#choi moon he icon
dauofblakes · 1 year
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Duty After School Matching İcons
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lovlive · 2 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ midnight insomnia' - c.yj
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SYNOPSIS - its the middle of the night and you have 2 problems; no.1 you cant sleep, and no.2 you miss your boyfriend. PAIRING - choi yeonjun x f!reader GENRE - fluff, established relationship WARNINGS - reader is depicted with a pink colour, reader is called ‘baby’ and ‘girlfriend’, just yeonjun and y/n being really cute with eachother <3 requested from anon: hi! i dont think you've posted yet, maybe your busy or just dont know what to write about since your a new blog, but i want to put in a req.. could you do reader x yeonjun with the prompt “i can’t sleep, come to my bed” id actually die AAH im so curious what you could turn this into, thanks :}
notes: thanku sm for the req! yeah, i havent been writing yet since my brain was blank tbh i had no ideas for a fanfic in mind 😭😭 but now youve added fuel to my fire and ill try start writing more often :3 (and yes, the 127 in the fic was on purpose)
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The moon cast a soft glow through the small sliver between your curtains, painting the room in hues of silver. In the quiet of the night, you tossed and turned under your soft blanket, unable to find solace in slumber. As you battled with your insomnia, you just couldnt keep your mind off of one thing; Yeonjun. You couldnt stop thinking about the way he would hold you through these chilly early-spring nights, and how much you missed his warm body next to yours. At this point you’ve realised just how starved you were from him despite only seeing him a couple of days ago.
You gave up on your slumber, rolling like a log from one side of your bed to another to pick up your phone. The sharp glow from the screen hit your eyes, your face instinctively scrunching up since you werent used to the brightness. Your fingers lazily glided over to the message app icon, and then tapped on Yeonjun’s contact. The time at the side of the screen caught your eye, and your realised it was 1:27 AM. You were a little weary of texting your boyfriend at this late hour; you knew that he was probably tired after a long day of practicing and you didnt want to seem selfish or too clingy. But you shook off your bad feelings since you knew that Yeonjun wasnt the type to be able to fall asleep easily either. You began to type your messages…
“baby… ☹️”
As expected, Yeonjun was of course awake. Your one word messages were opened by him a minute later. He looked at the texts, a little confused on why you’d be texting him right now. Any how, he started typing back.
“y/n? why’re you still up. you better not be up to some weird shi 😐”
“jjunie, i cant sleep. come to my bed.”
“baby, its half 1 in the morning.”
“please..😔 i really cant sleep and i need sum1 by my side 😞”
“y/n you’re going to be the death of me... but what wouldnt i do for my beautiful girlfriend”
“ill be there in 5”
“yippee! 😇 i love you ❤️”
“love you more baby ❤️”
Your face lit up as your boyfriend agreed to come over. You immediately put your phone back on your side table and plugged it back into charging, then quickly tossed the dirty socks that were lying on your bedroom floor underneath your bed to appear a little tidier. After a little while, you could hear a quiet knock echo through your small apartment; your face lighting up once again. Your feet quickly brought you to your hallway, where you rummaged your drawer for your keys. Eventually finding them, you jammed the correct key into the keyhole, twisiting it and gently opening the door. As your boyfriend appears from behind the door, you immediately pull him into a hug, shutting the door behind him. “Whats up with you today?” He teases as he feels your arms lock around him tightly, wrapping his arms around your waist in response. “Just missed you baby.” You responded, taking in his soft scent which you missed badly. “Y/n, we just saw eachother a few days ago..” His chuckle landed right in your ear, warm breath brushing right up against your ear. The sensation of course did not fail to make you blush a little. “Yeah, but ‘just a few days ago’ feels like an eternity to me.” You whisper into his shoulder, finding comfort in just burrying your face in his shoulder and hiding from the world. You feel his hands come away from your waist and up to your back, rubbing small circles. “You really arent a patient person, are you? Now, lets get you to bed.” He whispers as he takes your hand in his and begins to lead you over to your bedroom. You obviously dont resist, and grip his hand back as you walk behind him. None of you made a sound as you walked to your bedroom. Both of your social batteries were drained from the long day you’ve survived today, and all you wanted to do was to hold eachother in peace as you tried to fall back into a slumber.
You walk into your bedroom, and Yeonjun leads you straight to your bed. He lets you crawl in and under the covers as he takes off his jacket and throws it onto the chair you have by your desk. He came just wearing his pajamas, since he knew all you were going to do together was snuggle and sleep. He climbs onto your bed, arms wrapping tightly around your body as your face hides in his chest. His hand runs through your soft hair in a consoling manner, trying to get you to feel more tired and sleepy. His hands work like magic, your eyes beginning to feel heavier by the minute. But before you fall asleep, you give his hand a gentle squeeze and manage to whisper a set of three familiar words.
“I love you.”
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heartricky · 1 year
park gunwook - loves planet
summary: Despite being trainee's from the same company, Park Gunwook hated you. You never got an explanation so how will competing against him on the MNET survival show 'Boys Planet' end?
park gunwook x trainee!reader
a/n: anon, I hope you like this! I chose to write the reader as gender neutral as I want to cater my writing to as many people as possible, so if you want to pretend that BP is gender inclusive or not, you can still read!
DISCLAIMER: Gunwook is literally a giant baby in real life, this is not meant to portray him in a mean way, I literally cannot imagine this guy acting like he does to the reader in this story, he looks like he can't hurt a fly, so take this story with a whole tonne of salt!
word count: 3092 (WOW)
You could remember standing by the other group of Jellyfish trainees before they went to perform their initial 'Star Level Test' performance, the judging from one particular trainee making the atmosphere for both you and his three teammates almost suffocating. You couldn't believe that he was going to act like a child on national television because you and him had some unspoken rivalry.
You watched their performance from the TV in the backstage area, analysing and trying to understand what the judges wanted from a good performance, being shocked yourself when none of your company mates had gotten a desired 'ALLStar' ranking. It made you want it even more, wiling to give everything to do both your company and yourself proud. Maybe, being better than Park Gunwook played a role in your wishes to rank the highest, maybe it didn't. No one would know anyway.
You had been given the iconic StayC song 'ASAP' for the initial test, which you were thankful for as you loved the song and had also learned the main points of choreography with your friends from school when it released.
You were confident in your dancing and singing ability, but still wanted to improve on your rapping, so you hoped that the Star Masters liked your performance enough to let you showcase your talents and continue improving your weaknesses.
You walked out onto the stage, introduced yourself and then, a blur. You couldn't really remember what happened after that, the memory next in order being Choi Youngjoon, a well appreciated and idolised choreographer, telling you that you had received an ALLStar ranking. Gasping, you thanked the judges immensely, so proud of yourself, looking up at the trainees who looking a slight bit scared of your talent, and smiling even more. You could debut no problem.
Learning the signal song felt like a breeze to you, the choreography came naturally and you were extra thankful for your ALLStar ranking because you could learn the choreography at the front of the room, however, you felt upset for the trainees with the NOStar ranking, who were at the back of the room and could barely see the StarMasters.
After rehearsing for a couple of days with fellow ALLStars, you had the signal song evaluation, aiming to get the centre, so you could demonstrate your talents to audiences early, and not have to worry about scraping through eliminations. You wanted to debut so badly, and were willing to do almost anything to get it.
You went into the evaluation room, danced and sung as hard as you could, but apparently it wasn't enough for the judge's to give you signal centre. Don't get me wrong, you were over the moon that you had kept your ALLStar ranking but still, it was hurtful that the judges thought you weren't charismatic enough to be the centre, instead choosing to give the role to Zhang Hao and Sung Hanbin instead.
You walked back into the room where the other trainees sat, having either completed their evaluation, or were still waiting for it, sitting back down with the ALLStars, choosing not to talk much for the rest of the day, too upset with your failed chance at becoming centre.
Getting back to the dorm that day, you decided to wash up and go straight to your room, not wanting to see anyone else, but on the way, you saw Gunwook. You both looked at each other and you could tell that he was going to say something snarky, so you just looked down and walked past him.
Confused, Gunwook called out, "y/n?", you turned back to him, teary eyed, and just shook your head, "I don't want to deal with you and your comments right now Gunwook. Just do me a favour and leave me alone for the night please." You then walked into your room, shutting the door quietly and lying down on the bed choosing to sleep it off.
The next day, you felt better, having thought it through, deciding that yes, Zhang Hao and Sung Hanbin were both the better options, they had great chemistry that you probably wouldn't have been able to replicate with either of them. You felt happy for your fellow rank mates, wishing them well and saying you were proud of them, despite the small tugs in your heart, telling you that you were still disappointed in yourself.
You thanked Keita immensely for picking you to be a part of the dubbed 'Avengers' team to dance to 'Kill This Love', but then proceeding to hit him repeatedly for picking the song that Park Gunwook would also be competing with. You didn't know how you were going to make it through practicing in the same room with him without one of you killing the other.
No murder happened that week but some members of your team wanted to kill Gunwook for making the taunting comments towards you, belittling and making you feel insecure about your clear talents.
"Remember when you failed the evaluation for signal centre y/n? You're going to fail this challenge too." "How do you feel about K team beating you y/n? Already used to it?" "Damn you can't even hit the high note right, Hwanhee hyung will show you how it's done."
The comments were fine to deal with at first, with you choosing to be the bigger person, but slowly, as the week went on, you felt more and more depressed, and everyone in your team could see it. So when the final comment came, the final blow, the most hurtful one really, it surprised no one when you walked out of the room in tears, too upset to even care that the cameras were following your every move, following you into one of the neighbouring practice rooms to find one of your closest friends, Ricky.
No one would tell you what was said in the practice room after that, only that Gunwook was scolded badly by both Hwanhee and Zhang Hao, the pair angry and disappointed in the boy for how he had acted and what he had said.
According to Keita, Gunwook found you twenty minutes later, but seeing you in Ricky's arms was something he didn't like and so he chose not to apologise. He couldn't describe why seeing you so close to the yuehua trainee tugged at his heartstrings, but either way, he decided that he was just going to not talk to you. Ignoring you is easier than apologising when you're wrapped up in another man's arms.
After talking with Ricky, you were angry. So angry. So furious and humiliated by how you had let Gunwook talk to you that you forced that energy into your performance, something that paid off well apparently. The phrase 'G-TEAM WIN' plastered across the TV felt so satisfying. You chose not to look at K-Team, wanting to relish in the win as well as first place, which had been so graciously given to you by the audiences.
Your performance went viral when it aired, the audience and watchers were amazed by how you looked on stage, so captivating and so strong.
Now came the second test, where each trainee would be put into a song category that played to certain strengths, rapping, singing or dancing. But to spice things up, MNET chose to add another category, the 'All Rounder' category. Managing to have placed 7th in the first eliminations, you were one of the last to choose, surprised that there were only four people stood in the All Rounder section, two in 'Cheers' by Seventeen and two in 'ASAP' by StayC.
Every trainee in the room watched you walk over confidently to the All Rounder section, thinking you were going to choose ASAP again, as you had performed it before and had done well enough to intimidate the room of trainees with your talents.
But you didn't do that, instead choosing to go Cheers, standing next to Woongki and Haruto, who had both been pushed into the All Rounder category, and had eventually chosen Cheers. As the higher ranking trainees picked, the people who were pushed out of their spot on the desired teams came over to the All Rounder section, leaving Chen KuanRui, Haruto, Seowon and Woongki in your team.
You were thankful that you had four other trainees in your team who were all talented, and eventually, in the final performance, you were all talented enough win first place, being able to go to MCountdown with your friends.
Celebrating with your teammates when finding out you had also won first place led to Haruto whispering in your ear, "Look at Gunwook real quick for me."
Choosing to follow his orders, you glance over to Tomboy team where Gunwook was looking at you, a small smile on his face that was quickly dropped when he realised that you had noticed, a scowl replacing the cute smile that once adorned his face.
As time passed, the penultimate challenge came before the final, the 'Artist Battle' Challenge, where each team would be placed into an original song and have to learn it, but the twist was that the audience would choose where the trainees went, and if you didn't like the song, oh well.
You had been placed in 'Supercharger' Team with some close friends and some younger trainees, and you enjoyed your time with them, but without doubt your favourite memory made with one of your teammates, Ollie, came on the Planet Sports Day.
I mean, getting shoved over by Yoon Jongwoo and spraining your ankle because of his lack of spatial awareness was not your favourite part of the day, but sitting with Ollie, chatting away about his home country was wonderful. You were happy to have made a friend like him.
Ollie and you continued to gossip whilst his hand was being bandaged - you felt sorry for the rest of your teammates, having two injured dancers on the team - until a Park Gunwook also walked into the med tent, a hand holding his head.
He explained that he had a migraine and was advised by the producers that he needed to sit out for the next hour or two until he felt better, sitting opposite you.
The friendly and talkative atmosphere quickly drained, stilted conversation happening between Ollie and Gunwook, the former of which attempted to get you to converse with the latter, but his trying didn't bring any conversation from you - you were still upset by his comments from the first challenge, but also confused as to why he had been looking at you so nicely after winning first place in the second challenge.
Talking to him was not worth your efforts it seemed to you, as it always ended in hurt on your end. But seeing his small pout when describing his so called "earth-shattering headache" was too addicting to look away from.
Unfortunately, due to the sprained ankle that hindered you from performing to the best of your ability, the showcase of the 'Artis Battle' songs left you unsatisfied and disappointed in yourself. You weren't terrible, nor did you bring your team down you were told, but still, you liked being the best and you were not the best on that stage in your eyes.
The feelings of disappointment and hurt slowly affected you, causing you to leave the room where you could watch the performances from backstage, and to sit in the corridor, begging your eyes to stop crying and ruining the makeup that the makeup artists had so gracefully made you look beautiful with.
Your efforts were fruitless though, the tears couldn't stop coming and at this point you had been gone so long that Gunwook and the En Garde team were leaving the room to perform their song.
Gunwook noticed you sat in the corridor, leaning against the wall immediately and started to move towards you but unfortunately, Ollie had made it before him, hugging you and holding you close as you sobbed in his arms.
That nagging, tugging at heartstrings feeling came back again in Gunwook, but he chose to ignore it once more, moving to comfort you as well. Ollie spoke up before he got too close though,
"Gunwook hyung, I don't think they want to talk to you right now, you've done enough in the past. Just go and get ready to perform please?"
"I'll do what they want, not what you think they want, Ollie" Gunwook replies, looking at you.
You look back but soon shake your head, not willing to talk.
You hadn't said anything to Gunwook, but it felt like you had just killed him. He couldn't describe why seeing you so upset was hurting him too, he couldn't describe why you in Ollie's arms hurt. And worst of all, he couldn't explain why, even after crying for more than twenty minutes at this point, you still looked more beautiful than anyone else on this earth.
"Gunwookie" Hui calls. "Let's just go, they look like they need space." Hui grabs Gunwook by the arm, dragging the boy lightly to the mic area, where they were to get suited up and ready for the performance that was next.
He performed well, Gunwook, but the thought of you crying like you had just done because of the comments that he made continuously ate at his heart, killing him slowly and slowly.
You, on the other, had sat with Ollie, his arm around you, only wishing it was Gunwook's. You had never admitted it to anyone, not even your favourite baby girl Woongki, that you had had a crush on Gunwook since you met him, you couldn't blame yourself really, he was just too beautiful not to like.
But after everything he had said and done to you, you couldn't help but feel hopeless, deciding to bury the romantic feelings for him deep down inside you, choosing to play his game in return.
But then again, the famous saying goes, "everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all."
The day came, where the third elimination was to take place, and you were hopeless. The performance you had done with Supercharger had left your dedicated fans disappointed, and it killed you inside that you couldn't perform the way you wanted to because of a sprained ankle.
You didn't expect to make it into the top 18, and unfortunately, when Na Kamden's name was called, it was then confirmed that you hadn't gained enough votes to make it to the final.
You were devastated, but surprisingly, you weren't the most upset person in the room by your elimination.
Tears were shed almost immediately by the boy sat on the N.12 seat, and there was no other explanation by his sudden emotion than he had realised how he would miss you.
Not miss making fun of you, poking at your insecurities because it made himself well better and less inferior compared to your own talents, not miss gloating around you when he won the challenges just like you, not miss talking about you to other trainees, saying white lies that made you look bad.
No. He'd miss you. He'd miss seeing your face everyday. He'd miss being around you. He'd miss hearing your laugh from across the lunch room when talking to your friends.
It took you being eliminated for Park Gunwook to realise that he wasn't jealous of you, he was in love with you. And the emotions that hurt him when he saw you with Ollie and Ricky, the emotions that made him upset when he saw you cry, they were all because he was in love with you.
He wanted to take it all back immediately, go back in time and tell himself that the last thing he should do is be horrible. The last thing he should do is make you cry, the last thing he should do is poke fun at your insecurities because he felt better when you did badly.
The first thing he should do in this moment is run to you and tell you how he feels. And that's exactly what he did.
Filming ended and the eliminated trainees, your 'supercharger' team included, joined in a group hug, all comforting each other as you realised you had failed in achieving your dream.
A hand pulled you away from the trainees, into a nearby room and pulling you into a chest. A chest which you soon realised to be Gunwook's.
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Words can't even describe how sorry I am, i'm such a fool y/n, I shouldn't have said what I did, I should have just seen how in love with you I am."
"You're in love with me?" You ask, cutting him off from his ramble.
'Yes. And I'm an idiot for not seeing it earlier. I understand if you want to get rid of me, never see me again, says the word and you'll never hear from me again, but I just need to tell you. I need you to know."
"I don't know if I can forgive you for what you have done to me, Gunwook. Do you know how much pain you put me through, for what an ego boost?"
"I do, y/n, and I'll keep apologising for the rest of my life."
"I guess I need to apologise too, I've said hurtful things too. I'm sorry for what I have said Gunwook, thank you for your own apology." You reply, brushing a tear cascading down his face away, caressing his cheek a little.
"Look", you begin. "Give me some time to think. I need to wait, to think once I'm no longer devastated about the elimination." You pause, "If you debut, then I'll think about letting you take me on a date. If you debut, we are going to sit down and talk about this. Just because I've liked you for so long, it doesn't mean I will forgive you so easi-"
"You like me too?" He interrupts, too excited to even think about the final part of your sentence.
"Yes, unfortunately. I want us to work this out, so you better debut Park Gunwook, or I swear to god, I will make you go through the exact same hell you've put me through in this competition."
"Yes ma'am." He salutes at you jokingly. "I look forward to our date when I debut."
"Good." You smile at him.
And well, we all know what happened in the finale ;)
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pastelpinkmomoi · 4 months
Fav heart fragment characters in order ??
(T_T) I love them all in their own way but I shall answer anyway!! (Under the cut is a lot of indecisiveness and rambling don't say I didn't warn you)
1. It's a tie between Natalia and the man I put on my 15th birthday cake. Clive is the reason I got into Heart Fragment but I'm so head over heels with Natalia that I kind of drawn my artsona with her aaaAAAAA
Really excited for Book 3! Clive is forever in my heart but I wouldn't be surprised if Nat took his place <3
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2. Coming in close is Shannon!!! In my opinion, her route is the best written in terms of exploring feelings so far plus I feel I relate to Shannon so deeply on a personal level about a lot of things. Shannon you are best girl ♪(^∇^*)
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3. My favourite route to play so far is actually Lana's! Which I find surprising since romance is my go-to but there's just something about cherishing the validity of platonic and familial relationships. I'm so up for playing ACNH with Lana so she deserves this spot
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4. And cutting it close is our protag Xani >:3 (all genders. Xani is Xani) Despite my pathetic lack of experience in VNs, I adore how customizable their personality is and how their choices affect the plot. I enjoy a set protagonist because when it comes to story-heavy media I'm not too eager to self-insert (•ө•)♡ (see above: mention of artsona x Natalia)
Also how can I forget that I literally bought fem!Xani's charm?? Her outfits are sooo cute ESPECIALLY that purple blouse!😭
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5. I feel like Jasper and Kay should be higher up on this list but I simply have a preference for the others ^^" Nevertheless, Jasper is the route I'm most looking forward because I really enjoy his dynamic and interactions with the protag (the kidnapping in Shannon's route doesn't count. NO. SHOO).
Enemies to lovers(?) doesn't describe them enough. The trope doesn't do them justice. One has wanted to murder the other for TWO DECADES and the latter has been in the dark about it until now. The fact that Xani/MC and Jasper have a lot of things in common (dare I say more than MC and Clive) but they want to rip each other into pieces is making me jump up and down excitedly omg.
AND KAY. Kay I don't hate you but I just like the others more than you :( But I really really hope that we get to see him again in Book 3 because he deserves a happy ending just like everyone else.
Honourable mentions: the side cast
Mr Gray Green- Icon. Legend. He is the moment.
Shay- Love her. Ethereal being. Pls come back soon </3
Teryl Sterling- Future bestie-in-law I approve
Inigo- I think you guys don't appreciate his comedic integrity enough. He is THE man. Really kind of him to close the game for us if we ask him to :3
Marcus, Choi, Charlie and True - Amazing designs. Lemme see you all again :(
Dustin. He's a Heart Fragment character. Not my favourite. At all. Put him on the moon. Now. No minions to accompany him. Just. Put him on there.
This was a hull to get through but thank you for the ask 😭 I did need an excuse to ramble on about it!!! Never a bad day to gush about Heart Fragment!!
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newtsbloodygf · 7 months
(1st part here)
Main Characters (Part 2):
Kim Jennie
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Full name: Kim Jennie Ruby Jane
English name: Jennie Ruby Jane
Nicknames: Jen, Nini, Jennie
Other nicknames: baby/babe/bae (Hyunjin, Ni-ki, Lisa), love(Maeve, Hyunjin, Ni-ki, Lisa), darling(Maeve, Hyunjin, I.N.), baby (Maeve, I.N.), hottie (Maeve, Hyunjin, Bangchan), gorgeous (Hyunjin), goddess (Hyunjin), dear (Hyunjin, I.N.)
Name meanings:
Jennie: "(white) fairy", "fair one", "phantom" or "soft"
Other names: (Shining) Star, Moonlight, Best Dancer, Icon, Legend, God's favourite,.Fearless Warrior, Raven, (Love) Witch, Love Spell/Drug, Jendeugi, Jendeuk, Mandu
Born in: 16 January, 1778
Age: 22 years (1st appearance, as of 1800)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Species: Vampire, Siren
Citizenship : St. Moritz, Switzerland
Height: 5'4" (163 cm)
Occupation: Warrior
Best friends: Maeve Raven, Hwang Yeji, Shin Ryunjin, Lia (Choi Jisu), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, I.N. (Yang Jeong-in), Kim Jisoo, Lisa Manobal, Ni-ki (Nishimura Riki), Rosé (Roseanne Park)
Ex Relationships: Nishimura Ni-ki (1st boyfriend), Lisa Manoban (1st girlfriend)
Love Interests: Maeve, Taehyung/V, Hyunjin, Ni-ki, Lisa, Yeji
Albums: Solo
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Full name: Bang Christopher Chan
English name: Christopher
Nicknames: Chan, Bang, Chris
Other nicknames: baby/babe/bae (Maeve), Wolfie (Maeve), hottie (Maeve), my boy (Meave)
Other names: Wolf(ie), Wolf Bite, Moon, Moonlight, Daddy (Bang)Chan (not in a sexual way, but bc he's the leader of skz), Leader, Best Warrior
Born in: 3 October, 1778
Age: 22 (1st appearance, as of 1800)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Species: Wolf
Citizenship: Switzerland, St. Moritz
Height: 5'7" (171 cm)
Occupation: Warrior
Best friends: Maeve Raven, Hwang Yeji, Shin Ryunjin, Lia (Choi Jisu), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, I.N. (Yang Jeong-in), Kim Jennie, Lisa Manobal, Ni-ki (Nishimura Riki)
Ex Relationships: Shin Ryujin (1st girlfriend), Maeve Raven (2nd girlfriend), Lia (3rd girlfriend)
Love Interests: Maeve, Hyunjin, Lisa, Yeji, Ryujin
Albums: Nevermind (originally by Nirvana)
Cigarettes After Sex (originally by Cigarettes After Sex)
Jeon Jungkook
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Full name: Jeon Jungkook
English name: Timothy
Nicknames: Jun(g), Kook, Tim(my)
Other nicknames: baby/babe/bae (Maeve), love (Maeve), baby (Jennie, Yeji, Lisa), hottie (Maeve, Yeji), dear (Maeve), (my) pretty boy (Yeji)
Name meanings:
Jungkook: "destiny" or "heart's desire" or “pillars of the nation.”
Timothy: "God's honor"
Other names: (Shining) Star, Golden, Icon, Legend, World's favourite, Fearless Warrior, Idol Of Idols, Korea's favourite
Born in: 1 September 1778
Age: 22 years (1st appearance, as of 1800)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Species: Vampire
Citizenship: St. Moritz, Switzerland
Height: 5'10" (179cm)
Occupation: Warrior
Best friends: Maeve Raven, V (Kim Taehyung), Park Jimin, Suga/Agust D (Min Yoon-gi), Jin (Kim Seok-jin), RM (Kim Nam-joon), J-Hope (Jung Ho-seok), Hwang Yeji, Shin Ryunjin, Lia (Choi Jisu), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, I.N. (Yang Jeong-in), Kim Jennie, Lisa Manoban, Ni-ki (Nishimura Riki)
Ex Relationships: Lisa Manoban (1st girlfriend), Taehyung/V (1st boyfriend), Maeve Raven (arranged marriage)
Love Interests: Maeve, Taehyung, Lisa, Yeji
Albums: Golden
Standing Next to You
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever
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otakusmart · 2 years
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baekhvuns · 2 years
People need to go through psychological tests before they enter fan calls I'm serious 😭
We need to be reincarnated as one of those Buzzfeed puppies for sure...
You're right, Exo concert is like BP comeback at this point, won't believe until we see it 😅 omg February why does it feel like he's been away for ages, same for Taem. Taemin was supposed to come back Nov 30, but since he transferred it's apparently March????? But he attended Key's concert 😍😍😍 Minho can't get married unless the partner will be ok with mr Kibum randomly calling for their husband to come see him or drive him somewhere kaydjshsjshsjaj
I wish forced enlistment wasn't a thing, cause I heard so many horrible stories and if often fucks their mental health, but it's either all or none imo. Yeah some definitely feel sense of pride, but it was clear to me my guy Lee Taemin didn't want to go and his mental state... :"( did you see that apparently Armys are going bald too?! 😬
Baeeeeek how expensive and elegant Ateez looked in that JP promo photo, though I hoped for blonde Hwa, maybe in the MV. Seonghwa and Mingi and Yeosang vision 😳😳😳 whether it's Cyberpunk or something new I'm readyyyy. (SEONGHWA'S CLEAVAGE) not ready for the solo shots
Damn Seonghwa already with a new kid, the most unlikely friendship wtf, Soul is 17 or something. Please befriend your E'Last and TO1 fan boys, they're out there crying for you 😆
Choi San Wonderland and Answer, even Inception... lmao legit Hwa cut his hair after saying he liked it, but some fans didn't 🤡 though he went pink so I can't be too mad. I won't forigve him going mushroom at the end of 2021 though, that was not it!!!
Seriously I can't keep up with the amount of magazines Skz are in, Atz had a few editorials, but not very recently, probably too busy, because I can't imagine the magazines not wanting to feature them...?!
I watch some cooking channels, mostly Korean and Japanese and try to veganise the dishes if they're not vegan already, but they never look that good. Whenever I see those cute bentos with Totoro shaped onigiri or something I cry, I want them :/
DJGAGSJAHSJWEHEH you're like "oh how's my lil dragon doing" BOOM a man on your floor 👁👁
I was so shocked it's been 3 months since Mr I'll Guard Your Body appeared. Damn they're making you do midterms when you have fics to write?! Literally
No second leads I'm traumatised bestie!
Ok but I'm high key obsessed with Hwa's knees work I've noticed it a few times already and woah work the shaky knees boy! (Aka me being fascinated with every single thing he does)
That quiz?! I'm a whole ass Moon THE MOON? Wbu?
Uhm what was Seonghwa's behaviour during today's fan signs I- a whole ass bf, very awful sight 😭 and why did they have 827373 fan calls in one day with basically the same people. Though 4 Atinys I know won, so good for them! - DV 💖
hi hello !!
People need to go through psychological tests before they enter fan calls I'm serious 😭 /// We need to be reincarnated as one of those Buzzfeed puppies for sure...
You're right, Exo concert is like BP comeback at this point, won't believe until we see it 😅 omg February why does it feel like he's been away for ages, same for Taem. Taemin was supposed to come back Nov 30, but since he transferred it's apparently March????? But he attended Key's concert 😍😍😍 Minho can't get married unless the partner will be ok with mr Kibum randomly calling for their husband to come see him or drive him somewhere kaydjshsjshsjaj
LMFAOOOOOO, LITERALLY ITS A ONCE IN A WHILE CELEBRATION ATP 😭😭😭 no, seriously it seems like baek's gone since last december ,, WAIT WHAT????? WHY WAS IT PUSHED BACK 😭😭😭😭😭😭 NAURRR BUT AT LEAST THEY COME BACK A MONTH APART FROM EACH OTHER !! we better get some r&b album from baek and a dark lore mv from taemin or we gonna have things to talk about,, HIS ROUNDASS BOBA HEAD AT THE CONCERT PLS
I wish forced enlistment wasn't a thing, cause I heard so many horrible stories and if often fucks their mental health, but it's either all or none imo. Yeah some definitely feel sense of pride, but it was clear to me my guy Lee Taemin didn't want to go and his mental state... :"( did you see that apparently Armys are going bald too?! 😬
nah that taemin thing was just like a slap in the face bc there's so so many things like that but ppl don't notice until it happens to someone significant! some ppl just love invading ppl's privacy AND ARENT U SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNIGN A MILE??? WHY ARE U TAKING PICTURES OF PPL INSTEAD,, I AM SORRY WHO????? WHAAT???
i found something that made me lose my braincells ???? this 100%
Baeeeeek how expensive and elegant Ateez looked in that JP promo photo, though I hoped for blonde Hwa, maybe in the MV. Seonghwa and Mingi and Yeosang vision 😳😳😳 whether it's Cyberpunk or something new I'm readyyyy. (SEONGHWA'S CLEAVAGE) not ready for the solo shots
Damn Seonghwa already with a new kid, the most unlikely friendship wtf, Soul is 17 or something. Please befriend your E'Last and TO1 fan boys, they're out there crying for you 😆
Choi San Wonderland and Answer, even Inception... lmao legit Hwa cut his hair after saying he liked it, but some fans didn't 🤡 though he went pink so I can't be too mad. I won't forigve him going mushroom at the end of 2021 though, that was not it!!!
my belief in choi san has left ever since he cut the long hair and the went blond and then did that itaewon class haircut,, IF NOT LONG HAIR THEN PINK IS ACCEPTABLE
and hwa,, oh he likes that etl u know he does
Seriously I can't keep up with the amount of magazines Skz are in, Atz had a few editorials, but not very recently, probably too busy, because I can't imagine the magazines not wanting to feature them...?!
NO SERIOUSLY ID BE BEGGING THEM TO DO EDITORIALS IF I WAS A COMPANY, EVERY SINGLE CONCEPT AND ALL,, omg i see skz shoots everytime on my tl and just go????? wb the yesterday one?? let me process that first 😭😭😭😭
I watch some cooking channels, mostly Korean and Japanese and try to veganise the dishes if they're not vegan already, but they never look that good. Whenever I see those cute bentos with Totoro shaped onigiri or something I cry, I want them :/
omg they never do!!! something always goes wrong, tho pajeon is so good,, the croquette's NEVER LOOK GOOD THAT CHANNEL MAKES ME FANTAZISE ABOUT THEIR FOOD SO BAD ,,, how can one look so pretty and aesthetically eatable 😭😭😭😭 STOPPPPP THOSE SEAWEED FACIAL EXPRESSIONS THEY PUT ON TOO
DJGAGSJAHSJWEHEH you're like "oh how's my lil dragon doing" BOOM a man on your floor 👁👁
LMFAOOOO THAT BE SO FUNNY BESTIE SOMEONE NEEDS TO WRITE THIS, but it;s like the yn invites the parents over for dinner during the egg is there and they all go to the living room and there's just naked man standing there 😭😭😭😭
I was so shocked it's been 3 months since Mr I'll Guard Your Body appeared. Damn they're making you do midterms when you have fics to write?! Literally
ILL GUARD YOUR BODY DFHSDKFJF ITS SO EMBARRINGING PLS ITS BEEN SO LONG I NEED TO DROP A FIC THIS IS TAKING WAYY TOO LONG BRFH, no exactly???? im writing everyday but ur making me do midterms on research methods sheesh
No second leads I'm traumatised bestie!
BUT SONG MINGI !!!! or this guy
Ok but I'm high key obsessed with Hwa's knees work I've noticed it a few times already and woah work the shaky knees boy! (Aka me being fascinated with every single thing he does)
HIS RENT WAS DUE THAT DAY,,, him and jongho!! their footwork is incredible, jongho rly does every step when some skip it but he rEALLY follows it
That quiz?! I'm a whole ass Moon THE MOON? Wbu?
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???????? take this!
Uhm what was Seonghwa's behaviour during today's fan signs I- a whole ass bf, very awful sight 😭 and why did they have 827373 fan calls in one day with basically the same people. Though 4 Atinys I know won, so good for them! - DV 💖
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dead-end-street · 2 years
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HEE-DO: I-- JI-WOONG: No. 😌 HEE-DO: Okay.
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heoldramaicons · 5 years
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comrade-meow · 3 years
Why a hand gesture has South Korean companies on edge 👌
It took three years for players to notice the "offensive" hand gesture lurking in one of South Korea's most popular multiplayer games.
When players made their avatars laugh, talk or give the "OK" sign in "Lost Ark," they clicked an icon featuring a gesture that might have appeared benign to many: an index finger nearly touching a thumb.
But some of "Lost Ark's" users began claiming in August that the gesture was a sexist insult against men, and they demanded its removal.
What happened next underscores a trend in South Korea among anti-feminists, who have been increasingly pushing companies to repent for what they see as a conspiracy within the government and private companies to promote a feminist agenda.
Smilegate — the creator of "Lost Ark" and one of South Korea's biggest video game developers — quickly complied with the requests for removal. The company removed the icon from the game, and vowed to be more vigilant about policing "game-unrelated controversies" in their products.
A gender war has been unfolding in South Korea for years, pitting feminists against angry young men who feel they're being left behind as the country seeks to address gender inequality. 
Now, though, the latest development in this war is reaching a fever pitch. Since May, more than 20 brands and government organizations have removed what some see as feminist symbols from their products, after mounting pressure. At least 12 of those brands or organizations have issued an apology to placate male customers.
Anti-feminism has a years-long history in South Korea, and research suggests that such sentiments are taking hold among the country's young men. In May, the Korean marketing and research firm Hankook Research said it found that more than 77% of men in their twenties and more than 73% of men in their 30s were "repulsed by feminists or feminism," according to a survey. (The firm surveyed 3,000 adults, half of whom were men.)
The fact that corporations are responding to pressure to modify their products suggests that these anti-feminists are gaining influence in a country that is already struggling with gender issues. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says that South Korea has by far the largest gender wage gap among OECD countries. And roughly 5% of board members at publicly listed companies in the country are women compared to the OECD average of nearly 27%.
A suspicious sausage
The online firestorm that has spread across South Korea's corporate landscape kicked off in May with a simple camping advertisement.
GS25, one of the country's biggest convenience store chains, released an ad that month enticing customers to order camping food on their app, promising free items as a reward. The ad showed an index finger and a thumb appearing to pinch a sausage. The finger-pinching motif is frequently used in advertising as a way to hold an item without obscuring the product.
Critics, though, saw something different in that hand signal. They accused it of being a code for feminist sympathies, tracing the use of the finger-pinching motif to 2015, when the symbol was co-opted by Megalia, a now-defunct feminist online community, to ridicule the size of Korean men's genitals.
Megalia has since shut down, but its logo has outlived the group. Now anti-feminists are trying to purge South Korea of its existence.
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Source: Megalia, @starbucksrtd/Instagram, @gs25_official/Instagram
GS25 removed the hand symbol from the poster. But critics still weren't satisfied, and began trawling the advertisement for other feminist clues. One person pointed out that the last letter of each word featured on the poster — "Emotional Camping Must-have Item" — spelled "Megal," a shorthand for "Megalia," when read backward.
GS25 removed the text from the poster, but that still wasn't enough. People theorized that even the moon in the background of the poster was a feminist symbol, because a moon is used as the logo of a feminist scholar organization in South Korea.
After revising the poster multiple times, GS eventually pulled it entirely, just a day after the campaign launched. The company apologized and promised a better editorial process. It also said it reprimanded the staff responsible for the ad, and removed the marketing team leader.
The online mob had tasted success, and it wanted more.
Other companies and government organizations soon became targets. The online fashion retailer Musinsa was criticized for offering women-only discounts, as well as using the finger-pinching motif in an ad for a credit card. The company defended the use of that motif as a neutral element regularly used in advertising, and said its discount program was meant to help expand its small female customer base. Still, founder and CEO Cho Man-ho stepped down after the backlash.
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South Korean demonstrators hold banners during a rally to mark International Women's Day as part of the country's #MeToo movement in Seoul on March 8, 2018. Dongsuh, the Korean company that licenses a Starbucks ready-to-drink line in the country, was attacked in July after one of its Korean Instagram accounts published an image of fingers pinching a can of coffee. The company pulled the ad and apologized, saying that it "considers these matters seriously." The firm also said the image had no hidden intent.
Even local governments have been caught up in the pressure campaign. The Pyeongtaek city government was criticized in August after uploading an image to its Instagram account that warned residents of a heatwave. It used an illustration of a farmer wiping his forehead — and critics noticed that the farmer's hand was shaped similarly to the finger pinch.
"How deeply did [feminists] infiltrate?" one person wrote on MLB Park, an internet forum used primarily by men. Another person shared contact information for the city government, encouraging people to flood their channels with complaints. The image was later removed from the Instagram account.
Gender wars
At the core of the anti-feminist campaign is a widespread fear among young men that they are falling behind their female peers, according to Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University.
The sentiment has grown because of a hyper competitive job market and skyrocketing housing prices. The government has also rolled out programs in recent years to bring more women into the workforce. Proponents of those programs have said they're necessary for closing gender gaps, but some men have worried they give women an unfair advantage.
Another compounding factor: Unlike women, men in South Korea have to complete up to 21 months of military service before they're 28 years old — a sore point for some men who feel unfairly burdened.
Anti-feminists have also taken umbrage with President Moon Jae-in, who, when elected in 2017, promised to be a "feminist president." Moon pledged to fix the systemic and cultural barriers that prevented women from participating more in the workforce. He also vowed to address sexual crimes in the wake of the global #MeToo movement.
This year's corporate pressure campaign adds another complication, as brands weigh the possible fallout.
Young men are "big spenders," said Professor Choi Jae-seob, a marketing professor at Namseoul University in Seoul. He added that many young people today are driven by personal political values when they buy things.
Ha, a 23-year-old university student, said he pays attention to what companies say about gender issues before making a purchase.
"Between two stores, I would use the one that doesn't support [feminism]," said Ha, who declined to give his full name because he said that gender is a thorny topic among his peers.
Ha said he's far from alone. When his friends were discussing the GS25 camping poster, for example, he was surprised to find that many of them felt the way he did: "I realized that many men were silently seething."
"I realized that many men were silently seething."Ha, a 23-year-old university student
The gender war leaves companies in a tough spot, according to Noh Yeong-woo, a consultant at the public relations agency PR One.
By not responding to allegations that they are taking a stance on gender issues, that could lead to what Noh called a "constant barrage of accusation" and the creation of a stigma. It also means that companies are actively monitoring online groups and studying what their users have designated as hidden codes or associations, to avoid being called out.
"They are continuously checking for the next problematic symbols," Noh said of brands in South Korea.
Stigmas and fighting back
Some women, though, say that the corporate apologies are also creating a climate where some people are afraid to identify as feminist.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism," said Yonsei University's Park, referring to the mass hysteria to root out communists in the United States in the 1950s.
Lee Ye-rin, a college student, said she has been a feminist since middle school. But in recent years she has found it impossible to be open about her stance.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism."Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University
She recalled an incident in high school, when some boys openly heckled a feminist friend of hers while that friend was giving a class presentation on the depiction of women in the media. Lee and her classmates were too scared to defend the friend.
"We all knew that a person who would step up and say that feminism is not some weird thing would be stigmatized, too," Lee said.
In response to this year's anti-feminist pressure campaigns, though, some feminists have been fighting back. The apology over the camping poster from GS25, for example, prompted feminists to call for boycotts against the company. Some people shared images online of themselves shopping at rival stores, using hashtags that called on people to avoid shopping at GS25.
Balancing act
As there doesn't seem to be much hope of finding middle ground for those waging South Korea's gender war, experts say companies have to figure out ways to avoid being dragged into a brand-damaging fight.
Noh, from PR One, encouraged companies and organizations to educate their employees on gender sensitivity — and even reconsider the use of symbols that have become heavily politicized.
Finger-pinching motifs "are images with complex metaphors and symbols and they already carry a social stigma," he said. "So, once you get involved in it, it's hard to explain them away ... the issue keeps spreading until they are removed as demanded."
Park, the Yonsei University professor, said that part of the problem is that many South Korean companies are led by older men who don't have a firm grasp of present-day gender issues. The average age of an executive-level employee at the country's top 30 publicly traded companies is 53, according to a 2020 analysis by JobKorea, a Korean version of LinkedIn.
That suggests a level of irony. Maybe it's not that some of these companies have a specific agenda, as online critics are accusing them. Perhaps for some of them, high levels of leadership are just not in tune with the debate.
To Park, the vitriol directed at companies has also buried some of the underlying, systemic issues that contribute to gender inequality, along with debates about how best to crack the glass ceiling or address the division of labor at home, among other concerns.
"Some very important debates are being buried," Park said, adding that today's gender war is being fought on the tip of the "iceberg." "It's not a fight about the fingers."
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makemerun · 2 years
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M  A  K  E  M  E  R  U  N  :  independent  -  selective  -  private  blog  for  multi  -  muse  for  seven  ocs,  taking  inspiration  from  bts'  hyyh  storyline  .  written  by  adora  (  23  -  she  /  he  /  they  -  cst  )  .  est  .  april  2022   rules & muse doc . mobile rules + muse list below cut
muse list noah seo . river ahn . leo choi . kian moon . minkyu yoon . saros park .  inwoo seong .
disclaimer ⎯ these characters are heavily based off of the narrative of BTS’ HYYH / The Most Beautiful Moment in Life storyline . inspiration comes from their Run and I Need U music videos, as well as the Save Me webtoon, and their Notes books . I do not claim to be affiliated with BTS or HYBE, this content simply serves as a large source of inspiration for me . as of now, this is a multiship blog, though that may change as things progress . I’m not used to single ship, but it may be needed with how each of these characters are interconnected, but we will see ! I am also open to interacting with other muses that have BTS face claims, currently not practicing exclusivity, but that is also subject to change . mature content and themes will be present here . sexual / suggestive content, mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, and mental illness will be things discussed in these muses’ backstories and maybe arise in threads . please do not follow if you are not 18+. content will be tagged accordingly, but please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know if you need any triggers tagged ! usual DNI criteria stands. don’t be a dick, I’m not here for drama though I know sometimes it just kinda Happens. if there’s an issue you have with me or something I did, I would appreciate it if you approached me directly and we talked things out. activity always comes in waves. I’m usually checking tumblr on and off through the day, but I cant ensure when I’ll be on . my discord is available for mutuals and you’re welcome to ask for it! I also answer threads in order of what I have muse for, no so much in chronological order just because it’s easier to write those replies and get back into motion then. thank you for reading everything! I go by Adora, I’m 23, of mexican descent, and I use she / they / he pronouns. I’m in the cst / gmt -6 time zone and tend to be more active during the evening. My main single muse blog is honeyfallen, and multi muse blog can be found peachciders. the psd I use for all graphics was made by somresources and my icons template was made by rpclefairy . the doc template i used for my muse info was made by tinytowns!
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dauofblakes · 1 year
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Duty After School Matching İcons
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snowboiwinwin · 3 years
The Boyz as my University Professors
Disclaimer: Some of my professors are evil bitches; none of the boys are truly evil and I am in no way implying they are or trying to make them look bad! I love the boys and I just thought it would be a fun thing to post :D
the one professor that absolutely loves the topic of his class
super wholesome and smiley throughout the 90 minutes class time
getting super close to the camera (actually to the mic) because he is worried students won’t hear him well enough
always asking questions and encouraging students to interact
not offended when something isn’t clear and therefore students don’t know the answer
reading EVERY. SINGLE. MESSAGE written in the chat (sometimes students have mic problems or don’t wanna speak)
making everyone feel valid and appreciated
being super calm and relaxed
barely doing breakout-rooms cause he knows no one likes them
ending class always a little earlier cause “I know how stressful your life can get.”
just the cutest prof out there
another sweet guy
never holds class at its normal timeframe
just uploads all the files students will need (although attendance is supposed to be mandatory)
“you guys are all grown-ups, I trust you to decide yourself when it is the best time for YOU to study.”
constantly uses smileys and is therefore super popular with students
doesn’t teach many classes, cause which good prof does that? ugh
gets right back at students when they email him their concerns
and no, you don’t get half-assed answers
you get a very detailed answer, which is rare in university life
“Dear [name of stundet], thank you very much! 😊”
offers students to call him by his first name
“I’ll call you by your first name too if that’s okay... creates a more comfortable atmosphere!”
the best <3
he is a savage professor
his look is hella scary and students fear taking his classes
but he is actually the coolest and most laid back dude ever
the first time class is held, he comes in, stone cold expression and literally throws his bag on the desk - everyone is hella scared
then he says, in the scariest voice ever, “We can have fun here in class, no problem, but i AM YOUR PROFESSOR. NOT YOUR FRIEND. Remember that.”
*everyone scared to death*
“Welcome to class everybody! My name is Mr. Kim and I am very looking forward to teach this class in our summer term! Feel free to ask any question that might come up and don’t hesitate to reach out to me whenever!”
no need to be scared, he is a sweetheart
strict and has high expectations, but won’t overdo it with homework or assignments
constantly jokes around but then switches back to being serious
he creates a nice atmosphere where students want to learn something and do it voluntarily 
cares for his students and appreciates their hard work - especially during the pandemic
“I know this is not easy for any of us but I am so amazed by your guys’ work this semester. It was an absolute pleasure teaching you. I hope to see you guys again, but not in this class. Please don’t fail.”
I love him
omg, he is an absolute legend
class starts and he is doing his introduction part
the class i about british literature 
“Welcome to this literature class, you are in for a long ride!”
so far so good right?
“Let me just say, British Literature is an ABSOLUTE shit show!”
when I tell you, I almost died hearing that (no offense to anyone, pls don’t take my profs words to heart... he lives for british literature 🥺)
he definitely has his students hooked with this one sentence
“the teacher that taught this class before me... what was he even talking about! I mean, british literature is so much more than what he made it out to be!”
basically starts ranting  
teaches with so much passion
can’t forget the jokes here and there
also uses smileys which students seriously love (at least I do)
wants students to be informal with him as well
“moving on to this next topic... a little disclaimer before we start: I will go batshit crazy with this topic because I LOVE IT. So please tell me to shut up when I exceed the 10 minutes mark. Thank you!”
A savage legend that everyone loves
sadly only teaches a handful of classes as well
super laid back and chill
does never check attendance and just trusts his students
usually talks most of the time and doesn’t ask too many questions
is super happy when students contribute though
but he isn’t one to force them
“I know your day has probably been really long, so it’s okay. I’m not taking this personal.”
his class is not based on theory but more on experiences he made
shares funny stories, mistakes he made and what he learnt from them
always gives the smallest and easiest homework ever
“please just share your experiences with these types of situations in our forum”
and he does not want to grade students based on an exam
“I have a better idea. In order to understand a certain topic, I want you to write a portfolio about it. It should be detailed but I won’t give you a number of words. Do what feels right and surprise me! Be creative, nothing will be worth a failing grade as long as you put in some effort.”
does split classrooms
one half is in the main room with him, the others are in breakout rooms, working on a certain topic
super chill and just not as hard as some other classes
but students definitely learn from him!
oh boy, students either gonna hate or love him
he is very kind and nice but he is STRICT
take his class serious and work or you will fail
although he has very high expectations, he will make sure students will be prepared for all the essays, assignments and presentations he throws at at them
no half-assed instructions, you will get the full program (as every student should!)
you have to write an argumentative essay but have no idea how to do that?
Professor Moon (students are allowed to call him Kevin) will explain an argumentativ essay in detail, will show examples and will tell you exactly what to put in it
having trouble finding sources?
Kevin will help you, just let him know!
Also a very empathetic teacher
something happened and you can’t attend class? Absolutely no problem
whenever something serious happens (for us it was a shooting), Kevin will cancel class and spare his students cause their well-being is more important
he doesn’t throw out A’s and B’s easily but when you do get such a grade in one of his classes... dude, you did a really good job
so as I said, he is either your fav or least fav professor... choose your side!
he is a bitch (not really, but he gives the impression)
at first, he is that nice, bubbly professor
super friendly and kind
and his classes are absolutely okay! no biggie
or so they THOUGHT
his exams and progress tests or whatever ARE HELL
he makes it seem as everything is so easy and not overwhelming at all
BUT nothing is easy and everything is overwhelming
50 pages for a damn progress test two weeks into the semester!
the grading is so strict, you need at least 65% to pass! (maybe I am a baby but 65% is a lot for a passing grade hahaha)
but he confuses students
he is so kind and soft spoken
constantly smiling and in a good mood
but the exams????
are you sure you were the one creating them Mr Choi?
and yes, he is one of those professors that wants to be addressed by his last name (nothing wrong with that)
as I said, he confuses students
they don’t know what to think of him
at the end of the day he isn’t a bad guy
just not the type of professor the students would want in every single class for the rest of their lives
changmin is not your ordinary professor
because he is a big fan of team-teaching
so all his classes are taught by him and his dear colleague Haknyeon!
I love this duo already
he is the part of the duo that is EXTREMELY motivated
he is is so hyper and so ready for teaching
his classes are always fun but also slightly overwhelming?
juts imagine having too much caffeine in your body
that is changmin being able to teach something he loves
that’s just the passion jumping out of him
he is constantly talking and laughing and throwing jokes left and right
he is having a good time!
super understanding and empathetic
and although everything seems fun and games
you will definitely learn from him!
he has this natural and authentic way of teaching in his body
it comes... naturally and it all makes sense somehow
although the class is packed with inside jokes and changmin teasing haknyeon
haknyeon doesn’t even have time nor the chance to speak
this is changmin’s time to shine!
they love and hate each other
but the students definitely love this iconic duo
as I mentioned; haknyeon and changmin are a team
it wasn’t really something haknyeon wanted but... how could you possibly say no to baby changmin? 🥺
so yes, changmin’s cute face got him into this situation
he doesn’t even have to prepare anything for class - his lovely colleague does the talking anyways
he usually lays back and relax
he frowns into the cam cause he tries to intimidate students
but they know he is a soft guy anyways
while changmin is talking, he is chatting to students in the chat
as I mentioned earlier, not everyone wants to unmute themselves and therefore posts in the chat
so he is having chats with students, often not even related to the topic
“Please excuse me, I will be absent for a few minutes - mommy duties” -student
“Don’t worry Miss! I know exactly what you mean... children.” -haknyeon
whenever he tries to get a word in, he has to talk VERY LOUDLY
he literally has to talk over changmin
but changmin doesn’t mind, he just smiles, nods and listens
changmin is super proud whenever haknyeon speaks
and haknyeon thinks that’s very sweet
but that thought passes as soon as changmin makes a joke about him
at the end of the day, they love each other at least to a certain extent and students adore them
he is not an ordinary professor either
class time? virtual meetings?
nope, not with sunwoo
again, in the classes the boyz teach, attendance is mandatory 
mandatory? sunwoo has never heard of her
he doesn’t require students to attend meetings and homework is also something he does not expect from them
he uploads powerpoint-presentations with videos and audio of him explaining everything in the presentation
but the boy is clumsy
and he is not good with anything technical
so him dropping his glass and spilling his water all over his lap?
well, students will see this in the video
“... and it’s important to- YAAAAH OH NO....”
*awkward silence*
“I spilled my water... if you haven’t seen.”
*more awkward silence*
“Give me a minute”
*the video continues and sunwoo is nowhere in sight*
after ten minutes of an empty chair, sunwoo returns and continues as if nothing has happened
sometimes his kids walk in and dab in the camera without him noticing
“and then - Hey! I am at WORK.”
he loves it though
and he posts these “fail” videos on purpose
“I want to show you, that it is okay to not be perfect and to not be in control of everything! Stuff like that happens, especially with us being in home-office! And don’t worry, if your mom walks in or whatever, in my classroom no one gets judged! This is life and now that we have to do everything from home, the unexpected is unavoidable!”
Another students’ favorite
I would love to imagine him as this savage prof I have in mind... but no <3
he is a sweet guy
also super obsessed with the class he is teaching
he is LIVING for it
usually experiences technical problems right before class starts
“oopsie daisy, sorry guys... might take a few minutes *giggles*”
and no, it’s not a creepy giggle but a really cute one, I swear!
constantly has a pen in his hand and clicks it absentmindedly while teaching
students constantly hear the clicking sound... or when the pen falls to the ground.... which happens every five minutes
he constantly forgets to mute himself whenever he wants students to work by themselves and all they hear is him chugging down his water or whatever drink he has prepared
also sends out super sweet emails
but due to him being a young dude, he wants students to call him by his last name
he also calls students by their last name but he does use smileys to lighten the professional mood that comes with honorifics
overall a very motivated but extremely kind-hearted dude
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kpophours · 4 years
a very necessary guide to The Boyz
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➥ basic information 
debuted on December 6, 2017 with Boy
currently consisting of 11 members (they used to be 12 members, but Hwall sadly departed from the group in October 2019 due to his ongoing ankle injury)
signed under Cre.ker Entertainment
their official fanclub name is “THEB” (aka deobi)
no official colors yet (we’re waiting, Cre.ker)
they have an official YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and vlive
they had their first win with Bloom Bloom in 2019
discography: four EPs (The First, The Start, The Only, Dreamlike), two Singles (The Sphere, Bloom Bloom), a special Single (White), one full album (Reveal), one Japanese release (Tattoo)
recently won mnet’s Road to Kingdom and should have participated in Kingdom this year, but sadly, the show has been postponed indefinitely
currently preparing for a comeback (September 2020)
... now onto the members!
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➥ hyung line: Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae 
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▸ Lee Sangyeon - leader, main vocalist
born on November 4, 1996 (a Scorpio and the oldest member of tbz)
(not your typical) leader - he’s not really “the dad”, but truly more of an older brother to the others
often teases and pranks the other members and is one of the funniest members according to their “Who’s Who” video (see: video recs)
writes own songs - super talented and dedicated, a really hard worker
has a beautiful deep, soul filled voice (we’d LOVE to hear more of it @cre.ker) - check out his performance on King of Masked Singer
according to Eric, he’s the member with the best body - really likes to work out and is stacked™
he really, really loves mangos
says he’s not cute but is obviously very wrong about that
has a super cute smile and adorable laugh
looked too beautiful with pink hair (deobi will never recover)
super bad at literally any game - always, ALWAYS loses when it comes to rock-paper-scissors (would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad)
some fun facts: his mbti is ESFP-T (he doesn’t believe in those kind of tests though), he’s good at impersonating others (especially Eric), he has an older sister (who has two sons, Sangyeon is a super cute uncle to them which he recently showed in his BOYLOG - WARNING: extreme cuteness!)
▸ Jacob Bae - lead vocalist
born on May 30, 1997 (a Gemini, but he very rarely shows it)
his Korean name is Bae Joon Young
kinda the mom of the group, but his official title is the angel™ (he literally never gets angry, he doesn’t even curse! how does he do that even his older brother says they never fought while growing up)
is from Toronto and therefore ½ of Canadian and ⅓ of English line - so he’s obviously fluent in English!
really improved his dancing skills over the years and it shows (unofficial member of dance line, fight me cre.ker)
beautiful soft vocals, amazing high notes (see their Mirotic cover)
plays the guitar and composes/writes his own songs
an MC for Simply K-Pop together with Kevin
½ of the superior “MoonBae” ship (aka married to Kevin - they’re super cute together, truly just two halves of the same idiot)
used to play volleyball and basketball and is really good at both, has apparently been working out a lot recently (rip his stans)
some fun facts: his mbti is INFP-T, his family adopted a new dog and named him after him/gave him the nickname “Cobi” ("your family replaced you... with a canine” - Kevin Moon, 2020), has an older brother, is left-handed, used to be the biggest fan of cereal (literally stocked boxes of it inside his room)
▸ Kim Younghoon - vocalist, visual
born on August 8, 1997 (but the most untypical Leo ever - only shows he’s a Leo like, once a year)
tallest member and ⅓ of the so called “Bermuda line” (aka the visuals™)
an under appreciated vocalist - his performance on King of Masked Singer more than showed how amazing his voice actually is (LET HIM SING CRE.KER)
has a “cool/cold look” at first, but is actually the softest, shyest, most precious squish on this planet (and has super soft puppy eyes)
kinda bad at life - needs to be protected because he’s just so clumsy, pouts when he’s about to cry (me, immediately: *cries with him*)
sometimes just randomly zones out and dissociates for a bit
fell down the stairs and injured his collarbone (I TOLD YOU HE NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED) before their Europe Tour and the Reveal promotions and therefore didn’t participate in the choreography
loves loves loves LOVES dogs so much and (his family) has a poodle (we stan Bori in this household)
the softest™ when trying to speak English (I‘m not crying, I‘m just really allergic to his extreme cuteness)
was a model for the Seoul Fashion Week in 2017 (together with Juyeon)
some fun facts: his mbti is INFP-J (there are four (4) introverts in tbz and they all share the exact same mbti), has an older brother, appeared in I.O.I’s Whatta Man music video, was recently cast as the second lead for the drama Love Revolution (his first ever acting role! the world should look out for actor!Hoon), is a BTS fanboy (his bias is Taehyung/V)
▸ Lee Jaehyun (aka “Hyunjae”) - lead vocalist, lead dancer, visual
born on September 17, 1997 (a Virgo)
also one of the tall members and another third of the “Bermuda Line”
an amazing dancer and a great vocalist (had like, 98% of the lines in No Air, so he’s pretty much an undercover main vocal)
an allrounder
seems quiet and chill at first. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!
he is: l o u d . a bit annoying but also very cute without trying (actually really dislikes doing aegyo). hear someone loud in the background (especially laughing)? yep. that’s him! you found him, congrats.
also very caring and soft, takes great care of the younger members (when he’s not behaving like one of the younger members himself, that is)
also nags them a lot though (at least according to Eric)
the biggest Iron Man fanboy (like, legit wrote a fan letter to Iron Man when he visited the Marvel studios in NYC he’s just so cute)
l o v e s, no, ADORES kids and dogs
also really loves fried chicken
the biggest IU fanboy! very recently covered her song When Love Passes By for their A to BOYZ cover series
MWOHASEYO (don’t ask, just watch)
some fun facts: his mbti is ENFJ-A, he has an older sister, he’s really close with Pentagon’s Kino (they had some very cute interactions during Road to Kingdom), he can spin literally any object (a very weird, random talent tbh), has very skinny legs (so... literally a skinny legend)
➥ middle aka ’98 line: Juyeon, Kevin, New, Q 
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▸ Lee Juyeon - main dancer, vocalist
born on January 15, 1998 (a Capricorn)
the last third of the tall and “Bermuda line”
an amazing dancer - he trained very hard to be where he is now (went viral as “the bucket hat guy” from their Bad Guy dance practice with the 1MILLION dance studio)
has a very soft, beautiful voice needs more lines
has very sharp features and beautiful eyes - his personality is very different from his cold looks though, he’s actually very soft, caring and thoughtful
he’s very gullible and innocent (also needs to be protected), therefore often the victim of jokes - most people think he’s a bit dumb thanks to that, but he’s really not: he likes to read, watches a lot of documentaries, and is just more on the quiet side in general, he likes to think before he speaks (unlike Hyunjae for example, no shade)
also very clumsy (never leave him and Younghoon alone together, please)
booked and busy! had like, a trillion photo shoots just this year, and was also a model for the Seoul Fashion Week 2017 
very bad at taking selfies but he tries and we love him nevertheless
can speak Japanese and English, is also a really good cook
an MC for The Show (aka the “JuShow”)
some fun facts: his mbti is ENTP-T, is very flexible (especially for his height), he likes to work out, has a younger brother, was on the show Law of the Jungle (he really likes nature), biggest U-Know (TVXQ) fanboy (legit cried when he met him), likes to play basketball, has gigantic hands (20.5cm a bit excessive but okay)
▸ Kevin Moon - main vocalist
born on February 23, 1998 (a soft Pisces boy™)
his Korean name is Moon Hyung Seo
the other half of Canadian line aka MoonBae (therefore, married to Jacob)
is from Vancouver and fluent in English (⅓ of English line)
yes, he’s the living meme you probably know from all the “funny kpop videos” compilations, quotes vines on a daily basis
SO much more than just the meme-ber though, he’s extremely talented - BIG BRAIN ENERGY, his creativity legit knows NO LIMITS
has amazing drawing skills (that he often shares with deobi on Twitter) - actually designed the group’s logo tbz use for their official Twitter account
can play the piano and guitar (he’s truly just so talented and amazing - STAN KEVIN MOON Y’ALL)
can cook really well
also writes his own lyrics/songs 
an MC for Simply K-Pop together with Jacob
undercover visual (have you seen his cheekbones?! almost made me cry with his beauty when he had long wavy hair)
“I have no lips” - Kevin Moon, 2020
some fun facts: his mbti is INFP-T, has an older sister, his parents named him after watching “Home Alone” (iconic behavior right there), has a kinda embarrassing past (some of the pictures and videos… uh well, let’s just say he was born a meme legend), he participated in the show K-Pop Star before becoming a trainee 
▸ Choi Chanhee (aka “New”) - main vocalist
born on April 26, 1998 (a Taurus)
literally the prettiest human alive
legit looks like an angel (how is he not an official visual?!), but is a savage (and extremely funny, lowkey judges his members 24/7)
a bit of a drama queen but he’s so cute it’s okay
amazing vocal skills, does most of the ad-libs
looks too cute in a beret, that should be illegal
gets bullied by the other members, which is kinda fair but also a bit (too) much sometimes (#letChanheelive2020)
is a math genius, can calculate extremely big numbers inside his head and FASTER THAN AN ACTUAL CALCULATOR (this is SORCERY)
½ of the other iconic duo beside MoonBae aka “NyuKyu” (together with Changmin aka “Q”) - you heard of dumb and dumber, now get ready for New and Q!
takes the best selfies, holds the official title of Selfie King (according to the others, he takes the most selfies - according to himself, he doesn’t even take that many but just takes them in a very obvious way, so the others always notice him doing so) 
almost breaks his neck taking selfies
used to have a lot of half-time jobs before becoming a trainee
one of the members in charge of cooking (idk why, he managed to melt a spoon once)
doesn’t know how to swim (because - and I quote - ”he’s a CEO’s son”)
puts MILK FIRST, AND THEN CEREAL it’s over, he’s cancelled
some fun facts: his mbti is INFP-T, he really hates tomatoes, he has a tattoo (a cross on his left pinky), has an older brother, lowkey looks like a Volturi, dropped Younghoon’s new sunglasses TWICE which Hoon will never let him forget, he once accidentally ate a plastic fork (don’t ask)
▸ Ji Changmin (aka “Q”) - main dancer, vocalist
born on November 5, 1998 (yep, another Scorpio)
one of the best dancers in the industry (everyone can fight me on this) - went viral for his improvised dance to the Mario music
STAGE DEMON, has one of the best stage presences EVER, goes from 0 to 100 in literally no time
so cute it HURTS and takes the best boyfriend aesthetic pics (all moodboard makers thank him for this)
has dimples he likes to poke when saying “music cue (q)” (me: *cries*)
has a veeeeeeeeeeeeery long neck
can impersonate a giraffe and a pigeon
½ of NyuKyu aka dumb and dumber (WE LOVE BFFS) - they have some very iconic (cooking) vlives together
he’s very - and I say this with all my love - weird 
or, to say it more diplomatically, “unusual”: LOVES horror movies and has had Annabelle as his iPad background for the longest time now (according to himself, they apparently recently broke up though rip our favorite otp), says his favorite beverage at Starbucks are the napkins (???????), literally BEGGED Kevin to let him buy a stuffed pigeon plushie when they visited New York, says the creepy nun from The Conjuring is cute (again: ?????? *whispers* is he okay)
dolphin screams™ (you’ve been warned, turn down your volume)
got lost in New York City together with Kevin (never let them take the metro ever again, at least not... unsupervised)
has a poodle named Ghana and adores him (see this BOYLOG where he just hangs with his puppy, 10/10 recommend watching that)
some fun facts: his mbti is ESFP-T (same as Sangyeon, doesn’t believe in those kind of tests either), has two older sisters, is ambidextrous (but mostly uses his left hand), is really good at playing the piano (won a price in elementary school), his English name is James aka the most generic English name ever (no shade, no hate)
➥ maknae line: Haknyeon, Sunwoo, Eric 
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▸ Ju Haknyeon - lead dancer, vocalist, rapper
born on March 12, 1999 (another Pisces!)
he is half Chinese, half Korean and lived in Hong Kong for a while
speaks some Mandarin, a bit of Cantonese and also some English
also one of the allrounders of the group (I SAID WHAT I SAID)
an AMAZING dancer! is really good at freestyling
taught himself how to b-boy
such a rich, amazing, stable voice (*bass boosted* more lines for Hak)
one of the funniest and most random members
very loud, randomly bursts into songs all the time even sings when sneezing
just generally really, really sweet and nice
before debut, he participated in the second season of mnet’s Produce 101 (was eliminated in Ep. 11 and ranked #19) - The Boyz were actually often referred to as “Juhaknyeon’s group” before/shortly after their debut
he’s a very good eater and eats A LOT (FINALLY A RELATABLE IDOL)
his family lives on Jeju Island and owns a pig farm - because of that (and because he eats a lot), one of his nicknames is “pig/piggie”
has a blindingly bright smile and is such an underrated visual
yes, you can probably drown in his beautiful, deep chocolate eyes
he and Hwall accidentally became thieves in NYC (they forgot to pay for their food, but went back later to do so so no jail time!)
some fun facts: his mbti is ENTJ-T, he’s really close with Seventeen’s Seungkwan, he has two sisters (one younger, one older), NOT a morning person AT all (relatable), really good at organizing stuff (as seen during the Battle Trip to Jakarta episodes with Hyunjae), really good and fast at peeling tangerines
▸ Kim Sunwoo - main rapper, vocalist
born on April 12, 2000 (an Aries and his fire sign nature shows)
a flawless rapper, just... truly superb. also an amazing dancer !
actually auditioned to be a vocalist (so he has amazing vocals, too), but became a rapper instead
tbz’ unofficial stuntman (as seen during Road to Kingdom), even though he’s actually really scared of heights
can play the guitar
on the other end of the “lip spectrum” - because unlike Kevin, Sunwoo has a lot of them (lemme just *smooch*)
literally one of the wittiest, most savage people on this planet (GOOGLE SEARCH: HOW TO BE SO FUNNY)
used to drink a lot of juice to keep himself healthy
is really good at soccer and used to play when he was younger
beautiful deep brown eyes that hold every star and galaxy in them 
Mr. Coconut Hair™ (really makes it work though - still, every deobi screams when we get to see his forehead (which is like, once a year if we’re lucky))
a real stage demon but in reality an actual baby™ + scaredy cat needs to be protected at all costs
had a mental breakdown when he had to eat a bug after losing rock-paper-scissors 
always yells “GO AWAY ANNA” whenever someone knocks on his door (especially if it’s New)
some fun facts: his mbti is ENTP-A, has a younger sister (who’s taller than him, he’s really salty about that), he’s really close to some of the other ‘00 liners in the industry, he understands English quite well but doesn’t really speak it, also contributes to a lot of tbz’ songs
▸ Eric Son - maknae, lead dancer, lead rapper, vocalist
born on December 22, 2000 (another Capricorn)
his Korean name is Son Young Jae 
he was born in South Korea, but grew up in Los Angeles and is therefore fluent in English (⅓ of English line)
a great dancer (knows soooo many choreographies, it’s insane)
an amazing rapper (deserves more lines!)
hyper 24/7 watching him makes me tired, where does he get all that energy from
talks fast and a lot. never shuts up. you can’t make him. he tries to tell you one (1) story, but ends up telling 10 different ones along the way.
really good a baseball and loves to watch games
super close to Juyeon and used to go to Ju’s place during holidays as his own family lives in the US (my JuRic heart)
really neat and tidy, loves to clean maybe almost a bit neurotic about it
just generally really, really cute ???
a huge GOT7 fanboy (RELATABLE)
a thot on stage, should not be left unsupervised
close friends with Stray Kids’ Felix (his best idol friend according to himself)
also close to GOT7’s Mark (they’re also really cute together)
performed CPR on a watermelon once (it sadly still died, Eric gets an A for effort though)
some fun facts: his mbti is ENFJ-A, he has an older sister (who lives in New York), does NOT look like the maknae which often confuses people, really good and fast at solving Rubix cubes
➥ former member: Hwall 
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Heo Hyunjoon (aka “Hwall”) - lead dancer, lead rapper, vocalist
born March 9, 2000 (yet another Pisces!)
from Busan
such a good dancer, truly incredible
very soft rap tone 
looks a bit like a cat
is very acrobatic
has a “cool” persona, but is actually just a certified babie boy™
used to live in the Philippines for four years and can speak English
the official fashionista of tbz, some of his outfits are truly just iconic
his signature aegyo is to shoot an arrow at deobis’ hearts (Hwall actually means “bow” in Korean)
can get very clingy with some members
had to sit out during D.D.D promotions and decided to leave The Boyz in 2019 (he’s still in the music video though!)
in August 2020, it was announced that he left Cre.ker Entertainment and established his own label called Dia Note
the same month, he debuted as Hyunjun Hur with the song Baragi 
you can follow his official Instagram and YouTube
some fun facts: his mbti is ENFP, he’s still in contact with the other members (said he especially misses Juyeon and Hyunjae *sobs*), his role model is BTS’ Jimin and he actually went to the same dance academy (also knows pretty much all their choreographies/songs by heart)
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➥ some videos to watch 
all their music videos of course
all their live stages/performances too
BuzzFeed’s Who’s Who
Metro UK’s Quick Questions
their Billboard interview
their Weekly Idol episode
their Idol Room episode
their Road to Kingdom performances: Sword of Victory, Danger, Reveal, Heroine, Quasi una Fantasia, Checkmate 
their dance covers: Girls Generation’s The Boys + GOT7′s Hard Carry’, TVXQ’s Mirotic, TWICE’s What is Love, EXO’s Love me Right, EXO’s Call me Baby, Super Junior’s Sorry Sorry
Q, Haknyeon and Jacob for the Idol dance cover challenge 
their Billie Eilish Bad Guy stage for KCON 2019 + the dance practice
their dance cover medley
drop the dance at KCON 2019
their performance on Immortal Songs
Q’s Mario dance
their Halloween dance practice for Bloom Bloom
their “Identity Film: Generation Z” videos which show a very different side of each member
my personal emotional support kpop video
The Boyz - The Play “Mafia game” (aka a mess™)
their A to BOYZ cover series (five members have been released so far): Jacob, Hyunjae, Sunwoo, Juyeon, Q
and if you have the time: their whole The Castle concert 
➥ their shows 
The Boyz - Summer Vacation
The Boyz in New York City
Come On! The Boyz
Come On! The Boyz School
The Boyz - Flower Snack (pre-debut)
The Boyz - The 100 (shortly after debut)
The Boyz - Otoseyo (Japanese show)
The Boyz  - The Mission
The Boyz - The Play
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there are literally endless videos on YouTube - especially “The Boyz memes” / “funny The Boyz compilations” and so on, but I won’t include those here as you can easily find them on your own !
... and that’s it (for now), if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send an ask - and please give their new comeback lots of love, they are so talented, funny, dedicated and hardworking, and truly just deserve the whole world 💞
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Best Korean Dramas on Netflix to Watch Right Now
South Korea is one of the world’s biggest exporters of popular culture. From K-pop to K-dramas, Parasite to BTS, the East Asian country knows how to reach an international audience. Korean TV, especially K-dramas, have long been of interest to western markets, but it’s no longer just the Korean diaspora or romance drama fans underserved by western markets checking out K-dramas, international watchers of Korean dramas have become much more “mainstream” in the last few years, especially with Netflix’s increased focus and investment in the region.
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Why Are Squid Game’s English-Language Actors So Bad?
By Kayti Burt
Squid Game’s Most Heartbreaking Hour is Also Its Best
By Kayti Burt
Netflix has played a major role in this expansion of Korean TV into the global market. The streamer has not only scooped up an impressive backlog of Korean originals as a global distributor, but, since 2016, has been investing in the Korean TV industry at the production level. At the beginning of 2021, Netflix released an official statement announcing the leasing of two production facilities outside of Seoul, citing the move as “another important example of our continued commitment to investing in Korea’s creative ecosystem.” According to the release, from 2015 to 2020, Netflix invested over 700 million dollars in Korean content. The company also has multi-year content partnerships with CJ ENM/Studio Dragon and JTBC.
Suffice to say, Netflix has a solid Korean TV section, filled with some of the best K-dramas around, both new and old. If you’re new to the world of Korean TV or if you’re simply looking for your next watch, why not try out one of the following…
Crash Landing On You (2019)
The absolute top secret love story of a chaebol heiress who made an emergency landing in North Korea because of a paragliding accident and a North Korean special officer who falls in love with her and who is hiding and protecting her.
If you’re at all tapped into the K-drama scene, then you have at least heard of Crash Landing on You if not binged it multiple times. An original production from Netflix, Crash Landing On You pairs rom-com and character drama elements with an exploration of the cultural pain inherent in the separation between North and South Korea. With charismatic and vulnerable performances from veteran K-drama leads Son Ye-jin as South Korean heiress Yoon Se-ri and Hyun Bin as North Korean soldier Ri Jeong-hyeok; some gorgeous production values; and a memorably melodramatic soundtrack, Crash Landing On You is a whirlwind action-romance that was one of the best shows of 2020, full stop.
Kingdom (2019-present)
In a kingdom defeated by corruption and famine, a mysterious plague spreads to turn the infected into monsters. The crown prince, framed for treason and desperate to save his people, sets out on a journey to unveil what evil lurks in the dark.
If you prefer your TV more horror-driven, Korean TV has some notable shows for you. One of the most internationally popular is Kingdom, a historical zombie drama about a 17th century crown prince who has to fight against a mysterious plague of flesh-eating zombies that threatens to overtake his kingdom. Most K-dramas are structured to tell their entire story in one season, but Kingdom has already had two seasons with a third predicted to be on the way, as well as a one-off special that just premiered on Netflix called Kingdom: Ashin of the North. If you’re looking to get into a longer-running K-drama that favors horror over romance, this could be the one for you.
Squid Game (2021)
45.6 billion won. 456 contestants stake their lives on childhood games.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably already heard of Squid Game, which is on track to become Netflix’s most popular series ever. The Korean social thriller tells the story of a group of 456 desperate contestants who agree to compete in a deadly competition for the chance to win the kind of money that could change their lives forever. Socially relevant and compulsively watchable, Squid Game takes a familiar premise and makes it new again with compelling characters, exquisite visual style, and cultural specificity.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha (2021)
When things go awry in the city, a dentist decides to go back to her quiet seaside hometown for a fresh start. There, she finds herself at odds with the village go-to handyman who’s always up to help and fix what’s broken—perhaps even matters of the heart.
If you’re looking for something a little chiller after the horrors of Squid Game, try Hometown Cha Cha Cha, which is basically a Hallmark Christmas movie in series form (which is to say a cozy romance). The series, which is currently “airing” weekly on Netflix, sees a big city dentist named Hye-jin decide to open an office in the small seaside town of Gongjin, where she once visited with her family as a child. It all happens on a bit of a whim, with Hye-jin not fully prepared for the transition to rural life in a town where everyone knows everyone’s business. Enter Du-sik, the town’s darling jack-of-all-trades, who helps the townspeople by doing any and every job they might need. The two couldn’t be more different, but fate seems to have brought them together. You probably have an idea of what happens next…
When the Camellia Blooms (2019)
Dong-baek (Kong Hyo-jin) is the owner of a small-town bar called Camellia. Her ordinary life turns topsy-turvy when three men enter her life — a good guy, a bad guy, and a miserly guy. What kind of stories will unfold in this sleepy town full of colorful characters? 
If you’re looking for another K-drama set outside of Seoul, When the Camellia Blooms is the story of a single mom Dong-baek, who moves to the fictional town of Ongsan where she opens a bar called Camellia. When local police officer Yong-sik declares his love for Dong-baek, she is initially not interested, but the two become closer the more time they spend together. Thrown in a solid supporting cast and a serial killer subplot and you’ve got yourself one of the most popular K-dramas in recent years.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020)
Desperate to escape from his emotional baggage and the heavy responsibility he’s had all his life, a psychiatric ward worker begins to heal with help from the unexpected—a woman who writes fairy tales but doesn’t believe in them.
There’s still a taboo around addressing mental illness in Korea, which is one of the many reasons why this 2020 drama about Gang-tae, a young man who is a caregiver at a psychiatric hospital, and Moon-young, a children’s author living with antisocial personality disorder, made such a splash. While the romance at its center is great, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay really shines in its exploration of Gang-tae’s relationship with his brother, Sang-tae, who is on the autism spectrum. In a press conference promoting the show (via Metro Style), Sang-tae actor Oh Jung-se said of the character: “If you meet someone like Sang-tae, who is on the autism spectrum, on the street, I think it would be nice if people could think ‘I would like to be with that person’ instead of ‘I would like to help that person.’”
Boys Over Flowers (2009)
Unassuming high school girl Jan-di stands up to — and eventually falls for — a spoiled rich kid who belongs to the school’s most powerful clique.
A K-drama classic, Boys Over Flowers follows working class student Geum Jan-di as she arrives at the elite Shinhwa High School on scholarship, only to meet and be unimpressed by a group of privileged boys known collectively as F4 who rule the school. The drama follows Jan-di as she goes from bullying target of F4 leader Jun-pyo to the object of his obsession. It’s a classic enemies-to-lovers set-up, and one that while cliche, is still worth a watch over a decade later, especially if you’re interested in checking out one of the most iconic K-dramas of all time.
Itaewon Class (2020)
On the vibrant streets of Itaewon, something is about to shake up the local food scene. Going up against the most powerful conglomerate in the industry, underdog Park Sae-ro-yi and his band of determined misfits seek to take over Itaewon and turn their ambitious dreams into reality.
Korean TV knows how to melodrama, and this story of revenge and romance set in Seoul’s popular Itaewon area leans into intense catharsis. Itaewon Class follows Park Sae-Ro-Yi, the owner of an up-and-coming Itaewon restaurant called DanBam that becomes a refuge for a group of social outcasts. Together, they work to take down the same business mogul responsible for the death of Sae-Ro-Yi’s father years earlier. Itaewon Class was extremely popular both in South Korea and internationally, and featured the first transgender character in a mainstream K-drama. Added bonus: the Itaewon Class soundtrack includes an original song from BTS’ V.
Mr Sunshine (2018)
In 1905, a Korean American U.S. marine officer returns to his homeland on a diplomatic assignment. Coping with his painful past in Korea as an orphaned servant boy, he finds himself in a complicated relationship with an aristocrat’s daughter.
If you’re into historically-driven period drama, then check out the beautifully-shot Mr. Sunshine. The K-drama is set in the late 19th and early 20th century in Hanseong, the city that would become Seoul and follows activists fighting for Korea’s independence. The story follows Go Ae-shin, an orphaned noblewoman who trains to be a sniper in the Righteous Army, the civilian militia that fought against the occupying Japanese forces, and Eugene Choi, a man who escaped slavery in Korea to become a U.S. marine, only to return to his homeland where he falls in love with Ae-shin. The series uses real-life history, including Shinmiyangyo, the Spanish-American War, the assassination of Empress Myeongseong, the Russo-Japanese War, Gojong’s forced abdication, and the Battle of Namdaemun as a backdrop for its epic story.
Signal (2016)
A cold-case profiler in 2015 and a detective in 1989 work together to solve a series of related murders spanning three decades using a special walkie-talkie to communicate with each other.
This premise has been used a lot—from 2000 Dennis Quaid/Jim Caviezel thriller Frequency to the 2016 CW TV adaptation of the same name—and for good reason. An analog device allows two people to communicate across time, and they must work to solve a murder together. It not only makes for compelling character drama, as two people become closer but are separated by years, but also is a fresh twist on the serial killer narrative. In K-drama Signal, the analog device is a walkie-talkie, and the characters on either temporal side of it are contemporary criminal profiler Park Hae-young and 1989-based Detective Cha Soo-hyun. If you’re looking for a good crime thriller, Signal could be it.
Hospital Playlist (2020-present)
Friends since undergrad school, five doctors remain close and share a love for music while working at the same hospital.
Like Kingdom, Hospital Playlist is the rare K-drama that tells its story across multiple seasons. The hospital drama just finished airing its second season weekly on Netflix, continuing its story about a group of doctors in their 40s who have been best friends since medical school. A true ensemble drama, Hospital Playlist is perfect for fans of Grey’s Anatomy but feels unique in its centering of a friend-group with a such a long history.
Vincenzo (2021)
Bringing his mafia past back with him to South Korea, Song Joong-ki stars as notorious Italian lawyer Vincenzo who isn’t afraid to lend his bloodstained hands to beat the untouchable conglomerates in their own game.
If you just watched the dramatic opening of Vincenzo, set in Italy days after the death of a mafia boss, you might think you’re in for a self-serious organized crime drama. But the Netflix K-drama quickly shifts into a story much more tonally complex. Part romance, part drama, part action thriller, Vincenzo has something for everyone. It follows Vincenzo (Space Sweepers‘ Song Joong-ki), a Korean lawyer raised by an Italian mafia family who must flee the country following his father’s death. As part of his plan of escape, Vincenzo travels to Korea to recover a stash of hidden gold under an old apartment building set for demolition by a corrupt corporation called the Babel Group. Because of this dilemma, Vincenzo becomes unlikely allies with the group of eccentric citizens who live in the building, as well as with a passionate and moral lawyer who has a vendetta against the Babel Group for his own reasons.
The “Reply” Series (2012-2016)
Take a nostalgic trip back to the late 1980s through the lives of five families and their five teenage kids living in a small neighborhood in Seoul.
The Reply series is one of the most popular cable dramas in Korean TV history. It launched in 2012 with Reply 1997 before continuing with Reply 1994 in 2013 and Reply 1988 in 2015. The ambitiously-structured series follows a group of friends and their kids, telling the story in present-day in addition to flashbacks. Featuring a fun soundtrack, as well as some incredibly performances, the Reply series is well worth a watch for anyone who loves character drama with a nostalgic twist.
Prison Playbook (2017)
With only days before his major league baseball debut, pitcher Kim Je-hyeok unexpectedly lands himself behind bars. He must learn to navigate his new world with its own rules if he wants to survive.
Prison Playbook is much more slow-paced than many of the selections on the list, but this character drama is worth the dedication. Though it’s often touted as a “black comedy,” it’s much more tonally light than that suggests, despite the subject matter. The story follows baseball pitcher Kim Je Hyeok, who is incarcerated days before his major league debut for assaulting the attempted rapist of his sister. It follows his life within prison, along with the lives of some of the other inmates and guards, including his old best friend, Lt. Lee Joon Ho, who is a correctors officer. Created by Lee Woo-jung, who also made the aforementioned Reply series, Prison Playbook is one of the most popular K-dramas in Korean cable history ever.
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Sweet Home (2020)
As humans turn into savage monsters, one troubled teenager and his neighbors fight to survive and to hold onto their humanity.
It’s been well-documented that Song Kang is a K-drama darling. The actor has appeared in many a romantic K-drama, including Netflix’s Nevertheless and Love Alarm. Sweet Home, however, is his rare horror appearance, and it’s well worth a watch just to see Song in a completely different context. Of course, this apocalyptic horror story has other qualities too, and holds the honor of being the first Korean series to enter the U.S. Netflix Top Ten. Based on a Naver (aka Korean Google) webcomic of the same name, Sweet Home follows Cha Hyun-soo (Song), a high school student who moves into an apartment building after the deaths of his parents, only to discover that the building also happens to be the home of a species of monsters set on world domination.
Nevertheless (2021)
Like a butterfly hopelessly attracted to a flower, this art student can’t seem to resist the mysterious young man who captures her attention. But the more they get romantically involved, the sooner she will have to decide—will getting close be worth it, when he doesn’t believe in relationships?
Speaking of Song Kang… Nevertheless is the latest K-drama to star the 27-year-old actor. The romantic drama stars Han So-hee as Yoo Na-bi, university art student who no longer believes in love following discovering her boyfriend has been cheating on her. When she meets Song’s Park Jae-eon, she is immediately intrigued. Though the two share an immediate attraction, they resist entering into a relationship due to their respective uncertainties about love. Based on a popular webcomic of the same name, Nevertheless feels unique in its treatment of modern dating life in Korea, depicting some of the more realistic, often internal struggles of what its like to date in your 20s.
My Mister (2018)
In a world that is less than kind, a young woman and a middle-aged man develop a sense of kinship as they find warmth and comfort in one another.
If you’re in the mood to cry, try My Mister, a drama about a financially-disadvantaged young woman just trying to stay afloat as she takes care of her sick grandmother amid mounting debt and a much more financially-privileged middle-aged man who is also being crushed by the weight of his life. The two work together, and form a (mostly) platonic relationship that helps both of them heal. Understated and deeply emotional at the same time, My Mister will subvert so many K-drama expectations in clever ways.
Memories of the Alhambra (2018)
While looking for the cryptic creator of an innovative augmented-reality game, an investment firm executive meets a woman who runs a hostel in Spain.
If you’re looking for another K-drama starring Crash Landing on You‘s Hyun Bin (and of course you are), then look no further than Memories of the Alhambra, a 2018 K-drama with an absolutely batshit (read: amazing) premise. Hyun stars as Yoo Jin-woo, a CEO who travels to Spain in search of the creator of an AR game set in the Spanish medieval fortress Alhambra. Once there, Jin-woo is pulled into a reality-bending mystery with life-or-death stakes and some unpredictable twists that I don’t want to spoil for you.
Romance is a Bonus Book (2019)
A gifted writer who’s the youngest editor-in-chief ever at his publishing company gets enmeshed in the life of a former copywriter desperate for a job.
Ostensibly based on the TV series Younger, Romance is a Bonus Book is a rom-com set in the publishing industry world. It follows single mom Kang Dan Yi as she struggles to reenter the workforce following her divorce. When he lies about her background to get a job, her life becomes tangled up with childhood friend and publishing phenom Cha Eun Ho.
I began watching this series to see how it compared to the U.S. version of the show, of which I am a fan. Honestly, these two series have only the most superficial details of their plots in common, which is par for the course in many adaptations. Romance is a Bonus Book is much more romance-centric than Younger, which balances the love life of its central protagonist with the many other relationships and concerns she has in her life. But that isn’t a bad thing. They are two very different shows with their own interests and strengths, but if you’re a fan of both rom-coms and the publishing industry, then both Romance is a Bonus Book and Younger are worth a watch.
Black (2017)
A man possessed by death. A woman who can see death. The earthly and the afterworld collide dangerously.
One character is possessed by the Grim Reaper. The other can see deadly spirits. Only Korean can turn this premise into a heartbreaking romance, as the two work together to save people marked for death. If you’re looking for a spooky season watch, you can’t go wrong with Black, which is a delightful (and, honestly, pretty complex) hodgepodge of Korean horror all wrapped up in a rom-com package.
What is your favorite K-drama on Netflix? And what upcoming Netflix K-dramas are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below?
The post The Best Korean Dramas on Netflix to Watch Right Now appeared first on Den of Geek.
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tyunni · 3 years
tagged by: @eternallyhyucks ly :( tagging: sjjsjdjejsnebebwjjaja hmm yes um @sooblvr @hyetomi @choibinn3 and whoever wants to try this (no pressure)
why did u choose ur url?
taehyun is the loml i love him to the moon and back idc if he isnt my bias he still holds a special place in my heart and I'll forever me in love with him
do u have any side blogs?
multiple ones, i try different themes on them and then choose the one i like the most
how long have u been on tumblr?
i have been here even before posting and before even creating my old blog, i was just reading cute stuff anonimously, i also sent asks a lot and stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i was a regular anon for a few people whose works i particularly liked 😋😋 tmi but one of them deactivated their acc and im not even sure if they released the request i sent them and they seemed pretty excited to make it too :(( THEY RELEASED A WHOLE ASS TEASER AND EVERYTHING !! it was a felix from skz request called "the jughead effect" im p sure AND OMFG I WAS SO DJEJDJEJSJJWWJSJAJAJJEJE yet again im not sure if they released it cuz i hadn't checked their account in a while and when i finally got back on tumblr and searched them up they were deactivated </3 idk if any of that made sense its 5AM help me.
do you have a queue tag?
nah 😋
why did u start ur blog in the first place?
i got bored. that's literally the entire reason.
why did u choose ur icon/pfp?
simply cuz it matched the header 😋
why did u choose ur header?
park fucking jisung. need i say more??
whats ur post w the most notes?
txt when u call them bro, txt choi line when you're feeling cold and txt when they have a crush on you 🗣️
how many mutuals do u have?
how many followers do u have?
248 !!! lyasm <3 ill post once my semi-hiatus is over i promise :)
how many ppl do u follow?
101 y'all if i follow u ure sexy asf /hj
have u ever made a shitpost?
yes. absolutely. every single day i still think if i want to make a txt as furries headcanons post...
how often do u use tumblr each day?
quite a lot bcuz i like to interact with mutuals + read some fics and stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im lonely
did u ever have a fight/argument w another blog once ? who won ?
nope never. never ever. and am not planning to. 🤝🏻
how do u feel ab those “u need to reblog this” posts?
ignore them ?? like depends on what it says yk, but most of them time i scroll cuz i do not care 🤣🙏🏻
do u like tag games?
do you like ask games?
which of ur mutuals do u think r the most famous?
umm.. @igyus @hobqs @bluhr @ddeonuism @spookybias (not trying to tag any of them)
do u have a crush on a mutual?
BELLE AKA @mjnisode AKA MY SOULMATE AKA THE LOML. I HAVE A BIG FAT CRUSH ON BELLE. LIKE SERIOUSLY. MMDNDJDJSJDJSNSN <3 WHENEEVE I GET A NOTIFICATION FROM HER MY HEART SKIPS A BEAT. and mira and tiff 😊😊 but srsly tho all of my mutuals 😋 y'all are so nice and fun to interact with & i kinda fell in love with u 🙏🏻
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