brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I’m not saying it’s true but it does make me wonder where Richard Eden got the story. Well, who do you think was his source?
Ok, so ever since the anon earlier from the weekend reminded us that Richard Eden was the one who started the affair rumors, not Giles Coren, I've been doing some digging because "Richard started the affair rumors" did not sound right to me. Yes, he's messy, but he's not that messy. He wouldn't come out and accuse William of cheating that directly without proof.
And I was right. I dug up Eden's original column from March 15, 2019. He does not say anything about an affair. He says:
As the wife of our future monarch, the Duchess of Cambridge was assumed to be queen bee of the 'Turnip Toffs' who live near Anmer Hall, the country home she shares with Prince William and their children in Sandringham, Norfolk. Friends claim there is, however, a rival to her rural crown: she is Rose, the ex-model married to their neighbour, the Marquess of Cholmondeley. "On the face of it, it's bizarre, but Kate seems to see Rose as a rival," claims one of their aristocratic set in East Anglia. The reasons for the alleged competition remain unclear, but there is no doubt the two couples have become close friends since the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were given Anmer Hall by the Queen as a wedding present.
It seems to be a follow-up to this 2016 article by Catherine Ostler, written after the Cholmondeleys hosted the Cambridges as part of a Norfolk charity gala dinner benefiting East Anglia's Children's Hospitals (one of Kate's patronages).
In her article, Ostler claims that Rose is "queen bee" of the Turnip Toffs because she has the grander life - literally the exact same life that Kate does without the pressure of the crown and public expectations, and a much more palatial home.
The fact that both reporters used the phrase "queen bee" is telling because it's never been a descriptor for Kate. No one in her circle, the rare few times they've talked, have ever called her a 'queen bee' or described 'queen bee' behavior, suggesting that Ostler's and Eden's depiction of Kate as 'queen bee' is simply drama for clicks and hits.
Now it's possible there are things we don't know about Kate. But someone who's been in the public eye for 12 years (at the time of Ostler's writing), surely if she had 'queen bee' traits and expectations, it would have been more publicly noticed by now.
Eden's article sent all the royal reporters scrambling to Norfolk to find out what the hell is going on. That led to the infamous 'Turnip Toffs' article by Dan Wootten, published on March 22, 2019, in which he writes that:
[R]oyal insiders say Kate has refused and told William, 36, that former model Rose needs to be “phased out” as one of the ­couple’s closest confidantes. Our source revealed: “It is well known that Kate and Rose have had a terrible falling out. They used to be close but that is not the case any more. William wants to play peacemaker so the two couples can remain friends, given they live so close to each other and share many mutual friends. But Kate has been clear that she doesn’t want to see them any more and wants William to phase them out, despite their social status.”
No one was speculating about whether it was an affair. It might’ve been a theory on the Sussex Squad’s side of social media but it wasn’t “big” enough to make it a global topic.
Enter Giles Coren, on March 26, 2019:
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I’m not sure what article he’s referring to and unfortunately these tweets appear to have been deleted.
Coren’s tweet set the world on fire. It was picked up by social media and Sussex Squad immediately. Including Nicole Cliffe, who blew this up in American media, which successfully brought the rumors off social media and inserted them into mainstream media.
Cliffe is a parenting advice columnist from Slate and co-editor of a defunct feminist satire e-magazine, from Canada but living in Utah (👀, because if you know, you know). She describes herself as:
a simple woman who stans for Meghan and has spent years paying way too much attention to these weird inbred people.
On March 30, 2019, she went on a Twitter rant about the Kate/Rose/Norfolk drama. Unfortunately for us, those tweets have since been deleted.
Unfortunately for Cliffe, the internet is forever and someone screenshotted for posterity.
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But much like Cliffe accuses Clarence House and Kensington Palace of “doth protest to much” here, she becomes equally guilty of “doth protest to much” by doubling down on these claims and using a dubious source - a source so dubious that Cliffe later edited her article to acknowledge it’s a problematic source…while still claiming it was an authoritative source! Because
this story [is] factual enough to have fun with.
(Let’s pause for a second: a parenting advice columnist decided to duck with a marriage that had three small children because she stanned a woman the couple weren’t close to and she found the facts fun to play with.)
Fast forward 3 years and Coren has had enough of being blamed for the affair rumor. In January 2022, Coren refutes claims that he’s the source of the affair rumor, saying:
Fake news: Every time the story of Prince William’s supposed affair with Rose Hanbury comes round again in the American press, as it has this week, the first source quoted is always a 2019 tweet from “British royal reporter Giles Coren”. So can I please just say that, while it was far from being the worst thing I have ever tweeted, I was JOKING. I know nothing about the royal family! I’d had a boozy lunch talking to fellow hacks about the story and in the cab home went online to blurt: “Yes. it is an affair. i haven’t read thee piece but i know about the affair. everyone knows about the affair, darling. even us jews.” Just look at it. Look at the spelling. The non-capitalisation. The grizzly ethnic self-identification. It’s hardly Chips bloody Channon, now, is it?
Well, sure. Coren hates the attention *now*. If it was the joke he claims it was, then why not do damage control immediately when he sobered up?
Coren doubles down in October 2023, refuting again that he’s the source for the affair, this time saying that he was making a joke.
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Confirming once again that yes, he’s really tired of being blamed for the affair rumors and he hates getting dragged into this over and over again. Well, buddy, maybe should’ve thought about that before drunk-tweeting.
The internet lives forever, everyone. Coren will forever have to deal with being the only eyewitness who confirmed William and Rose having an affair. He definitely hates it (and I wouldn’t be surprised if he lost opportunities because of it) but this is the bed he made. Whether he’s repeating gossip he heard from Norfolk, spreading a rumor that Meghan allegedly started, drunk-tweeting, or making a joke, the fact remains that he blew it up. And being a reporter for The Times gave him credibility and authority, regardless of whether he was a royal reporter or not, that meant people would take his words seriously and not at all treat it as the joke he may have intended. How could he have not realized that?
Anyway. Let’s recap:
Richard Eden of the Daily Mail had a source leak to him that Kate and Rose weren’t getting along and that Kate saw Rose as some kind of rival.
Dan Wootten investigated Eden’s story and confirmed that Kate and Rose weren’t getting along and that Kate had needed a break from their friendship and asked William to support her. William husbanded the situation by trying to fix it for Kate instead of just listening to her.
Times reporter Giles Coren then tweeted that the Kate-Rose falling out was actually because of an affair between Prince William and Rose.
Nosybody writer Nicole Cliffe then tweeted that it was so obviously an affair because it’s the only explanation for why previously-close brothers William and Harry no longer got along since she adored Harry’s wife and knew it had nothing to do with her. Cliffe then doubled down on her interpretation.
In January 2022, Coren revealed that he was drunk and had been making a joke when he posted his tweet saying it was an affair.
In October 2023, Coren doubled down on “it was just a joke” defense.
So…there it is. I think we can absolve Eden of being the source of the affair rumors. But Eden absolutely is guilty of starting this drama but to think it ended up spinning into something he never expected.
Now - you know it’s coming - what’s my theory about what happened between Kate and Rose?
In 2018, Rose was named a patron of EACH. Kate, as we know, has been patron of EACH since 2012. In this article announcing Rose as a new patron of EACH, they report that EACH was building a new center, called The Nook, to replace its current operations building, with construction set to finish in…drumroll please, March 2019.
So probably what happened, considering that Eden used the word “rival,” is that Kate saw Rose as stepping in on her work with EACH, maybe being dismissive of her ideas and support, and they butted heads about it. Because let’s admit it; how many of us have been in situations where the newcomer to the group wants to feel heard and show their excitement, only to end up doing too much that it ticked off the original group?
And March 2019 when Eden revealed the “rivalry,” EACH, including their patrons, would’ve been planning and preparing to open The Nook. And possibly there were disagreements about what to do or how to be involved. Kate got upset and was hurt and needed a break from the friendship or some time away (because remember, she also had a baby at home and was also dealing with a devolving situation with Harry and Meghan so the stress could’ve been piling up).
As for William getting dragged into it, per Wootten’s story? I suspect he husbanded and tried to fix it for Kate instead of just listening and helping her get space for the situation to cool down.
In the end Kate officially opened The Nook in November 2019 and on January 5, 2020, Rose was part of the Cambridge group of friends that had joined Kate for her birthday weekend, suggesting that the ladies had patched things up.
Because not every disagreement or falling out between women has to do with a man. It’s the twenty-first century. We’re better than that.
Now, going back to the anon’s question. Who is Eden’s source?
No idea. Some theories:
Rose or a friend, upset that Kate was maybe trying to push her out of work with EACH. (I don’t think it was Rose herself because it would spell disaster for her husband’s work if someone that close to the monarch - and who would eventually be supporting King William - had a spouse who leaked about private/personal grievances to the press.)
Someone close to both women who talked too much, too openly.
Someone just stirring the pot for drama’s sake.
Someone who wanted to make Kate seem petty.
But Harry has a theory. He writes, in Spare:
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Harry goes on to say that he and William had already confronted Charles about this aide once before and it hadn’t gone well:
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What do y’all think?
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duchessofostergotlands · 11 months
I don't understand why people are gaslighting Kate by defending that his husband isn't a cheater when there's literally a photographic evidence of him being such? How could anybody easily forget the scandal he had in 2017? The dad dancing in Verbier, Switzerland? When he was literally photographed grabbing a woman by her waist? This is probably the reason why William prefers doing solo trips abroad.
I feel so sad for Kate who has to put up with her cheating husband just because of the children.
This should not come as a surprise to everyone, cheating runs through William's blood. His father's a cheater, his mother's a cheater. I hope his children won't end up like him.
Not gonna lie, I saw a ton of people have been sent this exact same message and I was about to be so pissed I wasn’t one of them. But then I got it so actually, thanks anon. Also, how do you have the time? I haven’t sent an anonymous message since 2016. Do you not work?
Anyway, it’s 2023. In 2023 we understand that only the people within a romantic relationship have any say over the boundaries of that relationship and what is and isn’t acceptable. Many women are secure enough that they actually allow their husbands to touch other human females. So there’s photograph evidence of something you personally wouldn’t allow in your relationship because of your own insecurities. But for evidence of cheating, you have to have evidence that something happened which goes against the couple’s boundaries. Which you don’t have (see my mythbuster; you would have been really on the pulse of conversation if this was 5 years ago)
At the end of the day, I don’t pay William to have sex in the first place so why would I care who he does it with? He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my employee
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just-say-unu · 6 years
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A group photo of the wedding party, thanks all for coming! 
@mustjoineverything @chysahls @kyriati @shearwindmuses @yohachikas @seimallow @leminscatus @gudlizurd
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
Hi! It's dream anon. I had a dream that was rather scary. Andrew was locked in a big green room with a tapestry behind him. In front of the room, Anne was telling Fergie off, saying she played herself like a fool. Harry was there too, alone and knocking at Andrew's door. At the same time, two men, one of them looks like David Cholomondeley (spelling?) were dressing William in that black uniform Philip used to wear and that Charles wore to his wedding. The mood was very sombre. I saw Catherine driving down a long road to a house that had lots of grass around it, with a swing in the garden. Eugenie was outside of the house, sobbing and Catherine said "I'm sorry, but this is the best for everyone." My dream ended with William standing in the House of Commons, commanding they strip Andrew of his titles. The Prime Minister was Priti Patel and she approved. I still remember the Speaker shouting "The King commands this honourable house to strip the DoY of his titles!" My dream ended with a William looking at a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II in yellow and whispering "I'm not sorry, Granny".
Dang dream anon, way to give me goosebumps.
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theblogtini · 3 years
Hi there!
I used to work for the Marquess of Cholomondeley and his wife. I used to work with their children, Alex, Oliver and Iris. All of them are lovely, well-behaved children. I did catch a glimpse or two at the Cambridges over the years. They would come over sometimes, albeit rarely. Once, they came with Prince Harry. I think it was in late 2016. Harry was the odd one out, as the other people were parents with children. My job was to put baby Iris to sleep and I stayed with her late that night because she was really moody and didn't want to sleep. I remember Rose and David commenting how odd Harry is and Rose stated that she disliked having him around her on state dinners. Then I know that Harry came more often, usually alongside the Cambridges. I never spoke to them but all in all, they were nice but distant. Then the Duchess got pregnant and they were coming over less due her pregnancy, but Prince Harry came by for a birthday dinner once. Then he suddenly stopped coming in winter 2017, suddenly he was persona non grata. I don't know what happened, or why. All I know, they stopped talking to him or about him. Anyway, I quit in 2018 because I got married so I don't keep up anymore. I should also say that Meghan never came to their home nor was she ever mentioned.
I... don’t know what to do with this. But you took the time to type it all out so I’ll respond.
Seems a bit far-fetched but also 100% believable. 
I’m always skeptical of people who say they worked for so & so or they know so & so personally & they choose to come to my little ol’ blog to dish the dirt.  Go get your payout from Daily Mail if it’s true, lol.
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teamwindsorroyals · 3 years
Via @talkingtarot
I don't know what to think about these two Anon messages. I would like more insight into that story but who knows. I do read the Houghton Hall account on IG. Rose sounds very sophisticated and high functioning. Read her comments under the posts. She seems to run the account. There is a consistent voice throughout.
It's not that PH is not that way but I can't see him and Rose clicking. Ditto for Rose and MM.
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State Dinner in 2015, when China’s President Xi Jinping visited. 
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universitybookstore · 6 years
This Frightful Friday marks the debut appearance of Mary Cholmondeley, a noted Victorian novelist and member of the proto-feminist “New Woman” movement. Like so many Victorian novelists, she was prolific and wrote a number of novels and stories. Today’s selection, “Let Loose”, first published in 1890, is notable for two reasons: one, it is the first appearance of a certain popular horror trope (no spoilers here, but it has appeared in at least one other Frightful Friday tale); and, two: the plot similarities between it and a another story, F.G. Loring’s “The Tomb of Sarah”, led to allegations of plagiarism against Cholomondeley, despite the fact that the latter story being published 10 years after the former.
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littlevulpecula · 6 years
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So yes, we ARE all waiting for the return of this particular main character in Taboo. But who else are you looking forward to seeing again? Mine are Atticus and Mr Cholomondeley and Lorna goes without saying... Maybe we need a reminder of who all the other characters are and I'm quite happy to do that since I appear to have forgotten how to write fanfic at the moment ;) Next post: ATTICUS - Victualler, sailor, pub landlord, assassin, Chief Vagabond, Jack of All Trades and master of most of them too...
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ridebikmo · 7 years
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A massive castle (with a lake), is a perfect place for an epic triathlon and festival. We can confirm this after our weekend at Cholomondeley of the Castle Triathlon Series where the atmosphere and backdrop was amazing. Next up is Castle Howard set in the Howardian Hills near York - complete with a temple and one of the finest, free-standing mausoleums in Europe.. the most cultural triathlon ever!? If you're looking for your next challenge, this might be for you: http://ift.tt/1JPPZZU
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Do you think maybe Rose actually likes being the “mistress” whether it’s true or not? I mean it’s hard to think anyone would want that, especially knowing their children could hear about what people gossip about, but we don’t actually know anything about this woman, so anything is possible. Also, what are the chances Richard Eden is keeping the Chumley’s name on the press because he knows there’s something more to it? Do you know how it was like for Camilla before? Also, I’m wondering how come Rose was never mentioned before as a potential girlfriend for William? I mean her family has history with the royal family. She runs in that circle. A lot of other aristocratic women around William’s age have been linked to him even though he’s only really been with Kate publicly. Rose is around the same age. I wonder why she was never linked to him before.
No idea. Given the way she reacted to Colbert's talking of her when he discussed the affair rumors on his show, I think she dislikes it and probably wishes she could do more to squash it in the UK but her hands are tied given the way their tabloids and UK society works.
In other words, if she (or William or David or Kate lowered the boom with angry denials, then it's not proving innocence, it's "the lady doth protest too much and she's really got something to hide." Which gives the story legs for days. But if they keep their mouths shut and keep living their lives normally, then hopefully it goes away.
Comparing Camilla to Rose is so different, it's not even apples and oranges; it's apples and airplanes.
There was a ton of physical evidence that Charles and Camilla were having an affair and much of it was reported on by the press. There's no physical evidence that William and Rose have even gone to dinner together without their spouses - just gossip.
Charles and Camilla didn't hide their relationship from the press or society. And since William has never had a poker face, if he's hiding an affair with Rose, then let's give him all the acting awards because he's really pulled one over on us being so stupidly in love with Kate every time they're seen together (with and without cameras around).
Diana herself spoke about the affair and publicly discussed her suspicions with friends and reporters. Kate doesn't even talk to reporters while on her engagements, so she's not going to call one up with a tearful interview about her suspicions that her husband is stepping out.
You could see and watch the total deterioration of Charles and Diana's marriage yourself in photos, videos, and press coverage of their work and tours just by looking at their body language and the way they interacted with each other. The state of William and Kate's marriage is strong - very strong, very healthy, and very committed, as seen in the photos from Trooping.
You can think whatever you want to about Kate, but if she left William in 2007 because he wouldn't commit, she's not going to stick around in a marriage where her husband doesn't respect her.
As for why Rose was never mentioned as a potential girlfriend for teenager William, does it really matter? All this time later? I get your point, but it's not even worth the speculation.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
I remember one of your post where you were wondering where did Richard Eden got the scoop of Kate and Rose falling out. I always thought it was the Cholmondeleys themselves or someone very to them. Eden always seems to receive exclusives about the Cholmondeley family. Last year he received information about David and Rose holidaying in Italy with pictures. He wrote another piece about Rose's dad having problems with his flight and received a direct quote. Yesterday again he wrote another piece of nothingburger about Rose's dad having problems during a hotel stay and got a direct quote from him again. Someone from their own circle feeds the tabloids for whatever reason.
That's where I ended up too. It's definitely someone from the Cholmondeley circle that's leaking. I don't think it's David and Rose themselves because the stakes are pretty high (though they wouldn't be the first senior aristos to leak about the royals), but someone very close to them.
My theory is Rose's sister.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
I agree about someone from Rose's circle leaking, but do you think they leaked the affair rumors as well? and if so, do you think there's some truth to it?
No one leaked affair rumors because an affair never happened in the first place.
If you go back and look at my timeline of the affair rumors (link below), you’ll see that no one from Norfolk or the legit Royal rota press said anything about an affair. The story was, and has always been, that Rose and Kate went through a rough patch and stopped hanging out for a bit. Which is natural. Everyone has disagreements and sometimes friendships are paused until everything cools down.
And I suspect Richard Eden’s source is someone from the Cholmondeley side. Like Rose’s sister or someone close to the sister.
It became an affair rumor when Sussex Squad grabbed the story and twisted it into an affair to justify why Harry stopped talking to William because they refused to acknowledge it had anything to do with Meghan.
Also, use the #cholomondeleys or the #chumleys tags below to see other discussions about the rumors.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Re: leaks from the Chomondeleys' circle.
Forgot to mention that Rose and Marina Hanbury's father is a close friend of Tony Blair and the two family couples ( Hanburys and the Blairs) are known to holiday in Italy every year. Tony Blair has a very gossipy friend/ consigliere in Peter Mendelson is an incorrigible networker who befriends everyone who is anyone across all the different establishment groups. Both men remain friendly with Alistair Campbell, infamous PR advisor to Tony Blair and now media columnist in various outlets including the DM. 
Sidenote: Peter somehow escaped the Epstein sting even though he is pictured with him on numerous times. Naturally, Peter also knows Andrew, Clinton and Kevin. 
Lady Victoria Harvey has direct connections to media AND the appropriate royal circles. Though Lady Victoria tried and failed to have some sort of Los Angeles Social doyenne career - wrong city for such ambitions, has returned to London and welcomed back to the Annabel crowd with open arms. 
To be honest, I'm surprised more doesn't leak out about all of them, William and Kate included, because the gossip circles within the establishment are intertwined in the same way that 1930s gossip circles were intertwined. And that's why it's fascinating to read published diaries of people from the 1930s eras because you realise how much they socialised and gossiped about each other. Perhaps it'll be the people alive 50 - 70yrs from now who will get the gossip about William and Kate because you can bet diaries are being written now, but won't be published until then. 
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
About gossip from the Chomondeleys' circle reaching Richard Eden at DM and who might be leaking.
I think it's often forgotten that DM is owned by aristocrats and employs alot of journalists with aristo connections and or aristos themselves. It's not always the circle giving Richard info directly. With few exceptions, they all ran in the Tatler, Spectator, The Lady, Country life, Evening Standard crowd. Information can come from anywhere within those interlocking publications who in turn hear it at their parties and country weekends, vacations and or friend groups. 
At one time, DM hired the editor of Tatler to helm it. The same Tatler editor who had been in charge over there during Kate and William dating years and who'd become the Middletons' media advisor in those years. After he left Tatler, he went on to The Evening Standard. 
We tend to think of Soho house as a hotbed of urbanites and celeb wannabes, but Soho Farmhouse has Rose Astor ( wife of Hugh Van Cutsem) as it's founding member and most of it's devotees are people in the aristo set and includes most of the Gloucestershire/ Coswolds residents which intersects politics, media and UK trendy wealthy, home counties aristos. 
Even the Made in Chelsea ( reality show) is cast from the aristo set eg Millie Mackintosh's husband is or was a good friend of Eugenie. Millie was deliberately befriended and later discarded by Markle and all we have of their friendship is that photo of them on bicycles at Soho house.
Then you have the other private members clubs eg Annabel's and it's sister clubs eg Lou Lou's, Birley's and 5 Hertford - owned and named by the Goldsmith family whose mother/ step-mother is Queen of the London Aristo society, friend of the Royals and in particular Camilla and her sister Annabel, Diana and Fergie, the Michael Kents). Almost every aristo/ royal circle has membership or parties at these 3 clubs including the young royals such as the York sisters, William and Kate. One of the ladies in William and Kate's inner circle, Astrid Harbord, works for Annabel's. 
Olswang, White's and The Lansdowne club are the other three private members clubs that cater to the crowd and also have that incestuous royal/ politics/ establishment/ media/ aristo circle as members. 
My point being that information doesn't always have to come from people super close to the subject in question because it's a very close knit incestuous class of people who gossip about each other and it's only restraint and class rules that prevent all of it appearing in society gossip columns like DM. 
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Hi, What do you think about the cheating rumors? I stopped watching royals 4 years ago, and I am shocked! What has happened? WTF is Rose back? Is Will stupid enough to get rid of her?
What happened recently? So much happened, anon. Let's see if I can give you the TL;DR.
January 16: Kensington Palace announced that Kate was having planned surgery on her abdomen and wouldn't be making any public appearances or sharing further details.
January 29: Kensington Palace announced that Kate had returned home from the hospital. People were upset there was no "proof of life" photo of Kate.
February 9: The Waleses go to Sandringham/Anmer Hall for the kids' half-term break. There are two sets of gossip from royal reporters. Gossip #1 - Kate is well and healthy and with the family. Gossip #2 - Kate's situation is worse than we're told and it's dire.
February 27, in the morning: William pulls out of attending King Constantine's memorial service of thanksgiving. KP says it has nothing to do with Kate but it's later confirmed that it wasn't true, that William pulled out because of Kate's diagnosis.
February 27, in the evening: Sussex Squad makes conspiracy theories about Kate go mainstream and viral on Twitter/social media. I won't rehash them all here but the rumors get dark and blame William and bring back the original Rose affair rumors.
March 4: Kate and Carole papped in a car around Windsor near the kids' school. Kate doesn't look like Kate, jumpstarting conspiracy theories again.
March 10: UK Mother's Day. The Waleses publish a photo of Kate and the kids taken by William. Sussex Squad goes after the photo for having been edited. Getty, and other agencies, kill the photo. It blows up into a huge thing. Celebrities pile on with their own jokes and memes about editing their photos, including Blake Lively and Kim Kardashian.
March 11: Kate issues a statement taking responsibility for editing the photo and apologizing for it. William and Kate are papped in a car leaving Windsor Castle.
March 12: Stephen Colbert jokes about the Rose affair rumor on his show.
March 16: Kate is papped with William at the grocery store. People claim it's her lookalike double because her hair is too hair and she's too skinny. (WTF, yes, I agree.)
March 22: Kensington Palace drops bombshell video statement by Kate that cancer had been found in whatever was removed during her operation in January and she was beginning a course of preventative chemotherapy. No further work or public engagements for Kate at this time. The celebrities that piled onto Kate during "March Madness" (the conspiracy theories and photo-editing weeks) get served humble pie and issue meek apologies that mean nothing.
April 23: Louis's birthday. As a consequence of the way the media flipped out over the Mother's Day photo, the Waleses publish the birthday photo (taken by Kate) exclusively to their social media and don't distribute it to media / photo agencies.
April 29: The Waleses publish an old new-to-us photo from their wedding for their anniversary on their social media.
May 2: Charlotte's birthday. Same deal with Louis - Kate takes the photo, they publish exclusively to their social media and don't distribute it in advance to the photo agencies / media.
May 12: Camilla is papped at the Badminton Horse Show talking to Rose Hanbury. No one cares.
May 14: Sussex Squad finds the photos of Camilla and Rose from the weekend and bring back the affair rumors. They claim that Kate is dead and the BRF is soft-launching William's mistress as his new girlfriend/future wife.
May 15: Charles and Camilla attend the OBE dedication at St. Paul's Cathedral. So do the Cholmondeleys but because they're not photographed with Charles or Camilla, no one notices they're there and no one cares they're there.
So that's what happened. That's where we are today.
How did the affair rumors start?
Discussion about whether the affair rumors are mainstream and how damaging they could be to William and Kate's reputation
Commentary about Rose
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just-say-unu · 6 years
The wedding of Unununium Uuu and Chauncey Cholomondeley (better known as Chongo Chungus). Thanks to all who attended the ceremony!
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