rq-gift-exchange · 13 days
Fic Exchange Details: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/riders_quadrant_fic_exchange/profile
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luniellar · 4 months
Breathe Me (Garrick Tavis X OC/Reader) - Chapter 2 - The Empyrean Series Fanfiction
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When Xaden Riorson and Garrick Tavis arrive at Samara, they are forced to prove themselves all over again. When Xaden heads off to see Violet at Basgiath since their dragons are mated, Garrick finds himself alone in this unfamiliar area trying to get his name established navigating fights and ambushes. He owed his life to the man.
One particular night when Xaden leaves for Basgiath, Garrick finds himself with a new company. One who starts turning his world upside down and giving him something, that isn't just the Xaden and rebellion, to fight for. ______________________________________
All rights to Rebecca Yarros for her original work and original characters. My scenes and characters are my own. ______________________________________
Contains: Iron Flame Spoilers Warnings: Language
Chapters: 1 | 2
Read on AO3 | Wattpad
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Author Note: As I'm writing this (February 2024), Garrick's signet is not revealed in Iron Flame. For this story, I followed my theory about Garrick's signet which is Near Sight (opposite of Liam's Far Sight). Near sight can easily recognize emotion changes, whatever emotion someone displays Garrick will pick up. This also relates to his dragon (Chradh) who is able to locate certain objects and is sensitive to runes. Garrick uses this to quickly learn who is trustworthy and gain information about people's true intentions making him a strong asset and an exceptional fighter.
Chapter 2: The Feelings
< Garrick Tavis >
The sun from the morning was nowhere to be found and the clouds were looking seriously ominous today. Temperamental like this guy, I glanced over at Xaden and his expressionless face from the hard floor of the outdoor sparring field. Something was definitely on his mind. My first guess would be Violet related. 
I welcomed the breeze against my shirtless, overheating body as my mind wandered off to what Lei was up to. Her smile from the morning flashed across my mind and I exhaled. Maybe it was her hair? I knew that most female riders kept their hair short, braided, or tied up to keep it from getting caught, but Lei’s ponytail was long enough and always swaying from side to side, like it was tempting me to grab. Oh gods, I shouldn’t have thought that. 
From the side, Xaden threw a clean towel that landed directly on my face, dragging me out of my thoughts. Right, this was supposed to be a quick break before another set. “Thanks,” I muttered as I grabbed it and wiped the dripping sweat across my face. 
“Riorson!” A familiar voice called out, full of disgust with each syllable. Tightening my core, I peeled my upper body off the mat and saw that bitch from last night. Fuck, what was his name again? 
Lei’s sharp, venomous tone saying his name last night replayed in my mind. “Move along, Pratt.” 
Oh yeah, Pratt. 
I looked up to see Xaden turned towards him with a blank face across the field. He didn’t answer, he just stared. Then a second later, Xaden looked over at me and was that worry that just flashed across his face? Pressing his lips together, he looked towards Pratt’s direction again.
Did Xaden know Pratt? Maybe he was an old friend? I could see the gears turning in his head staring at the blonde boy. 
“Where the fuck were you last night?” Pratt shouted. 
I scoffed and shouted back at him. He didn’t even have the courage to walk closer to us. “Damn, Pratt. I don’t think you wanted an audience to witness your ass getting whooped.” 
“I would keep your thoughts to yourself if I were you,” Pratt said my name in the same disgust he did with Xaden’s. “Your days at Samara are getting shorter with each word.” What the fuck was his deal?
Before I could quip back, Pratt looked directly at me. “Oh and leave Lei alone. She isn’t into dirty traitors like you two.” Pratt walked off with his “friends” trailing behind him. Two of the guys behind him moved with uncomfort and I could immediately identify they were the same boys from last night. 
“Watch your back, Garrick. He plays dirty.” Xaden replied. From the tone of his voice I knew that it wasn’t a guess, it was a statement. 
“Good, I like it dirty anyways.” I muttered back, my body making a dense thud against the hard floor surface as I dropped in exhaustion. 
✦ ✦ ✦
Xaden and I managed to keep the score even until the very end. Maybe it was the years of training we did together and how we knew each other better than we knew ourselves? Every move I threw at the guy, he managed to block. Thanks to my signet I was able to see the way his eyes moved before a punch or a jab and countered each step. But, he was still able to get a good punch on my jaw right when my mind was starting to wander off. 
Chradh loved reminding me how I should be paying attention whenever Xaden broke through my concentration like that. 
“Lei! Can you help?” A voice called out on our way to the showers and my head immediately turned. I scanned the fields until I saw Lei running over to another rider with short blonde hair reaching down to pick up buckets off the floor. I made eye contact with the blonde rider’s green eyes. Her eyes widened and immediately tilted her head up at Lei, her eyes moving in my direction. She clearly knew me, but I didn’t know her. Shortly after Lei turned in my direction. 
Her shiny, dark as night ponytail tossed above her shoulders. The shorter strands of hair fell into place, framing around her round rosy cheeks. I couldn’t turn my eyes away from her as I stood there watching. The short haired rider said something to Lei and after a quick nod, Lei jogged over. 
“Hey! Do you have an outpost shift tonight?” She asked when she reached me. Her scent filled the space between us. I held my breath knowing that I could just drink her up. 
I nodded. “It’s mine this time around.” 
“Great,” she gave me a gentle smile. She opened her mouth to say something, but glanced behind her looking back at the green eyed rider who was struggling to carry two buckets in each hand. “Oh gosh, Iris! Wait!” Lei turned to me. “I’ll catch you later, okay?”
Before I could reply, she turned and jogged back. I felt a hand hit my bare back. 
“Do me a favor and remember to breathe,” Xaden sighed, walking ahead of me. 
✦ ✦ ✦
Fuck, this outpost was so small. The moment I showed up for the shift, Lei was already in here marinating every corner of this space with her delicious scent. Thank gods there was a breeze blowing tonight circulating the air around us. Her warm vanilla scent stirred around me. I’ll need to ask Xaden about an olfactory dampening rune next week. 
That’s going to be a fun conversation. Chradh said amusingly.   
The conversation started with us catching up on what we did during the day. I learned that Iris, the short haired blonde who I briefly saw earlier today, was her closest friend here. I told her about Xaden and the bond we shared for many years. You would have to be blind to not see our rebellion relics. So I told her what I could without bringing up Aretia or the impeding doom Xaden carried on his shoulders. Lei carefully watched my expressions, smiling and encouraging when appropriate, She always made she didn’t step outside her boundaries.
I asked about her signet and she told me that it was a form of distance wielding. She wasn’t sure if she could do long distance wielding because her power burns out when channeled for a long time. It surged quickly in powerful consecutive bursts. When mentors said she drew the short end of the stick, she learned to hone the power to her advantage. She could shorten distances so fast that it gives off the illusion that she was teleporting in short distance increments. They must have had their head stuck up in their ass not to see how lethal she could be.
For the most part, it sounded like she trained on her own. Last year was when she learned that she could travel more than just her surrounding areas only if she could paint in her mind where exactly she needed to go. I made a mental note to ask her if she wants to join us on a sparring session one day. She had so much potential in that small body of hers and I wanted to see more.
Near the end of our shift, I built up courage to ask her. “Um,” I started. “Can I ask you a personal question?” 
“What’s on your mind, Garrick?” She smiled, tilting her head to the side. 
“How does someone like you end up knowing a guy like Pratt anyways?” I asked cautiously. I watched her gentle smile drain from her face, like a sad memory was dragging her back down. Her blue irises trembled with hesitation as she held my gaze. 
“We were engaged,” she started, looking ahead at the mountains. “We met as a part of a political alliance. I don’t come from wealth or power, Garrick. I come from a small, insignificant island in the Emerald Sea.” She lowered her head.
Like Xaden and Cat. Power was never something I craved. Sure, I saw the allure of it. But when you watched public executions of hundreds, including your family, for challenging power, you learn survival is more important. You do everything you can do to survive. You survive to remember each name, each story, and each face as a big fuck you. Maybe I was like Lei, I just didn’t like bullies. 
One of the many reasons I chose you, Big One. Chradh echoed with pride in my mind. 
Lei let out a soft exhale. “When I was 10, my father realized that the island resources were finite and started inviting aristocrats from the Continent to create trade routes. Pratt’s family was the first to visit. Within days of them leaving, his family made us an offer for an arranged betrothal under the condition that I survive the Threshing when I turned 20.”
“Threshing?” My voice rose in anger and my hands curled into fists. “Lei, you could have died! Did your family know how dangerous that was?! Pratt gave you a fucking death sentence!” I broke my composure. Why was I so angry? 
She laughed a short, gentle laughter turning back to me. “Honestly, no. No one knew about the Threshing where I was from. Riders and dragons were stories that I only heard from elders in the island when I was growing up. Myths and legends with heroes, not a girl from an island somewhere.” She paused, muscles around her eyes tenses and her eyes were focused like she was calling for Cosheirm in her mind. 
I watched as she found her peace again. Cosherirm, the word for harmony. Lei found her harmony through Cosheirm. Her pale skin against the stark contrast of her dark as night hair. She was beautiful. 
“But Garrick, if I was given the decision again knowing what I know, I will always take the path to Cosheirm. Even if I wasn’t guaranteed that Cosheirm would choose me again.” Her determination was so strong that I could see an aura of confidence cloaked her body like a glowing shield. She was glowing.
“Lei,” I started and she got up from her wooden seat. 
There were sounds of footsteps coming from the outside. “It looks like the next patrols will be coming soon. Come on, I’ll walk you back.”
✦ ✦ ✦
"You have to admit. If this walking to my bedroom becomes a regular occurrence, people are going to start talking." I said as we headed toward my barrack for a second night in a row.
"You need to check that masculinity, Garrick. I can help if you need more practice getting down on your knees again," she shrugged.
Oh, we were on a joking basis now. 
"Hey, I'm not complaining. I've done it plenty of times, the whole escorting and getting on the knee thing... for other reasons," I glanced down to be greeted by her rosy cheeks. "I was just saying that I could get used to this."
It was Lei's looked flustered as she cleared her throat. "Anyone who sees us is going to think you're taking me to your room. We can stick to that story if you're worried about what people say. Deal?"
"Oh, I give zero shits about what anyone thinks about me, Lei. I just didn't know that was what you wanted others to think about us," I teased. 
An audible groan came from Lei. "Garrick, you're impossible."
✦ ✦ ✦
Wake, Big One. 
I rolled over in my bed, my eyes still closed. What’s wrong, Chradh? 
I sense something unfamiliar in the south clearing of outside of Samara. In the pit of stomach, I felt it too. I’ve felt this before.
Before Chradh could finish, my body was already up. I quickly got dressed and strapped on my rider leather. I walked over to the doorway and grabbed the two swords propped against my desk. In the same motion I’ve been doing for years, I crossed them on my back.
Wyverns. And I sense a venin, Big One. 
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angstywaifu · 7 days
New Feelings
Request: garrick x reader. Full of fluff. Maybe their in a similar situation where their dragons are mated but recently ? And they start having these feelings they didn't have to block out before. Requests Open.
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Garrick and I had been friends since first year. He had been behind me on the parapet on conscription day. Giving words of encouragement as I slowly made my way across with shaky legs. If it had been anyone else behind me they would have pushed me off and let me die. But not Garrick. He had made sure I made it across. Capturing me in his arms as my legs gave out when I stepped off. Guiding me over to one of the benches to help me calm my nerves. Heights had never been my strong point. But I didn’t have a choice in being here. Neither had Garrick. Both children of the rebellion. Both marked to show what our parents had done.
Since that moment he had helped me with my training. Making sure I had what I needed to survive. He had become my life line for the first few months till we both bonded our dragons. Once that happened it was like something in me shifted, and it all became natural to me. I was no longer the scared girl who had shakily made her way across the parapet. I was a dragon rider. But it hadn’t stopped Garrick and I training together whenever we got the chance. And when the time came he brought me in on the supply runs to the Gryphon riders. It helped that our dragons got along well. Chradh and Nearte having a close friendship just like Garrick and I. Meaning they flew well together.
But at the end of second year they threw a spanner in the works for us. Chradh and Nearte becoming mated dragons. A bonded pair for life. Bonding Garrick and I to each other for life. I remember the night it happened. Graduation Night. At first I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. What had come over me. But that night Garrick and I had ended up in someone else’s bed to try subdue the feeling that had both taken us by surprise. The next morning Xaden had lost it as Garrick joined us for breakfast. Instantly knowing what had gone down due to having a mated dragon himself. We we’re both still on edge, the emotions our dragons we’re feeling over being newly mated still screaming at us down the bond. We’d both barely gotten any sleep despite going multiple rounds with the other riders we had taken to bed.
Xaden reaches into his jacket pocket and places a tin on the table between us before standing. “Split what’s inside. You two are going to need it to get through the next few days.” He teases before walking out of the hall.
Garrick reaches over and opens the tin. Churum. Something we definitely were not allowed to have in the quadrant. But as we met each others eyes, we knew we we’re going to need it if we wanted to get a good nights sleep before the school year started up again.
After that everything mostly turned back to normal, besides our dragons going at it nearly every night for the first few weeks. The churum only doing so much to dull the tsunami of emotions they sent down the bond. But as the days and weeks went on, as Garrick and I learnt to shield out the brunt of the emotions they sent down the bond, something else had changed. As if I had started to see Garrick in a new light. In a way I had never seen him before. And that’s how I found myself zoned out in challenges as I watched Garrick take on a guy in second year. My eyes trailing over his muscular physique on full show due to him removing his shirt. The sweat that accentuates every fine line.
”You ok Y/N?” Xaden asks from next to me.
I tear my eyes away from Garrick who has the second year easily pinned beneath him. “Yeah.. yeah I’m fine.” I tell him as confidently as I can.
He raises an eyebrow at me. “I’ve been trying to get your attention since his challenge started.”
”That was two minutes ago.” He states bluntly.
”Sorry just a bit distracted.” I tell him with a shrug, my cheeks burning as they flush.
Xaden looks at me before shifting his eyes to Garrick. A small smirk on his lips.
“About damn time.” He teases.
I narrow my eyes at him. “What do you mean about damn time?”
“The fact you have to ask that just proves how oblivious you are. Maybe this mated dragon thing will do you two some good.” He tells me with a chuckle as the bell ringing around the quadrant signals the end of challenges.
I look at him confused, what the hell was he talking about? But I was about to find out. I turn back to look at Garrick to see another girl walking up him. Reaching out to run her hand down his front. I instantly see red despite Garrick reaching out and stopping her. He does nothing to hide his displeasure at what she’s done. Garrick might get around, but he doesn’t like it being flaunted in front of the Quadrant publicly. But the girl still tries. Reaching out with her other hand. I must go to rush forward as Xaden grasps my wrist tightly in his hand.
”Is that jealousy?” Xaden teases.
I glare at him as I rip my wrist from his grasp, looking up to see Garrick looking at me with panic in his eyes. The girl trying to get his attention back as he just stares at me. I turn and rush from the room, wiping the angry tears that have fallen down my cheeks. I vaguely hear him calling my name as I rush through the Quadrant. Praying I can lose him. But he knows exactly where I’m running off to. And yet I don’t change my path. Head right where Garrick knows I will go. But at least I will be able to get a few moments before he arrives. I lean back against the tree as I lower myself to the ground, shutting my eyes and focusing on my breathing. I’d made a fool of myself. Let Xaden get in my head. But had he? I’d instantly seen red when that girl had walked over to Garrick. Instantly wanted to march over and tear her off him. Not something I had ever wanted to do before. This was just our dragons and them being mated now. This was nothing to do with actually wanting Garrick. Right? Heavy foot steps on the ground announce his arrival. I open my eyes to see him leaning on the tree next to me, arms crossed across his now clothed chest. Looking at me in a way I’ve never seen him look at me before.
”I think we need to talk darling.”
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whenwewereyoung97 · 6 months
*Edited on 12/15/2023 to add Aaric and Devera.*
*Edited on 12/22/2023 to add assorted details*
*Edited on 01/03/2024 to update Aaric’s name and alias (I know his actual middle name is Aaric, but the name/middle name/last name format ruined the ✨aesthetic✨ since no one else has a known middle name)*
*Edited on 02/10/2024 because I realized on my reread that Jack pushing energy on Violet likely isn’t actually a manifestation of his signet, as much as it is him using Venin powers*
Made this because I know I’ll forget many details by time book 3 comes out, and I figured I’d share it for those interested. It’s a combination of information from my own read throughs, and from The Empyrean Wiki.
Please let me know if you see any mistakes, or if you have more to add.
I decided against doing Flyers for the time being, as what information we have is rather limited.
⚠️Warning: contains Iron Flame spoilers⚠️
Rider Data Masterlist
Surname: Sorrengail
Signet: Lightning wielding
Dragon’s name: Tairn/Andarna
Dragon’s description:
- Black Morningstartail (M)
- Golden Feathertail (former); Misc. Scorpiontail (current) (F)
Surname: Riorson
Signet: Shadow wielding/Inntinnsic
Dragon’s name: Sgaeyl
Dragon’s description: Blue Daggertail (F)
Surname: Matthias
Signet: Object summoning
Dragon’s name: Feirge
Dragon’s description: Green Daggertail (F)
Surname: Gamlyn
Signet: Ice wielding
Dragon’s name: Aotrom
Dragon’s description: Brown Swordtail (M)
Surname: Henrick
Signet: Metallurgist
Dragon’s name: Sliseag
Dragon’s description: Red Swordtail (M?)
Surname: Mairi
Signet: Farsight
Dragon’s name: Deigh
Dragon’s description: Red Daggertail (M)
Surname: Mairi
Signet: Siphon
Dragon’s name: Thoirt
Dragon’s description: Red Daggertail
Surname: Tavis
Signet: Unknown
Dragon’s name: Chradh
Dragon’s description: Brown Scorpiontail (M)
Surname: Durran
Signet: Countering signets
Dragon’s name: Cuir
Dragon’s description: Green (unknown tail type)
Surname: Cardulo
Signet: Erasure of recent memories
Dragon’s name: Glane
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Astral Projection
Dragon’s name: Cruth
Dragon’s description: Green Scorpiontail (F)
Surname: Aetos
Signet: Retrocognition
Dragon’s name: Cath
Dragon’s description: Red Swordtail (M)
Surname: Barlowe
Signet: (Pain projection - Signet or Venin ability?)
Dragon’s name: Baide
Dragon’s description: Orange Scorpiontail (F)
Full name: Cam Tauri, Aaric Greycastle (alias)
Signet: Unknown
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Blue Clubtail
Surname: Sorrengail
Signet: Extending wards
Dragon’s name: Teine
Dragon’s description: Green Daggertail (M)
Surname: Sorrengail, Aisreigh (alias)
Signet: Mending
Dragon’s name: Marbh
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail (M)
Surname: Sorrengail (maiden name unknown)
Signet: Storm wielder
Dragon’s name: Aimsir
Dragon’s description: Brown (unknown tail type)
Surname: Melgren
Signet: Battle foresight
Dragon’s name: Codagh
Dragon’s description: Black Swordtail (M)
Surname: Devera
Signet: Unknown
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Red Clubtail
Surname: Kaori
Signet: Illusionist
Dragon’s name: Smachd
Dragon’s description: Unknown
Surname: Carr
Signet: Fire wielder
Dragon’s name: Breugan
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail (M)
Surname: Varrish
Signet: Weakness reading
Dragon’s name: Solas
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Siphon
Dragon’s name: Tairn
Dragon’s description: Black Morningstartail
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Breathing underwater
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Unknown
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Air manipulation
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Unknown
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
I don't know if you're taking requests, but I'll take a chance haha, I read His Girl and became completely obsessed with Garrick because of you haha, could you make Garrick possessive/jealous of the female reader he says he hates, pleeease?
Well... I caved in. As always it's not exactly as the request but still something along the lines. 🤍✨🫧
Silent worry
"These are the petrol stations for today, hand them out to the squads", Garrick dropped a stash of papers next to you. You frowned at him instantly, "Our squad is supposed to be on a rest this week", you grunted, flipping through his plan. "Things change, hand them over. The first squad is supposed to leave in fifteen minutes", Garrick said bluntly.
"No they are not", you say firmly, and Garrick instantly raises an eyebrow at you. "I'm second in charge. You run this shit through me. They are not ready and will not fly. End of the conversation, Tavis", you pushed off the wall trying to size him up but in all honesty, who were you kidding? The guy was at least twice your size. His power was lethal. He didn't listen to people ordering him around. Unless it was Xaden or someone from the upper management.
"I gave you an order. You're not gonna follow through?", Garrick leaned over you. You hated that the height difference allowed him to look down on you lime that. You bit the inside of your cheek. You knew that you had to follow his orders but this was unheard of. The same squad that was supposed to fly now had only come back hours ago. Most of the cadets were still asleep.
"I'm telling you that I don't agree with your decision", you said through gritted teeth, "As a section leader you should know better". That was enough to ear a growl from Garrick. "You're getting too comfortable in your own position", he snarled, "Forgot what tasting dirt beneath other's boots felt like so quickly?". You know that Garrick can see the hurt that flashed through your eyes. You flex the muscles in your jaw. No, you were not gonna break beneath this man's gaze.
"Knock it down you two", Xaden's warning voice boomed as he and Bodhi walked towards you both. You drop your gaze yet you could almost swear that Garrick was about to say something but he had chosen against it at the very last minute. "Why are you too bickering once again, huh?", Bodhi draped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him playfully but the tight smile on your face didn't ease. More anger, however, flared in Garrick's eyes. Gods, you were done with this. Pushing Bodhi's hand off you. You shoved the papers into Garrick's chest, "I'll form a squad myself and we will leave when I say that we leave", you hissed, sparing him one last look as you pushed past them.
"Was this necessary?", Bodhi asked as he moved to lean against the wall. "No one asked for your opinion, Bo", Garrick huffed as he looked down the balcony at you rushing down the stairs. "You're too harsh on her", Xaden mused. "We don't cuddle cadets, Riorson", Garrick bit back coldly. "Right, but she's a friend. A part of our close group, not some newbie", Bodhi noted firmly, clearly getting fed up with watching you two bickering back and forth no doubt. "She deserves better from you, man", Xaden tapped his shoulder as he turned to step away. As if Garrick didn't know that himself. But he wasn't grown on love. All he had was Xaden and then along the way, they found people they could trust. But emotions... Let's just say managing them had never been his strongest asset. "Fuck it", Garrick grumbled as he pushed away from the railing, turning to the stairs. Bodhi chuckled in the background, "Don't forget to tell her that you love her", he shouted from behind, only earning a vulgar gesture in return.
He had just rounded the corner when Chradh's voice echoed through his mind. Save yourself the running, she already left. Garrick let out a frustrated growl, How many did she take with her? There was a beat of silence. Three, others declined. Declined? How dare anyone decline your orders? The squads were as much under your command as they were under his. Before you blow up and embarrass yourself, she gave them a choice. No, he was going to have a long conversation with you when you came back and Garrick was more than ready to remind you just how you don't ask but give orders.
What he didn't know was that he was going to get long hours of waiting. Filled with nothing but self-sabotage. You should have been back a couple of hours ago. No matter how much he tried Garrick couldn't focus on anything. He was clueless in the class that he paid zero attention to. He didn't hear most of his friend's conversations. Training had taken some of the toll but only for that time. Only while he was punishing. One swift hook under another. The bag cracked through the seams. "Right, tiger, step aside", Bodhi called out but his joke didn't land and Garrick had him pinned against the wall in the blink of an eye. Xaden quickly cut in, pulling at his lifelong friend, "Outside now", there was no question in his voice, this was a demand.
Garrick rubbed his hands over his face. The cool breeze helped but it also reminded him that the sun was setting down. Meaning now it was way WAY past the time you were meant to be back. "She will come back", Xaden said calmly, "So whatever that's brewing inside you now", he gestured to his friend, "let go of it because she will be too tired to deal with your bullshit". Garrick knew that himself without anyone having to tell him.
"You know", Xaden moved to stand next to him, "You're miserable company when Y/N is not around". They both snickered quietly but Garricks's face glazed over first. "And whatever that you're thinking now is not true", Xaden cut In quickly, "Not that you deserve any praise but she likes you just the way you are", "Fuck you", Garrick muttered, turning away from his friend, "Violet made you soft as fuck". Xaden only smirked, "I would do anything for her. We both have sharp edges and scowls but they see right through it".
He sat in the courtyard after that. Glaring at the darkening horizon as if that somehow prevented the night from settling in. You humans are unbearable creatures Chradh mused. Ask her dragon where they are. A chuckle sounded, I enjoyed watching you sweat way too much to do that. Garrick was about to fight back as the sound of the wings filled the sky. It had to be you. It had to. All other squads were back. He had chucked dozens of times. The moment your blue dragon came in view Garrick nearly sank to the floor. You were seated. Your posture seemed strong. You had to be fine.
The moment everyone dismounted Garrick stepped forward. Crossing the distance between you two. Your dragon merely rolled his eyes. "You three are dismissed", he said bluntly to the cadets motioning for them to get on their way. They slowly looked among themselves before their eyes fell on you. "I said...", Gaarick started again but you quickly cut in, "Go you guys, I'll see you in the morning. You did great", you said softly, offering them a tired smile, that they quickly returned. Shooting Garrick a dirty look as they walked past, already engaged in a conversation of their own.
Your shoulders slump slightly, "Let's hear it", you sighed, clearly preparing yourself for Gaarick's harsh words. That flickered guilt within his chest. Had he genuinely been such an ass to you lately, that him getting angry was all you expect? Garrick stepped forward, his arms instantly reaching for your body as he wrapped you up in his embrace. Your body stayed stiff for a moment. The shock of the situation kept you paralyzed before you muttered, "Garrick?".
"Just tell me if you're hurt. Did you get attacked? Does anything hurt?", he pulled away abruptly, looking you over. Your eyes fall on his wind-swept hair, "Have you been sitting here all night?", you asked him softly. He lost a breath himself, halting before he nodded his head. Your face softened as you reached up to cup his cheek, "You didn't have to, everything is okay", "You were meant to be back hours ago and we separated like that and...", a string of frustrated words slipped past his lips. You watched him for a moment before you stepped forward, pressing your head against his chest as you squeezed him to you. Garrick lost a labored breath, his own body relaxing before he pressed a couple of loving kisses along your hairline. Tenderly stroking your back. You looked up at him, "Worrying looks good on you", you teased him softly earning an eye roll, "You sound like fucking Bodhi and Xaden", he huffed but his tight smile curved upwards as you softly giggled. "Come on let's get you fed and washed up", Garrick pulled you alongside him, his grip not loosening on you as you two walked towards the main entrance.
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
letters from samara - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x reader (Angel!) part of my Valentine’s Day celly! 💕 words: 1.0k 🏷: FOURTH WING AND IRON FLAME SPOILERS, part of my Garrick and Angel series, so read that first for context! no other warnings, just kinda soft and sad.
Someone drops a thick envelope onto the table in front of you. “From Samara. They said it was important.”
Samara. Brennan had told you that’s where Garrick and Xaden are. Your hands shake as you open the seal, but you relax at the familiar slant of Garrick’s handwriting. 
My angel,
I will start with what I know you’re most worried about: I am alive, I am safe, and so is X. He’s brooding in the corner of the room right now -- he’s not taking it well being apart from Vi, but command has allowed them visits every two weeks for Tairn and Sgaeyl’s sakes. 
We both miss you more than words can describe. I wish I could have said goodbye before we left, or that we could have taken you with us, but X wouldn’t hear arguments from anyone. I have never seen him that serious about anything before. 
I’m so sorry, angel. For all of it, everything. You didn’t deserve to be put through any of that, and I know how deeply it hurt you. It was terrifying to see you that way, so drained and cold. I can’t imagine what it felt like. 
Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, my love. You are the most kindhearted person I’ve ever known, and I love that about you, but you have to think of your own needs as well. You deserve peace and rest, especially now. Sleep in as long as you want, make time for your meditation. I’m sure the gardens would appreciate your attention as well; I swear you could make roses grow in dry sand as long as you smiled at them every day. 
I couldn’t bear to burn anything of yours, knowing that your heart still beats. I kept the things I thought to be most important to you and took them here with me. I will return them to you as soon as I can, but they are a comfort to me now — my room here feels like it did at Basgiath, with little touches of you scattered around. I keep watching the door, thinking that any moment you’ll come knocking to walk to class with me, or if I reach across the bed in the morning, you’ll be beside me again. I don’t know when I’ll see you next, but I know in my heart that I will. There is nothing and no-one that could keep me from you. 
Yours always,
On the sheet below, another.
Until I can lay by your side and tell you about my days, I’ll keep writing to you about them instead.
Being here feels like being a fresh cadet all over again, but different -- bottom of the food chain, getting the shifts nobody wants, but at least we don’t have to constantly prove our strength like we did in our first year at Basgiath, and we already have our dragons. 
One of Chradh’s relatives is here, which is cool. I think they’re cousins? They look damn near identical. I walked up to the wrong one on the flight line the other day -- thankfully the guy has a better sense of humor than Chradh, but I’m never making that mistake again.
Every rider here seemed to know exactly who we were when we arrived. Some of them have been more subtle with their distaste for us than others, but nobody’s been dumb enough to try anything -- probably because we look like we can fight, and because Sgaeyl is fucking terrifying, even more so now that she’s separated from Tairn. 
I just got off a 12-hour patrol shift, and I’m exhausted, but it’s hard to sleep without you here. I don’t think we’ve ever been apart this long in our lives. Being without either of you has never even felt like a possibility before; it’s always been us three together through the good and the bad. Someday it’ll be like that again, I know it will.
Brennan is the best mender I have ever known. If you choose, he can help you strengthen your ability, but please don’t push yourself too far. I need you to be in one piece when I get back. 
There are three more sheets underneath, one in Xaden’s rough script and two more from Garrick, the last dated four days ago -- likely the day he’d sent it. 
You realize what an incredible risk it was to write to you at all. It wouldn’t take a genius to put together that X is Xaden, that you’re hiding in Aretia, that you’d faked your death, or rather that your friends had faked it for you. How many hands did these pages pass through to reach you? How many others out there are on your side? 
You bring a hand up to cover your yawn, realizing how tired you are. The sun has gone down, a small mage light the only thing illuminating the corner of the study that you occupy. It’s likely nearing midnight.
“The letters and the books will still be there in the morning,” Tab says gently. “Sleep. You’ve had a long day.”
You look down at the torn piece of fabric you’ve been staring at for the last four hours. It has not yet sewn itself back together, no matter how hard you concentrated or “cleared your mind”, how gently you touched it. You’d even asked it nicely, but it did not dignify you with a response.
You set the letters aside for a moment, stacking up the books that you’d found in the house’s library about mending and placing them in a neat pile in the corner of the table you’ve been sitting at every evening for the last week. You fold the black cotton into quarters, setting it atop the pile -- you’ll try again tomorrow.
You can’t help but smile as you tuck the letters back into the envelope, brushing your fingers over the wax seal.
Garrick is right, this is the longest you’ve ever been apart, but as you gaze out the window into the starry sky, holding the letters he’d written you, the distance between you doesn’t seem that far.
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ilovemybooks · 3 months
different dimension? Part 1
Ridoc Gamlyn x reader
Warning:⚠️ fourth wing twist. How to train you dragon characters. First ever fanfic, some spelling mistakes
Ridoc's POV
Every dragon finds there mate at one point Wether you want them to or not. In my case Aotrom found his right after threshing, when I asked him about her he said the she was bonded and in another dimension!?! "For someone thats okay with killing and flies thousands of feet above the ground you are this surprised about there being other dimension?" Aotrom asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Well not all of us were raised to expect it." I tell him rolling my eyes. How are there dragon in other dimensions, are there people? "Yes ,there are people in other dimensions and she will bond this year and we will be taking a field trip so I can see her and her new rider and same gose for her". He says and then puts his shields up effectively dismissing me and leaving me to my thoughts, how do you get to another dimension that's doesn't seem like in easy task.
Hether's POV
Todays the day threshing all of the dimensions use the same word for it but the choosing ceremony is what we call our conscription day after completing the trail of the riders or as the other destinations call it gauntlet we were to be seen by the willing dragons and man are they the most beautiful things but they are just as lethal. As thoughts continue to grow in my head a knock on my door sounds "yo H you ready to find ourselves a dragon" my brother dillen says he is the same year as me only being a year younger than me but two years older than our sister astride and four years older than our brother Scott. "Yup let's get going befor anyone else trys to pull a stunt like Basgiath's rider cadets." This year at Basgiath there was a fucking feather tail dragon that bonded a sorrengail, and the war dragon Tairneanach who might I add has not been seen sens his last rider died, he showed up right before violet was about to be run through with a sword of one of the dragon hunters. "Hether you okay you are really quite today?" Dillen says worry in every line of his face. "Ya I'm okay just a little nervous that's all." It's not a lie but not the truth either I have had this weird pull in my stomach all day and it just feels like I have a rope attached to my waste. "There's no need to be nervous you will be fine you are the strongest out of all of us you will get a good dragon. ". He says it with such confidence that I can't help but think that he's right.
"Alright Alright quiet today is one of the most important days of your life threshing if you bond with a dragon then you must instantly take to the sky's to seal the bond if you fall then we cumand you soul to the Almighty God above ." The general says with a face of stone, that I know all to well. My mother is not one for emotions in the slightst if you wanted emotional support you would go to my dad but sadly he is not here at the moment and won't be for another day or so 'dame wars' I think to myself . "You may now enter the valley find you dragon and fly for this exact field after you and your dragon have made you bond. " she gives the instructions with a is that an approving look at me and my brother? Strang but before I can look again we are all moving for the gate to the valley ' no going back now ' .
Ridoc's POV
I arrived at the flight field around 6 am this morning and to my surprise my squad was there and there dragons. What are the doing here did they all got leave for today somehow? "Tairn, Sgaeyl, Feirge, Deigh, Chradh, and Andarna all requested to go they granted it but did not like it we will be fine." Aotrom voice is happy and strong in my head this morning. "Someone's happy today." I say and he cuffes but it sounds like a laugh somehow. "So yall are coming with us?" I ask the others and Violet Rhiannon and Liam all shout in unison " Of course we are!" I shake my head laughing Garrick and Xaden doing the same. "Well let's get going Aotrom says it's a pretty long flight." With that we all mount and start going straight up?
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sarahydeart · 2 months
little chapter 7 snippet :)
“What do you have this morning?” Garrick asks Imogen, because asking about schedules is easier than asking how do you feel?
She pulls a face. “Physics. Ugh.”
Garrick holds the door at the end of the walkway open for her, and finds the words coming out of his mouth before he’s really thought about it. “Want to go for a flight instead?”
He actually isn’t sure if he’d rather be alone with Chradh, or whether he can handle Imogen’s hurt and outrage in addition to his own, but it’s too late to change his mind now.
“Now?” She looks up at him, surprise evident in her green eyes. They’ve never gone flying by themselves before, he realizes. Xaden or Bodhi, or one of their other friends, is always there too. Not that it matters.
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alexandia03 · 15 hours
what is ur greatest wish when it comes to an imogen-fic? do u crave imogen w friends? w dragons? w garrick? what scene do u want to see most that u haven't (or don't intend) to write?
do u want "current age" imogen or "past" imogen?
I will begin by resending my request notes (because I saw multiple people stating they had problems seeing their giftee's notes)
Long story short, anything about the marked ones and Imogen centric will make me jump up and down excitedly. I make no secret of Imogen being my favorite character (and basically my alter ego) in this entire series and I love seeing people exploring her relationship with Garrick or her friendships with other characters, especially with Bodhi and Quinn (I am not against reading about her relationship with Violet either, but tbh it is not my favorite thing in the world - but if you think you can bring something new to the table, by all means!) And if you decide to dive into her backstory and family history with the Apostasy and her sister and everything? I will probably die of happiness. I am not big on crackships and I don't particularly love seeing my pink menace coupled with anyone aside from Garrick. Although... if we are talking smut, I wouldn't mind seeing her in a threesome or fooling around with her best friends (but please not with Dain or Xaden). Friendship wise though? Go wild! Show me Imogen having a sleepover with Quinn and Bodhi, her and Dain bonding during IF maybe, Imogen and the rest of the squad going out for a drink, Imogen and her dragon being menaces to society... I really love the hc of her, Garrick, Bodhi and Xaden being childhood friends... really, I am open to anything on the platonic front! Please no OCs, I have a hard time relating to them and there are tons of characters in the FW universe to explore instead. And if you decide to tackle the dragon romances... I would absolutely love to see Glane and Chradh bonding and developing feelings of their own while watching their riders being idiots in love. Just saying. Gods, I never realized how picky I could be. Sorry. I am sure I will enjoy whatever you come up with in the end and I am SO EXCITED to see it!
What I can add to that, hmmm... Well, I surely enjoy Imrrick content (but please don't torment me with them being angsty and frustratingly dancing around each other, my thesis is torturing me enough rn and I am running around in circles enough for the entire cast of characters) and I would sell my right kidney to read more about other people's takes on her friendships/her sister/Glane. The only relationship I am not really excited about is her and Violet, really.
I think her past is heavily underrated (like little Imogen and Bodhi chasing after Garrick and Xaden and the four of them being menaces to society? Priceless), but I am very content even if such scenes are only alluded to or presented as flashbacks between scenes (after all, that is how I use them myself). So that is entirely up to you, whatever makes you more comfortable and you feel most inspired for!
Honestly, I can't talk about scenes I intend or not to write because... I am a chaotic person and I make up my mind as I go and I go into new chapters with no plan usually. And I am very much like Penelope in the sense that I am going back on my chapters to add and rewrite scenes. So don't feel constrained to that kind of stuff, really - anything is on the table!
Again, so excited about anything you decide on and my DMs are always open. I am sure I will love anything you come up with (my excitement shows in how long this post is lol)!
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garricks4thwingqueen · 12 hours
Always Yours Part 6
Trigger: NSFW, Swearing 
Important events: Threshing, Winter Solstice, Rae’s signet manifests.
Word count: 1949
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 Raelynn’s POV
     The week was long and drawn out, but it was finally the morning of October 1st. We had all finished breakfast and we made our way to the meadow. Liam’s arm wrapped around my waist tightly. He was now a member of our squad officially after losing the two we lost during presentation day. “It’s best not to go in a group and better to walk on your own.” Professor Kaori reminded us as we reached the entrance to the field. “Best of luck to you all. You will know when there's a connection, don't try and find one when there's not. Well off you go.” He mentioned for the first year cadets to go into the field. Liam and I walked together for about 50 feet, “I love you.” He whispered as his mouth found mine. “I love you too. Be careful please.” I whispered not wanting to let go of my man. “I’ll see you in our own room tonight my love.” He said giving me one more hug before he made his way to the right of the field and me back down and to the left. 
It had to be approaching late evening . I had  passed Ridoc and Violet who seemed about as lost as me; which felt like hours ago. I had passed reds; but not the one that caught my attention during presentation. Maybe he was Liam’s I thought hopefully to myself; while sighing and leaning my back against a tree. I had also passed pretty much every other dragon color in the book. But none spoke to me. I sighed “Maybe I should just give up and realize that it's not my year.” I don't bond to quitters. I hear a soft female voice say. I glanced around startled but noticed no one around me until I backed up into a brown’s leg. I bond to strong female riders that are different from others. Realization had hit me. “Your lips didn't move. You choose me.” I said with a sigh of relief taking in the brown scorpion tails full size. Yes, now get on my back before I change my mind. She said with a huff. My name is Caelestia, sister of Chradh and mated to a red daggertail named Deigh. She said as she did several flight maneuvers as if she was testing my strength to stay seated on her back. I had my eye on you ever since Chradh bonded but seeming how I'm a mated dragon. I had to make sure my mate was going to bond and bond to your mate. Liam I thought and said to myself, his bonded? I said in my head not intending for it to sound like a question. Yes, that's why you felt more of a connection to Deigh and felt apprehensive towards me during presentation day. Deigh knew he wanted to bond just not sure with whom until your mate walked past and he knew but I had to wait in the shadows for them to bond so I knew it was in fact time for me to bond to you. She said as she landed next to a red daggertail on the flight field and I looked down with Liam smiling back up at me. “I love you.” He said but his mouth didn't move. “I love you so much.” I thought, wait did we just. Yes. said a male voice that was unfamiliar to me as I slide done Caelestia’s leg. You can call me Celeste for short but give the role keeper Caelestia. This time Deigh chimed back in as I gave Liam a hug. Mated dragons and their riders are all connected so congratulations you each just gained two dragons technically.  Deigh said as Chradh came and landed on Celeste’s left as Garrick dismounted. “Please tell me I can't hear both of them too.” Garrick and Liam both chuckled No,  it doesn't work with siblings. Celeste assured me. “Thank Gods.” I breathed out with a sigh of relief as Liam wrapped his arm around me as we made our way to the roll keeper to give her the names of the dragons that chose us. 
                                                Liam’s POV 
It was December 21st also known as the start of winter solstice; it had also been just over two months since threshing. I smiled waking up looking down at my girl who was curled up against my chest still asleep. However, I knew she wouldn't be asleep for long as I just got a wave of hormonal emotions that belonged to our mated dragons who apparently forgot to put up their shields this morning. “Li.” She whispered quietly barely above a whisper. “What time is it?” She whimpered. “5 am.” She sighed “They couldn't even have waited until a decent hour.” She groaned through a yawn. I chuckled as I felt her starting to run her fingers up and down my already hard length. "Come here babes.” I said lifting her chin up and placing a kiss on her soft lips as she adjusted herself over my lower half as I started sucking on one of her nipples. “Li.” she whimpered. “So wet for me baby girl.” I said as I slid my length into her. “That's it my love, you feel so good when you ride me.” I said through a raspy breath as my hands massaged her breasts before I took one of her nipples into my mouth. “Li.” She whimpered, “I'm close to my love.” “Let go my angel.” I replied, flipping us over my cock still inside as we both came undone. I peppered her neck with kisses all the way to her hips before laying my head back down on the pillow and pulling her into my chest.” 
                                                 Raelynn’s POV 
   “Thank the gods it's Sunday.” I said into Liam's chest as he chuckled. Now that we were bonded riders Sunday was our day that we had the least responsibilities with just flight class on our schedules. “And I think they are getting a little easier to handle when they are up to their shenanigans.” Liam chuckled. We were holding back it was early. I didn't want to deal with a miserable human.  Celeste chimed into both of our heads as I knew because Liam was chuckling before placing a kiss on my forehead. “I have something for you love.” He said sitting up and reaching into the top draw of our nightstand. “Li…. I thought we weren't doing solstice gifts this year and that being alive with mated dragons is what we were celebrating.” Liam chuckled again.
“It's not much, don't worry Babes, just a little something.” He said, handing me a purple velvet soft bag. I reached inside and pulled out a silver chain; attached to it was one of Liam's carvings, one that I hadn't noticed he was working on at all. It was small, barely bigger than the size of a quarter but bore the heads of Deigh and Celeste on the back. With all my love, always yours Liam. “Li.” I breathed as he took the necklace and placed it around my neck and I instinctively rubbed my fingers across the pendant. “I love it so much.” I said burying my head into his chest. He held onto me tighter as he responded with his “I love you” as he buried his head into the side of my neck. “Don't you ever let go of me Mairi.” I somehow managed to get out without letting tears escape my eyes. You're whipped and it disgusts me sometimes. Celeste said across our bond yeah well not anymore or less than you. I chided back as there was a knock on our door. I groaned not wanting to let go of Liam as he got up grabbing his pants and tossing me his t-shirt.
“Good morning Rhi.” He said,  “Are you ready to study for that physics test?” She asked me pushing through Liam. I groaned “It's Sunday I started to say in protest. Your dismounts that require a certain aim tells me it doesn't matter what day it is. Celeste butted in across our shared channel as Liam chuckled, “Shut up Mairi.” I said with a shake of my head. “I'll meet you and Violet downstairs. “ I groaned as Rhiannon walked back out and shut the door behind her. “I still don't see why we need that stupid class.” I murmur as we get dressed  “Come here my love.” Liam said as he pulled me in for a tight hug. “Tell you what. We can end tonight with a night ride and a little picnic.” Liam said, opening the door as we were finally ready for the day. “That sounds amazing my love.”  “Babes? You ok?” he questioned as Garrick and Bodhi now joined us making our way down to the dinning hall. “Yeah fine, I just feel a little warm all the sudden.” I replied “Yeah I can feel it.” Liam said in a soft neutral tone. “Has this happened before?” Garrick asked, placing another arm around my waist “Holly shit. You are warm.” He said as I felt the relic that represented my bond to Celeste on my chest start to burn. “I think my signet is manifesting.” I said as we were now paused in the courtyard.
“Which do you think is?” Garrick asked as I looked in a general direction that had nothing in it and lifted my palm up as that felt the warmest touch on my body currently and as soon as I lifted my palm into the air the flower just 10 feet away burnt to a crisp. “Fire.” Liam said, answering Garrick’s question as I could feel my body temp cool down. “Why couldn't it have been something normal like yours.” Liam chuckled “If we all had farsight I think that would be boring. Don't you think my angel?” I chuckled and whispered in my ear “Between you and me that was sexy as hell.” “Heavenly fire, Celeste equals heavenly. Makes sense, Garrick said. Your body will be less warm over time as you learn to control your power. And the squad leader is correct, your signet is heavenly fire. Celeste said “Celeste said my body shouldn't be as warm over time with control.” I said as Xaden was now coming up on Liam's left. “Damn.” Liam said I gave him a questioning look. “Once we realized it was your signet power. Honestly it was a little sexy feeling you that warm.” He said “Li.” I giggled playfully, slapping his chest. “My brother is right there.” “Oh you weren't worried about Me being around? Cause I kinda agree with Mairi here.” Garrick teased as we made our way back to the dinning. “Oh you can hush up to Tavis.” I said, rolling my eyes.  “Alright both of you, that's enough about my sister.” Xaden said as I couldn't help but laugh leaning into Liam's side. As it was still times like these when I had most of my men by my side making small talk and jokes that felt like home the most to me. “ What did I just miss?” Imogen asked as we entered the dining hall. “My signet manifested.” I said. What is it?” Imogen asked. “She's fire.” Liam said with a smirk on his face. “Yeah we know you  think that Mairi.” I couldn't help but chuckle as we all sat down to eat “Im, my signet is being able to control fire.” “Oh. So you really are fire.” “Ridoc!” I said, shaking my head and slapping his shoulder. And it truly was times like this that felt like home.  
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luniellar · 4 months
Breathe Me (Garrick Tavis X OC) - The Empyrean Series
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When Xaden Riorson and Garrick Tavis arrive at Samara, they are forced to prove themselves all over again. When Xaden heads off to see Violet at Basgiath since their dragons are mated, Garrick finds himself alone in this unfamiliar area trying to get his name established navigating fights and ambushes. He owed his life to the man.
One particular night when Xaden leaves for Basgiath, Garrick finds himself with a new company. One who starts turning his world upside down and giving him something, that isn't just the Xaden and rebellion, to fight for.
All rights to Rebecca Yarros for her original work and original characters. ______________________________________
Contains: Iron Flame Spoilers Warnings: Language
Chapters: 1 | 2
Read on AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter 1: The Meeting
Garrick Tavis
I stretched out my body as I started heading up to the outpost. I didn’t mind taking on Xaden’s shifts when he had to go visit Violet. Hell, I always offered because it gave me something to do when Xaden wasn’t around. I looked up at the clear night sky scattered with millions of stars as I started up the stairs. With each step the sky felt closer as if I could reach out and feel the tiny stars in my hands. Not that I would want to do that either. I would probably crush them all instantly. I tend to do that with beautiful things. Xaden also loved reminding me that and I enjoyed reminding him the same message back.
When I got to the top of the stairs, my shift mate was already there. It looked as if she was cleaning up the mess the last shift left behind. I could hear her tiny, gentle voice as she skillfully navigated around the room mumbling to herself. 
“You would think that with all the filth around here, it was pigs who paired with dragons.”
I can feel Chradh, my brown scorpiontail who I’ve known for almost four years now, stirring in my mind. I’m insulted that she could think that dragons would even think about any other living creature being riders. We can barely stand humans. 
I smile, mentally rolling my eyes at Chradh. Still playing hard to get? You don’t mean that.
I do. Although, it is humorous that she is comparing humans to pigs. The state of your room definitely reflects that.  
The small figure turns from the desk towards the door where I’m standing and we lock eyes. Her brilliant blue eyes with gray flecks stare back at me and widen almost immediately as she drop the few pieces of trash on the floor.
“What the-” Her small, pale hands fly up clutching her chest as she staggers back. 
“Sorry, if I startled you. I’m your shift mate for today.” I say back calmly, trying to make sure she doesn’t have a heart attack. “I’m Garrick.” 
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I need to extend my hands to shake, but she definitely doesn’t look like the handshake type. Her long raven black hair is in a high ponytail and compliments her icy pale skin. It always made me wonder how some riders manage to stay light after hours flying near the sun.
Considering that we were both standing up, she only came up to my shoulders. She had a smaller frame than your average female rider, but through the rider leather anyone could see that she was built with lean muscle that only helped to accentuate her hourglass figure. 
“Gods, you scared me,” she started. Her soft voice gently filled up the small space we were in. “How does a guy like you manage to sneak around like that?”
“Is that a compliment?” I asked, taking a small step closer. I didn’t see her react or step back which gave me the assurance that she was just startled. I was always aware of my size and how people had to comment about it. This case was no exception. 
Her shoulders dropped as she let out a soft exhale. “I thought Riorson was on duty.”
I immediately noticed how she said Xaden’s name in a normal tone in that sentence. Here, everyone has a little disgust when they have to say his name. Or should I say spit out his name. Most try to avoid it all together and just ignore his existence. They will never understand what he means to us. 
“Sorry to disappoint. Riorson is on girlfriend duties. You’re stuck with me.” It only takes five big strides for me to go over to her and pick up the items from the floor. 
“No, you don’t have to-” She started to say as her small hand reached for my forearm. Looking down, I saw how small and soft her hands looked against the contrast of my dark, muscular forearms. The only regular female interactions I had was with Imogen and it’s been a month. We determined that a break would be best anyways since rider's life is short and all. “I’ll take this, Tavis.” 
Tavis? I didn’t remember giving her my last name.  
Her hands strategically moved around the few pieces of paper in my hands and took them into hers. She walked past me to reach the waste basket by the door, her warm scent of vanilla and clean laundry wafting up to my nose. Damn, she smelled amazing. 
Clean your room once a while and you could smell like that too, Big One. Chradh replied in my mind. 
“I’m Lei Aukai. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Straightening her posture, she meets my eyes and smiles gently. The wooden log outpost looks like it’s big enough to be her room, but here I look like a dragon in my bedroom. Linking her hands behind her, she walks up to me. “I’ve heard about the new Basgiath graduate transfers. Welcome. I joined Samara last year.” 
I nod. She definitely wasn’t the handshaking type, noted. “The pleasure is mine,” I replied. Her raven black hair tossed as she turned to the windows. My body straightened in response. That smell was intoxicating. I could smell her for hours… days even. 
“I wish I could tell you we could take turns sleeping or something, but Samara is the cruelest outpost. It looks like we will both have to be awake for this one.” She paused, still keeping her eyes on the mountains on the horizon. “You bonded with a brown scorpiontail, is that correct?” 
Chardh’s senses heightened and so did mine. She says she was hoping for Riorson, knows my last name, and Chradh’s traits. It was truly a shame she was so beautiful, but I knew I could have her on the floor and gasping for air instantly. “How do you know about Chradh?”
“Chradh.” My dragon’s name even sounded beautiful in her voice. That’s a compliment for you, Chradh. Chradh is not pleased. 
I slowly reached for my sword strapped to my back and she turned around to face me at the same time, raising her hands to show there was nothing in them. “I’m not your enemy, Tavis.” Her round eyes glistened in the dimly lit outpost, but I could still make out her small, but perfectly shaped button nose and full lips. “I promise.” 
I lowered my hand down and mentally noted the dagger strapped around my waist. I think my size alone would be able to crush her, but you know what they say. Never trust the quiet ones, or in this case small and quiet ones. 
“I want to help you and Riorson. I know it’s not easy to get around here. It’s hard on all the newcomers, but especially harder on…” she paused looking at my rebellion markings. “I can help you navigate Samara. I don’t like bullies.” Her brows furrowed like she was reminded of something unpleasant.
“We.. I can take care of bullies.” I flexed my muscles and tensed my jaw. “Why do you want to help us?” I scan her exposed fair skin for any rebellion relics and I find none. 
“Like I said, I don’t like bullies. A group of guys are planning to attack you tonight on your way back to your quarters. Let me walk with you.” 
I opened my mouth and nothing came out as my mind was trying to process what she was saying. What was this girl’s deal? She wants to escort me to my room? Has she seen me? “Wait, do you know what I look like?” I asked.
A smile appeared on her face. “Yes, Tavis. I’m staring at you right now.” 
“Then, how could you say-” Before I could finish my sentence, she quickly reached for her dagger strapped to her thighs in one graceful move. She dashed towards me, moving past my body to jab at the back of my knees with her heel and easily brought me to my knees. As my legs gave out, I managed to reach for my dagger, but when I looked up… her dagger met my line of sight and I was only able to get to her… knees. Fuck. Xaden would be disappointed. But, depending on the angle of entry I was sure that I could make sure she won’t be able to walk on two feet anymore. 
Lei looked down at me. “I see you Tavis and I just confirmed that I was faster.” 
She was fast. I haven’t seen anything this fast like this since I’ve seen Violet train with Xaden. I think Lei might be... faster.
“I would never want to go one on one with you on the mats, but this is not school. People will do anything to get what they want. Even if it means it’s a cheap fight like the group of 7 guys who plan on doing that tonight. If you had Riorson, sure it could be easy, but not on your own.” 
“Fine,” I agreed. “Now, I would like to keep my beautiful face, thank you.” Survival was most important for us. At Bagisth, Xaden and I were easily the best fighters, but that is definitely not the case here, considering it’s the worst outpost. I move my dagger first as a sign of trust and she does the same, taking a step back. 
“So Lei,” I started getting up from the floor. “How would this situation have gone if it was Riorson and not me?”
“Hm, I don’t know.” She shrugged her clear blue eyes meeting mine. “I always knew it was going to be you, Tavis.” 
✦ ✦ ✦
The shift went by fast as Lei and I chatted about Samara. She told me the kind of missions she went on and what I could expect being here. It was a good orientation. She also told me about her bonded dragon, Cosheirm. Cosheirm was also a brown dragon, but with a morningstartail. Morningstartails were highly sought out by other riders for having one of the deadliest weapons and I suspected maybe that’s why she didn’t like bullies? She wanted to know about Chradh and of course Chradh had an ego trip with that.
It was past midnight when Lei and I headed back for the barracks. Well, my barrack. I never had anyone walk me to my bedroom before so this was new. The night was quiet.
Lei’s scent was softer outside, more fresh and clean than the intoxicating vanilla. She walked beside me in silence, listening for any sounds. If I didn’t know what she told me earlier, I would have thought it was just another walk outside for her. Even though I met her today, she was so good at masking. Maybe it was related to her signet?
I straightened my posture when we got near the side clearing. If there was any attack, this field would be the best. It was secluded from the main building and under the moonlight, you got a direct view of your target.
“Wait, that’s not the Riorson boy,” a deep voice called out. 
Lei and I stopped in our tracks. She looked up at me and eyed the woods to our right where seven figures emerged. None of them were my height, but no one was my height. A guy about a head shorter than me walked up to us and I noticed that Lei already had her dagger out. She really was fast.
“Oh shit, isn't that little Lei?” He said, amused. 
I saw her stance change as she lowered her body a little like a predator before it jumped to kill the prey. “Move along, Pratt.” She spat out. Lei’s voice was blood-drippingly lethal. I didn’t even know she could sound like that. 
“Lei, you have no business being here. Come back over here and stand behind me so we can take care of this dumb giant beside you.” 
I laughed at the pitiful attempt at an insult. “The lady asked you to move along, in case you couldn’t hear it from down there.” I stepped ahead and Pratt’s groupie moved up as well. I quickly assessed the situation and saw a glint of a sword in their hands. The guys to the left of Pratt looked the most inexperienced, their stance still needed work. Unlike Lei who could easily wipe them out knowing how fast she moved. 
“Lei, we didn’t keep you alive just so you could die here. Come here.”
“Fuck off, Pratt.”
They clearly had some history I had no business in knowing, but I wanted to know. Were these the bullies she had to deal with? How many did she deal with? Did she do it alone?
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” I said stretching my arms and legs. “You want Riorson right? You can’t have him unless you can get through me first.” 
When her blue eyes met mine, I quickly signaled with my eyes to go for the guys to the left and she nodded in understanding. I pulled out only one sword. I only needed one from my back and charged ahead, slicing open one of their legs causing a guy to immediately fall to the floor. Two of them came at me next and I dodged their sword jabs and skillfully kicked one down with raw force while slashing through the side of the other. My job here was not to kill. It was better having them around for show so others knew exactly what it means to challenge Xaden and I. What it means to challenge me. 
I looked for Pratt and saw his body pinning down Lei’s, next to the injured bodies of the three guys I asked Lei to go for first. I mentally smiled at her holding her own. But, that fucker. He knew exactly that he couldn’t handle me so he went for Lei, go figure. I strided over and with my right hand peeled his body off of her and flung him to the side. 
A loud thud hit the floor with the sound of something breaking. I hope it was a leg or arm, but it sounded more like a rib or two. How disappointing. I reached out my hand and Lei quickly grabbed it as I pulled her up to her feet. My heart sank when I saw the cut across her cheekbone that fresh blood trickled down from. My gaze quickly scanned her over to look for any cuts, but didn’t see anything else. She was fierce. I liked fierce. 
“Are you okay, Tavis?” She asked, glancing down at the bodies groaning on the floor. 
“I’m fine, are you?” I pointed to the same area on my cheek where she was cut. 
“It’s nothing. Pratt wears a family ring. It was probably from that.” She ripped the edge of her sleeve and placed it on her cheek. She was resourceful. I liked resourceful.
I looked down at Pratt who was holding his stomach like air was knocked out of him. Well, air was knocked out of him. After hearing that his hand touched her face made me want to crush him under my feet. I was considering it when I heard Lei’s voice behind me.
“Come on, Tavis. Let’s go before someone notices.” 
I had some herbs and medicine for her cut so I insisted she walk the rest of the way to my room. Her clean vanilla scent filled my room as she sat on my chair and I brought over the medicine. Looking at the small mirror in the aid kit, she quickly fixed up her cut and thanked me. “I can get the herbs I used and bring it back to you,” she said, getting up and heading for the door.
I thought about telling her she could just take all of it back with her if she wanted since this was the first time I used it, but I wasn’t against the thought of her visiting again. “Sure.”
“Let me walk you back,” I started to say leaning on the door frame and she shook her head. “Come on, you’re hurt and it’s late.”
She looked around the hallway to see if anyone was around and leaned to me. Her scent filled my lungs and I found myself learning closer. I couldn’t read her face, but it looked like she was hesitating to tell me. Wondering if she could trust me.
“You can tell me,” I whispered. 
She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, it was like I was staring at a clear blue lake. It was breathtaking. 
“What if I told you I could get back to my room before you could finish blinking.” 
I tilted my head in confusion. “What do you-” Then the flashback of how fast she moved earlier back at the outpost. How, despite my hours of training with Xaden, one the most powerful fighters, I couldn't stop her. I could only reach her knees. “Teleportation,” I breathed. Her signet was teleportation.
“Yes,” she whispered back, smiling. “I can tell you more about it if you want to know.” 
“I do.” I replied.
“We will talk again, Tavis.” 
“Wait,” I quickly reached for her wrists, thinking that she was going to disappear. When her gaze dropped down to my hands, I let go just as fast. “Sorry, I didn’t know if you were going to disappear.” 
She smiled that gentle smile again, moving her hands to her sides. “It’s okay.”
“Call me Garrick. My friends call me Garrick, and thank you for tonight.” What else do people say after thank you? I couldn’t think straight through her scent, her smile. “I owe you one.”
“Friends…” her voice trailed off. “I’ll remember that, Garrick.” I didn't know my name could sound like that. Ever. 
And just like that after a blink, Lei was gone. Leaving me with nothing but her scent. 
I was wondering when you would start taking interest in other humans again. And your rebellion leader doesn’t count. Chradh noted.
I’m not interested. I reply back to Chradh. And shouldn’t you be sleeping, Chradh? 
You try sleeping through that loud thumping, Big One. 
✦ ✦ ✦
The morning came around and I found Xaden standing in his usual spot at the morning assembly. 
“You have something on your face,” Xaden said when I stood next to him. 
“What? Where?” I ran my hands over my face. I didn’t see anything when I came out of the shower 10 minutes ago. Also, my room may not be clean, but I washed myself often and very thoroughly. “I don’t think-”
Xaden turns to me and I swear I saw a smile flash across his face. “Since when did you roll up to morning assembly with a smile on your face?” 
From the corner of my eyes I saw her shiny raven ponytail. I must have been looking longer than I thought I had because her head turned and her clear blue eyes from the night that actually had some sage green in the sun were staring back at me. Lei gave a slight head nod greeting and a smile before turning back to the podium. 
“Good luck,” Xaden’s voice tugs me back to reality. “But, damn I sure hope I wasn’t as obvious as you.” He finished looking up at the podium as well.
I scoffed. “I thought about going easy on you today since I thought Violet would be giving you a hard time, but watch out on the sparring mat.” I paused, remembering how it was last year when he met Violet. “Oh trust me, you were worse.” 
“Looking at you, there is no way.” Xaden replied confidently. 
After a short pause, I cleared my throat and swallowed my pride. “By the way, can you send me all your outpost patrol duties?” 
Xaden laughed. 
“Fuck you, Xaden.” 
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angstywaifu · 3 months
Means to an End - Garrick Tavis x Reader
Propt by @fw-gt - “You can do anything you want to me, beat me, torture me, skin me alive. But I’ll never let you take her from me.” A/N: This fic is from Garrick's POV, so I hope you like it. This one is just pure angry protective Garrick. Enjoy.
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It was meant to be simple. Well as simple as you could get for rescuing Violet from Varrish. Who from what we knew had her locked in one of the interrogation cells under the college. Varrish who was now dead. Good riddance I say. I had never had much to do with him, but he had a reputation for handling things in an unconventional way. And the way Violet had been when Xaden had led her up those stairs was proof. But she wasn’t his only victim.
As General Sorrengail turned to me, sadness in her eyes…. I knew. Every part of me knew. Chradh in my head confirming after speaking to her dragon. She was missing. And no one knew where due to this, concoction they had made up with to dull the connection between rider and dragon. She had been missing since the day Violet had been taken. No one had seen her after she had gone to bed. But with Varrish dead, we had no way to figure out where she had been taken. She could be anywhere. Xaden looks concerned as I pace back and forth trying to rack my brain as to where he could have taken her. We had searched the other cells top to bottom trying to find her. But there was no sign or even trace of her. And Violet was adamant that she had never heard or even seen her while down there. Varrish not mentioning her once
Xaden reaches out and grasps my shoulder. I go to shrug it off but he clamps down and forces me to stop and look at him. “What about Melgren or Aetos? Would they have her somewhere?”
Dain clears his throat from where he stands next to Violet. “There might be somewhere they could have taken her.”
Xaden tries to hold me back as I storm over to Dain, grabbing the front of his uniform and pinning him to the wall. His eyes go wide with fear as I glare down at him. “Where. Is. She?” I sneer, emphasising each word
”T-there’s a tower, at the end of the administration building closest to the riders quadrant. Down the bottom, there’s a door that leads underground. There’s more interrogation cells down there.” He gulps nervously as he looks to Violet and Xaden for help. “That’s the only place I could think he would take her. He was working closely with my father.”
I shove him back against the wall, his head smacking against the brick before I storm off in the direction of the tower. No one tries to stop me. Xaden letting me go. He knows there’s no point in stopping me. If anything he will make sure Violet is safe and follow after me, or send someone else. Luck must by on my side, all the corridors are empty. Not a single cadet around as I make my way over to the tower Dain speaks of. I descend the stairs, each step echoing off the walls as I make my way further and further down. At the bottom I almost think Dain has lead me here as a joke, there's no door. But my eye catches the dim glow of a light around the edge of the brick. A secret door. I push on it and it opens with ease. Almost too easily.
Keep alert. I will send word to Xaden to send someone. Chradh says to me.
I send acknowledgment through the bond before continuing through the door and descending down another set of stairs. It is easy to tell that this has been used very recently. Fresh foot springs and drag marks can be seen in the dust coating the floor. They dragged someone down here. As I descend further down the stairs, the light gets brighter and brighter. I finally descend into an open room, much like the one the RSC interrogation chambers are in. 2 cells are on the far side of the room, both are completely empty. Empty bar the blood caking the floor of one of them. I can see from here the blood isn’t old, the torches reflecting the slight glean of fresh blood. I go to reach for my sword when a voice from the doorway on the other side of the room stops me.
”Had a feeling I’d be seeing you Tavis.” Drawls Colonel Aetos as he leans against the doorway, his eyes focused on me.
”Where is she? What do you want with her?” I demand.
He merely chuckles as he steps into the room as he starts to pace towards me. It’s then I notice the blood on his hands. Fresh blood. Very fresh.
He stops, leaning against the table. ”Oh you naive boy. It’s not her I want. I don’t need anything from her. She’s just a means to an end. It’s you we want, and you’ve come right to us.”
My blood runs cold. They’d used her to get to me. To get me here, right where they wanted me. They’d taken her and done gods knows what to her to get to me. I look over to the cell with the blood and pray its just a set up. She’s fine. If they knew she knew nothing then there was no point in hurting her. Not yet anyway.
They’re on their way. Keep him distracted. Chradh tells me.
“What do you want from me?”
”Information of course. We know what you and that Riorson boy are up to.”
"I will never tell you anything.”
He smiles at me, a smile that sends a shiver down my spine. “Oh I know. You are a hard one to crack. But luckily in the brief moment Varrish met you, he saw all he needed to see. And now I have my way to make you tell me everything.”
As if on queue two guards walk through the door, a limp figure hanging between them that they throw to the ground in a kneeling position. They rip the bag from their head, and I swear my heart stops beating. My eyes go wide.
“So what’s it going to be Tavis?”
I can feel the muscles in my face twitching as I look up and glare at him. “You can do anything you want to me, beat me, torture me, skin me alive. But I’ll never let you lay another hand on her.”
“That’s the thing though Tavis. No matter how much I beat you or torture you. You won’t tell me anything.” I gulp as he smiles at me. A smile that would send anyone else cowering. “But if I do any of those things to her. You’ll tell me whatever I need to know.”
The two guards either side of her march forward. I quickly grab the sword from my back, swiftly blocking their strikes. The sounds of our swords clashing echo off the walls of the chamber. One of the guards lunges to grab me, but I side step them and grab on of the daggers on my belt, stabbing it into the side of their neck. They rip it out, spraying me in their blood as they fall to the floor. The other turns and looks at me in horror as their friend dies on the floor next to me. As I do this I notice Aetos is no longer leaning against the table. He must have snuck out while I was fighting. I go to lunge for him as shadows swarm the room, blinding the last guard. I turn around to see Xaden run into the room.
“Grab her and go. I’ll take care of the rest.” He tells me as he walks towards them.
I nod before I rush over to her and scoop her up in my arms. She goes to protest but one look from me and she merely nods in agreement as I stand and carry her up the stairs. No one would lay another hand on her if I had anything to say about it. As we get to the top of the stairs I hear the vague sounds of screaming down below.
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ceridwenofwales · 7 years
Mo run geal og
This is a Jacobite lament, composed by Christina Ferguson who was the widow of the standard bearer for the Clan Chisholm at the battle of Culloden in 1746. I've listened to this song in Scottish Gaelic during my visit to Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobites exhibition in Edinburgh. It brought tears to my eyes.
Och a Thearlaich og Stiubhart (Oh young Charles Stewart) 'Se do chuis rinn mo leireadh (Your cause is the reason of my sorrow) Thug thu uam gach ni bh'agam (You took from me everything I had) Ann an cogadh a'd aobhar (In the war on your behalf) Cha chrodh is cha chairdean (I am not mourning cattle and sheep) Rinn mo chradh ach mo cheile (But my partner) O'n la dh'fhag thu m'i'm aonar (Since I am left alone) Gun sion 'sant-saoghal ach leine (With nothing but my shroud) Mo run geal og (My bright young love) Gur a mis' thair mo sqaradh (I am torn apart) 'Sged a chan-am cha bhreug e (And although I say it, it is no lie) 'Sioma te bha na bantraich (My joy turned to sorrow) Nach d'fhuair samhladh do'm cheile (Since you will not return from death) Fear do cheille's do thuig-se (One of your wisdom and understanding) Cha robh fur-asd r'a fhaotuinn (Was not easy to find) 'Scha do sheas air Cul-lo-dair (And not one stood at Culloden) Fear do choltais bu treine (Of your appearance and bravery) Mo run geal og (My bright young love)
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luniellar · 4 months
Breathe Me (Garrick Tavis X OC/Reader) - Chapter 3 - The Empyrean Series Fanfiction
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When Xaden Riorson and Garrick Tavis arrive at Samara, they are forced to prove themselves all over again. When Xaden heads off to see Violet at Basgiath since their dragons are mated, Garrick finds himself alone in this unfamiliar area trying to get his name established navigating fights and ambushes. He owed his life to the man.
One particular night when Xaden leaves for Basgiath, Garrick finds himself with a new company. One who starts turning his world upside down and giving him something, that isn't just the Xaden and rebellion, to fight for. ______________________________________
All rights to Rebecca Yarros for her original work and original characters. My scenes and characters are my own. ______________________________________
Contains: Fourth Wing/Iron Flame Spoilers Warnings: Language
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
Read on AO3 | Wattpad
Lei Aukai
“Wake, now.” 
When I opened my eyes my senses were clouded in anxiousness. I clutched my heart trying to dull the feeling. Cosheirm was seeing something. 
“What’s wrong?” 
I haven’t woke up with this kind of feeling since the last time when - 
Cosheirm cut in. She was always good about protecting me. She was stopping me before my thoughts could wander off to eternal sadness.
“I was flying by the south clearing of Samara when I noticed another brown. It looks like Chradh has been circling the area for a while.” 
I pulled up my hair in my high ponytail and dressed in my gear within seconds. “Do you see anyone else?”
“Yes, from the looks of it, Sgyael will be arriving.”
Garrick must have called Xaden as well. I sheath my blade behind me. “I’ll meet you outside, Coshe.”
✦ ✦ ✦
I ran outside, moving as fast as I could to get to the dragon rendezvous point. Only the dim moonlight lit up the area outside. The field around me blurred as I felt the electric blue energy course through my veins allowing me to jump from one area to the next. The cool air filled my lungs and when I reached the clearing, I saw a familiar figure. His massive height alone was all I needed to know who that was.
A gust of wind blew around us as Chradh landed near him. If looks could kill…Chradh was menacing. Deep gashes and scars from fallen dragons who dared to share Chradh’s presence in the sky were visible from this far distance. Steam blew out of its nostrils as it looked around the field before locking eyes with mine. The crimson-red eyes watched me curiously. 
Garrick turned and I politely waved over to him who looked just as surprised. Gods, did I just do that? He started to walk towards me and he paused for a second to look up at the sky. Another gust of wind blew behind me. 
“Coshe,” I mentally greeted. I watched as Garrick moved his way over to me. His posture was tall and strong as his long legs glided over the ground. The thick dark curls on his head bounced on his head with each step. 
“Lei? What are you doing here?” He asked once he knew I was within listening distance. 
“Uh,” I started not sure how to answer the question. “I, uh, had a hard time sleeping when I heard Coshe.” It was kind of true.
Coshe grunted behind me. It was her form of rolling her eyes at me. “Coshe saw Chradh circling a particular area and got curious. It could be dangerous. Let me fly with you.” 
A huge grin appeared on Garrick’s face revealing his perfect smile. Chradh stepped forward tilting its head at me. My heart skipped a beat. “I appreciate the concern, but Xaden is already on his way. I think we got it covered.”
“An extra pair of wings won’t hurt right?” I added. Garrick shook his head. Was I being too pushy? I think I remembered Iris saying something about how guys don’t like girls who are too pushy? 
“This could be dangerous, Lei.” My name sounded so special in his voice. He stepped closer to me and he was within arms reach. His gaze moved up to my head and moved across my face down to my… lips. My mouth parted. “I’ll find you in the morning.”
“I’m not five, Garrick,” I replied. “I’ve handled dangerous things before. I won’t get in your way.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “This is not the kind of danger you think. There are some secrets I’m not allowed to tell-” 
“About venins?” I cut him off and his mouth dropped open like I froze time. He blinked back at me with his eyes open. I trust my gut with this one because this sick feeling has been stirring in my gut since the moment I woke up. I was told that the majority of the people in the Continent didn’t know about venins, but it looks like I was wrong. 
“I tried to keep it away from you,” Coshe admitted. 
“You know I always appreciate you,” I replied. 
“Did you just say-” Garrick asked when he finally found his voice again. 
“Yes, I know about venins. So let me fly with you and Xaden.” 
“How did you-” Garrick started to say and frowned, glancing back at Chradh. “Chradh wants us in the air right now. Xaden is close. Are you sure you want to do this?”
I smiled and turned to Coshe. “Come on, the last one in the sky is a loser.” I heard thuds as Garrick’s footsteps hit the ground and he made his way to Chradh. 
Once I mount Coshe, she springs into the air, her wing pulling in strong gusts of wind. To my surprise, Chradh is right behind us as we stabilize in the sky. Half a second later, Garrick is flying beside me keeping up with Coshe’s pace. 
I raise my right hand, pointing my pointer and thumb toward him, making an uppercase L above my forehead. As Coshe thrusts her wings and propels us forward past Chradh, I swear I heard his deep laughter echo in the sky.
Garrick Tavis
After a short flight, I see Xaden and Sgaeyl in the air with us. When my flying speed slows down, Coshe and Sgaeyl follow, repositioning their location diagonally behind Chradh. I can sense that Chradh is trying to locate the runes again. 
“Anything?” I ask after a moment of circling. 
”Yes, the rune is weaker now, but it’s still there.” Chradh replies. “I don’t sense the venin.”
I look down and see a structure that looks like an old wooden abandoned building out on a small clearing from this distance. Although the clearing was small, it was enough for three dragons to land. I throw a hand gesture in the air to signal Xaden and Lei that we will be landing here. I hold on tight as Chradh dives down effortlessly and lands on the clearing field. A few seconds later I hear two other dragons land.
Across the clearing is a larger version of the same old wooden building. From a closer distance, I could see that the windows were boarded up with planks. There was a small entrance located on the side of the building. 
Xaden walked up from behind me inspecting the structure with narrowed eyes. I glanced behind to make sure Lei was okay. I didn’t know why I was so worried when it came to Lei. Maybe it was because I was always used to new riders at Basgiath either barfing or tripping after dragon flights. Lei stood up from where she was sitting on Coshe’s rough back. I watched as she crouched down, buckling her legs like springs. I took a step forward when I saw her jump off, but she landed so gracefully. 
“What’s her deal?” Xaden asked. 
“I don’t know,” I replied as I turned back to face the structure when I saw her walking towards us. “I met her on the flight field.”
“Do you trust her?” 
I was about to reply, but Lei walked up behind us. Of course, I trusted Xaden with everything, but I didn’t know if her knowledge about venin was my secret to tell. I cleared my throat as her sweet vanilla scent filled the space around us. I don’t think I could ever get used to that. 
“Alright, you guys can keep watch for me while I check inside,” Lei said as she stepped on the other empty side beside me. 
I looked over at her. “What? No, you stand watch with Xaden. I’m familiar with runes.”
She looked up at me, meeting my eyes. “You guys are new to the Samara outpost and by seniority alone, you both fall under my supervision right now.” Lei glanced over to Xaden. “I never had anyone fall under my supervision and I am not going to make today my first.” 
“Garrick and I will stand patrol,” Xaden said and walked over to the empty clearing behind the building. His shadows thrived in this environment and there was no way either of us was going to fall tonight. But, he didn’t argue back.
Lei reached her hand over her back and pulled out her sword from her back in one clean motion. “No buts. Help me by watching my back,” she smiled and started making her way over to the door. I knew she was skilled and more than capable. But, I wanted to hold her back. I didn’t like the thought of her going in there by herself.
I know Chradh said no venins, but we didn’t know what the runes were. I looked behind me and saw Lei wave her hands over the door followed by a soft thud as the door creaked open.
“Look forward,” Chradh reminded me from the sky. “You must focus on your duties so she can do hers.” All three dragons were circling the skies. 
I clenched my jaw and looked ahead. My eyes carefully examined every inch of the forested areas. I didn’t see any movement. Everything was still. As my eyes rescanned the fields, my mind couldn’t place why the rune's presence weakened by the time we arrived.
It wasn’t like the rune was moved to a different location or hidden underground. According to Chradh, the rune was always located in this abandoned building. Then, there was also the venin presence. Was the venin here to monitor the rune? But if the rune was important to be monitored, why would the venin not have a patrol set up? Nothing was adding up.
Unless the rune was worthless from the start. A meaningless rune designed to create a strong presence to attract whoever was nearby. It only needed to hold the presence until it attracted the prey. No . I turned around and started running. This was a trap.
A scream pierced my ears, the sound shattering the stillness. My heart raced as I ran as fast as I could to the wooden building. I felt the same uneasiness in my chest from earlier, stirring in my chest. That was the venin and I knew I was moving closer to it. 
When I got to the doorway, a cloaked figure was holding a body in the air by the throat. Lei’s hands were clenched around her neck, grabbing a hold of the cloaked figure’s wrists. Her feet kicked in the air desperately as the figure lifted her higher. 
“Lei!” I screamed as I reached for my iron dagger and ran at the cloaked figure at full speed. Winding up my arms, I was ready to drive the dagger when the figure turned to me, his brown eyes were rimmed with red with protruding veins glaring back at me. He smiled as he effortlessly moved Lei’s body where I was planning to drive the dagger.
I immediately dropped the dagger and my hand grazed off to the side. The cloaked venin grinned as he kicked my ribs, knocking me off to the side. The force was nothing like I felt before. My back hit the wall and I gasped for air. My vision blurred for a second as my eyes fixed on Lei's body hovering with her hands dangling. I blinked slowly trying to stay conscious. A loud thud rang in my ears. When I opened my eyes again, Lei’s body was now lying next to mine. 
“So pathetic,” the venin’s voice rang out. Something about the voice was familiar. “This is so fucking easy.” 
I looked up to see a glint of a blade in the venin’s hand. He pulled his arms for the final strike and I pushed off the floor reaching for a dagger strapped to my side. Everything was in slow motion as his blade came down. No, I was too slow. 
The darkness surrounded me. I couldn’t see anything. No Lei. No Venin. Did I die? I didn’t feel the blade and my ribs were still bruised. It would suck if this pain was going to be persistent on my way to see Malek.
“I didn’t expect you to be here, Riorson .” 
I blinked again and the familiar moonlit space came into my vision. I looked across from me as Lei was lying there with her eyes closed. Xaden had covered us with his shadows.
“You’re shadow-wielding skills are like what they say. It’s truly exceptional.” 
Why did this voice bother me so much? I looked up and I caught a glimpse of his blond hair with his hood down. What the fuck. 
“What the fuck do you want, Pratt?” Xaden replied. 
“I was just trying to teach Tavis here a lesson. I was hoping little Lei would join him. She was always so fucking predictable. But you… I didn’t expect you to be here.”
Silence filled the air again as I watched Pratt step over Lei’s body to Xaden. “We are waiting for you. If you give me a name drop when you decide to stop by, I won’t kill Tavis.”
What the fuck was going on between Xaden and Pratt? I pressed my palm against the floor and slowly propped myself up. I stared toward the doorway where Pratt’s cloak was covering Xaden’s body. The floor felt like it was shaking as I dragged myself over to Lei, taking her hand into mine. I wrapped my finger around her wrist and confirmed her pulse. 
Thank the gods.  
“I will never choose to join you,” Xaden replied. 
Pratt continued to walk forward, passing Xaden. “I have no interest in killing you, Riorson. You might want to get Lei to a healer soon though.” He turned around and his eyes shifted from Xaden to me. “I choked her pretty well.” 
My free hand clenched into a tight fist. “You fucking pussy,” I spat out. Fuck, I tasted iron in my mouth. 
“I will see you guys around,” Pratt chimed back cheerfully. “Next time, I will crush you with my hands Tavis. Oh and Riorson, think through my offer again. It still stands. Your best friend will get to keep his head.” 
Pratt turned around and walked off his black cloak dragging behind him. 
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angstywaifu · 28 days
Garrick Tavis Pregnant Reader HC's
Prompt from @garricks4thwingqueen - I just feel like Gare would be so prefect when his girl is pregnant. Maybe just some fluff or maybe a little worry because reader is having a difficult time with the pregnancy. A/N: Couldn't resist doing this as head cannon's, and you just know he would be the best during a pregnancy. Keep an eye out next week for Father Garrick Tavis HC's! Masterlist
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Garrick is over the moon when you tell him. That man never cries, but you best believe tears are streaming down his face as he pulls you into a tight hug. Though he instantly panics about hurting the baby which has you rolling your eyes at him.
He is so excited and wants to tell everyone immediately. You try to stop him, but he’s already running off to find Xaden and Bodhi. There was no stopping him from telling them. Nothing at all.
While out on a mission Chradh informs him you are not well via the bond he has with your dragon. As he reaches for your presence he can tell its closed off, but there’s something there that you can’t quite hide. Something he can pick up on easily due to his signet. Sickness or Pain. It sends him into a panic instantly, going home without a second thought.
He rushes inside to see you sitting on the ground, leaning up against the counter next to the toilet. His panic eases slightly, just morning sickness. But he can tell instantly that you are no good, and it’s not going easy on you. He scoops you into his arms, taking you back to bed. He gathers a bucket, cold water, a wet face cloth and some plain biscuits. He slides in next to you, pulling you against him.
The morning sickness lasts months. Almost till the very end. But the healers assure you both baby is fine, and everyone handles pregnancy differently. You immediately tell Garrick no more sex if this is what she has to go through.
The whole way through he gets you anything you need. Ice cream? He’s already noted the flavours you have craved and has them stored. In fact any craving or preference you have or keep going back to, he has on hand already. So much it could probably last you another pregnancy. But that man is well prepared for any craving after they started appearing and catching him out of nowhere. He didn’t want to face your wrath ever again. It takes a lot to scare him. You scared him.
Every night that man is running you a bath. No showers for you while you’re pregnant. Though you do sneak a few when he’s out on patrol. Nothing beats washing your hair in the shower. He goes all out on the baths. Bath salts, candles, anything he can find to make it more relaxing for you.
That man is also reading up on anything and everything to help you and the baby out. He has covered all bases from things to make the birth easier for you, to things to help the baby once they arrive. He wants to make this experience as good as he can for you despite the morning sickness.
As the baby gets closer Garrick is in full dad mode. He’s building all the new furniture, he’s baby proofing everything, and he’s packing your bags ready to take to the healers should the baby decide to come suddenly.
And that baby does come suddenly. Almost two weeks early. He’s out on a patrol with Xaden and Bodhi when Chradh alerts him through the bond. The way he stops mid flight, those two know what's happening before the smile breaks out on his face. In seconds the three of them are racing back so Garrick can be there for you. And he make’s it just in time to meet his child.
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angstywaifu · 22 days
Garrick Tavis Dad HC's
Kind of a part 2 to last weeks Garrick Tavis with Pregnant Reader HC's. You cannot tell me this man does not give off girl dad vibes. He just screams it to me. So this will all be based around Garrick having a little girl. Masterlist
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This man would be over the moon when he finds out it’s a little girl. His little girl. He vows then and there to protect her at all costs. He also immediately starts asking for another one, earning an eye roll from his partner.
He loves nothing more than to sit on the couch or somewhere outside, cuddling his little girl. And nearly always falling asleep with her cradled to his chest.
That girl goes everywhere with him that he can take her. To the point Xaden, Bodhi and the others get sad if he doesn’t turn up with her. She has all of them wrapped around her little fingers already.
Every time she does something new he gets so excited. He will rush to where ever you are and tell you immediately what she’s done. Most times you have to tell him to slow down and repeat what he has said as he’s spoken way too fast.
Once the Toddler stage hits though, this man gets even more excited. He can’t wait to be able to play games with her and teach her everything he can. He gets even more excited when she turns into a daddys girl and just wants to do everything with him.
He’s taking care of Chradh? She’s right there helping out. Garrick being quite impressed with how patient Chradh is with her. Especially when she paints one of his claws bright pink to make him look prettier.
He’s sparing and practicing with the boys? He makes her a training dummy and wooden sword to practice with off to the side.
She wants to play princesses and have tea parties? This man is sitting at that table that looks ridiculously small next to him, with a tiara that looks just as ridiculously small on his head pretending to drink tea and eat cakes with all the dolls and his little girl.
He would spend hours building playhouses that looks just like a castle for her to play in. And loves when she asks him to play the knight and rescue her from the evil dragon. Chradh, who Garrick thought would roll and eye and want nothing to do with it is just as into it as he is. Sometimes too into it which has resulted in a few crushed or burned down playhouses.
Once the nightmares kick in, Garrick is there and ready to fight off any monsters under the bed scaring his little girl. She isn’t convinced they’re gone? Garrick will sit by that bed and hold her hand till she’s sound asleep again. Most time’s he also falls asleep to and you find him sprawled on the floor with his hand still holding hers.
Garrick is fully stocked up on first aid supplies immediately after her first fall. He is fully prepared for any burns, cuts, grazes and insect bites. No harm is coming to his little girl that he can’t fix.
And no harm will come to her when she is older. No boy is going to mess with her. They’re all too scared of her dad, as well as her uncle’s Xaden and Bodhi. Any boy that is interested in her is going to have to prove it. One wrong move and he’s out. Garrick only wants the best for his little girl.
The boy that does win her heart and Garrick’s approval, they’re pretty much like father and son. Spending time together without her there. They just laugh when she complains her boyfriend has become her dad’s boyfriend.
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