#choose violence game
qcomicsy · 5 months
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I genuinely do not understand the appeal of heroes being extremely violent on Wade Wilson unless make sense for the character.
Like no sorry I cannot believe all the avengers would be okay to downright dismember this guy despite him being an asshole and a killer. They didn't direct this type of energy to any other villain including the ones who can't die.
I just low-key do not vibe with the gore on Deadpool for sake of gore specially directed at him. I don't find funny, don't think it comes closer to slap-stick humour with the length they do it and when they bend the rules and characterizations of certain super-heroes in the name of the "joke" it makes me lose the respect for the characters, the writer and the history involved.
The same thing applies to jokes regarding his appearance and his skin condition, specially his mental health when it comes to the same people. I do think there's nuance and absolutely when he punches down plays in a totally different direction.
Also to me the only few people that make sense of this kind of joke are Weasel and other characters who does this type of joke in the regular basis, but no you are not going to make me sit there and believe that Captain America would make fun or act disgusted towards the appearance of a cancer and tortured survivor, or be comfortable with his team fuckin dismembering him. Specially when he was literally on the World War ll.
Also, despite of how mean Spidey is towards people he doesn't like I don't buy either that he'd go for the appearance after knowing what Wade been through sorry, I can be wrong. I can be specially wrong. But even if I am it's not something I'd like to read.
I mean c'mon Wade's shitty personality is enough material guys.
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olympeline · 9 days
13 for the violence game?
Worst blorboficiation:
I’m uhh…not entirely sure what that word means? A quick search makes me think it’s: “character who gets all their bad parts sanded down and excused by their fans who want to deflect criticism of them and make them more cute, palatable, and basic.” So I’ll base my answer around that. If my definition is wrong, feel free to tell me and I’ll redo this one 🙂👍
Anyway, in the past it was England who got this the worst for sure. These days that’s changed and I think people tend to go too far the other way with him now. Perhaps to compensate for past fandom sins, but that’s a whole other can of worms.
Now, I’d say it’s either Russia or America. In canon, Russia is a messed up dude. Yeah he has his sweet moments, but he’s also kind of a psycho with it, lol. His, um “blorboficator” fans either play his bloodthirsty stalker instability down or try to handwave it. Turn him into just a sad, abused sweetheart with no bite. Which is a shame because I like crazy, tragic Russia, personally. Makes him more interesting, IMO.
As for America, I think he gets this as a side-effect of taking England’s place as the main source of fandom projection. At least here on tumblr. Fans who push their own issues onto him and make him super depressed/anxious/mentally ill way beyond what he could be interpreted as in canon. Then his loud, obnoxious moments can be brushed off and excused. Because they want to coddle him like they wish someone would coddle them. That’s my view, anyway.
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zumurruds · 6 months
for the choose violence ask game: 8, 13, 16, 22 🔪
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8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about 
these popular claims:
damen is a fuckboy
damen is abusive 
damen is a rapist 
damen is repressed
damen is toxically masculine
damen is an inherently violent or aggressive person
damen is bad at politics or leadership or ruling 
damen is stupid or oblivious 
damen is an unreliable narrator 
damen is responsible for laurent's abuse (that's the regent's responsibility alone + the regent's goal was to get rid of auguste regardless + the regent being alive means laurent was never safe + damen isn't to blame for someone else's actions)
laurent was justified in sexually assaulting and abusing damen
erasing damen’s bisexuality
writing damen as a heterosexual straight man whose first gay relationship is with laurent
damen fell in love with laurent's abuse of him and would stay in an abusive relationship with him
flattening damen into a shitty frat boy stereotype
jokaste's misogynistic treatment in fandom in general
kastor deserving a redemption arc and downplaying his villainy
stripping damen of his friendships/relationships/love interests and giving them to laurent
saying both damen and laurent are “equally bad” lmfao
denying that damen is laurent’s moral compass
denying that there’s any sort of racial component to capri, damen/laurent, and fandom
writing auguste, the white damen, as smarter/more politically savvy/etc as opposed to dumb, clueless damen when they’re literally narrative parallels and pacat said auguste had no head for deception in the books
any variation of damen deserving to be enslaved, raped, abused, mistreated, etc because of his upbringing
there’s more, but this post would be longer than it already is
the insidious racism that pollutes the perception of damen within certain segments of the fandom is not just disheartening—it's downright appalling. despite pacat's deliberate efforts to break stereotypes and provide representation for marginalized communities, some fans have unfortunately chosen to use damen to spread toxic narratives.
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damen, a character painstakingly crafted to embody nobility and heroism, becomes the unfortunate canvas upon which fans project their most harmful interpretations. the laundry list of misconceptions—ranging from baseless accusations of being stupid to downright deplorable insinuations of him being a rapist or abusive—is not just a disservice to the character but a damning indictment of the fans themselves. let's unpack this, shall we?
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the distinction between real slavery and the eroticized fantasy of slavery within the story is crucial here. pacat emphasizes that the slave system in akielos is designed to be a consensual and safe space for erotic exploration, with slaves chosen for their pre-existing submissive tendencies and masters culturally bound to treat them well.
to conflate damen's interactions with slaves within this fictional context with real-world acts of rape is not only a misreading of the text but a failure to acknowledge the author's explicit intentions. pacat's words serve as a clear reminder that the portrayal of slavery in capri is a deliberate narrative choice aimed at creating a specific kind of fictional world of erotic escapism—one that should not be equated with real-life atrocities.
this goes hand in hand with the false fandom assertion that damen is toxically masculine. not only does it have no basis in the books, it directly undermines pacat's intent in crafting damen as a positive representation within his community. it contradicts the very essence of damen's character and pacat's creative vision to reduce him to a blatantly racist caricature. damen embodies healthy masculinity through his consistent demonstration of respect for laurent's boundaries, his promotion of healthy attitudes towards sex, his superior emotional regulation compared to laurent, and his unwavering sense of duty and care for others.
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and then there's the erasure of damen's bisexuality, an egregious offense that not only disregards the author's intent but perpetuates harmful stereotypes about sexuality. the idea that laurent is somehow damen's "first real gay partner" is not just absurd—it's offensive.
and let's not forget the vile suggestion that damen is somehow complicit in his own abuse, and more, that he's deserving of any of it. damen, like any character, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of the circumstances he finds himself in. to suggest that he somehow deserves the abuse he endures is a deeply disturbing reflection of victim-blaming attitudes within the fandom. likewise, claiming laurent was justified in sexually assaulting and abusing damen is outrageous. regardless of what someone has suffered in the past, it can never justify inflicting harm on another person. no amount of personal trauma or past experiences can excuse or rationalize abusive behavior towards others. each individual is responsible for their own actions, and it's essential to hold perpetrators accountable for any harm they cause, regardless of their own history of suffering.
but perhaps what's most alarming is the racial undercurrent that permeates these toxic interpretations. damen, a character meant to challenge stereotypes and offer positive representation, becomes a lightning rod for the most insidious forms of racism within the fandom. the visceral hatred and violence directed towards him—expressed in disturbing fantasies of his downfall (manifesting in popular blogs and posts salivating about wanting damen to be killed violently, humiliated, abused, cheated on, “humbled”, abandoned by everyone he knows and loves, etc)—are not just indicative of a few bad apples but a systemic issue that must be addressed. while damen is subjected to victim-blaming, erasure of his agency, and other forms of mistreatment, laurent often escapes similar scrutiny in fandom. this differential treatment is evidence of the covert nature of racial biases within the fandom, where characters of color like damen face heightened scrutiny and unfair treatment compared to their white counterparts.
in the end, how fans choose to perceive damen speaks volumes about their own biases and prejudices. it's time for fans to embrace the nuances that make damen the well-rounded character he is without reducing him to a harmful stereotype. anything less is an affront to the spirit of the series and a disgrace to the fandom as a whole.
13. worst blorbofication
kastor, and laurent to a degree.
kastor, despite being depicted as a ruthless villain within the narrative on par with the regent, is often portrayed as a misunderstood and sympathetic figure by fans. this portrayal conveniently overlooks his heinous actions, including the cold-blooded murder of his own father and attempted murder of his child brother, in his pursuit of power. despite lacking depth and complexity compared to other characters, kastor is inexplicably given a pass by some fans who sympathize with his imaginary mistreatment, usually stemming from a place of disliking damen.
laurent, on the other hand, is elevated to almost mythical proportions within the fandom. any attempt to critique or point out his flaws is met with vehement backlash and even cancellation by some fans. this idolization of laurent, while understandable to a certain extent due to his complex character arc, becomes problematic when it blinds fans to his faults and shortcomings.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
all of the above.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
i don't have a particular preference, and i've distanced myself from fandom due to the reasons mentioned earlier. fandom hasn't felt like a safe or inclusive space, particularly for people of color, minorities, and those who don't unquestionably idolize laurent or who simply appreciate damen to some degree. therefore, i find it difficult to form an opinion on fan-created content, especially as it's created to cater to one specific type of fan.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores my favorite part of canon that often gets overlooked is how damen breaks out of traditional masculine norms. despite his stature as a big, muscular warrior, damen embodies emotional depth, tenderness, and vulnerability, qualities that defy societal expectations of masculinity. his capacity for love and forgiveness, especially towards laurent, showcases his emotional intelligence and strength. damen's portrayal is a beautiful reminder that masculinity is not defined solely by physical prowess, but also by emotional depth and compassion.
it's disheartening to see how damen's fanon portrayal often strays from this wonderful characterization. instead of embracing his kind-hearted nature, he's reduced to a toxically masculine alpha who is repressed, dumb as bricks and devoid of emotional intelligence. this shallow interpretation does a disservice to damen's character, removing all depth and reducing him to a mere accessory to laurent.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
Since nobody else is doing it 1, 8, and 9
x yes thank you for enabling my tirades
1. the character everyone gets wrong?
ohhhhh you guys know who I'm gonna say I've ranted about this 47281992494 times and by ranted I mean thrown a hissy fit so I actually WONT say Ace this time even though definitely Ace anyway Noodle I think is one a lot of people get wrong. not to be biased but twirls hair Autumn writes the best Noodle
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about?
-Paula is a slut <- this is just misogyny genuinely. why does Paula get so much hate and Murdoc doesn't when they did the exact same thing? I know it's partly "we didn't get to see her that much and get to know her" but if that's the case why are you hating so severely on someone that barely even showed up unless you're unreasonably angry with them because of some biases hmmmm
-Russel is The Normal One <- there isn't a normal one and he's just as insane as the rest of them he's just quiet so it's harder to tell
-Noodle has to baby the band and take care of them <- this one's just annoying they're full grown ass adults and they've been taking care of themselves and of her for years. this just seems like you're taking the woman character and slotting her into the role of mother and that's yucky (don't use "Noodle brings 2-D tea" as an excuse for this one that's completely normal behavior and doesn't indicate she mothers them)
I'll add on more later if I think of them
9. worst part of canon?
hmmmmm I can't think of any specific event right now but I hate how flaky they can be sometimes you know? they hype things up and then don't follow through and then it makes me not even wanna care because what's the point of getting excited if you're just going to be disappointed? and also the inconsistencies specifically Cyborg Noodles 48290293948 different endings can be frustrating but that's definitely manageable at least there's something to play with and mystery can be fun. you know what isn't fun. being told somethings going to happen and then it doesn't happen. and Ace Brain speaking again I hate how they just kinda say things and then don't elaborate on them like "Ace is taking time off to write his memoirs" can we see some? no. "Ace is in the bunker" any clue when he's getting out? no. guess he'll just suffer forever. also another example is with Russel like they said he wrote an album himself after Noodle left and then we didn't get to hear any of it. I would've liked to. it's just a matter of a lot of cool ideas not being acted on and that's fine I guess but it leaves me feeling empty sometimes
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lfthinker · 1 year
3, 7, 16 😈😈😈
*cracks knuckles*
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
It'd be tough for me to hunt down the post, so I'm paraphrasing this rancid Riddler take, written by someone throwing a tantrum that one time he got a girlfriend in the comics for five minutes: 'This is why all of his meaningful relationships are with men. His rivalry with Batman. Oswald, his soulmate. Even Cluemaster, who he has some tension with.' Way to throw Query, Echo, and Selina under the bus. I'm sorry your non-canon ship still isn't canon.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I see your Jason Todd fans, and raise you Tim Drake fans. Holy God, the projection. You guys don't need to be in fandom, you need to be in therapy.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing
I really don't get why Dork Squad's a thing. Nigma in my mind fares better in one on one team-ups with other Rogues or off doing his own thing. And Jervis sucks.
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yekokataa · 1 year
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
worst discord server and why
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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everyone's joking about a lesbian love triangle being the focus of rhaenyra/alicent/mysaria's stories in hotd s3 but that will literally be what happens when mysaria acts to uphold and support the image of rhaenyra as queen (or rhaenyra's duty) and alicent is kept prisoner (or a hidden but unavoidable reminder of rhaenyra's love). and so the love triangle will serve to represent rhaenyra's internal conflict between love and duty
#and if you are me and subscribe to the theory that alicent will escape to dragonstone with rhaenyra after the riots in KL#then rhaenyra chooses alicent/love#i think the book page foreshadows this attempt at escape#“traveling across the narrow to flee a war of dragons”#alicent going to dragonstone with rhaenyra would also totally recontextualize rhaenyra selling her crown to pay for passage#rhaenyra abandons this ultimate symbol of her duty for a final chance at happiness with alicent#and then there's the horrible irony of the audience already knowing that aegon ii has taken dragonstone as they sail toward the island#knowing that rhaenyra and alicent could never actually be physically liberated from the system of patriarchal violence they exist in#but by that point they have both mentally liberated themselves from it#rhaenyra selling her crown and alicent finally accepting rhaenyra's offer to run away and totally abandoning duty#and so the love was important and valuable in the sense that they both die understanding that they couldn't change the part they played#but they know now that they had this love that sustained them despite the plotting and scheming and violence#and the love will be forgotten by history but not by them and in that their love will finally be free#crazy actually that they decided to do this shit with a game of thrones prequel#hotd#alicent hightower#hotd spoilers#rhaenicent#rhaenyra targaryen#house of the dragon#also they are having gay sex on the boat to dragonstone i saw it in a vision
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kinardsevan · 2 months
wip Thursday
tagged by the effervescent @perfectlysunny02, and in the same vein as them, don't I have a million WIPs? Yes, yes I do. But also, I mentioned this idea last week. And... well... oops? (And it's entirely their fault because of the violence they chose with THEIR teaser today.)
Alas, I give you unnecessary, momentary, legendary (working title)
Tommy wasn’t supposed to be here. That’s all he could think about; he wasn’t supposed to be here. 
He’d had a full day of plans while Evan was on shift. He was supposed to stop by Harbor and pick up a package he’d had shipped there and forgot to bring home the night before. He was supposed to have lunch with Howie and Jee-Yun. He was supposed to swing by the 118 and swap keys with Evan because something was going on with the Rubicon’s engine. He was supposed to spend the afternoon figuring out if it was going to be an easy fix or not. Evan would be home before sunset. 
He wasn’t supposed to be here. 
Except, Evan was back at work after being down with a nasty virus for the past few days, and the only thing that had really been helping him feel better was the honey citrus tea from their favorite café. It wasn’t even a drink that his boyfriend cared for that much, but Tommy had introduced it to him the first time he’d gotten sick a few months into their relationship, and it had been a game changer for him. It wasn’t a cure by any means, but it definitely helped. 
He wasn’t supposed to be here. 
“Natalie?” He croaks out her name, leaning half up off of the tile floor, hand pressed into his abdomen next to his hip. He can’t see her behind the glass casing that contains the pastries, and she hasn’t said anything in a few minutes. The higher he tries to sit himself up, the more pain shoots down his side. “Nat!?” 
It takes more than a few seconds, but eventually—too long—he hears the sound of what he assumes is broken glass shifting on the floor. A small whimper. 
“Nat?” He calls back, turning his head towards the back of the counter again. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” 
She doesn’t respond, but then he sees the familiar flurry of jello-red hair appear from behind the pastry case, and then she’s climbing over the counter, her combat boots crunching glass on the floor as she moves towards him. Tommy looks up at her, his paramedic skills immediately kicking in as he takes her in. 
She’s got a cut on her forehead and her hands are bleeding—he assumes from all the broken glass. There’s a slash across her forearm where the knife got her, bleeding pretty decently. His eyes trail down to the side of her apron, the stain spreading across it and her jeans. She’s bleeding from somewhere on her leg. His gaze drifts to the counter and the streak of blood coming across it where she crawled over. 
“N-Nat, we gotta call the cops,” he tells her warily. 
“What if he comes back,” she asks anxiously, her voice shaking as tears come down her face. She sinks to the ground next to him, ignorant of the glass on the ground around him. 
Tommy shakes his head at her, digging into his pocket with blood-coated fingers, fumbling his phone when his fingers come into contact with it. He pulls it out as he looks back up at her. 
“You gave him everything, right,” he asks her. “Didn’t fight?” 
“No,” she sobs, leaning over him. “God, Tommy, I’m so sorry.” 
He shakes his head at her, reaching for one of the napkin holders knocked onto the floor nearby. 
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he tells her. He keeps flashing hot and cold, and he can feel himself getting clammy. He tries to focus his attention on his phone, dialing the number into it. 
“Tommy, you’re bleeding,” she cries. 
“I’m fi-…fine,” he stammers, slumping back against the floor. “We’re fine.” 
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” 
“5943 Ventura Boulevard,” he rattles off. “This is off-duty Rescue 1701 out of Harbor Station, I need to be transferred to Maddie Buckley.” 
“Just a moment sir.” The line clicks off for all of ten seconds, and then clicks back on. 
“9-1-1, this is Maddie Buckley speaking,” her voice comes back. There’s just the slightest hitch of anxiety in her voice, like she knows being routed to personally isn’t normal. 
“Maddie,” he rasps, squeezing his eyes shut tightly, trying to get the tears out of them. 
“Tommy,” she replies, her voice suddenly flooded with panic. “What’s going on? Is Evan- a-are you- is Howie-…” 
“They’re fine,” he chokes out. “B-but, I need RA and police. S-Stabbing at the café.” 
His head drops back against the floor, and he can feel his vision getting fuzzy. He looks over at Natalie. She looks even more panicked than she did before. His gaze drifts down to where his other hand is. Blood is completely coated over his fingers. 
“N-Nat, I need you to use your apron to apply pressure,” he rasps. 
“Stabbing?! Tommy where are you,” Maddie cries from the other end of the line. Tommy rattles the address off to her again. 
“D-dont send Evan,” he rasps at her. “God, he can’t find me. You hear me, Maddie? Don’t send him. Do not let him see me like this.” 
She hiccups a cry on the other end of the line, and there are hushed voices clearly trying to get her off the line, but she speaks clearly enough that Tommy hears when she growls ‘no’ back at whoever is trying to get her to hand the call off. 
“You know I love him, right,” he continues. Natalie presses her apron into his side then and he can’t help the cry that falls out of his mouth. “F-fuck. M-Maddie?” 
“I know,” she cries. “Stay with me, Tommy. Don’t hang up on me.” 
He nods letting his head rest back against the floor. 
“No, come on, Tommy,” Natalie cries, pressing harder into his wounds. “Come on. Stay awake.” 
“Trying,” he murmurs, looking around the floor. “I-I, I want to marry him, you know,” he tells Maddie. “He just walked into my life like- like he was always supposed to be here. And I thought I’d lost out on my chance by taking too long to figure my shit out. Fuck, Nat. Yeah, that’s good, keep pushing down.” 
“He talks about you being it for him all the time,” Maddie replies. He can tell she’s crying. “Keeps telling me that he thinks you’ll be a great dad.” 
Tommy lets out a small laugh and then groans at the wave of pain that shoots across his abdomen and stomach. 
“I wasn’t sure, before him,” he replies, letting his eyes slip shut. The phone starts to sag in his hand, but the cry of Natalie’s voice and sudden, sharp pressure on his side has his eyes shooting open again. “Fuck, okay. Okay.” He swallows hard, taking a breath. “B-but if anyone could convince me that we could do it together, it’s him.” 
Maddie hiccups another sob. “I’ve watched him lose one relationship after another, think what he’s holding onto is the right one while knowing it isn’t. But I never said anything because I was just his sister, you know? And I know you said he walked into your life, but you spun into his with a literal hurricane and I’ve never seen him… I don’t even know, Tommy. This settled? Happy? Secure?” 
“H-he deserves it,” Tommy rasps, his head lolling back and eyes getting heavier. 
“Damn it, Tommy, come on,” Natalie cries. “Stay awake, please.” 
“s’getting harder,” Tommy slurs. “Maddie, I love him. So much more than I’ve ever loved anyone else. Want him more, dream about him more, choose him more. My life begins and ends at Evan Buckley.” The tears swimming in his eyes finally slip down the side of his face, his vision tight now, and extremely hazy. 
“Tommy, stay with me,” Maddie cries. Her voice seems farther away now. “The ambulance is so close. Please?” 
“Tell him I love him more than anything else,” he replies, coughing out another groan. “That I choose him. Every day, all the time. I pick him.” He pauses for a moment, his eyes too heavy to open back up. “I love you, Evan.” 
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archfey-edda · 5 months
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Messing around with screenshot redraws in an effort to experiment with light and color.
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tommystummy · 26 days
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Okay so headcanoning Eddie as gay doesn’t take away from how he loves Shannon. The show has already gone through great lengths with Michael’s early arc to show how love can exist between a gay man and his comphet wife. If the show ever did confirm that Eddie loves Shannon but wasn’t attracted to her I think it could be compelling even if it’s a slight retread of earlier stories because religion never really factored into Michael’s coming out. Exploring how religion made Eddie hate himself so much that he buried his own sexuality and forced himself into three relationship different dysfunctional relationships with women despite it all can be told without disrespecting Shannon because Eddie’s grief for her is still central to his entire character.
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qcomicsy · 5 months
For that ask, 10. Worst part of fanon
Not reading the comics or fact checking before saying something with the confidence of an avid reader. I understand the want and need to make your own takes and your own content and make mistakes we've all been there.
But I feel like if you don't read any comic and you don't plan on reading any comic soon and are ready to make a post with enough confidence to people cite you in more serious posts. It's good to make sure you're referencing something accurate since it can make more misinformation than help, and it can make people who are starting to read get a lots of confusion.
Also tagging your take helps a lot, I am a still firm believer that if people who just enjoy the vibes tagged their works with "fannon content" and "hc" things would get really easier to navigate in general.
That being said errors are okay and it happens don't feel guilty if you re blogged or said something you've discovered it was fannon. You have time.
A thing that unrontically helped me was one post I saw on Tumblr (I'll search from who exactly because it literally changer a whole lots on how I interact with creating from comics is) "Do not affirm something if you can't reference that thing from three different comics". And I do have a feeling it was a joke but still, good advice!
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olympeline · 10 days
For the violence game 🔥 can i get uuuuhhh 1, 10, 18, 19? 🔥 Let the violence flow!
Lol, indeed! List
The character everyone gets wrong:
Hmm. Probably England? Though I think saying everyone gets him wrong is a little harsh. He’s my favourite character because he’s one I find quite nuanced. Got a good balance going between his badass, empire, sexy pirate gentlemen side, and his comedic day drinking, Nora-no-mates, weird eyebrows, tsundere side. It doesn’t always happen but people sometimes lean too hard towards one side or the other. Making him either too cool or too much of a loser. Which robs England of that fun contrast and makes him a much less interesting character, IMHO.
Worst part of fanon:
Already answered here
It’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on:
Actually I think the Hetalia fandom is pretty good with not sleeping on stuff with potential. I’ve always been able to find plenty of content for my favourite AUs and historical periods unless it’s something super obscure. No real complaints for this one, chief. 👍
You’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like:
Confederate America. The full on, totally cheesy “Alfred’s evil twin who he must conquer, only to then be forced to absorb the monster into himself” fanon interpretation. It’s so cliche and corny that it reminds me of an 80s made for TV horror movie. But I still love Evil Al and feel my good taste credibility eroding with every fic I read about him, lmao.
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zumurruds · 6 months
Choose violence ask game: 3, 4 & 9… for tic
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
oh god there are so many, and it's been a while...
people who label eragon as "creepy" for his pursuit of arya, often overlooking the context of his actions.
yes, the writing was cringy as hell, but his attempts at courting arya were not predatory or malicious; they stemmed from him being a sixteen year old with genuine affection and a desire to express his feelings. his interactions with arya were limited, including a simple compliment in a garden and an incident where oromis exposed his feelings through a magical fairth without his consent and without eragon meaning to create it. additionally, eragon's behavior while intoxicated with magic during the agaetí blödhren was not representative of his normal self, and he later expressed regret for his actions. arya not only accepted his apologies but also continued their friendship.
people who argue that arya only sees eragon as a friend and deny any romantic subtext in their relationship, failing to grasp its nuances.
people who misrepresent arya and eragon's age gap.
eragon is considered an adult in his medieval human society at sixteen, where individuals of his age were already taking on adult responsibilities such as marriage, parenthood, and ruling. arya, despite being older, is still considered a child by elven standards. elves mature at a slower rate than humans, so making direct comparisons between their ages is inaccurate and misleading. arya isn't a 100 year old human woman, she's a rebellious teenage elf. comparing their ages to those of different species, like dogs and cats versus humans, helps illustrate this disparity more accurately.
it's important to remember the unique context of their ages within their respective races. by the conclusion of the series, eragon has significantly caught up to arya in terms of experience and maturity. his journey, encompassing growing up amidst war, undergoing a transformation into an elf-human hybrid, living as a fugitive, and delving into the politics of various nations, has profoundly shaped him. through his travels to diverse regions and exposure to different cultures, as well as inheriting the collective memory of the dragons, eragon has undergone immense personal growth and development. this growth has closed the gap between himself and arya in terms of life experience and maturity, establishing them as equals, as paolini intended.
sympathizing with morzan and painting selena as the abusive figure in their relationship. (yes, i have seen this, and it was awful.)
people disagreeing with paolini's statement that eragon inherited his mother's instinct to constantly debate the morality of her actions, but have no issues with comparisons made between brom and eragon, even though eragon wasn't raised by him either. just say you hate selena and go!
depicting faolin as arya's first love or mate. paolini said they had a relationship of convenience, and that neither faolin or arya shared their true name with each other in the twenty years they were together, indicating a lack of mutual trust and intimacy. paolini also said arya didn't give faolin her true name because he wasn't soulmate material, implying eragon was. sis couldn't even say she loved faolin in brisingr, she skirted around the issue and called him a friend, so it strikes me as funny that people think faolin was the great love of her life when in reality he was a warm body in an otherwise foreign war-torn country.
i don't think tic is revolutionary or doing anything particularly amazing in terms of representation, be it poc representation or female representation, and gets far more credit than it deserves.
4. what was the last straw that made you block that annoying person
it was a few people who had particularly bad takes about characters i liked, and kept spamming the tag with asks and long posts that weren't hidden behind cuts or tagged for tumblr savior.
9. worst part of canon
the writing.
arya being allowed to become both rider and queen.
the omission of selena's significance from the narrative and her portrayal as a mere prize for brom's actions.
katrina being a non-character who exists only to fuel roran's story and character.
the lack of planning and outlining of arya and eragon's relationship was evident, resulting in a clumsy, unsatisfying, and poorly executed romance that spanned four books yet ultimately led nowhere.
the lack of onscreen development for all romances: roran and katrina's relationship feels static, as it predates the events of the books and receives little exploration. murtagh and nasuada's romance is entirely offscreen, leaving readers disconnected from their dynamic. as for arya and eragon, their relationship suffers from inconsistent writing and execution, fluctuating unpredictably throughout the series. overall, the lack of onscreen development for these romances undermines their depth and leaves much to be desired in terms of emotional investment from the audience.
disappointment with the one-dimensional portrayal of galbatorix, morzan, and the forsworn despite paolini's saying he doesn't write cardboard villains.
wanting more exploration of murtagh and eragon's relationship and closure, especially regarding their parents.
lack of scenes or details on elva and eragon's training and bonding in tftwtw which was prime material for their ongoing rocky relationship arc.
paolini's tendency to prioritize action over character study and relationship depth.
writing arya as a stereotypical "strong, independent woman" who must sacrifice love for duty, and cannot have both.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
6, 19, 22
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
any gorillaz ship involving Ace just by virtue of they usually either reduce him to a bad boy or reduce him to a ken-like boyfriend and both are inaccurate and painful to watch! the most annoying one is NuAce because the most ive seen of it is "well we can't ship Noodle with any of the band because they raised her so we'll ship her with Ace I GUESS" like he's the only option left and it just seems very heteronormative/amatonormative. I like ships where the characters personality and dynamic are taken into account- like they don't even have to be GOOD for each other just give them chemistry put some thought into it besides woooouygh I am a zombie I cannot enjoy media without romance characters cannot exist as individuals you know what I mean. these ships are annoying and so the people behind them tend to annoy me too. I don't think it's necessarily that certain shippers act a certain way that would annoy me but writing characters badly or disregarding their personality for the sake of a ship is one surefire way to get me to be really annoyed with you especially when it comes to Ace because I do care about him a lot and get frustrated when people get so careless with him. so much of the fun of ships is seeing how characters work together! what's the point if you completely disregard that you know? rambling over
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
2doc 🤷‍♂️ I really don't mind it. it's overhated imo. I get why you wouldn't like it but I've seen people get sent death threats over it and that's really too much over a ship and there are definitely worse Gorillaz ships
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone ignores?
oh a lot of things... namely a lot of Noodle facts like that she loved the Powerpuff Girls as a kid and that she knows every language known to man. there are a lot of cool facts about her that get largely overlooked nowadays. Russel too but I feel like most people understand his basics of yeah he likes taxidermy he likes records. people don't understand Noodle in the same way I think
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alchemistc · 26 days
9 and/or 16 for the choose violence ask game?
9. worst part of canon
The copaganda show going on in the background at all times. I love Angela and Athena is a great character and I am aware that they have tried, at times, to tackle some ripped from the headlines storylines to stay with the times, but honestly I think the show would benefit from some firefighter vs police shenanigans. Let Buck accidentally solve a string of murders because people TALK to the firefighters and not the cops. Eddie stops a robbery in progress. Chim deescalates a fight. Bobby and Buck are asked about their SO's and their audience visibly deflates while Bobby talks about his wife but light RIGHT back up when Buck goes "My boyfriend is a firefighter pilot!"
I don't want the show to be like, anti-cop, but they always just give officers all the grace in the world. (And Athena has done some fucked up shit in the name of her badge and they've hand waved it away just like we do in RL)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Well my mental breakdown yesterday included the elephant in the room, but I do UNDERSTAND why people like the thing (buddie) even if it doesn't compel me personally so we'll stick with something else.
This one is gonna cause some people to side eye me, but here it is:
Buck as a second Dad to Christopher. I know I joke about Buck and Eddie co-parenting but I see it often enough in fic and general fandom shit that it's been noticeable. And here's the thing: I don't think any of the three people involved in that little family would consider Buck a father figure to Chris. A mentor, maybe, though I honestly think even that's a bit of a stretch. A guardian, absolutely, in the strictest sense that Chris loves Buck and Buck loves Chris and Eddie trusts Buck with his kid and appreciates how much Buck loves him. A friend, in as much as he can be considering Chris has just entered his teens. Family, absolutely. But Buck isn't his dad, doesn't want to be his dad, and even in a scenario where Buddie is canon I don't see that dynamic ever shifting. Neither Buck, Eddie, or Chris would want it to change, and it takes me right out of a story when I see him portrayed as like, the second parent in a unit.
(I think the show does a really good job of portraying this, actually - great example right in the last episode, with Eddie calling upon Buck to try to convince Chris to stay and Buck toeing the line with "Well I can try but it's not actually my place and you and Chris both know that.")
choose violence with me
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rochenn · 6 months
1. for the choose violence ask game?
1. the character everyone gets wrong
ONE THOUSAND YEARS JAIL FOR TCW WRITERS for getting that absolutely GOLDEN layup in AotC and then NOT doing jack fuck with Dooku. They looked right at Christopher Lee's deliberately nuanced portrayal in that movie (within the script's and direction's limitations which were indeed very limiting. Have I ever mentioned that George wasn't too good at writing Dooku either?) and did NOTHING. They made him a Saturday evening cartoon guy in the Saturday evening cartoon and I am inconsolable
I cannot get over how they squandered his potential!! And Asajj's by extension, too. And why do I have to cling to CW 03 for any screentime of them both even just existing in the same room? Like genuinely do we ever see them physically next to each other? They're supposed to be master and apprentice bro something went terribly wrong here!!
Also to bend this back to the fandom and to beat a dead bloated decomposing horse: Obi-Wan. Novels have been written about his fanon alter-ego so I'll just say that most people actually write him just fine until any type of relationship emerges! Ppl want to swaddle this spiritual master and veteran shock formation leader in a blanket so bad they gotta nerf him to hell so someone can take loving care of the shadow of his former self lmao
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