#cilla was a lot of fun.
babblingstacey · 1 year
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The short and tragic romance of Orange Baily-Moon and Cilla Akuma.
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sissylittlefeather · 18 days
Your Love's Been A Long Time Coming: Chapter 5
A/N: I'm sorry this took me so long. I've been dealing with a lot of writers block and I'm honestly not even sure this is any good. I have so much for Elvis and Viv that I want to get to. I hope people continue to read it. Or I'll just write it for me. But if you do read it, please please please leave a comment. I live for comments.
Need to catch up? Here is my masterlist.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, cussing, oral sex (m receiving), swallowing, teensy bit of angst
Word count: ~2.4k
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Oh, Elvis, she thinks. Why won't you come and rescue me from myself?
In December of 1962, Elvis brings Priscilla over from Germany in an attempt to stop thinking about Vivian. He hosts a New Year's Eve party and invites everyone, including her. He's hoping that seeing Viv and Priscilla in the same room will help him realize that Viv is not what he's looking for. He's been thinking about it a lot and honestly, she's too independent anyway. She probably wouldn't make a good wife. Priscilla, on the other hand, is young enough to still be molded and she seems ready to do whatever he asks. Isn't that what a wife should be? He repeats it like a mantra: not Vivian. Not Vivian. Not Vivian.
At the party, Priscilla and Viv reconnect briefly. He forgot they had known each other in Germany. Elvis nods and smiles awkwardly and then she turns to move around the party, leaving him with Cilla by his side. For the most part, he's successful in staying focused on Cilla. He catches glimpses of Viv briefly as she walks through the crowd, always with a drink in her hand.
Finally, he finds himself next to her at the table with the food in the dining room with no one else around.
"You're really serious about this thing with Priscilla?" Viv asks with her eyebrows raised.
"Yeah. Why?"
"She's a teenager."
"She makes sense to me, Viv." Vivian shrugs and concedes.
"I can't argue with that. She's not very complicated, so I believe that she makes sense to you." Elvis turns to look at her suddenly. Is she jealous?
"That's not fair, Viv."
"Is it not? I'm sorry. I just think you need someone more like..." She stops short of what she was going to say. He has an idea of how that sentence would've ended, though. "It doesn't matter. You like simplicity."
Something between rage and frustration bubbles up inside him.
"Which one of my friends are you fucking tonight, Viv?" He immediately regrets saying it as her mouth pops open and her eyes get glassy. "I'm sorry-"
"No, that's fair. Maybe Red." She turns and walks away from him quickly.
"Viv!" He calls after her but she doesn't turn around. "Goddamnit."
"You okay?" Elvis hears Cilla and works to recover his facade, turning to face her.
"Oh yeah, it's nothing, baby." She smiles and he is filled with the desire to take the stairs two at a time and go to bed. Alone.
Vivian sits in the bathroom trying to compose herself after her conversation with Elvis. She's a joke to him. And this girl, this Priscilla, she's what he wants. She'll never be that. She wasn't that sweet and demure even when she was 17.
Someone knocks on the bathroom door and she wipes her tears, assessing her makeup in the mirror, and opens it. It's Red. But despite what she said earlier, she pushes past him and goes straight to the front door. She has no desire to see Elvis and Priscilla kiss at midnight.
Elvis and Vivian avoid each other as much as possible before the spring of '63 when they both pick up the film Fun in Acapulco. Viv still hasn't managed to land another speaking part, but her work as an extra keeps her paid enough to eat. And when it doesn't, Elvis makes sure she's taken care of.
Filming the same movie means being on set together and after their last encounter, it's pretty awkward. Still, when Elvis finds himself in a particular predicament, she's the only one he can find to help.
His least favorite part of this movie is the pair of tiny blue shorts they have him wearing in several scenes. They're a lot like the ones from Blue Hawaii, but for some reason these just won't come off, especially when they're wet.
That's how Elvis finds himself in this situation. He has to go the bathroom. Badly. But they're in the middle of filming. Once the director finally calls cut, he's absolutely ready to burst. He makes his way to his trailer, frantically trying to figure out how to get his shorts off. Thats when he sees Vivian.
"Viv!" She stops dead in her tracks, recognizing his voice. She turns to him.
"What, Elvis?"
"I need your help." His desperation is palpable.
"With what?"
"Just come with me, please." He grabs her hand and practically drags her to his trailer. Once inside, he shuts the door and turns to her. "I have to pee so bad I might die."
"Okay? What does that have to-"
"I can't get these fucking shorts off, Viv."
"Oh, shit."
"I'm going to piss myself."
"Well, they're already wet." He looks at her with panic on his face.
"Are you gonna help me or not?!" She tries to focus and make sure she doesn't laugh.
"Yes, come here." She tries to tug on the shorts, but they don't budge.
"What if I kinda lift them off of me before you pull."
"Yeah, let's try that." Vivian gets on her knees in front of him to pull when he says to. He looks down at her on her knees in front of him and looks at the ceiling. He whispers to himself.
"Don't get hard. Don't get hard. Don't get hard."
"What's that?" Viv asks.
"Oh! Nothing." He takes a deep breath and tries to focus on what's happening.
"Okay, I'm gonna count to three. You lift them and I'll pull down. 1... 2... 3!" She gives his shorts a firm tug and they come down to his thighs. What neither of them realized about their plan is that pulling the shorts down means his dick is going to be right in her face.
"Oh, God, I'm sorry." She tries to look away, but he whimpers, trying really hard not to pee on her. Finally, she gets the shorts down his legs and off and he runs into the bathroom. She sits in the living area with his shorts in her hand, laughing quietly.
He opens the door a little and hollers to her.
"Toss me the shorts. I think I can get them back on." But he can't. After about 12 minutes of struggling, he comes out with them stuck on his thighs, his hands covering himself. "Can you...?"
"Yes, I will. Come here." He waddles over to her with his hand still covering himself. He goes back to praying his body won't respond to the image of Vivian on her knees in front of him. He's doing okay, until she gets the shorts up higher and she puts her hand on him gently to try to stuff him into the shorts. He whimpers at her touch and becomes noticeably hard.
"God, I'm sorry..."
"It's okay; it happens, Elvis." She keeps trying to pull the shorts up despite his massive rock-hard erection.
Just then, there's a sharp knock on the door.
"Elvis, we need you back on set. Now." It's the director.
"Uh, just a second?"
"We don't have any more seconds. Wrap up what you're doing and come out. Now." They can tell by the director's tone that he assumes Elvis must be in there having sex with someone. Elvis is annoyed. That would be a much better excuse than what's actually happening.
He looks at Vivian frantically, his dick still standing at full attention with her on her knees trying to tuck it into the shorts. She whispers.
"It's not gonna fit like this. Can you... fix it?"
"Make it go away, you mean? I don't really have time to use my hand. And I can't think it away. That never works for me." It does work sometimes, but he knows it won't with the image of Viv on her knees.
"That settles it, then."
"Settles wh- OH MY GOD VIVIAN." Elvis falls backwards and braces himself as Vivian wraps her mouth around his cock and starts moving. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
He moans softly as she pulls off of him to explain.
"You need this gone. This'll work and it'll be faster than your hand. You want me to stop?" She looks up at him with his dick in her hand.
"This is purely functional." She pulls him deep into her throat and sucks on him. His eyes roll back with the sensation of her warm little mouth on him. He's dreamed of this for so long, but the reality is better than he ever could've imagined. Her mouth moves skillfully up and down, complemented by her hand moving his foreskin back and forth. She licks a circle around the head and then deep throats him again. He grunts as his orgasm begins to build and he knows he won't last much longer.
The director pounds on the door again and hollers something, but Elvis is incapable of listening. Viv is working him with her mouth and hand, pulling out all her tricks to get him off as quickly as possible.
"Oh, god, Viv... that's so good..." He moans as she gets him closer and closer to the edge. He's gripping the counter behind him so tightly that his knuckles are white. She pulls back off of him and looks up at him with her big blue eyes, licking the precum off the tip of him.
"Let go, baby. You have to cum. Now." Something about her telling him what to do pushes him the last little bit and he tumbles into a mind-blowing orgasm, shooting his release down her throat. She swallows it easily, sucking until he relaxes, and then stops.
"Holy fuck, Viv..."
"Ah ha!" She cheers as she's finally able to get his shorts up and tuck his package into the front. Standing up, he looks into her eyes and wants to kiss her so badly. Still, despite what just happened, he's not sure he can.
"We're gonna talk about this later."
Just as the director is about to knock again, Elvis opens the door and walks out.
"What? I had to go to the bathroom."
Viv waits about ten minutes and then makes her way back to where she's supposed to be filming, in shock over what just happened. And now he wants to talk about it? What is there to say?
Elvis doesn't see Vivian again until the summer after the shorts incident. He can't decide if she's purposefully avoiding him or just busy, but she stays away. Part of him wonders if she's avoiding the conversation they were supposed to have after the blowjob. It never happened.
In July, Elvis is in Memphis just before he leaves for California to meet his costars and start filming his next movie. He comes across Vivian on Beale street.
"Viv!" When she sees him, she looks for an escape and doesn't see one, so she waits for him to catch up to where she is. "Where the hell have you been?"
"I've just been really busy."
"Look, I really need to talk to you. I'm leaving for California at 3. Will you come with me to Graceland? Please?" She looks around again for an exit and then looks back at him.
"Good!" He grabs her hand and practically drags her to his car. They make small talk about what they've both been doing for the whole drive. Once they get to Graceland, Elvis settles them into the tv room.
"Are we ever going to talk about the head you gave me?" Viv shifts in her seat, obviously uncomfortable.
"What is there to say, Elvis? I sucked your dick to get it back in your shorts. That's it."
"That's it?!" He thinks back to the incredible orgasm he had at her doing. He wouldn't mind it happening again.
"Yeah? That's it." All of a sudden, something else bubbles up inside him and he stands up.
"Wrong with me?!"
"Do I really mean so little to you that you can suck my cock and have absolutely no feelings about it?!"
"It was just to-"
"Get my shorts on. I know. Why am I just a sex object to you? Something to play with when you've been drinking?"
"What?" He's not talking about the blowjob anymore.
"Why do I mean nothing to you?"
"Elvis... I-"
"Why can't you see how much I-"
"Will you let me finish?!" He sits back down on the couch seething. "You don't mean nothing to me. You mean too much to me."
"Too much? What does that mean?" Vivian rolls her eyes and he's somewhere between wanting to slap her and wanting to kiss her.
"Elvis. Do you remember what I told you when you got in the fight with Joe?"
"Which part?"
"The part about how if I let myself, I could fall in love with you?" His heart pounds wildly in his chest.
"I've wanted you since the moment I met you. And not just for sex. Sex is like... I don't even know what it means for me but it's not love and you... I..." His stomach turns over and he's overcome with a need to take her in his arms and show her what love can be. Is she finally admitting what he's felt for all these years?
"Viv." He whispers it and cups her cheek in his hand. She leans into his touch. Just then, there's a knock on the door. Elvis curses loudly and then gets up to answer it. It's the Colonel.
"My boy, we need to head to the airport. You need to be in California soon." Elvis nods and then turns to Vivian, who has followed him up to the foyer. He tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"We will finish this when I get back, okay?"
She nods.
But he doesn't come back. Not this version of him anyway. The costar he goes to California to meet is a woman named Ann Margaret. And when he meets her, Vivian and all her complications become a distant memory.
But Priscilla? Priscilla won't go down so easily. She moved to the United States to marry him and she won't be deterred by the small matter of him being in love with another woman.
Elvis is trapped between three women and Vivian? She's the quietest of the three with what she assumes is the smallest claim on his heart.
She fades into the background easily, watching the feud that happens between Ann Margaret and Priscilla, her love for him never diminishing, but they never finish the conversation that they started.
Until next time!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
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the-desolated-quill · 1 month
Let’s talk Doctor Who, shall we?
I absolutely adore Space Babies. I know a lot of people weren’t very keen on this episode and they’re entitled to their opinion, even if it’s objectively wrong. I’m sorry, but I had a lot of fun with this episode. It’s silly, light hearted, optimistic, and a perfect showcase for Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson. I absolutely adore the Doctor and Ruby together and this is the perfect episode for them. They bounce off each other so well and their enthusiasm and excitement is infectious. I did feel the episode was a bit rushed. I feel like this could have benefitted from being 60 minutes just to give it some room to breathe, but overall I really enjoyed Space Babies and I am prepared to die on this hill and defend it. This was a great episode. Come at me bro.
And if you think that’s controversial, get this. The Devil’s Chord? Not a fan. I didn’t hate it. It’s certainly not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think the marketing and press were very misleading when promoting this episode. I was led to believe this would be a musical episode and it isn’t. Well… it is and it isn’t. The episode is about music and music features heavily in the plot, but they’re not singing and dancing all the way through or anything like that. There are things I like. Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson are still perfect. I LOVE Jinkx Monsoon. I don’t watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race so this was my first exposure to her and she was incredible as the villain Maestro. The way she’s able to go from laugh out loud camp to genuinely menacing in the space of a few seconds is really impressive, and she commands the screen whenever she’s on it. And I did like the concept of Maestro and how they use music and sound as a weapon. I thought it was very inventive and creative. The problem is I don’t fully understand Maestro’s plan, and I think people are so caught up with how good Jinkx Monsoon is that it has distracted them from the fact that the plot has more holes it than a colander. So Maestro feeds on unsung songs, and music is no longer a thing post-1920s thanks to them. Except Abbey Road still exists and the Beatles and Cilla Black are still performing songs. Not very good songs, but still songs. Who’s buying those songs if music is no longer a thing? Why isn’t Maestro interested in those songs? What makes a song worth feasting upon? What is it Maestro is actually eating? Their talent? Their potential? Except that can’t be it because later they’re talking about feasting on “the song of a nuclear winter”. Okay so now I’m really confused. What makes a nuclear winter better for Maestro than a bad song about a dog? Surely music is music regardless of whether it’s good or bad, right? In fact why even bother with music at all if any sounds will do? The whole thing becomes too broad and too abstract, and if the motivations are ill-defined, then the threat becomes ill-defined, and toward the end I honestly didn’t have a clue what was going on or what Maestro’s ultimate goal was. Honestly the whole thing felt a bit pretentious and self absorbed. Call me a cultural philistine, but I’ll take an episode about talking babies and snot monsters over this any day of the week.
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
I was wondering how would you describe Elvis and his personality and differences, romantically/sexually, across his different eras? it's an interesting topic and I'd like to understand more about him from a fact-based perspective. thank you!
hi nonnieeee! i love this question and i love talking about elvis, so thank you sm for this. 💕
this got wayyy longer than expected, so check under the cut!
soooo, let's start off with elvis in the 1950s.
we all know elvis loved women and in my opinion, he was a cheeky bastard (lovingly). when elvis had his sights set on someone, he got them- simple as that. except for brigitte bardot, sorry el 👀. anyways, he was flirtyyyy as hell. the part in good rockin' tonight where he goes "why don't you come to my house and i'll give it to you?" actually came out of his own mouth irl (and i will never get over it). also, when he told june he was crazy about her ass and was shamelessly looking at her ass. and remember the letters he sent to anita when he was in germany?
"every time i lay in my bunk and i see your little eyes and your little nose and it's almost like you're here, like you're pressed up close to me. i can feel your little hair on the side of my face and sometimes i get so excited and want you so bad, i start sweating"
i think he definitely had his fun in germany. this shouldn't be a surprise.
i mean, he was a young male in his twenties and got the attention from girls left and right- and he liked it. he definitely was not shy and when it comes to sex, i don't think he was either. he told larry that he screwed pretty much anything in sight a week before he had to report in 1958 and i believe it. he later learned that there was more to it than only the physical act, but i mean... if i was a male in my 20s and looked like elvis, i would've done the same. 👀
if you want to use the term sub or dom, i think he was a dom but not in the way we know it today??? i was obv not there, but i can't be convinced he was a big sub or sub at all (even though i love subby men🥴). i just think he was in that standard "man role" if you know what i mean- and i believe this goes for all era's, tbh. he was also pretty jealous at times which honestly makes me giggle sometimes but also makes me want to slap his face a lil bit. anyways, in my opinion; he was at that age where you're exploring things in your sex life and finding out what you do and don't like and just like any other human being, he did just that. with... a lot.. of different.. girls. good for him. 💁🏼‍♀️
anyways, elvis in the 50s was a menace. and that's a hill i will die on.
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nowwww elvis in the 1960s? on a whole 'nother level. i feel like he was still at that stage of exploring at the beginning of the 60s, but he certainly knew what he liked. he had girls who'd make videos of themselves and watch them on the tv/video set ups he brought into hotel rooms. i believe he even had a girl fly over when he stopped at a motel once? and i mean... work. priscilla and him used to roleplay a lil, so i think he enjoyed that along with taking videos and pictures.
i don't think he had any extreme kinks. feet? white underwear? liking girls to be virgins? hardly extreme. he wasn't too fond of women who gave birth though and did not have sex with them if they did, which honestly... sucks for the women that had children and for cilla (i would simply fight his ass, anywaaaayyyy). i also read that he didn't believe in mixed race marriage/couples in the early 60s, but his view on that changed in the 70s. i can't tell you how true this is, so take this as you will. considering how different times were back then, i don't think it's entirely impossible.
emphasizing here that i do not think elvis was racist in any way possible, but life and the way people thought about certain things were very different back then!!
anyways, i don't think elvis was a selfish lover, he strikes me as the kind of person who likes giving as much as receiving and again, i don't see him being submissive at all though also not extremely dominant. elvis was a dominant person in general, but i feel like he was a gentle lover and wouldn't force anyone to do something they don't want. he'd kind of ease the girls into what he likes, but he would also make himself very clear on things he doesn't like.
i think he was big on the touchy touchy and foreplay, but i do believe him and cilla had, or were close to having, sex. as in penetration, not feeling each other up only- which imo is normal, but for a lot of people it's a touchy subject bc of their age difference. despite sleeping with others also, he considered cilla to be the steady woman in his life and love and sex go hand in hand for most people, doesn't it?
also him and ann-margret? freaky deaky in the sheets, i can't be convinced otherwise. but i also believed they genuinely loved each other and had a connection and that's what elvis preferred over simple one night stands. he wanted someone to both talk to and make love with and i think because ann was closer to him in age and so free spirited, he was drawn to that. also the fact that she got married a week after he did in the same city breaks my HEART- but that's a whole different conversation.
AND i do think him and nancy had a thing going on. even though nancy always said it was platonic between them... one can dream, right? they looked cute together.
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the 1970s, baby! who doesn't love the 70s? we all do. when it comes to elvis, a lot of people see him as the "daddy" and "big daddy elvis" persona but in my opinion, that's nothing but fictional.
elvis was big on the baby talk and used the term "mommy" for linda, but i highly doubt it was in a sexual manner. sure, none of us were actually there, but here we have a man that craved for deep human connections and love in several different girls, rather than just having a quick fuck and leave it at that. he liked to take care of his girls, but he also liked to be taken care of. i don't think elvis ever lost his interest in sex and liked sex throughout his entire life, but i do feel like things slowed down a little in the mid 70s. don't get me wrong- he was still definitely having sex, just not in the same way as when he was in his 20s, ya know? keep in mind he was not 100% healthy, as sad as that is.
elvis liked his girls petite and still, virgins. he gained a lot of experience through the years and i feel like he liked showing that experience to the younger females he dated. he liked to be The Man in relationships. the story about linda losing her virginity to him was honestly really sweet, he was extremely gentle with her, as it should be. and sure, elvis could be shy sometimes but imo not to an extreme- he was more so gentle and let's be honest, he knew just what the ladies liked. he knew how to sweep 'em off their feet. i think he was confident in his love making skills, but would elvis liked to have been called daddy? no. i don't think so. despite being a dominant man, he liked to be babied.
mirrors, man. mirrors. we've all seen his room. i think he liked seeing himself and his partner get it on, and i also think he liked watching other people (i don't believe he never had 2 girls in his bed at the same time and i definitely don't believe he never watched them).
above i stated about elvis possibly being prejudiced, but also that his views changed in the 70s. sexually, i do think he experimented with women from different races etc in these times.
jealousy. j e a l o u s y. he cares deeply, and it makes his jealous streak come out to play along the way. this was the man that had red west call "a guy" so he could get rid off mike stone, but eventually chickened out. i believe elvis to be a person with a lot of layers- and yes, maybe some of it has to do with the medicine abuse etc, but it was also who he was as a person. he could be unreasonable at times, in both friendships and relationships, but it doesn't take away that his heart was in the right place. elvis loved deeply, so he also hurt deeply.
writing about elvis and his life from a fan's perspective, especially one that was not alive at the same time as he was, is an extremely difficult thing to do. i don't agree with some of the things he did and said, but who am i to judge? elvis presley was a human made out of flesh, blood and bones. one that was on a forever search to find himself, to be comfortable in the vessel god gifted him. he made mistakes, did some shitty things, but he was also very kind and did very good things that changed people's lives for the better. it's said he could bring you to tears, but he also was a gentle, generous soul who could make you feel good about yourself, like you belonged. but doesn't that count for all of us? maybe not in the exact same way, but we're all just trying to find our path in this strange and sometimes cruel world. we sometimes say mean things that we regret and then we learn from it. we're all looking for that big, fat "why?" in life- we might never find the answer, but that doesn't mean we'll give up trying to find it.
i didn't mean to end in on a note like this, but i guess what i'm trying to say is that we should start treating elvis as a human being and not as the man we create in our heads and fanfictions. he wasn't perfect- but if he was, where would the fun be in that?
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(i'm obsessed with ginger's coat in this pic lol.)
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
jk jk. no but seriously- these are my opinions on the topic. if yours are different, that's okay too and i would love to hear your take on it. 💗
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robinismywife · 2 years
Where reader acting as Priscilla is her first ever role so she’s extremely nervous but Austin finds it cute she comforts her.
As a writer I understand you gotta go with your own flow so change and add whatever you please if you do up doing this 💓
PAIRING: Austin butler x actress!fem!reader
WARNINGS: self-doubt. Inform me if I've missed any!
A/N: This was my first request ever and I'm so excited owhfowrugi- Anyways, I hope you like my take on your idea my beloved anon and I'm SO sorry for being so late! Plz fill my inbox with more of your requests it makes me so happy and they are so fun to write!! Enjoy my loves <3
(the gif is not mine but omg it's so adorable I couldn't resist)
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Baz Luhrmann was making an Elvis biopic and after having found Austin as his Elvis, he desperately needed to find himself a Priscilla. You had sent in an audition tape but never thought it would get you here, on the set and ready to film. I mean, everything felt unreal and you were extremely out of your comfort zone.
You had been filming for a couple of months now, but you've never felt as nervous and terrified as you're feeling at this very moment. Baz had informed you a week prior that today you would be doing the argument between Priscilla and Elvis. Nevertheless, it was now when you're getting ready for the scene that it's finally settling in.
You were pasing back and forth mumbling your lines, when Baz informed everyone that the cameras were ready. You and Austin walked on the set and smiled at each other, knowing that this scene was difficult for both of you.
"Cilla, I give you everything you could want" Austin followed you down the stairs
"What I wan't is a husband!" You turned around facing him. Austin had such a raw expression on his face, his acting always seemed to amaze you. However, here you were finding it extremelly hard to channel Priscilla.
"I- I-" You froze. Well done, Y/n, you forgot your lines. Not only are you a horrible actress but you also have a shitty memory. That's when you felt a warm hand on your shoulder.
"Y/n, did you forget your line?" Worry covered Austin's face "Did I do something wrong?"
"I- No, I just- I need some air" You dropped your prop, walked quickly past the crew. You opened a door and found yourself in the parking lot. You had never used this exit before and god it was freezing.
You began to spiral, thinking of the beautiful set you just walked out off, the incredible costumes you wore everyday. How are you even here right now? How did Baz even pick you? An amateur actress, who's never even stepped in a drama school once. You felt embarassed being on that set with such an amazing actor such as Austin, who is so dedicated to his craft. You didn't deserve this.
"Y/n, what happened back there?" Austin had at last found you.
"Austin.." you sighed looking down at your bell-bottom jeans
"Hey," he grabbed your shaking hand, rubbing circles on your cold skin "You can talk to me"
"I don't think I want to, Aus-" Your cheeks heated up, suddenly feeling embarrassed of saying anything
"You know, you're cute when you're like this- All stubborn" Austin smirked at you. Not in a condescending way but in a comforting one.
"I'm not stubborn I just-" You giggled a little, your mood getting better just by looking at him
"Yeah? I don't believe ya hun"
"Austin!" You groaned, knowing that talking to someone about your feelings was the best thing you could do right now.
"Y/n!" He said back, teasing you like he always did
"Fine, fine! Jeez- I just think that, you know, perhaps Baz made a mistake casting me and-"
"Hey, hey, hey- Why would you think that Y/n? You deserve to be here, you got the part because there's no one like you out there"
"No but's, Y/n" He looked down at you with so much appreciation that you felt like crying "You know I love working with you. You're one of the most talented people I've ever met-"
"You mean that?" Your face lit up, making Austin smile as well
"Of course I do- Now go back on that set and show them what you got, yeah?"
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karin-gespenst · 3 months
more Butterfly blanket rewatch
going back to the seasons with Sister Frances was great, because it meant that Valerie was still there, Lucille was happier than we have last seen her, and Trixie unburdened by romance. on the other hand, season 8 is the abortion season and that means great distress for Valerie. Sister Frances, on her first day happy about visiting a high rise building for the first time in her life, later discovering that Sister Monica Joan is missing, and a day later scrubbing the floor in the Nonnatus Bathroom after Cath had the miscarriage. and she takes this work with her usual humility.
Sister Hilda had to tone down her self-assuredness a bit and pay more attention to her patients and colleagues. I get the fun she feels when being back in Poplar and that she enjoys working with the patients and chatting about this and that. But she also reminds me of one of my aunts: capable, full of ideas and how everything should be done.
Jeannie Tennant asking if women are not allowed to want or not want things. Sharing her fears and her concerns with her husband, her doctor, her midwife and friend - and still left in a position where she saw no other way than to risk her health, her life, by having a backstreet abortion. Cilla Singh having a life-threatening complication that she only survived because she had access to the necessary medical interventions. And eclampsia is only one example of the dangers that pregnancy and birth can bring. Call the Midwife shows us lots of the joy that parenthood entails and how medicine has improved people's lives. The show is also very clear that people need education about their bodies, they need information to make good choices, they need a body of law that supports their bodily autonomy, they need healthcare personnell who is supportive instead of judging and they need a healthcare system that is strong and generously funded. Any lack of these will bring struggle. In Jeannie's case it brought death.
on a lighter note: The Women's own issue with the knitting feature "Blackberry stitch without tears" sounds really good - I'm not a knitter, but I looked up how blackberry stitch looks like and it's nice, and I can see why one would need a detailed instructions on how to make it.
I can completely relate to Mr. Wilson needing to step out while his wife is in labour. On more than one occasion when I was in the room while someone had a procedure done I got lightheaded or fainted. No nursing career for me.
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Funny Turner family picture as intermission.
Sister Frances catching ringworm and talking to Sister Julienne about how she's doing. The two of them praying together. It makes me think back on the conversation Cynthia had with Trixie and Patsy about nuns having a not ordinary life. And looking at the nuns we see on this show it becomes clear that each one of them has their own reasons to choose the religious life, at different points in their biography.
Here's the blanket, gorgeous colors and all.
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forabeatofadrum · 10 months
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Hello and happy Sunday to you all. Thank you @confused-bi-queer, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tags, and a tag back to @aroace-genderfluid-sheep.
My Klaine fic is still being written. Toffee the hamster has been found, but it's taking a while to finish it. An anon did give me a title idea, namely The Class Menagerie, and anon, I love you for it,
In other fic related news, I started posting Dancin' on that bamboo ceiling, the fic series that explores Asian identity and racism through Glee, while also trying to find a way to place glee's own racism towards its Asian characters. I was quite nervous to post it and a bit stressed. So stressed that I straight up confused Mike and Wes in one of my summaries and in the series' summary I accidentally wrote that Mike moved to China, not from China. Oops. It's been fixed. Five fics are posted and I am not at all surprised that the Klaine-centric one has the most hits, since people still prefer shippy fics over gen fics. I just hope these Klainers (hi!!) are encouraged to also read the others.
I am also nervous because I don't want to come off as if I am speaking for everyone yada yada. I did add the disclaimer that I am one sole person writing this and I am also alway open for more feedback, but it feels so nerve wracking. I usually write for me and me alone, but not this time, I guess. And even so, I am one Chinese person and damnit China is big. Catch me frantically googling whether people in Hubei speak Mandarin or something else etc. (Which I knew the answer to, cause my sister is from Hubei, but I'm just so nervous!!!) (This is also why I remember that Mike's family is from Hubei.)
Also some things in Glee are so fucking stupid. I am already thinking about changing something in Blaine's chapter so it lines up with canon, but I am still trying to explain why Tina's last name is Cohen-Chang.
Writing this fic is uhhhh A Lot, since I am delving deep into the racism that I have experienced and also the stories of other Asian people who I have spoken to about this. (JY, Todd, I haven't seen y'all in literal years, but you're in this fic.) (I do still talk to Cilla regularly.) (And a shout-out to my sister who constantly has to deal with people saying "she is too pretty to be Chinese"!). I am excited to explore this and I keep thinking about things I can add, but it is heavy, as you might expect. I do try to keep some humour and joy in it, because unlike Glee, I also want to show that being Asian can be fun and can lead to connection. I am looking forward to Mike, Tina, Wes, Blaine and Yu-Jin being friends! Here's a more upbeat part of the sad shit that I shared recently:
"Yes, yes, yes!" Yu-Jin cheers when Mike and Wes step inside the bedroom, both wearing a tangzhuang. "God, if only my grandparents could see me now," Wes says as he studies himself in the mirror. "Tina's making photo's," Blaine says. Tina's new phone has the best camera of them all and she'll send the photos to the others later. She definitely wants to save the mirror selfies that she made with Yu-Jin. Tina's hanbok has become to small and it's straining her in places, but she loves the way she looks and that's what matters.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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sagesolsticewrites · 1 year
Guitar Man pt 2 | Steve Binder x fem!reader
You and Steve go on your first date, and deal with being an official item on set.
a/n: I’ve discovered I love writing for Steve so, so much y’all, Dacre really did something here. (This has been unfinished in my docs since August, y'all. Oops :/ Honestly, idk where to take it from the point I’ve got it at now, but if y'all have any suggestions after reading, I'd love to hear them!)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: a couple swear words, I think that's it? As always, please let me know if I missed anything!
Please like/rb if you enjoyed! 🤍
Read Part 1 here!
Masterlist | add yourself to my taglist here!
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“Hold still!” Priscilla reminds you as she drags the eyeliner pencil along your lashline.
“I am!” you whine, looking up as she moves to line your lower lid. “I’m just nervous.”
“You’ve got nothin’ to be worried about, Y/N,” she assures you, stepping back to assess her work, “Steve is absolutely head over heels for you, and you two are already friends, right? You’ve already gotten to know each other, the hard part’s done!”
“Yeah we’re friends,” you reach over to apply your favorite red lipstick, and continue “but we’ve only really talked at work. I’ve never seen him outside the studio, what if it’s completely different?”
Priscilla’s reply of “How many times do I have to tell you, you two are already such good friends, not to mention you’re both absolutely head over heels for each other! The conversation will flow naturally, I promise,” is muffled as you step over to the closet to pick out an outfit. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard, but you don't want to veer too casual, either…
Your train of thought is interrupted as Priscilla reaches past you and yanks out a gorgeous deep red minidress. “This one,” she declares, thrusting it into your arms.
“Cilla, I haven’t worn this in forever!” you protest. You could barely remember why you packed it in the first place. “Won’t this be a little much?” 
She waves off your concern, “Of course not! You’re gonna look gorgeous,” she assures you as she shoves you back into the bathroom to change.
You step out a few minutes later, nervously tugging at the hem. “You’re sure this isn’t too much, Cilla?”
Priscilla’s jaw drops as you step into her line of sight, “Oh Y/N, you look gorgeous!! Steve won’t be able to take his eyes off you,” she squeals.
Just then, there’s a knock at the door and Lucy calls through it excitedly, “Steve’s here! He’s in the lobby!”
A wave of nerves washes over you, and Priscilla takes your hands to steady you, “Hey, you got this, alright? Don’t overthink it, it’s just Steve.”
You take a deep breath, nodding, “Right. I got this.” You squeeze her hands gratefully, “Thank you, Cilla.”
“Anytime, honey,” she beams. “Now,” she leads you out towards the elevator, pressing your clutch into your hands, “have fun!”
You give her one last wave as the elevator doors close, and step out into the gilded lobby a few moments later. 
You fidget with the simple gold pendant at your throat, scanning the room for any sign of Steve. Eventually you spot him, seated in a velvet armchair in a corner, and make your way over. You’re about halfway there when he turns and spots you, his jaw dropping as he stands and walks over to meet you.
“Hi,” you say, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
“Hi,” he replies, his eyes raking up and down your body, taking in the dress hugging your curves in all the right places, “You look— um— wow.”
“Thank you,” you giggle at his reaction, your nervous smile melting into a softer, more genuine one. “I was afraid it might be a bit much,” you confess.
He shakes his head as he takes your hand and begins leading you out to the parking lot, “Trust me, you look absolutely stunning,” he says softly, never once taking his eyes off you.
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you attempt to deflect his attention. “Well you don’t look too bad yourself,” you smile, taking in the dark blue suit he was wearing, accented by a white ascot.
“Well thank you,” he chuckles as you come up to a white Mustang. He steps forward and opens the passenger door for you, gesturing politely, “Milady.”
“Why thank you, my good sir,” you tease as you slide in, and he closes the door behind you. 
The drive to the restaurant is a short one, but even so, you feel all your nervousness and anxiety melt away as the two of you converse easily, trading jokes and stories.
The ease you feel continues throughout the night, and it almost feels as though the two of you are simply having another one of your talks during a break in rehearsals. Sure, you’re in a candlelit restaurant and not a stuffy studio, but you’re absolutely positive that you’d be able to talk with him about anything, anywhere.
Eventually, the conversation turns to how the two of you grew up. 
“I can’t believe I’ve never asked you this,” Steve begins, “but how did you get into dancing in the first place?”
“Well, it started when my parents signed me up for ballet classes when I was a kid,” you explain. “It started off as a way for me to make friends, because I was so shy, but then I just fell in love with it. Even after the friends I’d made there originally stopped doing it, I kept going. And I decided I never wanted to stop, so I made it my job.” You end with a laugh, glancing up to gauge his reaction. 
Steve is looking at you with the softest expression you’ve ever seen on his face, as if he’s seeing you for the first time, and you feel your cheeks flush under his attention.
“What?” you question, hoping your flushed face isn’t too noticeable.
“Nothing, I just…” he shakes his head, the softness in his eyes remaining constant, “I really love hearing you talk about dancing. You light up, it’s like… you make me love it as much as you do even though I’ve never danced in my life.”
You laugh softly, your heart swelling at the compliment, and there’s a sweet moment of silence between the two of you before you finally speak up again, “So what about you? How did you get into directing?”
He launches into a story about falling in love with movies from a young age, which then turns into a conversation about your favorite movies as children.
Eventually, the two of you are back at your hotel. Steve walks you back to the front doors like the gentleman he is, despite your feeble protests, and pauses by one of the pillars near the entrance.
“I had a really nice time tonight,” he says softly, eyes shining under the golden light of the hotel.
“I did, too,” you smile, leaning against the pillar to take some of the weight off your heels.
He smiles, drinking in the image of you as comfortable under the light of the hotel as you are under a spotlight in the studio, and leans in to press a sweet, brief kiss to your lips.
You grin against his lips and tangle your fingers in his as he pulls away, preventing him from getting too far. 
He lets you keep him in place with a soft chuckle, and leans in again… 
But stops, so his lips are just barely brushing yours and says, almost sadly, “I should probably get going.”
“Do you have to?” You reply with a mock pout, then shake your head and continue in a more sincere tone, “No, I get it. You’ve probably got lots of work to do. I’ll see you back at the studio, then?” You say softly.
“I’ll see you then,” he nods, and lifts your hand to press a soft kiss to the back of it before releasing you. He heads back to his car as you go back inside the hotel, and just before you enter you see him give one last wave goodbye before driving away.
You wave back, and head back to your room, practically giddy from the events of the night. 
When you get back to your room, Priscilla is all too happy to hear you gush about your date.
“He was so sweet, Cilla, really I— hey, what’s that look for?” you ask, noting the soft, knowing look she’s giving you.
She giggles in response. “Nothin’, just… this,” she gestures to you sprawled across your bed, a wide smile on your face and a happy flush in your cheeks, “is what I was like after my first few dates with Elvis,” she smiles.
You feel your cheeks heat up even more, “Really? I mean, of course you were, but…” you trail off, unsure how to voice the implications of that statement.
She hums affirmatively, then after a moment of hesitation says “I didn’t wanna bring this up before because I wasn’t sure if this’d make you more nervous, but… you know how I was helping you get ready tonight? Elvis was actually doing the same for Steve,” she says softly, then adds teasingly, “And I bet he’s gushing about you to him just like you are to me right now.”
“Oh hush,” you dismiss her teasing statement.
“No, I’m serious! He’s probably all,” she falls into an approximation of Steve’s voice, “‘Gosh, EP, you shoulda seen the dress she was wearing—“
“—I think I was actually speechless when I saw her,” Steve tells Elvis, who’s listening with a smile on his face, “And I swear, talking to her is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. We just flow so naturally, you know? And the way she talks about dancing…” he sighs, picturing the way you lit up as you talked about the beginnings of your passion for dance, “I could honestly listen to her talk about it forever.”
Elvis takes in the look on his friend’s face: one remarkably similar, he’s sure, to the one he has when he talks about Cilla. “I’m glad you had a good time, Steve,” he says with a genuine smile, “it sounds like it went really well.”
“Thanks, EP,” Steve replies with a smile, jolting out of his lovesickness just enough to turn his attention to his friend, “I really, really like her.”
“I know you do,” Elvis replies with a chuckle, “and I know she really, really likes you, too. But Steve,” his tone turns serious, “you may be a very good friend of mine, but Y/N’s like a little sister to me, alright? I’ve known her for about 20 years now, and if anything happened to her I…” he trails off, his emotions getting the better of him for the moment, before continuing seriously, “Just… don’t break her heart, alright?”
Steve nods somberly, “Of course, Elvis. I would never do anything intentional to hurt her, I swear. She clearly means a lot to you, and… and she does to me, too.”
“Good,” Elvis nods, and stands to leave, “I’m happy for ya, Steve. See you at the studio tomorrow, loverboy,” he teases before stepping out the door, leaving Steve alone.
You arrive at the studio the next day practically giddy, your mind filled with thoughts of the night before. Some of the girls on your crew come over to ask about how your date went, and where Marie would usually make some snooty comment, she is noticeably absent, which isn’t too much of a surprise; you assume she’s in one of her holier-than-thou, “above all the petty gossip” moods today. Once you’ve satisfied your friends with your explanation— though you’re sure they’ll be back asking more questions in no time— you set about getting ready for the performance. 
As you glance around the set, you spot Steve in the control room, looking extremely focused. There’s a hard set to his jaw and an adorable little furrow in his brow that tells you he’s thinking hard about whatever he’s doing, and dare you say… It's extremely attractive.
Before your thoughts can stray too far down that path, though, you shake yourself, and settle for managing to catch his eye and give him a little wave before taking your place on set. 
Steve, for what it’s worth, does his absolute best to focus on his job at the moment. Really, he does. But how is he supposed to focus when you’re down there looking like that; going through the movements as if they came as naturally to you as breathing, completely in your element… indescribably beautiful, in Steve’s eyes. 
He’s jolted out of his thoughts as something smacks his arm, and he turns to see Bones looking at him with a single raised eyebrow. 
“Quit gawking at your girlfriend, Steve, we’ve got work to do!” 
“I wasn’t—” he protests, then changes the subject entirely at the knowing look on Bones’s face, “Whatever, just pull up two.”
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Taglist: @queenslandlover-93 @anangelwhodidntfall @austin-butlers-gf @butlersluvbot @killerqueenfan @kittenlittle24 @beauvibaby @kingelviscreole @justjacesstuff @sweetheartlizzie07 @coldonexx @londonalozzy @kaycinema @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @djconde58 @mirandastuckinthe80s @luke-my-skywalker @tubble-wubble @apparently-sunshine @kisseskae @whotfatemywaffles @gyomei-tiddies @friedwangsss @shynovelist @sassy-ahsoka-tano @she-is-juniper @hallecarey1 @adoreyouusugar @iheartcbe @nora-nexus-34 @finelineskies @dontbesussis @fangirl-imagines
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that1guynobodyknows · 4 months
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Yesterday was so fun!! I drove to uncle Ernest house and helped him rake leaves and move stuff around in his shed and take some stuff he didn’t need anymore. He’s getting so much older :/ I kinda worry for him. He had to sit down so much after standing for like 30 seconds.
But after that I drove home unloaded my car with all the stuff he wanted out, I talked to Craig for a lil, he seems to be doing better but he went a little too hard with work with Sara. I really miss them, but it seems like they’re Uber happy with the whole lil farm thing they got going on.
Then I got to work out w cilla and go eat sushi, I ordered a chef special which was a surprise, and he knew exactly what to give me. It was spicy 🫡💁🏼‍♀️
Sorta kinda wish I could tell you about my day too, but I’ll settle for just tumblr. I’ve been meditating and praying ur doing okay! Miss you lots.
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septembersghost · 11 months
Sorry to send this random message, but since you like both elvis and taylor I was curious for your opinion. I've seen people comparing would've could've should've to elvis and priscilla's relationship and that they can't wait for videos set to that when the priscilla movies comes out... saying elvis is like the subject of that song stuns me and breaks my heart, but what do you think?
don't be sorry honey! <3 it's such a complex topic and is often misjudged/weaponized with the worst intent, which tends to be unfair to both of them.
prefacing this with priscilla herself saying, “It’s hurtful, for a man who has given so much, to have others pick him apart. I’ll die defending him and his legacy. Because he deserves it.”
also going to refer to this ask from a few months ago.
okay, to be more blunt than i typically am, their relationship overall should not have happened, for a lot of reasons and both their sakes, but i don't like saying that because it erases the love they shared, cilla's agency, lisa marie's existence (and her children's), and the entirety of the life they shared, and i don't think that's right to do. should elvis have turned her down gently and guided her away when they first met? probably! should her parents have put their foot down and told her absolutely not, in no uncertain terms, were they sending her to memphis, and insisted she move on and continue her normal life? yes. she was an emotional young woman who was head over heels in love with one of the biggest stars in the world, and who can blame her, but she would've gotten over it. but that's not what happened. so we have to contend with what did.
elvis was a complicated, sometimes mercurial, often wonderful, man. he had come through extraordinary and extreme events literally from birth, and certainly in the rise of his star, experienced a certain degree of...i don't want to use this phrase, but arrested development?...because of his unusual circumstances. (no judgment on that, i have talked many times about being frozen at 19 because of what's happened in my life, i really empathize with why certain things were difficult and disorienting for him in my own tiny way, just like i, as someone chronically ill, hold empathy for his health too). he was dealing with what i'd categorize not only as profound grief and loneliness following his mother's death, but also compounded trauma for a number of reasons.
i think about the quote from his costar in follow that dream, anne helm, saying he was still such an innocent, "He was surrounded by a lot of people that took advantage of his generosity. It was a more innocent time. I mean, Elvis was -- how old was he? 24, 25? [Actually, Elvis was 26 when the film was shot in the summer of 1961.] He was a baby, and I was, too. We were very young. As much as Elvis was a celebrity, he was a big kid, he was a lot of fun." he had an inherent earnestness and compassion that was guileless.
one of his contradictions here is that, with priscilla, he also had a paternalistic quality where he was looking after her and doing what he thought was best for her. the people who try to frame this as predatory claim he was abusing her, even though that is not how priscilla characterizes it. he had this need to nurture and be nurtured, and he tried to look after her, but he was far from perfect in doing so since his lifestyle wasn't conducive to some of what she needed. that said, he set definitive boundaries with her for a reason. had he been preying on her maliciously, the end goal would've always been exploiting her in some way (namely for sex), but we know he decidedly didn't do that, that in fact she was very frustrated with him because he refused to sleep with her for multiple reasons, and wouldn't until they were married. by which point she was very much a consenting adult.
guiding her look the way he did i don't think he meant to be controlling or harmful, his approach wasn't inherently abusive, it came from genuine care. everyone knew he was pushing it, but they were in love and sometimes no amount of arguing will defy that. he had conflicted feelings about marriage, but i think he really did desire that security of family and love and home, even though he struggled with the commitment of that, and he also never felt wholly seen, safe, or secure in any of his romantic relationships. (this wasn't unique to priscilla, it's a recurring theme). and tbh a lot of that was also likely rooted in trauma, because that has effects on a person.
it's also relevant to note that it was an entirely different time. outrage on the internet prefers to ignore this, but it's vital for context. it may not excuse their initial connection, but by the time she went to memphis, and certainly by the time they got married, their romance and marriage wouldn't have been that unusual. the age gap discourse has gotten REALLY BAD and utterly flattened in a way that ignores all nuance and all particulars of the human beings involved. it doesn't always equate to abuse. it's unkind at the least and dehumanizing at the most to categorize every dynamic that way, and when priscilla herself refutes it and has never called herself a victim, i am not going to categorize him that way. relationships are vast and unique and imperfect, and sometimes people just fall in love! it's not intended for mass consumption or approval by total strangers, especially decades later.
priscilla herself discusses her girlhood and her growth into womanhood, and how much a part of it he was, how he was often many different roles to her. she mentions her naivete, her feelings of unsophistication, and how she grew into herself.
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they both grew and changed. and some of that led them in distinctly different directions. she also mentions how they shared a connection and warmth, that in many ways they found more kindnesses and understanding for one another after they divorced. she, and we, will never know how their dynamic might have continued because his death closed that door forever, but she has grieved and loved him. she's not perfect either, and certainly i don't agree with everything she's done, but i cannot abide vilifying elvis and victimizing priscilla when that wasn't their story. they both deserve better and more understanding than that.
how dare people decide for her that she was deceived or that her girlhood was stolen? how dare people disregard her own words and experience and the love she has for him in such a puerile and vicious way?
taylor's story is HER STORY. she didn't intend for it to be applied to others without their consent, or copy/pasted over other dynamics. what she experienced with john was wholly different. he did take advantage of her in a calculated sense. he did use her youthful worship of him and how enamored she was to manipulate her, and then turned it against her. it wasn't a loving dynamic between them at all - she was in love and he got an ego boost and thought he could also make a conquest. it damaged some of her sense of herself, her approach to sex, love, and relationships, and permanently impacted her in some ways - even if she's healed, she shared that the scars still exist and haunt her. it's nowhere near the same tone that priscilla (nor any woman) uses about elvis. i think it's awfully presumptuous and cruel to decide to boil them down to 30 second fan edits using an extremely raw and personal song written generations later about an entirely different experience.
it's...gross and exploitative, not supportive or sympathetic to cilla. the agenda of it to cut down elvis is transparent. lisa would hate it. i really, really disagree with it and it's just a way to outrage bait. and it breaks my heart too. i know it's going to happen, i'm sure those little tiktoks will be prevalent, but i will not be giving them any credence or attention. i respect them both too much for that, and understand their mistakes and imperfections, and tbh cherish him more as a human, a sensitive and generous soul, and an artist than anyone can ever understand when they try to tear him down.
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tiny-katara · 2 years
cilla my beloved not to bother you in the asks again BUT i realized i’ve never seen your LOK thoughts & i’d love to know them! (i just saw ur tags & u mentioned the animated movie probably wouldn’t be any better than lok - agreed - so i assume you’ve seen it, but if u haven’t then feel free to ignore this!)
have a great day my bestie!!
bestie you literally cannot bother me in the asks i don't think it's possible. i love seeing you pop up in them! it makes me so happy <3
if i'm being perfectly honest, i've only seen 3 or 4 episodes of lok, but i do have a vague understanding of the plot and it's such a mess??? some of these things i say could very well be misinformed, so don't hesitate to correct me lol.
honestly i think korra herself is kinda cool. she reminds me a lot of katara tbh because she wants to fight and she's really good at it. her design is cute and i do like her shorter hair as well. i think her little gang is also pretty fun and they all had some good potential. it's also never going to not be funny that korra and asami both date mako and then decide that dating each other is better. also bolin seems like he's a cute little dorky guy, which i whole-heartedly support. they all deserved better characterizations but the overall concepts weren't bad at all.
something about korra that really bothers me is that energybending isn't exclusive to the avatar. it seems pretty dangerous for the average person to use, so i wish that it had just stayed as something the avatar could do to maintain peace when absolutely necessary. it just feels wrong to take a core part of someone's identity. kind of reminds me vaguely of the way our restraints work at the hospital i work at. we consider chemical restraints to be much more severe and intense than like literally tying someone down to the bed because takes their identity and very being away from them. we have some pretty nasty patients here in america and i have never seen us use chemical restraints and my unit has some batshit people. so yeah, something about that whole thing rubs me the wrong way. i think taking away ozai's bending was valid because he had abused it, but that conclusion was far too easy for aang to come to. it is not something that should be taken lightly.
i also hate they solve the airbender crisis by just "now everyone bends" because it just kind of fuels this idea that if you don't have an exceptional skill, you're not as good as other people. like nonbenders have their strengths too??? getting rid of them does not solve the problem, it will only create new weaknesses. becoming too reliant on something that can be taken away is dangerous. we want a functioning society, not a building on the edge of a cliff that will crumble if one little stone chips off.
one of the worst things about korra is how they treat bloodbending though. do you have any idea how fucking useful that could be??? literally life saving. so many zutara fics under like 100k handle bloodbending better than a 4 season show and that's just ridiculous. katara should have been able to hone the skill and find its weaknesses and strengths. it's honestly very ignorant and just shows that they have a very poor understanding of the importance of blood in the body, which i could excuse if they didn't also demonize the skill and treat it as pure evil. i swear part of the point of the oringial show is that no form of bending is inherently good or evil and then they do that??? they don't even have a proper understanding of their own themes.
i don't think i really need to mention that the show is just full of blatant sexism towards katara doesn't get a statute, autonomy, accomplishments, etc. but that happens to all the women??? like where tf is suki??? you're telling me this girl that hijacked an airship and just vanished off the face of the earth??? yeah, i don't think so.
also yue??? she's badass of her own accord--and this a bit of a tangent but yue is a badass in a feminine way. like katara and suki are both feminine and badass, but they're badass bc they'll beat you up in the street if you're out of line. yue is badass in the sense that she is endlessly serene and patient and can calmly take you down without a single rude word. she will not be a pushover even tho she is kind and she is understanding, yet stern with her judgements. she is so cool snd it literally does not make any kind of sense that she is not mentioned or given a statue or any kind of acknowledgment. its literally so ridiculous and infuriating.
toph is treated slightly better, but is still a bad mom and everything surrounding her is just a mess. the fact that the stupid cabbage guy (sorry i don't really like him that much lol) gets his own statue makes my blood boil. like i know it's supposed to be a joke, but it's just a slap in the face because none of our beloved female protagonists get the same respect. it's disgusting.
i really don't even have the strength to get into kata/ang and their children and the damaged relationships and ignored cultural values and all of that, but just know that it's absolutely horrifying that katara had to give so much of the culture and identity she was proud of up for a man. no one should ever have to give up a piece of their identity for their partner.
anyways thanks for the ask bestie <3 you're welcome to drop in anytime i really do love hearing from youuu!!
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pavlovianfuckery · 2 years
I was tagged by @duckland and @wardlow
Nickname: Cilla
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 163cm, not sure how much that is in freedom units
Last Thing I Googled: Address to police station in closest city so my man can get a new ID card from there
Song Stuck in My Head: A Christmas Duel with the Hives and Cyndi Lauper
Number of Followers: 107, probably at least half bots though
Amount of Sleep: Either 3-4 hours or about 10, depending on the day
Dream Job: Hard to say, never really had a paid job, just lots of unpaid “work training” in one of those disability programs. been years since I ever even thought about a job. I think I wanted to work with horses when I was younger, or animals in general.
Wearing: a huge dark teal knitted t-shirt from the mens big and tall section on asos, I use it as a house dress
Movies/Books that can Summarize You:  Lord of the Rings triology maybe, since everything feels like this huge undertaking and in the end someone else has to do it for me probably
Favorite Song: I usually obsess over a handful of songs for a while then move on to the next, can’t say I have just one favorite. According to my wrapped this year it’s been Falling Apart by Michael Schulte  (I like the piano bits in it a lot) and You’re Somebody Else by Flora Cash.
Favorite Instrument: I like string instruments a lot, but I don’t know if I have a fave or not really
Aesthetic: childrens tv show host gone to seed ig?
Favorite Authors: Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman and Jim Butcher are the first ones that comes to mind, but there are loads more
Random Fun Fact:  I haven’t been to a hairdresser in over 10 years, I do all my own haircuts and colouring and I’m not half bad at it either.
15 (or something) Tags: @lizajane2 @lomeniel @bigfootshonkers @yew-over-there @nyxneon @adrenhelene and whoever else wanna go
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
When people talk about Elvis dating Priscilla when she was 14, I understand it’s icky especially in our modern era but do people not realize they didn’t see each other again for 2 years? She visited him for 2 weeks in the summer and Christmas of 1962 when she was 17. She moved to Graceland in March 1973 when she was about to turn 18. And Elvis was away filming Fun in Acapulco when she first moved in.
It could definitely be argued Elvis molded her into what he wanted her to be as his wife, but I get confused about the grooming accusations because this is the definition of grooming according to the internet: “the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them or inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a terrorist organization”
Priscilla has always said she lost her virginity on their wedding night when she was about to turn 22. She’s also never claimed to be a victim of abuse.
you're so right, anon.
you know this, i know this, other fans know this. but the ignorant people that need something to hate on don't know it.. 🙄
ofcourse elvis never groomed her- not every girl in a relationship with an older guy is groomed. people fall in love, just like cilla did. but unfortunately, a lot of people are too immature to see this.
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euphoriclusts · 5 months
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
bambi abernathy x rupert newton this is giving friends (to potential) to me, i think. maybe they've known one another a real, long while. either hanging out in the same friendship group or maybe they've worked together once upon a time. either way, i definitely feel as if rupert loves bambi a whole lot. so far removed from the majority of people in his life (in the best way possible).
fawn x elvin ivarsson a siren and an olympic swimmer? that could be hella fun. elvin is always in the water whether it be swimming pools or the ocean, so perhaps they could meet on the / near the beach or something like that? he's incredibly naive and far too trusting, so they could be an interesting dynamic?
cricket hernandez x dexter teagan i'm thinking dexter could be a babysitter for cricket's kids, either that they could meet in some random but brilliant meetcute! dexter is sassy and cricket has that quick wit so they could be fun/challenge each other in one way or another.
natalia morrison x kian buckston i don't know when/if this would ever be plausible, but i can see kian defending natalia at some stage of another. becoming protective of her, and growing a genuine fondness/adoration for her. they give sort of soft vibes. like after a fight, kian comes to natalia and natalia tends to his wounds, better than anyone else ever has.
cilla diaz x peter cooper they couldn't be more opposites attract....which i definitely love a lot. she's timid, he's capable of murder if he needs to. maybe he'd even commit murder for her, even if she'd never ask that of him and is genuinely horrified by it. wouldn't stop him though, not if he can protect her!
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ncwhereman · 2 years
secret santa again :) this feels like pen pals
the long answer is great, i love hearing how people got into their favourite artists :') i also really love the beatles and got into them kinda the same way as you - i wasn't interested for a long time/thought they were boring and overrated, until i saw get back and realised they were funny, inspiring, and deeply talented (to name a few things) and like you i was obsessed after that! before get back i'd only heard their early/overplayed stuff, but listening to post-rubber soul era showed me how good they are. i was the same as you and listened to nowhere man for ages thinking this song is doing something to me, but i think listening to them makes life a lot better.
you really have great taste in music :-)) im also stuck in the 60s-70s side of classic rock, mainly late 60s-early 70s, apart from the beatles it's a lot of the rolling stones, the who, led zeppelin, jimi hendrix and fleetwood mac. also lana ♥♥ i had a lana phase right before i got into classic rock! i saw you said you're listening to marianne faithfull and cilla black - could you recommend some songs to listen to?
and apart from music really being my main interest atm (help) i also love cooking, baking and hiking, and i collect stuff like records and film cameras :') what other hobbies do you have?
sorry this turned into an essay! have a wonderful day 🎅 -srs
hi! no worries, i love getting long answers too!
so we have pretty similar taste in music! i'd love some recs on all five you listed, but i can say i love films based on the who's tommy and quadrophenia, and my favorite songs by the stones must be paint it black (i think i listened to it even way before yesterday lmao) and ruby tuesday! and i'm not too familiar with the others- i only watched a part of led zeppelin's the song remains the same when i caught it on tv, and a jimi hendrix live.
i haven't listened to much of cilla and marianne yet tbh 😭 you might know these songs already bc they're pretty popular, but i can totally recommend anyone who had a heart and love of the loved (it's a lennon-mccartney!) by cilla. marianne has covers of john's isolation and harry nilsson's don't forget me, and also as tears go by, written by keith richards and mick jagger! there's also a hullabaloo episode where marianne sings it, presented and inteviewed by eppy 😭
oh i love collecting too! ever since i got into classic rock and discovered local record shops that hardly have anything besides classic rock i'm very much into vinyl! got my latest one just today. i also draw, try writing things but not too successfully, and my biggest interest besides music must be films! (so collecting film cameras sounds super fun!!!) atm i'm into 30-70s movies mostly.
since your main interest is music, do you play any instruments? i tried to learn piano but i fail miserably every time 😭 what are your favorite films? and to get back (pun intended) to the beatles, what are your favorite albums/songs by them?
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castielsbeeslippers · 3 years
I’m writing a ficlet 🤣and it keeps getting more self indulgent~ and still has no plot.
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