#cimi! <3
circusislife · 1 year
a random thought came to me
am i a child of yours or your nosy gossipy neighbor or your chaotic sibling?
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I think.... you're probably that chaotic neigbour that comes over so much they even get invited for Christmas and might as well be a sibling ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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stevonnierules · 1 year
congrats on your alt account!
also i was half expecting this new follow to be a bot, or a spam thinge glad i was wrong :D
also i cant get used to your new pfp although it's roughly the same
ps: sending lots of hugs~
from: a local panda
lol, I know right?it's even funnier when you think about the fact that I only realized that I'd picked a shield as pfp again only after I was done setting stuff up!😂😂😂
still going to be online mostly on my main dear old profile, but yes, if it looks like I've disappeared, then I'm either slaving over study or sleeping or on here :D
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hildegardladyofbones · 3 months
glambren. hello. I don't know what to say but uhh don't die from the brainrot 👍 or do. that'd be a fun one to add to the counter
hiiiii cimi :3 !! I'm pretty sure you can add that one to the counter already lol. i appreciate you checking in on me tho, shit's rough out there
also- wow i'm glambren now. good to know
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softmeetscreatureplz · 3 months
6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 24, 25, 26, 33, 35, 51 and 70 for the "horrible" questions ask game pleasee!! :3
if you're uncomfortable with answering any of them then you don't need to!
Oooh thank you dearest!!! :]
6 (How do you wanna die): Honestly, I have 3 specific ways. Either by suicide, getting stabbed in the stomach, or hit by a car. (I've thought abt this a lot-)
7 (what did you last eat): Some sour patch kids, just as a snack thing :3
9 (do you bite your names): Yep!! Less so than I do the skin around my nails, which is the main habit there, but I definitely do
13 (Do you hate anyone right now): mmm. Honestly,, I dunno. I think like. A tiny bit there's one person? But the hate feeling is small compared to anything else so I guess no (no one on tumblr btw dw).
14 (do you miss someone): yeah. Most friends I lost contact with, and pretty much everyone on tumblr (ik I interact with everyone a lot but also want to hang out more?- idk,, i think itd be awes9me to hang out)
16 (how do you feel at this exact moment) : mm. Tired, and achey tbh. But. Happy as well. And calm. Content probably.
24 (what is/was/were your best subjects): I don't rlly remember specific grades but I've always done rlly well in English and French class! :3
25 (do you miss someone from your past?): Yeah. Again, a few of old friends who I lost contact with in depressive slumps mostly.
26 (what are you craving right now?): for food, nothing. In general, I would like to have my pile of blankets and hugs someone very very much right now.
33 (do you have trust issues): uuuuuu. Honestly,, yeah probably lol. I tend to trust too fast, then get wary after people leave me alone and I get anxious, and then I pull myself way too far back.
35 (who was the last person you cried infront of): mmmm I don't rlly. Cry infront of people if I can help it. I think- probably my mom & little brother a few months back?. (There was a family fight).
51 (favorite food) : I think probably like. Shepards pie,, or pizza.
70 (is there anyone you would die for): yeah. My little brother, you dearest, hilde, cimi & crispin.
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nyx-lacrymaria · 4 months
2, 10, 18, 39, 41, and 98 for the ask game
2. Is your room messy or clean?
I mean it depends on your definition of messy. It's pretty medium cus I cleaned it last weekend but my.clothes chair™ is pretty massively stacked
10. How would you describe your style?
uhh generally it's just black and whatever I vibe with
but currently it's basiclal just that one specific concert black type (i will not elaborate)
18. Favorite tv show?
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
I have like a million of my irl name but they're all pretty recognisable as that name so well.
there's probably a few of cimi uhhhh
cinnamonbun - that's what @myconidwitch calls me
and also cimimimimimimimimi ig
41. top 10 favorite songs?
OH GOD RIGHTim. probably just gonna do of like currently cus ten is a large number to memory
in no particular order
1. Deutschland - Rammstein
2. Bernadette - IAMX
3. Drop dead Cynical - Amaranthe
4. Doomsday Blue - Bambie Thug
5. Dysfunctional - Living Dead Girl
6. Gladiator - Jann
7. aNGeL M3TaL - Luke Black
8. Lobotomy - Luke Black
9. GLITCH - Luke Black
10. Dancing Dead - Romanticide
oooo you get a good mixture of artists there (it's very Luke black based the new album was injected into my veins sorry not sorry)
98. What's your favourite month?
Ok well it's gotta be like April. It's so temperature. Or October. Same reason but also pretty leaves
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medlabmech · 9 months
Dear Med
You are cordially invited to the (platonic) wedding of Cimi Mimi Mimble @dashadowgirl Criccieth Lastname Woods and Hildegard @hildegardladyofbones Concordia Von Bingen Lastname Bones
The wedding will take place in the graveyard of the Treebury upon Avon church at 8pm GMT today (there will be chocolate cake & the wedding is forest themed)
OwO, an invitation!
I accept the call :3
Platonic wedding, lesssssss goooooooooo
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carterscowplants · 2 years
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Cimi Cabrera-Hill for Gracie's Bachelorette Challenge
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Cimi Cabrera-Hill (she/her) Pan | 6'3 | Just what the Doctor ordered.
Said what needed to be said...
But if you're curious:
Her Dad is a retired midfielder for the Llamas. Her Mom won the Simbel Peace Prize for her research on Cowplants (hence the thigh tattoo). She grew up extremely wealthy and has enough generational wealth to last a few centuries. She's always been tired of the money but she loves the adventures she has easy access to. She's hoping that finding love with Grace will be the one pursuit money can't buy.
Cimi (or Kim/Cim) likes Alternative music but can only work out to Jazz... Don't ask. If she could have more than 3 traits, she'd also have Family-Oriented and Foodie but can't cook anything higher than a grilled cheese.
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
i may have already answered one of these but that will not stop me from doing this again. thank you cimi <1212
the number 12. i am completely unsure as to why. seeing it is pleasant, as with the numbers 7, 48, 56 and 72. i don't believe they mean anything but they are very visually satisfying
the letter v. viscera? vivisection? vulnerability? violence? vaguely? violinist? ventriloquism? all beautiful words
names. and their etymologies. an absolutely lovely thing. for example, crispin means curly-haired, which is fitting, if ever you've seen me
certain scents that remind me of people or places. occasionally the air will turn to something that reminds me of a relative i miss or a friend in sixth grade who meant the world to me. and i take a while to reminisce
making playlists for friends. it's always fun to pick out songs that they've talked about or that you'd think they'd like and put them together. they don't even have to listen to it. you just now have something that reminds you of them, and i think that's just lovely
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f5noticias · 2 months
Grupo armado ataca indígenas Guarani Kaiowá em Mato Grosso do Sul
Um grupo armado atacou indígenas Guarani Kaiowá em retomadas na Terra Indígena Panambi-Lagoa Rica, em Douradina (MS), no sábado (3). Pelo menos dez pessoas foram feridas, duas em estado grave. Segundo o Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi), o ataque ocorreu pouco depois da Força Nacional deixar o território. O relato do Cimi é de que jagunços armados atiraram com munição letal e balas de…
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josuejuniorworld · 2 months
Ataque Armado Contra Indígenas Guarani Kaiowá em Mato Grosso do Sul
No último sábado (3), um grupo armado realizou um ataque violento contra indígenas Guarani e Kaiowá na Terra Indígena Lagoa Panambi, localizada em Douradina, Mato Grosso do Sul. O Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi) e a Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Apib) denunciaram o ocorrido, destacando a gravidade da situação. Detalhes do Ataque e Vítimas Segundo informações do Cimi deste…
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redebcn · 2 months
Grupo armado ataca indígenas Guarani Kaiowá em Mato Grosso do Sul
Um grupo armado atacou indígenas Guarani Kaiowá em retomadas na Terra Indígena Panambi-Lagoa Rica, em Douradina (MS), no sábado (3). Pelo menos dez pessoas foram feridas, duas em estado grave. Segundo o Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi), o ataque ocorreu pouco depois da Força Nacional deixar o território. O relato do Cimi é de que jagunços armados atiraram com munição letal e balas de…
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circusislife · 1 year
about the tag chain(is that what those cute asks are called? i don't know) i don't really listen to music a lot sorry :(
but i really wanted to check-in on you but was too shy about it for some unknown reason so that ask is a nice push even if you didn't have the slightest idea about it :D
lov u~
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oh yeah, I totally get it! after a while it just seems... awkward? like it's pretentious to just up and "hi we haven't talked in weeks but I do still like you how are you doing?". feels a bit weird, but jokes and impulsivity are my go to solution to that! lol :D
love you too/p🫂
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amazoniaonline · 11 months
Operação Desintrusão no Pará: Resgate Territorial e Combate aos Crimes Ambientais
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Início da Operação A operação de desintrusão das terras indígenas Apyterewa e Trincheira Bacajá, no Pará, ganha um novo capítulo. Desde o início da ação, órgãos como o Ibama e a Funai, representando o governo federal, intensificaram os esforços no combate a atividades ilícitas. Essa intensificação resultou na apreensão de agrotóxicos, madeira ilegal, armas, drogas e gado criado de forma irregular. Em 11 de novembro, a Polícia Federal prendeu um presidente de associação de trabalhadores rurais acusado de fomentar a invasão dessas áreas protegidas. Segunda Fase da Operação: Enfrentando Invasores e Ilegalidades A segunda fase da operação, iniciada em 9 de novembro deste ano, foca na remoção de invasores que ocupam ilegalmente os territórios tradicionais. Estima-se a presença de mais de 3 mil pessoas na região, envolvidas em atividades como extração de madeira e garimpo ilegal. O Ministério dos Povos Indígenas ressalta a ilegitimidade dessas ocupações, enfatizando que as terras são de usufruto exclusivo dos povos indígenas. Durante a primeira fase, foram apreendidos 230 litros de agrotóxicos, 14 armas de fogo, 278 munições, 64 m³ de madeira, 70 gramas de maconha, além da remoção de 80% do gado ilegal. A operação, com apoio da Força Nacional, resultou também em multas totalizando R$ 4,1 milhões por desmatamento irregular. Impacto Ambiental e Social As terras Apyterewa e Trincheira Bacajá, situadas no bioma amazônico, estão entre as mais afetadas pelo desmatamento no Brasil. As consequências ambientais incluem a contaminação de igarapés por mercúrio e impactos às práticas tradicionais dos povos indígenas, como agricultura e caça. O Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi) alerta para os efeitos da destruição do território Parakanã, afetando também as terras dos povos Xikrin e Kayapó. Prisão e Ações Judiciais Na nova fase da operação, a Polícia Federal prendeu um líder local acusado de incentivar a invasão e exploração econômica da Terra Indígena Trincheira Bacajá. A PF informa que ele prometia regularização da área invadida e cobrava honorários advocatícios das vítimas. Mandados de prisão e busca foram emitidos contra outros envolvidos, incluindo familiares do acusado e profissionais de educação que operavam em uma escola instalada irregularmente no território. Decisão do STF e Continuidade da Operação A operação atende a uma determinação do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), que homologou o plano de desintrusão em setembro de 2023. O presidente do STF, Luís Roberto Barroso, manteve a operação, rejeitando um pedido de interrupção feito pelo município de São Félix do Xingu. A operação tem previsão de duração de 90 dias. Contexto Histórico e Geográfico As terras Apyterewa, homologadas em 2007, e Trincheira Bacajá, em 1996, abrigam aproximadamente 2,5 mil indígenas das etnias Parakanã, Mebengôkre Kayapó e Xikrin, distribuídos em 51 aldeias. Estas terras estão localizadas entre São Félix do Xingu, Altamira, Anapú e Senador José Porfírio, na região do Médio Xingu. Esta operação representa um marco crucial na proteção dos direitos indígenas e na conservação do bioma amazônico. As ações do governo e das autoridades judiciais reiteram o compromisso com a lei e a justiça, buscando restabelecer a ordem e a legalidade nas terras tradicionalmente ocupadas por povos indígenas, além de ressaltar a importância do respeito e preservação das culturas e do meio ambiente. Read the full article
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indizzmalaysia · 2 years
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Band Review: @drunkpigkch ditubuhkan pada tahun 2021, dimana asalnya hanyalah sebuah project band dari anggota pecahan band The Armchair dan Drasska. Berasal dari Kuching, Serian & Mukah dan berpusat di Kota Samarahan. Berpaksikan muzik seperti Hardcore Punk, Sludge Metal, Punk Grind, lagu lagu yang dihasilkan oleh Drunkpig terinspirasi dari band band seperti Extortion, Harm Done, Torso, GodPlant, A.F.K, Potrayal Of Guilt, World Peace dan lain lain lagi. Lineup asal Drunkpig terdiri daripada 4 anggota iaitu Moy sebagai vocal, Arel sebagai guitar & vocal, Cimi di posisi bass & Amai selaku pemain drum. Namun, di tahun 2022, Cimi mengambil keputusan untuk meninggalkan band Drunkpig atas alasan peribadi. Meskipun begitu, Drunkpig tetap meneruskan untuk menulis lagu dan mula aktif bermain gig dengan hanya 3 orang ahli dan akan kekal sehingga sekarang. Lagu-lagu yang ditulis Drunkpig banyak mengisahkan tentang kejadian yang berlaku didalam peredaran masa yang berlalu. Tambahan, lagu-lagu mereka dinyanyikan dalam bahasa Melanau Mukah. Melanau adalah salah satu etnik yang unik di dalam negeri Sarawak. Drunkpig aktif bermain sejak penubuhan awal band pada tahun 2021 sehingga sekarang antaranya ialah debut gig mereka di Gig Empengin, March 2022. Rumah Panjai 5 years anniversary, Julai 2022. Dan gig Homegrown Revival, November 2022 yang dianjurkan oleh Drunkpig, KOBES & Nyo Sio Jak Comm. Drunkpig akan perform di Violent Voidz pada 18 Februari 2023, Rumah Panjai Kuching Punk House! Mereka juga telah menyelesaikan rakaman Live Session bersama @sang.rawi yang akan di muat naik dalam masa terdekat. Drunkpig sedang menyiapkan rakaman secara DIY dimana mereka akan merilis album dengan 10 lagu yang mungkin disiapkan di dalam tahun ini. Facebook : Drunkpig Instagram : @drunkpigkch https://www.instagram.com/p/CngedIIBdJc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nyx-lacrymaria · 9 months
Are you still in England atm?????? Idk you tend to go to a different country evertime I'm not looking
Merry christmas? Is there anything you'd want????? I may have some clothes that don't fit me... hm. Or just a hug idk but yeah if you want me to come and give you smt for Christmas just lmk <3
I am in England yes :D
And uhh idk what I want for Christmas(also check the discord for mushroom stuff and sillies)
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gliyo · 2 years
Tengo la mente revolucionada. Tengo tantos pensamientos rondando por mi cabeza a la vez que no puedo pensar con claridad.
Quizás... debería? Debería empezar por hablar de la confianza. ¿Qué es para ti la confianza?
Diría que podemos considerar 3 tipos de confianza;
En algo. Prácticamente inútil, es más por la coña que otra cosa. Ejemplo: confio que esta tartana nos llevará a la ciudad.
En ti mismo. Está diría que es la más importante. Conocerte a ti mismo, saber tus límites y qué puedes hacer con ellos.
En otra persona. Se podría decir que es la más frágil. Un ejemplo (extremo): eres Superman y (alerta de spoiler) eres débil a la kriptonita. Te enamoras. Sabemos que los cimientos de una relación es la confianza, no? En ese caso, le cuentas a tu chica tu debilidad, no vaya a ser que el dia de mañana ella decida viajar a una isla de kriptonita y te tenga que salvar de un ladronzuelo a paraguazos.
Bien, se entiende, no? Tú le estas contando tu debilidad, a sabiendas que esa persona podría reventarte la puta boca a pedradas porqué sí, pero no lo hará. Del mismo modo tu le estas contando eso para protegerla, por si se da el caso de ir de vacaciones a una isla de mineral verde.
Y ahora me preguntaréis: piri cimi si rimpi li... (Traducción) Cómo se rompe esa confianza si el ejemplo que has puesto es mu' semao.
Fácil, poniéndo tus miedos, tu corazón y tu vida en sus manos y viendo como son aplastados por la persona que confiabas. O, dándote cuenta que ella no confiaba en ti.
Que por qué estoy contando esta mierda? Pues, tenia que desahogarme, supongo. En mi última relación me engañaron y han pasado 8 años desde que volví a confiar en alguien. Quizás a ti te parezca una tontería, pero pensar que estáis al mismo nivel, que os podéis contar cualquier cosa y después de unos meses descubres que no te había contado algo. Recalco, meses. No día, no horas, meses.
Y ahora me jodo porque el problema está en volver a confiar.
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