeru Danma x Male!Reader
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- Hatter | Takeru Danma x male!Reader with definite hints to Shuntaro Chishiya x male!reader
- summary ; you’re a member of the Beach-- once of the executives who is tasked with keeping the life of the party up in favor for Hatter. you might’ve given up on life if the Beach hadn’t came into your life, so you have a lot of admiration for the leader. maybe a little more than just admiration, but you’ll keep that to yourself
- A/N ; This is like one of the first works that I'm ever publishing. Super nervous about it because honestly I haven’t seen season 1 in like a year- I do plan on rewatching! Just waiting for a friend. But anyways, I originally wrote this for my OC- but i decided to make it an x Reader because there’s not enough of them for Danma and DEFINETLY a lack of male readers for honestly any of AiB characters. So uh.. enjoy? I also plan on making an Hatter | Takeru Danma Social media AU soon but I want to re watch the show before i start it. So i can get the characters down better.
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(y/n) grinned as he sang out his heart on top of the stage at another one of the Beach’s many parties. It was his job, technically. Get the mood up after an intense game for most of the players, keep the people happy. It made Hatter’s job much easier. And (y/n) would do (mostly) anything for Hatter.
He was his savior after all.
Soon the song finished and he grinned, yelling out happily. “Everyone did so amazing!” He called out, and people cheered back at him. Sometimes, he could just pretend that this was his normal life. That he had gotten out of that shell of his, that his sister as just off somewhere with her friends, and he was here- at a normal party with a normal life. But he wasn’t. This was the Borderlands. Where he could die if he wasn’t careful enough.
“I'd like to give thanks yet again, to our lovely leader.” (y/n) said, with a charming grin as he held out his hand to point out Takeru Danma, or Hatter as he was known to everyone else. He only knew his name because of a drunken one night together- just a normal night. “Who has given us a chance at life again, and a safe haven for us to live in!” He said, and everyone cheered at that
(y/n)’s eyes tried to see Hatter’s face clearly, but it was hard with the atmosphere and those damn sunglasses. But, he could see that clear grin on his face- and that was enough. His job here was done. He hopped off the stage and talked with some of the members, grinning before he could see a familiar hand wave him over. (y/n) waved goodbye to the members and trotted up to Hatter. Niragi, Aguni, and An were there as well.
Niragi sneers at him, muttering ‘Hatters Dog’ to him, and (y/n) ignores him. “You wanted me Boss?” He asked Hatter, and the male hummed in response. “Your performance was spectacular, like always..” He says, taking a sip of his drink.
“Glad it lived up to your expectations. I was given a task, and I take those very seriously.” He said.
Hatter nodded to that response, clearly pleased. “Why don’t you stop by my room later? We can talk more without… prying ears. Just about future things at the Beach.” He said with a hum.
(y/n)’s heart was loyal to Chishiya. Mostly. It wasn’t fully his until he knew that he could trust that damn Cheshire like man with his heart. That led to a problem though, that it was quickly being filled with Danma. What was him and falling for emotionally unavailable men? The daddy issues? Probably. He knew Danma wasn’t the type of guy to fall in love, and honestly, (y/n) didn’t expect him to. The Beach’s code was open with relationships of any sorts. No one tied down, because who knew if you’d live to see tomorrow- so why not have fun with it? But the way Hatter carried himself, his mannerism and personality charmed (y/n) easily. Not to mention, in a way, Takeru Danma had saved him.
When he had first come to the Borderlands, it was just him and his sister. Back at home, he had been a recluse. Emiko, his sister, had been the only person to try and get him out of his shell. So when they both had arrived at this.. Strange world. (y/n) clung to his sister– and the two of them quickly figured out the rules for the land. (y/n) started getting out of his shell, and started quickly making allies and friends with each game they played. It was like he was becoming a different person. 
Then disaster struck, and it was like (y/n)’s worst nightmare had come true. While playing a Diamonds game, (y/n) had made a mistake. And a mistake in a Diamonds game was fatal. The cost was his sister, who had been his partner in this cruel game. 
(y/n) didn’t didn’t know if he could go on after that game. He had 5 days on his VISA, and all he did was just hide in the room that he and Emiko had been taking shelter in recently. On the last day, he almost just let his VISA run out. (y/n) just.. wanted to give up. His older sister was the closest person to him growing up– the one person to try and get him out into the world. Without her, he didn't think he could survive. These games were basically hell, so where would he go after he died? But he didn’t let his VISA run out. Maybe he heard his sisters voice in the back of his head– or maybe he just managed to get himself out of the funk but.. (y/n) got up. He held his phone tightly in his hand and went to find another game
That’s when he met Ryota, a strange man around his age who was wearing Beach clothes. (y/n) thought it was strange, but when they started talking– Ryota quietly mentioned he came from a sort of safe haven. He technically wasn’t supposed to mention this to anyone, but once the game had finished– Ryota had apparently thought (y/n) had done amazing. His specialty had to be Clubs. So he told him that he would see if their leader would send out an invite to him. Ryota told (y/n) to meet him at this location, and if the leader agreed to let (y/n) in, there would be someone to bring him to said Beach.
In the end, someone had come that day. Niragi, he had introduced himself as. (y/n) could tell something was off about the man- but he didn’t speak on it. Maybe it was stupid of him, but he trusted Ryota enough that he probably wasn’t sending him to his death. I mean this place was literally death everywhere. (y/n) had a sack put over his head and taken to a car, before they seemed to arrive at their location
When the sack was taken off his head, (y/n) was tied to a chair in a big room. On the wall across from him was giant black and red man-made playing cards. A lot of them were X’d off, and (y/n) realized what those were. The cards he had been collecting..
Then the man himself walked in. He was wearing swimsuit shorts and a long robe, and had sunglasses covering his eyes. He carried himself in such a high regard, before he stood in front of (y/n). 
Hatter, as he introduced himself to be, told him about the Beach. About how it has become a utopia, and they are working together to collect all the cards. Because Hatter believes if you collect a full deck- you get to go home. The man rambled on for a bit more, before he told (y/n) that he heard he was a skilled player. And Hatter was feeling generous, so he would offer him a place here. The rules were simple. He could party, have sex, do drugs- whatever he wanted. But he had three rules. 
Rule number one, He had to only wear beach clothes.. Which explained alot- and why Ryota was wearing them the day they met. (y/n) could handle that- he wouldn’t mind wearing beach clothes. 
Rule number two, was that all of the cards that he collects belong to the beach. He apparently had already taken the cards that (y/n) had collected- which.. Okay fair. 
And the last rule, the one that made (y/n)’s blood run cold. Rule number three, Death to all Traitors. (y/n) never planned on betraying anyone, but just the thought of what happened to those peoples.. The way Hatter said it. But he just smiled at (y/n), waiting for his response. (y/n) wondered what would happen if he declined. But he didn’t. He agreed to the three rules and Hatter cheered.
Hatter waved his hand and a girl with short black hair untied him and he pulled his hands to rub his wrist. The man in front of him hums– telling the girl (An? Yeah, tha’ts her name) to lead him to his new room and let him choose his new clothing. An nodded and helped usher (y/n) to his new living arrangements.
(y/n) quickly climbed the ranks and got used to the life at the Beach. Here he could forget about the outside world for a bit. So as he got accustomed to the life, he wanted to say thanks to Hatter- and this new life that he granted him. So he basically just kept the party spirits up, talking up Hatter and making him sound great. Which was easy because like him- everyone else was grateful for the ‘new chance at life’.
One thing let to another, and (y/n) became an executive. His task was easy, and he enjoyed it well. Just like what he did, he would make Hatter painted out in a great light. Keep the spirits up, sing songs to keep the party going. Make the place feel like a home- so no one would dare to think of leaving or betraying their cause.
So he had some admirability for him in that way. And (y/n) was easily swayed with love- being a recluse most of your life will do that to you. So when Hatter told him to stop by his room later, (y/n) grinned and bowed slightly, looking up to meet his gaze “I will be there. Let me go around the party and check in with everyone. I heard we got some new recruits and.. Well I should talk up my favorite boss, hm?” He said with a grin
Hatter just gave a small chuckle at that, his sunglasses sliding down slightly to fully meet (y/n)’s gaze. Fuck. Those eyes man.. (y/n) stood up, regarding An and Aguni- sneering right back at Niragi before he walked off to ‘make his rounds’
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ticecapelo · 1 year
Diamonds and Spades | CHISHIYA X READER
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Type: Chishiya x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Innuendo, Inappropriate Language. English is not my first language, please be patient.
Summary: This man is definitely a Diamonds player. Chishiya is as manipulative as he is smart. Or maybe he's smart because he's manipulative, but who cares? Lovelie is an excellent Spade player, but only violent with her tongue. The kind Chishiya hates the most, goodie, that she turns the other cheek and raises her hand to help God and the world. Two different personalities, but are they as different as they think they are? Perhaps both of you are willing to try out a different character type? This story is a big maybe. !!!Season Two Spoilers!!!
Author's Notes: This was my delirium while I was dreaming about Chishiya at dawn, I hope you enjoy it. All chapters have a theme song, so if you pay attention you can understand the characters' personalities more if you pay attention to the lyrics of the songs, especially the lyrics that I show you.
Don't be surprised by the protagonist's name, I was on Tiktok when I saw a video with the theme "Names of African origin and their meanings" And Lovelie was the best match for my heroine.
I saw you from afar
And I didn't even realize how similar I am to you
I heard your name
And something inside me said I should meet you
So I got closer, but when you looked at me
Words got away and all I could do was say hi
Little did I know that was all you needed to hear
Hear from me
Because the rest you did, you remade me
Instantly, I fell in love with you
ME REFEZ • Priscilla Alcantara
Diamonds and Spades 1 | Instantly...
Chishiya watched the players one by one, reading each one, watching, listing, learning.
— This is a Game of Hearts, it's the kind that plays with people's feelings — Arisu's voice came to mind as he went over the rules trying to discover some more tricks, besides the most obvious ones: Playing Players against each other.
Luckily for Chishiya, he already had a partner he could trust, however, the duo between the shy and the serial killer was a novelty that left him perplexed. Maybe it's the Banda? No, this game wouldn't be that easy...
His eyes roamed between the formed group and the other duos who preferred to stay away from the majority, however, there was something even more peculiar, a loner who preferred to trust random people than actually ally with someone.
At first he thought it was extremely overzealous and stupid care.
She's going to die for sure — That's what he thought when he saw that attitude in the first 3 rounds.
But after the 7th round he finally saw a pattern in her behavior, in addition to avoiding the group formed in the game, she asked different people more than once, when they were accompanied by 1 or no person.
So she's choosing for the majority? He's playing with the odds, maybe. Or maybe, she's just really playing with her luck... Who knows?
Perhaps she is the Jack of Hearts, which explains why she prefers to be alone. No, the Knave would not expose himself so easily, many lied to her because they suspected her preference for solitude, but she still won every game.
But if that's the case, she has a certain knack for manipulation, unlike the other girl who formed the group and poisoned him from the inside out, she did have a true purity, a kindness. She could tell when someone ventured to ask her to look at her suit, after being suspicious of her friends. She hasn't lied once.
She was someone who really stood out, literally. Maybe she was American?
Her body was much thinner than the beauty standard required in Japan, to the point that her breasts were almost non-existent under the black dungarees and white dress blouse. Her hips were wider than the standard Japanese body, her skin was dark, her eyes brown, her hair full and curly. Chishiya thought she was taller, but it didn't take her long to notice the platform shoes. She must have been around 1.63. The shoes gave him an extra inch.
At the beginning of the game, a lady in the cafeteria even asked to touch the girl's hair, which she allowed with a smile on her face despite the clear discomfort in her eyes. That's when he discovered her name: Lovelie.
Lovelie took the same crackers and snacks every time, one of the most unusual things Chishiya saw her take was a bottle of lemon flavored soda which when it reached her lips she spit out what was in her mouth and coughed up what went down her throat.
At one specific moment, Chishiya was sure he saw her trying to hide her tears after a man died. He had asked her to look at his suit, and she had given him the right answer, yet he died, which means someone tricked him.
Every time Lovelie left her office, almost like a ceremony, she would stand in front of her banker for a full minute, as if she were meditating.
When there were only 6 people playing, Chishiya had no choice but to appeal to Matsushita and Kotoko.
Matsushita lied, Kotoko didn't say anything, Yaba and Banda are not an option. So the doctor's only way would be...
— Your name is Lovelie, right? — Lovelie, your last hope.
When she turned around, after picking up another bottle of water and a package of snacks, Lovelie came face to face with Shuntaro, the sudden approach made her move away as soon as she noticed his presence.
— Yes — Taking three steps back, she kept a safe distance.
— Hi, I'm Chishiya — He raised his hand towards the girl with his usual indifferent smile.
Despite not being a fan of that kind of approach, Shuntaro felt that if he wanted to have any chance of getting the foreigner's help, he would need a much more delicate plan.
— Could you look at my suit? I asked Matsushita, but I don't know if I can trust you. Would you do this favor for me? I swear I'm looking at yours, and I'm not going to lie — Lovelie watched him for a while with an expression that was new to Chishiya, one he hadn't seen her wear all afternoon and that only now appeared to him.
This time her curly hair was loose, covering her necklace.
— I didn't ask your name — she replied without any expression, with her eyes glazed over the doctor's face.
That took him by surprise, she was kind and docile all afternoon, this change could mean she was faking it all this time, which means her word is not to be trusted either. But that's just a theory.
Her eyes had distrust, contempt, fear… Maybe it's a mixture of all three.
— Look, you're absolutely right. — Chishiya sighed as if Lovelie had opened his eyes to an error he wouldn't have noticed without her, and then put his hands in his pockets. — I should be more polite with you. But in a situation like ours, that kind of presentation becomes a bit unnecessary, don't you think?
— I don't think so, especially in a game where the objective is to trust each other.
— Well, that hasn't been working so well. — Suddenly they both turned their attention to the room, which would soon be completely empty when they left, with silence taking over and warning that even a few rounds ago, this place would have been full of people.
Lovelie widened her eyes for a moment and lowered her head, closing her face even more, an attitude that was absorbed by Chishiya when she realized what subject he was talking about. Without saying anything, Lovelie tried to leave the cafeteria with her head down, but was stopped by the Japanese boy's voice.
— I'm sorry for the man who died, but… there's no need to blame yourself, you gave him the right suit, he didn't believe you because he didn't want to, maybe he chose that, not everyone has the strength to stay here — A sentence made her stop in the middle of the way, you could see the heavy breathing by the slow movement of the body even with her back.
— He had 3 daughters and a wife. — Chishiya faltered at her expression for a moment. — I heard him talking to the others, he just wanted to go back and see his wife and children. — She turned towards the doctor who composed himself automatically. A beautiful smile and a tear running down her face. — 'I swear I say yours' is what you said, but your word counts for nothing. I've seen you play, you manipulate the board or throw wood on the fire, let them burn and then you run away alive.
— You know me?
— I used to live with Beach — The blonde was perplexed by the information, but soon corrected himself.
— I never saw you there.
— I was kind of the Hatter's protégé, I couldn't speak Japanese or read, but I understood the language well, he helped me and kept me away from the noisiest — Chishiya stared at her waiting for some more information. — I have auditory sensitivity.
— OK I understand. Gun games must be a terror to you.— Changing the subject didn't help, Lovelie continued to glare at him as if to say "Your turn" — I didn't lie the whole game, why would I lie now?
— Who's to say I'm not the Knave of Hearts?
— Because I know who the Knave is and it's not you.
— And who's to say it's not you? — She took a step forward.
— You already know who it is, but you found out too late, he had already made the spider web and you didn't have the power to kill him, if it were me, you would be avoiding me, not being shy. You're not the type to lie, even if it's to win, that's why you avoided everything and everyone, that's why you preferred to play with probability asking 4 or more people what their suit was, to make sure that none of them lied. But you haven't lied once. — Suddenly there was a guilty light in the brown eyes.
— I'm sorry about your partner. — The low voice was easily heard in the spacious room, with so much echo it was easy to see the delicate remnants of what was once an accent.
— How do you know I didn't kill him on purpose?
— Because you're too smart to deduce that it could be him… And because I know you were honest with him, I saw the suit. I actually thought you were going to lie, I intended to tell him the truth — Again, the unexpected words ripped through Shuntaro who had to struggle to maintain his poise. — I was relieved when I saw you didn't lie to him, and I saw the pain in his eyes when he realized he died. Which means either he didn't trust you, or...
— He killed himself — he concluded, leaving another line of silence between them — You're not Japanese, are you?
— What makes you think that? He chuckled ironically. Shuntaro ran his eyes over the girl with a certain curiosity, answering silently. The girl chuckled a little at Shiya's expression — Turn around — He looked up looking for any catch. — I need you to turn around to see your suit. — Walking like an angel, Lovelie walked over expecting Chishiya.
— You first. — The man looked at her, memorizing each movement. Soon Lovelie obeyed and turned around tying her hair again, letting Chishiya see the heart symbol on the screen. — Hearts. He turned around, waiting for an answer.
Chishiya shuddered a little as she felt the slender fingers at the back of her neck ruffling her hair to see the necklace.
— Diamonds. — Chishiya exhaled through her nose and a smile formed. — Matsushita lied to you too? — He turned, now they were both much closer.
— Too?
— Matsushita told me it was Clubs. — An embarrassed smile crept across his face.
— And how are you sure I'm not the one lying?
— I don't know. — His eyes roamed the room before turning back to face Chishiya who now had the most neutral expression he could manage. — I guess I'll just have to go with my gut. — Lovelie opened the bag of snacks and cupped the doctor's hand, then turned the bag over, spilling some snacks onto her palm before leaving without another word.
Chishiya's eyes only gave up following her when it was already impossible to see her. The robotic voice sounded warning about the next round, but Shuntaro remained exactly where he was, now staring at the savory snacks in her hand. Looking at the savory ones he thought of all the information he had acquired about her.
The way to walk, to act, to talk.
In these games the true nature of all players comes to the fore, be it calm as still water, or desperate as fire.
Try as she might, nothing about her gave her a red flag. Quite the contrary, she was honest from start to finish.
Finally he had the conclusion about her first actions, Lovelie believed he was the Knave, yet she tried to treat him as kindly as her heart would allow.
How pathetic... She's defiant and idiotic at the same time.
I don't know how she's still alive…
Strength and kindness at the same time.
It's a mix of Kuina and Arisu. It was just what I needed...
She is very dumb...
— Matsushita lied to me, Kotoko didn't even look at my face. Which means it can only be Spades or Diamonds… — she thought aloud inside the fortified room. — The Lovelie… — He was thoughtful for a moment, staring at the small window in the doorway, taking in the front door, the room where Lovelie was. His eyes flickered and he smirked as he crossed his arms. — I don't know if she would lie to me. Guess I'm going to have to… Follow my intuition too.
Chishiya was disappointed when he noticed that she didn't leave her room when the round ended. So that's right, she believed he was the Knave and chose to believe Matsushita instead. And yet she chose not to lie to him.
Banda and Yaba took the Knave to torture him, Shuntaro was ready to leave that arena soon before he had any bad luck.
When he got close to the exit, Chishiya heard the sound of the heavy door being opened and then closed on the second floor.
A glint filled his eyes before he turned and squinted to see the shadow walking on the second floor.
— So you believed me — he said, loud enough for her to hear even from this distance. Lovelie cracked a smile and a short but delicious laugh came out of his mouth.
— And you in me — Walking a little faster Lovelie went down the stairs and arrived at the same distance that the two had in the cafeteria. — I preferred to leave after you talked to Matsushita, when I saw you talking I was afraid to intrude, one manipulator at a time is fine with me.
— Called me a manipulator? — Your usual smile.
— You're manipulative. — He laughed even louder.
— Going somewhere? — He noticed the full bag on the girl's back.
— The rules didn't say anything about stealing food.
— I noticed, and then what?
— The last letters are missing, I'm going after them, and you?
— I still have a few days left on my visa, how about you?
— Jack of spades.
— Swords are not my specialty.
— But it's mine, so that's where I'm going. — A silence fell between them, like a challenge to see who would deign to ask first.
— Then that's it.
— It was a pleasure officially meeting you, Shuntaro Chishiya.
— The pleasure is all mine, Lovelie — For an instant Chishiya saw what would be a new light in her eyes go out, and a smile took over his own face, a smile that he didn't control, nor did he notice that he was smiling.
— See you another day, doctor — The girl turned around walking away, beyond her steps it was possible to hear the airship explode along with your letter and fall somewhere in the city, Chishiya followed on the opposite side of the street where Lovelie was walking, and even if they didn't know it, they both looked back as they walked away.
Instantly, I fell in love with you…
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t-bird510 · 3 months
The idea came to me when I was watching a video about a Bluey infection AU Theory and stuff like that!
So this is where I will be posting my thoughts on my concept!
Bluey and her family is put into the Borderlands after a crazy Event happening and stuff like that. Characters from the bluey series will appear and there will be characters who represent the characters from the Manga/Show. (Like one Character is OC version of Hatter or Aguni from the beach.)
But this AU will have original ideas and not everything will be a copy from the show/manga.
Character Roles:
1 - Bluey = Arisu
2 - Bingo = Karube
3 - Chili = Shibuki
4 - Bandit = Chota
(note - Blueys family will represent Arisus friends from the beginning of the manga but before the Beach Arc.)
5 - Jean-Luc = Usagi
6 - Jack = Chishiya
(Note - I tried to be creative with some of the character roles because Bluey is a Kids show for multiple ages, If you have more ideas for character roles please tell me!)
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signalpocalypse · 1 month
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▎F3RRET 𝜗𝜚 BR3ED ִֶָ ࣪ ៹ rambles
▎S1GNALS ִֶָ ࣪ ៹ gnetural 𝜗𝜚 angst/fluff 𝜗𝜚 mentions of basic alice in borderland topics 𝜗𝜚 swearing/vulgar language 𝜗𝜚 me never letting chishiya lovers be happy
▎𝜗𝜚 L8VESIGNAL ִֶָ ࣪ ៹ random thoughts brought by urs truly
▎X.0 .ᐟ.ᐟ ִֶָ ࣪ ៹ 「 experimenting with ideas, honestly I was making this for the characters alice in borderland but not using the names but I ended up using them anyway and games were listed even the side games ノ btw yes ik you guys voted for headcanons but like.. 😔 i couldn't help myself 」
▎F3RRETS ִֶָ ࣪ ៹ borderland characters are prefer (like highly) 'less you'd like to remove the names and place 'em with whoever you'd like .
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𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ jack of hearts games w/ Chishiya AND Ippei, but you originally traveled with lppei as like close friends maybe even dating, Chishiya would be the protector of your and Oki's relationship. Oki's the sunshine and you're like Chishiya but not really, chishiya inspired attuide with a twist. he even comforts you during Oki's death. (Not this really an Oki x reader fic)
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ you as an executive of the beach 'nd you and Hatter used to date 'til his death took place but beforehand you were with Aguni when Damna killed those players for their betrayal/when the "Death to all traitors" rule was established. since Aguni was aware of your affective relationship with Hatter he proposes an idea where since Hatter developed a "soft spot" for you, you'd talk Hatter out of it but obviously it doesn't go well and before either sides could apologize he died
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ you in the "Jungle Beast Hunter" game with Aguni, Niragi & Takatora, that's all. literally that's all my brain could process.
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ it's a thunderstorm (i know it's unrealistic so it's before the borderlands 😘) your cat's obviously scared out of her ass, running around, meowing loudly and keeping you awake when you have an interview tomorrow. magically (DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!) our crybaby, hasn't showered since 2018 Arisu comes along and attempts to help you sleep
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ doing martial arts with Kuina, you wanted to learn physical protection from (niragi 🤮) the games especially the physical ones (Spade games or something) so you beg your bbg Kuina to help you
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ you were injuried during a game 'nd a particular Forensic scientist comes to your aid but you must return the favor in an unexpected way
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ a comforting moment with/for our bbg Tatta 😔 (miss his hoe ass fr fr)
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ the 10 of hearts game with Takatora, but instead of being forced to kill you he tells you to hide some place where Niragi, the executives nor the other shooter would find you but as you know there's a fire and you being the loving person you are risk your life looking for him and you live happily ever after, burning <3
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ your last unknowing moments with Chishiya, during the beach 10 of hearts game you had made letters for Chishiya even beforehand that you were too scared to give them to him yourself. so Kuina gives them to him, Chishiya doesn't know your dead (basically the episode where Kuina asked Arisu if Chishiya was okay and he lied to her) [I'm never letting you Chishiya lovers be happy 😊]
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ y'know after the queen of hearts game they're asked whether or not they wanna stay? Imagine that scenario but with you and Niragi, though instead of declining like every else did you say accept and before he could stop you he already returned
𝜗IMAG!NE .ᐟ.ᐟ telling Mira the most terrible jokes known to borderland and she doesn't tell you your jokes are trash, dog shit, disgraceful, an insult to trees caus she luvs you
well that's all I could think of in my lifespan, might write 'em might not they're just ideas that came to mind. btway if you see one you like feel free to request it if I never got to it .ᐟ.ᐟ
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© signalpocalypse 2023 ━ 2024. do not copy, repost, edit, translate my work
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j-ut-da-e · 1 year
Heart of Hearts
Chapter 2 (2/2) - You're It! あなたはそれです!
Summary - To cap off the worst year of her life, Kutsuki Hotaru is thrown into an unknown world where everyone in Tokyo has disappeared. She's forced to play games to survive and dark memories catch up to her. Can some coincidental encounters with someone from her real life help her escape from the Borderlands?
Pairing - Chishiya Shuntaro x FEM!OC
Word Count - 1646
Warnings - minimal editing, slow burn, aib warnings (blood, murder, fear, etc), cursing, lmk if I missed anything
A/N - I'm posting full chapters on ao3 btw
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A tense silence fills the air. Hotaru cautiously removes her hands from her ears. She slowly stands, leaning over the concrete half-wall. Two girls from before lay dead on the floor two levels below her. Her throat can't manage a sound, no matter how badly she wanted to check on Imai.
Thudding footsteps break her out of her stupor. She turns and a large man in a long coat stands before her, a horse mask over his head. Her eyes travel downward and land on the mini machine gun in his hand.
Without thinking, Hotaru swings her body over the railing. More shots ring out and she catches herself on a pipe attached to the balconies. She swings around it, landing on the floor below. A laugh erupts from her unintentionally, she almost couldn't believe she'd done that.
She steadies herself and is up in a second. She sprints down the hallways, trying every door as she goes. A voice cuts through the relative silence, Arisu.
"Hey! Everyone!" He yells “The tagger is currently at the seventh level of the central area!"
Karube's voice can be heard yelling back at him, "Stop it, you'll get killed!"
Arisu continues, "The tagger has bad vision because of his mask! Let's inform each other of the tagger's location and search for the safe zone together!"
Of course, that's why he didn't see me at first upstairs.
"The tagger is moving from the fourth level of the central area!" A woman's voice calls, "Anyone nearby, run!"
"Eight minutes until the game ends. There are currently eight survivors."
As she reaches the next floor, the young man from before is about to open a door. Hotaru's eyes flick upwards and she sees the tagger pointing his gun at the boy, "Get down!" She screams.
She runs towards him, practically tackling him to the ground. Bullets hit the wall in front of them as they sit up. The boy cowers in fear as Hotaru wraps an arm around him.
"Okay, kid. We have to get out of the open air, we need to move!"
He whimpers in response. Movement catches her eye and Arisu and Karube crawl out from around the corner. They start beckoning them, but the boy doesn't move.
"Okay, tell me your name," she shakes his shoulders as the bullets halt, "Hey! What is your name?"
He looks up at her with tears in his eyes, "T- Tatta."
"Okay, Tatta. You can call me Hotaru," he nods, "We're gonna go to those guys and we're gonna get out of here, okay?"
She nudges him forward and follows closely behind him. They reach the two men as the tagger starts shooting again. The four of them sprint towards the stairs, the duo letting Hotaru and Tatta go first. She doesn't even notice they aren't behind them anymore until the next floor.
"Go, find my friend, he's the tall guy with long hair in a Hawaiian shirt. Just tell him you're with me now," she nods at him encouragingly before heading back up the stairs.
She finds them quickly. They're still in the stairwell talking to the bigger man with buzzed hair and his companion. Karube and the big man are both holding fire extinguishers.
"I'll check for the safe zone from the top," Arisu says, still out of breath.
"Arisu! Don't do that," the blonde argues.
Hotaru steps forward, "I'll go with him."
A woman with short hair wearing athletic clothes suddenly appears on the ledge behind them, "I checked the fifth floor on the south block and the sixth floor on the east and south blocks. Let's split up and search for the safe zone."
"My friend should be almost done with the second and third floors."
"Understood. I'll go check it out," she says before disappearing over the edge.
The group nods to each other before parting. Hotaru and Arisu head up the stairs again. Her chest aches from the exertion, exhaustion was catching up to her.
"Calm down. Relax and think," the man mumbles to himself as they reach the top floor.
They split up and go to opposite wings. Sudden realization takes over Hotaru, "Arisu!" She points at the door that she and Tatta were at, the only door the tagger had shot at from far away.
"Five minutes remaining."
They nod in agreement and run back down. As they reach the door, the white-haired man is walking from the opposite direction. It didn't look like he had even broken a sweat.
"So you realized that too?" He asks, the corner of his mouth quirking up.
Arisu grabs the door knob, "Yes, the safe zone is in this apartment."
He hesitates, "Are you going to open it?" Hotaru asks.
"Why did the tagger chase us?" He wonders aloud, "They could've just waited here."
"Seems like there's something else we don't know," the blonde says, "However if you don't open it…"
He holds up his phone, and the screen shows three minutes left in the game. A cold chill runs up Hotaru's spine as she looks pleadingly at Arisu. She takes the door knob from him and slowly turns it, the door creaking open on its own.
The apartment is plain, with white walls and one large room. There's a bathroom in an alcove to their left and a closed door further beyond that. A cold draft blows through the room as the three of them enter.
Hotaru investigates the bathroom before Arisu screams, "Look out!"
A blur of motion happens as the blonde is pushed into her, her back hitting the wall. A second tagger shoots wildly, trying to hit one of them. The blonde lunges forward, jabbing the tagger with something. The thing lights up, buzzing wildly before they hit the ground with a loud thud.
She steps forward and he flips the contraption in his hand, "It never hurts to be prepared-"
Bullets rain from below them as the tagger comes to, waving their gun everywhere. Arisu ducks into the closed door. Hotaru and the blonde dive towards the door. She scrambles out and the door slams behind her, bullets denting it outward.
The air stings her throat as she tries to catch her breath. Her shoulder leaning on the man next to her. She rips off her flannel and throws it at the wall.
"Two taggers…" she pants, "That's cheating, no?"
He looks at her, an eyebrow raised, "I would say so, but what do I know?"
Arisu's voice cuts through their heavy breathing, "Someone, please come over! The safe zone is in Apartment 406! It's impossible to clear the game alone! We need two people to do this!"
"This is getting interesting, huh?" The man says, standing and opening the door. She follows him back inside, he peeks into the door before ducking again, bullets barely missing his head.
"30 seconds remaining."
Arisu wrestles with the tagger, "Give me that taser," she says, holding out her hand.
"Just hit this," he says, guiding her finger to the trigger.
Glass explodes as the short-haired woman from before crashes through the window, "You called?"
Hotaru flashes the taser before throwing it at her. She dodges the bullet spray before catching the device and jabbing it into the tagger's side. Arisu yells that they both have to press the buttons on opposite walls. They both leap into the air.
"Three…Two…One," Hotaru covers her head in anticipation, "Congratulations."
It's silent aside from everyone panting. She looks up, seeing Arisu, the woman, and the now unmasked tagger on the ground. The blonde is standing behind her, she joins him and all four of the player's eyes go to the tagger.
A terrified-looking woman sits before them. She whimpers, her eyes darting between them. A collar around her neck begins beeping before an explosion of blood comes from her neck. She slumps over and Hotaru wipes the splatter from her face.
Arisu lifts himself from the floor, tentatively walking towards the woman, "This person…were they also made to play in the game?"
They all stand in silence, pondering that horrible thought before it’s pushed out of Hotaru's head, "Imai!"
Spinning on her heel, she makes a mad dash for the hallway. As she heads toward the stairwell, she grabs the flannel. It doesn't take her long to get to the third floor.
"Imai? Tatta?" She screams, looking frantically, "Imai! Ryotaro!"
Come on. Come on. Bright yellow catches her attention from the corner of her eye. Her chest feels like it’s being crushed. She slowly moves towards it, the floral details becoming clearer.
A cry dies in her throat as she rounds the corner. Blood is splattered all over the walls and pools of it are all over the floor. Ryotaro is half slumped against the wall, clutching her shirt in his hand, his eyes wide open.
She kneels next to him, gently closing his eyes. His hair was matted with coagulated blood. The source was several bullet wounds to his abdomen, as well as one in his neck.
"Imai," she says, barely above a whisper, "you were a sweet soul. I know you fought hard, but I'm glad you get to rest now."
She rests her forehead against his as silent tears stream down her face. Tears and blood mix on the floor. Sobs start to rack her tired body as she throws her arms around her friend, cradling him against her.
Blood soaked into Hotaru's clothes and hair, but she couldn't care at that moment. It had only been three days in this place and she'd already lost her best friend. She takes the shirt from his hand and a small slip of paper falls out.
I tried not to get blood on it. Is written in sloppy, uneven characters. She chokes out a laugh and layers his flannel over her shirt.
"Let’s meet again, Ryotaro."
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