#cl paladinofnerdfandom65 asks
celaenaeiln · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about Robin Year One and how that inciting incident with Two Face which is supposed to lead to Dick’s character arc throughout the story
Thing is at least for me personally, it wasn’t actually Dick’s fault at all on how badly it went since Two Face was rather unpredictable for the Dynamic Duo, to the point it can be conceivably called Out of Character for Harvey, especially since this meant in being ‘Formerly One of the Guys Bruce can Call a Friend’ Harvey
So if I may propose a very slight rewrite;
Have it so Two Face is genuine in giving Robin a Head Or Tails Choice but then Dick acts preemptively before he can make flip the coin, slipping off one of his boots to fling it right to Two Face’s hand, knocking the coin out of his hand and distracting the henchmen that moment so Robin can slip out of their grasp and make his way to the scaffolds to rescue Batman and the judge being held hostage. He’s able to successfully at least get them down but just as he’s about to untie their restraints…BAM! Then comes the baseball bat
In that moment of rage by losing his coin, Harvey and Two Face have come to an agreement: the brat must be punished for what he did.
Then you get the infamous beat down and Batman for once putting aside his deep down sympathy for Harvey to rescue his partner and the judge
From here it goes somewhat the same, only tiny other change I’ll do here is that Bruce gives Dick one last chance to prove to him that he’s capable of being Robin. He’ll have Dick on an undercover assignment to investigate some disappearances of some youths in Gotham on the streets, and have a small tracker Dick then can tap onto to call him in once he finds the source. Therefore, Dick can still encounter the Academy under Shirke
How’s that all sound?
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Robin: Year One Issue #2
I agree!!
Dick changed the rules of their game and he did win because he said "clean side up, the judge doesn't hang."
But Harvey played dirty by using a play on words and cut the rope so "the judge doesn't hang." He cheated even more by having a secret panel in the floor that drops directly into the ocean.
"Have it so Two Face is genuine in giving Robin a Head Or Tails Choice but then Dick acts preemptively before he can make flip the coin, slipping off one of his boots to fling it right to Two Face’s hand, knocking the coin out of his hand and distracting the henchmen that moment so Robin can slip out of their grasp and make his way to the scaffolds to rescue Batman and the judge being held hostage. He’s able to successfully at least get them down but just as he’s about to untie their restraints…BAM! Then comes the baseball bat
In that moment of rage by losing his coin, Harvey and Two Face have come to an agreement: the brat must be punished for what he did.
Then you get the infamous beat down and Batman for once putting aside his deep down sympathy for Harvey to rescue his partner and the judge"
I love the original story but I LOVE THIS REWRITE!!!
Actually as you were describing, I could literally see it play in my head, it's so cleanly written.
I find it very interesting how you wrote about the significance of Two Face's coin and his mental state because I feel like this can be explored even further. Two Face is really into games and binary deals because that's his villain motto. And like his face, he uses the two sides of a coin to represent two different choices but same overall situation. By losing his coin, he lost both choices and it feels like an all or nothing situation of union. Typically both sides are always fighting but now they are one just like how the loss of the coin signifies there are no sides and only one answer. That's really cool!!
Also Batman beating down Harvey and this scene causing the loss of sympathy for his long time friend also makes it clearer why. Actually this writing helped me better understand Bruce's feelings toward Harvey even though it happened the same way in the comic. Bruce has a long line of patience for people who have wronged him. He's sometimes acts like an abused partner in a relationship which is why I feel so bad for him and mentioned some time earlier that I always forgive him for almost anything. I just feel bad for Bruce because he's gone through so much but he also self blames so much and lets criminals like Harvey go out of loyalty and love towards a friend.
However this scene is the feather on the camel's back because even though Harvey was once his friend, the second he beats up Dick he has become irredeemable. He can never forgive anyone who beats up his son and in a way this becomes Bruce's character growth arc too.
All in all this scene is pretty well written wow.
"From here it goes somewhat the same, only tiny other change I’ll do here is that Bruce gives Dick one last chance to prove to him that he’s capable of being Robin. He’ll have Dick on an undercover assignment to investigate some disappearances of some youths in Gotham on the streets, and have a small tracker Dick then can tap onto to call him in once he finds the source. Therefore, Dick can still encounter the Academy under Shirke"
I think this is a great idea! I like the comic version too where Dick cleaverly tricks and lures Freeze into a trap and captures him neatly for the Gotham police.
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Robin: Year One Issue #3
This whole scene!!! I just live for Dick being the bane of all the criminals' existence.
"You annoying little gnat!"
"I've been planning this operation for months, you little snot."
"...blasted meddling child..."
And the beginning too!
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Robin: Year One Issue #1
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Robin: Year One Issue #2
The criminals are just not having it!
"Yellow cape. Little pixie boots."
The way they describe him is hilarious too-
"little pixie boots"
It's funny how more than being done in, it rankled villains how they were done in by an elementary schooler who wore a bright canary yellow cape and little pixie boots. Robin dick grayson era was wild.
I love the continuation into Shrike though! The only reason I would have for sticking with the canon one is because it would be hilarious getting Bruce's reaction on Dick sneaking away to train under the league of assassins because he was mad at his dad. The first time Dick ran away, he became trained with the LoA and the second time he ran away, he got caught up in a cult. Dick just has some really crazy luck.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
I should point out though in at least two of his animated adaptations, namely Teen Titans animated and Young Justice animated, there’s about one or two factors in his plans that wind up backfiring and causing rifts between Dick and his Allies which might be why a lot of fandom can’t really fathom if Dick being that cleverly sneaky even with allies since they’re used to the notion that if he were to try that, it’ll be disastrous in the long run
For the two examples in adaptation I refer to; in Teen Titans Animated, in a bid to catch Deathstroke, Robin!Dick created the Red X mantle to fool the other Titans into believing it was a completely new ally to the masked criminal that appeared whenever Robin’s back was turned, even making a hologram projection of himself captured to sell that illusion. It mainly backfired due to Deathstroke knowing about it beforehand
Then in Young Justice Animated, as Nightwing, he had Aqualad aka Kaldur utilize recent events and his connection to Black Manta to become a seeming new agent for the Light, even going as far as organizing for Kaldur to take out Artemis in a fake out death and even blow up Mount Justice to further sell the illusion. While the Team were ultimately successful in infiltrating the Light and breaking apart their plans, they were almost completely unawares of Dick’s plan, especially Miss Martian who took some righteous misplaced vengeance on Kaldur via mind blasting for what happened to Artemis
You thoughts on these? Just some food for thought
continuation of previous ask
oh fair point! For Teen Titans the only mistake he made was he played his role too well.
It's been so long since I watched the show and I don't remember it very well but in this scene the reason the Titans stop Dick is because they actually think he's an enemy. Dick had actually convinced Slade he was on his side regardless of whether Slade knew his identity or not. So he's pretty successful there before the Titans accidentally caught his cape (this is why Nightwing is so done with capes XD).
For Young Justice I think he was successful there too. The point of Kaldur going undercover was to learn about the Light so they could defeat them without arousing suspicions and the only way he could have done that was to fake a traitor into the opponent's midst. Bringing in Artemis as backup was also a smart idea to do because having the daughter of a villain is much each narrative than having two heroes suddenly switch sides. That would've been suspicious.
Miss Martian's attack really shouldn't be considered a failure of Dick's because he had no control over that. Like he can't psychically prevent an attack and by his calculations, M'gann shouldn't have lost control. Even M'gann hadn't expected losing control like that so that wasn't a failure on either of their parts. Just an unexpected surprise. As long as the goal of the mission was completed through the tactics he took then it can be considered a success. Because if he hadn't done that then the Justice League would have returned to an earth overrun by supervillains.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Does the following sound accurate just enough?
How Robin!Dick dealt with the more sympathetic criminals in his day?
Robin: Okay; I clearly get the reason you robbed the bank being to provide for your elders….yet (brings his two retractable sticks with taser tips) You Must Punished
Criminal, eyes widening: W…what are those, Boy Blunder?
Robin, twirling his sticks: The Sticks of Justice and Discipline…..DO YOU LIVE IN A CAVE?
Robin, putting his sticks away: All is forgiven
Criminal, beaten to pulp, shell shocked: ….Thank you, Robin
He'd be lenient to the more sympathetic ones and too crazy to handle for the evil ones!
At this point it's about sticking to the principle of the justice thing with him for the nice villains.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers!!
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Happy new year!
Sorry, I'm a little too shy to do that 🙈 but I'd love to list them out!
I realized the reason I've been so down aside from some personal issues is because I've been going through burnout but here's five things that make me happy:
Dick Grayson. Obviously lol! He's my favorite character ever and my motivation
Trying new food, especially desserts <3 I'll never try the same food twice
Blue Lock updates 😅
Hanging out with my best friend <333 Love her so much, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me
Danmei 🤗
Thank you for asking, it's always a pleasure!
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity !
Awww!! THANK YOU!!
right back atcha <3
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