#cimic books
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thadragon84 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Star wars Lot
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inky-curves · 6 years
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Torchy by Gill Fox. From Doll Man #39, 1952
Read the whole comic online at Comic Book Plus
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casbooks · 7 years
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Title: A Sniper's Conflict
Authors: Monty B
ISBN: 9781473834798
Tags: Afghanistan, Al Amarah, British Army, CIMIC House, Iraq, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Herrick, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Telic, Princess of Wales Royal Regiment, Sniper, Specops
Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Middle East-SWA.Afghanistan.UK, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Middle East-SWA.Iraq.OIF.UK, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.SpecOps.Snipers
The Author sets the scene with his early experiences as a sniper during his 2004 Cimic House Al-Amarah tour in Iraq where hard lessons were learnt. Next stop after rigorous training came participation on Op HERRICK 8/9 in Helmand District, Afghanistan.

Having already been a Sniper Instructor for eight years by the start of the Helmand Tour, he is well qualified to explain sniping tactics and techniques in fascinating detail. Together with the operational background, his descriptions of many sniper engagements during the Battalion group's eventful and gruelling tour, make this a thrilling and instructive read.

Intense though the action was, there were long periods of watching and waiting. Cool nerves are called for; witnessing the taking of life even from distances of a kilometre is traumatic. Snipers work in pairs so relationship and trust are all important.

This is a superb action-packed description of professional soldiering at the sharp. end
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godstaff · 3 years
YEAH, I second the opinion above. Don't you think you're a little too hypocritical? Lois wasnt the only one who was written badly in any dc comic book. Even Superman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Flash etc had their bad times. and yet you target Bruce Wayne and Lois lane in most of your blog and prick on them. Why?
Cimics are a weird genre in which you may find artists like Neil Gaiman or Alan Moore, to name two of my favorites, but you can also find others who became popular pandering the fans of a hero like Batso, but witth no substance in their writing.
Most superheroes hasn't been poorly written, doing things out of character, diminished to make some other hero shine, etc.
I've raised my voice every time I thought they went too far, specially with Superman, who, I think, was and is the most mistreated of all heroes. He's usually dumbed down to make Lois and Batso shine above him. His power levels fluctuate according to the needs of a mediocre writer unable to make a resonably dangerous threat for Supes to confront, so the hero but is moving planets one week and got punched by any villain of the month the other. There's no consistency.
My problem with Lane and Wayne is they are overrated and that is at the expenses of a superhero like Superman, who should be the most important hero in the DC universe, but is always treated like a second rate character.
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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Joseph Goebbels’ Followers Shaping Policy in Washington Recent events clearly show that, owing to efforts of the current US political elite, teachings of Propaganda Minister of Nazi Germany, Doctor Paul Joseph Goebbels, have taken root in the United States and are being actively propagated in various spheres of work and life. And there are numerous examples of this! The author is referring to the stoking of racial tensions and hatred in the past decades in the United States, and to CIA’s “black sites” all over the world, where, just as in Nazi Germany, detainees were tortured and perhaps continue to be tortured to extract “confessions that authorities wish to hear”. In addition, the United States has been using targeted killings of political opponents as a tool. The widely-publicized assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani in Iraq is one of the most recent examples. The US could also be on the brink of a revolution, which the current political elites stand to benefit from. After all, protests, possibly orchestrated by intelligence agencies, to show people’s disillusionment with former national heroes are still ongoing and so is the tearing down of historical monuments. Perhaps, the burning of books deemed as subversive is next, just as during a campaign conducted by the German social-democrats in 1933. Nowadays, USA’s once powerful and sophisticated weapons no longer seem threatening. After all, in all the conflicts that Washington has been involved in, particularly those in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US has repeatedly failed to reach its goals and sustained losses, which include the lives of thousands of American servicemen as well as billions of dollars, and damage to the US image. In this climate, the current US leadership, in a last ditch effort to stay in power, has resorted to Goebbels-style propaganda. Back in the 1930s, Doctor Goebbels formulated the core principles behind such war-time and political propaganda. The key is to capture the popular imagination, which is the main aim of any disinformation campaign, and to make sure the propaganda is effective by any means necessary. The bigger the lie is, the more believable it is and the faster it spreads. In order to bring Goebbels’ teachings to life while conducting psychological operations (PSYOP), in June 2010, the US Department of Defense renamed them to Military Information Support Operations (MISO), which the Pentagon and the CIA are actively involved in. The CIA and various think tanks, possibly infiltrated by intelligence agents, are actively involved in the creation of numerous propaganda campaigns, which social media and easily influenced media outlets then become a part of. And since everyone involved needs to be paid substantial sums of money, more and more funds are being allocated to information warfare with the help of politicians who are lobbied to support such activities. It has been reported that the US House Armed Services Committee, headed by Chairman Adam Smith, proposed allocating $3.8 billion to fund the European Containment Initiative program aimed at containing Russia in its draft 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, the name of a US federal law specifying the annual budget and expenditures of the US Department of Defense). And only for 2019-2020 over $12.4 billion had already been allocated for this program. A layman may wonder what such vast sums of money would be spent on during Washington’s disinformation campaigns. By whipping up a propaganda frenzy about Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election (which saw Donald Trump elected), an allegation supported by a report documenting the findings and conclusions of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s and his team’s investigation (first initiated by the FBI), Washington is trying to actively accuse other countries of interfering with the US internal affairs. In fact, by conducting its own disinformation campaigns, the United States is interfering with internal affairs of other countries. And there are too many examples of this: in nations of the Middle East, Latin America, the post-Soviet space, and most recently in Russia, during its national referendum on amendments to the Constitution. According to senator on the Federation Council Andrei Klimov, by June 25, twenty videos aimed at discrediting Russia’s leadership were meant to be posted online with the help of the “Net” (“No”) movement, whose propaganda campaigns are purportedly shaped by the US Department of State. It has been reported that on the day voting on the amendments to the constitution began, i.e. June 25, a car with US diplomatic license plates was spotted outside anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny’s headquarters in Kostroma. And the day before the referendum began, the same vehicle had been seen near an office of the Movement for Defense of Voters’ Rights “Golos”. Recently, the United States actively focused its propaganda efforts targeting Russia on the conflict in Libya. According to several media outlets, including Ukrainian ones, Moscow sent at least 12 combat jets to Libya. However, Russian politicians and news sources have contradicted such reports. Then hundreds of fighters from the Wagner Group (a Russian private military company) were accused of operating in Libya, but Russia has repeatedly denied these allegations as another fake news from Washington. In order to appear more credible, the stories were published by reputable news services, such as Deutsche Welle, a broadcaster that, as of recent, has repeatedly proven to be a propaganda outlet in Moscow’s eyes. Russia suspects the CIA is behind yet another propaganda operation – The New York Times and other news outlets reported a few days ago that Russia had allegedly offered secret bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill US troops in Afghanistan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation justly responded to the latest accusations from Washington: “This unsophisticated plant clearly illustrates the low intellectual abilities of the propagandists of American intelligence services that, instead of inventing something more plausible, have to make up this nonsense. Nevertheless, what else could be expected from the intelligence agency that has failed miserably in the 20-year-long war in Afghanistan.” In their efforts to bring Goebbels’ teachings to life, certain political circles in the United States appear to be filling the media space with misinformation, lies, nonsense and distorted facts, as part of their aggressive propaganda campaigns. Individuals are deliberately overloaded with untrustworthy information, and this could lead to erosion of moral values. And currently, specialized agencies in the United States are not the only ones engaged in the aforementioned activities. Informational-Psychological Operations Centers (IPSYOP) of Special Operations Command (a branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) as well as 103rd CIMIC/PSYOPS Center of the Czech Army are also at the forefront of the disinformation campaigns. The operations of these special forces units are overseen and directed by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence in Riga; NATO CCD COE (the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence); USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command) and the US Army’s 4th PSYOP Group (formerly the 4th Military Information Support Operations Group). In order to coordinate such activities, special training exercises are conducted on a regular basis. Drills that have taken place in Eastern Europe in the past three years are indicative of the nature of these operations. For instance, some of the largest-scale exercises for the Czech SOF (special operations forces) were reported to have been conducted in 2017: Dark Shadow 2017, Flying Shadow and Repair Exercise Dark Shadow. They involved special forces, INFOOPS and PSYOPS units. Owing to Washington’s efforts, the number of followers of Goebbels’s teachings is growing. However, it is important to remember what fate Nazi Germany and its ideology faced in the end.
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Random Vocab Picked up from Reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in Italian, Part Six
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Aka Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco
Chapters 24—37
Bagnoschiuma — Bubble bath
Incolumità — Safety
Puledro — Colt
Tappo — Plug
Sirena — Mermaid 
Polpo — Octopuse
Ostaggio — Hostage
Lavagna — Blackboard
Vietato — Forbidden
Cimice — Bedbug
Siepe — Hedge
Congiura — Conspiracy
Ricatto — Blackmail
Nettuno — Neptune
Amarezza — Bitterness
Vicoli Chieci — Dead ends
Sfinge — Sphinx 
Mollare — To give up 
Finished my eighth book in Italian :) 
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regal-swagg · 6 years
As much as I enjoy Luke Cage and enjoyed season 1 of Jessica Jones I really wish they had stuck to the cimic book personalities. Honestly Misty and Matt are the only Defenders characters I feel have the same spirit as they do in the comics.
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thadragon84 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Star wars Lot
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beaphoenixeu · 4 years
Sure Travel Vacanza Cimice Repellente Allungabile Wrist Cavigliera Bracciali
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Sure Travel Vacanza Cimice Repellente Allungabile Wrist Cavigliera Bracciali Price : € 5.34 Ends on : [readable_time]2020-05-04 15:39:37[/readable_time] Book now
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lectio-divina · 4 years
La Statua di Sale
(Giallo a Puntate)
14. Quattordicesimo episodio
(episodio precedente)
(primo episodio)
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(immagine via Tumblr/billbezy)
La mattina seguente mi svegliai di buonóra risoluto a manifestarmi davanti all'ospizio prima dell'orario delle visite, che fortunatamente cominciava a mattina inoltrata. Avevo comunicato alla direttrice l'intenzione di mettere sotto controllo la camera della Pulci, avevo già opzionato la cimice presso il comando centrale e avrei dovuto prima andare a ritirarla e poi installarla. Riassunsi di avere poco tempo a disposizione e molte cose da fare, quindi mi decisi ad affrettarmi. Appena alzato mi ritrovai faccia a faccia con la valigia della Bice, la sera prima l'avevo riempita dei suoi effetti personali e lasciata davanti al letto per ricordarmi di riconsegnarla, così come chiesto dal marito, le rivolsi uno sguardo bilioso, e nell'affrettarmi per andare all'ospizio la dimenticai lì. Giunsi al Santa Rita munito di cimice inscatolata un'ora prima dell'inizio delle visite, facemmo liberare la stanza con uno stratagemma, e a cimice installata mi organizzai nell'ufficio della direttrice e mi misi in ascolto. Il Musumeci giunse puntuale sullo scoccare dell'orario, l'audio riportava fedelmente l'inizio dell'incontro, dove i saluti di rito sfumarono ben presto in un aspro alterco, che seguivo con estrema attenzione, riuscendo a distinguere ben poco perché gli scambi, assai rapidi, avvenivano a filo di voce, nel dubbio misi mano alla fondina risoluto a intervenire. La cosa però finì lì, il Musumeci e sua madre si salutarono cordialmente, quindi questo se ne andò. Riavvolsi la registrazione e contrariato ricominciai ad ascoltare, captai la Pulci sibilare un: -Vaso da fiori.- Reputai fosse il nascondiglio dello stampo per le madonnine, saltai sulla sedia e corsi nel parco in cerca del Musumeci, quindi all'ingresso e poi nei dintorni della struttura, ma questo pareva essersi volatilizzato. Rientrai a Berice certo di aver sprecato la mia ultima occasione, e avvilito salii nel mio appartamento per raccogliere la valigia della Bice. Uscito sul pianerottolo la trovai lì, la Bice: -Brigadiere,- Sospirava, -Mario.- Provai a specificare. Ci abbracciammo, lasciammo la valigia sul pianerottolo e raggiungemmo con passionalità la mia camera, dove rimanemmo ad amoreggiare per il resto del pomeriggio.
(episodio seguente)
Et voilà, l'arcano, il rovesciamento dell'orizzonte, il passaggio attraverso lo specchio:
Piaciuta la storia?Compra il libro.
Cane Bianco, di Fester Abrams, un giallo, lo trovi su Amazon, gratis con Kindle Unlimited, da Giunti e da Feltrinelli.
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Manhattan, Battery Park, pomeriggio, una giovane donna porta il cane a passeggio, un incontro fortuito, un attimo di leggerezza e il cane scompare. Sera, lobby del Sagram Building, Upper East Side, “Il quartiere delle calze di seta”, il padre della giovane, persona avanti negli anni, ma determinato al limite del coriaceo, esce di casa deciso a ritrovare il cane. Farà l'alba sui marciapiedi, fra personaggi grotteschi e onirici, baristi dei bassifondi e derelitti da strada, ciascuno avrà in mano una traccia, una moneta da scambiare col ricco signore, chi per gioco o empatia, chi per invidia o disprezzo. Sono ore di febbrile ricerca, che condurranno il protagonista del libro verso un finale a sorpresa. Che ne è stato del cane bianco?
Un giallo imprevedibile, su cui abbiamo lavorato a lungo, tutti insieme, riversandoci le nostre cure, attente e appassionate, sia per la sostanza che per la forma. Il risultato è una gioia, per gli occhi e per la mente, un piacere che soltanto una piccola casa editrice è in grado di offrire.
Edito da: Lectio Divina edizioni -- LOVE AND READ BOOKS .-- lectio-divina.tumblr.com ©Tutti i diritti riservati
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agnisen07 · 5 years
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Illustration _____________________________ #sketch #sketchbook #illustration #drawing #dailyart #instaart #adobe #character #magazine #novel #books #story #storytime #detective #mystery #man #blackandwhite #ink #tombow #prismacolor #pen #texture #wacom #uk #abhijnan #anilikha #design #graphic #cimics https://www.instagram.com/p/BschWduB15P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=69ac0ifpyfx1
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casbooks · 3 years
Book Review: Sniper One
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Sgt. Dan Mills takes a snapshot of his time in Iraq with the Prince of Wales Regiment holding the CIMIC house in Amarrah as head of the sniper platoon and gives you a well crafted narration of what they experienced during what became one of the most intense sieges the British Army experienced since WWII. 
I find these stories so fascinating, especially compared to the American perspective, because we really did not experience the same wars around the world, nor did we have the same ideas in mind of how to accomplish any of the goals we had laid out. 
To the British, be it Operation Telic or Herrick, they were in a peacekeeping mindset very much akin to their roles in Bosnia and Northern Ireland. Ideas of airpower, helicopters, and even as Mills mentions in this book, grenades, were considered not necessary. Instead, they were drilled in smiling so much their faces hurt. 
I remember someone saying that the British thought that it’d be an absolute failure of a mission if they went to Afghanistan and fired a single shot in Helmand province... Yeah. 
In Amarah, just as in Sangin, you see the same pattern develop with aggressive patrolling in the beginning giving way to sheltering, and finally an all out siege. 
They ... endure. They endure mortars, rockets, and attack after attack after attack, until finally they are relieved and replaced. 
But the book gives you good insights into what it was like for the PWRR and the sniper platoon, what it was like on that roof, what it was like on the patrols, the decisions made, life in the CIMIC house, and the author writes well and at a good clip. 
His attitude towards war and killing might be off-putting for some, but understand that while this kind of writing might be a brave face and a front, for others, it is their truth. 
Lee Marvin, the actor and WWII purple heart winner said it best, war is a personal thing and no two people ever experience it the same way. 
Definitely a good read though for the british experience in that small slice of time and desert.  
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marketprdaily · 4 years
Dow Jones Newswires: ACS, Hochtief shares fall on Australian subsidiary writedowns
Dow Jones Newswires: ACS, Hochtief shares fall on Australian subsidiary writedowns
Shares in Spain’s Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA and its subsidiary Hochtief AG fell on Thursday after CIMIC Group Ltd. said it would exit the Middle East region and book a large writedown.
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python121-blog · 6 years
Post Delivery Pain - How Homeopathy Can Help You?
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On an agony size of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most serious, work torment is a standout amongst the most extreme torment frames. Most ladies would concur that life after labor feels like a second rent of life. Life takes a total turn after labor, with the additional obligation of caring for the infant. What's more, the mother herself has a ton to recover from, including the stressof pregnancy and the agony that was persevered amid conveyance. The uterus, which extends to oblige the developing child contracts back to its size which causes extreme torment.
While there are synthetic medicines to the save, homeopathy likewise offers a successful solution for deal with this period of life. Similarly as with all conditions, homeopathy has faith in regarding the person all in all and not simply give symptomatic alleviation. Your homeopath will solicit you a number from inquiries to touch base at a conclusion and construct treatment with respect to that, which is very modified.
Words By : Dr. Rita Shah is one of  trusted Homeopath Doctors in Sainath Nagar, Pune. She has helped numerous patients in her 7 years of experience as a Homeopath. She has completed BHMS. She is currently practising at Homeopathy Wellness Center in Koregaon Park, Pune. Book an appointment online with Dr. Rita Shah on Lybrate.
While the accompanying four items are normally utilized, it is constantly encouraged to not self-sedate in homeopathy.
1. Caulophyllum: Made of Blue Cohosh, this is normally utilized amid pregnancy and post work. Amid work, it is useful if the work isn't advancing with the absence of cervical expansion and sporadic constrictions. Post work, it is utilized if the patient has sporadic, shooting, or meandering agonies that are intolerable. These torments are likewise combined with queasiness and retching. The torment is, notwithstanding, irregular and sharp. The patient will be extremely eager, crisp, parched, feeble, depleted. The lady will likewise be apprehensive and edgy.
2. Cimicifuga [Cimic]: This is valuable in ladies who have baby blues torments that are extreme in the crotch territory, thighs, hips and back. It helps in cervical widening and diminishing unbending nature amid examination baby blues. The lady is worried, confounded, and suspicious.
3. Pulsatilla: Made from the windflower, it is helpful in ladies who are sorrowful, delicate, bashful, love, and requires consolation. At the point when this consolation is deficient with regards to, she may feel miserable, alone, on edge, dreadful, or relinquished. There is additionally a desire for embraces, comfort, and self centeredness. The agony exacerbates around sunset, the patient wants greasy sustenances and wishes to be out in the open. There could be different manifestations including varicose veins, queasiness, perpetual chest clog, runny nose, and cerebral pains.
4. Sepia: There is a serious, weighing down torment as though the uterus and everything alongside it would simply fly out. The patient would have extreme discouragement, lack of concern to the infant, may have never needed the infant in any case. She would be pitiful, insulted effortlessly, and bad tempered. She may have had kids with short interims.
Converse with your homeopath and there are certainly approaches to assuage the baby blues torments totally.
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blackandcarefree · 7 years
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See this cimic book character in action in the new indie game VERSUS. Creator is Rashida Lewis of Newave Enterprise. #newave #melanin #comics #slay #african #gamergirl #sandstorm #versus #fighter #steam #pcgamer #black #indie
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