stefandmo · 10 years
corporategirl said: I think you need a coffee mug with this on it :)
Seriously... Good thing nerdyjess makes mugs! I think I need to commission a “No Mismo! MASSimo! MASSimo! " one.
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Tagged by chopper-two-hopper
Rule one: Always post the rules
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
Rule three: Tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule four: Actually tell them you tagged them
1. What’s your go-to when you have to bring something to someone’s house? I don't have a go-to.  I LOVE to cook, am constantly reading recipes, rarely following them, but always getting new ideas and inspirations that I want to try out.  Needing to bring something to someone's house is the perfect opportunity to try out a new recipe.  This weekend, I made chocolate dipped coconut macaroons for the first time and brought them to dinner at a friend's house.  I also made broccoli and white bean soup that I'll eat for lunch this week.  It was loosely based on this recipe. 
2. Out of all the schools you’ve attended, what has been your favorite mascot? My high school mascot- the owl
3. Which author do you most look forward to having new books come out? This is such a tough question...professionally Leah Mermelstein's work has changed my teaching.  If you are an early elementary teacher, you should definitely check her work out.  My instruction in Writer's Workshop has improved tremendously.  Kids books- We're really enjoying the Who Would Win series in my class this year.  It's written by Jerry Pallotta and Rob Bolster. As for books for pleasure, I'm not sure I have one author that I look forward to reading new books.  It used to be Jodi Piccoult and I still enjoy her books, but after reading so many they seem a bit formulaic.  I also  loved Wild by Cheryl Strayed.  I've downloaded her other book, but have yet to crack it open.
4. Favorite Broadway musical? Annie
5. Best thing to snack on when you get hungry? Almonds or a Honeycrisp apple
6. A hot-button issue that came up recently that I didn’t know could be a hot-button issue: Do you put magnets on your fridge? Yes
7. Least fun adult responsibility that makes you wish you were a child again? Paying bills
8. Someone who always makes you laugh (doesn’t have to be famous)? Melissa McCarthy
9. What is something outside the regular items you always bring with you when you travel? Well something I always forget to bring is a toothbrush,  I've forgotten it so many times, that I just keep toothbrushes at places I regularly visit. 
10. What is something in your house/apartment that makes you happy when you look at it? Pictures of my niece and nephew
11. And finally since I have a lot of it at my disposal, what are the good qualities of snow? SKIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about winter?
2. Did you make a New Year's Resolution?  If so, and you feel comfortable sharing it, what is it?
3. On average, how many hours do you sleep a night and is it enough for you?
4. What is your favorite place that you've traveled to?
5. What makes you proud to be you?
6. If funding and time off from work and/or school were not a consideration, where would be the first place you'd plan a trip to?
7. 3 songs from your current exercise playlist?
8. What's one brave thing you did in 2013?
9. Favorite on the go breakfast?
10. What's been your favorite year of your life so far?
11. Peanut butter: crunchy or smooth?
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setfiretothepoppies · 11 years
nerdyjess replied to your post: life bloggin
I bet she had to look up that pronunciation.
Girl, I took English grammar right alongside this bitch. I know how to pronounce words. haha!
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