bibilium · 3 years
How Great Thou Art written by Carl Boberg describes God's wondrous work of creation and declares His infinite love and greatness. Know the unknown story behind the hymn.
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dudeinthestacks · 7 years
I’ve been tagged!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs. A—Age: 27 B—Birthplace: New Orleans, LA C—Current Time: 10:52 PM D—Drink You Last Had: Room temperature alkaline water (I’m fancy) E—Easiest Person To Talk To: My friend Jayme F—Favourite Song: Right Now? “Do You Know the Way to San Jose” (Dionne Warwick) and “Slippery” by Migos [das range] G—Grossest Memory: Kid falling asleep during a test and waking up with a nosebleed. H—Horror Yes or Horror No: Not a fan of gore  I—In Love: With Nachos!  J—Jealous of People: Only when I start comparing myself to them L—Love at First Sight or Should I Walk By Again: Second Sight.  M—Middle Name: My college friends say it’s Elvis.  N—Number of Siblings: 1 Sister  O—One Wish: Just the Megamillions numbers or the Powerball. I’m not picky. P—Person You Called Last: Mentor/Friend from college  Q—Question You Are Always Asked: “Can I go to the bathroom?” R—Reason to Smile: New opportunities S—Song You Sang Last: “Do You know the way to San Jose”  T—Time You Woke Up: 9:00 AM  U—Underwear Colour: Teal V—Vacation Destination: Bahamas (or anywhere all-incisive and tropical) W—Worst Habit: Overthinking things X—X-Rays: Lungs and Appendix Y—Your Favourite Food: Nachos Z—Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
@wordless-stanza @mdmshakespeare @elviajedelaesperanza @hithertokt @justteach @lugofrombananacountry @notinthelessonplan @ahshmeeeee-in-neverland @academicchris @nathansfishbowl @windycityteacher @windycitylibrarian @christinamused @allysowned
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windycitylibrarian · 9 years
11 Questions
(I never get tagged in these things anymore, so this is very exciting!)
Rule #1: Always post the rules. 
Rule #2: Answer the 11 questions the person who tagged you wrote, then write 11 new ones. 
Rule #3: Tag 11 new people.
Tagged by lovelikesummer.
1. What’s your favorite cheesy joke?
Unfortunately, I must admit that my fatal flaw is a good pun, but the first joke that came to mind is: “A man walked into a bar. The second man ducked.”
2. What’s one favorite memory?
My dad owns a small business and he’s there about 12 hours a day. My mom is the one who stayed at home with us. However, when my siblings and I were younger, probably late elementary/early middle school, my mom would go in while he would come home and take us out to watch a movie or go bowling. I really love these times because culturally (my culture), dads aren’t really expected to be affectionate with their kids so him spending time with us really mattered to me. He is also the type of person who shows love by spending time with people, which is why he absolutely loved taking family road trips.
3. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to/about you?
I don’t know if I’m just that insecure or self-effacing, but I feel like I don’t make enough of an impression for people to sincerely say nice things about me. : | 
Or, maybe I don’t remember them because I don’t expect them.
Sorry, this is a bit of a downer.
4. Tell me about an achievement you’re proud of.
I’m an introvert and was pretty sheltered as a kid, so I wasn’t really socialized as a kid. Even now, I’m pretty socially awkward so any time I meet with new people without a buffer of old friends, I consider that an achievement.
5. Why did you join Tumblr?
I was taking a class during grad school that was discussing social media and I heard of Tumblr. I joined to see what the hubbub was and decided to stick around.
6. How did you meet your best friend?
I was visiting another friend in college (ironically, we drifted apart and are no longer speaking to each other) and my BFF stopped by to say, hi, to the person I was visiting. A couple of years later, we were roommates and 10+ years later, I periodically go to NYC to visit her.
7. What would be your dream job (money and current limitations aside, like it could be a totally made up job like professional napper)?
Broadway singer
8. What’s one talent you wish you had?
The ability to sing and perform, hence why I am not a Broadway singer.
9. Which season fits your personality and why?
Though I love fall, I think winter best suits my personality, especially winter in Chicago. At first glance, it seems very cold and maybe a little intimidating, but once you get to know it, it’s actually quite beautiful (not that I’m a beauty, I’m not) and pretty fun.
10. What’s the best thing to do with $1?
Save it until you get enough to buy a book.
11. If you had to be a piece of furniture a la Beauty & the Beast, what would you be and why?
A super comfortable sofa in the library that makes it difficult for you to want to stop reading.
11 new questions!
1. Do you enjoy going out or do you prefer to stay in on the weekend?
2. Can you make it through a Pixar movie without crying?
3. What was the first concert you remember going to?
4. What is your favorite mode of reading-physical books or e-books?
5. What is your ideal vacation?
6. If, after death, you were asked to choose one memory to live in, what would you pick (this question is inspired by the film, After Life)?
7. Would you rather go to the beach or the pool?
8. What were you like as a student?
9. Are you having a good summer break?
10. What are you most looking forward to for the next year?
11. What physical/emotional/character attribute of yourself do you love the most?
I don’t know who already got tagged, so if you’ve already done one, feel free to ignore.
christinamused, mollyrockstar, seekelslearn, ladyhistory, ohsnix, sslibrarianship, librarianpirate, loudestlibrarian, chibrarian, bizzyinindy, wildlywandering
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Tagged by chopper-two-hopper
Rule one: Always post the rules
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
Rule three: Tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule four: Actually tell them you tagged them
1. What’s your go-to when you have to bring something to someone’s house? I don't have a go-to.  I LOVE to cook, am constantly reading recipes, rarely following them, but always getting new ideas and inspirations that I want to try out.  Needing to bring something to someone's house is the perfect opportunity to try out a new recipe.  This weekend, I made chocolate dipped coconut macaroons for the first time and brought them to dinner at a friend's house.  I also made broccoli and white bean soup that I'll eat for lunch this week.  It was loosely based on this recipe. 
2. Out of all the schools you’ve attended, what has been your favorite mascot? My high school mascot- the owl
3. Which author do you most look forward to having new books come out? This is such a tough question...professionally Leah Mermelstein's work has changed my teaching.  If you are an early elementary teacher, you should definitely check her work out.  My instruction in Writer's Workshop has improved tremendously.  Kids books- We're really enjoying the Who Would Win series in my class this year.  It's written by Jerry Pallotta and Rob Bolster. As for books for pleasure, I'm not sure I have one author that I look forward to reading new books.  It used to be Jodi Piccoult and I still enjoy her books, but after reading so many they seem a bit formulaic.  I also  loved Wild by Cheryl Strayed.  I've downloaded her other book, but have yet to crack it open.
4. Favorite Broadway musical? Annie
5. Best thing to snack on when you get hungry? Almonds or a Honeycrisp apple
6. A hot-button issue that came up recently that I didn’t know could be a hot-button issue: Do you put magnets on your fridge? Yes
7. Least fun adult responsibility that makes you wish you were a child again? Paying bills
8. Someone who always makes you laugh (doesn’t have to be famous)? Melissa McCarthy
9. What is something outside the regular items you always bring with you when you travel? Well something I always forget to bring is a toothbrush,  I've forgotten it so many times, that I just keep toothbrushes at places I regularly visit. 
10. What is something in your house/apartment that makes you happy when you look at it? Pictures of my niece and nephew
11. And finally since I have a lot of it at my disposal, what are the good qualities of snow? SKIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about winter?
2. Did you make a New Year's Resolution?  If so, and you feel comfortable sharing it, what is it?
3. On average, how many hours do you sleep a night and is it enough for you?
4. What is your favorite place that you've traveled to?
5. What makes you proud to be you?
6. If funding and time off from work and/or school were not a consideration, where would be the first place you'd plan a trip to?
7. 3 songs from your current exercise playlist?
8. What's one brave thing you did in 2013?
9. Favorite on the go breakfast?
10. What's been your favorite year of your life so far?
11. Peanut butter: crunchy or smooth?
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perpetuavix · 11 years
christinamused said:Ooh, whatcha gonna make with the York peppermint patties?
I'm using them in this recipe: http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2012/09/23/york-peppermint-patty-fudge-cookies/
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windycitylibrarian · 11 years
christinamused replied to your post: Why do you think time seems to go by so quickly...
My standard explanation is that a period of time is a much smaller percentage of our time spent on earth as we get older. To a 5 year old, a year is 20% of her life. To me, it’s just over 2%. That’s why. Grin.
Ha. Seems legit.
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hithertokt · 11 years
christinamused replied to your photoset: Cashew, tofu, and broccoli stir fry. Not too...
Don’t mind me. I’m the weirdo who just loves seeing what dinnerware people have and use. So pretty!
My mom passed along the majority of her rather eclectic set of dishware (including these bowls) to me when she moved in with her now-husband. Nothing matches except by nature of uniqueness. I enjoy adding to it!
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nerdyprofessor · 12 years
christinamused said: What does your 10K program look like? I’m still debating whether I like mine or not. Do you have a 10K scheduled? Currently, I'm using a free program on my iPhone. It takes you the whole way from couch to 10k in 14 weeks. It's called 10k for Pink by Zen Labs. As for planning on a 10k, I haven't found one yet. I need it to keep on track but I want to RUN the whole thing, not walk/run. :)
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