chryseumaureus · 2 years
u know what. i love romance. that’s why i love kdramas and my silly little romance books and seeing couples being gentle with each other. if not love what‘s this life about
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chryseumaureus · 2 years
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 61 of 365
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✨ cottagecore aesthetic: WIP✨ 🌼 qn: would you rather live in a cottage away from civilization, or in an apartment in the city? i would rather live in a cottage :"D nice quiet comfort. i think i've been reading too many manhwas out of stress :"D but man, living away from civilization sounds a lot more fun than slaving away in the city. i switched to the cottagecore aesthetic with icons i found on pinterest, but there are many icons that are missing, so if my term break schedule allows, drawing new icons would be part of the menu. :D and learning SQL. SQL is a lot more fun and easy to pick up compared to python :") anyway, cheers to a blissful wednesday!🥰
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 60 of 365
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✨ blessed 1st day of march! ✨ 🌼 qn: how was your last week of february? i spent mine with 70% stress and 30% negativethoughts due to the number of things occurring in the same week: submissions, an interview and interim submissions for a trading competition. i got an interview for an internship opportunity but i didn't do well for it in my opinion (man the negative thoughts that came after that,,,). since it was quite sudden, i didn't prepare well. but, i'm trying to look on the bright side - i got thru an interview so i can better expect and prepare for the next one. :"> i also got a new phone since my old one developed a green line on its screen - a hardware issue. i didn't want to wait in the case that my screen broke (let me tell you: Not Fun) so,,, my wallet now sports quite a hole. gonna try to get some of my energy back this week and actually finish my notes (am lagging behind) like i said i would 2 weeks back. have a good tuesday friends ❤️✨🥰 i hope mine stays uneventful.
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
✨ day 45 of 365 ✨
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✨ valentine's with schoolwork✨
🌼 qn: how was your valentine's day?❤️
i spent mine in bed with crappy self-esteem, a slightly sprained ankle and schoolwork. haven't been in a great mental state this weekend but we all have Bad Days and life must still go on.
since it's the month of love, i threw red, peach and white acrylic paint on my journal and painted a fluffy heart for the occasion. does my heart feel fluffy? not really since it's just another day 🤣 i hope your 14th fared better than mine!
thisweek is going to be spent catching up on my lesson notes and group projects. i hope i clear the backlog before the week ends :"D
have a smooooof Wednesday friends ❤️✨🥰
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 39 of 365
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✨ staying focused ✨
🌼 qn: have you procrastinated this past week? yes i have.
CNY week got me all relaxed and not focused on my assignments - my deadline's on Friday and I am still not a quarter done on my reports. Time to light up my midnight oil canisters.
if you need the extra burst of motivation, this post is urs, and my motivation to get our work done at record speed.
if only i'd stop getting distracted or called every other minute of the day. at least I've completed my internship applications! fingers crossed for the next stage - technical tests.
here's cheers to a Very Productive Tuesday!💗💗💗
You can do it people!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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Day 33 of 365✨🐯✨🍊
✨🐯 happy lunar new year of the tiger! 🐯✨
🍊 qn: do you like eating mandarin oranges? (i m obsessed with them,,,)
I missed yesterday's update because I was out for house visiting during Chinese New Year :) It's been a good break and I am trying to get back to studying and applying for a work-study program.
I'm very happy this CNY because it's been much more fun, and I got to see all of my relatives together. Truly, this is the season and spirit of family for me.
Also, I've been eating way TOO many big prawns and mandarin oranges,,, :")
here's cheers to a happy wednesday!💗🐯🍊🧧🧧🍊🐯💗
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 26 of 365
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✨ books for 2022! ✨
🌼 qn: do you like books with a coffee mug?
it's me again, and I'm sharing the books I'm reading this year with you! been reading only fiction for the last decade, and as fun, as it is, it didn't really value-add to me except expand my fiction muses (if u read fanfiction, u know what I mean).
since personal development has been a thing for me, might as well make a positive change by reading books that can help me become a better person. :> (that and benefit my professional interests!).
I'm still reading bad bosses at the moment - very insightful DISC explanations, although some of it was not 100% applicable to me yet. it turns out I'm quite Green (S), followed by C, I, and D :) the beauty of personality is that I'm never bound to only 1 trait - I could be S-C, S-I, S-D, S-I-C, S-I-D depending on the situation. that was quite the revelation for some reason. I'm hoping this would teach me to better understand and react to people in the workplace :)
anyway, I will do a review/reflection for each book when I'm done. :D I look forward to sharing them with you guys!
happy wednesday, and God bless :) 💗💗💗
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
day 25 of 365
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✨ first week of school✨
🌼 qn: do you prefer coffee or tea? ☕🍵
last week was both hectic and not. it started terribly but ended on a good note because I started feeling better (emotionally) during the weekend.
i got another keyboard - RK918 because I needed a full-size keyboard. really love the RGB colors!
this week, I'm determined to start and end the week on a good note so :D Monday started off as a good hair day, and I got my Tigger pineapple tarts - they taste amazing!! should have gotten another box,,,
today's my first day of school - here's to hoping everything will go well! :) good luck for the rest of the week my friends!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
i put my resources onto a linktree, and tidied up my description formatting.
go ahead and check out my digital planner on my linktree!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
✨day 18 of 365✨
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✨ back to journalling✨
🌼 qn: do you prefer dotted paper, lined paper, or squared paper, and why? :D
say hello to my journal for 2022! it's from Notebook Therapy - you can check them out on Instagram. no, this post isn't sponsored I'm just bgwioefblwief excited about this planner because it's so pretty!
ah but excitement aside, i realise this planner gets dirty very easily,,, hindsight really is a pain... should have figured that would happen. :")
you can see the 2022 cover for this year - each number represents each of the 4 seasons, using flowers and other elements related to it. it's been a long while since I've last sat down to sketch and ink. I'm not great at drawing anything beside flowers and even those are self-taught :")
anyway, next week's the start of the new semester - i'm equal parts excited, nervous, and dreading it because when i see the mods I'm taking, i quaketh 🥲 m shiver T_T
in the meantime, i've been trying to do a little bit of upskilling on the side using Forage (will do a post on this next week), and will be catching up with workshop assignments this week. I'm still having trouble with my cover letter - for some, you can relate to the difficulty; for others it could be a really easy task to identify what u have that an employer would want to see. I'm in the former category 🥲🤣 Wish me luck! Gonna beat this letter even if it's the last thing I do, and get the opportunities I am aiming for.
5 more days of the week to go - y'all GOT this! ❤️❤️❤️ (but it's also 5 more days to the start of school,,,)
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
Hi. How did you function when you’ve been burned out? I saw you’ve been posting about it.I hope you’re better now ❤️❤️ What helped you the most? I just can’t get over it.. Maybe seeking professional help wouldn’t be bad but the shame 🙁🙁..
Aww, thank you, you beautiful soul! Yes, I am better now 🌟🥰 incoming long answer to your question. I have no ability to be concise,,, it's an essay at this point, but I hope you find it a little helpful :>
1. How I felt and functioned when I burned out
I basically fell into a state of not wanting to meet people, not wanting to do anything, and just getting really tired doing the simplest tasks (like I could just eat and sleep and I'm still tired). I just want to lie on my bed every day, underneath my blanket, and not move; endlessly consuming fanfiction and webtoons since as works of fiction, they have the ability to give me at least some reprieve from reality. I don't touch my messages or social media too, hence the lack of activity.
The vicious cycle for me here is that I am tired -> I procrastinate and do other things not related to work -> time flies, work isn't done but deadlines do NOT change -> I realize I now have lesser time to do it -> stress increases -> I try not 2 panic and instead stay up for nights to do my work; sleep in the morning -> I get even more tired, my health sucks, process repeats.
this builds up and it goes 2 ways - I either suck it up and just continue the unhealthy lifestyle until the semester is over, or I just don't do anything at all for 2-3 days, feel a little bit better, then go back to the grind. my sole motivation to keep going then is that I don't want to see my CGPA drop below 4.0/5.0.
My best friend tells me that people usually start their engines from 10%, to 20%, then it slowly inches up. When they are tired, it drops by 10%, then another 10%. But, it's easy enough to get back on track.
Meanwhile, there's me - I'm either 100% or 0%; there's no in-between :") And it's true, and that's an unhealthy way to function. When I burn out, I'm at 0%; I don't do anything for a few days/hours, recharge 10%, then I go zooming off again. If you charged your laptop like that, wouldn't it spoil in a few months? :"))))))))
"Of course you burn out la" Funny as it is, it gave me perspective on this issue.
The thing is that logically I know I should focus on doing my work; working through them step by step is better than procrastinating and doing it at the last minute. But sometimes I can't bring myself to do anything since my brain hurts; I can't think; I don't want to think. Perhaps you can relate. I'm stressed but I can't cry/break down cos I gotta keep moving forward.
Sounds p crappy now that I think about it. Oof.
2. How I got past it
The first thing I turn to when I burn out is fanfiction/webtoons. Things that don't require any brain effort, because that's usually the source of my burnout. That falls under doing things that you like - like your hobbies.
Identify what is causing the burnout, stop doing it, then go and do something that's the opposite of it / doesn't relate to it. It could be as short as 5 minutes (if that's all you can spare), or it could be hours. Do what you need to, 'cause if you're burning out:
1. Doing any more work wouldn't produce better work; usually it's the opposite.
2. Your body's telling you to rest.
If you realize you burnout because you cannot finish your work / you have a very slow pace, then perhaps you should dig deeper and find out why and what causes you to do that. Me? I know I'm just slow compared to some of my friends so I need to start work earlier and learn to do things more efficiently. That's what I'm working on this year.
Understand that burnout doesn't go away immediately - it can take months (after my final exam in tertiary education, it took me half a year before I stopped having that fatigue that is present even when you sleep; and I was working a chill, admin job then.). So, just focus on the little improvements you can make, that will eventually accumulate into something powerful. Even if you prolong getting burnout/loss of stamina for just 1 day, it's still an achievement. Next time, you can do even better - maybe 2 days. If you fail, that's okay - just stand back up again, and try again. Just don't give up.
A friend of mine told me that it is more important to pace yourself and be able to sustain the effort in whatever we do.
So part 2 of what I did was to work backward and plan ahead so I can avoid burnout situations as much as possible - before the semester starts. And to actually listen to the plan, and not deviate from it. I'm still struggling with that. :")
That means writing down when I need to start my assignments (2 weeks before); when I need to start exam revision (usually 2-3 weeks before exams); how long I should allocate for my post-lesson study sessions.
Once I have those big goals done, I fit in the other deadlines from club matters. I have a better picture of what is coming up - I know roughly what to expect. If there are days I have more than 3 events in a day, I should ideally not do any work and just go to bed once I'm home. And not add more stuff to my plate for that day. It's hard sometimes because you can be busy for all 7 days of the week, so make sure you schedule a day off the next week so you have something to look forward to! :> Or reschedule things that you can.
It sounds very simple, but working on things early, or doing things bit by bit consistently is something I struggled with doing because I'm the type who does last-minute work - you saw my 0-100% analogy. I still struggle, but at least it's not as bad as before - it helps prolong the period before I start losing stamina.
The third thing to do is to never forget social interaction. Stupid Covid has rendered me into a hermit and I'm hardly the only one. I can spend an entire semester 95% at home, and again - that's very unhealthy.
What I do now is schedule meals with my friends after an assignment is due. I rest for 2 -3 days, don't touch schoolwork, then I come back to it. This will help with not burning out because you have appropriate breaks. If you cannot go out, at least have a call w your friends and play some games, talk nonsense, etc. :>
at this point, if you ever need someone to talk to, you can PM me - if you're comfy w that; if it helps. :>
I think that's all I can think of. :D
3. Seeking professional help
I haven't sought out any professional help before, and I do not know your circumstances, but if you need a voice of encouragement - I'm telling you "Yes, go for it!" :D.
Nothing to be ashamed of. My friends have recommended me to go for therapy, even if I "feel that I don't need any help", which I do think so (because I feel I can still handle what life throws at me) - but I have considered going to my campus' counseling services per a friend's recommendation.
It's always good to talk to someone about how you feel, what you think, etc. It doesn't mean you have something wrong - humans inherently want to be listened to, and it's never good to bottle up your feelings. If you need to let go and talk to someone qualified, please do.
If you cannot, the next best person would be someone close to you whom you trust. I understand sometimes those closest to us may/do not understand our situations, so if you feel you need to, see a therapist/counselor.
If you know of friends who are/have gone for therapy, you may want to seek their advice. If you feel you need to, you may want to ask someone you trust (if you have someone like that) to accompany you too - like a friend.
Mental health, self-care, and self-love are just as important as our physical health. While I haven't sought out any professional help, I have my own checks in place to monitor my mental health. First thing when I'm stressed/burnt out, I retreat inwards and focus on loving and caring for myself. Cause if I can't function, I am going to be in trouble and I'm my best supporter. Call me selfish, but I don't care. I know I am important to me.
I also frequently reflect and find out what I should focus on or get rid of. That helps me a lot in identifying my own emotions towards people, things, and events in my life. If there are bad days - why and what triggered it? What about the good days - how can I have more of that? Stuff like that helps me.
I also try to be honest with my friends if I can, and tell them my social battery is non-existent and I have no capability to interact, so can we meet another day instead? Might take a while for your friends to accept it, or they won't, or they will - at least you're being honest. They'll adapt to you; if they cannot, then I think that's a little questionable for someone who calls u a friend. (same thing as "your personality attracts the kind of people you meet").
okay this essay is getting out of hand i shall stop here HAHAHA sorry to bore anyone who is reading this :")
to Anon - good luck! 💖💖💖 burnout is terrible to recover from, but from it, you also learn a lot of things about yourself that will bring you further in life. See challenges as periods of growth, and - you can do this! :D
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
I realise I'm an idiot because I prev forgot to add the link to the planner and my tumblr notifs did not appear 🥲
For those who want the planner in pdf: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gkpC4agxtZhP3Eadu5BBtJiWxr7Yr5Wv?usp=sharing
Lmk if u have any issues :>
I'm really facepalming myself rn even though u cannot see it. T_T
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨day 11 of 365: good habits and planning✨
🌼 qn: what's one habit you want to develop this year?
hey it's me again! been focusing on my new year resos, and planning ahead recently - school's starting in less than 2 weeks and i'm getting busy with holliday workshops, the studygram, and CCA stuff.
since my theme this year is consistency, i wanted to focus on developing some good habits - tracking expenses, sleeping earlier, exercising, drinking water , etc. so far, i've been somewhat consistent w tracking finances but man it's 11 days into the new year and never once have I slept before my targeted 3:30 AM :"). long way to go! my efficiency isn't the greatest too - pretty on and off. 💪 keep working, me!
planning-wise, i've caught up to date with all my upcoming lessons and assignment dates (whatever has been released), but i haven't been able to find time to start studying because i'm getting really busy. here's to hopintg advanced planning and cultivating habits systematically will help me to survive my hectic school seasons! 😁
it's Tuesday - here's cheers to a week without any hiccups for you and me! ❤️❤️❤️ good luck friends!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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✨free kawaii desktop digital planner for 2022✨
🌼 qn: do you prefer physical or digital planners, and why?
hello it's me again! Got a late start but I tried my hand at designing my own digital planner this year. This is my first time creating and using one; i've usually bought pre-designed physical planners, but since uni started I have a lot of things going on with many changes, so it gets annoying editing on a physical planner. It wastes time, effort and resources. I'm lazy and busy. weekly bujos are out of the window i have no time :( , esp since i alr journal.
Anw, I decided to try out digital planners but the free planners I found were not my style, so I made my own on PPT with inspiration from kawaii desktop PPTs.
planner link is here 🥰 comment a 🌟 for the ppt and i'll pm you! 💖
until next time - stay safe and hydrated!
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
✨ new year, new goals✨
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🌼 qn: what is 1 goal that you have set for yourself in 2022?
it's day 4 of 365 and i hope everyone is having a great start to the year! the blessing of January is the ability to start afresh, anew.
I thought a lot about what I wanted this studyblr to be, and it is to:
✨ be consistent in my posts - a post every tuesday, a reel every month, stories
✨ engage & be involved with you guys, and the studygram community :D
✨ accountable- if i need a break from posting, i will announce it + my reasons.
this studygram is as always, a reflection🪞of me and my journey in life to be a better person, which is FULL of ups and downs, as you've come to see. school, work, art, journaling, my lovely desk - you'll be seeing these in 2022, so heyhey, let's walk this journey together🌌
cheers and have a smooth-sailing week ahead ❤️ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
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chryseumaureus · 3 years
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