#chubby patton
rilli-luci · 3 months
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I'm still redrawing the role swaps, I swear
Anxiety Patton smiling through the stress is pretty much his default state of being. If you've seen B Dylan Hollis then you can pretty much imagine the kind of stuff he ends up making in the kitchen though. He's usually shoving food into the other's arms to make room for more stuff on the counter.
Also always goes off on "Well back in my day" tangents as if he's an old man.
Want to be tagged in my next Sanders Sides post? Send an ask!
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aliensubstance-xxx · 4 months
Sanders Sides x GN!Reader HC (& some General ones)
ahhh forgive me if this is a bit clunky! I don't usually do stuff like this but I need to get it out of my brain hah
What they're like kissing you:
Logan is by far the best kisser of the bunch! He starts off a little robotic or unsure, but after a while he starts to experiment, figuring out what you like most and getting good at it.
Prepare to be completely breathless and kiss-drunk and for him to just stand up properly, readjust his tie and go about his day. He's got a schedule to keep, after all.
Patton is a very silly kisser, he likes to press kisses to any and all bare skin (and covered!) he can reach, and will grab hold of you and just smother you in kisses :)
Be wary if he goes anywhere near ticklish spots- he will blow raspberries there
Roman is so dramatic when he kisses you- it's all big gestures, like dipping you or picking you up and pinning you to the wall etc. He kisses you so deeply you could swear you hear a musical crescendo in the distance.
Unless he's feeling more mellow, in which he'll still kiss you deeply, but just...quieter and softer, tipping you up by the chin and just breathing in your space.
Virgil is, obviously, quite a nervous kisser. He'll never settle his hands- he wants to have them all over you at once, on your hips, on your shoulders, clutching your hands to his chest, in your hair, anywhere. He gets flustered quickly too, he'll kiss you deeply and then bury his face in your shoulder (You can feel the heat of his blush even through you clothes) until he can kiss you again.
Oh, and he's a biter. Don't be shocked if you manage to spend some time making out with him and you end up in teeth marks and hickeys (and sore lips)
Remus is...sloppy is probably the best way to describe it. He's passionate and enthusiastic, so much so that your kisses will be all teeth, tongue and spit.
He will also lick you. sorry.
Janus is actually quite the reserved kisser- he's a little embarrassed about his snake mouth when it comes to kissing (He'll never say it out loud.). He does want you to enjoy kissing him as much as possible, so maybe after some snake themed compliments he'll take off his gloves and pull you in by the hips.
Catch him by surprise with chaste kisses as much as you can- he'll make a pleased little rattle/hiss (like a purr?) out of surprise. It's very cute.
General HCs:
Small TW for, minor angst & mention on injury, innuendo and reference to genital piercings on the last one.
Despite being identical, they all actually have very small differences! That being said (and totally making sense)
Logan has the biggest hands- noticeably. Man's hands could wrap around your entire being with ease. ahem sorry. Moving on.
Roman is slightly more muscular (still chubby though. good lord), and has one or two scars he got while in the Imagination and decided to keep!
Janus, obviously, has his scales and his eye. His scales go cross his shoulders, elbows, hips and knees- he's also got a little forked tongue and a glottis under said tongue. (The glottis is what snakes have a the back of their throat- it helps them breathe while swallowing large prey...and in Janus' case-)
Virgil has two tattoos- a ring of thorns around his right finger (Right ring finger for individuality, thorns for hardship and struggle) and an earthworm on his left forearm (Rebirth, especially to do with the life cycle. and he thinks it looks cool. He wanted to get a spider but he didn't want to frighten Patton.)
Patton gets a little cut right under his heart whenever Thomas is genuinely heartbroken- he has a little collection of scars there.
Other than their lobe piercings, Virgil, Janus and Remus all have other piercings!
Virgil has an industrial on his left, his secondaries, and two conches on his right ear.
Janus originally had snake bites (when Thomas was a teen. Janus wasn't always as refined as he is now) and one helix piercing.
Remus' has however many piercings he wants on any given day- he takes them out every night and re-pierces however he sees fit every morning. (This includes his frenum piercing. On his willy. look it up but be warned for penis.)
That's all for now! If you liked my stuff and want to request something (minific, or more hcs) feel free to shoot me an ask :) hope you enjoyed.
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Did someone say more buff Virgil hcs? No? Too bad!!
Remus has definitely handed him melons and stuff and begged Virgil to crush them in various ways
"Bench press me!!" "Why?" "Because it's hot!!"
Despite being capable of crushing skulls and bones, Virgil is capable of being the most gentle guy in the world
Remus has broken bone? Virgil can pinpoint the break without causing much pain
The first time anyone other than Remus figured out that Virgil was ripped was when Roman was trying to get his measurements.
He didn't realize that Virgil was with his brother at the time. He absolutely flirted like crazy because he has some taste
that's the only day Roman learned his brother scored a total hunk
Remus is no weakling by any extent, but he will pretend to need help with lifting things just to see his man in action
Remus is pleasantly surprised every time Virgil scoops him up because he's not a skinny dude (chubby Remus hcs coming soon)
One time Patton accidentally shrank his shirts in the wash (or Janus did it on purpose) Virgil was upset that he kept tearing them when he moved. Remus was not at all
Virgil produces more body heat than anyone else. Remus takes advantage of that with his cuddles.
When they're cuddling and Virgil is either bummed or distant, Remus has no problem squeezing his pec and then telling him they should go bra shopping. His ramblings snap Virgil out of it
Virgil once woke up to Remus doing laundry on his abs. He was dehydrated and being in a tub didn't help
Fuck yeah more Beefcake Vee >:}D!!! Of course Ree's not gonna stop drooling over his B U F F Emo's bod and purposely puts those guns to the test to fuel his Gay thoughts but the Spider's shrunken clothes only fuels it even more by letting him imagine his Emo ripping his shirts Hulk Hogan style to free those Anxietitties XD (The chaotic Duke can and will purposely spill water on him if it means that shirt is coming off XD)
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virglsweb · 11 months
I love how the fanders have all:
1: accepted Virgil has purple hair
2: accepted that Patton is chubby
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saltybutsad · 9 months
Sanders sides fandom: virgil is skinny cuz he’s emo and has anxiety and patton is chubby cuz he’s uwu wholesome and roman is jacked because fantasy stuff and yknow prince and logan is tall and sharp because he’s apathetic and
me: what if we all killed ourselves actually. or at least went outside.
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ijustwannadraw0716 · 5 months
While I work on drawing projects lemme just throw some more angst at you guys cause why not lol
Roman tapped his fingers against his phone, anxiously staring between the screen and the doorway. He needed to leave soon and continue his mission, he only had one open spot where he could attack, but he couldn't do it. Not before hearing about Virgils position. It was a rough attack, but Logan had assured he could find the information needed to locate Virgil. Logan would find him.
His phone lit up with a musical tune, the ring startled Roman. He jumped and nearly dropped his phone. He fumbled a little, but quickly pressed accept and brought it up to his ear.
"Well?" He breaths, heart hammering hard against his chest as he waited.
Logan cleared his throat. "Virgil survived." He confirms, his tone detached yet, Roman could barely tell, his body sagging in relief at such information.
"Oh thank Disney! I-" Roman felt his voice crack a little before he shook his head with a breathless laugh. "Alright, I have to go, thank you Logan."
Logan stared at his phone as it disconnected. He let it fall in his lap while Patton ran a hand over his shoulder. He shrugged it off, pressing his lips together.
"I shouldn't have done that." He murmurs slowly. Patton shakes his head.
"Roman will save the city," His voice trembles as he talks, breaking at the end. Logan inhales sharply. "Its...it's for the city."
"It's logical," Logan chokes. "I know."
Chubby arms wrap around his shoulders and he doesn't bother to push them off, tightening his grip on his phone.
It's over.
Roman had saved the city from the villian once again, having them thrown in prison once and for all. He returned to the base, energy soaring his veins, skipping excitingly. His muscles burned but it was worth it to come home to his beloved thunderstorm.
Though, he does say, walking into the living area, everyone seemed to have grim looks on their faces.
He paused for a moment, his accomplishments seeming to die where he stood, an eery dread running through him as he eyed the group.
Virgil was nowhere to be found.
He frowned, eyeing Logan, who didn't, dare say, couldn't look at him and took a step closer. "What's with all the sour looks?" He asks, furrowing his brow before letting out a cheerless laugh. "Did Remus pour too much lemon juice into the cake again?" He tries to lift the tension, yet his humor falls flat, and he watches as Logan takes in a sharp breath before standing abruptly. All eyes fall on him, and he steps forward. Roman watches as he takes on his professional posture and frowns further.
"Missles had hit the foundation of the northern building, erupting in a powerful explosion that took few lives but caused many injuries."
"Logan-" Roman begins, clenching his fists as he continued with his monotone discussion, and a sinking feeling in his chest knew where this was going.
"Remus managed to deter anymore destruction from being done. Unfortunately, as the scavengers were searching for casualties..." Logan seemed to choke on his words and Roman felt his fists tremble.
"Where is he?" He grinds out. "Where's Virgil?!"
"He's dead Roman."
Roman chokes on nothing, his heart screeching to a stop while his blood drew cold. He shook his head and pointed a finger at the man.
"You said he was alive!" He snaps, tears burning at his eyes as pure fury scorched his insides. "He's alive! I don't believe you!"
"Roman," Janus tries softly. "Logan had to tell you he was alive. It would have compromised the mission. It's protocol."
"Screw protocol!" Roman sneers. "Where is he?!"
"Virgil is dead." Logan says firmer this time, as if his hands weren't trembling by their sides. "He died Roman. He's gone. The building collapsed on top of him, there was no saving-"
Roman punched Logan Square in the jaw.
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Cuddle Bugs
Okay so your polycule raising Virgil fic is *amazing*. I absolutely adore it. But now I am absolutely curious about the reverse. Single dad Virgil raising a whole clan of kids ala Bruce Wayne skskssk Also! My apologies I felt like I was a little brief and blunt in my ask about single father Virgil. I absolutely meant that in a "I am so hyped to see your take on the reverse of the original fic" way. I hope I didn't come across as too rude - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Word Count: no--jk it's 1582
    Every one of his boys has nightmares, and it always starts out the same way.
Virgil grunts as he gets to his feet, shaking off the worst of the drowsiness and checking the clock. Hm, only 10:45, they're starting early tonight. He takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, and goes to answer the knock on his door.
"Hey, Pop Star," he mumbles when he opens it to see Patton staring up at him, "what's going on?"
"Um, well—I—" Patton's little hands clutch the stuffed frog until his fingers disappear into plush fur— "can I sleep with you tonight?"
"What for, sweetheart?"
"Well, I, um…"
Virgil slowly gets on one knee, opening his arms for Patton to come close. It's easier for him to speak when he doesn't have to look at him, he's realized, so he rubs his back patiently until Patton mumbles into his shoulder.
"Someone at school showed us this movie trailer and I…um…"
Ah. "Nightmares?"
Patton nods. "I tried to do what you said! I turned on all my lights and went through all the things I thought were scary and I told myself that it wasn't real and so it couldn't hurt me unless I let it but I—"
"Shh, sweetheart," Virgil murmurs, scooping him up, "it's okay. You can stay with me tonight."
His little ball of sunshine perks up. "Really?"
"Yeah, baby, you look tired." As if on cue, a big squeaky yawn splits Patton's chubby cheeks in two. "Alright, sleepyhead, let's get you tucked in."
Of course, no sooner has he stood up then another door opens and two patterns of little footsteps run down the hall toward him. He turns and sees his little troublemakers running toward him, skidding to a halt just in time to avoid smacking into his knees, which his knees are incredibly grateful for.
"Roman? Remus? What's wrong?"
"Can we stay too?"
"We saw the same thing."
"It was really scary."
"There was this big dark room and this guy had a cheese grater and he—"
Patton squeals and buries his head in Virgil's neck. He raises an eyebrow and Remus's mouth snaps shut. He looks down at the floor and shuffles apologetically.
"Sorry, Pat-Pat. We forgot."
"You forgot."
"Boys," Virgil scolds gently before it can spiral into a proper fight, "keep it down. Your brothers might be asleep already."
Remus scoffs. "Doubt it."
"Logan's really brave," Patton mumbles as Virgil starts to herd his kittens inside his room, "and Janus likes making fun of stuff, so they're probably not scared."
"That's not true," Remus says as Virgil sets Patton down on the bed, jumping up and already claiming one of Virgil's pillows, "I saw Logan doing the thing Dad taught us where you go through all the practical stuff and he wasn't calming down the way he normally does, so—"
"But Logan's so much better at not believing stuff." Roman holds his arms up and Virgil picks him up too, sitting on the bed and letting his little prince curl up in his lap. "So he's probably fine. He'll just say it's not real and then…believe it."
"Boys," Virgil interrupts gently, "if we don't try to sleep, we'll never get there. Lie down and close your eyes, okay?"
As soon as he lies down, Roman squirms off of him and over to Remus, the two of them wrapping their arms around each other until Virgil can't tell whose legs are whose. Patton wriggles back over to him, holding out his arms. Virgil lets his little one crawl onto his chest, rubbing his back as a stuffed frog finds its way under his chin.
"If something happens," Patton whispers, even though he knows his other boys are listening, "you'll protect us, right?"
"Of course I will."
Virgil opens his eyes and sits up a little, one arm wrapped firmly around Patton's waist. "Yeah, sweetheart. I'm always going to protect you from everything I can. You're my babies and I love you."
He looks over and ruffles Roman's hair, then Remus's.
"Anyone who wants to hurt you is gonna have to go through me first, and you all know I can be scary when I need to be."
There are vague noises of agreement and he goes to lie back down, pulling the blankets over them and settling in to sleep. He's just about drifitng off under the solid weight of Patton on his stomach when there's another knock at the door.
There they are.
"Come in?"
The door creaks open and his heart clenches as he feels all three of the children in the bed flinch at the noise. He sits up, hand protectively on Patton's back, and smiles when he sees his other two sons in the doorway.
"L, J, you boys alright?"
"Of course we are," Janus says just a touch too quickly, "why wouldn't we be?"
"We just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Virgil hums, looking down at his little ducklings. "Is there a reason we wouldn't be okay?"
"W-well, um," Janus starts, "it's just that someone showed us something at school—"
"Which they shouldn't have been allowed to watch either," Logan says, "they were just as afraid as they made us."
"—and we—the others looked really scared afterwards, so—"
"You guys looked scared too," Roman says mulishly from where he's tucked against Virgil's side, "wasn't just us."
"Well, you guys were more scared than we were."
"I wasn't!"
"Patton was the most scared!"
Patton, the sweetheart, doesn't deny it. Instead he just burrows into Virgil's hold a little more and squeaks out: "yeah, 'cause it was really scary!"
"See, he—"
It was probably just the air conditioning turning off, or the ice maker turning on, or even just the house settling. But when the sudden noise echoes through the halls, every single one of his boys freezes.
Logan and Janus, still in the doorway, jerk their heads around to look down the hall. Their eyes widen and even though he knows there's nothing in the house, Virgil feels a tug of fear in his own stomach.
Oh, you poor things…
It takes less than ten seconds for his boys to forego their dignity and scamper into the room, jumping into bed and wrapping their arms around him. Patton makes a quiet affronted noise at being squished but doesn't move away. Virgil just wraps his arms around all three of them the best he can—they're getting so much bigger, he used to be able to do this easily—and kisses their foreheads.
"Lie down, babies," he bids gently, "let's all get some sleep."
As he manages to coax all of them to the mattress proper—thank god he sprung for the California King—he gets up to close the door.
Or rather, he tries to get up to close the door.
What actually happens is the moment his weight leaves the mattress, eight little hands reach out and grab at him, pleading eyes and terrified faces looking up at him.
"Where are you going?"
"Are you leaving us?"
"Come back, Dad!"
"It's not safe!"
He blinks. "I'm gonna go close the door. It's okay, you'll watch me walk over, you'll watch me walk back."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
Slowly, the hands let him go and he eases his way out from under the covers, walking over to the door. He peeks outside quickly—nope, no one there, nothing that could harm his babies—and shuts the door firmly, turning back to see all of his boys sitting up and watching him. He smiles and comes back over, opening his arms as each of them crowds up for hugs.
"There, see?" He nuzzles the top of Logan's head and kisses Janus on the cheek. "All safe and sound now. You gonna let me back in my bed?"
"Will you cuddle with us?"
"Of course, baby."
They move out of the way and Virgil lies down, Patton immediately crawling back on his chest as Logan and Janus tuck into his left side, Roman and Remus on his right. He kisses Patton's forehead and clumsily pats each of the heads he can find.
"Alright, boys," he mumbles, sleep already tugging at him again, "shut-eye time. I will see you all in the morning."
"Can we do pancakes for breakfast?"
"Will you all help me?"
"Yeah, I want pancakes."
"We promise, Dad."
"Then we'll see. We gotta get to the morning first."
He stifles a chuckle when all of them promptly fuss at each other to go to sleep, the room falling into the quiet noises of hushed breathing and soft rustles of sheets. He closes his eyes and tugs all of them a little closer.
His boys have nightmares, as all children do, and he'll savor the feeling that comes with having each of his sons safe in his bed for as long as he can.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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candied-peach · 9 months
ao3: "keep your hands to yourself" rating: T warnings: kid sides, unsympathetic (?) patton (he's trying his best but oof), crying, orange is like impulsiveness genre: hurt/comfort description: Orange doesn't mean to behave badly. He just wants what's best for Thomas. Patton disagrees. (written for @treenissanderssidesstuff )
The childish voice rings through the mind palace, and Orange winces, dragging himself out from behind the couch, the knees of his jeans still covered in grass stains from his impromptu romp through the Imagination. Roman let him sneak in, just for a bit, and he has a feeling that he's been busted.
"I hate that nickname," he grumbles to himself. Logan gives him a sympathetic look from his curled up position in a recliner, Encyclopedia Brown book in his lap.
"Good luck," Logan advises, looking at Orange over the frames of his circular glasses. "Patton seemed quite angry this afternoon." Orange makes a face, feet dragging on the carpet. He didn't mean to encourage Thomas to go against the teacher this morning! He just- Reading was so boring sometimes, and it was much more exciting to sneak his crayons out! Besides, Thomas was almost done with his story anyway, it's not like Ms. Mullins had to go and make such a big deal out of it! She even threatened to tell his parents!
"Imp," Patton says again, as soon as Orange comes into view. The childish side groans, shoving his hands into the pockets of his paint-splattered jeans and coming to a stop before the emotional side. Patton's been struggling a lot with who he is and how he helps Thomas. Orange knows that. He just doesn't think that he's as bad as Patton says he is. He just wants to help Thomas, like everyone else! Even-
Well. No one's allowed to talk about Green anymore. Orange barely remembers him. There was Rainbow, and then there was Red and Green, and Red is Roman, and Green is-
Green is forbidden. No one talks about Green.
"You got Thomas in trouble," Patton says. His thick black framed glasses nearly fall down his freckled nose. "You should know better. It's the fourth time this week! It's only Wednesday!"
"I know, I just-" Orange sighs. His bottom lip wobbles. "I didn't try to, I just- It was important," he defends weakly. Patton raises an eyebrow. The other one comes with it.
"Important?" Patton squeaks. "Thomas didn't need to stay out past the end of recess! Thomas didn't need to get his crayons out! You made him forget to do his work, too! You even made him get mad at Mom!" Unbidden, Patton's voice lowers, seemingly in horror. "He almost raised his voice at her!"
"Emotions are important to let out!" Orange argues. "You're Emotions, don't you get it?"
"Not like that!" Patton snaps, folding his arms over his overalls-clad chest. "And I'm more than Emotions, you know that. You keep getting Thomas into trouble. You-" Patton takes a deep breath, his chubby cheeks turning red. "You're a bad side for Thomas!"
Forgotten in a corner, Roman gasps, one hand splayed over his mouth. Orange is pretty sure that Yellow is around here somewhere, too, but he can't see hide nor hair of him. Not surprising. 
The room is freezing. Or maybe it's just Orange. His ears keep ringing with Patton's last words, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. His hands twitch and flutter at his sides.
"Take it back," Orange whispers. He feels so cold. Has it always been so cold in here? "You take that back, you know I'm not bad."
"You keep getting Thomas into trouble," Patton repeats. "You're a bad side. You- you're just like Green!"
"I am not," Orange argues, terror slowly filtering into his veins. Oh, this is bad. This is so bad. This is- he never wanted- He just wanted Thomas to have fun, why can't Patton see that? Why can't Blue see he's just trying to help?
"You can go there, too," Patton announces, marching over to Orange and grabbing his arm. His hands are shaking, but his grip is still implacable as he begins to tow Orange down the hallway. "You can't help anymore. You're bad."
"I'm not!" Orange shrieks at the top of his lungs, squirming madly, like a worm on a hook. He can't get away from Patton's grip. Logan has abandoned his book in the living room, watching the proceedings with horrified eyes.
"Indigo!" Orange blurts out. "Logan! Help me! Please! Patton's not listening!"
"I don't-" Logan falters, taking a step back. Betrayal is sharp and stinging. "Orange, I-"
"Help me!" Orange howls as Patton marches onward, dragging him behind the  moral side. "Please!"
"Be quiet," Patton says, sweat rolling down his face with determination. "Bad sides don't get to talk." For a moment, Orange is terrified that Patton has doomed him to a life of silence, but he can still hear himself cry.
The door to the basement looms, caution tape crisscrossed over the middle, and Patton opens it, shoving Orange down the first few darkened steps.
"Don't come back!" Patton orders, and the door slams, leaving a petrified Orange to stand there, sobbing his eyes out.
Green mist wreathes around his face, making him sputter. It tastes vaguely like apples. 
"Who- who's there?" Orange calls, trying not to sound as scared as he actually is. "Green? Is that you?"
"Call me...Remus," a mysterious voice whispers from the darkness. Poison green eyes open, almost in front of Orange, as a voice hisses, "Boo!" in Orange's ear.
Orange can't help it, he screams, and bursts into noisier tears.
The green mist promptly disappears as someone snaps on the light. In the sudden glare, Orange can see a side that looks only a little older than him, with wide panicked eyes, wringing his hands in front of him. He has on a ridiculous black and green costume with green frills everywhere and a plastic eyeball glued to one shoulder.
"I'm sorry!" Remus- it must be Remus- blurts out. "I just- I wanted to scare you a little, that's all, I didn't think Blue would put anyone else down here, I-"
"Do you- do you just live here all alone?" Orange asks softly. Remus nods, tears glittering in bright green eyes. He has a mustache drawn above his upper lip in eyeliner pencil.
"Don't leave," Remus blurts out. "I- I don't wanna be alone anymore."
"I don't think I'm allowed to leave," Orange says, more tears seeping down his cheeks as the reality of his situation begins to set in. Surely Patton will change his mind, Orange thinks. He can't just- He can't just keep Orange in the basement forever. He's important!
But look what he's doing to Green- to Remus, another voice whispers inside his head. Remus is important, too, or he wouldn't exist! And Patton is keeping him down here. What makes you so special?
Orange swallows hard, his throat aching.
"It's okay!" Remus blurts out, seizing Orange's sleeve and tugging him forward. "There's lots of rooms down here! We can have a sleepover! And um- um- I hope you know how to make food better than me 'cause I've been eating cereal and fruit snacks this whole time. Oh, and couch stuffing." He grins brightly, and Orange can see a gap in his front teeth.
"I kinda can?" Orange says doubtfully. "Yellow's always been better at that than me, but-" His bottom lip quivers. "Yellow's up there."
"Not for long, I bet," Remus says, with a scowl. "Blue don't like lying." He sneers, an expression that doesn't go with his freckled face.
"No, he doesn't," Orange admits.
"But it'll be okay," Remus promises, wrapping Orange up in a tight, slightly scratchy hug. "We got each other, right? We don't need anyone else!"
"Right," Orange says. His face brightens when he realizes he can still sense Thomas, just in a much more muffled way. "We can still help Thomas, too!"
"Yeah!" Remus cheers. "You think he wants to electrocute his brother for fun?"
"Maybe not that," Orange says, but he's giggling as he says it. Is there any harm, really, to making Thomas think about it? He's used to getting Thomas to do things, but he can tell that's going to be a lot harder now already.
Maybe it won't be so bad down here.
A month later, Yellow is shoved down the basement steps, cheek stinging from an open-armed slap, and is welcomed with open arms (and a fart bomb, from Remus).
Sometime later, Purple arrives. Purple is skittish and likes to hide in the shadows, but he loves Orange and Yellow and Green. Purple's only seen glimpses of the above world. Patton didn't want him there, straight off. Purple's anxious, and he makes Thomas feel anxious, too, and that won't do. Not really.
It's okay.
Orange will make sure of it.
"Thomas needs all of us," Orange says, years and years later. Virgil snorts, perched on the staircase, and Orange just flips him off without glancing his way. "He does," Orange insists. "But you're the one he's most likely to listen to. You've got the most influence out of all of us, really."
"And you," Virgil protests. Orange shrugs, eyes gleaming in the dim light.
"You heard Janus," Orange says. "I have other parts to play. You're the stepping stone. Thomas listens to you, even if he doesn't like it." He leans closer, Remus's cackling echoing in his ears.
"This will work."
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stardustsides · 1 year
i haven’t posted any writing in a while, so here’s a snippet from one of my wips, in which medium!virgil meets ghost!patton for the first time :))
He had been three years old, and had somehow managed to wriggle out of his mother’s line of sight and wander the graveyard out back, his beloved stuffed black cat clutched in his chubby fist. As he toddled over the uneven earth and roots, tripping occasionally, he noticed a man perched on the old wooden bench under the weeping willow.
The first thing that struck Virgil at the time was how sad the man seemed. Sadder than anyone he’d ever seen, he thought, even though he didn’t seem to be crying. This perplexed Virgil, because it was his understanding that sad people were supposed to cry. He watched for a moment as the man stared out at the copse of trees among the graves, letting out a sigh so full of despair that Virgil could feel his heart get heavier.
The second thing that he noticed was the man’s appearance. He was young, maybe thirty, with round cheeks and large eyes that drifted over the graveyard, lost in thought. He wore a well-loved gray cable knit sweater, fraying at the edges, and a round pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. But what caught his attention was his alarming lack of color. It looked like someone had cut him out of an old photograph and pasted him on the bench. His skin was a worrying shade of grey that matched the clouds in the November sky.
The grey man’s gaze fell on Virgil, and he smiled a bit, if only to himself. Virgil was much bolder as a toddler than he was as a teenager, and he certainly didn’t want the man to be sad, and so he lifted up his small hand and waved.
“H’lo, Mid-ster!” He called over to the grey man, who startled so violently he nearly fell off the bench. He stared at Virgil, open-mouthed, and whipped his head around this way and that, making sure that there was nobody else around.
Perplexed by this reaction, Virgil decided to try a different tactic. He raised the small stuffed cat up high in the air. “D’is my kitty, Mittens!” He said, raising his little voice higher. “My mommy gave her to me.”
The grey man only seemed to grow more shocked. “Are—are you talking to me?” He asked haltingly. His voice was raspy, as though he had an awful cough. Virgil frowned.
“Ya!” He replied. “I’m Vir-gil.” This was how his mother had taught him to politely introduce himself to adults.
“You can—y-you can see me?” He asked, voice hitching up, clearly on the verge of tears. Virgil shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t like it when people cried.
“Ya,” he responded. Then: “Don’ cry. I’m sorry.”
The grey man got up and slowly, almost dreamlike, walked toward Virgil and knelt down to eye level. Up close, Virgil could see that his skin was see-through; the bench was still visible through his torso. His dark eyes were shiny with tears threatening to spill onto his freckled cheeks. “…a medium,” he whispered to himself. Virgil felt confused at the word, but was more concerned about the sad man. “…Virgil, you said your name was?”
“Yuh,” he said, holding Salem tighter. He vaguely remembered that his mother told him not to talk to strangers, but there was something comforting about the man, odd and otherworldly as he was.
“I’m Patton,” the man said, staring at Virgil in amazement. Then, all of a sudden, it was as though a switch had flicked on his head, his melancholic demeanor replaced by a more concrete concern. “How old are you? What are you doing out here alone?”
“T’wee,” Virgil responded with pride. “I live here.”
“Where are your parents?”
“My mommy’s inside makin’ lunch. I don’ have a daddy.”
Even as a toddler, Virgil could sense the shift that took place in Patton at those last words. The depressed glaze over his eyes was gone in a blink, and suddenly the ghost before him—though Virgil didn’t yet know he was one—seemed all the more alive.
“Oh,” he breathed, brown eyes suddenly sparkling. Virgil blinked. The man’s colors were still muted, but there were colors, now. His sweater was a faint baby blue, and his cheeks were rosy from the cold. “Okay, sweetheart. Well, you should get back to your mommy. I’ll take you to her, okay?”
“‘Kay,” Virgil responded, going to grab for his hand. His own passed right through it, like water. Virgil looked up, confused. “Are you real? Or ‘maginary?”
“I’m real,” Patton said, and Virgil believed him. “But I think only you can see me.”
“Oh,” Virgil said. And then: “Why?”
Patton paused, contemplating. “Because you’re a very special little boy, I think.”
Beaming with pride, Virgil toddled back to the old house with his stuffed cat and a ghost.
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warcats-cat · 6 days
Talk Shop Tuesday: When you're writing for characters like the Sanders Sides, how do you go about differentiating them from one another? Visually, in personality, the way they speak, etc.. Do you have a particular method for making them distinct in your writing, or do you just go by what feels right?
Ooh good question! Thank you! ☺️
So the sides in canon are all identical, but the fandom has made some distinctions in fanon that I usually use/rely on in my writing to describe them. (Virgil is usually tall and pale with dark hair, and especially in early fanon usually had heterochromia - one green eye and one purple. Roman is pretty muscular/toned, he tends to be tan, and a lot of the early fandom would give him Hispanic heritage of some kind. Logan is tall, smooth gelled hair, dark blue eyes. Sometimes skinny, sometimes chunky depending on the artist/writer, but more often on the skinny side. Patton is usually blonde/light brunette, light blue eyes, and often has curly hair. More recently fanon has been making him a little chubby because he's one of the sides shown to like cookies, although there's a part of a video where Logan absolutely savages a jar of jam so...)
I like most of the fanon interpretations but I usually make Patton short. And Logan. XD
In terms of their voices, Logan is my favorite to write! I can really stretch my love of English writing; I wasn't an English major in university but I probably would have been if I didn't settle on theatre. Logan is the easiest for me to mesh with because I can use my big words and rambling sentences and it doesn't feel out of place.
With Virgil I give him a bit more of the short sentences, rapid/changing thoughts (lots of short paragraphs 😅) it's weird to explain but sometimes when I write Virgil I actually make my breathing speed up - not like hyperventilating but kind of faking that feeling in my chest. I spend a lot of time thinking about the area he would be in as well, Virgil is Anxiety incarnate, so he's more spacially aware than the others.
Patton is usually more "me", I see myself in Patton and especially in the recent fandom versions of Patton, so he's probably the most natural for me to write.
Roman is hard to write - in canon he uses a lot of clever/punny nicknames and I'm not good at those. I try to go for more dramatic and dreamlike when I'm writing from his perspective.
Janus and Remus I still struggle with, and that's kinda on me. I'm not as comfortable with their characters, especially Remus since he's supposed to represent Intrusive Thoughts, and I sort of have intrusive thoughts that I deal with in real life and I get really squeamish, so finding his voice is hard. I want to add both of them to Long Road Home but that is (hopefully) coming soon!
Also since I know you read them - for Good Omens I feel sort of the opposite; I vibe more with Aziraphale's character but it's easier/more fun to write Crowley. I'm not great at history so I feel like I can flub things a little more. Also he's so dramatic! And snarky!! And if I love anything, it's good old fashioned snark!
This is long and very rambly but I do hope it answers your question!
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laferocia · 11 months
Mike Patton and the "piadina gate"
Bologna, 2004.
Mike is in Bologna with the Fantomas. Bologna is located in Emilia Romagna, and one of the typical foods of the region is called Piadina (or piada, colloquially). It's a kind of flatbread filled with cheese and cold cuts (but not only that) and is also sold as street food because it's easy to carry. There was probably a piadina truck around there somewhere.
Min 0:11: Oh! Mi può portare una piadina con la salsiccia? Per favore? Adesso, qua! Mi senti? Oh! Can you bring me a piadina with sausage? Please? Right now, here! Can you hear me?
*dal pubblico: ragazzo 1: una birra! Ragazzo 2: Sei un grande!* *From the audience: Guy 1: a beer! Guy 2: You're awesome!*
Mike: Ok una piada normale, non importa, e una birretta. Okay, just a regular piadina, no problem, and a little beer (Probably the piadina truck didn't have sausage, and they only had the classic piadina with squaquerone cheese and prosciutto di Parma)
*dal pubblico: una birra! Un litro!* *From the audience: a beer! One liter!*
Mike: Ma che buongustai! What gourmets! (LOL I can't get why he said that)
Min 0:47: Siete stronzi! Sì voi, in bianco! Sto parlando a voi! You guys are jerks! Yes, you in white! I'm talking to you! (I'll digress on the term 'Stronzo': in Italian, it literally means 'piece of shit,' but it's less harsh. It's still an insult, make no mistake. However, one of our characteristics is that we have a rich vocabulary of insults and vulgarity, and we insult each other most of the time, so Mike fits right in, LOL).
min 0:10: Bella Bologna!: Mike is off to a great start with typical Italian expressions. "Bella" is a kind of greeting, it was widely used by Italian rappers and roughly means "everything's good, all good." It's not directly translatable, as in Italian, "bella" means "beautiful."
Forsa ragassi!: This guy is a true legend. "Forza ragazzi" means "come on, be brave!" but it's an exhortation that we use in a thousand situations. Mike pronounces the 's' and 'z' in the typical Emilian and Romagnol way, as if they were all sibilant 's' sounds. It's something that only a native speaker would be able to do and perceive because it exists only in spoken Italian.
min 0:39: una bella piadina romagnola piena di merda! A lovely Romagnola piadina filled with shit!
min 0:50: È vero che voi chiamate Bologna "la grassa"?: Is it true that you guys call Bologna "the fat one"? ("Bologna the Fat" due to its delicious and hearty cuisine. In Italy, we have nicknames for some of the major cities. Rome is "the Eternal City," Naples is "the City of 500 Domes," and so on. Bologna boasts at least two more nicknames: "the Learned one" (because the first European university was founded here in 1088) and "the Red one" (for its red roofs and walls and, later on, for its political tradition closely aligned with the left).
min 0:56: Allora siete tutti ciccioni? So, are you all chubby? (The crowd of spectators said in unison "yes")
min 1:02: E infatti pensavo così, eh, perché ho visto un ciccionissimo di "Turisti per caso", aquì. E poi c'è Maurizio Costanzo là. And, in fact, I was thinking that way, you know, because I saw a really chubby guy from "Turisti per caso" here. And then there's Maurizio Costanzo over there. (Many years ago, there was a TV show called "Turisti per caso," hosted by a husband and wife. He, Patrizio Roversi, was indeed a bit on the heavier side. However, it's worth noting that Mike might sometimes mix up gender, so he could have been referring to her, Syusy Blady, who was also a bit on the heavier side at that time. Maurizio Costanzo was an important and famous Italian journalist who was known also for being overweight. However, I must clarify that Costanzo probably wasn't really at the concert LOL. BTW, Mike said "aquì" and it's spanish, in italian is "qui").
min 03:12: The piadina vendor gets on stage and brings Mike a piadina and beer.
min 04:10: Grazie di nuovo, ci vediamo alla prossima! Stamme bene, ciao! Thank you again, see you next time, take care, bye! ("Stamme bene" is indeed in Roman dialect. Who knows, maybe he was already close to ZU band, LOL. To make it grammatically correct it should be "Statemi bene" cos "stammi" is singular).
Mike and the piadina vendor hug each other.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 2 years
while i work on recouping after the loss of a bunch of my drafts (fuck you wattpad), i think ill share some of my personal headcanons for the sides
(these arent explicitly sexual; theyre just generally how i picture their body types)
king is the biggest. hes the tallest, and hes very round. its a mixture of muscle and fat, though it means hes incredibly intimidating. very strong, but soft to lay against. he commands power and respect solely because of his looks, and when he flexes he definitely looks extremely muscular, but the fact that when he relaxes and essentially turns into a pile of pudge reflects the fact that he has a soft interior, despite his initially cold and sadistic front. hes also extremely hairy.
patton is the second biggest. nowhere near as tall as king, but definitely bigger. picture a dad bod, but a little hefty-er. hes not the greatest cook, but he definitely likes to eat, and is always snacking on something. hes also hairy, but a lot less well-kept than king, like a tired dad with little time. hes a softie, and his body reflects such; squishy and fat and extremely warm because of it
anxiety and stress can cause weight fluctuation, and can lead to either weight loss or weight gain. i picture virgil to gain weight easily, and generally be fairly pudgy. he sometimes forgets to eat or is too stressed to do so without feeling nauseous, but the other sides generally make an attempt to remind him, or bring him food. similarly to king, he looks rough and acts tough, but is secretly a softie whos just scared of vulnerability. a bit rough around the edges, but generally a caring person in his own blunt, sarcastic sort of way
logan! logan is healthy. he takes care of his body, eats proper foods, and has a general work out schedule. hes also chubby. he has a broader chest, thicker thighs, and generally a bit of stomach pudge. while some is muscle, most of it is just because he eats well. hes not a boastful or intensely proud person, but hes not ashamed by his body, and cares about his own health above appearance, and encourages the same mindset in the others. 
roman is tall and broad, and is extremely muscular. hes got to be strong if hes going to save his prince one of these days! he works out a lot, and wears clothes that reveal such. it does mean that when he relaxes, hes softer and squishier, but his own insecurity influences him to constantly be flexing. it means hes tense and achey a lot of the time, because he doesnt feel like he can ever relax and potentially be unappealing, despite the fact the others find him significantly more comfortable to lay on and cuddle with when he isn’t flexing. 
janus is petite. he has a pretty average build, but is a shorter guy. he seems thin, but hes healthy, aside from all the alcohol. his long cape and hat are to give him a wider and taller silhouette, because on his own hes not very physically intimidating. he provides the most praise towards the other’s bodies though, expressing his own adoration when they take care of themselves or are feeling insecure, encouraging them to see and love their bodies the way janus sees and loves them. 
finally, remus. he is tall, just like roman, but is extremely thin. its not that he doesnt eat; quite the contrary! hell put everything into his mouth! he just metabolizes so fast that he hardly retains anything. but despite his lean, bony stature, hes not sickly, and he still has a limitless amount of energy.  
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Love Potion- Logicality
I’m not dead!! This fic should not have taken as long as it did for how short it is but oh well I’m a busy little college student. Here’s the second live potion fic this time featuring logicality. enjoy!
Trigger warning: Like the last one, this fic features a love/horny potion so there’s dubious consent in this
After a long day in the mindscape, Logan liked to wind down with a relaxing cup of chamomile tea. Unfortunately, as with most days, Roman ruined his peace of mind. While the creative side wasn’t there annoying him physically, he had left an unlabelled jar containing a bright pink liquid right in the way of the kettle. Logan sighed. Not only was he cluttering the kitchen with some nonsense undoubtedly from the imagination, but it was in the way of his end-of-day tea. Sure, it was petty, but he had had a long day and needed that tea before he snapped someone’s neck.
As he grabbed the jar by its lid, attempting to move it to Roman’s seat at the table so he would remember to take it back to his room, the lid immediately came loose, causing the jar to shatter on the floor, coating Logan in the strange liquid.
He let out a series of colorful swears as Virgil, who had been watching The Office on the couch, sprinted into the room. Logan barely spared him a glance, instead looking at his now stained clothes and still cursing Roman.
“Logan! What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Virgil asked, scrambling to guide him away from the danger of the glass shards.
“Your irresponsible, infuriating boyfriend happened,” Logan grumbled, “Roman left a jar on the counter and when I went to move it to make some tea, the lid came loose because apparently your dope of a boyfriend can’t screw lids on properly. Whatever was in the jar spilled all over me and the jar itself shattered.”
Virgil hummed as he carefully cleaned up the shards and Logan stood to grab paper towels to dry the puddles on his shirt and pants. Sitting at the table, he dabbed at the stains before he noticed Virgil’s breath begin to quicken as he mumbled worriedly about the unknown liquid that had now come in contact with both of their skin.
Sensing the oncoming panic attack, Logan put a comforting hand on his shoulder and reassured him. “Virgil, breathe,” he instructed. “Roman may be a moron, but I highly doubt he would leave out something potentially dangerous. That being said, I advise we both wash ourselves well to ensure whatever this substance was is no longer on our skin. It would also be wise for us to look for any out of the ordinary symptoms just to be safe, and if you happen to run into Roman, please inquire about this peculiar liquid.” Logan stood from where he was seated and walked toward the kitchen’s exit, intending to rid himself of the leftover, now sticky remnants of the spilled liquid, before stopping in the doorway.
“Oh, and if you do see him? Hit him over the head for me.”
By the time Logan arrived at his room, his vision had gotten slightly blurry. He cleaned his glasses and rubbed his eyes, but the cloudiness did not go away. In fact, it seemed to spread to his brain which was slowly beginning to feel like it was being stuffed with cotton. In the back of his mind, he pondered if this was an effect of the jar Roman had left out and briefly thought about telling Virgil, but those thoughts were quickly banished from his mind as retaining any coherent thought became much harder. The only thing he could process was how tingly and warm his skin felt and how desperately he needed to be touched.
Eyebrows furrowed at the development, he left his room, not remembering why he went there in the first place, especially when he could be spending time with his boyfriend instead. Without a second thought, or really any thought at all, Logan made his way to Patton’s room.
He didn’t even knock before opening the door to see his gorgeous boyfriend already undressing. His pants were still on but he was shirtless, his chubby stomach on display making Logan feel even hotter. The sound of his door opening caught Patton off guard and he turned around to face the noise.
“Oh! Logan! I wasn’t expecting to see you here so soon; I thought you were getting your nightly tea first. I didn’t even get the chance to put on the pretty new lingerie I got,” he smiled brightly.
“Couldn’t wait. Needed you now,” Logan growled. In all honesty, he forgot he and Patton had even planned to spend the night together as he had been so focused on getting to Patton as quickly as he could, unable to stand the heat scorching his skin.
Logan quickly made his way across the room to his boyfriend and didn’t hesitate before kissing him hard in a way that caught Patton off guard before melting and moaning into the kiss. It was messy and mostly tongue, but Logan couldn’t think of anything other than pleasuring his love and Patton had already been half hard in anticipation for his and Logan’s night together.
Through their kissing, they tactlessly rid each other of their clothes, craving the contact of bare skin. Logan sucked a hickey onto Patton’s neck, rubbing his thumbs over the side’s nipples. Logan’s skin was burning and he was panting like a dog in summer.
Patton let out a surprised shriek when he felt Logan’s very hard cock grind against him. With a hand on his chest, Patton pushed him away to breath before looking in his eyes and whispering, “Let’s take this to the bed, hm?”
Logan couldn’t agree more and pushed him towards the bed as they continued to make out until Patton’s legs hit the edge of the bed and he fell onto the mattress. Logan wasted no time getting on his knees at the edge of the bed, throwing Patton’s legs over his shoulders and eating him out aggressively.
Patton cried out at the sensation, dick throbbing despite the lack of attention, and he squirmed on the sheets. Logan only tore his mouth away to demand lube and as soon as Patton obtained it from his bedside drawer and tossed it to Logan, he was back to eating him out like a starving man. The sight of his lover spread out beneath him only fueled the fire burning in his gut and he had developed tunnel vision, only able to focus on pleasure.
Patton’s brain was already too scrambled to notice Logan uncapping the lube and spreading some on his fingers. He did, however, notice when Logan’s mouth moved from his hole to his cock as the man licked and sucked the tip in a teasing way that had Patton thrusting up for more. In response, Logan firmly planted one hand on his hips before circling his asshole with his lubed up fingers.
Logan could no longer form a coherent thought. He thrusted against the bed as he fingered and sucked off his partner, unable to stop himself. Lust consumed him and he desperately wanted to sink inside Patton’s tight, perky ass. Just the thought of that taunting ass sent a jolt of arousal right to his own cock, causing him to moan around the one in his mouth.
Patton shoved his fist into his mouth, embarrassed at how loud he was being, but unable to lower his voice. Logan was always skilled with his hands and even with his mind clouded with pure lust, he was able to find all the right places that made Patton scream. His fingers brushed against his prostate before ruthlessly rubbing against it. Patton could feel himself get close, eyes rolling back and mouth dropping open.
Unfortunately, Logan could also tell when Patton was about to come. He quickly pulled his mouth off Patton’s dick and removed his fingers from his hole, leaving Patton whining, desperate, and achingly empty.
Luckily, Patton was not left unsatisfied for long as his boyfriend moved back up to kiss him, wasting no time pushing his tongue into the other’s mouth. Logan held his dick in one hand, using the other to keep balance, and lined it up with Patton’s hole before sliding in with ease. Both sides groaned at the feeling, Logan’s eyes even fluttering shut as the burning heat within him finally began to be sated.
It didn’t take long for Logan to start moving inside his boyfriend, utterly blissed out at the feeling and desperate for more. He nipped at Patton’s neck and gripped his thick thighs tightly, determined to mark him up with pretty bruises on his freckled skin. In return, Patton cried out, arms wrapped around Logan with a hand gripping his hair tightly as back arched into pleasure Logan so graciously provided.
Logan fucked Patton like his life depended on it, driven mad by the lust consuming his body and the relief that came with finally scratching the itch caused by the pink liquid he spilled on himself what felt like ages ago. All he felt was pleasure and all he knew was Patton. Gorgeous Patton who took everything Logan provided so graciously, eyes screwed shut and panting as moans and whines escaped his mouth.
Seeing Patton so utterly debauched easily pushed Logan right to the edge and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Wanting to bring Patton over the edge with him, Logan grabbed his leaking cock and began stroking in time with his thrusts. His partner squirmed and his shouts got progressively loud, crying out Logan’s name.
The logical side couldn’t hold on any longer and came with a low, almost feral growl in Patton’s ass. The sudden feeling of his boyfriend filling him up caused Patton to moan as he too came. His orgasm was long and hard as Logan continued to fuck him through it, copious amounts of cum leaking from his cock before he began to whine from the overstimulation.
Logan pulled out and fell onto the bed next him, exhausted. His eyes fluttered shut and he began to fall asleep, feeling Patton kiss his cheek as he whispered, “Thank you, dear. I’ll get us cleaned up, you just relax for me.”
Patton continued whispering praises and sweet words to Logan even as he was on the verge of sleep before finally slipping into slumber as his soft, pudgy boyfriend finally cuddled up next to him. In the back of his mind, he knew he’d have to confront Roman and talk to Virgil about the mysterious liquid, but it could wait until the morning as all he wanted now was to fall asleep with Patton in his arms.
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bastard-aziraphale · 2 years
patton being frequently headcanoned as being chubby and/or having a tooth-gap is such a win for me personally
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
Tumblr media
Matt Damon and Tony Hale in The Informant! (Steven Soderbergh, 2009) Cast: Matt Damon, Melanie Lynskey, Scott Bakula, Joel McHale, Thomas F. Wilson, Tom Papa, Rick Overton, Tony Hale. Screenplay: Scott Z. Burns, based on a book by Kurt Eichenwald. Cinematography: Steven Soderbergh. Production design: Doug J. Meerdink. Film editing: Stephen Mirrione. Çomposer: Marvin Hamlisch. Both Erin Brockovich (Steven Soderbergh, 2000) and The Informant! are based on true stories about people who exposed corporate malfeasance. But while the former movie was a solid piece of entertainment showcasing a star turn for Julia Roberts, it was also one that could have been made by any good director. The Informant! is the work of an auteur, a director with a distinct, even idiosyncratic style and a clear point of view, a measure of how Steven Soderbergh has grown in technique and confidence. You can sense that from the gratuitous exclamation point appended to the title and the clunky font, redolent of rock posters from the psychedelic era, that has been imposed on the screen credits. Soderbergh is out to play with our expectations of what a film about a whistleblower cooperating with the FBI should be like. The cast is full of comedians and actors who usually play comedy, such as Joel McHale, Tony Hale, Scott Adsit, Patton Oswalt, Paul F. Tompkins, and both Smothers Brothers -- Tom is a senior executive at Archer Daniels Midland and Dick is a judge -- all of them playing it straight. Their presence creates a kind of tension in the film: We keep expecting them to break out into familiar comic shtick -- for Tony Hale, for example, as Mark Whitacre's continually surprised lawyer to turn into the busybody political factotum he played on Veep -- but they don't. Soderbergh's ironic tone is designed to fit the facts: Mark Whitacre may have been out to expose the crookedness rife at ADM by cooperating with the FBI, but he was a crook himself. We begin to sense that Whitacre may be a little bit off when we start hearing his thoughts in voiceover, meditations on polar bears and butterflies and anything else that crosses his mind, a delicious stream of consciousness that doesn't begin to hint at the complications of the character. Matt Damon gives one of his best performances as the chubby, cheerful, and morally unhinged Whitacre, and Scott Z. Burns, who had previously written a very different character for Damon in The Bourne Ultimatum (Paul Greengrass, 2007), gives him wonderful things to say and do. Under his pseudonym, Peter Andrews, Soderbergh is his own cinematographer for The Informant! and he chooses slightly faded colors and casts a soft haze over many scenes, creating a subtly dated atmosphere for a film set in the early '90s, the era before ubiquitous cell phones and laptops. 
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boy-brain · 1 year
Carbonated Emotions - Logan x Emile
A/N - this is the prologue for a story that is being written on wattpad, if ur interested go check out the other chapters there and if u want it on a03 tell me and ill think about it :)
The clock ticked slowly, every second feeling like a minute, every minute an hour.
Logan Wyze thinks his parents are idiots. He doesn't need to be in therapy. Espically a group therapy with a bunch of low-life depressed teens. Already he sees such an assortment of characters he can tell he doesn't belong here.
He sits straight in the chair, next to a slouched over boy with a purple hoodie and a matching mohawk and a small boy with oval glasses and curley blonde hair, his eyes are very grey, and he's wearing a pink sweater. He smiles and Logan sees that he has braces. 
The other kids in the circle are just as unhinged. A skinny boy in a green tank, with tattoos curling around his biceps and dreadlocks, and a boy almost identical in a fancy red outfit with short cropped hair. A chubby boy with circle glasses who has been messing with his bracelets, next to a boy covered in scars who watched the group wearily.
A tall man in his thirties came and sat at the 'top' of the circle, sitting with a starbucks cup. Sup, my names Remy Sanders, you can call me whatever you like, my pronouns are he/him, and I'll be the counsler for this, introduce yourselfs, no fighting and don't be like...stupid,"
"Janus Serpatine, they/it/he"
"Patton Hart, he/they/she on and neopronouns frog!"
"Roman Kreativ, he/him,"
"Remus Kreativ, he/it,"
"Virgil Storm, he/....they,"
"Logan Wyze, he/him,"
"Emile Picani, he/him!"
Logan looked over at the last boy. The boy in pink. Emile Picani.
He still didn't belong here. Janus was a liar, Patton was depressed, Roman had self esteem issues, Remus was insane, Virgil had anxiety- Logan wasn't like any of them.
Neither was Emile, not that Logan noticed.
Logan and Emile sat quietly, watching the group without a word.
"How'd it go, son?" Logans parents asked, expecting a new, energetic and emotion-filled child.
"Useless, theres no point in going, why do you insist on toturing me?" Logan huffed, feeling a burst of anger, quickly burrowing it back down, down down under his heart. Hiding his emotions away.
"Because Logan...you need to be more...expressive," His mother smiled.
"I don't need to, its not causing any physical harm, you should listen to those kids talk, one of them is an arsonist," Logan stormed off to his room and slammed the door, laying on the neatly tucked blue comforter, looking up at the stars thar have been stuck to his ceiling since he was little.
Sometimes he felt like those stars, stuck to something that no longer appericated him.
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