chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨days 24-38 of 100 days of productivity✨
been a good while since i last updated! the past 2 weeks have been so hectic with tons of meetings (see my schedule) and assignments due. there were days that i did not bother time-blocking because it was really tiring to plan by the half-hour. my sleep cycle is also off; sometimes i sleep for 9 hrs and others 3.5. issa weird and hella stressful period. am very very stressed.
but HEY we crossed 1 month on this studyblr and that's amazing! thank you everyone for the support and the comments and messages - it's rlly nice to interact w all of u ❤️ pretty wholesome community ✨🌻
amidst the busy mess, i had a day out w my best friend and that was a good break. good food, very-sweet dessert, great matcha latte. altho i could have taken that day to do my assignments instead, i'm rather glad i went out bc self-care, y'know? also organised my whiteboard to look more organised.
this week's my submission week again, with 3 big assignments due. i'm going to try to keep up with time-blocking so that I don't fall apart. i'm currently approaching burnout, so i hope i can get thru this week and rest!
happy tuesday, everyone! ❤️❤️❤️ please remember to drink enough water 😆
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stvdybuddies · 7 years
@chryseumaureus replied to your post: “04.27.17 || Just finished taking the last midterm for Classical Studies…”
omgosh the seashell clips are so pretty! where did you get them from?
I got them from a little shop in Japan when I went there last summer <3
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨day 9 of productivity✨
2021 summer study challenge - 3rd aug
"what's your least favourite thing about the beach?"
the sun ☀️🤡 AND THE SAND OMG it gets EVERYWHERE 🥲
today marks the start of uni year 2 sem 1 term 1 and i'm kinda lowkey stressed but excited too! today we had our first coding (of the term) and i'm rlly glad to have this professor teaching me. she was rlly detailed and logical in her explanations, which makes the python learning process so much easier.
did my post seminar review and i must say that the extra effort has helped me to better recall almost all of the things that were taught today. i merged my lesson, slides and study guide notes together, so yay! i'm actl redoing my seminar 1 coding exercises to make sure i really remember, so 😄 guess it's not exactly an early night again!
i have class again tmr, so i'm off to finish coding and continue pre-lesson prep. see u guys tmr! ❤️💛
#studygram #study #studymotivation #notes #notion #goodnotes5 #2021summerstudychallenge #summerstudychallenge #100daysofproductivity #productivity #tuesday
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨ day 6 & 7 of productivity
see post-it pic for the mess that is my life (& mind) 🤪
day 6 was just light reading for hrm203, meetings, designing, and cramps. did a bit of journalling prep for 2/8 onwards. cramps were bad and i've been having problems w my period since the start of 2021. hope next mth's period goes well, or i'll prob have to make a trip to the doc 😭☹️
day 7 (sun) was a gr8 day tho! i slept v early last night, and woke up early. had one of the best mornings with breakfast and lofi music to accompany me as I study. made progress on my hrm and finished my fin312 notes. tmr's gonna be coding day, so i should be able to finish my leftover tasks from this week.
will begin journaling on mon, so cheers to aesthetic spreads (i'm trying,,,) and more laptop snaps (yes i code so i need my laptop)
2021 studying challenge - 31 july
Would you rather spend the day at the beach or at the swimming pool?
swimming pool because i can just sit at the seats and watch my friends swim 🤡
2021 studying challenge - aug 1
What do you do when you go to the beach?
usually im dragged there by my will so i'll either be having fun (unwillingly) or hiding under the shade w coconut ice cream 🤡🤡🤡
a song i rlly liked: lunar souls (interlude) by SCayos 💖✨
this concludes week 1 of productivity! have a happy monday, friends! ❤️❤️❤️
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨ days 44-54 ✨
tl;dr - 10 days of recovering from burnout :>
hello, it's me again! last week was the final week of term 1, and this week's term break. ya gal has been utterly burnt out from everything that is happening, so I spent the last 2 weeks trying not to do any work (revision, ccas, etc). hence, my lack of updates.
i still had lessons last week, and had been trying to use my free time to catch up on revision, only to realise I dreaded doing it (a big red flag). i felt terrible because i wasn't really doing much when i should have used the time to revise (longer term break, lesser exam revision time) or catch up on cca stuff, but instead I was just sleeping the day away.
in response, i spent my days reading manga and watching one piece. i pretty much ignored my messages and social media unless it was rlly rlly important. my average sleep cycle was 10-13 hours, and i woke up at dysfunctional hours :"). also spent a few days going out with friends to eat/walk around town
while reflecting on this term, i figured that my weakness is knowing when to take a break, bc I don't (it's a mindset difference). thus, i'm very thankful for my friends who always reminded me to rest and shared with me how they schedule breaks.
i also tend to overplan, taking on too many commitments at the wrong time, which means lesser time for the important stuff like assignments.
however, i am glad i stuck to writing my daily journal entries, and i'm really happy to see my progress. i also got part of my revision notes done during the term, so it will less taxing during exam revision next term.
this doesn't mean i won't burnout or become a genius planner, but i'm learning from my mistakes, which i think is the best way 2 learn :>
if u have read this far, thank u for listening and i hope you got some useful insights ✨🌻❤️ happy thursday :)
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨ days 21 - 23 of 100 days of productivity ✨
highlight: my first spread on a manhwa that I adore: Black Winter. 💖💖💖
one module down! 🌻 this week (week 3) is submission week (my uni goes in sets of 6-week terms), so i've been spending most of my time completing my assignments. amidst that, my body also biologically expressed the need for a mandatory rest day, so sometimes, you can only listen to your body's demands to rest.
ever since starting this studygram, I've been more on-task than before.
Before, I usually do last-minute work, so I tend to use my grace period for submissions, which is not good practice at all. this term however, my assignments so far have been completed ahead of time, or at least before the deadlne. I'm really happy with this progress and i hope it can stick.
the efforts are largely attributed to the use of Notion and time-blocking on Excel. It is also important to break your assignment into tiny workable parts, rather than tackling things head-on.
if you haven't tried Notion/time-blocking, you can check it out! however, not every method works for everyone, so always find the best combination of producitivy-study methods that suits YOU. 😄
in other fun news, I made my first journal spread on something other than my thoughts. I came across the manhwa Black Winter and I really love it. The artist is Jeong Ina (정이나) and her art is beyond amazing. My entire iPad is currently featuring this manhwa's stills 😆❤️ it's tragedy-romance, so you can check it out if you are interested! still waiting for Season 3 to complete 🥲
have a blessed wednesday everyone, and please stay safe! It's only 2 more days to the weekend - you can do it! :D sending love ❤️❤️❤️
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
✨ new year, new goals✨
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🌼 qn: what is 1 goal that you have set for yourself in 2022?
it's day 4 of 365 and i hope everyone is having a great start to the year! the blessing of January is the ability to start afresh, anew.
I thought a lot about what I wanted this studyblr to be, and it is to:
✨ be consistent in my posts - a post every tuesday, a reel every month, stories
✨ engage & be involved with you guys, and the studygram community :D
✨ accountable- if i need a break from posting, i will announce it + my reasons.
this studygram is as always, a reflection🪞of me and my journey in life to be a better person, which is FULL of ups and downs, as you've come to see. school, work, art, journaling, my lovely desk - you'll be seeing these in 2022, so heyhey, let's walk this journey together🌌
cheers and have a smooth-sailing week ahead ❤️ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 25 of 365
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✨ first week of school✨
🌼 qn: do you prefer coffee or tea? ☕🍵
last week was both hectic and not. it started terribly but ended on a good note because I started feeling better (emotionally) during the weekend.
i got another keyboard - RK918 because I needed a full-size keyboard. really love the RGB colors!
this week, I'm determined to start and end the week on a good note so :D Monday started off as a good hair day, and I got my Tigger pineapple tarts - they taste amazing!! should have gotten another box,,,
today's my first day of school - here's to hoping everything will go well! :) good luck for the rest of the week my friends!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨free kawaii desktop digital planner for 2022✨
🌼 qn: do you prefer physical or digital planners, and why?
hello it's me again! Got a late start but I tried my hand at designing my own digital planner this year. This is my first time creating and using one; i've usually bought pre-designed physical planners, but since uni started I have a lot of things going on with many changes, so it gets annoying editing on a physical planner. It wastes time, effort and resources. I'm lazy and busy. weekly bujos are out of the window i have no time :( , esp since i alr journal.
Anw, I decided to try out digital planners but the free planners I found were not my style, so I made my own on PPT with inspiration from kawaii desktop PPTs.
planner link is here 🥰 comment a 🌟 for the ppt and i'll pm you! 💖
until next time - stay safe and hydrated!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 26 of 365
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✨ books for 2022! ✨
🌼 qn: do you like books with a coffee mug?
it's me again, and I'm sharing the books I'm reading this year with you! been reading only fiction for the last decade, and as fun, as it is, it didn't really value-add to me except expand my fiction muses (if u read fanfiction, u know what I mean).
since personal development has been a thing for me, might as well make a positive change by reading books that can help me become a better person. :> (that and benefit my professional interests!).
I'm still reading bad bosses at the moment - very insightful DISC explanations, although some of it was not 100% applicable to me yet. it turns out I'm quite Green (S), followed by C, I, and D :) the beauty of personality is that I'm never bound to only 1 trait - I could be S-C, S-I, S-D, S-I-C, S-I-D depending on the situation. that was quite the revelation for some reason. I'm hoping this would teach me to better understand and react to people in the workplace :)
anyway, I will do a review/reflection for each book when I'm done. :D I look forward to sharing them with you guys!
happy wednesday, and God bless :) 💗💗💗
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨ day 8 of productivity ✨
2 August 2021
2021 Summer Studying Challenge - 2 Aug: "What do you like most about the beach?"
i'm an indoors person so i prefer the shade most 🤡🤡🤡 if not, the water bc it's hot 24/7 where i live.
today was solely focused on trying to figure out my coding exercise before prof went thru it in class. my python skills are rlly rusty, so it took me the whole day just to do one example, since we were starting straight from pandas, and i've only had 1 intensive lesson from 2 years back. i'm happy tho w the progress bc i also cleaned up my living rm desk 😆
i've also started journalling and planner-ing (shhh listen i made it up) again, with the start of this week! 🥳 will post my spread for the week on Sunday!
in the mean time, happy tuesday to everyone! ✨ have a wonderful day ahead and i hope things move smoothly for you! cheerrsss ❤️❤️❤️
#studygram #study #studymotivation #studytable #bujo #bulletjournal #bujospread #journal #journaling #100daysofproductivity #2021 #summerstudychallenge
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 61 of 365
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✨ cottagecore aesthetic: WIP✨ 🌼 qn: would you rather live in a cottage away from civilization, or in an apartment in the city? i would rather live in a cottage :"D nice quiet comfort. i think i've been reading too many manhwas out of stress :"D but man, living away from civilization sounds a lot more fun than slaving away in the city. i switched to the cottagecore aesthetic with icons i found on pinterest, but there are many icons that are missing, so if my term break schedule allows, drawing new icons would be part of the menu. :D and learning SQL. SQL is a lot more fun and easy to pick up compared to python :") anyway, cheers to a blissful wednesday!🥰
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 60 of 365
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✨ blessed 1st day of march! ✨ 🌼 qn: how was your last week of february? i spent mine with 70% stress and 30% negativethoughts due to the number of things occurring in the same week: submissions, an interview and interim submissions for a trading competition. i got an interview for an internship opportunity but i didn't do well for it in my opinion (man the negative thoughts that came after that,,,). since it was quite sudden, i didn't prepare well. but, i'm trying to look on the bright side - i got thru an interview so i can better expect and prepare for the next one. :"> i also got a new phone since my old one developed a green line on its screen - a hardware issue. i didn't want to wait in the case that my screen broke (let me tell you: Not Fun) so,,, my wallet now sports quite a hole. gonna try to get some of my energy back this week and actually finish my notes (am lagging behind) like i said i would 2 weeks back. have a good tuesday friends ❤️✨🥰 i hope mine stays uneventful.
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
✨day 18 of 365✨
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✨ back to journalling✨
🌼 qn: do you prefer dotted paper, lined paper, or squared paper, and why? :D
say hello to my journal for 2022! it's from Notebook Therapy - you can check them out on Instagram. no, this post isn't sponsored I'm just bgwioefblwief excited about this planner because it's so pretty!
ah but excitement aside, i realise this planner gets dirty very easily,,, hindsight really is a pain... should have figured that would happen. :")
you can see the 2022 cover for this year - each number represents each of the 4 seasons, using flowers and other elements related to it. it's been a long while since I've last sat down to sketch and ink. I'm not great at drawing anything beside flowers and even those are self-taught :")
anyway, next week's the start of the new semester - i'm equal parts excited, nervous, and dreading it because when i see the mods I'm taking, i quaketh 🥲 m shiver T_T
in the meantime, i've been trying to do a little bit of upskilling on the side using Forage (will do a post on this next week), and will be catching up with workshop assignments this week. I'm still having trouble with my cover letter - for some, you can relate to the difficulty; for others it could be a really easy task to identify what u have that an employer would want to see. I'm in the former category 🥲🤣 Wish me luck! Gonna beat this letter even if it's the last thing I do, and get the opportunities I am aiming for.
5 more days of the week to go - y'all GOT this! ❤️❤️❤️ (but it's also 5 more days to the start of school,,,)
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨ day 55 - 58 ✨
🌼 qn: how is your day?
i'm slowly getting back into the grind again. this week is the last week of term break, so i'm starting a new term next week. i'm 40% excited, 60% dreading the next term because there are more individual assignments to complete.
nonetheless, i embrace the opportunity to learn :> referring to my prev post, my goal this term is to remember to take regular breaks, so i do not burn out.
❣️reminder: a change of environment may help you to focus better, so hop to a new cafe if you need to. just a few hours would help you get back on track.
i went to Camaca today. it's a cafe at KAP Mall that serves pretty nice (atas) coffee and ice cream. I rarely have the chance to visit this place due to COVID-19, but it was quiet today, and the change in environment helped me focus on what i needed to do. for once, i am not doing work from home, which was starting to get on my nerves.
i'm going to use this week to catch up on my studies, and get out of home.
happy monday, and here's to wishing you a very fruitful week ahead! 🌹❤️💖✨✨✨
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨ days 12 - 14 of 100 days of productivity ✨
the weekend this week was rlly tiring for me as i had afternoon-night lessons (6 hrs) on friday, and had rlly bad tension headches on both fri & sat night, which meant i couldn't do much. :") however, i still survived my lessons on friday, and spent time with fam on saturday! ❤️❤️❤️
amidst feelings of unmotivation and tiredness, i rejoice in the small things that brought me joy 💛🌟 if you notice, i now have a new addition to my desk -> a small little cat lamp that (you'll find on a few other studygrams). I saw this and thought it was really cute, so i got one from shopee. I made a small unboxing vlog (of various other things in my haul) that i'm still editing (cue my nonexistent videography and editing skills im sorry in advance 🥲), so that'll come soon.
i've been journalling again, both to plan my day and to write down the events of each day and my feelings. had fun playing with all of my stickers and making spreads 😆 these little things brought me joy and i appreciate them very much.
in essence, week 1 of uni year 2 sem 1 term 1 was still alright, albeit hectic. i have a lot of incoming assignments so i've been busy trying to stay ahead of class (and kind of failing) since i have content-heavy, examinable mods. 🥲🥲🥲 fingers crossed tho, for my efforts in trying to fit 48 hrs in a day HAHAHAAHA
lastly, it's National Day in Singapore today (9 August), so happy 56th birthday, Singapore! ❤️🇸🇬🌟 thank you for always keeping me safe.
it's monday again, so cheers to the week ahead! time to start the grind. 💖✨☺️
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