#christmas miracle in july
asmorule34 · 1 year
wtf he no longer has blue hair and pronouns 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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redo-rewind-if · 2 months
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You'd really think MC would be used to all the weird shit going on in their life by now but I guess not. Rip to them I guess. 🤷‍♀️
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typhoonvash · 1 year
// i got hit by the eepies, i'll do my asks in the morning oTL
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patwrites · 3 months
This is really lovely!!
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legacygirlingreen · 9 months
That time of year again… // Sebastian Sallow x Reader/MC (NSFW)
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Hi friends! I have been battling the flu for a week now so there’s a delay on strumming hearts pt 2 but I managed to scrap this together for those who celebrate Christmas! Also hella unedited so RIP.. anyways, Hope your day has been fantastic!
Screenshots in art by: @sinty2ek - seriously check out their page, it’s great if you aren’t already following 💚
Warning: smut (duh), Sebastian gets dom for a moment but overall is worried about her, loss of virginity, consent is hot, size difference, etc
Word count: 7,700
All characters are aged up and MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
The first December after the events in Feldcroft, he had come down with a bout of dragon pox that landed him in the hospital wing for weeks. The second his finals had come to an end he wound up in a bed, with nurse Blainey rushing around him, and he didn’t realize what exactly was happening until the first of the year when he was released. In a way, he’d been thankful, that not really being conscious or alert through the worst part of the year.
That vile illness saved him from going to an empty home with too many bad memories to sulk and more than likely drink his uncle's firewhiskey. He had “come too” so to speak the morning of his birthday - New Year’s Eve or Hogmanay for the Scots - but in his house it had always been about celebrating himself and Anne. Knowing he’d be unable to grieve the loss of his sister from his life with nurse Blainey in the room he laid in the hospital bed trying by any means to distract himself.
She had come around several times seeing he was much better but still not quite healthy to be released. As his energy grew so had his restlessness. He was so grateful when his friend, the only one he had anymore, had so sweetly continued to try and attempt to see him. He had heard snippets throughout his stay from the nurse about how the girl had frequently attempted to come see him, and she’d caught the girl trying to sneak in a few times, firmly reassuring the hero of Hogwarts that dragon pox was no laughing matter.
It warmed his heart when he was finally awake at how the pile of books slowly started to accumulate, giving him a much needed distraction. She even slipped in a title to the stack he knew she must’ve stolen from the restricted section, and the thought of her puttering around amongst the ghost to get him comfort while sick, made him smile.
And on his birthday in the morning when he awoke he saw a small slice of cake alongside a neatly wrapped gift and a small note containing his name. Blainey had informed him how desperately the girl had begged to stay on the far side of the hospital just to see him and how upset she’d been handing off the gift and pastry before sulking back downstairs.
As sweet as it all was, he was somewhat grateful to the nurse for keeping the girl away. Not only would he never be able to live with himself should he be the reason she contracted the often fatal illness, but he honestly didn’t want to be seen like that.
He’d been quite honest with himself over that first summer holiday on his feelings for the girl. He had come to terms with the awful ways in which he’d treated her and decided her miracle of not turning him in and standing by him should never go wasted. In those hot months in feldcroft he decided that he’d never hurt her again. And perhaps one day he’d tell her how he felt.
Because as the first July without Anne and Solomon raged on as he tended the garden, all he continued to think of was her shimmering eyes dreamily staring up at his own in amazement as he showed her the undercroft. Or how silky her hair had shown in the moonlight that night they raided the goblin mine. How small she felt pressed against him when he’d pulled her to safety from that spider. How brilliant her smile was when they discovered the first of Isadora’s memories. Or how she held him so tightly the night before they left hogwarts in May when she’d found him crying in the undercroft…
But that former Yule where he laid in a hospital bed, covered in sweat, scabs and looking like death itself, he was almost more thankful that the nurse had prevented the girl of his dreams from seeing his current state. Sebastian had always been a bit cocky. And he knew that he had some baseline qualities to which made him attractive, despite the ones he tended to dislike. He often hoped his messy hair would be considered more charming in her eyes. Or she’d notice that he’d started shaving by purposefully leaving it a few days sometimes so she’d have to notice the dark hair adorning his chin. He found the few of his features he could be proud of and he was thankful that she’d not seen him sick when she’d left that sweet gift.
The girl had dropped off a blank, leather bound journal, simply explaining in her note how proud she’d been of him for not messing with dark magic and that she hoped he’d use the journal to vent his feelings, frustrations, discoveries and anything else as he continued to turn over a new leaf. It had been sweet and something he’d never done before but if he was honest in the last year he’d nearly filled the damn thing after he taped in her note to the first page.
That remaining school year and the start of the current left him following around her like a lost crup puppy. Although feeling a bit self conscious earlier on about his newly acquired dragon pox scars adorning his body and the few on his face, he quickly resolved the issue when she come to him with a potion to cure it that she promised she had done the heavy lifting with garreth on. It overall did the charm and returned his face and skin to its original state.
Anywhere she needed to go after that, he was there. She needed someone to hold books? Sebastian had two hands. She needed an escort through the forbidden forest to find a lost niffler? He was carrying the small creature back for her. She wanted company even on a night he was exhausted? He’d brave the lack of sleep and stay up with her.
At some point during the year she had come to him and confessed she hadn’t been sleeping well, professor Weasley and her head of house recommending she relocate to her room of requirement instead of a dorm so she wouldn’t disturb her roommates with the nightmares.
So every once in a while when he too was struggling to fall asleep he’d find a note slipping under his dormitory door and he’d be slipping off to the tapestry in the hall to make sure she was okay.
Deek had found them most mornings still awake by the fire just chatting and decided perhaps Matilda didn’t need to know everything. Not even on the rare mornings he found Mr Sallow’s arms wrapped around his dear friend as they both slept soundly in her conjured bed. As far as Deek was concerned both children desperately needed whatever sleep they got, and the hero of Hogwarts only seemed to sleep in the arms of that Slytherin boy with the brown eyes that never left her.
As they found themselves in their seventh year, Ominis eventually trickled back into their lives. Having seen the changes made by Sebastian, and the reassurance from the girl he truly had given up after the damage he brought, Ominis decided that his found family was still better than his birth family. Despite that, he still had obligations at Yule until he was of age, leaving the pair behind as he boarded the train in Hogsmeade in December.
Sebastian wasn’t looking forward to Christmas this year. Not that he truly had for a while - Yule always brought forth the nasty reminder of those who were missing - a number that was increasing for him by the years. But this was going to be the first he was actually conscious for after his sister left. Given the previous dragon pox year he wasn’t sure what was going to happen this year.
Almost as if sensing his nervousness going into the holidays she approached him during dinner the last day of their examinations as she sat down gently and leaned a hand over to place on his arm, startling him out of his deep thoughts while he stared at his mashed potatoes.
Hey Bash, are you alright?
He looked up with a small jump as he saw her brow furrowed and her gaze laced with concern. Her sweet voice caused that ever present stirring to arise in his stomach as he sighed and turned towards her, making her drop her hand from his bicep in the process.
“I suppose” he said after a moment looking down and seeing where her thigh was almost pressed against his own and where she had laced her hands together in her lap after she let go of him.
After a beat of silence she spoke again.
“You’re feeling sad about the holidays this year aren’t you?” She asked and he almost let out a small yelp at how wonderfully she was able to capture exactly what he’d been thinking without him even having to explain himself.
Looking back at her empathetic expression he nodded. Of course she was understanding. She had always been nothing but caring since the day he’d met her.
Sighing, she averted her gaze and grabbed one of his forgotten peeled orange slices off his plate and popped it into her mouth, slowly allowing the fruits somewhat bitter-sweetness to coat her tongue before she swallowed and looked back at him.
“This is the time of year I feel the most alone” she admitted as she looked back up at him from her seat on the Slytherin bench.
Sebastian recalled the times she had mentioned growing up in a muggle orphanage in London. How abysmally poor and mismanaged it was run. How professor Fig had come, lying that he was a long lost relative to the nuns before “bringing her home” as he explained to the young witch that she had accidentally wound up at a muggle orphanage instead of a magic one when her parents were discovered dead by non magical policemen when she was an infant.
Spending her first Christmas at Hogwarts when Professor Fig was still alive had been wonderful. she’d been allowed to travel to visit him and Ominis and Anne during the last Christmas he’d had at feldcroft with the professor just during the day. Sebastian also remembered fondly how happy she looked celebrating Yule with them before she returned to hogwarts for the rest of the holiday: not before giving him a quick kiss to the cheek and scurrying off behind the late man. It had been Sebastian’s first decent Christmas since his parents died.
Now the pair sat in the great hall carrying the weight of loss and loneliness as they went uncertainty into the holiday season.
“I don’t want to go back to Feldcroft alone this year” he admitted bluntly as he continued to peel the orange, handing her a slice as he ate another. As they silently ate the fruit he kept thinking about how he felt conflicted in returning. A part of him hoped Anne would show up again but he knew deep down it was unlikely.
“What if… what if you didn’t go back to Feldcroft? What if you stayed here… with me?” She asked quietly without looking up at him.
Sebastian had wondered if he should stay at the school given he had no family to return to, but he worried she see him as imposing as hogwarts truly was the only home she had.
“You want me to stay?” He asked, unsure if she meant it but hopeful she did want him there.
“Of course I would. I always want you around. I think it’s silly for us both to be alone during Christmas if we have each other we could be keeping company.” she explained as she finally looked again.
“What about our dorm rooms-“ he asked as she shook her head with a small amount of blushing working its way to her face.
“We can stay in the room of requirement. Professor Weasley was returning home this year so she won’t be checking in and last anyone heard you were going to feldcroft. Only one who would know is Deek and he would never tell a soul. That is, if you are interested…” she explained to him.
He almost stuttered in his reply, taking in that the girl was willingly offering him to stay with her for an extended period of time alone and unsupervised. Sure he occasionally fell asleep there when she invited him but never for multiple nights in a row and with the intention directly.
“You want me to stay with you alone?” He asked and she gently nodded.
“I would. We can conjure a tree and decorate it together in the main room. Take care of the beasts in the vivariums and sneak down the library to get books to read… it could be fun” she reasoned and he nodded.
“Alright. I think I would really like that. Only if you’re sure you are alright with it. I can also sleep on the settee in the main room-“ he offered and she shook her head, opening her mouth to speak before pausing and looking down.
“You can if you prefer that, but I -“ she trailed off as she looked at his wild expression before continuing as she tucked one of those stray hairs so often around her face behind her ear as she admitted, “I do sleep better when you are around… the nightmares don’t usually happen when you are with me…” she told him.
He knew the feeling. In fact he knew it so well that the only peaceful sleep he often found was in her room when they fell asleep after hours of talking together. He never knew how but eventually once he would calm her down and they’d talk, he would wake up the next morning with her nestled against his body as if during the night they had reached over to hold one another.
“I-“ he paused, raking his own hands in his hair as he also admitted, “me too. I think the only real sleep I’ve gotten all year has been in the room of requirement”
“So you’ll stay? With me?” She asked and he nodded.
“I’d love to”
The next morning he’d slipped out of his nearly empty Slytherin dorm room with a small bag over his shoulder of the stuff he usually brought home. Some clothes that weren’t his school uniforms, a few books, a quill and some ink, some snacks, the few toiletries he had and the journal she’d given him the previous year. As he snuck down the empty halls he came across the door to the room or requirement, now revealing itself to him with no problem, before he pushed inside.
Once there he could see the always lit fire in the main room, the vivariums grand entrances, along with all her potting and potions stations. Something about the place always felt so inherently homie and incredibly authentic to her.
“Uh…” he looked around seeing the absence of the witch who had invited him, knowing it was really early in the morning and she possibly could still be asleep, but usually she rose earlier. As he went to check the small bedroom that had appeared a few months prior, the door opened behind him and she shuffled in carrying a small basket.
“Oh, you’re already here. I snuck down to the kitchen for some breakfast and I was going to pop by the dungeons later-“ she started to ramble as he looked at her clothes.
Most of the time she wore her uniform, as most students did, but when she wasn’t in her robes she usually looked a tad mismatched. Often finding random articles of clothing with protection charms while exploring, she wore a tacky blend of them. The girl also usually opted for trousers not skirts or dresses as exploring was easier when you weren’t “worried about the wind blowing up or fabric getting caught” by her own words.
Instead she stood before him in possibly the first time he’d ever seen her without trousers or one of those hideous wool skirts all the students wore. She had a white blouse with an emerald green dress overtop that had only a few white embellishments along the skirt. It wasn’t the most elegant of dresses but it certainly was beautiful, especially since he rarely saw her like this.
He set his bag down and walked towards her, and upon further inspection she also had her hair tied back - not an uncommon sight - but she’d left most of it down, only pulling the front strands out of her way as she tied it back with a bow.
Very different from how he usually saw her.
Upon realizing he had been staring she felt self conscious, asking him “how do I look?” As she awkwardly stroked the material of her skirt down with her free hand.
“You look beautiful” he said without a second thought before he looked at her face, something he’d done so often but as her eyes softened he realized he shouldn’t affirm she looked this way only because of the clothes or change to her hair.
“You are beautiful” he spoke when he found himself planted in front of her, boldly admiring her face and not the wardrobe.
She noticed his correction along with the implications it carried as she fell under the wonderful scrutiny of his gaze. As she did so, she turned to take in his appearance with his lack of the Slytherin robes, swamping them for a simple shirt and vest as he stood in front of her. Usually disguised by school cloaks she could see how wide his shoulders had gotten, along with the exposed skin of his forearms from where he’d rolled his sleeves up. The skin that usually laid covered, now proudly displaying the freckled skin below the light dusting of dark hair, as well as his veins that went into his hand.
“You okay?” She heard his voice ask gently as she looked up from his hands to his face once more.
“Sorry, yeah, I mean thank you-“ she told him as she moved past him and walked down the stairs of the main room into the back area. Sebastian didn’t question as he followed her down into the deeper parts of the room.
Once they emerged in the area he noticed there was a large tree in the middle of the room with some pillow cushions on the floor in front of the fireplace. He realized she must’ve been awake a while to have conjured a tree and made the cozy nest where they likely would read together during the day.
“You’ve been busy” he teased as she walked them over to the fireplace and lifted her skirt ever so slightly so she could settle herself on the ground comfortably.
“I just wanted you to feel as at homey as possible” she explained as he sat down next to her, his long legs stretching out in front of them. Looking between their bodies he noticed her hand sat atop one of the cushions on the floor and he carefully plucked it from the space between them.
As he ran his fingers over the delicate and soft skin of her hand he tried to ignore the way his cheeks flamed at his bold action.
“I really appreciate the effort but you don’t have to play host you know? I am just happy to spend time with you” he explained as he looked at her, giving a reassuring squeeze to her hand to truly affirm his words.
She didn’t respond as she stared at the way he continued to clutch her much smaller hand. He worried she would seem disappointed by his request to remain as laid back as possible so he in turn shifted the conversation.
“You said you grabbed breakfast?” He asked and she pulled her hand back to grab the basket, opening it up with a smile to show the goodies she had brought. As she continued to go through the options he couldn’t shake the way her hand in his own had felt like the most incredibly natural act in the world.
After a day of reading, exploring the room, decorating the tree together, and just talking he was on cloud nine. Everything had felt so comfortable, so natural, as they fell into a rhythm alongside one another.
That was, until it was time for bed.
Once again he insisted if she preferred him to sleep on the sofa he would more than happily oblige, understanding that sleeping in the same bed carried heavy implications. She swiftly reminded him that they had indeed fallen asleep in the very bed in her room of requirement before. But for Sebastian, those moments had never been intentional, and to do so from the jump felt like a much deeper step.
To go to bed willingly alongside one another felt like the kind of thing reserved for married couples, certainly not friends of the opposing genders. And especially not a friend he often dreamed about kissing… as well as other more intense and vulgar things…
Regardless, her sweet smile and bright big eyes told him it was okay in her book, and who was he to question that. So as she slipped off into the small bathroom area to change for bed he stripped himself of his clothes and quickly threw on his own night clothes, tossing his dirty ones in his bag just as she returned.
Sebastian hadn’t recalled ever seeing the nightgown she wore. Usually she had something much thicker and denser but this one seemed… thin.
It was suddenly as if Sebastian’s mouth had lost all its moisture and he couldn’t help but stare as the silk she wore seemed to hug areas he usually wasn’t granted access to see.
Since when had her breasts been this full? Has she always had such an intense dip in her waist?
“Sebastian?” She asked him in mild concern as he stared distantly, his mind very much elsewhere as she came closer to where he stood slack jawed. When she found herself in front of him, he looked at her like a wild animal that had been caught by a hunter.
“I…” he trailed off as he took one more, very obvious, look down at her barely clothed breast. The view from up close confirmed his suspicions that she had forgone any form of camisole as the brief outline of her nipple shown through the silk.
“What’s wrong?” She asked gently, not fully comprehending his reaction.
“I… I think I may need to sleep out there” he said shyly as he pointed to the main area, his voice much more painned than he intended it to sound. At his explanation her heart fell as she couldn’t comprehend his reasoning.
“But why? Did I do something to upset you?”
“What?” He asked her as he looked at her hair which he realized was now completely down, something he’d never been privy to see before. It made him want to reach out and touch the long strands and see if they were just as silky as he imagined.
Quickly snapping his eyes back to her suddenly saddened expression he firmly said “You’ve done nothing wrong”. This further plagued the girl as she couldn’t place why exactly he was acting in this manor.
“I don’t understand. I thought you said you slept better when we were here together… Don’t you want to share the bed?” Her hurt expression cut through him as he realized she was still not understanding that his resistance was not due to anything about her personally… more or less it was about his lack of control in regards to his wandering hands should they lay in the same bed all night.
“Come here,” Sebastian explained as he sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing her palm and pulling her to do the same. She simply sat next to him as he turned to face her, his knee slightly framing her hips and he did his best to try and ignore how close they really were.
I don’t trust myself.
If she hadn’t watched him say it she wouldn’t have believed he muttered the words.
“What do you mean-“ she asked and Sebastian almost grew frustrated with the girl for her lack of awareness at how much of a beauty she was, along with the fact he was so irrevocably in love with her it pained him.
“I mean you are too bloody gorgeous like this that I don’t trust myself to behave like a gentleman” he let out with a frustrated sigh. He knew he shouldn’t get so worked up, especially not to show frustration at her, but the throbbing starting in his lower region was making it hard to fully concentrate on his emotions.
All he heard was her gasp, fearing she’d seen the arousal in his night trousers but when he looked up, all Sebastian saw was the girl cautiously clutching her hair trying to make sense of his words.
Closing his eyes, he ran his hand over his face. Why was he such an idiot? She probably thought him some sort of delinquent. She probably hated him. She-
She had turned her body to face him and placed a hand on his shoulder when he opened his eyes.
“Bash” her timid tone called out and all he could muster upon having her so close was an eyebrow raise to acknowledge he heard her speak.
What if I don’t want you to behave like a gentleman?
Sebastian wasn’t sure he heard her correctly or if he was about to wake up from another one of those wet deans where he stained his sheets dreaming about being buried inside her.
“You don’t know what you’re asking for” he reasoned, knowing how innocent in many regards she seemed. It wouldn’t surprise him if no one had explained the marital act to her at all.
Instead of replying she simply inched closer until she was directly in front of him. Sebastian anticipated her to stop but when she cautiously climbed on his lap his breathing stopped. He kept his hand firmly planted at his sides as she settled herself atop him, her hands resting on his shoulders for support.
“I do know what you’re referring to,” she said bluntly and her boldness made him question just how much he might know of her. Behind those innocent gazes perhaps she’d been a temptress this whole time and he was just to blind by his affections to notice.
He hadn’t realized she had lifted one of his hands until he saw her concentrated expression examining his right hand up close. She studied the calloused skin of his palm before placing his open hand along her waist. Suddenly he felt the warmth of her skin through the silk nightgown along with the beautiful dip of her curves that laid underneath.
“I thought, but you-“ he couldn’t think of an intelligent response as she looked at his face. This led to the both of them staring at one another in silence as he kept his hand firmly planted where she’d left it.
Leaning forward she placed her fingers lightly on his chin, noting the stubble growing from his face as she traced over it. He’d shaved it in the morning but she always enjoyed seeing the small, dark hairs when he stayed with her after nightmares.
“If I ask you to kiss me, are you going to run away Sebastian?” She asked him while continuing to trace her fingertips over his face in the areas his facial hair had started to grow.
Sebastian didn’t reply as his hand finally tightened and curved over her waist. Lifting the other, he placed it on her cheek gently as he let his eyes move to her own.
“Are you sure? If I’m honest I don’t think I can ever let things go back to normal if we do that” he admitted to her with a sigh.
Of course he wanted her. Wanted to be with her. Wanted to kiss her. Wanted to lay with her. But if this was just some Christmas Eve fun that never would go anywhere he couldn’t stomach it.
Instead of replying she simply leaned forward into his hand, smiling to herself as she felt the warmth of his palm against her skin. Sebastian took a shaky inhale at realizing she was signaling he could go ahead while she looked at him through her heavy lidded lashes.
Exhaling gently he leaned forward just enough to ever so softly press his lips to hers.
He could hear the way she inhaled sharply through her nose before he felt the slight pressure of her returning the kiss. It was cautious. Unsure. But still she continued to press on physically and metaphorically.
Sebastian let out a groan as he felt one of her hands tighten in his dark hair, her fingers weaving in and out of the locks along his sensitive nape. In response he pulled her closer to him by the hands firmly planted on her waist and cheek.
Feeling herself more tightly wrapped in his embrace she gained more confidence in the movements, shifting on his lap ever so slightly and letting out a gasp and breaking the kiss when she felt that beautiful ache between her legs at pressing upon his hard thigh.
She had touched herself before, sometimes rutting into a pillow to find relief, but to use the boys thigh in seeking that feeling once more she felt electrified.
Sebastian couldn’t help but feel the full extent of the throbbing in his pants, when he realized she was humping his thigh to get off. The girl he assumed knew little, quickly proving him wrong as her gasps and sighs carved into his neck.
“Hey..” he told her, moving his hand down to her hip to still her movement for a brief moment as she removed her blush covered face from the privacy of his neck.
“I need some guidance on where exactly this is headed” he asked her.
“You’ve always rushed unto everything with no plan before. Why do you need one now?” She retorted one more trying to find the friction she desired on his lap.
Sebastian let out a soft groan as her center moved over his erection and he paused as he considered her words.
“That’s different… I don’t want to be disrespectful or hurt you. I have read that sometimes intercourse can be painful for the woman and I would never want to cause you harm” he explained and she rolled her eyes, catching him off guard with her frustration.
“I’m not made of glass Seb” she told him before aggressively beginning to kiss the side of his neck. Teeth nipping, lips sucking and tongue soothing the skin as she once again resumed rutting her hips.
“Oh Merlin, would you just let me do it” she said frustratingly as she pushed his shoulders back until he fell on the bed, as she crawled over top of his shocked form.
Sebastian barely had a chance to get a word in before she was unbuttoning his sleep shirt. He didn’t say anything as he helped her slip it down his arms upon undoing the buttons.
“Do you want me?” She asked him curtly as she looked down at his half naked form with a surprised gaze.
“I - of course “ he told her.
“Then act like it, Sallow.” She told him and suddenly like a fuse had been lit, Sebastian flipped the girl onto her back and started kissing her shoulders and collarbones with vigor. He hadn’t even realized that as he flipped her over he had pulled her nightgown down significantly but he brushed it aside as he kissed her body.
She grew warm at how suddenly the reservations left him body and he responded so well to her noises and gasps. Sebastian seemed to so easily locate all those spots that made her feel weak as he kept kissing her body.
Soon he was reaching for the ties holding up her nightclothes and she leaned up to help him remove it. As her fingers moved to undo the latches he grumpily pushed her hand aside to do it himself.
“Been wanting to unwrap you like a gift for so long now. I want to do it on my own,” he gritted out against the shell of her ear before removing the top of her dress, pulling it up and over her body and tossing it onto the floor.
As she shivered from the draft in the room, Sebastian looked down and realized she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He assumed that even though she lacked a camisole she at the very least would have breeches, but no. She was fully naked as she lay underneath him.
“You sneaky little witch planned this didn’t you” he gritted out as he leaned down to take one of her pert little nipples in his mouth, groaning at the sweet taste of her skin along his tongue.
“I had hoped it could be a possibility…” she said through a whine as he flicked her now erect nipple with his tongue before moving to the other one.
When he successfully gave it the same attention he release it with a pop as he looked back up at her face hungrily.
“So that innocent routine was just an act?” He asked her as he moved back up her body and leaned his weight down on her. She could finally feel his arousal through his pajama pants and she shivered as he used his free hand to trace down her torso.
“Tell me what you hoped for… did you hope I would kiss you…” he trailed off kissing her now severely flushed skin before pulling back to look up at her through his thick lashes as he kept teasing. “Did you hope I would… touch you here?” Sebastian asked as he ran his fingertips ever so gently over the skin of her chest.
His index finger moved down painfully slow until it was right at the base of her opening and he looked into her eyes intently as he breached her walls with his finger, smiling as he asked “did you hope I would enter you here?”
Sebastian only brought his finger back out slowly as she whimpered at the loss of the stretch that she’d felt around his knuckles and upon hearing the noise he shoved it back in again causing her eyes to go wide as she clung to the quilt.
Shoving another finger alongside it, he continued to work her open so she’d be able to take him with ease. Curling his fingers and scissoring them within her, he took his time appreciating every noise she made and every pull her body made on his appendages.
He wasn’t done teasing the girl yet because just when she was nearing an orgasm he pulled his hand away to look at her exasperated expression with a grin as he shoved the soaked digits into his mouth and licked them clean.
“Well?” He asked her and she remembered vaguely he had asked her what she had hoped for.
“I wanted you to… be inside of me…” she admitted somewhat ashamed and he chuckled at her relapse into innocence.
“My fingers?” He eased as he brought them close to her opening once more before changing his mind and grabbing her hand from where it was still clutching the quilt and bringing it over his arousal before asking “or my cock?”
“Your… cock…” she said as if she was out of breath and he smiled down at her, suddenly breaking the trance he’d been in and softly stroking her messy hair away from her face as he laid down next to her.
“You sweet, darling girl” he cooed as he pulled her into his frame. “You may have whatever you desire” he told her before leaning up to passionately but delicately kiss her once more.
She carefully reached for the tie on his sleep pants as she undid the knot and pushed them off his hips. Sebastian reached down to loosen his breeches and pushed them off his body to assist her before maneuvering his way between her open knees, laying over her.
“I’m sorry if I got carried away…” he admitted, realizing that his brash actions may not have been what she wanted.
“Don’t be. I found it to be… quite stirring” she admitted and he laughed at her choice words. Caressing her cheek he leaned down to kiss the skin between her eyebrows before pulling back.
“We do this at your pace. Promise you’ll let me know if it stings” he asked her and she nodded, brushing off the concerns as she reached for his cock, only to have him palm his manhood with a slight groan as he shook his head.
“I mean it. I don’t want to hurt you.” He told her sternly and she looked up at his concern laced brow.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine-“ she said as she finally unwrapped his hand from his manhood, finally getting to feel the full size of him as she looked down in shock.
Sebastian was much larger than she imagined. Not that she’d ever seen one in real life before but, even from anatomical drawings she’d seen and the girlish whispers she realized he was much more endowed than she assumed.
“Oh…” she said as she looked down, losing her nerve as she saw the way his cock looked massive between their bodies and the way it pulsed under her scrutiny.
“We don’t have to do it if you are nervous” he told her as she tore her gaze from his manhood back to his face.
“I want to” she said firmly and he looked at her for any signs she was lying or feeling pressured.
“You’re sure?” He asked her gently, his thumb tracing over the skin of her chin as he held her face carefully.
“Just… go slow…” she told him, parting her legs further and reaching down to assist him.
Sebastian grunted as he felt her lining his head up with her opening and once he could feel they were properly aligned he let go of her chin to reach for her hand, holding it in his own as he encouraged her to look up.
“Look at me, don’t worry about what is going on down there alright? Just look into my eyes…” he offered and she nodded, pulling her gaze directly into his own as he ever so slightly pushed his hips forward.
Everything went okay for a few moments until her breath hitched and he paused, not tearing his eyes from hers as he stopped pressing in. When she looked as if she adjusted, he continued until the entirety of his head was inside of her, pausing once more.
He couldn’t help but sigh as he sunk into her, enjoying the warmth of her body around him as he parted her. Every so often he’d stop and ask if she was okay to keep going and she never told him it hurt but he could definitely see the discomfort at the new and what he imagined, intrusive, feeling.
However for him… it was like coming home, to a place he’d never known was so wonderful. Her body eventually opened up and accepted all of him and he found his mound of dark curls pressed against her own, slightly more manicured patch of hair atop her womanhood.
He could feel the press of her hip bones on his as he laid there, waiting for her to adjust to the fullness of his length within her body. Sebastian almost felt amazed at where it all had gone, as she was so small in comparison to him and he knew his cock well exceeded his classmates from their time sharing dorms and bathrooms.
“Do you think you’re ready for me to move?” He asked her with the softest tone he could muster despite feeling like he was going to burst free at any second.
“You’ll be gentle?” She asked timidly and he almost removed himself entirely at the tone she asked him with.
“I promise. I don’t want you to be in pain. Does it hurt now?” He asked her, not wanting to know the answer but needing to have it regardless.
“It’s moreso just… pressure? Maybe moving will help” she offered as an explanation and he nodded, ever so carefully pulling his hips back before slowly sliding back inside once more at a snail like pace.
Eventually his movements became more comfortable, confident, and controlled - as well as slightly faster.
At first her face scrunched up as she closed her eyes but after a moment she seemed to relax her eyebrows as her mouth fell open. Sebastian watched her reactions intently as she gave herself over to him.
Somehow he moved to an angle causing a pleasured noise to spill from her lips and he felt himself twitch knowing that she was slowly starting to feel good.
“Hey, I like seeing those pretty eyes Love” he said gently as he nudged her nose with his own, causing her to open them once more and blush up at him as he continued to press within her.
“There you are… so incredibly beautiful. You are an angel…” he whispered as he picked up the pace but kept his tone soft.
His words and his moments caused her to feel a stirring in her stomach that was similar to when she rode highwing and she would dive low.
“Sebastian…” She sighed his name as a mantra while she reached up to hold his cheek in her hand, the other curled around into his hair.
“My gorgeous witch… so lovely inside and out…” he continued to praise her as her eyes grew glassy at his sweet words and without thinking a tear rolled out of the corner of her eye, his thumb moving to catch it the second he spotted it.
“Did I hurt you-“ he quickly asked but she stopped him by leaning up to kiss him, her hips rising to meet his shallow moments as he groaned.
Pulling away she continued to hold him close as she whispered
I love you Sebastian Sallow…
Hearing her call his name like that, and saying she loved him, caused him to stutter in his movements and his cock begin to angrily throb looking for that final push of release.
He moved his hips much faster against hers as he leaned down and groaned out, “I - love you too… so much… uhhh fuck… need to… finish… where” he struggled to choke out as he kept his momentum while driving into her.
Realizing she was likely much further behind he had the foresight to lean his hand down and start playing with her nub, causing her back to raise sharply as she whimpered and clawed at his back.
“Need to pull, out-“ he grunted and she shook her head violently beneath him.
“No. Please. Don’t -“ she said through a loud sob, her body beginning to clench around him as she looked up at him fiercely saying “please finish inside…” she begged.
He didn’t need to ask twice after she gave him permission. Pushing harshly on her clit, she came with a scream and with that, her body pulled his cock so tightly that he followed.
As her body milked him for every drop he had he couldn’t help but feel the strong sense of pride running through his mind as he flooded her with his seed. He looked down watching her wide eyed expression as he continued to pump his load deep within her body, only slowing once he ran out of stamina before he collapsed on top of her.
Sebastian was spent as he laid on top of her chest, his face pressed against her sweaty skin and he slowly began trailing butterfly kisses across her neck at the same moment he felt her brushing his hair off his forehead to do the same.
Suddenly he heard the clock chime loudly in the main room, signaling midnight and he removed himself from the crook of her neck as he softened within her, his spill slipping out of her and between their thighs. It felt so overwhelmingly perfect and then he realized something.
“Happy Christmas” he whispered as he tucked her hair behind her ear and she looked up at him slowly realizing that he was indeed correct and they had made love on Christmas Eve through the official start of the day itself.
“Happy Christmas Sebastian…” she said, her voice slightly hoarse from the screech she’d let out and he leaned down to kiss her once more before pulling her body into his, neglecting the mess between them.
“Well, I for one think this Christmas is already off to the best start imaginable” he admitted before pecking her forehead and he smiled when she laughed, the chuckle causing both their bodies to shake.
“Of course you’d say that”
“What? I’ve got the girl I love in my arms. What more can a man want?” He asked her and he looked down just in time to see her face turn up to meet his.
“You love me?” She asked softly and suddenly it was his turn to chuckle.
“I think that what we just did goes to show that but yes, I do love you. Terribly so.” He admitted as he brought her closer into his arms.
“I love you too” she told him as he smiled, his eyes starting to grow heavy.
“I heard you the first time… although if you feel so inclined to repeat it, I can guarantee that’s not the sort of thing one grows tired of hearing” he told her as he drifted off to sleep holding her in his arms thinking about how much more pleasurable this was than going to sleep with dragon pox on Christmas.
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Today, January 6th 2024, is the perfect day to make purchases at Overstock.com AND then donate to organizations supporting the unarmed Americans who were waved into the Capitol, unnecessarily pepper sprayed, unnecessarily shot with rubber bullets & smoke bombed to create the illusion of a Capitol Hill riot.
Christmas Miracle: Patrick Byrne, Overstock CEO, offers matching $500,000 donation to January 6 Legal Defense. $250,00 via GIVE SEND GO and $250,000 to Stand In The Gap.
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Give Send Go Matching Fund
Stand in the Gap
Stand in the Gap is a non-profit foundation dedicated to advocating for change in re-entry, family services, and justice reform. We believe in second chances, providing support to individuals transitioning back into society, and working towards a more equitable and compassionate world. Through our programs, partnerships, and advocacy efforts, we strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need and promote systemic change.
Join us in standing for justice and being a voice for the voiceless.
Our Story
On January 6, 2021, a historic day unfolded in our nation's capital that will be etched in history. As the foundation of our nation was put to the test, many individuals heeded the call to stand up for their rights, their future, and their beliefs. However, the aftermath saw the government taking action against them, leading to a series of events that unveiled the deep-seated issues within the American justice system.
Before January 6th, many were unaware of just how broken the justice system in America truly was. The January 6th defendants and their advocates soon realized that this injustice had persisted for far too long.
In September of 2021, The Real J6 was founded with a mission to give a voice to the voiceless. Its primary focus was to shine a light on the treatment of January 6th defendants at the hands of their own government. However, as the organization delved deeper into this mission, it became clear that there were numerous unmet needs for the defendants and their families. This realization led to the creation of Stand in the Gap.
Shane Jenkins, the co-founder of Stand in the Gap, possesses a unique perspective on the challenges within the incarceration system and the broken nature of the justice system. His life story, marked by several run-ins with the law prior to January 6th, is one of transformation and redemption. Raised in a religious environment and attending Episcopalian school, Shane's life took a different path due to personal struggles and feelings of abandonment stemming from his adoption and an abusive stepfather. In 2016, while incarcerated and at a low point in his life, Shane had a transformative encounter with CHARM – Christ's Hope And Reconciliation Ministries. Through CHARM, he found faith and redemption, and his life took a new direction.
Paroled in July 2018, Shane transitioned to a CHARM Prison Ministries transitional house and dedicated himself to a life of faith and service. He became involved in prison ministry, took on leadership roles, and found a supportive community at church. Despite his personal transformation, in 2021, Shane once again found himself facing government action. Since then, he has been incarcerated, ministering to others within the system and working to bring about positive change.
Through the efforts of many individuals including The Real J6, significant improvements have been achieved within the DC Department of Corrections, including changes in visitation policies, COVID restrictions, guard behavior, and even Congressional intervention. Shane's unique perspective and experience are foundational to the mission of Stand in the Gap, as it strives to address the systemic issues within the justice system and provide support to those who have been affected by it.
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint Charbel Makhlouf
Feast day: July 24
Saint Charbel, born in a small village in Lebanon, to a poor religious family, entered the Maronite Monastery of St. Maroun, (A Lebanese Maronite order) at 23 and was ordained a priest in1859. He served there for 16 years, then retired to the hermitage of Sts. Peter and Paul. Charbel lived a severe ascetic life of prayer, mortification and self-denial and had a remarkable devotion to the Eucharist. He had a massive stroke while saying Mass on Christmas Eve and died 7 days later. For 45 days a bright light surrounded his tomb. The monks exhumed his body and it was found incorrupt. For approximately 62 years a viscous liquid came from his body. Many miracles are attributed to his intercession.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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eybefioro · 2 months
To be a Guardian - Chapter 2
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Rated T, ~9,7k words for now - 2/8 chapters!
Chapter 2 - Attached
Crowley gets closer to Warlock. He can't help caring for him, nor how happy he is to see him smile.
Warlock finds in Crowley a friend, and someone who he misses when he's not around.
The London residents suffer for the cause, and some Christmas fluff takes place💛
“Heya, kid.” Warlock’s face brightens. “Just checking if everything's alright.” Warlock tells him giddily about the last few days, and how the bullies run when they see him. He shows him his latest drawings, and Crowley's non-existent heart aches when he sees in one of the drawings him and Warlock feeding the ducks, and that in another one he wears a long, dark cape like Batman. He was ready to just get back home after making sure Warlock was okay, but the drawings convince him to spend more time with the kid. Crowley ends up taking him to stuff their faces with sundaes, while Warlock talks non-stop about the last comics he read. With that, Crowley forgets himself and his demonic should’s, and the two of them spend the last couple of hours together before Warlock's bedtime watching cartoons – Ms Thompson not getting in the way with a little demonic miracle – and when Crowley tucks the kid into bed he can't help but snap the grey, bland, and cold sheets away, replacing them with a comfy duvet printed with Warlock’s favourite superheroes. He'll have to lie big time in the reports this month. Thank someone he's a demon, he's supposed to lie.
Read it on Ao3 💛
Christmas fluff on July LMAO
Tag list of people that seemed interested in this one (tell me if you wanna be added or removed 💛) : @captainblou @ghostsparrow @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @moadej @howmanyholesinswisscheese @itsscottiesstark @seven-stars-in-his-palm @goodomensafterdark @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist
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michwritesstuff · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist
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all posts contain individual warnings/notes! * indicates smut/sexual activity mentioned so minors DNI!
Dagger Squad
Halloween in July
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
*Dating Bradley Bradshaw
Times Like This
Some Things Last Forever After All
*Been a While
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
*Dating Jake Seresin…coming soon!
Mr. Perfectly Fine
*Love Made Me Crazy
Saturday Nights
A Christmas Miracle
Knight in Shining Khakis
I Love You…
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Respect Your Elders Part I
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sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don't exist | 10: The greatest nightmare
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Moldy Voldy is back bitches, now the real shite show begins. A/n: So I'm gonna take a couple weeks off before posting year 5, just to give myself some time to further develop the story and so I don't get burned out lol. Next chapter will be posted 2nd of July [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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You're hesitant to knock on the headmaster's door. But the door swings open before your knuckles can make contact with the door.
Professor Dumbledore sits behind his desk, half-moon glasses down his nose. "Ah, Miss Black. For what do I owe the pleasure?" The Headmaster rises as you enter the office. He motions for you to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk, and you obey.
"Liquorish snap?" Dumbledore holds a bowl with black droplets for you to take, but you politely decline.
"No thank you, Sir. I've uhm... I've come to suspect something is happening, Sir." With a motion from Dumbledore, you continue; "I've this weird feeling. It's dark and festering inside me, down to my bones. And when I saw Professor Karkaroff's Dark Mark and heard him speak about it burning, it confirmed my suspicions. The Dark Lord is returning, Professor."
Dumbledore drops his back against the back of his chair, his hands clasping the armrests. "Are you one hundred per cent sure? Do you know when he will return?"
You frown and look down at your hands. "I do not, Sir. But I am terrified. Terrified of what will happen once he does return. What will happen to me?"
Dumbledore hums, stroking his beard. "I am afraid I do not have an answer, Miss Black. The only thing I can tell you is that Hogwarts is always your home."
You sigh. Great, so nothing can be done at all. And it's not like you can stay at Hogwarts during the summer.
Having told what you needed to tell and getting nowhere, you stand up from the chair. "Thank you for your time, Professor. I'll have to go, otherwise, I'll be late for History of Magic."
"Of course, have a nice day, Miss Black." Dumbledore waves you out of his office, a hand massaging his forehead.
You slip just in time into the History classroom and take your usual spot, which is next to Blaise. He gives you a glance and a nod before turning his attention back towards Professor Binns. It's the only class you have with just Blaise.
Today you're learning about the Goblin Rebellion of 1890, which was led by Ranrok. It was said a Fifth-year student with the help of a professor defeated the rebellion.
As Professor Binns' ghost drones on about the ways Ranrok and Rookwood helped each other, Blaise leans over. "How are you and Theodore doing?"
It makes you turn your head towards the taller boy. "Okay? I guess? Why are you asking?"
"Well... the two of you seem awfully close since Christmas break, I only assumed you and him made it official."
You frown. Did you and Theodore grow closer? You guess... but it's not that much different than before the break. Sure, he hangs around more and you actually enjoy his company now, rather than before. But that's because you're friends.
"We're just friends, Theo and I." 
"Theo?", Blaise licks his lips and looks at you incredulously, "yeah- just friends. Sure. Theodore jinxes anyone else to hell and back if they dare to call him by anything other than his name."
You glance at the Professor — who keeps droning out his lecture, unbothered by the many sleeping students. "That can't be true. You are all just too wimpy to do it. And besides, Theodore isn't that intimidating."
A laugh escapes Blaise, which makes Professor Binns stop briefly in his story before continuing. "You've never been on the receiving end of his hard stare. He has always been soft for you." 
You roll your eyes. "We haven't spoken to each other before this year."
"He's always been too intimidated to approach you. Your family's reputation proceeds you."
You glare at him. Of course, your family is the problem. They are always the problem. 
Blaise flicks your wrist with his fingers. "Hey now, don't give me that look. You should be happy anyone told you."
"Why are you even telling me? Aren't you also in the race to win my hand or whatever?" You fold your arms over each other and slump down in your seat.
Now it is Blaise that rolls his eyes. "Originally. That was until she found out your lot still supports You Know Who."
He refers to his mother, obviously. Miss Zabini is truly a beautiful witch, but something about her is off. At least, that was the one time she was introduced to you. Maybe it was the party filled with Death Eaters.
"I don't blame her", you mutter. You wouldn't want your son to marry into a family of crazy blood supremacists.
The remainder of the class is spent in silence. Blaise has nothing to say and your thoughts are running wild. If what Blaise says is true and Theodore has been quote-unquote 'interested' in you for quite some time... Why? What made him? If you never interacted, what pulled him to you?
You only notice that class is over by Blaise getting up and packing his bag. You snap out of your thoughts and collect your ink and quill, stuffing it in your book bag.
"You're coming to the stands with us?", asks Blaise as he points over his shoulder towards the general direction of the final task. 
You shake your head. "I'm going to the library and finish an essay I have yet to finish. I'll come later."
Blaise nods wordlessly and turns around, loosening his tie and stuffing it in his bag. 
You don't actually need to finish an essay, you just need to have some alone time. And you're glad you took it, because once you reach the tribunes of the final task, people are talking loudly, cheering, and there is a band playing. You spot Draco and his friends and go to stand with them.
Looking around, you see Gjol and his friends standing with Durmstrang and the both of you wave to each other. You also spot Hermione and give her a small smile.
"You've just missed the send-off", says Theodore as he makes room for you to stand next to him. 
You hum. "So we're supposed to just stand and wait here?"
Theodore nods. You let out a huff and go sit on the edge of the tribune behind you. That earns a laugh from the dark-haired boy and he goes to sit next to you. "You've just got here, why are you already sitting down?"
"I am not going to stand for who knows how long waiting for someone to show up with the cup to end the stupid thing."
Theodore chooses to stay silent and the two of you sit next to each other, listening and participating in the conversations around you.
The first thing that happens is a red spark rising up from somewhere in the maze and Fleur gets pulled from the competition. Next to getting dragged out of the maze is Victor, who looks weird. 
Finally, it is between Harry and Cedric. There are no red sparks or anything coming out of the maze, so they're probably lost somewhere.
Suddenly, a cold-like grip travels up your spine and grabs your throat, making you gasp. You reach for Draco's arm. At first, he looks at you annoyed but when he sees the panicked look on your face, his own quickly morphs into that of concern.
"Are you okay?" Draco crouches down so he's at eye level
You shake your head, blood drained from your face and eyes wide. Without knowing exactly what the feeling is, you know what it means. "I felt it..."
"Felt what?", inquires Draco, grabbing your shoulders to stop your shaking.
"He's back."
At that moment, appears Harry with Cedric out of nothing. The elder boy lies limp on the ground. Harry's bent over Cedric, his shoulders shocking. And he says the words you've been dreading your whole life.
"He's back! He's back! Voldemort is back!"
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127
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wheels-of-despair · 2 years
Ralph Penbury (Timewasters) Masterlist
Worth It
Worth It began as a Valentine's Day one-shot, then blossomed into a three-shot, and now there are officially twenty chapters in the Worth It-verse. This story takes place a little before the Timewasters that we know and love. (Thus thwarting Ralph's heartbreak and demise. Not even a little bit sorry.) Ralph is in his early 20s, and the female reader who's going to give him the love and affection that he deserves is about a year older and unnamed. (No Y/N, just terms of endearment.) Please read the announcement, and then... enjoy!
*Read This Important Series Announcement Before Proceeding!*
Chapter 1 - The Dance Your mother forces you to go to a Valentine's Day dance with a dull date, but Ralph manages to make your night worthwhile.
Chapter 2 - The Bridge Ralph waits for you on the bridge the next day. To say he's nervous would be an understatement.
Chapter 3 - My Good Friend Mary Ralph brings you a present that's also a prop in your masterful plan to keep your mother in the dark.
Chapter 4 - The Most Ordinary Girl in the World Even though you hate shopping, you decide it's time to go see a lady about a dress or twelve.
Chapter 5 - There Is Nothing Wrong With You You and Ralph have a heart-to-heart after the shopping incident.
Chapter 6 - A Great Deal of Bravery A simple act breaks Ralph's brain. A simple phrase breaks yours.
Chapter 7 - One Hundred Kisses Ralph is upset, but luckily, you know one hundred ways to make him better.
Chapter 8 - Are You Still With Me, Ralph? Ralph is down with a cold, but his favorite nurse comes to take care of him.
Chapter 9 - Seven Dreadful Days Ralph has to go away for a few days, and neither of you are sure you'll survive your time apart.
Chapter 10 - Go Easy On Those Pastries Ralph comes home, but your reunion does not go as planned.
Chapter 11 - Questioning Miracles Your secret isn't a secret anymore. Time to face the music.
Chapter 12 - Do You Think He's Still Alive? Ralph meets your father, and you make a decision about your future together.
Chapter 13 - Try Not to Get Trampled Easter picnics aren't generally Ralph's idea of a good time, but if you're there, it can't be but so bad… right?
Chapter 14 - Just the Way You Are Ralph needs some reassurance. You need an axe.
Chapter 15 - All I Want Is You Planning a wedding with two overbearing mothers. What could possibly go wrong?
Chapter 16 - Victoria and I Are Having a Party You're invited to a Penbury Party. Try not to panic.
Chapter 17 - I Think We Should Try That Again So an introvert walks into a crowded Penbury Party…
Chapter 18 - The Feeling Is Mutual Shopping for a wedding dress is so unbearable, you and Ralph decide to do something desperate.
Chapter 19 - Every Single Room What comes after a wedding?
Chapter 20 - Forty-Four Days All good things must come to an end… right?
Worth It: The Honeymoon (Blurbs)
What did Mr. and Mrs. Penbury do during that long honeymoon?
Warm | Vanity | Beard | Portraits | Fountain | Table | Grandmother's Room | Library | Stable | Valentina | Climbing Tree | Nightmare | Valentina's Palace | Hair | Billiards | Sunshine | Garden | Mud | Toys | Ready When You Are
Always Worth It
You didn't think you'd seen the last of the Penburys, did you?
The Other Dance A flashback to Ralph and the future Mrs. Penbury's first kiss at the Christmas Ball.
Christmas in July Mr. and Mrs. Penbury get another chance at a perfect kiss under the mistletoe at an unexpected time of the year.
I Ralph You Ralph learns a hip new word he's not too fond of. His lovely wife must act fast and help him un-learn it.
Escape from Penbury Manor Mr. and Mrs. Penbury attend a Halloween party, but when the sun goes down, it's not all fun and games for the happy couple.
What the Hell is Compressed Yeast? Ralph wakes up in the middle of the night, and you're not next to him like you should be. Where are you, Mrs. Penbury?
Made for This Ralph needs a little reassurance about his impending fatherhood. You're more than happy to give it.
Keeping Us Awake You and Ralph receive a pair of tickets to the Nutcracker Ballet as a Christmas gift, an event neither of you really wants to attend... how ever will you stay awake through such a spectacle?
The Most Amazing Wife in the World Ralph is having a rough day, but his amazing wife knows exactly how to turn things around.
A Valentine's Day Surprise It's not really Valentine's Day without a dance with your one and only, is it? (Happy 1st Anniversary to Worth It!)
Our Sweet Baby Mary First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the Penburys with a... well, you know the rest. (Bonus: There's Something About Mary)
Blurbs Based on Emojis
🥶 - Snow Day 🍆 - Trying New Things 🍫 - One of Everything 💋 - Marking Your Territory
Post-Series Stuff
Thank You for Reading Goodbye Forever? That One Announcement Everyone Ignores
Not Worth It (Other Stuff)
Ralph Deserves a Present Ralph goes snooping and gets an early Christmas present. (Christmas Fluff, but make it suggestive)
Ralphtanic A multi-chapter Worth It AU set on the Titanic!
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buckysqueen80 · 2 months
I know I’m a little late for Christmas in July and too early for regular Christmas but with this heat maybe a winter story isn’t such a bad idea?
Imagine that Bucky after having been under control for the longest time is free, and starts to get reacquainted with who he used to be, and when he remembers that he used to love Christmas, he’s like a little kid again, especially when it comes to presents!
Hope you enjoy!!
Warning: fluff fluff and more fluff and some white fluff lol
Christmas Miracle
“Come onnnnnnnn!” he whines.
“No! I’m not telling you what I got you for Christmas! It’s a surprise!” you state, not wanting to ruin it.
“Can I just have a tinsy, tiny little hint?” he asks.
“Ok fine! One little hint!” you give in.
“Yay!!” he exclaims, looking like a five year old who just got their way, instead of the almost hundred and seven year old that he really was.
You hated to admit it, but as much as he could annoy you, you loved him dearly.
Bucky was your best friend, and had been since the moment you guys ran into each other at a coffee shop, which ended up with his coffee being knocked to the ground.
His current squeal of excitement brought you back to reality.
“Your hint is it’s something you can use every single day!” you say, sitting back onto the couch.
His brows furrowed in concentration.
“Socks?! Clare, I swear if you got me socks… “He trails off, causing you to smirk.
“No, it’s not socks, and before you even ask again, no other hints. Christmas is only three days away. I’m sure you can hold out until then.” you start.
He throws himself down on the couch beside you, crossing his arms as a pout graces his bottom lip.
You poke his side, attempting to make him giggle, because he’s ticklish there.
“No!” Bucky sulks, further into the couch.
“Oh ok then.” you say as you start to get up.
You turn to look back at him, offering out your hand.
“Do you want to go get some snacks and watch a marathon of Christmas movies?” you inquire.
He thinks for a moment and then looks like he wants to say no, but all of a sudden you see this hint of a smirk.
“What kind of snacks?” he inquires, his interest genuinely piqued.
“Well, I was thinking of making some chocolate chip cookies and brownies for everyone, and a special batch for us while we watch the movies. Maybe some eggnog as well, or even peppermint white cocoa?” you list off.
“Ok, deal, as long as I can lick the spoon for the brownies after?” he says, his smirk now into a full blown cheeky grin.
“Deal!” you say, as he reaches up and takes your hand.
Out of everyone in the compound, you got the closest to Bucky.
You’re not even sure how it happened to be honest. One day, you’re helping the Avengers with a special mission, and the next, they offer you a position with them, and you started spending more time at the tower.
You met Bucky a few weeks later at the coffee shop, and as messy as that went, you didn’t think things were so bad, well when you thought that you’d never see him again, that was.
It wasn’t until you were all seated in the meeting room, waiting for Tony to give the details about the next mission, when Bucky came walking in.
You looked up, and there he stood looking at you, with a scowl on his face.
“What is she doing here?”Bucky growls out.
“Ah Tin Man! I see you’ve already met Clare?!” he says, earning a deeper scowl from Bucky.
“Yes. We have!” he grounds out between clenched teeth.
He sat down on the opposite side of you, staring at you throughout the rest of the meeting.
Once the meeting was over, you rushed out the door to try and find him.
You found him on the balcony, looking out at the city, as the sun started to set.
You didn’t know how it was possible for him to look more attractive than what you thought at the coffee shop, but it was there in front of you.
You clear your throat, as he turns around and looks at you, contempt written all over his face.
You start to speak but he cuts you off.
“Look, I just want you to stay away from me. I’m not good to be around, Everyone sees me as a monster, so you may as well too!” he says, before turning back around to watch the city again.
You were at a loss.
Yeah you know about his past as the Winter Soldier, as you did research on him after the coffee incident, but you didn’t think it defined who he really was.
So you plucked up the courage, and walked further towards him, resting your arms on the railing, not saying anything but looking out as well.
From the side, you can tell he’s looking at you.
Bewilderment is now visible across his face.
“Didn’t you just hear what I said?” he asks,expecting an answer.
So you give him one.
“Yes, I heard you!” you start. “But I don’t believe in people being monsters. I believe people, everyone, is subject to fate and ill timing. I believe in there being injustices in the world, and I believe that you’ve faced the biggest injustice of all!” you finish, licking your bottom lip as you do.
“And why do you think that, Princess?” he asks, almost afraid of the answer.
“Because you were forced, no, manipulated, into doing things that were beyond your control, and in turn, the world has branded you as a monster, when you are clearly a man looking to find his place in the world again, that is no longer the same one he left all those years ago. You are now forced to carry a label that was never really meant for you. That’s why I think you’ve faced the biggest injustice of all.” you say, giving your head a nod, starting to turn to go back inside.
All of a sudden you feel the coolness of his metal hand against the skin of your wrist.
“Clare, wait!?” he says.
You turn around to look at him.
“Thank you!” he starts, emotion thick in his throat.
“Other than Steve, no one has had that much faith in me since I’ve been back. And I still get a lot of looks from people when I walk down the street.” he whispers, hanging his head low.
You reached over and took hold of his hand, his eyes nervously looking back at you, waiting for you to realize this was all a bad mistake.
But it never came. You simply looked up at him and smiled.
“It’s a good thing I’m quite different from any and everyone else.” you say.
The longer your hand stayed on his, the more you could feel the emotions swirling through you.
That was the day you started growing closer.
That was five years ago now, and Bucky was the closest thing to family for you.
“Hey! Earth to Clare?” Bucky says, snapping his fingers in front of your face, causing you to blink before remembering where you are.
“Did you take a trip without me? Did you start on the good brownies without sharing with me?” he leaned close, whispering it, so no one else could hear if there were “special brownies”.
“Haha, no, I was just thinking, that’s all.” you tell him.
Without waiting for further explanations, he tugs your hand, leading you to the kitchen, your laugh ringing off the walls.
A few hours later, you take the last tray of cookies out and set them on the counter to cool off.
That’s when you look around the kitchen and stifle a giggle.
There Bucky stood, licking the whisk from the brownies, batter all over his lips.
He suddenly looks up, feeling like he’s being watched, and looks at you.
“What?” he asks.
Covering your mouth to keep from laughing, you walk over to the sink, wet a paper towel, then go over to him.
He puts the whisk down, and looks back at you.
“You’ve got a little something on your face there, soldier boy!” as you lift up the wet paper towel.
You start getting all the chocolate off of his cheeks, as he looks down at you.
He can’t help but notice the glint in your eyes as you were wiping at his face.
Up until that moment, Bucky was stuck on an idea for a gift for you, but now he knew what to get you.
After having made what he felt was an awful first impression with you, he thought he would never get the chance to try and win you over, especially how he behaved.
What he never expected though, was that as time moved on, and you guys became closer, that he would develop feelings for you.
You’ve been there for him in the darkest moments, when the nightmares threatened to become reality once more.
You didn’t give up on him when they managed to turn him back into the Winter Soldier, and you came to Wakanda with him while the programming was removed.
He’d been pretty naive to not notice his feelings for you before then, but lately, he did everything he could to spend more time with you.
Shaking the thoughts clear from his mind, you were standing in front of him waving to get his attention.
“Now who took a trip?” you giggle.
That was it! You saw the gleam in Bucky’s eyes and knew he was about to do something, so you tried to turn and run away.
He wrapped both arms around you, lifted you up and put you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
As you're giggling, you try and wiggle out of his grasp, and he smacks your ass not too hard, but enough that you cease doing what you were doing as a jolt of electricity traveled through your body.
“We’ve got movies to watch!” he says, starting to head for the common room.
“Ooooo, wait!” you say.
He stops and you grab the plates of cookies and brownies.
“Ok, continue!” you say with another giggle.
When you get to the common room, he gently puts you down so you don’t spill the plates, and you both cuddle up on the couch, a big fuzzy blanket thrown over both of your laps, as you put your feet on Bucky’s lap, each of you getting comfortable for the night.
~The next day…
Bucky had gone out to get a bit of last minute things that he needed, so it left you back at the compound to wrap gifts.
As you finish up most of the gifts, placing them under the tree for everyone, you sit with Bucky’s gift in front of you, still needing to be wrapped.
You had found a lot of old pictures of Bucky from before the war and during.
You had created a scrapbook of these photos, but made sure that the book had a lot more room left in it.
You look to the box on the left and picked it up.
Inside the box was a brand new camera, that is a hybrid, meaning it can take both film and digital photos.
You felt that after everything that he’d been through with trying to piece his life back together, he could use the camera as a way to see things through a different perspective, and the book to document it.
Putting both the box containing the camera and the scrapbook into a bigger box, you wrapped it up.
This gift however you put right at the back of the tree, as you planned on sharing with Bucky at midnight, when it was just the two of you.
You had just finished in time, as the moment you stepped away from the tree to sit back down, Bucky came in with a bunch of bags and a grumpy looking Sam behind him.
You nod to Sam. “What’s bird man’s problem?” you ask.
Bucky instantly has a huge smile on his face.
“He wanted a picture with Santa, and they told him he was too big!” he says, doubling over to hold onto his stomach.
“Very funny Barnes!” Sam grumbles. “I’m going to go find Loki. See if he can shape shift into Santa so I can get my picture!” he says, skulking off.
You chuckle as you go to help him with his bags.
He suddenly freezes, and moves the bags away from you.
“Er, I’m just going to go put these in my room! I’ll be back!” he says, dashing down the hall, before you could say anything.
You just shake your head and wander over to the chair by the fireplace.
Pulling a blanket over you, you curl up to watch the snow that had started to fall on the busy city.
You must have dozed off, because the next thing you know, it’s dark, except for the fire and the lights on the Christmas tree.
You look at the time on your phone, eleven forty-five.
Bucky is supposed to meet you down here in fifteen minutes.
Meanwhile, while you had been napping, Bucky had managed to get all the gifts he got wrapped, with the exception of yours.
There in a long velvet box, lay a necklace and earring set. The pendant had two strands that intertwined until both ends come to a point holding a beautiful tear drop sapphire. One strand was encrusted with diamonds while the other was plain white gold. The earrings matched the necklace to a T.
He chose that as your gift because he wanted tonight to be special, but also because the blue would go well with your eyes.
Looking at the time, he noticed he had about half an hour left before he was to meet you down by the tree.
Wrapping up your gift, he grabbed all the others and headed down to the common room.
As he enters, he sees that you are curled up in the chair facing the windows.
He quietly puts all the other gifts into the pile, noticing that it’s grown considerably over the day.
Taking a seat on the chair opposite from you, and pokes at the fire, adding another log on to keep it going.
Once he’s satisfied that it’s going to take, he sits back and admires you while you sleep.
Fifteen minutes go by and you start to stir.
He watches as you stretch and look around the room, your eyes trying to adjust to the dim lighting.
As you start to look over to the fire, you notice Bucky sitting across from you.
You jump a bit, causing Bucky to chuckle.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. You looked peaceful. If you weren’t going to wake up, I was prepared to take you up to your room and tuck you in.” he says softly, shifting a slight bit at the thought of the image going on through his head when he said that.
“It’s ok, I just didn’t expect to drift off.” you say.
“Do you want to make some cocoa before we do the gift exchange?” he asks.
“Sure, I’ll go make some.” you say as you stand up and stretch, your shirt rising up a bit, causing Bucky to moan a bit, hoping you didn’t hear him.
You then walk to the kitchen, pouring milk into a pan, bringing it and some sugar to a boil before adding in white chocolate chunks, letting it melt before taking it off the stove.
You pour the contents into two mugs, top off with whip cream, candy cane bits and a bit of chocolate powder to finish it off.
Grabbing the two mugs, you walk back to the common room.
You hand Bucky his mug and he inhales deeply.
“Peppermint?” he asks.
You nod just as you go to take a sip of yours.
Unfortunately you didn’t realize you had whip cream on the tip of your nose, but Bucky sees it, and sets down his cup, then reaches over to get the cream off the tip of your nose.
You blush, hoping the excuse of the fireplace can be passed off.
That man made your heart race, as if it was in the Boston Marathon.
He was too good of a friend, and you hated the thought of taking a chance, and him not reciprocating back on the feelings, and it ends up ruining the one good thing you have going for you.
He simply smiled at you and continued drinking.
“So are you excited to finally know what your gift is?” you ask him.
His eyes light up, as his grin gets so huge.
“Yes!” he says, practically screaming it.
You laugh, and set your mug down.
Standing up, you walk over to behind the Christmas tree, and grab a fairly decent size box and bring it over to your chair.
Taking the hint, Bucky gets up and goes to grab your gift, coming back and sitting down in the chair.
Looking at the time on your phone, you see that it is now just after midnight, and officially Christmas.
You hand out the gift for Bucky to take, and he hands out yours.
“Remember, we open them on the count of 3. Ready? 1….” you start.
“2…. “ he continues.
“3!!!!!” you both say together, digging into the paper.
You hear him gasp as he’s opened up the box to the camera. You can’t help but chuckle at his reaction, unwrapping your gift.
You gasp when you open the box. The firelight hits the stones in just the right way, making them sparkle.
“Clare!” you hear Bucky exclaim.
You look up and he’s opening the scrapbook and looking at all the pictures.
“This is too much!” you both say in unison.
Taking a moment to explain your reasoning for the gift, Bucky’s eyes start to tear up.
“I will use this every day!” he states.
Wiping away a tear, you take a deep breath. “I told you, that you would!” you managed, sounding cheeky as ever.
Now it’s Bucky’s turn to explain his gift.
As he’s telling you the reason why he got it, it’s starting to dawn on you, what he’s trying to say.
You put your gift on the side table and stand up, Bucky doing the same, closing the distance between the two of you.
He gently reaches up, cupping your cheek with his right hand, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb.
Before anything can be said or done, soft Christmas carols are being played, but you don’t pay attention.
There is only Bucky and you in the room, and nothing else matters.
Bucky leans down, and gently presses his lips to yours, as your breath hitches in your throat.
As he slowly starts to pull away, you can feel his breath on your lips.
“I guess what I’m also trying to say is, I really like you Clare. You’ve always been there for me, and you’ve never treated me any different to anyone else. When we talk, you listen, and you take a genuine interest in what I have to say. You aren’t afraid of me, and you make me feel like myself again. Your gift shows how I can remember who I was, and not be ashamed, but that I can forge ahead and make something more of myself. The only thing is, I can’t do that without you being there by my side. I’m stronger when I’m with you, then without you.” he starts, grabbing your hand in his left one, thumb absentmindedly rubbing your knuckles.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks, not realizing that he’s holding his breath.
You nod once, before you burst out giggling and wrapping your arms around his neck repeating yes over and over, tears streaming down your cheeks.
He pulls you back, making sure he heard you right, letting out the breath he’d been holding.
“Is that a yes?” he asks you, wanting to make absolute certain.
“Yes!” you say wrapping both arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
After a while, you both come up for air.
You both go to sit in a chair, Bucky sitting first and then you in his lap.
The fire burns low, as you both wrap a blanket around you, watching the snow continue to fall.
“This is by far the best Christmas I can ever remember!” Bucky says.
“It’s definitely my favorite as well.” you agree, snuggling up against him.
Hearts content, you both drift off to sleep in the chair, knowing you both got your Christmas miracle that you didn’t know you needed.
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Ratings Update 3 - Hallmark Movies/Series 2024
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Romance With a Twist (NYNM) - 1.85 
Falling in Love in Niagara (SIL) - 1.80  
Love on the Right Course (NYNM) - 1.78 
A Scottish Love Scheme (NYNM) - 1.72 
Branching Out (SIL) - 1.67 
Blind Date Book Club (SIL) - 1.65 
An Easter Bloom (DaySpring) (SIL) - 1.62
Paging Mr. Darcy (L) - 1.57 
Betty’s Bad Luck in Love (NYNM) - 1.51  Shifting Gears (SIL) - 1.51  Falling Like Snowflakes (CIJ) - 1.51
A Very Vermont Christmas (CIJ) - 1.50
Love & Jane (L) - 1.49 
A Whitewater Romance (CTS) - 1.48
A Costa Rican Wedding (SN) - 1.47
For Love & Honey (PTL) - 1.46 Savoring Paris (PTL) - 1.46
A Greek Recipe for Romance (PTL) - 1.30
Everything Puppies (CTS) - 1.31
An American in Austen (L) - 1.28 
Legend of the Lost Locket (SIL) - 1.27 
Junebug (SN) - 1.22
Two Scoops of Italy (PTL) - 1.13
My Dreams of You (SN) - 1.07
Sense and Sensibility (Mahogany) (L) - 0.94  A Taste of Love (L) - NA  The Magic of Lemon Drops (SN) - TBD Head Over Heels (SN) - TBD
NYNM - New Year New Movies, L - Loveuary with Jane Austen, SIL - Spring Into Love, CTS - Countdown to Summer, PTL - Passport to Love, CIJ - Christmas in July, SN - Summer Nights FIL - Fall Into Love, CTC - Countdown to Christmas, MOC - Miracles of Christmas, NA - Not Avaliable, TBD - To Be Determined
The Way Home - Season 2  E1: The Space Between - 1.25  E2: Hanging by a Moment - 1.16  E3: When You Were Young - 1.19  E4: Wake Me Up When September Ends - 1.03  E5: Long Time Gone - 1.14  E6: How to See a Life - 1.24 E7: Somewhere Only We Know - 1.08  E8: Lose Yourself - 1.11   E9: Here Without You - 1.09  E10: Bring Me to Life - 1.36 
When Calls the Heart - Season 11  E1: When Stars Align - 1.77  E2: Tomorrow Never Knows - 1.72  E3: Steps Forward - 1.85  E4: Along Came a Spider - 1.77  E5: Stronger Together - 1.91   E6: Believe - 1.98 E7: Facing the Music - 1.78  E8: Brother’s Keeper - 1.77  E9: Truth Be Told - 1.94   E10: What Goes Around - 2.16   E11: Run to You - 2.14   E12: Anything for Love - 2.18
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True Justice: Family Ties - 0.76 
One Bad Apple: A Hannah Swensen Mystery - 0.74 
Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans - 0.71 
Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers - 0.65  Tipline Mysteries: Dial 1 for Murder - 0.65
Family Practice Mysteries: Coming Home - 0.58
CrimeTime: Freefall - 0.53 
Crimes of Fashion: Killer Clutch - 0.43 Signed, Sealed, Delivered: A Tale of Three Letters - NA Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery -NA
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supportingjatpcast · 9 months
Where to find the JATP Cast as of December 12, 2023
happy three years to this account! Time to do my thing and update yall on where you can find the cast now! this will be under a read more for those of you who want to scroll past! Have a good one!
Madison Reyes- Julie Molina (@themadisonreyes on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
The Bad Seed Returns
All Kinds of Love (available on all music streaming platforms)
Allie Mitchell Must Win (in preproduction)
Charlie Gillespie- Luke Patterson (@charles_gillespie on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
The Class
Love You Anyway
Chevel Shepard: Good Boy (music video)
The Rest of Us
Madison Park: better w/o you (music video)
Conséquences (six episodes)
I Am the Night (pilot episode)
Speed Kills
Charmed 2018 (Pilot and Episode 2)
Naomi Sequeira: Pastries (music video)
2nd Generation (episodes 1-6)
The Next Step (season 5, episode 17)
Degrassi: Next Class (season 4, episodes 8 and 10)
The Outlaw League
Totally Killer
The Get Back Girl (postproduction)
Debbie Gibson: Love Don't Care (music video)
Owen Patrick Joyner- Alex Mercer (@owenjoyner on Instagram and Twitter)
Julie and the Phantoms
Acapulco (season 2, episode 3)
Knight Squad
Henry Danger (season 5, episode 9)
Slime Cup (season 3, episodes 1-6)
The Thundermans (season 4, episode 15)
The Veil
It’s On
100 Things to Do Before High School
Nickelodeon’s Ho Ho Holiday Special
Something Here (postproduction)
Jeremy Shada- Reggie Peters (@jeremyshada on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
Interrupting Chicken (season 1, episode 3)
Dragons: The Nine Realms
Adventure Time: Distant Lands
Cookie Run Kingdom (English version)
Denton’s Death Date
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Adventure Time
Mr. Student Body President
Spiderman 2018 (season 2, episode 1)
Cheerleader Nightmare
Blooms Adventure Time TD
When Jeff Tried to Save the World
DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
Gloria Talks Funny
Cartoon Network Live
Surfs Up 2: WaveMania
Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations
Lego Dimensions
Badly Drawn Animals
Adventure Time: All’s Well That Rats Swell
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M
Adventure Time: Game Wizard
Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
Adventure Time: Card Wars
Aliens in the House
Adventure Time: Ski Safari
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know!
See Dad Run (season 2, episode 8)
Incredible Crew (season 1, episodes 1-18)
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d You Steal Our Garbage?!!
Adventure Time: The Wand
That’s What I Am
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (season 1, episode 18; season 2, episodes 6, 18, 19; season 3 episodes 1, 3)
Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey
Parenthood (season 1, episodes 4-5)
Healing Hands
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Chowder (season 2, episode 24)
Cold Case (season 5, episode 1)
The Loop (season 2, episode 4)
Lost (season 2, episode 12; season 3, episode 21)
Ghost Whisperer (season 2, episodes 21-22)
Shark (season 1, episode 16)
Southern Comfort
Nip/Tuck (season 4, episode 13)
Bambi 2: The Great Prince of the Forest
No Rules
ER (season 11, episode 6)
The Incredibles: When Danger Calls
Team America: World Police
Miracle Run
Good Girls Don’t… (season 1, episode 4)
My Neighbors the Yamadas
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake (season 1 episodes 2,3,5,7,10)
Vintage (available on all music streaming platforms)
Ballerina (available on all music streaming platforms)
Mad Love (available on all music streaming platforms)
Midnight Promises (available on all music streaming platforms)
Jadah Marie- Flynn Taylor (@thejadahmarie on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
Family Reunion (season 4, episodes 4-5)
Home Invasion (season 1, episodes 1-6)
Sarah Jeffery and Jadah Marie: Audrey’s Christmas Rewind
Descendants 3
Descendants 3: Good to Be Bad (music video)
Ready Player One
Mann and Wife
Blue Bloods (season 7, episode 8)
No Safe Place (preproduction)
Sacha Carlson- Nick (@sacha_carlson on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
9-1-1 l: Lone Star (season 3, episode 14)
American Housewife (season 3, episodes 6-7)
A Christmas Story Live!
Sacha Carlson & The Light (check out his band!)
Savannah Lee May- Carrie Wilson (@savannahleemay on Instagram)
Julie and the Phantoms
A Cowgirl’s Song
The Secret Lives of Cheerleaders
Knight Squad
Cousins for Life (season 1, episode 12)
Bizaardvark (season 2, episode 20)
School of Rock (season 3, episode 6)
Keep Moving (postproduction)
Booboo Stewart- Willie (@booboostewart.art on Instagram)
(look, i adore booboo. i do. but this man has 113 acting credits on IMDB, and there is no way that i am typing all of them out and including exactly what episodes of shows he’s in. love you all, but i do actually have a life outside of stanning the jatp cast, so im just linking his imdb page here. happy searching babes!)
Carlos Ponce- Ray Molina (@poncecarlos1 on Instagram)
(Carlos has 52 acting credits, and many are in Spanish, a language that i do not speak. check out his IMDb page here.)
Sonny Bustamante- Carlos Molina
Julie and the Phantoms
7th & Union
Law & Order True Crime (season 1, episodes 3-5)
New Shoes
Heaven’s Flume
Cheyenne Jackson- Caleb Covington (@MrCheyenneJackson on Instagram)
(Cheyenne has 66 acting credits. I'm not typing all that out, because I doubt that you want to read all of that. Check him out here!)
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hamhamparadise · 9 months
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Hamtaro the Movie 3: Miracle in Aurora Village (Revamped)
This post is being released the same day as in Patreon, as a special occasion.
Today is a special day for kids all around the world, excited to unwrap their gifts from Santa.
But Santa does not only care for the kids, and you are all in the good list too!
Your gift is... A revamp of the third hamtaro movie!
This revamp is massive. Just like with the second movie, we got hold of a subtitle file with hiragana for the whole movie, and that helped us offer a way better translation than we could have dream of.
Pretty much every sentence of this movie has been revamped in some way or another, a good chunk of them has been changed completely. Since the first revamp of this movie was made 10 years ago (the first version of the movie dates from July 2011 to celebrate Bijou's birthday, and the first revamp was released on New Year's Eve 2013), we can only encourage you to watch it again because it's a completely new experience!
For the team this movie is very special, specially for André, as it was the main motivation fueling him to devote to Hamtaro and search for the, back then, rare movies... which led to all of these years of Ham Ham Paradise and Paradise Hamsubs existence. Going back to the movie, as we mentioned, the changes are so big it makes us a little embarassed that we even dared to release the previous versions, as they're terrible. Back then we were amateurs and frankly, the movie does have a lot of sentences that are incredibly hard to grasp, we had trouble even with the hiragana on our hands!
But the results now are something that make us proud. 
Due to time constraints, we have not updated the old karaoke effects (albeit they're not terrible, they could have been improved a little with new effects), but we have fixed a few karaoke lines, made the font more readable, and overall improved the timing. Luckily, back then we already did our best and created really cool effects for most songs, so that was a time-saver!
This year has flown by and we have little Hamtaro left to work on, but we can still revisit some of the old stuff that can use an improvement like this movie, and we hope you enjoy it.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you! Enjoy this time with your family and friends and enjoy a little by yourself with Hamtaro and friends too.
Please enjoy!
You can watch online or download the movie here: Watch Hamtaro Movie 3 - Miracle in Aurora Village.
Please consider supporting us on Patreon or Ko-Fi!
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manymanydolls · 9 months
Merry Christmas Eve!
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Molly and Nanea are throwing a Christmas party! They’ve got all the decorations put up and their beautiful party dresses on.
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Molly even made sugar cookies. As Nanea reaches for one, there’s a knock on the door. She and Molly run to answer it.
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It’s Claudie and Rosemary! “Take your coats off and get comfortable!” Molly says. There’s another knock. Nanea goes to see who it is while Molly gets her guests settled.
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Joss is here! As soon as Nanea brings her inside, there’s another knock on the door. As she goes back to welcome the next guest in, Nanea asks Molly, “How many people did you invite?”
“Everyone in my address book,” Molly says.
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Before long, the place is packed! Everyone is talking, laughing, and munching on sugar cookies. Julie hears a familiar voice calling her name and turns to see who it is. When she sees her face, Julie runs to her and grabs her in a big hug.
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It’s her best friend, Ivy Ling! Julie and Ivy haven’t seen each other in forever. It’s a Christmas miracle✨Happy holidays, everybody!
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