entropii · 2 years
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Weird creatures and every named recurring character is a little bit sad
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hejirmewij · 7 months
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Geceye tavrımız nettir.
Bêjee Ciwanê delal bêje bila şev xirabe
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bybekes · 2 years
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Bazı duyguları nasıl dile getireceğini bilemezsin
Sadece bir şarkı açarsın ve dinlersin
Ve bazı şeyleri halledemezsin..
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sehnis · 6 months
[ spotify ] [ lyrics ] [ song of the week playlist ]
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feza · 2 years
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gazetelinkmedya · 2 years
O sadece bir sanatçı değil, bir umuttu: Ciwan Haco
O sadece bir sanatçı değil, bir umuttu: Ciwan Haco
O sadece bir sanatçı değil, bir umuttu: Ciwan Haco (Sanatçı Diljen Ronî’nin sanatçı Ciwan Haco ile yaptığı, Duvar gazetesinde yayımlanan Kürtçe söyleşinin çevirisidir) Kürt sanatçı Ciwan Haco’nun yeni şarkısı ‘Vejin’ yayınlandı. Haco, bu şarkıda ilk kez kızıyla birlikte söyledi. Haco’nun yeni şarkısı ve önceki albümleri hakkında konuştuk. Eserlerinde müzikalite açısından döneminin çok…
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yellosnacc · 6 months
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Welcome to a long one.
The Ciwan empire is the fastest-growing sloman power ever since the war of continents and the first to discover a form of gunpowder (thanks to their enemies being uniima lls who have been using it long before).
But even with that advantage (among slomen), the Ciwan armies are iconic for a different reason. That being the Kuiqua-trained units that Sun-cutters come from.
These units have traditionally existed for hundreds of years but are slowly just becoming a symbol for show because of the political and battling changes in the world. However, you will still see them from time to time ripping people to pieces.
Just like the majority of sloman military groups the unit relies on intense teamwork, they need constant communication and preplanned routes to deal with the opposing strategy.
The simplified average scene might look something like this:
In one unit of 30 members, three strikers (Sun-cutters) make a plan with their scholars and commanding Fire-catchers (Seconds leaders). After getting to the war zone they wait for their window in which some members spy or communicate with deeper army spies. When they know their target and best strategy they get in. The strikers use hand gestures, clicks, or whistles to save energy while the Seconds forward the orders to the rest with "ground's" (war language), wooden whistles see more use in very large units. Many times, however, often just seeing the movement of the sun-cutters is enough for the whole group to act.
Strikers will sometimes wait behind their heavies (Beasts) if their force isn't necessary (units can be as few as 5 members or as many as 50, the two extremes work very differently). Once the situation calls for it, they bullet their targets, often stabbing talons first and tearing muscles in a swift motion. This may happen multiple times as other unit members engage in direct battle with the target/s or disarm them with specialized tools. Kuiqua units both kill and capture, having healing supplies on their heavies if they need to make sure their target doesn't bleed out (or their own soldiers).
All members of the Kuiquan unit are priests of different levels but all are priests of the dead (ones that speak for their ancestors rather than gods). It's believed lands conquered with these soldiers present will flourish with life. Many former battlegrounds have turned into gardens and crop fields (hopefully they don't keep this up when landmines are invented).
To the image. What you see is a small variety of soldiers. Beasts and fire-catchers have other names and features in their armor that they are known for based on all their roles that can often switch between fights. Only Sun-cutters truly have one name.
Fire-catchers are also sometimes strikers in training and may move up if they prove themselves. Though, more often Sun-cutters rise from the ranks of regular taloned soldiers with enough talent.
As mentioned in the image, Sun-cutters tend to be very prideful. Their helmets are an impractical mess that pushes their ears forward. A Ciwan Sloman's ears are very important to them and if they are damaged it's a career-ending event. Still, almost no strikers bind their ears, not wanting to be shamed for cowardness.
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an ex-striker
here is the whole picture if you prefer it big
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Btw, Kuiqua is the city Neal lives in. He has met or been arranged to meet these units multiple times since Neal himself is stuck classified as a fancy soldier. They are also not uncommon around temples, small talk is required.
Thank you for reading this far! Next I must answer the questions of biology. This has taken me 50 000 years.
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sidaramed00 · 6 months
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W'an for vendetta 👑🇹🇯
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Suna Alan diye yeni bir sanatçi keşfetim.
Neyse sarkıyı açtım annemin yanında dinliyorum.
Annem bu şarkıyı ıgdırda düğünlerde çalarlardı dedi
Bana nedense Serhat'a bu şarkının çalınması ilginç geldi..
Suryanilerin o tarafta işi ne yada o dönemde halk süryanileri ne bilsin dedim.
Tum Kürt'lerin ve Süryanilerin yok sayıldığı bir dönemde Sovyetler Ermenistada baskı altında ki etnik gurupların Kültürel olarak gelişmesini desteklmiş Kürtlerin Erivan radyosu sayesinde farkli bölgelerde yasayan Kürtlerin ortak bir duyguda birleşmesini sağlamış.
Benzerini Suryanilerde yaşamış pek çok Suryani aydın uzun zaman Ermenistanda çalışmalar yapmış
Sanırım Ciwan Haco'nun Yerevan şarkisi bu duruma bir saygi durusu olarak yazilmiş..
Neyse Süryanilerin müzikleride Kürtler ile etkileşim ile yayılmış vs vs
Diğer teorim Devrişé Evdi destaninda geçen Mardinli Milan aşiretinin Van,Kars,Bitlis göçü ile bu şarkinin oraya yayilmiş olmasi
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entropii · 2 years
oh oh oh ✂️🌪💔 for seine??<333
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
I think Seine has always been a fairly patient person, so the last straw is often an incident at the end of a long line of other incidents. Like, "ah, you've shown me once more that you do not value me or our relationship, and this time I don't have anymore energy to keep spending on you :^)✂️" snip snip
As for how easily they let go of people, I think it was much more difficult for them pre-Verdant Corridor. They felt like they might never again find people who actually wanted them in their lives, or who Seine would want to be in their own. After the encounter with the Verdant Corridor, it becomes much easier: By nature of carrying a fragment of what is likely the oldest wai existence, Seine gains an acute awareness that paths can and will cross and diverge. There's an understanding that, regardless of any divergences, people that they can cherish will come into their life again. 
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
The biggest change is absoLUTELY the Verdant Corridor being a part of them. When I first came up with Seine, I had not yet come up with the Corridor. At the time, the wai that became part of their body was just a nondescript, dying wai that happened to be where Seine ended up half-dead in an accident. The wai took up residence in Seine's body for its own survival and saved their life as a consequence. But in Seine's current form, they instead carry a sliver of this very old, immensely powerful thing that makes them understand how small they are within the context of an entire world, but how much they are part of that world at the same time. Wild.
Other than that, they're pretty much the same! Just a few minor design changes.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
I'm actually not too sure! I have not thought a lot about Seine in a close relationship with a partner yet. But, as an easy answer, it'd break their heart if a partner died. As much as Seine understands that paths diverge and as much as they can cope with death itself, it doesn't necessarily help ease the knowledge that no one is going to make Seine feel the exact same way that this partner did (no one's going to say hello to Seine in the way that this person did, no one is going to comfort them or make them laugh in the specific ways that this person did again).
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rahatsizvals4 · 6 months
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ziyanolanzilam · 4 months
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hazan-hzn · 5 months
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Veda etmek için önce bir araya gelmek gerekir.
Bu acımasız hayat
sana veda edebilme şansını bile çok gördü bana.
Tarık Tufan
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feza · 2 years
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mem-4 · 6 months
Çavên belek çi mêrkujin
Lêvên disor çi xwînmijin
Bisk û kezî çi xwînrijin
Dêm û enî pir paqijin
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yellosnacc · 5 months
big slom guy silly oc
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only posting him here because I enjoy the rendering
The face could be better. But that's life.
He's a soldier, specifically a heavy guy of a Kuiqua squad I was posting earlier.
He's not a Ciwan native. Just like most other elite soldiers, Gwai grew up with battle training, something not as common when it comes to primary Ciwan territories. Since the War Of Worlds, Ciwa has done a lot more to grow its own population which was greatly reduced during this time. They recovered but the system mostly stayed, leaving more edge states and colonies as military "bases"? Welp. It does come with other problems. Like the fear of revolution. But that's where the power of propaganda and gaslighting comes in!!!!!!!!!!!! They also just keep powerful weaponry to themselves.
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