#cipher nine au
tiredassmage · 1 year
okay, no, actually I’m not at all normal about the idea of Cipher Nine!Quinn and I need to chew on this... somewhere. There’s so many layers to chew on here, where do I start? (The 800 layers to chew on inside of Imperial Agent’s storyline alone are like. skfkdsnlfksd)
Because how does that begin? My instinct would be... what if it’s Jadus that recruits him to begin with, taking him under after Drukenwell. Because does it appeal to Jadus that he disobeyed orders to serve the greater good of the Empire? That he was already after Voloren?
Jadus likes Nine because they’re new, right? They haven’t had too many outer influences clouding that potential to think on their feet, think for themselves. Catching Nine just as they get promoted to Cipher is the perfect opportunity.
And do you KNOW how delicious Quinn’s loyalties transcribed from what happens in the Warrior’s story onto that would be?? THAT’S what keeps me up at night!!! How siding with Baras was the logical choice for him as an Imperial officer because Baras had a proven track record of being powerful and successful and it was marginally less likely to get him killed or left disgraced again and was he going to risk going against a Dark Councilor?
What would that mean for him and Jadus? STARS, do I wanna know what that would look like for Quinn. Does he see Intelligence as the kind of ‘distraction’ to military service that the Minister did? Does he ultimately pledge loyalty to Jadus because he owes him and Quinn repays his debts? Or does he see Jadus as enough of a threat to the Empire that loyalty to the whole overrides loyalty to debts owed?
There’s SO FUCKING MUCH I WANT TO CHEW ON. Just putting Quinn in Nine’s shoes. And that’s not even going into the other shit that keeps me up at night if I simply add him to the equation alongside Tyr.
I might have to be insane enough to do a run with all of this in my brain.
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squoblereign · 6 months
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Out of the depths of Hell and back,
Us spawn of the black and white,
Clover our souls with robes of black,
And take up the arms of night!
Featuring different Hyde’s as the Lords in Black!
Pokey (the one in blue)- @drtomjackman
Tinky (the one in orange)- @ja9-animations
Wiggly (the one in green)- from The Glass Scientists
Blinky (the one in purple)- me!
And Nibbly (the one in pink)- @sunset-mp4
Now I’m going to focus on some other projects, but don’t worry! This isn’t the last time you’ll be seeing these guys! :)
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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“Nine won't kneel,” Eight says, the sickly sterile glass-bottle green of the interrogation room casting them in a garish light. 
Keeper frowns, all hard lines and age. The lamp swinging overhead casts his sharp features in angular shadows, deepening the discomfort meant for detainees. Currently, the room was empty: it was just an old man and his spy. “They will, if they know what is good for them.”
“They won't. You taught them to be that way,”  Eight points out with the needle-thin end of his pipe, sitting daintily atop the durasteel table as if it were a chaise lounge, “like a good little Imperial. But not enough to bow to the Sith. They have their pride. Their independence. That is why they are,” He pauses. “the best".
Keeper arches a fine brow.
His weekly talks with the Cipher before him were something he secretly looked forward to, though the subject themselves varied from political headaches to anything as mundane as the weather. It was perhaps the only time he was allowed to parse the mystery of the man who called himself Eight- an agent who wore the moniker of a dead woman, and all that the title carried.
Very few were afforded such instances. Fewer still could keep up with his machinations or his mind. His method bred more enemies than friends, and Keeper often found himself assigning the minimum personnel to Eight on account of his difficult behavior.
Insights like these were a gift.
“If I didn't know any better, I would call you envious, Agent. Why the sudden interest?”
“Is it considered strange to be interested in our counterparts now?” Eight smiles at him.
Keeper finds it reminds him of the false face of a poisonous insect: permanently at ease, painted on, artificial, yet a warning and an invitation all at once. The smoke curls from his pipe, accentuating the silence in the air. 
“No. Perhaps not.” Keeper replies, his hands still clasped behind his back. 
“I'm not going to interfere, if that's what you're asking.” 
Keeper pinches his thin nose bridge, the inflection in Eight’s voice alerting him prematurely to what was heading into unpleasant conversational territory of the migraine kind. Eight always did know how to read between the lines, and years of dancing around one another had made him adept at knowing the old man’s silence better than his words. “Not directly. We wouldn't be having this conversation at all if you weren't. In fact, I’m ordering you as of right now to do nothing.” He locks eyes with him, leaving no room for argument in the steeliness of his gaze. They stare at each other until the younger gives in.
“Bah, you're no fun,” Eight whines, turning away from him like a petulant child. 
Keeper shakes his head. Eight was a handful and liked to make it everyone else's problem; it was how he was. Yet beneath that slacking attitude was a blade more sharply honed than any other, and woe befall those who failed to recognize its glint before it was too late. It made him effective. Impersonal. His instincts were good, if not better than any other in their division, and this made him as destructive as a precision-guided missile yet as accurate to his goals as a dart striking center. 
Something to do with his ecology, Keeper recalled, though the specifics escaped him; Eight was Near-Human, yet found the Empire's distaste for aliens a “waste of time” and so waved the human-passing card more often than not. 
His appearance was once again, a falsehood. His identity, a convenient lie. They spoke of him in dead-end rumors and baseless whispers that made him more of a ghost story inside Intelligence than a service member, the most prominent of these stories being that he had once been a Chiss woman who surgically altered her appearance to escape her previous life. 
Eight did nothing to discourage it.
He never was one to follow the rules amidst Imperial rigidity, bending them every chance he was given and otherwise. Keeper suspected this was why the higher-ups kept him most cycles on Dromund Kaas- fearing he’d stray far out of bounds the minute they gave him any length of leash. For that, he and Keeper came to know one another very well.
By the time he’d returned to the present outside of the quagmire of his mental dossier on the agent, Eight had ditched all decorum to lie flat on his back atop the durasteel table with his folded hands cushioning the back of his head. Getting bored, it seemed.
“Credit for your thoughts?” Keeper asks, surprised by his own pleasant tone amidst the emptiness. 
Eight exhales lungs full of smoke in reply. He removes one hand from behind his shock of white hair to hold his pipe between two fingers- “like a Red Light District whore,” some of the more…derogatory members of their branch had said. Said members had since been disciplined and lectured on their poor choice of verbage, but Keeper was inclined to agree that even the smallest of his habits were quite suggestive- no doubt intentional on his part. He made no effort to hide it. What was taught had become second nature, and in Eight’s case, he saw no division between his personal self and that of a Cipher.
He taps the ash from the thin pipe on the side of the table, extinguishing the thin trail of smoke that indicated their time was up.
“Let's make a deal,” Eight says, propping himself up on his elbows to twist around and look at Keeper with a heady light in his fawn eyes. It was routine. He’d propose a game, and they’d play accordingly. It was easier than arguing over mission specifics where Keeper knew Eight would force his own way regardless, and so he appealed to his penchant for gambling and let chance decide what path the agent chose to follow. 
“Go ahead.”
“If Nine doesn't kneel, transfer the investigation of Jadus to me.”
Keeper pauses, the words dying on his tongue as he looks at his agent with nothing short of bewilderment. “What are you asking of me, Eight?” What could you possibly want from a man like that? goes unsaid between them, but Eight hears it in the stressed twitch of his lower lip, and smiles still. 
His current fascination with Jadus was nothing new, but ever since he’d missed the debacle of the elusive Sith arriving at headquarters he’d been quiet. Moody, even. Planning something was an understatement- whatever was brewing in his head had been for weeks. Keeper almost didn't want to know.
Eight doesn't elaborate. That was how the game was played. Rules and rewards. No questions.
“If Nine doesn't kneel,” He repeats slowly, “I won't lift a finger.”
Keeper sticks him with a look that could wither water. “You are making me bet against the house.” 
Eight shrugs. “It was your call.”
Keeper sighs- a deep one that comes from the depths of his diaphragm. Loathe as he was to admit it, Eight was right: Nine shone as a figure free from the manipulative claws of the Sith. Officers respected them for keeping their head unbowed- their quiet dignity made them the pride of Intelligence and that of the Imperial military. Those who stood up to their superiors were few and far in-between, and Keeper made it a point that Nine’s autonomy was to be protected. He had made it his life’s work to keep them free of their influence, in the hopes that their Empire could grow beyond their reach. 
So why was Eight asking this of him?
“I don't want you anywhere near him.” Keeper shoots him down, the risk too great to be worth considering. He would not lose two Ciphers to a megalomaniac. 
“Keeper.” Eight’s tone takes on a deadly gravity, one that Keeper recognizes as the calm before the storm. 
“No, Eight.” Keeper holds his ground, his eyes stormy. He jabs an accusatory finger at the younger operative. “I bit my tongue when he came. I let him into our operations. He took our best- I will not give him more.”
Eight goes nonverbal. When he meets his unchallenged gaze again, there is darkness dawning in his eyes.
“A warrior protects his people from those who come from beyond the stars,” He speaks in the familiar purr of Cheunh, alien from the throat of one who lacked their blue skin, and Keeper sucks in a sharp intake of breath at the horror that overtakes him.
“Do not bring her into this!”
“To fight those who mean our way of life harm,” He continues, steady, like a mantra. His eyes bore into Keeper, seeing beyond him, digging beneath his skin and gently cutting him open layer by excruciating layer with all that they see in the twist of his aged features- all that he does not say. 
“Keeper.” He repeats, sitting upright with his legs dangling. One hand grips the edge of the table, the other- to Keeper’s surprise and dismay, is extending his pipe to him in an offering for peace. He lets it swivel on the balance of his finger around, the mouthpiece facing Keeper. All the while, the set resolution of his gaze never leaves him, and Keeper glares at the item as if it offends him grossly.
Not out of anger towards his agent, but towards these Force-damned circumstances and the games they must play.
Keeper bites back a swear, taking the pipe from Eight’s outstretched fingers and stuffing it hastily into his thinly pressed lips. He inhales with all the professionalism of one exposed to far too many questionable substances in his youth and the desperation of a man who needs it for the days to come.
“I will use him, as he will use me. But if we do not take this chance to earn his trust, we risk losing the most powerful of allies we could gain.” Eight speaks smooth and low, his voice as delicate as garrote wire and twice as cutting to Keeper. “I will join him. It matters not whether he cares to have me by his side- only if I can turn his power into ours. Nine will not have to give themselves up.”
Keeper ruminates, though he hardly needs to. When it comes to risk and beings of immense danger, no one is better suited. He saw the way Nine stiffened at Jadus’ selection, the way the pain and suffering of the rest of Intelligence affected them. Jadus would break them. 
Eight on the other hand, had nothing left inside to break. 
He spits out a stream of smoke through the corner of his mouth- quick and unpleasant, to show his dissatisfaction. Keeper turns the pipe back over to Eight. His eyes speak of regret. “Damn you. Damn you and him.”
“Curse me later,” Eight says, lighting a weak flame beneath his pipe, “you haven't even seen how the dice rolls.”
Nine limps out of Jadus’ office smelling of burnt fabric and ozone. Their pride is in tatters, for what good they did to preserve it. 
Eight watches from afar, hidden as blue collar personnel melted into the backdrop of the Sith sanctuary. 
He touches a finger to his private comm.
“It’s my win, Keeper.”
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bluezeri · 2 years
Do you have more of that twin Imperial agent au? Has that Cipher met Satele Shan?
ok so! idk if u saw it already but i have a little bit written here
still have more stuuf tho so
kaavi hasnt technically met satele shan- formerly at least. hes seen her in passing on missons, he was sure to stay out of sight then, but other than that, he only really met her on rishi.
satele could feel it in the force, but she didnt know right away. she was confused by it but focused on the meeting they were having right then. it was only as she was about to leave did she realize, and looked at cipher nine, who felt her gaze and looked back at her, and only nodded once. that was when she knew.
and at that point, both lana and theron know that he looks exactly like theron, but that it. they dont know anything else, and kaavi is avoiding giving information at all costs. he doesnt want to have to deal with it, so he redirects their attention to their mission until after the meeting, where they discuss plans for yavin, and he just fucking books it out of there. he does let them speak to ask questions, and by the time they get to yavin, they dont have time to question it anymore.
and since kaavi is always wearing helmet, they kinds just forget about it after everythings done. and kaavi figures he might as well, and finds theron sitting down near the cliff, taking a moment to breath before shit hits the fan again. and he sits down next to him, takes off his helmet and doesnt say anything. theron doesnt either for a moment, before he finally speaks up asking why they look alike. and kaavi is kindof surprised satele didnt say anything but explains regardless. and theron is just kindof sitting there bc what the fuck.
and then kaavi gets up ready to leave and theron is just "hey. hey no. no no no u dont get to leave. we're twins-"
"on opposite sides of the war. or did you forget that this peace on yavin was temporary"
and theron doesnt quite know what to say that. kaavi sighs and places his hand on therons shoulder. "youre... a good person theron. a better person than i will ever be. im sorry." he turns around, heading back to his ship. theron doesnt call after him. and thats the end of it. theyre enemies,the only way theron would ever see him again was on the battlefield blowing each other brains out.
and then ziost happens.
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abysskeeper · 1 year
How has been Trick's relationship with the Empire? As far as I've gotten, she got sold into Imp Slavery before being picked by the Jedi, which does grant a very good cause to hate them without quarter, but also she has made friends on the other side, plus her experience on the Alliance must have tempered any lingering passions against it? Where does she stand now?
Oh, this is a fun question, if not a little disappointing of an answer. Thanks though!
Remember how I said I enjoyed desperately, spitefully hopeful stories? Yeah. So Trick was born into slavery, which is sort of an important distinction because, while her two older brothers and her parents remembered a life beyond Dromund Kaas, she never knew anything else before she escaped as a young teen. Despite that...Trick never really hated the Empire as a whole. Her abusers? Yes. The systemic oppression that allowed this to happen to her? Yes. But the Empire as a whole? No.
Or, at least by the time she joined the Order, she mellowed into a much more balanced viewpoint. For one, she absolutely refuses to be another round in a cycle of hate and violence--this is sometimes to her detriment, but in this case it actually gives her a bit of clarity in not seeing the Empire as one huge conglomerate and instead considering the individuals within it.
For two, she's aware that many of those individuals were in similar circumstances to her, and are either just as trapped in an oppressive society as she was, or wound up broken when they broke their own chains (and she cannot blame anyone for falling to the Dark Side in that environment).
And for three, she takes a much more balanced approach to the Light and Dark debate of the Force, and holds steady to the belief that one can't exist without the other. Thus, she doesn't want to see the Empire destroyed so much as she wants to see it change (because yeah...she does genuinely hate the whole slavery and conquering angle). Besides, she readily acknowledges the Empire has its merits, the same way the Republic has its faults.
So, by the time she hits the Alliance, her views are already pretty mild towards the Empire and they remain that way. The Alliance is everything she's ever wanted (Nadia's return and seeing the Alliance is like...the most canon conversation ever for Trick) and the Imperials who are with her are obviously the kind of people she always knew were in the Empire and wanted to see changes happen for anyways. Her true ire has always been towards the Hutts, and her falling out with the Republic during KOTET gives her way more grief than the Empire ever does.
Though, it should be noted that her friends on the other side (not counting the canon divergence @gothamcityneedsme and I have going on) consist of my canon BH Hayden, whom she met on Nar Shaddaa right after her escape (so well before he was a hunter and she was a Jedi), and who holds absolutely zero loyalty to the Empire or to the Mandalorians, and my sometimes canon Inquisitor/otherwise Sith assassin Raz, who was a fellow slave and who holds...surprisingly similar ideals regarding the Empire and its need for change.
The only Imperial she really befriended after becoming a Jedi was Lana, and their closeness kind of just proved to her how the whole divide and wishing for the Empire's destruction was pointless in the first place.
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namizu · 6 months
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cipher nine au vi is a rare delight (?)
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trashytoastboi · 1 month
🦖X-Drake Masterlist🦖
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🦖 Fluff Alphabet: Law, Kid, X-Drake – C, P, Y
🦖 Fluff Alphabet: X-Drake, Sabo – L, M, F
🦖 Scenario: X-Drake x S/O who suffers from chronic knee pain and is having a flare up.
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake finding and eating his Devil Fruit
🦖 Headcanons: Young! X-Drake using his Devil Fruit abilities for the first time
🦖 Fluff Alphabet: X-Drake - E, G, I
🦖 Headcanons: Law, Kid, X-Drake - Reacting to their crew throwing them a surprise party 
🦖 Fluff Alphabet: X-Drake - A, K, T
🦖 Headcanons: Roommate Au! X-Drake and Trafalgar Law as Roommates; Noir Detective AU! X-Drake and Trafalgar Law as partners.
🦖 Headcanons: Sanji, X-Drake, Hawkins, Apoo - with F! Keyblade wielder
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake stargazing with his S/O
🦖 Headcanons: College AU! X-Drake and Law
🦖 Headcanons: Ace, Luffy, Law, X-Drake – With extremely kind, caring and protective S/O
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Sanji, Doflamingo – Reacting to a guy who is actually a cross-dressing woman
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Law, Zoro – At an amusement park with their S/O 
🦖 Headcanons: Modern AU! Hawkins, X-Drake and Bonney with S/O who is new to driving
🦖 NSFW Headcanons: X-Drake
🦖 Headcanons: North Blue Boys – Sanji, Law, Hawkins, Drake at a sleep over 
🦖 Headcanons: Ace, Law, X-Drake – with F! Reader who sings to express her feelings and they accidentally discover her crush via song
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Smoker, Doflamingo, Katakuri reacting to discovering their S/O is a sea dragon
🦖 Headcanons: Law, Hawkins, Sanji, X-Drake at a Sora convention
🦖 Scenario: X-Drake #14. Wildcard - #13. You are my love
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Zoro, Kid with S/O who has trouble falling asleep
🦖 Headcanons: #37. Hostclub AU – Law, X-Drake, Kid 
🦖 Headcanons: Modern AU! Sabo, X-Drake, Law as celebrities
🦖 Short Scenarios: X-Drake #3. You’re endearing when you’re half asleep; Law #4. I’ll stay up with you; Hawkins #5. Can I hold your hand? 
🦖 NSFW Scenario: X-Drake #25. Domination
🦖 Short scenarios: X-Drake, Doflamingo x Short! F! S/O 
🦖 Short Scenario: X-Drake cuddling with his S/O 
🦖 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, X-Drake with S/O who can be very emotional
🦖 Headcanons: Smoker, Aokiji, X-Drake, Doflamingo discovering their S/O is a nine tailed fox
🦖 Headcanons: Sabo, Law, X-Drake with S/O who is afraid of the dark
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Corazon x F! Marine! - Back when they were still marines
🦖 Scenario: X-Drake x Male! S/O – Meeting his S/O who possesses a Zoan devil fruit for the first time (Tori Tori no Mi: Model: Rooster)
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake x Dino Fan S/O who asks to take a ride on his allosaurus form
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Law, Kid x S/O – Reacting to their S/O cutting their long hair to them during a fight
🦖 Scenario: X-Drake x S/O - Antics of a Dinosaur Suit
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake with his Devil Fruit
🦖 Headcanons: Modern AU! – North Blue Boys (Sanji, Law, X-Drake, Hawkins) sharing a house.
🦖 Headcanons: Sabo, X-Drake, Law x S/O who used to be a Cipher-Pol Agent
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake, Law, Luffy with S/O making a wish on a shooting star 
🦖 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Sabo, X-Drake x Friend! Reader who has the Friend’s Power ability. 
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake x Male! S/O Finding out he was a slave
🦖 Headcanons: Law, X-Drake, Sanji, Ace x Shy! S/O that loves affection
🦖 Headcanons: Dad AU! Drake with a son 
🦖 Headcanons: Modern AU! North Blue Boys – Sanji, Law, Hawkins, X-Drake - Running a coffee shop
🦖 Short Scenario: ABO AU! Alpha! X-Drake x Omega! Reader - #11. Nesting
🦖 Headcanons: X-Drake with a young daughter who is learning how to use Devil Fruit Powers
🦖 Headcanons: Beta! Ace, Law, X-Drake x Beta! S/O - #2. “You’ll make a wonderful parent”
🦖 Headcanons: Yandere! X-Drake
🦖 Headcanons: Hawkins, Fujitora, X-Drake with F! S/O who shows affection through giving gifts because she is afraid to initiate physical contact.
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serenofroses · 10 months
Nevrakis Legacy Characters List.
Here is a full list of the characters apart of the Nevrakis Legacy and those you may find on the Star Forge server. Wanted to create a separate post to fill my characters up with images and links.
placeholder here for toyhouse character detailed profiles coming soon bc i'm not great with words and detailed information like most of my followers do ahaha. [goes to shame corner]
Reminder this legacy is strictly heavy canon divergent. So please don't come at me and bitch to me about how I'm not following canon to appease you, thank you.
The Characters (so far):
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Kritanta (Sevket Nevrakis)
class story arc: Sith Warrior, main oc. // spec: Juggarnaut, offensive tank.
species: Sith Pureblood // age: unknown (rumoured to be 150+ years old) // pronouns: he/him
love interest: Darth Vowrawn
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan
tags: #oc: kritanta, #otp kritanta x darth vowrawn
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ingame name: Krîtanta
note: Kritanta is one of my three oldest ocs and is the father to Ania and Jazz.
Anastasia "Ania" Nevrakis, aka Cipher Nine.
class story arc: Imperial Agent, main oc. // spec: Sniper with a mesh of operative's vibroknives abilities into it.
species: Miraluka-Sith Pureblood hybrid. // age: 24 at the start of class story. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): Darth Marr and Darth Jadus.
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan and Visas Marr.
tags: #oc: ania nevrakis, #otp ania x darth marr, #otp ania x darth jadus, #poly otp ania x marr x jadus
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ingame name: Ania Nevrakis (impside), Anya Nevrakis (repside)
note: Ania is the daughter to Kritanta and Vowrawn.
Jazmyn "Jazz" Nevrakis.
class story arc: Jedi Knight, main oc. // spec: Assassin.
species: Miraluka-Sith Pureblood hybrid // age: 24 at the start of class story. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest: Tau Idreius
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan and Visas Marr.
tags: #oc: jazmyn nevrakis, #otp jazz x tau
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ingame name: Jazmyn Nevrakis (my other Jazz who already finished Old Wounds needs a rename or I can just catch up instead to save ccs)
note: Jazz is the daughter to Kritanta and Vowrawn.
Darth Vowrawn (Kavi Biswas)
class story arc: Sith Inquisitor, secondary protag // spec: Sorcerer
species: Miraluka-Sith Pureblood // age: around the age of 60. // pronouns: he/him.
love interest: Kritanta.
kotor bloodlines: Visas Marr
tags: #ch: darth vowrawn, #otp kritanta x darth vowrawn
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ingame name: Vöwrawn
note: Vowrawn is transman and is biological father to Ania and Jazz.
Darth Marr (Eivor Darach)
class story arc: Imperial Agent, secondary protag. // spec: Juggarnaut, defensive tank.
species: Zabrak. // age: in their early 40s. // pronouns: she/her, they/them.
love interest: Ania Nevrakis (main) and Darth Jadus (polytriad au).
kotor bloodlines: [REDACTED]
tags: #ch: darth marr, #otp ania x darth marr
ingame name: Marrvellous
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Taurai "Tau" Idreius
class story arc: Jedi Knight, secondary protag. // spec: Guardian, defensive tank.
species: Mirialan // age: 28 at the start of class story. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest: Jazmyn Nevrakis.
kotor bloodlines: Bastila Shan and Disciple (Mical).
tags: #oc: taurai idreius, #otp jazz x tau
ingame name: Taurai Idreius
(originally intend to be Tau Idair but I wanted to do mirialan au and give me creative freedom for ideas)
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Darth Jadus (Sanja Vitali)
class story arc: Imperial Agent, tertiary protag. // spec: mesh of Assassin and Sorcerer
species: Zeltron-Sith Pureblood. // age: in their late 30s or early 40s. // pronouns: she/her, they/them.
love interest(s): Ania Nevrakis (romantically) and Darth Marr (fuck buddy).
kotor bloodlines: Tenebrae
tag: #ch: darth jadus, #otp ania x darth jadus, #poly otp ania x marr x jadus
ingame name: Jadus Vitali
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Darth Lachesis (Marta Vitali)
class story arc: ome of the villains // spec: Sorcerer
species: Echani-Sith Pureblood. // age: in their late 30s. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): None so far.
kotor bloodlines: Tenebrae
tag: #oc: darth lachesis
ingame name: Lachesis Vitali
(originally intend to be Darth Lachris but I went and retconned her to be my own oc with designs for personal reason)
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Seleni Daru (formerly Lord Venera)
class story arc: Jedi Consular, supporting oc. // spec: Shadow
species: Twi'lek-Sith Pureblood. // age: unknown (rumoured to be 150+ years old) // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): TBA. (romancing Felix Iresso ingame)
kotor bloodlines: Darth Revan and Yuthura Ban Daru
tag: #oc: seleni daru
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ingame name: Seleni Daru
note: Seleni is the half sister to Kritanta as they share same trans mom.
Zeki Rivas
class story arc: Smuggler, supporting oc. // spec: Gunslinger
species: Human. // age: in his late 30s. // pronouns: he/him.
love interest(s): TBA
kotor bloodlines: Carth Onasi.
tag: #oc: zeki rivas
ingame name: Zeki Rivas
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Jinan Secura
class story arc: Republic Trooper, supporting oc. // spec: Mercenary
species: Twi'lek. // age: in his early 30s. // pronouns: he/him.
love interest(s): Elara Dorne.
kotor bloodlines: Zaerdra Secura.
tag: #oc: jinan secura
ingame name: Jinan Secura
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Lexine Sivron
class story arc: Bounty Hunter. // spec: Mercenary
species: Twi'lek. // age: unknown. // pronouns: she/her.
love interest(s): TBA. (is Mako even avaliable for female Hunter? edited: sadly not, oh well)
kotor bloodlines: Teer'aa.
tag: #oc: lexine sivron
ingame name: Lexine Sivron
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ciphernull · 11 months
A master list of my current cast of SWTOR characters, organized for… organizational purposes. Liable to change and expand over time, as I am a fiend for alts and AUs.
(Detailed individual character pages will be set up and linked to in the future, brain permitting.)
DRAL'ES'KOVOS / ALESKO // Chiss - Imperial Agent - Sniper // [tag] The former Cipher Nine, now a ghost agent under the alias ‘Null’. Aloof, enigmatic, professional. Working through the trauma of his militant upbringing, one sarcastic quip at a time.
RUL SERA'ATH // Twi'lek - Sith Inquisitor - Sorcerer // [tag] Darth Nox. Least qualified Dark Council member, and determined to make that everyone’s problem. Vengeful, arrogant, and obnoxiously resistant to learning from his own mistakes.
VEX KORVA // Human (Cyborg) - Bounty Hunter - Scoundrel // [tag] Product of cybernetic experimentation. Ex-military--unclear as to which side. Mostly looks out for himself and his crew. Surprisingly easygoing, unless he decides you’re a threat.
DRUSIR // Sith Pureblood - Sith Warrior - Marauder // [tag] (WIP) Backstory eludes me yet. Stoic, steadfast, and impressively rational for a Sith, but loses all composure in the heat of battle.
RHOEN VARR // Cathar - Bounty Hunter - Gunslinger // [tag] Cartel enforcer turned freelance mercenary, carving a path of blazing gunfire through the galaxy’s underworld. Cocky, crass, and lays looking for a thrill. Fond of dangerous beasts.
ANSU'NHA'SETE / SUNHASE // Chiss - Trooper - Powertech // [tag] War orphan, rescued and informally adopted by Havoc Squad. Raised to be a first class soldier, and proud of it. Confident, loyal, fearless, and heartbreakingly optimistic.
HESKAN VOH // Mirialan - Jedi Knight - Guardian // [tag] Golden boy of the Jedi Order, struggling to live up to his newfound expectations. Soft-spoken, kind-hearted, and dutiful to a fault. Secretly yearns for freedom.
RK-6 // Droid - Smuggler - Mercenary // [tag] Woke up in a derelict ship with no crew and no memory. Searching the galaxy for answers. Friendly, but blunt. Any obstacles in his way tend to explode spectacularly.
K'JET // Cathar - Jedi Consular - Shadow // [tag] (WIP) Currently following his sister around, trying desperately to keep her out of trouble. Sharp-tongued and cynical, but thoughtful and sentimental beneath his prickly exterior.
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Ok for the wrapped asks: 7, 16, and 32?
7 — Skin (Oingo Boingo)
THE DARRHUNTER SONG……. i could go on for fucking years abt the siren song this fuckign thing poses as to me. what the fuck
16 — Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Tears For Fears)
MORE DARRASH SONG basically like. some kinda overview of his life with the empire, from the day hes kidnapped all the way to him choosing to delete cipher nine and fade back into nothingness while acting as a shadow cipher :(
32 — Below the Surface (Griffinilla)
oh look more darrash song, this was mostly about the shadow town au where darrash basically washes out as Too powerful for intelligence to handle so he gets sent to basically federal daycare prison as a “surveillance force” but hes just as stuck as they are. it turns out that someone already inside has eyes on him too and tries to take him by force via his castellans but hunter beats them to the punch by a hair :)
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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new look for ya boy 👀
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azems-familiar · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love <3
i was tagged by @prowlingthunder, thank you my dear!
okay. hm. here we go
he said son, can you play me a memory: five times lan wangji stumbled upon wei wuxian playing the flute, and one time wei wuxian was playing just for him (mdzs, wangxian, teen, 21k)
still my heart is heavy (with the hate of some other man's beliefs): Cipher Nine (Illami) travels to Nar Shaddaa to meet Ardun Kothe (swtor, sunlight canon, gen with background relationships, teen, 8k)
it's better to love, whether you win, lose, or die: Cassus Fett and Te Ani'la Mand'alor, the night before the battle of Dxun (kotor, cassus/mandalore, mature, 4k)
war has let this age begin (it's where we've gone and where they've been): the Mandalorian Wars, from Revan Adarii's point of view (kotor, revalek, teen, 111k)
and, of course, i have to include the hp au, if only for the massive amounts of worldbuilding we're putting into it
sharing beds like little kids (but that will never be enough): Revan and Alek's years at Hogwarts (cowritten with AC/ipreferfiction) (kotor/swtor/hp fusion, revalek and background relationships, teen for now but may go up to mature for uhhh dark themes, WIP - 81k)
tagging: @ipreferfiction @voiceofthetraveler @sith-shenanigans @darthsassacre aaaand @genovianxprince
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eorzeashan · 1 year
thinks. Funny how the most Imperial-compliant yet LS/Neutral-coded agent I had ended the class story with DS 3 yet the same DS-coded agent who broke all bounds ended with LS 2. This means something.
You're telling me the Nine who was 'good' on the outside and existed in pragmatic realism while taking a path that Intelligence was proud of and sticking to the rules had more blood on their hands than Eight, who was seen as flawed and mistaken even 'evil' at times for abandoning the Imperial path and their comrades but saved far more lives in the end by playing the outlier and the villain? Interesting.
Not all angels come clad in white, I suppose, and beware the evil that lurks in the light. I think Nine's unwillingness to challenge the status quo inadvertently hurt more by having his hands tied by the usual Imperial hampering and trying to mitigate damage instead of actively preventing it due to his knowledge and fear of the forces above him, while Eight was willing to be brave and burn down those foundations if it meant turning the tide. In the end, the 'Keeper' way of doing things couldn't stop the bad from happening- only figure out how to scrape what little was left and keep going with it and I think that shapes a huge part of a Cipher Nine who takes after his methods. Save what remains, protect what you can and don't stick your neck out, wait for your opportunity... all that is very cautious and very much the style he wants you to adopt, as does the story. Resisting all that borders on self-destructive as seen in Eight and puts your fate in unstable hands, but he could at least break that cycle of being used and then discarded to the last drop.
It's changed my perspective on what alignment means for the agent when you can have two vastly different runs where being compliant saves more of your own skin while giving up your personhood... saves everyone else.
Relevant quote from FGO that makes me think about the dichotomy between both my agent iterations:
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bluezeri · 2 years
On that note, where did your Theron look alike agent’s scar come from?
oh ho hoh o hoo ive given this man so much trauma >:DD
so! essentially, kaavo has been training to be agent since like. a soon as he could walk. its not great. point is, hes one of the youngest agents out there, and was went on his first mission when he was 16, and the mission was a success, but it had a high cost. it would have been a disaster no matter what choice was made, but the sith that was overseeing the mission was like no and took out kaavi eye (and like half his face godamn) with their lightsaber. he has to get a prosthetic eye.
no one knows about this except keeper. he doesnt exactly plan on telling anybody either
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keldae · 10 months
Writer’s Month 2023: Day Six
word: surf | setting/AU: backpacking AU
Ord Mantell wasn't known for its beaches or great swimming holes, especially in the region where Corso had grown up. He wasn't a coward, but he still dubiously eyed the wild waves pounding the beaches of Raider's Cove on far-away Rishi, then the tall board beside him. "You sure this is a good idea, Cap'n?"
"Of course!" Korin cheerfully grinned at his first mate while holding up his own surfboard. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Corso looked back out at the waves. "We both drown an' die? Or get eaten by whatever's hidin' in the water?"
"C'mon, where's your sense of adventure?"
"Somewhere I can take Torchy!"
"Aw, c'mon, Riggs! Surfin' can't be that hard to figure out!"
"Maybe for someone with your uncanny sense of balance," Corso retorted. "Us normal folk don't have that."
"Most of everyone else doesn't have the Force either," Korin pointed out. He looked out to the waves, watching other surfers riding over the ocean. "An' they're all doin' fine!"
Corso dubiously eyed the surfers. "... Let's see you do it first," he said. "I'll stick here in case you need a rescue or something."
Korin rolled his eyes. "Fine, just to show you there ain't nothing to fret about." Hoisting up his surfboard, he jumped out into the ocean and started paddling his way into deeper water, where the waves rose taller and more dangerous.
"I got a bad feeling about this," Corso muttered, watching his captain and best friend swim out to sea. He managed to keep his eyes on Korin's sun-bleached hair, watching as the spacer finally decided he was out far enough, then turned his board around as another wave started rolling in. For a few seconds, as he got to his feet and started riding the wave in to the shore, he seemed to be doing okay…
Then the wave revealed itself to be one of the towering monsters of the tide, rising up dangerously high behind Korin as it barrelled toward shore. Corso, even at this distance, could almost see the alarm on his captain’s face as the other spacer realised he’d perhaps gotten himself in over his head. One other experienced surfer disappeared under the crest of the wave, then another – then Korin’s blond head disappeared. Indulging in a few choice expletives that he’d picked up during his time in the Peace Brigades, Corso abandoned his surfboard to run in the direction where he’d last seen Korin, inwardly planning what obligatory nice things he would have to say at the other man’s memorial service (if he survived that long, after telling Cipher Nine or Darth Imperius or Master Xaja what happened).
His heart leaped into his throat when he saw a familiar tanned body get washed up on shore, surfboard somehow still close by (he blamed Korin’s Force-usage, later). A moment later, his fear turned into exasperation when Korin rolled over, sat up, spat out a mouthful of water, and let out a loud whoop. “What a ride! Did you see that wave, Corso?”
“I saw you go down in that damned wave!” Corso indignantly said. “You smack your head falling off your board or something?”
Korin laughed (if perhaps a little more shakily than usual) and got to his feet, retrieving his surfboard. “Hells, that was a blast! Let’s go for another one!”
“Not on your kriffing life, Cap’n!”
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voidendron · 1 year
Signature Void Ramblings™️: Apocalypse AU Edition
-Same as Modern AU, they're all human in this one. It's a zombie apocalypse, but I'm undecided if I want it to be a parasite (like those freaky ant mind-controlling ones), parasitic fungus(?) like Last of Us, or virus like a lot of zombie media.
-Terra (Terrin/Grand Champion) and Sylas (Synnda/Barsen'thor) lead the group. Terra is more the face and voice of leadership, while Sylas keeps things organized and does the negotiating with other survivor groups.
-Their group took over a prison as their home. They always have at least one person on watch in one of the watchtowers.
-Some members have taken to wearing riot gear, or at least parts of it, that they found in the prison. Some were put away waiting to be needed, others they got off corpses as they cleared the place out.
-Some people are immune to the virus/parasite, while a very small percentage aren't immune, but also don't show any symptoms. These people are called carriers and can be incredibly dangerous since it's nearly impossible to tell if they're simply immune, or carrying it and can spread it to others. Azaria (Azan/Wrath) is a carrier, so wears head-to-toe riot gear so her blood/spit/sweat doesn't touch anyone else. Carriers are ignored by zombies.
-Some people can get lucky and their immune systems will fight off the infection, though they'll be extremely ill during that time. Those few who have fought it off are likely to become immune, or at least have an increasingly easier time fighting it off. They can pass on the infection while ill.
-Sylas learned he was immune only way after having his arm cut off to avoid infection after a bite. He wields a fireax, and uses it almost as an extension of his remaining arm. His aim when he swings it is deadly accurate.
-Most survivors outside of their group believe Vince (Varrich/main Trooper) lost his hand to avoid a bite infection. He actually lost it to another survivor in a fight over supplies and is immune to the infection. Now, he's got a makeshift prosthetic that Leo made him that gives him a blade in place of the missing limb. One of the main scavengers, he usually takes up the rear of a party to watch their backs.
-Xander (Xaerez/Cipher Nine) uses a riot shield. Most of his skills are in ranged combat, so he uses the shield to protect himself while he looks for an opening to use his knife when forced to melee. Acts as the group's primary lookout, as well as aerial support when possible - usually by getting g up in a tree, or multi-story building, and using a sniper rifle.
-Leo (Knight) works on the group's defenses, and builds prosthetics for those who she can do so for. First one at the gate with her club readied when there's intruders - of both the living, or undead, varieties.
-Kai (Qizulth/Darth Nox) is another scavenger. His eye for detail makes him incredibly useful in finding things they could use at the prison.
-their numbers mean they can more easily gather things that would be harder for smaller groups. They use this to trade their own goods for things like crops, furs, and once even got a pretty good generator out of a deal.
-uhhhhhh I've got more but gotta work rip
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