#christian drug treatment georgia
rapidprime · 2 months
The Remarkable Health Journey of Jimmy Carter: A Legacy of Resilience and Compassion
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Jimmy Carter's health journey has been a testament to his resilience and unwavering commitment to service. Despite numerous health challenges, including a severe type of melanoma and multiple injuries from falls, Carter has continued his humanitarian work. His story not only highlights his personal strength but also underscores the importance of compassionate end-of-life care.
Early Life and Naval Career
Born on October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia, Jimmy Carter's early life was marked by hard work and community values. Growing up in the small farming town of Archery, without running water or electricity, he learned the importance of perseverance and dedication. His educational journey led him to the U.S. Naval Academy, where he graduated in 1946. Serving in the submarine service of the U.S. Navy, Carter demonstrated his commitment to leadership and service.
Post-Presidency Humanitarian Work
After completing his presidency in 1981, Carter established the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The center has been instrumental in promoting human rights, democracy, and peace worldwide. Through its various programs, the Carter Center has monitored over 100 elections and resolved conflicts in countries such as Haiti, Bosnia, Ethiopia, North Korea, and Sudan.
First Health Scare: Metastatic Melanoma Diagnosis
In August 2015, Carter was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma, a rapidly growing skin cancer that had spread to his liver and brain. At the age of 90, Carter faced a daunting health battle. Following surgery to remove a liver mass, further examinations confirmed the presence of melanoma in his brain.
Treatment and Remission
Carter underwent a combination of immunotherapy and radiation therapy to combat his metastatic melanoma. He received radiation therapy targeting the melanoma spots in his brain and used the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab. By December 2015, Carter announced that he was free of cancerous growths, a significant victory in his health journey.
Recurring Falls and Injuries
In 2019, Carter experienced multiple falls resulting in significant injuries. In May, he broke his hip, requiring surgery. Later that year, he underwent another operation to relieve brain pressure caused by bleeding from recent falls. These incidents also led to a small pelvic fracture, necessitating hospitalizations and surgeries to address his injuries.
Melanoma Returns and Hospice Care Decision
In February 2023, Carter chose to end medical treatment and enter hospice care at his home in Plains, Georgia, due to a severe type of melanoma. This decision, announced by the Carter Center and confirmed by his grandson Jason Carter, marked a significant moment in his health journey. Despite initial expectations of a short remaining time, Carter has continued to spend precious moments with his family.
Remaining Time at Home with Family
Carter, now 99 years old, has been receiving hospice care at home for over a year, surpassing expectations. Even after the recent loss of his wife Rosalynn, he remains surrounded by his family. His home in Plains is filled with love and peace, a testament to the strength of his Christian faith and the support of his loved ones.
Impact on the Carter Center and Ongoing Projects
Despite his health challenges, the Carter Center continues its crucial work under the leadership of its Board of Trustees, including Jason Carter. The center remains dedicated to promoting human rights, resolving conflicts, and reducing global suffering. Key projects such as election monitoring, disease eradication, and agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa persist, reflecting the center's enduring commitment to its mission.
Ethical Considerations in End-of-Life Care
Carter's decision to enter hospice care has sparked important conversations about end-of-life decisions and the need for compassionate support for terminally ill individuals. His choice to focus on comfort care at home highlights the necessity for empathetic and honest discussions about end-of-life care.
Jimmy Carter's health journey is a powerful symbol of resilience, faith, and compassion. His unwavering dedication to service and humanity has inspired generations. As we reflect on his remarkable life and health journey, we are reminded of the enduring impact of his legacy on the world.
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myresearchings · 2 years
I had several kids attend a total of 5 years of high school here. We witnessed systemic cronyism and preferential treatment for those with money, prestige and connections - plum leadership opportunities on clubs and teams and many instances of "grace" for doing drugs, having sex (on campus!), or other infractions. My kids lost their faith here, thanks to the hypocrisy. Multiple examples of good, decent kids (and even staff) mistreated and harshly punished by school admin due to hearsay, rumor or minor issues. There are wonderful teachers and decent people who try to make a difference, but beware.
Traumatic. Never send your child to this school. Waste of moneyBullyingThis school effectively deals with bullying:I was bullied at this school and they tried to hide it
I attended Providence for 12 years of my education, and it is not until several years after graduating that I realize the damage done to me there. I could almost guarantee that every one of these positive student comments came from one of the following 1.) Homecoming queen or king 2.) Student Body President(s) 3.) An office aid whom the administration asked to write a positive recommendation. I feel it's important to say I fit in multiple of these categories, and I am still ashamed of the conduct of this school. The absolute worst part of my experience at this school has now become the principal in the past few years. The administration values male leadership and squelches females whenever possible. If you are looking for a school to teach your child about the Bible while still valuing their individuality and gifts, go elsewhere.Learning DifferencesThis school effectively supports students with learning differences:Selective studies exists to give students the answers to tests. These students are sent into the real world and know nothing about education. I can say that for a fact because I was one of them.LeadershipLeadership at this school is effective:Administration is poor to say the least. They use the Bible and God to isolate their students and create an environment of fear and judgement.TeachersTeachers at this school are effective:Some teachers are amazing, but their reputations are brought down by the several inexperienced and ignorant members of the staff.
‘ i go to this school and I beg my parents everyday to take me out and put me elsewhere. They don't understand that the kids think their better than anyone else. They judge you for anything and everything. They think their better than others because their parents have money. They brag about what kind of car their getting next year. My friends go to public school and their never judged. Their accepted. I really want to leave this school. Teachers/ administration does nothing to help. My prints struggle to send me here. They can't give a lot of money toward the new stadium. I really hope I can convince my parents to take me out. I would never send my child here.
Not a school to attend if you're looking for academic excellence. Providence focuses on education in religion, not math or science.
Diversity of thought is strongly discouraged at this homogeneous school. While academic courses are average to good, the teachers will blatantly teach their own opinions as if they are fact. School culture is discriminatory towards LGBTQ+ and people of color, and looks down upon those who do not hold conservative religious and political views. The administration encourages this culture of discrimination in many subtle ways such as silencing black students who attempt to talk about racism or black issues, and turning a blind eye to the bullying of LGBTQ+ students. This school even makes students sign a contract stating they will not be or support LGBTQ+. Free thought is simply prohibited. My time at Providence was traumatic and I consider it a stain on my life. After attending this school, I no longer have an interest in Christianity. But hey, at least it helped me get into a good college. I am an alumni from Providence and I am so ashamed to say I went to that school. A culture of bullying is prevalent and if you do not fit into their cookie cutter “christian kid” aesthetic then your time here will be awful. Don’t get me wrong I am a christian and I love God but Providence has this certain aesthetic they want their kids to look like and it’s sad. There’s no originality between students. As far as academics, poor class selection that does not prepare you for college at all. I was a good student flat Providence— 3.7 GPA still didn’t prepare me for college at all. Not a large AP selection and students who attended public school are doing better than me. Also, literally ZERO diversity all teachers are white most students are white. I had about 7 African American students in my graduating class of less than 120. Really sad. Also no diversity in political beliefs, you will be harassed if you are anything but a hardcore Republican.
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alcohol rehab georgia: Your teens need your support
Addiction; An irrecoverable social disease:
When the virus is hitting the whole world with tolls of death and a lot of suffering, addiction has not been an exception. Rather, the current situation is making things more worse adding on to a number of awful addictions like alcohol, drugs, etc. In this scenario, Christian drug rehab programs Florida have decided to come up with feasible ways to deal with these problems. As we understand that this has to be eradicated from our society to cleanse it thoroughly, we also want to aware people about the adverse repercussions they can face bringing addictions in their lives. 
Here we have an amazing and active team of healers who have already gone through a self-healing process and have gained much experience to help the addicts to get rid of their habits aiming for a reformed life.
 What motivates addiction among teens?
Teenage is the most sensitive phase of one’s life, where people go through a lot of things, some good experiences, some bad experiences and some awful habits. Christian drug rehabilitation Florida says this is the time, whereas as parents we need to be watchful, so that we can assist them during their journey of life. Working on the reasons promoting addiction can be the start of the healing process.  
Reasons are:
·         Most of the people start a new habit in the influence of people they are spending time with. Companies you are spending time with do have a lot of impact on your ongoing activities, so Christian drug rehab Florida says it is better to be picky when you are choosing your friends or you need to have self-control if you are in some groups where people are indulged in some abusive activities.
·         Dealing with mental sickness has been a tough job in the current scenario, where everyone is going through so many problems that are obvious to bring stress, depression, anxiety in life. And, to deal with them people assume alcohol is the most approachable way, as it biologically reacts with human brain cells bringing instant relaxation. So, Christian drug treatment Florida mentions that addiction is the distraction people are bringing in their lives to avoid their life problems. Well, it is the time when a therapist can help you out!
At Teen Challenge CC, we are an experienced team of professional healers helping addicts find appropriate ways to reconstruct their lives. We at Christian drug rehab centres in Florida train inhabitants to find the purpose of their lives and attain real happiness, because addiction brings instant happiness, which is short-term. We actuate healthy lifestyles replacing their disturbed lifestyles. Call us to learn more about our sessions! For more details, Visit us at https://teenchallenge.cc/
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harshmanblr · 4 years
Call 770.312.2598 His House Recovery Residence, INC. Today for more information about our services or to schedule a consultation. 
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His House Recovery Residence, INC offering the best Addiction Counseling treatment in Georgia.
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In late March, before Arkansas lawmakers officially blocked minors from obtaining gender-affirming medical care, Willow Breshears, an 18-year-old trans woman in Little Rock, spoke of her fears to a local news outlet: “The people who are legislating [against] these trans kids have no grasp of what a trans experience is.”
Most in the medical community would agree with her.
As similar bills are introduced and debated across the country, transgender children and their families have gone public to explain that treatments like puberty-blocking hormones and gender-affirming hormone therapy are medically necessary and potentially lifesaving. But they’re not the only ones speaking out. Every major medical association in the United States — including the American Medical Association, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry — has issued statements supporting gender-affirming care for youth that have met specific diagnostic criteria (the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, for example, says adolescents are only eligible for puberty blockers if they’ve demonstrated “a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria,” have the ability to understand the benefits and risks of the medication, and have parental consent). Many of the same groups have issued explicit statements opposing the bills or testified against them in state hearings.
Yet while opposition in the medical field has been overwhelming, it has not been unanimous. A small number of highly controversial doctors and researchers have been pushing these anti-trans bills. Representing organizations with seemingly professional names like the American College of Pediatricians or the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, they have effectively accomplished for gender dysphoria what anti-vaxxer medical professionals have sought to do for their cause: give credence to the notion that no scientific or medical consensus exists regarding the relative safety and efficacy of a given treatment, despite the clear and growing evidence to the contrary.
“The policy debates about banning gender-affirming medical care have been really hard to watch because every major medical organization is opposed to these bills,” said Jack Turban, a fellow in child and adolescent psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine who focuses on transgender youth. With no support from the mainstream medical community, conservative legislators have gone and found “this handful of people who have ‘MD’ after their name” but lack the research, experience, and evidence to back their claims, he said.
“Proponents of these bills claim that they are advocating in the interests of transgender children, which is actually ludicrous,” said Hannah Willard, the vice president of government affairs at Freedom for All Americans, a bipartisan group pushing for protections against LGTBQ discrimination nationwide. “These fringe extremists are trying to push a narrative that transgender people need saving from the medical experts.”
The last few years have brought an onslaught of anti-trans legislation; most recently, these proposed laws are attempting to ban trans children from playing in sports leagues that match their gender identity. One wave of legislation, which peaked in 2017 and 2018, aimed to limit trans kids’ ability to use the bathroom or locker room that corresponds to their gender identity. But last year, perhaps prompted by sensationalist and inaccurate right-wing media coverage of a Texas custody case involving parents who disagreed over treatments for their trans child, a new set of bills began appearing in legislatures across the country aimed at prohibiting or even criminalizing giving puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones to minors. In the 2019–2020 legislative year, at least 15 states introduced bills prohibiting healthcare for trans youth. This year, at least 13 states have introduced similar bills. Arkansas is the first state to ban gender-affirming healthcare. On Monday, a committee in the Texas Senate heard testimony on a bill that would make it a felony for parents to provide their children with puberty blockers, hormones, or other gender-affirming care.
At least on the surface, proponents of these bills have framed their need in medical terms. The Arkansas bill, for example, makes a host of pseudoscientific claims: that the majority of gender-nonconforming children “come to identify with their biological sex in adolescence or adulthood,” that puberty blockers are being prescribed “despite the lack of any long-term longitudinal studies evaluating the risks and benefits of using these drugs,” and that “the risks of gender transition procedures far outweigh any benefit.”
But these assertions are either misleading or verifiably false, according to experts in the field. Studies have consistently shown that providing gender-affirming care to gender-diverse children — which includes allowing them to socially transition and access puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones — is correlated with lower rates of suicide and mental illness. Studies have also shown that children who aren’t supported, such as those who undergo therapy with the aim of eliminating their trans identity, have worse health outcomes and are more likely to have thoughts of suicide.
Proponents of the anti-trans healthcare bills often distort the findings of these studies, experts told BuzzFeed News. Kristina Olson, a professor of psychology at Princeton University who in 2018 received a MacArthur grant to study the social and cognitive development of trans and gender-nonconforming youth, said the claim that children eventually identify with their birth gender as they enter adulthood is a misinterpretation of an outdated study, as other scientists have explained elsewhere.
More recently, critics of gender-affirming care have promoted a widely criticized and methodologically flawed study that appeared to indicate that gender dysphoria was being spread through social circles. In reality, this misconception was from parents of gender-nonconforming children.
Heron Greenesmith, a senior analyst at Political Research Associates, a progressive think tank dedicated to studying the American right, told BuzzFeed News that the widely accepted studies into best practices for trans youth have been undermined by a few physicians and mental health providers who espouse right-wing or explicitly anti-LGBTQ views. “People tend not to question folks with a medical degree,” Greenesmith said.
Brennan Suen, the LGBTQ program director at Media Matters for America who has tracked the anti-trans legislation and its media coverage, said “the anti-LGBT right” goes to great lengths to highlight the few medical professionals who agree with them because they give a “veneer of credibility” to the supposed dangers posed by gender-affirming treatment.
One organization has played an especially significant role in boosting the claims behind the bill, including by talking with lawmakers and submitting expert testimony during legislative hearings. According to Willard with Freedom for All Americans, the American College of Pediatricians has helped shape the debate in “nearly every state legislature pushing these bills,” including Georgia, where the first anti-trans healthcare bill was introduced, as well as Pennsylvania, Alabama, and Utah. ACP has also supported the federal bill that Republicans recently introduced into Congress. Quentin Van Meter, the ACP president, is the "foremost person being cited by anti-trans advocates,” Greenesmith said.
Turban, the Stanford researcher, has described ACP as a “small but clever anti-LGBT group [that] created a legit-sounding name.” He told BuzzFeed News that ACP is not the country’s leading organization for US pediatricians; that group is known as the American Academy of Pediatrics. In 2002, the AAP issued a statement in support of parents of the same sex, prompting a small number of socially conservative physicians to leave the group and found ACP. Since then, ACP has issued many controversial anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ statements. It is currently designated as an anti-LGBTQ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Newer groups are also playing a role, including the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. Last year, SEGM was cited in an Idaho bill barring trans people from changing the sex on their birth certificate. A federal court has since struck down the law. (In an email, a SEGM spokesperson said they never expressed support for the Idaho bill and that they “object to the politicization of healthcare.”) SEGM member William Malone told a Christian news site in 2019: "No child is born in the wrong body, but for a variety of reasons some children and adolescents become convinced that they were."
Media coverage has also confused matters. After initially gaining traction in the right-wing press, ACP is now routinely quoted in prominent news outlets. “We are basically being blackmailed (into providing hormone treatments) by that adolescent who’s emotionally troubled into doing something that they don’t understand,” Van Meter told Reuters last month in an article about the Arkansas law. Although the article notes that ACP belongs to a “minority of dissenters” within the medical community, it mentions neither the organization’s history of promoting anti-LGBTQ claims nor its certification by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. “It is completely irresponsible for the media to cite an extreme anti-LGBTQ group with an innocuous-sounding name like American College of Pediatricians,” said Brianna January, an LGBTQ researcher at Media Matters for America. “Placing its dangerous disinformation next to credible sources makes it falsely appear that this is a debatable topic, skewing how the public and policymakers understand the issue."
In statements to BuzzFeed News, both ACP and SEGM denied that they were promoting misinformation. Michelle Cretella, ACP’s executive director, called pediatric transition “an atrocity, not healthcare” and said that “society is being lied to and bullied by a medical establishment driven by a dangerous ideology and economic opportunity, not science and sound medical ethics.”
SEGM member Roberto D’Angelo said the group was concerned with the “low quality of evidence” in gender-affirming treatment. “The key issue under consideration is how to weigh the low-certainty findings of improvements in mental health associated with medical interventions against the many known and many more as-yet-unknown long-term health risks,” he said.
Opponents, including members of ACP and SEGM, have called for “hypothesis-driven randomized controlled clinical trials” to evaluate care models for treating gender dysphoria in children, but those techniques aren’t realistic or ethical, said Turban. Given the existing evidence for providing trans youth with gender-affirming care, and the fact that it’s already widely accepted in the medical field, no institutional review board would permit a randomized trial of puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones, he said. Moreover, the study could never remain blind, since the effects of being given the medication would be impossible to hide.
Given the statements from every major medical association in the country, there is a clear and inarguable consensus supporting gender-affirming care. But that doesn’t mean these treatments carry no risk, Turban said. Regardless of the population or the medical issue at play, physicians are trained to weigh a treatment’s potential benefits against its risks. The same is true in caring for trans youth.
Medical providers and researchers still want more data to better understand various treatments, despite an established consensus. “We all agree that we need more data and that we wish there was more research,” said Olson, the Princeton researcher. But providers should still use the existing body of data to determine the best treatment for a trans child, she said: “I think it’s an unfair bar that we’ve created for trans healthcare.”
But for now, all eyes are focused on the legislation being pushed in states across the country. And the fear in the trans community is very real.
Casey Pick, a senior fellow for advocacy and government affairs at the Trevor Project, which operates a crisis intervention and suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ youth, said their counselors have reported trans children and their families calling to ask what these bills are and when they’ll go into effect. Callers are distressed that the legislation will prevent them from getting the care they need, Pick said.
“This should not be treated as a philosophical debate,” she said. “This is a real concrete concern to real, actual LGBT youth.”
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jemmalynette · 3 years
Ali Christopher Character Profile
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The Walking Dead Original Character
Name: Alexis “Ali” Christopher
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Name Meaning: Defender of men, helper
Reason for Name: 
Age: 18 as of S1
Gender: Female
Nickname: Ali  (She couldn’t pronounce “Alexis” when she was small)
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Affiliation: Various groups to begin with, then Rick’s group.
Occupation: Highschooler pre-walkers, assistant at her dad’s hardware store
Birthday: 19 Mar 1992
Zodiac: Pisces
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: American (dad’s side)/Canadian (mum’s side)
Notable Possessions: Her diary
Faceclaim: Allison Miller
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Light brown
Hair Style: short - medium length; down and wavy usually or in a high pony tail
Glasses/Contacts: No
Dominant Hand: Both
Height: 5' 2"
Body type: Slim, petite
Piercings/Tattoos: Ear Lobe piercings
Exercise Habits: Occasional light walking
Marks/Scars: Marks from her various treatments/injections
Clothing: High waisted khaki shorts, vests and tank tops, light/baggy tops, plaid shirts, jeans
Accessories: A light blue beaded bracelet her brother bought for her after she came out of hospital when she was young. A virgin Mary necklace she presumes her dad left for her when she wakes up in hospital after The Fall.
Family: Youngest child to Lynn and Adrian Christopher; younger sister to Logan Christopher
Friends: Beth, Glenn, Maggie, Eden, Arden, various, Jordyn Emery (OC played by Rose Byrne and created by littletonpace)
Romantic: TBC
Enemies: Walkers, Negan, The Whisperers, The Governor, etc
Strengths: Tenacious, resilient, caring, candid, independent, compassionate
Weaknesses: immuno-deficiency disorder, physically weak, stubborn, reclusive
Jung Type: ISFP (adventurer)
Element: Water
Colour: Lilac
Planet: Neptune
Mental Health: Generally good although there’s plenty of bad days and anxiety
Social: She is not one to actively make friends but is friendly to those who approach her, when she does make bonds she is there for the people who are there for her
Obsessions/Addictions: N/A
Phobias: Dying alone, small spaces, hospitals (as it reminds her of when she was sick)
Drugs/Alcohol: N/A. Only used prescribed drugs
Violent: When she has to be, rarely
Hobbies: Singing, playing guitar or writing in her diary
Habits: Blaming herself when things go wrong; she will occasionally pray when she is scared about something
Motivations: Health and survival of herself and her family/people
Cursing: Rarely
She was born with primary immunodeficiency which meant she became sick a lot as an infant. Her mother left due to the stress and guilt of Ali’s condition, leaving Adrian to look after the kids
She believes this to be the reason why her mother left her at such a young age. 
Logan is 9 years older than Ali and was 12 when their mother left. Ali was 3.
She barely remembers her mother and has not had contact with her since.
Her father struggled to look after her but after Logan left they became very close.
She was only 13 when Logan left and she was resentful of him for a long time. 
After nearly dying when the walkers start invading, her heath drastically improves
She first realises she’s bi when she meets Mel (future OC played by Karla Crome) at a survivor camp
She has some knowledge of hardware tools from working in her dad’s store
She is a Christian like her parents and brother
Art: https://ibb.co/album/XjrRQx
Fics: Blood Bound
Vids:  Playlist of OC Collabs
Ali Christopher Posts
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lilnasxvevo · 3 years
The frustrating thing about listening to Behind the Bastards is when you can tie the bastard of the week to something bad that happened to someone you care about.
Like I was talking a few days ago about this kid JP who was my classmate for 9 years (at a very small school where there was only 1 class in my grade, so, sharing a classroom with this fellow 7 hours a day for 9 years) who was adopted and who had a really miserable and troubled life because his parents were your usual impulsive white Christian couple who adopt an adorable little brown kiddo from a foreign country and then don’t do the work to like, actually parent that child. And he probably wouldn’t have been adopted, at least not by that couple, if Georgia Tann hadn’t popularized adoption in the US through her baby-stealing empire, and he never would have NEEDED to be adopted if a fucking BANANA COMPANY hadn’t engineered a civil war and genocide in his home country (and I can’t be sure but I think he was Maya himself meaning that he might have been orphaned by that genocide).
And like my step-cousin Jake, really really really nice dude, suffers from trigeminal neuralgia which is a really painful and shitty cross to bear and a really difficult thing to live with, and his life got fucked up for a good few years because an irresponsible drug company allowed everyone to believe that Oxy was both a SAFE (i.e. non-addictive) and EFFECTIVE long-term treatment for trigeminal neuralgia, when in fact it’s neither—it doesn’t do a good job of managing the pain caused by that condition and it is of course a horribly addictive drug.
And so that makes you want to cry and then being able to connect some stories to people you actually know does more to humanize the other stories because it makes you more able to imagine them as people you know and then you hear on the podcast horrible stories about teenagers blown up in their driveway because they smelled a gas leak and got in their car to contact the police or someone who could do something about it and the act of turning the key in the ignition caused an explosion (Koch brothers episode)*, or a horrible story about a nine year old shot point blank in her own home by crazed racist border militia lowlifes.
And you just kind of can’t dwell on it whenever you can manage to not do that. You can’t dwell on it when you hear that one man’s scientific discovery killed over ten million people, because that’s too fucking many. You could imagine everyone you’ve ever met dying in a four-year war on the battlefield and that’s still a tiny fraction of the toll.
*I’m not 100% sure if this was in the BTB episode or if I’m remembering this story from an episode of the Netflix show Dirty Money which covered the damage done to that specific town in a little more detail than BTB—either way, both are 100% worth checking out
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y3h3t-ohorat · 7 years
countries hotline list
I took my time to research and find most of the countries hotline numbers. Please reblog this, so people can find this easier. I saw some of the hotline number posts don’t have some small countries so I added them. Please remember that you are loved no matter who you are. this blog is also another way to get some help so feel free to contact us as well :)
Afghanistan - n/a
0021 3983 2000 58
Andorra- n/a
Angola- n/a
Antigua and Barbuda- n/a
(54-11) 4758-2554
(2) 538194
(kids) 1800 55 1800
Azerbaijan- n/a
0097 161 199 188
there’s no phone number, but there’s a website http://shuni.org/
(246) 4299999
Belarus- n/a
0800 32 123
Belize- n/a
Benin- n/a
Bhutan- n/a
00 591 4 4 25 42 42
Bosnia and Herzegovina - n/a
55 51 211 2888
Brunei- n/a
0035 9249 17 223
Burkina Faso- n/a
Burundi- n/a
Cabo Verde-  n/a
Cambodia-  n/a
Cameroon-  n/a
(montreal) 5147234000
(outside Montreal) 18662773553
Central African Republic (CAR)- n/a
Chad-  n/a
(00 56 42) 22- 12-00
Colombia- (57-1) 323 24 25
Comoros-  n/a
Democratic Republic of the Congo- n/a
Republic of the Congo- n/a
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire-  n/a
532 348 14 49
+357 77 77 72 67
Czech Republic
549 241 010
Djibouti-  n/a
Dominica- n/a
Dominican Republic-  n/a
El Salvador- n/a
Equatorial Guinea- n/a
Eritrea-  n/a
126 or 127
 646 6666
Ethiopia-  n/a
679 670565
679 674364
(0)9 51 11 61 30
Gabon-  n/a
Gambia-  n/a
Georgia-  n/a
0800 1110 111
 0800 1110 222
(Youth) 0800 1110 333
233 244 846 701
(0) 30 210 34 17 164
Grenada-  n/a
Guinea-  n/a
Guinea-Bissau-  n/a
Haiti-  n/a
(00 504) 2558 08 08
(46) 323 888
Hong Kong
2382 0000
2549 7777
Iraq-  n/a
+44 (0) 8457 90 91 92
1850 60 90 90
 1850 60 90 91
199 284 284
03 5774 0992
 03 3498 0231
0096 262 508 902
0096 262 508 903
0096 262 508 904
0096 262 508 939
0096 262 508 941
Kazakhstan- n/a
+254 20 3000378
Kiribati- n/a
Kosovo- n/a
Kuwait- n/a
Kyrgyzstan- n/a
Laos- n/a
6 7222922
Lebanon- n/a
Lesotho- n/a
Libya- n/a
Liechtenstein- n/a
 8-800 2 8888
Macedonia (FYROM)- n/a
Madagascar- n/a
Malawi- n/a
(063) 92850039
(063) 92850279
(063) 92850049
Maldives- n/a
Mali- n/a
Marshall Islands- n/a
Mauritania- n/a
(230) 800 93 93
Micronesia- n/a
Moldova- n/a
Monaco- n/a
Mongolia- n/a
Montenegro- n/a
Mozambique- n/a
Myanmar (Burma)- n/a
 (09264) 61-232-221
Nauru- n/a
Nepal- n/a
New Zealand
 (09) 522 2999
0800 111 777
Niger- n/a
Nigeria-  n/a
Oman-  n/a
Pakistan-  n/a
Palau- n/a
Palestine- n/a
Panama- n/a
Papua New Guinea
675 326 0011
Paraguay- n/a
00511273 8026
48 527 00 00
48 89 92 88
(808) 200 204
21 354 45 45
Qatar- n/a
0800 801 200
Rwanda- n/a
Saint Kitts and Nevis- n/a
Saint Lucia
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 1800- 221 4444
0800-112 112
116 111
116 123
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0861 322 322
(09264) 61-232-221
South Korea
South Sudan- n/a
St. Vincent
(784) 465 1044
Sri Lanka
(249) 11-555-253
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Swaziland- n/a
020 22 00 60
020 22 00 70
Syria- n/a
Tajikistan- n/a
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(02) 713-6793
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Togo- n/a
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(868) 645 2800
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0487 32715
United Arab Emirates (UAE)-
800 46342 (for indian expats)
other:  n/a
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44 1603 611311
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1850 60 90 90
1850 60 90 91
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0 866-427-4747
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 (263) 09 65000
0800 9102
Additional hotlines
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
Post Abortion Counseling 1-800-228-0332
Post Abortion Project Rachel 1-800-5WE-CARE
National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100
National Office of Post Abortion Trauma 1-800-593-2273
National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Stop it Now! 1-888-PREVENT
United States Elder Abuse Hotline 1-866-363-4276
National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (422-4453)
Child Abuse Hotline / Dept of Social Services 1-800-342-3720
Child Abuse National Hotline 1-800-25ABUSE
Children in immediate danger 1-800-THE-LOST
Exploitation of Children 1-800-843-5678
Missing Children Help Center 1-800-872-5437
Marijuana Anonymous 1-800-766-6779
Alcohol Treatment Referral Hotline (24 hours) 1-800-252-6465
Families Anonymous 1-800-736-9805
Cocaine Hotline (24 hours) 1-800-262-2463
Drug Abuse National Helpline 1-800-662-4357
National Association for Children of Alcoholics 1-888-554-2627
Ecstasy Addiction 1-800-468-6933
Alcoholics for Christ 1-800-441-7877
American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345
National Cancer institute 1-800-422-6237
Elder Care Locator 1-800-677-1116
Well Spouse Foundation 1-800-838-0879
New Life Clinics 1-800-NEW-LIFE
National Prayer Line 1-800-4-PRAYER
Bethany Lifeline Pregnancy Hotline 1-800-BETHANY
Liberty Godparent Ministry 1-800-368-3336
Grace Help Line 24 Hour Christian service 1-800-982-8032
The 700 Club Hotline 1-800-759-0700
Want to know Jesus? 1-800-NEED-HIM
Biblical help for youth in crisis 1-800-HIT-HOME
Rapha National Network 1-800-383-HOPE
Emerge Ministries 330-867-5603
Meier Clinics 1-888-7-CLINIC or 1-888-725-4642
Association of Christian Counselors 1-800-526-8673
Minirth Clinic 1-888-MINIRTH (646-4784)
National Christian Counselors Association 1-941-388-6868
Pine Rest 1-800-678-5500
Timberline Knolls 1-877-257-9611
Rest Ministries 1-888-751-REST (7378)
Watchman Fellowship 1-817-277-0023
Girls and Boys Town 1-800-448-3000
Hearing Impaired 1-800-448-1833
Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663
Teen Hope Line 1-800-394-HOPE
United Way Crisis Helpline 1-800-233-HELP
Christian Oriented Hotline 1-877-949-HELP
Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213
Crisis Pregnancy Hotline Number 1-800-67-BABY-6
Liberty Godparent Ministry 1-800-368-3336
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
National Domestic Violence Hotline Spanish 1-800-942-6908
Battered Women and their Children 1-800-603-HELP
Elder Abuse Hotline 1-800-252-8966
RAINN 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention 1-800-931-2237
Eating Disorders Center 1-888-236-1188
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders 1-847-831-3438
Remuda Ranch 1-800-445-1900
Family Violence Prevention Center 1-800-313-1310
Compulsive Gambling Hotline 1-410-332-0402
GriefShare 1-800-395-5755
Homeless 1-800-231-6946
American Family Housing 1-888-600-4357
Helpline: 1-800-398-GAYS
Gay and Lesbian National Hotline 1-888-843-4564
Trevor Hotline (Suicide) 1-866-4-U-TREVOR
Hotline for parents considering abducting their children 1-800-A-WAY-OUT
United States Missing Children Hotline 1-800-235-3535
Poison Control 1-800-942-5969
Boystown National Hotline 1-800-448-3000
National Runaway Safeline 1-800-RUNAWAY (786-2929)
Laurel House 1-714-832-0207
National Runaway Switchboard 1-800-621-4000
Teenline 1-888-747-TEEN
Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663
Grace Help Line 24 Hour Christian Service 1-800-982-8032
Want to know Jesus? 1-800-NEED-HIM
S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONT-CUT
Focus on the Family 1-800-A-FAMILY
Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-827-7571
Deaf Hotline 1-800-799-4TTY
Holy Spirit Teenline (717) 763-2345 or 1-800-722-5385
Crisis Intervention (Harrisburg) (717) 232-7511 or 1- 888- 596-4447
Carlisle Helpline (717) 249-6226
Crisis Intervention (York) (717) 851-5320 or 1-800-673-2496
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
After months of favor, Birx raises Trump’s ire with grim coronavirus assessment
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But she soon lost support within swaths of the scientific and medical community for seeming to minimize the virus and to enable Trump’s overly rosy view of the pandemic. This past weekend, Birx lost the backing of the nation’s top Democrat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), who privately called Birx “the worst” and publicly said she had no confidence in her.
And finally on Monday morning, Birx appeared to lose ground with perhaps her most important constituency, Trump himself, who dismissed her as “pathetic.”
“So Crazy Nancy Pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx, going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combatting the China Virus, including Vaccines & Therapeutics,” Trump wrote in a tweet. “In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!”
Trump was referring to Birx’s grim assessment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” in which she described the coronavirus as “extraordinarily widespread” across the nation and warned that the deadly contagion has infiltrated “both rural and urban” areas.
In the interview, she also did not rule out the possibility that the nation’s coronavirus death toll could double by the end of the year to 300,000 and seemed to suggest that, contrary to the president’s stated desires, some schools should offer only distance learning this fall.
Trump was especially incensed that she did not strike a more optimistic tone about states that are doing well and by her praise for Pelosi, an ardent Trump critic, said one senior administration official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details of private discussions. When asked about Pelosi’s lack of confidence in the handling of the pandemic, Birx replied, “I have tremendous respect for the speaker. And I have tremendous respect for her long dedication to the American people.”
In a news conference Monday, Fauci defended Birx’s statements about the pandemic, pointing to “insidious” community spread.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took to Twitter in response to Trump’s tweet attacking Birx: “It’s hard to believe this has to be said, but if I’m elected president, I’ll spend my Monday mornings working with our nation’s top experts to control this virus — not insulting them on Twitter.”
Trump’s criticism of Birx was another reminder that, while he demands absolute loyalty, he rarely repays it in kind. With more than 4.6 million Americans infected, more than 150,000 dead and the economy in shambles, Birx finds herself isolated with increasingly few allies even as she remains responsible for overseeing the nation’s response to a cataclysmic crisis.
Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, said that as a scientist, Birx has most damaged her credibility by seeming to dismiss some of the publicly available evidence.
“She’s ignored the evidence and gone in the media and said things that are not based in evidence at all and even the most generous understanding of what she’s said can’t be justified by the data we have,” Rasmussen said. “When you do something like that, you’re not doing your job competently and it’s really difficult to gain the respect of your colleagues when you’re all scientists and you’ve shown such willful disregard for the science.”
Birx first emerged as a household name in the early days of the pandemic, appearing at coronavirus news briefings alongside Fauci, an infectious-diseases expert. The duo formed a reassuring team of medical elders — Birx sometimes talked about her children and young granddaughter — who sought to assuage public fears while also offering public health expertise in an administration frequently dismissive of science. Her elegant and colorful scarves prompted their own social media accounts and, more recently, praise from the president.
Unlike Fauci, who raised Trump’s ire with frequent contradictions and by eclipsing him in public opinion polls — her relationship with the president was easy and warm. Two former administration officials who watched the two of them interact said she managed the president well, briefing him in terms he understood and often holding his interest longer than other aides.
But more than five months into the pandemic, Trump has grown exhausted by the dismal coronavirus news and just wants the issue to be behind him, the two former officials said, adding he now associates Birx with the failures.
Administration officials said Birx has privately argued against Trump’s push for the reopening of all schools, citing studies that show there could be outbreaks and problems.
In recent weeks, her time in the Oval Office has dropped, officials said, and she is not always part of decision-making meetings led by Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.
The White House declined to make Birx available for an interview Monday. White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement that Birx’s “incredible leadership in the HIV/AIDS field and her honest, thoughtful approach as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator have helped to save millions of lives.”
In a news conference Monday evening, Trump said he has “a lot of respect” for Birx and that he thinks Pelosi has treated her “very, very badly.” A senior Trump aide said Trump had a “positive” meeting with Birx later Monday afternoon.
Birx’s reputation has been harmed, however, in the public health community where she has spent much of her life. The turning point, several experts said, was when she began effusively praising Trump in interviews.
“He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data,” Birx said in a Christian Broadcasting Network interview in late March, praising Trump’s “ability to analyze and integrate data.”
At the time, Trump was pushing the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, an unproven medical treatment for the coronavirus, and was arguing in favor of reopening the country by Easter despite surging cases across the country.
Another controversial moment came when Birx defended Georgia’s reopening in April, which included tattoo parlors and hair salons, where people cannot be socially distant from each other. Public health officials were also dismayed at reports that Birx was questioning the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s official coronavirus death count as too high, when nearly all experts believe it is probably too low.
Birx had engendered respect from the public health and scientific community for her decades of work on HIV/AIDS, and her time overseeing the President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), created by George W. Bush, was widely praised.
She was also beloved by many in the AIDS activist community, which includes researchers and has considerable influence.
Birx has served across multiple administrations and holds the title of global AIDS ambassador, in addition to her coronavirus role. But many AIDS activists have decided they will work to end her career in government if Biden defeats Trump in November, several activists said.
“What kind of nefarious spirit possessed the Debbie Birx that AIDS activists have loved and adored for years?” asked Peter Staley, a longtime HIV/AIDS activist. “Where did she go? We no longer recognize her, and it’s too late for an exorcism.”
Within the administration, several current and former senior officials described Birx as a politically shrewd power player who keeps close tabs on developments in the president’s orbit. Her name was at one point floated for secretary of the Health and Human Services Department.
But some of these same officials also noted that Birx has made enemies within the White House, in part because a growing number of aides believe she takes different positions with different people and because of sharp attacks on some colleagues.
Her allies, meanwhile, argue that Birx — who served as a physician in the Army — respects the chain of command and is more of a team player than Fauci. They say Trump has generally favored her over others, praising her television appearances and charts.
One White House official argued that Birx is in a difficult situation generally, and also probably the recipient of sexism; this person noted that Birx — who sends around a morning email complete with slides outlining her latest models — provides much of the data upon which the rest of the largely male team relies.
Some experts also praised Birx’s use of data to explain the state of the outbreak at various points and acknowledged she has a difficult job balancing the demands of political leaders with public health considerations.
“It’s not an easy job to be sharing a podium with political leaders who may say something you don’t agree with,” said Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “You have to make a choice — do you choose to correct what you just heard, choose a different moment to correct it in a different way? You can see the challenge that she and Dr. Fauci have with trying to clarify things that are said that they don’t agree with.”
Birx was at a vacation house in Delaware this weekend when White House officials specifically asked her to appear on the Sunday shows. She expected to face difficult questions but was stung by Trump’s scathing tweet, in part because it could limit her ability to do her job, according to one person familiar with her reaction.
“If she doesn’t have the president’s support,” said one ally, speaking on the condition of anonymity to share a candid assessment, “where does her power come from?”
Felicia Sonmez contributed to this report.
The post After months of favor, Birx raises Trump’s ire with grim coronavirus assessment appeared first on Shri Times News.
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longhornfabrays · 4 years
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Headcanon #001 - Character Questions
Taken from here. Edited a bit.
What is your full name?
Lucy Quinn Fabray
Where and when were you born?
Allen, Texas on May 28th, 1999
Who are/were your parents? 
Russel Fabray - Lawyer
Judy Fabray - Housewife
Do you have any siblings?
Frannie Fabray - Older sister - Housewife
Where do you live now, and with whom? 
Austin, Texas in an apartment on her own.
What is your occupation?
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
5′5″, blonde hair, hazel eyes, Caucasian, shoulder length hair, cheerleader body, wears mainly dresses
To which social class do you belong?
Upper class
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Allergic to dust
Are you right- or left-handed?
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
She stands very straight and can have a rest bitch face. She never cusses or takes the lords name in vain. She rarely uses emojis or texting language when typing, if she does it’s usually just lol. She is very straight forward and can come off as rude to some. 
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Quinn had a difficult childhood. She was pressured to be more like her sister and bullied at school for being overweight. Because of this, she stayed in a lot and played video games to get her mind off everything. After losing the weight, she still felt the pressure to be like her sister, but her school days got better and even became popular once she joined the cheerleading squad. 
What is your earliest memory?
Staying the summers with her grandparents in Savannah, Georgia.
How much schooling have you had?
She has had from Kindergarten up to her junior year of university. She will be doing her senior year as well and possibly go on to get more education.
Did you enjoy school?
When she was younger, she did not. She often tried to get out of going to school. After things started getting better, she loved it. She loved her Queen B status and would go to every school event. She continues to love school.
While growing up, did you have any role models? 
She found most of her role models to be fictional including Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. She often wanted to be just like her, but her thoughts changed as she got older. She also looked up to her grandmother on her mom’s side of the family due to how she created her own path instead of following her family’s wishes for her.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Quinn considers herself to be quite the Daddy’s girl, as he would dote on her and give her anything she wanted. He still does. She has always been at conflict with her mother and sister as they want her to be more like them. She got on with her grandparents, her Grandma Eleanor being her favorite. Now, she gets on great with her cousin of sorts by marriage, Sebastian, and considers him her favorite family member. She wants to get close to her niece and try to show her she doesn’t have to be like most of the women in the Fabray family.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Archaeologist and then a game developer
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
Playing video games, reading, and dancing
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
She wasn’t popular from K-6th grade, but after losing weight and joining the cheerleading team in 7th grade, she became popular and stayed that way the rest of her school years. She didn’t consider anyone her true friend, and didn’t get those until she started at UT.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Kyle Stevens
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
She’s not. She lost her virginity to Kyle when she was 16.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Everything that happened between her 6th and 7th grade years.
Who has had the most influence on you?
Currently, it’s Brittany, Santana, Sebastian, and Finn. Her family also does to a point because she likes to do things that will upset her mother or sister.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Reaching her millions of followers on Twitch and YouTube as a gamer. However, as that’s a secret, she would say being the captain of the squad in high school.
What is your greatest regret?
Not being herself.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Being mean to those not as popular as she was in high school.
When was the time you were the most frightened?
Recently when she had a little meltdown after not being sure what exactly she was doing with her life.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Marley slapping her in front of everyone during karaoke, even though she knows she deserved it.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Hiding her true self but to be popular.
What is your best memory?
Revealing everything to Brittany and having the girl still want to be with her.
What is your worst memory?
Not treating Finn the way he deserved to be treated.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
She’s more of the type to be realistic, even if that means being pessimistic.
What is your greatest fear?
Her father being ashamed of her.
What are your religious views?
What are your political views?
Her family is more Democratic, but she has a more for the best of everyone. 
What are your views on sex?
She’s more opinionated about it when it comes to losing virginity than keep having sex. If you’re happy and completely sure you won’t regret it, go for it.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
She does.
What do you believe makes a successful life?
Being true to yourself and happy with who you are.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
She definitely hides a lot of herself, especially from people she doesn’t trust all the way. With those she does, she tries to be as honest as possible.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Those she considers her closest friends, including Finn, Sebastian, Brittany, and Santana. Her niece she would do this for as well.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
She tries to treat everyone nicely, but bluntly as well. Crossing her, though, would be a bad idea because she is good at tearing down people.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Her closest friends because they are definitely more like her family than her own family.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Her Grandma Eleanor because they are so much alike.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? 
Sebastian, Finn, Brittany, Santana, Rachel, Marley, Sam. She considers Seb, Britt, and Finn her best friends.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? 
She is currently dating Brittany Pierce.
Have you ever been in love?
She was in love when she was with Kyle, but that was more for the popularity and what the relationship brought her. She is realizing she’s in love with Brittany.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? 
She has not, but she does want kids.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Sebastian, Finn, Brittany, and Santana.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? 
Yes. She trusts her best friends.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
She’s sure her family would make a huge deal out of it. She thinks her friends would be the ones to actually miss her.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Frannie because of how hard she tries to be Miss Perfect.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
She’s definitely the type to argue.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Yes she does.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? 
She does.
Do you care what others think of you?
She used to, but not as much anymore.
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
Playing video games, reading, dancing, cheerleading.
What is your most treasured possession?
The bracelet her grandmother gave her.
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What, if anything, do you like to read?
She likes older novels compared to newer ones like Jane Austen and such.
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
Reading, watching movies and TV, going to museums, taking hikes.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? 
She drinks more regularly than not. She does pot from time to time, but that’s rare. She has never smoked cigarettes or done harder drugs.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Depends. She’s usually out having fun with her friends. Sometimes she has relaxing nights in.
What makes you laugh?
Her friends.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
She would either play a game, watch something, or read.
How do you deal with stress?
Plays video games or works out. Also drinking.
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
Both. It depends what it is. She is more for having a plan, but she can be spontaneous.
What are your pet peeves?
Excessive talking or talking loudly, being late, using text language all the time or in real life, being upset for no reason, second hand smoke, being on your phone during conversations.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
She usually wakes up early, eats while having coffee and checking her social media, works out, then does her classes, practice, and spends times with friends. She sleeps in more on weekends or in the summer. She doesn’t mind if it gets interrupted.
What is your greatest strength as a person?
Her charisma.
What is your greatest weakness?
Being unsure about herself.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Hiding who she is.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Good - Organizing, cheerleading, video games.
Bad - Conveying her feelings, drawing, staying calm.
Do you like yourself?
Kind of
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Be the top in what career she goes into.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Graduating from Yale (or what college she attends next), being married, possibly having a kid.
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…)
Come out with who you are. It’s no good keeping your secrets.
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harshmanblr · 4 years
Browse our Drug Rehab & Alcohol Treatment Centers. His House Ministries offering the best treatment in Atlanta, Georgia. 
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Our addiction rehabilitation services can help people struggling with alcohol and drugs addiction.
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Two Friends
Sunday Evening Thoughts
November 17, 2019
                                                  Two Friends
Dear Paul and Rachel,
Those who withhold the kindness of a friend, forsake the fear of the Almighty. Job 6:14 
Those who withhold the kindness of a friend, forsake the fear of the Almighty? Job 6:14
(Note: Because ancient Hebrew has neither punctuation nor diacritical marks, some scholars ask whether Job 6:14 is a statement or a question.)
I have two friends who are very sick, dying: One imaginary, and one real. My imaginary friend is President Jimmy Carter, who went into the hospital again this week for brain hemorrhaging, a by-product from his brain cancer. Jimmy is my imaginary friend because I have never met him, though I stubbornly had the chance in college and blew it. Damn Tolkien, for writing such a good book in The Hobbit that I could not put it down to walk next door and meet the ex-governor of Georgia who was running for president. One college roommate chatted with him for over 20 minutes.
Jimmy Carter, hands down, is my favorite president. Every year I appreciate him more and more. Carter has, more than any other political figure in the world, tried to reasonably solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with a balanced and nuanced view to the history and reality of world events, including the Holocaust. He is a man of great Christian faith, but appreciates good academic scholarship of the Bible. He is bold in his political decisions, and though I often disagree with him, I feel he thinks his way for the Common Good, and not for his own political or economic interest. Jimmy Carter, now 95-years-old, is my friend… at least in my imagination. 
My other friend is real, but I will give him the imaginary name, Sean. Sean has Lymphoma JFK-LBJ-TMZ-90210, or some such name. I am not trying to be flippant, but does the specific type really matter? Sean is undergoing both chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Sean tells me he has very few white blood cells, so as part of the immunotherapy, they give him drugs to make white cells which prevents resistance to colds, flu, and other everyday common diseases. Nevertheless because he has few white blood cells, the drugs to create new white cells are compacted into a narrow bone density that has shrunk because it has not had any white cells for a long time. He describes the feeling after chemo-immunotherapy treatment as “imagine your bones in a steel vise, and someone is cranking the vise against your bones as hard as they can.” 
Like Jimmy, Sean is a good man, though 30 years younger. Like Jimmy, Sean has great Christian faith. But I sense that for the first time in 65 years, he is questioning, “Why?” And I am glad he is questioning. After all, if he was not questioning “why” to a possible life-ending disease, then he would have no faith. Make sense?
I read the Book of Job again this week, coincidentally, before I heard about Jimmy or talked to Sean. Job is a tricky book to read. Job is also the favorite book of Alf J. Mapp, the most famous historian on Thomas Jefferson before Clay Jenkinson of The Thomas Jefferson Hour came on PBS. Alf went to the same school as T.J., William & Mary, though graduated from the W & M Extension, now Old Dominion University. I know this was Alf’s favorite book because he told Mom and I once when we had dinner with him… but I digress. 
Job is tricky to read because it must be read totally metaphorically, and with a great deal of poetic license. I mean who wants a God that gambles (yes, gambles!) with your life and allows you to have such hardship, who causes disease to run rampant throughout your body, who causes you to lose all your possessions, and who causes the death of all of your children, because of a bet between the he (the Lord) and Satan (Job 1). That’s pretty cruel!  
Job also describes the Gospel of Prosperity found in many Evangelical Churches today (though to be fair the Catholic Church functionally subscribes to it also, as another friend wants to get married in her local Catholic Church but must cough-up almost $1,000 to rent her Church.) Job’s friends argue with Job that he lost everything because he has sinned, otherwise it would not happen. Personally, I find all of Job’s friends arguments interesting but obviously unsatisfying, but I find Job’s and the Lord’s arguments equally unsatisfying. And therein lies my problem: If all of the arguments are unsatisfying, then perhaps nothing matters. Nihilism at it’s best! 
But I find nihilism lacking too, it lacks hope — in anything. 
Perhaps Jimmy and Sean have the right answer, a great deal of faith, and always questioning, “Why?”
Have a good day…
P.S. One of my favorite movies is the Coen Brothers’ A Serious Man, which many people think is the story of Job. This scene pretty much summarizes the movie… enjoy!
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the-record-columns · 5 years
Oct. 23, 2019: Columns
Ava Dowell — ‘My Journey’
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Record Publisher
Ava Dowell is truly in inspiration just to be around.
She speaks from the heart, a thankful and faithful heart, of her life with cancer. She has become a nationwide advocate for Breast Cancer Research and help for dealing with cancer and its survivors--which she proudly numbers at nearly four million women. 
A Wilkes native, Dowell has spent much of her life in Seattle, and her tireless advocacy and work on breast cancer awareness is celebrated during "Ava Dowell Day" there.
She is referred to by many as the Wilkes Face of Breast Cancer. This past Saturday she sponsored a Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon at the Wilkes County Public Library in North Wilkesboro.  Among the various handouts was a copy of what she refers to as "My Journey," It follows below.
My Journey
During my annual mammogram in April 2011, the image did not detect a tumor that was in my right breast.  (As I have learned later, this was due to the density within the breast.)  However, three months later while showering, I noticed this lump-like knot grossly protruding from my right breast.  I was in total shock!  It had been lying dormant and unnoticed.
I contacted my primary doctor immediately, and she ordered a MRI and biopsy.  I was diagnosed with TRIPLE NEGATIVE BREAST CANCER, a very serious Breast Cancer diagnosis.  My awesome medical team recommended that I seek a second medical opinion.  The Seattle Cancer Alliance Center confirmed the original diagnosis. My next step was to meet with the oncology surgeon.  I knew that I needed support to help me navigate this important meeting.  I asked my girlfriend of 30 years to attend the meeting with me.  Also, the Director of the Breast Cancer Survivor Group (Angel Care), who is also a breast cancer survivor, was able to attend as well.
  As you would imagine, the whole situation was overwhelming.  All of us listened carefully and took many notes.  After many long exasperated hours of prayer, discussions, etc., I opted for bilateral mastectomies; followed by eight aggressive cycles of chemotherapy.  The chemo drugs felt like a human mass of fungus flowing though my body.
  Through it all, I knew that I would not let breast cancer, and the negative effects of chemotherapy treatment defeat me!  I was going to FIGHT this Cancer!  My medical team had explained to me about the daunting pros and cons of Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  I didn't allow my medical team, including my primary care doctor of 29 years, influence my thinking.  I was going to succeed.
  The diagnosis of CANCER has made me look at my life and how I want to live it.  I believe I have a God given purpose to be a change agent for spreading breast cancer awareness.  I am now an advocate for breast cancer research and educating women on the importance of early detection.
  I am committed to attending breast cancer symposiums and conferences to further my education.  My mission is to be a voice to women who need the moral support to fight this terrible disease.
  It doesn't matter what type of Breast Cancer or the Stage of your diagnosis.  The bottom line is making sure you get the best treatment possible, and that means EARLY DETECTION!!!!!  Please join me...not only get your examination, also talk to family, friends, etc., to ensure they do the same.
  Support one another with God in your heart.  Together we can find a CURE.
  Many blessings to you all.
   Ava Dowell
  “Attention Please: Halloween Has Been Cancelled”
Record Reporter
The words in the headline of this column is exactly what some children across the nation are hearing from their school system administrations.
The reasoning is that Halloween is not an inclusive enough holiday.
Chicago school district said, “As part of our school and district-wide commitment to equity, we are focused on building community and creating inclusive, welcoming environments for all. While we recognize that Halloween is a fun tradition for many, it is not a holiday that is celebrated by everyone for various reasons and we want to honor that. We are also aware of the range of inequities that are embedded in Halloween celebrations that take place as part of the school day and the unintended negative impact that it can have on students, families, and staff. As a result, we support our schools that are moving away from Halloween celebrations that include costumes and similar traditions.”
The scary part? It’s not just in Illinois. This has been taking hold with Iowa, Connecticut, and New Jersey on the list, some cancelling parades, zombie walks, and even trick or treating citing safety issues.  Other states, including Delaware, Alabama, Missouri, California, Virginia, New York and Georgia, have strict rules for trick or treating.
Halloween has been celebrated in this country since the late 1600’s and evolved across the years from America’s melting pot of immigrant cultures. So, it’s under attack why, exactly? Avoiding hurt feelings? Slacking on the part of Educations system?  Nah, just follow the money and the people behind it…
Corporations continue to rack up. Halloween comes in second only to Christmas in spending, with an average $2.5 billion a year and gaining, and continues on the upward slant of becoming people’s favorite (guilt-free) holiday.  And why wouldn’t it be?  It’s the one day a year you can be anything you want, differences don’t matter, and everyone gets a treat regardless.
Halloween is firmly planted in our society; it’s as American as pumpkin pie for goodness sake. But that’s not what many in the Church want to hear.  In 2017, a poll showed that 87 percent of believers feel that Christians should not celebrate Halloween, while 13 percent believe it’s okay. I mean it’s got to encompass at least four of the seven sins, right? Some may consider that percentage low, but I can tell you first hand that many in this county refuse to be a part of our annual Halloween Parade, (even though it’s a fundraiser for a non-profit that benefits kids in this county) citing religious beliefs.  
My childhood religion was part of the 87 percent to the extreme. Growing up in what I fondly refer to as “the cult” we were not allowed to celebrate any holiday. During class birthday, Valentines Day, and St. Patrick’s Day parties, class field trips to see the symphony perform a Christmas show at the Walker Center, even making Mothers’ Day cards, we had to go sit in the library and do school work. Attending the school’s “fall festival” was walking a tight line, because many of the staff dressed up in costume and handed out candy. Even then, I would never consider it fair to cancel a holiday just because of us three kids who didn’t celebrate.
Here in Wilkes, I know of children who’s only Halloween celebration they will get is in the class, because families can’t afford costumes, or gas to take the kids out.  And what’s next, telling an entire class of elementary students that they can’t color handouts of Hanukah or Kwanza candles, and Yule logs because they are “not a holiday that is celebrated by everyone for various reasons?”  
Since North Carolina is not on this list yet, may I ask a small favor? Don’t be a Halloween Nazi.
If a kid comes to your door, festival or trunk-or-treat, and you judge them to be “too old for this” just give them the candy anyway. At least they aren’t in a gang, vandalizing, or doing drugs. They say it takes a village, so I admonish you to keep “building community and creating inclusive, welcoming environments for all” in your Halloween festivities, not the lack thereof.  
No Peace or Prosperity for the average "Palestinian"
The Palestinian leadership is basically divided into two entities.  One is Hamas, an internationally designated terrorist organization, which governs Gaza, and the other is the PA/PLO.  The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is the national representative of the Palestinian people. It runs the Palestinian National Authority (PA), the semi-autonomous government tasked with managing the Palestinian territories (until it makes a deal with Israel). Fatah, the secular nationalist political party that’s dominated Palestinian politics for decades, controls the PLO and PA.  In practice, the PLO runs the government in the West Bank but not in Gaza, which is governed by Hamas. It also conducts peace talks on behalf of the Palestinians, but its authority to implement those deals has, in the past, been hampered by poor relations with Hamas.
Hamas, which won the last Palestinian election and controls the Gaza Strip, rejected the recent “Peace and Prosperity Plan” being discussed since Hamas is guided by the Islamic principle of “Jihad” – holy war against the non-believers – and openly rejects Israel’s very right to exist. Any plan that does not wipe Israel off the face of the globe is, was, and always will be, unacceptable.  For them to accept any plan that changes the status quo, the PA/PLO would have to give up their eternal narrative of victim-hood and accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state with defensible borders.  Somehow the woes of twenty-five years of failed leadership for the Palestinian people are all blamed on Israel. It's time for the world to encourage a new path for those calling themselves Palestinians.  If the Palestinian people truly want a better life, it’s time they end their perpetual discourse which defines them as constantly facing adversity and suffering loss and blaming it all on Israel.  It's time for the Palestinians to move forward toward a future defined by dignity, integrity, honesty and a heartfelt desire for peace and cooperative existence. Their biggest enemy is not Israel nor the United States.  The biggest enemy of the Palestinian people is the evil dwelling within their own hearts, minds, culture and ideology.  For decades they have blamed the Israeli “occupation” for everything deemed wrong in their lives thus absolving themselves of any responsibility. Until the Palestinians change their mindset and embrace values conducive to nurturing an atmosphere of peace, they will never move an inch toward gaining a better and brighter future – with or without an independent state.
So, why has the Palestinian leadership rejected the Peace and Prosperity Plan?  To begin with, the plan demands accountability.  The reforms which the Peace and Prosperity Plan suggested to the Palestinian legal, educational, and health systems reflected deep-seated and wholly justifiable criticism of the failed, biased, and ineffectual systems of the PA/PLO, which has abused billions of dollars of donor aid. But the primary obstacle came when the US authors of the plan dared to state that the financial resources raised would not be given directly to the PA/PLO but rather would be “administered by a multilateral development bank” that would ensure its efficient and effective allocation so that “all the Palestinians – not just the wealthy and connected – share in the benefits of peace.” This is the real reason for the PA/PLO rejection of the plan. It's no secret that for years the Palestinian leaders have fed their own bank accounts with millions of dollars of donor aid. This is how the late Yasser Arafat, president of the PA, was able to maintain a residence in Paris on the Champs Elysees in which his wife resided most of the time.  The current president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a Abu Mazen, has an estimated net worth of well over $100 million much of which is believed to have come from embezzlement. 
In order to maintain wealth, power and authority, it’s advantageous to keep the masses poor, downtrodden and agitated.  This, in a nutshell, is why the leaders of the Palestinian people have rejected a plan that would have given the average Palestinian a shot at a life of peace and modest prosperity.
The Cake Went Upside Down
Life in the Carolinas
It was a busy weekend for on location productions. It all started early Saturday at the Taylorsville Apple Festival as we continued our search for some of the tastiest apple pies in the Carolinas. Cameras were on location early enough to see the morning come alive.  
We were aware of the reputation of two fried apple pie makers and were in time to witness the line of people waiting for the pies before the festival officially opened. It was a great visit with the pie makers and those who were in line for not just one pie, but 10 to 20 pies.
The fresh hot apple cider was also a big treat. We watched as the apples we put in a grinder and then into a crusher to make pure juice. It was heated and then served; No need to add sugar, Mother Nature added the perfect amount.
It was then time to join camera crew members already in Hudson, NC. This was the beginning of our two-day coverage and stage production around Jan Karon Days. Jan was born in the Dula Hospital in Lenoir and then lived with her grandparents in Hudson as a child.  
Jan Karon is best known and admired for her New York Times bestselling Mitford novels. Her accomplishments are significant and that’s why the first celebration of Jan Karon Days was so special.  
Our involvement started a few months prior with call from Hudson resident and Commissioner Ann Smith. It was during that conversation that I became more than a little intrigued with idea of doing a segment around Hudson and Jan Karon.
Little did I know from that call the story would turn into far more than a short segment. As our research developed, I filled my Audible book listening line up with Mitford books.    
As many of you know, I spend a great deal of time traveling the Carolinas for story research, development or on location production. All that translates to a lot of time for me to think and listen.
Father Tim and many of the Mitford residents became my traveling companions. There were many moments of laughter, reflection and consideration. While I enjoy reading, I love hearing a story come to life with the spoken word.
After many visits and calls with the dynamic trio of Ann, Cathy and Janice at the HUB Center in Hudson, we were ready for our action-packed weekend.
Everyone was in place for the 11:30 a.m., Jan Parade which featured a blending of local dignitaries and Mitford personalities. Jan rode in a red convertible driven by Father Tim and her car would slow and stop as fans approached.
The parade was delightfully charming with seemingly endless smiles.
And then it was time for a special lunch gathering. The lunch was preset and consisted of very healthy portions of a tasty chicken salad, pasta salad, assorted cheeses and grapes. The center piece of each table was a beautiful Orange Marmalade Cake.
All was going well. I shared a table with our crew and Hudson leaders. We were all enjoying our chicken salad but there was much talk about the cake. I decided that I would cut the cake. Some wanted smaller pieces, and some wanted larger pieces.  Regardless of the size, we all loved the cake and with almost half remaining, it was time for a few smaller second pieces. So…I went in to do my work once again. The thing that I did not consider was the fact that I had already cut half the cake and the weight of the remaining cake was mostly on one side. As I went in for the second round, I touched the side of the cake stand. I’m not sure how, but it was as if time slowed as we all watched the remaining cake turn completely upside down.  
Amazement and laughter ensued; everyone looked our way and the chef arrived with an offer to bring a new cake.
The rest of the day went well and ended with a dinner theater experience.
But one thing is for sure, the Upside-Down Orange Marmalade Cake is best enjoyed with friends and laughter.
Thanks for the memoires Jan.
I’ll tell you about Sunday next week. It was a grand day indeed.
Carl White is the Executive Producer and Host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In The Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its 11th year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday’s at noon and My 12. The show also streams on Amazon Prime. For more information visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com. You can email Carl at [email protected]
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
But she soon lost support within swaths of the scientific and medical community for seeming to minimize the virus and to enable Trump’s overly rosy view of the pandemic. This past weekend, Birx lost the backing of the nation’s top Democrat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), who privately called Birx “the worst” and publicly said she had no confidence in her. And finally on Monday morning, Birx appeared to lose ground with perhaps her most important constituency, Trump himself, who dismissed her as “pathetic.” “So Crazy Nancy Pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx, going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combatting the China Virus, including Vaccines & Therapeutics,” Trump wrote in a tweet. “In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!” Trump was referring to Birx’s grim assessment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” in which she described the coronavirus as “extraordinarily widespread” across the nation and warned that the deadly contagion has infiltrated “both rural and urban” areas. In the interview, she also did not rule out the possibility that the nation’s coronavirus death toll could double by the end of the year to 300,000 and seemed to suggest that, contrary to the president’s stated desires, some schools should offer only distance learning this fall. Trump was especially incensed that she did not strike a more optimistic tone about states that are doing well and by her praise for Pelosi, an ardent Trump critic, said one senior administration official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details of private discussions. When asked about Pelosi’s lack of confidence in the handling of the pandemic, Birx replied, “I have tremendous respect for the speaker. And I have tremendous respect for her long dedication to the American people.” In a news conference Monday, Fauci defended Birx’s statements about the pandemic, pointing to “insidious” community spread. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took to Twitter in response to Trump’s tweet attacking Birx: “It’s hard to believe this has to be said, but if I’m elected president, I’ll spend my Monday mornings working with our nation’s top experts to control this virus — not insulting them on Twitter.” Trump’s criticism of Birx was another reminder that, while he demands absolute loyalty, he rarely repays it in kind. With more than 4.6 million Americans infected, more than 150,000 dead and the economy in shambles, Birx finds herself isolated with increasingly few allies even as she remains responsible for overseeing the nation’s response to a cataclysmic crisis. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, said that as a scientist, Birx has most damaged her credibility by seeming to dismiss some of the publicly available evidence. “She’s ignored the evidence and gone in the media and said things that are not based in evidence at all and even the most generous understanding of what she’s said can’t be justified by the data we have,” Rasmussen said. “When you do something like that, you’re not doing your job competently and it’s really difficult to gain the respect of your colleagues when you’re all scientists and you’ve shown such willful disregard for the science.” Birx first emerged as a household name in the early days of the pandemic, appearing at coronavirus news briefings alongside Fauci, an infectious-diseases expert. The duo formed a reassuring team of medical elders — Birx sometimes talked about her children and young granddaughter — who sought to assuage public fears while also offering public health expertise in an administration frequently dismissive of science. Her elegant and colorful scarves prompted their own social media accounts and, more recently, praise from the president. Unlike Fauci, who raised Trump’s ire with frequent contradictions and by eclipsing him in public opinion polls — her relationship with the president was easy and warm. Two former administration officials who watched the two of them interact said she managed the president well, briefing him in terms he understood and often holding his interest longer than other aides. But more than five months into the pandemic, Trump has grown exhausted by the dismal coronavirus news and just wants the issue to be behind him, the two former officials said, adding he now associates Birx with the failures. Administration officials said Birx has privately argued against Trump’s push for the reopening of all schools, citing studies that show there could be outbreaks and problems. In recent weeks, her time in the Oval Office has dropped, officials said, and she is not always part of decision-making meetings led by Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. The White House declined to make Birx available for an interview Monday. White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement that Birx’s “incredible leadership in the HIV/AIDS field and her honest, thoughtful approach as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator have helped to save millions of lives.” In a news conference Monday evening, Trump said he has “a lot of respect” for Birx and that he thinks Pelosi has treated her “very, very badly.” A senior Trump aide said Trump had a “positive” meeting with Birx later Monday afternoon. Birx’s reputation has been harmed, however, in the public health community where she has spent much of her life. The turning point, several experts said, was when she began effusively praising Trump in interviews. “He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data,” Birx said in a Christian Broadcasting Network interview in late March, praising Trump’s “ability to analyze and integrate data.” At the time, Trump was pushing the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, an unproven medical treatment for the coronavirus, and was arguing in favor of reopening the country by Easter despite surging cases across the country. Another controversial moment came when Birx defended Georgia’s reopening in April, which included tattoo parlors and hair salons, where people cannot be socially distant from each other. Public health officials were also dismayed at reports that Birx was questioning the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s official coronavirus death count as too high, when nearly all experts believe it is probably too low. Birx had engendered respect from the public health and scientific community for her decades of work on HIV/AIDS, and her time overseeing the President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), created by George W. Bush, was widely praised. She was also beloved by many in the AIDS activist community, which includes researchers and has considerable influence. Birx has served across multiple administrations and holds the title of global AIDS ambassador, in addition to her coronavirus role. But many AIDS activists have decided they will work to end her career in government if Biden defeats Trump in November, several activists said. “What kind of nefarious spirit possessed the Debbie Birx that AIDS activists have loved and adored for years?” asked Peter Staley, a longtime HIV/AIDS activist. “Where did she go? We no longer recognize her, and it’s too late for an exorcism.” Within the administration, several current and former senior officials described Birx as a politically shrewd power player who keeps close tabs on developments in the president’s orbit. Her name was at one point floated for secretary of the Health and Human Services Department. But some of these same officials also noted that Birx has made enemies within the White House, in part because a growing number of aides believe she takes different positions with different people and because of sharp attacks on some colleagues. Her allies, meanwhile, argue that Birx — who served as a physician in the Army — respects the chain of command and is more of a team player than Fauci. They say Trump has generally favored her over others, praising her television appearances and charts. One White House official argued that Birx is in a difficult situation generally, and also probably the recipient of sexism; this person noted that Birx — who sends around a morning email complete with slides outlining her latest models — provides much of the data upon which the rest of the largely male team relies. Some experts also praised Birx’s use of data to explain the state of the outbreak at various points and acknowledged she has a difficult job balancing the demands of political leaders with public health considerations. “It’s not an easy job to be sharing a podium with political leaders who may say something you don’t agree with,” said Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “You have to make a choice — do you choose to correct what you just heard, choose a different moment to correct it in a different way? You can see the challenge that she and Dr. Fauci have with trying to clarify things that are said that they don’t agree with.” Birx was at a vacation house in Delaware this weekend when White House officials specifically asked her to appear on the Sunday shows. She expected to face difficult questions but was stung by Trump’s scathing tweet, in part because it could limit her ability to do her job, according to one person familiar with her reaction. “If she doesn’t have the president’s support,” said one ally, speaking on the condition of anonymity to share a candid assessment, “where does her power come from?” Felicia Sonmez contributed to this report. The post After months of favor, Birx raises Trump’s ire with grim coronavirus assessment appeared first on Shri Times News.
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