#chris sabin x reader
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
Chris Sabin Masterlist
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too-deviant · 6 months
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jackie and wilson.
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pairing: luke castellan x unclaimed!reader
summary: you haven't been given a quest, but you have made it your personal mission to make luke castellan smile
word count: 5.3k
content: fluffff, loser!reader, happy!luke if you squint and a sprinkle of loser!luke, brief mentions of suicide but nothing heavy, we finally find out which state reader is from
notes: this is so cute i love them.
PART III — she’s gonna save me, call me ‘baby’, run her hands through my hair
Wading through a misty green lake with Luke Castellan was not on your camp bucket list — something you’d produced with a young girl called Silena who you’d met in the arts and crafts cabin — but alas, here you were; knee deep in pond water and ankle deep in whatever sludge lived at the bottom, hands searching blindly along the floor while you tried your best to keep your chin dry. 
You probably wouldn’t have been there if you were any good at Volleyball — which really doesn’t make much sense with the given context. 
Okay, here’s what happened. It was Saturday at camp halfblood — and while you had been there for a solid three days now, you were yet to experience the joy of the weekends. Not that you knew they were any different, not until Travis Stoll approached you after breakfast. 
“Heyyyy, uh...newbie.” He chuckled, sidling up beside you while you were occupied with deciding whether your camp shirt was better tucked into your shorts or left hanging over them. 
You turned to the boy with an amused smile, reminding him of your name. He snapped his fingers at you, “I knew that. I did. I just prefer newbie.”
“What’s up, Travis?”
He dropped his finger guns, rocking back and forth on his feet and looking at you sheepishly, “Well, me and a few friends were gonna chuck a ball around on the beach and we need an extra player to make it even. Now that Luke’s not an option.” 
He muttered that last bit low and under his breath, not in hopes that you wouldn’t hear but in hopes that Luke wouldn’t — there was no telling how far he was from you at any given moment, but he wasn’t going to tell you that, so he just put on his charming Stoll Smile and said, “So, wanna join us?” 
You didn’t have anything to do that day, and since you’d assumed you were in for another long eight hours of finding out what you were good at and failing, a friendly game of ball (which you were safe to assume was volley, per what Luke told you yesterday) seemed like a great idea. 
Only it wasn’t — friendly, that is. You wandered over to the net set up on the beach with Travis at your side and a taller girl with curly blonde hair narrowed her eyes at you in suspicion, “How good are you at this?” 
“Uh —“ You shrugged, shaking your head slightly, “I’ve never played. We don’t have many beaches where I’m from.” 
“You don’t need a beach to play volleyball, newbie.” Connor Stoll appeared out of nowhere, grinning at you, “But it’s easy to pick up. You can be on our team.”
Their team consisted of Connor, Chris, Poppy from the Demeter cabin, Evie and Evan (twins from the Ares cabin) and now, yourself. Apparently it was a lost cause whenever the Stolls were on the same team, so Travis was on the other side of the net with the blonde girl from earlier — who’s name you’d learnt was Sabine, and who’s godly parent was Nike, which did not decrease your nerves even a little bit. 
“It’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it.” Evie explained to you once she noticed your unsure eyes. “Just don’t hit the ball twice in a row, Sab’s a stickler for that rule.” 
“Other than that, we’re pretty lax.” Her brother tagged on, smirking at you, “This isn’t the Olympics.” 
“Tell her that.” You side eyed the blonde on the other side of the net, who was cracking her knuckles and discussing strategy with Travis and Brynn, an Athena kid with a bright blue buzzcut. 
The twins let out identical chuckles, sharing a look before patting your shoulders, “You’ll be fine.” 
You didn’t have time to quip that the pair of them talking at the same time was a little foreboding before the game was on, and a volleyball was heading straight for you. 
To be fair to you, you lasted longer than expected. Maybe it was your battle instincts kicking in, but you hadn’t missed the ball once — sure, your defence lacked any real strategy and was more you hitting the ball in whatever direction and hoping for the best, but it was working, so why complain? You wouldn’t qualify for varsity, but at least you were one upping a Stoll brother — the same couldn’t be said for most campers, you knew that much. 
You actually thought you were getting pretty good, too. Your team was up by a few points (no thanks to you, all thanks to Evan. Seriously, he was like six foot four) and Sabine was getting angry. Every now and then she’d turn and scowl at Rhea, one of her teammates, and the girl would just shrug in response before returning to her position. But then, just when you started to get confident with it, Travis got you. 
Hard, too. You were paying close attention to your feet, making sure you didn’t trip over any sand when you had to move, and unfortunately didn’t notice the ball coming at you until it clipped you in the face. You went down onto your ass, both hands flying to your nose and groaning when you felt a warm trickle of blood slide through your fingers and down your hands. 
“Holy shit, newbie.” Travis sped over, dropping to his knees next to his brother and hovering over you, “I am so sorry, are you okay?” 
Your speech was muffled and nasally when you replied with a swift, “No, asshole!”
“Shit.” He muttered, looking between Connor and Evie, “Uh, I can take you to the infirmary if you want —“
“I’ll take her.” Evan interrupted. He was crouched somewhere behind you, looking at your teammates over the top of your head. You felt his hands flatten on your back as he pushed you up to stand, the rest of the group joining him and wincing when some blood dripped onto the sand. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to —“ You held out a hand in his direction now that you could see him, only to press it firmly back against your face when your nose simply started to gush once the pressure had been removed. 
“Yes,” He nodded, “I do. Let’s go.” 
You let him lead you, sending an apologetic look to the remaining teens on the sand — you were pretty sure it looked nothing like an apology since your hands were covering half of your face and there was blood seeping through your fingers, but it was the effort that counted. 
You didn’t receive as many looks as you thought you would’ve on the walk to the infirmary, although you assumed demigods had gotten worse injuries than a nosebleed before, so it wasn’t exactly odd. When you got there, you stopped on the porch and tried to speak to Evan as best you could without letting any more blood spill. 
“You can — you can go.” You said through your hands, “I got it from here.”
He looked a little unsure, but you nodded firmly and he turned back the way he came. It was pretty embarrassing, walking into the infirmary with a bloody nose on your third day at camp, but the Apollo kid who took care of you said it was only a matter of time before you shed first blood, and that you’d better thank the gods it was a volleyball and not a hellhound that did the damage. 
They stopped the bleeding with some sort of special gauze and told you to be a little more careful before sending you on your way — which was when you found Luke. 
You didn’t even see him at first, more focused on folding the gauze you’d been given into a perfect square while you stepped off the wooden porch. But then a voice muttered your name in slight shock and confusion, and you looked up to meet those baby brown eyes you couldn’t help but love. 
You grinned, “JoJo.”
Luke shook his head, “What were you doing in the infirmary?” His eyes tracked all over you, assessing for any visible injuries. When he found none, he turned his questioning gaze back to your face. 
You sucked in some air through your teeth, embarrassed, “I, uh, got hit in the face with a volleyball. Turns out, I’m awful at it.” You let out a weak chuckle, and Luke rolled his eyes in amusement. 
“Of course. I thought baseball was your thing?” 
“It is.” You nodded, “But there’s nobody out here to play with, so…” Then an idea sprung, and your face lit up so visibly that Luke took a tentative step back, “Hey, why don’t you come watch? We’re playing on the beach.”
“Oh.” The boy paused, eyes sliding to the beach and back to you, “I don’t think so…I, uh, tend to spend my weekends alone.”
“You spend your everything alone.” You pointed out with a raised pair of brows. He pursed his lips. You sighed, “Come on. You don’t have to play.”
He looked as if he was thinking about it, and your hopes were raised a little. You liked Luke, you wanted to know him better and one day consider him a friend rather than a guy you harassed every day. But you were very aware of his aversion for all things social — the comment Travis made about Luke not playing with them anymore saddened you, and it pained you to imagine Luke all alone while his brothers and friends still had fun around him. But then his face dropped, and so did yours, Luke shaking his head no. 
“I just…” He shrugged, “I don’t really…”
“It’s okay.” You interrupted before he could spout out his excuse. He didn’t need one. “We can do something else.”
“Oh, I —“ Another shake of the head, “You go back to them, don’t let me ruin it.”
“You aren’t ruining anything.” You said plainly, and you thought that those four words hit Luke a lot harder than expected, because he had this pensive look on his face that didn’t fade until you spoke again, “Listen, I know baseball isn’t exactly a camp sport, but I’ve got a ball. This place has gotta have bats — I mean, if it’s got swords, it’s got bats, right? So we grab them, we go off somewhere and take turns batting. I need to stay in practice anyway, if I’m gonna make varsity.”
You sent him your shiniest smile paired with some doughy eyes, and after squinting at you for a solid ten seconds, Luke agreed to your idea with a hesitant nod. You weren’t exactly expecting him to jump up and down in joy, so you took the liberty of doing that before asking him, very enthusiastically (because if you stayed positive, maybe it would rub off on him), to go look for a bat while you grabbed your ball. 
Chris caught you exiting the Hermes cabin while he was filling up his water bottle using the outdoor tap not far from the porch, asking you what you were doing with a baseball. You explained that volleyball was definitely not your thing and ignored his chuckle of agreement in favour of informing him that you would be teaching Luke how to become the next Babe Ruth. He raised a brow. 
“Uh, yeah.” You replied, a little put off by his reaction. “Is that a problem?” 
“No, no.” He backtracked quickly, hands raised and water sloshing around his bottle as the movement, “I just…I dunno. Luke’s been a little off recently. If I were you, I wouldn’t meddle in it.”
“Meddle?” You asked, shaking your head, “In what?”
“In his…” He puffed out his cheeks, trying to find the words, “His funk.” He shook his head then, eyes glossing over as he thought about it, “He failed his quest, he’s a little butthurt, but…he’ll get over it. Y’know?”
You didn’t know. 
“I just don’t think he needs babysitting.” He firmed, looking confident in his wording now that he’d found it, “He’s just gonna talk your ear off about how much he hates his life until you’re borderline suicidal. I wouldn’t bother, personally. He's a big boy, he can get over it.”
You rolled your lips over each other, staring blankly at Chris as he sent you a polite smile and walked back to the beach. Slowly, your eyes narrowed, and your brows pulled together. But you didn't say anything, you just turned around yourself and walked to where you’d asked Luke to meet you. 
He was tossing the bat between his hands when you got there, dropping it in his left when he spotted you and nodding, “Alright, where are we doing this?”
You stopped, snapped out of a stupor you didn’t even realise you were in and blinking at him. For the first time since you’d met, it seemed that he was more focused and lively than you were. It irked him a little bit, and he frowned, “Sunny?” 
“Sorry.” You responded immediately, shaking your head to rid yourself of your spiralling thoughts, “I just…uh, let’s go somewhere clear. We don’t wanna hit anyone with the ball.” 
Luke led you to a clearing in the woods, explaining that the wood nymphs would be able to help you if the ball got lost in the foliage, so there was no need to hold back the arm you’d been bragging about for the entire walk. You just smirked, raised the bat level, and nodded at him to serve. 
Yes, you were a thousand percent better at baseball than you were at volleyball. You knew that, of course, but it was nice to be reassured. Luke wasn’t half bad either, but you were also a really good runner, so you kept having to remind him that an average level fielder wouldn’t have a chance against his bats — you just so happened to be way above average. 
Plus the wood nymphs were very helpful — apparently they didn’t get to watch many demigod activities other than capture the flag so it was refreshing for them to see you two play, and to actually be able to help. 
All in all, you were having a great time. Which of course meant that you were long overdue for something going wrong. Of course. 
“I can’t find it.”
“What?” You asked breathlessly, staring at the tree nymph who shrugged at you plainly. 
“It rolled into a pond, I think.” He sniffed indignantly, “And I am not climbing into a pond.”
“Oh, and you expect us to?” 
And that, kids, is how you ended up knee deep in pond water and ankle deep in something else — with Luke Castellan right by your side. 
“This is so gross.” You whispered, grimacing as your hands ran over the murky bottom. You couldn’t see anything but your own reflection when you looked in, so you were replying on touch alone to help find your ball. “I can’t believe this. My lucky ball and it falls into a pond! Not so lucky anymore, huh? Yeah, lucky my ass.”
“Hey, Sunny?” A slosh of water rippled over you and you had to straighten up to avoid the tiny waves splashing in your face. They only increased at your movements, but you were too busy glaring at Luke to notice. He pressed his mouth together, holding in a chuckle, “You’re not being very sunny right now.” 
You huffed, flinging your arms out at your sides and wincing when you splashed water on yourself by doing so, “I —“ A huff, “I don’t feel very sunny, Castellan. I am wading in sludge.” 
He actually had the audacity to let a tiny grin slip through, “Wow, the last name? You’re acting like me right now. It’s weird.”
“I can’t believe this.” You repeated, narrowing your eyes at the boy, “I’ve been trying to cheer you up since the day I met you and when you finally do, it’s because you’re relishing in my pain? Fuck you.”
As if he was trying to piss you off, Luke laughed. He actually laughed, exactly like he had yesterday and if you weren’t so annoyed you’d be smiling at him for it. But you were annoyed, so all you did in response was send a wave of pond water at him and drench his front. 
He stopped laughing. You started laughing. 
“Okay, is that how you wanna play this?” He asked, stepping closer, “Is it?” 
You grinned, stepping back. The water moved when you did, and the paired struggle of your’s and Luke’s legs under the water just increased the waves that oscillated around your knees. It slid up to your thighs and threatened to wet the denim of your shorts, but you were too busy prying your foot out of whatever the hell lived at the bottom of the pond so you could escape Luke’s wrath. 
You shook your head, “You don’t wanna do this.”
He nodded mockingly, “I think I do.”
Then it was on. He lunged for you, and you dived to the left in a swift attempt to get around him. Water was splashing everywhere at this point but neither of you cared — especially when Luke’s hands were mere inches from your arms, waiting for your ankle to snag on some algae and pull you back so he could push you over. You were smarter than that though, so you did a swift one-eighty, dragging your hands under the water with you as you did — the wave that accumulated from the momentum doused Luke from head to toe, his curls sticking to his forehead. He wiped them away and blew hard from his mouth before forming a weak glare in your direction.   
Your jaw trembled as you held in what you knew would be some serious chortles — but it was silent. The only noise apparent was the settling of the waves now that you had both stopped moving and Luke’s heavy breathing in front of you. He shook his head, stepping forward slowly, and you braced yourself for what was about to come. 
You paused. You shared a look with Luke before looking confusedly at the form that had appeared suddenly between the two of you. It was a girl by the looks of it, only she was made entirely of the water the two of you were standing in. She glared between the pair of you, hands on her hips. 
“I don’t appreciate all this splashing.” You felt suddenly like you were being berated by a school teacher for talking too loud during class, “Are you trying to drain my pond? Are you?”
“N—No.” You responded, shaking your head, “We were just looking for — ”
The water nymph held up your ball with a stern expression, “This? Yeah, it looked like you were.” 
Her sarcasm was not lost on you, and you tried your best not to meet Luke’s eyes, knowing they would fail you the second you did. Instead you looked at the nymph before you and took the ball from her outstretched hand, “Thank you. And, um, sorry…about the splashing.”
She folded her arms, lifting her head and straightening her shoulders, “That’s okay. Now get out.”
You were both quick to exit the water, although not too quick that you made anymore of it splash onto the rocks. Once you were out, the nymph nodded in satisfaction and melted back into the pond, and you and Luke were finally able to breathe. Then, you both burst into laughter. 
“Oh my gods.” You huffed, shaking your head and looking down at yourself, “Did we just get into trouble?” 
“With a water nymph?” He finished, shrugging off his wet shirt and wringing it out, “Yeah. How embarrassing.”
Your mouth was suddenly very dry. You knew Luke was strong — he had to be to fight a dragon and come back alive. To be known as the Best Swordsman in Camp. To be trusted by so many campers despite his newfound, distanced demeanour. But damn. 
You blew out a long puff of air, hoping your reddened cheeks could be excused as some light sunburn. You weren’t as soaked as he was, but you still wafted your damp shirt from your body in hopes that it would dry — and also to give yourself something to do that wasn’t ogling at Luke’s lean figure. 
He spread his shirt out on a rock, ensuring the sun was hitting it right before lowering himself to the ground on the dry grass a few feet away. He leant back on his hands, face to the sky, and revelled in the warmth. You stayed standing, fiddling with the button on your shorts, staring at him. At the scar on his face, at the rest of them along his chest. 
He cracked one eye open, glancing at you, “What?”
“I, uh.” You licked your lips, “Nothing. Nothing.” You muttered, taking a seat beside him and crossing your legs. Your gaze stuck firmly to your lap and you waited for his to return to the sky. It didn’t. 
“You can ask me.” He said then, shrugging. 
“What happened on your quest?” You let slip, and when he stayed silent for a second too long, you realised that maybe that wasn't the question he was giving you permission to ask. “I’m sorry. I know it’s none of my business, it’s nobody’s really. But Chris told me before that you’re in a funk and that seemed like a gross understatement but then again I’ve known you for, what, three days? He’s known you for years, so surely he’s right. But you just seem like it’s more than a funk, and I don’t know what to believe because I don’t know what happened but I also don’t want to ask because it’s none of my business and it’s also very clearly a sore subject because of what happened with Dean. Not that I think you’re gonna fly off the handle or anything, but it’s definitely a touchy subject and I can’t just go demanding all the details just because I wanna be your friend and— ”
A hand over your mouth stopped you from continuing what Luke was sure to be a very long tangent. He looked at you, half in shock, half in amusement, and huffed out a laugh, “Sunny, you need to calm down.”
You couldn’t respond, but you did nod. He removed his hand slowly and you swallowed your embarrassment. Luke sat up fully, straightening his back and clearing his throat, “Uh, okay. Have you heard of that Hercules story? With the golden apples?” 
You nodded, afraid to speak in case you went off on a rant again. He nodded with you, “Yeah, well, my father sent me on that. The exact same quest…except I failed.”
That explained the scar, and the dragon story he’d mentioned very briefly yesterday. He started to go into a little more detail about his quest — and suddenly you were overcome with this…angry sort of sadness. 
Hermes sent Luke on a quest that had already been done. After hearing Clarisse yap your ear off about Kleos, you understood why he’d been a little bummed. Honestly, if it were you, you wouldn’t have even gone. What’s the point in doing a quest that’s already been done? But you didn’t say that to Luke, who seemed a little deep into his story. You just simmered in your irritation while he continued to explain his battle with Ladon, and his ultimate failure. 
“I refused to leave the infirmary for a week.” He chuckled, but it was a little sad. “I mean, I’m supposed to be a leader here, and I fail my first quest? Some demigod I turned out to be.” 
Without even thinking, you shook your head, “You didn’t fail.” Luke looked at you, confused, “You battled a dragon with a hundred heads and lived. That doesn’t sound like failure to me.”
“But I didn’t get the apples.” He explained. “I disappointed my father.”
“Your father…” You said slowly, unsure of how your next words would land, “Who I’m going to assume had never spoken to you until the day he gave you your quest?” Luke nodded after a brief pause and you took that as permission to continue, “So who cares if he’s disappointed? He clearly doesn’t care if you’re mauled by a dragon.” 
“Exactly.” Luke replied, brows pulled together in the way they had been when you’d first met. Angry, irritated. Disappointed. “Everyone keeps telling me to get over it. That demigods have failed quests before and it just means I need to try harder next time but…why should there be a next time? Really, if you sit and think about it for a second, why are we even here? To train, so we don’t die whenever monsters come and attack us? And who’s fault is that? Maybe if our parents were good people, there wouldn’t be any monsters trying to murder their kids. If they cared, even a little bit, they’d do more than just claim us and leave us to die!” 
He scoffed, looking in the direction where you knew the rest of the campers resided — playing games, building weapons, dedicating every waking hour to becoming the best of the best. And for what? For glory? For a pat on the back from a parent who can’t even be bothered to raise them? 
“They don’t get it.” He said then, turning back to you, “They think this is all okay. They’re too invested to realise that they’re just being used. They’re so focused on getting a shred of recognition from the gods that they don’t understand that it’s never gonna come.”
“So…” You finally spoke, your first words in a minute, “What do we do?”
Luke shrugged then, “I don’t know yet.” 
It was silent for a long time after that. Luke stayed staring at the floor and you led back to stare at the sky. He was right, wasn’t he? Sure, you’d only been in this for a little while, but you weren’t stupid. You knew the gods didn’t care — you’d figured out that much when you got to camp. A dumping ground for demigods. Demigod daycare, except mommy isn’t coming to pick you up at three o’clock. Luke deserved to be angry, he deserved to mope — they all did. 
But they wouldn’t. You could sit there and curse the gods for hours on end, but that was still half of you. And that, you thought, was probably the worst part of it all.  
You were so caught up in your feelings that when the tree that had been shading you phased into a nymph and walked away, you jumped halfway out of your skin, “Jeezum crow.”
You looked at Luke, expecting him to either share the same dumbfounded look on his face or be laughing at you — something he seemed to be doing a lot of today — but instead he was staring at you, slack-jawed and wide eyed. You blinked, “What?”
“You’re from Vermont.” 
Your mouth snapped shut, and his expanded into the grin you’d been hassling him for since you’d set your sights on him. You sighed, “Fuck.” 
He let out a disbelieving laugh, “You’re from Vermont! Holy shit. I should’ve known it when you called me a flatlander.” He threw his head back, and you shook yours at his dramatics. But he didn’t care, he just pointed at you, “You’re a fuckin’ woodchuck!” 
“Oh my gods.” You groaned into your hands, pulling yourself to your feet in hopes of escaping his sudden glee. “Is that so bad?” 
“No.” He laughed, following you, “I’m just amazed that I figured it out. I’m a genius!”
“Okay.” You sent him a blank look, but it only lasted a few seconds before your tiny smile was fighting through, “It’s not like you’ve discovered the meaning of life. Calm down.” 
“Never.” He shook his head, “This is my greatest achievement.”
“You fought a dragon.” 
“Screw the dragon!” He gripped your biceps, grinning at you, “You’re from Vermont!”
“You’re not funny.”
“And yet you’re laughing.”
“I am not.”
“You are.” 
“I’m not!” 
“What’d you do to him?” 
You threw a piece of salmon into the fire, glancing at Chris, “I’m getting deja vu. Haven’t you asked me this already?” 
“Yeah, but…” The boy looked behind him, back at the Hermes table, where Luke was perched on the end and waiting patiently for you to come back from the hearth before digging into his food, “This time I mean it. I mean, he still isn’t talking to us, but he’s sitting on our side of the table again. You can be honest with me…” He sent you a grave look, “Did you give him a BJ?” 
“What? No!” You threw a pea at him. “I just listened to him.” You tried to be a little serious, but clearly Chris wasn’t getting the hint, so you relented, “And doused him in pond water.”
He laughed at that, nodding proudly. You turned back to the fire, asking Aphrodite to get rid of your split ends. You’d given up on praying to your father, deciding to go through every Olympian until one of them answered. So far, only Hera had responded — you assumed so, anyway, when a cuckoo woke you up from your afternoon nap. That wasn’t very helpful, but at least it was an answer. You didn’t suspect campers prayed to her often, so she probably appreciated the sentiment. 
“So…” Travis smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you once you sat down. He sent this look around the group, but even Connor gave him a weirded out look in response. He huffed, “It’s team day tomorrow.”
A collective ohhh seemed to hum around the group, but you were still confused. You sent a questioning look to Luke who said, “For Capture the Flag. Tomorrow is when all the cabin counsellors gang up and decide on the two teams.”
“Then we have five days to strategise.” Travis continued on very dramatically, hands splayed on the table, “And on Friday…we battle.”
That seemed to lift the energy up a bit, the people around you sharing mischievous looks. They started to discuss amongst them who would be the best cabin to ally with, Lana turning to Chris, “Who are you gonna pick?” 
Chris went to speak, but paused. He seemed to think about something, looking slightly scared but still turning to the boy across from him anyway, “I thought maybe…Luke would like to reinstate himself as team captain this month.”
Right, you’d completely forgotten. During your spear lessons with Clarisse, you’d asked her why it was so important that you be amazing at fighting quickly if monsters couldn’t get into camp. She’d then explained the whole situation that was Capture the Flag — how it was a bigger deal than the super bowl around here — before briefly mentioning that Luke had always been Hermes team captain, but stepped down for the last game because his scar was still healing from his quest. Chris had taken over for him, and based off of the looks the people around you were sporting, you assumed they weren’t expecting him to give up his title so quickly. 
You couldn’t blame them. Luke hadn’t exactly expressed much desire to captain this time — he hasn’t expressed much desire for anything these days apparently. You were all waiting for him to let Chris down easy, but instead he looked up from his plate with an indifferent nod and said, “Yeah, sure.” 
Nobody said anything. Except Chris who, when Luke stood to rack up his empty plate, looked at you gravely and asked, “Was it a handjob?”
🏷️ @katherines-imagines @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry @jennapancake @cobaltskiez @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @m00ng4z3r @mischiefmoons @woodlandwrites @theo-notts-doll @iammightsadyall @fennecswife @csifandom @tsireyasgf (just ask to be removed/added!)
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
~ Congratulations ~
Alex Shelley x Chris Sabin x Zoe (OC Female!Reader)
Word Count: 3369
Warnings: Swearing
Type: Fluff, Hints at previous smut
Summary: To celebrate their victories at Against All Odds, the boys want to treat their girlfriend to a pleasurable night
A/N: Okay, but what was going to be a smut fic turned into a different idea, and how could I resist
“Hey there, handsome.” A familiar voice called from behind the brunette, causing him to let out a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he’d spotted his long time best friend, Chris Sabin, with their girlfriend Zoe on his back. A wide smile was spread across her lips as she looked at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back at her.
“I was about to go looking for the two of you.” Alex chuckled, the same loopy smile somehow managed to grow as he looked at his lovers. “What are you up to right now?”
“Little miss hungry decided that she wanted a snack after all, so we were on the way to catering when we found you.” Chris laughed as he watched the woman above him extend her legs, trying to wrap them around the younger man’s waist.
“If you wanted me close to you, all you had to do was ask Pumpkin.” She giggled at the nickname, one he’d given her when their relationship first began. To Alex, it still felt like yesterday, even though ten months had passed since the day that Chris asked the both of them out. By chance, it was also the first day that he’d called her Pumpkin, and when he saw the way her eyes lit up and the gorgeous smile spread wider on her face, he decided to keep it for her.
“I always want you close to me.” Zoe beamed, and continued to use her legs to bring him as close to her as possible.
That’s how it went for the two of them, and it’d been that way since they were friends. One always felt the need to be close to the other, and it just worked. Rarely would you be able to see one without the other, unless they had work business come up, or were traveling at separate times, but even then they’d spend hours on the phone together. When their relationship first came out to their friends, a few had asked Chris how seeing the way his lovers were with each other didn’t make him jealous, when it was completely different for them and Chris. For him it was simple, he liked seeing the two of them happy.
“Do you want to join us for lunch?” Chris popped the question, and Alex nodded. He’d been working on stuff for his match against Maclin later that evening, but had started to become overwhelmed in all of the things playing through his head. Therefore, Scott told him to take some time off, if only an hour, just to ease his mind.
“Lunch sounds amazing.” Zoe groaned, piping her opinion into the mix. Both men laughed, and she pretended to roll her eyes at it.
As the two men walked towards catering, they discussed the details of their matches, while Zoe rested her head against Chris’ back. It was moments like these that she loved the most when they were at work. Something soft and simple, but it meant everything in the world to her.
“Earth to Zoe.” A voice chucked, and she lifted her head to spot Ace Austin now standing in front of the trio. “What happened to the new heels you wanted to wear?”
“They gave me blisters, so I’m going around in socks.” The woman snorted before wiggling her feet out in front of her friend. He only laughed in response before taking a step back when her foot was an inch away from him.
As the group of them continued to discuss Zoe’s shoe buying habit, and her lack of wearing them, they missed Scott D’Amore coming out from behind the corner, a worried expression written across his face. He’d been carrying a clipboard, one that now fell to the floor as he collided with the broad shoulders of the member of Bullet Club.
“Oh, I’m sorry Ace, I was distracted and forgot to look where I was going.” Scott sighed, bending over to pick up the board. When he was uprighted, he turned, spotting the trio, and a small smile appeared on his face. “Chris, sorry to bug you, but I was actually looking for you. We’ve got some things to go over if that’s alright.”
Chris merely nodded, and squatted slightly to help Zoe reach her feet again. When he felt her detach herself from his body, he rose to his feet, and turned to place a kiss on her cheek. After that, he stepped over to Alex before placing a kiss on his cheek as well, and then began walking away with his boss.
“Pumpkin, do you want to climb on my back?” Alex questioned, grabbing her hand to give it a squeeze. She nodded at him, and smiled, appreciative of the offer he’d given her. Without another word, Alex turned and lowered himself to the ground, giving her easy access to his back. Effortlessly, she was able to straddle his back, and wrapped her arms around him for extra safety, thus informing him it’d be safe to stand. Once he was securely on his feet, he reached behind him to place his hands under her thighs, giving her a gentle boost up, forcing a fit of laughter to erupt from her chest.
“To the catering area, because I’m still hungry.” Her voice was bold for the first half, but as she mentioned the hunger, her stomach growled, startling her. This caused everyone to burst out laughing, but before anyone could say anything else, Ace waved goodbye, leaving the couple to go on their adventure.
Once they arrived in catering, they noticed that the tables were full, so they opted to grab some food and hit the locker room, but stopped when Alex heard a voice call for him. He turned his head, spotting Deonna and Steve sitting at a table with a collective group, and he nodded. Zoe pointed out what she’d been craving earlier that day, they began to make their way over to the table. After she was safely on her feet, the brunette pulled the chair out for her, and took his own.
“Blisters again?” Deonna raised an eyebrow, looking over in Zoe’s direction.
“I don’t get why this keeps happening to me.” She sighed dramatically, dropping her hand into her palm for extra measure.
“Maybe it’s time to stop wearing heels.” Gia pointed out, but to no avail.
“I would prefer the blisters.” Zoe let out a giggle, causing the other two girls to laugh.
As they continued to joke around, Alex got a warm feeling throughout his body, knowing that his girlfriend was at peace, something that made him happy. Out of the three, he was the first to show his feelings before the relationship, but he was still nervous to share them because it was for both of his best friends. Even now, he still feels the nerves, but he knows that if things were to get impossible on his shoulders, his partners would be there for him.
“Babe? Are you listening?” A hand waved in front of his face, distracting him from the thoughts running through his mind.
“Huh? What did I miss?” The quick questions informed everyone at the table that he had drifted off into his thoughts, but Zoe knew before he had to say anything. It was the empty look on his face that he wore when distracted by thoughts that she tried to help him through whenever she could. She knew it meant he was remembering times that caused him worry or pain, and she felt a saddening feeling run through her. She didn’t say anything before placing a hand on his and squeezing it, but he knew exactly what it meant.
“I asked if you were ready to head back to Scott’s office.” Steve shrugged, merely checking where Alex was with the setup for the match.
“Shit, yeah I’m good. I’ll see you later Pumpkin?” It could’ve been a simple see you later and goodbye, but for Alex, he needed to know she’d be there for him when he was done.
“You bet that sweet ass of yours.” She winked, and he kissed her before leaving. As Deonna noticed both men were out of earshot, she directed the conversation in a new direction.
“Have you told them?” Her question rang through Zoe’s ears. She hadn’t told them, but there was a plan for tonight.
“After Alex wins tonight I’m planning to tell both of them. How do I even explain this though?” Zoe groaned, lowering her head against the table.
“I still think my idea was fantastic.” Gia slid her point onto the table, and for a moment, it was a high consideration.
“Hey, there’s my girl.” A voice called from across the room, and the women whipped their heads over to see Chris coming over with a smile.
“Mmm, hi there sexy.” A sigh came from her, and she breathed in relief as she didn’t have to worry about it for the moment again.
The rest of the time spent before the show was in the Motor City locker room between the trio. They’d cracked jokes, spent time sharing old memories, and spent plenty of time wrapped in each other’s arms. Typically, Zoe was the middle spoon between her boys, but tonight she bounced back and forth, the nerves keeping her pre-occupied.
“Princess, you want to tell us what’s wrong now?” Chris asked, worry sketched over his baby blue eyes.
“I’m just stressed about the show.” She sighed, shaking her head before sitting down. It’d been difficult to not spill everything to them already, but she was at her wits end, just wanting her guys with this.
“Hey, there’s no reason to worry. Everything’s going to go smoothly.” Chris spoke softly, as he did every time when she was like this.
“Thank you. Hearing you say it helps.” Knocks to the locker room door interrupted any other thoughts, signaling it was time for Chris’ match for the X-Division title.
The three stood in unison, and Alex stepped in front of Zoe, picking her up bridal style, carrying her with him as he and Chris walked to the curtain. As they arrived, Chris received a kiss from them for good luck, much like what happened every match. The remaining two watched as his music played and he left, preparing to become a nine time X-Division champion. They watched on a small monitor for the entirety of the match, and cheered as Chris landed the cradle shock, going for the pin.
1 2 3
He’d done it, finishing the match via pinfall, and when given the belt, he hugged it as if it were those waiting in the back for him. His goal to achieve this historic reign arrived, and he couldn’t be happier to have the moment.
“There’s my sexy nine time X-Division champ.” Zoe cat-called, winking when he approached her. He smirked, and watched as she patted Alex’s hand, her own way of saying the wanted down. When her feet made contact with the floor, Chris backed her into the wall, and kissed her roughly. At work, she wasn’t used to this kind of intimacy unless it was in the privacy of their locker room, or an empty closet if they were in a rush, so when she gasped, he took it as the chance to slide his tongue in her mouth. The second he pulled away from her, she brought a hand up to her lips, still feeling the kiss lingering. Leaning forward, Chris rested his forehead against the cool wall, helping with the heat from the match.
“I love you.” He whispered in her ear, low enough for only her to hear.
“Chris,” she gasped again. “I love you too.” He pulled his head back before kissing her again, softer this time. When he released her lips, his attention shifted to Alex, and he smiled softly.
“I love you, Alex.” He said, louder this time. Alex's eyes bore the fear that he wasn’t loved in the same way, and Chris could see it, but he’d prove it to Alex in the best way he knew how. “I’m so fucking in love with you.” He spoke the words again before kissing Alex with the same passion he had for Zoe.
“Fuck, Chris, I love you too. I love both of you.” He panted as the kiss was broken.
“I love you, Alex. I love my boys.” Zoe whispered, keeping the precious moment for herself in her mind, wanting to forever cherish it.
Alex grabbed Zoe’s hand, pulling in between the two men before he did the same to Chris, pulling them all together. It wasn’t how they typically hugged, but that didn’t matter in the moment. They had each other, and that was all they needed.
“I hate to be a bother, but we need your girlfriend.” Deonna called, startling the trio.
“That’s alright Deonna, I’ll be there. I just got to say goodbye to my boys first.” Zoe smiled at her, and Deonna nodded before taking a few steps back to give them privacy.
“I’ll still see you before the match, right?” Alex asked, fear overtaking his features.
“Chris and I will be here waiting for you. I promise babe.” She spoke, placing a hand against his face.
“I love you, Pumpkin.” He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you too, both of you.” She whispered back, and the boys nodded before pulling away from her so she could go.
Her and Deonna walked towards the interview area where Gia stood with Gisele and a whiteboard. On it was written “announcement ideas”, and the first option was the one Gia gave three days prior.
“We’re really doing this?” Zoe laughed, knowing that her friends had come up with this so she didn’t need to worry.
“Of course! Now Gisele and I only have a few minutes so let's get to work.” Deonna laughed as well, and the group of them began to come up with simple ideas for the post show announcement. Eventually, Deonna and Gisele left, giving Gia and her time to come up with some of their own before the other women came back.
“Alright, I know which I’m going with.” Zoe stated, a smile on her face. “However, none of you get to know until the announcement, so be there post match.”
“I’ll bring Steve.” Deonna shrugged, knowing he’d be coming back from the same match.
“Ace will come with me, and he might bring Chris.” Gia giggled, knowing her boyfriend and his tag partner were practically glued to the hip.
“Scott and I will totally be there, since he’ll want to hug Alex anyway.” Gisele spoke, pointing out the obvious.
“I get first dibs, if Chris doesn’t steal him first.” Zoe beamed, knowing the chance of her boyfriend stealing the other were still high.
The women laughed for a moment, and agreed to collectively go out to see Alex and Steve off before their title match. As they approached the men, they dropped their conversation, smiling at the girls. Congratulations for a fantastic match were given to Deonna and Gisele, and everyone could agree it was well deserved. They listened as OVE’s music began to play, as they finished their match, meaning it would be time for Alex’s next. Since there was a video package for fans, Alex took the extra second to wrap his arms around Chris and Zoe, and he placed a kiss on both their foreheads.
“Kick ass handsome.” Chris smiled, smacking Alex on the ass before smirking when he turned around.
“You’re so lucky that you’re adorable.” A playful roll of the eyes came from the younger man, and his music began to play, shifting him into a mode of focus.
“Go put on another banger babe.” Deonna smiled, leaning up to kiss Steve before he left as well. Everyone watched as the match carried on, and over the course of it Scott and Ace arrived, finding their girlfriends in the group of them with ease. As Zoe felt Chris wrap his arms around her waist, she leaned her head back, watching as Alex was lining up the superkick. When it connected, he moved onto the shellshock, the signature combination coming into effect.
1 2 3
After twenty one years, Alex had finally won his first Impact World Championship. Zoe and Chris screamed with joy, even after knowing how the match would end, and Chris went running out to celebrate. There was a promo planned, and Zoe watched as Frankie came pushing through to head to the ring as well.
“We did it Pumpkin, we fucking did it.” Alex beamed, holding up the title as he and the others came through the curtain.
“I always knew you could.” She smiled back at him, proud at how far he’d come in his career. “Not to spoil the moment, but I have something that will make tonight feel even better.”
“Princess, I don’t know if Alex is going to be up too having–” Chris started before Zoe used her tiptoes to cover his mouth with his hand.
“Not that!” She exclaimed, trying to keep him from spilling their private moments. “I originally wanted to do this between the three of us, but Impact is our family, and this will affect not only our lives, but theirs too.”
“What are you talking about? You’re not leaving are you?” Alex questioned, but she only shook her head, filling him with relief.
“Nothing like that babe. It’s just, well, to say this simply, the two of you have magic sperm.” Zoe spoke, and behind her, Gia could be heard saying that phrase was her idea.
“We have what?” It was Chris’ turn to question her words, causing Zoe to laugh at her reaction.
“If you didn’t hear her, it was Gia’s idea to use the phrase to tell you we’re pregnant.” Zoe spoke, whispering the last two words.
“Pregnant? As in you’re carrying one of us around in you?” Alex's words caused her to smile bigger.
“Well, it’s more like two of you.” Chris’ mouth dropped open at her words. He was excited when she said they were expecting, but to find out it was two babies, he was so happy. “Now, since I’m nine weeks along, we can get paternity tests done whenever you like if you want to know who’s baby it is.” Both men nodded, secretly hoping it was the other’s so they had something of them growing inside their girlfriends womb.
“Can we go now?” Alex asked, reaching for her and Chris’ hand, wanting to hold his lovers in this moment.
“Do you want to shower first?” Her question was met with a small shake of his head, as he was purely excited to know. This caused her to laugh.
“Do your champion things, then we can head out of here.” Zoe spoke, and both men rushed off to finish what was required after the show. Her Impact family surrounded her, some only congratulating her while others wrapped her in hugs.
It’d been two days since the night of Against All Odds when Zoe received an email from the hospital. Thankfully, both of the guys were with her, so when she opened it they got the full experience with her.
“The email is in!” She called from her spot on Alex’s couch, and both of them came running in, forgetting about the snacks on the counter. They’d been waiting impatiently for the results, and the food could wait so long as they knew who they got to share a piece of Zoe with.
“What do they say? Is it Alex’s or is it mine?” Chris questioned, trying to peek over her to see her phone.
“Slow down there mister,” Zoe laughed. “I’m opening it now, but I wanted to wait till everyone was ready.”
“I think we are now.” Alex smiled at her, and she nodded, looking at her phone.
“Oh my god. There’s no way.” She whispered, and both men instantly felt fear run through their bodies. “You both are the fathers. A twin each, but it’s uncommon to happen often.”
“Magic sperm.” Both men stated, but in all reality, it was true.
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rohdutch · 4 years
Pairing: Chris Sabin x reader x Alex Shelley 
Summary: Sometimes three isn’t a crowd, sometimes it’s just plain fun. 
Word count: 2.6k
a/n: idk i guess im a smut writer now. 
Warning: nsfw, 18+ content
You blinked at the two men in front of you, trying to figure out how you had ever gotten yourself in this situation in the first place.
It hadn’t been your fault; you knew that to be true. You had never purposely planned for the three of you to end up together like this, but here you were.
Chris made the move first, and that was the most shocking part.
Of the two of them – Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin – Chris was the more reserved one. He kept to himself a lot, and when it came to the two of them interacting with you, he was shy. He called you pet names and made your heart melt, but never did much more than sly winks and sweet words.
That’s why him taking the first initiative caused you to lose your breath for just a moment.
Chris stepped towards you, and you got a first look at how impatient he could be as he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks and kissed you with a force that almost knocked you back onto the bed. You didn’t shy away from the kiss, even with your surprise at the force of it. It took you a moment to catch up to Chris, but once you were there you found your hands creeping up to the edge of his shirt, teasing at the bottom of it.
And then there was Alex, coming up behind you and finally deciding to join in. Where Chris had always been nothing but a gentleman to you, Alex was the flirt. He was the one who initially approached you months ago, when you were still just an idea to him. He was immediately all talk and you had played along, but it escalated. Alex was much more forward. He was always the one making the move, finding a reason to be around you and play with your hair and have any excuse to touch you in any way.
The dynamic in the room was strange. It almost seemed like Alex and Chris’s personalities had switched for the time being, with Chris being the more forward one and Alex straying back a bit. Chris was all over you whereas Alex pressed gentle kisses against the back of your neck, placing a hand on your hip.
For a second, you were in a daze. You knew by the end of the night – before the end of the night ­– you’d be a goner, and thinking about it now, you were completely okay with that.
“Clothes,” was all you heard come out of Chris’s mouth and there it was again. The forwardness you usually saw from Alex most days. The three of you all clearly wanted this, but Chris, oddly enough, was the one who was the most forward about it all.
“Slow down just a bit,” you heard Alex mumble, his lips still pressed against your neck. He was being so slow about his actions, and you were starting to understand where Chris’s impatience was coming from.
It made you wonder if they had been through this before, with just each other. The thought made your head spin.
Chris ignored Alex’s words and stepped away. With a quick flourish, his shirt was off, and you felt yourself growing more eager to climb into bed with the two of them.
“We have all night,” Alex explained, but he too stepped away. You turned around to face him, catching just in time the way he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall from his shoulders.
You hadn’t realized Chris had come up behind you until you felt his hands at your hips and his breath on your ear, making you shiver. “Yours too, sweetheart.”
You gladly obliged, letting Chris slip the top over your head before he spun you around and kissed you again. Chris held nothing back, leaning as far as he could into the kiss and making you laugh at his eagerness. When he pulled away this time, his eyes were on Alex.
“Would you like a taste?”
You felt your stomach flip.
“Of course, I would.”
Alex’s hands were gentle as he took you from Chris, pulling you to him. He brought a hand up to brush across your cheek before kissing you. Again, somehow this wasn’t what you had expected out of the Alex Shelley – known for his flirty words and actions. The man you were seeing now was much softer than you would’ve thought, more gentle. The way he held you close and kissed you so gently made your heart want to burst right out of your chest.
And then Chris was there again, his fingers trailing up your skin. When his mouth latched onto your neck, you gasped into Alex’s mouth at the gentle scrape of Chris’s teeth.
Alex let out a chuckle as he pulled away. “He’s a lot to handle, huh?”
You couldn’t make a sound. Chris’s lips were now trailing down your neck, running over the mark he had left and leaving a soothing touch.
“Don’t worry,” Alex told you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, “there’s so much more to come.”
“And it’s only going to get better from here,” Chris added, his hands drifting to your front to pop the button on your jeans. It was Alex who pulled them down, though, kneeling as he did and pressing kisses onto your now bare thighs.
“You’re telling me it gets better than this?” you joked, letting out a breathy laugh when Alex pressed a kiss to each of your hips before his fingers found the waistband of your underwear.
“Of course, baby. Especially if Mr. Impatient over there can keep his hands to himself for a moment.”
“Never,” Chris said against your ear, and you let your head fall back onto his shoulder when you felt his hand move to rest just below your stomach. “Would’ve thought you’d at least move her to the bed, Lex.”
“You trying to tell me you don’t have a good hold of her?”
You felt the hand Chris placed on your hip tighten. “Of course, I do.”
The thought of what was about to happen next drove you wild. In one swift moment, Alex pulled your underwear down into the pile with the rest of the clothes and you felt your breath catch.
“You doin’ okay?” Chris asked. His voice had gone low, and you could not ignore the way his hand was drifting lower and lower, or the way Alex’s mouth was drifting closer and closer.
All you could do is nod and it seemed like that nod was all they needed. Alex’s mouth was on you then, making your knees buckle just enough for Chris to remove his hand and instead wrap his whole arm across your middle. Chris seemed to pause for a moment, deciding to let Alex take the reins and Alex took full advantage of that.
Using his fingers to spread you apart, Alex dived in completely, licking a stripe straight up and causing you to let out a moan that immediately went straight through both the men.
You tried to keep some kind of grip on yourself, reaching behind to grab at Chris’s hair and pull his mouth down onto yours. He kissed you back, swallowing the moans you were letting out as Alex continued his assault.
After a few moments of that, you thought you finally had some of your sense back. Things weren’t as foggy anymore and you were able to bring a hand down to Alex’s hair, releasing it from the hair tie he had been using and running your fingers through it.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” Chris praised before turning his attention to Alex, “and look at him. He’s doing so well taking care of you, isn’t he?”
You thought you heard Alex let out a low noise, and you smiled up at Chris. “Such good care,” you agreed.
“Would you like a little more though?” Chris asked, his breath hot against your ear. There was his hand again, trailing down your stomach and making your head go fuzzy again. “We’re going to treat you so well.”
And there it was. The combination of Alex’s soft licks and Chris’s fingers making their way to your core. You let out a loud moan when Chris finally reached his goal, pushing two fingers in at first to match Alex’s speed before picking up the pace.
You were a mess then. You didn’t bother trying to hide the moans you let out and chose instead to let them hear it. Let them hear how they were making you feel.
When Chris’s other hand came up to settle over your neck, you were on the brink. He didn’t even bother squeezing even a little, just let his hand rest there as the thought of it filled your head.
It was when the two of them quickened their pace together, and you looked down just enough to see the way Alex was looking up at you – that was when you lost it, coming all over Chris’s fingers and Alex’s tongue.
“There you go,” you heard Chris whisper in your ear, “there you go, sweetheart.”
Chris held you up when your knees buckled, the hand around your neck coming back to wrap around your waist, and you shivered slightly as Alex’s hands rested on your thighs, his mouth dragging kisses across both of them. When you finally recovered, Chris spun you around and grabbed your chin, tilting your head up so you met his gaze. You could see the way his eyes were slightly glazed over, and you knew he was just as lost in this moment as you were.
Behind you, Alex growled as he stood. “We got time, Chris.”
Chris’s gaze shifted to look at Alex behind him, and a sly smile appeared on his face. “I know, Lex.”
Before you could prepare for what was happening, Chris had you pushed up against Alex, pushing the two of you to the bed with you sitting in Alex’s lap.
Alex hissed at the friction but grabbed your hips and held you in place all the same. When you looked back up at Chris, he already had his pants unbuckled and was pushing them down the length of his legs. Beneath you, you felt Alex shift slightly.
“Oh, who’s the impatient one now, huh?” Chris teased, and you knew it was directed towards Alex.
“We got all the time in the world, Chris,” Alex replied, his hands squeezing your hips lightly as he spoke, “we can take our time.”
Chris moved far too fast for you to catch on to what he was doing, but before you knew it his chest was pressed against yours, one of his hands coming to rest over Alex’s on your hip while the other was cupping Alex’s face as he leaned past you to kiss him.
You weren’t shocked by it, but it still took your breath away.
When Chris pulled away, his face was flushed. “You talk too much, Lex.”
The dynamic changed then, with Alex seemingly ending up under the same spell that you had been under. Chris had the two of you in the palm of his hand and you couldn’t do anything about it.
You didn’t know if you wanted to do anything about it, though. You were seeing a different side of both of these men, with Alex becoming more submissive and Chris taking charge. It was hot, and you were enjoying it far too much.
“You should take care of him,” Chris motioned to you sitting in Alex’s lap, “he’s barely holding on.”
You turned your head enough to look at Alex, one of your hands coming to rest on his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch.
“Ride him, sweetheart.”
You looked to Chris for confirmation of what he said, but he only gave you a nod. Slowly, you stood, making to turn around on shaky legs, but Chris reached out to stop you.
“Don’t turn around, just stay like that. I have other plans for you.”
You obliged and waited for Alex to unzip and push down his jeans enough to pull himself out before you positioned yourself. Your head was spinning as you slowly planted yourself down, letting Alex fill you. His hands were back at your hips, guiding you down, and you let out a moan when you were flush against his thighs.
“There you go,” Chris encouraged, stepping forward and bringing a hand up to your hair. “Ride him, baby.”
And you did. Slow movements at first until Alex started lifting his hips up to meet your pace. Your moans mixed with his and filled the room, not doing anything to hide the lude sounds coming from your bodies together.
Chris ran a hand through your hair and you suddenly realized what he had planned for you.
He seemed to pause for a second, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. “Is this okay?”
You let out a noise when Alex thrusted up, managing to hit a certain spot that made your stomach flip. “Yes, yes. Of course.”
And then Chris was at your mouth, thrusting in, and your body suddenly felt so overwhelmed.
Alex’s hands squeezed your hips before moving his arms to wrap around your waist while your hands came up to settle on Chris’s thighs as he continued his pace. The two of them matched their pace fairly well, and you felt like it wouldn’t be long before you all would be losing yourselves to the moment.
You could tell Alex was close when he rested his head in between your shoulder blades, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he brought a hand down to make you finish with him.
Chris’s pace was becoming faster, a little rougher than before, and he was still mumbling encouraging words to you, keeping a hand wrapped in your hair.
When you and Alex came, you did so together, with Alex shouting as he released himself and you falling into Chris, your hands clutching at his thighs as you tried to find some stability.
Alex was still inside you as you worked to finish Chris off, bobbing your head faster and using his encouraging words to help you do so.
Alex was breathless behind you, watching the scene unfold. With a low mumble, he looked up at Chris. “You gonna come for her, Chris?”
And that was all it took. Chris pulled out of your mouth and came into his hand, not wanting to make a mess of the floor or you. For a second, he stood on wobbly legs, trying to find his balance before he marched off to the bathroom without a word.
You laughed softly at how the night had turned out as you slowly lifted yourself off of Alex. He let out a slight hiss at the feeling of being so sensitive, but relaxed when you sat back down in his lap, letting his arms wrap around you. You leaned back into his chest, feeling completely exhausted.
Chris appeared a moment later carrying a damp washcloth. He had clearly cleaned his hands off and was now coming to care for you, using the cloth to carefully wipe at your thighs and clean you up.
You reached out a hand to place on Chris’s cheek as he kneeled down in front of you, and he looked up at you with his soft eyes. You felt your heart want to burst at the idea of having these two men together.
“Thank you for that,” you told them softly, turning your head enough to look at Alex too.
Chris put a hand over yours and turned his head to press a kiss to your palm. “Don’t think that we’re anywhere done with you, sweetheart.”
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spotofimagines · 6 years
From Childhood ~ Alex Shelley
A/N: This isn’t completely checked for mistakes so forgive me if there is any. I loved writing this so I hope you enjoy!
Requested by: Anon
Warnings: none
Tagging(If you want to be added/removed just ask): @laziestgirlintheworld @lilwinchester67 @omgcharmingoceans @earl-01 @ghostofviper @dahlia-blossom
“What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.”
Summary: You and Alex have been friends since you were kids but maybe there’s something you both need to admit.
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You and Alex were inseparable, you have been since you first met each other. Growing up in the same small area in Detroit, it didn’t take a miracle to know almost everyone there. You loved all the different personalities and lives of those people. But as time went on you slowly disconnected from a lot of them, mainly because you left the city.
However, there was one person that stuck with you. Alex. Little Alex Shelley from down the road who turned out to be The Alex Shelley, the pro wrestler and your best friend of about 25 years. Since you were 10 years old you knew there was something special about him, but you weren’t sure what it was. 
Maybe it was his heart and how he had so much love for everything. Maybe it was his passion and how his life was dedicated to the things he cared about. Maybe his spirit and how he always found the fun in a situation. Whatever it was, you connected to him instantly, and not a day has passed since that you haven’t been at each other’s sides. You couldn’t imagine your life without him.
Both you and Alex wanted to be wrestlers so you pushed for your dreams; travelling the world together, often moving companies around the same times too.
This currently landed you both in Ring of Honor. Alex tagged with one of your other best friends Chris Sabin and you wrestled on your own, but you sometimes joined the two in the ring for matches.
You were sat in catering in your ring gear. Your match was 3rd and you liked to be well prepared before you go out. You needed the right mindset to be your best, but one thing tonight was throwing you off.
Usually, he was a calming presence before a show, keeping a nice conversation and making you smile. But not tonight. In the past few days, you knew your feelings towards him had changed. He wasn’t just a best friend. He was gorgeous, stunning, inside and out. The same feelings you briefly had for him when you were 14 had started creeping up on you again. He was funny, kind, generous, smart, he was always there for you, and you love him.
You love him.
Something about him made your heart pound. It was the night before that you realised it must have been love. Tossing and turning all night, you couldn’t get Alex out of your head. You didn’t know what to do. There wasn’t a chance you were ruining this friendship over your stupid feelings making it awkward. You would just have to keep them to yourself.
You sat at your table thinking it all through, carefully inspecting Alex whilst he stretched. Your eyes were fixed on his ring gear and the way it clung to his body.
“That’s dangerous.” You turned and looked at where the comment came from, only to find Chris stood behind your chair with one hand on his hip, the other holding a plate of food, raising his eyebrows at you.  He chuckled and took a seat next to you after you groaned and sprawled your arms across the table.
“He’s so beautiful.” You whined as you dropped your head on the table, squeezing your eyes shut in despair. “I know,” Chris sighed, “He’s really beautiful.” You laughed and shook your head before leaning your chin on your arms and looking at Alex again.
When Chris first met you and Alex he thought you were already a couple. You were really close and did almost everything together so you could forgive Chris for his easy mistake. He made a bet not long after that you’d end up falling in love but you and Alex shrugged it off.
So yesterday when you went up to Chris backstage and gave him $20 saying he was right, his face lit up right away. He always guessed that, whenever you said something suspicious, you were hiding the fact that you liked Alex so now that you actually did mean it, Chris was having a ball of a time.
Alex turned and spotted you and Chris watching him. He gave a wave to Chris and a wink to you, which Chris took for himself and blew a kiss back to Alex. He smiled and shook his head, brushing off Chris’s actions before picking up his belongings and making his way over to you two.
“Act natural.” Chris whispered to you as he slowly slouched into his chair whilst continuing to eat. You frowned at him in confusion. “What? I am being natural.” Chris looked at you blankly for a second before he rolled his eyes and leaned forward close to you. “You know what I mean. Act like you’re not hopelessly in love with him.” He smiled at you and squeezed your shoulder before leaning back again. You groan, sending a quiet “Yeah, thanks” towards Chris just before Alex arrived at your side.
"How are my two favourite people?" He gave Chris a fistbump and you a light kiss on the temple. Your heart fluttered at his actions and you fought the urge to melt into the table again. "Hey! Where’s my kiss?" Chris shouted before tapping his cheek. Alex kissed his cheek without hesitation and Chris smiled in delight. As Alex went to sit on the other side of you, Chris wiggled his eyebrows at you playfully and mouthed “relax” as he could sense your nerves around Alex.
The three of you fell into easy conversation about your matches and storylines that were coming up. It was heartwarming that you could always talk to each other about anything, no matter the time of day. Even if it did consist of the weirdest topics, like right then when Chris was trying to convince you both that pandas were the best animal on earth.
As hard as you tried to keep your focus on the subject at hand, you couldn’t help but get lost in Alex. The way he sat was driving you crazy. His legs were outstretched with his arms folded across his chest showing his toned muscles, the odd twitch drawing your attention to his biceps as you appreciated his body. He was facing just the right position so the light made his eyes shine perfectly. And the extra glint they got when he laughed had you in awe. On top of that, his voice had you in some sort of trance. It was deep, but not too deep, and soft as he chose the right words to say to Chris, careful not to delve into another absurd debate.
You were starstruck by his beauty and you couldn’t tear your eyes away if you wanted to. You were sat staring at him in admiration when you made probably the worst decision of your life. You couldn’t help yourself as you sighed deeply before exclaiming,
“I love you.”
Immediately a silence fell on the table. Chris stopped chewing as his head darted to look at you with wide eyes. Your face wore a matching expression as you realised what you had just said. You had confessed your love to him. And after only a couple days? God, how senseless could you be?
After a few seconds of stillness, Chris picked up his plate and stood from his seat, moving rather quickly to sit at the Bullet Club’s table on the other side of the room. However, he made sure to be sat where he could see exactly what was going on as he gave a few little head nods to the welcoming wrestlers he had just joined.
None of this was noticed by you or Alex. Alex had yet to say anything and he stared blankly at the table in front of him as though he were in deep thought. You were so embarrassed you couldn’t even look at him. Your eyes scattered over your surroundings and you rubbed your sweaty hands on your thighs before attempting to stand and make a quick exit.
As soon as you moved an inch, Alex’s head shot to look at you. Stutters and half said words spewed from his mouth quickly as he leaned upright and twisted slightly to be facing you directly.
“You... I... erm... since wh... how lo...you...” there was a short pause as he gathered his thoughts properly. You sat facing him sheepishly toying with your hands, waiting for him to turn you down. He looked at the ground with furrowed brows.
“You love me?” He uttered softly before looking you in the eyes. You gulped nervously, thinking you looked stupid. You nodded and looked at you hands, worried that he would tell you to leave and that would be the end of you two.
But what you missed was the gleam in his eyes as he had discovered your true feelings. He smiled and tried his hardest from hugging and kissing you right then and there. Instead, he became aware of your discomfort and grabbed your hands in his, yet you still stayed fixated on your lap.
Alex leaned forward and took a deep breath before whispering in your ear, “What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.” You instantly looked up and into his eyes which were up close to yours. “Wh- Are you for real?” You asked in disbelief. He chuckled lightly at you then, with a huge smile, declared, “Of course I’ve been in love with you since then.” He gave your face a once over, lingering on your lips a little before looking in your eyes again with such affection. “I’d have been a fool not to.” He said quietly, almost reminding himself what he'd known all along.
Your eyes moved to his mouth when his tongue poked out slightly. You shook your head ever so slightly. “I love you, Alex.” Both your heads had slowly drifted together and you noticed how close you had gotten as you felt his breath on your mouth. “I love you, too.” He sighed before he gently pressed his lips to yours.
There was an explosion of passion from the lightest of touches. His hand came up to your cheek, his rough fingers a strange parallel to the sweet, velvety feel of his lips. They were soft against your own and you felt him push deeper into the kiss as he gained more confidence in himself. You pushed back into him as his thumb brushed your cheek gently.
As you felt the loving moment become more heated, you reluctantly pulled away due to your very public surroundings. You explored Alex’s gorgeous brown eyes until a sudden burst of noise pulled you away.
Chris was stood up, cheering and clapping loudly whilst looking at you two with fond happiness. The Young Bucks giggled next to him as the rest of the guys looked in your direction and grins appeared on their faces. “Way to go guys!” Marty hollered before giving a quick round of applause, also joined by Hangman and Cody. “I love you guys so much!!” Chris shouted, still clapping, appearing as though he was about to cry.
You laughed and shook your head at Chris’s wild antics. You turned your head back to Alex, just to find him already looking at you deep in love with a small smirk on his face. Your foreheads fell together before he moved to kiss your head. He mumbled “Let’s go” then grabbed hold of your hand again, this time lacing his fingers with your, and leading you out of catering to the sound of whistles and cheers.
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cuttingedge708 · 3 years
Hi bestie can you do a imagine where Alex takes his s/o to the locker room to celebrate
Ooooo nelly let’s goooo!!
Female reader X Alex Shelly
This is my first time writing smut so it will be a tad bit spicy 🌶
Warning: light smut +cursing
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(Gif not owned by me)
Alex just won his match against Chris Bey and was heading to go find his girlfriend, she was waiting in the gorilla for him, once he found her he pulled out a cheesy yet dirty pick up line to tease his partner with.
“Those seem like very expensive clothes, too bad I’ll be ripping through them tonight”
She turned red as he pulled her by the hips and kissed her deeply intertwining their tongues together.
She mumbled “mmmh baby you taste so good”
He hastily pulled the door to his locker room but what he didn’t know is that his tag partner Chris Sabin is talking to the newest addition to the announce team Gema
“Aw man not the couch!?” Chris warned them but they didn’t seem to hear as they continue to make out furiously on the couch Gema didn’t seem to help the matter by saying “Full steam ahead folks” Chris nudged her shoulder and mumbled “we should get out of here Gema chuckle and said “ we should I really need bleach in my eyes after that”.
The two continued exploring each other’s bodies when Y/N spoke up after undoing Alex’s belt.
“My doctor said I have a vitamin deficiency, can you give me some of your Vitamin D?”
Alex laughed as she pulled his belt and jeans off, she papered kissed along his jaw before and rubbed again him, there was a loud moan that came from him signaling that he wanted more the kisses continued until there was a loud knock on the door.
Alex shouted “coming just give me a minute”
He opens the door to see Gema And Chris pretending to look like they knew nothing of what went on in that room, Gema cackles “okay lover boy Scott wants you and Chris in a match with Jay and Karl” Chris nudges her again but that doesn’t stop her from pushing the door open.
“Heyyy Y/N hope you two love birds have fun”
Y/N goes red with embarrassment and mumbled very quietly “shit” as chris pulls Gema out of the room and utters “hey we will give you five minutes” he glared at Gema whilst she just laughed.
“Well that was something wasn’t it doll”
“You got that right babe”
(Sorry if it’s short I hope you like it @oedojoshicorps!)
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For a while now, I’ve been compiling this list of work that I absolutely adore, and I think deserves more attention. Major shoutouts to these amazing writers!
Sick Day (John Wick x Reader) by @ladyreapermc Come Back to Me (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) by @messagefromtheveins In The Aftermath (Jared Padalecki x Reader) by @impalaimagining The Accidental Sext (Sirius Black x Reader) by @wizardwritings The Austrian Suitor (Christoph Waltz x Reader) by @headoverhiddles Fake It (Peter Parker x Reader) by @pparkerwrites Muppet Baby (Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader) by @ftwdimagines Baby, You’re a Haunted House (Mick Mars x Reader) by @yesloverboy I See You (Darryl Dixon x Reader) by @therantygeek Cotton Candy (Mick Mars x Reader) by @niksixx Favors (Jim Hopper x Reader) by @sweetfictionalworld Down 7th Street (Clint Barton x Reader) by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Imagine being late to dinner (Viktor Krum x Reader) by @fanficimagery​ Drunken Truth or ... What Did I Do (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) by @sabine-leo​Lucky in Love (Chris Evans x Reader) by @melodramaticfanatic Love on the Line (Castiel x Reader) by @webcricket
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Updated Request Rules & Guidelines
My first set of WWE Fanfiction Requests!
Hey everyone, if you’re reading this and are interested in submitting a request here are the rules/ guidelines of my doing requests. I thought long and hard about doing this and while I’m nervous I feel like doing requests will give me a kick to write more.
Requests will remain open as long as I feel like. I have the right to close them but will give fair warning in advance of closing the request.
Rules/ Guidelines:
1.      All requests will be for male superstar / female reader (i.e. Finn Balor X Y/N). I have not written slash in a long time and am not prepared to jump back in. I will be dipping my toe back into that in the future but not now.
2.      No self-harm/rape/death stories. They aren’t for me. I can’t write them. Note: Other things such as depression, anxiety, etc. are okay and allowed to be a part of the request but I will not write extremely triggering things. It’s difficult to write for me and even more difficult for some to read.
3.      Requests will be filled as I am inspired by them. Not first come/first serve. You can’t rush writing.
4.      Relating to the above rule you must be patient. If you are pushy or flat-out mean about how long it is taking to fill your request I will not finish it, no matter how good an idea it is.
5.      I will write fluff, angst and smut. Be specific in what you are looking for.
6.      I will accept requests from Anonymous but please know that if I can’t reply to your request there is no way of notifying you when it’s going up/ if I would like clarification on your request.
7. If you request smut you must be 18 years of age or older (AKA off anonymous and someone that lists their age in their profile). Also, if you request smut I cannot guarantee it will happen. If it doesn’t fit the story I won’t just throw it in there. 
If you want to help inspire me:
1.      Submit a particular image/ lyric/song/quote you associate with the request. I will try and use that as a guideline for my story.
2.      Give me specifics. Don’t just say “A cute fluffy story with Pete Dunne, please and thanks!” That’s not enough.
Wrestlers I will write for: (Note, I know much more about WWE wrestlers than other promotions so please be kind if I don’t their characterization just right.)
·        Adam Cole
·        Adam Page
·        AJ Styles
·        Aleister Black
·        Alex Shelley
·        Andrade “Cien” Almas
·        Baron Corbin
·        Bobby Fish
·        Bobby Roode
·        Brian Kendrick
·        Cedric Alexander
·        Cesaro
·        Chad Gable
·        Chris Jericho
·        Chris Sabin
·        Cody Rhodes
·        Corey Graves
·        Dean Ambrose
·        Drew McIntyre
·        Elias
·        Finn Balor
·        Jason Jordan
·        Jay Briscoe
·        Jeff Hardy
·        Johnny Gargano
·        Kassius Ohno
·        Kyle O’Reilly
·        Mark Andrews
·        Mark Briscoe
·        Marty Scurll
·        Matt Hardy
·        Mojo Rawley
·        Mustafa Ali
·        Neville
·        Pete Dunne
·        Roderick Strong
·        Roman Reigns
·        Sami Zayn
·        Seth Rollins
·        Sheamus
·        TJ Perkins
·        Tommaso Ciampa
·        Tony Nese
·        Trent Seven
·        Tye Dillinger
·        Tyler Bate
·        Velveteen Dream
·        Will Ospreay
Note: If you have an idea for a wrestler not listed above send me the request but PLEASE include an alternative choice for the character. This list doesn’t mean I absolutely will not write for some people but this is who I feel I am comfortable writing.
A final reminder: If the rules are not adhered to/ a request makes me uncomfortable I will not complete the request. You all need to understand that a request is just that, a request. I will do my best to fill them all but this is not a contract. So please, be understanding of mine, as well as all, writer’s limitations and guidelines.
Tag List:
@thedeboniardevistation @xxnobodyshero13xx  @speedilyghostlycloud
@fan-fiction-galore  @amaranthine-reign @lordoftheringsmyass  
@justtheaverageblog1 @alpha-american @aineslight @reigns420 @deajm2116
@redroseblackwolfpack96 @blondekel77  @shieldgirl95 @gelinas22
@vebner37 @banrioncethlenn  @moxtiel  @caramara3
@fmlallthewayup @breezy14fan @secretagentfangirl @crowleysqueenofhell
@abominablestrowman279 @laochbaineann @wrestlingnoob @logandemico
@calwitch @sleeplessandcynical @sjwrites22 @georgiadean37
@houndofjustice-imagines @squirrel666 @dorkyvillain @heeltothequeen @heelturn-timesten @satansstrawberry @imnobodiesbitch @leteverythingexist @sonjashuterbugjohnson @serious-stressed-sparkles  @andie01 @thegenericluchadora @thedeboniardevistation @thirstiswet @wweburnitdown
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thevirgovigilante · 7 years
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Pairing: Matt Jackson x Reader x Chris Sabin Prompt: Ever since your abrupt “break up” with Matt you’ve been contemplating on whether or not you should get revenge on him. Chris Sabin, your boyfriend, thinks you shouldn’t go through it but of course you’re not listening to him. Word Count:930 Warning(s):Violence A/N: I decided to make a part 2 of Text Messages, it’s about time Matt Jackson received a bit of karma for his actions against the reader. Should I make a part 3? It’s a bit short, sorry.
"Get off of him you crazy bitch!" Adam pulled you off of Matt. You didn't forget what he told you, you didn't forget whose names he said. If you didn't get your hands on Matt, Nick, or Adam then you wouldn't be satisfied. It had only been 2 weeks since Matt broke your heart and told you his true intentions. You are a feisty woman and when you wanted to fight someone it was ALWAYS on sight.
"(Y/N), just leave it." Alex Shelley, your best friend, touched your shoulder. He knew about everything that happened, it was hectic when Chris found out. Chris Sabin, your boyfriend, had more of a temper than you and you took everything in Alex to convince him not to cause trouble at work. Adam and Nick helped Matt up. You had a devilish smile on your face, far from done "I'm gonna get you two as well." pointing at Adam and Nick.
When Chris came into the room Alex knew it was over with. He sighed, thinking he was either gonna even the odds or just leave this to be a 3-on-2 situation. Alex didn't want Chris getting jumped and he knew you were gonna fight all three of them anyway....but you weren't as strong as them. Alex released you and rubbed the bridge of his nose "So....what're we gonna do?" Chris set his bag to the side "You already know how we settle things."
Adam got annoyed with Alex's word, "Oh so now you two wanna fight her battles? It's not our fault she actually thought Matt had a thing for her. She's gullible as she is stupid." It took you only 3 seconds to get from Alex all the way to Adam. You were strong and fast so you managed to tackle him and throw series of punches his way.
When Nick tried to pull you off of Adam, Alex ran up on him faster than he could even blink. It's funny how for guys who work out, torment you, and find your shattered heart a funny thing, they didn't really know how to fight at all. Matt and Chris stared at each other, Matt didn't want to fight and potentially lose his jobs you guys were in the locker room area and not a lot of people were around, yet.
Chris pulled up his pants a bit and balled his hands into fists "You ready bitch? You wanted to play with my woman's feelings and think nobody would come back for you?" Matt tried to reason with Chris, putting his hands up in a defensive way "Look, dude, I don't think--" he didn't even finish his sentence and got punched in the face.
All six of you brawled for about a good minute before others came and broke up the fight. Dalton and his boys held you guys back. The rest of the bullet club came and got Adam, Nick, and Matt. You were satisfied with the ass beating they all received "Don't think if you snitch on us we'll be the only ones going down. You bitches fucked with the wrong girl and thought you were gonna get away with it!" you tried pushing past Dalton, but he wasn't budging.
"You're mad because you got played like a fucking violin, stop acting like your actions are justified!" Adam yelled from over Tama Tonga's shoulder "But I just beat you up though! Get the fuck outta here, Cole!" both parties got pulled away. Dalton and his boys were trying to understand what happened "They're assholes, which is why no one is really friends with them."
"Adam got one good hit in though." You pointed to your eye that was slowly swelling and turning black. Seeing that made Chris see red and he tried to go back to beat him up again but you grabbed his arm "Let it go, babe." Alex sat down and sighed.
"We're all gonna get fired," Alex said. "That's only if they wanna go and be a snitch." You shrugged your shoulders. "They're a bunch of pussies.....so that may just happen."
Chris wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer. He cupped your face with his other hand and made you look at him "You're gonna need to put some steak on that eye of yours." You brushed your thumb over your eye slightly and grimaced in pain "Yeah, that hurts." you smiled.
"Well-" Dalton shrugged his shoulder "-you three should probably go home and call it off work....the worse that could happen is that you three get fired, and that's most likely gonna happen."
You looked over at Chris and Alex "I'll take the fall for it, I wanted to fight them in the first place anyway. You two don't deserve to get fired over this." Chris kissed your cheek "Babe. I'm your ride or die I would do anything for you, even if it means I lose my job."
You shook your head "I wanted to leave ever since Matt's actions, you don't have to lose your job because of me." Chris looked away and nodded "Alright, but...." he intertwined his fingers into yours and kissed your cheek again. Not even ten seconds later you saw the police walk into the build and Bullet Club pointed right at the three of you.
"Shit....." you cursed under your breath.
@lclb13 @sabrina-the-champ
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daleisgreat · 7 years
Lockdown 2006
Welcome to my second installment of reviewing every TNA Lockdown DVD! If you missed my recap of the first PPV in 2005 you can click here to catch up. That recap also contains a bonus intro that serves as a handy primer for the nuts-o promotion that somehow-someway keeps limping along that is TNA/GFW/Impact Wrestling. My plan is to review a Lockdown DVD every several months. Lockdown is the one event a year for the company where every match happens in a cage! Impact Wrestling has released DVDs of Lockdown PPVs through 2014. The 2015 & 2016 incarnations were shortened TV specials, but since the last blog Impact Wrestling finally launched its own Network/App, The Global Wrestling Network which features the entire Impact TV/TNA PPV archives so if/when I do get that far along with these blogs I will bite the bullet and subscribe to it and bestow the lowdown on Lockdown to you dear readers! Also if you came here fresh from reading the 2005 Lockdown recap you will notice I am no longer referring to the promotion as Global Force Wrestling. That is because Anthem, the company that owns the promotion, had a major falling out with partner Jeff Jarrett before they fully completed the acquisition of his GFW promotion and they backed out of the GFW branding and went back to calling the promotion Impact Wrestling. For those keeping tabs that is the fourth, yes fourth name change for the promotion THIS YEAR because it started off 2017 as TNA, then went to Impact for a few months before changing to GFW for a few months and eventually back to Impact Wrestling. This is all great material for the eventual WWE buyout of Impact and they unleash their OMG 50 Incidents of Impact home video, which should really be a 5-disc 150 OMG Incidents because 50 is nowhere near enough!
So let us shift back to then-TNA in 2006. What has happened in the year preceding the previous Lockdown? Not too long after the premiere Lockdown PPV, TNA’s FSN TV contract ended, and after waiting a few months for WWE’s TV contract to end with Spike, TNA found their way on Spike the week after WWE left the network in October 2006. It was the beginning of a long partnership that would last over nine years with TNA staying on the network through 2014. The move to a major cable network was the catalyst for more former WCW/WWE talent coming over to TNA. Christian was the first WWE star to not re-sign with WWE and opted to bring his talents to Orlando and TNA got behind him big and within months he became the NWA World Champ and continued to hold it going into this show. Sting was perhaps the biggest acquisition for TNA and he debuted a few months prior teaming with Christian in the first TNA PPV of 2006. Mr. “Big Poppa Pump” Scotty Steiner is two years past his failed WWE run and made his TNA debut shortly before this show and will have his first TNA match at this Lockdown. The Dudley Boyz are fresh off a successful six year run in WWE, and arrived in TNA towards the end of 2015 as the newly branded Team 3D and rocking flannel instead of camo. Finally, TNA acquired the hottest indy star in the summer of 2005 in the form of Samoa Joe and going into this PPV he is the X Division champion and undefeated at nearly a year into his run in the promotion. All these acts will have pretty solid runs in TNA and will have lengthy stays in the promotion. Also, this edition of Lockdown will be the final one for about a decade to not be booked by Vince Russo, and it shows with most of the matches here having solid, traditional rivalries and storytelling, and being surprisingly competent by TNA standards. I am greatly anticipating the nonsensical chaos to come in the future Lockdowns. OK, that primer setting up the 2006 Lockdown went on far too long but TNA/Impact is a…unique…company and a lot can occur in a year for them. On to the show!
TNA does a round robin league/tournament every year or two known as the X-Cup/Super X. It features a few teams consisting of cruiserweights from around the world. It usually lasts several weeks as the teams rack up points for their wins and losses. The opening match was a six man tag that served as a preview for the 2006 X-Cup with Team Japan’s Hirooki Goto, Black Tiger & Minoru defeating Team USA’s Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, & Jay Lethal. Announcers Mike Tenay & Don West highlight that Lethal is at this point TNA’s youngest star on their roster at 23 years old! He has come a long way. The bout is a excellent opener with a good dose of the flips and dives expected from this division with a tremendous sequence of near falls in the final minutes that sees Black Tiger getting the pin on Jay Lethal with his Tiger Suplex. There is a nice flow to this PPV with a quick backstage interview between every match with the wrestlers giving a quick traditional verbal beating of their rival shortly before their match. The former Bubba Ray, now known as Brother Ray gives a super rah-rah-USA promo with a 3D twist to the Pledge of Allegiance before their match later with Team Canada. However next up is Christopher Daniels against a mystery opponent that wound up being his former Triple X partner, the returning Low-Ki, who is now going by Senshi. Some of you may recall Low-Ki/Senshi from his brief 2010 run in WWE as the season two winner of NXT, Kaval. The two obviously know each other well and go move-for-move and counter-for-counter in another excellent highspot match-up where Senshi gets the victory with a reverse-Suplex-leverage pin.
The greatest worst faction in TNA history, Three Live Kru, disbanded since the last Lockdown with Kip James arrival in TNA and joining the group, but Konnan did not trust him and turned on his buddies. He went on to form the Hispanic-gang themed faction LAX with Hernandes & Homicide which I was a big fan of for their lengthy run in TNA. Kip and BG then teamed up as The James Gang and brought along BG’s dad, WWE Hall of Famer, Bullet Bob along for the ride. There is a fun montage highlighting this rivalry where Bullet Bob proves his true grit here by taking on Konnan in an arm wrestling match…in a cage! This looks like it could be a trainwreck going into it, but Konnan and Bullet Bob do a hell of a job with their facials in their tribute to Over the Top and it makes for a dandy little encounter. There is a bonus stipulation where the losing team has to get whipped and BG drags it out with his trash talk between lashings while the crowd chants “boring.” So the post-match hoopla is a wash, but the actual arm wrestling duel was surprisingly fun. Speaking of crowd chants, there are a few ‘This is awesome’ chants I noticed this show. I am not positive but thinking back on it this chant may have originated in TNA. WWE was still pre-PG at this time and most of their crowds then chanted ‘Holy Shit’ or ‘ECW’ for highspots if I recall correctly. Now their crowds regularly chant ‘This is awesome.’ I could be wrong, but maybe TNA/Impact’s long-lasting legacy will be it being the origin of that popular chant. That chant was also predominant in the second annual Xscap match that sees six X-Division stars start off in an elimination match until it is down to two competitors where the bout then becomes an escape-the-cage-to-win match.
This year sees Elix Skipper, Petey Williams, Puma, Chase Stevens, Shark Boy and Chris Sabin in the Xscape match. Highlight of the bout is Stevens going up to the cage for a splash unto his opponents who were waiting to break his fall in a telegraphed spot, but then something happens and it looks like the X-Division stars get cold feet on wanting to take the spot or their timing is off and they whiff catching Stevens who air balls directly onto the mat in the nastiest spot of the night. The announcers try to improvise and cover for the spot by saying the wrestlers smartly moved out of the way and I guess it works, but what is more bizarre is Stevens barely selling the miss and continues to wrestle like he hit the move and is on a roll in the match….’bowling-shoe ugly’ as good ‘ol JR would say. Anywho, the match boils down to Williams and Sabin, and backfired interference from Petey’s manager Coach D’amore leads to Sabin escaping the cage in an entertaining final sequence. Next we have the Lockdown debut of Samoa Joe defends his X-Title as he takes on Sabu. First thought here, is damn does Joe look like a kid here in 2005 compared to how we see him now in 2017. I believe this is also Sabu’s final TNA match for awhile because he went off to WWE for their ECW relaunch for a year. That did not stop Sabu from bouncing around like crazy and being the first combatant to get busted open this night. He tried to stab Joe with his trademark railroad spike, but fails to do so as he falls victim to Joe’s musclebuster and Joe walks out of this still undefeated.
Bubba had a pro-USA promo earlier, but Team Canada manage to top him with their pro-Canada speech as they intentionally bomb singing the opening lines to the Canadian anthem. Bobby Roode and Eric Young have come a long ways since these TNA early years. Bubba Ray, D-Von & Spike Dudley are known in TNA as Brother Ray, Brother D-Von & Brother Runt, respectively. They are taking on Team Canada’s Eric Young, A1 & Bobby Roode in an ‘Anthem Match.’ Hmm….I wonder if this should be the new marquee match type of the company today considering Impact Wrestling’s new parent owner is Anthem Entertainment, who is based out of Canada no less! What is an Anthem Match, you ask? In TNA, it is a Flag Match, but since this is Lockdown the wrestlers have to grab their county’s flag from the top of the cage to claim victory and the losers must then be shamed as they have to listen to their rivals’ national anthem in disgrace! Team 3D has a fairly decent entrance theme knockoff to their killer Powerman 5000 track in WWE. There are a few fun spots in here such as a Bubba-Bomb from the top rope and a terrific false finish where Team 3D’s initial flag grab was not recognized because the ref was knocked out. This will probably be the first and only time where we have a flag match in a cage with a ref bump false finish….only in TNA! What is more amusing is Runt then grabbing the flag for the official victory and the TV crew cutting to the announcers to hype the rest of the card while the crowd chants along to the national anthem in its entirety well after they stop playing the instrumental version on the PA. Tenay & West hilariously fail to talk over them before giving in and recognizing the crowd’s rightful patriotism!
New mother of triplets and the first-ever WWE Diva Search winner, Christy Hemme makes her TNA debut next to deliver an envelope for West & Tenay to announce. A year prior, Dusty Rhodes was the on-screen authority figure of TNA, but since then Larry Zybysko went on to procure the role, but has been up to shady corruptions on the side and Tenay & West announce that the ‘TNA Executive Committee’ is reviewing Zybysko’s actions and working on finding a new replacement. That replacement in the coming weeks was revealed to be none other than Jim Cornette. In that same announcement, TNA reinstates Zybysko’s rival he previously fired, Raven. Zybysko comes out to protest, but Raven promptly comes out and chases him out of the ring. Christian Cage (he had to add the last name to his billing in TNA to avoid legal troubles with WWE, oh yeah he too has a solid knockoff of his WWE theme for his TNA music) defends his NWA World Title next against Abyss. The montage that played before this match highlighting their feud showed Abyss stalking Christian’s wife so Christian is none-too-happy about that and interrupts Abyss’s entrance for a surprise attack and the two brawl outside the ring and into the stands before officially starting the match in the cage several minutes later. Abyss then proceeds to have several minutes of methodical, lulling dominance in the match before a ref bump and Christian liven up the crowd with a believable near fall after a splash from the top of the cage. When that did not work, a sunset flip from the top of the cage into a powerbomb onto thumb-tacks was still not enough to put away Abyss. Abyss’s manager James Mitchell then busts out a second bag of tacks to the announcers’ delight and in vintage Abyss fashion, his attempt to win with them backfires as Christian hits an Unprettier on the tacks for the pin. The first half really dragged, but the surreal near falls and stunts in the second half saved this match. Not all was well for Christian however as Abyss got his revenge by choking out Christian with a chain after the match.
The main event is the second annual Lethal Lockdown, AKA Wargames, headlining this card with Rhino, AJ Styles, Sting and Ron Killings teaming up to face America’s Most Wanted, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner. Just like last year, two guys from each time start off for five minutes before other team members come out in two minute intervals. When all the entrants are in the cage, a roof seals everyone inside and only then are pinfalls and submissions official. AJ Styles and Chris Harris start off for initial five minutes and I forgot how awesome and quick AJ was back in these early TNA years. He can still go and deliver MOTY candidates with ease today, but there is a special flash and spring to his step back then. This match only sees three of its entrants get busted open this year with Harris, AJ & Rhino all doing the honors. Combine that with Sabu & Abyss from earlier in the night and that ups to the total to five wrestlers dawning the crimson mask overall. The roof eventually seals everyone in after Sting enters last, but for whatever reason the roof of the cage is filled with weapons to entice the wrestlers to leave the cage, and within a minute of being sealed in AJ and James Storm slip out to the top of the cage where AJ climbs on top of a ladder that is on top of a cage and splashes James Storm through a table on top of the six sides of steel in one of the more memorable spots of the night. In the ring however Sting recovers from a guitar joust that did not go in his favor against Jeff Jarrett and recuperates in time to reverse a Scorpion Deathlock onto Chris Harris for the tapout win! This was a bonkers main event and considering the gimmick and weaponry involved I got what I wanted out of it with the creative top of the cage spot from AJ and the craziness that unfolded inside the ring whenever new entrants entered the fray. I like how the tradition of the PPV two years in so far sees the X-Division have their marquee Xscape match and the heavyweights get the traditional War Games rules matchup for their gimmick headliner.
There are 14 minutes of bonus features on the DVD. There is photo shoot footage with Christy Hemme and alternative entrance camera shots and alternative match angles from several entrances and several excerpts of matches. Nothing too special, but a decent sprinkling of extras to quickly devour. This was actually a surprisingly good PPV with all the X-Division matches delivering and Christian/Abyss managing to salvage a great World Title bout after its initial stumbling. The ‘entertainment’ bouts that were the Anthem and Arm Wrestling bouts were convenient pallet cleansers that were wisely placed on the card to recharge the crowd and deliver some laughs. Most importantly, the main event delivered and after sleeping on it for a bit, gets my nod as the match of the night. I am getting warm fuzzies reliving this era of Impact Wrestling, but it is all about to get crushed because about a half year later Vince Russo returns to TNA as the primary booker for about a decade and it only goes downhill from there. Join me again here in several months for the 2007 Lockdown PPV, the first to come under the era of Vince Russo. Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Sting: Into the Light Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder TNA Lockdown 2005-2014 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania 3: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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Safety Net
A/N: The concept came from the old blog but I wanted to put in some more personal touches into this for myself as I've been going through some tough times. Requests are open if anyone wants to send stuff in, got some new stuff coming which I'm really buzzing about. :D
No warnings.
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This has been happening way too much. I have either been waking up at ridiculous hours of the morning or not sleeping at all. I have constantly been exhausted over the past few weeks. I've been hiding this from my boyfriend, as I don't want him to worry. Plus he's been tired himself, with traveling around and wrestling. I don't want to add to his own troubles.
Previously, I have been able to pretend to sleep and lie in his arms whilst I worry about my life and what I've got coming ahead. With Chris sleeping peacefully next to me, it does bring me a comfort but not enough to lull me into my own sleep.
However, tonight was a different story. As I tried to lay still and shut my eyes, in the delusion I would actually fall asleep. I felt so restless, I wiggled about like a caterpillar, stressed out of my mind. I could feel the weight of the world collasping in on my mind, so I broke free from Chris' arms and headed to the bathroom.
When I got to the bathroom, I shut the door and leant against it, sinking down to the floor. I let the tears fall from my eyes and sobs out from my mouth. The exhaustion and the stress begining to get too much for me to cope with and I need to get out of my system somehow. This seemed like the best option for the time being.
I don't know how long I was in there for, but once I felt as though I gotten most of my frustration out, I wiped my eyes, took a deep breath and hoped I could I have some peace with Chris and be more relaxed.
"Babe, is everything okay?" Chris was sitting right up on the bed and face full of panic. I must have woken him when I left. He seemed really high alert so he was definently worried.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I just needed the toilet." I lled trying to keep my voice steady and my hair covering my eyes so I could hide the fact I was crying in an attempt to make him less worried.
"You were in there for 30 minutes, did you really need to go for that long," he quizzed.
"Yeah..." I responed in a quiet voice but it was shaky.
I hear him take a deep breath before saying, "Come back to bed."
I did just that with his arms pulling me into him for a tight cuddle. I buried my head into his strong chest. "Is everything coming up? Are you struggling to keep up with it all?" I slightly lifted my head up to look into his beautiful blue eyes and nodded, with new tears brimming up in my eyes. He kissed my forehead and wiped away a few tears that managed to escape, "I heard you crying, I wish you told me it was affecting you this badly. I'm here for you. I'll help through anything, I'll protect you from everything."
We lay there for a while cuddling in slience. It was the first time in a long time I was able to feel this peaceful. I lifted my head up to look at him in his caring eyes. "Thank you," was all I could say.
He looked slightly confused, "What did I do?"
"You're here with me, that's all I need. You make me feel safe"
He smiled at me, "Well, I am your boyfriend, I would be concerned if I didn't make you feel safe."
I gave him a light smile in response, "I love you Chris."
"I love you too Y/N, come on let's get some sleep." We laid down with my head lying on his chest and his arms around my waist. I closed my eyes, the sound of Chris' breathing making me feel beyond calm and his heartbeat reminding he is my home. All I could think about was how lucky I am to have him in my life as I finally was able to drift off to sleep.
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Opening Requests
My first set of WWE Fanfiction Requests!
Hey everyone, if you’re reading this and are interested in submitting a request here are the rules/ guidelines of my doing requests. I thought long and hard about doing this and while I’m nervous I feel like doing requests will give me a kick to write more.
Requests will remain open as long as I feel like. I have the right to close them but will give fair warning in advance of closing the request. 
Rules/ Guidelines:
1.      All requests will be for male superstar / female reader (i.e. Finn Balor X Y/N). I have not written slash in a long time and am not prepared to jump back in. I will be dipping my toe back into that in the future but not now.
2.      No self-harm/rape/death stories. They aren’t for me. I can’t write them. Note: Other things such as depression, anxiety, etc. are okay and allowed to be a part of the request but I will not write extremely triggering things. It’s difficult to write for me and even more difficult for some to read.
3.      Requests will be filled as I am inspired by them. Not first come/first serve. You can’t rush writing.
4.      Relating to the above rule you must be patient. If you are pushy or flat-out mean about how long it is taking to fill your request I will not finish it, no matter how good an idea it is.
5.      I will write fluff, angst and smut. Be specific in what you are looking for.
6.      I will accept requests from Anonymous but please know that if I can’t reply to your request there is no way of notifying you when it’s going up/ if I would like clarification on your request.
 If you want to help inspire me:
1.      Submit a particular image/ lyric/song/quote you associate with the request. I will try and use that as a guideline for my story.
2.      Give me specifics. Don’t just say “A cute fluffy story with Pete Dunne, please and thanks!” That’s not enough.
Wrestlers I will write for: (Note, I know much more about WWE wrestlers than other promotions so please be kind if I don’t their characterization just right.)
·        Adam Cole
·        Adam Page
·        AJ Styles
·        Aleister Black
·        Alex Shelley
·        Andrade “Cien” Almas
·        Baron Corbin
·        Bobby Fish
·        Bobby Roode
·        Brian Kendrick
·        Cedric Alexander
·        Cesaro
·        Chad Gable
·        Chris Jericho
·        Chris Sabin
·        Cody Rhodes
·        Corey Graves
·        Dean Ambrose
·        Drew McIntyre
·        Elias
·        Finn Balor
·        Jason Jordan
·        Jay Briscoe
·        Jeff Hardy
·        Johnny Gargano
·        Kassius Ohno
·        Kyle O’Reilly
·        Mark Andrews
·        Mark Briscoe
·        Marty Scurll
·        Matt Hardy
·        Mojo Rawley
·        Mustafa Ali
·        Neville
·        Pete Dunne
·        Roderick Strong
·        Roman Reigns
·        Sami Zayn
·        Seth Rollins
·        Sheamus
·        TJ Perkins
·        Tommaso Ciampa
·        Tony Nese
·        Trent Seven
·        Tye Dillinger
·        Tyler Bate
·        Velveteen Dream
·        Will Ospreay
 Note: If you have an idea for a wrestler not listed above send me the request but PLEASE include an alternative choice for the character. This list doesn’t mean I absolutely will not write for some people but this is who I feel I am comfortable writing.
 A final reminder: If the rules are not adhered to/ a request makes me uncomfortable I will not complete the request. You all need to understand that a request is just that, a request. I will do my best to fill them all but this is not a contract. So please, be understanding of mine, as well as all, writer’s limitations and guidelines.
Tag List:
@thedeboniardevistation @xxnobodyshero13xx  @speedilyghostlycloud
@fan-fiction-galore  @amaranthine-reign @lordoftheringsmyass  
@justtheaverageblog1 @alpha-american @aineslight @reigns420 @deajm2116
@redroseblackwolfpack96 @blondekel77  @shieldgirl95 @gelinas22
@vebner37 @banrioncethlenn  @moxtiel  @caramara3
@fmlallthewayup @breezy14fan @secretagentfangirl @crowleysqueenofhell
@abominablestrowman279 @laochbaineann @wrestlingnoob @logandemico
@calwitch @sleeplessandcynical @sjwrites22 @georgiadean37
@houndofjustice-imagines @squirrel666 @dorkyvillain @heeltothequeen @heelturn-timesten @imnobodiesbitch @leteverythingexist @sonjashuterbugjohnson @serious-stressed-sparkles @andie01 @thegenericluchadora @wweburnitdown
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