#cipher ic
goddesstrolls · 10 months
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“- Oh, wonderful news! I’ve just found out, via an attempt on my life, that one of my previous employers has put a hit out on me for some fucking reason! )”
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
Button eyes for Cipher.
Button Eyes: whoever sends this has ownership of a voodoo doll especially made for my muse, and can inflict harm on them at will. Lasts as long as they want.
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> Something feels...Off, but you can't place it...
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OMG COOL NEW CHIBIVERSE SPECIAL EP GUYS 😱😱⁉️ it was was in that disney TVA leak but i never showed it 🥺
i liked when bunt and bip get Darc’s gaymer set up ruined and hilarity insues, they r all so silly 💖💖
like they didn’t have this go this hard like.. I STILL CANT BELIEVE THEY COLLABED WITH CN AT THE END..literally shed a tear because of it😭😭
[ Uh the last one took forever UAGHHHH💔💔like 13 hours bro the edits took like 1-2 max GRRR ]
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helicidal · 4 months
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he's pleased to see his likeness captured so accurately!
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equilateralromance · 11 months
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he floats into the piano bar & the whole place clears
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theautismgoblin · 5 months
Okay so in the Prohibited Wish server we were goofing off today, annnnddd I did some things!!!
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Some funni drawing I did!!
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More Good Omens au, also a Bil Cipher I drew cause someone said Chaos (which made them angy (like in a funni way))
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And the two fighting .... Well more like Demon Prismo instigating a fight and Angel Scarab choosing to start said fight. Also G!Scarab's weapon is a flaming mandible, and G!Prismo's weapon is a dice shaped like the time room (it was used in his Angel days to jumpstart stars with beams from the many openings)
And a New Au, which I'm calling the Snow Genie AU.. Where Prismo is the Ice King and Scarab is Betty (they kept their personalities though)
Scarab was human but then got hit with the mutugen stuff, and somehow survived.. He's in the future to get revenge on Prismo (where he steals Magic Man's powers)
Prismo is still lazy and not responsible, but the one responsible thing he did was try to raise Finn.
Where like Simon he left, but made sure Finn could survive on his own. Though the first gift Prismo gave Finn was the sword, which he found in a weird cellar (yeas it's the demon blood sword)
.. what else.. Oh yeah, so Finn does survive (he becomes a vampire and cause of his good nature, offs the vampires much like Marcy did.. but he doesn't have their abilities... Other than basic vampire stuff)
Prismo found a dog too.. which looks like Jake (he calls him Gunther tho, he is a son of an alien and does a bunch of weird stuff but doesn't talk)
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Also a first sketch of Magic Scarab, which is when I remembered I hate drawing human Scarab...
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loudlyhappycupcake · 4 days
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New Prophecy @shironezuninja @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @evander2511 @evaiskindaweird @bitter-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @sakulovejulius12 @serentiydraw5678 @miniaturejudgeturkeytree @cipedor @moonlighteclipse17 @bloodmoon24 @collector-noceda-clawthorne @cartoonfan21 @wolfie245 @violetrose-art @twiliartsdreams2017 @untitled14360 @bossbabyfan2 @moonlighteclipse17 @leo-x-u-raptor-fan @punk-63 @puffstarss @angrychenyu @hkthatgffan @patchcat-likeswolves @pastelmermaidgirl @fandom-4fans
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demifiendrsa · 8 months
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Official English translated author comments featured in Weekly Shonen Jump 2023 issue #45
One Piece chapter 1094 - Eiichiro Oda
Blue Box chapter 120 - Kouji Miura
Akane-banashi chapter 81 - Yuki Suenaga
Me & Roboco chapter 156 - Shuhei Miyazaki
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 238 - Gege Akutami
Two on Ice chapter 3 - Elck Itsumo
Sakamoto Days chapter 138 - Yuto Suzuki
Kagurabachi chapter 4 - Takeru Hokazono
Kill Blue chapter 24 - Tadatoshi Fujimaki
MamaYuyu chapter 5 - Yoshihiko Hayashi
Witch Watch chapter 128 - Kenta Shinohara
The Elusive Samurai chapter 128 - Yusei Matsui
Undead Unluck chapter 178 - Yoshifumi Tozuka
Nue’s Exorcist chapter 21 - Kota Kawae
Martial Master Asumi chapter 16 - Kawada
Mission: Yozakura Family chapter 197 - Hitsuji Gondaira
The Ichinose Family’s Deadly Sins chapter 43 - Taizan5
Ice-Head Gill chapter 14 by Ikuo Hachiya
Cipher Academy chapter 43 - Yuji Iwasaki
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draculiya · 3 months
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evil yuri
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aries-rp-corner · 4 months
Deep within her slumber, memories surfaced within Dimah’s mind. A familiar soft voice echoed as her memory cleared… It was Mira! Having a very concerning expression on her face…
“Are you certain that you and Sage wish to do this? We can’t afford anymore risks… we finally found what we were looking for.” Mira spoke worriedly, causing Dimah to sprout up with confidence.
“Heck yeah we got this! If I have to, I’ll do it all by myself!” The girl smiled big, while Sage rolled her eyes. “Besides, I want to at least give something to this Ghetsis guy! A mark will at least do!”
Mira looked hesitant at first, but caved in upon seeing the Commander’s confidence… reminding her so much of Kane’s when he first started out. “Oh… all right… but please be very careful! I don’t want anything happening to you…”
“Pssh! I’ll be fine! I can do this! You don’t have to look out for me that much now! C’mon Sage! We got work to do!” Dimah cheerfully spoke, as she and her fellow commander began their mission… but before leaving, Dimah looked back to Mira one last time as she gave a big smile, and Mira retuning her’s back… but that’s when the rest of her memories rushed back. The attack, the attempted escape… and… Strings?… She remembered being coiled by them, as they were squeezing her will into submission while dragging Dimah herself into the cold Abyss…
“Gah!!” The woman awoke in a panic while gasping and coughing for air. Believing she had crashed into cold water… thankfully it was a dream… unfortunately she slowly began to feel an familiar cold atmosphere. Trying to open her eyes at first was agony, due to feeling her head pounding with pain. “Ouch… What ever that jerk did… does it really have to hurt my head?… Ow..” She carefully opened her eyes to see a pale light hitting her, combined with shadows…
“WHA-?!” Dimah gasped as she rolled to her knees, and thanks to her surprised adrenaline she is able to view her situation…
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“Oh… Ooh… Shoot…” She nervously and angrily exhaled, studding her new environment to figure out how to escape again. Looking down to see her protective armor chest piece and power gauntlets are gone. Without her chest piece, her remaining armor won’t last that long without a power source. “Of course they’ll take those away… but… Where are my…?” Dimah noticed her Pokémon team were gone as well, even her Murkrow. It honestly struck her the hardest, but there was no time for that for now she has to plan her escape. Hopefully after she gets out, she’ll find her missing armor and get her Pokémon back…
Carefully getting up as she looked around to see if there was anyone in the room with her, while she steadily began to dig into her inner belt to get a pin out…“I know what will happen if that Guy or the Witch makes me talk… after that, I’ll be a popsicle or worse that’s for sure… my fate won’t end here…!” She quietly huffed as began to pick her bind, while having an earshot to whoever comes in or whoever is here…
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goddesstrolls · 7 months
Cypher, why are you so cute? stop that!
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"- Wh. )"
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"- Nh- Who just walks up and says that to someone? Weirdo. )"
>> Turn away, hovering your hands over your face. You'd scrub at your burning cheeks if you weren't wearing makeup.
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
> Alright, yeah, what you sleep in is basically a glorified cooler.
> You need something temperature-controlled, and while you’d like to sleep in your bed, the enclosed space is surprisingly cozy and you find drifting off to the chill is quite peaceful. Rather than shiver and ache, you just get lethargic, it becomes harder for you to keep your eyes open, and you drift off.
> There’s no point in bringing your phone with you. You’re out like a light, and no phone call or alarm could wake you. You wake up naturally when the temperature rises again.
> It scares you a little, honestly. You’ve never tested, but you don’t think you’d ever wake up if you stayed in the cold.
> But anyway! The not-cooler warms up to room temperature right at 7pm, and you climb out might like a rainbow drinker creeping out of their coffin. You aren’t expecting any messages except perhaps from work, and those can wait, so you go about with your usual evening routine of making coffee and plating a cut of raw beef. You kind of miss the ritual of cooking sometimes, so you just settle for making your meals look nice.
> After you eat, and as you’re finishing your coffee (Black and decaf, you like the bitter flavor) you finally check your phone.
> Only to see a message from Risori of all people, sent during the middle of the day no less.
> Oh, asking if you want more samples.
CT: -You’d better have grabbed those specimens.)
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hot-gremlin-pissboy · 2 months
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Wild goobers in ur area⚠️⚠️‼️‼️
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lucydoodles · 2 months
I bring you another drawing of those 3 dumbasses arguing about Ice Cream
I posted it in Video format on TikTok as well!
Font by Ashyslashy
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fordsixerpines · 6 months
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emiplayzmc · 1 year
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Made a logo for the Bad End Friends fandom last night for fun just because- Probably gonna change and edit it as time goes on but just thought I'd share this, :D
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