#cinomed chronicles oc asks
ambersky-ocs · 4 years
Hi!! -So this may or may not be for fan art reasons- Would Evanna ever wear her hair down, or is it always up?
She certainly would! It's just not as often lol
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
👀 and 💕?
Gonna be writing about Evanna! ^^
👀 | Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
Stubborn. By the stars is the woman hard-headed. It's like once she has a goal there's nothing that can get her to drop it. And she never takes a break. Which can be admirable sometimes, sure, but it's also so damn annoying. Another thing which she is! She's like a thorn in my side, always getting in the way of anything I have planned and planting ideas in peoples heads. Not to mention unprofessional. I mean, seriously, no one of her status should get that close to their guards. To anyone, really, who's of lower class. And where in the world is her fucking council? It'll be satisfying to watch her fail in the end, even if it means losing some entertainment. (POV Gideon)
💕 | How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
Evanna doesn't really like physical affection much, only from certain people in particular and under very specific circumstances. For boundaries, she refuses to be in any embrace which may constrict her, or cover her entirely. And no kisses from anyone but Erin, and his are limited to her cheek or hand. Wing brushes are okay though, and between close friends so are wing hugs. She doesn't really like touch much, only when she's in a really really bad headspace does she like it because it's grounding. Touch just feels... icky. It didn't always, but as she got older she started to feel gross anytime people touched her. So always gotta ask and if you're not in her inner circle really there's no point in asking, her answer will always be no. (How she says no also depends on who you are)
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ambersky-ocs · 4 years
Hi!! I love your au already!! Where do I get started with the story, or has it no begun yet? If I could get to know your oc's that'd be great!! No pressure tho. Goodness I can already tell this'll be so much fun!! (And angsty I bet, but shhh pretend like i didnt say anything)
Hiya!! I'm so glad you like it so far! I technically did start it on my main, however I need to update the chapters cause I've changed a LOT about them, I'll probably be posting the first two(the prologue and chapter one) sometime really soon!
As for getting to know the characters, sure! It's gonna be really unorganized tho 😅
Also in the story itself though we don't meet most of the characters(the human ones at least) until later on but I will be drawing them a LOT
Evanna(Species - Dali) : She's a well respected queen of the kingdom Tongyi! However, cause her mother wasn't great whatsoever, Evanna got stuck with a war that began before she took the throne. She's reckless and puts the safety of others above her own, and she really loves poetry! She has a whole library filled with as many poetry books she could get her hands on, as well as some of her own works. Evanna's also Aro/Ace!
Erin(Species - Dali) : Erin is Evanna's head guard, and is always by her side(unless he's out of commission). He's the one that's prevented an early death for Evanna so far. He has a wonderful wife named Azzy, who he absolutely adores! He gushes about her to anyone who will listen, and she gets to stay at the castle with him and Evanna. Erin's pretty intelligent, and despite being a soldier his actual powers are fairly weak, and he relies more on strength than energy(despite looking like a beanstalk-). He's also very touchy and loves kissing people's foreheads, hands, cheeks, etc. Unless it's with Azzy, those are all platonic
Nezu(Species - Dali) : One of the most powerful healers of their age, Nezu was kept hidden from the world for as long as they can remember. Their parents were just looking out for them. Both ended up dying in a battle so Nezu finally got to leave the house and actually help the wounded, and even heals Evanna! Nezu's quite curious about a lot of things, and can very easily kick your ass if you disrespect someone close to them. Also they're like,,, 12-14 in the beginning of the story and they're small but ends up being a highly admired healer within like a year cause of their crazy healing abilities
Dani(Species - Dali?) : Grew up in the kingdom Hayes, until his parents were killed and his brother took the throne. Dani instead of being prince still was kinda,,,, exiled from the kingdom, and once he reached Tongyi he was put into the orphanage. Once he's older, Evanna adopts him cause she needs an heir but she refuses to have a biological child. He's a huge jerk cause of isolation and all that but he warms up to Evanna quickly. It takes him longer to warm up to the visiting(and later resident) humans though. Oh, he's also bisexual! He also doesn't like kissing on the lips, but loves forehead and nose kisses
Leona(Species - Human+???) : So Leona also had a rough childhood, her brothers disappeared from her life early on, her parents were neglectful. They kicked her out when they found out she was lesbian, and Leona had no way to support herself. She ended up turning to a life of crime, and was soon one of the youngest members of an organization called Tempest. Tempest was a government experiment, combining various DNAs into a human and seeing how that affected them, except it became very corrupt and the leaders would give out assignments to go kill anyone who posed a threat to them. Leona works her way up the ranks fast cause she's good as an assassin, and has only not completed 1 mission to date
Marie(Species - Human) : Marie actually had a great childhood! She was loved dearly by her moms and although her and her brother had their differences, they were still there for one another. Their biggest argument(that lasted nearly three months) was about Marie being bisexual and how her brother didn't believe it(he came around and apologized profusely to her, and since has learned more about LGBTQ+ stuff). Something really tragic happens not long before she adopts a fifteen year old, however imma leave it at that. Marie also works at a cafe that supports those who've been through something very traumatic, and she adores her job.
Jeremiah(Species - Human?+???) : Jeremiah was also part of Tempest, his parents both being part of the organization and prompting him to join. He was often just called "Pup" by everyone. Jeremiah's actually trans! However he doesn't feel he needs nor wants top surgery. He wasn't a field Tempest member like Leona though, he was an engineer. A really skilled one too. Sexuality wise he's panromantic asexual! Also he's pretty short(as are many of these characters) Loves cuddling!!
Taylor(Species - Human?) : Taylor was the teen adopted by Marie! While Marie is quite sweet, Taylor's personality is actually far more similar to Leona's and to an extent, Evanna's. She gets called Aunty Tay by any small child for some reason and she just m e l t s. Really loves Marie and the rest of the Sydney family. Taylor's actually quite protective! Especially of her younger cousin. She's polyamorous(probably spelling that wrong-) however doesn't really consider herself as part of the LGBTQ+ community(I'm pretty sure poly people are included?) cause she otherwise identifies as hetero.
This ended up being so much longer than I originally thought it'd be
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ambersky-ocs · 3 years
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ID: Evanna, looking down at a flame-like illusion she is creating. The background is dark purple with brighter purple stars around. The flames are bright orange and yellow, expanding out from between her hands.
Evanna has brown skin, with a mix of dark brown or pale scars covering her body. Her hair is long and red, pulled into a braid over her shoulder, and she has pale blue eyes. Her ears are long and pointed, and she has large feathered wings. The pattern on the wings look like paint splatter, different shades of a grayish-brown, darker at the top of her wings and lighter at the bottom. She’s wearing a silver crown and necklace with yellow jewels, a light purple sleeveless shirt with dark purple pants and boots, with a transparent shawl-like garment. /End ID.
New icon for my main! :D
This was an opportunity to mess around with this really neat brush I found, plus some other things. It was honestly super fun! I also may draw Evanna like this more often, I really like this outfit on her.
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
Not sure which blog to send this to but for the color pallets: Evanna with Effect?
Either blog would've been fine! ^^ This was a lot of fun to do! I've never drawn my ocs with other pallets before
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Pallet from This Post
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ambersky-ocs · 3 years
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[ID: Evanna sitting on a wall, one of her knees propped up while the other hangs over the wall, and looking down at a book she is holding. Evanna is in the center of the image. The wall is a dark blue, and the sky that is visible is a bright aqua color. The book is also a dark blue, but more saturated, with a few yellow lines. Evanna’s wings are behind two pillars on the wall, and there’s a small yellow crown floating above her head. There is a blue tint to everything.
Evanna has brown skin, with a mix of dark brown or pale scars covering her body.. Her hair is red, and she has pale blue eyes. Her ears are long and pointed, and she has large feathered wings. The pattern on the wings look like paint splatter, different shades of a grayish-brown, darker at the top of her wings and lighter at the bottom. She wears a dark purple sleeveless shirt, grayish-purple pants and black boots. /End ID.]
Doodle of Evanna either reading or writing! I was honestly a bit bored and wanted to draw without putting much effort into something 😅
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ambersky-ocs · 3 years
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ID: Evanna sitting on a hill under a tree at sunset. Everything in the picture, except for Evanna, are in shades of red or orange. In the background are the silhouette of mountains and the ruins of a kingdom. Evanna’s facing towards the kingdom, with her back to the viewer.
Evanna has brown skin, with a mix of dark brown or pale scars covering her body.. Her hair is long and red, in a braid over her shoulder. She has large feathered wings. The pattern on the wings look like paint splatter, different shades of a grayish-brown, darker at the top of her wings and lighter at the bottom. She’s wearing a pale, almost pink sleeveless shirt, reddish-brown pants, and dark brown boots. /End ID
Redrew the thing I’ve redrawn a lot, this time with different dimensions :D
This was mostly me just messing around, but! I do quite like how it came out, so it’ll probably become my header on my main ^^ It was super fun to draw!
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ambersky-ocs · 3 years
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[ID: Evanna among some blue-tinted clouds at night. The sky is different shades of purple, lighter at the too than at the bottom. There are many small stars in the sky, as well as a moon.
Evanna's center left in the picture, facing away from the viewer and towards the moon. She has brown skin, with a mix of dark brown or pale scars covering visible arms. Her hair is red, and pulled into a braid over her shoulder. She has feathered wings. The pattern on the wings look like paint splatter, different shades of a grayish-brown, darker at the top of her wings and lighter at the bottom. She's wearing a light blue backless shirt and black pants. End ID]
I was honestly kind of bored a few days ago, wanted to try using Medibang again and started this sketch. I finished it today! Mostly bc I was bored again and didn't want to write or work on school work.
I'm not. Too happy with how it came out. But! I still had fun drawing it so. There's that.
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
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This was pretty fun to draw! Definitely a nice way to relax!
Anyways- I love these boys with all my heart and they love each other very much as well
My sib asked where Taylor was bc they’re so used to me drawing the trio all together 😅 I’ll probably draw her with them another time
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
"Annoying: What is your OC’s most annoying trait?" "Desire: Your OC has the opportunity to get the thing they desire most, but it means betraying a friend. Do they do it?" and "Positive: What does your OC believe is their best personality trait?" with Evanna and whoever else thinks can answer these questions!
Evanna is so! Fucking! Reckless! She's a queen for crying out loud but in any battle ends up getting the most injured because she focuses more on others over herself. Also, plans are typically ones where she doesn't consider all the possibilities, or when she does she ignores everything that could go wrong completely.
Nope. Evanna only has a few close friends and she'd quite literally die for any of them. She'd never betray them. She also doesn't have a lot of desires herself, afraid it'll make her selfish and turn out like her mother.
Manipulating others. Outside of trade deals for the kingdom (which she struggles with for the sole reason her kingdom is almost always under some kind of attack and no one wants to risk their own kingdoms), Evanna is incredibly good at getting others to do what she wants. She doesn't ever go too far, again scared she'll become like her mother, but if it benefits her people Evanna is more than willing to manipulate others.
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ambersky-ocs · 3 years
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[ID: Evanna and Fera standing turned towards each other, Fera on the left and Evanna on the right. Fera appears upset, arms crossed over her chest. Evanna is looking down at Fera, her hands folded in front of her and a sad expression on her face. Behind them is a sunset, mountains in the distance. Both the ground and the mountains are dark shades of purple, and the sunset appears purple at the top and fades into yellow.
Evanna has brown skin, with a mix of dark brown or pale scars covering her body. Her hair is red and wavy, and she has pale blue eyes. Her ears are long and pointed, facing down, and she has large feathered wings. The pattern on the wings look like paint splatter, different shades of a grayish-brown, darker at the top of her wings and lighter at the bottom. She’s wearing a light blue tank top with black pants and boots.
Fera has dark brown skin, with scars littering the right side of her face, and a freckle-like pattern on her cheeks and shoulders which are bright green. She has kinky hair with shaved sides. The roots of her hair is dark brown bordering black, and fades into a bright green. Her ears are long and pointed, facing down, and she has large feathered wings. Her wings are dark brown at the top, and fades into a green with faded dark brown spots along the wings. She is wearing a green knee-length and sleeveless dress that is a very light green at the top which fades into a darker green towards the skirt with spots of neon green, a silver belt separating the piece at her waist, and a silver crown with neon green jewels. /End ID.]
Like the last drawing, I’m not too happy with how this came out… but! I still had a lot of fun drawing it! It was a great way for me to procrastinate on my work, which I need to start working on now 😅
Also! Let me know if I need to edit the image description, I think I did it correctly but if there are any issues I’ll be happy to fix them!
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
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ID: Evanna sitting but nothing below her, her knees pushed together and feet facing outward. She’s leaning on her hands. The background is the aroace flag (horizontal stripes, from top to bottom the colors are: orange, yellow, white, light blue, dark blue), with paint splatter and sparkles faded over it.
Evanna has brown skin, with a mix of dark brown or pale scars covering her body.. Her hair is red, and she has pale blue eyes. Her ears are long and pointed, and she has large feathered wings. The pattern on the wings look like paint splatter, different shades of a grayish-brown, darker at the top of her wings and lighter at the bottom. She is wearing a grayish purple backless shirt, darker grayish purple pants, and slightly darker grayish purple boots. /End ID.
Very similar to my previous one, but! Decided to change my icon a bit ^^ I like this one just a bit more honestly-
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
"Y. Yearbook: What is your OC’s happiest memory with another character?" and "T. Three: Would your OC rather be given a hug, a compliment, or a bouquet of flowers?" with evanna and taylor?
Evanna: When she was learning how to use a sword and she finally successfully disarmed and pinned Erin. They were laughing as she helped him back up before he promptly tackled her as both a "surprise attack" and "revenge." This was basically the start of their friendship, when they were probably around 7 years old.
Taylor: Taylor has a lot of contenders for the happiest memory with another character. The day Marie asked if Taylor wanted to be adopted by her, Ollie hugging Taylor for the first time, introducing Dani to animals on Earth, and watching Vic (her best friend) fall out of a tree bc he was drunk as hell.
Evanna: Compliment, Evanna only really likes hugs from Erin and she doesn't see the point in being given flowers when they can't be taken care of/she doesn't have the time to look after them
Taylor: Hug! Taylor loves physical affection and loves both hugging others and being hugged
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
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I’m bored, so I ended up doodling a bit! I’m basically just procrastinating on doing homework :/
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
For Evanna, Kickback, Wish, and Yearbook?
K. Kickback: Your OC is given the chance to have (their version of) the perfect day, but they have to bring someone else with them. Who do they choose, and what do they spend the day doing?
Evanna definitely chooses Erin. She'd probably have a day where she and him could be unbothered the entire time and just talk and lounge around. Unfortunately, Evanna's a workaholic so she'd probably be writing the entire time too or instead of lounging they'd go spar each other.
W. Wish: If your OC could make a wish on behalf of another person, who would they choose, and what would they wish for?
Again, Evanna would choose Erin because he's her best friend. She'd wish that he could just have a peaceful, happy life with his family where he didn't have to worry about their safety. She's working on making this a reality.
Y. Yearbook: What is your OC’s happiest memory with another character?
When she was learning how to use a sword and she finally successfully disarmed and pinned Erin. They were laughing as she helped him back up before he promptly tackled her as both a "surprise attack" and "revenge." This was basically the start of their friendship, when they were probably around 7 years old.
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ambersky-ocs · 3 years
Bored so, some shit about my OCs! Specifically Evanna and Erin bc I love them and love writing about their pain :')
Warnings for a focus on injuries/near death of characters
I mention this a lot but they're both really fucking reckless. No regard for their own safety most of the time. Like they try not to die but really avoiding death is not their main priority when fighting in battles (main priority is protect the people who can't fight)
In the story originally I was gonna kill off Evanna. BUT I don't really want to kill her off anymore I instead, she nearly dies.
In all their battles Evanna and Erin fight side-by-side and often do take hits for each other. Usually the severe ones aren't too bad. But this time, Evanna had shoved Erin out if the way of a blow that was dealt with the intent to kill. She didn't have enough time to turn around and block it, her main focus was to protect Erin and the thought to block only came after the sword had struck her, and Erin didn't have enough time to react and pull her out of the way.
And the situation is worse than her other post-battle experiences because this one left her in a state where she couldn't completely recover.
She had lost one of her wings, which is pretty damn bad for a Dali but also a lot of her organs had been damaged in a certain battle and she had almost died. Dolan and Azzy almost couldn't save her in time.
Recovering from that was gonna take years because while they can heal organs and wounds, Evanna losing one of her wings meant the healing process would be a lot worse than normal for one because she's now so much weaker, but also the organs that had been damaged would take awhile to get back to working properly and it leaves her incapacitated for a long time
Now. Erin blames himself anytime Evanna gets injured. He thinks he's failed her anytime she's been wounded in battle because he's her guard, her personal guard, it's his job to protect her from harm
He's honest, and does tell her he feels like he's failing her. Every time she's been injured she always counters that he could never fail her.
This time hits so much different, though. Because she had almost fucking died. They both knew it was a possibility, but the idea of it almost happening in reality was frightening, especially to Erin
Erin broke. He'd nearly lost his queen, his best friend, because she decided to shove him out of the way and take a fatal blow from the enemy for him. It was her decision to shove him away, sure, but if he had paid better attention in the battle maybe it wouldn't have happened at all
He tells her this one day when he's with her in the healing center - which she's not allowed to leave yet - tells her through tears that he thinks that he really did fail her
He expects to be told that he could never fail her, like she usually assures him. But she doesn't. Instead she says something along the line of:
"There's only one way you could fail me. And that's if you died."
It confuses Erin, but Evanna continues.
"You're my best friend, you're like a brother. You have dreams of living in a peaceful kingdom with a dozen children with your wonderful partner and of living happily until it's time for you to go to paradise. I refuse to let you die until that dream comes true." She's crying too, not nearly as much as Erin. Erin, who's sobbing now as he pulls her into a tight (not too tight, for he doesn't want to hurt her) embrace.
And he just whispers to her, "But that dream includes you."
They don't really talk more afterwards but Evanna's grip around him strengthens and they spend a long, long time hugging and crying into the others shoulder.
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