#chronicles of Meap
bee-tee-rus · 11 months
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handelingit · 4 months
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dragongirl2 · 6 months
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ifwebefriends · 1 year
So I’ve been watching a bunch of Phineas and Ferb episodes today since I’ve been stuck inside with a cold so here’s a few thoughts I have about “The Chronicles of Meap”:
The beginning of the episode implies the existence of a Meap-centered show with 37 prior episodes to this episode
Ferb says that the ship they made isn’t really street-legal
Phineas is so eerily chill about being abducted and threatened by a criminal alien poacher
The Mitch and Meap dynamic is like if the Doof and Perry dynamic was about 30% more serious
Doofenshmirtz canonically thinks of Perry as his best friend
Meap is probably the first person ever to validate Candace’s busting dreams and I like to think that her experience with him helped drive her for the rest of the show
Meap is married apparently (He refers to another character as his mother-in-law)
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themaybird · 2 years
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home alone you know what that means. phineas and ferbing it up in here ‼️
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104-days-of-gifs · 1 year
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Another 104 Days of Phineas and Ferb GIFs: Day 75
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lyra664 · 5 months
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I think I was so excited about Meap Me in St. Louis that I ended up dreaming about a sequel, lmao.
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Meap vs. Perry the Platyborg
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Meap: Meap! Perry the Platyborg: krkrkrkr
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t00obsessed · 1 year
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masterdizzi · 1 year
Phinabella Episodes tier list (or episodes where Phinabella play a MAJOR role) "I scream, you scream" and "Canderemy" do not count
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handelingit · 7 months
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I wrote a cutesy little fanfic for Valentine’s Day but I think this is better.
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dragongirl2 · 1 year
Okay hear me out.
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quantumboogaloo · 2 years
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That’s why books have covers. To judge them.
This saying has always bothered me. The show doesn’t act like Candace is wrong in this moment. Linda admits that she picked the books because they looked interesting, (based on the covers) but then a big point in the story is that she shouldn’t have judged Meap based on the fact he looked cute, which is accurate. It always drew my attention to the fact that the saying was stupid and not a very good analogy.
Candace makes a really good point here. Books covers are intentionally designed to give you an idea of what’s in them. That’s why they usually have a summary on the back or inside cover.
People on the other hand aren’t as clear cut. There’s no “summary” that we can look at when we see a person. It’s why I’ve always hated that saying, and just another reason in the pile of why I love this show.
Also, this show made me understand figurative speech, literary analysis, etc. way better than multiple high school and college English courses ever did. Gotta love when a cartoon is better at explaining metaphors (and some of their failings) better than 15 years of public school and college. (Okay, slight exaggeration, but still)
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themaybird · 1 year
Finding out we're going to get Meap me in St. Louis after all this time feels like the P&F version of getting All Too Well (Ten Minute Version)
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violetlunette · 2 years
I just re-watched the Chronicles of Meap, and I really love the relationship between Meap and Candace. When they first meet Meap instantly gains respect for her. This is mainly because he thinks she’s the authority on earth, but I believe he figures out that isn’t the case later. And yet he still shows her respect in the future, such as congratulating her on stopping Mitch from escaping. This is especially meaningful as not many people respect Candace. (Note: Like and respect are two different things.) I really love that—in his own way—Meap stood up for Candace at the Bangaroo convention where two security guards started bullying Candace. You can actually see Candace getting sadder as these two adults just start yelling at her when she did absolutely nothing wrong. This goes on till Meap has enough and uses his rainbow beam on them. (It gets her banned from the convention but his heart was in the right place.) Then when Mitch captures the kids, Meap is very calm with Candace and keeps her on track as he helps her come up with a plan to save them. Candace, for her part, is kinder to him than she is to anyone else on the show (minus Jeremy). She does her best to listen and is very protective of him. Even when being threatened by Mitch she still tries to help Meap escape. I so was sad that he wasn’t in CATU. It would have been nice to have the two bond some more, especially since the movie took place in SPACE. Oh, well. Two more seasons, so maybe there’s hope in the future for these two.
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