docitada · 2 years
"As pessoas são feitas de incoerências."
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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CI&T Continues Geographic Diversification Efforts As AI Demand Beckons https://seekingalpha.com/article/4608571-ci-and-t-continues-geographic-diversification-efforts-as-ai-demand-beckons
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mariecurieraditation · 6 months
I jist saw the most untru hidcannon of Jon an Abe relitionship!!!!!!!
Peeplo on th inernet Arse so Dum!!!!!!!!!!
i hate phannon so MOOCH!!!!!!!
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1ore · 2 years
sorry. im going ballistic about this now. hope you understand
i was talking about this after therapy with the people at work but the ways in which abuse leads people to declare 'everyone should suffer as i did' or 'nobody should suffer as i did' . The
morgan and his mom living adjacent to the incalculable grief of the wall watch, and having their relationship forever transfigured by the loss of his father, a watchman. morgan becoming an outsider in his own home. morgan, in his despair, risking it all to leave basedt. morgan escaping into the arms of a loving world, but struggling to integrate into Normal Society because nobody has any idea how to handle the scope of the violence and human suffering that is the ash tundra, so it becomes his and his alone. morgan becoming an outsider in his second home. morgan returning to the first wound i.e. basedt because the survivor's guilt is too much, and because the wound is, at least, familiar. morgan realizing his time with the outside world has transformed him, made him unrecognizable. morgan as permanent outsider, one foot in the sea and one on shore, completely alone.
ashe having wonderful parents, but he still ended up Like That because he experienced something they could not comprehend and the alienation drove him into the arms of a cult, who took a very funny middleground between 'everyone should suffer' and 'nobody should suffer' by declaring 'the world needs to end so we can all stop suffering and it is our moral imperative to personally euthanize it.' ashe getting out, but perpetuating the cycle-- despite his best efforts-- in the most grave and unthinkable way possible.
ashe killing rayet's dad in self-defense. ashe assuming guardianship bc holy shit the ash tundra is no place for an orphan, knowing full well this will cause incalculable damage to both of them, but also that the only alternative is Death. rayet inheriting such a fierce desire to insulate others from the pain of her upbringing that she creates the free companies of the ash tundra and drags everyone around her kicking and screaming into camaraderie and brotherhood. rayet essentially creating the found family that she never had, with no map, no knowledge of what a healthy family looks like. rayet gravitating towards morgan bc he contains Forbidden Knowledge (lived in a normal, loving world for 20 yrs) but also recoiling in disgust because he willingly associates with That Guy (terrible. turns out the people Out There believe that no person, however monstrous, is beyond recovery, whether or not reconciliation is possible)
cinte being groomed to assume the mantle of cruelty and power. cinte as the city of basedt's reductive metaphor for the root of all pain, but also ultimate driver of 'i suffered, so you All have to suffer' . the self-cannibalizing ouroboros of being just like his shitty, shitty mom, and not believing he can be better or deserves to be better. doing Exactly what was expected of him by self-destructing and plunging basedt into the eternal storm. ashe projecting onto the impulse to self-destruct that exists in cinte, because he sees himself in him, and they suffered together under the manazthati. ashe performing the "mercy-killing" of cinte i.e. cutting him up and scattering his bones to the four winds as a natural continuation of the things that Basedt has always done, and will continue to do. until morgan stops his hand and says 'maybe there's another way'
makame as basedt's ultimate social pariah, willingly self-isolating and also unwillingly isolated. makame having 0.4 oz of kinship with morgan and ashe and cinte for being outsiders, experiencing vague belonging for the first time in a long time, torn between craving connection and the urgent self-preservation instinct because ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm there is something deeply wrong with those guys (there is something deeply wrong with Me)
and somehow, because of or despite their efforts, and without their permission, the suffering does go away . and
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dickandballsdotgov · 1 year
why js thsi song so comfdrtgng im gonna cry methindks
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perpassareiltempo · 2 months
Desiderami, stremami, versami, sacrificami. Chiedimi. Raccoglimi, contienimi, nascondimi. Voglio esser di qualcuno, voglio esser tuo (…) Fai vacillare le cinte dei miei ultimi limiti…
Pablo Neruda
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shystonerslvt · 20 days
All ready to go out deinking with friends. Pushup bra so the girls are grabbable. Short short that i will be bending over in. And a needy, drippy cint thats just begging to b filled again.
Even if I don't need anyone new, I know that there's at least going to be two people there from my escapades over the weekend. Finally found the depraved whore I have always wanted to be.
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could we please have a fic where nat is getting married to maria?basically, Nat's daughter aka reader (4-5ish) is the flower girl basically just a lot of fluff ! pretty please with a cherry on top <3
Flower Girl (Request)
Warnings: None
Age: 4
Word Count: 928
Requests: Open finally. If I've missed any requests please send them in again.
Summary: It's your mom's wedding and you are the flower girl.
Requested by: Anonymous
Date: 14/03/2023
A/N: Thank you to the person who requested this I hope you enjoy it.
Main Masterlist
It was the day of Natasha's wedding and she had given a very special part to a very special little girl. She made you her flower girl which has been the most exciting thing you have ever done in your whole four years of life.
You were standing at the entrance of the altar with your aunt Wanda and you were holding your little pink and white basket that was filled with flower petals.
"Not long to go now, sweetie," Wanda said as she noticed you were getting bored.
"Is my little girl getting impatient?" A familiar voice from behind you said.
You turned around and a large smile appeared on your face when you saw who the voice belonged to.
"Mama!" You said excitedly running over to her and hugging her legs.
"There's my girl." She said smiling. she put her hand on the back of your head being careful so she didn't mess up your hair
"Look my dress mama." You said then you did a little twirl
"You look so pretty, baby." She said watching you.
"Thank mama. You pretty too."
Before Natasha could respond Clint walked in
"It's your turn now Nat."
Wanda walked over to you and took your hand.
"You remember what you have to do?"She asked.
You nodded your head "Yeah."
Wanda started to walk down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers in her hands she was Natasha's bridesmaid
You looked back at your mom and she gave you a nod to let you know that you could go.
You started walking down the aisle carefully dropping the flower petals on the floor as you walked down.
You looked at the end of the aisle and your mom's fiancée Maria was already there and waiting for Natasha.
You got to the end and Wanda held out her hand towards you.
"You did so well," Wanda whispered to you.
You stood beside Wanda and waited for your mom.
The band started playing a song and Natasha started to walk down the aisle arm in arm with your uncle clint and your aunt Laura walking behind them.
Natasha got to the front of the aisle, hugged Cint and Laura then Walked over to Maria.
While the minister was saying all the boring words you were trying your hardest to stay still and not cause a distraction. Wanda saw that you were starting to get agitated so she picked you up.
"It's now time for the rings." The minister said.
"Give this to your mama," Wanda whispered In your ear handing you the ring.
Natasha turned around and you very carefully handed it to her. She smiled at you and cupped one of your cheeks with her free hand then turned back around to Maria.
Natasha and Maria placed the rings on each other fingers.
"I now pronounce you married. You may seal this marriage with a kiss." The minister said.
As Natasha and Maria kissed everyone in the room cheered and clapped for them. You also clapped your hand and giggled.
Natasha carefully took you from Wanda and your mom and Maria hugged you. Natasha placed a kiss on your cheek and handed you back
Natasha and Maria joined hands and walked back down the aisle together while everyone cheered for them. You got worried about where they were going but then Wanda started following them so you knew that they weren't leaving you behind.
After the wedding, everyone made their way back to the compound for the after-party. The after-party was definitely you're favourite part of the whole day. You had eaten so many different types of cakes, cookies and ice cream that you went crazy and ran around the room many, many, many times for about 20 minutes then you had an instant sugar crash that was until Maria gave you more cookies then you went crazy again. 
After that Natasha banned you from having any more sugary treats for the rest of the day and told you to eat fruits or vegetables thankfully Maria continued to secretly give you small pieces of candy without natasha noticing. If you didn't like Maria before then you defiantly did now
It got to the end of the afterparty and you had calmed down from your sugar rush completely only because you got bored of eating and just wanted to play instead but now you were getting sleepy and you just wanted to go to bed. 
You slowly toddled over to your mom and lifted your arms in the air to tell her what you wanted up.
"Mama." You mumbled.
"Come here, my sleepy girl," Natasha said lifting you up. You rested your head on her shoulder and she placed a kiss on your head.
After Natasha and Maria thanked everyone for coming and they decided that they were going to clean the party room tomorrow. 
They went up to their room and natasha was carrying a sleepy you in her arms. 
"Sleep mama bed." You mumbled. 
"No sweetheart you sleep in Y/N's bed tonight." She said
"No sleep mama bed." You whined 
"It's okay Nat she can sleep with us tonight," Maria said
"Thank you, mommy." You mumbled then you fell asleep. 
"Did she just call me...?" Maria asked quietly. 
"I think she did," Natasha replied quietly with a smile on her face. 
Maria gently kissed the side of your head and stroked your hair. "You're welcome, honey."
Natasha and Maria went to their room. Natasha carefully laid you down on their bed and they quickly got changed into pyjamas and got into bed. 
They said goodnight to each other and kissed both of your cheeks then they fell asleep too. 
Taglist -
@glxwingrxse // @griffin-girl-r // @arinexeisnotworking // @faesvoid // @ali-lie // @froufrousnowman // @mmmmokdok // @nighttime-dreaming // @circe143 // @lizlil // @lissaaaa145 // @snowdrop1026 // @shixicbe // @i-writes-things // @teenybean // @fluffyblanketgecko // @scarlet-kazuha // @ravensinthedaylight // @lovelyy-moonlight // @melatonindaydreamx // @nclgsticore // @gabbyzeyla // @eternally-ineffable // @naslt // @natswidowtrilogy // @inluvwithfictionalwomen // @blackwidow-3 // @naslt // @lunacrestwood //
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crazyunsexycool · 1 month
When Lottie started spelling out words, everyone in the team is trying to get her talk!
She gets asked - Who do you love more, mama or dada? And Bucky is sitting on the edge, Lottie looks at Bucky as if she's gonna say dada and says "Steeb"
Bucky is like 😑😑 and Lottie can't stop giggling! She knows what she's doing to Bucky!
Stop it right now!!! He would be low key upset.
Just imagine this is Lottie a few weeks after being found. She’s still very little for her age, her hair has barely grown out. She just started talking. The whole team loves to sit around and get her to say different words. Sam asks the question “who do you love more, mama or dada?”
Lottie blinks up at him before her eyes search for her mama and dada. Next to Bucky is Steve smiling at her.
“Steebie.” She says while pointing at him. Bucky immediately pouts and that just sets her off into a fit of giggles.
After that Bucky keeps asking “who do you love more, mama or dada?”
And every time it’s:
“Nat Nat.”
Mall followed by a fit of giggles until Bucky realizes she just joking. It’s the first time she’s saying or doing something to get a reaction. Once Bucky catches on and starts laughing Lottie finally answers.
“Lobe dada. Lobe mama.”
And this man gets all teary eyed and just hugs his little girl so tight
Like this is him for days after Lottie says she lobes him:
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il-gualty1 · 2 years
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Desiderami, stremami, versami, sacrificami. Fa vacillare le cinte dei miei ultimi limiti...
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Minho: *burst into the medjacks' romm* Come quick! Thomas has fainted and he’s bleeding from his nose!
Jeff: Oh no! What happened??
Minho: *mumbles*
Cint: Sorry Minho, I’m going to need you to speak up. What happened??
Minho: …I showed off my arms
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vinnytheshapie · 5 months
[Cintagonisupset Drama Post] Siiiigh. Great, now Cube's involved.
Sorry to be posting about Cintagonisupset again, I know it's a repetitive topic on our page, but Cint's current bullshittery, which is accusing Iris of being Ableist and abusive, got on our Cube's nerves so badly that Cube had to respond and defend Iris.
How the fuck did you fuck up so badly that Cube HIMSELF has to come out an make a statement?!
the discourse posts accusing Iris
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Cube's response
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Extra note from Cube:
In no way is Iris ableist or abusive, and in fact, I've learned a few things from him (and still learning), and I'm quite fond of him. And the fact you're trying to spread discourse about our source, my friends from source, and my friends outside of source, has been grinding my gears.
I've watched and and kept my peace long enough. Probably longer than I should have.
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1ore · 2 years
glad genderbend discourse is largely behind us because i just thought about basedt but if sinta and makame were women and said "jesus christ" out loud
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elperegrinodedios · 8 months
Big Bang e Darwin: menzogne!!!
Moltissimi anni fa, Sir Isaac Newton, si fece costruire un modello in miniatura del nostro sistema solare. Al centro vi pose una grande sfera dorata che rappresentava il sole intorno alla quale giravano altre sfere più piccole che rappresentavano Mercurio, Venere, la Terra, Marte e tutti gli altri pianeti, fissate con dei bastoncini di diverse misure mosse con una sincronizzazione perfetta da altri ingranaggi composti da cinte e rotelle. Un giorno passò a trovarlo un suo amico che non credeva che il mondo fosse stato creato cosi come narra la Bibbia. Colpito dal modello e dall'esattezza di tutte le rotazioni di tali corpi celesti, esclamò: "Newton che opera stupenda!! Chi l'ha fatta?"
Senza alzare gli occhi, Newton rispose: "Nessuno".
Nessuno? Ripetè stupito l'amico.
"Proprio cosi. Tutti questi ingranaggi, queste cinghie e queste rotelle si sono messe insieme da sole e, meraviglia delle meraviglie, hanno cominciato a far ruotare tutte le sfere secondo le determinate orbite con una sincronizzazione perfetta".
Il non credente capì quello che Newton voleva dirgli. Era sciocco pensare che quel modello si fosse messo insieme da solo. Allo stesso modo, era ancora più assurdo accettare la teoria secondo la quale la terra e l'universo si fossero formati per caso.
lan ✍️
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writerofadream · 11 months
Can u either do Nat x Reader oneshots, or Clint x Reader oneshots.
And have a powered reader, with gravity manipulation
(seriously best power ever ngl)
Of course I shall, mi amor, I'll do whatever your heart desires. I'll be starting off with Natasha first!
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If I am being totally honest, you kind of didn't know what to think of Natasha Romanoff at the begining.
I mean how could you? She came up to you with her beautiful red hair and amazing voice.
You didn't know what to do!
But Natasha knew exactly what to think of you from the start.
Fury had told her exactly what you deal was and why you were there in the Avengers just like her.
You worked with Bobbi Morse, and when she went undercover at Hyrda... you did as well. But you didn't make it out.
A year later, a girl named Daisy Johnson pulled you out, and well the mess you had been undone to, wasn't pretty.
When you became even the slightest upset everything around you seemed to drop to the floor, people, animals, picture frames, food, the list went on.
So when you found out that SHIELD wanted more from you, that they wanted you to join the fucking Avengers?
"There ain't a chance in high Hades I'm going ANYWHERE, with you." Is exactly what you screamed at the poor intern assigned to picking you up.
... There's a chance that you may or may not have pushed him twenty feet away from you with a flick of your wrist very soon afterwards.
So Natasha came next.
Well, after an hour of... talking, you joined, and let me tell you, the ammount of god damn JOKES Tony made about you 'Shaking his world.' made you want to drop him through his building to the bottom floor, no scratch that, through the bottom floor.
When Natasha asked you out, it was- something to say the least.
Nat at 3 a.m: *Knocks on your door* You opening the door yawning: What the fuck- Nat quickly looking at a spot on the wall behind you: Do you want to go out yes, or no? You tired out of your mind: Sure? Nat: *slams door*
When you did start going out Clint and Tony made about a million bets (Who'd kiss the other first, etc.)
You did, you kissed her first, (cue sounds of Clint clapping in the background and Tony crying) and it seemed to be the only thing that kept your emotions in tact
Natasha loved you, she loved the way you looked at her, the way your mouth smiled, she loved each of your scars, she loved you, and that meant every part.
Now here comes the true oneshot time.
You were not a cuddler, but surprisingly, Natasha was, after the redroom and all that time with Drakov, and not truly ever knowing the way a loving touch felt, meant she loved whenever you held her, or whenever your shoulder brushed hers, any simple touch, made her so happy.
Natasha had a tiny secret, which was that she loved cooking, her best memories where when she was younger with Yelena, and her parents were at work so she'd cook up something special for her younger sister, but you on the other hand, were terrible at cooking, the one time Clint tried to convice you, you got so pissed off the entire refrigator began floating and getting suspiciously taller then Cint.
Nightmares were a common thing between the two of you, but on days were it was truly terrible, the entire bed would lift off the ground and you'd scream these horrible words, and when you woke up? All you'd do was stare at your hands and rock back and forth.
Natasha's nightmares on the other hand were always silent, but you weren't used to silent, the tower was always bustling even at nightime, no matter if it was the familiar pang on the window as Tony's pet project The Spider would come in to repair his suit, or if Clint was pacing in the vents, or if Thor and Loki were fighting over Uno... again, or if Steve and Bucky were sparring with Wanda, and finally Natasha's familiar snore, it was soft, but whenever it stopped you woke up quickly. When she woke up it was different, she'd wave you worried hands away and tell you nothing happened.
When you guys fought, it was deathly silent, aside from the gentle hum of raw energy in the air. If she was to blame you'd just stare at her and with a whisper of despair all you'd manage was "Why?" and if you were at fault you'd get the cold shoulder, she'd change bedrooms, and wouldn't tell you what you did wrong.
she proposed because god knows your not risking rejection from the god damn black widow of all people
Now it is Clint's turn.
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He screamed at you the first time you met.
Okay let me explain.
You had walked into the compound on your first day after a workout session at the gym, and it had been fucking four in the morning (You had sleep issues), and he was just laying half in-half out of the vents, and when his half opened eyes saw you...
Well he screamed.
Surprised by the action, a chunk of the wall fell down and you cursed, and made the concrete rise back into its place in the wall, and you stitched it together, Clint watching you silently the whole time.
When you finish, you give him a slight glare and walk off
Hes in love
Your hot, powerful, and hate him??? literally on his knees
He fell first, and he fell hard.
You didn't fall in love till around age of ultron.(at least that is what you told him)
But you ask him out first, and you do it at the worst time possible.
*during a fight* You as you bring down a building with a snap of your fingers: Just curious, you free saturday? Him blowing up some bad guys with his arrows: Yes- why? You: We're going on a date then and just wanted to make sure.
... does natasha give you the shovel talk?
one night you go to bed and wake up somewhere in the middle of isreal tied up with a large piece of paper sitting in front of you that says "fucking watch yourself."
and then y'know, u quicly become besties... somehow
clint hates it (but he likes that it makes you both seem brighter)
now heres the real oneshots
he's not the best with kids, but you are, yet kids make you worried
the first date is a movie and dinner
he doesn't visit your part of the tower till the fifth date ;)
after the loki incident and even before that nightmares were common with clint, he was even more paranoid the nat
there was a gun underneath his pillow, a smoke bomb on the dresser, a comprresed bow and 15 arrows in a basket by the bed
and ofc his gravity girl <3
(thats ur name on his phone)
(his name on urs is: hawkie xo)
he loves cooking, like it borderlines crazy,
"hey babe, do you want to go out tonight cause i dont wanna cook?"
clint crashing out of the vents screaming his head off: FUCK NO. IM ABOUT TO MAKE THE MOST SCRUMPTIOUS SHIT YOU'VE EVER TASTED
and then- and then somehow he does??
your a super big hugger, but he's not.
none of the avengers have noticed the fact u 2 r dating
steve catches the signs though
he notices the way you 2 act after rough missions
You had been ignoring everyone on the way home, the avengers has went after a sex trafficking ring and you had stumbled on a room full of what the children called 'the miss behaviors' it was a room full of twenty-three children dead, with one bullet in their heads.
Now you sat in the kitchen your head in your hands. "What can't the big bad, Gravitas, deal with it?" Clint teased. "Fuck you, Barton." You hissed at him, about to stalk upstairs. "Wow, the great Gravitas can handle everything but emotions can't she?" He laughed at you and Tony was about to tell him to screw off, but Natasha grabbed Tony's arm and shook her head.
Suddenly a kitchen knife flew at Clint and he deflected it quickly. "Oh come on, such a cry baby." He smiled wide and joyfull. You were standing in the hallway shaking quietly and when you turned around you were smiling.
You were fucking pissed. You launched yourself at him, and the entire compound shook. But Clint didn't return any of your punches. He either took them or blocked them.
Finally you just stood there, your fists clenched. "Come on gravity girl. You'll be alright." He whispers.
Then... you break.
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