enden-k · 2 years
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orangeblossombitch · 8 months
Maybe don't say you want to eat all Zionists if you don't want to be told not to do that idk :/
(Also not that you'll care but political Zionism and the version of Zionism that just says 'Jews should be able to visit or live in the Levant since it once was our home and if nowhere else is safe for us, there at least should be' are different and saying they're deserving of equal condemnation and violence or that those people should die is kinda fucked of you)
(Also also you shouldn't get to choose who lives or who dies regardless of how bad of people they are according to you. Like idk how to explain to you that you shouldn't think the right to be alive is conditional.)
As a Muslim i obviously cannot condone eating ppl since its not halal and especially fascist lil piggies are sure to be extra haram and yucky :)). Idgaf about some version of zionism that existed at some point and meant something positive when there is a real version out there that is fucking fascist and responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people. N literally no one ever forbade Jewish ppl from visiting or living in the Levant. Youll be surprised to find that there were in fact many Jewish ppl living in Palestine prior to 1948, many of them immigrants from other countries. Also nice fucking job at equating Jewish ppl w zionists ya 7mar. Idgaf about what you think the rights of ppl should be that are indulging a fascist and genocidal ideology, if you dont wanna be eaten by the wolf dont be zionist, its That easy❤. And its absolutely hysterical how you fall in line w the ppl who cry that Jewish ppl are safe nowhere else, like maybe that should be fixed instead of shipping everyone off, away from the places that have been their homes for centuries, plus the fact that you are the same ppl bitching about how "israel" is surrounded by murderous Arabs who wanna toss all the Jewish ppl in the sea. Like make up your mind, cuz that doesnt sound safe to me.
Lastly whats kinda fucked is your cognitive function and ability to think for yourself, clearly. Israeli politicians and Zionists in the West literally calling to wipe Gazans off the face of the earth, using the same language Nazis did. Idk ya might wanna readjust your priorities a bit. Now you better climb a tree or smt bc the wolf is imprinted on your scent and its coming for youuu 🐺
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m-deupwords · 17 days
wip photo study but cholde
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coolcomicbookcovers · 3 months
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celesaetherea · 10 months
So, I'm trying to piece together everyone's past and how they all might fit into the same timeline, but I mainly want to focus on Q!Baghera and Q!Jaiden.
One thing, that definitely interests me is they're both supposed to be some sort of avians, right? But they were both possibly born from the Federation. What does the Fed want from these two people that could be so important?? They specifically mention feathers in q!Baghera's book, so that's probably important info, and q!Jaiden is the Bluebird- or, at least, that's what Cucurucho called her, but anyways-
So, q!Baghera was possibly born and raised within the Federation and was experimented on for her blood and feathers, only to eventually escape the island (maybe with help from someone else??) grow up in another part of the world, forget her memories of the Federation, board a plane with some of her friends (which was probably set up as a trap by the Fed) and brought back to the island. (Why? Does q!Baghera possess some kind of valuable material within her, or do they have a strict policy against letting any experiment lose?)
Also, was q!Jaiden also with the Feds at the time? Q!Jaiden's role seems to be closely tied with Cucurucho- but during the time she helped them years ago, was she a child, or a scientist,- was she an experiment as well, or was she an employee helping with the experiments?? And, if so, did she escape the Federation, or did they erase her memory and just let her go to explore the world before bringing her back as one of the new batch of test subjects-
Wait this just has me thinking- what IS q!Jaiden, anyways?? Is she like Baghera- another child experiment that probably produced more ideal results for the Federation than the former, was she simply a scientist, or is she something else entirely? Do you think she was there when q!Baghera was suffering under the hands of the Federation? Do you think q!Jaiden saw the cruelty of the people she was helping and choose to turn a blind eye, or was she the one that possibly helped q!Baghera escape?
Too many questions, too little answers. It hurts, but I am live for this angsty lore.
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pettyprocrastination · 4 months
Why is hitting my daily protein goal so fucking hard
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generalluxun · 8 months
Astruc probably to Chloe fans: "Aww, boo-hoo. My dad pays more attention to my sister who came out of nowhere and my mum insults me on television. I don't care if it's mean. Everybody's got abusive parents!"
There's a lot of truth to both this statement and Rocket Raccoon's statement. But unlike Rocket Raccoon, who said something similar, deep down Rocket Raccoon does care if it's mean even if he won't admit it. Astruc on the other hand, probably doesn't care if it's mean.
There is a big distinction between "everybody has it hard' and 'everyone has abusive parents'
As you pointed out: Rocket does not mean this, he is trying to trivialize his pain because... It hurts. His statement is a coping mechanism not a belief.
Similarly not all hardships are equal. Child abuse is one of the most destructive influences because the victim has so few defenses and the perpetrator hold real physical, emotional, and legal power over the victim. Most victims of child abuse quite literally cannot fight back. You cannot 'tough it out' you simply suffer, in one way or another.
I don't want to put words directly into his mouth, but someone somewhere in the production does not seem to understand child abuse, at all well.
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micechicken · 8 days
People when someone handles a child being upset poorly and this makes them more upset: GOD I'm so glad I'm childfree 🤪
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pizzapasta23045 · 3 months
o great prophet, what is my fate?
Only the fool begs to know one's fare but I shall answer
Betrayal has already come from the ones close to you, it shall come again. Betrayal likes to knock at the doors it has seen more than once.
It'll come more and more often, it'll become a great companion. Each time you will look up at it with sad, tearful eyes, but you'll always let them in. The optimist and the trusting never learn better.
This shall be your fate.
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delusionaid · 8 months
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@affarista sent: ❛  i  have  been  generous  up  until  now .  ❜ // pantalone @ childe!
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It's a threat if he's ever heard one coming from the regrator, or as the man himself would probably say: a warning. Admittedly Tartaglia's expenses in Liyue may have exceeded his initially allocated budget but what hasn't gone awry with that particular mission? At least on his end - Rosalyne certainly played her cards well. And it is that very circumstance that makes Childe even less contrite about his expenses than he normally would be. His victories tend to speak for him and overshadow his unconventional methods - something he has been robbed of in Liyue, leaving him with nothing but an open animosity from the Geo Lord's nation and glaring red numbers on his ledger.
"Liyue posed some.. surprises," Childe starts his defense without having a full argument in mind yet. It doesn't help that he knows a good chunk of the mora he spent went to entertaining Zhongli, who is a whole other topic and quite the sore spot for him for a whole other reason. It is the thought of the archon that suddenly jumpstarts a deep-rooted spite inside the young Harbinger, torpedoing his tender attempts at diplomacy with Pantalone. "Perhaps if we didn't use each other as stepping stones while executing our Tsaritsa's orders, expenses wouldn't explode and our relations with other nations wouldn't suffer unexpectedly," he snaps.
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"By all means. Be less generous. I have other means of persuasion if need be."
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narutomaki · 3 months
get me OUT OF HERE
#this is about fucking. shipping. fucking orochimaru. get out of this polycule all of you shoo!!! go!!!!#STOP HAVING BABIES AND BEING HAPPY AND GOOEY!!!! STOP!!!!!! YOURE RUINING ME!!!!!!!!!#the fucked up little version of Obito ive made tho and his fucked up little niche of functionally immortal reincarnated body sharing#its like ive made him cat nip for Orochimaru. i was JOKING INITIALLY RIGHT??? I WAS LIKE#HAHA OROBITO HAHA HA HA HAAA FUCKING HELP MR#IM IJ HERE NOW LIKE OH YEAH AND GENE SPLICING IS SOMETHING OROCHIMARU HAS EXPERIENCE IN#AND GIVING HIM THIS AS A HEALYHY OUYLET AND MAKING HIM A MOTHER IN ONE FELL SWOOP#Obito has like 15 kids by the time Miho is created so shes not going yo be his heir (his heirs mother was an Uzumaki he hit it off with and#asked to have a kid with young (17) so shes 14 by the time the main series begins)#any way. Kakuzu being like ok you can have a chold under this roof but i will not be responsible in any way for it#and then holding Miho exactly once and going like 'oh i get why mothers die for their babies now'#Kisame takes the longest to warm up to her which surprises him bcus he gets along well with the rest of Obitos children#(Obito is like well. fuck you guys. Uchiha clan in Ame time and offers people contracts like in situations of fertility he adopts the mother#and father into his clan and turkey basters it (okay no he does send them to the hospitla but) and otherwise offers#a home a name etc for agreeing to join as either a civilian clan member or to have a child of his and some of the#second parents are like oh fuck yeah i want a kid but not a relationship/my husband is infertile/whatever and raise the child#as their own with very lityle input from Obito but some Obito has raised / was raising essentially on his own (such as his heir whos mother#didnt want to be in a relationship with Obito but wanted to test out motherhood and found she Could Not Do It and is now#more of an estranged aunt figure but 14 y/o doesnt have much bad blood about it bcus she has The Scariest Step Dad squad and#is 1000% creepy teen girl coded and it gets validated in sooo many capacities. cant do unethical experiments on mice when one of your step#fathers can bring you into the lab and teach you how to actually do the work and deal with an ethics commity that yes we have to#otherwise your father gives us the neutral but disappointed face)#ANY WAY#CAN YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN ?? LET ME THE FUCK OUT!!! LET ME OUY LET ME OUT HELP SOMEONES FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUC
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thotferatu · 1 year
Keith Lee standing there like a big ass priest is sending me
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honestly. i am not worried about the lolicons and shotacons. there are more than enough ppl who actually hurt children to worry about.
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m-deupwords · 1 year
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And I said, "I wanna take you to the sea" And when I'm better, we'll do everything
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I gotta stop making promises I can't keep
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
i wanna know which mlbb men bites
so i can have a bite off
Uhhh sooooo in what context are we talkin' here? Jkjk I think I know which-
Alucard definitely!
Dyrroth. Is that even a question?
Fredrinn, no doubt.
Gatotkaca. I'm not that biased. I promise.
Gusion, bitch baby.
Hanzo because yes.
Helcurt, he's a rat.
Khufra no doubt.
Lancelot because yes
Martis iwnsiwjdke
Minsitthar heuehuwhwuej.
Roger because he's a wolf man
Okay this is getting too long-
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