#chrissy was eddie whole motivation
corrodedbisexual · 4 months
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@waning-croissant well... I had to.
"Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero," Eddie talks as he keeps walking, a step ahead of Steve. "I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week."
Eddie's not even sure what he's saying anymore, he just knows that if he doesn't keep talking over the nightmarish ambience of this hellscape, he might actually go insane. Hearing his own voice, he can at least pretend like he's just narrating a game, and the rest is his overactive imagination. Not that he actually believes that, of course, it's just... irrationally comforting.
"Give yourself a break, man."
Steve reaches for him, but Eddie's body reacts on autopilot to an unexpected touch, practically slapping the boy's arm away. He's on a roll here, words still spilling right over the all-too-late pang of regret in his chest. It would have been nice to experience, that pat on the chest or squeeze on the shoulder, whatever Steve was going for, if it weren't for Eddie's perpetual skittishness.
"See? The only reason—"
"Did you hear what I said?"
"—I came in here was 'cause—"
Eddie's head snaps to Steve as he cuts off the rest of his semi-planned speech, which was suddenly inspired by the sight of Nancy Wheeler ahead of them. If he was the cowardly bard in the story, the least he could be useful for is cheer on the real hero of it. Give the courageous bat-biting paladin the motivation to keep fighting.
"Do you ever stop running your mouth and listen?" Steve's brows are furrowed, but his tone isn't mean, and there's an amused smile playing on his lips. "You're almost worse than Dustin, Jesus Christ."
Eddie opens his mouth, lets his jaw hang for a second, and closes it again with a click of the teeth, as he processes the words he would have perceived as an insult, had he not been piecing together what the kid meant to Steve for the past several days. It was a bit of a revelation that their relationship ran far deeper than just some giant one-sided platonic crush on Dustin's part, like Eddie had mistakenly assumed throughout most of this year.
Steve takes a small step closer, the first one to invade Eddie's personal space for once, after Eddie's been doing it for the better part of their walk together. Unconsciously, like his body just decided that being tucked into Steve meant safety from the bloodthirsty bats, and the creepy vines, and that Vecna guy they could run into any minute.
"We all ran, all four of us. Just now, when we saw that giant swarm of bats in the distance, remember?" Steve speaks softly, waving his arm vaguely in the direction behind them. "Because sometimes, running and surviving is the only thing you can do."
Eddie doesn't know what to say to that. He just focuses on looking at the boy's eyes, like a normal person, and trying not stare at his lips moving. But then, when he pauses, Steve's eyes flicker down, and... huh. Huh. Wait, what?
"Of course you've been running. You couldn't have fought Vecna when he took Chrissy. Or Carver's crazy mob, or the entire police force of Hawkins," Steve keeps talking intently, looking into Eddie's eyes again like his gaze never wavered south. "Any more than we could fight that whole swarm. Because we'd definitely be dead now if we tried, no matter how metal you think I am," he adds with a tiny smug smile that's entirely Eddie's fault. "So there's a difference between being a coward, and acting stupid and reckless."
Steve pats his shoulder twice, then turns and keeps walking, and Eddie moves to follow him like on a tether, before his flustered brain even catches up.
"H-hey, I never said you were metal! I said what you did with that bat was metal," he grumbles, thankful for the darkness concealing his undoubtedly flushed face.
"I beg to differ," Steve turns around to tease, grinning, and pointedly tugs on his own collar. "You're the resident metalhead, and I'm wearing your vest, that does make me at least a little bit metal."
Yeah, thanks for the reminder, Harrington. Eddie's not sure what possessed him to throw that thing at the boy. At the time, he only thought of how he wouldn't survive the whole ordeal of Steve's hairy tits on display for much longer, but him in Eddie's clothes? Even worse.
"Fine," Eddie rolls his eyes and shoves his hands into his pockets, catching up to Steve in three quick strides. "Only a little bit though." He sneaks a glance at the boy; Steve's not looking back, once again on guard, surveying their surroundings with his flashlight, but the pleased smile makes its way to his face regardless.
"Doesn't matter why you jumped after us, Munson, you're here now. And don't try to act all modest when you've just saved a guy's ass. Which, by the way..." Steve turns his head to Eddie again. "Nice job with that oar. Too bad you hate jocks, you'd have made a fine hitter on the school baseball team."
Eddie gasps and grips his own chest in mock offense, even as warmth spreads up his neck and pools in the tips of his ears, thankfully hidden beneath his hair.
"How dare you, with these vile insinuations."
"I'm just saying," Steve shakes his head, laughing. "You're pretty... bat-ass, too, Eddie." He glances over again with a shit-eating grin. "Get it? Bat-ass?"
"Oh no, Steve Harrington is actually a dork with terrible puns," Eddie mumbles to himself and sighs, rolling his eyes up to the dark sky.
"Shut the fuck up, my puns are amazing." Steve elbows him in the ribs and chuckles. "You know what, I'm starting to understand why Henderson was obsessed with getting us to hang out."
What is that supposed to mean?
"He... he was?" Eddie gapes.
Another earthquake saves him from the mortifying ordeal of re-assessing the whole Munson doctrine, for the hundredth time this week. And as they hurry along to catch up with the girls, and Steve's hand grips his bicep whenever he falls behind, Eddie wonders if maybe he should just set fire to the doctrine and let it turn to ash.
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ladykailitha · 5 months
It's rantin' time! That lovely time when your favorite neighborhood steddie author flies off the handle.
Today I want to talk about the physicality of one Edward Munson and how the fan seems to have veered completely off the map.
The fannish notion that Eddie is weak, uninterested in the outdoors, and is clumsy.
But I've never seen anything that suggests any of that.
As always, headcanon what you want. I'm not say you can't say any of these things are what you think he's like, but this is me expressing my confusion because I haven't seen the evidence myself.
Let's start with the one that confuses me the most. That he's clumsy.
We see him leap onto lunch tables and off again without stumbling. We see him jump down off of Skull Rock and land neatly on his feet. We see him climb up the tree in the Upside Down and then safely get back down. All things that require a certain amount of grace.
The only time we see him stumble is when he's joking around with Chrissy or when the earthquake happens.
Admittedly he does have that weird loping run, but not always.
So where does this come from? My guess is that BTS of Joe Quinn tripping over the vine, and people who have only seen the gifs think that he's like that all the time?
This next point bleeds into the notion that he's weak (noodle arms etc.) and that's when he manages to pull himself up using the rope ladder to get out of the Upside Down.
He flops onto the mattress but it looks like he planned it that way as he grins and says that was fun. But to get to that point, he had to climb up the rope ladder.
Now before you tell me that it was adrenaline, he wasn't in immediate danger. He was motivated, sure. But no amount of motivation would get me up that ladder because I've never had the arm strength for it. But next to Steve he looks like he went up the easiest.
The next piece of evidence that people will blame on adrenaline is pinning Steve to the wall of the boathouse and that he had the element of surprise. Yeah...no. He pushes Steve several feet before they hit the wall.
Then there is the hauling of the metal sheets that him and Dustin use to armor the trailer so the demobats don't get in. They can't have been light.
Or grabbing both Mike AND Dustin by the scruff of their necks and yanking them to their feet. Which the average persons couldn't do. One of them, maybe, but both? Takes some serious strength.
Another nod to his endurance at the very least is how he's sitting, crouched, butt above the ground when he's talking to them at Skull Rock. He sits like that the whole time.
I would say that his strength isn't more or less than Steve's only different with the different muscles that they use.
Finally we have a hatred of the outdoors.
He falls into the lake, swims to shore, survives the cold March night wet, manages to find a new walkie talkie and water canteen, gets to Skull Rock and radios the Party. All without a compass, by the way.
He also knows where War Zone is. None of the rest of the Party knows where to go to stock up, but he does.
I'm betting that Wayne took him hunting and fishing as a kid. Back then those were things that you could do fairly cheaply and often food was brought back with them from such trips.
Eddie knows how to survive in the wilderness. Whether or not he likes it, I suppose is entirely up to you, but the evidence suggests that he doesn't mind it.
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lexirosewrites · 7 days
O!Steve w powers part 2 of 2
Season 4 is a whole ass thing w many changes
A!Hopper isn't in some soviet prison camp & idc bc this is my toy box & these r my pretty dolls
O!Max isolates from the majority of the party, but she's still B!El best friend & doesnt hesitate to explain things to El when others won't & their sleep overs have a new tension as they end up sneaking looks at eachother, she still breaks up w A!Lucas but its totally separated from the feelings growing btwn her & El & is mostly motivated by a complicated grief around Billy, she goes w Steve & Hopper to his games & to watch El cheer, she avoids everyone else but spends as much time as possible sleeping over at the Hoppers cabin after she moves into the trailer park as her mom's drinking gets worse
Steve moved in w the Hoppers after starcourt, & El breaks up w Mike bc he continously disparaged her goal to try out for cheer, she tried out for cheer & gets a spot & everyone is actually quiet nice to her as they teach her the things she needs to learn to b an effective cheerleader, no one from cheer blinks at her growing relationship w Max bc Max isn't a total social reject & everyone in town knows tht El & Max were in the mall fire tht killed Billy
A!Lucas trains w Steve & Hopper all summer for basketball try outs & he still joins Hellfire as well as getting on the basketball team, they never conflict w eachother & A!Jeff speaks up on his behalf when the rest of Hellfire try to get a rise out of him, same thing happens on the basketball team when the others try to rag on Lucas, B!Patrick always has his back. Then the championship game comes around.
A!Eddie is inflexible & Dustin & Mike roll over easy while Will & Jeff try to point out a basketball game can't b rescheduled like a d&d session can but they get talked over. A!Erica refuses to join as the replacement in this AU bc she's going to watch her brother sit on a bench while Steve cuddles her & sneaks her snacks she isn't allowed to eat after 5pm. Jonathan just raises an eyebrow when they try to ask him & Nancy says no without looking at them. Then, the new kid from California speaks up as if from the shadows, B!Argyle is very willing to join their game for a night & he's got more knowledge of the game then they'd think he would.
The game happens, El has a great time w the cheer team, Lucas makes the winning shot, his parents & Erica & the party sans Mike & Dustin & Will envelope him in a group hug, when Lucas sees Hellfire emerge after clearly completing the campaign without him, he's obviously hurt & instead of going w the basketball team Lucas goes w his parents & the rest of the party to get pizza, Mike & Dustin & Will stumble to the same pizza joint excited after the d&d game w Argyle in tow, they see everyone & try to go up to them as if everything is good, but the icy reception they get quickly clues them in tht they messed up
Then before anyone knows what's happening Steve is up out of his chair & racing to his car then peeling down the street in a race against time to get to the trailer park, while A!Chrissy stands in Eddie's trailer w her eyes rolling back into her head while Eddie is panicking, Steve bursts in & attempts something he hasn't before, he tries to go into her mind & he succeeds, his presence is enough to disrupt Vecna/Henry/One from the first part of his plan to sacrifice Chrissy but he knows Vecna saw him there
All 3 jump into Steve's car where he grabs his walkie talkie & screams out a code red, he tells the party he's taking 2 ppl to the cabin & to meet him there, then he shuts off his walkie talkie when Dustin starts yelling abt proper etiquette & after Hopper confirms he'll get every1 rounded up & to the cabin
Chrissy is wiping away tears & Eddie is freaking out as quietly as he can, then they're parked & Steve is grabbing a fucking nail bat out of his trunk & escorting them inside like he's security & they're 2 heads of state, they're both sat down on one of two couches while steve does his best to prepare them for the absolute storm of ppl tht r abt burst in as if the world is ending because... well it is
Soon everyone is there including Argyle who ended using his van to transport many of the younger party & lucas' parents r there bc Mr Sinclair is a veteran from Vietnam just like Hopper & many of the men in Hawkins & Mrs Sinclair was a trauma nurse so they know something big something srs is happening & their children insist on being involved, Hopper & El & Joyce & Steve take turns carefully explaining the last few years to the new ppl, the Sinclair parents wrap their arms around their children as they process the danger their babies were in, Argyle blinks & has a minor freak out on the back porch after everything is laid out, Eddie joins him in his freak out, & Chrissy answers questions for El while Steve uses his pheromones as an omega to help her calm down even slightly, Max & Will & Jonathan go abt making pb&j sandwiches & brewing coffee for everyone bc they need something to do,
everyone agrees to split into groups & to keep a walkie talkie near, the Sinclair family return home w Argyle planning to sleep on their couch, the Byers return home & Will promises to let them all know if something is happening thru his link to the hive mind, Nancy & Mike go home & they sleep together in Nancy's bed like they used to do when Mike was younger & didn't want to wake their parents bc he had a nightmare, the Hoppers + Robin & Max + Chrissy + Eddie stay at the cabin. Eddie is relegated to the couch while Chrissy tries to sleep w El in her room & Max sleeps w Steve & Robin in his nest. It's while Max is cuddled on both sides by Steve & Robin tht she confesses to the nightmares & the headaches & even the auditory hallucinations. Steve kisses her forehead & begins purring while Robin starts an alpha purr & he tells her they'll make a plan of attack tomorrow.
Chrissy had refused to go home to b alone in a place tht featured so heavily in the nightmare Vecna had been sending her but she does call home to tell her father she's become friends w the new cheerleader Jane (El) Hopper & tht she'll b spending a few nights of spring break w her & her family, Mr Cunningham sees no issue since Hopper is after all the sheriff, everyone settles down to try to sleep, Chrissy ends up sitting w Hopper & Eddie at the table all of them drinking coffee into the early morning
Steve has a dream. He's in a house filled w sickly black vines, it stinks of blood & mold & stale air, he hears humming of some vague melody all around him but when he looks to the top of the stairs he sees the alpha from the dreams he'd kept having during every heat since starcourt standing there & the humming stops, it's deadly silent, & when Steve blinks the figure isn't at the top anymore, this twisted visage of an alpha is right before him, muttering abt a plan in a sing song way as he caressed Steve's neck before leaning in to smell Steve's scent, commenting abt Steve never smelling of fear, this alpha tells him to call him Henry right before dragging his alpha teeth along Steve's throat up to his mating gland & then Steve is jolting awake, sweaty, & panting in the morning light with the sensations of the dream playing in a visceral loop
He puts his hand to his throat, specifically his mating gland & when he draws his hand back he finds blood from a minor scratch tht could've been caused by anything but Steve KNOWS it was a warning wrapped up in a claim from this horror of the Upside Down
That's all they wrote folks! I may repurpose some of these images for my haunted Harrington fic👻👻
and here’s part two of omega Steve has powers AU! now i need a part where Eddie has to save Steve from Henry by claiming him as his omega😌💕
(link to part one)
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Finders Givers | Part 5
“So why’d you freak out?” Eddie expected the grilling, the second they left that extravagant building, he expected the grilling. “I mean, they were both super nice, I mean… Robin was… wow, I mean did you see her? I just—” he also kind of expected that, with the way Chrissy had just frozen at her entrance? Yeah. he expected that. “Wowzers y’know? But Steve was really nice too! He’d have probably offered us those jobs Eddie, we need jobs! Just cause rent is frozen doesn’t mean we don’t need jobs, we could save up our wages and use it on like, a holiday or something, we could go to Hawaii an be dumb white people tourists like in Lilo and Sti—”
“Did you not feel the vibes that guy was giving off?” Eddie didn’t usually interrupt her, she could go on a tangent, and the tangents were usually pretty cute so he’d often just let her go on with herself until she ran out of topics, allowing her to feel comfortable to just talk without feeling like she shouldn’t, but this time… he couldn’t hold it in.
“Steve?” She didn’t seem to mind though “yeah, I almost offered to let you two have some alone time, he was giving you serious bedroom eyes—”
“Chrissy no, nope! Not that! No he’s—he’s weird.”
“Weird in a hot way? Cause in my humble opinion he was working that suit. Do you think that tan was natural because oo-wee was it working for him.”
“Well yes, we both have eyes, but also no, dangerous weird, y’know? Something felt wrong about him, Chriss.” He felt like he was drifting in open waters and Steve was a huge leviathan type thing just waiting in the depths beneath him to drag him down away from light, away from life.
“You’re just saying that because he’s the boss of this big multimillion dollar company. Next you’ll be saying he’s capitalism personified or something, rich man buys out the neighbourhood, blah blah I can’t do your infamous table speeches, but listen, Eddie, he’s… he seems nice, maybe he is just nice.”
“And maybe he’s the mafia.”
“HE COULD BE! We don’t know that he isn’t.”
“This isn’t a movie, Eddie, c’mon let's just go home, maybe we can call up later about those jobs, yeah? It couldn’t hurt to work at a place you play at. Lenny wouldn’t give us the time of day when we tried applying for jobs there before, maybe we can get one now, it’s like… fate! Maybe Steve and Robin will come in one night and we can wow them with our fancy bartender skills, which we’ll of course learn through extensive trial and error, maybe a training montage, I’ll get my very own uptown girl an you’ll get your own hot rich man who’ll buy you fancy things and pamper you like I know you won’t admit you like but I know you’d eat that shit up.”
“Thought you just said this wasn’t a movie.”
“Some movies are based on real life stories! It could happen! It’s more likely than the mafia, c’mon.” Well… she had a point, they did need jobs, and Steve had… well he’d been nice hadn’t he?
There could be so many ulterior motives to what he was doing but why would it have to negatively affect them? It could just negatively affect some dude called Phil who lived two states over, it didn’t even have to involve them, really. Besides getting them a new job, right?
“…Fine, but you can send over our resumes, I don’t want anything to do with this! If the handsome rich devil man decides to give us the jobs, and comes into the bar, and I HAPPEN to serve him, and impress him then I will concede that the universe would like me to have a nice thing happen, but I will not go looking for fairytale endings, okay?” He knew better than to get his hopes up.
Steve Harrington had looked at him like he was dinner, he’d done the whole stuck staring stupid bit, and it’d been endearing, cute, surprising considering holy shit Steve was like… way out of his league, but… if the universe wanted it to happen then the universe would make it happen!
Eddie would have no part in the process of it happening! He’d just… indulge a little in the end result.
“Someday, Eddie. Someday I’m going to convince you to go and find good things for yourself, and you’ll see just how easy it is to make yourself happy.”
“Someday perhaps, but today is not that day.”
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“Be honest now… what did you think of him?” It wasn’t a common thing, Steve sat in front of Robin’s desk, in the chair opposite her big floor to ceiling windows, with Robin looking pretty menacing in her high backed chair, shadowed, her hands steepled at her chin, thumbs pressed into her own throat in thought, her silence stretched long enough for him to tack on “think from a non-lesbian standpoint.”
“I think he looks like a passel of Opossum in a trench coat. A domesticated raccoon, a wet rat that some cruel individual permed for some reason.”
“Well that’s mean, and definitely not from a non-lesbian standpoint.”
“That’s from a person with eyes standpoint.” Steve rolled his own eyes and slumped backwards in the chair like a petulant teenager, arms crossed over his chest. “He looks like he’d scamper, Steve.”
“What’s wrong with scampering?! It’s cute to scamper!”
“It’s reserved for tiny critters, not fully grown adult men.”
“Men can scamper if they want to, don’t you impose your weird masculine rules on us, Robbie, it’s problematic.”
“I swear to god if I catch you on twitter—” shook her head, hand lifted to cut herself off “Steve… is this guy really worth all the money you’re throwing at this?” It was a lot of money, a lot, and they wouldnt get any of it back.
“I mean… I don’t know, but then I didn’t know if Jane would be worth it, or if she’d get any use out of the bakery I bought for her, I didn’t know if paying Nancy’s debts off would be worth it, I didn’t know if any of you would be worth the effort and money I put in to bring you all in and keep you all healthy and safe, and I still did what I did for all of you, so… why is this guy any different?” So far he’d been a spectacular judge of character. “Plus!!! He comes with a very cute blonde!! I’m sure you noticed the very cute blonde.”
“Aren’t you worried that they might be dating?” It was a very good point, and one he hadn’t actually considered. But then—
“If they are then they are, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t give them a chance like I gave all of you guys a chance.” Anyone who’d knock the shit out of their manager for their friend or partner was alright by him, it showed a loyalty that laughed in the face of authority, he LIKED when people laughed in the face of authory. Authority figures needed to be laughed at sometimes. And punched other times. Robin’s shoulders slacked, her expression shifting to one of soft amusement. “Yooooou wanted me to say that didn’t you?”
“Maybe a little. Just making sure you’re not thinking entirely with your dick. They’re not dating by the way… she’s not even a little bit his type.” Eddie had been quite open about his own sexuality, on purpose or just as a spur of the moment thing, Robin didn’t know, but it was nice to know Steve’s interest wasn’t entirely a lost cause.
“I was wondering why you dropped my relationship status in there.”
“Mmm… I did notice the very cute blonde… she seemed nice.” Bubbly, cute, like a cheerleader “and only because Chrissy seemed very nice… only because I would very much like to see her again… am I going to agree to go along with this nonsense without further complaint.”
“You cant agree to go along with something without complaint while calling it nonsense.”
“Watch me, Dingus.”
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andvys · 1 year
We'll burn the sky | part four
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Warnings: 18+, some angst, brief mention of reader being groped after a concert, smut....... cheating (not on reader)
Pairings: mentions of Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham, Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Rockstar!fem!reader
Summary: Corroded Coffin finally goes on tour and you and reader grow even closer.
Author's note: So this took a different turn..... also shoutout to @corrodedcorpses , thank you so much for the idea with the tour diary, it gave me so much inspiration and motivation to write this chapter!
Series masterlist
*not proofread
The afterparty went on until the early morning hours. You threw your first big concert and decided to celebrate the success of it with a huge party at the house Eddie shares with his friends. You mostly spend your time with Eddie, sitting on one of the lounge chairs in his backyard with a joint and a drink in your hand. 
Instead of spending the night with a groupie like Gareth, he decided to watch the stars with you and fantasize about your rockstar life. You were a little confused as to why he would rather spend time with you than with one of the hot girls that tried to flirt with him– to no avail, Eddie wasn’t interested and you can’t help but feel relieved about it, the thought of him with someone else leaves you with the sick feeling of jealousy, a feeling that you came to hate it ever since you met him. 
Eddie took you to his room that night, he gave you one of his shirts to sleep in and helped  you take off your makeup– it was almost domestic, it was sweet and left you blushing like a schoolgirl. You couldn’t help but stare at his lips as he gently touched your face and made sure that no trace of foundation or eyeliner was left on your skin. 
You didn’t sleep in his arms that night but he held your hand when sleep took over you. You were gone quickly. Your eyes fluttered close the moment he started humming your favorite song to you as his thumb rubbed circles into your skin. 
You didn’t know that he stayed up the whole time, using the opportunity to admire you. You didn’t know that Eddie was fighting a battle with himself. 
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed but you could hear his voice downstairs. It was hushed, you could barely make out his words, though the sound of the distress in his voice was pretty clear. 
You sit up and look around his messy room, trying to find your clothes that you discarded before you went to sleep. You can’t find them anywhere. Sighing, you run your hand over your face before you reach for the water bottle on his nightstand when you notice the open drawer. You move closer to it, placing your bare feet on the carpet, you go to close the drawer when a picture catches your attention. 
Curiosity gets the best of you and you reach for the picture before you can stop yourself from doing so. A smile tugs at your lips, it’s one of Eddie at his graduation, next to him is his uncle Wayne, you have seen pictures of him before. On the other side of him is– who you assume to be Steve, the hair gives it away. He is pretty. 
“I can explain– you aren’t even listening to me! Hey.. come on, don’t do this right now.” 
You raise your head and stare at the open door, placing the picture back into the drawer, you get up. Furrowing your brows as you hear his distressed voice. 
“Chris…calm down!” he yells in a hushed whisper, “please.. just stop calling her that.” 
A weird feeling settles in your chest as you walk towards the stairs. You should stay in his room and wait for him to finish the conversation but something pulls you in.
“No… N-No, that’s not what I want,” he mumbles with uncertainty in his voice.
“Yes.. I’m sure.” 
You swallow nervously. For a moment the house is filled with silence, thinking that he hung up the phone, you make your way downstairs but quickly halt in your tracks when his voice grows louder and angrier. 
“I’m not coming home, don’t you get it? This is all I ever wanted and things are going pretty fucking well for me right now– since when?” he scoffs, mocking the person on the phone, “are you serious, Chris? We have an album, an actual album! We’re throwing concerts, shit– we’re in the magazine but this is all you fucking care about right? Did you even listen to the songs?” 
“Of course you didn’t,” he scoffs, laughing.
Your heart begins to pound in your chest and a bad feeling settles in. 
The name Chris sounds unfamiliar to you, he has never mentioned anyone with that name before but something tells you that it’s someone close to him with the way this conversation is going.
Is it a friend, a relative… a partner? 
Your stomach drops as you think of the possibility of him having someone waiting for him back home but Eddie has never mentioned a relationship before and he told you everything. Still, the conversation makes you suspicious. 
He hangs up the phone, slamming the receiver into it’s place, startling you. 
You blink, running your fingers through your messy hair as you finally make your way downstairs. You can hear him pacing around in the living room, mumbling something under his breath. 
You lean against the doorframe and clear your throat. 
Eddie turns around, eyes widening at the sight of you standing there with your arms crossed over your chest, a worried look on your beautiful face.
“Everything okay?” you ask. 
He blinks, staring at you nervously. Wondering if you have heard anything, he hopes not but the look on your face gives it away and his heart drops to his stomach. 
You can’t know, you can’t find out about her. He doesn’t want you to find out, not after how close you have gotten. 
He nods, “y-yeah,” he mumbles as he scratches the back of his neck nervously. He looks at you with guilt in his eyes. 
Chrissy called him because of the article and the pictures of you and him and she wasn’t very nice when it came to you, despite not knowing a thing about you, she cursed you out for being so close to a taken man– as if you know anything. 
Eddie felt the urge to protect you from his girlfriend. The things she said about you made him livid. He didn’t take her words kindly at all and if anything they made him see her in a different light, one that he hasn’t seen her in before. 
“Are you sure?” 
He nods, “yeah.” 
Eddie quickly gets distracted by you. Standing there in nothing but his shirt, he finds himself relaxing. Your hair is messy, your lips a little puffy, you look so beautiful. His heart flutters in his chest as he thinks of the way it felt to lay next to you, to watch you sleep and be there with you in this way.
You nod but he can tell that you don’t believe him, he can see the suspicion in your eyes and that alone is enough to make him feel scared. 
What is gonna happen when you find out about her? 
Are you even gonna care? 
After all, he doesn’t know how you feel about him. Maybe he is nothing more than a close friend to you. You never gave him any signs that you are interested in him. You are flirty but that might just be your nature. 
He only knows how he feels about you and he knows that it’s definitely more than just platonic feelings. 
“Do you want a coffee?” he asks, trying to lighten the tension in the room. 
You try to figure him out as you watch him with a confused expression on your face. You have a bad feeling, a very bad feeling. 
Eddie’s brown eyes stare back at you with an almost pleading look in them. 
You shake your head, “n-no… uh, I’m gonna get going,” you mumble, almost feeling guilty when you see the sadness crossing his face, “I gotta get some stuff done before tonight.” 
“Okay,” Eddie whispers.
He watches as you turn away from him without as much of a smile, which is unusual for you. You always give him a smile, no matter what. 
If that hurts him so much already, what will happen when you find out the truth? 
You walk back down a few minutes later, your bag hanging off your shoulder, Dr.Martens on your feet, you kept his shirt on. 
“Didn’t feel like wearing the clothes from last night, I hope you don’t mind,” you point to his shirt– which unknowingly to you, is his favorite shirt. 
He smiles as he watches you stop in front of him, “of course I don’t mind,” he whispers, “looks better on you than on me anyway.” 
And just like that, the bad feeling in your chest is long forgotten and so is the conversation he was in just a few minutes ago. You look into his doe eyes and you almost feel nauseous at the feeling of those butterflies going wild in your stomach. 
You blush and he notices, the way he always does.
“Stop,” you whisper, chuckling as you look down at yourself. 
Eddie can’t stop himself from raising his hand towards your face and tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Why?” he whispers, “it’s the truth.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat when you raise your head to look back into his eyes. 
Everything around you disappears whenever you feel him so close to you, whenever you look into his pretty eyes and let yourself enjoy the feeling of his hands on your body. He makes you feel weak and strong at once, he makes your heart race and flutter, he makes your insides feel all tingly, he makes you feel excited and giddy and it scares you. You have never felt that way about anyone before. 
You’re completely unaware that Eddie feels just the same but his feelings might be even more intense. 
“Good morning, lovebirds.” 
Gareth’s voice causes you to jump away from Eddie. His hand falls from your cheek and you both miss the feelings of the other right away. 
Eddie looks up at his friend with an annoyed look on his face as he stares back at him with a grin. 
“Sleep well?” he smirks, wiggling his brows as he looks between the two of you. 
Eddie can see the flustered look on your face but there’s no way that you will actually show how flustered you really are. 
“Actually,” you pause as you raise your head to look at Gareth with a smirk on your face, “not really, I heard those pathetic moans of yours after you took that pretty redhead into your room last night.” 
Eddie lets out a loud laugh at your words, watching the way Gareth grows red. 
“I– what?” 
You snort, shaking your head as you walk towards the front door, you look back at Eddie one more time and give him a small smile, “see you later, boys.” 
You don’t catch the dreamy look in his eyes as he watches you leave, neither do you notice the teasing smile Gareth gives Eddie. 
The weeks after your first concert went by quickly. You threw one concert after the other, all while the band was gaining more popularity every day. You got invited to festivals, your concerts got bigger and much more crowded. The fanbase was getting larger and something you have been worried about the most was that people wouldn’t like you, that they wouldn’t appreciate you joining the band but quite the opposite happened. The people love you– something that Eddie had already predicted before you even joined them at one of their gigs. 
Hell, you even had your own fan base now. 
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie hates your fans– well, he hates the men that lust over you. Too many times he had to watch them flirt with you, some even tried to grope you when you passed them on your way out of the venue. You easily dealt with those men yourself but Eddie still stepped in, the urge to protect you at all times was big, especially with how much popularity you were getting in such a short amount of time. 
Neither of you expected things to go so quickly, to get so much fame and success. While you were confident in the band, you still didn’t expect things to go this well but it was getting better and better. Before you knew it, you were going on tour.
Standing under the California sun, you stare at the tour bus with a smile on your face. The black and red color was picked out by Eddie and the design of the band name was picked out by you. 
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Eddie grins at you, “you ready to go on tour, rockstar?” 
Smiling up at him, you wrap your arm around his waist as you lean into his chest. 
The weeks following up to this moment, brought you and Eddie even closer. What started off with a friendship, turned into something more, something you can’t even describe but it feels like you have known him forever. 
You feel comfortable around him, you can let loose around him, you feel safe with him. You can laugh with him and have deep conversations, you can dream together and most importantly, you can make all this amazing music together– you are just better together.
You’re a good team. 
At this point, you can already consider him your best friend but you can’t help but wish that he was more than just that. 
“Hell yeah,” you grin, “what about you?” 
He laughs, “God, I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.” 
“And now we finally get to be rockstars,” Jeff chuckles as he comes up behind the two of you, “let’s get the show on the road,” he says as he pats Eddie’s back before he steps inside the tour bus with a huge smile on his face. 
You chuckle as you watch him, the smile isn’t just because of the tour, it’s all because of all the kisses he just received from your friend, Wren before she left. 
“Didn’t think we’d ever make it this far.” 
You raise your brow, “really?” 
Eddie nods, pushing his sunglasses up into his curls, he reveals his pretty brown eyes that are shining with happiness. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I thought that we’d throw a few concerts, get these few moments at the festival and that’s all but look at us now.” 
Your smile grows bigger, nodding at his words, you squeeze his waist, “look at us now,” you whisper. 
“I’m so excited,” he grins. 
“So am I, especially for Chicago and New york– oh, I’m also excited for Indianapolis. I’ll finally get to meet the pretty boy, right?” you smirk. 
Eddie rolls his eyes at your words, “yeah, yeah..” he mumbles, “you’ll meet Steve and Uncle Wayne.” 
You giggle at the annoyance in his voice. He always gets this grumpy whenever you bring up his best friend. 
You get on the tour bus after saying goodbye to Sam, hugging the older man and giving him an excited smile before you leave. 
Eddie is about to follow you when Sam stops him with a hand on his arm, “hold up,” he says. 
“You want another hug?” Eddie jokes as he looks at the manager that became his friend. He furrows his brows when he sees the concerned look on his face. 
“Take care of her, alright?” 
Eddie knows that you mean a lot to the older man, he treats you like you’re his daughter. Being a friend of your dad, Sam knows you from when you were little, always tagging along with your dad. He brought you everywhere, concerts, interviews, the recording studio. 
Eddie knows about your dad and he knows about what happened to him. He just doesn’t know the whole story. 
“I will,” Eddie nods. 
“Kid reminds me too much of her dad.” 
Something about the way he said that, doesn’t sit well with Eddie. He knows that you loved your dad, you only ever had good things to say about him but the look on Sam’s face was one of concern and worry. 
“That’s a bad thing?” Eddie asks him slowly. 
Sam hesitates, looking up before his eyes meet Eddie’s again, “just keep her out of trouble, okay?” 
Eddie nods, “of course. I will, Sam.” 
With one last goodbye, he parts ways with him and follows you into the tour bus. You're standing in front of the boys with a little notebook in your hand as they all stare at you in curiosity. 
“What do you got there?” Eddie asks as he comes up behind you. 
You turn your head to look at him, raising the book in your hand, you show it to him, “a diary.” 
“Oh,” Gareth smirks, “is that where you keep all your dirty secrets?” he asks, wiggling his brows. 
You roll your eyes and turn back to him, “shut up.” 
“Or is that where you write about your dirty dreams about Edd– ouch!” he shrieks as you hit his head with the diary, “Jesus Christ, woman!” 
“I told you to shut up, Gareth!” 
The others around you laugh, not noticing the flustered look on your face. 
“I’m just telling the truth!” He mumbles as he holds his hands over his head. 
You give him a warning look and he holds his hands up in surrender, “okay, okay…. Jeez…” 
You turn back to Eddie who watches you with a fond smile on his face. 
“This is not my diary, it’s our diary. It’s a tour diary. We’re all gonna write something in here,” you explain, “you can also add pictures– I brought my polaroid camera. And I want all of you to write something, even if it’s just something short. I just want us to keep these memories here, you know?” 
They all nod at your words. 
“But no one can look at what the others are writing, no peeking, nothing. We’re gonna do that when we’re done with this tour.” 
Gareth groans, “really?” 
“But I wanna see what you write about E–”
This time you throw the book at him and he ducks just in time. 
Eddie laughs, shaking his head as he watches Gareth run away when you try to catch him. 
He can already tell, this is going to be the best tour. 
Tour day 1 
We’re in Phoenix! It’s our first concert of the tour and I’m fucking nervous but I got my firefly with me so it’s all good. We’re gonna rock this. -Eddie
Eddie places a polaroid picture between the pages. It’s one of you holding his guitar with a big smile on your face. Using the pen, he writes ‘my firefly & my sweetheart’ on the picture. 
“Aww, my firefly,” Gareth whispers, startling Eddie. 
“Dude!” Eddie frowns, pushing his friend away as he shuts the diary, “you’re not supposed to look!” 
Gareth smirks as he sits back again, “couldn’t help myself.” 
“You’re a menace,” Eddie sighs, shaking his head. 
“Why firefly?” he asks with a curious look on his face. 
Eddie shrugs, not feeling like answering the question. 
You’re the lightbringer in his life, maybe that’s why. 
The concert went better than expected. You were all nervous, despite all the concerts you already had, you were still scared that something would go wrong but it was perfect. 
Tour day 10 
Gareth fucked a groupie in the back lounge just so y/n had to sleep in Eddie’s bunk but instead she slept on the couch. Fucking idiot. -Jeff
You didn’t expect to walk in on Gareth fucking a girl in your bed. 
Since you’re the only girl surrounded by all the boys, including the bus driver and the tour manager, the boys have given you the back lounge as your bedroom, just so you could have a little more privacy but Gareth obviously didn’t care. 
After the long day that you had, all you wanted to do was sleep in the surprisingly cozy bed but you were forced to sleep on the awfully uncomfortable couch instead. 
You woke up with a sore back and a headache. You fixed yourself a cup of coffee when Eddie joined you in the little kitchen. 
“Good morning–” he stopped as he saw the grumpy look on your face, “what’s wrong?”
You took a sip of your coffee before you answered the question. 
“He brought a girl to your room?” 
“Yes!” you exclaimed, rolling your eyes, “I slept on the stupid couch.” 
“You could have slept with me.” 
“Don’t be silly,” you whispered nervously, “it’s too tight in there.” 
Eddie shrugs, “I don’t mind.” 
Tour day 15
We performed in Dallas, it was a pretty good night until y/n stage dived and Eddie almost had a heart attack when a fan kissed her.
“You can’t just do that!” Eddie scolded you in the backstage area, “that asshole could’ve done much worse.”
You rolled your eyes and giggled, “oh come on, it wasn’t that bad!” 
Eddie’s forehead was coated in sweat, the exhaustion from performing all night was clear on his face. 
“He kissed you!” he yelled, not even hiding the jealousy in his voice. 
“And I kissed him back,” you snorted as you pushed past him, “maybe I’m gonna fuck him too. I’m single, I can fuck some groupies, Gareth does it all the time, I can do it too, right?” 
Eddie grabbed your arm and pulled you back, eyes filled with anger, chest rising up and down heavily as he stared at you. 
Jealousy and anger is all he felt in that moment. 
“I don’t want you to do that.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise, “why not?” 
Eddie pulled you closer, close enough for his lips to brush against yours. Your breath hitched in your throat and your heart stopped beating for a second, “because you’re not for him to touch.” 
Your lips parted in surprise. 
Adrenaline was cursing through your veins and through his, you know that it might have been a heat of the moment kind of thing for him to say but you hoped that it wasn’t. 
“Says who?” you asked as you eyed his lips. 
He moved even closer to you, leaning in, his lips brushed against your cheek as his hand rested on your lower back now. 
“I should be the only one who gets to touch you like this.”
Something had changed between you, not just that night but long before that.
You felt it. He felt it.
It happened that night at the Karaoke bar, it happened at the beach. It happened the night you stayed over at his place for the first time.
The tension was growing bigger and bigger and it was finally getting too much for you to ignore.
Tour day 20
Turns out that asshole’s plan worked after all, y/n slept in Eddie’s bed last night. -Jeff 
Gareth has stolen your room once again and there was just no way that you would sleep on that awful couch again. Pacing around the lounge room, you consider Eddie’s offer to sleep in the bunk with him but after what happened in Dallas and after the things he said to you, you weren’t sure if it would be such a good idea to sleep with him. 
Something shifted in the air and suddenly there was a different kind of tension between the two of you after that night. 
Before this, you have never thought of Eddie in this way. 
He is attractive, he is hot, beautiful and so much more. You were aware of that from the moment you laid eyes on him but your mind never really wandered. You liked the way it felt when he hugged you or kissed your cheek or how he held your hand every chance he got but you never thought about what it would feel like to fuck him, not until after the things he said to you.��
“God,” you sighed as your eyes fell on the couch once again, “nope..” you mumbled to yourself before you tiptoed your way towards his bunk. Licking your lips, you take a deep breath, “Eddie,” you whispered as you played with your fingers, “a-are you awake?” 
He pushed the curtain to the side almost immediately, tired eyes finding yours.
“Can I sleep with you?” 
Eddie smiled as he looked at you, you're so fucking cute it makes his heart ache in his chest.
“Of course,” he whispered as he scooted back a little, holding the blanket up for you. 
“Thank you,” you whispered as you lay down next to him, getting comfortable in his bed. Eddie leaned over you to close the curtain again before he laid back. 
Your body wash and shampoo filled his senses and it made him smile, he loves it.
He was close, so close. The bed is definitely not big enough for two people and the feeling of his hand disappearing under the blanket and coming to a rest on your bare hip almost stole your breath away. 
Suddenly, you wished that you had stayed on the couch, this was too much. 
His touch ignited something in you, it made your skin feel hot, it made your heart race, it made your stomach swirl with butterflies, it made you squeeze your thighs together and as you felt him moving closer to you, his bare thigh touching your skin, his hand moving lower, you felt yourself clenching around nothing. 
God, what was happening to you?
“Gareth fucking one of his girls in your room again?” he asked. 
“Y-Yes,” you whispered, “I was so excited to go to sleep, I wasn’t aware that he stole my room while I was in the shower.” 
Eddie chuckled, “I think he is starting to do that on purpose.” 
“To piss me off?” you asked. 
“No,” he whispered, “I think he wanted you to do this.”
“Sleep in your bed?” you asked in confusion. 
“Mhmm, with the way he has been teasing you all this time.” 
“But why would he want that?” 
Eddie laughs at your question, thinking it’s cute how clueless you are. 
“You’re a little clueless, aren’t you, Sweetheart?” he asked lovingly as he cupped your cheek.
His husky voice, the smell of his shampoo and aftershave, the feeling of his touch and his hands pulling you closer drove you crazy. 
Unlike you, Eddie has thought of it many times before, what it would feel like to touch you, to kiss your lips, to kiss your neck, to kiss your thighs, to taste you and hear your pretty moans. He wondered what it would feel like to fuck you, make you mewl for him. He thought about how pretty you would look squirming beneath his body as he split you open with his big cock. Too many times, he jerked himself off in the tiny bathroom on this tour bus to the thought of it after a concert, after watching you perform in one of your skimpy outfits. 
Shame and guilt fills him after he cums all over his hand to the thought of you every single time and yet it doesn’t stop him from doing it again. 
But he felt none of the guilt that night, when you laid there in his bed, in his arms. 
He didn’t feel guilty when he thought about taking the risk and kissing you. 
He didn’t feel guilty when he pushed his leg between your thighs. 
“Eddie,” you whispered shakily when you felt his hand move under your shirt, his palm sliding up your bare back, “what are you doing?” 
“Is that too much?” 
You should stop him, something inside you told you to push him away, to leave but you couldn't, not when his touch made you feel so good. 
“Good,” he whispered as he pulled you closer until you were completely pressed against him. 
Your gasp made his dick twitch and you felt it, he knows you did. He pulled you on top of him and you used the opportunity to lay your head in the crook of his neck, your lips brushed against his sensitive skin and he almost moaned at the feeling. 
Your heart was racing and you were convinced that Eddie had felt it all. 
It was innocent at first, nothing happened, you just laid there in each other's embrace until he broke the silence.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked as he rubbed your back. 
“D-Did something happen that night in Dallas?” he asked, “with the guy?”
“No,” you whispered, “nothing happened after the kiss.” 
There is only one man that you want. 
You felt him relax, a relieved sigh fell from his lips.
“Why are you asking?” 
He lowered his hands until he was holding your hips. There was nothing on his mind right now, nothing except for you and the need to feel you. His heart was longing for you, his hands were itching to touch your bare skin, to make you feel good. 
You could feel his breath on your neck and you shuddered against him. 
He bucked his thigh up until it was pressed against your center and a desperate whine fell from your lips. 
“Because I don’t want anyone else to touch you like this,” he whispered as he pressed against your hips, making you grind against his thigh, “I wanna be the only one.” 
You gasped at the feeling of your throbbing pussy grinding against his thigh, “E-Eddie,” you whimpered as you arched your back, placing your hands on his chest, you rose up a little, “w-what are you doing…” you moaned as you felt his lips latch onto your neck, “this is wrong.” 
He should be scared, he should panic, he should stop but he doesn’t.
“Then why does it feel so right?” he asked as he felt your wetness soaking through the thin material of your panties. 
“We shouldn’t do this,” you whispered but began to grind against his thigh nonetheless, “this isn’t right.” 
He should be the one saying these things, not you. 
He pressed you down harder, made you grind faster against him. He watched your face contort into pleasure. 
“Forget about everything, baby,” he whispered, “just let me make you feel good.” 
You bit your lip and focused on his voice, on his touch, on him. 
“Use me,” he said as he kissed your neck, “ride my thigh,” he moaned as your fingers brushed his hard dick. 
He was in control and something inside you hated that he did, something inside you told you that this was so very wrong but you didn’t listen to that tiny voice in your head, you never did. 
Instead of riding his thigh, you pushed him back and straddled him until his clothed dick was pressed against your center. You wrapped your hand around his throat as you began to grind your needy pussy against his dick. 
“F-Fuck…. baby,” he moaned as he grabbed your waist tightly, “shit, y/n… what are you doing to me?” 
“Shhh…” you whispered, “you told me to use you, didn’t you?” you asked as you continued to grind against him. 
He nods. 
“So let me use you and be quiet, pretty boy.” 
He chants your name like it’s a prayer and you can’t even stop yourself from moaning like a desperate slut. 
You didn’t want this to happen, not like this but the tension was too much to bear. 
You wanted him, needed him. 
“Please… please… please,” he whimpered as he cupped your cheeks, pushing your hair out of your face so he could see you. He pulled you closer until your forehead was resting against his, lips brushing against each other.
“Mhmmm, Eddie..” you moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck, “please I need more…”
That’s all it took for him to flip you over on your back and rip your panties off, parting your legs rather aggressively as he finally touched you after all these months of wondering and fantasizing about what it would feel like to see you and touch you like this. 
He moaned when he saw your dripping cunt for the first time, “fuck… baby, you are so pretty…” he whispered, licking his lips before he pushed a finger into you. 
It wasn't a fantasy any longer, this moment was real, so very real. Finally he got to touch you, he got to feel your bare skin, he got to make you feel good, he got to hear your moans, you pretty face contorted into pleasure and Eddie couldn't help but wish for this moment to be forever.
You arched your back in pleasure and slapped a hand over your mouth as you felt his ringed finger inside your wet pussy. 
He leaned over you as he began to move his finger in and out of you, for a moment he stared at your pussy and the way you took his finger so well, he added another finger and began to fuck you faster, harder and deeper. 
Your pussy was soaked, squelching noises filled the tight space and you would have been embarrassed if it wasn’t for him moaning at the sound. 
“Fuck…. y/n, you’re driving me crazy,” he whimpered as his dark eyes looked into your tear filled ones. His free hand moved yours away, “don’t hide those pretty sounds from me,” he whispered with a smirk on his face. 
Your eyes rolled back as he curled his fingers inside of you and began to fuck you even faster. 
“Eddie….” you whimpered. 
You arched your back in pleasure and moved your arm around him, pulling him closer. 
“Feels good….. so good.”
Your cunt clenched around his fingers and he moaned at the feeling of it, wondering what it would feel like to feel your tight little pussy around his big cock. 
You looked down and watched how he split you open with his long fingers, you moaned and whimpered at the sight, mewling at the feeling of his lips on your neck. 
“You’re perfect, so fucking perfect. You got no idea how many times I fucked myself to the thought of this.” 
His words brought you closer and closer to the edge. 
“You’re such a perfect little thing, baby,” he whispered against your neck. 
His thumb began to rub your clit and you had to bite down on his shoulder to keep yourself from screaming out and revealing this moment to all the others on this bus. 
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” he asked as he fucked your tight pussy until you were crying. 
“Mhmm, yours, all yours.” 
"Mine, all mine," he whispered as his heart fluttered in his chest when you nodded.
"I'm all yours."
“Good girl,” he husked into your ear before he made you cum around his fingers and made you watch how he licked them clean, moaning around his own fingers. 
Your eyes widened and he smirked at you. 
“You taste as delicious as you look, princess.” 
Eddie Munson will be the death of you. 
Tour day 21 
I think they fucked ;) -Gareth
Taglist: @prettyboyeddiemunson @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @cry-for-u @mysticmunson @eddielives1986 @1paire2vans @poisonedluv @sherrylyn628 @aysheashea @kaitebugg03 @lma1986 @aftermidnightwriting @miarosso @novelnovella @magenta-moon @strawberries-n-lavender @bibieddiesgf @michaelfuckinglangdon @tlclick73 @maystecc @hazydespair @veravee-blog @lfaewrites @saayanaaa @tvserie-s-world
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Eddie's palms were sweating like crazy. There used to be moments when he was gratetul for this less obvious sign of nervousness, but at times like this it was bloody inconvenient. The chalk dust clung to his fingertips as he worked on his summoning circle under the archmage's watchful eye, an eye that was waiting for a single mistake that would warrant another disqualification. A third one in the last three years.
It was all bullshit as his best friends Nancy and Chrissy had told him. They both were younger and had the same skill. Sure, Nancy's intellect was through the roof and Chrissy studied with a rigid motivation of someone who wanted to leave their stifling family behind, but Eddie wasn't bad at all. Hell, he grasped the intricacies of magic almost naturally and in another world, he would have been praised, supported by all his peers and professors.
Yeah, right. That would be a world where he wasn't a filthy commoner.
Sure, magic didn't choose blood or status or a full set of silver cutlery in one's mouth, but oh did the upper class love to pretend. "We have magic in our bloodline," they lied through their teeth. And so when a kid of a petty thief showed magic potential surpassing the one of their coddled kids, they were aghast. They scoffed at his long unruly hair, at his cheap dark clothes, at the extra shifts his uncle had to take to keep him in the academy. They tried to get rid of him so many times, unfair test questions, discriminatory behavior, bullying...Eddie saw it all and guess what, he didn't care. As his wise uncle told him "they see you as a cockroach, boy. So become one. Show them how persistent you can be, make them wish they let you graduate."
Eddie adored his uncle, if that wasn't clear. That man was hard working and smart. If the world was worth anything, he would have been an alchemist, with his precise mind and nimble hands. But since world was shit and unfair, he was just a helper for one, although a great and kind one, Scott Clarke. Eddie was happy for his uncle, for the companionship he found in Scott, but there was inherent bitterness in him that wouldn't leave.
See, the issue with Eddie was - he had no clear goal, no illuminated path in his future. He wanted to explore magic, see what it had to offer. Where others had a clear destination, like Nancy with her passion for magical channels of communication or Chrissy and her focus on healing magic and diagnostics, Eddie was...untethered. He wanted to do anything and everything and he worried that this would be his downfall this time too. Because that's exactly what the whole summoning ritual hinged on.
Eddie wiped his hands on his pants, earning a disapproving scoff from the archmage. "Magic demands grace and dignity," that's what the asshole always said before elegantly wiping his mouth with a napkin or drying his sweaty brow with a white handkerchief. Eddie wanted to kick him in the shin and see how elegant he looked toppling over.
Just a few more chalk lines, no use in delaying the inevitable. This was the final exam of the senior year, but also a crucial skill that Eddie simply had to master. Because each mage needed a companion from the other side, that was the law. It didn't matter if you summoned a fae, a zephyr, a demon or even a wailing ghost of your grandma who decided to stay in the world beyond instead of moving on, you needed a companion to help with channeling of magic, amplifying it. Some mages kept the same companions for decades, other went through a series of brief companionships to find what they needed.
If Eddie only knew what he needed. That's what he was supposed to do - enter the circle, open a gate to the other world and project his ambitions, his desires. Which were, as usual, all over the place.
"I'm ready," he told the archmage as he stood up and dusted off his hands, creating more white smears on his pants.
The older man just rolled his eyes. He seemed to be in his fifties, with thick hair and just one or two strands of grey. But who knew, magic didn't really make aging normal. "I will believe it when I see it, Mr. Munson. You have yet to surprise me."
Eddie bit back a scorching remark and cracked his fingers, getting ready. He forced on a wide smile and waved at his friends who had, as expected, aced the exam. Nancy was chatting with her companion, a storm elemental (her name was Robin, as he would learn later, and she could speak so fast only Nancy was able to understand). Chrissy stood next to a tall dryad, Barbara, and gave Eddie a thumbs up, beaming at him. "You got this!" she mouthed at him and, with a brief whisper, made Barbara join in a very awkward cheer.
"Okay, here I go," muttered Eddie and entered the circle. His fingertips sparkled as he touched the prepared runes, activating them. He had one brief moment to take it all in, the scowl on the archmage's face, Nancy's quiet and confident smile and Chrissy's radiance, before the runes rose in a circle around him and obscured everything.
He blinked at the swirling colors around him, whispered voices. "Hello?" he called out, hearing the echo of his own voice. "My name is Eddie...um. I mean, Edward Munson and I am searching for a companion."
The voices sounded closer, but not close enough. He hadn't offered anything yet, so he wasn't too discouraged. "Um. I am looking for someone who would like to explore the world of magic with me. The possibilities it has and who is maybe looking to find themselves too..."
His voice trailed off. He sounded silly even to himself, not to mention to the creatures, spirits and demons in the realm. But just as he was about to quickly make up a goal, just to attract someone, he heard whispering in his ear. It sounded both melodic and dissonant, single and split. "You're intriguing. Intriguing enough to consider your offer. Say, Eddie. You seem open to everything, but...is there something that you really, really want? A desire you have? Something a companion could help you accomplish?"
Had Eddie been someone with a milder temperament, he would have explained how he hoped his success would open the door for more people like him, to change how elitist magic was. But he wasn't that, he was Eddie and he didn't feel like starting his first companionship with a lie.
"I want to succeed so much that the archmage will lose all of that fucking powdered hair," he grinned into the swirling void. "I want him to look at me, the first trash commoner mage, and know that despite being way more powerful and influential and whatever else, he couldn't get that scrawny kid to quit, no matter how many times he unfairly failed me. I want to make him feel like he's sucking on a lemon whenever he sees me. I want to become a living proof that he was wrong."
There was laughter in his ears and this time he realized - it wasn't one voice but two. One seductive and feminine, the other amused and slightly bitchy, belonging to a man.
"Well, Eddie," whispered the woman and Eddie shivered from her warm breath.
The man leaned in too, into his other ear. "We can help you with that."
And just like that, the magical void dissolved and two warm hands found their way into his.
Eddie emerged into the great hall to a series of gasps, cheers and curses. Chrissy was jumping up and down on her toes, clapping. Nancy seemed to be stuck between shock and serious amusement. And the archmage...well. That was something else.
But Eddie had manners so instead of reacting to any of them, he turned towads his companions. Two beings at once wasn't exactly common and Eddie had to understand who exactly he invited into his life.
He didn't have to recall much of his lectures on the other world to realize that his companions were demons. And not just any type, no. He gulped as he offered his hand again. "Thank you for answering my call. As I said before, I'm Eddie. Human, obviously."
The female demon was almost as tall as him, but unlike him she was gorgeous. Her thick brown hair fell to her strong shoulders in gentle waves and her amber eyes sparkled with mischief. She had moles and beauty marks all over her beautiful face. "Pleasure to join you, Eddie. Stevie, a succubus." She winked at him and shook his hand. "Obviously," she whispered.
She nudged him to the male demon, eerily similar to her, but where she was seductive he was snarky. Which...was doing equal things to Eddie's insides. Not only. "Steve," he said and squeezed his hand with a deliciously calloused hand. "Not a succubus, obviously, but an incubus. Pleasure indeed."
Eddie felt a bit manic. The wide smile on his face was starting to hurt but he couldn't bring himself to care and when Stevie used her tail to examine the chains on his belt, he wondered if the butterflies in his stomach weren't actually a stomach infection. "Uh...sorry if that's a stupid question, but are you...are you twins?"
He expected a scoff or a simple yes, but the look that Stevie and Steve exchanged wasn't clear at all. He wondered if he might have offended them, but Steve ended up throwing his arm around Eddie's shoulders and pulled him close. Yep, definitely a stomach bug because the butterflies were off the charts. "That's a bit complicated. We'll explain in a bit, but now..." The bitchy smirk on Steve's face was everything and as he whispered into Eddie's ear, Eddie couldn't help but snort. This was pure gold.
Standing between his companions and wrapping each arm around their waists, Eddie smiled at the archmage, pale and looking like he was ready to vomit all over his summoning circle.
"So, archmage Harrington," drawled Eddie and Stevie snickered next to him, "have I finally managed to surprise you?"
As Steve and Stevie raised their hands and, in a single voice, said sweetly "hi dad!", Eddie felt like his goal of giving the old pompous fart a heart attack was just within reach.
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Chrissy starts working as a trainer at a gym and drags Eddie along with her. He is reluctant at first not a fan of sports and definitely not a fan of gym bros. But Chrissy points out that he doesn't have to become a gym bro and that it'll be good for his mental health. Eddie still hesitates, says he doesn't know how the weight-lifting machines work and how it's all intimidating and how he won't be comfortable. Chrissy just rolls her eyes.
"A) you can always ask me how the machines work that is literally my job," she says. "And b) you don't have to use the machines, you can always just come to the different classes we have. I teach spin, whole body, and back. You really should just try it out."
It's how Eddie finds himself in an old shirt and a pair of far too-warm jogging pants sitting on a bike surrounded by older ladies pedaling for his life while Chrissy shouts motivational orders from the stage. It's hell, his lungs hurt, his legs ache and at the end of it he is ready to die. He's had a fulfilling life. Only that his mind is as quiet and clear as it hasn't been in months. And while his body is sore it also feels weirdly good. Sure it truly is a pain the next day, but it's also kinda nice?
So Eddie keeps coming back. At first he only visits Chrissy's classes but with her encouragement, he branches out, tries out different classes with different trainers. He isn't a fan of the zumba and step arobics classes, he does have two left feet and the trainer Tommy's voice is super grading.
He does really enjoy the leg and the back work classes though. The exercises are the perfect mixture of challenging but not too hard, the music is surprisingly decent and of course it does help that their trainer Stevie is probably the hottest guy Eddie has ever laid eyes on. He's got gorgeous hair and broad shoulders and his thighs, god his thighs. Stevie always wears the shortest shorts showing them off. They jiggle during some exercises and Eddie wants to bite them, lick the sweat off them, get his head crushed by them.
And the worst part is that Stevie is not only hot, he also happens to be so nice that Eddie can't help but crush on him. He always offers easier variations of exercises, always stresses that weights and resistant bands are optional and never makes anyone feel bad for taking a break. In fact he does remind them constantly that it's okay to take a break, to have some water, to do it in a way that's comfortable to them.
He is also one of the few trainers who jumps off the stage to make sure people have the right posture. He's always respectful, always asks if he can touch before he does. Eddie almost considers messing up his posture just so he can get Stevie's hands on him. But Stevie just walks past him and gives him a smile and a, "very nice posture, good job!"
Usually, Eddie is more the person to dish out praise and watch people get flustered, but Stevie's words reduce him to a puddle and he almost drops his weights. It's literally the worst possible moment to get a boner, but Eddie is a weak weak man and Stevie's shorts are oh, oh so short. Especially when he does squats, back turned to the class to really show them how to push their butts out. It's a miracle Eddie makes it to the end of the class. Eddie knows he doesn't look attractive during the work outs, his hair frizzy is face red, spots of sweat soaking through his shirt. Still, sometimes it feels like during the classes that Stevie just has eyes for him. It's probably just precaution because Eddie looks like he might die any second, but sometimes Eddie allows himself to hope, to imagine that this attraction isn't just one-sided.
It all kinda goes to shit on a very hot summer day. Eddie has to really drag himself to the gym, head already swimming from the heat. He doesn't cope well with summer and only the promise of Stevie's short shorts get him into the gym. Only that when he gets into the workout studio Stevie is not there. Instead, there is an intense looking guy at the front, who introduces himself as Billy, and Jesus do all trainers have to have a name ending with an -y sound? Is that like a law or something?
Billy's class is as intense as he looks. He constantly barks orders, doesn't remind them to take breaks and doesn't show them easier variations of the exercise. Instead, he shouts at them if they slow down or are opting for the lighter weights. He is an absolute asshole but Eddie is honestly considering leaving if he wasn't kind of scared of the spectacle Billy would make. But it's so hot and the class is so hard and he is feeling dizzy. He tries to slow down only to get shouted at again but before Eddie can even try to get back to the exercise his vision starts to swim and then everything goes black all of a sudden.
He hears angry shouting as he slowly comes back to himself.
"I told you to fucking take it slow!"
"Not my fault there are all sissies Harrington. Whatcha gonna do? Get me fired?"
"That's exactly what I'm going to do!" Eddie slowly opens his eyes to find Stevie hovering above, an absolutely furious expression on his face. The second he notices that Eddie is awake his gaze softens instantly.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says gently and okay this has to be a dream. Or worse. No way Stevie is calling him sweetheart.
"Am I dead?" Eddie asks and earns a hearty laugh from Stevie. God, he instantly wants to make Stevie laugh again, the sound is addicting.
"No, baby, you just passed out because someone," Stevie glares at Billy, "doesn't know how to fucking take care of people."
"He's clearly fine," Billy hisses back, "just lazy. He should just get up."
He lowers his hand, clearly with the intention to push against Eddie's shoulder but he doesn't even get close because Stevie catches Billy's wrist mid-air.
"Don't you dare fucking touch him," Stevie snarls. "And get the fuck out of my gym."
"Chill," Billy tries but Stevie isn't having it.
"You endangered a client, you were reckless and an asshole and you now almost touched him without consent, get out of my fucking gym!"
It shouldn't be so hot, but righteous fury looks good on Stevie and Eddie just fainted, he is allowed to find this hot, as a treat. Billy, thankfully gets the message and fucks off. Worried, Stevie turns back to Eddie, hands hesitatingly hovering until Eddie nods, giving Stevie permission to gently touch his arm.
"I'm sorry about him," he says as he takes Eddie's pulse. "I know I shouldn't have let him cover my class. I'm just glad someone bothered to call me this time."
"This time?" Eddie asks, trying to keep his voice steady, but it's hard with Stevie's fingers gingerly wrapped around his wrist. It's not the first time someone fainted in Billy's class," Stevie sighs. "But I'm gonna make sure it's the last time!"
Eddie tries to sit up but Stevie quickly places a hand carefully, but firmly on Eddie's chest and okay, yeah, Eddie is about to pass out again from that touch alone.
"Woah, take it slow," Stevie says and hands him a small packet that almost looks like candy wrapper and some water. "Here take some dextrose," he says and Eddie gratefully takes it.
The dextrose is sweet and tastes like artificial strawberry. Eddie wonders if Stevie's pink lipgloss as the same taste.
"Thanks," Eddie says once he has swallowed the dextrose and he does feel less dizzy actually. He finally can take in his surroundings and notices that they are no longer in the studio but what looks to be an office.
"How did we get here?" he
asks confused and Stevie suddenly blushes. "I...uh...I might have carried you," Stevie admits and fuck off, that definitely is going to make Eddie's top ten of sexual fantasies, he is furious he had been passed out for it.
"Do you think you'll be fit to walk?"
"Why, are you offering to carry me again?" Eddie asks with more bravery than he should be allowed to have.
"I only do that after date three," Stevie says and instantly looks like he wants to slap himself and Eddie's mouth goes dry. Still, he leans forward with a teasing grin and asks, "Oh, is that so?"
Stevie blushes only worse, why does he on top of being kind and hot as fuck also have to be so adorable, Eddie curses internally.
"Tell me Stevie, do you go on dates with clients a lot?"
"It's..uh Steve, they make us change our names slightly so they are more approachable or gym core or whatever," Stevie-, no Steve, says. "But I don't. Go often on dates with clients. Just the one? If he would like to?"
Part of Eddie still thinks that he died and there has been a horrible mistake and he went to heaven. He usually doesn't trust good things, especially not too good to be true things. But Steve seems so genuine and actually nervous. Over the past few months he's gotten Eddie to challenge himself, to grow and to push himself, so what's one more little leap of faith.
"I have it in very good authority that your one client would be absolutely delighted to go out with you," Eddie says and a blinding smile appears on Steve's face. He looks like an excited puppy and god he is going to be the end of Eddie, isn't he?
"Awesome, that's great," he grins and takes out a card with his number on it .
"You should give me a call, we can have dinner." Eddie's hands shake slightly as he takes the card, but he doesn't mind. If Steve gets to be a little bit nervous so does Eddie.
"Sounds great...wait you don't just eat steamed broccoli and unseasoned chicken, do you?" Steve
just laughs. "God no, look I like to work out but I am by no means a gym bro." And thank fuck for that, Eddie thinks.
"How does pizza sound?"
"Sounds pretty perfect to me," Eddie grins and punches Steve's number into his phone.
Just as promised after date three Steve bridal carries a, this time conscious, Eddie and Eddie finally gets to mark up those pretty, thick thighs with his teeth.
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word-wytch · 2 years
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Don't Stand So Close To Me — Chapter 3
Eddie x Teacher!Reader
Chapter 3/? 3.8k. Series Masterlist
✏︎ Fantasy — something that Eddie is intimately familiar with.
✏︎ Series Summary: Forced to move back home to Hawkins after your fiancé cheats on you, you begin to fall in love again with an audacious 20 year old metalhead, only there’s one problem — he’s still in high school and you’re his English teacher.
While you struggle starting over in a place you never thought you would return, Eddie struggles feeling stuck in a place he can’t manage to leave — until you offer to help him. Of all the lessons learned, the most important are the ones you teach each other.
✏︎ Series CW: forbidden romance, slow burn, smut (18+ mdni), true love, internal conflict, student-teacher relationship, 10 year age gap, mutual pining, sexual tension, emotions, drama, angst, character development, happy ending :)
Chapter warnings: SMUT (18+ mdni), m!masturbation, Eddie is absolutely feral in this chapter sorry not sorry.
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Wednesday, October 2nd 1985
Eddie smacked the blaring alarm clock next to his bed. 7:10 AM. It was chilly in the trailer, and that wasn’t doing anything to help his motivation. He knew he shouldn’t linger any longer, but Wednesday mornings were always the roughest. 
Eddie had it down to a science. If he rolled out of bed at 7:10 that would give him twenty minutes to take a piss, brush his teeth, throw on some clothes, and microwave the leftover coffee that Wayne made the night before so he could hit the road by 7:30 and be at school by the first bell at 7:40. Whoever decided that was an appropriate time for anything to start was clearly a sadist. That was the plan anyway, whether he beat the bell or not was always a toss up.
He had hung around much later than he should have at the Hideout last night. Later than the other guys, anyway. Bill was there, as he always was — his favorite of the five drunks who attended his shows. 
Sometimes if the other members of Corroded Coffin wanted to head home earlier than Eddie wanted, he would hang around and Bill would buy him a beer or two and the owner would turn a blind eye. He was a gruff sort of guy in his 40s, at least Eddie guessed anyway, he’d never really asked him. He wasn’t much unlike his uncle Wayne and that endeared him almost immediately. 
So he’d shoot the shit with Bill until their beers were gone, and sometimes that would take Eddie out past 1 AM. He didn’t know exactly what compelled him to stay out so late, but what he did know was that hanging out with Bill made him feel like a real adult. Sometimes he would even forget for a moment that he had to get up at ass o’clock on a Wednesday morning and go to high school at 20 years old.
Today he made it to school by 7:43. 
By the time he parked his van and hustled into the building, the hallways were slowly filtering out, everyone headed to their homerooms before class began at 7:50. Eddie was half inside his locker when he heard his name.
He looked up to see Chrissy Cunningham walking briskly down the hall, her strawberry blonde hair looking pristine as usual, pulled back in her signature scrunchie. She smiled and waved at him, which he returned, only to see Jason Carver hot on her heels.
The truth was, with the way Eddie was dressed, most people just left him alone and that’s how he preferred it. It was by design. Chrissy sure seemed to notice him though, and so did Jason, especially after the basketball team lost their first game last Friday. 
Eddie wasn’t sure why he would be to blame when it was Jason’s own big stupid mouth that landed him in detention the Thursday before, but by the looks that Jason was giving him the past few days, it was clear to him that he had not forgotten their little trifle in English class. 
Eddie shot Jason a mocking look in response to the glare he received. It was all he could do to not laugh at how ridiculous the whole thing was. There was a small part of him that wanted to talk to Chrissy just to press his buttons but quite frankly high school drama was one of the last things he ever wanted to be involved in. 
By the time fourth period rolled around, Eddie was grateful he’d dragged himself out of bed and slogged through the day just so he could see you.
He watched you from the back of the classroom as he did every day, cheek pressed against his knuckles.
Today all he could do was stare at your ankles. You were wearing these sharp twill pants with the cuffs rolled at the bottom and a pair of loafers on your feet, no socks. 
Eddie watched as the way the tendons your ankles flexed when you paced about the front of the classroom, gesturing with excitement as you talked about the structure of a story, the beats that keep the reader engaged, the how the theme ties it all into one nice package.
He loved it when you got like this. Loved to see the passion behind your eyes, to hear it in your voice. Loved how adorably geeky you were about literature.
His eyes traveled up your trousers and settled at your waist, admiring how they accentuated your proportions. His hands itched to hold you there.
Something about you made his caveman brain light up. 
He wondered how long it had been since someone had touched you like he wanted to.
He would take his time, slow kisses traveling from your mouth all the way down the expanse of your neck. He would use his teeth, make you tremble under his touch and hold your waist tightly against his body to brace you as you melted. 
More than anything he wanted to see you come undone. Wanted to pop open every button you had so carefully secured this morning, wanted to run his hands through your hair that you had so thoughtfully styled and leave it an absolute mess. He wanted to devour you.
And just like that Eddie was no longer in class. He was in a bed on top of you, teeth nipping at the delicate skin where your neck meets your shoulders as you meweled beneath him. He was looking down at you now, admiring how the column of your neck presented itself to him when you tipped your head back in ecstasy as he pressed his way into your sopping folds, splitting you open. 
You dropped the chalk, shaking him from his reverie.
Eddie shifted uncomfortably in his chair, he was fully hard. 
He tried looking out he window to see if he could bring himself back down to earth, but then you bent down to pick the chalk up off the floor and his mind was right back in the sewer.
He was back on top of you, rutting into you, feeling every inch of your tight gummy walls. Making you numb with pleasure, so numb that you forget that anyone that had ever touched you before him. You would cry out his name and come undone around him and he would fill you with so much cum that it would gush out of you when he finally, reluctantly, separated from you.
Eddie swallowed and shifted again, discreetly tucking his painful erection into his waistband. He looked down at his desk, hand resting against his forehead to shield his eyes from your gaze should you happen to look his way.
He fiddled with the pen sitting there, trying to distract himself from the thoughts burning into his mind. 
He knew you would be gentle. You would coo at him, dragging your fingernails softly down his back as you lay there together in the darkness, pressing kisses to his temples, his cheekbones, his forehead.
The bell rang, jolting him from his fantasy. 
He sat up straight, face flushing as the rest of his classmates packed up their things in a sudden noisy haste. His balls ached. He knew this feeling wasn’t going to go away on its own. The thoughts were ceaseless and he needed to do something about it.
Eddie shoved his notebook into his backpack and rose gingerly from his chair, following the flow of traffic going out the door.
“See you later, Eddie,” you said with a small wave as you leaned against your desk.
He waved back, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks once more. 
Eddie knew this school like the back of his hand. He knew that there was a door at the end of a hallway by the gym used for loading and unloading equipment that was typically left unlocked. It lead straight into the parking lot. 
Once he exited your classroom, he moved swiftly toward the main hallway, rounded the corner, and made a beeline for the gym. Once he got to the end of that hallway he pressed into the door handle and boom — he was out. 
Eddie’s van was easy to spot in the parking lot. He swung open the side door and crawled inside, sliding himself down the one long bench seat in the back. He shut the door promptly, thankful for the privacy that the tinting on the small  window next to him provided. The parking lot was empty anyway.
Eddie shook his head as he undid his belt buckle and zipper, he always felt so dirty when he did stuff like this but he knew that if he didn’t he would be miserable for the rest of the day, aching and unable to think of anything else, and that wasn’t good for anyone. 
He sighed as he pulled his throbbing cock from the confines of his boxers. He ran his fingers along the underside of it, eyes widening at how damp he was already. He wrapped his hand around the shaft and gave himself a few long strokes, sighing from the delicious friction. He squeezed and swiped his thumb over the tip, over the slit where the precum was starting to bead again. He was so sensitive already, he knew he wasn’t going to last long and that was probably for the best.
Typically Eddie liked to take his time, liked to tease himself. He liked the build up, liked to bring himself just to the edge and then pull back. Again and again until he couldn’t take it anymore. It made the release so much more powerful. It made every spurt of cum he earned feel like an explosion. Absolutely brain blanking. 
He shoved his pants and boxers around his ankles. It was not lost on him that he was wearing all black and he knew how much of a mess he was prone to make. 
He spat on his right hand and stroked himself slowly again while his left cupped his aching balls to soothe them. It was warm and wet and he thought about you again. Thought about how much you surely longed to be touched, about how loud you’d sigh at the first stretch of feeling him inside your aching cunt. Thought about how wet you were, how the slick would gather around the base of his cock as he fucked into you.
He didn’t even need to stroke the tip, just the knuckle of his index finger bumping against the heart-shaped underside of it was enough, that sweet ridged spot right beneath it that felt exquisite. If he wanted to he could make himself cum by just rubbing his fingertips along that spot over and over.
He wasn’t going that route today though. Today he wanted to feel as much friction as possible while he imagined your perfect tits bouncing up and down each time he buried himself to the hilt inside of you. He wanted to feel the pressure on his shaft as he dreamt about how tight you were, how you’d clench around him as you dug your heels into his ass to try and bring him impossibly closer. 
He choked up on his cock with his hand as he increased his pace, hitting that spot with his finger over and over. He was leaking again and it only aroused him more. He swiped at it with his thumb to spread it around, giving him the slip that he craved. 
He could feel the pressure start to build, the telltale ache from deep within. His left hand tugged at his heavy balls to draw them further away as they crept closer his body in anticipation, he wanted to hold out just a little longer.
Long enough to imagine rutting deep into your drooling cunt, the filthy sounds that would come from your pretty lips as he struck that sweet spot inside of you, over and over again. The squelching that would come from your swollen lips below as he absolutely reamed you.
There was an animal inside of him. He bit his lip as his heart rate increased, as did the pace of his hand. The chain on his wrist rattled in rhythm with it. He was so sensitive and so close. 
He widened his legs to gain the leverage he needed to thrust into his fist. He spat on his hand again and the wetness sent him reeling. 
“Ah, fuck,” he sighed, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. “You want me to cum deep inside you, hm?” he muttered through gritted teeth.
Suddenly there was a stretch inside. A warm, radiant tingle. “Mmm, I’m gonna cum so fucking hard, fuck.”
His left hand braced the seat, fingernails digging into the vinyl, right hand pumping furiously as he chased his climax. 
“Oh shit, fuck, fuck,” he whined, throwing his head back as he gasped. 
It was the moment right before the release that was the sweetest. The tingle he could feel radiating from deep inside like a big yawn. He liked to draw these precious seconds out as long as he possibly could. He stopped pumping his hand for just a second and gripped himself at the base to make time slow to a crawl as it ripped through him. There were no thoughts anymore, just blinding pleasure. 
Unable to take another millisecond, he pumped his hand again. He threw his head back and groaned as he felt the gooey warmth rise in his cock and explode like a sneeze from deep within. 
“Oh fuck,” he whined, panting desperately as he pumped out thick ropes of hot, sticky cum, thinking of nothing but the wave of relief he felt with each delicious spurt. 
He came so hard that it arced as it shot from his tip. He might have hit the ceiling with it, he wouldn’t know and didn’t care. There was nothing else in the world that existed outside of his bliss.
His hips bucked and he pumped his hand a few more times, slower now, squeezing out every last delicious drop as he watched the creamy fluid gather around his hand. A wave of peace washed over him. 
The beast inside him was satisfied, for now.
He flinched as he let go of his reddened cock, hyper sensitive now. He closed his eyes and sat there for a moment in silence to catch his breath and allow his heart rate to return to a normal pace. 
Once the euphoria faded, there was another wave that hit him — disgust. 
He looked around the van. There was cum everywhere. On his thighs, on the floor, somehow he managed to hit the back of the drivers seat with it. 
He sighed and leaned forward to grab a pile of McDonalds napkins sitting on top of the console between the two front seats. He wiped the cum from his hand first, then his thighs and around the base of his softening cock. 
His hair fell forward as he leaned down to pull his pants up — that’s when he noticed it.
There was cum in his hair too. 
“Ugh.” He screwed up his face in disgust and grabbed another napkin to wipe it away.
After he’d used up every last flimsy napkin for the dirty job he sat back and assessed his work. It was a satisfactory job, though he realized he really ought to get some sort of trash bag to keep in the car.  
As he sat there in the silence of his van there was another feeling that overcame him — hunger.
Eddie managed to sneak back into the building just in time to swing through the lunch line. He grabbed a plastic tray from the stack, sliding it along the counter. The kitchen was practically empty. In fact it wasn’t until Eddie tapped his lunch tray on the counter that one of the lunch ladies even noticed he was there.
She looked up at him from the mashed potatoes she had just saran wrapped and sighed. Eddie looked at her with the most pitiful eyes he could muster and she came over, peeling back the saran wrap to plop a serving of mashed potatoes onto his tray followed by a generous helping of gravy. She turned toward another wrapped container and grabbed a fresh pair of tongs to dole out one of the last Salisbury steaks. 
“Much appreciated,” Eddie said graciously. 
He took his tray, walked swiftly toward the Hellfire table and plunked himself down in his usual seat at the head of it.
“Hey man, what took you so long?” asked Jeff.
“Yeah dude lunch is like, half over,” said Gareth with a little laugh.
“I uh,” Eddie stalled, his mind blanking, completely unsure of what to say, “Had to get something out of my van. Why the fuck does it matter?”
Gareth put his hands up and raised his eyebrows in a joking sort of way, “Just asking, dude, jeez.”
Eddie unwrapped his plastic utensils, reflecting that in hindsight he probably should have stopped at the restroom to wash his hands. He was thankful it wasn’t pizza day.
Jeff flicked at his empty milk carton, making it spin. “So I was telling Gareth that I think we should have some extra band practices this week.”
“Yeah, we could probably tighten up Hand of Doom a bit more. It was a little sloppy last night,” added Gareth, “You wanna come over after school?”
“I’ve got tutoring after school, it’s a Wednesday,” Eddie said with a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
Gareth’s eyes lit up, “Oh yeah that’s right. Lucky son of a bitch,” he said, giving Eddie a playful shove against his arm.   
“Yeah how’d you score that deal?” asked Jeff.
Eddie sawed at the Salisbury steak with his flimsy plastic knife, “It’s obviously ‘cause I’m so fucking brilliant .”
Gareth snorted, “Wish she thought I was brilliant enough to spend one-on-one time with, she’s pretty hot.”
The table responded in lewd chuckles and nods. Eddie glanced down at his mashed potatoes, offering a weak smile to join in with the others as his heart beat faster.
“Yeah well, stick around for an extra two years, then maybe you can join the gifted and talented club,” he said sarcastically, shoving a bite into his mouth. 
The steak, which was a generous thing to call it, was cold. He was too hungry to really care though. He thought of you again, leaving the noisy cafeteria behind as his mind wandered to a restaurant somewhere in another timeline. You would of course be wearing some strappy little number, laughing at his jokes in the candlelight. You would talk about your writing and use words that he vaguely understood and he would just sit there and smile. 
Jeff flicked his empty milk carton across the table. It tumbled in front of Eddie, splattering the last of its contents as it bounced off his lunch tray before hitting the floor.
The table erupted in laughter. 
Eddie swallowed and sighed.
For the first forty minutes of his time with you it was all Eddie could do to keep his eyes on the history textbook in front of him as you pointed out key paragraphs and details that would likely come up on a test. Eddie wrote them down hastily in his beat up spiral notebook, looking up occasionally just to catch your fingers moving delicately across the pages. 
This would be a challenge on any given day, but since it was difficult for either of you to read the textbook upside down, today he was seated beside you, and that made it exponentially more challenging. 
You were doing that thing that thing where you would bite your lip in concentration as you skimmed through the text. It was all he could do not to stare.
Instead he focused on where his pen met the paper, trying especially not to think about the mess he made in the back seat of his van. He felt absolutely filthy.
He was close enough to smell you. The scent of your shampoo, your laundry detergent mingled with the warm, natural notes of your skin. He wanted to wrap himself up in it. He inched his face closer to the textbook, and your hand, as you pointed out a line about the senate in ancient Rome.  
A lock of his hair fell forward and brushed the back of your hand, but to his surprise you did not pull away.  Instead your face inched closer to the textbook. So close he could feel the warmth radiating from you. He couldn’t help but glance up. Your eyes met his for just a moment and he swore he saw your cheeks turn a deeper shade.
Your eyes shot over to the clock on the wall. “I have to get going a little early today. I’m having dinner at my mom’s tonight,” you said, clearing your throat a little. “Though if I’m being totally honest I’d much rather be here.”
Eddie sat back in his chair, brows knitting in confusion. “Can’t be that bad, can it?”
“It wouldn’t be if my mom didn’t invite this guy who I haven’t seen since middle school. Family friend, well, his mom is her friend anyway. She’s trying to set us up or something,” you said, rolling your eyes.
Eddie felt a prickle of possessiveness shoot down his spine. “Can’t you just tell her no?”
“Trust me, I want to but it’s tricky with my mom. It’s hard to explain. I just try to keep the peace. If there’s one thing she has no shortage of it’s opinions about what’s best for me.”
“Well, you’re a big girl now. You can make your own decisions.” The words escaped his mouth before he had time to consider them. He was relieved to see the smile in your eyes.
“You’re not wrong,” you said thoughtfully, “You know, moving back home wasn’t even my first choice. I have some friends in Chicago, I could have gone there. Mom thought it would be better for me to be closer to family and honestly I was such a wreck at the time I couldn’t even argue.”
Eddie folded his arms across his chest, his eyes narrowing with concern. 
“I mean at first it was comforting being someplace familiar, but at the same time it’s just…” you shook your head, trailing off. “I’m sorry. We should really be focusing on your schoolwork, not my personal life.”
“It’s fine. Besides, your life is way more interesting than ancient Rome anyway,” he said, he wondering for a moment if that was too forward to say.
You sighed, offering him a weak smile. “I certainly wouldn’t say that, and trust me I’m the one living it,” you said with a little shake of your head. “I mean I’m flattered you think so, but we should focus on getting you caught up before the test on Friday.” 
He watched your hand as you tucked your hair behind your ear, the soft curve of your eyelashes as you glanced down at his textbook. There was a trouble behind your eyes. A sadness that he wished he could mend. 
Instead he just scooted closer to you and picked up his pen as you thumbed through the pages.
I have one request — If you enjoyed this chapter, especially if you ask/asked to be put on the tag list, I ask in return that you REBLOG and tell me what you like about this fic, even just something short and sweet! Please engage with me, it’s all I get in return for writing a story that you love for free 💜
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
have mercy on me | #1 mercy
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
chapter summary: When Chrissy breaks Eddie's heart you are the only one who saves him from drowning. Meanwhile, your dreams to feel what it's like to be much closer to him than you've had the chance to be before become reality. You are given a whole week in heaven, only to have it violently ripped from your hands later.
the story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
song that I used here: Lewis Capaldi - Mercy
I don't promise it will be good, for real. I just had to find some way to deal with the low point I was in and something like this came out. It is possible that in this chapter everything happens too fast and chaotic.
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When Eddie started dating Chrissy he was on cloud nine. The Hawkins High princess noticed the freak? After breaking up with Jason, she ran straight into Eddie who welcomed her with open arms. He felt as if he had just won the lottery, as if suddenly the Fourth of July celebrations had come much earlier and the sky was covered with a million beautiful colors. The breakup of the royal couple remained on the lips of all students for weeks, and rumors that someone had seen Chrissy somewhere with Eddie spread with the speed of light. For Chrissy, he was just a temporary escape from Jason. A way to annoy him after the breakup. For Eddie, she was a saint. The first love that completely blinded him, he lost himself mindlessly in her lovely voice, her flawlessly beautiful body, the sweet lies she whispered in his ear wanting to wrap him around her finger. He gave all of himself to her, believing that someday he would get the same in return. He waited patiently until she would one day be able to tell him those magical three words that he repeated to her over and over again. He tried to be patient when once again she said that those words were too important and she needed more time to get to them. So he waited. He waited for weeks, until weeks turned into months. Still not getting an answer, he told himself that everyone is different, that he shouldn't worry about it. So when, after a fourth month of waiting, he went to her house, when he knew she would be there alone, because for some reason she never wanted him to visit her when her family was home, he found her and Jason half naked on the couch his heart broke for the first time.
The fairy tale had come to an end. He returned to the reality that had brutally trampled his heart. Filled with despair, he returned to the trailer, where he suddenly began to realize what had actually been going on for the past time. The answers to all these doubts began to come up on their own, why she didn't want him to visit her when someone was home, why she didn't want to spend time with him at his house, why she kept avoiding getting to know Uncle Wayne, why she didn't come to any concerts...The truth was sometimes brutal, just like first love which mercilessly crushed not only his heart but also his self-confidence and self-esteem. The sadness that overwhelmed him was unbearable, he knew he couldn't cope with it alone, so his feet carried him on their own to where he always felt safe. Seeing his condition, you quickly let him inside, where all his walls collapsed. Curled up, he lay on your lap crying his eyes out as you gently stroked his hair wanting to bring any kind of comfort. Your heart suffered along with him. When you love someone you are not able to look indifferently at their pain. Despite the fact that from the very beginning you saw through Chrissy and her motives, you didn't say anything, not wanting to seem jealous. Everyone around you knew you had a crush on him, fortunately Eddie, always blinded by Chrissy's glow, suspected nothing. Could you have protected him from all this? If you had said what you were thinking earlier wouldn't he now be experiencing one of the many breakdowns that were yet to come? It didn't matter. It was already too late. Now all you could do was give him the support he needed, and that's what you were going to do. Over the following weeks you were by his side almost day by day, little by little leading him out of the bottom he was at. Little by little you brought back the light that was so lacking in his life. After less than a month, Eddie was smiling again. A vibrant Eddie came back with big dreams and the determination to make them come true. One of those steps was to win a contest that was held in a town near Hawkins in one of the most popular bars, which was called Soul. One of the judges was to be a music producer, who would provide the winner a music album contract. Corroded Coffin had a chance, and you decided to focus all your energy and attention on writing the best songs the world could hear, which involved hours and sleepless nights that you spent at Gareth's garage. Sometimes, however, you spent them with Eddie alone lying shoulder to shoulder on the floor of his trailer. These moments were much more meaningful than you might think. After Uncle Wayne would leave for work after hours of listening to your brainstorms and leave you completely alone in their small house the atmosphere changed. Eddie's heart sped up when he heard your laughter. He wanted to hear it more often. A shiver ran through his body when your fingers accidentally touched. He thought more and more about how he wished he could hold your hand whenever he got the chance. He remembered every moment when you hugged, in Chrissy's arms he never felt as safe as in yours. From her he had never felt the kind of affection that you conveyed to him with your every little touch. In her voice he never heard something strange that sounded like adoration in your tone. Was it possible that after all he had been through recently his heart was able to fall in love again? The same heart that, torn into tiny pieces, you gently took into your hands and with extreme patience stitched back together?
"I think... we're officially done, Eddie." you said, closing the notebook in which you wrote down the lyrics. From the very beginning, you helped the guys with song writing and from time to time performed with them as a second voice singing in the background for Eddie. "We are officially ready to crush the competition. First place is ours!" you shouted excitedly while hugging the notebook tightly to your chest.
"I can't believe it!" he replied equally excitedly and swiftly took you in his arms, feeling his warmth and satisfaction at how good a job you had done you felt like crying with happiness. "Thank you sweetheart, if it weren't for you I would probably be below the bottom by now." He kissed you on the forehead, and you moved slightly away from him so that you could look at him.
"You don't have to thank me Eddie, I'm always here for you whenever you need me." you said still smiling while looking into those beautiful chocolate button eyes. For a few seconds he kept his gaze on yours however after a moment it went a little lower straight to your lips. Feeling something completely new being born between you, you didn't dare move from your place. He was the first to move closer. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he brushed your lips with his own and your world swirled. It was the moment when everything else disappeared. Another brushing, which turned to slightly stronger over time until finally his hand landed on your cheek drawing you as close to him as possible. When you reciprocated it Eddie felt, for the first time in his life, what it was like when another person communicates feelings to someone else through a kiss. When you reciprocated the kiss Eddie felt, for the first time in his life, what it was like when another person communicates feelings to someone else through a kiss. What it was like to get that surge of energy from the other person, rather than only giving it. You paused the kiss to take a moment to breathe. A wide smile was painted on your face at the sight of which his whole chest was overcome with warmth. It was as if that smile contained a feeling of home filled with the warmth of the fireplace.
"I... really like you Eddie." you said quietly. Maybe it wasn't quite true because you had been sure for a long time that you were in love with him, but you didn't want to startle the moment with such a big word.
"And I really like you too y/n." he replied leaning in for another kiss, but you pushed back.
"Before this all goes too far... I just want to be sure that everything is over between you and Chrissy. I don't want to be a consolation prize, I don't want to be second choice..." you said uncertainly. The moment of silence between the two of you made panic begin to rise in you, seeing this he quickly began to speak further. "I understand this, And I can assure you…" he took your hand and pressed it to his heart. "I swear on my own heart that you are not a consolation prize nor a second choice. You are my lighthouse that in the midst of the storm helped me to return home safely."
That was all you needed to hear. Without waiting a moment longer, you threw yourself into his arms again and together, watching the sun rise over Hawkins, you waited for Uncle Wayne to return from work to immediately show off your finished songs. The old man was happy to see your excitement and, despite his fatigue, insisted that you absolutely had to play them for him, which you did with the help of Eddie's acoustic guitar. You wanted to remember this moment for the rest of your life, because it was one of the most beautiful moments. The sunrise not only announced a new day, but also the beginning. Filled with hope, you felt that this would be the beginning of something great.
The next week was like out of the most beautiful fairy tale in the world. You spent every moment possible together, when at lunch you sat next to each other his hand was still on your thigh and his thumb was stroking it through the material of your jeans. Walking down the corridor feeling your hands rubbing against each other not sure if you wanted that, he grabbed yours with his pinky finger. Sensing this your face immediately lit up with a smile and his knees softened. He still didn't get out of his awe at how different everything was from what he had with Chrissy. Or rather, what he didn't have. You didn't care what people would think when they saw you together, which is why you greeted him every day with a hug in front of the whole school. It wasn't new that you were present at the Hideout performances, you were always there, sometimes present on stage as well, but this time things were different. His view of love began to turn a hundred and eighty degrees, he began to notice everything that was missing the first time. During the week, he felt more loved than he had in all those months with her. A week. That's right, a week. That's exactly how long your happiness lasted. Going to school on Monday, you had no idea that this would be the day when a beautiful dream would turn into a nightmare. You didn't know that while you were spending the weekend with Robin preparing your outfit for the competition, he got a call from Chrissy asking for a meeting. 
"Forgive me Eddie." she said when they met in the woods at an old picnic table. "Forgive me please." She had tears in her eyes as she grabbed his hand.
"I don't know Chrissy..." he whispered still having a million thoughts a minute in his head. Hearing her voice, which was once pure sweetness to him, he felt it slowly breaking.
"I am your first love, Eddie. First love is something extraordinary, remember? Remember how you said that first love is always worth fighting for if necessary?" she placed her hand on his cheek. "You won't regret it, darling, I promise that this time everything will be different."
Little did you know that her sweet lies once again took over his entire mind and he accepted her back. Chrissy was his first love and despite how wonderful he felt in your company he decided that if he had the chance he would try to rebuild that very first love. Once again blinded by promises, he believed that things would be different now. He believed that Chrissy would be able to give him the same as you did. If she promises it will be so, right?
"Eddie!" you shouted upon seeing him by his car. You already wanted to throw your arms around his neck as you always do, but he moved back with a quick motion.
"y/n we need to talk..." he said in a shaky voice. He didn't expect it to be so difficult. He felt like crying when he saw your terrified face. You weren't stupid. You knew what was about to happen.
Out of the blue, Chrissy appeared next to him. "Hi babe." she said smiling charmingly. Later, her gaze fixed on you. Confused you stood looking at him in disbelief.
"Y/n..." he began, extending his hand toward you. With the remnants of strength you had in you, you forced yourself to smile weakly.
"I am happy for you Eddie." you lied. You weren't happy at all. You felt like screaming, crying, smashing something. "It's fine, we can still be friends." you choked out and walked away. That day you didn't go to class. You spent the whole day at Family Video in the back room crying into Steve's shoulder, who could not calm you down in any way.
The following days were even worse. Pretending that everything was fine between you and Eddie was devastating you from the inside out. During breaks, you spent more time with Robin wanting to avoid hearing about how good he was after returning to Chrissy, but as far as you could see her behavior hadn't changed. She was still ashamed of who Eddie was. She was still unable to even grab his hand under the table at the cafeteria. To do so she would first have to sit by him yet she didn't dare to do that either.
The contest was fast approaching, which meant more rehearsals. More rehearsals meant more torture of being in Eddie's company and pretending. You felt like you were on the edge. You felt you were just one spark short of lighting a fire. A fire that broke out at one of the rehearsals a week before the show.
"Do you think we can write another song?" asked Eddie as he entered the garage.
"It depends what kind and about what." Gareth shrugged his shoulders. The rest of the band could sense all the negativity in the air but they didn't want to get into it, so they left it unsaid.
"I want to write a song for Chrissy, I was able to persuade her to come with us to the contest. Some kind of a love song could be fine." about first love." He didn't dare look at you when he said that. He had been looking at you less and less lately because the sight of your eyes reddened from crying kept him awake at night. He knew he had broken your heart and it hurt him mercilessly, every night he wondered if he had done the right thing, but he stubbornly stuck to the version that first love was worth every risk.
Hearing his words made you pale. You had the impression that your heart was made of glass and had just fallen on the floor, shattering into millions of tiny pieces that nothing would be able to pick up. The rest of the guys sent you worried glances, and immediately their gaze was followed by Eddie to see tears come to your eyes. It was over. The dam collapsed and with it flowed the first tear.
"Can we talk in private?" he asked. You nodded and walked out with him in front of the garage clutching your notebook tightly in your hand. "It's too hard for me y/n, I can't stand it," he said. HE is the one who can't bear something? Is it HIM who finds it difficult? Sadness was slowly starting to turn into something else entirely. Anger.
"What can't you stand Eddie? How happy you are with Chrissy?" you asked.
"What, no! I'm talking about you, about how I can't stand how heartbroken you are!" 
"Can't stand the view or the fact that it's because of you?" your words were sharp. Sharp like a knife aimed straight at his heart. "How am I supposed to feel Eddie? You knew how I felt about you, and you lied to me. All that bullshit about the lighthouse? Like a fool I believed your every single word"
"I didn't lie!" he tried to defend himself. And he was telling the truth, but he couldn't explain that at that moment it really seemed to him that Chrissy no longer had a place in his heart.
"Then why did you come back to her? Why did you choose her after all this time? Are you really better off with her? Is she really so much better than me that you prefer her to break your heart once again instead of giving me a chance?"
Taken aback, he didn't know how to answer. When he thought of Chrissy the word first love kept popping up in his head. But despite that first was there still love? Was it really just sentiment?
"That's what I thought..." you laughed bitterly.
"She promised that everything will be different now, I have to try, y/n, please understand!"
"And is it different Eddie? Looking at you at school, I haven't noticed even the slightest change in her behavior!"
"I think...I think we should give ourselves a little more space, give ourselves time to think about a few things." he cut off the subject. He knew you were right, but he wasn't ready to admit it to you at that moment.
"Now I'm not even good enough anymore? You don't even want me in your life anymore? Not even as a fucking friend?" you thought he couldn't hurt you more, but you were wrong. You were so wrong, you felt like a fool, humiliated and rejected aside like an unwanted toy. "You swore to me! You promised that I wouldn't be a fucking consolation prize! That I wouldn't be a fucking second choice!" Although your vision was blurred with tears you saw how guilty he felt. You saw that your pain was also his pain, and the lack of a response from him brought you even further out of balance. "You want a love song, Eddie?" you asked and opened the notebook starting to tear the pages out of it. "Take them! Do what you want with them, because nothing of this matters anymore!"
"W-why?" He was shocked by your actions. He had never seen you in such a state in his life. He couldn't forgive himself that he was the one who brought you to this condition.
"Because I wrote them thinking about you, you fucking asshole!" you yelled. "You're right, we should take a break from each other. Forever. I don't want to know you. Good luck at the competition, I'm sure you'll do better without me." You threw the notebook at him with all your strength and walked away.
After that, you went straight towards Robin's house, not having the strength to struggle with all this alone. Lying on her bed surrounded by a pile of tissues you cried into the pillow and all your friend could do was to hug you. Nothing could ease your pain. You thought about the moments when it was Eddie lying on your lap crying like a baby. Now you knew perfectly well how he felt. Betrayed, rejected, cheated. The problem was that you pulled him above the surface, but he could not do the same for you. He could only hold your head under the water helping you to drown.
"What about the contest?" Robin asked when you had calmed down a bit.
"Nothing. I won't perform with them, I can't do it." you replied while sniffling.
"But it was your dream..." She looked at you with sad eyes.
"It was our dream, Robin. Now "we" doesn't exist anymore. And my dream for this moment is for this pain to be gone." another wave of tears flowed.
"Y/n, you can't give up so easily." she said hugging you tighter.
"Then what should I do? I've already told them I quit."
"You don't have to go back to them. Go there and perform by yourself."
"I left him my notebook. And I am not sure if I want it back."
"Then write a new song. You're great at it! Some say that a broken heart is the best inspiration for an artist!" she quickly got up and started walking around the room preparing everything she needed. After a moment, she sat down right next to you with a file of a paper and pens. "I will help you. I'll be by your side all the time."
Songwriting has always helped you during hard times, so you agreed. You knew that Robin wanted the best for you, so you took her advice. 
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Eddie hasn't spoken to you since you said you didn't want to know him. He couldn't get over the fact that he had lost you. Despite the fact that he got Chrissy back it was reaching him that he had lost something much more valuable. He realized this when he began to notice that the girl's behavior had not changed at all, despite her promises. She had promised him many things, and had also promised to go with him to the competition to cheer for them, but a few hours before she "suddenly" had to cancel it. The guilt was getting stronger and stronger and mixed with the pain he felt after you left was a poison devastating him more and more every second.
He was now sitting backstage biting his nails with nerves and looking around the room. He was surprised to see Steve and Robin who were sitting close to the stage. There was one empty seat between them. Were you there? A spark of hope sparked in him. If you came to the show it might mean he has a chance to talk to you. Maybe there was still a chance to win back a friend?
When the other vocalist was given a farewell with applause the presenter took the stage.
"We have only three performances left this evening, let us now welcome Corroded Coffin!" A burst of applause rang through the hall again. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, he ran onto the stage with the rest of the guys. Despite the fact that they gave their best and the performance turned out to be really good he didn't feel it at all. He felt an emptiness. He knew that one person was missing to fill it. That's why, even when he left the stage, he didn't take his eyes off the empty spot between your friends, hoping you would appear there.
"What a power! Now I wish I could put on an armor and for real go into battle with that fearsome dragon," laughed the leader as he returned to the stage. "Now, though, we're going to change the mood more than a little. Ladies and Gentleman, in front of you is Y/n Y/l/n with a song titled Mercy!"
Seeing you entering the stage he froze. Indeed you were there, but not to see their performance. You weren't there to cheer for them. You were there to give a message. To make it clear in a very expressive way what you were feeling, because you knew he would be listening to every word that will leave your lips on that stage.
In the spotlight, you looked like you were made for performing on stage. Mixed feelings swept over him, he knew it was at his own request, but he felt a sting in his heart when he thought about the fact that instead of returning to them you decided to perform alone. 
For every second you been talking I've been trying to count the lines around your face 'Cause I don't know if I'll ever be this close again
I feel like I'm just wasting time Before you pull the trigger It's the drawing of the line It's my ghost you're gonna give up Got your made up mind It hurts to see you're alright When I'm not alright So if you're calling it a night
Please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart Oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, I'm falling apart Have mercy, my heart
Eddie had heard you sing many times, but he had never heard such emotion in your voice. He was used to duets with you, when your voices created perfect harmony and made a perfect match with each other. Now, the power you had singing this song alone would have knocked him off his feet if he hadn't been sitting down. He knew that you had written it yourself. He knew that every word was directed toward him. He recalled how you once lay in bed with him and with your fingers gently ran over his face. When he asked what you were doing with the giggle you replied that you were trying to memorize every possible detail. In your expression he saw admiration. Now he understood it. The very beginning of the song made him realize it.
I felt you slip away so slowly I lost my grip a little more each time we touched I've got no hope I guess I'll never get it back again
Felt like I was just wasting time Before you pulled the triggerIt's the drawing of the line It's my ghost you're going to give up Got your made up mindIt hurts to see you're alright When I'm not alright So if you're calling it a night
Oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart Oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, I'm falling apart And I just don't know how we got So wrong, for so long Oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, mercy my heart
He struggled to breathe listening to these words. Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart. He knew that the resonance of these words would haunt him for a very long time. Deep down, he also knew that he deserved it.
Somehow I can't let go But I know I've been holding on too long Somehow I can't let go But I know I've been holding on too long
Oh, oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, you're breaking my heart Oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, I'm falling apart And I just don't know how we got So wrong, for so long Oh please have, have mercy Have mercy on me, mercy my heart Have mercy my heart
After you finished your performance, you left the stage and took a seat between Robin and Steve who excitedly praised your performance. The smile disappeared from your face when you saw Eddie watching you from across the room. You quickly averted your gaze and tried with all your might not to look in that direction until the very end, still feeling the weight of the chocolate eyes in which you were so much in love that it hurt. Unfortunately, love was often associated with pain, and the second definitely won out at that moment.
Unfortunately, neither you nor Corroded Coffin took first place. The truth was that you didn't feel too disappointed about it. You were satisfied with the very fact that you listened to Robin and performed there. You were also satisfied that Eddie heard the message of your song very clearly.
"Y/n! You were great, Holy shit!" shouted Gareth running up to you after the official end of the competition. "Jeff almost cried, that was crazy!" he hugged you.
"Thanks! And sorry Jeff," you hugged him back and then stroked the other boy's shoulder.
"Don't apologize, your performance was really... wow," he said.
"You guys were great too! I really thought you were going to win!" 
"Maybe next time." he shrugged his shoulders.
Then Eddie joined them and the everything fell silent.
"You were amazing." he said. "Truly amazing."
"Thank you." Your tone was dry. Completely different from the one he was used to. All the warmth you were able to convey with it disappeared and was replaced by coldness. Or maybe even frostiness.
"Can we talk, please?" His gaze was pleading. He was ready to fall to his knees.
"We have nothing to talk about Eddie. I won't let you lie to me again." You said and walked away. Only on the way back you let all the emotion drain out of you. Tired of the pain you had felt for days, you begged in your soul for anything or anyone to have mercy on your heart and take all the sadness that surrounded you away. 
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple
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a-strange-inkling · 5 months
Just curious, in Old Haunts…What if Laura was murdered instead of getting a heart attack? How would this affect the story, Eddie, and Chrissy?
It would have been a very different story I think, more of a thriller/mystery than a drama.
I’d have had to set up a murderer and a motive and that would have changed to the whole atmosphere to something much darker (oh gosh if Philip did it)
As for Eddie and Chrissy, that’d uproot a lot of trauma. I don’t know if they’d have brought the girls, and they definitely would have been afraid of how and why she was murdered. Was it supernatural? Is the Upside Down truly closed. I think the entire gang would have to be involved (Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, etc) Also, would they have even come to her funeral with their history with the town? They’d probably stay in New York unless forced. Eddie had already been suspected of murder in Hawkins. They could have easily been suspected of killing Laura. Jason would have probably pushed that narrative too. I don’t know if they’d be able to risk one another or their daughters over figuring out the truth.
An interesting and haunting concept!
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patchworkgargoyle · 8 months
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🩸 A Steddie Big Bang Fic 🌙
Chapter 3
story by: @patchworkgargoyle || art by: @mcdadarts || playlist to come by: @steves-strapcollection Rating: E || Words: ~4.3k || CW: graphic depictions of violence, blood drinking || Full tag list on ao3! || Posting: weekly Fic title from Wolf Like Me - TV On The Radio NOW WITH ART!!! Thank you so much again, Gabe!! Please go check out his post and give it a reblog!
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With a long, drawn out exhale, smoke oozed and twisted from Eddie’s lips. He watched it curl in the tiny vortices in the air and then dissipate into the rest of the haze hanging above his head in his bedroom. Iron Maiden blared, flat and tinny, through the speakers of the shitty tape deck he’d salvaged from the thrift store. He half-mouths, half-whispers along to the words, “Melting his face, screamin’ in pain, peeling the skin from his eyes…” and lazily shakes his head along to the increase in tempo, pillow messing up his hair.
It had been a good night. He’d made a few deals, enough to slip Wayne a bit of rent before he’d left for the plant and kept some for his new guitar fund. The thought made Eddie grin. Shifting, he glanced at the cut out ad from the metal magazine he’d snagged from the record store, taped up on the mirror. An old cigar box sat beside his Fender amp, propped open with the steadily growing stash solely for the Warlock. He couldn’t fucking wait to get his hands on it. Wayne’s old guitar was great, sure, but a Guyatone is no Warlock. Soon as he had his hands on that pretty thing, he’d be unstoppable. Y’know, figuratively.
Sighing, he flopped back onto his bed and recounted the money in his head, the calculations easy after all the times he’d run them through. If he’d had a motivator like this in school, maybe he’d actually bother to pay attention in math class.
Not that it mattered anymore. Kinda hard to attend class when sunlight burned  his skin like gasoline on a bonfire. Turns out, being a vampire wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Eddie should’ve taken Louis de Pointe du Lac more seriously instead of rolling his eyes at the book and calling him dramatic. And he knew dramatic. Who wouldn’t want to live forever as a badass creature of the night? Well, he ate those words for sure.
He sings along to another song now, the rapid drumbeat pulling him out of his tiny pity party. “Now you’re alone but alive for how long? Dead men tell no tales,” he rasps out, throat dry from the smoke, but managed to wail along and play some air guitar with a small grin.
It would’ve drowned out the knock on the trailer’s front door, should have if not for the whole “vampire thing.” But little escaped his notice now. It was annoying when the neighbours in the Winnebago a few lots down wouldn’t do the decent thing and fuck quietly. It’s like they didn’t care that a creature of the night lurked amongst them. The nerve of some people.
The knocking came again, more demanding this time, and Eddie groaned loudly. Not bothering to turn off the cassette, he rolled out of bed with a frown and stomped down the hall. As he unlocked the door, he started speaking.
“If you’re not a petite blonde or looking to get high, you’d better have a great fucking excuse for–”
The words died out as soon as he saw Steve Harrington looking up at him from the bottom of Eddie’s stoop, half lit by the light from the kitchen, half shaded by Eddie’s silhouette. One of his eyebrows twitched up quizzically, as if Eddie was the odd man out here. He nearly laughed before his throat closed around the sound.
Not only was it weird to see Harrington gracing the Forest Hills trailer park with his presence; not only was it strange to see Harrington at his door when they’d barely even interacted before. It was fucking terrifying. Eddie knew what he was. Chrissy had told him. Steve Harrington, star of multiple Hawkins High sports teams in his day, rich and entitled asshole hailing from hoity-toity Loch Nora, hunted goddamn monsters on the side for funsies. And Eddie, of course, was one of those monsters.
“Well, well, well. The Hair Himself at my humble abode. To what do I owe the honour?” Eddie asked with a tight smirk, bowing sarcastically.
“Uh,” Steve said eloquently. His eyes darted over Eddie as he straightened out of his bow, his confused eyebrow drawing higher. “Just hoping to buy some weed, man.”
Eddie hesitated. Weighed his options. “Fine. One sec,” he said, turning back inside. He went to close the door and leave Harrington waiting outside, but Harrington jogged up the steps, following like a lost puppy, and Eddie froze, staring at him.
“What, you’re really leaving me outside? It’s cold,” Harrington said. It must be, Eddie figured, though he didn’t exactly feel the cold anymore. But Harrington had shown up in a polo of all things, not a jacket or sweater to be seen.
Had he planned it that way? It was a good excuse to get inside, and if Eddie denied it he’d be an asshole at best, but look suspicious at worst. Or, y’know, more so than the rest of Hawkins already thought. Eddie might seem like he was hiding something. He hated being out-schemed.
“Bring a jacket next time,” he sneered, but left the door for Harrington to close behind himself. 
Trudging to his room, Eddie heard Harrington follow a short distance behind. His heart beat faster than its usual sluggish pace, knowing he now had a whole-ass monster hunter in his home, had turned his back to the guy even. Jesus christ. If he survived this–if Harrington really was just after some weed–he’d thank whatever unholy thing probably held his undead soul captive for letting him see another night.
He cleared his throat. “I don’t got much left, so you might be S.O.L. if you’re looking for more than a few grams.”
“Got any pre-rolled? Kinda bad at doing it myself.”
“Of course,” Eddie muttered to himself. Then, louder and sarcastically sweetly, “I’ll whip one up just for you, sweetheart.”
“Thanks.” He heard Harrington give a short laugh.
In his room, Eddie gestured to the one chair least covered in dirty clothes. “Make yourself at home.”
Harrington stared down at the clothes pile before apparently deciding to lean against his dresser, arms crossed over his chest. Eddie fished his lunchbox out from under his bed–sending a few dust bunnies and crumpled campaign notes scattering–and sat on his bed with a huff, watching from under his bangs as Harrington awkwardly took up space. He’d started to aimlessly rifle through the various odds and ends piled on the dresser.
“You’re nosy,” Eddie commented dryly, and Harrington withdrew his wandering fingers, tucking them back under his arms. Unfortunately for Eddie, he could sense the flush of embarrassment that flooded Harrington’s cheeks, blood tingeing his cheeks just the slightest bit pink that might as well have been a flashing neon sign to Eddie’s ever-present hunger, even if it did smell a little… different. Must be something about hunters, and that thought pulled Eddie right back to the present. Telling himself to screw his goddamn head back on straight, or as straight as it could be, Eddie pulled out some rolling papers, weed, and a grinder and got to work.
“So what’ve you been up to these days?”
Eddie snorted at the question. “Don’t need to make small talk, dude, awkward silences are just fine with me.”
“I wasn’t- I’m just curious, Munson. Don’t see you around town much.”
“So you’ve been keeping tabs on me?” Eddie tried his best to sound not terrified. Maybe leaned a little too flirty, but it was hard to control the impulse when the thought of Harrington watching out for him sends a thread of panic down his spine. It might prove to be a decent distraction at least.
Scoffing, Harrington said, “Nah, you’re just hard to miss.”
That, at least, made Eddie laugh some. “Got that right,” he mumbled, shaking the grinder out into a rolling paper. “Been up to this, Harrington. Selling illicit substances to the not-so-sober populace of Hawkins. Maybe playing a few shows at The Hideout once in a blue moon.”
“That’s all, huh?”
He sounded casually judgemental, even stood there examining his nails, but Eddie didn’t miss the keen way those brown eyes met his briefly before glancing down to his chest. Eddie swallowed.
“What, not good enough for you?”
“Just saw you at Penny’s party last weekend, hanging out with Chrissy Cunningham is all.”
Eddie’s fingers paused around the half-rolled joint. He couldn’t look up. Forced his hands back into their habitual motions. “Yeah. I go to parties sometimes. Kinda part of the job.”
Silence stretched like frost between them, a chilly, widening divide, while Eddie finished the joint. Somehow he managed to keep his hands from shaking. Eventually, he had to look up, so he did and held the joint out across the chasm of the small room.
Harrington was watching him. Really, it felt like he hadn’t taken his eyes off Eddie since his first question, his gaze intense. His stomach threatened to drop through the floor.
“You guys go anywhere else that night?”
He blinked. “What- is that what this is about?” He stood and tossed the joint to the floor. “Did fucking Carver send you? Is that asshole seriously sending his old basketball buddy to come intimidate me because he thinks ‘his girl’ is fucking another guy? Well, newsflash shithead, we didn’t do anything!” Eddie glared at Harrington as he stomped towards him, ignoring the voice in his head telling him to calm the hell down. He really couldn’t afford to lose control. But he was tired of getting kicked around by these fuckers for no actual reason, and he sure wasn’t going to let them drag Chrissy through the mud either.
To his credit, Harrington stood his ground as Eddie stalked forward. “That’s not what this is–”
“Oh, it’s not?” Sarcasm dripped from Eddie’s words. “Good. Then get the fuck out of my house.”
“Fuck you, Harrington. Get. Out–”
With a single step, Harrington got right in Eddie’s face. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, he brought his free hand to Eddie’s face and before he could pull away Harrington jabbed his thumb against Eddie’s lips. His upper lip. Pushing, he exposed Eddie’s teeth. Eddie froze.
Oh fuck.
“Weird how your teeth got pointier the angrier you got, Munson.”
Breath caught in Eddie’s lungs. Not that he needed to breathe anymore. But as his wide, panicked eyes stared into Harrington’s cold, single-minded stare, he still felt like choking on air. That thumb still pressed against his sharpened canine tooth, the warmth of it as shocking as it was… enticing. Eddie could feel the subtle pulse of blood under the pad and, unbidden and unwanted, he started to salivate. Goddamnit, this wasn’t the time.
“Listen–” he began, his tongue brushing against that fucking thumb and sending a wave of hunger through him right as Harrington tore his hand away from his mouth with a sneer. “Man, I swear, I haven’t done anything or killed anyone-”
“So that werewolf in the woods out back was, what? A ghost?”
“Sorry, werewolf?”
Harrington yanked him closer. “Don’t play dumb, Munson.”
“I’m not!” Eddie yelled, but Harrington wouldn’t budge. He could hear it, in his elevated but steady heartbeat, saw it in the set of his brow. Shit. Shit.
Whatever. He was just a fucking human. Trained to fight things like Eddie, sure, but that’s all. Eddie wasn’t.
The low light of his room grew brighter as his eyes changed. He could see, now, the faint jump in Harrington’s neck, but pushed it aside. Grabbing Harrington’s arm, hand still clutching his shirt, Eddie twisted, fast, faster than a human. The momentum, the speed, sent Harrington stumbling. His knees hit the bed, but before he had the chance to recover, Eddie ran.
As he sped down the hall, a low growl rumbled out of his room. “What the fuck. What the fuck!?” he panted.
Rapid footsteps thundered behind him. Eddie’s hair stood on end. Reaching the door, he went to throw it open, desperate to get the hell out of there, but Harrington slammed into him. A broad hand shut the door with enough force to knock mugs off the wall and rattle the window. Another landed on his back. Eddie’s face and chest hit the door. He let out a pained groan, wincing his eyes open.
There, right by his face, was the hand Harrington had been examining earlier. Only the blunt nails were growing. Thick brown hair started to sprout from the back of his hand as dark, curved nails–claws–embedded themselves in the metal of the trailer door with a muted squeak.
“What the fuck are you, man!?” Eddie’s voice broke, raw and breathless. The hand on his back grabbed his shirt and flung him towards the living room. Nearly tripping, Eddie floundered until he found his footing, spinning to face whatever Harrington was turning into as fear clawed its way up his throat.
Standing in front of the door, chest rising and falling rapidly, Harrington looked changed. Like he was mid-transformation. His hands were the worst, furry, animalistic. His eyes were flashing more golden than brown, and his face–
“You should already know. You killed one of my kind last weekend,” Harrington grit out, almost growling, his lips moving awkwardly around the strange array of canine and human teeth, his nose and jaw uncannily elongated.
“I told you, I didn’t do it!”
Harrington’s head cocked to the side, dog-like, as his eyes roved over Eddie’s face. They narrowed. Just as he opened his mouth, primed to say more, the door behind him crashed open. Both men jolted, and Harrington whipped around to face the sound.
He came face to face with a tiny, furious cheerleader wielding a wicked crossbow, the bolt pointed between Harrington’s eyes. Her hands shook, and her eyes widened when she saw what Harrington looked like, but she didn’t waver.
“Leave him alone.” Her demand rang through the room, her usually sweet voice strong.
Eddie wished he could collapse with the relief that flooded through him. Still, he stayed upright, tension keeping him at a knife’s edge. Harrington wasn’t budging, so Eddie leaned into a crouch to pounce if the asshole tried to attack Chrissy. Like hell was he going to let her get hurt, coming to his rescue again.
The trio didn’t move. It felt like a stand-off. Eddie hated it, hated staring at Harrington’s back and hoping he could catch any telltale twitch of muscle foreshadowing an attack. The fur on his arms kept receding and growing, like he was stuck, deciding whether to fully transform–into a goddamn werewolf–or revert back to a human. It was weird as fuck to watch.
“Chrissy, you shouldn’t be here,” Harrington eventually said, hands balling into fists.
“No, I really should be. Whatever you’re after him for, he didn’t do it. He doesn’t kill people.”
“He’s a vampire, of course he does.”
Eddie let out an indignant, “Hey!��
“Okay, and werewolves, what? Don’t lose control on the full moon? Don’t randomly attack people?” she asked. Her perky sarcasm nearly made Eddie laugh, couldn’t help but let a small snort escape. Yet, while she spoke, Harrington’s head tilted to the side again. Like he was listening for something. In the silence, Eddie caught it too. Bike wheels.
They came to a skidding stop and the bike clattered to the ground while a familiar voice cursed up a storm and bolted up to the trailer. A mop of curls barely contained by a cheesy trucker hat bounded in the open door, past Chrissy, shouting, “Wait! Wait, wait, wait!”
“Henderson?” both Harrington and Eddie said, the two of them glaring at each other.
“Yes, because apparently all of you need someone around with some actual goddamn sense!” Dustin waved his finger at all three teens, who looked at him with varying levels of annoyance, before landing on Harrington and pointing with the utmost sass. “Especially you, Steve! I told you Eddie was innocent. But did you listen? No!”
Harrington gave an offended scoff. “Are you kidding me? Dustin, it’s him. He’s a vampire, has the strength and speed to take down a whole werewolf if he really wanted to.”
That was news to Eddie, who didn’t bother hiding his surprise. Dustin immediately looked to Eddie, but instead of fear he looked fascinated. Awed.
“Really?” he asked, a grin breaking over his face. When he started walking towards Eddie, Harrington held him back with a decidedly human hand. Thank fuck the claws were gone. Dustin tried to shake him off, but the grip on his hoodie was too strong.
“Don’t go to him!”
“He’s not gonna hurt me, Steve, jesus christ you’re so overprotective.”
Eddie started to put his hands up, but went slower when Harrington began to growl again. “Listen, Harrington, I have zero interest in hurting Henderson. Or anyone. I swear on,” he gestured to the ceiling, and then the carpet, “whichever deity you’d trust more. I have no idea what you were talking about with this werewolf either.”
Squinting at Eddie’s chest again, Harrington gave a frustrated huff, and Dustin finally broke free from his restraint to speed walk over to Eddie. He didn’t even hesitate to grab Eddie’s wrist and start feeling his pulse, which Eddie protested with a half-hearted, “Hey!”
“You know he’s telling the truth Steve,” Dustin said. Harrington merely crossed his arms and went back to glaring at Eddie. In turn, Eddie pursed his lips and wiggled his head with mock triumph, letting Dustin do whatever poking and prodding he wanted to do just to prove to Harrington he could shove his suspicions where the sun don’t shine.
Chrissy, who watched the exchange alertly, finally lowered her crossbow and worked at getting the bolt out. “Why are you after Eddie, Steve?” she asked.
“The night of Penny’s party, Dustin and his friends found a dead werewolf in the woods a little ways away.”
“It was decapitated,” Dustin helpfully supplied, as if it were a fun fact and not a gruesome murder.
“Oh.” Chrissy paled. Meeting Eddie’s worried expression with her own, she said, “That’s pretty bad.”
“Doesn’t explain why you went after me, though,” Eddie said. “Do I just give off ‘werewolf killer’ vibes?”
Harrington’s jaw clenched and he stared at the floor. “You smelled like blood. At the party.”
“I what now?”
Sighing, Dustin planted his hands on his hips. “Yeah, because, clearly, he’s a vampire. Of course he’s gonna smell like blood.”
“I didn’t exactly know that, Dustin!” Harrington threw his hands up. “And where’d he be getting the blood from anyway?”
“Oh. Uhm. That would be me.” Dustin and Harrington turned to gawp at Chrissy. She’d leaned the unloaded crossbow against the open doorway and had started fiddling with the bolt, avoiding the sharp point. It was so at odds with her preppy, pastel sweater. She smiled at Eddie apologetically. “I might’ve insisted, since it’d help him eat regularly and he wouldn’t have to try and find it somewhere else.”
When Dustin turned to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively at Eddie, he frowned and smacked the kid’s shoulder. Lightly. Light enough. “No.”
“Does Jason know?” Harrington asked, seeming tense. It didn’t ease when she shook her head, but he did let out a slow exhale.
“Is that the only reason you went after me? I just stank?”
It was Harrington’s turn to shake his head. “No, we found one of your weird band shirts there.” 
“Oh yeah, like there aren’t other metalheads in Hawkins,” Eddie snarked. Not that he thought any of the ones he knew could take on a werewolf, if Steve’s strength was anything to go by.
“It smelled like you, man.”
“Which is exactly why my theory is that you’ve been framed!” Dustin said, completely interrupting Eddie’s bizarre realisation that Harrington knew what he smelled like. He held his index finger aloft. “Someone knew it was yours, planted your shirt there, killed the werewolf. Why? Maybe they had some sort of feud. Maybe they thought other werewolves would find the corpse and seek revenge.” Eddie had a flat expression on his face as he motioned to Harrington, but Dustin waved him off impatiently while Harrington rolled his eyes. “No, no. I don’t think we were supposed to find it. No one knows about Steve except for our group, and maybe one or two creatures we’ve helped. Creatures who definitely wouldn’t do this. The killed didn’t account for us. And, I think, didn’t account for you being a vampire.”
Eddie groaned. “Okay, great. Someone’s pinned a fucking murder on me! This night just keeps getting better!” Without anything better to do, and wanting to ignore the desperate desire to grab Chrissy’s hand and run, he flopped onto the couch hard enough to make the springs squeak and covered his face with his hands.
“But! You have us on your side now.”
Peeking through his fingers, Eddie took in the sight in front of him. Dustin, hands on his hips again and chest puffed out, grinned in a way that was somehow both egotistical and childish. Harrington looked only slightly less aggrieved than Eddie felt, but at least he looked fully human again.
Slowly, Chrissy walked over to Eddie and sat beside him. She took one of his hands away from his face and held it reassuringly, despite the clear furrow of worry between her brows. He gave her hand a squeeze, a silent thank-you.
“Fine. What do you propose, my little detective?” Eddie asked, taking a tiny bit of glee from the slight sneer Dustin made at being called “little.” 
“I propose that we hide you away, make it so the real killer doesn’t know where you’ve gone, and see if that either flushes them out while they try to find you or if they commit another murder.”
“Jesus christ, Dustin, we can’t just wait around for another person to die!”
“I know, Steve, but that’s the cold, hard truth! We don’t know their next move. Hopefully they try to find you,” Dustin pointed at Eddie, “before they find another werewolf to kill again.”
Eddie didn’t miss Harrington’s pained grimace as he shuffled uncomfortably. The guy may have just pinned him against his own front door and flung him across his living room, but Eddie could, begrudgingly, sympathise. Harrington could very well be that next werewolf. Which, what a wild discovery that was.
“Did you know Harrington was a werewolf?” he whispered to Chrissy while Dustin and Harrington argued about the plan.
“No, not at all. Pretty sure Jason would’ve warned me if he knew, too. Though…” She pursed her lips and glanced at the subject of their gossip. “Maybe not. I don’t think he’d leave Steve alone if he knew.”
That seemed like a massive understatement. With what little Chrissy could relay about Carver’s reputation, Eddie knew that Harrington would be at just as much risk as Eddie would be if that asshole knew. Watching Harrington as he bugged out his eyes and shook his head at Dustin in frustrated disbelief, he also knew that he’d have a trump card over Harrington if he tried to rat him out to Carver or any other hunters. At least that was an upside to getting found out so disastrously.
Dustin seemed to win the argument, clapping his hands once and turning on his heel to face Eddie and Chrissy again. The kid really had a flair for the dramatic. “Alright. Eddie, you’re coming with us.”
“The hell I am,” he laughed, baffled.
“You need to. Either the killer got your shirt from somewhere, or they broke into your house and stole it. And pretty much everyone knows where you live, so. You can’t stay here.”
“And my uncle is, what, chopped fucking liver? What happens if he’s here, but I’m not, and the killer comes knocking?”
“I doubt he’s at risk. He doesn’t seem like a likely target. Unless he’s also a vampire?” When Eddie shook his head, Dustin continued, “There you go. Problem solved. You’re staying at Steve’s until we find this person.”
Harrington met Eddie’s offended look with one of resigned dread. “No way. Hide me at Chrissy’s.”
“I don’t think my parents would, uhm, agree to that.” Chrissy laid her other hand on top of Eddie’s. “Not to mention Jason.”
A low, whiny groan oozed out of Eddie as his head thumped back against the couch. It got louder when Dustin said, “Plus, if we saw you and Chrissy together, who’s to say the killer hasn’t?”
He felt like throwing a temper tantrum, fists flying and legs kicking, the whole shebang, if he weren’t being framed for murder. “Holing up at The King’s giant rich bitch mansion for who knows how long? Great. Wonderful. Always wanted to see how the other side lived,” he grumbled, not missing the loud sigh Harrington let out.
“Deal with it, Munson. This is the best we’ve got. I’m not thrilled about it either.”
“Oh goody. I’m an unwanted houseguest, even.”
“Eddie,” Chrissy started, “I know you’re scared, I am too. But… I do think they want to help. Their plan makes sense to me.”
Sighing, he dropped the sarcasm and dramatics. For now. “Yeah. I guess. Alright, Detective Henderson, I’ll go along with you and your loyal bloodhound.”
Dustin and Eddie both snickered at Harrington’s unimpressed frown.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
With the asks about Eddie and the 'hunt the freak' thing it made me think of two things I've seen fandom talk about with it
1. Acting like it's a classist thing that Eddie was considered a suspect for Chrissy but Steve wasn't considered a suspect for Barb. When there was another (ok, it was wrong) explanation for Barb being missing, with the whole runaway line. There was no evidence for the police to believe that Barb had been harmed at Steve's house. And with Chrissy there was a body! There were two people living in the trailer, one had an alibi for his whereabouts, the other was seen entering with her and leaving without her. Of course he was a suspect. And when you add in the fact he was a known dealer, the police probably had a potential motive of a drug deal gone wrong in mind.
2. I recently saw a post saying that fans are wrong when they make Claudia Henderson such a loving and accepting person when she's 'obviously' a judgemental person because she believed the police that Eddie was dangerous and not going off what she would have been told by Dustin. She's a single mother to a teenager who is known for not having the best judgement (Dart, the Russians). She would have been worried about Dustin's safety or him getting caught up in something. If she'd never met Eddie and all of a sudden the police are saying he's a suspected serial killer, she'd be terrified about what it meant for her kid. If he was going to get dragged in as an accomplice or if he was in danger of being the next victim. She didn't know Eddie outside of what she'd been told, so she had no reason to believe he wasn't dangerous.
Some fans seem to forget that we, as the audience, have additional information as to what's happening, we know things that the other characters don't, and the characters need to stop being judged for acting in a certain way because they don't have all the information.
it’s kinda funny because this fandom, like, invents things that eddie is oppressed over. for example, no one ever calls eddie trailer trash in canon. but in every anon i get calling him that, it’s in quotes. like. just admit it’s you calling him trailer trash, no one else lmao.
but anyway!!
1. i actually made a post about this so long ago!! so here you go. but yeah, it’s dumb to compare the two. the cases are not at all the same, and like you said, eddie is known drug dealer, he’s had run ins with the police before. we know this from max’s mum, and chief powell himself who asks jason if chrissy would buy drugs from eddie.
2. who tf is shitting on claudia henderson, because i will not allow it. like. jesus sorry she lives in a HELLHOLE, where people seem to get brutally murdered on a yearly basis and everyone does fuck all about it. let her be nervous damn, she doesn’t owe eddie anything.
honestly i think most people need to rewatch the show, preferably without shipping goggles, just to remind themselves of what actually happened.
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spacecasehobbit · 11 months
I've posted about Neil Hargrove being the one to get flayed in S3 instead of Billy, but my other favorite character to imagine in Billy's place is Chrissy. There's just so much potential there!
S4 establishes what the other seasons were already making clear (one of the things that ST actually manages to be pretty consistent in showing!): that the Mind Flayer/Vecna/One chooses victims who are alone, victims who are struggling with feelings of trauma and isolation. In that way, any of Vecna's victims from S4 could have worked in Billy's place.
Imagine a Chrissy who got flayed and then lived through it (maybe the Party et. al. are more motivated to save someone who looks teeny and sweet and harmless; maybe Chrissy isn't as much a fighter as Billy so she grabs El and runs for it when El finally breaks through the MF's control). A Chrissy whose first victims included her abusive mom and the oblivious boyfriend who never really saw her as her own person, and who has to deal with the conflicting mess of feelings left behind in the aftermath of being forced to feed them - along with a whole slew of other townspeople - to a mass-murdering eldritch monster from another dimension.
On the one hand, of course it's immensely traumatizing! She feels so much guilt it seems like she'll be crushed under the weight of it some days; other days she doesn't know how to do anything but cry.
On the other hand, a part of her feels relieved that her mom and Jason are gone... which means she must be a monster, too, right? Only a monster would be glad that their mom and boyfriend weren't around, when the reason they were gone was because she fed them to the monster that killed them.
This now sets her up perfectly to find herself lost, adrift; isolated from her usual peer group, distanced from her dad who is also grieving the loss of his wife, feeling stained with innocent blood no matter how many showers she takes or how many times she scrubs her skin raw, until she winds up seeking out the local drug dealing supersenior just for a few precious hours of escape from her own head.
And maybe the local drug dealer is kinda cute, and surprisingly sweet, and he makes her laugh and smile for the first time in months. And she goes to him at first for chemical escape, but the longer she interacts with him the more she starts visiting for a friend.
(And maybe that makes her feel guilty, too, because she likes Eddie. Likes Eddie, the weirdo school freak who Jason always sneered about and looked down on for his satanist aesthetic and his poverty and his Unfortunate family history.
She likes Eddie the way she was supposed to like Jason but kind of didn't anymore even before she fed him to a monster. She likes Eddie in a way she's not sure she ever liked Jason, because Eddie makes her feel good about herself without ever making her feel like she's drowning in other people's expectations for her life. Eddie makes her smile, and he makes her laugh, and he makes her feel safe.
And she's not sure she deserves any of that, but she's getting pretty damn sure that she wants it.)
So when the Upside Down comes back this time, this version of Chrissy isn't unaware of it. She's still dealing with plenty of trauma and isolation in many parts of her life, but she isn't completely alone except for the one nice boy she's barely met before she dies. Instead, she figures out that it's back so quickly, and she goes to the person she's come to trust the most these days for help and to warn him, too.
And instead of dying in horrible pain, thinking she might be going mad and with no idea what's happening to her, traumatizing a boy she barely knows in the process and setting in motion the events that will lead to his death not long later, she and Eddie are able to face the Upside Down together and get each other through this interdimensional monster's latest attempt at destroying Hawkins together.
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ilovetwig · 2 years
i know we like to keep blaming the suffer brothers for the lack of character development for Jonathan, but what if it's because they wrote him to be just as he is? okay hear me out - Jonathan is one of the very few characters that doesn't ever get any repercussions for his actions because he's never really held accountable for things (and instead is usually rewarded for his behavior even when it is wrong), whereas other characters immediately face consequences of their actions and this acts as a catalyst for them to go change their behavior, and as a result grow from their experience. But with Jonathan, he never really has any motivating factor that makes him want to implement a different way of living since he is constantly being rewarded.
For example, we have Steve who has been met with consequences every step of the way and he has taken measures to right himself when he learns of when he was in the wrong (ex: Nancy slaps Steve for the graffiti so he cleans up Tommy's vandalism, Steve gets his ass kicked by Jonathan so he goes to apologize to Jonathan after their fight, Steve gets in trouble with his parents for telling them about the party and he also apologizes to Nancy after he wasn't as concerned for Barb being missing, etc). And of course, we have Nancy calling him bullshit which was a huge catalyst for him to change and want to become a better person (we even see him thanking her for it in season 4!!).
Then we have Eddie, who runs away after the whole Chrissy incident in his trailer, which results in him becoming the town's most wanted person. He's forced to be on the run as he is hunted, but by the end of the season, we see he is done with running/being cowardly and doesn't want to be that person anymore. Eddie gets the motivation to be a better person and he wants to do right by Chrissy (as well as be a good role model for Dustin) so he tries to make up for his past actions.
Now let's look at Jonathan and how he has been constantly rewarded and how this has caused him to be stuck as he is. He is supposed to be out looking for his brother, but he ends up taking photos of Nancy undressing and violates her privacy (also this is a form of sexual assault, which a lot of people choose to ignore). Technically, everyone who is at Steve's party has their privacy violated since he also takes photos of everyone that's in the backyard. Jonathan then gaslights Nancy and tells her the photos looked nice and he was just being artistic. He is rewarded with a new camera (Steve was in the right for breaking Jonathan's camera in the first place and he didn't have to buy him a new one). Jonathan gaslights Nancy again claiming he thought she was better than the other cliché suburban girls and uses Nancy's fear of ending up in a loveless marriage like her parents against her when he tries to belittle her relationship and feelings for Steve. Jonathan is rewarded with Nancy eventually becoming his girlfriend. In season 2, he's supposed to accompany Will on Halloween and instead of staying with him the whole time, he leaves to go to a Halloween party. He is rewarded with getting closer to Nancy, meanwhile Will is the one who suffers after seeing the mindflayer. In season 3, we see Jonathan choosing to ignore the misogyny that Nancy faces at work instead of standing up for her. He is rewarded with her staying in the relationship with him. In season 4, if we can assume that the early application deadline for Emerson college was in Novemeber and regular application deadline was in January, then this means he has been lying for MONTHS to our girl Nancy. Yes, he seems stressed about it, but at the same time he doesn't mind slow motion breaking up with her. At this point, he has no motivation to tell her the truth or even go visit her over spring break. And we've seen time and time again that his comments and actions have been brushed aside rather than him having to self-reflect. So he decides to take the easy way out and keep lying.
There's no motivation for him to be courageous and tell Nancy the truth about his college plans because he's never had to really fight for her love or reflect on his actions. Unfortunately, Nancy has always just followed the forgive and forget method about things in her relationship with Jonathan. This has in turn allowed him to remain stagnant. Maybe he had character development after Lonnie left since he stepped up as a father figure to Will, but we really don't get to witness Jonathan grow during the time of the show because there's no real reason for him to want to change himself for the better. We know he wants to change his life in some way - whether it's following his dreams of becoming a photographer or guaranteeing the protection of his family - but he's never gotten the push to really make changes in himself since he's never had to face owning up to who he is as a person, and because of this he has a hard time changing his life in general.
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formosusiniquis · 2 years
Nancy is sick, sick of not being respected by the school newspaper. They call her a conspiracy theorist who is always looking for a story that doesn’t exist. They want to know why she can’t be content with covering the basketball district win or Mrs. O’Donnell’s twenty year teaching anniversary. Then someone spray paints a dick on every car in the staff parking lot. Twenty-seven dicks.
And everyone says it’s Eddie Munson.
Eddie is a stoner, a loudmouth, a delinquent, and insists on putting his shoes on cafeteria tables; but somehow Nancy just doesn’t see this being something Eddie did.
Principal Higgins and the rest of the Hawkins administration doesn’t seem to want to investigate any further. The paper has already published their piece on the matter. So Nancy decides she’s going to investigate this herself, not only that she’s going to come out with an expose proving Munson is innocent. A film expose, print media is dying anyway.
She recruits Robin Buckley, a band kid and jack of all trades, to operate the camera and she sets to work. She sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong, she digs into the Hawkins gossip mill determined to figure out who else could have done it. She doesn’t make friends.
Except Eddie kind of grows on her.
Robin kind of does too.
Except Robin, just like Nancy, is just as viable a suspect as about seven other people who led after school clubs and had a key to school -- which included access to the brand new security camera pointed at the staff parking lot.
Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Fred Benson, Chrissy Cunningham, Patrick McKinney.
Each of them had the opportunity and motive and Nancy thinks it’s important that they take the time to explore that. Robin doesn’t appreciate Nancy taking a logical look at her motivation, calling her out for her obvious crush on Chrissy and wanting to cancel prom so Chrissy can’t go with Jason. Nancy doesn’t appreciate how unseriously Robin is taking this. This is Nancy’s chance at something big. Sure, it’s no murder but felony vandalism is nothing to sneeze at, if she solves this people will finally take her seriously. Except Robin who thinks this whole thing is a joke. Who makes some bullshit little flipbook of Nancy drawing dicks on cars to give herself something to solve.
The part ways after that.
Nancy spends more time with Eddie. He’s funny. He helps her relax, not just with the weed but the contact high she gets hanging out with him and his friends is a nice bonus. He’s smart, smart enough she realizes that he could have done it if he wanted to.
She doesn’t want it to be Eddie. She doubles down. She makes up with Robin. They’re going to find out who really did this.
And she has it. She has it. She can prove, circumstantially, but enough that she’s sure she could get a confession from the actual perpetrator. When Eddie goes out and actually vandalizes Mrs. O’Donnell’s place, gets caught doing it by her neighbor. Hopper brings him in, Robin goes to deal with the neighbor while Nancy talks with Eddie. Talks to him about the expose, about how angry he felt about the way she made him out to be this burnout loser, the same kind of freak weirdo that everyone in school already thought he was, someone who’d been at Hawkins long enough to hold the grudge but not smart enough to actually get away with it. The only way they could even prove he was innocent was by proving how much of a fuckup loser he really was. Like anyone expected much better of a Munson.
Nancy isn’t sure what to do about the fact that all her project has really done is hurt people. She proved Eddie’s innocence at his own expense. She effectively outed Robin to the whole school, even if Robin says she forgives her, she aired half of the school’s dirty laundry and didn’t even officially catch who did it because no one will believe her now. Not when she’s got one more person calling for Eddie’s blood.
Some problems don’t have solutions. Some messes get made and can’t be cleaned up. But Nancy does her best. Nancy tries to do right by Eddie, tries to deserve some respect.
Also something, something Steve Harrington is Jenna Hawthorne. Something, something lonely, (queer), rich kid who puts up a cool, collected mask to keep the attention of others but is so desperate for love and affection that they accidentally get blackmailed into doing a felony by the person they thought loved them.
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word-wytch · 11 months
My thoughts on Flight of Icarus (so far!)
I finally got my hands on the book yesterday and also had time to read which hasn’t happened in a very hot minute.
These are just my first impressions, commentary, and takeaways from chapters 1-9.
More will come, but I am realizing that I have so much to say that I need to break it up ✨
I will start off by saying that I was skeptical, as all of us were, when this book was announced. Prior to reading it, I had been steering clear of spoilers and others’ reactions just so that I could go in completely unbiased and with an open mind and heart.
Within the first 10 pages, I was crying. Like, openly weeping. Something about Eddie talking first person about his childhood experiences and confirming what so many of us suspected hit me so suddenly. I was not prepared for the swell of emotions that bubbled over as a result of not only that, but reading his name printed on a real, hard bound book when I've only ever read it from a screen was something else as well. Something about it being officially licensed by ST and providing us with some concrete backstory (if we choose to take it) for so many things that we've been only speculating on for the last year and a half.
These are a few snippets that really had me going:
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Anyway, I'm broken.
Onto the writing --
I genuinely think what I've read so far has been incredibly well-written. The first person narration sounds so much like Eddie, as does the dialogue. The insights and ways he describes things cleverly but also with that touch of dark humor that he deflects with so often is very present. I do feel like I'm stepping into his curly noggin and viewing the world through his bambi eyes. It's such a treat.
Also, I have noticed her using many words that he frequently uses in his limited dialogue on the show in her narration, the main one I can think of right now being "not exactly". It's touches like these that let me know how closely she's paying attention.
I am also impressed with the general quality of prose, how she seamlessly integrates setting and character description into the scene. Also clever and creative ways to describe objects that still stay very in character. This one stands out:
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Also this. This hyper-awareness that his home life is different than his peers, something I try to illustrate in my own writing and appreciate that this author did as well:
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As a writer, I learn so much from reading. I can honestly say that I am learning from this experience as well, and dare I say it, am inspired.
The chapter I am working on now for DSSCTM deals heavily with similar themes and questions that FOI covers, such as Eddie's motivations for staying in school, his relationship to his dad, and how he views himself. So I feel a lucky sense of coincidence that this book was released during the time I am writing it. I, like everyone else, invented my own backstory for his parents that suited the story I was trying to tell and will keep it for consistency going forward.
Characters that stuck out to me --
Gareth -- OH. MY GOD. BABY GARETH. Little fluffy ball of rage. I cannot. My heart is going to explode fr. Also the tenderness with which Eddie handles him is just too much for me.
Ronnie -- Stan her. You know, this character really makes me wonder how much of our fics the author has read because I feel like it is one of the most common and earliest tropes for our Reader characters to be best friends of his that grew up in the trailer park along side him. Maybe it's just an obvious trope? But interesting she included it. Also making her the book-smart one who's got a golden ticket out is another very common thing I see in our stories.
Chrissy -- I love the bit of backstory I've read so far and how sympathetic she writes her. I love that we get the whole scene of them before the talent show and them bonding for a short moment.
Al -- There aren't enough words for how big a piece of shit this man is. When he said this to Wayne I almost yeeted my book across the room. Nobody talks to Wayne Munson like this in my house. 😤
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Paige -- Eh. Not sold tbh. Although I do appreciate reading through Eddie's first person narration about him having a crush on someone though. It's cute. Just the crush part, not Paige specifically. She's mid so far.
Principal Higgins -- I had to suspend my disbelief a bit for how strong he came on tbh. I mean, I think she made a somewhat believable case for his absolutely unhinged behavior but it still struck me as borderline unbelievable how Higgins spoke to Eddie like that. What it did confirm for me was something I had suspected from the beginning, which is that Eddie's dad never graduated high school. Also, I appreciate the question being asked about why he is still in school BUT my issue is that this question isn't as applicable in his first senior year as it is in his third. I think the author was trying to find a reason for Higgins to be asking it and had to dig a little to try and make it believable. It's a question I have asked myself, one that I had Teach ask him in the first chapter of DSSCTM, and one I will be exploring in ch. 16.
One final theme-related thing I noticed and appreciate:
How chapter 4 ends with his dad telling him to sleep on the idea of pulling off a heist with him and chapter 5 begins with "The question is pretty simple. At the end of the day, who do you want to be?" and proceeds to a scene of him building a character with Gareth. Likewise in real life, Eddie is figuring out who he wants to be, and I think using this as a metaphor is really clever and beautiful.
ALSO. A theory. Illian died right? Illian wasn't Gareth's he was Jeff's. What if this is alluding to the possibility of another character we all know and love who supposedly died in canon to be able to come back and re-invent themselves? 👀
Could just be my delusional ass reading into this way too much but it was just a thought I had.
Anyway, onward. ✨
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