zaffrenotes · 6 years
Don’t Middle Name Me
Players: Liam x MC, Drake Rating/Warning: PG-13ish; Language Summary: Katrina deals with some of her fears as she and Liam prepare for a new arrival (Jumping forward after You Are the Reason) Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* This is a one-shot for @meeraaverywalker November 9 Challenge: Fears. Also ties in a @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul Fluff Friday prompt 11: The text that changed everything, for @brightpinkpeppercorn Bit of a hack job since this was pieced from an angsty version of Liam and Katrina’s story, but it sort of works here. Word Count: just under 3000
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Katrina walked – waddled – slowly to the stables where Drake was checking on one of the pregnant mares. Boy do I know how you feel, girl. Katrina was at the 40 week mark of her pregnancy, and while it had been relatively easy, she was tired of feeling so tired all the time. Not to mention feeling like she had to pee every hour.
“Trin! I told you I had this covered!” Drake yelled at her from outside the stable, where he was loading hay into a wheelbarrow. He dropped what he was doing and ran up to help her. “Jesus woman, you know Liam will have both our asses if you get hurt out here in your condition,” Drake said, reaching out to her.
She swatted his hands away. “I’m fine. I’m just a penguin right now.” She sighed, seeing the concerned look in Drake’s eyes, and gave in, grabbing hold of one of his hands. He linked his arm in hers, and they walked down to the stables together. “I just needed to get some air. Liam won’t be back at the palace for hours, and my work phone keeps buzzing with emails from that idiot assistant filling in for Nicola.”
“What happened to her, anyway?”
“Her new boyfriend whisked her away for a belated New Year’s holiday. At the time we weren’t busy, but we had no idea a strike was looming.” Katrina sighed as Drake helped her sit on a bench. “Liam’s been stuck in negotiation meetings.”
“Is he at least hopeful they’ll come to an agreement soon?”
“He sounded optimistic when I last talked to him, but I think there’s still a lot to cover.” She looked over her shoulder into the stables. “How’s the mare?”
“Coming along, pretty sure the calf’ll be born before the end of the day.” Suddenly Katrina lurched forward, clutching her stomach; she grabbed Drake’s shoulder as she let out a low moan. Drake’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit, Trin, are you okay? Is it time?”
Katrina took a few slow, deliberate breaths, her eyes closed. She eased her grip from Drake’s shoulder. “Just a spasm,” she said.
“Drake Alexander, I’m fine.”
“I hate it when you middle name me like that.”
“I know.” She stuck her tongue out at him.
“You tell me the second – the second – your contractions are 10 minutes apart, or as soon as your water breaks, you hear me?” Katrina grunted dismissively. “B,” he said sharply. “I don’t care that you’re my Queen, you’re my friend first…and my best friend’s wife is not giving birth anywhere near a stable.”
Katrina chuckled. “Aye, Captain.” She took a few more deep breaths, and the pain subsided. “Go check on your girl, I’ll be out here.” Drake patted her shoulder before returning to the stables, right as the palace veterinarian pulled up. Katrina took her phone out of her coat pocket, made a note of the time, and tried texting Liam again, before sliding the phone back into her pocket. She stared out at the dusting of snow that covered the land – a rare sight for being so close to the coast – absentmindedly rubbing her belly.
Her mind wandered to Liam, as it often did when she was away from him. He had tried to downplay the negotiations for her sake, wanting to stay close to her since the baby was due any day. She knew better, having read more of the research his assistant had compiled. It was important for him to figure out a solution before things got worse, despite her own reservations about being away from her husband. She was just starting to form an idea in her head about the wage gap when another wave of pain hit her body. She shut her eyes and started taking slow deep breaths, scrambling to get her phone to check the time. Shit. “Uh, Drake?” she called out.
Drake popped his head out from the stables. “What’s wrong? Did you water break? Are you having contractions? Should I call for an ambulance?” Drake fired the questions all at once.
“Water didn’t break…but I think contractions have started. Last one was ten minutes ago.”
“Okay, time to go.” Katrina nodded silently as Drake helped her up. “Get in the truck, you’re not walking back all that way.”
“Drake…” Katrina complained, shaking her head.
“B. Truck. Now.”
Katrina dropped her shoulders in defeat, making her way to the passenger side of Drake’s truck. She climbed in with his help, and he ran around the front to get behind the wheel. He drove the short distance – dammit, I hate it when he’s right, this walk back would have been a PITRA – back to the palace, and he pulled up to a side entrance near Liam and Katrina’s private residence. She dialed the number for the midwife, pursing her lips when the call rolled to voicemail. Two more calls with the same results. What the hell, why isn’t she answering? She muttered under her breath as she stepped out of the truck, suddenly gripping the door as another contraction hit her, and she felt something wet trickle down her legs. No no no no, too soon!
Drake rushed around the truck to her side when he saw her hold on to the door. His eyes took in the sight of her now soiled jeans. “We’re going to the hospital.” He went to the truck bed and pulled a wool blanket from one of the canvas bags, laying it out on the passenger seat.
“But…” she protested. We hired a midwife. I’m supposed to have a home birth. Liam’s supposed to be here. NO HOSPITALS. A wave of anxiety hit her from head to toe, settling with the pain in her midsection, and she felt her heart race faster at the idea of going back to the place that had caused her so much emotional pain.
“Trin, I know,” Drake said, his voice soft. “I know you hate hospitals. But if Liam doesn’t get here in time, I don’t want to have to rush you over there if you need help.”
“Let me try the midwife one more time,” she pleaded. She pressed the call button on her phone again, sighing with relief when it picked up on the fourth ring. “Hello, this is Mrs. Rys calling for Maria, I’ve gone into labor,” she said, before the person on the other end of the line could say anything. Her face fell as she listened to their voice. “I understand that, but I was told…do you know who I am? No seriously, I’m not trying to play my card, but you’re speaking to your Queen right now…my water just broke, and I’m…” she trailed off as another contraction hit her. “Skata…” she cursed, pulling the phone away from her ear to look at the time. She exhaled sharply into the phone, breathing in through her nose as she tried to let the pain pass. “My last contractions were four minutes apart. FOUR.” She glanced up at Drake, whose eyes were wide as saucers. Oops. This wasn’t on purpose, this baby wants out! She clenched her jaw as the voice on the other end of the phone spoke. “Is there another midwife? Fine. Fine. I understand. Goodbye.” She pressed her thumb on the red circle on her phone’s screen, gripping the phone in her hand. “Midwife’s in the middle of another delivery, all the other midwives are busy. Let’s go.”
“Our agreement was not on FOUR MINUTES, Trin!” Drake exclaimed, helping her back into his truck.
“Not my fault! You think I can control what’s going on right now? This kid is in some weird hurry!”
Drake handed his phone to her as he got back in the truck and turned the ignition. “Sasha, get someone to pack an overnight bag for Trina and bring it to the hospital, I’m taking her there now!” he called out to Katrina’s personal guard. He pressed his foot on the gas and started driving. “Spam Liam with my phone too, he’s bound to pick up if he sees we’re both trying to reach him.”
Katrina fired off a text message to Liam: 
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She used Drake’s phone to call Liam’s work phone, using her own to call Liam’s personal number. The repetitive task at least got her to think about something other than the fact that she was sitting in wet pants, heading to the last place in the world she wanted to head towards.
Drake got Katrina to the hospital in record time, and she was taken to a private suite. Drake helped her change into a hospital gown, politely turning his head as she undressed, and anxiously paced in the room when the doctor arrived to check on Katrina. When the doctor put Katrina’s feet in the stirrups and Drake heard the words “dilated cervix” he left the room, trying both of Liam’s numbers again. Finally, Liam answered his personal number. “Li, you need to come to the hospital now, Trin’s in labor.”
“I’m in the car, how are my girls?”
“Contractions are holding at four minutes apart, doctor’s examining her now.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Drake?”
“Don’t leave her side.”
“I’ll tell her you’re on your way.” Drake ended the call and stepped back into the room as the doctor walked out. He looked at Katrina; her face was contorted in pain as she felt another contraction, and he rushed to her side, offering his hand to her. She took it without question and squeezed as the contraction peaked, trying to breathe through it.
“This Lamaze is bullshit,” she panted. “I want drugs.” I want to not be here, but I won’t win that battle.
“Is that….part of your…birthing plan, or whatever it’s called?” Drake asked, shaking out his hand.
“No, but I don’t think I can do this without drugs or Liam.” She looked up at Drake with a vulnerability he hadn’t seen since the night of their homecoming ball. “The contractions are coming harder, and Drake…” Tears welled up in her eyes. “…I’m scared.”
Drake leaned down and hugged her, squeezing her shoulder. “Trin, you can do this,” he said softly. “You are fearless.”
Katrina started to cry. “I’m not talking about just getting through the birth part,” she said. “What if…what if I’m not a good mother?”
Drake pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Are you kidding me, B? You’ve been looking out for everyone in our group since you stepped foot in Cordonia. You helped Hana find her new passion in life, and don’t even get me started on what you did to help Leo with Katie. You even got Olivia to soften up to you. That took me a decade and she still irritates the ever-loving crap out of me.” Katrina chuckled through her tears at his statement. “You and Liam are two of the most caring and selfless people I know, and that baby girl is going to be so lucky to be loved by you both. Too much love, probably,” he added, with a chuckle. “You’re ready for this.”
Katrina’s mouth twitched into a small smile, and she held Drake’s hand. “When did you get so good at knowing exactly what to say?”
He hugged her again, ruffling her hair playfully. “You’re one of my best friends, Trin. I love you.” He felt Katrina’s arms around his waist as she hugged him, and after a moment, he cleared his throat. “Liam’s on his way, he’ll be here soon.”
“Oh! Good, I’m glad you got hold of him.” She eventually released her grip, and they pulled apart. She wiped what was left of the tears in her eyes away, and smiled sheepishly at Drake. “Could you, um, get me some ice chips? It’s all I’m allowed to have now.”
“You got it,” he replied, turning to leave the room. He opened the door to find Sasha in the hallway, carrying an overnight bag with her. He walked down the hall and found an ice machine, filling a plastic pitcher with ice chips. As he walked back to Katrina’s room, he saw Liam jogging down the hall in his direction. “She’s in that room on your right,” he said, pointing with his chin. He caught up just outside the door and handed the pitcher to Liam. “Good luck brother, I’ll be in the waiting room.” Liam clapped a hand on Drake’s shoulder, nodding to him, before stepping inside the room.
Liam stepped into the room, carrying the pitcher of ice chips that Drake had all but shoved into his hands. He watched as Katrina gripped the sheets, her hands balled up into fists, working through another contraction. He quickly strode over to her bedside, taking one of her hands in his, and she wrapped her fingers with his to help ride out the pain. She squeezed his hand, crushing his fingers together, and he winced slightly. “You’re doing brilliantly, my Love, I’m so sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”
“You’re…here…now…” she panted. As the worst of the pain subsided, Katrina opened her eyes and sighed with temporary relief at the sight of her husband. He kissed her forehead, pulling his hand away to slip off his suit jacket and roll up his sleeves. He moved a chair next to the side of the bed and sat with her.
“Any progress with ending the strike?” she asked.
Liam laughed as he poured some of the ice chips into a cup for her. “At a time like this, you’re asking about work?” He smiled and kissed her hand. “You’re turning into me, you know.”
“I need something to distract me,” she said.
“My press secretary is drafting up a statement as we speak,” Liam replied. “We were able to reach an agreement, and the strike will end.”
Katrina closed her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow. “That’s good,” she said. “What took you so long?”
“I was honestly wrapping up the meeting when I turned my phones on, and I saw the text that changed everything.” He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Why’d you have to middle name me, hmm?”
“I had to get your attention somehow,” she sighed. He kissed her knuckles one at a time.
Within moments, a nurse arrived to check on Katrina’s progress, and not long after, the doctor returned. “Looks like baby is on its way,” the doctor said. “Shall we, Your Majesty?” The nurse pulled stirrups from the end of the bed once more, and with Liam’s help, Katrina shifted closer to the edge of the bed, sticking her feet in the stirrups. The contractions hit her harder and closer together, but Liam never left her side. She could feel the strength he tried to give her through his touch, willing her to keep going, and whenever she looked at him, his eyes locked on hers with gentle determination. Katrina felt like her body was being ripped apart; I really wish I’d asked for the drugs. “You’re at nine centimeters, Your Majesty. You’re nearly there.”
“You’re staring at the most private parts of me right now, we’re beyond Royal protocol,” Katrina panted. “Call me Katrina.”
Liam and the doctor laughed, as the nurse stifled her her giggles. “Yes ma’am, Katrina,” the doctor replied.
She felt another contraction just as one ended. The room was filled with palpable anticipation, with just the sounds of the heart monitors and her own guttural grunts and moans as she tried to ride out each contraction.
“You’re at ten centimeters, Katrina,” the doctor said, calmly. “Ready to meet this little one?”
“God yes,” she replied.
“I need you to focus and push,” said the doctor. Katrina closed her eyes and focused on pushing, grunting as she did. “Your Majesty, would you like to see the head being born?”
Liam’s eyes widened, and he looked down at Katrina, wordlessly asking for permission to leave her side. She nodded, and added, “Don’t blame me if you never look at me the same way,” with a struggled laugh. He smiled at her – still making jokes, even now – and pulled his hand away to stand behind the doctor.
“You’re amazing, do you know that, my Love?” he said, completely awestruck by what she was doing. His eyes glistened with tears.
“Take a breath Katrina, your baby’s head is born,” the doctor said. “On your next contraction, bear down and give me one more push.”
Liam rejoined Katrina, wrapping his arm around her to lift her off the bed, and she grabbed his hands to prepare for another contraction. He kissed her forehead, even though it was beaded with sweat. “You can do this,” he said. “You can do anything. Just one more push.”
Katrina squeezed Liam’s hands as another contraction hit her, and she put all her energy into controlling the last push. She felt the baby slide out of her, and immense relief as the pain and pressure leveled off. She smiled with exhaustion as she heard a piercing cry fill the room, and felt tears stream down her cheeks. “Is she okay?” she breathed, looking up at Liam.
“Your Majesties?” Katrina and Liam both tensed as they heard the doctor’s tone.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked, her heart racing into a panic. What now? Please let her be okay.
“Your little princess…is a prince,” the doctor replied. He held the baby up between her legs, and sure enough…
“How on earth did the ultrasounds miss that?” she asked. She laughed, and looked up at Liam, who looked just as shocked.
“I guess we’ll have a bit of redecorating to do,” he chuckled.
Tagged: @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @bella-ca @bowful @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @i-choose-liam @liamxs-world @lodberg @marywrites-things @missevabean @museofbooks @mynameiskaylabella @nekkidmolerat @ooo-barff-ooo @likethetailofacomet @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @sleepwalkingelite @smalltalk88 @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jovialyouthmusic @mind-reader1 @debramcg1106 @akrenich
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choicessa · 6 years
It Was Love (Mr Sinclaire x MC)
Pairing: Mr Sinclaire x MC (Catherine Beckett)
Words: ~3500
Summary: After overhearing the talk between her stepmother and the bishop, Catherine can’t cope with all the feelings she’s having, all hope gone. Good thing that there’s someone there for her, who’s willing to do anything to make her feel better…
Note: I have no good reason for this one, okay? I just wanted to write something Mr Sinclaire related and since last chapter left me craving for the kiss that still didn’t happen I got this idea and I just went for it? It’s also an entry for my friend’s amaaazing November Challenge she’s hosting, today’s prompt was “Love”. So here you go @meeraaverywalker​! Hope you will like it and thanks for that challenge! <3
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters here, just borrowing them. All rights go to Pixelberry Studios.
Permatag: @meeraaverywalker, @the-everlasting-dream, @drakewalkerwhipped​
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That was the only thing Catherine could feel when she stormed out from Duke Richard’s home, right into the gardens, having to run away, away from the crowd awaiting her inside, away from all those pairs of prying eyes, away from the whispers, gossips, away from the people wanting to hurt her… The doors closed behind her with a loud bang and the cold evening air hit her bare shoulders, goosebumps appearing on her skin in an instance. But this cold was the last thing she could worry about right now… She crossed arms on her chest, feeling tears gathering under her eyelids, threatening of spilling, that feeling of betrayal almost like a dagger right into her heart.
She could still hear the talk between Countess Henrietta and Bishop, ringing in her ears, when her faith in Monroe’s decency, her hope that he will make a right choice resulted in nothing more than a heartbreak when one offer from her stepmother was enough to make this man gave up, the vision of money too tempting to care about the feelings of some poor girl, being nothing to him in that moment. The first tear streamed down her cheek and Catherine wiped it away, annoyed by its presence. She couldn’t cry, not here, not now; she couldn’t show any sign of weakness in front of all those people who just wanted to see her fail. She tried so hard for all this time she spent here, with her father. Learning so many new things and skills, polishing her manners under the careful eye of Lady Grandmother, trying to be the accomplished lady everyone expected her to be. And what was it all for? Why all these efforts, if they meant nothing now? No matter how much she tried, no matter how perfectly she mastered the dancing skills, no matter how flawless were her paintings, she could still feel out of this place, unwanted, always in the shadow of people shining in the society, like Miss Holloway. Maybe she wasn’t raised by any Lord, maybe she didn’t spend her childhood like other nobles here, but she most certainly had Earl’s blood in her veins. Wasn’t it enough? Not enough to at least give the smallest attempt to accept her? What else should she do, what else sacrifice to finally feel like one of them?
The sound of doors opening behind her startled her. She immediately wiped away all of her tears with both her hands, sniffing, trying to compose herself as much as she could. She couldn’t risk being seen right now, she couldn’t allow herself for another mistake, she couldn’t give anyone a chance to see her in a state like this.
“Miss Beckett?”
What was her relief to hear the familiar voice and the one who was most definitely friendly, belonging to the person she admired and always seek his company. But even Mr Sinclaire couldn’t help her right now, even his presence couldn’t be enough to make her feel better, not when everything she worked so hard for was going to crumble.
“Yes, Mr Sinclaire?” She asked, clearing her throat and turning around to look at him, thankful for the dim light in the garden, helping her to cover the tears still shining in her eyes.
“Miss Beckett, you’re going to catch a cold, it’s chilly and…”
“It doesn’t matter.” She said, shrugging.
“Pardon me?”
“I said it doesn’t matter. Me. Catching a cold. I don’t mind. Frankly, Mr Sinclaire, I am quite indifferent to what would happen to me right now.” She bit her lower lip, regretting words just spoken, knowing that they would only cause even more questions.
“Now why would you say such a thing, Lady Catherine?”
She hesitated for a moment, two sides of her trying to decide whether it was worth to tell him anything, or it was better to keep it all to herself. But when she felt another sting in her heart, new tears gathering in her eyes, she knew that she didn’t have much of a choice.
“Bishop Monroe…” She started, shaking her head. “He… He won’t support my claims to inherit Edgewater.” She finished, a long, heavy breath escaping her mouth.
“Look, my lady, you can’t be sure of it...”
“Sure? I am very much sure, Mr Sinclaire!” Almost involuntarily Catherine raised her voice. “I’ve just overheard the talk between my stepmother and the Bishop! She offered him money if he’d support her, not me!”
Her words, spoken with such anger, echoed in the garden, her raised voice so surprising both to her and Mr Sinclaire, who took a step back, almost like she had slapped him, his eyes widening.
“It… It can’t be…”
“But it is…” She sighed, heavily, shaking her head. “I truly thought that I will have a chance for Edgewater, that with friends, with allies that I made, the justice will be done but…” Catherine shook her head again, blinking furiously, tears threatening of spilling once again. “I forgot about one tiny detail, a thing, that I do not possess – money. It’s what rules our world, Mr Sinclaire, not titles, not favors, and most definitely not decency.”
“But I thought… I hoped… I was sure that Bishop would make a proper decision and that his support…” His voice trailed off when he understood that everything he was saying was a truth already known to her and that none of his words will help her feel any better in this situation. “I am deeply sorry, Lady Catherine… I can’t imagine what are you feeling right now, but believe me, if there’s anything…”
“There’s nothing… Nothing!” Catherine threw her hands in the air with frustration, before hiding face into her hands, trying to calm down, reminding herself that it wasn’t the right place, it wasn’t the time to let her emotions win over her common sense. “I just… I don’t understand what have I ever done to her…” She said quietly, once again crossing arms on her chest. “I’ve never spoken ill of her or wished her any bad luck…” Catherine shook her head with resignation, so stubbornly trying to find anything in her behavior that might have cause her stepmother to truly hate her.
“Sometimes people don’t need any reason to just be who they truly are.” Mr Sinclaire shrugged, clasping hands behind his back, his eyes never leaving Catherine’s face. “And most definitely in their cruel actions they don’t think of people they might hurt in a process…” His forehead frowned, when for a brief moment he was taken back in time, his memories taking him to that moment when his own heart was broken, when he was asking himself the same ‘Why me’? question over and over again… And never got any answer for it…
“I just…” Catherine shook her head again. “I still can’t believe she would do that…Sabotaging me like that, locking me in my own room, speaking ill of my father, who was nothing but the kindest man I ever knew…” With every word, every memory, she was getting angrier and angrier again, unable to tame it, all of her emotions wanting to pour out. “And that she dared to bribe Bishop! How could she even propose something like that? Does she have no shame? No shame at all!? She had everything she could ask for, a husband, a… a home, a true family and I? I had nothing of this, nothing! And now she can’t even give me the slightest chance for happiness! This… This sad, old… Wench!” Words left her mouth before Catherine had a chance to rethink them.
But as soon as she did, she realized her mistake, the words she spoke in her anger and the words that were most inappropriate, both for her to say and Mr Sinclaire to hear. Her eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth with both hands, shaking her head, almost like it could help erase the memory of the word she has just spoken. Her terrified and embarrassed eyes moved up, looking at the man standing in front of her, when Mr Sinclaire just looked at her, raising his brow questioningly.
“I am deeply sorry, Mr Sinclaire…” Catherine spoke, still terrified by her outburst. “I… I shouldn’t have said that, it was most inappropriate and…”
“You don’t have to apologize, Miss Beckett. Frankly, I am sure that your stepmother deserves being called even worse…” He couldn’t resist anymore and his lips lifted in a smile.
Catherine looked at him, surprised that he didn’t scold her at all and seeing his face, she allowed herself to relax, breathing out the air she wasn’t aware she was holding, the corners of her lips twitching, almost smiling. But that ghost of a smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared in first place, leaving her face worried once again.
“If only she could understand I have no intentions of hurting her…” She sighed. “All I ever wanted was… a family…” her voice broke, when she tried to ignore that feeling of something holding her throat firmly.
It was true. When her mother confessed that her father was well and alive, all Catherine ever hoped for was finding him, finding the family he had, the family that was now also hers. She never wanted the Edgewater, the complications coming with it, or the titles. She would never expect or hope that her father will not only accept her as his true daughter but that he will also decide to give the whole land and their properties to her. Was she really to blame for the choices of her father’s heart? Was it her fault that he made this decision? Should she really be condemned by whole society, just because her stepmother couldn’t accept her like her father did? Was her one tender heart, wanting nothing more than a family, truly such a big threat, that should be ripped out of her chest?
Catherine wrapped arms around her body, suddenly very aware of cold evening and she moved, her legs carrying her even further into the garden. Half of her was hoping that Mr Sinclaire will go back to his own business and leave her alone, to let her cry over everything she has lost. But no. She could still hear his steps behind her, following her, almost like a guardian angel, not allowing to let her off his sight. Until suddenly she stopped, a huge stone fountain right in front of her, in a blink of an eye reminding her of another night like this, another garden, another party and another fountain. It felt like it happened an eternity ago, when full of despair after her father’s funeral, she unexpectedly found hope in the most desired company, found hope in the most unusual gesture, when she threw one coin into the fountain water, silently thinking of a wish, hoping with all of her strength that it will come true one day. Other night, other garden, other fountain and the other girl. That girl grew up, learned the harsh truth about the world; that girl was just a naïve child back then, hoping for impossible, hoping that her small wish will come to life somehow and that girl was no more. And now Catherine was standing in front of another fountain, her heart no longer hoping for the same thing, with no intentions of throwing another coin, knowing it will only end up with another disappointment.
“Miss Beckett? Can I ask… What’s wrong?”
“All I ever asked for was a happy ending…” She whispered silently. “Having home, family, friends, maybe…” She hesitated, her fingers barely brushing the surface of the water, causing wrinkles, spreading in every direction in soft waves. Maybe finding true love… She shook her head again, taking her hand back. “I guess making wishes by fountains is an entertainment suitable for children and young, naïve girls.”
“That’s not true.”
“No?” Her lips curled in a smile and she laughed shortly, but it was laugh full of pain, full of disappointment, when her once hopeful, joyful heart was now accepting the harsh, cold truth about the world. That a girl like her meant nothing and will never mean anything, no matter how much she will try to prove otherwise. “Have your wish came to life, Mr Sinclaire?” She asked skeptically, raising her brow at him. “The one you made that night?”
“No.” He admitted, taking a step towards her. “At least not yet, but… With a bit of luck, if fate will be favorable…” He hung his voice, coming another few steps closer to her. “I hoped it may happen soon.”
She raised her brow, shocked by his answer, shocked by the soft look in his eyes when he kept on looking at her.
“How soon?” She asked, clearing her throat.
His lips twitched, almost like he was suppressing another smile, when he leaned closer to her, his warm breath brushing the skin on her face one, his voice barely a whisper.
“Very soon...”
Catherine blinked, looking at him from under her eyelashes, suddenly being extremely aware of their proximity, of how close his body was to hers. Her own pride was telling her that his fountain wish must have included her somehow, that it couldn’t be just a coincidence. But at the same time she was trying to calm her beating heart down, making sure that she wasn’t going ahead of herself. Because what could possibly a man like Ernest Sinclaire wanted to do with her? Even if he wasn’t a noble, he was still a respectful gentleman and she? She was nothing but a liability, for herself, for everyone, just an ordinary girl trying to fit in a world she didn’t belong to. Why was her stupid heart hoping for so many things, the ones she could never have? Catherine was already opening her mouth, ready to ask him a forward question this time, to make him confess to the wishes of his heart, when suddenly he reached out to her, his warm hand resting on her cheek now, his fingers gently brushing her skin there, caressing it tenderly. Even against herself, against her own dark thoughts she allowed herself to lean into his touch and close her eyes, trying to remember that amazing feeling of him being so close to her, his one single gesture capable of taking away all of her worries, even if just for this one brief moment. She rather sensed then noticed that he shifted and her eyes shot open when his other palm rested on her left cheek now, both of his hands gently holding her face, raising it a bit higher, his crystal blue eyes meeting her dark ones.
“May I…” he started, his voice shaking strangely, when he tried to mask his nervousness. “May I kiss you, my lady?”
If it’s possible, her eyes widened even more, the shock caused by the question  making her speechless for a second. Until she met his eyes, so full of hope, strangely vulnerable, almost begging her to say ‘yes’. And Catherine smiled, her lips finally lifting up, for the first time this evening and a silent whisper leaving her mouth, giving him the answer he wanted so badly.
If it’s possible, he moved even closer to her, gently brushing away a few lost hairstrands from her cheeks, tucking them behind her ear, his soft gaze moving across her face, almost like he wanted to memorize it, every detail of it. Catherine couldn’t even properly breath, her throat dry, her mind empty, almost like a white sheet of paper when she could only look at his face, noticing how his gaze was moving across her forehead, her eyes, nose and cheeks until finally it stopped on her lips. She wasn’t sure if they were standing like that for seconds or maybe for minutes, when he finally leaned down, their lips meeting halfway. She needed a moment to fully acknowledge the fact that Mr Sinclaire, the man she was dreaming about for the last few weeks, was standing in front of her, holding her in his arms and kissing her. Kissing her. And oh, that kiss… It was everything she could wish for and even more. Soft, tender, sweet, but at the same time deeper and deeper with every passing second, his mouth fitting perfectly with hers, almost like they were two halfes, made for each other. Her lips were eagerly answering his kisses, moving slowly, with no haste, wanting to prolong that magical moment as long as she could, never wanting to part from this man, her arms reaching out to him, circling around his neck, pulling him even closer. Until finally the lack of air was too much and they parted, breathing heavily, their breaths mixing together. Her eyes were still closed, even when he already pulled back, almost like she was afraid that it was just a beautiful dream and as soon as she opens those eyes, it will all disappear, that they will disappear.
“My wish was granted…” He whispered against her lips, unable to hide a tenderness in his gaze, moving across her face, when Catherine finally dared to open her eyes. “And now it’s time to fulfill yours.”
“I… I don’t understand, I’m…”
“You are a true heir of Edgewater, Catherine. That’s what your father wanted for you and that’s what I, what we, all your friends, want for you. Your stepmother may try to say otherwise, she may even try to move heaven and earth, but you can’t give up. You are strong, my lady and can’t let anything and anyone make you turn back from the path you have chosen. Fountains wishes or not, you are the maker of your own fate. And if there’s a slightest chance of winning Edgewater – you should take it.”
Catherine was looking at him for a longer time, letting his words sink, finally understanding that after all - he was right. She was always taught that she should fight until the very end, no matter if it was a foolish race with Briar through the fields, a bet she made with a neighbor or a chance to win her heritage. She went so far, she had no intentions of giving up. Not now, not ever. She nodded, hesitantly at first, then more fiercely, fire in her eyes lit again.
“I won’t give up.” She said. “I won’t let her win, not without a fight. Life… Life already taken away everything I’ve cherished. I won’t allow her to take away the last things on this Earth that matter to me.”
“You do that, Miss Beckett.” He smiled. “And remember, you are not alone…”
Catherine smiled to him gratefully, placing her own palm on his right hand, still resting on her cheek, taking all the strength and comfort she could from this one gesture, from the warmth of his skin against hers.
“Now go, my lady.” Reluctantly, he took back hands from her face, almost like he didn’t want to do that, not yet at least. “Go and show them what lady Catherine of Edgewater is truly made of…”
With one last grateful smile, Catherine turned around, ready to go back, just as he told her, when suddenly she stopped, once again looking at him.          
“Oh, Mr Sinclaire?”
“Yes, Miss Beckett?”
She hesitated, her mouth opening and then closing again before finally she shook her head, a strange smile on her lips.
“I made two wishes, back at the fountain.”
“Oh?” His brow lifted. “Isn’t this cheating, Lady Catherine? One coin, two wishes?”
“Maybe…” Her smile grew even bigger as she cocked her head to the side, still gazing at him. “But I will need you to help me fulfill the other one…”
“Oh?” If it’s possible, his brow raised even higher, a faint, almost unnoticeable blush appearing on his cheeks now. “May I boldly ask… What kind of wish requires my presence?”
He never had a chance to hear her answer. Catherine just smiled mysteriously, turning her back to him and slowly moving her way back towards the mansion, her back once again straightened, her head raised proudly, a perfect picture of a lady unafraid of anything and anyone, a lady he knew so well. Ernest smiled, looking longingly at the girl, slowly disappearing in the distance, a sudden realization striking him. That feeling? The one she awoke in him? The one he thought that was long gone? The one that vanished along with his first wife’s betrayal? The one which was now once again filling his heart, with a warmth he didn’t realize he missed that much? That feeling? He knew it, he recognized it, as soon as it crept silently into his heart, finding a welcoming place there. And now, watching Catherine’s figure disappearing in the distance, he finally knew. This feeling?
It was love.
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queerchoicesblog · 6 years
If I Were a Man (D&D, Annabelle x MC)
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This is my first entry for the Choices November Challenge by @meeraaverywalker! Hope you guys like it! 😊
Prompt: Love 
Set in the first chapters of Desire and Decorum (approximately before the first trip to London), it focuses on Miss Parsons discovering her feelings towards MC (Elizabeth). Annabelle reads one of my favourite Shakesperian cross-dressing comedy, Twelfth Night, and the fate of the heroine made her mind wander: is it just friendly affection what she feels for Elizabeth? Things would probably be so much easier if only she was a man...
Word Count: 5600 ca.
The rain kept tumbling down and tiny rivers of water were running down the windows of the Parsons' mansion. Annabelle checked the weather and frowned: no way to get outside unless you enjoy being soaked to the skin. She exhaled loudly and went back to pacing up and down the room. She was unusually relentless today: she'd slept badly that night yet she couldn't manage to rest that morning She missed her new friend, the heir of Edgewater, greatly. “I wish I could just fly to you and land at your door. Who knows if one day we mortals will be able to do that. I should remind myself to ask what you think about that when I see you again.” Since they met, Annabelle's life suddenly appeared dull, empty without Elizabeth around. Miss Parsons always felt that her life was rather dull: little meaning, little purpose, hideous chat at lunch with her parents who always found a way to remind her she was a spinster and needed to stop grieving "that poor boy" and find a good match, boring sewing meetings with ladies who only cared about gossip and gushing over their fiancées. A normal life, maybe, but Annabelle couldn't find happiness in that routine. She used to paint and play the piano to flee from boredom, but, after practicing with Elizabeth, she discovered that they weren't as much as appealing without a partner to share them with. Without Elizabeth. Her mind kept going back to her somehow. “What's going on with me?”, Annabelle whispered to herself, even thought, deep inside her, she knew the answer. 
The only thing that gave her solace that day was reading. Her library couldn't match the one at Edgewater. As she picked a book, she smiled weakly to herself, remembering the advice the Earl once gave her. She was very quite that day so he squeezed her hand reassuringly and said: "whenever you feel lonely, write to a friend or read a book, they're surprisingly good company in time of need". The book she chose was Twelfth Night, a comedy by Shakespeare. Something new for a girl who devoured philosophy and politics book. She sat on the window seat and read it in no time. She caught herself laughing and thinking: I should give Elizabeth my copy, I'll bring it with me when I visit, I'm sure she will love it too. This way she will have something that reminds her of me and hopefully will never feel lonely. The protagonist was a fierce young woman named Viola, who shipwrecked on a foreign land. In order to be safe, she dressed up as a man and became the attendant of an obnoxious Lord, who sent her as a love messenger to lady Olivia, the woman he was courting with poor luck. However, the lady got charmed by Viola's attire and snarky but also sweet words and madly fell in love with the heroine. When Viola realised what her disguise'd triggered, she felt sorry for Olivia. She commented sadly "Poor lady, she were better love a dream" "as the world is not made for a woman wooing another woman, loving another lady", Annabelle commented sadly. She closed the book and turned to the window.Those words  "Fair Elizabeth, I'm afraid I already love a dream. You are that dream. My daydream if you wish. I'm afraid I cannot imagine my life without you, but who would understand it? Not even you, perchance and I, "poor monster" just like the fair Viola, mistook your kindness for signs of deeper affection. The kind of affection I foolishly long to. No, I suspect - or better hope with every fibre of my being- that you feel the same way towards me.Is that what you were trying to say at the duck pond? Maybe it's just a dream, but a young lady is allowed to dream, right?", a bittersweet smile formed on her lips, before she continued. "Oh Lizzie, sometimes I wish I was a man. Like Mr Sinclaire or Prince Hamid. I wish I could dress up in manly clothes too and woo your grace out in the sun. No need for stares at the opposite sides of the room or to check if no one is around to say something more intimate or place a soft kiss on your wrist. I could walk into the room with you at my arm and we would dance until we both can barely stand without caring if everyone is staring at us. I mean I don't say I cared, but not worrying about that oh what a nice feeling it must be! If I were a man, I could ask your hand and your family would consider me a good match, well hopefully at least. The Dowager Countess would look at me the same way she looks at Mr Sinclaire, not just as a...most exquisite sewing companion or a chaperon for her granddaughter. She would look at me as someone who could actually win that pure yet fierce heart of yours and be worthy to take care of it until the end of time. If I were a man, I could whisper to you "I love you" without causing a scandal...oh I could kneel in front of you, take your hand into mine and say out loud that I want to spend my life with you, Elizabeth Bennet, heir of Edgewater, most wondrous woman. Would you make me the happiest woman and marry me? If you, as I suspect and hope, say yes, I would kiss your lips. Oh the mere thought of it, brushing your lips against mine, Elizabeth! It sets my heart on fire! When the time comes, we would kiss again in front of everyone at the altar and no one would ever turn their head disgusted or hiss that it's inappropriate. What's inappropriate about love? Because I do love you, Lizzie, and the intensity of the feelings I already have for you scares me. They speak of desire, not of the decorum required to any young lady, especially an heir like you. And I don't want to damage you, Lizzie". Miss Parsons stood and put the book back into the family wooden library, sighing deeply. "If I were a man, I could be your man, my love. But this woman's heart will always be yours, no matter what".
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blackcatkita · 6 years
Good Enough
Book- The Royal Romance
Pairing- Hana x ???, Liam x Jennifer
My submission for @meeraaverywalker‘s November challenge Day 3- Heartbreak, requested by @darley1101. I had a bit of trouble with this one, I don’t even know how many times I rewrote it and it still doesn’t knock my socks off, but I hope you like it and if you do, like, comment or reblog! I appreciate every single note! Word Count- 958 
All of my work can be found on my MASTERLIST
Wearing a pale pink gown of her own design, Hana stands at the edge of the palace ballroom, watching her friends and nobles from across Cordonia celebrate Liam and Jennifer’s second anniversary with an ache in her chest.
In many regards, Lady Hana Lee had a wonderful life, the hottest up and coming fashion designer in Europe with a seat on the Cordonian Royal Council, and a tight knit group of friends that had become her family. She knew how blessed she was, but beneath it all, she was lonely. Her heart yearned for someone to look at her the way Jennifer and Liam were looking at each other as they danced the opening waltz, like they were the only two people in the world.
Born to a successful businessman and a Cordonian noble, Hana had grown up wealthy but sheltered, groomed since childhood to bring fame and fortune to her family by becoming a woman worthy of a man of proper status. Her parents never considered that their daughter deserved to find someone worthy of her and when the arrangement with Peter was finalized, her parents had been elated. He was a wealthy English nobleman after all and marrying him would elevate her social standing. No one bothered to ask Hana if she loved him or not. Still, Peter was a kind man, so she did what she was told and pretended to be the loving fiancé she wasn’t. When he called off the engagement, she was more relieved than upset, but her parents were devastated, and they blamed her for not being good enough. 
Despite her failure, they gave her a second chance, and after months of further lessons, they informed her she was to compete for Prince Liam’s hand in Cordonia’s social season. The doubts of success she had going in grew as early as the Masquerade Ball, when she saw Liam’s eyes light up every time he looked at Jennifer, and by the time the court went to Applewood she knew, he was going to choose the woman who had become her best friend, he was going to choose love. Once again, she had to tell her parents she wasn’t good enough.
Her parents were furious, and it was only Madeleine’s promise of finding Hana a proper match that made them allow her to return to court. When Neville and Rashad showed interest, the pressure from them grew ten-fold. She was pushing thirty, dangerously close to being a spinster and running out of time to find a man to honor and serve. Neville was pompous and vile, and while Rashad was a good man, she had no romantic affections for him. The thought of marrying either of them filled her with dread. Telling her father she would never marry Neville had been terrifying, but it was a turning point in Hana’s life.
The love Liam and Jennifer had for each other proved the epic tales of romance Hana dreamed of as a teenager were possible in real life, and that was what she would wait for. If her time in Cordonia taught her anything, it was that she didn’t need a husband to be who she wanted to be. She wasn’t going to marry a man just because he had a title and money, she would marry for love or not at all. Her person was out there, the one who would love her for who she was, would fight for her and support her, and would stand by her through any hardship… if only she could find them.
The last notes of the waltz fade away and Hana joins the other revelers, applauding as Liam twirls Jennifer one last time before leaving the dance floor hand in hand with beaming smiles on their faces. Chuckling to herself, Hana recalls the earlier argument Jennifer had with Liam regarding their anniversary.
Liam explained that it was customary to hold a ball for the King and Queen’s anniversary, and to say Jennifer was annoyed about it would be an understatement. Considering how much of their lives were in the public eye, she didn’t understand why they had to share their day too, but the argument ended the same way all of their arguments did. With compromise. Liam promised that on the actual date of their wedding, it would be just the two of them celebrating privately, and Jennifer agreed to a formal ball on their first and milestone years with smaller, less formal events for the years in between. Their first anniversary ball had been cancelled, marred by events beyond their control and neither was in a position to celebrate at the time. As such, the ball being held today was larger and more opulent than even last years would have been.
Smiling, Hana watches through the crowd as Liam pulls Jennifer tight to his side, making her laugh as he kisses her temple. If she ever does find someone, she knows she has an amazing couple to look up to. Turning away, she sees a flash of color before feeling an impact against her chest. “I’m so sorry!” She exclaims, stepping back to see a beautiful blond woman standing before her. “I’m afraid I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
The woman laughs, making her bright blue eyes dance. “I think I ran into you actually. So I’m the one who’s sorry.” Her eyes widen, and she reaches out, placing her hand on Hana’s forearm. “Oh. My. God! You’re Hana Lee!”
“That’s right…” Hana replies slowly, trying to remember if they’d met before and wondering why her heart was racing. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met.”
Removing her hand from Hana’s arm, a blush spreads across the stranger’s cheeks. “Oh, umm… no, we haven’t.” She pauses, smiling nervously before clearing her throat and holding out her hand for Hana to shake.  “My name’s Addison. Addison Sinclaire.”
*If you would like to be added, removed, moved etc from my tag list just let me know! I also write for LoveHacks, Perfect Match, Bloodbound, Red Carpet Diaries and Big Sky Country.
Perma tag- @kinkykingliam @umccall71 @writtenbycandy @darley1101 @theroyalweisme @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl @katurrade @mfackenthal @debramcg1106 @trr-fangirl @alicars @eileendannie @3pawandme @tanyaschoices @flyawayboo @josieschoices @alwaysthebestchoice @kennaxval @meeraaverywalker @penguininapinktuxedo @mrsnazario1223 @endlessly-searching-for-you @sstee1 @speedyoperarascalparty @barbaravalentino @bella-ca @heatherfilliez @mitalijoshi @chiarace @never-ending-choices @drakelover78 @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @flowerpowell @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @queenodysseia @gardeningourmet @purpleenigma7 @lodberg @perfectprofessorherokid @queencatherynerhys @thecordoniandiaries @zaffrenotes @bowful @gibbles82 @pens-girl-87 @krsnlove 
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Plane Luck
Another one for @meeraaverywalker's November Challenge day 5: Trouble. 
Summary: Young runaway pilot gets a job offer he can't refuse. 
Word Count: ~1900
Warnings: swearing, and lots of it. Also pointing guns at people and a few hits where it hurts, not very graphic because the fight scene sucked and I deleted it
A/N: A kind of Endless Summer prequel, one of the fics that sat in the back of my notes for a few months. It really bugged me: how does a penniless fugitive get a plane? My theory has more holes than a Swiss cheese, I know, but let's pretend for a minute it doesn't, and let the guy tell his own story ;)
(And there’s also another question at the end)
Tags: @darley1101 @mysteli @brightpinkpeppercorn @likethetailofacomet @akrenich @zaffrenotes @agent-bossypants @mind-reader1​
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The first rays of sunshine hit my face like a baseball bat. Fuck. Did I really drink that much last night? Maybe I just have one of the tropical diseases that turn your brain to mush. Nausea fills me from the deepest pit of my stomach all the way up to my mouth, every cell in my body hurts, my hangover has a hangover.
And I still remember.
I close my eyes, but the images won't stop. No matter how hard I try to push them out of my mind, they always come back.
Weeks of hiding and running like a hunted animal.
Face of that bastard Lundgren.
Mike's death.
It could have been me. It should have been me. Mike's dead, and it's all my fault. My best friend in the entire world is dead just because I was stupid enough to believe in justice.
The memories make me sick. I need some fresh air, but getting up from the bed is not an easy thing. The liquid that was once my brain sloshes inside my skull, one of my thighs feels like it belongs to someone else, and the Death Valley is a tropical oasis compared to the inside of my mouth.
I reach to the fridge, pick one bottle at random and down it in one big gulp before I realize what it is. Milk?! Ugh. I regret the decision when it forces its way back up a few seconds later.
The floor slowly stops swaying under my feet, and I pour myself some coffee. All milk went down the drain, so it's pitch black, just like my mood, and this time it stays down. I hesitantly reach for a slice of stale toast. It's gross, but I don't have anything else, and my rumbling stomach demands a sacrifice, so here it goes.
I splash the cold water on my face and look in the mirror.  I look like absolute shit. Is that really me? I can't even recognize myself. Which, I realize, is actually a good thing. I don't want to be recognized.  Maybe I should grow a beard? Nah. It would be a shame to hide a jawline like this. Long hair? I'm sick of the short military haircut. Yes, that's it.
I can't tell if it's the coffee or the toast, but I feel really good right now. Cheerful and energetic, even. Both my legs are back, so I grab the worn out sneakers and go for a jog. Maybe that would flush the toxins and despair out of my system.
For the first time in a while, I'm running for fun, not because someone is chasing me. I feel alive and free. I drop to the ground and grind as many push-ups as I can before I fall flat on my face and right in the mud. Forty-five. Not bad for a guy with a hangover, but I know I could easily double that. It's about time I stop wallowing in self-pity and get myself back into shape.
I open the door and stop immediately. Something's not right. Someone's here. They found me. A treacherous floorboard creaks under my foot and I know I'm a dead man. I reach to the pocket of my jacket, but it's empty.
“Are you looking for this?”
A tall, muscular guy stands in the door with my gun in hand. He speaks with a heavy accent, and I don't think I've ever seen him. Policeman? Headhunter? Doesn't matter, I'm screwed anyway.
“Nice to meet you, McKenzie. Why don't we sit and have a chat?”
He waves the gun at my table—it has a fucking teapot and two cups on it, and I'm pretty sure I didn't invite anyone for a fucking tea party—then points it back at me, sits and starts to drink.
“You're awfully quiet.”
I bare my teeth at him in response. What the fuck does he want from me? How does he know who I am?
“We heard you're a pilot.”
I nod.
“My boss wants to see you at five. He's got a job for you.”
He takes another sip, and I fight really hard to stop myself from snatching the cup out of his hands and smashing it on his face.
“I know where you live. I'll come to pick you up.”
He finishes the tea and walks out of the door, taking the gun—my gun—with him, and I pick up my jaw from the floor, wondering what the hell was that all about.
I have absolutely no intention to go, but the bastard keeps a watch on me, and he doesn't even bother to hide. When I look out of the window, he waves at me. The clock chimes four, and he's back in my house with a big smile plastered on his face, like we're fucking friends, and soon I'm in the car, squeezed in the back between two more goons, driving who the fuck knows where.
He drops us off in a shady bar downtown and the two thugs drag me through the crowd. I can't hear, I can't breathe. I'm getting drunk just by inhaling the fumes, and my skull starts to throb again with all the noise. I'm almost thankful when they shove me to a quiet room behind the bar. It's filled with cigarette smoke, but despite that, I feel the increase of oxygen in my lungs.
I don't know who I expected to be the boss, but it definitely wasn't the guy before me. He can't be much older than me. Twenty-five, maybe thirty, tops. Really tall—I hate tall guys—and really handsome. His suit probably costs more than I could earn in a year, and don't get me started on the watch. He looks just like the type of guy who would hire someone else to do the dirty work.
I think I'm not what he expected, too. There's something in his eyes I saw way too many times, and for the first time since this morning, I feel the tiniest spark of hope. There's a slim chance I might be getting out of this alive.
He shakes my hand, smiles the fake smile that doesn't reach his eyes, pushes a glass of water in my hand and babbles something about the weather. I should have taken some business cards, because it feels like a fucking business meeting.
And then he drops the bomb. There is a certain shipment he wants out of the country.
“What happened to your guy?” I ask politely, and he shrugs.
“He had the most unfortunate accident.”
Of course he did. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! I knew I was a dead man the second I walked back into the house.
I look him straight in the eye. We both know I'm in no position to refuse, and I'm not even talking about the obviously armed bodyguards. But there's one thing Jake McKenzie won't do, and that's smuggling fucking drugs.
I'm looking for a way out—maybe I could escape through a bathroom window—but my friend from this morning casually pats his bulging pocket to remind me just how fucked I am. My eyes fall to the table, and I notice a card deck. I feel the faintest idea coming to my mind and hang on to it like a drowning man to a lifeboat.
“Why don't we play cards?” I smile at the boss, my signature underwear dropping smile, and oh my fucking God, I was right. His face flushes for a fraction of second, but there's no fooling me. I shuffle the deck and look him dead in the eye. “I propose a bet.”
He stares back at me, clearly amused, but takes the bait.
“If I win, you agree to work for me?”
“Yes.” God, I hope the deck isn't rigged. “But if I win”—the bastard laughs, and my heart drops, but I continue anyway—“if I win, I want a plane.” His smile widens, so I lower my voice, put the smirk back on and add, “Or, if you want, we could just play strip poker. Like normal people.”
Bingo. His face turns bright red, and one of the thugs chokes on his beer.
“Fuck off! I'm not into dudes!”
Like hell you're not, I add in my thoughts and break into a wide grin. You can deny it all you want, I already know what I needed to know. 
His fingers wander up to his tie. Good. I need him distracted to buy me some time to think of a next step. I win the first round easily. Then the next one, and the next, and another one after that. The clock is ticking. If I win another one, he probably will have me skinned alive. And I still have no idea what to do.
“Too bad we're not stripping,” I joke, and I wish I could shove the words back into my mouth the moment they leave it. The boss's fist lands on the table with a loud thud. I crossed the line.
“You're taking the job.” It’s a statement, not a question. He waves his hand at one of the guards, and I feel the cold steel of a gun barrel pressed to my back.
I nod slowly, unable to breathe, as he explains the details. It's easy enough, no real risk, but I loathe myself already. Unless...?
“Let’s do it right now. I really need some cash.”
His eyes meet mine, and to my relief, he agrees and whispers the orders to the tea-drinking thug. I could almost hug them both. We drive to the dilapidated airport in the middle of nowhere, and my friend—I think I can call him that, I really love the guy right now—repeats the orders to his crew. They cannot be serious, I think. Just two guys?! They run to fetch the goods, and we're left on board alone. The engine hums nicely, the tank is full, and I can't believe my luck.
I turn to him with a big smile and ask for help. Nothing big, he just needs to press a few buttons. He reaches to the first one, and I act quickly. He might be big and strong, but as it often is with big and strong guys, he’s also awfully slow, and I learned long ago to play to my strengths. I knock my gun out of his hand and smash it right in his face. Time seems to slow down when I rush to deliver a flurry of blows and kicks. The attack catches him off-guard, he can't do much except shielding himself from me, passes out not before long, and I shove his limp body out of the door.
I hop into the chair and try to steady my shaking hands. My body already knows what to do, I don't even have to think about it. I can see the two thugs returning and trying to shoot me, but it's too late. I'm off the ground, and they can't do nothing about it. I started the day regretting I'm alive, but right now I couldn't be any happier. I really am one lucky bastard. Adrenaline still rushes through my veins, and I laugh hysterically. You see, my gun wasn't even loaded. I shot the last bullets a while ago. 
I don't know how long I’m flying, but the fuel indicator slowly starts to drop and I land on the first clear patch I see. I don't know where I am, but I'm here, and I'm alive. I jump out of the cockpit and roll on the grass, laughing like a little kid. I can't believe I did it. I fucking did it! 
I take a small flask out of my pocket and raise a toast to the big, starry sky.
To the new day, new life and new beginnings.
Very Important Question!
Maybe you can help me figure it out. What kind of plane it was? We know there are at least 14 seats, most likely in the 1+2 layout (there’s 11 students, 1 tour guide, and at least two free seats, because MC could sit next to Quinn or Sean during the turbulences). 
Outside-looks-wise I’d say it’s King Air, but it’s too small. Twin Otter, on the other hand, has the right inside, but doesn’t look like it from the outside. HALP I CAN’T SLEEP UNTIL I KNOW
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itsalliepg · 6 years
November Challenge - Day 27 - Lazy Mornings
Title: Sunday Morning 
Book: The Junior
Summary: Zig and Chris spend a lazy morning together, and Zig tells more about personal issues.
Pairing: Zig x Chris
Words: 754
Rating: Teen
Note: English isn’t my native language. I write to practice and learn, so please sorry any mistakes. I hope you like it, and if you do, I’d appreciate if you like/comment/reblog!Tagging @thatspicegirlssong @choicesbyjade @lorirwrites @bobasheebaby @littlecrookedheart @meeraaverywalker @walkerismychoice
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Chris woke up and took a little while to realize what day it was. He remembered it was Sunday and he could stay in bed for a few more moments. He turned on the mattress and saw Zig still asleep. He was wearing only a pair of pajama's shorts, the blanket covering half of his hips, one of his arms over his bare torso, the other flexed above his head. Chris stared at his roommate for a while. Damn, he was hot.
          Watching Zig sleep ignited a fire inside Chris. He was still figuring things out, but one thing he knew was how good he felt when he was with Zig. Slowly, Chris got up from his bed and wandered over to Zig. He knelt in front of the bed and cautiously covered himself with the blanket as he crawled over Zig. Chris grinned and dipped his head to kiss a trail of Zig's stomach up to his neck. It was not long before Zig woke up. He noticed something odd and lifted the blanket to see Chris spreading kisses along his collarbone. Chris lifted his head and smiled at Zig.
         _Hey, good morning.
         _Good morning. What a great way to start the day – Zig smiled back and pulled Chris in for a deep kiss – even more today I have an essay to finish for my biology class…
         _Oh, but you aren’t planning to do this now, right?
         _I have homework too, but I was planning to do it later, I feel a bit lazy on Sunday mornings and... - he ran a finger along Zig’s owl tattoo – maybe you wanted to join me.
         _Oh, I get it – Zig smirked – and what will we do?
         _Just being with you is enough.
         _Are you sure? – Zig bent to nibble at Chris’ earlobe and he chuckled.
         _Yes, like I said, I’m lazy on Sunday Mornings – Chris smiled.
         _Okay – Zig sighed a little frustrated but smiled as well. He was really missing Chris and being more intimate with him. But Chris was still dealing with his feelings and Zig would never force Chris to do anything. He wanted Chris, but he should be patient – and how are you holding up after that fork prank?
         _I’m feeling better – Chris rested his head on the curve of Zig’s shoulder – I was thinking…maybe it wasn’t for me to be hired by the Nightingales. I know I can receive another proposes, maybe even better ones. And what happened wasn’t my fault, and I can’t do anything if the Nightingales managers don’t see it, well, their bad luck.
         _You’re totally right. They’re losing an incredible player, so yeah, their bad luck – they laughed and Zig ran his hand up on Chris’ arm. They stayed for a few moments cuddled, just listening to each other’s breathe and feeling their warmth and scent.
         _Zig? – Chris finally said.
         _Can I ask you something?
         _Of course.
         _When did you realize you liked guys? – Zig suspired, thinking for a while.
         _Mmm…I was twelve. I noticed I was paying close attention to the boys at school, just as I was paying attention at the girls. I was very confused. I never imagined I would be bisexual, and I tried to suppress my feelings. It was a troubled moment in my life. I adopted macho attitudes, and that wasn’t good.
        _But you’re so different today! Why did you act like that, if it wasn’t good?
        _I think I was afraid of people, of judgements, of prejudice…I was very young, confused by what I was feeling, I thought being bi was wrong. I guess…I was infected by my dad’s ideas.
        _I remember you told me about him. He looked like a difficult person.
        _He was. But thanks to my family and friends, I changed my mind, I realized that being bi wasn’t wrong, that’s what I am. And if people can’t understand that, screw them – Chris smiled a little.
       _You’re always so confidant. I admire this in you – Zig smiled as well.
       _Not always, remember last year? But I admire your leadership spirit.
       _What, remember last year? – Chris repeated and they giggled.
       _I remember you were the captain of the national champions.
       _And I remember you were one of the best players – Chris lifted his head to face Zig. They stared at each other for a while before a long kiss. They pulled back grinning and remained in Zig’s bed for a while. After that, they separated to do their homework, still exchanging looks and smiles during that.
Thanks for reading!
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future fanfics!
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endlessflame · 6 years
Up in Flames (Hero Caleb x MC)
Prompt: @meeraaverywalker‘s November Challenge, November 28: Fire
Summary: When Alexandra’s friend Gina splits up with her husband, Caleb decides to help out.
Rating: M
Tags: @endlesshero1122, @cora-nova, @mfackenthal, @brightpinkpeppercorn
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As they were about to head out to a bar, Alexandra looked to Caleb. "I hope you don't mind, but I told Gina she could meet up with us tonight. She's going through a rough time."
Caleb frowned. "Ethan's not coming too, is he?" He really didn't feel like dealing with Gina's husband. That arrogant asshole thought he was so much better than everyone else. He looked at Caleb with such contempt. Alexandra didn't think much of him either, but she and Gina had been friends since high school, so she had to try to tolerate him.
"No, they actually just split up. She could really use a friend, and probably a drink."
"To celebrate kicking that prick to the curb?"
"No! Look, I know he's a jerk, but it's still hard on her." She wrapped her arm around his waist. "We'll have plenty of alone time later."
When they got to the bar, Gina was already there. She downed the last of her drink, and gave Alexandra a hug. "Thanks for inviting me. I really needed to get out." She looked to her empty glass. "And I need another drink, too."
"I'll go get them. What are you drinking?" Caleb asked her.
"Red Devil," Gina replied.
"I guess you're getting hammered tonight." He made his way over to the bar and ordered Gina's Red Devil, a lemon drop for Alexandra, and mezcal for himself.
As the drinks arrived, he felt someone grab his ass. He turned around to see Alexandra behind him, grinning. "I thought you could use some help carrying those."
"Yeah, wouldn't want to spill them. That would be a waste of alcohol." He picked up his mezcal and took a sip, and they headed back over to Gina, who proceeded to fill them in on what had been going on.
"That son of a bitch has been cheating on me! I found a pair of panties in his jacket pocket, and they sure as hell weren't mine. I confronted him about it, and he admitted that he's been having an affair with Charlotte." Gina looked to Caleb. "His secretary," she explained.
"Charlotte the Harlot," Caleb smirked. "She live on 22 Acacia Avenue?"
"Huh?" Gina looked confused.
"I guess you don't listen to Iron Maiden." He should have known that she wouldn't be into metal.
"Go on," Alexandra said to Gina.
"I packed my bags, then opened our safe and got out the prenup he made me sign. I tore it up right in front of him. But he laughed in my face and told me he had another copy in his office. I'm screwed. I had to move back in with my mom, and I need to find a job. After I got laid off, he convinced me I didn't need to work. Between his family's money and his salary at the law firm, it wasn't necessary. I shouldn't have listened to him."
"Sounds like he was trying to control you." Alexandra gave her a sympathetic look. "But don't blame yourself. He's the one who betrayed your trust."
"Yeah, and he's not suffering at all. I'm not getting a cent from him. I could really use the money. I don't want to stay with my mom forever. But I'll need money for rent and a security deposit. And I need to buy furniture. And who knows how long it will take me to find a job."
Caleb drank the last of his mezcal, then set his glass down. "I think you two need a girls' night out. I'll see you later."
"No, Caleb, don't go!" Alexandra pleaded.
"Don't worry, I'll be back. I just think you two need some time to yourselves. Don't leave without me, though. I'll see you soon." He moved closer to her and gave her a kiss goodbye, then made his way out of the bar.
Once he was outside, he took out his phone and searched for Ethan's law firm. Montgomery & Montgomery. Of course Ethan's rich father had made him a partner. He grimaced as he saw that they specialized in corporate law. Who knows how many corrupt corporations they had defended. Maybe they had even been hired by Prescott Industries. He glanced at the firm's address and realized that it wasn't very far away.
A little while later, he reached the firm's office. He moved to the side, out of sight of anyone who might be passing by, and surveyed the building. He stood before a first-floor window and held out his hands, then aimed a blast of fire straight at it. Once it had shattered, he climbed through it.
He reached for his phone and turned on its flashlight. As he wandered through the building, he shone the light on each door he came across, until he found the one labeled "Ethan Montgomery, J.D., LL.M." He opened it and stepped inside.
Now where would Ethan keep the prenup? Caleb looked around the office and spotted a filing cabinet. Maybe in there? Then again, Charlotte the Harlot probably took things in and out of it all the time. Maybe Ethan wouldn't put something so personal in there. He walked over to the desk and began rifling through the drawers. He grinned as he spotted the prenup. No way was that asshole getting off scot-free. He crumpled up the paper, tossed it into the wastebasket, and summoned forth another burst of flames.
As the fire illuminated the room, he noticed Ethan's diplomas hanging on the wall. He thought back to the night that he and Alexandra had gone out to dinner with Gina and Ethan. The restaurant wasn't even that fancy, but Ethan had worn a suit and tie, and had sneered at Caleb's clothes. "You're wearing that?" Alexandra had jumped to his defense. "I think he looks hot." Ethan had bragged about his job and his degrees. He had majored in business at Hartfeld and had two law degrees from Northbridge University's law school. Then he asked Caleb, "Where did you go to college?" When Caleb admitted that he hadn't, Ethan had looked at him like he was lower than dirt. Now that smug son of a bitch was going to pay. Caleb took the diplomas off the wall and threw them on the floor, smashing the glass frames into smithereens. He blasted them with fire, then turned to Ethan's desk, setting it alight as well. As he exited the room, he sent a final surge of flames inside.
Caleb ran down the corridor, then hopped out the window. He'd better get his ass out of here. Sticking to the shadows, he snuck away from the building. He grinned wickedly as he made his way back to the bar. That had been fun.
Once he returned, he ordered another round of drinks for everyone. "I have a feeling things will be looking up for you," he told Gina. He put his arm around Alexandra. "See, I wasn't gone that long."
After last call, they said goodbye to Gina, then headed back to Alexandra's apartment. Once they were inside, Caleb kissed her deeply. "Time for some more fun." He guided her towards the bed.
The next morning, they were lounging in bed, in no hurry to get up. Alexandra reached for the remote and turned on the television. The news was on. As they snuggled together, one of the news reports caught their attention.
"A fire broke out at the law office of Montgomery & Montgomery last night. The building suffered severe structural damage. The fire is believed to have started in the office of junior partner Ethan Montgomery. No cause has yet been determined."
Alexandra eyed Caleb suspiciously. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
Caleb feigned innocence. "Who, me? I was with you last night, remember? I only stepped out for a few minutes."
Alexandra nodded knowingly. "Oh, that's right. You weren't gone long at all."
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innerpostmentality · 6 years
A Choices: The Senior Fan Fic November 5th prompt – Trouble
This thing ate my brain in the shower last night and wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it.
1500 ish words PG-13 Angst Amy winds up with a secret that isn’t hers to share but will test relationships.
These characters are Pixelberry Studios property. I’m just thankfully borrowing them to play with. Zig X Amy (MC), Sophie X ?
@hopefulmoonobject @meeraaverywalker Amy opened the door with a grin as TaterTot yodeled and pranced a greeting. She scratched the gangly puppy behind the ears making smooching noises at him. And leaned over to give Zig a kiss on her way to drop her back pack at her desk in the bed room. She gave Bisque a few pellets of the freeze dried food, then grabbed a couple of kitty treats for Marshmallow, scratching the orange tabby under her chin and purring at her until the cat closed her eyes and returned the purrs.
  Sticking her head back in the living room she smiled at her handsome man. “Hey Love, is TaterTot lying again or does he really need a walk?” Zig looked up from his text book on the fundamentals of education and smiled. “This time the little boy is being honest. I was thinking I’d wait til you got home then I got hungry and started dinner. Would you mind walking him? I can promise you dinner when you get back.” She leaned over and kissed him again. “Oh I knew something smelled delicious when I came in.” “Arroz con Pollo, Mom’s recipe. And a salad.” He smiled pulling her back for a second kiss before letting her go. “Love you.” “ummm… Love you more!” She grabbed TaterTot’s leash clipping it to his collar, checked to make sure her phone was in her pocket. “Back soon!” She was just out of the building when her phone rang. TaterTot was dutifully checking out every flower, bush, tree and fire hydrant and watering as needed. She smiled as she answered the phone, “Hey Sophie, How are you doing?” Her cheery greeting was answered with silence and what she though might be sniffling. “Sophie?? I can’t really hear you.” “I’m, uh, I’m sorry Amy. I just…” There were definite sobs now on the other end of the line. “Sophie, I’m here for you, lady. Do you want to come over?” “No. No. I.. Could you maybe come over or meet me somewhere? I need to talk.” Amy frowned, stopping as TaterTot pulled at the leash. “Sophie I’m walking TaterTot at the moment. Zig is fixing dinner. I’m sure there would be enough for you also. And Zig would..” “NO. He can’t. I don’t want to talk to him just yet. Please, Amy, Please…” “Okay.” Her mind was filled with misgivings. She absolutely hated the idea that she might be about to step into the middle of something she would have to keep secret from Zig and it involved his sister. “Sophie let me call Kaitlyn and see if we can meet at her place. Do you mind if she’s there? That way I can tell Zig I’m going over to her place and that can help with me dashing off.” There were a few moments of silence and then Sophie’s quiet “Okay.” A call and a few minutes more of TaterTot fertilizing and watering the landscape and she was dashing back to the apartment.
It smelled heavenly as she opened the door. Zig had lit candles and set the table. And the moment she walked in and he saw her face his smile turned to concern. “What’s wrong Amy?” “I got a call and I’ve got to go to Kaitlyn’s. I’m not sure what is going on yet. But there were tears and I’ve got to go. I’m so sorry Honey. This looks beautiful and smells delicious.” Zig nodded and took a couple of steps to wrap her in a big hug kissing the top of her head. “I love you. And I’m here if you need me.” He looked in her eyes gently stroking her cheeks. “You’re a great friend you know.” She returned his hug before grabbing her car keys and dashing out the door again. She heard multiple text notifications come across her phone as she was driving but resisted looking until she was parked.
Kaitlyn > Sophie is here. She’s really upset Amy. Not telling me anything. I offered her a drink and she said no. Kaitlyn > Amy, I’m really worried about her.  Just parked. <Amy Amy dashed up the stairs to Kaitlyn and Annisa’s apartment. Kaitlyn opened the door on the first knock. Their eyes locked and she could see the deep concern. “Where is she?” “She’s in my room. I told her she should try to rest.” Amy squeezed Kaitlyn’s arm and hugged her. “Thank you. Kaitlyn, she didn’t want me to tell Zig. So I told him the call was from you. I don’t know what to do. I do not want to lie to him. But I feel like I have to be here for her.”
Kaitlyn nodded.
Knocking softly on Kaitlyn’s door she called quietly. “Sophie, It’s Amy.” “Come in.” the voice was soft and broken from the other side of the door. The room was dark, lit by a night lamp, neater than Amy remembered the state of Kaitlyn’s room generally being. Sophie was sitting on the bed hugging a pillow, her face puffy and distraught. It was painful to see this bright, confident young woman looking so broken. Amy sat on the bed next to her and hugged her. Sophie let go of the pillow and wrapped her arms around Amy sobbing into her neck. For several minutes Amy just held her letting her cry. Finally the tears turned to hiccups. And she stroked her back trying to soothe her. “Sophie, tell me what happened. Did someone hurt you?” Sophie shook her head. Sniffing. “No. No. I’ve just messed everything up.” Amy lifted her chin. “I doubt that. Sophie, you are reaching out and that is smarter than I was last year. You have all of us. And your family. What ever it is. What ever happened. It’s going to be okay. Trust me when I tell you...”  “I’m pregnant.” Sophie burst into tears again.  “Oh Lady!” Amy held her tight as she wept again, rubbing her back, holding her. “Sophie, are you sure?” She nodded. “I took two tests. Both were positive.” Amy offered her a sip of water.  Amy murmured “It’s going to be okay.” Finally she took her hands and looked in Sophie’s dark eyes, so like her brother’s. “Sophie do you know what you want to do?” Sophie pulled back frowning a bit. “What do you mean?” “Well you have three basic choices at this point that I can see. And I’ve got no judgement on any choice  you make. You could terminate the pregnancy. You can have the baby and keep it. Or you could have the baby and let it be adopted. You don’t have to decide now. But you will need to make a decision before very long.”
“I want my baby.” Sophie’s voice was the most determined Amy had heard it with that declaration. Amy nodded. “Okay. That helps. This is going to be a one thing at a time how you get through the challenges. You need to remember that you don’t have to decide everything at once. And you can change your mind up to a certain point.” Amy sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Now I need you to help me out.”
Sophie looked at her a little surprised. “You know I’d do anything for you, Amy. You are already the sister of my heart. And I know Zig will get it together and figure out that he really should ask you. He’s really smart and dumb at the same time sometimes.” She half smiles and wipes a tear away.
“I know. And you know that Zig and I will always be there for you and your baby. You said you want to keep the baby so there is a definite time limit on keeping this secret from anyone. And that means that Zig is going to know. And knowing Zig he’s going to be thrilled to be a uncle, painfully, protectively concerned for you, and dangerously angry at the guy responsible.
 Sophie, have you told the dad yet?”
She shakes her head and bursts into tears again. Amy pulls her into her arms and rocks her stroking her hair. “Shhh, shhh now. I know you well enough to know that it’s someone you care for, admire and respect. So I know he’s a good guy. I think you need to tell him first. Unless you want him completely out of the picture and that might be tough if he’s someone here at school.” 
“You’re right…. I have to tell him. I never meant to mess so much up for so many people.” Sophie seems much calmer. Occasionally taking a deep shuddering breath but the tears have mostly stopped. “Thank you, Amy.” She hugs Amy tightly. “I have to go wash my face. Then I think I have to tell him and we need to talk. He needs to hear this from me, not Zig.” She looks determined. “And he is a good guy Amy.  It’s Chris.”
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zaffrenotes · 6 years
Sojourn: Stand to the Right
Pairing: Liam x MC Rating/Warning: PG-13ish; Language, topic of death Summary: Katrina and Liam take a trip to her hometown for a bittersweet hello and goodbye Author’s Note: *All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them* This is part of Sojourn:Her, taking place between Books 2 and 3 of The Royal Romance, where Katrina opts to finish school before marrying King Liam. This is also for @meeraaverywalker November 13 Challenge: Meeting the Parents. Word Count: +/- 3000
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“Are you sure about taking the subway? We can take the car into the city, you know I don’t mind driving,” Liam said, wrapping an oversized scarf around his neck.
Katrina smiled at him. “Trust me, you do not want to drive downtown on a weekend. Or a weekday. Ever, really.”
Liam’s face contorted into a confused expression. “Then why bother driving at all?”
“Not everyone lives that close to a Metro station, Love. Lots of people commute into the city from thirty, even forty miles out.” She stuffed her feet into a pair of knee high black leather boots and zipped them up before wrapping a scarf around her neck. “Don’t forget, when you get on an escalator – ANY escalator – stand to the right if you’re not going to walk up or down.”
“Um…okay,” he replied, slipping on a knit beanie over his hair.
“Trust me, I’ve yelled at schoolchildren for standing on the wrong side in the middle of rush hour.” Liam looked at her with wide eyes. “I’d do it again, no question!”
He chuckled as she pulled on her coat. “Is it bad that I kind of wish I could see that happen?”
“Trust me, if someone winds up on the wrong side of the escalator, I will be that girl,” she replied, grabbing her purse. “Let’s get going.” They left the hotel room and walked down the hall to the elevators, preparing to head downtown in Katrina’s home city to see the National Christmas Tree.
Liam had never been on the subway system in the District; any previous visits to the US capital included a security team and a motorcade. This trip was devoid of any pomp and circumstance; after the Thanksgiving debacle, Liam was glad to steal some time away with Katrina for a long weekend to visit her hometown. He figured it would be the perfect opportunity not only to see the trees all lit up, but he hoped the trip would also add a little closure to her life as well. She’d admitted that she hadn’t been “home” since she had to say goodbye to her younger sister years ago.
He followed Katrina into the station, watching her as she expertly navigated to a row of machines. He watched as she tapped a card to the machine and pressed some buttons before sliding a credit card in a slot, tapping the first card in the same spot. She handed him the card, then repeated the process with a second card. He flipped the piece of plastic over in his hand; on the front was an image of the former President Obama. “Trina?” he asked, holding up the card to her.
Katrina slipped her credit card back into her wallet and tilted her head, motioning for Liam to follow her. They walked on, and she tapped the card to the front of a turnstile before it opened for her, and she walked through. “Just tap it on that white circle,” she instructed. Liam did, and walked through after her. “SmarTrip card…you just add money to it as needed, for fares. Yours is a special Inauguration card I bought during Obama’s first term, it’s never been used.” Her eyes nervously darted behind him, noticing a large group of teenagers starting to move through the turnstiles. “Li, let’s GO, now,” she urged.
Liam turned his head and grinned. Perfect! “What’s the rush, lovely? The galleries aren’t going anywhere, neither is the tree,” he chuckled. He popped the lens off the camera hanging around his neck and snapped a photo as she glared at him. Katrina rolled her eyes and groaned as some of the teenagers made their way through and stepped onto the escalator heading down to the platforms, and he snapped a second photo.
“I hate you sometimes, I really do.” She glanced up at the sign displaying train arrivals, noticing that the train they needed was only two minutes away. As the sea of youths clad in matching red jackets continued, she grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him to the escalators. As expected, the mass of red stood on both sides of the escalator in a haphazard pattern, blocking the long descent underground. Katrina felt her palms start to sweat and her heart raced; she didn’t really want to yell at the kids because they didn’t know any better, but standing on one of the longest escalators in the city was going to test her already dwindling patience. She took a deep breath and shouted at the top of her lungs. “STAND TO THE RIGHT! STAND TO THE RIGHT!”
Still holding Liam’s hand, she pushed past a young woman that made a face at her, and they started walking down as some of the students pushed together to get out of the way. Liam started laughing behind her as she gruffly tapped shoulders and pushed herself through people that didn’t heed her warning, and she yelled again. “MOVE TO THE FUCKING RIGHT IF YOU’RE GOING TO STAND. THIS ISN’T A GODDAMN RIDE AT DISNEYWORLD!”
“Lady, what the fuck is your problem?” One of the teenagers turned to look at her as she tried to nudge him to the empty space on to his right.
“It’s called being considerate, son,” she said, in her most authoritative voice. “You’re not the only ones using the Metro. People are trying to get to WORK.” Katrina raised her hand to motion behind her, lightly hitting Liam in the chest because he was standing right behind her. The young man peered behind them, noticing the line of men and women in suits and business attire. “Metro rule – stand. To. The. Right. Walk to the left. Remember that the rest of your trip.”
The other students within earshot squeezed over to the right side, and as she continued down the steps, several of them muttered “bitch” under their breath.
“Yeah, that’s right, I’m the bitch who didn’t bother to think about etiquette before taking a trip to a new city, YUP. TO THE RIGHT! TO THE RIGHT!” She continued down the escalator, hearing Liam’s deep chuckle behind her. Finally reaching the platform, she saw the train pulling into the station, and turned back to grab Liam’s hand again. “Let’s go before any of those kids start blocking the platform!”
Liam grabbed her hand and they jogged up to the edge of the platform, waiting for the train to stop. Once passengers left the car, the pair of them boarded and Katrina slid into one of the molded seats, taking deep breaths to calm herself. Liam took the seat next to her, draping his arm behind her shoulders as he kissed the side of her head. “That was kind of hot, watching you yell like that,” he whispered into her ear. “Commanding, calling out their lack of etiquette…” he nuzzled his nose against her temple. “I like bossy Trina.”
Katrina giggled, playfully swatting his knee. “Down boy,” she teased. “DC’s not as accepting of public indecency as Cordonia.” She turned to kiss him on the lips, feeling her tension from yelling melt away.
Liam and Katrina spent most of the morning walking through the Museum of Natural History downtown, along with the National Gallery of Art. She pointed out some of her favorite paintings, and they took their time walking hand in hand, or with his arm wrapped around her, like a normal couple. She couldn’t help stealing glances at him the whole time, enjoying the fact that he was dressed so casually.
Oftentimes Liam would have to wear a suit in Cordonia while dealing with meetings and public appearances. He’d look dashing in his formalwear for formal dinners and galas, very much the regal and dignified leader. However, there was an ease to seeing him dressed down; today he was in dark skinny jeans with a grey hoodie, and a heavy military jacket. With the aviator sunglasses and knit beanie on his head, he blended in with the crowd, any trace of a King removed, minus the quiet gracefulness he exuded while walking.
They were sitting on a bench on the National Mall, sipping on coffee, watching people walk past. The sun was still bright in the sky, but the late November air was crisp and chilly. Katrina leaned against Liam’s side as he absentmindedly rubbed her arm, and felt him kiss the top of her head. “Think it’s time to go?” She nodded silently. They got up to leave, tossing their empty cups in a trash can on the way to L’Enfant station, when Liam veered off in the direction of Virginia Avenue.
“Where are you going?” she asked, catching up with him.
“We should bring something with us,” he replied, offering his arm to her. She let her hand rest in the crook of his elbow as they walked down the street.
“And how is it that you know exactly where you’re going, in my city?”
Liam tapped his temple and smirked. “I did my homework, Love.” They stopped in front of a flower shop and Liam held the door open for her. Walking inside, Katrina admired the bouquets and arrangements that filled the shop, inhaling the scent of roses and lilies. Liam walked up to the counter and spoke quietly with a woman at the register, who disappeared into a back room. When she reappeared, she had two large shopping bags with boxes in them.
Katrina picked up a bouquet of crimson red roses and walked over to the counter. “What did you do?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at Liam.
“The roses as well,” he said to the woman behind the counter, handing her a credit card. “I requested a special order for us, I hope you don’t mind too much.” He signed the receipt and picked up the bags, placing the roses inside one, and they left the shop.
After another subway ride where Liam almost got one of the bags stuck between the automatic turnstiles, they exited Stadium-Armory station and flagged down a cab to reach their destination. Katrina fidgeted nervously in the seat, staring out the window and repeatedly wiped her hands against her jeans. Liam reached over and squeezed her hand even though she tried to pull away. His warm touch made her heart flutter and slow down at the same time. “How long has it been, Trina?” His voice was soft, nearly a whisper.
“Six, almost seven years,” she replied, still staring out the window. A lump was forming in her throat the closer they got to the address she’d given the cab driver. “I haven’t been here since I said goodbye to Jo.”
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Love,” he replied, squeezing her hand again. “If you’re not ready, we can go back to the hotel. Or leave altogether and go back to New York tonight.”
She chewed on her bottom lip before turning to look at him with a sad smile. “We’re here, you’re here with me, it’s time this happened.” The cab slowed to a stop, and they both reached into their pockets for a handful of bills, laughing at each other. “You get this ride, I’ll pay for the cab back,” she said, tucking the cash back into her coat pocket. She exited the cab as Liam paid the driver, carrying the bags with him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in front of the cemetery’s entrance. “Time for you to meet my Parents.”
They walked through the cemetery together, Liam a few paces behind Katrina as she tried to remember the way to the right plot. After a few minutes, she stopped walking and looked a few yards ahead at a large headstone next to a smaller single one. “We’re here,” she said quietly.
“You can go on your own first, if you want a moment,” Liam offered.
Katrina turned to face him, going in for a hug. He quickly moved the camera around his neck and held her in his arms. “Thank you,” she murmured against his chest. She inhaled the scent of his cologne and squeezed her arms around his strong back one more time before letting go.
He handed her the bouquet of roses and watched as she walked over to the headstones, pulling half the roses out and laid them on the ground. He saw her lips moving, but she was too far away to hear what she was saying, and he didn’t want to. She alternated between touching the front of the large headstone, occasionally glancing up at Liam and smiling, though tears streaked down her ivory cheeks, tinged pink by the Autumn air. He wanted nothing more than to go over to her and hold her tight to take away her sadness, but he stayed in place, waiting patiently for her signal. Liam took the cap off his camera and focused the lens on the beautiful woman in front of him, snapping photo after photo of her as she talked to her family. She took a few steps to the smaller headstone, crossing her legs on the ground, and laid the rest of the roses on the ground, save for one. As her lips moved, she slowly pulled the petals from the rose in her hand, sprinkling them across the top of the marble marker. He snapped more photos of her, rose petals dancing as they fell from her hand, her hair surrounding her like a lion’s mane. She was stronger than she ever believed she could be, and he wanted her to be reminded of that.
Katrina stood up, dusting off her pants, and looked over at Liam. He picked up the bags he’d set on the ground and walked over to her, hugging her once more. “Feeling okay?”
He felt her exhale against his chest. “Much better. I needed this.” She pulled away and gave him a curious look. “Do I get to find out what you ordered at the florist now?”
Liam smiled and set the bags down, opening up one of the boxes. He pulled out a small arrangement of foxgloves and camellia flowers, and Katrina gasped. “You sweet, perfect man, you didn’t,” she whispered. “For Gran and Grandpa?”
“Their favorites, right? That’s why they’re inked on you,” he said, placing the flowers on the left side of the headstone. He opened a second box, containing an arrangement of daises and gardenias, laying it on the right side of the headstone, where Katrina’s parents rested. Katrina stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Bailey, I’m so sorry that I never got a chance to meet you in person to tell you how wonderful your daughter is,” Liam began, looking at the names of Katrina’s parents etched in the marble. “She’s been the light of my life in the short time I’ve been graced to know her, and I hope to spend the rest of my life making her even half as happy as she’s made me. I know she misses you dearly, and you’re never far from her thoughts.” Liam paused to swallow, feeling his emotions form like a lump in his throat. “I…lost my mother when I was a young boy, so I’m familiar with the pain of losing someone you love.” Katrina wrapped her arm around his waist and leaned against him. “Mr. and Mrs. Bailey for your grandparents?”
“They’d probably insist you call them Gran and Grandpa.”
Liam chuckled lightly. “Gran and Grandpa,” he said, looking at the names etched on the left side of the headstone. “You’d be pleased to know that your granddaughter is an intelligent, spirited, kindhearted woman, and she’s pursuing her dream to study law. Her strength and determination amazes me constantly, and challenges me to be a better man and king. I could ask nothing less of a future queen, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that your granddaughter…” he paused to look at the other side of the headstone, “…and your daughter…will be the very thing that my home country needs, just as I need her in my life.”
Liam bent down to retrieve the last item in the bags, pulling out a delicate bouquet of bluebonnets and lavender roses. Katrina’s hand flew up to cover her mouth as she started crying again, and he placed the flowers in front of Josephine’s grave. “Trina tells me that these flowers are your favorites, Josephine.” He knelt down and touched the cold marble. “Trina misses you more than you could ever imagine. I wish I could have known you, she tells me that you were something special. I uh…” he cleared his throat, trying not to let his own emotions overwhelm him. “Look for my mother, Sophia…she also goes by Soon-Bok…she’ll help look after you too. Also Jo? I hope I have your blessing to keep using your nickname for Trina. I’ve grown rather fond of it, and your sister as well,” he said, smiling nervously at Katrina.
Katrina bent over and pressed her lips to Liam’s, cupping the sides of his face with her chilled hands. He shuddered slightly at her touch, but kissed her back, moving to hold her hands in his as he stood up. “I need to buy you gloves for Christmas,” he teased. “It’s only November and your hands are like icicles.”
Katrina stuck her tongue at him as she folded up the shopping bags. “Some of us aren’t human furnaces.”
Liam grinned and laced his fingers with hers, pulling her into another kiss. “I will gladly warm your cold, clammy hands any hour of any day, my Love. Salanghea.”
“I love you too,” she said, smiling. “Shall we go? Getting dark soon, they’ll be lighting the trees right about now.”
“Ready when you are.” They walked back along the paths to the entrance of the cemetery, this time requesting a Dryve from Katrina’s phone app. “So…” Liam started, rocking back on his heels on the sidewalk. “Do you think your parents liked me?”
Tag List: @alj4890 @angelicfangirl @annekebbphotography @bella-ca @bowful @brightpinkpeppercorn @coldcollectornight08 @cordonianredruby @fullbeaumonty @furiousherringoperatortoad @hhiggs @hopefulmoonobject @i-choose-liam @liamxs-world @lodberg @marywrites-things @missevabean @museofbooks @mynameiskaylabella @nekkidmolerat @ooo-barff-ooo @likethetailofacomet @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @sarwin85 @sleepwalkingelite @smalltalk88 @thecordoniandiaries @umccall71 @jlouise88 @littleblossom-18 @jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @debramcg1106 @innerpostmentality
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bi-cookie · 5 years
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— 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ❥
𝗗𝗮𝘆 17: 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 -> 𝖮𝗅𝗂𝗏𝗂𝖺 𝖭𝖾𝗏𝖾𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗌
❝ I'm a Nevrakis. We’re not known for ‘safe’. We’re known for crushing our enemies.❞
• @choicesnovemberchallenge
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choicessa · 6 years
Never Again (Damien x MC)
Pairing: Damien x MC (Nia Park)
Words: ~5000 (whoops…)
Summary: Six years after they broke up, Damien and Nia accidentally meet again… Will they fix what used to be between them? Or will it be just a chance to say a final goodbye?
Note: Angst, angst and more angst? I don’t really have a good explanation or excuse for this, guess my brain is simply cruel and loves angst too much… Also it got kind of inspired by the Heart song "All I wanna do is make love to you” so feel free to listen to it while reading, maybe then you’ll understand why my stupid brain came up with that idea at first place… Written for a prompt “Heartbreak” for @meeraaverywalker ’s amazing November Challenge! <3
Warning!: Sexual tension implied but nothing nsfw or too descriptive ;)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters here, just borrowing them. All rights go to Pixelberry Studios.
Permatag: @meeraaverywalker, @the-everlasting-dream, @drakewalkerwhipped, @quartzandarrow
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Fate. Destiny. Coincidence.
Damien Nazario never believed in such things. He was a simple man, a realist, knowing that every action, every situation, no matter how strange or unexpected, had its hidden purpose.
It wasn’t a coincidence that it was raining tonight. It was due to the complexity of nature forces, velocity and direction of the wind, changes of atmospheric pressure, mixing of cold and hot air, the amount of clouds and level of humidity.
It wasn’t a destiny, that he chose this particular road tonight. He simply wanted to get back home as soon as possible and this highway was the quickest route.
It wasn’t a fate, that seeing a person standing by the road, in a heavy rain, he decided to stop and give her a ride. It was just a human decency, not allowing him to leave this person alone in this horrible weather.
But how should he call the fact that this person was no one else but Nia Park?
Years passed since their last meeting, six, to be precise. Six years since their last talk, last dinner together, six years since they… broke up. For a long time he couldn’t stop blaming everything and everyone for what had happened. He blamed himself, for not seeing that something started to fall apart between them, blamed himself for all those times when he wasn’t enough, when he didn’t fight for them strong enough. He also blamed her, for leaving like this, for not giving him, them, another chance, for giving up on them… He blamed Eros, part of him believing that after everything they’ve put them through, everything changed, they’ve changed and at some point they couldn’t go back to things how they were before. Until one day, he realized that it wasn’t his or hers fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. He just had to accept that sometimes things don’t work out and no one is to blame for this. Funny thing. He was a man who refused to believe in higher forces, a man who always believed that there are no accidents. And yet at some point he started to believe that it was fate, and that fate was responsible for them drifting apart…
What were the odds of meeting her here? Of having her in his car again, within the reach of his hand and yet still so distant? She didn’t say anything since he picked her up; nothing except polite ‘how you’ve been’, ‘where are you going’ or ‘it’s been so long, where are you working now’? It was embarrassing, honestly. Not so long ago they were capable of talking for hours, about everything and right now? They couldn’t even stand this ride without awkward silence and inability to talk like two normal adults. They’ve been through a lot and even though they both moved on, they both started new lives, they had a lot of time to look at their situation from the new perspective, they still could still feel the shadow of their previous meeting, the last day they spent together, the night that changed everything, even if it was years ago… Damien looked at the girl sitting next to him, her head turned to the side, eyes looking out through the window, when she was lost in her thoughts, not noticing him gazing. There wasn’t much to see there, just a faint outlines of trees, barely visible in this dark night and through the thick rain falling from the sky. But it was still better than having to deal with this silence. Absentmindedly Nia put a finger on the window and slowly traced the trail of one of the raindrops, falling down the glass. From all the cars passing her by, from all the people in the world, why did she have to sit in his car? Was it universe’s way of mocking her? A reminder of all the bad choices she has made in her life? Was she too happy with her life now and karma decided it was time of bringing a bit of sorrow into her life again? Lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice the look Damien gave her, his gaze moving across her face and body. She didn’t change much… Her hair were just a little shorter now, her wet, messy curls falling on her shoulders right now, her face a little tired, more worn-out than it used to be and with a shock he noticed first wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, something that definitely wasn’t there before… But it’s been six years after all and he was sure in her eyes he must have changed too… His sight slipped down, stopping on her hands, laced on her lap and he felt his heart stopped for a moment at the sight of the ring on her finger. She was engaged now… It was like a bucket full of cold water thrown at his head, with all its might reminding him that it wasn’t the same Nia he once knew, that the girl he loved and lost six years ago was gone… He looked back at the road, hid hands almost involuntarily  gripping the steering wheel harder, fingers clenching around it. Of course she moved on. Six fucking years has passed, how could he expect she would still wait for him, want him, try to get him back? If she wanted to, she’d reach out to him months ago, why couldn’t he got rid of this stupid hope filling his heart? He tried to move on with his own life so many times that he stopped counting but every time he was almost successful with it, something or someone happened and he ended up with broken heart again...
He was intensively thinking about anything he could say to her, about any kind of subject he could start, just to break this tormenting him silence, just to make her talk to him, so he wouldn’t go mad, fighting with his own thoughts and self-doubts. But that’s exactly when his fate, the one he didn’t truly believe in, decided to mock him one more time.
“What’s happening?” Nia raised her brow when the car they were in made a strange noise.
“I have no idea…” Damien shook his head, capable of only helplessly watching as his car started to slow down until it finally stopped, in the middle of the road, the engine making one last noise until dying.
“Come on… come on…” Damien gritted his teeth, struggling to start the engine but unfortunately with no results.
“It… just broke?”
“It… It seems so…” He still had a hard time believing in what was happening right now, his car who never got him any troubles, just refusing to cooperate in the middle of a highway.
“Ugh, great…” Nia threw her arms in the air with frustration. “In the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, right during the storm. Perfect.”
“Look, believe me, I’m not a fan of this situation either but it’s not my fault!”
“I know, it’s just…” She shook her head, sighing. “Nevermind…” She put her head against the window an sighed heavily. “So what are we going to do?”
“I’ll call for help. I have this 24/7 number here which I can…” His voice trailed off when he picked up his phone and cursed, drawing Nia’s attention.
“No service… Shit…” Damien rubbed his face, a heavy sighed escaping his lips, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. “What are we going to do?”
Nia just look at him, shrugging and they sat there for a moment, in silence again, the only sound around them was the noise of raindrops mercilessly hitting the roof of the car. The breaking of the car, what was it now? A fate? A coincidence? Bad luck? Damien sighed, resting his head against the seat, closing his eyes for a moment. He couldn’t think of any rational explanation for what was happening tonight, it was almost like karma decided to question all of his life, all his beliefs, any rational explanation for this being thrown out of the window.
“I saw a motel.” Nia suddenly said.
“A motel?” Damien opened his eyes, looking at her. “Where?”
“We drove past it. A few minutes ago?”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay then… I guess we don’t have much of a choice… Unless we want to spend the next few hours until morning in this car…”
“Ohhh, I’d rather not… Even old motel is better choice than this old…” She hung his voice when Damien shoot her a warning glance. “Oh pleaseee… You can’t truly be attached to this rusty piece of crap?” She rolled her eyes.
“Hey! Don’t call her that!”
“Her? This car is a she now?” Nia raised her brows and suddenly started to laugh. “Okay, sorry, I didn’t mean to…” She sighed, still smiling widely at Damien’s offended gaze.
“You hurt her feelings…” He murmured, causing Nia to snort again, until she shook her head, clearing her throat. “Sorry, sorry… So… What’s the plan?”
“We push the car to the side, grab our things and run to that motel?”
“Seems… legit?”
“Okay, I know that tone…” Damien turned to the side, looking at her. “What’s wrong with my plan?”
“It’s just… Pushing this car to the side of the road? In the middle of the night? In this rain?” She put a finger to the window, pointing outside, to emphasize her words. “It’s madness!”
“Well, I can’t just leave this car in the middle of the road, can I?”
“I know, but… I have a better idea! You go out there and push it and I will stay here to… conduct the whole process.”
“Yup! You know, turn right to make it easier for you and things like that…”
“Sound like someone doesn’t want to get their hands wet and dirty…” Damien murmured in a singing voice, Nia’s face almost immediately snapping into his direction.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re the one who always said that your hair is a mess in a humidity like that… Not that your hairstyle isn’t already wet and destroyed… So I just assumed you’re just too lazy to help me?” His brown eyes looked at her innocently, muscles on his face almost hurting when he was trying so hard to resist the smile.
For a moment Nia was just looking at him, her eyes narrowing, and for a split of seconds he held his breath, afraid that he crossed some kind of invisible line, that his joke might have been too much, that after all the time that has passed he wasn’t allowed to make fun out of her anymore…
“Oh you are so on, Nazario!” If it’s possible her eyes narrowed even more, this competitive blink in them so familiar, for a moment he felt like he was seeing the same Nia he once knew. “Let’s do this!” She opened the door, getting out, right onto the downpour.
“Can’t believe it works every time…” Damien smirked to himself, before unfastening his belt and leaving after her.
It took them a while and gigantic amount of cursing to finally push the car to the side and then run to the motel, the one Nia saw not that far away. When they finally got there, laughing like crazy, they must have shown a terrible view, wet from head to toes and rambling about their broken car and no service, between the crazy giggles escaping their lips. It was madness and the absurd of this situation didn’t leave them any choice, except of just… laughing. With no spare words the owner gave them the key to their room, shaking his head when they disappeared from his sight and soon they were both sitting there, in a pleasant warmth, the two of them walking around, Damien trying to contact the car service, Nia with interest checking every drawer in the room.
“I talked with the roadside assistance, they won’t be here until morning…” Damien sighed, throwing his phone on the bed. “Apparently because of that rain some of the roads are flooded and they can’t make it tonight so… Why are you smiling?” He asked, noticing that Nia is standing in the corner of the room, smiling widely.
“They have a box full of old vinyl here!” Her eyes lit up at the sight of them, fingers gently separating another discs, when with an admiration she was looking at familiar covers. “Foreigner… Creedance Clearwater Revival… Led Zeppelin… Oh! They even have Blondie!”
“Oh god, from all the people in the world I had to be stuck with a vinyl geek…” He mocked, smiling with amusement.
“Hey! Today’s mp3 is nothing compared to those!” She pointed at one of the covers. “The sound of them is just…”
“Full of background noises, making you want to grimace and cover your ears?” He laughed as Nia rolled her eyes, deciding that ignoring him was a much better idea.
“I won’t be talking with an ignorant like you… I have a better things to do, besides…” She stopped abruptly, when she found one more vinyl, her lips raising in a huge grin when she saw it. Ohh, this is gonna be fun…
“Looked what treasure have I found here!” Nia turned around to show him one of the records, a huge face of smiling Elvis Presley on the cover on it. She was watching with satisfaction as Damien’s eyes widened, his mouth opening in a shock and terror amusing her waaay too much right now.
“Are you kidding me!?” He finally regained his voice.
 “Nope, they have a full variety of Presley’s discography here…”
“Oh god…”
“Now which one should I choose, hmm?” She raised two different records and showed them to Damien, who was looking at her pleadingly.
“How could I possibly know?”
“Mhmmm, I don’t know? You seem like a fan, especially being named after him…” Nia looked at him innocently but couldn’t resist anymore and burst out laughing when Damien’s face started to get red and she wasn’t sure if it was his embarrassment or anger right now.
“Hey! You promised that you won’t be making fun of my middle name! Like… never!”
“Ohhh, Nazario… We are both well aware that I never had any intentions of keeping that promise…” She grinned to him, laughing when she heard him groan.
“Why me?” He groaned theatrically once again when Nia picked up one of the vinyls and put it into the record player.
“Come ooon, don’t be such a grumpy old man. We’re stuck here anyway, at least until morning, so we may as well make the most of it. Let’s have fun!” She smiled when first sounds of Presley’s song started to play.
“And listening to the songs I’ve been tormented with throughout my whole childhood is your definition of it?” He raised his eyebrow, sighing when Nia made a pirouette right in front of him.
“Come on, Nazariooo, I know somewhere deep down inside, you do enjoy it!”
“Like hell I am!”
Nia smiled once again, coming closer, reaching out to grab his hands and pulling him to the middle of the room.
“Now what are you doing?”
“Uhm, asking you to dance with me, obviously?”
“Oh like hell I will!” He shook his head, taking a step back. “Listening to Elvis is one thing, but dancing to his songs!? I would have to be drunk or crazy to do something like that…”
“I know you do like to dance, Nazario…” Nia grabbed his hands once again, her motion drawing a heavy sigh from him.
“Nia… Have mercy…”
“For old time’s sake? Huh?”
He looked at her, that familiar sparkle in her eyes when she was looking at him and with a shook of his head he grabbed her hands, pulling her closer, knowing damn well that he was never one to ever resist her.
And just like that, with one touch, one gesture, everything was gone. The previous embarrassment, that uncomfortable silence, that feeling of not knowing what to say or how to behave – it was all gone… They were just the two of them, friends, lovers, who found each other again, almost like no time has passed since their last meeting. Their laugh when he twirled her for a hundredth time, her smirk when even against what he was saying previously, he was humming with the melody, allowing music to guide him, her attempts to purposely step on his foot, just to make him annoyed again and their laugh again when she finally did that and they almost knocked the lamp off the nearest table, stumbling across the room.
But something what was supposed to be just fun at the beginning quickly changed into something more, when Nia started to realize how close his body was, how his hand on her back was gently moving in soft circles there, how his other palm holding hers was caressing her skin, his fingers tenderly brushing the top of her hand. The smile slowly faded from her lips, her look serious now when she dared to finally look up and her gaze met Damien’s dark eyes. He was watching her carefully, not taking his eyes off her, even for a moment, and she felt strangely small, vulnerable, under his attentive gaze. Her grip on his arms increased, her mind suddenly haunted by one single thought that if she won’t hold onto him strongly enough, he will disappear, leaving her here alone. Her fingers, acting against her common sense, doing something she didn’t even order them to do, moved higher, slowly, gently touching the soft skin on his neck, fingertips tracing his stubble along the way. Nia could hear Damien’s heavy breath when his eyes still refused to leave her face. For a moment she got swept in a world of dreams, world of memories, allowing herself to think about the taste of his kisses, remembering the feeling of his lips against hers, the need to feel them just one more time so strong that she could almost feel herself already leaning into his direction, this one need stronger than anything else she could feel right now.
And that’s when with all her might she realized what she was doing, what she wanted to do. And how inappropriate it was considering that she was engaged but most of all considering how their last meeting ended… She stopped suddenly, taking a step back and releasing Damien’s hands, shaking her head, almost like she was just woken up from some kind of dream.
“Nia… What’s wrong?”
She raised her eyes and looked at him, the silent regret in her look, when in his eyes she saw the same tenderness, worry about her, even after everything that happened between them. So even after all this time he still cared about her the same way, still couldn’t stand the sight of her being unhappy…
“I just…” Nia sighed heavily. “We’ve never even had a chance to say goodbye…” She said, dropping her gaze and avoiding his look. “And I’ve never had a chance to apologize, to say how sorry I am for… For what happened between us and…” With a terror she realized her voice started to break and suddenly unwanted tears filled her eyes, her body betraying her in her attempts to keep herself collected.
“Nia… Hey…” Damien reached out to her, his hands grabbing hers, when he squeezed them gently, giving her a reassuring smile. “It was never your fault, okay? I’ve never blamed you for what happened and most definitely you don’t have to apologize. For anything.”
“But… We used to…”
“We just… drifted apart.” He spread his arms, sighing. “There was no one’s fault that it didn’t turn out how we thought it will…”
“Don’t.” He shook his head, a ghost of smile appearing on his face when he reached out to her, gently brushing away curls from her face and tucking them behind her ear. “Maybe… Maybe we were just never meant to be…” He whispered, his thumb gently brushing skin on her cheek, his eyes never leaving her face. “Maybe…”
He never finished his thought. Instead he just shook his head, almost like he was trying to shrug off something, get rid of tormenting his thoughts and he sighed, taking his hand back from Nia’s face. What was the point? The point of living through it once again? The pain of their break up, the pain of his restless thoughts giving him this stupid hope that maybe not everything was lost? Everything was lost, for a long time now and his stupid “maybe” wasn’t going to change anything. They were just friends now… Bah! Not even friends anymore, just some people who were once close to each other, but not anymore… The girl who was once the love of his life, his future, his everything, was now nothing more than just an unfulfilled dream, barely this stupid ‘maybe’, an already lost chance.
He raised his eyes when he felt her hand on his cheek, gently brushing the skin there and almost involuntarily he leaned into her touch, so familiar, so soothing, so… caring. He opened his eyes and looked at her, her dark eyes shining, her unreadable gaze full of something, when she was looking at him, refusing to look away.
“Damien…” It was barely a whisper, almost inaudible but he heard it loud and clear and ohhh, the way she spoke his name.
He swallowed hard, for a moment being afraid that she might even hear the crazy beating of his heart, when it stupidly started to feed him with the same hope he had lost years ago. Maybe there still was something between them? Maybe he wasn’t the only one suffering throughout all this time? His lips parted and her name left them, spoken so fondly, so softly… His eyes moved against all orders of his mind, slipping down across her face until they stopped at her lips. Still the same as he remembered them… He could still feel the taste of her kisses, her lips meeting his, always so perfectly, almost like they were created for each other, never wanting to part again. He wasn’t entirely aware that his own lips parted, just at the thought of it, a heavy sigh escaping them, when he needed all remnants of his strength to resist and not just lean down and capture her lips in that kind of perfect kiss, just this one more time.
But even though he resisted, it was like Nia was reading his mind and she moved, her face being closer and closer to his, her warm breath caressing his skin and then the touch of her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. It seemed like the time has stopped when they looked at each other, in their eyes two different questions. Hers, asking for forgiveness for being too bold but at the same time asking for permission, still wanting to do more. And his, silently asking if he understood her intentions correctly, if his senses didn’t betray him and did that happen for real? Her hands grabbed his face and she leaned towards him once again, her nose brushing his, her breath heavy on his lips, her mouth parted slightly, waiting, giving him the chance to make up his mind. Because she already made up hers.
And then they lips met.
None of them was sure who started first, but they met halfway, lips searching for lips, hands reaching out to each other almost desperately.       Slowly, gently, his mouth barely touched hers at first, finally being capable of feeling the taste of them again, after all these years of longing, wanting to prolong this moment as much as he could. And then he kissed her again. And again. And again. Each kiss more passionate, more hungry, more desperate, once he get to know the taste of her lips again, he never wanted to stop. Her arms were around his neck, her fingers tangling into his still wet hair, his hands on her hips, closing her body in his embrace, pulling her closer, trying to get rid of every possible space between them and never parting from her lips. His left hand moved on her back, drawing chaotic circles there, when his other hand found a way into her hair, gently pulling them, giving better access to her lips, their mouth meeting in heated kisses again and again. And when she suddenly moaned into his mouth, it was like a cold shower, snapping him out of this magical moment, reminding him that she wasn’t his. Not anymore. Damien pulled back, breathing heavily, her questioning gaze locked on him when he shook his head, sighing heavily.
“We shouldn’t… I shouldn’t… We… You… You’re engaged and I…” His voice trailed off when she placed a finger on his lips, silencing him.
“No…” She whispered, her fingertip slowly trailing the outline of his lower lip. “Not tonight…”
He was weighing her words for a moment, the stupid list of pros and cons appearing in his mind, when the cravings of his heart tried to win over voice of reason of his head. She was engaged but at the same time she was here, warm, close, familiar, ready to throw this one detail to the wind. Will it be that big mistake? Something he will regret for the last of his days? Or on the contrary, not trying would be something haunting him forever?
“Damien…” Nia spoke softly, pressing another kiss to his lips.
And then he knew he was lost… There was no power on this Earth that would stop him now, stop him from having the woman of his dreams right here with him, right in his arms. Even if it was meant for one last time… Even if it was meant to be just their last goodbye…       
There was no hesitation, no regrets in their movements, when they started to get rid of each other’s clothes, buttons opening, fabrics pooling on the floor, naked bodies meeting together with a gasps. If any of them had any seconds thoughts, they were all gone now, the need to feel each other too strong to remember about any doubts or regrets. It was almost like riding a bike, something that even after all this time none of them could forget. His lips and hands finding all the spots that made her moan with pleasure, knowing where to kiss, where to touch, where to caress. Her legs wrapping around his hips, nails digging into the skin on his back, just like they were taught to, just like she had done it a thousand time before and a smirk on her face, when a single move of her hips made him groan. Their bodies, their touches, so familiar and yet, still so different. Their hands wandering over each other’s bodies, finding new marks, new scars, being only the painful reminder of all the time that has passed between them. But against all the memories haunting them, for a moment they forgot about everything and everyone, they didn’t remember the old motel room they were in, didn’t recall the broken car and the storm raging outside. They were just the two of them, together, magically alone in the whole world, frozen in time, frozen in this crazy world still spinning around them, the whole universe irrelevant, not existing anymore. His arms were pulling her close, every kiss leaving marks all over her body, not forgetting about even one place, the sweet weight of his body pressing her into the mattress, their bodies tangled, slowly moving together, taking their time, knowing they only have this one night and nothing more. A symphony of their gasps and moans filled the room with their release, his arms closing around her, her body so perfectly fitted in his embrace, almost like she was the lost half he was missing his whole life. Damien couldn’t stop looking at her, wanting to remember how she looked tonight, closed in his arms, the halo of her deep brown curls around her peaceful face. He wanted to memorize every detail of her face, her body, remember everything about that moment, that night, when he wanted to record that picture of her, keep those memories of them forever in his mind. Nia could feel her eyelids heavy already and she propped herself on her elbow, grabbing Damien’s face into her hands and pressing a long kiss to his lips. And with that one last kiss, with his arms wrapped around her warm body, everything was slowly fading away, leaving only the two of them, slowly falling asleep, leaving their problems, leaving the world for another day…
But when that other day finally came, it brought nothing more but the disappointment and the feeling of heart being broken once again in his life… When Damien opened his eyes in the morning, almost immediately they began to scan the room, looking for a person he wanted to see more than anything else. But she wasn’t there. She wasn’t there when his hand reached out across the bed, blindly looking for a warmth he was expecting to meet but the one that wasn’t there. She wasn’t there when he spoke her name, his voice hoarse from the sleep, almost hoping that she just left for a moment, maybe went to the bathroom and we’ll be back in a few moments. But minutes were passing and she still wasn’t there when he finally noticed the small note laying on the table, written hastily in the morning, when Nia was sneaking out, tears falling from her eyes when her shaking hand was writing the last words of her goodbye, knowing that this time it has to be final. She wasn’t there when his eyes were moving across that note, reading it, realizing that last night couldn’t be anything more than just a beautiful dream, not a hope to start over like he naively thought. She wasn’t there when his heart shattered into thousands pieces, breaking again, when it barely got healed. She wasn’t there when he was silently saying his own goodbye.
She wasn’t there…
And he knew, she’ll never be…
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queerchoicesblog · 6 years
Cursed (BB, Kamilah x MC)
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Bloodbound again for the Choices November Challenge by @meeraaverywalker xD
As the Feral issue is raging, Kamilah asks Adrien to stop by her office to discuss some concerns she’s having lately. However, what troubles Kamilah is not - or at least not entirely-  what Adrien expects...
Prompt: Fears
Word Count: 5700+ (Yeah, it turned out longer than expected xD)
Adrien playfully knocked on Kamilah's office door. An assertive yet somehow distant voice came from the inside. "Come in". Kamilah was standing in the dark office staring off into the distance in front of her window, arms crossed, barely noticing Adrien's movements. "Woah, Kam, you're going full gloomy brooding vampire with no light on" he joked as he switched on the light, before taking a seat in one of the luxury leather armchairs facing her desk. As his friend didn't say a word nor even rolled her eyes at his humour, he added, making himself more comfortable: "Okay, straight to business...well, enlighten me, why did you summon me at this ungodly time, my Queen?". He smiled affectionately at her. Kamilah seemed rather uncomfortable and unable to find words. She kept staring off the window, inhaling sharply. In the end, she clenched her jaw and said: "I'm worried, Adrien". "Yeah, you're telling me. This Feral thing is one hell of a mess and I can't find a way out. I mean, I warned my clan as you did with yours. But I'm not sure The Baron or Priya did too, I bet they don't give a damn...and Vega? He keeps getting more and more suspicious. Do you think we should-" Adrien answered, but he was cut short by Kamilah who interrupted him abruptly. "No it's- it's not that" she said, looking uncommonly vulnerable. "I mean, the Feral mess worries me too, but that's not why I asked you to come". She immediately diverted her eyes back to the window. "Okay, so...what's bothering you, Kam?" Adrien said reassuringly, trying to hide his surprise.
"It's a...more personal matter" she said. She shuffled uncomfortably.
Adrien didn't know what to think: they were close, yeah, but he knew that Kamilah didn't open up easily, especially when "more personal matter" was involved, whatever it meant. He tentatively asked, lowering his voice: "Did you get yourself in trouble? Did you...did you turn anyone?". Kamilah turned immediately to him and answered almost angrily: "Are you high? I would never do that shit, you know me!" "But you're in trouble, right?" Kamilah took a shaky breath, trying and failing to recompose herself. "Kind of". "Personal enemies? Clanless? Clan internal rivalry? I mean you are the best fighter and the most charismatic clan leader I know but you can count on me, if you need help" he said calmly. "No, it's-" she was cut short by Adrien's phone ringing. "Oh sorry I better take this, I told her to let me know if a certain client called...it won't be long" he apologetically smiled. Kamilah gestured that it was okay and he picked up his phone. "Hello, Amy! Yeah...no no, it's okay, I can't stay long but I asked you to call...huh, huh...yes, please call him back and tell that he can come to my office at 7pm if it's okay for him. Did you need anything else? Nice, keep up the great job! Have a good night...oh gosh I didn't mean! Haha glad you understand! Take care, Amy" Adrien closed the call, smiling amused. Then he turn back to Kamilah. "Sorry, it was Amy, I asked her to give me a call..that client is pretty important and-" he stopped as he noticed that Kamilah was now facing him. The expression in her eyes as they faded on the phone he was holding unredeable. He never saw her like this. "It was her" she whispered. "Yeah, as I said she" he said, when a sudden realisation hit him. "Kamilah, the personal matter you mentioned is...Amy?" Kamilah opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. She just gaped and nodded silently, diverting her eyes from him. He swore he saw her imperceptibly blushing. Adrien looked at her for a minute trying to read the signals Kamilah was trying to hide, unable to express them. Then he smiled softly spinning on his chair. "Who'd have known that I get to see the day Kamilah falls in love! Oh gosh, does she know? Congratulations, Kam-" he stood to hug his friend but she stepped backwards, barely hiding her shock. "Adrien, you can't be serious! She's a mortal, there's nothing to be happy!" "Try and tell me you're not happy around her" he challenged her, crossing his arms and giving her a knowing look. "That's not the point! You know what love for a mortal means to us" "I don't, but I know what loving and losing a beloved one means". Adrien smiled grimly. "But I also know that you look happier lately and I couldn't figure it out. I mean...I had my suspects seeing you two on the way to the ball and well, spending more and more time together. I just wasn't sure it was love". He inhaled deeply: "I'm happy for you Kamilah, you've been lonely for so long. Don't be afraid". He tentatively pulled her into a hug. Kamilah was caught off guard and didn't push him away. She just said into his ear: "She must be afraid of me, she's like a little firefly flying too close to the light..." "Poetry already? Yeah, you're in love, sis!" He chuckled. "You're not that bad, Kam. You're the most caring person I've ever met: you two will be just fine if you give this a chance. To be honest, I think Amy could never be in better hands". He smiled at her affectionately. Kamilah looked down at her hands. "These hands...they are the problem, Adrien. Well part of the problem." She said, before looking him in the eye. Her voice lowered and began shaking: "You know what they did. Yours too. Horrible things, horrible. They should never, should have never touched such a pure, innocent-" Adrien instinctively reached for her hands. He took them into his and rubbed his thumbs on them reassuringly. "That was then and this is now, Kam. We cannot change the past but we changed" He shook her hands firmly and looked her in the eye. "We changed, Kam. We're not monsters. He was, not us. He controlled us, you know that". "But would she leave, if she found out what I've done? If I told her...Would she think that I'm a monster?" Adrien saw her eyes welling with tears for the first time. He winced in pain at this sight. "She may be shaken, I'm not gonna lie. But remember what the poet said? Amor vincit omnia. Love wins all. And you deserve love". Kamilah sniffled and let out a heavy sigh. "God, I hate this kind of conversation". Adrien laughed softly, amused. "Oh Kam, I can tell!" "I'm just...scared, Adrien. I don't wanna fall in love again and I know I'm falling for her. Love is a curse for people like us. I don't want to...I'm afraid to suffer again and to make her suffer. Knowing what comes next scares the hell out of me. That familiar vulnerability, the affection, the intimacy and then-" her voice cracked "and then it's all gone because humans are not meant to live forever. A disease, a car crash, wrong place wrong time... I won't be able to protect her from any of these and I don't want her to be like us. Even when I tried it- it didn't work. I don't want her to be afraid of me nor hate me for what I did, for what I might do to her. I don't want to lose her, but I know I will...I'm just so tired of losing soulmates yet it seems I cannot avoid it". Kamilah buried her face in the crook of Adrien neck, as she whispered almost imperceptibly: "I must be cursed, Adrien".
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choiceswreckedme · 5 years
The Beginning
Day 19 of @choicesnovemberchallenge: Desire
Book: Mother of the Year
This is the third installment of my MotY mini-series. This can be read alone or in conjunction with my first two fics: The Visit and The Pep Talk
Warnings for smut, dirty talk, graphic depictions of sex between consenting adults.
Tagging (from my new fancy tag list!): @binny1985 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @dawn-1994 @burnsoslow @walkerismychoice @debramcg1106 @molly7998 @desiree-0816 @innerpostmentality @thatrookiechloe @seriouslybadchoices @virtuallytakenby @darley1101
“Do you want to come up for a cup of coffee?” Amelia tilted her head, a coy little smile lifting the corners of her lips. “Maybe a glass of wine?” 
Thomas knew exactly what he wanted, and it wasn’t a beverage. No, he wanted to take Amelia upstairs and make love to her all night long. Wanted to hold her naked body as she succumbed to the throes of passion, all for him. Kiss every inch of her skin, reveling in her scent, her taste. He wanted to wake up next to her in the middle of the night and gently rouse her with wandering fingers, sinking into the wet heat he had imagined so many times. God, he wanted to make her his. 
“I’d love to,” he replied, sending an answering smile her way, “but what about Bella?” She grinned fully and opened the car door, slim legs swinging out into the chilly night. 
“Alma said she could stay over tonight,” she threw over her shoulder, words dripping with innuendo, “so I’m all alone.”
Thomas quickly exited the car and rushed around to help her out. Amelia took his hand and stood, offering a shy smile. “So gentlemanly,” she murmured, taking a step toward him.
Her ankle twisted slightly on the uneven curb and she pitched forward, reaching out to Thomas. He scooped her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. Amelia’s chocolate eyes gleamed up at him. “My hero,” she whispered, tilting her face up. In the moonlight she looked positively ethereal, inky waves curling around her shoulders, her pale, golden skin glowing as though touched by a thousand beams of soft light. 
She took Thomas’s breath away. 
He bent his head and kissed her softly. It felt like their first kiss all over again, and Thomas knew it was because it held the promise of more. More nights like this one, more days spent together with their daughters, more hours whiled away wrapped together in bed. And he wanted it all.
“Let’s get inside,” Thomas said, breaking away from Amelia with great difficulty. The pair entered Amelia’s building hand-in-hand, scurrying up the steps to her apartment. His heart beat so loudly in his chest he was sure she could hear it. They were on the edge of something wonderful, something amazing, but Thomas wanted to make sure she was with him when he took the jump.
Amelia’s hand shook as she tried to fit her key in the lock and Thomas gently put his hand over hers, helping calm her nervous trembling. 
“I’m here, it’s alright,” he whispered over her shoulder, his warm breath tickling her ear and flooding her core with heat. Together, the twisted the key in the lock and tumbled inside, anticipation making them clumsy. 
Amelia moved toward the kitchen. “So, would you like coffee? Or something stronger? I can make tea – “
Thomas pulled her back against him, their bodies fitting together perfectly. He smelled the amber musk of her perfume and buried his nose against her neck, his cock hardening at both her scent and the feeling of her tight, round ass pressed snugly against his groin.
He lowered his head to her fragrant skin and gently sucked her neck. “I only want you, Amelia,” he uttered, lifting his lips to nip at her earlobe. She moaned wantonly, arching her back as her head fell back onto his shoulder. 
“God, yes, Thomas,” she breathed, her arm coming up to twist behind his head, her fingers sinking into his auburn waves as he continued assaulting her neck with wet, passionate kisses. 
Thomas greedily accepted her invitation, palming her breasts through the dark plum dress she wore. He massaged them roughly, smiling against her skin when he felt her nipples harden against his hands. Amelia mewled and moved her body so it pressed against his once again, undulating her hips so her ass thrust against his dick. 
It was his turn to moan, bringing one hand down from her chest to her lower abdomen, urging her body even closer. The feeling of her against him was sublime; Thomas grew harder at the thought of how it would feel once they were naked. 
He spun her around and roughly took her lips, plunging his tongue into her mouth without delay. One hand slid up her back and into her hair, clutching the strands at the nape of her neck as he plundered her mouth. 
Amelia gave just as good as she got, sliding her tongue around his, gently sucking and licking. Her leg came up around his hip and Thomas grabbed her thigh, thrusting his hips forward so that he could rub directly where she wanted him most. 
“God, Amelia, you’re fucking incredible,” he panted, raising his head to look at her. Her eyes, heavy-lidded with desire, were jet black with arousal. Lips swollen from kisses, cheeks flushed with heat, she was more gorgeous than he could have dreamed. He released her leg and swept his hand through her hair, pushing the lush curtain back from her face. “Let me have you, baby. Let me make love to you tonight.”
Amelia could only utter a single, breathless word: “Yes.”
Before she could blink, Thomas picked her up in his arms, carrying her down the short hall to her bedroom where he deposited her gently on the bed. Standing above her, Thomas’s heart thundered. She was everything he had been waiting for, his fresh start, his new beginning. 
His second chance at love.
Thomas stretched out beside Amelia, resting his weight on one elbow, and gently cupped her face. “I want you to know that I’m absolutely crazy,  head over heels in love with you,” Thomas confessed, he words soft as a whisper in the darkness of her room. 
“But –”
“No.” He slid his palm against her cheek, his thumb coming up to brush against her soft lips. “I know what I said, how I acted, but I was just scared. I’ve been falling for you since the day I met you, I was just too stupid and afraid and guilty to act on it.” Tears trickled back into Amelia’s hair as they fell from her eyes, and Thomas gently brushed them away. “I don’t want to waste another day in the past, I want to focus on my future.” He kissed her softly, flicking his tongue out to taste her sweet lips again. “And my future is with you, if you want it to be.”
Amelia smiled up at Thomas. “I want it all. With you.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss, one that started slow and gentle but quickly became heated. Thomas rolled on top of Amelia, propping himself up over her and wedging his muscled leg between hers. Her body moved against him instinctively, her hips rolling up to grind on his thigh. 
His hand trailed down her side, moving once again to cup her generous breasts. His thumb roughly flicked against her nipple, still hidden underneath layers of fabric. “Too many clothes,” he mumbled against her lips. “Need to feel you.” 
Thomas broke away and stood next to the bed, leaving Amelia sprawled beneath him, blinking. “Come on, then,” he urged, pulling her to stand before him. He took her by the shoulders and turned her, gripping her hair up in his fist as he mouthed at the sensitive skin of her neck. With his other hand, Thomas deftly unhooked the button at the top of her dress and slid down the zipper. Inch by creamy inch Amelia’s skin was revealed to him and he devoured it like a man starving, pressing hot, open-mouthed kissed down her spine. 
He pushed the dress down Amelia’s arms and it fell to her feet, leaving her in nothing but a lace bra the exact shade of her dress and a matching thong. 
“My god, Amelia,” Thomas groaned, dropping to his knees behind her. “You’re a goddess.” His hands cupped and caressed her ass cheeks, massaging them as he placed wet kisses against her skin. From his position he could smell her arousal, a tangy, heady scent that made his mouth water and his dick throb. He lightly ran his tongue upward between her cheeks, the lacy string of her panties rough against his probing mouth.
Amelia keened above him, hips still undulating in an attempt to get his mouth exactly where she wanted it. Thomas grinned against her skin. 
“Patience, baby, we have all night.” His fingers crept up her legs to the silky elastic around her hips. With a simple tug her panties fell to the floor, and Thomas greedily spread her from behind so he could taste her.
Amelia cried out when his tongue touched her throbbing center, wetness from his mouth and from her arousal coating her thighs. Thomas licked at her folds, sweet as candy, loving the sounds she made. 
“Bend over,” he ordered, reaching up to place a hand on her back. She did as he said, gracefully stretching her torso to lean on the mattress. Thomas nudged her legs apart, opening her wider so that he could see every inch of her pussy, neatly-trimmed, black hair surrounding her lips. “Such a good girl,” he crooned softly, loving the way she moaned at his words. His fingers dipped briefly inside her before he brought them up to her clit, moving against the slick skin in a tight circle. 
“Fuck Thomas, I – FUCK,” Amelia swore. Thomas grinned to himself and pressed harder against her lower back so that she tilted up toward his mouth, plunging his tongue inside her as he continued to work her clit. 
He moaned in unison with her, the taste of her essence making him drunk with desire. Rocking back against his face, Amelia let loose a string of the filthiest, sexiest words Thomas had ever heard.
“Fuck, Thomas, yes,” she moaned, “eat that pussy… mmmmmm … God you eat pussy so good … Thomas, I need you to fuck me now… God, Thomas…“
Afraid that he would lose his load before he even got inside her, Thomas picked Amelia up and held her against him, turning around so that he lay on the bed and she sat astride him.
As if she weighed nothing, he quickly shifted her so that her knees rested on either side of his head against the pillows and brought his mouth to her delicate folds. He licked and sucked the swollen flesh, gently at first, then harder, a feral moan escaping him.
"Oh!” Amelia cried, her thighs beginning to quake. She had never been with a man so eager to please her, so willing to put her pleasure first. Thomas gripped her hips and brought her down harder against his mouth, tongue flicking and stroking masterfully against her.
He broke away, panting. “That’s it, Amelia.” A swipe of his tongue. “Fuck my mouth.” Hands pressing her down. “I want you to come all over my face,” he finished, latching onto her clit and sucking, hard.
His words rocketed her toward completion, her body alight with arousal. She felt wetness slipping from her and moaned as Thomas’s tongue roughly cleaned her folds.
Her first orgasm came quickly, a burst of blinding light behind her eyes, and she shattered above him, gripping the headboard as her pussy throbbed and her clit flexed against Thomas’s tongue. She reached down to grab his hair, holding his face tightly against her, completely overcome by the electric sensation of his mouth on her body. 
He greedily lapped up her juices, thrilled that she trusted him enough to let herself go completely. Letting her ride out her orgasm on his lips, Thomas kept his face buried between her legs, giving her everything she needed. He turned his head and gently suckled at the sensitive flesh of her inside thigh, marking her as his. 
Amelia came down from her high, panting. "I’m sorry, I’ve never done that before,” she sighed, her words tinged with embarrassment. “I just – it was so good.”
Thomas lifted her in one smooth motion, quickly wiping traces of her cum from his chin. He rose to sit with her on his lap, looking intently into her eyes.
“Don’t you ever apologize for that, Amelia. You’re so goddamn sexy and I love that you trust me enough to show me that part of you.” Thomas kissed her deeply, knowing she could taste herself on his tongue and growing harder at the thought. “I love making you feel good,” he broke away and softly caressed her bare back.” 
“I want to make you feel good,” she whispered seductively, trailing a hand down his chest toward his throbbing dick. He rolled her over and settled between her legs, his manhood nudging her entrance.
“Tell me how bad you want me, Amelia.” He looked into her onyx eyes, bright with desire. She reached up and tangled her fingers in his hair, her gaze never leaving his face.
“I have never wanted anyone like this,” she breathed, squirming to try and get him deeper inside. Thomas held back, waiting for the words he needed to hear. Amelia pulled her head back and looked him dead in the eye. “I want you to make me yours, Thomas. Fuck me –mark me. I want to belong to you.” 
Thomas surged forward at her words, her desire and devotion driving him as he thrust into her tight, wet heat. 
‘God, Amelia, I love when you talk like that,” he groaned above her, “Fuck I want you so bad.” 
She answered with a cry of pleasure, her legs coming up to wrap around his back. He knelt on the bed, lifting her hips to his, holding her tightly against him as he worked his cock in and out, in and out. His gaze was torn between her gorgeous face, her erotic expression the stuff dreams were made of, and the sight of him disappearing into her, over and over again. 
“You like that, baby?” he rasped, breathlessly. “You like how I fuck you?” 
Her breasts swayed with the fervor of their lovemaking, for even with coarse words falling from their mouths and rough hands gripping one another’s skin, Thomas knew without a doubt that what he and Amelia had was love. He watched, transfixed, as her slim fingers came up to caress her breasts, plucking at her nipples until they were hard, brown pebbles standing up against her pale skin. 
Thomas felt Amelia clench around him and knew she was hurtling toward orgasm. He wrapped his arm around her and brought her up against his chest, crushing her body to his. Quickly licking his thumb, he reached down to circle her clit, unwilling to submit to his own release before she shattered around him. 
“Come for me, Amelia,” he ordered, pressing his forehead against hers, “I want to feel you come on my cock.”
His words urged Amelia forward, her cries mingling with his heavy breaths. “Yes, Thomas, God … please … I’m going to come, I’m going to come,” she chanted, her eyes screwed shut in ecstasy. He pressed harder on her swollen nub, her slick juices making his thumb slide perfectly against her. He could feel the fire building within her, her muscles clenching around him, the exquisite pleasure making his balls ache.
“Come on, baby… . Give it to me, Amelia!”
“Ahhhh! Thomas!” Amelia arched her back as her orgasm flashed through her. He felt her muscles grip his dick like a vise, juices rushing over him. Unable to hold back any longer, he felt his balls draw up and his seed shoot forth. 
“Fuck, Amelia, you feel so good!” His clenched jaw flexed as he came, his thrusts slowing so he could empty his cum into her, marking her and making her his. 
Curled into each other, sweaty and sated, Thomas held Amelia close, emotion clogging his throat. He clutched her against him until their breathing evened out and he fell from her body, then gently laid her back against the pillows. The sight of her naked and gazing up at him with such adoration made his heart clench. He knew in that moment, without a doubt, that his dream had been real, that he had been given the opportunity to share his life with Amelia, to take a chance on finding true love for the second time. 
Thomas smiled softly down at her before rising from the bed. He padded, naked, down the hall to the small bathroom and ran a washcloth under warm water. Walking back into the bedroom he laughed softly at the sight of Amelia, eyelids half closed, curled into a ball on her side. 
“Not so fast, Sleeping Beauty.” 
He gently spread her legs and wiped her clean, the softness of his touch and warmth of the cloth soothing her sore skin. 
“Mmmmm,” she sighed sleepily, “s’nice.” 
Thomas bent to kiss her cheek softly. “I’ll be right back, Gorgeous.” Quickly returning to the bathroom and rinsing the washcloth, Thomas made his way back to the bedroom and picked Amelia up, holding her against him with one strong arm while he turned down the bedding with the other. He laid her across the soft, worn sheets, the printed cat faces making him smile. Tucking her in, he moved to the other side and slid in behind her, gathering her close. 
“I love you so much,” he whispered, giving her a quick squeeze. “I promise I’ll make up for being such a bonehead for so long.” She turned sleepily in his arms and kissed his bare chest softly.
“I’ll hold you to that, lawyer man. And I love you, too.”
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Let’s Hurt Tonight (ES AU/Jake x F!MC)
Another one for @meeraaverywalker‘s November Challenge day 15:  Angst. With extra fluffy sprinkles at the top because you know me right?
Word Count: ~2,400 (I don’t know how it happened, I swear)
Warnings: swearing
A/N: The story takes place in my Endless Summer AU (masterlist, the gist is: everyone is fine, there is a little bundle of joy on the way, and then things kinda go downhill from there. That is, for a while). [It’s no good, feel free to scroll past]
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Tell me all of the things that you couldn’t before Don’t walk away, don’t roll your eyes They say love is pain, well darling, let’s hurt tonight
Let’s Hurt Tonight - OneRepublic
Sixty miles. Seven minutes.
Taylor stared at the plane icon on the screen. She couldn't see anything through the rain-blurred windows, the sky was covered with thick, ominous clouds, and her hold on the phone tightened to a death grip. The little red marker was the only thing guarding her sanity right now. Please, let him land safely, she whispered and pleaded, pacing back and forth across the waiting area. As far as she was concerned, safe landings weren't Jake's strong suit, and today's weather wasn't working in his favor.
Thirty miles. Four minutes.
She wrapped an arm around her small bump and sighed. She definitely shouldn't be worrying right now. Not that there was a reason. Jake has been back on the job for a while now, and, surprisingly, there wasn't even a single complaint. He joked it must have been her presence distracting him and not his lack of skill, but she knew better.
Please, please, please, Taylor whispered, squinting at the growing gray speck. From a distance, it looked small and vulnerable. The fingernails dug inside of her palm, but she didn't even feel it, her eyes fixed on the plane. She held her breath and closed her eyes. When she dared to look again, it was already on the ground, and, as far as she could tell, still in one piece. She pressed her forehead to the cold window, letting the wave of relief wash over her.
The tourists started to climb out of the plane, some of them looking pretty pale. Poor folks, she smiled to herself. What a way to start their vacation! It wasn't enough that the rainy season started a little early—it was just the beginning of May, but the forecasts already predicted the rain would be a record-breaking one—they also had the questionable pleasure of flying with the most overconfident pilot ever, her own husband. As much as she loved the guy, she had to admit his skills were no match to his ego. Nothing was, probably.
Taylor glanced at her watch. Why was he taking so long? The first batch of tourists already collected their luggage and left, second was already lining up for the flight back home, and there still was no sign of Jake. She let out a loud sigh, and the older lady moping the hall looked at her with sympathy. Taylor chuckled, thinking how sad she must look right now—a pregnant woman waiting for someone who didn't come back to her. Well, the plane didn't just fly itself to the airport, so at least she knew he was here. The actual question was, what kind of trouble was he in? Did he break something? He wasn't exactly gentle with the equipment. Or maybe someone recognized him, and he's never coming back—
Stop it, she said to herself. You know Jake is fine. Have you seen any police? No. Nobody came in beside the cleaning team and next crew. Stop panicking now, just breathe, and oh, look, there he is!
The mess of sandy hair was unmistakable, but what was the deal with the big shades and oversized raincoat? Jake looked tense, and his usual smile was gone, replaced by worry. She felt a chill and flew right into his arms, closing the remaining distance with one big jump.
“What's wrong?”
“Not now,” he murmured into her hair, pulling her tight against his chest. “Let's go home.”
The road back home was unusually quiet. Taylor opened her mouth a few times to ask what's going on, but every time she looked at her husband, she closed it back. Something was obviously bothering him. He kept glancing in the rearview mirror, and she realized he was driving in circles. But why? Nobody followed them, not at the airport, and certainly not now, in the heavy rain. It must have been some kind of false alarm, she decided when he finally pulled up in front of their hut, and they ran fast inside, huddled under the big coat.
“Now, what's this all about?” Taylor turned to him. “You got me worried for a minute.”
“I saw someone.” Jake sighed and looked to the window. “A guy I met in the academy. I can't remember his name, but I'd know his face anywhere.”
“Did he recognize you?”
“I don't know!” He dropped to the chair and lowered his head, running his fingers through his hair. “I don't know. God, I hope he didn't. He looked right at me, didn't say anything, didn't even blink. But I don't know. What if he starts digging?”
Shit. No, this wasn't good news. No wonder Jake was nervous. She placed a hand on his arm and rubbed it absentmindedly. Just when she thought they were finally putting the nightmare of La Huerta behind them and moving on to a normal, well, some kind of normal life, the universe had to remind them they were not safe. It wasn't like they never talked about the danger, they even had a few escape plans ready. But after everything they've been through, it just didn't feel real. And it definitely wasn't fair.
“Do you think we should start packing?” She asked, fighting the tightness in her chest.
“I don't know.” He stood up to look out of the window again. “I'm sorry. I had no right to drag you into all this. I’m just bringing you down with me. It's all my fault—”
“Jake, stop. Look at me.” She touched his cheek. “I knew you were on the run. I chose you with my eyes wide open, and I would do it again and again and again, you understand? We're in this together. All three of us.”
“That's why it's so bad,” he whispered, shaking his head. “I could barely take care of myself when I was alone. How I'm going to take care of you two now? Fuck, Taylor, it won't work. I was an idiot to think this could ever work.”
“You can't be serious!”
“Just think about it. What kind of life are we going to have? Always on the run, always in danger? And it's all because of me. Fuck!” He kicked the chair and paced through the small room, pulling his hair. “How are we going to hide with a kid? What about school? Friends? What about your life, is this really what you want? I can't even keep you safe!” He stopped and turned to face her. “What if they hurt you? I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you. Or our baby.”
Taylor automatically wrapped her arms around her stomach. There was a haunted, urgent look in his ocean-blue eyes, and deep down she knew he had a point. She assumed they will clear his name and go back home, wherever it might be... but what if they won't? What if they really were forced to live a life on the run?
“There's only one thing we can do.” He reached for her hand. “You need to go back to the States. Stay with your friends. Get a degree. Take care of him, or her. Live that life you were supposed to have. I'll find a way—”
“No. Don't ask me to leave you, I won't.”
“No. I'm not leaving. I didn’t come back just so you could send me away.”
Taylor raised her chin in defiance. The rain stopped, and the sunshine turned hair into a golden crown. She looked like the very statue of resistance, only her trembling hands betrayed her emotions. Once she set her mind onto something, arguing with her was like talking to a brick wall, and Jake was well aware of that. He was just the same. But as much as he loved her, as much as he wanted to keep her by his side forever, there was no other way.
“Don't be stubborn, Taylor. It's not about you anymore. Fuck! It would have been easier if it was just the two of us. We shouldn't have—”
“It's a little too late for that,” she noticed bitterly, crossing her arms. “How can you even suggest I should leave you! We talked about it. I thought that we were happy, that we had it all figured out, that you were actually for once a responsible adult.”
“Oh, so you think you're acting like an adult now?!” He snapped. “I'm really trying to do my best! Maybe I'm just... not ready.”
She drew a sharp breath. “Do you think I am?! Do you really think I'm ready enough, strong enough to raise our son on my own? Because no, I'm not!” Her voice broke off, and she brushed the tears off her cheek. “I don't even know who, or what I am anymore. The only thing I knew was that I could count on you. Thank you for proving me wrong.”
“This isn't what I—”
“I can't talk to you right now. I don't want to say something I might regret.” She grabbed her jacket and stormed off the door. “I need some air.”
He shouted something, but Taylor ignored it. Whatever he had to say could wait. She hated to admit it, but maybe he was right. Running off wasn't a very mature thing to do, but right now she just wanted to be as far as possible, take a step back, clear her mind. Every time they had a fight, it seemed to be getting worse, and the hormones weren't exactly helpful with keeping her temper in check.
A sudden, sharp, stabbing pain in her side stopped her in her tracks, and she leaned on a tree, biting her lip not to cry out. Don't panic. Breathe. Relax. It's just a cramp. What did the midwife say? “Try not to stress”? Ha, good one. Stress was her middle name by now.
“Easy there, little guy,” she whispered, rubbing her bump. “We're just halfway there. Hang on, okay?”
She looked at the ocean waves below. They always had a calming effect on her, and it worked this time. Her tense muscles relaxed, and the pain was slowly going away, but the questions at the back of her head remained unsolved. What should they do? What should she do?
The sun was slowly setting, but the answers didn't come. Taylor sighed. Time to go back—and talk this through. Maybe without yelling this time? The danger couldn't be that big. Maybe she could somehow get him to see her point of view—
—if he was there. She couldn't stop the pang of disappointment. Of course Jake wasn’t there. He was probably somewhere in a bar, talking to the bottle like he used to. So much for the talk, she thought, curling up on the bed. She closed her eyes, but her mind was too busy to allow her to sleep. Just when she finally managed to calm down, the door creaked, jolting her awake.
“There you are! I was looking for you.” There was a relief in Jake's voice, but she was too bitter to notice it.
“I'm still not talking to you.”
“Fine. I'll talk to my son then.” He sat on the floor next to the bed and gently placed a hand on her bump. “I'm sorry, little guy. You deserve a better father, your mom deserves a better man... but you got me. No, I'm not ready. All my life, I've never cared about anyone but myself, and now I have you two. It's hard, it's scary, I don't know how to do it, but God, I swear I'm trying. I love you, both of you, and nothing will ever change that. Maybe it's not enough—”
“It is.” She slipped out of bed and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest and soaking his shirt with tears. “I love you too. And I'm sorry.”
“Sorry for what?"
“For all that yelling. And running. And calling you irresponsible."
“Come on!” He kissed the top of her head. “We both know who's the responsible one here, and I'll give you a hint, it's not me.”
"Well, maybe you had your moment just this once. Because I didn't.” She chuckled, raising one finger. “But I'm still not leaving!”
“I know. That's why I packed us both.” Taylor looked up to him with surprise, and he smiled reassuringly. “We can't stay here forever anyway. I'm surprised the roof isn't leaking yet, you know how many times did I have to repair it? We need to find a better place.”
“I'll miss this one.”
“Yeah, me too. Made some good memories here. But it's about time we move on.” He sighed. “So you're saying it's a boy, eh?”
“The doctor was pretty sure. I have a photo somewhere—” She suddenly sat bolt upright and grabbed her belly.
“What happened? You alright?”
“Yes, I think so. Put your hand here.” She pulled up her shirt and guided his palm. “Can you feel it?”
Jake wasn't really sure what he was supposed to feel. The small twitch? He looked at her with knitted brows, but she only motioned for him to stay quiet. And there it was again, a tiny flutter, easy to miss if you didn't expect it.
“I think he finally moved!” She laughed happily. “I was getting worried it's taking so long.”
He kept staring at his hand. Up until now, the whole baby thing felt pretty abstract. He was getting used to the idea of being a father, but even with all of Taylor's mood swings and weird midnight cravings, it still wasn't substantial enough. There were the ultrasound photos, of course, but how could anyone see anything in the blurry blobs was beyond his imagination. He tried looking at them from different angles, rotating, squinting, to no avail. But these small kicks were there and were real. He leaned in to place a kiss there, thankful that his wife couldn't see his face from under his long hair. After all, he had the reputation of a tough, no-sentimental-nonsense kind of guy to maintain.
“What are we gonna name him?” He asked after a while.
“I thought that maybe... Mike? If you think it's a good idea,” she added quickly. “I know how important he was to you, and I thought—but if you don't—”
His whole face lightened up. “You have no idea what it means to me. I can't think of a better name. Well, maybe except mine, but that one's already taken,” he added with the smirk he knew was driving her crazy.
Taylor rolled her eyes. “You can't stay serious for long, can you?”
“That's part of my charm.”
“You're damn lucky I love you already,” she whispered against his lips.
“You're damn right, Princess. Damn right I am.”
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itsalliepg · 6 years
November Challenge - Day 3 - Heartbreak
Title: Someone Else
Book: The Freshman 3
Summary: During the Spring Fling, Chris decides to talk to Scarlett (MC) about their relationship, but she feels the same?
Pairing: Zig x Scarlett (MC) x Chris
Rating: Teen
Words: 1565
Note: Hey guys! My entry for day 3 is based on the first time I played The Freshman 3, I was dating Chris, but I fell in love with Zig and broke up with the captain...English isn’t my native language. I write to practice and learn, so please sorry any mistakes. I hope you like it, and if you do, I’d appreciate if you like/comment/reblog! Tagging @maxwells-nut @seawhite-seafair @molly7998 @ziggy-o@purpledinosaur4ever @writtenbycandy @chenchen731 @thatspicegirlssong @meeraaverywalker @christopher-powell
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      Chris had already in his mind every word he wanted to say to Scarlett. He rehearsed it so many times, and despite being a little nervous, he was feeling confident. He was waiting for her in the living room of the suite, with Zack, Brandon, Abbie, Tyler and Kailtyn, to attend the Spring Fling. When Scarlett finally left her room, Chris’ jaw nearly dropped. She was wearing a blue dress made of little pearls, a little transparent, showing pieces of her tanned skin. Her soft brown hair was down, and the bright makeup made her eyes even more beautiful. Chris had no doubt she was one of the most gorgeous girls he had ever met. All of their friends complimented her. And she was indeed stunning. When they were going to the party, Chris reached for Scarlett and walked beside her.
      _You look great, Scarlett.
      _Thanks, Chris – she smiled – you also look great in a suit, but I think I’ve said it before.
      _Yeah, during that party after our fall quarter – Chris would never forget that party. He spent that entire quarter stuck in a stupid promise, even noticing how Scarlett was interested in him. He felt something special when he met her, but chose to keep the promise of being single for the year. And he broke that promise with Becca. The girl who’s always been nasty to Scarlett. And Chris never did anything to protect or defend Scarlett. He chose his side: Becca. He chose to breake the promise with her, not Scarlett. So he was surprised when Scarlett forgave him, and wanted to go to the ball with him. And then, hooked up with him in the roof. He couldn’t be happier, things weren’t lost with the girl he liked. She even introduced him to her mom! And shortly after, they finally became official. Chris was damn glad to call her his girlfriend. She was pretty, intelligent, caring, talented, who wouldn’t want a girl like her? She was so supportive when he decided to run for the student’s body presidency…so it was ironic that their issues were exactly because of it.
     Chris was never so excited about something like he was with the presidency. He was happy to be able to make a difference in the world. But that also meant less time with Scarlett. And despite seeing how she was feeling sad and abandoned, he had duties that he should take care of. Sometimes he thought she was really patient, he himself wouldn’t be like her. But in a moment, she decided it was too much for her, and she broke up with him. Chris was devastated. He was doing the best he could, but that wasn’t enough. Scarlett was tired of being pushed aside. She was being sympathetic to Chris, supporting him, but he wasn’t doing the same. Of course her patience had a limit. She deserved much more than he was doing.
      But again, Scarlett was the kind girl Chris admired. She forgave him again and they were still friends. And the day before, he remembered when he said they could try again when things calmed down, and that’s what he planned to do that night. He could go back to dating Scarlett. He’d say he was really sorry and still cared a lot about her. Things would be fine again. His thoughts were interrupted when Scarlett called him.
      _It’s beautiful, don’t you think? – she asked, grinning, pointing to the party decorations.
      _Totally – but Chris thought that wasn’t as beautiful as her smile – so, ready to party after this hectic quarter?
      _Of course! I’m so ready to have fun!
      _Great - Chris looked around and inhaled deeply - Scarlett, I need to say something… - he looked at her and noticed she was looking forward. Her eyes shining and her smile was wider than before.
      _Uh, sorry, Chris, can we talk later? - she asked still looking forward – I’ll be back soon.
      _Okay – he answered and she walked over to the drink table, almost running, but it was difficult with her high heels. Chris followed her with his gaze and noticed what caught her eye. Zig. The barista. And now the first beneficiary of the Second Chance Program. Chris could see how amazed Zig was when he saw Scarlett. And how amazed she was too.
       The first time Chris saw Zig, he became jealous, especially after realizing the effect he had on Scarlett. She wouldn’t admit it, but he noticed her glances at Zig, in a way she never looked at Chris. And Zig corresponded, he knew Scarlett had a boyfriend and respected that, but he wasn’t blind. The attraction between them was mutual. Chris quickly realized he was losing Scarlett, but he did nothing to change this. On the contrary. He was farther away from her every day. Unlike Zig, who was there when Chris wasn’t. Zig was there when Chris left Scarlett alone during Madison’s party to work on the Second Chance Program. He was there when she was feeling sad after James’ leaving. Chris would never understand why Scarlett didn’t cheat on him with Zig, when she had several chances, and she was feeling so lonely. But he knew the answer: she had an amazing heart and respected the two boys. That wouldn’t be fair to either Chris or Zig. She wanted Zig, but she knew the right thing was break up with Chris first, and that’s what she did.
       Chris kept talking with his friends, but one way or another he looked at Scarlett and Zig dancing together. At some moment, the talk between them changed. Zig looked nervous, and Scarlett was grinning. She stroked Zig’s cheek and kissed him passionately, then he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the floor. Chris felt nauseated. He knew the subject of their conversation. And felt a little angry. He was the one who wanted to ask Scarlett to be his girlfriend! But he had his chance before and wasted. Zig only treated Scarlett the way she wanted and deserved. Of course she would say yes to his ask. Chris knew how much she liked Zig. It wouldn’t be fair for Chris to date Scarlett but her heart belonged to someone else. And it was no one’s fault. Chris walked away from the dancefloor, and did his best to distract himself with something else. He went to talk to his teammates. 
        After a while, Chris sat on a bench while his teammates were detting drinks. He noticed footsteps toward him and looked up to see Scarlett. His heart jumped.
        _Hi, Chris! Having fun? – she asked with that sweet expression that was her trademark.
        _Yes, and you? – he made his best to disguise his disappointment.
        _Very much – she replied, sitting next to him – hey, Zig told me about his scholarship!
        _Yeah, I’m glad my idea worked, but I could help him, too – Chris sighed, He needed to ask her, he wanted to know from her mouth - so, you and him…? – she blushed.
        _Yes, we’re together…- she widened her eyes – oh, are you…you know…
        _That’s okay, Scarlett. Actually, that was what I wanted to talk to you about – he took a dee breath – Scarlett, I need you to know that I have no grudge for anything that has happened to us during this quarter. I was very happy when we were dating, and it’s unfortunate that we didn’t work together. You’re an incredible girl and deserve all the best. I hope we can be friends, because it’s so good to have a person like you by my side – he looked deep into her eyes, and she smiled.
         _Wow, Chris, that means a lot – Scarlett hugged him, and he hugged her back. He buried his face in her hair. How he would miss that strawberry scent – and same here. You’re an awesome guy, and I’m very grateful for your friendship. You deserve the best too – Chris wanted to cry, but held determinedly his tears. He pulled back a little reluctantly.
         _Thanks – he smiled – oh, your boyfriend is coming – they looked to the side and saw Zig coming up to them, holding two cups. He gave one to Scarlett. Chris felt a little nauseated again for referring to Zig as Scarlett’s boyfriend.
         _Hey, Chris, it’s good to see you! – Zig smiled sympathetically. Chris couldn’t help but smile back.
         _Is good to see you too. Are you enjoying your first party in Hartfeld?
         _I couldn’t be happier – Zig replied as he pulled Scarlett up, and he kissed her forehead.
         _Well, I can see that Scarlett is in good hands – Chris knew from their gaze how happy they were. He and Zig were getting to know each other and he looked like a nice guy. He would be an awesome boyfriend to her. And Scarlett also cared about Zig, Chris could see it during Zig’s speech. She seemed to look at the most incredible human being she has ever me known. They were really fine – well, I’ll meet the guys. Good night, you two – Chris said as he stood up.
         _Thanks, Chris – they said together, and headed back to the dancefloor. That wouldn’t be easy for Chris, but he was better than he’d imagined. Because he really liked Scarlett. So much that he wanted her to be very happy. Even if it meant she was happy with someone else.
Thanks for reading!
Do you want me to tag you in future fanfics? Let me know!
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dumortain-adam · 5 years
begin again | ethan ramsey x mc
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(photo not mine)
Day 30 prompt: Goodbye @choicesnovemberchallenge​
Summary: Casey starts a new life without Ethan. 
A/N: Sorry if there are any grammar errors. English is not my first language.
Warnings: Angst. One f-bomb.
Song: Tell Me How - Paramore
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. Local time is 10:08 and the temperature is 70.
For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened.
Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight...”
Casey shifted on her seat as the announcement woke her up. Once she stepped out of the plane, it's all a new beginning.
No more Boston, no more Edenbrook, no more Ethan Ramsey - the very reason she's starting over.
Casey and Ethan dated secretly for three years. And on their third anniversary, they made their relationship public. But it might have been their biggest mistake. Her name got dragged through mud, people treated her differently and she was constantly told that the only reason she's part of the team is because she's sleeping with her boss. She got tired of it. And when she talked to him about it, it seemed like he didn't care.
So, she decided to leave. And what's worse is that he never stopped her from leaving.
And now she's starting a new life without him.
The ride to her new apartment was short. It was fully furnished - with furniture and appliances, but it still doesn't feel right, doesn't feel like home. She knows that she just moved in and it would take time to get used to her new apartment, but maybe it was the lack of his presence that makes the place feel wrong.
She feels homesick.
But is still there a home to go back to?
She lay face down on her bed and let herself drown in the memory.
Casey entered their apartment and went straight to their bedroom. She's tired – both physically and emotionally. Aside from the physical toll of her fourteen hour shift, it was one of those days where she got strange looks from the staff and heard malicious whispers about her. She plopped down beside Ethan who's reading a book.
"How was your day?" Ethan asked, not looking away from the book he was reading.
"I'm so tired"
"Aside from the fact that I've been running around the hospital for fourteen hours, I heard people talking about me. About our relationship." She bit her lip and took a deep breath, trying to keep her tears at bay. "They kept on saying that I don't deserve the spot on the team. That I only got it because I am sleeping with you."
"And you believe them?"
"Of course not." She sighed "It all started when we made our relationship public"
"You're the one who wanted to make it public" he said nonchalantly.
"And it's my fault now?" She got up, all the exhaustion and anger bubbling up to the surface.
"I didn't say that"
"Because it sure as hell sounded like it"
He put down the book on the night stand, finally giving her his undivided attention. "People talk, Casey. Let them. They're just envious of you"
"People hated me when I was an intern. Even called me patient murderer. I can't go through that hate again, Ethan"
"Look. There's nothing we could do about it. It's already out in the public and we can't take it back" 
"There's something you could do and you just chose not to help me" maybe she wasn't thinking rationally when she started packing her things into her luggage.
“What are you doing?” Ethan asked, alarmed by her actions.
“I’m so fucking tired of everything that’s happening to me. And I feel like you don’t care about me.”
“And you’re just leaving?”
“Well you don’t want to help or even just understand me and I’m suffocating already. Do you know how hard it is when people don’t trust you and always question your credibility? Do you know how hard it is to be constantly dragged through mud?” She took a deep breath before continuing. "I lost my friends because of this relationship, and you're the only one I have now. But it seems like you're not on my side either"
Ethan fell silent.
“That’s what I thought. Goodbye" 
"Do what you want" he said, annoyed by her attitude, but mostly by their situation.
Do what you want. His words echoed in her head. He sounded like he didn't care.
But did he ever care about her? 
She'll never know after she walked out of their apartment with her luggage in hand.
Honestly, she doesn't know how to feel about him. He hurt her and she's mad at him, but she still cares about him. But will she ever stop caring about him? Will she ever stop loving him? 
Never, she thought.
But things have changed, so did they. Change is inevitable. It could be either for the better or worse. They used to confide in each other, trust each other about everything. They used to be each other’s shoulder to lean on. So she never understood why Ethan reacted that way - like he didn’t care about what’s happening or about her at all. Guess he has changed.
But maybe that was a lie. Their argument that night was just the last straw. They have been arguing more often, even over little things. So maybe she should have seen this coming.
Was she being unfair for just leaving not giving him a chance? Maybe. But she got tired of what was happening to her, and he was not willing to help or support her, or even just understand her. She could either choose to suffocate or to let him go. And she chose to let go. She wanted to fight for him, for their relationship. But she can’t fight for a person who’s not willing to do the same for her.
Her train of thought was cut off by a knock on the door.
“Just a minute!”
She wasn’t expecting a visitor right now and all she wanted to do is just rest. She pulled her hair into a bun to make herself at least presentable.
Casey walked out of her room and opened the door to her apartment. She froze.
 [let me know if y’all want part 2 or not]
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