#chris velez imagine
mrsvelez · 9 months
Just a Dream
(This is my first time doing this, I apologize for any grammar mistakes as English is my second language!)
You really didn’t know how this happened. It was beyond your comprehension how your real life seemed like a dream. You hold on to your suitcase as if it’s the one grounding you, a sacred link to confirm reality, that this was in fact your life. The feeling of an out of body experience was interrupted by the nice SAT agent saying,
- hope you have a fun time at Miami, girl!
- Gracias… thank you!
The truth is, you hope this isn’t JUST fun. You hope it is heavenly, magnificent, life changing, incredible, painfully amazing weekend. After all, this is the first and last time you plan to travel to meet a “stranger” to have a weekend away. The dream really started weeks ago when you got a notification on Instagram. Probably one of your besties tagging you in another almost too inappropriate meme. But it was actually a message. HOLY SHIT. It was a message from him, Christopher Vélez. WHAT!!? You had almost completely forgot how a few weeks maybe even months ago you sent a drunken racy message to him, saying all the things you want to do to him… and he read it? And answered it? A few polite and funny DMs happened here and there, but then the more you texted the more you wanted from him. One day, you asked about a call but both of your schedules were off, so naturally you thought this wasn’t real, you were a victim of catfishing! Christopher had no option but sending you a video of him laughing at your less than classy written outburst, accusing him of not being THE Christopher Velez. After you received the short video, you lost your mind, screaming and jumping in your bed. Once you were able to recover your breathing, a twisted but delicious idea came to your mind. I would like to come and meet you at Miami, if that’s ok with you. Your whole body was shaking once you pressed sent. The three dots showed up almost immediately. How about next weekend? You heard your jaw hit the floor, and started making all kinds of planning. As an independent woman, you wanted to pay for all your expenses, but he insisted on covering the hotel room for 2 nights. Hotel room? As in 1? must be for me, of course you thought. But your subconscious was already playing some kinky scenarios in your sleep. Repeated images of endless possibilities of limbs, mouths and skin intertwined were abruptly interrupted by an alarm reminding passengers to keep track of their belongings and not to trust strangers. You took one look at your suitcase and laugh about its content - it would be pretty embarrassing if a stranger stole it and look at the skimpy content. Well, maybe not all strangers but, you know…
Looking around, seems like nobody noticed you squirming on your seat trying to alíviate the expectation building between your legs. You licked your lips one more time and grabbed your phone to play some music, maybe some Taylor Swift? On shuffle? First song - I Knew You Were Trouble. Skip. Why is my playlist already playing mind games on you? Then, Dress. Skip again. This feels personal. Next song, Death By A Thousand Cuts - ok, at least a humbling melody, preparing you for this experience to be over. It’s going to be a long flight…
The minute the plane touched ground, your heart moved from your chest to your mouth. There were no brain cells left, just pure unhinged lust. Your libido guided you to the closest restroom to get out of your comfy traveling black outfit into a silky slip on red dress, that you bought at the mall the next day after your decision to “visit” Miami. Your hair was looking somehow bouncy man’s voluminous but you were sure the city heat will be merciless, so you arranged it in the best possible way. Some make up on and you took one last breath as a respectable, decent woman. This weekend, I’m a hoe. Christopher Velez’s hoe.
It’s was almost like a checklist going on in your head so you could feel remotely like a functioning adult: get an Uber. Are you breathing? Open the door and take a sit. Yes, yes, thank God for good weather. No, I’m not from Miami. This is the hotel, thank you. Elevadores? Gracias. One foot in front of the other. Take a deep breath. Knock on the door. Checked the number. Are your feet still on the ground? Yes, no floating away. Check down at your boobs, yes they still look great. No need to check your heart beat, you can feel it pounding in your chest, in your ears, in your…
Feeling completely exposed, looking for security cameras around the hallway as if you were about to commit a hideous crime. An eternity went by until you heard the door unlock. Your knuckles white from your hand being in a tight fist. Seeing Christopher there, right in front of you and within reach at the door made your knees weak, and God knows what kind of grin was on your face, but you could feel the heat crawling up your cheeks.
- hola mami - he said as he gestures to come inside the room. You can feel your heartbeat skip a beat.
- Hola - you’re not sure if it was a word, a sigh, or a prayer.
- como estas? How was your flight?
How could he be so casual about this? His arms go around you to give you a hug, right arm above you shoulder and left arm around your waist. You do the same, feeling the tightness of his chest and taking in his intoxicating scent. Musky and almost sweet. You feel your underwear getting moist down there. Christopher pulls back a little and smirks at you, probably your already have a the horniest facial expresión known to human kind. You let go of the hug after staying in his arms for a second too long.
- quieres algo de tomar? Agua?
You place your suitcase by the closet and walk into the room. Remembering to be fully present in this adventure you choose, you gather all self control you have left to turn on your toes, give the biggest smile matching his, and say as innocently as possible, yes please, thanks! You’re so proud of yourself being able to articulate more than two words. Your breathing is almost too loud, as if you just climb the stairs to get to the 15th floor.
Christopher hands you a water bottle from the mini bar, and when you reach out to it you intentionally touch his fingers. You’re shaking. Sparks fly. Whoa. You forgot what water was for, and put it back on the table next to you, making you both bursting into laughter for the silliness of the situation. Christopher takes a step closer to you and says:
- está bien si no quieres agua, guapa, yo no me enojo.
He’s close enough to touch your forearm, sending electric waves EVERYWHERE. Your mind plays dirty on you and you say with a wink:
- pero no estamos aquí para tomar agua!
Christopher smiles back with his thousand dollar smile, looking up and down on you and says:
- Con ese vestido, se me ocurren muchas cosas mas que podemos tomar.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman, 2018)
Cast: voices of Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, Mahershala Ali, Brian Tyree Henry, Lily Tomlin, Luna Lauren Velez, Zoë Kravitz, John Mulaney, Kimiko Glenn, Nicolas Cage, Kathryn Hahn, Liev Schreiber, Chris Pine. Screenplay: Phil Lord, Rodney Rothman. Production design: Justin K. Thompson. Film editing: Robert Fisher Jr. Music: Daniel Pemberton. The theory in physics that there are multiple universes has also entered the realm of works derived from the imagination. So far, it's largely used in talking about science fiction and comic books -- that is, we haven't yet begun to talk about the Shakespeareverse, the Dickensverse, or the Faulknerverse, among other potential realms of fiction -- but it's now commonplace to refer to shared fictional universes like the "Marvel Universe" or DC's "Arrowverse," in which all the various comics, TV shows, and movies are assumed to coexist. Hence the emergence of a "Spider-Verse" in the Oscar-winning animated movie in which various avatars of the webslinger created in 1962 by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko appear together. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a colorful, hyperactive movie that may cause some of us not steeped in the lore of comic books confusion and headaches. But it's pulled off with a good deal of verve and wit.
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oceansdeepa · 4 years
Overtime - Chris Velez
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your giddy countenance matches the jovial hops of footsteps as they go down the college bleachers and into the locker of the boys’ soccer team. all but one of the players have left (you know this, thanks to your boyfriend’s candid texts) but that still doesn’t stop the feeling of jittery nerves from coating the palms of your hands with the light moisture arising. you wipe your hands on the back of the denim jeans you wore, inhaling a shaky breath as you enter the locker room.
it is nearly empty. the remnants of hurried departure shown in forgotten single pieces of worn out socks. towels dropped on the floor near the benches, and wide opened lockers (which held nothing in its possessions, anyway). 
chris greets you with a resounding hug, wrapping his arms around your neck. his taller stature makes it easy for you to crane your head into the nook space between his head and shoulder. you find some solace in this, exhaling warm breath into the side of his neck. chris shutters, and you laugh. eyes curve into crescent moons as you do so.
“good game baby, ” you breathe out.  chris can feel the smile in your words without actually peering down to see it. he moves your frame still locked into his embrace. swaying like this for a couple of seconds, enjoying the solitude.
“couldn’t have done it without my little cheerleader.” chris  is quick to remind you.
“you don’t think I was being a little loud?” there’s a pause. you bite gently down the bottom part of your lips as contemplation takes over. “or aggressive, was I?”
the seriousness in your expression compared to the belligerent cheering on the sidelines only moments ago during the game is ironically funny. 
“baby, you were wild out there. like maybe the loudest one there.”
the perplexed look you give him as a response to his comment only fuels his enjoyment. shoulders relaxed as his head is thrown back and his signature laugh fills the vacant lockers room. you try and hide your own amusement, using the back of your right hand to block the wide grin from chris ’s sight of view. 
chris mistakes your thinly disguised show of ebullience as something else. already preparing himself to sooth you over. he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you to the front of him. his breath on your neck raise the small ends of hairs on your neck up. “that’s not a bad thing I like it when you’re proud and loud.” chris pauses, practically cheesing on his next words. “in more ways than one.”
your posture gets slightly rigid, reading the undertones of his words easily. only now noticing the light layer of his soccer shorts. which outlines a certain piece of him vividly enough against you.
your brain scrambles to think of a wittier reply, hating how childish you can get. you hate how he holds this much power over you with minimal effort. of course, you come up blank, only nodding slightly. 
“nena, you know what we haven’t done lately.” although there’s the hike in intonation in the end, marking it a question. you understand that it’s really not. the drawn-out way he speaks has you on edge with anticipation of what’s to come.
chris plays with the buttons of your jeans, toying with the first one. the feel of his hands on either side of your hips as his fingers make slow strides to unbutton each one is a painful tease to your nerves. chris leaves the last button of your jeans for you to unbutton, allowing you to have the final power. you oblige almost too quickly. hampering down the acrylic nails so the hold on the metal isn’t slippery.
with the jeans now off, the cold air quickly hits you. you jiggle both legs in place in attempt to contort some heat.  chris pulls you on his lap, your legs straddling his waist while seated on the bench. his hand toys with the cotton of your underwear. the eye contact shared is intimate, chris places a kiss to your jaw, then to your neck.
you pull his soccer shorts down, using his shoulders to propel and steady your posture. stretching yourself around him, managing only to wince once. sometimes you forget how big he was. and how much effort taking him completely required.
“muy bien, mami”,  chris rubs the center of your thigh, trying to create some comfort for you. “tell me if it hurts and i’ll stop. alright?” you’re touched by his consideration. wondering how you found someone so sweet. you squeeze his hands that remained on your thigh before picking up the pace. though it starts off painfully slow. you trying to hold balance while not allowing for chris to slip out of you completely. you could tell by the way chris  hands creep around your ass, tightening the hold that he wants you to go faster. 
so, you do. recklessly so. the sound of skin on skin bouncing off the walls of the now emptied out locker room. almost loud enough to drown out the loud sounds of your own screams mixed with chris’ little grunts that comes in waves. you can feel the end of the high drawing. digging your nails deeply into the exposed skin on chris ’s shoulder blades.
in this instance of fulfilling lustful urges, neither you nor chris manage to hear the turning of keys outside. the last-minute knock of the stranger only reminds you of the public domain in where you and chris thought it was a great idea to try and get it on.
“shit.” chris whispers, hurrying to pull his shorts back up. you scrambled to get off him, feeling the physical emptiness of him not inside you anymore. “my pants. chris where the hell did I put them?” you try to maintain a whisper. despite how frantic you were behaving.
chris shakes his head as a no. “don’t know. but look we don’t have time.” he pulls both of you into a big spacing. carefully ducking your figures behind a large locker that was used to store the excess soccer equipment.
“next time. we’ll just do this at home.” you spoke, holding onto his arm that snaked around your waist as you both peered to see who exactly was coming in.
though, neither of you having a single clue how to escape out of this mess anyhow.
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babyyatusabes · 4 years
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neon dreams
getting lost in a city you don’t know with chris
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anninhiliation · 4 years
OKAY so like hear me out AGAIN.
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Sorry not sorry I'm honry and I'm crying in my room about the lack of dick my poor coochie has had these past months
Also someone gif that video idk how to gif so you get screenshots dont yell at me dhsjsjs
P.S @cnc-oh-boi partially put this idea in my head so like yeah okay hear we go hear me out
It was a fantasy the two of you had. You've watched him sing behind the glass before. Studying the movement of his neck and jaw line. Watching his lips move to create angelic sounds. It was one of those nonsexual things he did that still managed to rile you up. The two of you always wondered what it would be like to have you on your knees, sucking him off as he produced his music. In order to perform such a public act, with high risk the two of you had to form a plan, a safe word for if it was too much, a safe phrase to let you know its good to come out and start. You got to the studio early, hiding away in the corner covering yourself in a black curtain. The room was dark and covered in black padding, Chris even came in a few minutes before the boys to double check you were safely hidden away. Which you were. You patiently waited, feeling like all eternity to hear his magic words.
"Yeah, I'm ready" he finally said
You crawled out from hiding and slowly unzipped his pants. You pumped his member a few times, as he began to sing. He hardened underneath you, making his jaw clench. Chris has had plenty of practice keeping quiet and looking unsuspicious. You've done this to him plenty of times, on the road, in a plane, public bathrooms and the list could go on for all eternity. You licked his vein and circled his tip, collecting his pre-cum. Hollowing your cheeks, you sunk your head slowly careful not to go too far and hit your gag reflex as the microphone could easily pick you up. The pace was slow, as this had to be as quiet as possible. You pumped whatever was left out of your mouth as your other hand massaged his balls. After a while, you pulled out of him lifting his shaft up, still pumping as you paid attention to each ball. You went back to his shaft teasing his tip again, before bobbing again. It wasn't long before he was twitching inside you, struggling to maintain the note as his jaw clenched. He thrusted a little deeper inside you before coughing loudly to surpress any moan he was holding back. His cum pooled around your mouth, some strands dripping down, which you were quick to collect. You swallowed every last drop, smirking up at him before crawling back into hiding waiting for the right moment to sneak back out.
Side note: im tired and hungry so if this aint it, dont lose a tit.
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gigglychristopher · 4 years
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Imagine Chris pinning you against the wall and whispering into your ear, “I’m this close to ruining you. Behave.”
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turtle-isoverit · 4 years
I’m so soft for them like 😭😍🥰😫
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imnotlaughingbro · 5 years
Mark Me | Part 2 | Christopher Velez
Details: 3K Words |  Angst & Smut & Fluff | After a night of sex, you pretend everything’s gone back to normal with you and Chris but he has different plans. 
Okay, didn’t plan on adding more to this AU but my babe @my-only-angelle inspired me to continue 💖(Also Zabdiel is a bit of a fuck boy in this, sorry guys) And I’ve never written angst so apologise if it’s cringe. 
Part 1 of Mark Me 
Tags: @my-only-angelle @cncwoah @ella-se-vuelve-loca @tie-me-up-velez @savloveschrisandjoel @richukisbb @fullprunerebelstatesman @itskathywillians @gigglychristopher  @emsy55 @kinkvelezx @dad-ee-drea @cncogirl18 @cyaneaa 
Photo Credit: @erickspretend1
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You stand outside the tattoo parlour and take a deep breath in, wishfully hoping your heart beat slows down to a reasonable pace. You curse the butterflies that flutter around in your stomach and the shakiness of your hands. 
Why are you so fucking nervous? You ask yourself again and again as you continue to hesitate to go inside. This is your store now. You are the boss of this successful tattoo parlour, you’re amazing at your job and you know the steps to take this place to the next level. 
No, it’s not the store you are nervous about or the huge responsibilities that come with it. It’s that boy...the one currently sitting behind the counter happily chatting away with one of your regulars. A gold chain around his neck and his khaki jacket zipped at the bottom but open enough to reveal his muscled chest. 
Last night was absolutely incredible. You had won ownership of the store by beating Chris in the bet and yet that wasn’t the thing that ruined your friendship with him, it’s what came after. 
You’ve never met anyone that has made you feel the way he did, the way he touched you like lightning in your veins and the mark of his hands left on your body now covered with foundation are evidence of how intense he got. 
After the sex and the cute cuddling, you cleaned yourself up and left to go home where you sat all night thinking about what this now meant to you and Chris. 
He was a well known flirt and almost every girl that comes into the store took away his undivided attention. How could you have an actual relationship with someone like him? Surely this was just a one time thing, a heat of the moment and now that it’s daylight and with people around things will go back to normal, or so you tell yourself...
“Excuse me? You’re blocking the entrance” A voice speaks from behind you and you turn to see a man towering over you, his face obscured in darkness due to his height blocking the sun. 
“Sorry” you manage to blurt out before stepping out of the way. 
A small laugh escapes his lips and he walks in front of you only to hold the door aside and with a sweeping gesture of his hand signals you to go inside before him. 
“Ladies, first” he tells you with a slight tilt to his head, his blonde hair now coming into view. 
For some awkward reason you decide to curtsey to him as a thank you and as soon as you had done you wished the ground had opened up to swallow you whole. You half run, half walk into the store trying to hide the blush now evident on your face. 
“D-Did you just curtsey to that guy?” Chris’ voice cackles out in front of the whole store and all the customers collectively turn to look at you and all you can think about is tackling that idiot to the ground. 
You rush over to Chris and yank his hand to pull him aside as he barely tries to contain his laugh. 
“Do you want to be any louder??” You snap at him before bringing your hand to slap against his bare chest. 
“Ow! Sorry, Sorry. That really hurt” He holds up his hands in mock surrender as a devilish smile spreads across his face. 
“It’s okay” you mutter back as you rub the area where you hit his chest, a red mark of your handprint now blossoming on his porcelain skin. 
Chris lays his hand over the top of your own causing your hand to stop, his heart beat quickens under your skin and you look up at him. His eyes are trained on your lips and his head begins to move down in a clear move to kiss you. In a second of hesitation you move away and the shock and hurt is clear in his brown eyes. 
“We have a lot of customers waiting” you tell him before walking back to the front of the store. 
Your sole focus is this store, you tell yourself and besides Christopher Velez is the biggest flirt you know, it’s you today and then he will move onto another girl as soon as he is bored with you, you are just trying to save yourself the heart ache now by not catching any feelings and distancing yourself. 
Yet, Why did it hurt so much to walk away from him just now? 
You walk to the counter and there he is, the stranger from outside. Now in proper lighting you see him and it makes you stop in your tracks, for a second there all you can do is admire his beauty. His perfectly tousled blonde hair, his dark brown eyes that won’t stop looking up and down your body, plump pink lips carved into a smile, all result in one tall hunk of a man that would make any girl’s heart stop. 
“Hi” you say meekly before clearing your voice, shaking the haze from your head and placing the heart ache you are feeling to the side. 
“Hi, sorry. Remember me? Weird curtsey girl” 
“How could I forget you?” A soft laugh escapes his lips and you can tell easily that this boy is trouble. 
“ZABDIEL?” You hear Chris’ voice beside you before his hand reaches over the counter to clap onto the blonder stranger’s.
“Chris, Hey man! I didn’t know this was your store” Zabdiel answers back his eys glancing around the store and his head nodding in approval. 
“Yeah, man. What do you want done today?” Chris responds back to Zabdiel and soon they start chatting away about Zabdiel’s idea for a neck tattoo. Chris’ eyes don’t glance to you at all and with that sign you move away and turn to service another customer. 
Chris takes Zabdiel to the tattooing chair and he prepares his equipment, after pulling all his inks and tools to his work table besides Zabdiel, Chris comes back up to the counter beside you. His hand brushes yours as he reaches to grab his black cap. He still avoids your eyes as he moves back to where Zabdiel sits. Chris brushes his hair out of his eyes before settling the cap on his head backwards and beginning his work on Zabdiel’s neck. 
You continue working through the customers, thankfully there are enough for you not to be distracted by Chris or Zabdiel in the back, both of them whispering quietly enough that you can’t overhear. 
Finally, you ring up your last customer and with a quick stretch you walk over to turn the open sign to closed on the door.
You take a breath in as you start to clean up. 
A painful area to get a tattoo on, Zabdiel has been sitting there all day without even a small whimper or strain to his voice as he continues chatting away to Chris. The only indication of pain are his hands that haven’t moved gripping the sides of the chair, knuckles turned white from the strain. 
You walk towards the back of the store to put away your tools for the day but before you can start doing any more work Zabdiel catches your eye. 
“Can you take away my pain, Mami?” Zabdiel speaks directly to you, Chris’ eyes flicker up for a second to look at you before looking back down at his work as if nothing had happened. 
“How can I help?” You kneel down a little to meet Zabdiel’s eyes. 
Zabdiel lifts one of his hands and holds it out to you, you take his hand in yours and pull a chair over to sit beside him. 
He smiles at you and rubs his thumb against the skin of your hand bringing goosebumps along your arms. 
“Tsk” Chris makes a sound making you to turn away from Zabdiel’s eyes. Chris’ hand stills and he stops his work, his brown eyes noticing your hand in Zabdiel’s and you almost pull your hand away completely. 
“Why did you stop man? I have a pretty girl holding my hand now so you gotta do it fast before she leaves” Zabdiel exclaims lifting your hands up and into Chris’ face to emphasis his point. 
With one last long stare Chris turns back to Zabdiel’s neck and continues. The grip on his tattoo gun now tight and a vein in his neck straining, you’ve seen that look from Chris before, the calm before the storm, he always goes completely quiet when he gets angry and this was no exception. 
Zabdiel’s hand tightens in pain when Chris marks a particular painful area on his skin, you squeeze his hand tighter in support and offer him a smile. 
“Can I get you a drink?” you whisper to Zabdiel, he nods in answer and you release his hand to walk to the sink. 
“Are you hitting that? Mami is crazy sexy” You hear Zabdiel ask Chris over the sound of the water running. 
You strain to hear what Christopher says in reply without being seen. 
“Shut up and let me finish” Chris responds back without even stopping. 
“Oh no...What’s this? Is my little Chrissy in love? She must have a great fucking pussy to have Christopher Velez be smitten and commit to one girl” 
“Zabdiel, If you don’t shut your big fucking mouth right now, I am going to fuck up your tattoo so bad that you won’t even be able to cover it up” Chris spits at Zabdiel, his voice full of venom. 
“Fine, okay, geez. Just hurry up then” Zabdiel finally gives up and lets Chris finish. 
You walk back over to them and hand Zabdiel the glass of water and he takes it with a smile. 
“Thanks beautiful” he responds as he swallows it down. 
You walk away and continue cleaning up around the store, making yourself busy to avoid any more confrontation. After 40 more minutes, Chris finishes up and wraps up Zabdiel’s tattoo, ringing him up at the cash register and leaving you to clean up. 
Before he leaves Zabdiel walks up to you and grabs your hand. 
“I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye of course” Zabdiel points to his cheek waiting for you to plant a kiss there. With a laugh you lean up on your tippy toes to kiss him but as soon as your lips are in reach Zabdiel tilts his head so your lips meet his. 
“HEY” you call out pushing him away and running the back of your hand over the place where your lips met. 
“Sorry Mami, I just wanted to see what makes you so special that you made the biggest player I know fall in love” Zabdiel smirks and glances over at Chris. 
Chris’ hands clench and unclench before finally forming into a fist. His eyes are locked with Zabdiel’s and you can feel the tension in the air. 
“You have 3 seconds to get the fuck out, Zabdiel” Chris’ voice is a whisper but it definitely find it’s mark. 
With a wink Zabdiel walks past Chris and exits the store leaving you alone with Chris for the first time today. 
You force your feet to move forward towards the door, you brush past Chris but before you can take another step his hand reaches out and grabs yours, the metal of his rings pressing against your fingers. 
“Are you serious right now?” Chris’ voice is barely a whisper and when you don’t respond he continues. 
“You were actually going to walk out that door without talking to me?” His voice begins to raise with each word. You pull your hand away from his and spin to face him properly. 
“What do you want me to say Chris?” You can’t hide the pain in your tone that mistakenly comes out as anger. 
“Don’t you get angry with me when you spent the day flirting with Zabdiel” Chris explodes, his body no longer containing his anger that he’s kept inside all day, he moves to stand in front of you, his body towering over your own.
“And so, fucking what if I flirted with him? It’s not like we owe each other anything! One night of fucking isn’t going to suddenly make us boyfriend and girlfr--” You stop speaking when you notice Chris isn’t even listening to you, his eyes caught on your lips and his breathing laboured. 
“Are you even fucking listening to me Velez?” You scream at him pushing against his chest to further the space between you. 
Chris moves quickly, one second is all it takes for him to step forward so your hands are pressed tight against his chest and his hand find it’s way to the back of your head and the other around your waist before his lips crush down on your own. The kiss grows intense and Chris pushes you into the counter, your back hitting against it with a thud but your mind barely registering the pain because all you can think about now is the way his tongue is fighting against your own. 
“W--Wait” you try to speak in between his feverous kisses. 
Chris pulls away grudgingly, his eyes meet yours and you can see the clear lust in them reflecting your own. You take a deep breath in gathering your courage for what you are about to say because whatever answer he gives you might make you walk away from him forever. 
“What am I to you, Chris? I-I don’t want to keep doing this if it doesn’t mean anything to you” You say the words quickly because if you stopped and thought about it then you might regret asking him. 
Chris’ answer comes a heartbeat later. 
“You are mine and I am yours” His lips curve into a smile and you can’t fight your own, a mirror to the smile on his face. Your fingers find its way through his locks and you pull him down for another kiss. 
Chris’ hands find their way under your skirt, moving from the soft skin of your thighs upwards to cup your ass and in one swift motion he lifts you up onto the counter, your legs now wrapped around him and his hands resting on your bare thighs. His lips release yours and you can’t help but let out a small whimper as his warm lips move away, in true Christopher Velez fashion he laughs at you. 
“I just want to taste what’s mine” Chris whispers to you and his hands that were resting on your thighs now go to lift your skirt up your waist, your panties  on full display before him. 
Chris leans down and presses his lips to the bare skin of your inner thigh and goosebumps instantly rise on your skin, he trails the sweet kisses up and down your thighs, making sure to give both thighs an equal amount of his attention. You can feel the wetness pooling in your panties and know that Chris will soon discover the wetness hiding there.
Without hesitation his lips press against your panties exactly at your entrance and your entire body jerks, you silently curse the fabric that’s now in the way of his tongue. Chris seems to have the same thought as his fingers hook onto the waistband of your panties and he shuffles them down, your ass lifting off the counter to allow him to pull them all the way down. He holds up your panties with one hand and brings them to his mouth, his lips sucking and licking on the wet areas, your core tightens watching this man before you suck on your wet panties, his eyes fluttering shut as if this was his last meal on Earth and he was going to enjoy every second of it. 
“Don’t want any of it to go waste now, do we?” He tells you, his lips now wet and glistening from his spit and your juices. Chris tucks your panties into the back pocket of his jeans and leans down, his face now directly in front of your pussy, his breath warm against your entrance. 
Chris’ hands grab onto your thighs pushing them open so you are fully exposed to him. He tilts his head down and begins to pleasure you, his tongue running up and down your lips licking up the juices that now flow freely for him. 
You moan his name softly as his mouth finds your clit, swollen and needy for him. He tugs at it gently, sucking and licking using his mouth to drive you crazy. You grab a fistful of his hair and press his face further into you, needing him more than ever. His hand leaves your thigh and his fingers find their way inside you, he easily slips in two because of how slick and open you are for him. 
You scream out his name when his fingers start working on you, pressing and pumping at a rapid pace, not even giving you time to adjust to him. Before you can help yourself your core tightens and you cum, your juices spilling out of you and making a mess on the counter. Your breath becomes a panting and you sit up and look at Chris, your juices now dripping off his chin and his lips upturned into a smirk. 
You outstretch your hand for his and with a small tug he pulls you off the counter and into his arms. You grab onto the back of his neck as you pull him down towards your face, your tongue slipping out and following the curve of his jaw you lick him clean of your mess. Your other hand travels lower and you massage his cock, completely hard against his jeans and with the softest touch he moans, his body clenching as you press harder against him. 
He doesn’t let you get much further because he quickly spins you around so your chest lays flat against the counter and your ass sticks out for him. He flips your skirt up easily exposing your bare ass and your sticky thighs. He runs a hand so delicately along the curve of your ass before bringing it down into a stinging slap against the skin, you let out a small yelp of pain but you once again feel the excitement building in your body. 
From behind you Chris stops his hands and instead you hear the sweet sound of his zipper being pulled and the rustle of his jeans as he pulls them down and off his legs. With one hand on your waist, you feel Chris guide his cock against your entrance. You arch your back in anticipation as the tip of his cock presses against you. 
He holds you steady, teasing your hole with his cock, changing the pressing to hard and soft against your pussy but you quickly get impatient with this teasing. With one hard quick thrust of your body backwards against his, you manage to press your ass against him and his cock easily slides inside of you. 
The groan that escapes Chris’ lips is music to your ears and the feeling of his cock thick and hard filling you up was enough for you to scream his name once more. 
“Very naughty, princesa” he mutters under his breath before using both hands to grip your waist making sure you don’t make another rapid movement. 
He pulls his cock completely out of you leaving you with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness and cold without his warmth. His hand pulls back and the silence in the room allows you to hear the quick whoosh of air as he swings his hand back and brings it down on your ass, much harder than the first playful spank he gave you earlier. He does it again and again each time harder than the last, punishing you for using his cock before he’s had his fun. 
You wince preparing for another spank when his hand becomes soft and gentle again, softly rubbing the stinging burn away. 
“Who does this belong to?” Chris asks you as he continues his tender touches against your skin. 
“W-What?” You mutter not rendering what he had asked you. 
“Who does this belong to?” He asks again but this time his fingers find their way between your thighs, he slips his finger inside you easily and begins to massage your pussy. 
“You” You moan out as he slides another finger inside you pumping ever so slowly. 
“That’s right. You are mine, All of you” Chris tells you before pulling his fingers out and replacing it with his cock. Your back arches and your hands grip the counter as he fucks you hard and fast, his cock slipping in and out without any hesitation. 
The sounds of skin against skin echoing in the room along with your screams and Chris’ moans. His hand grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls it back, tugging your back into a bigger arch and allowing him to fuck you deeper. 
Any control either of you had is now gone as he fucks you without teasing or playfulness, it has now turned into an animalistic urge for both of you to release. 
“Please don’t stop” you beg him as you feel your body edging closer to that sweet release, his hand releases your hair and they find their way back to your waist, gripping hard that you know will leave marks on you later. 
“I’m so close Chris, please” the more you beg, the faster he pumps his cock inside of you and finally you get the satisfaction as your body tenses and the sounds of your pussy juices leak onto the floor fill the room. Your body sags but Chris isn’t done with you just yet. 
“Please cum for me, I need it, I need you” Your needy begging was Chris’ undoing as his cock twitches inside you spilling his juices to mix with your own. His warm cum filling you up and his body jerking to get every last drop out. His hands release you and his body slumps against yours, his chest sticky and slick from his sweat presses against your back. Chris’ breath comes out in quick short bursts and his cock goes soft inside you. 
After a few more seconds of catching his breath Chris pulls out of you allowing the wetness inside you to flow more freely down your thighs. You turn around and lean up to press a kiss against his jaw before making your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up. 
When you finally return Chris is dressed and sitting in the tattoo chair, a surprised look crosses your face as you see all your tattoo equipment has been laid out carefully beside him at the workstation table. 
“What’s going on?” you ask him as you walk over and take a seat beside him. 
“You owe me a tattoo but I think I also have an idea for you” A smile lights up his face and you can’t help but lean over a press a kiss against Chris’ lips. 
The sun was rising when you both finally finished - A locket inked on your forearm and a key on his, marking you both - You are his and he is yours. 
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alyssaiswriting · 5 years
Somos Amantes
Warning: Smut ayyyye
Summary: basically your ex is a dick and Chris thinks he’s better he is 
Word Count: 1589
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You watch as Johann chases Joel around with a giant cake threatening to smash his face in it "Johann bring me back my cake" Katie the birthday girl screams and starts chasing after the two boys.
Most of the guest follow out recording the three idiots.
Your eyes travel around the room searching for your ex-boyfriend Nick who begged you to meet him here tonight, he ditched 10 minutes later and you still don't know where he went off too.
Richard stands beside you sipping a beer and bopping his head to the loud music playing throughout the house. Zabdiel sits on the couch behind you and after giving up the search you let yourself plop onto the empty spot beside him with a sigh.
"Having fun?" Zabdiel asks, you look over at him with an expressionless face so he offers you his drink.
Taking it from him you let the familiar flavor of rum and coke invade your mouth. Just as your handing the drink back your eyes land on Christopher who is across the room laughing with his friends, your thoughts immediately take you back to the weekend before. You remember the feeling of his skin under your hands, the feeling of his fingers in your hair forcing you to look at him as he thrust into you so deliciously deep that you'd forget how to breathe.
You force yourself to look away from the Ecuadorian before your thoughts wander too far.
You give Zabdiel his drink back and excuse yourself from the boys. You walk out to the backyard, it's quieter out here when the door shuts behind you muffling the music, people stand around drinks in hand as they talk and laugh with friends.
Joel and Johann are standing by the door, Johann is eating cake of his fingers as Joel whips face his with a napkin, some frosting still on his neck and in the crease of his nose.
When you walk over to them Joel turns to you "did I get it all off?" He questions.
You shake your head and point at the spots of frosting on his face. Joel sighs "I'm gonna go wash my face" and then he's walking off "I'm gonna wash my hands I'll be right back" Johann follows after Joel leaving you alone.
You look around the crowd of people in the backyard and your stomach drops when you spot nick talking to this dirty blonde girl. They're very close as they laugh loudly.
Your fists tighten at your sides. Why did he want you to come here tonight if he was just gonna ditch you for another girl? You debate for a few seconds about going over there to tell him off or just leaving.
You don't get to a conclusion because you hear Chris say "he's an asshole"
Looking over your shoulder you're not surprised by the smirk spread across his face. Chris has been trying to get you to cut off Nick for weeks, even going as far as whispering in your ear during sex how he knew Nick wasn't enough for you like he is.
"Piss off Chris" you turn towards the door walking past him and back into the house.
You make your way upstairs, you push past some random couples making out in the hall, you find the bathroom shutting the door behind you inhaling a deep breath.
You're angry, not just at Nick but at yourself for allowing him back in over and over again. You know he's trash but every time he texts you can't force yourself to just delete the message and move on.
Nick knew this routine and that's why he used it to his advantage, no matter what he does he knows you'll always answer his call. You look at your reflection, angry tears flow from your eyes.
There's a knock at the door just before it opens and you curse yourself for forgetting to lock it.
Chris walks into the bathroom as you turn around to look at him, quickly wiping your cheeks.
"What do you want Chris" you sound defeated, your eyes puffy, Chris walks over to you, you allow him to wipe your tears "no llores por él" he whispers.
You look away forcing his hands to fall from your face, "I'm not even crying because I love him, I'm crying because I really wasted so much time on someone who-" you swallow, your eyebrows are scrunched together as you search for the right words.
"Who doesn't deserve you," Chris says softly, you look back to him and when his eyes meet yours he repeats himself "he doesn't deserve you" he shakes his head.
You can hear your heart beating in your ears, he's so close and his eyes are staring at you with so much intensity that you force yourself to not look away.
Before you know it Chris' lips crash onto yours, you respond to the kiss immediately kissing him back and swiping your tongue along his bottom lip, when Chris opens his mouth to let your tongues dance together.
He tastes like alcohol and his smell of cinnamon invades your senses. His hand is pressed against your cheek deepening the kiss and you know he's chasing after that feeling you both felt the last time you were in each other's arms, your thought is confirmed when you feel Chris' hands slide down your body to grip your thighs and lift you onto the bathroom counter.
You gasp just as Chris detaches himself from your mouth to trail kisses down your jaw and neck and whatever bit of cleavage that is revealed.
He's found his way back to your mouth as his hands travel under your dress tugging on the waistband of your underwears, you lift your hips to allow him to slide down your panties. Discarding them carelessly on the bathroom floor.
Chris pulls away from you and you watch breathlessly as he pulls you further to the edge of the counter before dropping to his knees.
He hitches your dress up before spreading your thighs for him, with a sigh Chris says "he never deserved you" Chris holds your gaze for a few seconds and you swear he can hear your heart beating rapidly against your chest when he smirks up at you.
He finally looks away to watch his own movements as his middle and index finger rub against your slit before he leans forward licking a long strip from your opening to your clit, he licks every part of your cunt paying special attention to your clit.
You're letting out breathless gasps as you try to thrust up against his mouth, Chris chuckles against your pussy before using one of his arms to hold your hips down,
You let out a loud moan when Chris, lips lock tightly around your sensitive bud, his tongue tracing patterns as your hand flies to his head gripping onto his hair.
Soon Chris stands up to his full height making you whine trying to pull him back to you, making him chuckle at you. "please" you say.  Chris' eyes darken at your pleas and you watch as he unbuttons his pants pushing down his boxers to free his throbbing cock. He rips open a condom and you briefly wonder when he ever took that out of his pocket.
You allow him to move your hips closer to him as he rubs his length over your slit before positioning at your entrance.
You squirm when you feel him slowly start to push into you "carajo" he sighs out burying his face into your neck as he pushes deeper and deeper until he fully inside you "you feel so good baby" he whispers against your skin.
He places a soft kiss to your jaw before pulling away from you look down at your connected bodies as he grips your hips starting his pace at a medium speed.
You couldn't hold the moan as the head of Chris' cock hits the right spot inside you with every thrust. Your legs wrap around him as a way to to keep him closer as you feel your orgasm starting to build up.
Chris moans at the feeling of your walls tightening around his cock and he knows your close, using his tub he starts rubbing circles over your clit and soon your breathing his name like a prayer. "look at me" Chris says wanting to watch your expression when you cum.
Your eyes meet his and soon your orgasm breaks though you involuntary sending your head back as a loud moan is ripped from you.
The feeling of your releases causes Chris', he falls forward into your neck again he gives a few more deep thrust before spilling into the condom.
You both groan as Chris pulls out of your sensitive pussy.
Chris disposes of the condom and you give yourself a few seconds to recover before hopping off the bathroom counter and slipping your panties back on.
"I- uh," you awkwardly start to think of a way out "Joel's my ride home, I should go find him" you don't look at your friend as you speak and as you make your way to the door Chis reaches out grabbing your arm and pulling you back to him in a deep passionate kiss that leaves you wanting to repeat what happened all over again.
When Chris pulls away he smiles down at your still open lips "I'll meet you at your house then" and with that, he walks out leaving you in the bathroom.
I’ve had this unfinished in my draft for like 3 weeks and I finally came around to finishing it
this imagine just kept getting inspired by different songs like first Somos Amantes by Lali, then 11PM by Maluma, then Fairplay by Kiana Lede
anyway, hope you enjoyed
also, I’ve been paying extra attention to Chris’ tongue lately and now I’m thirsty
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stressedkitkatttt · 2 years
Originally made for Zabdiel or Chris, but decided that all the boys needed some attention... wanted to loosely base it off the song Ride by SoMo
Word Count: 842
Warnings: Soft sex
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT  think it is okay to take my stories and post them somewhere else without my EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT  think it is okay to take anyone else’s stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog my stories, you may NOT repost my stories without MY PERMISSION.
"Want you so bad..." His voice was soft and raspy, dripping with want and need. Your hands were on his chest to keep your balance while his hands rested on your hips, ready to help you. You looked into his eyes, seeing how big his pupils were, drowning out the color and replacing them with a black, lustful look. You could feel his tip right against your heat, feeling every twitch and the heat coming from it. "Ready amor?" When you nodded, he gently pushed down on your hips, slowly guiding his hard length inside your tight heat. It didn't matter how often, or how hard, he fucked you - you would always fit him like a glove.
You leaned your head back a little, feeling him slide against your walls and push deeper and deeper inside of you. His eyes became lidded and half-closed at the feeling of your heat, something that always takes him a few moments to adjust to. He lifted his hips a little bit to help push the last inch of himself into you before gently going down. You let out a soft moan at the feeling of just having him inside you - something you could never get enough of. You loved how he knew what you needed without asking. He never had to ask to know what you needed from him and he was more than happy to oblige your needs. Keeping a grip on your hips, he slowly raised you up and pulled you back down.
You shudder and a low moan pulls from your throat as he set a slow pace, gently pulling out halfway only to push back in fully, filling you all the way again and again. Upon hitting your g-spot, you fall forward a little, putting your hands to the side of his chest and grabbing the sheets, twisting and pulling them, your knuckles slowly turning white. You begin to move your hips with his, gently swirling them when he was fully inside, making you both shudder. You would feel him twitch inside you and your walls hugged him tightly in response. He began to rub your sides and massage your shaking thighs to help you relax enough to let him slip out again only for the cycle to repeat itself almost every time he went in full hilt.
He gave no warnings and you weren't expecting him to sit up but his arms quickly wrapped themselves around your torso, his face going into your chest, feeling his hot breath on your chest as he panted softly. "Lie down, mami," he whispered, looking up at you. You nod and gathered yourself as he begins to switch positions, pulling out only for a moment before you feel him slide right back into you when you were on your back. Your back arched and you welcomed the fullness once again.
He laid his body atop yours, your chests lining up with one another, his hips coming flush with yours. He leaned up to your neck as his hands went to your hands, bringing them up to rest by your head, holding one. His hips began to move and he resumed the slow pace he had before. Since he had been working your body, you felt your orgasm coming along, building and building. You could tell this one was going to be intense and you were getting desperate to feel it. Finally getting close enough to taste it yet having it just far away you know you'll have to work some more for it.
Knowing your body like the back of his hand, he could tell by how your walls began to clench around him, desperate not to let him go. He knew you were close. He always knew.
"P-please," you whimpered as you felt the all-too-familiar knot in your stomach beginning to grow and spread.
"I know baby," he paused to focus on not cumming then and there. "Just a little more." His voice was unsteady as he tried to hold back his own orgasm to time it with yours. You clenched him hard, hearing his voice when he was so close to the edge had you hooked. He leaned down and picked up speed, knowing that neither of you could avoid the inevitable any longer. "Cum for me baby, wanna see you give it all to me." That was it for you.
Your head was thrown back into the pillows, your thighs tensing and eyes rolling back into your head. He was right behind you, squeezing your hand and almost completely knocking the breath from your body as he pulled his body flush with yours. "It's okay mami," he watched in awe as your body seized up and go limp. You looked so angelic, an image he wanted to commit to his memory for as long as he lived. "Such a good girl for me." His soft, post-orgasm voice did wonders to you, feeling shivers run through your body as the final shocks as you slowly come down from your high.
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awaterfalls · 2 years
Chris have so much sagittarius on his map like he's the most sagittarius person EVER it's insane
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louvcolon · 3 years
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headers CNCO and Joel Pimentel.
on twitter - @iDateZabdiel.
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cnco-angel22-tingzz · 3 years
Hello people I'm new to Tumblr so plz don't judge. I have requests open for those who want and these are for CNCO and Joel
And so on
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anninhiliation · 4 years
Behind Closed Doors
A/N: I attached the requests on the bottom this time! Might do that from now on who knows
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Wordcount: 2.2k+
Warnings: There is smut, but it's over 1.6k+ wording deep mostly angst and some fluff  
You stayed up and waited for Chris to come home from the studio. It was 12:00 am, and he still wasn’t home and not a single text from him. You knew dating a musician entailed long nights and early mornings, the tours and promos but none of that mattered to you. All that mattered was that you would be with Chris even if it was just for a couple of months, and the occasional breaks in between tour. Chris was an amazing boyfriend of almost two years, and you were head over heels for him. Yet, you couldn’t help but think something was wrong in the relationship. It wasn’t what it used to be, and maybe you were just being paranoid but you felt as if things were different. As the night dragged on, hitting 1:45 am and still nothing from Chris, you decided to send him a text. 
Y/N: hey amor are you gonna be in the studio for much longer? 
As you awaited a response you went on with your nightly routine, trying not to think about Chris and what he was doing, fearing the worst. As you were brushing your teeth, your phone buzzed making your glance over the screen. 
Papito😘: No it ended early but we went out 
You read the notification, making your heart sink. You knew what we went out meant, and you knew how he was when he got drunk. Lately, you felt as if Chris was avoiding you, choosing to spend time with strangers or his bandmates than his own girlfriend. You were feeling abandoned by the one person you loved and trusted the most. You missed how he used to make you feel like his top priority, always going out of his way to see you, call you, text you anything. You left Chris on read sighing as you got into bed, in your shared bedroom. Laying in the darkroom, your thoughts clouded your mind. The room was infected with him, his scent, his things, a few pictures of him, and worst of all his presence. You fell asleep with tears streaming down your face as all you could think about was Chris and what you did wrong and where it went wrong. When you woke up the next morning, you were still alone just as he left you. With a sigh, you got out of bed completely miserable and drained from your crumbling relationship. After brushing your teeth and washing your face, you exited the bedroom and made your way to the kitchen. If you were being honest, you weren’t even hungry, you had no motivation to cook and just wanted to go back to bed. As the eggs sizzled on the hot pan, the front door unlocked and sluggish footsteps dragged themselves into the kitchen. You looked up from your cooking and there appeared a very tired and hungover Christopher. He poured himself a cup of coffee after kissing your cheek and saying good morning. When he embraced you into a hug, his scent pierced your scenes, but it was different. It wasn’t just his, you smelt the perfume of another. What was another girl’s scent doing lingering on him? Was he cheating on you? Was he so fed up with you, so bored of you he opted for someone new and didn’t have the heart to tell you? 
“Nena want to grab lunch today?” He asked interrupting your thoughts
You looked up from your cooking and at him, a little wide-eyed making him raise an eyebrow at you. 
“Nena?” he asked again 
“Y-yeah that would be nice wanna go to our usual spot?” you asked 
“Sounds good,” he smiled as his phone buzzed making him look over at it “listen nena I gotta go, but let’s meet at one”
He kissed your temple and rushed out the door.
You sat in the little quaint restaurant at bouncing your leg nervously as you waited for Chris. Little did he know, that before lunch you ran down to Adore Me and picked out something you knew he would love hidden underneath your sundress. Even though you were afraid that he was cheating on you, you couldn’t help but miss him, his touch, his attention and what you used to have with him. 1 o’clock rolled around, and still no Chris. Maybe he’s just a few minutes late, it is a busy day in the city after all. Then it hit 1:30 PM and not even a single text from him. Then the waiter came by at 2 with an apologetic smile. 
“Miss its been an hour, its either you order something or I’m going to have to ask you to leave I’m sorry its policy”
“Sorry for wasting your time” you mumbled as you gathered your things and rushed out calling Chris 
On the third ring he finally picked up “nena?” 
You could hear a girl laugh in the background making your blood boil. You were already suspicious of being replaced, but he couldn’t even give you the decency of ending things beforehand or hide things better. 
“Chris you said we were meeting for lunch! What the hell?” you hissed 
“Nena it’s only- oh shit,” he said “listen nena I’m sorry-” 
“Whatever Chris” you sighed, “it’s not like we haven’t spent time together in months or anything”
You hung up after that not wanting to hear another word or let him sense that you were holding back tears.
Back in the shared home, you gathered your belongings and prepared an overnight bag, for maybe a night or two. In truth, you packed so many things you could leave for a week without a problem. You needed to clear your head and see where you were going with Chris. It wasnt as if you could really have a heart to heart with someone who was never there. In a rush not wanting to walk into Chris you zipped up the luggage and beelined for the front door. As you swung the front door open you were shocked to see Chris on the other side of it, ready to unlock it. 
“Nena what are you doing?” he questioned looking at your luggage 
“I’m leaving for a few days not that you would care” you huffed as you tried to move past him
Chris blocked the door, growing slightly annoyed as his confusion grew. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked shocked 
“Chris, when was the last time we spent time together? You’re never here and when you are you make no effort to take time and do things with me! When was the last time you paid attention to me? When was the last time you touched me?” You spat out as you pushed him to the side walking away with tears streaming down your face. “We’re through” you said trying to not let your teary face become obvious 
Day 1: 
Papito😘 calling
Papito😘: Nena please im sorry
Looking at the notification you rolled your eyes and huffed. Did he really think such a cliche line would make you run back to him? 
Papito😘: Nena ill do better
You read the text again, thinking he should have done better when he had you. 
Papito😘: Y/N please I need you 
You turned your phone off after that text not wanting to cave in to him afraid that one of his texts would send you running back into his arms. Without Chris, you were miserable and even more heartbroken than before. You missed him more than ever before, he had nested a piece of your mind and heart larger than you realized. 
Day 2:
It felt like you weren’t getting better and Chris’s friends were now contacting you.
Richard started as you were closest to him out of Chris’s friends. He asked you to take back his friend or at least meet with him, telling you how unhappy Chris was without you. Then news broke out, shattering your broken heart into dust. Christopher Velez seen with mystery girl. Y/N and Chris over? Joel was quick to contact you after you drowned yourself in the vicious headlines. You cried yourself to sleep that night. 
Day 3: 
You stopped by the house to pick up the rest of your belongings and to return the keys at a time you figured Chris wouldn’t be home. You unlocked the front door, and quietly let yourself in.
“Nena?” a weak voice called out from the living room 
You froze in your steps, being completely taken back by Chris. His sluggish footsteps made their way to the door, as he practically froze in his steps. 
“W-what are you doing?” he asked 
You studied his face, his eyes were puffy, and baggy from lack of sleep. Chris looked terrible, making the ache in your heart grow. 
“I- I was just grabbing some stuff, I thought you wouldn’t be home right now” you meekly responded looking down at your feet
“Nena please don’t do this” he begged as he slowly approached you 
You stood there still frozen as he continued to approach you. He gingerly placed his hands around your waist and pulled you in to him. His face nuzzled into the crook of your neck as his tears hit your warm skin. 
“Nena please” he sobbed “te amo I fucked up...I fucked up”
Your arms slowly wrapped around him as tears fell from your eyes. 
“Chris” you whispered “you abandoned me”
He moved his head, lips hovering millimeters apart from yours and met your eyes. His big brown eyes looked into yours, silently pleading with you. 
“Nena” he whispered “I'm so sorry”
Looking down at his lips and back into his eyes, with your hands slowly traveling into his locks you tugged on them gently as you smashed your lips against his. Chris kissed you back as his lips melted into yours. This felt right to you, his hands roaming your body as you tugged harder on his making an ache between your legs. His hands went further down your body, behind your thighs and lifted you up as you jumped up. Your legs wrapped around his torso as he carried you to the bedroom. 
“Let me make it up to you nena” he said between kisses as he laid you on the messy bed
He helped you get out of your clothes as you helped him get out of his. He kissed your neck hitting all of your favorite spots.
“I will never let this happen again” he mumbled in the crook of your neck 
“You are my everything” he continued as his hands slid down your body 
“You deserve only the best” he whispered as he left a trail of soft kisses from your neck to your collar bones 
“You're so beautiful nena” he said as he grabbed your breasts, encircling one of your hardened buds with his mouth
Your back arched as your breathing hitched, hands tugging harder on his hair. 
“Chris” you whimpered creating music to his ears with every noise you made
He paid attention to the other bud making you moan as his fingers trailed down to your pulsating core. Your hips bucked as he teased your slit, as he continued his trail of kisses. 
“Please give me another chance nena” he groaned as he passed your naval 
“I will never disappoint you again” he whispered as he kitten licked your slit
“You taste as sweet as honey nena” he mumbled between licks  
Your mouth hung agape as he did all the things you liked, drawing your favorite pattern on your swollen pearl. He slid two fingers inside you and curled at the right spot. 
“Oh my god” you moaned as your toes curled 
Chris pumped his fingers quickly building up your knot. 
“Chris just fuck me” you whimpered as you wanted more, wanting to feel closer to him 
“Anything you want princesa” he said as he pulled away from you and slowly slid inside you
He kissed your neck and collar bones as he set a slow pace. You scratched his nape and down his back as your walls opened up from him. 
“Faster” You whined 
“Fuck nena” he grunted as he snapped his hips quicker and rougher 
His hand slithered down to your nerve endings and drew figure eights. 
“You are my everything I love you nena” he groaned 
He angled his hips and threw your leg over his shoulder, hitting right into your inner sweet spot. Your eyes were rolling back as a knot formed in your lower abdomen. Walls fluttered around his member, making his thrusts lose their rhythm. 
“Nena cum for me,” he whispered as he kissed your plump lips “let me see you make that pretty face” 
“Chris!” You screamed as your knot snapped 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as you entered your state of bliss. Your thighs shook around him as you left another trail of red marks down his back. Your breathing hitched as Chris rode you out for your high, and then slipping into his. You felt his warmth spread inside you as he released his seed in you. He slowly pulled out of you and lovingly kissed your lips before laying on the bed and pulling you on top of him. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck as your fingers twirled his strands of hair. 
“Nena I’m so sorry about everything” he finally spoke as he nervously drew circles against your hips “please give me another chance I’ll do better I promise”
You looked up into his big brown eyes and smiled. 
“Let’s start over”  you grinned
“I love you y/n” he said as he kissed the top of your head
Anon: Some sweet rough love making with Chris under the stars Bc a bitch is in her feelings 💕
Anon: hi queen! i don't know if you've already made this one, if not can you please write about having makeup sex with chris? like you both haven't seen each other in a while, but when you do your hoeing with other guys which got him super pissed... Thank you !
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gigglychristopher · 4 years
That little smile and laugh of his keeps me alive 🥺
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turtle-isoverit · 5 years
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Someone tell Chris to relax pls
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