#cily fanfic
cily-fanfic · 6 years
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Cuando abrió los ojos, Jaejoong sintió inmediatamente que estaba sonriendo. Se incorporó en la cama y miró alrededor, como si esperara ver a Yunho ahí, aún sabiendo que ya era de mañana y Yunho se había ido hace horas.
Efectivamente todo lo que hicieron la noche anterior fue hablar, en una de las conversaciones más interesantes y amenas que Jaejoong había tenido en su vida. Aprendió que Yunho era un estudiante de derecho de Seúl, que habia congelado sus estudios para tomarse un año sabático y poder conocer mejor su país y que, en uno de sus destinos, había conocido a una chica de la que se había enamorado, y con la que planeaba casarse. Jaejoong había sentido como si sus entrañas fueran de plomo mientras Yunho le contaba de su prometida, aunque ya supiera el final de esa historia.
“Y el día de nuestra boda, desapareció y no volvió más.” había terminado la historia el mayor.
“¿Cómo sabes que no volverá luego?”. Preguntó Jaejoong tímidamente, a lo que Yunho respondió mostrándole el colgante de mariposa.
“No quiso un anillo de compromiso, sino ésto. Y el día de nuestra boda lo encontré sobre mi velador. Ninguna nota, nada. Pero sé lo que significa.” dijo con una sonrisa amarga.
Ante el recuerdo de la triste expresión de Yunho, la sonrisa de Jaejoong se esfumó, y se levantó violentamente de su futón. Ni siquiera conocía a esta chica que había dejado plantado a Yunho, pero la odiaba. Y la envidiaba también, tanto por haber tenido -o aún tener- el amor de Yunho como por haber experimentado amor correspondido simplemente.
Sin que ninguno dijera nada habían acordado que Yunho siempre sería su segundo cliente, para así poder hablar tranquilamente sin el apuro de otro cliente luego de él. A pesar de que Jaejoong fruncía el ceño cuando Yunho le pagaba, la mirada de Yunho, que no permitía argumentos, le impedía hablar. Por alguna razón el otro joven quería pasar tiempo con él y  prefería comprarlo. A Jaejoong no le hubiera molestado que Yunho fuera en el día a visitarlo -al contrario, secretamente siempre esperaba verlo aparecer, pero sus deseos nunca se cumplían.
Así había ya pasado una semana, y Yunho no había fallado en venir cada noche.
“Jaejoong, ¿puedo pasar?” oyó la voz de su hermana Bora tras la puerta.
“Sí, pasa.”
La chica, de rasgos muy finos y femeninos entró a la habitación y se acercó al joven. “Joongie… ¿estás bien?” le dijo tomándole la mano. “Jonghyun está muy preocupado por tí. Dice que ya no duermes en su habitación y que estás muy distante.”
Jaejoong la miró con confusión y un poco de enojo. “Esta es mi habitación. Si quiero dormir en ella, ¿por qué es eso un problema?”
“No es un problema, pequeño. Es solo que de un día para otro cambiaste de idea y eso nos preocupa.” La chica hizo una pausa y luego continuó, “Hyun dice que tienes un cliente nuevo…”
Jaejoong de pronto se sintió muy molesto. ¿Desde cuando tenía que rendirle cuentas a alguien, como si fuera un niño?
“Mis clientes son mi asunto”, dijo el joven y luego calló, mirando intensamente a la chica.
“No te pongas a la defensiva, no fue mi intensión inmiscuirme. Pero sabes que estoy ahí para tí, ¿cierto? Si es que me necesitas...”
“Lo sé, lo sé” respondió Jaejoong calmándose un poco. “Te prometo que no pasa nada. Al menos nada malo”
Bora se quedó mirándolo un momento y luego sonrió, quedando un poco más tranquila y, después de unos segundos abandonó la habitación.
Jaejoong podía entender que su hermana se preocupara por él, ciertamente el haría lo mismo por ella, pero de alguna manera no quería involucrar a nadie más en su tema con Yunho. Sentía que si se guardaba sus interacciones para él mismo sería como poseer una parte de Yunho, y eso le gustaba.
Toda confusión o duda que hubiera habido en su cabeza o en su corazón sobre lo que sentía por el otro joven se había disipado. A pesar de nunca haberlo experimentado, sabía que estaba enamorado, que esto era amor. ¿Qué más podía ser? Al estar con Yunho sentía mil cosas a la vez, y siempre quería que esos momentos duraran por siempre. Y cada vez que Yunho le sonreía con esa sonrisa brillante y perfecta, sentía que le faltaba el aire.
Estaba enamorado. Sin explicación se había enamorado.
A veces sentía un poco decepcionado de que Yunho no recordara su primer encuentro. Él nunca lo olvidaría. El recuerdo de la voz grave del otro joven gimiendo su nombre era algo que nunca fallaba en subirle la temperatura al máximo. Con diecinueve años, no podía pedirle autocontrol a su cuerpo, no cuando el objeto de sus deseos venía a visitarlo todas las noches y se sentaba a centímetros de donde había yacido esa noche…
Y qué hablar de su imaginación. Luego de las primeras miles de veces que había repasado el recuerdo en su mente, su imaginación había empezado a modificar cosas sobre el recuerdo, hasta ya hacerse irreconocible, pero definitivamente disfrutable.
Mientras peinaba su cabello mirándose al espejo, imaginaba como sería tener a Yunho recostado en su futón, camisa a medio desabrochar y pantalones en el mismo estado, gimiendo su nombre por el placer que estaba recibiendo pero no de su mano, sino de los labios de Jaejoong.
Definitivamente tenía una vívida imaginación, pues casi podía sentir el salado sabor de los líquidos que brotaban de la punta de su miembro, o sentirlo pulsar contra su lengua.
Jaejoong suspiró, sexualmente frustrado con un bulto en su entrepierna y las mejillas rojas.
Frustración, eso era lo que más sentía, pues sabía que podía hacer sentir a Yunho en el paraíso. No valía la pena intentar ser humilde al respecto: sus habilidades en la cama ya habían sido testeadas con varias personas, y siempre resultaban satisfactorias. Estaba seguro de que si tan solo Yunho lo dejara…
Sin embargo estaba demasiado asustado de que todo terminara si hacía un movimiento incorrecto. Si tan solo Yunho le diera alguna señal…
Con otro suspiro terminó de peinarse y se alistó para comenzar las labores de la casa. Y ojalá no pensar tanto en Yunho. O al menos intentarlo.
Yunho siempre llegaba a la misma hora, ni un minuto más ni un minuto menos, y lo esperaba en el pasillo si aún no terminaba con su cliente, pero Jaejoong, sabiendo que Yunho estaba ahí, se apresuraba a despacharlos apenas acababan.
“Yunho…” lo saludó con una pequeña reverencia, como acostumbraba hacerlo. El otro joven rió.
“Jaejoong, ya te lo he dicho antes, ciertamente no soy una persona tan importante como para merecer semejante reverencia”
Jaejoong se ruborizó y le indicó que pasara.
Una vez adentro Yunho se acomodó en su lugar usual y, con ambas manos sobre sus piernas en una posición muy calmada, le sonrió al otro joven. Jaejoong inmediatamente sintió las mariposas en su estómago.
“¿Qué hay de nuevo?” le preguntó el mayor, educadamente ignorando el sonrojo de Jaejoong.
“Siempre me preguntas lo mismo, y lamento decirte que nunca pasa nada nuevo por aquí.”
Yunho nunca le preguntaba sobre sus clientes, ni Jaejoong le hablaba de ellos, pero algo le decía que si decidiera contarle algo Yunho escucharía atento, educadamente, como siempre lo hacía.
“Mi padre partió de vuelta a Seúl esta tarde con mi hermano. Vinieron para la boda, y sin boda…” Yunho aún se veía triste al hablar del hecho, y esto le partía el corazón a Jaejoong. El mayor buscó entre sus bolsillos de pronto, y sacó su teléfono móvil para dejarlo a su lado en el suelo. “Disculpa, mi hermano quedó de enviarme un mensaje cuando llegaran a casa, estoy esperando…”
“Claro, no hay problema. Tómate tu tiempo” Jaejoong lo miró mientras Yunho manipulaba su móvil, y no por primera vez se preguntó qué era tan especial sobre poseer uno de esos aparatos. Él nunca había visto la necesidad. Y bueno, no sabiendo leer, enviar o recibir mensajes de texto se complicaba bastante.
Miles de veces algún cliente le había pedido su número telefónico para mantenerse en contacto, y Jaejoong solo les contestaba que no tenía uno, y que si querían contactarlo podían llamar a la casa, a lo que los clientes le dedicaban una mirada extraña. Seguramente muchos creían que solo no quería darles su número. Ciertamente era extraño ver a un joven como él sin un teléfono móvil, o al menos eso era lo que la televisión le hacía creer. En un pueblo como el que habitaba, donde la mayoría de la población eran adultos mayores, la tecnología no era muy de punta.
“Listo. Ya llegaron a casa y van a cenar. Disculpa, guardaré esto ahora.”
“No, no es necesario. Es decir… si no es mucho pedir, ¿podría preguntar cómo se usa?”
Yunho se quedó mirándolo un momento como si no entendiera la pregunta; luego, viendo la mirada de Jaejoong hacia su teléfono, de repente comprendió. “¡Ah! ¿Esto? ¿Tu no tienes uno?”
Jaejoong negó con la cabeza, ruborizándose un poco, pero intentando lucir digno. “Nunca he visto la necesidad. Todas las personas que conozco viven aquí mismo, no necesito uno de esos aparatos para comunicarme con ellos.”
“Y ¿por qué el súbito interés?” Yunho le sonrió curioso.
“Bueno… me preguntaba qué tan útil es, cual es la gran maravilla.”
“Para mí es bastante útil. Puedo revisar mi email, contactarme con mis amigos de la universidad, mi familia, incluso si estoy lejos de ellos. Si tuvieras uno, por ejemplo, podríamos hablar incluso cuando no estemos juntos.”
Las mejillas de Jaejoong se tiñeron de rojo intenso, y susurró. “No podría usarlo, aunque tuviera uno…”
Yunho, a pesar del susurro del otro joven, alcanzó a escucharlo y se acercó un poco más a él para decir “¿Por qué no?”
Esto, sin duda, era algo que no quería que Yunho supiera, pero se sentía tan avergonzado que ninguna otra excusa se le venía a la mente. “Nunca aprendí a leer ni escribir…”
Por un momento pensó que Yunho no le hablaría más. Él, con tan buena educación, de familia de bien, ¿relacionándose con un prostituto que, además, no sabía ni leer ni escribir? Parecía un chiste. Jaejoong de pronto sintió mucha vergüenza de sí mismo, de quien era, y solo atinó a mirar el suelo, negándose a alzar la mirada.
“Disculpa, no fue mi intención… Fue maleducado de mi parte.” Luego de unos segundos, agregó. “¿Quieres aprender?”
Jaejoong levantó la mirada, no esperando esas palabras, y abrió la boc para decir algo, pero sin saber qué.
“Disculpa si es algo atrevido de mi parte. Solo pensé que podía ser algo en que pudiera ayudar. No soy profesor, pero al menos eso puedo enseñarte.”
Jaejoong se quedó callado un momento, sintiendo de pronto algo muy diferente por este joven, algo cálido y tierno. “Me gustaría mucho, si no es mucho problema para tí…”
“Claro que no, yo ofrecí después de todo.”
“Tengo solo una condición: que aceptes que las clases sean el pago por venir a verme.” dijo el joven con una sonrisa tímida.
Yunho le sonrió también, y extendió su mano. Jaejoong hizo lentamente lo mismo y con un apretón de manos cerraron el compromiso.
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21 27?
fanfic end of the year asks
Below the cut for length.
21. most memorable comment/review
That's hard to say because I've gotten a fairly large number this year with how some of my WIPs have turned out.
I've gotten a lot of comments that stood out. Which one had stood out the most because my brain just... does not have that information without trolling through my AO3 inbox (which needs some more filtering options when you've got 700+ in there imo) is tricky to answer. I wish I could filter by fic or commenter or something, anything to make finding them again a little easier.
So how about a recent one that really stuck with me (by @justroddy on Reforged (chapter 55):
“Even Megatron hadn’t escaped unscathed, streaks of black up and down his arms and across his chest.” Is this possibly because... of Megatron perhaps crushing a certain speedster in a relieved hug?
“Rodimus had been comfy on a familiar lap when Prowl wasn’t demanding Megatron’s attention for repairs. Rodimus opted instead to take hold of the large black hand nearby. For now, he would focus on the tingling warmth where their palms touched.” Hey fellas is it gay to sit on your co captains lap and hold his hand
“But being lovingly—protectively—scooped up while coated head to toe in grime tends to leave contact transfers. Proof that he hadn’t imagined it, that he’d been missed and worried over.” *breathes in deeply* *screeches*
“Rodimus wondered what it would be like to feel around underneath the plating when this mech had been at his peak millions of years ago. That thought made his engine turn over with an excessively eager rumble.” Watch out rodimus you’re being horny on main
“He figured out what it was that made his spark spin itself dizzy, that made his plating tense and tingle, that made him want to reach out and simply hold, that made him feel comfortable and safe whenever his co-captain was nearby.” Hoo boy is it happening? Is it happening?
Okay I can’t copy and paste the ENTIRE ENDING of this so it will have to suffice for me to say that ALL of the kiss scene and bits thereafter were PERFECT and SWEET and BEAUTIFUL,,, Rodimus being such an absolute GOOF trying to be dramatic about it but screwing it up and worried Megs will toss him off but instead Megs just,, gently readjusts them so they can kiss properly,,,,
And. Megatron saying he doubts their “relationship” was ever really pretend, and the soft little smile,, auuuIUuugHHHHHh,,,,
This fic is one of the only three things keeping me sane rn and god do you deliver the serotonin
That gave me incalculable glee.
For funsies, I've pulled another fun one from another fic of mine by @cili-ai on An Unintentional Voyage (chapter 4):
Aw, Ratchet is to value to disregard. How kind of Megatron to bodyguard him. 🥺😂
“At best, you’ll find some remains. Those… rocks that organics have inside their bodies instead of proper endoskeletons.” omg, organic internal rocks, I love it!! At first I thought he was going to be talking about fossils but--- bones! XD !!! <3
“Helping other people is good, even if all you can do is your best, even if that best is to be present. This line is so sweet, and so true! Sometimes all you can do is show up and stand for what is right, and its so important for people to be there for each other, I love this! Poor G1 Megs, ratchet wont be intimadated by any counter and the words are so foreign!
Its nice to read that megs doesn't want to physically hurt Ratchet. (what a high bar for the ship, they have a ways to go still! XD <3)
Their sass and bickering argaf, loving it all so much!
Ratchet is going to ask for the signal's hand in spark? The twist! You better work fast megs!! XD
That cliffhanger! What a way to leave us! Thanks for updating, I'm super loving this fic and ahhh so curious to see what happens next and where you take it! <3
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
Let's see. Lemme check my read history really quickly to try and remember what I've read.
I think I'm going to actually have to go with doomspoon888 (Spoon888 on Tumblr). I'm not tagging them because I've never interacted with them at all and don't want to be weird about it. I binged so much of their stuff this year. Just absolutely inhaled almost all of their stuff. Heck, I've reread a lot of it too.
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Hello Cili-
As I keep being flattered by your love in tags and in posts I realize I’m not being a proper mutual if I don’t ask you random stuff and didn’t shut up in your ask box. I’m copying half of these from a previous post you RBed about asks but whatever
Who are your ocs? You said you had them and I have not heard about any of them
Favorite genre of music?
Greatest fear?
Favorite fanfic tropes/themes?
Thoughts on religion, spirituality, faith, the supernatural...?
Personality tests are all bunk but what’s your enneagram because that’s the only one that’s even remotely helpful
Personal life goals and dreams?
Can you describe your creative process?
Idk I’m just throwing stuff around and am bored, this is a lot so no pressure to answer all of them or any at all, just have fun w it
Hehe thank you for sending these. Even tho I take a really long time, I really like answering questions.
1. Who are your ocs? You said you had them and I have not heard about any of them.
I have tons of OCs like a lot of them. I have some Aladdin OCs like Ja'maal, Anahita who is Jasmine's mom, Samiah who is Ajed's wife and Genie's mom, Amira who is Genie's sister, Abbi who is Omar's sister, Alida and Coquí, etc...
But my like I guess OCs that I have that aren't a fan work are my humanized Disney theme parks. I mostly don't talk about them as much cause I'm not that hyperfixated on them so I haven't really thought of their stories. Not only that but I don't have most of the designs so yeah. I do have a tag you could go with them called hdtp. If I ever get off my ass to write the story down and draw their designs(cause it's not just parks, it's also their areas and attractions who are alive, as well as other non Disney parks), I want to make a comic with them. The story they're in is called Behind the Magic and it's basically about the internal drama of the parks and it also tells the actual history of the parks. I don't wanna make fifty pages of all of my OCs so I made these little drawings to describe some of the most important OCs to me personally(and the ones I've designed)
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If you have any more specific questions than you can always ask me.
2. Favorite genre of music?
I don't have one really. If it sounds good to me, I'll listen to it.
3. Greatest fear?
Death. Seriously tho, I definitely have thanatophobia
4. Favorite fanfic tropes/themes?
Other than that I love friends to lovers, mutual pining, expanding on canon, backstory, gen fics, missing scene fics, and yeah pretty sure I have more but surprisingly I'm not well versed in fic tropes.
5. Thoughts on religion, spirituality, faith, the supernatural...?
I'm agnostic so I stay disconnected from religion mostly cause of my bad experiences with Christianity specifically. I don't really mind if your religious, that's your life and if it makes your life better then go ahead and live your best life. The supernatural on paper I would say would be cool irl but I honest to God would not like them being an actual real thing. I'm very paranoid already.
6. Personality tests are all bunk but what’s your enneagram because that’s the only one that’s even remotely helpful
I did take one at some point but I don't remember what my result was so 🤷🏽‍♀️
7. Personal life goals and dreams?
Make the Aladdin fandom bigger. I need more content I'm starving. But also it would be great to make my webcomic I said earlier. Another one that's more unachievable is to remake Aladdin the series with the Broadway characters with the actual Disney company. I wanna meet the OBC for Aladdin especially James Monroe Iglehart. One that is more mundane is to get married one day. Maybe get top surgery. Not sure about that last one.
8. Can you describe your creative process?
That's kinda tough. For drawing, I just kinda have an image in my head and then go right into sketching, then do lineart, and then color. For writing, I barely write so I just simmer in my thoughts and if I'm lucky I'll write it down. For designing characters, I usually do have a very vague image in my head on how they look like. Then comes the researching for references or just freestyling it. Then drawing it down and deciding on what the perfect color palette is. My mind is very boggled, there is no order.
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I'm working on an OC fanfic about my OC team, CILI(pronounced Chilli) and this is the first of the 4 main characters
The fanfic is about my OC team, called Team CILI and their adventures at Heaven Academy. I'm going to post their descriptions one by one. I'm accepting feedback.
Name: Chrysanthema "Jaws" Siorgainmhich
I based each member of Team CILI on an animal and a plant. Chrysanthema's flower is obvious, while her surname means "sand shark" in gaelic, according to Google Translate, at least.
Color: Orange
Race: Faunus (shark, fangs)
Age: 17
Birthday: 3rd of December
Nicknames: Jaws, Thema
Ocupation: student at Haven Academy
Likes: spicy food, her family, her team, metal music (and others), fighting, especially while listening to music, samurai types, chewing gum
Dislikes: passive people, raw vegetabes, boring things, anyone who talks bad about people that she cares about, people who call her "short"
Semblance: Shark Leap
She can jump at great heights and land with a big impact, creating an elemental shockwave, depending on what kind of Dust she infused her boots with.
Weapons: Halberdhead, her boots (I think they count as secondary weapons?)
Halberdhead is a 2 meter long anti-tank rifle that can shift into a halberd.
Personality: Very energetic, very optimistic and very intense, she is someone who cares greatly about her team. She can get very angry if things or people that she cares about are insulted. She can get very competitive and sees almost everything as a challenge that she must overcome. She has no respect for people with no fighting spirit, but she will respect them if they prove themselves. She can come off as rude and unapproachable, but she is actually very kind and caring.
Backstory: She was born in Atlas, to a shark faunus father, named Tiburón and a human mother, named Decca, in the Lower District. Thanks to the rise of the New White Fang, the situation was better, even with the rise of the new Floating District, but they wanted more. They wanted a better future for their daughter, than down here.
Through great effort and perseverance, they managed to move to the Floating District, expecting prosperity and a better future for their child, and so it was. For a while. Soon after they integrated, they were met with discrimination. Tiburón had a hard time finding jobs. There would be nasty looks and whispers. Chrysanthema even got bullied at school, by being made to chew things and getting her teeth punched out, to see how fast they would grow back, and earned the nickname "Jaws". Even Decca would sometimes hear whispers at her workplace about how she let herself be dirtied by an animal.
Thema's family is an optimistic and headstrong one, so they decided that they wouldn't be defeated by this city like that. Tiburón continued to hunt for jobs, Decca confronted her coworkers and Thema made her nickname her own, so that nobody coud use it against her and also started punching back.
Of course, the bad times didn't stop, so the family reached the conclusion that enough is enough and that this arrogance will take them nowhere, so they made a new start all the way in Wind Path, north of the City of Mistral. It was cheaper than the city and, thanks to the new authorithy established many years ago, the crime rate and underground activities were at an all time low.
There, Thema attended Cliffharbour Combat School, where she honed her skills in battle, built her weapon and made a reputation for herself as a delinquent, as she would have no respect for teachers and fellow students alike, unless they would defeat her in battle, since, according to her beliefs, it's in battle where someone shows one's true self. She gave her parents a hard time, but they knew that their daughter had no bad intentions. However, that doesn't mean that they just let her off. Let's just say that the Queen of Cliffharbour became more composed for the next years of combat school.
She keeps to herself why she wants to become a Huntress, only saying that she wants to show her strength.
This is one of the main characters of my fanfiction. Her description was also posted on Reddit, here. I will post a group shot of all 4 of them, sometime in the future. These posts will be taggged with #team cili. All I hope is that I haven't accidentally copied anyone. Asks and feedback are welcome.
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probablymango · 7 years
Selkie and the Siren
 Confession time! I wrote this for @bunnylexicon‘s bday and I just finished typing it up on the computer. Guess this is an early vday gift then. Love you Bunny!
   You want to hear a story? Well, let’s see here.
    There once was a selkie, her name was Ashley. She tended to stick to herself, mostly out of habit and fear. That didn’t stop her from making friends from time to time. There was a giant squid, some mermaids, an eel, and various other creature, on and off land, who she had befriended. Then there was the siren…
    Hm? You want to hear about her? It’s an interesting story of how those two met, but everyone she met had their own, er, funny story. What makes their more interesting is how close they became. You still sure you want to hear this? Fine then, sit tight, and listen well, I don’t want to repeat myself.
    “Perfect!” Ashley lifted the haphazardly sewn dress in front of her.
    “What is that?” Allena asked from her place on the shore.
    “A dress!” She pushed the fabric over her form. “What do you think?”
    “Blur blop blarg!” Tanner said, which roughly translated to, ‘Ashley’s new skin doesn’t hide face!’
    “It’s not a new skin! It’s another thing that humans wear.” Ashley muttered, pushing her brown hair out of her face.
    Allena looked back out at Tanner, who was further out at sea, and they both shrugged. Well, Allena shrugged, but Tanner did what could only be assumed as a shrug.
    “Screw you both!” Ashley huffed, picking up her bag and skin, walking away from the sea-bound creatures.
    “Ashley come back! It looks nice.” Allena giggled out, flicking her tail up and down in a useless attempt to follow. “We can’t follow you inland, come back!”
    The selkie sighed and looked back at the duo in the water. The mermaid was still splashing her red tail with black spots, standing out against the water. The giant squid was stuck even further out due to his size, but still making longing sounds. She slumped her shoulders in mock defeat and walked back to them. When she was directly in front of Allena again she asked, “Does it really look nice?”
    “Allena nodded and Tanner bubbled in agreement. Encouraged, by their answer, she stayed and chatted with them until it was time for them all to leave. Tanner sunk to the depths of the ocean, never to be seen again, until he was seen next. Allena swan in the direction of her school. Or was it called something else? Ashley, with her selkie skin on, headed in the direction of the Trading Cove.
    Ashley made it to Shipwreck Ravine, when she heard singing. She looked around, but could only see broken ships. “Creepy… Beautiful, but creepy.” She shivered and swam a bit faster now. The singing sounded like it was coming from every direction. She couldn’t make out the words, but they sounded so pretty, she was almost tempted to stay and look for whoever was singing.
    She let out a shaky breath when she was finally out and could see the Trading Cove in the distance. Once she got inside, she headed up the tunnel that led to a meeting spot with some of her other friends. When she broke the surface of the water, she saw most of them already there. Sam was there with the newest items of their collection. Cili and Theo were talking about universes or some shit. Moose was sitting beside Cili, but further away from the edge. There were others there, but her attention got dragged short from recognizing them.
    “Hey Girlie!” Cili waved Ashley over. “I think we have almost everyone here. Hmmm, we are still missing one.”
    Ashley looked around, wondering who could be missing. “You invited a lot of people.”
    The fiery being nodded. “We have a very important thing to tell everyone.” Her purple flames flicked upwards, giving the cavern an interesting glow. The selkie, once again wondered if she was a spirit or an element, but didn’t voice it.
    Sam flicked their snake-like tail. “How much longer? I want to get back to watching Magenta vs Violet.”
    “They said they’d be here as soon as possible.” Moose interjected from her sitting, or was it lying, position near Cili. How do centaurs sleep? That was another question that Ashley was afraid to ask.
    Sam grunted and inspected the jewelry they brought along. At least Ashley thought the naga was holding jewelry. It had a shiny, noise maker on it, but the rest of it was holey fabric.
    After a few moments, Cili broke the silence. “Perhaps she needs help finding this place. Hey Theo, Girlie, Sam? Can you guys go look for her?”
    The pufferfish-mermaid nodded, “I think I remember where she hangs out.”
    Ashley nodded, not sure how she would be of any help, but willing to tag along.
    The orange naga, however, shook their head. “Fuck that, I can’t survive in water that long.”
    “Oh, right. See you two later!” Cili called out. Everyone waved the sea creatures off into the open sea.
    Theo and Ashley talked about the universe and shit, but for the most part, they swam in silence. She didn’t really pay attention to where they were going, til she noticed she noticed that they were headed straight for Shipwreck Ravine. “Uhhh… Theo? Where are we going to find her exactly?”
    Theo turned to look at her long enough to say, “Shipwreck Ravine.”
    “That’s what I was afraid of.” She whimpered.
    Although there had been many attempts throughout history to try and bring the humans into the ‘mystical’ community, the humans have continued to keep the barrier and hunt the other races. Shipwreck Ravine was one of the many battles for life outside of glass boxes and spears.
    The selkie shivered, swimming a little faster to keep up with Theo.
    The singing from earlier started up again. The song was beautiful, so beautiful that it was terrifying.
    Theo looked around, muttering “Which ship was it again?” He looked at each ship quizzically.
    Ashley nervously looked around, keeping an eye out for predators, like humans and walruses. It was because she was keeping watch that she noticed some stuff on a ledge. Without even thinking to tell the mermaid, she swam over to take a closer look. There were several items that looked human-produced, several locked boxes, jewels and other shiny items, a bear, and some bones from various creatures were near the camp. The bear looked like it was made out of fabric. Ashley slipped out of her seal skin and touched the bear. It was soft and damaged in a few places.
    The singing stopped.
    She felt the water thicken around her. Immediately thinking of the worst, she pulled her hand away from the bear and slipped back into her skin. When she tried to leave, she ran into a feathered being. “I-I’m sorry!”
    “Who are you?” The being spoke with a compelling, musical voice.
    “I’m… Ashley.”
    The feathered being had a human shape with green feathers almost all of their body. Their eyes shifted colors and emotions every few seconds, they were oddly beautiful and hypnotic. What hair they had left was brown and curly. They weren’t baring their teeth, but from what she could tell, their teeth were sharp. Overall, Ashley felt that she couldn’t be any gayer over a creature she just met.
    Theo noticed them and swam over. “Looks like you found her first Ashley!”
    “Y-Yeah,” Ashley wasn’t blushing, totally wasn’t blushing, “Who is this?”
    “I’m Bunny.” The being said, swishing their legs back and forth.
    Zzzzzzz… H-Hmm? You want to hear more? Ehhhh, I’ll tell you more later. Now leave me alone!
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probablymango · 6 years
I did it @captainignis
- Post the rules - Answer the questions given to you by the tagger - Write eleven questions of your own - Tag eleven people
1. Favorite game? currently animal crossing pocket edition 2. What’s a song that you’ve been listening to for awhile? Oh no! ... literally that’s its name 3. What’s a trip you’d really like to do again? Australia, that was fun 4. Which languages would you like to learn? Spanish or Canadian probably at this point 5. Favorite historical period/s? Uhhhh, dinosaur times, it was a simplier time 6. Favorite show/movie? Currently a bunch of rtanimated series 7. Type of food you really like? Sweet based ones like desserts and fruit 8. What’s a random fact you know? Your eyes dont grow as you age 9. A superpower you wouldn’t have? Super farts 10. What’s a good meme from at least 3 years ago? I... dont know? I dont think i knew what a meme was til 2 years ago 11. One thing you’d love to do when you’re older. Meet some people in person and not be concerned over the cost of doing it My questions:
Where would you like to go?
Favorite time of day?
What do you think of my art?
Do you like yourself?
What do you think will become a meme?
Honest opinion on ‘OwO’?
Favorite mystical creature?
Favorite books/fanfics?
Something you are strangely fascinated by?
Got an S/O you want people to know about?
My poor unfortunate souls
@bunnylexicon @bibarrybluejeans @sovereign-slayer @cartoonsareawesme @houndofsteel @grifalinas @cili-ai @littleladylulub @snowowl94 @pancakearmada @cr1titkal
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